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BALLERS 106: Everything Is Everything & Other Clichés

dwayne johnson ballers 106 throwing football 2015The title of this week’s “Baller’s” episode is one of the worst clichés ever. “Everything is Everything,” is the same as saying nothing at all. Just like, “it is what it is.” Athletes love to use both those little idiotic phrases and I will even self-report using them in the past. I did so until I realized how dumb these little catch phrases sounded. The fact that Reggie said it, confirmed just how ridiculous it sounded in my own head.

OK, Spencer gets the cold shoulder from his lady friend about missing his MRI. He is simply scared of the possible results. We see a bit of rage come out on the beach as Spencer is hit in the head by a kid tossing a football with him. I doubt that is from past head trauma. Who wouldn’t be pissed at getting tagged in the dome while not looking?
charles high ballers 106 recap iamges 2015What could be worse for a marriage than a visit to Ricky Jerret’s fun house? A live in hooker? Swingers parties? A nymphomaniac for a housekeeper? Even thick headed Ricky realizes this den of iniquity is no place for Charles Greane. But the big guy indulges nonetheless. He does try to avoid the pool that Jerret has sent billions of little swimmers into though.

The tabloid news folks have gotten hold of the dirt on Ricky and Alonzo’s mom. It was a matter of time. Can’t hide a damn thing in today’s connected world. Ricky thinks he can smooth this over with his GM, Larry Seifert. Larry tells him he best get to cleaning this mess up before it gets even worse.

Once again Reggie is being a pain in the ass. He tries to make Spencer look guilty since he is acquainted with the lady selling the photos of Vernon. What the hell would Spencer have to gain from jacking up his own client? Reggie is just plain stupid and I’m still hoping he gets whacked before the season finale.

We see more of Spencer talking over his rescheduled brain scan. The show is making a serious point about NFL head injuries. It will be interesting to see how far they go with it toward the end of this season and the eventual series finale.
ballers 106 everything is everything recap 2015Joe did a good job with Maximo Gomez. He got the guy to go for a much lower number from Vernon to get the photos. $150K might do the trick. That’s a big leap from half a million and all it took was a visit to the race track and some intern banging tips from Joe.

The highlight of this week’s show was the cameo by one Jay Glazer. I’m a huge fan of this MMA training, ESPN beating, bald headed dynamo. Guy gets great info before the evil four letter network all the time and seems like a regular guy who just grinds like crazy at his job. Spencer offers Ricky up for an exclusive interview. Glazer isn’t interested at first until Spencer says he can have full access and control over the interview. No filters! Sounds disastrous for a guy like Ricky.

dwayne johnson spars with mma jay glazer ballers 106 recap 2015While Ricky is trying to hide in the bathroom before the interview, Charles is tracked down by his lovely wife. The man is scared to death of her and tries to flee the scene. He is caught of course. How’s a 300 pound former lineman gonna get away from a fit 120 pound woman? She shoves him in the STD laced swimming pool as a minor punishment, but she looks to be pretty forgiving.

charles wife throws down on ballers 106 recap 2015Spencer gives Ricky some great advice. He wants him to show the world who the real Ricky Jerret is. “That’s the only card left to play,” Spence told his boy. He mentioned all the nice things about Ricky that would resonate with the public. Sure he had sex with a teammate’s mom, but he isn’t an evil guy. The world needs to see that. Viewers of Ballers needs to see that also. Knowing the guy helped a stranger through college and likes to read Harry Potter books made him more real to me and not just a typical pro football player. Maybe that was the plan of the show runners, to paint Ricky as kindofadick, then slowly transform him into a sympathetic character.

The interview went well and he revealed the reasoning behind his love for the #18. His dad played in The League, wearing #81, a fact that even Glazer didn’t know about. Ricky’s dad wanted nothing to do with his kid, even when he attained success in football. That made Ricky want to be the opposite of his old man, thus reversing his dad’s number.

Ricky was real with Glazer and that should go a long ways toward repairing his image. It was a nice story and one that fits a lot of pro athletes who had no dad around. It explains a lot about how these athletes live their lives as adults after having no positive father figure around. Ricky isn’t exactly living in direct opposition to his dad. The womanizing lines up with a guy that would bounce on his kids eventually, but the heart of the interview was sound. Ricky’s girlfriend Bella wasn’t as pleased with it as she never got an apology for his fling with Ms. Cooley. She finally had enough and headed out the door…..what she should have done a long time ago.

I came away from this episode liking Ricky Jerret a tiny bit more than I did prior. Maybe the show runners can make him into a hero of sorts while Spencer’s story continues. Time will tell, but they have to make it happen fast before the show runs out of time. Season two is already scheduled, but HBO doesn’t have to put up with poor performing shows. They are not known for low quality stuff and can replace this show in a hurry after next year if need be. I don’t want to see the Rock fail in this TV show so maybe it keeps getting better over the next four weeks.

BIG BROTHER 1717: Shelli & Clay Cry Foul On Nominations

We returned back to the endurance episode of “Big Brother,” where the head of household competition took place. Meg said that Jason was her best friend in the house and now that he is gone she had to win head of household. Liz said she was nervous because she knew she and Julia were targets. Vanessa said if James or Jackie won head of household Vanessa would be going up for eviction. Becky said winning the head of household competition would guarantee her safety in the game for this week. James said he needed to win to change the pecking order and that all his troops are being assassinated. Vanessa said it was brutal to not be able to compete in this week’s head of household competition.

Austin said he was trembling but was visualizing a kiss from Liz. Steve and Austin were eliminated from the head of household competition and then Julia and Meg got eliminated too. James said he had to stay in the competition because if he lost the other house mates would get him evicted. Jackie was then eliminated from the head of household competition. This made James feel like all the weight for winning it was on his shoulders. He said he was trying to play mind games with Clay to make him think he couldn’t win head of household. Becky and Clay  were then eliminated from becoming the head of household this week. Vanessa said James couldn’t win this week’s competition. James said he didn’t know if he could trust John  but he knew he couldn’t trust Shelli. He also said he was out for revenge. Clay said Shelli needed to win head of household this week. Shelli said she didn’t know if it was in her best interest to win head of household again. James ended up winning this week’s head of household competition.

meg maley happy on big brother 1714

Audrey said James winning head of household was scary for him. Shelli said she believed James would keep his word to her to keep her in the game and that she thought he was smart enough to stick to what he promised. Liz said she was freaked out about her and Julia’s safety in the game because she never bonded with James. Meg said James winning was like a win for her too. Vanessa said she was nervous about who James would nominate for eviction this week. Julia said Austin told the enemy what her real name was and that she needed to talk to Liz to get to the bottom of this. Austin said that Jason got what he deserved last week and Julia went after Austin for talking about her behind her back. Austin tried to do damage control with Julia. Julia said she didn’t trust a word Austin said. She said she would forgive what he said about her but never forget it.

Shelli told Vanessa she couldn’t win head of household again because it would make her a huge target. Vanessa said she was afraid she wasn’t important to Shelli in this game. Austin said he was frustrated because Julia was still mad at him. He asked Clay and Shelli to talk to Julia on his behalf.

big brother week 6 stats 2015 movie tv tech geeks

James said Shelli was his target because she is the queen of the house and is doing all Clay’s work. Becky asked Shelli and Clay to win Power of Veto in the house for this week. Clay then told Shelli they had to go talk to James. Shelli said she was pissed off because she thought she was better off not winning head of household but now she is not so sure about that. Vanessa admitted to James she dropped the ball last week when she put Jason up for eviction. Vanessa told James it would be smarter for him to make a big move as head of household. Vanessa said she was so vulnerable this week she had to look out for herself in the game. James called Vanessa a straight shooter and said she might be able to win head of household for the third time. Clay told James he and Shelli felt like they were being targeted in the game. James said Clay and Shelli wouldn’t own up to their part in getting Jason sent home last week. James said he was weighing his options and he had a big decision to make. He said he wasn’t scared to get blood on his hands in this game.

clay shelli cry foul up for eviction big brother 2015 1714

James began the nomination ceremony and chose Clay and Shelli. He said they blindsided him last week and he had to take her out now. Shelli called James out on making a deal with her and  not sticking to it. She said she and Clay had nothing to do with Jason getting evicted last week. Clay said it was stupid for James to nominate him and Shelli for eviction. Vanessa said this was a bad game move on James’s part. Shelli said it was more important than it ever had been before for herself or Clay to win power of veto this week.

big brother 1717 shelli clay nominated 2015

BALLERS 105 Machete Charge Recap

What do ya know….cell phone cams, cocaine, NFLers and naked women make for blackmail on this weeks episode of “Ballers.” Just ask Vernon. Who could have predicted this? Me, that’ who. As I have said before, I could save pro athletes millions through a consulting service. The common sense advice I would hand out would save these idiots millions over their careers. I gotta get that domain on Godaddy.

OK, so Spencer is pissed at Vernon. He is giving the guy the silent treatment just as he should. Vernon thinks his boy Reggie knows what’s best so let him sink with his dead weight anchor of a best friend. Spencer is busy trying to get Victor Cruz to sign on the dotted line. Memo to Spence: Cruz’s heyday is behind him…go chase that diva Odell Beckham Jr. Millions await that kid. Receivers are not hot for long.

Joe finally takes the call from Vernon, who has a BIG PROBLEM. They all agree to meet to put out whatever fire he has now.

ballers 105 recap images 2015

Charles Greane can’t shake the hottie that is blowing up his phone. She is determined to get a piece of the former big time lineman. This is all Ricky’s fault of course, but he doesn’t really care. He is too busy lying to his girlfriend about why Alonzo hates him.
At the meeting Spencer tells Vernon to let Reggie fix his problem with the blackmailer since Reg has all the answers. That’s the right approach with that scum. Vernon has to be reminded at every turn just how useless his buddy Reggie really is. This blackmail is kinda legal since the girl selling the photos is simply offering to sell them to Vernon if he wants them first. Good loophole that I need to implement with Falcons camp opening on July 31st. If I can just catch Julio Jones in a compromising position on a boat on Lake Lanier….$50K is plenty for me. I’m not greedy.

Why Ricky keeps trying to make amends with Alonzo is beyond me. No real star receiver would bend over backwards to make a teammate like him. Terrell Owens would have never paid for a teammate’s trip to a strip club. Ricky looks more like a clown every single week. He ended up paying for Alonzo’s whole family to enjoy the stripper buffet.

Joe acts indignant about having to clean up Vernon’s mess, but Spencer reminds him how cool it is to be in the trenches instead of in a cubicle pushing papers. No cocaine, dice games, or hookers back at the office Joe! More Joe is what the show needs. Keep it coming.

Ricky Jarret is the last person Charles should seek relationship advice from, while at a strip club mind you. Ricky does text the stalker though, telling her to end the sexting. Charles makes the mistake of emailing the video to himself just to keep, like porn. The difference between porn and this video is that he can actually “fuck this girl,” just like Ricky says. His wife tells him the same thing when she catches him with the photo on their computer. Him scrambling to change the picture on the TV was awesome with his wife setting him up.

Julie Greane can be pretty damn mean. After she drops the picture on Charles, she sees the stripper glitter on him and smells the cotton candy smell of a strip club. Charles tries to act manly as he is about to storm out, but gets clowned by his sharp tongued wife. “Watch out Dunkin Donuts!” Pretty hurtful to the big man, but pretty funny. More Julie!

Ricky actually does something smart for the first time since he has been on film this season. He gets Alonzo out of a cop confrontation, earning his teammate’s friendship. Ricky did something nice and it paid off. In reality he set Alonzo up with the help of his girl’s shady uncle. Nice move anyway. Alonzo appears to be just as big a jerk as Ricky so he gets no sympathy here. This should clear the slate between the two guys and hopefully the show can find a better storyline for Ricky or just show less of him. The latter would be preferable.

Spencer and Joe meet with the lawyer of the lady wanting to shake down Vernon with the elicit photos. This guy is a step below Saul Goodman on the sliding scale of billboard lawyers. The $50K Spencer thinks will make this go away is way off the mark. The guy wants half a million! He is dragging Anderson Financial into the mess since it was their party….no matter how Joe tries to spin it as a corporate event.

The $500K is a big number, but weighed against being suspended by the NFL for conduct detrimental to the The League, it’s not bad. Vernon can try to blame Spencer and Joe for having the party in the first place, but no one made him use his nose as a vacuum or pose with numerous naked ladies. If it were just the women I’d like to see Vernon just say, “Publish the pictures. I’m an NFL baller. This is what we do and if you average folks had the chance to bang hot women on a yacht, you would be doing the same thing.” A little honesty would be refreshing from our athletic heroes.

This episode was a slight improvement from last week’s. The show has to get away from so much Ricky. I don’t like this character and don’t care what he does. If he dies during training camp, great. A weight lifting accident that kills Alonzo would be awesome as well. That will make room for more Joe, Spencer, and Julie.

BACHELOR IN PARADISE 201: Island Drama Begins

bachelor in paradise season 2 posterLast week was the finale of the most recent season of “The Bachelorette,” so naturally ABC had to right away start up another show stemming from the Bachelor franchise. This Sunday marked the premiere of season 2 of “Bachelor in Paradise,” where 16 contestants try and pair off together to stay in the “game.”bachelor in paradise 201 contestants 2015Paradise offers an amped up version of the regular show, where right off the bat there is drama, gossip, fighting and blossoming “love.” The cast is filled with alumni from past Bachelor and Bachelorette seasons. So first, lets do a quick review of who is in this seasons cast.

The women, include:

  • Jillian Anderson from Chris Soules’ season
  • Ashley Salter from Chris Soules’ season
  • Jade Roper from Chris Soules’ season
  • Carly Waddell from Chris Soules’ season
  • Ashley Iaconetti from Chris Soules’ season
  • Juelia Kinney from Chris Soules’ season
  • Clare Crawley from Juan Pablo’s season
    Tenley Molzahn from Jake Pavelka’s season

And the special addition this season being Ashley I.’s sister, Lauren Iaconetti, who brings a twist to the show with a new rule being that if either she or Ashley gets a rose, they both are safe from the week’s elimination.

In terms of the men in Paradise, there are:

  • Jonathan Holloway from Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season
  • JJ Lane from Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season
  • Tanner Tolbert from Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season
  • Jared Haibon from Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season
  • Dan Cox from Desiree Hartsock’s season
  • Mikey Tenerelli from Desiree Hartsock’s season
  • Kirk Dewindt from Ali Fedotowsky’s season

bachelor in paradise 201 recap images 2015 island dramaFrom the very beginning we are re-introduced to some bold personalities, including Jillian Anderson who was known in Chris’ season for her self-proclaimed “rockin’ bod” as she explains her decision to get “two new additions” for Paradise (aka she got breast implants), Ashley S. who is just as weird as she was in Chris’ season when she called an onion a pomegranate, and Mikey who is really bad at introductions (started by calling himself an alpha male and telling all the guys that he will get them ripped during the month they are there).

Before the cast is able to really interact with each other, an impromptu wedding surrounds them.  They get to witness Marcus Grodd and Lacy Faddoul wed, who were contestants on the last season of Bachelor in Paradise. It seems the show really wants people to know that sometimes the process actually works, but so does dunking a basketball with your eyes closed if you do it enough times.

Afterwards the cast gets settled into their new setting and this is when the crying begins. It seems the emotional gene runs in the family as right off the bat Ashley I.’s sister Lauren begins bawling because she thinks all the guys “are boring.” This is awfully similar to Ashley’s numerous breakdowns during her time on The Bachelor.

From the get-go, the guys seemed to be drawn to Jade, the girl who was sent home by Chris Soules’ after she revealed she posed nude for Playboy. She is seen surrounded by numerous of the men, who are all vying for her attention. However, she seems to be most interested in Tanner and Jared.

Ashley right away sets her eyes on Jared, but unfortunately has trouble making conversation with him which opens up the opportunity for Jade to swoop in.

The first date card is given to Ashley I., who is tasked with choosing a man “to get dirty with” on her first date. Ashley prepares herself to ask Jared to go on the date with her. Unfortunately, Jared makes it pretty clear to everyone else he is not interested. As JJ puts it, “Jared looks like he would rather take a back-alley beating with a plumber’s wrench than go on this date.”

Unfortunately, Jared’s niceness leads him to saying yes to Ashley’s date proposition, despite his interest in Jade.

Surprisingly Jared and Ashley seem to have a good time on the date, as they go ATVing in the mud. Although Ashley may have won Jared over for the episode, the couple’s different personalities leave me to believe it won’t be a forever match.

The next date card is given to Jade, who everyone recognizes to be the “king pin” of the game, as she is getting the most attention from the men. She tries to decide between Jared and Tanner, however, she eventually chooses Tanner as she sees Jared all cheery when he returns from his date with Ashley.

Lastly, in typical Bachelor cliffhanger fashion, Ashley S. is taken off on a stretcher in an ambulance and it is not revealed why. All we know is Dan went off with her to make sure she is okay.

In addition, Claire shows up last minute to put herself into the mix. She is given a date card and judging by the sneak peak, this allows her to wedge herself in to relationships that have already begun forming (she has her sights set on Kirk, Jared and Tanner).

Unfortunately, we won’t find out what happened to Ashley or how much Claire stirs up the game until the premiere of Bachelor in Paradise continues at its regular time slot August 3 at 8pm.

Top 5 Soccer Teams To Watch Out For This Season


soccer teams to watch for 2015 imagesAll the major domestic leagues in Europe will be back soon with a few new names at your favourite clubs. The likes of Pirlo, Gerrard, Lampard, Drogba and Xavi will be missed if you aren’t a big fan of the MLS. Although there will be a few fresh faces in the Champions League next season. Memphis Depay, Schneiderlin, Dybala and Danilo will make their debut in the competition this season.

Barcelona, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich are the obvious favourites for the Champions League semi-final stage, given they don’t clash with each other on the road. Juventus beat all the odds last season to make it to the final in Berlin, but couldn’t make it to the promised land. This year the competition will be much more fierce as the English teams have done a great job to strengthen themselves. Who should you look out for this season apart from the top 3 in world football? These are our potential contenders for the later stages of the tournament apart from Barca, Los Blancos and the Bavarian giants.

  1. Chelsea

It’s been five years since Jose Mourinho last laid his hands on the Champions League trophy. The Portuguese manager’s winning consistency is unmatchable. The 52-year-old is yet to lift the top price in Europe with his beloved club Chelsea. The Blues have one of the best squads in Europe and they look very strong as a team. The club owner Roman Abrahimovic would want to see the West Londoners win their second European cup this season. Chelsea not only can reach the final; they can even defeat the big two – Real and Barca. The genius tactician Mourinho has a track record of finding a formula to win against the best. Thus, we can certainly entertain the possibility of Chelsea winning the 2015-16 Champions League or even a treble.

  1. Paris Saint Germain

The Ligue 1 giants are undisputed champions of the French league. Laurent Blanc has a world class squad at his disposal but they fail against the top guns in Europe. Barcelona are the Parisians’ Kryptonite. With the addition of Di Maria they’ll have more fire power and they might even get the better of the mighty Catalan giants in a two legged round. Zlatan Ibrahimovic will surely like to end his playing career with a Champions League medal.

  1. Arsenal

No, this isn’t a joke. The Gunners are serious contenders for the Premier League and a semi-final spot in the Champions League. The inclusion of winners like Petr Cech, Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez, they have earned the right of being a favourite. Two successive FA Cup wins ended their trophy drought. If Arsene Wenger’s men keep confidence, stay motivated and injury-free, then this could turn out to be a memorable season for the supporters of the North London club.

  1. Juventus

The double winners came within touching distance of creating history last season. Allegri has lost some huge assets over the summer. Andrea Pirlo, Tevez and Vidal were among the best players at Bianconeri. Although they have done a good job in replacing them and they can definitely make it to the later stages of the Champions League. But there is a huge question that if they can beat the Big Three.

  1. Manchester United

Last but not the least, the record English title winners. The Red Devils have completely revamped their squad over the last two summer transfer windows. Louis van Gaal has great depth for his team selection and as we witnessed last season – they can grind results playing bad. As of now, United are unworthy of being named among the top teams in Europe. Even their participation in this season’s Champions League is subjected to a play-off game. Yet, you just can’t and never should write off Manchester United, mainly because of the talent they’ve got at their hands.

I AM CAIT 102 Road Trip & Body Issues

i am cait 102 recap images transgender 2015“I Am Cait” returned for its second episode “Road Trip: Part One,” chronicling Caitlyn Jenner as she discovers a new normal after publicly transitioning from male to female.

This episode centers on the beginning half of a road trip Caitlyn, 65, embarks on to San Francisco with some fellow transgender women. The group buses off to a secluded cabin, where they hope to escape from prying paparazzi, who have been particularly aggressive since Caitlyn’s Vanity Fair cover came out.

caitlyn jenner voice test i am cait 102 recap 2015Before the road trip, the episode begins with Caitlyn talking to stepdaughter Kim Kardashian and her friend Malika about her insecurity with the tone of her voice. Caitlyn reveals that she has been considering surgery, or at least vocal training to try and feminize her voice. She addresses that in many cases transgender people don’t feel comfortable with their natural voice and opt to try and alter it, which can often be successful.

The episode also highlights the hesitancy some of the transgender community feels having Caitlyn as the new advocate for them. One transgendered woman, Chandi, expresses concern over Caitlyn’s grasp on how tough it can be for some since Caitlyn has had such a welcomed and privileged transition.

This is further demonstrated when Caitlyn learns from another transgender woman that it is very common for people in the trans-community to get involved in sex work in order to pay for their treatments. In addition, it can often be hard for the trans-community to obtain the hormone pills needed to transition. The other women of the community are well aware of these unfortunate truths, however Caitlyn is visibly surprised to learn this, which emphasizes how much Caitlyn has to learn about her new community.

caitlyn jenner body issues in i am cait hot tub 2015 images 102Caitlyn’s voice isn’t the only sensitive subject touched on in this episode. When the women arrive to the cabin in San Francisco they all get into their bathing suits and go in the hot tub. Caitlyn is obviously hesitant and chooses to forgo the hot tub, as she is “in no rush” to expose herself in that way quite yet. It is clear that this is another hurtle that many transgendered people face.

Two of the trans-women who are staying at the cabin with Caitlyn talk one-on-one. Here, they further express their concern about Caitlyn’s understanding of the trans-community. Jenny, one of the women, worries that Caitlyn thinks transitioning into a woman is just “a party,” focusing on hair and makeup, instead of realizing the bigger issues that the majority of trans people face.

The episode does a good job of showing the joy and freedom that Caitlyn feels as she embraces her true identity, while at the same time bringing things back to reality and making it clear that this is not the reality for many going through transition. Further establishing that Caitlyn’s publicity should not be wasted on solely what she is wearing and her stylish hairstyles.

At the end of the episode, the ladies head over to an HRC (Human Rights Campaign) meeting, where they go to listen to other transgender peoples’ stories. During the meeting, one woman tells of how she had to resort to sex work. This was her only way of paying the bills after she was fired from 4 different jobs once they found out she was trans. The women at the meeting also make it clear that Caitlyn is very privileged when it comes to transitioning, as many of them are still trying to gain access to the things they require to properly transition (hormones, etc.)

It is obviously hard and a lot of pressure for Caitlyn to try and relate to the horrible stories, but she does show determination to be the advocate that the trans-community needs.

The show is once again worlds apart from what we see on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. You can tell that when Caitlyn agreed to do this docu-series, she was adamant on creating a purpose behind each episode, greater than just getting a inside look into what her life looks like now.

It seems it is challenging for other people within the trans-community to be comfortable with Caitlyn as an advocate as she is so privileged and doesn’t face many of the horrible realities that most trans face. However, Caitlyn is aware of this and is determined to do her best to learn as much as she can and bring light to the important issues, even if she will never have to face them.

caitlyn jenner with candis cayne i am cait 2015Sneak Peek:

Next week, Caitlyn gets emotional as she explains to the women her desire to make a difference in the community.

In addition, she opens up about her sexuality with the women saying she can “appreciate the male form.”

Although, this may just be a way to draw in viewers for next week, because Caitlyn has previously said she was attracted to women and has a speculated romance with fellow transgender actress Candis Cayne.

POWER 206 & 207: Why Her Recap

power 208 recap images three moved aheadOkay, so “Power” has really been heating up and since we skipped last week, here is the two week recap that will get you right up to speed.

Last week, in the episode entitled “Why, Her” we see that Angela is really not playing with Ghost. But neither is Tasha. Angie continues to fall into Ghosts deceit but she is not totally fooled. She has some things brewing in the background that she is not telling him about. Her emotional state is also unstable because of knowing that the man that she loves is actually the man she has been after all this time.

She tells Holly that she will honor her agreement to get her and Tommy off the hook if she gives her the evidence she needs to prove that James is Ghost. Holly says she can produce the gun that she believes he gave Tommy the night Rolla was killed. While she does get a gun to Angela, it is the wrong one.

Tasha deals with Tariq acting up in school. After he gets into a fight, she has a talk with the principle who is all up in her business by the way. She mentions the importance of boys needing their fathers and Tasha reminds her who gave them the money they needed during a time of need.

Tasha later gives in to her feelings and desires for Shawn and they get it all the way on in the back seat of the car in drives her husband around in. It looks good and feels good I’m sure for her to get hers.

Ghost calls an introductory meeting with all the local distributors (except for Kanan) to quickly move the product because Lobos is headed into town. During the meeting it is clear that the Serbians might serve as a big problem for them.

Ruiz cozies up to Dre in an attempt to get him on his side while still working for Ghost and Kanan but his loyalty only extends to him.

Tasha shows how badass she is telling Ghost, who she had to pick up from the police station because of a minor accident (Angela also showed up at the station and then left when her and Tasha’s eyes met), to keep “fucking that bitch until I tell you to stop” because it is best for everyone for him to keep Angela happy.

In the end, Holly breaks down and tells Tommy everything that happened with the FBI trying to nail him. He goes offs, calling her all kinds of names. She walks out with tears in her eyes leaving him hand cuffed to the bed.

power 208 three moves ahead recap 2015 imagesNow, for this week. Tommy is still reeling from Holly leaving. What she told him makes him a paranoid, which ends up saving the day as his hunch of the business being searched is right. They were able to move the money from the laundry mat without police knowing.

Tasha catches up with Jamie to make sure everything is going right with Angela. He tells her it is. He also tells her that Tommy is going to kill Angela and she needs to stop him for the best interest of everyone. She reluctantly agrees and right when he is about to do it, she hops in the car and talks him out of it.

Angela asks for an arrest warrant for Tommy but it is denied because the judge does not feel there is enough evidence to grant one. Angela knows that the only way to get what she wants is with Holly’s help.

She uses her relationship with Ghost to find out where Holly is. He tells her he sent her away under the name Monica Moore because of a fight that she got into with Tommy.

Ghost increasingly becomes suspicion of Shawn. With Kanan MIA, James thinks that Shawn is keeping shit from him because whenever he approaches him, he hangs up the phone. Little does he know, he’s on the phone with Tasha.

Back at the club, James uses Dominique, an employee Kantos likes, to lure him away from his desk to look at Stern’s books. He finds out he’s funneling money out of the club. He brings the info to Stern’s wife since they are getting a divorce in a hope to hatch a deal that will get him is club back.

Speaking of divorce, Tasha finds out from her lawyer that if she tries to leave James, she will walk away with nothing because of the prenup she signed when she was 20 years old. This leaves her sad but she has Shawn to cheer her up and they have crazy, nasty sex in her shower.

Angela finally catches up with Holly at a hotel. Holly tells her that she and Tommy had a fight, James helped her get away and that she lied about him being Ghost. She then kicks Angela out and we see that Ghost heard everything thanks to Holly secretly having him on the phone during their conversation.

In the end, Angela and Ghost seem to be back on as she spends the night at his house (and also mentions to him that she really wants to get Lobos). But while he’s sleep, she gets on the phone with a mystery man who helps her make a clone of Ghost’s phone so she will see everything he’s doing. He also made one for himself.

Only three more episodes and I’m on edge.

LOVE & HIP HOP ATLANTA 413: Revenge Weekly

love hip hop atlanta 413 recap images poster 2015Here we are once again, and “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” served up all kinds of drama this week.

Kalenna and Tammy pick right back up from last week. Tammy tells her she’s broke and everyone knows it, which causes Kalenna to go all Philly on her. Tammy tells her “the day you swing will be your last one.” Okay little Tammy, because a bitch’s heated discussion with your mother in law warrants you putting your hands on her and going to jail. They get Tammy out of the club and Tony comes over to see what happened. She tells him that shit cray and that it all stemmed from the meeting with Deb.

love hip hop atlanta 413 revenge recap 2015 imagesWhile outside, Rasheeda tries to get to the bottom of what is going on. Tammy gives her the gist and then drops a dime on her that Kalenna called her back when talking about Rasheeda being a bum ass bitch among other things. Of course this does not sit well with Rasheeda and she doesn’t go back into the club, which makes Kalenna wonder where her friend is.

Later, Rasheda and Kirk are in the studio listening to her latest song and it sounds good. Of course this is also a chance for her to talk to Kalenna who she invited as well. Kirk leaves so the ladies can have a conversation. Rasheeda asks her what really happened with her and Deb. Kalenna tells her side of the story and immediately goes into Rasheeda’s actions at the club the other night. Rasheeda tells her that Tammy told what Tammy said Kalenna told her and that when the “conversation” blows up. Kalenna tells her that she knows she talked about her to Deb and she tells her that she can’t deal “with this bull shit right now.” Rasheeda tells her to leave then. She doesn’t at first because she tells her that she really wants to just hit her. Kalenna just leave the fucking room.

Tony, who is kind of showing up as a husband here, invites his wife to the club to see what’s going on with her and Rasheeda. She tells him what happened at the studio and that she’s done with her. She breaks down crying and I think that what it really going on here for Kalenna is post partum depression. Tony brings that up and tells her to go see a counselor. He comforts her. Awwww.

Scrappy and Erica put their shit behind them for the sake of their daughter’s birthday. She turns ten and has a really nice princess party. She looks so cute in her pink Cinderella dress. Both of her parents are there and it’s just a nice day. Bambi of course is there and she keeps going back and forth in her mind about how she feels when it comes to Scrappy and Erica because the truth is they are a family and it makes her think about having her own family.

This leads her to have a froyo date with Tammy who fills her in on what happened when Kalenna. Bambi then tells her how she feels about everything that’s been going on with Scrappy. She tells her about the key Scrappy gave her to his house and says that it’s not enough. She then tells Tammy that she has been working with a man who has done more for her than Scrappy has… in two years. Okay.

Stevie J is back in Atlanta and is super excited about all that is going on in his life. He meets with his baby momma to let her know that he is moving back to Cali, which does not sit well with Mimi because of their daughter. Aside from that, Mimi tells him that he needs to make things happen for Tiffany Foxx, which he is all about. She gives him an update about Nikko and he agrees that both he and Margo need to find the exit door out of Atlanta. From the look on his face, he has a plan.

He then meets with his boy Daze about his newest endeavor- a magazine. Scrappy also shows up and he tells him about devising a plan to “wreak havoc on those who have done me wrong.” He wants Daze to set up a photo shoot with Margo without her knowing he’s behind it.  Then when Nikko comes up to him, he’s going to  “wrinkle his school clothes.” Oh Stevie J.

In the middle of the photo shoot, guess who shows up… The Good Guy. Margo is not happy and Nikko is trying to calm her down. He says something about Nikko and she gets all up in his face. She just needs to stop. They end up walking out with her demanding $10,000 for the cover.

Then there is Sina and I am not sure why she is even on this fucking show. I mean, what does she do besides have babies. Anyway, this bitch goes to see Karlie at her shop to see how she wants to go about getting back at Kay Dee. She tells her how much of a home wreaker she is to which Karlie agrees. These bitches actually devise a plan to “get back at her” or embarrass her… idk… I do know they need to fucking grow up.

Kalenna meets with Karlie and Joseline and tells her what happened at the club with Tammy. They have all kinds of things to say about Rasheeda and what she did and then it turns to Kay Dee and how Karlie is getting back at her by inviting her to one of her events so that “she can see what time it is.” Karlie also takes the time to announce that she is seeing Lyfe Jennings… Um… O K A Y.

The episode ends with Karlie and her immature ass plot against Kay Dee. The thing about this, they think this is going to get Sina’s family back and her revenge. This is so stupid. It ends with an altercation and the two wash ups ganging up on Joc’s girl, who is not afraid to go head to head by the way.

It is all the way turned up.

LOVE & HIP HOP ATLANTA 412: Blast from the Past Recap

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta,” in its own way, never really disappoints. There will always be drama, there will always be ratchedness and there will always be some barely there talent chick thinking that she is the next fucking coming of Beyoncé… but anyway… I digress.

It picked right back up this week where Rasheeda and Erica went to tear down Kirk’s hotel room door because she thought Ashley Nicole was doing her man, you know, being she answered the phone when she called his room. What we find out here is that bam… Ashley is a lesbian. Rasheeda feels real stupid, but of course she saves face. She makes her way down to Kirk’s room and he is all kinds of amused by the situation. It is flattering to him because it shows that she really loves him… or something like that.

Rasheeda does pay a visit to a photo shoot that Ashley Nicole has. She apologizes because she was totally wrong and her behavior was foul. They kind of hash out there problems here too, with Ashley Nicole taking responsibility for her part in their rift. Here, she also pours out her heart about needing a women figure/influence in her life, which is a kind of touching moment. I almost kind of can stand her.

love hip hop atlanta 315 recap

Mimi pays a visit to Jazzy Jay to apologize to him for the way Jessica Dime acted the first and last time she was in his presence. She is hoping that he is still willing to work with her artist. He pretty much says “hell no” but shows interest in working with “The Foxx” which gives Mimi hope. Now all she has to do is find someone willing to work with the train wreck Diamond.

Mimi calls a meeting with Tiffany Foxx to tell her the good news. The artist is hesitant to give her another chance but she tells her, “There is something about you I just like.” She agrees to keep going with Stevie J’s baby momma and whatever the hell they are doing.

Later in the show, somehow someway, Mimi got Jermaine Dupree to see her and Diamond. He listens to her work and says, “it’s interesting.” Jessica must have had her ears clogged because during her confessional, this bitch says how happy she is that JD said her music was good. Ummmm, actually trick, he called it “stripper, fight music.” That doesn’t sound like he said it was good to me.

Joc is finally trying to clean up his act. He shows up at Kay Dee’s condo with divorce papers. Whaaaat? This fool is serious. He says that he is ready to be with her and only her. She is speechless and glad but is till not giving in that easily. She wants him to break it totally off with SIna.

So, he goes to talk to his baby momma and it didn’t go well. They spend time with their kids at some a playhouse, jumpy place and he chooses this as the time to tell her he’s going all in with Kay Dee. She slaps and pushes him and tells him “fuck you” for all the bitches he’s screwed over. He leaves because she cannot stop attacking him.

Kalenna pays a visit to Deb to see what is really going on with her ability to manger her. She goes to her with the intentions of seeing what she can do for her because as she states, “The house is already built, I just need you to put a door on it.” You can tell that Deb feels a kind of way about what Kalenna is saying. Now for the record, I understand what Kalenna is trying to say to Deb, BUT, the chick is the one who went to her, not the other way around. It came off as a slap in the face, which Deb felt and things just got ugly. Kalenna got real cocky real quick and that didn’t go over well with the veteran manger. Kalenna tells her that it is a privilege for Deb to be working with her because she “makes money” in her sleep. “It is a big opportunity for you to come in.” Then she says to Deb, “What is the last thing you have done?” Why the hell did she go there?  Deb dismissed her.

Scrappy takes the next step with Bambi. He gives her a key to his house. He figures with everything going on with Ernest and his mom, he feels he should man up. Man up also includes hashing things out with his baby momma Erica. He pays her a visit and pretty much tells her he wants to work things out money wise and interaction wise for the sake of their daughter.

The episode ends with Rasheeda meeting Kalenna at her club. She tells her what happened with Deb and while doing so, Tammy, Deb’s daughter in law comes in and confronts her about what went down. Their “conversation” escalates as Kalenna tells her it’s really none of her business. We see them argue and throw fingers in each other’s faces but we don’t see them actually fight.

We have to wait until next week to know who got who.

BALLERS 104 Heads Will Roll Recap

ballers dwayne johnson 104 heads will roll 2015 recapI guessed that we might see some major blow back from last week’s yacht party on “Ballers.” A failed drug test may still be looming for Vernon, but the only one who faced some issues from the party was Charles. And that’s only bad if you are against a buxom groupie begging you to come on over to her place for a hook up.

Spencer is pressured into going for a doctor visit by his lady friend. So he agrees and ends up getting an MRI to check for any concussion issues. The show creators are not holding back from dealing with real time NFL issues. I’m sure Roger Goodell would prefer brain injuries not be brought up in a TV show about his league, but as he surely knows by now, it’s hard to hide the truth in 2015.

The best part of this week’s episode, which was overall weak in my eyes, was Joe taking the yacht out for more action. He had some ladies left on the boat with him that had invited Giants wideout Victor Cruz and Arizona Cardinals linebacker LaMarr Woodley aboard, so Joe took a chance on pissing off the big bossman. This little jaunt out to sea was a bit more tame than the corporate cocaine fueled get together the night before.

It was hilarious to see the boss and his family sitting near the dock waiting on their ship to come in. Millionaires aren’t used to waiting, especially for their own freaking yacht! Joe better hope that Cruz goes from a verbal commitment to a signed client, or Joe could be looking for employment elsewhere.

The guy I love to hate is wearing a bitch ass neck brace this week like some kinda actor in a “One call that’s all,” type legal commercial in the middle of Judge Judy. Reggie’s act is getting old and if Spencer doesn’t break his neck for real, I am going to lose interest. Reggie is so stupid that he wants his boy Vernon to get J.J. Watt type money. He is clearly delusional and is going to wreck the contract talks with Dallas. I know that Vernon is a fictional character, but he looks like a fat ass to me and certainly no J.J. Watt. So I can judge from his physical appearance how much Dallas should pay him in this fictional television show.

reggie with vernon on ballers 104 recap images 2015Not only is Ricky capable of screwing his own life up, he is trying to do the same for Charles. He put the groupie on the lovable Charles Greane. I guess Ricky had become bored with derailing his world so now he has added his buddy to the hit list. Charles was doing very well with Mrs. Greane for an overweight guy working as a car salesman.

Spencer jokes around with his neurologist quite a bit before his MRI, which tells me he is having some concerning symptoms already.

Ricky thinks he and Alonzo are cool now, but it turns out that Zo holds quite a grudge. Ricky’s car is missing and he freaks out. He does manage to reel himself in after the GM gives him some advice on how to deal with the speed bumps of life. That worked well, until he saw his Ferrari on blocks. Nasty, nasty trick…but still not as bad as tapping your teammate’s mommy.

Vernon’s agent Jason, managed to get Dallas to agree to an unbelievable contact. That is great news…except for the fact that Vernon has a rat bastard for a BFF. Reggie felt insulted at the offer so he just hung up on Jason. I now hope that Vernon does fail a drug test just so Reggie and the gang end up homeless without their meal ticket. Spencer has even had enough as he told Reg to “Fuck off,” when he found out about the contract refusal. Spencer also told Vernon that their business dealings were done as soon as he was repaid that $300K. Bout time!

I have to admit that I’ve hit a lull with this show that I thought may be the Entourage of 2015. There are parts that are very cool and I have no complaints about “The Rock” or Rob Corddry. But other than those two guys I just don’t have much interest in the other characters. I do like Jazmyn Simon as Julie Greane, but she was not even in a speaking scene this week. Hopefully we get to see more Joe and Julie in the coming weeks. Reggie is a POS, we get it. Vernon is listening to the wrong guy. We get it. Ricky’s a womanizer. We get it. Move the story forward with the characters we actually care about.

BALLERS 103 Move the Chains aka Hookers & Blow

ballers 103 recap images 2015This week’s installment of “Ballers” centered around a corporate event to entice more athletes to come on board with Spencer’s financial company. Spence and Joe have to ask permission from their boss to use his beloved yacht. They assure him it will be fine, but the old man, who is a real dick by the way, has his doubts about letting a bunch of childlike athletes on his boat. I’ve got my doubts about the idea too, but hey, Spence needs more guys to sign on the dotted line so it’s worth the risk.

Ricky Jerret is faring no better with his new teammate Alonzo this week, who pulls a nasty prank on Jerret, tossing his kicks and phone into the ice tub. Not cool, but Ricky certainly could have handled it better. The little scuffle between the two guys was pretty pathetic and looked like two middle school girls that had no clue how to throw a punch.

The corporate gathering started out OK. Joe bored the hell out of people at first as he tried to dive right in to the investing talk. Ain’t nobody tryin to hear that when there is booze flowing and hot ladies all around. It is supposed to be a party. Joe later found his flow when he got involved in a dice game that netted him $2K by the end of the night.

Spencer was right at home around all the guys, telling old war stories about his playing days, some being as uncomfortable as a prostate exam, literally. Everyone seems to love Spencer. He should be doing much better at this job. He has everyone eating out of the palm of his hand, except old Reggie who is a complete ass to Spencer. Vernon tried to get his buddy Reg and Spencer on the same page, but that is not going to happen. I thought I saw some good in Reggie for a split second, but that went away in a hurry. He probably does care about his boy Vernon’s future, but he is more concerned with his place at the table along with the rest of the leaches feeding off Vernon. Little does he know that there will be no table at all if Vernon doesn’t make smarter moves.

dwayne johnson ballers 103 recaps 2015Before the party moved to the boat everything was kept in check. Then the Dolphins’ coach left the scene. That’s when things got wild despite coach’s warning to not fuck up and end up on Deadspin. By the way did anyone else notice that Spencer looked like a conehead in one of his promotional banners alongside Joe? I might have had one too many beers at that point.

About the time ESPN’s Dan Le Batard made his cameo is when Reg hit Spencer up for part of his commission for Vernon. Dude is so sleazy and I had hoped he would flat line when he started hitting the cocaine on the yacht.

ballers hookers and blow 103 recap images 2015Ricky finds out just why his teammate Alonzo hates him so much. Ricky has unknowingly been tagging the guy’s mom…..check that, Ricky knew he was having intercourse with her, just didn’t know she was Alonzo’s mom. This guy finds more ways to get into trouble than Pac Man Jones used to back in the day.

It was cool to see Joe get comfortable and enjoy himself at the party, a little too much in hindsight. No matter how smooth you are in a dice game and how willing you are to do enormous amounts of drugs with the athletes around you, it still isn’t Ok to use a certain “N” word. Joe found that out at the end of the episode and got tossed into the ocean as a result. Other than that he was the life of the party!

Spencer keeps popping pills and that has to catch up with him eventually. Dude is using the pain pills for stress relief as much as for his actual pain. Reggie is going to cause the guy to go through his monthly prescription in about a week.

In the midst of all the partying, people are taking insane amounts of photos with their damn smartphones. What happens in Vegas no longer stays in Vegas due to all this technology. All those pics of Vernon vacuuming loads of coke up his NFL nostrils are going to make it to Deadspin and the rest of the world. It is the NFL offseason, so a wild yacht party with naked women being used to as drug testing platters is just what the 24 hour sports channels need.

Spencer and Reggie have one more confrontation. Spencer isn’t used to dealing with guys like this worm in a civilized world. It is much easier to hammer out differences on the football field against guys you despise. What can you do with a guy like Reggie who is the best friend of your biggest client? I don’t have the best answer, but shoving him into a DJ booth and knocking down the innocent DJ would not be my first choice. Reggie had the balls to get up and tell Spencer that he now wants two percent of his commission off of Vernon. A real man would have at least tried to fight Spencer, even though the dude is huge. He is The Rock after all. Not Reg though, his first thought is to act like a little bitch and try to extort more money for himself.

Spencer managed to get a handle on things after the DJ booth incident and got the party crunk back up. Of course Joe screwed that up when he let loose his racial gaffe. All and all I would say the party was a success. The athletes had a hell of a time and they all got to know Joe and Spence a little better. Who wouldn’t want to sign on with a company that throws parties like that? If next week is riddled with fallout from the party, maybe then we can’t call the event 100% successful…..but it sure was a hell of a good time.

Memo to pro athletes: Invest in a pro wrestling style mask if you are going to be involved with prostitutes, cocaine, or other illegal activities. That may be your only defense against camera phones.

ZOOLANDER 2 Just A Big Tease


zoolander 2 trailer images 2015The trailer for the highly anticipated sequel “Zoolander 2″ has surfaced on the Internet and while it doesn’t show any footage from the actual movie, it does however reveal that we can expect the same over-the-top comedy from male model Derek Zoolander. You can check it out below.

Derek, who is played by Ben Stiller, starred in the first Zoolander as a model near the end of his career, which gets brainwashed into assassinating the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

This sequel brings fans back to the world of Derek Zoolander, but now 10 years after the setting of the previous film. The movie stars many of the original cast members, including: Owen Wilson, Christine Taylor and Will Ferrell. However, there will be some new faces appearing in the film, such as: Penelope Cruz, Kristen Wiig, and Cyrus Arnold.

justin bieber in zoolander 2 movie 2015 images

The promoters of the film have also revealed that there will be cameos by several big names, including Willie Nelson and Justin Bieber.

Even if the film is another failed attempt by Hollywood to cash in on a successful franchise, with a Bieber cameo the film makers have at least secured ticket purchases by the slew of “Beliebers” who will be drawn to the movie. And most likely the slew of people who are hoping Justin just makes a big ass out of himself in the movie.

Justin Bieber and Ben Stiller, Instagram post:


The teaser that has been released starts off with a Stephen Hawking-esque narrator talking about all sorts of scientific things (Big Bang, human brain, etc.) For about one-minute, it shows different aspects of the galaxy and the anatomy of the human brain that probably fooled a few people into thinking they were watching a trailer for a TedTalks or Discovery Channel documentary.

Although for the most part the beginning of the trailer exudes science, math and everything you wouldn’t expect from a Zoolander movie, if you pay close attention there all hidden elements of the trademark dumbness that is expected from the franchise. Intertwined in the scientific visuals are statements such as “3 + 4 = 34.” “E= M C (Hammer), and the definition for “Eugoogly” (which by the way is Zoolander slang for eulogy). Somehow I don’t think Stephen Hawking would lend his voice to the facts scrawling across the screen…

It then abruptly transitions into “the one question that has puzzled mankind since the beginning of time:” “If God exists, then why did he make ugly people?”

And finally there he is, in all his “blue-steel” glory, Derek Zoolander.

Derek, the dimwitted model, then tries to establish the title that the sequel will go by. First, is 2oolander, in which the model asks, “Two-hundred-lander? I don’t spell my name with a two.” Next is Zoolander II, but again confused the model refers to the “complicated” Roman numerals saying, “But I’m not Italian.”

It seems the movie will fall under the title Zoolander 2, ensuring that the movie’s star model can fully comprehend the sequel’s name.

Ben Stiller will once again direct the movie, with help from actor Justin Theroux who also co-wrote the script. Since the 2001 release of the first Zoolander, Stiller has furthered his directing experiencing with films such as Tropic Thunder and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

Although the first movie only grossed about $60 million at the box office worldwide, it has become a comedy classic and has even been recognized as a cult movie. With the big names added to the cast, this movie will likely pull in big crowds at its early 2016 release.

The film has already gained major hype as some of the stars have been embodying their humorous characters in order to market the upcoming film. Most notably when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson strutted their stuff in the middle of Paris Fashion Week. Seeing the two stars “modeling” amongst high-fashion models earned them plenty of exposure and even Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour got in on the marketing action.

Zoolander and Anna Wintour, Instagram Post:

Backstage with #DerekZoolander, Hansel and Anna Wintour #Zoolander2 #linkinbio watch the show. #pfw

A post shared by Valentino (@maisonvalentino) on

Ben Stiller, Instagram Posts:


Zoolander was definitely a standout when it comes to the over-the-top comedy that it relies on throughout the movie. With a lot of big names joining in for the second one, I am hopeful that there will be enough comedic brains working together to once again pull off the wit that was present within the first film. However, unfortunately even comedians on the top of their game sometimes can’t save a sequel.

Nonetheless, I am predicting it will be a box-office hit based on the fact that it has gained so much hype already.

Since the film isn’t set to be released until February 12, 2016, there will most likely be a few more trailers released that give audiences an idea of the premise behind the sequel and re-introduce them to the notorious creator of the “blue steel,” Derek Zoolander.
Zoolander 2 Teaser Trailer