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HANNIBAL 507: Digestivo Best Episode of Entire Series

hannibal will captured 2015 digestivo 507 recapDigestivo is being hailed as the best episode of not just season 3 of “Hannibal,” but the entire series! There are so many surprising moments that take your breath away, it kept you literally on the edge of your seat the entire time. In the opening of the episode, you’re reminded that good ol’ Mason Verger paid off the the police to capture Hannibal. The police interrupted Hannibal sawing off Will’s head and decided to take both of them to get double the money. The police decide to kill Jack when a shocking gun shot comes careening through the window killing the officers ready to do damage.But who did that? It’s the kick-ass Chiyoh! She doesn’t seem that concerned when Jack tells her Hannibal and Will have been sent to Muskrat farm, she simply leaves.

Margot expresses to Alana that she is concerned they won’t have enough time to get Verger before he kills Will and Hannibal. Alana reminds Margot her brother is a sadist so therefore they have time to enact their plan. Verger informs Cordell while Will and Hannibal hang upside down with the pigs, that Hannibal needs to be fattened up for consumption. Mason thinks he’s informing Alana that Jack is dead back in Florence, but she is actually the one telling him that Jack is very much alive. After Mason asks if Alana is breaking his trust, she changes the subject by saying that Mason really shouldn’t play with his food because Hannibal is always “playing.”

From this point on, the show just grows batshit crazy! When Mason has Hannibal and Will strapped to their chairs during dinner, the banter is priceless. Mason taunts Hannibal for not being able to eat Will. Hannibal humorously replies by comparing Mason to Jezebel in the bible because a dog ate off her face off. Mason in all his sadism reveals that he is going to wear Will’s face as he eats Hannibal. Can this dude get anymore screwed up? Why yes, yes he can! Hannibal seems to be concerned about how he will be eaten. He gives a devilish smile the entire time. Hannibal is not phased one bit. Oh, but Will is!  He takes a big bite out of Cordell’s cheek. Eating Will won’t be easy!

will with hannibal digestivo 2015Hannibal continues to show increasing delight at the thought of being eaten and Cordell assures him he will be eaten with perfection! Switch to Mason and something sinister beyond belief is going on. Mason tells his sister Margot he knows that she is an item with with Alana, but he has other plans. His sick ass still wants to have a baby with his sister so he informed her that he did in fact, take her eggs and put it in a segregate. He also informs her she needs to be psychologically prepared for who the surrogate is. My stomach took a big leap with that one. Could he have secretly impregnated her lover Alana?

digestivo mason recap 507 hannibal 2015Will slowly convinces Alana that letting Mason torture Hannibal is not the right way to go. They are the good guys and to sink to his level would make them the bad guys. One of the most shocking things in the show’s history happened when we saw that the “verger baby” was a dead baby sowed in to one of his prize pigs. It was a sicking, heart breaking  scene. That’s it! Alana and Margot decide they must free Hannibal and with that all hell breaks loose. In a glorious macabre scene, the pair shoves Mason in to a pool with an eel that stuffs its way inside his mouth while killing him. It left me sitting there with my mouth open…and quickly closing it!

Hannibal rescues Will from the clutches of the murderous side man to Mason, Cordell. Before he does that, he kills Cordell and sows his face to Mason’s before he is killed by the two women. It’s another sickening surprise. So is the revelation that Alana and Margot got Mason’s sperm by using a cattle prod and as soon as she has a baby she can now take over everything he has! Big score for the ladies!

Hannibal digestivo recap images 2015As Hannibal drags Will’s lifeless body through the snow, Chiyoh pops up again and picks off Mason’s guards with her high powered rifle. Gotta love this girl! Hannibal and Will sit in home where they have a very intimate conversation. Like a breakup between lovers, Will completely dismisses Hannibal by telling him he will no longer miss him or think about him.He is completely over Hannibal.

This time, after Hannibal tried to crack his skull open with a saw, I believe Will is truly done.

Hannibal’s feelings however, are clearly hurt and leaves like a broken school girl. Jack Crawford shows up on Will’s doorstep with a fleet full of cops. As soon as Will turns to inform Jack that Hannibal is gone, Hannibal surrenders himself.

Hannibal captured by police digestivo 507 2015What the hell? So, now that the cat and mouse game is truly over between Will and Hannibal, Hannibal no longer want to be free? This is crazy. By the end of the season I’m expecting for Hannibal and Will to patch things up and have a prison wedding. These two have one hell of a sick love story.

This episode signaled the first half of season 3 being over and it went off with a bang. I did complain about how slow the beginning of the season was and I hoped it would pick up. Boy did it ever! I’m not very happy about Hannibal being banished to Saturday nights and just as this season is picking up steam, network television really sucks. Next week we get to see Hannibal behind bars and meet the Red Dragon. We Fannibals just can’t wait!

13 HOURS Trailer Given Full Michael Bay Treatment


13 hours poster image 2015Paramount Pictures has released the new trailer for Michael Bay’s 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. The award-winning director teams up with actor John Krasinski, who you may recognize as Jim Halpert from The Office, to tell the tale of the 2012 attack on American diplomats, soldiers and citizens by Islamic militants.

The movie is based on Mitchell Zuckoff’s book of the same name that presents a moment-by-moment account of what happened within the embassy during the September 11, 2012 attack.

In the book, Mitchell tells the story of a group of private security officers who try to defend the trapped civilians in the American diplomatic compound located in Benghazi. The trailer notes their bravery, stating:

“When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right.”

During the real attack, four Americans were killed – Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods, Glen Doherty and U.S. Ambassador J Christopher Stevens. The film will focus on the chaos that is created after the militants kill the U.S. Ambassador.

With films like Transformers and The Island in his directing portfolio, Michael Bay will most likely put together an action-packed, visually pleasing take on the story. However, since this film is based on actual events, there is some concern over Bay directing it, as his last attempt at a based-on-a-true-story film Pearl Harbor ended up with a measly 25% favorability on Rotten Tomatoes. Hopefully with 13 more years of experience and plenty of successful examples in film (i.e. Zero Dark Thirty, American Sniper, etc.) since Pearl Harbor, Bay is able to pull this one off.

13 hours secret soldiers michael bay movie 2015The trailer introduces Krasinski as Jack Silva, a member of the Navy, who comes to Benghazi prior to the attack to join five other men as security guards for the compound. All of the “Team” members are fathers, which emphasizes the courage they exhibited during the attack.

It seems the movie is setting up Kraisinski to take on a similar role to what Bradley Cooper played in the wildly successful film American Sniper. However, with Krasinski being most known for his humorous roles, like in The Office or The Muppets, it will be interesting to see him portraying a macho, brave character. Although the scruff he dons in the movie seems to be helping him get away with such a role.

Although the movie is being released early in 2016 and therefore not in the prime area for award consideration, it does hit theatres right around the time of the Iowa Caucuses, where Hilary Clinton is running as a democratic candidate for U.S. president.

This timing has many speculating that there will be some underlying narrative in the movie that will manage to point fingers at Hilary, former Secretary of State and her Department for not exercising proper precaution and doing everything in its power to prevent the horrible attack. Since the attack, Clinton has received much backlash as she reportedly gave a “stand down” order to military personnel in Libiya, which some believe was most likely what allowed for the fatalities of 4 Americans.

In an appearance on The Kelly Files, The Five co-host Dana Perino revealed that liberals are already gearing up to fight the influence this movie might have on voters, explaining, “The left and liberals are already so concerned about this movie that they’ve already put resources behind trying to tear it down.”

However, just from the trailer it is hard to establish whether the screenwriters and Bay will put any emphasis on the politics that surround the incident. Although if they do decide to do so, it wouldn’t be the first time that a film has impacted politics. This was seen after Zero Dark Thirty was released, which made it seem as though torture played a pivotal role in the death of Osama Bin Laden. Even with CIA’s chief publicly denouncing this Hollywood portrayal, the American public still has a more favorable view on torture and its effectiveness.

All in all, the film greatly resembles recent films based on similar events, and since many of those were greatly successful, I predict probably the same future for this one as well. The American public is rightfully curious about these events that greatly impacted their nation and its politics, however, they should be keeping in mind that these films are in no way a neutral portrayal.

The telling of the story has gone through filter-after-filter, each of which misconstrues the basic story to better fit either one’s own biases or what they feel will best suit the big screen.

So, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi looks like it will definitely deliver on action, as well as has the intrigue factor seeing that it is based on a well-known true story. However, audiences should be cautioned about just how much of its contents will be accurate and how much will be “movie magic.”
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi Red Band Movie Trailer

TRUE DETECTIVE 206: Church In Ruins Recap

true detective church in ruins 206 2015 imagesI got my wish this week on “True Detective” as Ani showed her cutlery skills on a real human instead of her workout dummy. It was just as fulfilling as I had envisioned, and perfectly in line with her reasoning earlier in the season on why she carried the knives. A big male hoisting a woman in the air is pretty overwhelming….until he is in need of a blood transfusion and about 455 stitches.

The fact that both Ray and Frank survived their standoff over coffee was a relief. It was a real tense scene and I believe what Frank had to say. Of course he could be lying, that’s what I would have done if confronted with a pissed off ex-cop with a drinking problem who has killed before. Frank tried to make Ray feel like it was the detective himself who was capable of the darkness he turned to after his wife was raped. Ray did choose to kill the guy he thought assaulted his wife, but it was the crime that forced his hand. Circumstances and events shape our decisions, so for Frank to say Velcoro was already the kind of man to murder someone is unfair. No rape, no murder.

Ray is now tasked with finding Casper’s hard drive for Frank, while the gangster is going to find the name of the man who gave him the wrong info on the rapist from the beginning. The fact that Ray is “one of the last friends” that Frank has is very telling about how far he has fallen since Casper was killed.

Ray’s visit to prison to see the real rapist was necessary to see how much hate was inside him…which led him to murder the wrong guy originally. We don’t have to worry about Ray offing this fellow, who surely will die in jail with all the DNA evidence against him in multiple rapes.

We are left to wonder who stole the diamonds back in the days leading up to the L.A. riots. Paul talks to a broken former detective who described the crime and how the kids of the jewelery store owners had to watch what happened to their parents. Was it Mayor Chessani who did the professional robbery that led to start up the high powered ladder?

I am thinking of offering a P90X type workout video featuring Ani with her knives. Part cardio, part self defense, 100% incredible. If I can just get a Rachel McAdams look-a-like to star in the workout DVD. We see just how detached Ani is from everyone as she ignores her sister except when she needs info for her case.

Frank’s visit with his murdered employee’s family is another piece of evidence that he is a good guy at heart. His talk with Stan’s son was pretty moving and meant to help the boy move forward.

The coke and liquor fueled rage scene was rock bottom for Ray Velcoro. But that scene only happened because of the dreadful supervised visit between Ray and his red headed son. Having another adult watch over you as you try to interact with your child has to be on the top ten list of worst events possible for a parent. That was tough to watch! And why the hell is that kid watching ‘Friends’?

Ani finally made her way onto the whore bus with just her wits and a tiny transponder. In the meantime Frank had to deal Gonzalez and the Cisco Kid again as he searched for Irina Ruffo (lady who pawned off some of Casper’s things possibly). Well that didn’t go well. Ruffo ended up with her throat slashed and the Mexican leaders ended up with some drug selling rights at Frank’s club. I guess loopholes exist even in verbal criminal contracts.

Whoever chose the music background for this freaky sex party Ani attended got it right. The whole vibe left a filthy feeling on me like one might have gotten being trapped in a whorehouse dumpster for a few hours. I had a sick feeling once the mouth-spray drug kicked in on Ani. She was left semi defenseless, but managed to snatch a knife off the pig platter before her mind got clouded. As the freakiness went into full swing, Ani had some flashbacks of her childhood and a creepy dude leading her into a van. This explains a lot about her life now and made an already uncomfortable scene even worse.

Ani finally forces herself to vomit to get the drugs out of her system. The old guy who wanted a piece of the detective paid the price with a nut stomp when he laid hands on her. Ani basically abandoned the mission to try and get the missing girl out of the house once she recognized her. Good person, bad detective move. But by this time Paul had broken into the house and retrieved some contracts with plenty of incriminating evidence.

The huge security guard snatched Ani up like a child, just as she alluded to in the beginning of the season, telling how a female could be easily overpowered by a male. Years of knife practice paid off as she sliced this thug up in a bout two seconds. Dude didn’t even know he was cut until he felt the life drifting out of him as he lost strength. He was pretty easy to handle with 33% of his blood on the floor when Ani pushed his hand aside like a child when he made a last grasp toward her.

The getaway was awesome and I am now looking to lease a new Dodge Charger based on Ray Velcoro’s driving. Paul, Ani, and Ray all made it out safely along with the girl from Ani’s missing persons case. Ani is upset about killing someone off the time clock, but I imagine all those shady rich guys know how to make that body disappear. So no worries there.

Only two episodes are left to wrap all this up so there should be lots of answers coming next week. I have no idea how the diamonds tie in or the missing girl. All I know is I want Frank to come out on top of the corporate scum and Ray to get some kind of happiness back in his life. I’d like to see Ani and Paul get to the top of the detective ladder also, but good police work is rarely rewarded on shows like this. I’ve seen how the good cops end up on ‘The Wire’ and even Rust from True Detective’s first season.

Manchester United Transfers: LVG unsure of Angel Di Maria & David De Gea


lvg with angel di maria and david de gea soccer 2015Manchester United fans would have done a lot better if not for the two long transfer sagas involving two of their biggest players. It is now a known fact that both Angel di Maria and David de Gea are reluctant to stay at Old Trafford beyond this summer transfer window. Neither of the two has uttered a word suggesting his desire but their intentions can be clearly decrypted through their silence and unwillingness in discarding the paper talk.

Despite their wishes to move away from the cold and windy Manchester, the Spain international has done a great job at being professional unlike Di Maria. Real Madrid’s interest in De Gea isn’t a news anymore and the player is equally willing to move back to his home town. But De Gea hasn’t pushed for a move to Los Blancos.

A few weeks ago, Real Madrid bought Kiko Casilla to replace their former number 1, Iker Casillas, which ridiculed De Gea’s possibility of a move this year. However Manchester United boss, Louis van Gaal, isn’t confident of United’s chances to retain their best player beyond this summer transfer window.

“We have a situation that is not favourable for David De Gea, neither for us and neither for the club that, maybe, he wants to go.” LVG told the reporters after United’s 2 – 0 defeat against PSG.

After the summer break, David de Gea returned to join the Reds in the preseason tour but Di Maria didn’t report to the Dutch manager on July 25, which was supposedly the date he rejoin the team after the Copa America.

Di Maria’s deal to the Ligue 1 outfit is almost final but his no-show in the United States has angered a lot of fans. The Argentine winger will also face the wrath of Manchester United bosses after the unprofessional conduct.

When asked why Di Maria isn’t with them, Van Gaal also seemed a bit baffled with the situation of their record signing.

“I don’t know where he is,” Van Gaal admitted to a press conference after the International Champions Cup clash at Soldier Field, but Blanc was able to shed more light on the 27-year-old’s situation.

“Manchester United and Paris Saint-Germain are two big clubs, and negotiations can be difficult but we are close to an end,” confirmed the Frenchman.

It is also understood that Manchester United have fined both Rojo and Di Maria for not rejoining the squad in the United States. They have withheld £360,000 from Di Maria’s pay following the player’s decision not to board a plane to San Jose to meet his teammates .

The deal will be official in a few days and the transfer fee will be close to 44 million pounds. Manchester United haven’t had a very good record with Argentine players. Carlos Tevez, Gabriel Heinze and now Di Maria ended their connections with the club in fashion which would leave a bitter taste to Old Trafford faithful.

Russell Wilson & Bobby Wagner Contracts May Not Be End of Seattle Seahawks


russell wilson bobby wagner contracts with seattle seahawks nfl 2015 imagesRussell Wilson, Bobby Wagner Contracts May Not be Beginning of the End for Seattle Seahawks

The Seattle Seahawks have enjoyed the perks of having a quarterback on a 3rd round rookie contract the past two seasons. That is, they never had to pick and choose superstars, they could afford to keep and pay them all.

The result: two consecutive Super Bowl appearances including a Super Bowl XLVIII victory over the Denver Broncos. Having that top two defense each of the past two seasons was the driving force behind all this success, and being able to retain players like Richard Sherman and Earl Thomas III had a lot to do with it.

That luxury ended this week when the Seahawks shelled out $87 million in a four-year extension to quarterback Russell Wilson and then $43 million over four-years to linebacker Bobby Wagner.

Wilson’s contract, which included a $31 million signing bonus, puts him amongst the richest players in NFL history, right below Aaron Rodgers and right above Ben Roethlisberger. Wagner’s contract on the other hand makes him the highest-paid middle linebacker in the league.

So the Seahawks are screwed, right? They can’t hand out any more big contracts thanks to Wilson’s large pockets. Everyone’s going to start leaving. Either they’ll lose everyone to free agency, or they will have to seriously remodel and cut half the team like the New Orleans Saints did this offseason, a few years after giving Drew Brees $100 million.

Well, not exactly. The Seahawks seem to have planned this out a lot better than some other teams. Much, much better.

Sure, they may lose a player here and there; but the critical components of this team’s success (i.e. the defensive stars and Marshawn Lynch) aren’t going anywhere.

The Seahawks may have to shell out the small amounts they can afford next season to keep Brandon Mebane, Russell Okung, and Bruce Irvin, but none of them will be receiving $10 million per season.

2017 will be even easier on Seattle’s pockets. Doug Baldwin may walk and they should probably do their best to keep Steven Hauschka in town, but that’s it. Once again, no Lynch, no Sherman, no Thomas, no big money going out.

2018 will be the first year that things will start to get tricky. This is when the Seahawks will either band together or split up the dynasty. Marshawn Lynch, Michael Bennett, Kam Chancellor, and newly-acquired Jimmy Graham will all be up for contracts. These guys are already making big bucks, so as long as no one wants a monstrous raise they should be fine. The salary cap will be raised up a bit by then anyways.

The Seahawks front office definitely deserves some credit. With the new Wagner and Wilson deals, everyone that the team needs to win is locked in with big contracts.

In other words, this team can win for as long as the players are willing to stay together.

One Direction Vacates Eliza Dushku & Snoop Dogg Stopped Again

one direction vacates eliza dushku 2015 gossipOne Direction has some apologizing to do or at least some free concert tickets to give out…

Buffy the Vampire Slayer actress Eliza Dushku took to her social media to share that she was vacated from her Pittsburgh hotel room, where she had been staying for 2 months while filming a show, in order to make room for the boys of One Direction.

Eliza posted on Instagram a picture of her cart of stuff she had to pack up, with the caption:

“#DragMeDown Don’t worry @OneDirection…it was super chill movin outta my room so u can have the ENTIRE FLOOR I’ve been staying on for 2 months #OnLocationLife #HotelWars #ActorProblems #WhatHaveYouDoneForMeLately #OneDirection Took 2 hrs this Friday afternoon before work Enjoy #Pitsburgh #PA!”

Eliza Dushku, Instagram post:


Eliza has been staying in Pittsburgh for the last few months filming the Cinemax show Banshee, while One Direction is just stopping by for their August 2nd concert.

Although this was an obvious inconvenience, the actress later cleared up the speculation that she was actually angry, insisting that she forgave the boy band but she jokingly said expects some “tix” or “pix for my friends’ kids.”

Eliza Dushku, Twitter post:

Probably a wise choice for Eliza to put any feud rumors between her and the boys down to rest, as she would most likely be soon facing the wrath of the “Directioners.”

snoop dogg stopped in italy for too much cash 2015 gossipSnoop is in trouble with the law once again.

A week or so ago it was in Sweden and now in Calabria, Italy.

On Saturday, Italian finance police stopped the 43-year-old rapper when they found about $422,000 in cash inside Snoop’s Louis Vuitton luggage.

A source has reported to CNN that the police wound up seizing about $205,933.

In an attempt to prevent money laundering, Italy and the rest of the European Union do not allow airline passengers to carry more than 10,000 Euros, which is about $11,000, in undeclared cash.

It has been reported that Snoop will only be able to get the money that the police are holding when a fee is determined and paid.

Snoop Dogg’s Italian Lawyer, Andrea Parisi commented about the incident, saying:

“We clarified everything from a legal point of view. The money came from concerts he had performed around Europe. There was no crime; it was just an administrative infraction.”

Although Snoop has not commented about the incident yet, I think it is safe to say he will not be ranting about the Italian finance police like he did the Swedish police last week after he was falsely accused of using illegal drugs.

UFC 190: 34 Seconds Keeps Ronda Rousey Undefeated


ronda rousey vs bethe correia ufc 190 mma 2015 imagesUFC 190 Recap
It’s clear that after UFC 190 that Ronda Rousey has no equal in her division. It was pretty damn obvious beforehand actually and it’s going to be a struggle to find worthy opponents for the Rowdy One going forward. You can check out the highlights and interview video below.

Overall UFC 190 was a good card. I could have done without staying up until nearly 2 a.m., but I was fully awake once Rousey’s death stare march to the Octagon commenced. I know there is a time difference to consider when the UFC travels abroad, but man would a 9 p.m. start be so much better for old folks like myself!

ronda rousey ufc 190 takes out bethe correia 2015 mmaHere is what went down in Rio de Janeiro last night.

Claudia Gadelha def. Jessica Aguilar via unanimous decision. The fight was very one sided in favor of the UFC newbie Gadelha, so much so that Joe Rogan jokingly said the only way Aguilar had a shot was “if the fix was in.” Rogan quickly added “kidding” so there was no blow back from Mr. White. We know how he feels about the mention of rigged fights from the UFC’s lawsuit against Wanderlei Silva.

Antonio Silva def. Soa Palelei via second-round TKO. This was set up to be a brawl between two heavy hitters. It ended as most predicted, with a resounding knockout. Palelei was game and the first round was a close one, but had the fight taken out of him after a vicious knee to the body from Bigfoot. It was the beginning of the end as Silva tagged his man a couple more times up against the cage before the ref stepped in.

stefan struve defeats antonio rodrigo noguieira ufc 190 2015 imagesStefan Struve def. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira via unanimous decision. This was an awkward fight to say the least. Struve is a very respectful fighter who has been through a lot in recent years with some heart issues. I hate to dog the young man after a nice win over a legend, but I see no possible way for him to advance his career with his style. He has the biggest reach advantage in the UFC and fails to use it. He is content to stand right in front of his opponent and let him determine the flow of the fight. If he would just stick and move, he could easily rack up points and has the power to finish guys. Maybe he just doesn’t have the speed to do that. He won against Big Nog, but honestly this legend is past his prime and certainly not in the elite class of the heavyweights.

Reginaldo Vieira def. Dileno Lopes via unanimous decision. This was a TUF Brazil Final and a very good fight. The two men traded multiple guillotine chokes early in the fight, and both fighters were able to escape the death grip. Joe Rogan mentioned that these two guys were not the most technically sound MMA artists, but he was right about their desire to win. The end of the fight was a pure brawl that left the mat a bloody mess. Vieira got the win after surviving another guillotine in round three.

Gianco Franca def. Fernando Bruno via submission (rear-naked choke). This was another TUF Brazil Final. I would have traded this fight for another 30 minutes of sleep. It wasn’t a bad fight, but certainly we didn’t need two TUF Brazil battles.

Mauricio Rua def. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira via unanimous decision. This was a rematch ten years in the making and one not of much interest to me. By this point I was nodding off since it was about 3 hours past this old guy’s bed time. Rua and Nogueira are due a lot of respect for their MMA careers. I just know where they are currently and that is nowhere near a threat to the belt. Rua got the win and I thanked God Rousey was up next.

Ronda Rousey def. Bethe Correia via first-round KO. Correia didn’t make a mistake by dragging Rousey’s family into the trash talking. Sure it was classless, mean, and stupid, but she didn’t lose because she pissed Ronda Rousey off. She lost because Rousey is on another level. Had Correia played nice during the pre-fight hype, she still would have lost in a quick and embarrassing fashion. No one nicknamed ‘Pitbull’ should lose in 34 seconds via KO! Perhaps Correia should pick another breed of dog or even a rabbit, maybe those fainting Myotonic Goats that fall over in the blink of an eye.

The fight started out fast. For those that believed Rousey’s talk about dragging the fight on so she could punish Correia, fans should know how dumb that would have been. Not even Ronda Rousey can afford to take the chance of letting a pro MMA fighter hang around. The longer a fight lasts, the more opportunities for a lucky punch, an incidental cut or eye poke, etc. The goal is to win the fight as fast as possible. Rousey is no fool and she ended the match as efficiently as she could as she left her opponent in a helpless heap alongside the cage after a nice ear shot then a tagging blow to the temple. It’s nice to see Rousey win via KO more now, but I am starting to miss the armbar. She opens herself up to being knocked out when she stands and trades shots also. A well placed punch to her own temple last night and Bethe Correia would be wearing the belt this morning.

Rousey had a nice tribute to Rowdy Roddy Piper after the win. The original Rowdy One passed away last week. Piper was one of the greatest wrestlers and showman in sports entertainment history. Rousey has that same flair, though much more controlled.

Up next for Rousey will be part three versus Miesha Tate. I truly believe Tate is the best fight available at this time. I don’t think it’s fair for Rousey to have to beat the same rival repeatedly, but there aren’t a lot of options left. If the odds are right, I will take Tate in that fight just on the off chance she catches Rousey on a less than perfect night. I don’t want Rousey to lose any fight, but I’d like to cash in case that ever happens.
Ronda Rousey UFC 190 Highlights & Post Fight Interview

Stephen Hawking & Friends Team Up To Ban Artificial Intelligence Weapons


stephen hawking friends ban ai weapons 2015Some of the World’s Most Intelligent Persons Want to Ban Artificial Intelligent Weapons

Amazon is set to take the logistics world by storm once its drone program comes to fruition. Their quad-copter or multi-rotor drones will use the buyer’s address to track them down and deliver what they bought—right at their doorstep using GPS and a rudimentary form of AI to avoid obstacles. Now imagine, if that delivery subroutine was changed for military purposes. These drones can be used to target persons of interest and deliver or drop their “package” on the target’s residence. It’s not so far-fetched, in fact, it might already be on trials.

These artificially-intelligent killer quad-copters are basically just a few years away and many are alarmed about their potential impact as weapons of war and terrorism. Some of the world’s most intelligent persons which include THE Stephen Hawking, genius engineer and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, former Nokia head Elon Musk along with other recognizable names in science and technology, issued a warning through an open letter about the dangers of developing offensive autonomous weapons and the arms race that will follow. Other names include Skype co-founder Jaan Tallin, Deepmind CEO Demis Hassabis, and Microsoft Reasearch managing director Eric Horvitz. They’re joined by hundreds of AI and robotics researchers.

“…The key question for humanity today is whether to start a global arms race or to prevent it from starting. If any major military power pushes ahead with AI weapon development, a global arms race is virtually inevitable and the endpoint of this technological trajectory is obvious: autonomous weapons will become the Kalashnikovs of tomorrow.”

— Excerpt from open letter, Future Life Institute

Kalashnikov, referring to the now ubiquitous AK-47 assault rifle. Everybody has one. The same will be true for killer drones. Once a working algorithm has been developed that can fit in an SOC or an SD card, every nation or right-wing organization can have killer drones because parts can be bought from most electronic stores. We can no longer say Radio Shack. Pocket-sized computers are everywhere, including smart phones that are already being used to trigger improvised explosives.

The prospect of minimizing wartime casualties in the military by using autonomous weapons is just too good to resist. Also, not only will casualties be minimized, efficient, well-made autonomous systems can rack up the body count within enemy lines. The country with the best offensive autonomous system can quickly finish their opponents by swarming them with fearless attack drones. Such is the potential of robotic AI weapons. Unequipped militaries can’t stand a chance.

By banning research and development of such weapons, a new arms race will be avoided. One with the potential to wipe out the human race, according to Stephen Hawking:

“…full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”

  • Stephen Hawking, BBC interview

Full artificial intelligence would be equivalent to self-awareness, and we know of one machine who quickly decided that humans should be exterminated.

The Path to Skynet

From Stephen Hawking’s statement, it can be gathered that full AI is the culmination of opposing research and development by countries involved in an autonomous weapons arms race. One machine should be smarter than the other and the race goes on until the need for self-awareness comes into play.

But would a machine’s self-awareness ultimately lead to killer robots? It’s been tackled in science fiction so many times that machines could be too smart for their own good. That smart machines, given a specific set of instructions as tackled in many of Isaac Asimov’s novels can still deviate from them. That instructions like Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics designed to safeguard humanity from killer robots can still be interpreted differently. Stephen Hawking said the same thing that machines can evolve at a much faster rate and one with the same self-awareness as a human being might “misunderstand” such instructions. Self-awareness might not even be intended but could happen accidentally as with Skynet.

A good example would be the film I-Robot where the central intelligence VIKI created a new law from the three laws to ‘protect’ humanity from itself by taking away their freedom. Other examples include Virus where it interpreted humans as similar to viruses and must therefore be exterminated. The more recent Avengers: Age of Ultron describes the main antagonist in the same light. That the Earth is better off without humans.

One tech celebrity however begs to differ:

“…I just don’t see the thing to be fearful of… We’ll get AI, and it will almost certainly be through something like recurring neural networks. And the thing is, since that kind of AI will need training, it won’t be ‘reliable’ in the traditional computer sense. It’s not the old rule-based prolog days…”

Linus Torvalds, the inventor of Linux, recent Slashdot interview

Even if we’re Not There Yet

As per Linus Torvalds, it’s true that AI is still very far off. In the current killer drone scenario, drones don’t need to be self-aware but must instead be aware of its surroundings to be able to avoid obstacles and identify opponents. A drone needs only to be as smart as an insect until it reaches its target. Once it reaches its intended target, the drone must be able to properly identify the target. Mistakes are unacceptable as human lives will be involved.

A good example is in Iron Man 2 where one of Ivan Vanko’s drones can’t differentiate between Iron Man and a child with a mask. Even the extremely intelligent JARVIS failed to consider differentiating Pepper Potts from the other Extremis powered enemies in Iron Man 3. Radical changes in appearance could make an AI system dependent on recognition technologies fail. Enemies can easily slip past blockades dressed as friendlies unless tracking devices are considered, but even tracking frequencies can be hacked and duplicated and tags can be stolen. In short, faulty AI would be dangerous to the army that employs it.

AI Regulation

AI weapons development will unlikely be stopped by the Future Life Institute’s plea. But they’ll instead settle for regulation the likes of which already applied to nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. That parties capable of doing R&D must do so responsibly, that even in times of war, there should be room for some humanity that an AI weapon which takes no prisoners is unacceptable.

AI research need not be banned in other fields because of its high potential. Future Life Institute’s letter also considers this:

“…Just as most chemists and biologists have no interest in building chemical or biological weapons, most AI researchers have no interest in building AI weapons – and do not want to tarnish their field by doing so, potentially creating a major backlash against AI that curtails its future societal benefits.”

Hopefully, AI weapons R&D won’t go full-swing despite the shortage of talented minds in the field. Life becomes cheap during war time. Getting killed by emotionless, soulless machines will only make it cheaper, if there is such a concept.

Scott Disick Gets Lonely & Charlize Theron Adopts Again: Celebrity Gossip Roundup

scott disick missing family kardashians 2015 gossipScott Disick posted a picture on Instagram that seemingly hinted that he is missing the family life he had with his ex, Kourtney Kardashian.

Although Scott has been trying to spend as much time as possible with his three kids, since Kourtney ended their relationship, he has been spending notably less time with their three children: Mason, Penelope and Reign.

The picture Scott posted was taken at the wedding of J.J. Corsini and Elizabeth Condon, who are friends of Kourtney’s brother Rob Kardashian. It shows a table placement card that reads, “Scott Disick’s Guest.”

Scott posted the picture with the caption, “When u realize the grass isn’t always greener.”

Scott Disick, Instagram post:


The picture and the caption seemingly allude to Scott realizing that although things weren’t always great in his relationship with Kourtney, it isn’t necessarily better now that he is single and “free.”

At this point, Scott has talked very minimally about the split, saying he is taking it “one day at a time,” however friends have been told by Scott that he is “doing good.”

While this latest post evokes a sense of regret from Scott, his recent activities definitely contrast this glimpse at Scott’s sentimental side. He has been continuing to do club appearances, including appearances at 1Oak in Vegas, and one in Calgary where he was photographed getting close to two female workers.

charlize theron adopts second baby 2015 gossipReports are claiming that actress Charlize Theron has adopted her second child. The African-American baby girl was born in the United States in July and is named August.

This is the second child that Charlize has adopted, as she adopted Jackson, 3, who is also African-American in 2012. Although the actress keeps her personal life as private as possible, she did previously open up about her adoption of Jackson and how difficult the lengthy wait bringing him home was on her.

In the interview with Ellen DeGeneres in 2012, the actress talked about bringing Jackson home, explaining:

“It really took two years of just waiting and then one day it’s finally there. It just feels exactly how it’s supposed to feel. I don’t know how to describe it. It just feels right.”

Charlize, 39, is currently raising the two children on her own, as she recently broke off her engagement with fellow actor Sean Penn, 54. The two stars had been dating for about a year and a half and she even starred in The Last Face, a movie directed by Penn.

However, the two reportedly had a messy break-up after Charlize cut off all communication with the actor during the Cannes Film Festival in May.

Zayn Malik’s Svengali & Khloe Kardashian Work Out

zayn malik with simon cowell 2015 gossipOn Wednesday, news broke that former One Direction band member Zayn Malik had signed a solo record deal with RCA. Mentor Simon Cowell reportedly facilitated the deal in hopes of kick-starting Zayn’s solo career, just as Justin Timberlake did with RCA after leaving N’Sync.

Although RCA is a competing record label to Syco and Columbia Records, which are the labels that One Direction is signed to, sources say this was done so to enable Simon to better manage his time and investment in both Malik and One Direction.

Since Zayn’s departure, the band has been working on their next album, which according to Niall Horan is mostly “written and a lot [of songs have been] recorded.”

Although fans still have a bit of a wait ahead of them until the album from the remaining four band-members is released, they were treated early on Friday to the first song since Zayn left.

The band took to twitter to share the news, including Liam Payne who tweeted:

“Bit of a surprise! Check out our new single! It’s called Drag Me Down & I hope you love it as much as we do…”

Liam Payne, Twitter post:

With the spontaneous release, many are speculating that Zayn’s recent record deal signing played a part in the band’s decision to drop the track. This could potentially be an attempt by One Direction to steal some of the thunder away from their ex-band mate’s progression into a solo career.

Nonetheless, “Directioners” inevitably stormed social media with excitement amidst the release of the new single, Drag Me Down.

One Direction fans, Twitter posts:

khloe kardashian work out 2015 gossipAfter Khloe Kardashian’s spread in Complex magazine was released, everyone wanted to know how she got her insane body.

Khloe who is currently in Australia, opened up even further to a radio station, talking about her obsession with exercise and her healthy lifestyle.

Khloe said, “I’m so into it. Even this morning, I’ve been up since 2:30 because I was jetlagged and couldn’t sleep, and I still went to the gym this morning.”

The reality star’s commitment is no doubt paying off. Although the star is sticking to her routine, she does let herself off a bit easy when facing jet lag. Khloe explained, “It wasn’t that intense [this morning] because I’m still jetlagged, but I make sure that I go. Even 30 minutes you feel, “Okay, I feel good about myself.”

However, when she isn’t traveling and is back home in L.A. she definitely makes sure to get the intense workouts in. The 31-year-old said that she has lost about “35 pounds” due to her intense exercise and commitment.

khloe kardashian working out loss 2015 gossipThe star concluded saying that she “[knows] how [she] wants to feel in clothes, and it does become addicting.” Adding, “Once you start losing weight and seeing results, you’re like, ‘I want to see more!’”

Unlike many stars who resort to crash-diets and even surgical procedures to “better themselves”, Khloe’s incredible body has come from hard work, commitment and perseverance. And it seems like this shows through both in her physical and mental well-being.

Drake Meek Mill Feud Conspiracy Theories

drake meek mill feud conspiracy theories images 2015 musicMeek Mill has finally responded… and it’s almost like he didn’t say anything at all.

If you don’t know what’s been going on with the whole Meek Mill vs. Drake beef, it all started (well at least publicly anyway) about two weeks ago when Meek called out Drake on Twitter for not writing his own rhymes. From there, it took Drake about four days to respond. He released a “diss track” called Charged Up. It was a decent attempt at bagging on Meek. Then, maybe two or three days later, he released another one called Back to Back and in this one, he came for that ass.

Which brings us to yesterday. Meek had been quiet. He even “apologized” kind of to Drake but after the OVO boy’s last track, there was really no way that the Philly rapper couldn’t not respond. Literally, as I listened to Back to Back, my mouth dropped several times, because Drake… got him! I mean he really got him.

So as a Meek Mill fan, I waited and waited for him to respond. “He has to” I thought to myself. I did speculate that he wouldn’t because of Nicki Minaj of course; Drake being her boy and all. Everything pointed to him going to respond… until last night. He released a diss track and it let pretty tanked in every possible way. He is a way better rapper than he showed on the track. It is hard to listen to (in part because it is clear that he is on something and more than likely drunk).

And if I’m really being honest here, he should be embarrassed to the max that he even let that damn thing be heard by the public. He slurred his words so you really couldn’t understand what he was saying, there were all kinds of interludes and it didn’t flow. He didn’t hit Drake as hard as Drake hit him. Period..

Now, here’s the thing with the whole “beef” between the two rappers- it can be a number of reasons why they are at odds right now. Here are my top three conspiracy theories.

Publicity Stunt

It happened a lot in old Hollywood. A salacious story told or scandal right around the time a new movie was set to come out. People still do it today in a similar kind of way. All of this can be happening to draw attention for Meek’s new album. Drake is really good friends with Nicki (some say more) and Nicki is Meek’s chick. He could be doing his friend’s dude a solid by using his stardom to garner more reach.

Nicki Minaj –A Love Triangle

There is no denying Drake wants Nicki. I mean he says it in all of his songs pretty much at some point and time. Even on her song Only, in his verse he says, “I never fucked Nicki cause she got a man, but when that’s done then I’m first in line…” And her ex Safaree Samuels (who Meek also mentioned in his diss track) even alludes to her freaking other guys during their relationship. Maybe Meek couldn’t handle her close “friendship” with Drake and there was all kinds of shit brewing behind the scenes that he finally blew up about on Twitter. I think too, that Nicki has a lot to do with the reason why he took so long to respond. It probably went down something like Nicki scolds Meek for starting the beef, he apologizes and says he won’t say anything else, Drake drops the two tracks and everyone calls Meek a pussy for not getting him back, he’s drunk in the studio one night and his boys edge him on to respond and thus we get his ill fated diss last night.

It could have happened just like that.

Smoke Screen

Then there is always the case of the smoke screen, which all of this going back and forth could be. You know how the media is. They like to blow shit up in an attempt to take our minds off of other important things that are going on that really need our attention. I would not be surprised if there was some event or some piece of legislation that happened/was put in place because we were too occupied with whether or not Meek is going to rip Drake to see the shit coming.

Those theories aside, as far as what Meek said in his response, it didn’t sting as much as Drake’s. In fact, there is a video floating around of Meek’s sister responding to Drake and hers goes way harder than her his. I mean people are clowning Meek so badly in social media the memes going around are just painful to look at because they are both funny and sad.

I am not sure what Meek was thinking when he started this, but he has to come harder. And next time, he needs to be sober so that he can show the world he isn’t riding off the coattail of his chick, but is a real rapper in his own right.

Drake Gets Meek Mill’s Sister, Nick Gordon Begs & Amber Rose Understands

Friday is finally here and the world of entertainment is buzzing with beefs and responses, including Meek Mill’s very meek response to Drake, but his alleged sister gave it her full force.

drake meek mill sister free style slap back 2015 gossip

Meek Mill’s Response Is Wack… His Sister’s Not So Much

So the long awaited response from Meek Mill to Drake for the two tracks he released pretty much demolishing the Philly rapper finally made it’s way to the public last night and it is less than stellar. “Wanna Know” was his attempt to get back at Drake but it was filled with all kinds of mishaps and “huhs.” In fact, you can’t really understand what he is saying. It is clear that he was drunk, high or a big combination of both.

It was a major disappointment to say the least and feels like he was surround by his friends talking shit, telling him that he needs to respond and on a whim in the studio at the behest of his crew, he came up with the shit we heard last night.

To add to the situation, and I don’t know if this is a good thing or not, Meek’s sister did a video dissing Drake and it was better than his… WAY better.

“Ay yo Drizzy, is you snorting or is you dizzy, you really want to war with them niggas from out of Philly? Them niggas catching more bodies than the capcity (?) of your city… You really are an actress, you really not a thug, member on DeGrassi bitches never show you love, You was always in your feelings little nigga you need a hug.”

It just sounds like an obsession
Your homosexuality is still up for question
When Meek eats you
You better take it as a lesson
And be happy he hasn’t popped you
And take it as a blessin’

She definitely went in on Drake and now he is being clowned for his sister “coming to his rescue.” I mean, can you blame her for saying something though? They are from Philly, and they are hood so you mess with one you mess with all.

I am just mad that her flow was better than Meek’s. Hopefully he can redeem himself by doing a Drake and releasing a second track.

nick gordon begs bobby brown for kristina 2015 gossipNick Gordon Begs to Go to Bobbi Kristina’s Funeral

We can say a lot of things about Nick Gordon and all that we think he did to Bobbi Kristina, but regardless of what anyone has to say, he maintains his love for BK and wants to attend the funeral.

But Bobby Brown is not having it even though he received an email from Gordon begging to be allowed to say his goodbyes.

“I loved Krissi with all my heart and I am destroyed that she is gone and I need to say goodbye.”

He sent the email to Pat Houston as well, asking for them both to put their “differences aside” and let him attend the funeral.

The emails sound sincere but you can see why the family doesn’t want him there. They blame Nick for what happened to BK which some see as fair and others as total bullshit.

It’s all interesting too because he is kind of in the same position Bobby Brown was in for most of the time he was with Whitney Houston as her family blamed him for everything that went wrong in her life as well.

They probably won’t let Gordon in.

amber rose reaching out to khloe kardashian 2015 gossipAmber Rose Understands Where Khloe Kardashian is Coming From

Does it sound like Amber Rose is extending an olive branch to Khloe Kardashian? In an interview with Perez Hilton, she spoke about how the whole “beef” with the Kardashian sister got blown out of proportion.

“I feel like everything was extremely misunderstood…I wasn’t coming at Kylie. I was coming at Tyga on behalf of my best friend, Blac Chyna.”

She does admit that it was childish of her to say that Kylie should probably be in bed, calling it “in poor taste” but she feels like Khloe should have called her if she had a problem with it not go on Twitter and speak on something that really had nothing to do with her.

Amber shows a lot of maturity here in my opinion as she says that while it was not a jab at Kylie or the Kardashians for that matter, she gets and understands where Khloe was coming from.

“I understand where she was coming from…”I feel like it escalated to the point where it shouldn’t have gotten that far…It really wasn’t about them.”

I totally hear Amber and agree with her. People need to get out of their feelings and looks past the surface.

She ends the interview telling the host that she has always thought Khloe was cool and admires her for her outspoken and honest personality.