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Matt Cohen Directs A Noteworthy ‘Supernatural’ Gimme Shelter 15.15

This was a noteworthy “Supernatural” episode for a number of reasons.

A) There are now only five episodes of “Supernatural” left, so EVERY episode is noteworthy.

B) This is Matt Cohen’s first time directing an episode of the show that has impacted his life so much (he played young John Winchester and the archangel Michael on the show), and

C) This is Davy Perez’s last episode of Supernatural. Davy is one of my favorite writers, and the only writer to contribute a chapter to There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done, so he has a special place in my heart. I’m genuinely sad that I won’t hear his words from Sam or Dean or Cas ever again.

I knew these last episodes would be emotionally fraught for me, but I’m not sure I could have anticipated just what that would mean. I didn’t know that there would be an incredible media blitz around the show’s end run, which has been both heady and wonderful and also made the sadness of losing the show somehow even more poignant. It IS this special, and some of us have known that for a very long time. Now it seems like the rest of the world has caught up, only for the show to be ending. I’m thrilled that Rolling Stone and Glamour and CNN and so many other publications are covering the show now, but I’m also a little bit like, where were you a decade ago?

All that is to say that I’m going into these last episodes with a lot of mixed feelings. I desperately want to just cherish and enjoy every minute of what we have left, and at the same time, I desperately want these last episodes to be GOOD. There’s no time left to waste time, and it’s a lot harder to hand wave and say well that one wasn’t my favorite, but maybe the next one will be. That’s a lot of pressure to put on the little show – or, more accurately, that’s a lot of pressure to put on myself and my own expectations. The show is filmed and done and it is what it is, and I’m very aware of that. Now it’s on all of us to draw from it what we can – but damn it, I really hope it’s going to go out in a way that everyone can be proud of!

I did like quite a bit of this episode, which had some of Davy’s beautiful emotionally genuine dialogue and which showcased Matt as a director who knows how to get the best performances from his cast – maybe especially because he knows them and they trust him. There were some scenes that were incredibly beautiful, which is something that I think we saw more often in the early seasons, and something that made me fall in love with it. There were some scenes that made me tear up unexpectedly because they just rang true, and in each case the actor inhabiting the character was clearly feeling that too.

Like the best “Supernatural” episodes, there was a fair amount of humor, and Cohen managed to mix that in organically with the grab-the-tissues scenes and the scary/gory/horror movie vibe that is also quintessential Supernatural. I also felt like the episode moved the story ahead, with some reveals and some hints of what’s to come next, so that was satisfying.

15.15 sexy  matt coehn director supernatural gimme shelter

This was a Cas and Jack heavy episode, and I thought both of their story lines worked well – and that both Misha Collins and Alex Calvert nailed their characters’ emotional journeys perfectly. The confrontation between Dean and Amara also was outstanding, with Jensen and Emily Swallow making me believe every second of it. The fact that I haven’t mentioned Sam yet is my biggest problem with the episode – I don’t have a very good idea of where Sam’s head (or heart) is at right now during the events of this episode, and I want to!  Especially now, with five episodes to go, I need to know exactly what’s up with the Winchesters every step of the way.

I just finished my customary rewatch, and here are the things I liked and the couple of things I questioned. The opening scene delighted me more than usual, not because of anything that happened, but because I found myself asking out loud, ‘wait, is that Dr. Sexy MD???’

It was. Both Steve Bacic (the pastor) and Nicole Munoz (playing the pastor’s daughter) have been on the show before, so it was nice to see them back. I saw a post shared by my friend Amy Hutton about meeting Steve at an Aussie con. He did a double take when she asked him to sign a photo of the Impala. When she informed him, “But you’re Dr. Sexy MD – you’re iconic!” he was dumbfounded, since he had no idea. He told her how great the guys were and how much fun he’d had doing the episode – and that she’d made his day!

“Supernatural” really does cast the best people.

15.15 bts dr sexy Steve Bacic with Nicole Munoz for Gimme Shelter
Source: Nicole Munoz Twitter

Anyway, in that opening scene we meet the still-quite-attractive Pastor and his daughter Sylvia, who run Patchworks faith based community center. The young people working there balk at serving a homeless woman, but the Pastor encourages them to have compassion. Later, when one of the young people leaves, he’s lured into an alley by someone calling his name, trips on a stuffed bear who creepily calls him by name too and then is dragged off. Nice job with the scary, Matt Cohen!

Back at the bunker, Sam is researching and finds what he at first thinks might be a case – the missing young man from Patchworks – then decides probably not. Dean counters with a road trip  idea – Sam and Dean and Baby driving to Atlantic City, where there’s a Keno tournament and a mysterious blackout, so … Darkness, anyone? Sam is skeptical.

Dean: Chuck said Amara loves Keno.

Sam: I thought he was joking.

Dean: He’s not that funny.  So…. Road trip?

15.15 road trip for Dean Sam Winchester Gimme Shelter
15.15 sam dean beg castiel to join them SPN

Cas wants to join them, rightly pointing out how powerful Amara is, but Dean says someone has to keep an eye on Jack (who is very interested in the case that’s still on Sam’s open laptop and wants to work it.)

Jack looks hopefully at Cas. Cas looks hopefully at Sam.

Cas: Sam?

Sam: Dean’s not wrong. Maybe you can help.

They encourage him to go off and “Highway to Heaven” the case. Cas looks put upon as Sam and Dean leave, while Jack is excited.

Jack: Can we wear matching ties?

Cas: (longsuffering fatherly sigh)  Sure. You look good in blue.

15.15 Castiel looking down at jack begging to wear matching suits SPN
15.15 begs castiel to wear matching blue

I laughed out loud; Alex and Misha are gold together, and put upon Castiel is one of my favorite flavors. They meet up with the local sheriff in the alley where the kid was taken, as Agents Swift and Lovato. The sheriff comments that Jack looks “younger than Baby Yoda”, which was a great call out in an episode that had Emily Swallow (the Armorer in The Mandalorian) as a guest star.

Jack: I just graduated from CSI!

Even though sometimes I think Jack, as a powerful Nephilim, shouldn’t still be as innocent and naïve as he is, I can’t help but enjoy it anyway. Alex is just so good at playing Jack that way!

We learn that “LIAR” was carved into the guy (Conor)’s body. The Sheriff shows them a photo of the stuffed bear with the speaker in it, and Jack brightens.

Marvelous Marvin the talking bear holiday kids SPN 1515

Jack: Marvelous Marvin the talking teddy! I have one!

Sheriff: (incredulous)

Jack: Uh…for my stepson…Ronald…

I laughed again. Priceless, Alex, priceless.

Sam and Dean, meanwhile, are on a roadtrip. Talk about quintessential “Supernatural!” Cas calls and gives them an update on the case. Sam’s concerned about Jack, Dean gives Cas the advice to split up and send Jack in to ‘drink the kool aid’ while Castiel ‘flashes the badge’.

Cas: How’s the search going?

Dean: Dandy, talk to you later.

He hangs up abruptly, not wanting to talk about it. Sam broaches the topic again, though, pointing out that they’re setting up Amara to kill her, something that he seems to suspect Dean has complicated feelings about (presumably thanks to their past….whatever that was…)

Dean: We’re not the ones pulling the trigger. We knew there’d be a catch. At least this time it’s not you and me.

That’s true – for the Winchesters, that’s definitely a bright side.

Back on the case, Jack signs up for a social media account to try to get more info on Conor, as father figure Sam has modeled for him. Parent or guardian permission is required, he says, and Cas sighs again and gives it, adding that he tried social media once but there were “too many cats”.  I mean, he’s not entirely wrong. 

Cas and Jack decide the case may be demonic, so head to the crossroads to summon a demon. As you do. Which gives director Matt a chance to craft a gorgeous scene.

15.15 Crossroads demon Zack shows up with Jack and Castiel SPN

The crossroads demon Zach shows up, channeling Crowley because, he says, “Zach has style.” I miss Crowley. We all miss Crowley.  I like Zach though. He informs them that the shop is closed, no more deals, since Rowena has a hard “people end up where they belong” philosophy. You go, Rowena! I miss her too.

Zach is curious about what Castiel and Jack are doing with this small-time mystery case.

Zach: Are angels solving people crimes now?

He also tells them that it’s not a demon, just humans.

Cas: Sometimes humans can be the worst kind of monster.

A “Supernatural” lesson from way back.

Jack, discouraged, says he guesses they should give up and go back to the bunker and just wait for Sam and Dean, but Castiel squares his shoulders and says no, that they can help. The smile on Jack’s face is adorable, and not lost on Cas, I don’t think. Seriously, Cas and Jack in this episode are all kinds of awwww.

Back at the community center, another worker (Valerie) steals money from the donations box and is quickly taken down by someone in a very scary clown-like mask, and damn, you got me again, Matt. Scary!

Poor Valerie ends up tied to a chair with a Saw-like contraption ready to chop off her fingers one at a time, with a countdown in between. That is true horror movie stuff, which Perez loves and which invariably makes me a little nauseous. 

15.15 Valerie fingers in chopping blade concoction SPN

Cas and Jack follow Dean’s advice on how to work the case, so Jack goes to join up with Patchwork.

Jack: Where can I find the Kool Aid?

They let him sign up anyway – Alex Calvert posted his application, with ‘gender’ marked with M then crossed out to be N. I love the little touches!

Patwork religion sign up sheet with jacks name SPN 1515

As we’ll see, I also love the themes of this episode, and that fit right in.

Cas meets with Dr. Sexy – I mean, the pastor – while he blesses some guy. I always think, isn’t it funny that he has no idea there’s an actual angel standing behind him?

Jack chats with the evasive pastor’s daughter (we should have known something was up when she was so evasive), who has history with Conor, as in they dated but it was really more like they watched old movies together. Hmm.  Jack confides that he lost someone too, his mom, and we find out that Sylvia also lost her mother, so now it’s just her and pastor dad (who is apparently a better pastor than he is a father). Hmm again.

Jack: I have more dads than most and I always feel like I’m letting all of them down.

Awww Jack. The theme of parenthood of “Supernatural” Season 15 continues strongly in this episode.

The pastor chats with Castiel, explaining that his wife was more ‘hardcore’ religious and that the church was different when she was running it. She chalked everything up to “God’s will”, including the illness that killed her, but the pastor now runs a faith based organization that welcomes everyone of all faiths and backgrounds – including Conor, who was a gay man.

Cas: I doubt everyone was happy about that change.

15.15 dr sexy pastor talking to castiel gods will

He’s right, of course, and the pastor agrees, but says that doesn’t matter. A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying, he says.

I like the whole underlying message that the pastor is putting out, and also the more subtle message that you can be a good person who cares about doing the right thing and still neglect your own daughter and not recognize her pain until it’s too late.

With Jack accepted by the group, he takes part in a group service.

Jack: (with his signature move) Hello.

Jack with signature hello to church group SPN 1515

The pastor asks him to talk about ‘his journey’. Jack falters, seemingly unwilling to do so, so Castiel, who has been listening on the outside of the circle, steps in and offers to take his place.

This was a beautiful scene and made me tear up by the end. Davy Perez summed up Castiel’s journey and Misha did a beautiful job of telling his story and letting us see just how much Castiel has grown over his time with the Winchesters, and with Jack.

Castiel:  I know what blind faith is. I used to follow orders without question, and I did some pretty terrible things. I would never look beyond the plan. Then, of course, when it all came crashing down, I found myself lost. I didn’t know what my purpose was anymore. Then, one day, something changed, something amazing. I guess, I found a family. And I became a father.

He looks at Jack, their eyes locking.

Cas: And in that, I rediscovered my faith. I rediscovered who I am.

Me: Tissues!

I think I was extra emotional knowing that Castiel’s journey will end soon – it felt like a wrap up speech, like something you hear when a show is ending, which of course this one is.

Later that day, Jack asks the pastor how he was able to bring people together with very different ideas about religion.

Pastor: I tell them to leave that at the door. I always say each of us are God’s hands, a finger for him to use.

Me: Finger?? Uh oh. (Pieces clicking into place…)

Just then the television in the room switches over to poor Valerie, who has lost most of her fingers at this point. Cas and Jack think that leads to Rudy, the guy who left the organization a little while ago, and break down his door (poor Jack – why couldn’t Cas do it, since he has his powers back? No clue why it was so difficult). Anyway, it’s not Rudy – he’s cuffed to a bed and dead for a long time, the word “LUST” painted in blood on the wall above him.

15.15 Dead cult body with LUST painted in blood over him

Meanwhile, Sylvia (spoiler alert, it IS her) attacks her friend who’s trivializing everything by posting it on social media, accusing her of never being a true believer and stabbing her. The pastor discovers the injured woman and goes after Sylvia, finding her with poor mostly fingerless Valerie in the basement store room. He says he just wants to help his daughter, but she holds a knife to his throat, making him finally have to listen to her pain over losing her mother and her anger that he changed everything about what was her mother’s church.

Sylvia: These people don’t worship God, they worship you!

15.15 Sylvia holding knife to preacher dad throat SPN

Jack tries to intervene, but Sylvia lashes out at him too, stabbing him.

Sylvia: You’re just a scared little boy trying to make your daddies happy.

Maybe I’ve been watching too much of Eric Kripke’s other show, “The Boys,” but this episode had a lot of pointed things to say about our current culture and some of its problems. The message that hating and stigmatizing others who don’t worship the same (or look the same, or have the same socioeconomic privilege, etc) can be hurtful, is a real-life relevant one.

Much like “The Boys” doesn’t keep things black and white, this episode is nuanced in its ultimate message – the pastor was a good man trying to do good things, but he got so caught up in that, he ended up hurting his own daughter. Her rage at him and her anguish at losing her mother was clearly part of her motivation, striking out at anyone who seemed to go against her mother’s way of doing things, desperate to keep her mother’s memory alive, a loss she’s never been helped to deal with.  There are even some pointed stabs at celebrity and social media, also ala “The Boys.”

Castiel saves the day, putting Sylvia to sleep and breaking Valerie out of the torture contraption like a badass, healing her severed fingers. The pastor looks up in astonishment, asking “What are you?”

Castiel 15.15 healing pastor saying not a good angel SPN
15.15 Pastor asking Castiel if he is angel for healing him

Castiel admits he’s an angel, but laments “not a very good one.”

I think the pastor and Valerie would disagree with him about that. He promises he’s going to help his daughter, understanding that he should have been there for her. She gets in the car to go to the police station, and we see that Zach the crossroads demon is the driver. Nobody else notices. Hmm. I wonder if that will be significant later.

On the way back to the bunker, Cas asks Jack why he was so reluctant to talk about his journey, telling him that he doesn’t have to shoulder the burden alone, and he finally opens up.

Jack: Yes, I do. I’ve been lying to you. I’m going to die when I kill Chuck and Amara. Billie’s spell will turn me into a bomb.

Misha Collins did some A+ acting in that scene, Castiel’s face going through overwhelming emotions of shock, then disbelief, then horror in the space of a minute (Cas definitely would have driven off the road a few times there).

Castiel Misha Collins shock disbelief then horror over Jack SPN truth

Jack: Don’t tell Sam and Dean, they won’t understand. I know this is the only way they’ll ever forgive me.

Cas: (distraught) No! I watched you die once, I won’t do it again!

Castiel to Jack I watched you die once I wont do it again SPN
Jack begging Castiel not to tell Sam Dean SPN

Jack: It’s not your choice.

That scene really got to me. I felt Castiel’s anguish, his anticipatory grief at the potential loss of his son – and I felt Jack’s anguish too, how much he desperately wants to make up for what happened with Mary, how desperately he – like all children – wants the love and admiration of his parents. All three of them. Alex Calvert and Misha Collins broke my heart in this scene – and made me care about the outcome for these characters even more. Apparently director Matt and Misha weren’t entirely on the same page about some of the emotional scenes (I’m guessing this one) and had to come to a compromise, but if this is it, I’d say it came out perfectly.

While Cas and Jack are solving that case and getting very real with each other, the Winchesters stop at a gas station, where the cast and crew were greeted with a rare Vancouver snow squall and apparently filming had to pause because Jensen Ackles got a snowflake caught in his ridiculous eyelashes and it was so distracting that nobody could act, too busy staring. This from Emily Swallow is the most believable thing I’ve ever heard.

Dean is not eating gas station snacks, holding out for the AC all you can eat buffets, telling Sam he has “a process.”

Sam: (checking his phone) Oooh. Can your process last for six hours? There’s an accident on 76.

Sam Winchester on six hours on I 76 for Amara SPN 1515

(To someone in Pennsylvania, that rang so true – because there is ALWAYS an accident on I 76!)

Dean: Damn it!

Sam: Pork rinds?

Dean: Pork rinds.

It was a nice moment, something we guess plays out at gas stations all over the country with the Winchesters. They’re interrupted by the sudden appearance of Amara, who says she found them easily because she could smell Dean from two states over.

Amara: You have a distinctive musk.

Shades of Richard Speight, Jr. emceeing a con and advising us all to “blame it on the musk” when Jared and Jensen come onstage.

Amara wants Pennsylvania pierogies, apparently having a lot in common with Original Death, and off they go to a local diner. Sam and Dean try to convince Amara to help them, Sam pointing out he knows (from being in Chuck’s head) that Chuck asked her for help and she refused.

Amara: That’s not the same as betraying him.

I had to laugh (inappropriately) when Sam and Dean said “I get that he’s your brother…” because come on, they are the poster children for loyalty to your sibling, after all!

Amara insists that nobody understands them but each other, which again, is 100% the Winchesters.

15.15 Sam Dean Winchester with Amara at diner

Eventually Sam and Dean give up and leave. Dean starts the car, then turns off the engine and tells Sam to wait in the car and goes back inside.

This, to me, seems like the stupidest idea ever – and not one that Sam would go along with like oh okay sure, no worries, I’ll just sit here while you go in and meet with this all powerful being who used to have a thing for you.

15.15 Sam watching Dean go into diner for Amara SPN

Dean confronts Amara about why she brought back Mary, what she wanted to teach him.

Amara: I wanted you to see that Mary was just a person, that the myth of a better life if she’d lived was just that. I wanted you to see that the real complicated Mary was better, because she was real. So that you could accept your life.

Dean tears up a little, asks her what the second reason is.

Amara: I thought having her back would release you, put the fire out, your anger. I failed at that.

Dean is upset, but he’s also enraged, and Jensen conveys both of these feelings vividly.

Dean: You’re damn right. Look at you. Just another cosmic dick, rigging the game. I’m not angry – I’m furious. All my life I’ve been a hamster in a wheel, stuck in the story. And you’re doing nothing to stop it. You think he gives a rat’s ass about you? Who’s living in a dream world?

Amara looks taken aback, and maybe a little scared. (If Dean Winchester was sitting across from me that angry, I’d be scared too!)

Amara asks if she can trust him, though.

Dean: I would never hurt you.

He says it evenly, chin set – and it’s not a lie, really. He won’t be the one who delivers the blow, or at least that’s what he believes. But it’s not the truth either. Ackles makes it absolutely chilling.

This was a great scene, but there’s no reason Sam couldn’t have been there or that Dean wouldn’t have wanted him there. Mary was Sam’s mother too. I get that Amara brought her back initially for Dean, but in reality it had just as much impact on Sam, inevitably. So why did Sam have to stay in the car? I’m especially sad because this was Perez’s last episode, so it was his last chance to write for Sam Winchester, and we got very little. Still sad about it.

I didn’t find Amara’s revelation that earth shattering. We already knew that Dean has come to terms with who he is and with his life; he’s not struggling for purpose or clarification, or doubting his identity. He said that last season, that he’s good with who he is, and he’s good with who Sam is. With who they are. We didn’t know that Amara deliberately wanted to shatter Dean’s childhood idolization of his mother (which, ouch) but we knew that it happened anyway; Dean’s tearful heartbreaking speech to Mary inside her head made that crystal clear. 

I know Jensen had to struggle with the ‘why’ of  Mary coming back for Dean as well as for himself as the person portraying Dean, so it’s nice to have the specific acknowledgment I guess, but it didn’t strike me as any sort of big reveal. It was largely Jensen and Emily’s acting that made the scene impactful.

There’s been much discussion of Dean’s “anger issues” this season, which never rang true for me. Is he angry? Hell yeah, he’s angry. Who the hell wouldn’t be angry in his situation? And here he owns that anger, refusing to disavow it and in fact saying he’s not just angry, he’s furious. His anger here is justified – anger is just an indication that we feel wronged, and he has been. It’s always a question of what we do with that anger (and who we take it out on) that can be okay or not okay, but the emotion itself can be a strong motivator, as it is here.

The last scene hit hard too. Back at the bunker, in the middle of the night, Dean struggles with insomnia, seeking refuge in a bottle. Castiel walks by, headed out, and Dean stops him. They each give an update, Cas saying they solved the case, Dean saying Amara is probably on board.

Dean: Where are you going?

Cas: I’m going to look for another way. I have to.

Dean immediately knows there’s something very wrong.

Cas: Dean, in case something goes wrong and I don’t make it back, there’s something you and Sam need to know.

Dean looks as stricken as we all feel, knowing what’s probably coming.

Other than the notable lack of Sam (Jared Padalecki), this was a good solid episode, deftly directed by Matt Cohen, well written by Davy Perez, and well-acted by all the actors. Although I enjoyed and appreciated it, it’s left me kinda sad as I write this, knowing this is the only time Matt will direct and the last time Davy will write an episode of my favorite show.

misha collins jared padalecki and jensen ackles responding to final SPN season

Five more “Supernatural” episodes to go… And I’m still not ready.

‘Mr. Mercedes’ gets more life at Peacock plus Rudolph for sale


Stephen King’s Mr. Mercedes is easily one of his best and most compelling trilogies including Finders Keepers, and End of Watch. You knew upon reading them, they would make a great mini-series as long as the right team got behind it. The right team did, but then it seems to have just disappeared after two seasons.

Now, NBC’s Peacock has discovered that the creepy and tense stories were hiding in plain sight. Fans of HBO’s “The Outsider” will be surprised to see one huge change though. It’s with the character of Holly Gibney. In King’s trilogy, the character is Caucasian and thus is played by Justine Lupe. On the HBO series, she is played by Cynthia Erivo, who does a brilliant job with the very complicated character. As Season 2 of “The Outsider” has been reported to be coming, there will be two different Holly Gibney’s being played.

“Mr. Mercedes” started life in 2017 as a broadcast offering on the AT&T-owned, DirecTV-exclusive Audience Network, only to be left marooned with an uncertain future after the obscure channel was shut down. The crime series gets another life this month after NBC’s Peacock streaming service acquired it.

“Nobody could find it. And that was enormously frustrating,” says director Jack Bender. “Hopefully it’s going to get the audience it’s always deserved.”

The pitch-dark series — adapted by David E. Kelley and starring Brendan Gleeson — is based on Stephen King’s bestselling Bill Hodges trilogy and follows a retired, ornery detective tormented by a seriously troubled serial killer who announces himself by mowing down dozens of people in line for a job fair in a stolen Mercedes.

“My intention was always to do a character driven, scary show about the monster inside these people instead of the monster outside the people,” says Bender. “Even though they’re monstrous people doing monstrous things, they are not, quote-unquote, boogeyman monsters.”

The first two seasons of “Mr. Mercedes” will be bingeable on Peacock starting on Oct. 15. The show’s most recent outing, 2019’s Season 3, will arrive on a date to be announced.

In addition to Gleeson, the cast includes Harry Treadaway, Kelly Lynch, Jharrel Jerome, Mary-Louise Parker, Holland Taylor, Breeda Wool and Nancy Travis. The series was filmed in Charleston, South Carolina, which stood in for Ohio.

English actor Treadway, who has played a genius psychopath in “Penny Dreadful,” takes on the serial killer in “Mr. Mercedes” and calls him “a unique, brilliantly drawn, complicated character.” He calls the story “electric.”

Treadway says one of his most powerful memories is watching King’s “The Shining” with Jack Nicholson and called King’s trilogy “such a page-turner. I just binged it and, in a dark way, just fell in love with the character and the world.”

His serial killer is tightly wound, vindictive, awkward, clever, a victim of abuse, a loner and filled with rage. “As an actor, my part of the process was definitely not to judge him. It was to understand him and get into the skin of him.”

Even years after filming, Treadway seems rattled: “That as a process was fascinating, disturbing at times, lingered afterwards — I won’t forget.”

While faithful to the books, Kelley and Bender inserted their own ideas to the adaptation. Kelley added a next-door neighbor to the detective (played by Taylor) and Bender gave him an extensive vinyl record collection and a tortoise to look after.

The pet was inspired by a tortoise that Bender’s own daughter — Hannah Bender, the show’s costume designer — got when she was a child and the records give the series a quirky soundscape, from Donovan, Reagan Youth, Leonard Cohen and Radiohead to The Drifters, T-Bone Burnett and Juice Newton.

“I wanted the music to come from the characters in ‘Mr. Mercedes’ because I really don’t love just putting the record on and letting it be emotional or cool over a montage,” says Bender.

Bender was executive producer and lead director on the ABC series “Lost” but don’t expect many Easter eggs like that show in “Mr. Merecedes,” although there’s a nod to King with the inclusion of the Ramone’s song “Pet Sematary” — also the title of a novel by King — and the writer himself makes a cameo.

Bender says that’s only fitting: “All of his books, even if they are advertised and known to have a supernatural flair, have very rich characters. They all do.”

original santa rudolph red nosed reindeer on auction block 2020

Rudolph Ready For New Home

Want to have a childhood memory in time for the holiday season? Better yet, one that can be yours year round.

Rudolph and his still-shiny nose are getting a new home, and it’s bound to be a lot nicer than the Island of Misfit Toys.

The soaring reindeer and Santa Claus figures who starred in the perennially beloved stop-motion animation Christmas special “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” are going up for auction. You can download the Auction Catalog just below.

Rudolph Santa auction catalogueDownload

Auction house Profiles in History announced Thursday that a 6-inch-tall Rudolph and 11-inch-tall Santa used to animate the 1964 TV special are being sold together in the auction that starts Nov. 13 and are expected to fetch between $150,000 and $250,000.

Collector Peter Lutrario of Staten Island, New York, thought they might be the only items he would never sell, but when he recently turned 65 he thought about having something to leave for his children and grandchildren.

“I always said I would die with the dolls,” he told media outlets. “I’m just putting the family first.”

The figures were made by Japanese puppet maker Ichiro Komuro and used for the filming of the show at Tadaito Mochinaga’s MOM Productions in Tokyo.

They’re made of wood, wire, cloth and leather. Rudolph’s nose, after some minimal maintenance through the years, still lights up. The realistic bristles of Santa’s beard are made from yak hair.

Lutrario, who bought them about 15 years ago after seeing them appraised on “Antiques Roadshow” on PBS, says that even after well over five decades you can manipulate them as the original animators did.

“They’re still malleable,” he said, “and it’s very detailed. Not only can you move the arms, the legs, the head, you can move the fingers, the thumbs.

The show, produced by the company that would become Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainment, first aired Dec. 6, 1964 on NBC in the United States. It’s been a TV staple ever since with its tale, based on the 1939 song, of a year when Christmas was almost canceled, the misfit reindeer who saved it, an elf with dreams of being a dentist, and an island full of cast-away toys.

The figures would make their way to the New York offices of Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass. Rankin later gave them to his secretary, who gave them to her nephew, who owned them until Lutrario bought them in 2005.

The figures, among several used to make the special, are the first encountered by the auctioneers at Profiles in History, which specializes in selling rare and coveted Hollywood memorabilia.

The company said in a statement that the “rarity of these puppets cannot be overstated.”

The magic about collecting memorabilia is that when your eyes focus upon the object, you are taken back to a time during your youth when your senses were overwhelmed with amazement, wonder and joy as you were watching a favorite movie or television program. Those special moments captured by your mind are unlocked and brought forth with equal intensity as you gaze upon the actual artifact that created such a powerful memory.  

This very special offering embodies this very notion, as it happened to me when I first saw these original “Rudolph” and “Santa” stop motion puppets from my all-time favorite holiday classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  Years ago, I visited the owner of these puppets during one of the episodes of Hollywood Treasure, and I was never able to shake them from my mind.  Finally, after all of these years, he has decided to pass ownership of these enormously famous characters to a new owner.  It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we make this special offering as we usher in the 2020 Holiday Season.

Instagram clamps down on social media influencers plus Twitter apology


Social media influencers in America might want to pay attention to regulators in the United Kingdom watching them closely as they’ve become rather big business. The FTC stepped in several years ago to make sure that social media influencers weren’t tricking their followers by not disclosing they were plugging brands while getting paid for it. While many still tempt fate by not disclosing that special #ad tag, it will catch up to them.

Since Instagram has become advertisers favorite social media for influencers, they are the first to really step in to better regulate things. It’s good as both Twitter and Facebook really suck at it. It’s very easy to slip product and advertising in without ever getting caught. You can see many accounts doing this every day. With Instagram and the UK stepping up on social media influencers, it will eventually come over to America. You have been warned.

British regulators said Friday that Instagram will clamp down on “hidden advertising” by social media influencers.

The Competition and Markets Authority said Instagram’s owner Facebook has committed to tightening policies to restrict influencers who don’t disclose they’re being paid to promote businesses on its platform.

It’s part of an investigation into the influencer industry the watchdog launched two years ago. Regulators are concerned that Instagram wasn’t doing enough under consumer protection laws to stop hidden advertising, which is illegal in the U.K. They want to make it harder to mislead people with posts that aren’t labeled as ads.

Influencers are online personalities with thousands of followers who can earn hefty fees from brands for endorsing or reviewing their products or services.

“These changes mean there will be no excuse for businesses to overlook how their brands are being advertised either – making life a lot harder for those who are not upfront and honest with their followers,” CMA Chief Executive Andrea Coscelli said.

Under the new policy, Instagram will ask users to confirm if they’re getting a reward for promoting a product or service and if they are, make them disclose it clearly.

The company will also start using technology and algorithms to spot users who haven’t clearly revealed that their posts are advertisements, and then report those users to the businesses they’re promoting.

Instagram is also opening up its “paid partnership” tool, so that any user can display a label at the top of a post.

The changes apply to all U.K.-based users as well as anyone globally who is targeting Instagram users in the U.K.

As part of its investigation, the competition authority last year secured formal commitments from 16 celebrities, including singers Ellie Goulding and Rita Ora, to label any posts that involved payments for or gifts of products they were pitching.

jack dorsey twitter admit blocking biden new york post story error

Twitter Apologizes

When social media tries to please everyone, they can wind up going too far, and it appears that Twitter is stepping up to say they might have overreacted to the New York Post story about Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Twitter was wrong to block weblinks to an unverified political story, CEO Jack Dorsey said on Friday, as the company responded to criticism over its handling of the story that had prompted cries of censorship from the right.

“Straight blocking of URLs was wrong, and we updated our policy and enforcement to fix,” he tweeted. “Our goal is to attempt to add context, and now we have capabilities to do that.”

After initially blocking people from sharing links to the story Wednesday, on Friday Twitter was letting its users to post the link. It served as demonstration of how quickly things can change when it comes to social media, misinformation and the coming U.S. election as companies try to navigate unprecedented times.

Dorsey was weighing in after an executive at the social media company announced changes late Thursday to its policy on hacked content following an onslaught of criticism.

Twitter will no longer remove hacked material unless it’s directly shared by hackers or those working with them, the company’s head of legal, policy, trust and safety, Vijaya Gadde, said in a Twitter thread.

And instead of blocking links from being shared, tweets will be labeled to provide context, Gadde said.

“We want to address the concerns that there could be many unintended consequences to journalists, whistleblowers and others in ways that are contrary to Twitter’s purpose of serving the public conversation,” she said.

Twitter and Facebook had moved quickly this week to limit the spread of the story published by the conservative-leaning New York Post, which cited unverified emails from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son that were reportedly discovered by President Donald Trump’s allies. The story has not been confirmed by other publications.

San Francisco-based Twitter initially responded by banning users from sharing links to the article in tweets and direct messages because it violated the company’s policy prohibiting hacked content. But it didn’t alert users about why they couldn’t share the link until hours later.

But by Friday, people were free to post the links again. Twitter said that was because the “once-private” information in the article is now “widely available” in the press and on other platforms.

Dorsey had first tweeted that it was “unacceptable” the company hadn’t provided more context around its action. A little over 24 hours later, Gadde announced the company was making changes after receiving “significant feedback (from critical to supportive)” about how it enforced the policy.

Facebook said it was “reducing” the story’s distribution on its platform while waiting for third-party fact-checkers to verify it, something it regularly does with material that’s not banned outright from its service, though it risks spreading lies or causing harm in other ways.

Trump is now incorporating Twitter’s action into his campaign rallies, pleading with his supporters to send a message on Election Day to what he described as “censors.”

“We’re not just running against Joe Biden. We’re running against left-wing media and we’re running against big tech,” Trump said.

Final episodes get ‘Supernatural’ news blast Part 2

This is Part 2 of “Supernatural” News continues the extensive news coverage for the final episodes of the final season. The first part where we strongly encourage “Supernatural” to honor our Lynn with a Super Fan award is here.

The Talk Has Fun With Jared and Jensen

Jensen and Jared also made the rounds of talk shows and local CW affiliates. On The Talk, Jensen tried to zoom in and was frozen for the first ten minutes, which was hilarious when they still had his face frozen on the screen just staring. For a second I was like, why is Jensen being so quiet?

Jared said that the last day wasn’t as emotional as he would have thought, because the days and weeks leading up to it were very emotional.

Jared: I’m an emotional guy, I’m in touch with my feelings and very proud of that, but I think I got a lot of it out during the quarantine. On the last day, I expected crying – towels, this and that – but I just felt proud. I looked around at Jensen and our other cast and crew and just felt like cool, we did it. For 15 and a half years. I don’t know if we ever really patted ourselves on the back. That last day it was like, we’re done, we crossed the finish line, let’s celebrate now.

Jared Padalecki smiling scruff with The Talk
Cap: fangirlofjared

The Talk: Over the past fifteen years, the two of you have become super close. Jared, was there a moment when you knew you had a brother for life in Jensen?

Jared answered yes, at their first meeting, laughing. Then he told a story that’s familiar to most of fandom.

Jared: Two weeks into filming we got jumped by a bunch of guys. And that was sort of the moment that you go all right, you look over and you see someone coming to your rescue and vice versa and you go all right – I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but we shared blood together and I was like all right, when I was about to get my butt kicked he was there for me and vice versa, so…

I mean, could they have a more Sam and Dean answer?

Those Matching Tattoos

The Talk: You two have matching tattoos – can you show them to me?

Jared obligingly stands up and goes to pull down his jeans, laughing, then shows his actual tattoo, a Basquiat crown. Which, he says, meant many things, including the Shakespeare quote ‘uneasy lies the head that wears the crown’. It’s a reminder, he said, that there are high times and low times.

He then told the story of getting the matching tattoos at their onscreen father (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)’s wedding, where the three Winchesters all got the same crown.

Jared Padalecki scratching his bear for The Talk interview

The Talk was really going for the quintessential fandom stories, asking what Jared learned about Jensen when they were roommates?

Jared: I’m a pretty low-key guy, a pretty boring fella. So it was wonderful because Jensen and I would work these 14 hour and 18 hour days and be miserably tired, but what surprised me – and I’d known him for years, we’ve been through a lot together – but I don’t know if we ever, in all those years, talked about the show at home. It was okay, we’re at home, we’re Jared and Jensen now, we’re watching the Cowboys, we’re playing guitar, we’re cooking steaks. It was sort of, selfishly for me, it was like a pat on the back, like cool, you can sort of be normal in this business when they call cut.

Jensen’s tech woes finally resolved just as they were about to go to break.

The Talk: Jensen, have you finally joined the party?

Jensen Ackles frozen Zoom face on The Talk interview 2020
Cap: jacklescrew

Jensen: I just wanted to show up for the break…

That left both of them laughing, and Jared looking very happy that Jensen had joined in. After the break they played a rousing game of ‘How well do you know your bro?’ with paddles of each other’s faces to hold up for answers. Jensen decorated his Jared paddle nicely.

Jared Padalecki on The Talk show 2020

Who has better dance moves?

They both say themselves.

Jensen: Come on, I did an entire tap dance on the show!

Jared: I took dance lessons too.

Jensen: It doesn’t show…

Jensen Ackles wins dance content against Jared Padalecki on The Talk
Jared Padalecki thinks dance content with Jensen Ackles is too close to call

The Talk eventually pronounced Jensen the winner.

Jensen: By a little bit…

Jensen Ackles shows how he sizes up to Jared Padalecki size queens 2020

Arkansas CW Chats With Jensen and Jared

Lots of local CW affiliates also got their ten minutes with the boys. An Arkansas CW station had both actors talking about being the emotions of the last days of filming.

Jared: The last day I was sort of overwhelmed with happiness, a feeling of completion, of finality. I remember wanting to smile a lot even though I was saying goodbye to people. I was looking at people, especially Ackles, like dude, you and I have been here since day one, way back in February of ’05. We did it, man. And the crew around us, some of them 15 years too, and what we’ve all been through. I was really proud of us and I’m really proud of me.

Jensen: I agree with Jared. Fifteen years ago, he and I got on a roller coaster together, and we didn’t separate for fifteen years. It was no different that final week, we were going through the same emotions, feeling the same feels, having those same moments. It was a beautiful ride and I couldn’t ask for a better partner.

Me: Ohgod, I need tissues just for the interviews??

Interviewer:  How many tissues exactly should we have on hand?

Jensen and Jared: All of them. Get a whole roll of toilet paper.

Jared: I don’t think many people will be able to watch the finale in real time. I think there will be a lot of pausing, wiping the tears out of eyes like I can’t see, it’s like I’m under water, then catch back up. Especially what the episode means and what the show means as a whole.

Jensen: The camera operator, this is a guy who’s watched he and I onscreen for fifteen years, and one of the more emotional scenes, after one take, he had to take a lens wipe and soak up the tears that were in his eyepiece.

Me: There’s no hope for me.

Jensen Ackles trying not to try during SPN movie tv tech geeks interview

What advice would they give their younger selves starting out on the show?

Jared: Knowing how difficult it got sometimes, you’ll have some highs and some lows in 15 years, and sometimes in those overstressed moments the lows got pretty low. Keep going, no feeling is final, and you’ll be so proud when it comes to an end, so one foot in front of the other.

Jared Padalecki talking about Jensen Ackles in interview

(In other words, #AKF!)

Jensen: Look, I know you might think it’s funny, but don’t grab the cocktail sausages and start eating them because they’ll make Dean eat all the things for 15 years!

Jared: Tell myself, hey, start eating things!

TV Line Andrew Dabb Interview

TV Line talked to showrunner Andrew Dabb, who previewed the series finale:  Ultimately, it’s gonna come down to Sam and Dean, two guys from Kansas, facing off against the Supreme Being. So they’re still the underdogs in that fight.

He also teased the flashback episode that’s coming up.

Dabb: Meghan [Fitzmartin], one of the writers on the show, came in with an idea, and it worked for us. It worked not only as a case right now, but also as something that informed the journey Sam and Dean have taken, where they started as kids, how they kind of came together and then how that has [led up] to the point that they are, emotionally, when the episode airs. So it ended up being a really good reflection of our guys now, telling a story about our guys then, which, to me, are always the best versions of those types of flashback stories.

I’m looking forward to that one!

CBS8 Jared and Jensen Interview

CBS8 in San Diego also talked to Jared and Jensen.

Interviewer: Which one of you cried during the filming of the finale?

Both: raise hands

Jared Padalecki raising hands with Jensen Ackles about crying on final episode

Jared: We both cried, for sure. I think everybody. There might have been even more people crying who weren’t even on set.

Jensen: We have a bunch of text threads with the gang that’s been on the show in the past, some have 20 or 30 people in them. People were in a different country and like, I’m crying…

In the spirit of Halloween, who’s most likely to be scared at a haunted house?

Jensen: I really enjoy haunted houses. He and I are both very desensitized to scares especially now after 15 years of dealing with it. When I go to a haunted house when there’s a really good scare, I chuckle, like yeah that’s good.

Jared insisted he’s a ‘Halloween grumpus’: I wear costumes all day, I’m not putting on a costume.

Jensen: Oh buddy, just wait until that 3 year old tells you to dress up like a princess unicorn – you’re gonna do it!

Jared: Okay, I’m gonna find that on amazon now…

These little interviews are gold, to be honest.

USA Today Supernatural Final Episode Article

USA Today also ran an article with quotes from Jared, Jensen and Andrew Dabb about the final episode.

Jared: We re-approach everything and see the culmination of what Sam and Dean have gone through for 15 years and their efficiency at doing just that.

Yay, smart Winchesters!!

Jared also said that ‘sacrifice’ plays a big role too – which, would it be “Supernatural” if it didn’t?

Jared: The most inspiring things for me, and for a lot of fans I’ve met in person, have been the moments where Sam and Dean go through something and then wake up the next day or the day after that or the next week and go, ‘OK. It’s time for me to get back at it.’ And there’s a lot of that in the final couple of episodes.

Jensen: Certainly, the season could have ended after 19 and would have been like, ‘OK, that makes sense.’ But then we come back for one more episode and just knock you straight in the teeth.

Jensen Ackles waving goodbye to Supernatural fans

The “Supernatural” fandom: the only group of people who line up waiting for our favorite show to knock us straight in the teeth!

KGUN9 Interviews Jensen and Jared

KGUN9 did a nice interview with Jared and Jensen shortly after they wrapped.

Jensen: I still feel like the bell has just rung like that’s a wrap and we’re still walking offstage. Like Jared said, it isn’t gonna hit us until we walk onto the set of another show.

Jared: To echo that, it still feels very present. We still had a lot of work to do after they called wrap. What a wonderful opportunity it was to not only do a project I really cared about – the themes, the motives, and I care about my character – but I also really care about the fandom, the family. I went in as an actor and came out as a family member of a giant multi million person family.

Jensen: This cast of characters was truly unique to what we had in “Supernatural” compared to any other place.

They talk about both those things, and how that is part of the legacy of the show, in their chapters in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done. And they really mean it. I think one thing that comes through in all these interviews and in their chapters in the book is just how genuinely proud they are of the show and how close they feel to the SPNFamily.

TV Line Interviews Jared and Jensen

TV Line also did a preview video with the boys about the final episodes. They teased that we get to see Sam and Dean more similar to the pilot than we have since the pilot.

Jensen Ackles smiling during MTTG interview TV Line

Jensen: There’s a lot of little nods and Easter eggs filtered in through the last couple episodes that are attributed to episodes very early in the series.

Jared: We get to see a show about Sam and Dean, at least for a little bit. We get to see Sam and Dean being Sam and Dean, the way they began, to some degree.

(Fans have already figured out some of those similarities, but I’ll keep those spoilers to myself)

Jensen: These guys are motivated to fight. But then as the weight of what they’re facing starts to set in, and they realize that this may be a lost cause, there’s some, I would say, more of a dejected side of the Winchesters than we’ve seen in a long time. Fortunately, in true Winchester fashion, they somehow find a way to get motivated and get back on that horse and go fight the good fight. When all hope is lost, that’s when you call the Winchesters.

Damn right.

CNN Interview With Jensen and Jared

Even CNN got in on the act, with a writer who is clearly a long-time fan interviewing Ackles and Padalecki, commenting that “the actors talk like that a lot when they’re together, finishing each other’s story or thought midway. It’s a side effect of 15 years’ worth of long nights on set and countless press days together.”

Here are a few more priceless quotes from that article, which sometimes reads like Jared and Jensen doing an onstage panel.

Padalecki hopes he can recreate a version of what they built on ““Supernatural”” with his new fellow cast members and crew.

“It takes a while. A true relationship is built over time,” he says. “On ‘“Supernatural”,’ we went through deaths and births and marriages and divorces… and heartbreak and the honeymoon phase of falling in love — [and] not just us. We both started dating our wives that are now the mothers of our kids during the show.”

“Oh, I thought you meant we fell in love,” Ackles quips.

“We fell in love, too,” Padalecki jokes.

When I add that plotline was only in fan fiction, Ackles retorts, “Or was it?”

Padalecki erupts in laughter.

“There goes the internet.”

Jared and Jensen both said that having the last moments of the show be the last scene they filmed, combined with the lack of cell service at their location that day, allowed them to be fully present for the final scenes. The tears we’ll see onscreen, they said, will be real.

Jared: In a really strange way, the finale that we just finished last Thursday is, in hindsight, the finale I would have always wanted.

Jensen: I think it’s actually a really beautiful moment, not just for he and I, but for the crew and for everybody there, because there was a finality to it. And then we popped some corks and had some speeches, and it was a really nice moment.

Both said they’d like to do conventions again, especially since by that point, the finale will have aired, and they can speak about it openly.

(Now if only we could get this damn pandemic to end so that would be possible!)

Matt Cohen Interviews Jared and Jensen for ET

ET Online had a wonderful idea – get their Matt Cohen to interview his friends, Jared and Jensen!

Jensen talked about dreading the big goodbye after fifteen years.

Jensen: I don’t know what this says about me, but I was dreading the goodbye in March. Not because I didn’t want to say goodbye, but I’m not good with goodbyes. I just don’t like saying goodbye, you know, ‘I hope you have a great life.’ I don’t like that. And so the fact that it got put off, I was almost a little relieved knowing that it would have to come at some point. Then when we came back, you couldn’t hug and you couldn’t touch each other and you couldn’t be within six feet and there were masks and you couldn’t see smiles, and it was almost like this weird diet version of saying goodbye that, for me, I was like, ‘Good, I didn’t want to say goodbye anyways!  

I felt like I was saying, ‘Well, see ya later. I’ll see you when this pandemic’s over, I’ll see you when there’s not a mask on your face, I’ll see you when I’m able to hug you and I’ll see you when I’m able to properly embrace you and say thank you for so many years. So I won’t say goodbye right now, I’ll just say see you when I can see you.’

Jared: It’s obviously less ideal, like Jensen touched on, with people in masks. We were joking, when we would walk off set, we had one way we could walk onto set and one way to walk off — COVID regulations. And so when we’d walk off set, he and I both felt like the stereotypical asshole actor. The sea would part…and you’re yelling from your little tape mark on your way to your trailer like, ‘Hey, how’s it going?

How’s quarantine, good to see ya. You got a new tattoo, blah, blah, blah.’ That was difficult, but we made the most of it. And like Jensen said, we didn’t really say goodbye to anybody. We said, ‘See you later’… I understand that it was goodbye to a lot of people, but I understand that I will see a lot of the other ones again. And now we’re all getting used to Zoom and FaceTime and we can at least see each other’s faces, albeit from afar. So just trying to keep our heads up about it.

Jensen: The one goodbye that I know Jared and I both had to deal with was the goodbye to the Winchester brothers, and that was felt.

Jensen: That was really heavy and you’ll see it reflected in the [final] episode — the emotion of it anyway — ’cause there are certainly parts of the final episode where the character and the human being playing that character, their emotions are very intertwined. Final day, no cell phone service there, so it wasn’t like a normal day. It kinda forced you to be present even tho you wanted to distract yourself. It forced us to really be there. And the final that’s a wrap, it didn’t happen immediately. Bob, who directed the finale, walked over to us and the other crew, and he kinda took his moment, like that’s a wrap. I get a little warm in my throat just talking about it.

Jared: I had my chance to cry my tears (over the last months). I’m glad I did because that last day, though it was bittersweet, it was more sweet than bitter ’cause I got the sadness out to some degree. I’m sure it will come again but selfishly, I was like, I can look around and smile. There were a lot of tears all over but Ackles and I were kind of looking at each other like, ‘Man.’ It was kind of like finishing the Seattle Marathon. We did it. Dude, we did it, you know? We put in the work… It wasn’t like hey I’m famous or have this many followers, it was like hey, I’ve been with you for 15 years, 15-1/2 years. I’ve seen you sweat. I’ve seen you bleed. I’ve seen you hurt. I’ve seen you going through stuff personally and put it aside for this show, for your character and I know I’ve done the same and it was bittersweet. But it was sweet, man. It was happy. It felt like I could do this again. Even after 15 seasons. Let’s call Peter Roth and Mark Pedowitz and see if they’ll have us for 15 more.


Jared Padalecki On SPN Finale

Jared on  the finale: Like any good series finale, it pays homage to the beginning, and so Jensen and I worked in a few [Easter eggs] — the writers did that on their own — but he and I also worked in a few little homages to those out there who have been around since the get and who are familiar with the canon and lore and history of ”Supernatural” so there are a few little Easter eggs in here.

Jensen: I’m excited, especially the one at the end. Those who know will pick up on it. Those who don’t will just think it’s normal and that was all Jared. He said, ‘Hey, I got an idea,’ and I was like, ‘Oh of course we’re doing that.’ The final episode, there are some Easter eggs that are laid in there for the hardcore fans for sure. It’s also… I’ll say this, it’s really nice seeing the brothers doing what they’re so good at.

Jared: For longtime fans, keep an eye out. There are a lot of homages. We end the way we began, to some degree.

(Fandom has guesses about that one already, but again, I’m keeping it to myself!)

Suffice it to say, all these interviews made us all beyond excited for the show’s return!

Sexy man yelling into Jenesen Ackles ear on Supernatural 2020

“Walker” Talk With Jared

Jared said he’s looking forward to working with wife Gen on the new show “Walker,” which films in Austin, and to being a part of his kids’ Zoom classes.

Jared: I did not want to work after Supernatural. I was done, man… I will take phone calls but did not want to seek work and this storyline came up and the cast of characters starting to get built, and I was like, ‘Oh man, I will jump in the pool if you will have me.’ So to be in it and producing it and creating it has been really special. It has been new ground. I feel really special and my love for my new project, I want to stress, is not in any way to detract from my love and gratitude on what we all just finished together.

Jensen On “The Boys”

Jensen is also looking forward to being part of “Supernatural” creator Eric Kripke’s new show, “The Boys.”

Jensen: I’ve been a fan since I saw the first episode. When I was talking to Kripke over quarantine break, I mentioned, ‘Hey, somebody is going to be out of work pretty soon. What is happening over there in your world?’ That kind of started a conversation and he called me the next day and was like, ‘Look, there is a role coming up in season 3 that I could see you throwing your hat in the ring for,’ and I was like, ‘okay.’ I want to stress this was not him calling me being like, ‘I got this for you. Come on over.’ They were already out to some heavy hitters and guys I was like, ‘I can’t compete with that,’ so I had to fight for it and I’m glad I did.

He said he was excited to go visit somebody else’s house for a change.

Jensen: I will of course miss the one we built for 15 years. There’s still familiar faces there so I won’t be completely a fish out of water. I’m excited to put on a superhero outfit too. That is kickass! I have to be in L.A. for the next couple of months because it takes that long to build it so every two weeks, you have to go in for a fitting and it builds. These things are works of art, so I am excited for that. It will be cool. Finally something my 3-year-old son can be really proud of — a flannel shirt and some boots are not the coolest thing to a 3-year-old but a guy with a mask and a shield…”

Jared: And a 12 pack of superhero costume abs…

Jensen: (mock affronted) Those are real, Jared, those are real…

Jared and Jensen LA Times Interview

Jared and Jensen also spoke to the LA Times about what it was like to film those last two episodes.

Jensen: Between action and cut, it was business as usual. You’re with your director and your cameramen and women and your cinematographer and with your fellow actors and actresses. And you’re like “Got it. This is comfortable. This is like a warm blanket.”

The pandemic made substantial changes to filming, though.

Jensen: I know that Jared and I, we take our cues from the reactions that we get from our crew members, which is essentially our audience. Our audience is the two-dozen people that are onstage with us. The guy holding the mike, the guy behind the camera, the one pulling the focus. We know that if we can make them laugh or make them cry or get some kind of emotion out of them, we’re doing something. And that got taken away. So that was interesting. We just have to rely on our instincts and on each other to tell each other, “You hit it, you nailed it, you got it.”

Still, there were things that were hard.

Jensen: I miss shaking hands. I know that sounds weird. I just miss giving someone a bro hug. I know that sounds trivial, but that contact is an important part of what we do on a daily basis in terms of the tone that we set on our set.

The interviewer asked them about Sam and Dean and why they keep so damn many secrets from each other. Their answers made it crystal clear just how well they know these characters, having inhabited them for fifteen years.

Jared: In general, I think when people keep secrets, they think they’re doing the other person a favor. I think it’s almost altruistic to keep secrets here and there. I think Sam and Dean, for the most part, kept secrets to protect each other, not to hurt each other.

Jensen: If Dean is struggling with something, he doesn’t want to tell Sam because he doesn’t want Sam to have to struggle with it either. He’d rather struggle with it by himself and not burden his brother with whatever it is he’s burdened with, and I think there was a lot of that that played throughout the show. I believe this plays out in society as well. I mean, I don’t want to burden other people with my s—. As far as things he and I personally know about each other: There’s a ton I know about him that people don’t know. But there’s a reason why we’re good friends and it’s because I’m able to keep those secrets.

Jared: (deadpan) It’s altruism. I don’t need to tell people that Jensen cried at “Finding Nemo.” I just don’t need to tell them that.

They also expressed their gratitude to the fandom, which they also do in their chapters in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done, which you can get here as a great holiday gift or stocking stuffer!

Jared: Behind the scenes, we refer to our fandom as “The #SPNFamily,” as they have become a family of their own. They’ve spent countless hours spreading the word about the show and showering us with the love and support that we certainly needed and felt during rough times. Being on the opposite side of that, I’ve realized just how much good people can accomplish together. A lot of them have made best friends, visited various cities, and raised an incredible amount of money and goodwill for assorted charities. It’s been an honor to be a part of it.

Jensen: The fandom that this show found, or that found this show, really have become an integral part of the success of this show. They are part of the fabric of what has kept this show alive and running as hard and as fast for 15 years that it has. They are also well-connected, which is really rare for a show that started 15 years ago.

Ultimately, both Ackles and Padalecki sound happy about the final scene.

Jared: Let’s just say, our last scene — we don’t know if they’re alive or dead — but the last scene that I filmed as Sam Winchester, both as Sam and as Jared, I could not be more happy.

Jensen: I feel like this was the version that needed to happen — that needed to exist. There could’ve been other ways of maybe getting to there, but I think the finality of this is right.

Andrew Dabb – SyFyWire Interview

SyfyWire spoke to showrunner Andrew Dabb about Castiel’s journey and where he ends up in the final episodes.

Dabb: Castiel has been on a journey of his own. If you look at the character that he was in Season 4 and the character he is now… Sam and Dean have changed a lot. Castiel has changed just as much or arguably more. He’s gone from this very naïve alien character he was, when he crash-landed from Heaven, to the person he is now. He’s a much more vulnerable, very human angel. As we are telling his story, it’s about continuing that. Cas has had a very long evolution on this show, but an evolution to an emotionally healthy place, which is generally speaking not something we do a ton. It means someone is at least emotionally healthy on this show.

Dabb also emphasized that the last episode is truly an ending.

Dabb: What that means is that it’s not something where an hour or so is over and the last shot will be Dean turning toward the camera and winking. It’s not something where we’ll be back in a year and a half for a movie. This is the end of these characters’ journey.

(I admit this particular quote did not make me happy. If there’s not a movie or a limited run release, which Jared and Jensen have both talked about and which is mentioned in their chapters, I will be one very unhappy camper for a very long time.)

Jared and Jensen Chelsey Davis Interview

Chelsey Davis also spoke to Jared and Jensen and asked them how they were feeling, having just wrapped the series.

Jensen: It’s heavy. I still feel like the bell has just rung and they’ve just yelled ‘that’s a wrap’ and we’re walking offstage. It’s been a week now, but it still hasn’t set in. Jared said it, I don’t think it will hit us until we walk onto the set of another show. But that’s fine, because we’ll just call each other on the phone and we’ll be like, ‘What’s your new show like?’ ‘Well, what’s your new show like?’

(Somehow I think this is definitely going to happen).

Jared: Yeah, to echo that, it still feels very present, like oh I have a couple days off then I’ll have to fly to Vancouver, where’s my script? I think as soon as we realize we’re not Sam and Dean anymore, and there’s a different camera man, and a different prop person….then I’ll have a few tears, then shoot Ackles a text and get back to work, I suppose.

Jared and Jensen then essentially had a zoom chat that we got to listen in on.

Jensen: Jared, did we drive up together to Vancouver for Season 1?

Jared: Yeah, we car pooled, we had walkie talkies.

Jensen: Because IPhones didn’t exist.

Jared: I was like, Ackles, slow down…

Jensen: Well funny enough, he and I just drove together all of our stuff back across the border. So, we drove up together for Season 1 and we just drove away together for Season 15.

A full circle moment.

Both Jared and Jensen talk about what they’re proud of about “Supernatural” and what they think its legacy and Sam and Dean’s legacy will be in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done. They added to that here.

Jared Padalecki Jensen Ackles on Chelsea Davis interview

Jared: I’m proud of being a part of something – it was never about me, it was about us and the larger us. It brings me pride and happiness to have been helping to helm that, but the fact that so many people got involved, to make this show a success and to last so long. I was proud to sacrifice every day.

Jensen: The show’s legacy….they started to care about these brothers and wanted to know more about their story or the inspiration to keep fighting no matter what the odds. The inspiration we were able to give people who watch the show manifested itself into giving us inspiration back, to keep doing what we were doing for the fifteen years. I hope the legacy is there that the fans had with this story and this show and these characters, I think is something that is truly unique to what we had with “Supernatural.”

(Damn right.)

Andrew Dabb Entertainment Weekly

Andrew Dabb teased the last semi standalone episode to Entertainment Weekly.

Dabb: We see the case that kind of brought them together as hunters — the first case young Sam and young Dean worked together to a conclusion.

He also said the episodes after that focus on the mythology of the show and the need to say goodbye.

Jared: The writers were aware that it’s the end of an era, it’s the end of 15 years, and so it’s not like all of a sudden the series finale is, like, ‘Oh, we better wrap this up.’ It’s a slower build, and it treats the history of the show properly.

(NGL that makes me even more excited for the finale – but I’m still not ready for it).

Meanwhile, Eric Kripke was busy talking about how excited he is to welcome Jensen to “The Boys.”

Kripke: Anyone tuning in to see Dean Winchester is not going to get Dean Winchester. Jensen is an amazing actor and an even better person and obviously we’re very close and I think I have as good an idea as anybody of what that guy can do. I’m constantly impressed because he can handle comedy, drama, action and romance. So he felt like the perfect choice for a guy, Soldier Boy, who’s really charismatic, who’s really been a fixture of American culture for decades. But of course, the show being the show, there’s darker stuff on the inside. And the other thing I think Jensen and I are excited about, beyond the ability for him to swear a lot, is presenting a different role for him. It’s a very different character and he has a lot of darkness in him but he’s also still charming and funny. I think people will be surprised and will love it.

“The Boys” also ran a promo that ended with Ackles as Soldier Boy – and an epic eye roll. I both dread “Supernatural” ending and can’t wait for Season 3 of “The Boys!” You can catch all of my Boys reviews and interviews here.

Misha Collins “Supernatural” Watch Party

“Supernatural” Season 15.5 premiered on October 8, and Misha Collins organized a zoom watch party that an incredible number of cast members joined. The first part was a get out the vote rally too, with “Supernatural” uber-fans Cory Booker, Andrew Yang and MJ Hegar joining in. Then the actors all sort of watched the West coast airing of the show, but mostly they all teased each other and smiled like people who missed each other a lot.

Misha Collins Supernatural zoom watch party wtih cory booker

Jensen and Danneel attended from the backseat of their Impala (which they also took for a Starbucks run the other day, waking their neighbors with Baby’s familiar rumble), and obligingly had an impromptu (mock) make-out session when Lauren Tom suggested it and Misha egged them on, Jared yelling “Gross” and Gen trying to stop him. It was chaotic, hilarious, and absolutely PERFECT.

I never managed to get off the zoom call and onto the Youtube broadcast, so I played silly zoom contest games with them all and generally smiled so much my face ached. It eased the feeling of sadness that the show is ending to be able to watch the episode with all of the people who made it the special thing it is.

(Richard Speight, Jr. never could get into the zoom, so he joined by cell phone thanks to Rob and Ruth!)

There will never be another cast like this, honestly.

Dazed and Confused table read with Jensen Ackles poster 2020

Jensen Ackles “Dazed and Confused” Zoom Table Read

A few days later, Jensen made some fanboy dreams come true (his own) by participating in a Zoom table read with the cast of Dazed and Confused, one of his favorite films. He looked so happy to be acting opposite Matthew McConaghey, wearing his The Boys shirt and looking hot as hell and generally kicking ass. Once again, the cast had a blast, and their joy was infectious.

Look how excited he was about this – awwwww.

He didn’t need to worry – he did an awesome job as Pickford!

Jensen Ackles Glamour Magazine Interview

Yesterday, as I frantically tried to FINALLY finish this article, there was an interview with Jensen Ackles in, of all places, Glamour Magazine. It’s so long, it’s had to be split into two articles, this article, I mean!

Jensen: I understand how rare it is and that it’s a bit of a unicorn to have a show that runs this long and to be as intensely part of it as I have. I mean, you’ve got procedural dramas—you know, “Law & Order” and stuff—but a lot of those casts come and go. To have the same two leads in every single episode for 15 years, I think, is a pretty rare feat. So I’m proud that we did it. That was really the overwhelming feeling when we filmed our last day and our last scene. It wasn’t a mourning process; it was more of a proud moment of “Look at what we’ve done.”

Jensen: Very early on, Jared and I learned how important not just the relationship between us was, but how important the chemistry of these brothers was and to have them portrayed so that people could identify with them. I identify with Dean. And I identify with Sam, too. There’s that solidarity between the two brothers. That’s what we kept the focus on. We’ve continued that for 15 seasons. Whenever we get a little bit wacky or off the charts, we get back to what these brothers would do and would do together.

Ackles also said he would “absolutely love to” direct an episode of “Walker,” if they can figure out scheduling with “The Boys.” And speaking of his new show, they’re in the midst of building his costume, which is a custom built superhero suit.

Jensen: That is way more intense than I anticipated, which is cool. But I have to literally be in L.A., like, every two weeks for the next three months. I think it’s six fittings and they’re each like three- to four-hour fittings. They’re literally molding things to my body, so it’s intense.

(That sounds….promising)

What was his playlist while he was getting body molded?

Jensen: Actually, funny enough, that was the first thing they asked me. Laura Jean Shannon, the costume designer, she says this is important because every superhero [she’s worked on] has a type of music. So she was like, “What would Soldier Boy listen to?” To be fair, the first time we see him, it’s World War II. So we’re talking the ’40s. So we listened to big band and swing the whole first day.

He also showed off his wrap gift from his wife, Danneel – a custom art print of the Impala. At first, I was honestly like WHAT? Because she’s sort of torn apart. But apparently, that’s this artist’s (Alessandro Paglia) signature style. I mean, it is definitely cool, I just prefer Baby in one piece!

Jensen Ackles with artwork of Baby impala by Alessandro Paglia

Changes For Final Episode

Ackles again talked a little about what had to change for the final episode.

Jensen: We had to drop some ideas we had for the final episode, but it didn’t change the story. We were supposed to have a lot of familiar faces come back, and we were going to try to filter them into a montage. It was going to be almost a break from the story and a look at how far we’ve come—a little tip of the hat to the fans—and we would all be able to celebrate together. Obviously, we couldn’t do that. So that part of the finale episode got nixed. But the story and how it ends up, that stayed the same.

(Fandom has long speculated that the last episode would be largely taken up by a montage of returning favorites, which had a mixed reception. I, for one, am sort of glad this got scaled back. I don’t want a 30-minute montage and then only 12 minutes to say goodbye to the main characters)

Ackles summed it up in a way that made me 100% certain that I’m going to be drowning in a puddle of my own tears come November 19.

Jensen: The series finale is this beautiful throwback to the whole show – to what it was, what it has been, and what it is today.

Jensen Ackles final interview smiling

My heart.

Sam Winchester to Cordell Walker

Today, we got a gorgeous post from Jared, about his #YouDefineYou campaign and also giving us an idea of how he’s doing with making the transition between Sam Winchester and Cordell Walker for “Walker.” It makes me inexplicably happy every time I see Jared or Jensen with their Impalas. This post has me still smiling an hour later.

Jared Padalecki shows off new Walker Texas Ranger reboot look with white Stetson

Gimme Shelter

And that brings us up to date with last Thursday’s latest episode of Gimme Shelter which will be posted soon. Phew! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine there would be THIS much “Supernatural” content in the span of a week and a half! (And I may have missed some, there was just SO much!)

Stay tuned for more coverage and for my episode review of “Supernatural” 15.15 Gimme Shelter – kick it in the ass, Matt Cohen!

‘Supernatural’ News: Final episodes get tons of coverage plus Super Fan honor

Our amazing Lynn should receive a huge MVP award from “Supernatural” as she has been a tireless champion of the show, writing a multitude of best-selling books about it. Plus, she’s written exhaustively long review recaps, making it feel like you’re watching the episode with her next to you on the couch sharing your popcorn.

Not many shows get fans that go to such lengths as going to all of their conventions and anything else related to the show. She has tirelessly helped to promote the show in every way possible, so we declare that “Supernatural” owes here the honor of SuperFan.

With “Supernatural” heading into its final episodes, there has been an avalanche of media coverage with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, and Andrew Dabb doing plenty of interviews. Every major write up and interview is covered in this two-part article. That’s how much coverage there was. Plus, we all know how Lynn gets into deep detail.

This is part 1 of a 2 part article. Part 2 is here.

The End Begins

When I said I was going to try to document everything “Supernatural” related in the weeks before the show returns to the air for the last time, I had no idea just what that would mean. I’ve watched this show since the beginning, and I remember wishing for more media coverage, trying to get people interested in the show, telling anyone who would listen that “Supernatural” was the best show ever.

Fifteen years later, the world has figured that out. That was never more obvious than in the couple of days leading up to the show’s return, when it seemed like every major outlet from Variety to TVGuide to CNN had an interview with Jared and Jensen and an article about the show, and every CW local outlet had their 10 minutes of questions with the boys. It was incredibly overwhelming trying to keep up with the constant onslaught of coverage, and I was constantly emotional – so proud of the little show that could which, now that it’s coming to an end, is recognized for how special it is and what it has created.

There were also bits of news every day, all of it exciting. Jensen Ackles and his wife Danneel struck a deal to form a production company under the Warner Bros. umbrella called Chaos Machine Productions. Not gonna lie, I’m keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that they’ll helm the next “Supernatural” project. Come on, Ackles, it’s a no brainer!

Jared Padalecki’s Haircut That Caused A Panic

Jared got a haircut, which left fandom in a collective panic about how short Walker’s hair was going to be.

Jared Padalecki haircut panic with SPN Fandom for Walker show 2020

Turned out to be a fruitless worry, because – in my humble opinion anyway – the new haircut is every bit as hot as the previous one! Fandom then turned its considerable attention to wondering what the new tattoo is that Jared’s sporting and what it might mean. Hmmm.

EOnline got in on his locks offering up a ‘Salute to Jared Padalecki’s “Supernatural” Hair.’

Jared started a new AKF campaign with Stands that included a plaid AKF charm and a stuffed AKF moose, which is seriously adorable. He did a facebook live about the campaign, which he hasn’t done in one million years and posted a gorgeous photo in the You Define You hoodie and with his new Walker haircut. Mmm.

Jared Padalecki tweet about moose you define you campaign

Jensen Ackles Buys A New Car

Jensen bought a new car, which does not do a damn thing for me but which he was clearly very excited about.

The company he bought it from was equally excited. And clearly “Supernatural” fans!

Jensen ackles buys hot bollinger b1 mega truck 2020
Jensen Ackles tweet to Bollinger B1 truck which he bought

Not gonna lie, I’m laughing at the Ackles family tooling around Austin in either their ’67 Impala (they took it to Starbucks the other day) or this new ‘beast’ of a car. Hopefully, they cut him a “Supernatural” deal as this truck costs $125K!

Misha Gets Naked For A Cause

Misha went naked to get out the vote, to fandom’s sincere appreciation, used his text line to help get the vote out, and made sure water and snacks were handed out to voters in Georgia standing in insanely long lines to vote, and generally kept on working to save the world. And look adorable doing it.

And that was just the tip of the iceberg – the last week and a half have been bursting with content. I’m very aware that we’ll never have this level of “Supernatural” news and photos and videos and collective excitement again, so I’m trying to savor every bit of it – and share it here so we can all remember just how amazing this time was to be a “Supernatural” fan.

Below are some of the interviews, videos, and articles that ran leading up to the return of the show. I  had no idea it would be this overwhelming to try to keep track of all of them! (Not like that’s a bad thing). I’ve included some excerpts and links to most of the media too. Phew!

Variety On Last Holiday and Naked Gun Episode

Variety ran multiple articles on “Supernatural” leading up to its return, including a preview of Episode 15.14, ominously titled Last Holiday, with some interesting quotes from Jared and Jensen. Having now seen it, what they said makes sense – that it gives us all a chance to laugh a little bit and see the boys allow someone to give them some breaks, and as an homage to the holidays that the boys had to miss and the bunker that’s become their home.

Jared: And how little Sam and Dean have asked for other things or gratitude. It’s a chance for the boys to enjoy this home that’s given them so much.

(That makes me think they might not have it much longer….especially since Mrs. Butters’ departure returned it to its partially warded state.)

Jensen: I think it’s probably one of those rare moments in the course of the show where we get to see the boys kick their shoes off, put their feet up and pat each other on the back and say, ‘Job well done’. But in true ‘“Supernatural”’ fashion, it doesn’t last for long and we’ve got to get back to work.

Fandom lost our minds over how GOOD the boys looked in their mostly single-layered glory, and about the glimpses of tattoos that we got. We’re so used to seeing Sam and Dean in three flannel-topped layers that all these tee shirts are a wonderful surprise. Anyway, back to the actual interview…

Every article that ran in the past week of course included how Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki felt filming the final episodes after so many months away.

Jared: Regardless of whether the final episodes were shot on their original schedule or not, the emotion that came with them aided in the work…I’m sure some of it is subjective, but there is a nice feeling, for the first time in ‘“Supernatural”’ [of finality]. We were able to treat it with the gravitas that it deserved — that it warranted. It was sort of like good acting by default because we could feel the finality [and] importance of it, so maybe just call ‘action’ and we were already in the right headspace.

I’ve heard about the text chain that Jensen, Jared and Richard Speight, Jr. have had that’s like the Naked Gun version of “Supernatural” for a while now – they finally broached the topic in this interview.

Jensen: We call it Naked “Supernatural.”

Jared: Not clothing, not clothing!

Jared Padalecki smiling staring at Jensen Ackles in tight t shirt
Jensen Ackles flexing tight shirt for Jared Padalecki

Jensen: Instead it’s like an episode where everything is any kind of horrible joke we could possibly fathom.

I know I’m not speaking just for myself when I say we would all pay good money to see that episode – and Jared agreed saying he, for one, would be interested in coming back to shoot that down the line.

New production company, anyone? First project? Full interview link below.

Second Variety Interview With Jared and Jensen

In a second Variety article, Jared and Jensen shared the emotional journey that this last season and the last episodes of “Supernatural” have been.

Jensen: When I showed up, it was our last day of filming at the studios and it was a big day, script-wise. And our third AD, Emma — we call her G.G., which is short for ‘garden gnome,’ because she’s little — she came up to me and was already in tears; she was like, ‘It’s our last day at the studio.’ And I just said, ‘Nope. No, no no, another day at the office, business as usual, don’t start that s—.’ That’s how I do the work.

I can vouch for the fact that Ackles has been saying this for the whole last season. I started asking him a year ago, when Season 15 began filming, how he was feeling and if it was hitting him yet. He shared his protective denial strategy and vowed to stay in it for a while – and he kept to his plan apparently! I tried to take a page out of his book and cultivate some protective denial too, though I confess it only worked sporadically for me.

Jensen said the same thing in the new CW promo spot – There were tears happening on set and there was emotion and I feel like I didn’t know how to process all the emotions so I just kept sweeping them under the rug, knowing that eventually I was gonna have to deal with it – and then Covid happened and I didn’t have to!

(For a while anyway!)

A few days after wrapping the show, Jared said he didn’t know if he’d unpacked what that final brother moment really means emotionally.

Jared: I’ve been avoiding really delving back into that mindset and what it means and what it meant… Like Jensen said, we had to treat that like another day at the office even though Jensen knew and Jared knew like hey, “Supernatural” is done come Thursday, we had to treat it like this may be the last minute of the Super Bowl but we’ve still got plays to make.

For me personally, I’d gone through a lot of emotions leading up to this, so I’d already cried a lot of tears and smiled and laughed and everything in between. So [in the last scenes] I’m sure Jared bled through at some times, but I tried to be as true to Sam between action and cut as I could possibly be, knowing it’s goodbye to these characters because the show is gonna be over…  I tried to keep all the emotions belonging to Sam and be the best vessel I could be to help tell his story.

Jensen: One thing you’ll see, for me, is the lines that separate the character from the actor get heavily blurred in Sam and Dean’s last scene together.

I’ve known I’ll be a wreck during the series finale, but reading this? It’s gonna be worse (and also better) than I thought. Stocking up on tissues!

Similar to what Jared and Jensen both have said in their chapters in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done, they both said they’ll take “Supernatural” into their future projects.

Jared: I’m gonna take Sam Winchester and the lessons I learned from “Supernatural” into everything I do. Proudly. And probably outside of jobs, just as what kind of human being I want to be.

Jensen: (nodding in agreement) Dean will be a part of everything I do. The last 15 years was not just going to work, it was an educational experience. I learned a lot about everything I do. Jared and I didn’t go to school for this, we learned on the job. I never anticipated being this educated in what we do and I think that will only help us in what we do moving forward. I’m thankful for that and for what I learned in this experience, and I will happily take that moving forward into whatever I do.

Jared: It was sorta like good acting by default, because we could feel the gravitas and the importance of it. When they called action, we were already kinda in the right headspace.

He also said they didn’t let COVID stop any brother moments, with the costars getting tested every three days and only interacting with each other and essential personal, including the director, cinematographer and their key makeup and hair artists.

Cheatsheet Talks With Andrew Dabb

In an interview with Cheatsheet.com, Andrew Dabb said that eventually those emotions did hit Jared and Jensen.

Dabb: I think they both took it really hard. There’s a scene in the last episode which I won’t spoil but you’ll know when you see it, that it really hit both of them really, really hard. You can see it on screen. These guys, they’re amazing actors, yes, but they’ve also inhabited these characters for so long that they feel real to them and to us. The problem is when something happens to them, even if it’s a good thing, even if it’s something triumphant, I think they just feel it a lot more than your average actor would being handed a script and everything like that.

I think you see that a lot in the final episode. I think you see it all over the place. I’m just really, really happy in how it came together and I have a huge amount of respect and awe for these guys and how they were able to help us tell that story, or not even help us. They told the story. It’s all them.

(We are so damn lucky!) You can continue to the next part of this “Supernatural” News article here.

Post Malone Sweeps Billboard Music Awards plus winners list

With eight of his winning trophies being delivered on a cart by host Kelly Clarkson, Post Malone knew he was the big winner from the beginning of the night. She did this pandemic style.

“Since I can’t touch you, I had to wheel it out,” she joked.

In what turned into a three-hour ceremony, the show was held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles with many artists performing in person without a live audience. Because the show was originally scheduled for April 2020, the delay made some of the winning songs feel rather dated, like Lil Nas X taking four awards home for his big hit single Old Town Road. (It might take a moment to bring that song back to your memory, I know.)

John Legend

Walking into the show with 16 nominations, the artist won nine honors at the 2020 Billboard Music Awards, where John Legend gave a heartfelt performance that was dedicated to his wife.

With his voice aching as he sang passionately from the piano, Legend told viewers “this is for Chrissy” before singing “Never Break,” which includes the lyrics “we will never break.” The performance comes two weeks after Chrissy Teigen announced she had a miscarriage, explaining in a heart wrenching social media post that she and Legend drove “home from the hospital with no baby.”

“John, that was so beautiful,” host Kelly Clarkson said following his performance. “All my love to you and Chrissy.”

It was one of several performances that were pre-taped for Wednesday’s show. Other musicians attended and performed at the empty Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles during the three-hour event, which aired on NBC.

After announcing that Malone won the show’s biggest honor, top artist, Clarkson wheeled out eight more trophies for the hitmaker.

Post Malone Speach

“I’m honestly blown away by the love everyone’s shown to me,” said Malone, who also won top rap artist, top male artist and top rap album. “It’s kind of big deal to me and everybody involved because we work our (butts) off.”

He beat out Eilish for the top prize, but she was still a winner, taking home top Billboard 200 album, top female artist and top new artist.

The 18-year-old, wearing a face mask, told viewers to “please vote, please wear a mask, please wash your hands.”


Others had similar messages. Khalid, who won five honors, told fans “your voice matters now more than ever.” And Lizzo wore a black dress with “vote” printed across it.

She also gave an encouraging speech, telling viewers to find their voices and don’t change to meet society standards.

“I just want to say I’ve been thinking a lot about suppression and the voices that refused to be suppressed. And I wonder, ‘Would I be standing here right now if it weren’t for the big Black women who refused to have their voices be suppressed?’ And I just want to say right now, if you’re at home watching this and you were thinking about changing yourself to feel worthy, this is your sign to remain true to who you are,” Lizzo said onstage after winning top songs sales artist.

“Let me tell you all something — when people try to suppress something, it’s normally because that thing holds power. They’re afraid of your power. There’s power in who you are. There’s power in your voice. So, whether it’s through music, protest or your right to vote, use your power, use your voice and refuse to be suppressed.”

Lil Nas X

Other winners included Lil Nas X, who took home four honors and was on-hand to accept top Hot 100 song for “Old Town Road,” which set the record for most weeks at No. 1. Kanye West, who released two gospel albums last year, also won four prizes: top gospel artist, top gospel song, top gospel album and top Christian album.

Luke Combs followed with three wins, and after his performance he offered positive words to his fans and the crew working on the Billboard Awards.

“I know that everybody has been through so much this year. I wanna thank the crew that is working on this show tonight because they have gone through some insane stuff to make this happen for you guys. I hope everybody is staying safe there at home,” he said.

Garth Brooks – Cher

Garth Brooks accepted the Icon Award from Cher, who called the country star “a true music legend and my friend.” Brooks, who is the only artist to have nine of his albums sell more than 10 million units each and reach diamond status, performed a medley of his hits.

Other performers included BTS, Alicia Keys, Kane Brown, Khalid, Swae Lee, Sia, Brandy, Bad Bunny, Doja Cat, SAINt JHN, En Vogue and Demi Lovato, who sang her new song aimed at President Donald Trump called “Commander In Chief.”

Clarkson kicked off the show singing Steve Winwood’s “Higher Love,” which became a dance hit last year after Whitney Houston’s cover of the song was remixed by Norwegian DJ-producer Kygo. Clarkson was joined by drummer Sheila E. and a cappella group Pentatonix for the performance of the song, which earned Houston a posthumous nomination for top dance/electronic song. Houston died in 2012.

Eddie Van Halen

Guitar rock legend Eddie Van Halen, who died last week, was honored as the show aired a clip of his Billboard Awards performance from 2015. And rapper-activist Killer Mike received the Change Maker Award.

This year’s Billboard Awards were originally supposed to take place in April but were postponed because of the pandemic. It’s the reason why some of the nominees in the 55 categories may feel dated.

For instance, all five nominees for the main song award were nominated for Grammys earlier this year in January. And nominees for top Billboard 200 album included Ariana Grande “Thank U, Next,” released in Oct. 2018, and Taylor Swift’s “Lover,” not her recent release “Folklore.” Some of the nominees were even big contenders at the 2019 MTV Video Music Awards — held more than year ago — including Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” and Lizzo’s “Truth Hurts.”

best billboard awards show moments kelly clarkson lizzo and cher

Complete 2020 Billboard Awards List:

Top Artist:

Billie Eilish
Jonas Brothers
WINNER: Post Malone

Taylor Swift 

Top New Artist:

WINNER: Billie Eilish

Lil Nas X
Roddy Ricch 

Billboard Chart Achievement Award (Fan Voted):

Mariah Carey
Luke Combs
Lil Nas X
WINNER: Harry Styles

Taylor Swift

Top Male Artist:

Lil Nas X
WINNER: Post Malone

Ed Sheeran 

Top Female Artist:

WINNER: Billie Eilish
Ariana Grande
Taylor Swift 

Top Duo/Group:

Dan + Shay
WINNER: Jonas Brothers

Maroon 5
Panic! At The Disco

Top Billboard 200 Artist:

Billie Eilish
WINNER: Post Malone

Taylor Swift 

Top Hot 100 Artist:

Billie Eilish
Lil Nas X
WINNER: Post Malone 

Top Streaming Songs Artist:

Billie Eilish
Lil Nas X
WINNER: Post Malone

Travis Scott 

Top Song Sales Artist:

Billie Eilish
Lil Nas X
Post Malone
Taylor Swift 

Top Radio Songs Artist:

WINNER: Jonas Brothers
Shawn Mendes
Post Malone 

Top Social Artist (Fan Voted):

Billie Eilish
Ariana Grande

Top Touring Artist:

Elton John

The Rolling Stones
Ed Sheeran 

Top R&B Artist:

Chris Brown
WINNER: Khalid
Summer Walker
The Weeknd 

Top R&B Male Artist:

Chris Brown
WINNER: Khalid
The Weeknd

Top R&B Female Artist:

WINNER: Summer Walker 

Top R&B Tour:

Janet Jackson
WINNER: Khalid 

Top Rap Artist:

Juice WRLD
Lil Nas X
WINNER: Post MaloneRoddy Ricch 

Top Rap Male Artist:

Lil Nas X
WINNER: Post Malone

Top Rap Female Artist:

City Girls
Megan Thee Stallion

Top Rap Tour:

WINNER: Post Malone

Travis Scott 

Top Country Artist:

Kane Brown
WINNER: Luke CombsDan + Shay
Maren Morris
Thomas Rhett 

Top Country Male Artist:

Kane Brown
WINNER: Luke CombsThomas Rhett

Top Country Female Artist:

WINNER: Maren Morris
Kacey Musgraves
Carrie Underwood 

Top Country Duo/Group:

WINNER: Dan + Shay
Florida Georgia Line
Old Dominion 

Top Country Tour:

Eric Church
Florida Georgia Line
WINNER: George Strait 

Top Rock Artist:

Imagine Dragons
WINNER: Panic! At The DiscoTame Impala
twenty one pilots 

Top Rock Tour:

WINNER: Elton John
The Rolling Stones 

Top Latin Artist:

Anuel AA
WINNER: Bad BunnyJ Balvin
Romeo Santos 

Top Dance/Electronic Artist:

WINNER: The ChainsmokersDJ Snake

Top Christian Artist:

WINNER: Lauren Daigle
Elevation Worship
For King & Country
Hillsong United
Kanye West 

Top Gospel Artist:

Kirk Franklin
Koryn Hawthorne
Tasha Cobbs Leonard
Sunday Service Choir
WINNER: Kanye West 


Top Billboard 200 Album:

WINNER: Billie Eilish “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?”
Ariana Grande “Thank U, Next”
Khalid “Free Spirit”
Post Malone “Hollywood’s Bleeding”
Taylor Swift “Lover” 

Top Soundtrack:

“Descendants 3”
WINNER: “Frozen II”“K-12” by Melanie Martinez
“The Dirt” by Mötley Crüe 

Top R&B Album:

Beyoncé “Homecoming: The Live Album”
Justin Bieber “Changes”
Chris Brown “Indigo”
WINNER: Khalid “Free Spirit”Summer Walker “Over It” 

Top Rap Album:

DaBaby “Kirk”
Juice WRLD “Death Race For Love”
WINNER: Post Malone “Hollywood’s Bleeding”Roddy Ricch “Please Excuse Me for Being Antisocial”
Young Thug “So Much Fun” 

Top Country Album:

Kane Brown “Experiment”
WINNER: Luke Combs “What You See Is What You Get”Maren Morris “Girl”
Thomas Rhett “Center Point Road”
Morgan Wallen “If I Know Me” 

Top Rock Album:

The Lumineers “III”
Slipknot “We Are Not Your Kind”
Tame Impala “The Slow Rush”
WINNER: Tool “Fear Inoculum”Vampire Weekend “Father of the Bride” 

Top Latin Album:

WINNER: J Balvin & Bad Bunny “Oasis”
Farruko “Gangalee”
Maluma “11:11”
Romeo Santos “Utopía”
Sech “Sueños” 

Top Dance/Electronic Album:

Avicii “Tim”
The Chainsmokers “World War Joy”
Illenium “Ascend”
WINNER: Marshmello “Marshmello: Fortnite Extended Set”Alan Walker “Different World” 

Top Christian Album:

Bethel Music “Victory: Recorded Live”
Casting Crowns “Only Jesus”
Hillsong United “People”
Skillet “Victorious”
WINNER: Kanye West “Jesus is King”

Top Gospel Album

Kirk Franklin “Long Live Love”
Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers “Goshen”
William McDowell “The Cry: A Live Worship Experience”
Sunday Service Choir “Jesus Is Born”
WINNER: Kanye West “Jesus is King” 


Top Hot 100 Song:

Lewis Capaldi “Someone You Loved”
Billie Eilish “bad guy”
WINNER: Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus “Old Town Road”Lizzo “Truth Hurts”
Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello “Señorita” 

Top Streaming Song:

Chris Brown ft. Drake “No Guidance”
Billie Eilish “bad guy”
WINNER: Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus “Old Town Road”Lil Tecca “Ran$om”
Post Malone & Swae Lee “Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)” 

Top Selling Song:

Lewis Capaldi “Someone You Loved”
Billie Eilish “bad guy”
WINNER: Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus “Old Town Road”Lizzo “Truth Hurts”
Blake Shelton “God’s Country” 

Top Radio Song:

Lewis Capaldi “Someone You Loved”
WINNER: Jonas Brothers “Sucker”Khalid “Talk”
Lizzo “Truth Hurts”
Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber “I Don’t Care” 

Top Collaboration (Fan Voted):

Chris Brown ft. Drake “No Guidance”
Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus “Old Town Road”
WINNER: Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello “Señorita”Post Malone & Swae Lee “Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)”
Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber “I Don’t Care”

Top R&B Song:

Chris Brown ft. Drake “No Guidance”
Doja Cat & Tyga “Juicy”
WINNER: Khalid “Talk”Lizzo “Good As Hell”
The Weeknd “Heartless” 

Top Rap Song:

WINNER: Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus “Old Town Road”
Lil Tecca “Ran$om”
Lizzo “Truth Hurts”
Post Malone & Swae Lee “Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)”
Post Malone “Wow.” 

Top Country Song:

WINNER: Dan + Shay with Justin Bieber “10,000 Hours”
Maren Morris “The Bones”
Old Dominion “One Man Band”
Blake Shelton “God’s Country”
Morgan Wallen “Whiskey Glasses” 

Top Rock Song:

Imagine Dragons “Bad Liar”
Machine Gun Kelly x Yungblud x Travis Barker “I Think I’m Okay”
WINNER: Panic! At The Disco “Hey Look Ma, I Made It”Twenty One Pilots “Chlorine”
Twenty One Pilots “The Hype” 

Top Latin Song:

Anuel AA, Daddy Yankee, Karol G, Ozuna & J Balvin “China”
Bad Bunny & Tainy “Callaita”
WINNER: Daddy Yankee ft. Snow “Con Calma”Jhay Cortez, J Balvin, & Bad Bunny “No Me Conoce”
Sech ft. Darell, Nicky Jam, Ozuna, Anuel AA “Otro Trago”

Top Dance/Electronic Song:

Black Eyed Peas x J Balvin “Ritmo (Bad Boys For Life)”
WINNER: Ellie Goulding x Diplo ft. Swae Lee “Close To Me”Illenium & Jon Bellion “Good Things Fall Apart”
Kygo x Whitney Houston “Higher Love”
Marshmello ft. Chvrches “Here With Me” 

Top Christian Song:

Bethel Music, Jonathan David Helser & Melissa Helser “Raise A Hallelujah”
Casting Crowns ft. Matthew West “Nobody”
Lauren Daigle “Rescue”
WINNER: For King & Country “God Only Knows”
Kanye West “Follow God”

Top Gospel Song:

Kirk Franklin “Love Theory”
Kanye West “Closed on Sunday”
WINNER: Kanye West “Follow God”Kanye West “On God”
Kanye West “Selah”

4 Of The Best Scenes So Far From Daniel Craig’s 007

While it’s true that most fans have their favourite Bond movie, the production values of the franchise have been progressively getting better since the 60s. Every one of the twenty-five movies leaves audiences in awe and wondering what more James Bond has in store.

Daniel Craig impressively debuted as 007 when he was cast in “Casino Royale,” which premiered in 2006. His alpha masculinity and charisma gained him undying attention from worldwide audiences. His ability to play a character who can remain emotionally calm and in control when on the verge of facing death depicts a true Bond.

Just like other Bonds before him, this 007 has gone through a number of Bond girls, gadgets, weapons, and fast cars. One of the best cars featured in James Bond films that Daniel Craig’s Bond got to drive was the Aston Martin DBS V12 in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. However, car chases and stunts are not only the best moments that you’ll find in a Bond film.

With the latest title in the franchise, “No Time To Die,” set to be released in April 2021 and being the last time fans will see Craig in the role, there’s sure to be some great scenes packed in. Ahead of the movie’s release, here are just some of the best moments that audiences have witnessed with Daniel Craig as Bond, James Bond, so far.

daniel craig casino royale movie scene 2015

The last poker hand (“Casino Royale,” 2006)

While many fans these days enjoy playing casino games on their mobile device, James Bond takes a more old-school approach and regularly frequents glamorous gaming establishments around the world in person. This is usually of course in order to get closer to his targets, and he often seems to have luck on his side against sometimes incredible odds. Bond is also exceptionally skilled at poker in the film franchise, able to read his opponents while maintaining an incredible poker face himself.

However, in the “Casino Royale” tournament, you might have thought otherwise. Throughout this casino tournament night, Bond seems down on his luck to say the least; losing at the card table, battling bad guys, and fighting for his life after being poisoned.

When he wrongly calls out Le Chiffre’s bluff, it all looks to be over for Bond. At the final point of the game, Bond calmly sits at the poker table, about to challenge three other players, Le Chiffre, his archrival included, in a game with no more buy-ins and million-dollar big blind. He has the guts to go all-in with forty million. With his bad luck throughout the game, who would have thought Bond would have the winning hand?

daniel craig 007 spectre blowing up walking tops of buildings

Blowing up the block (“Spectre,” 2015)

One of the best opening sequences for Daniel Craig’s Bond is in Mexico City on the Day of the Dead. 007 walks through a crowd in costume before heading up to a hotel room. Here, he changes into his smart tailored suit and heads out of the window.

The scene is praised by many as Bond casually walks along the roofs of buildings with the parade going on beneath him. While eavesdropping for some private intel in a building opposite him, the building unexpectedly collapses and also causes the collapse of the opposite block where Daniel Craig is sitting.

How he manages to slide off the collapsing wall and eventually land on a sofa will always leave us in amazement. He later sarcastically says he was on an overdue holiday when being questioned on his Mexico City motives by M, Head of MI6.

daniel craig spectre helicopter fight images

Helicopter fight (“Spectre,” 2015)

Daniel Craig alias James Bond has exceptional skills at almost everything. He never ceases to amaze us on how he fights in the worst of situations.

Following on from the building collapse at the start of “Spectre,” Bond ends up having a fight sequence in a helicopter no less. While the Day of the Dead parade carries on underneath them, Bond is tied with an enemy in a fight to the death while up in the air in a helicopter. The helicopter spins uncontrollably and Bond is somehow managing to stay in it.

When Bond finally defeats the villain and takes control of the helicopter, it is the sharp pull up stunt away from the crowd below at the last minute that is very impressive.

daniel craig skyfall silva escapes scene

Silva’s escape (“Skyfall,” 2012)

It’s no James Bond film unless a villain escapes from 007’s reach yet again. Soon after Silva is captured and held at MI6, he escapes and ends up in an Underground station in the middle of London. In his chase to catch up with Silva, Bond runs through crowds and slides down escalators.

One of the best and most memorable moments from “Skyfall” is when Bond needs directions from Q as to whether to get on the departing train or not. At the last minute, Q tells him to get on the train because Silva is on it, just as it’s leaving the platform. Audiences then get to see 007 jump on the back of an Underground train just in time.

At the end of the chase, just as Bond gets close to Silva, Silva blows up a train tunnel where an oncoming train is on its way. First Bond had to jump onto a moving train and now he has to jump out of the way of one!

From car crashes to helicopter scenes, Daniel Craig’s Bond has been through a lot. So, what will he come up against in the next film installment? Only time will tell. Due in cinemas this April 2021, 007 fans will have to wait for their next action movie fix by rewatching the new “No Time To Die” trailer until then.

Most Popular Casino Action Scenes in Hollywood Movies

Be it the opening scene or the climax of the plot, movie scenes set in casinos are always action-fueled. Modern cinematography greatly appreciates the power of using gambling halls as settings – they boost thrills and add a touch of adrenaline like your life depended on it.

We made a list of the most popular casino action scenes you can find in popular Hollywood movies. Movie buffs will surely recognize some of them, but there’s a chance you’ll see a few you are not familiar with. Who knows, you might even find a movie recommendation for your next movie night!

casino royale james bond poker images daniel craig

“Casino Royale”

“Casino Royale” must be the most famous James Bond movie ever made. In the twenty-first film in the series, Daniel Craig faces off with Mads Mikkelsen, whom you might remember as the actor who brought Hannibal Lecter to life.

This intense scene features a cocktail of bluffing, tactical distractions, and a cardiac arrest – right along with €115 million prize pot. Saying that this the stakes were high would be a euphemism!

Faint-hearted viewers are advised to steer clear of this movie as the situation slowly escalates, reaching the peak as one of the most action-fueled scenes in Hollywood movies. Given how Craig will no longer play James Bond and the debate over who is going to replace him is raging, it would be a great idea to revisit one of the best Bond movies that Craig ever made.

robert de niro joe pesci goodfellas best crime movies


Movies depicting the mob life have been popular since the ‘70s. “The Godfather” franchise dictated the path for films with mobsters and to this day remains a fan-favourite. However, “Goodfellas” is more than just a mob movie – it’s a masterpiece in the true crime genre that depicts the life of Henry Hill.

The touch of realism that is woven into the fabric of this movie adds both thrill and fear to every single scene. The casino game scene is a prime example. It’s where you see what happens when you upset Tommy DeVito! DeVito, played by Joe Pesci, loses his temper while playing cards with friends. The situation escalates and results in a messy gunshot wound that could have been avoided were it just for one drink. This scene made the movie a classic.

the hangover best movies ever for casino images

“The Hangover”

Among the movies on this list, “The Hangover” is the only comedy. It came out over a decade ago, and it still remains the most successful out of the trilogy. The movie was supposed to be a story of a bachelor’s party in Las Vegas, but instead, the party went off the rails. The characters, after they wake up from the craziest night of their lives, are left to piece in the puzzle and decipher what happened with their friend Doug – who’s also the groom.

One of the best moments in the entire film was the casino scene where Alan, the seemingly odd member of the group plays Blackjack. Akin to live blackjack online players, Alan plays like a pro – and he even became a popular meme when the movie came out. The grey suit he was wearing was a tribute to “Rain Man,” another movie on our list.


matt damon rounders movie images

It seems that Matt Damon is a big fan of movies with intense scenes, as he made so many of them in the past. “Rounders” is one of them – a film that follows Michael McDermott and his struggles to raise money to pay off his friend’s debt. The movie culminates in a now-iconic scene where McDermott plays Texas Hold’em with Teddy “KGB”.

John Malkovich who plays Teddy did a fantastic job with his character – Teddy slowly becomes unhinged over the course of their rounds. The session lasts for several hours, and McDermott is manipulating him into thinking he has nothing. In the end, the scene ends with a show-stopping moment of revelation of cards, right before they placed all their money on the table. Oh, boy!

tom cruise holding dustin hoffmans hand in rain man 2020

“Rain Man”

The 1980s were a great decade for filmmaking, and “Rain Man” is perhaps one of the best movies from that era. This film tells the story of Ray, an autistic savant, and his brother Charlie. After hearing his father had passed away, Charlie (Tom Cruise) travels to Ohio to claim his multi-million inheritance. However, he quickly learns that the money went to Raymond, his brother – whom Charlie knew nothing about.

Together, they visit various places, including a casino where Raymond displays his incredible mathematical prowess. The scene at the Blackjack table shows us why “Rain Man” is one of the best portrayals of autism on the big screen, all thanks to Hoffman’s brilliant portrayal of Raymond. Their adventure brings them a lot of money – as well as fame in the casino.

Microsoft takes over to disable Trickbot before 2020 elections


While America’s government hasn’t been paying as much attention to our election security, Microsoft has jumped in to save the 2020 Presidential election as they announced legal action Monday wanting to disrupt a major cybercrime digital network that has taken over more than 1 million zombie computers to empty bank accounts and put ransomware on millions more unsuspecting computer systems. Experts have long considered this a major threat to the election.

Bringing Back Gold Standard

Microsoft shocked many back in 2018 when they retired their gold standard Microsoft Security Intelligence Report which provided a yearly overview of major events and trends in cyber-security and threats. They brought it back two weeks just in time to take action and make voters aware of vulnerabilities in America’s election system. Email phishing in the enterprise sector continues to grow as hackers main way in. The Top 5 most spoofed known brands include Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, UPS, and Zoom. If you get an e-mail from one of these companies, look at the actual return e-mail before opening it.

In 2019, Microsoft was able to block over 13 billion malicious and suspicious e-mails with more than 1 billion of those containing URLS set up solely for the purpose of launching a widescale phishing attack.


The operation to knock offline command-and-control servers for a global botnet that uses an infrastructure known as Trickbot to infect computers with malware was initiated with an order that Microsoft obtained in Virginia federal court on Oct. 6. Microsoft argued that the crime network is abusing its trademark.

“It is very hard to tell how effective it will be but we are confident it will have a very long-lasting effect,” said Jean-Ian Boutin, head of threat research at ESET, one of several cybersecurity firms that partnered with Microsoft to map the command-and-control servers. “We’re sure that they are going to notice and it will be hard for them to get back to the state that the botnet was in.”

Cybersecurity experts said that Microsoft’s use of a U.S. court order to persuade internet providers to take down the botnet servers is laudable. But they add that it’s not apt to be successful because too many won’t comply and because Trickbot’s operators have a decentralized fall-back system and employ encrypted routing.

Paul Vixie of Farsight Security said via email “experience tells me it won’t scale — there are too many IP’s behind uncooperative national borders.” And the cybersecurity firm Intel 471 reported no significant hit on Trickbot operations Monday and predicted ”little medium- to long-term impact” in a report shared with The Associated Press.

But ransomware expert Brett Callow of the cybersecurity firm Emsisoft said that a temporary Trickbot disruption could, at least during the election, limit attacks and prevent the activation of ransomware on systems already infected.

Cyber Command Attempt

The announcement follows a Washington Post report Friday of a major — but ultimately unsuccessful — effort by the U.S. military’s Cyber Command to dismantle Trickbot beginning last month with direct attacks rather than asking providers to deny hosting to domains used by command-and-control servers.

A U.S. policy called “persistent engagement” authorizes U.S. cyberwarriors to engage hostile hackers in cyberspace and disrupt their operations with code, something Cybercom did against Russian misinformation jockeys during U.S. midterm elections in 2018.

how trickbot enterprise worked

Trickbot Created In 2016

Created in 2016 and used by a loose consortium of Russian-speaking cybercriminals, Trickbot is a digital superstructure for sowing malware in the computers of unwitting individuals and websites. In recent months, its operators have been increasingly renting it out to other criminals who have used it to sow ransomware, which encrypts data on target networks, crippling them until the victims pay up.

One of the biggest reported victims of a ransomware variety sowed by Trickbot called Ryuk was the hospital chain Universal Health Services, which said all 250 of its U.S. facilities were hobbled in an attack last month that forced doctors and nurses to resort to paper and pencil.

Major Threat

U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials list ransomware as a major threat to the Nov. 3 presidential election. They fear an attack could freeze up state or local voter registration systems, disrupting voting, or knock out result-reporting websites.

While cybersecurity experts say the operators of Trickbot and affiliated digital crime syndicates are Russian speakers mostly based in eastern Europe, they caution that they are motivated by profit, not politics. They do, however, operate with impunity with no Kremlin interference as long as their targets are abroad.


“In today’s world, Trickbot is a type of a plague,” said Alex Holden, founder of Milwaukee-based Hold Security, which tracks its activity closely on the dark web, “and a government that ignores a global plague is more than complacent.”

Trickbot is “malware-as-a-service,” its modular architecture lets it be used as a delivery mechanism for a wide array of criminal activity. It began mostly as a so-called banking Trojan that attempts to steal credentials from online bank account so criminals can fraudulently transfer cash.

But recently, researchers have noted a rise in Trickbot’s use in ransomware attacks targeting everything from municipal and state governments to school districts and hospitals. Ryuk and another type of ransomware called Conti — also distributed via Trickbot — dominated attacks on the U.S. public sector in September, said Callow of Emsisoft.

Holden said the reported Cybercom disruption — involving efforts to confuse its configuration through code injections — succeeded in temporarily breaking down communications between command-and-control servers and most of the bots.

“But that’s hardly a decisive victory,” he said, adding that the botnet rebounded with new victims and ransomware.

The disruption that hit in two waves began Sept. 22.

microsoft digital crimes unit fighting cybercrime ransomeware for 2020 elections

How Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit Works

The Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) is leading the fight against cybercrime to protect customers and promote trust in Microsoft. We fight cybercrime globally through the innovative application of technology, forensics, civil actions, criminal referrals, and public/private partnerships while protecting the security and privacy of our customers.

The Digital Crimes Unit is an international team of attorneys, investigators, data scientists, engineers, analysts, and business professionals located in 20 countries.

DCU uses advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to identify, investigate, disrupt, and dismantle sophisticated online criminal networks.

Cybercrime is borderless and impacts victims across the globe. Law enforcement’s authority can be constrained by jurisdiction and the limitations of legal processes used to request information beyond national borders. Fighting cybercrime requires strong international public and private partnerships.

We partner with local and global law enforcement, security firms, researchers, NGOs, and customers. Through our partnerships we can act faster to stop harm to customers and develop evidence that law enforcement can use to drive arrests and convictions.

Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit Focues On These Areas:

Cloud Crime and Malware In partnership with threat intelligence and security experts across Microsoft, the DCU applies unique legal and technical solutions to identify, investigate, and disrupt malware-facilitated cybercrime and nation-state sponsored activity.

  • Since 2010, the DCU has collaborated with law enforcement and other partners on 22 malware disruptions, resulting in over 500 million devices rescued from cybercriminals.
  • The DCU’s malware disruption operations are powered by Azure, providing unrivaled computing power.
  • Traffic from victim devices that once communicated to criminal servers is safely rerouted to Microsoft’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Program (CTIP). Victim devices are cleaned through antivirus programs such as Windows Defender Antivirus or intelligence is shared with Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) around the world to notify victims and assist with removal of the malware.


  • In 2016, the DCU used a civil action to disrupt a nation-state actor called Strontium, or Fancy Bear, that had leveraged Microsoft-like domains for spear phishing attacks, enabling the criminals to install a remote access kit that could be used to exfiltrate sensitive data.
  • The DCU obtained a court order to re-direct the Microsoft-like domains leveraged by Strontium to a sink-hole. We were able to protect potential victims from losing their data to cybercriminals.
  • We were also able to stop continuing spear-phishing attacks by Strontium by seeking appointment of a Special Master to expedite additional motions as new domains were registered by Strontium, with a response from the court in 24 hours or less.

Global Strategic Enforcement

The DCU’s Global Strategic Enforcement Team (GSET) identifies, investigates, and takes enforcement against sophisticated global online criminal networks who specialize in business email compromise (BEC), stealing credentials, and online fraud.

  • 90% of intrusions begin with an email. BEC is a growing threat to our customers and online commerce. The DCU is investing heavily in its enforcement program to identify, investigate, and disrupt BEC attacks while supporting the prosecution of responsible cybercriminals.
  • Numerous schemes are designed to improperly access and misuse customer account credentials. Cybercriminals frequently seek to compromise accounts to fraudulently transact business or facilitate further cybercrime.
  • GSET tackles online fraud to protect our customers and services. Cybercriminals frequently seek to fraudulently gain access to Microsoft programs that are intended to benefit students, underserved communities, and aspiring entrepreneurs. Online fraud schemes not only hurt Microsoft but also people and communities in most need of support.
how cybercriminals fake ceo accounts to get access

Tech Support Fraud

The DCU leverages data analytics and machine learning to investigate criminal networks engaged in tech support fraud. We take legal action and refer cases to law enforcement and apply what is learned to strengthen our products and services and educate consumers on how to stay safe online.

  • According to a 2018 Microsoft global online survey (https://aka.ms/TechSupportScamResearch), 3 out of 5 people globally have experienced a tech support scam.
  • Scammers attempt to convince victims to provide remote access to their devices by impersonating a wide range of reputable technology companies, such as Apple, Google and Microsoft. Victims spend hundreds of dollars on these phony tech support services.
  • Leveraging complaints received directly from consumers and pop-up advertisements scraped and classified through machine learning tools, Microsoft investigates criminal networks behind this global scam. We refer cases to law enforcement and take legal actions ourselves to protect our customers.
  • Microsoft helps to educate consumers on how to stay safe online on the Windows Security Support site (https://www.microsoft.com/safety) and through partnerships with trusted organizations.

Online Child Exploitation

Microsoft equips technology companies and others with PhotoDNA to help detect, disrupt, and report the distribution of child sexual abuse images and videos.

  • In 2009, Microsoft partnered with Dartmouth college to develop the hash matching technology known as PhotoDNA. This hashing and matching process makes it possible to effectively detect and disrupt illegal images of child sexual exploitation from the hundreds to billions of images that may be uploaded to an application or online platform daily. Over 150 organizations across the globe are using PhotoDNA today.
  • PhotoDNA technology resulted in more than 10 million CyberTips to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) in 2017 alone.
  • Microsoft continues to innovate to combat online child exploitation including developing PhotoDNA in the cloud and applying PhotoDNA to video.

‘Supernatural’ 15.14 returns with a delightful feel-good Last Holiday

Our Lynn has been doing double time making sure to help “Supernatural” get as much press as possible, and as a true expert on both the show and fan culture, Variety included her in a great piece about how SPN turned into a psychological horror drama. You can read her thoughts here. We’re so proud that she is getting all the recognition she deserves, as Lynn has truly been a champion of the show and helped keep it going. While that might sound a little hyperbolic, but her support and books have shown the network what a value “Supernatural” has been for both it and its diehard legion of fans. We’ve been very proud of working with her for so many years and look forward to many more. She’s been covering Eric Kripke’s latest “The Boys,” and you can read her reviews here.

Now let’s let Lynn have her say about the return of “Supernatural.”

All Caps courtesy of kayb625 & All Gifs courtesy of jaredandjensen

Supernatural Is Back

The two days leading up to “Supernatural’s” return – for the very last time – were a whirlwind the likes of which I have never seen in fifteen years of “Supernatural” fandom. For years, in the early seasons, the fans spread the word about the show and advertised it as best we could, sending postcards of support and starting online campaigns when the internet was still relatively new. In 2020, after an unexpected hiatus, “Supernatural” made its triumphant return with dozens of major publications and seemingly every CW local outlet covering the first new episode in six months – and the beginning of the show’s end run.

I’ve been writing a weekly wrap up of everything “Supernatural” related, so I spent two days running between my laptop on which I was teaching my classes to the other laptop where I was frantically trying to keep up with the “Supernatural” news. I’m exhausted, but it was exhilarating – if someone had told me fifteen years ago that everyone from Variety to CNN would be celebrating this little show, I wouldn’t have believed it. But that’s “Supernatural”. It’s special.

Last Holiday

More on that in my weekly wrap up article, with links to most of the coverage, but for now, I want to talk about the return episode, Jeremy Adams’ Last Holiday, directed by Eduardo Sanchez, who has directed some of my favorite episodes.

I really really enjoyed some of this episode, and part of me wants to just wallow in that joyful celebratory portion – just like the Winchesters wanted to do. In the midst of a seemingly endless pandemic, without our favorite show, I think we all desperately needed a feel-good episode, and I’m incredibly grateful that we got part of one at least. It felt so good to see Sam and Dean smile and laugh and enjoy their lives. They have had so little of that, their entire lifetimes, and they so richly deserve some happiness. Jack, in his short time alive, has had very little of that too.  So, while we knew from the start that things would inevitably go south, I enjoyed every moment of Mrs. Butters taking care of ‘her boys’. And Meagen Fay was awesome.

The THEN segment reminds us that the Men of Letters weren’t all good guys, especially the problematic Cuthbert Sinclair. Jeremy Adams has said that he wanted to dig into the MoL history a little before the show wraps, so this episode did some of that. Though, as we all know, sometimes when you dig into things you don’t like what you find.

We get some lovely domestic Winchesters to start…

Sam researching and Dean coming up from the kitchen, be-aproned.

Dean Winchester is apron cooking burgers for brother Sam Last Holiday.

Sam: What’s with the apron?

Dean: Burgers!

Unfortunately, the power, the water, and eventually the air conditioning isn’t working right, so the boys go downstairs to fix the pipes. Oddly, they don’t seem to be very familiar with the control panels, etc., which I find hard to believe. Yes, they’ve been busy, but who decides to live in an underground bunker without thoroughly exploring it and making sure you know how to keep it running? Dean especially is mechanically inclined, so his cluelessness is a little annoying. His impulsivity is more Dean-like, I guess, as he hits the giant Reset button while Sam expresses his doubts about that being a good idea.

Dean Winchester doing magic hands on fixing everything for Sam.

Everything seems fine until Dean returns to his room with his burger and finds an older woman folding his Scooby Doo boxers (a little shout out to Jeremy’s first “Supernatural” episode)

Dean: SAM!!

They meet the wood nymph folding Dean’s “underthings”, Mrs. Butters.

Dean: Uh, then shouldn’t you be in the woods?

Sam: Underthings?

It’s the little things that make me smile.

Mrs. Butters tells her story of being a helper of the Men of Letters, doing their cooking and cleaning but not being a “lady of letters” herself.

Dean: Well, that’s progressive…

She’s distraught to learn that she put herself in stasis after the Men of Letters didn’t return (thanks to Abaddon) back in 1958, and that it’s now 2020.

Honestly, most of us feel that way about 2020, Mrs. Butters.

She announces that, as the only remaining Men of Letters, they’ll need her help with homecooked meals and holidays.

Sam: We’re not really holiday people…

Jared Padalecki’s subtle comedic skills were on point this episode.

I take issue with her saying the boys’ clothes smell, though. We know Dean is a bit of a germaphobe and we’ve seen him actually ironing their shirts (with beer, okay, but still).

She also informs them that the Men of Letters used to use her magic to give the bunker a little ‘extra oomph’ and promptly turns it back on. Boom, they’ve got monster radar and the giant telescope nobody ever uses is glowing.  The monster radar informs them there’s a vampire nest close by, so Sam and Dean decide to head out and investigate, leaving Jack still isolating in his room with a warning to be careful. Sam’s not sure they can trust her, but Dean wants to at least give it a shot – perhaps because of the home cooked meal offer.

Sam worries about the recently re-souled (and thus re-traumatized) Jack.

Dean: He’ll be fine. Look at me, I’m the picture of health!

Sam: Ignoring your trauma doesn’t make it healthy.

Oh boys, you break my heart.

The Winchesters break down the door of a ramshackle house where two not very scary seeming vampires are watching tv (Dark Shadows if I’m not mistaken, which made me laugh) and sipping blood from blood bags. I honestly thought Sam and Dean were going to think twice when they saw that but nope, no questions, no investigation, just whack off their heads. 

Sam Dean Winchester breaking in on vampires watching Dark Shadows.

There have been several episodes in this season that seem to walk back so much of the progress that the Winchesters made in the previous fourteen years – that not all monsters are monsters, and some don’t deserve to die. I really don’t like that all that nuance and emphasis on shades of gray instead of everything in black and white seems to have been lost in the show. It makes the stakes lower and the hunts less interesting and the boys’ moral compass less true.

But they return to find the bunker decorated for Christmas, and Sam and Dean – and me – forget about all that and just want to live in the moment and enjoy it. There’s holiday music playing, lights strung over the balcony railings, a trimmed tree, and Mrs. Butters dancing with a tray of Christmas cookies. Sam looks gobsmacked, but Dean’s face breaks into a little boy grin and he all but does the happy dance.

Broke My Heart Again

That broke my heart again, because we know how much Dean wanted Christmas — how much it meant to him when Sam gave him a celebration of it, with an air freshener adorned little tree and a few lights and gas station gifts, back in the A Very “Supernatural” Christmas episode. We saw how hard he tried to give Sam a Christmas when they were both just little kids, left alone and trying to make the best of it. Dean has longed for these kind of celebrations all his life, and Jensen Ackles killed my by reverting to that little boy longing here so vividly.

Dean: We are SO keeping her.

I can’t blame them. Sam and Dean missed out on so many of the things that children should get to experience – holidays, birthdays, someone taking care of them. They deserved those things, as all children do. So if this wood nymph can give them some of that – before the show is over and they don’t exist anymore – then I’m going to be grateful, just like they are.

The next morning in the kitchen, Mrs. Butters admonishes Sam “don’t be so dour, Samuel – enjoy the world you’re fighting for.”

Jack comes in, however, and she recoils, her voice growing cold.

Mrs. Butters: What – what are you?

Supernatural Jack interrupts Sam Winchester Mrs BUtters

Before anyone can actually explain, which might have been helpful in forestalling what eventually happens, Dean appears wearing a real life (tv show) version of his nightshirt in the Scooby Doo episode and assures her that Jack’s a millennial and a good kid (not the whole story, Dean, but okay). Mrs. Butters doesn’t look entirely convinced, but offers Jack a smoothie. Hmmm.

Dean just wants Sam to appreciate his nightshirt, which makes him feel like he’s “wrapped in hugs.” Sam does a double-take as Dean flashes him, but hey, it’s not the first time Sam has seen more of his brother than he bargained for.

Mrs. Butters (channeling me in my living room): Boys….

The monster radar goes off and Sam and Dean head out, overjoyed when Mrs. Butters hands them their brown bags (with a D for Dean and an S for Sam on them) like nobody ever handed them their school lunches and Dean’s face lights up like he’s six years old and headed to first grade. 

SAm Dean Winchester running to get packed lunch from Mrs Butters SPN

Mrs. Butters gets Jack to confide in her about killing Mary.

She gives him more smoothies. Uh oh.

Mrs Butters giving Jack a drink with something special in it SPN

But never mind (yes, this is both Jack and me saying never mind) because it’s time for the montage!

Halloween, Thanksgiving, family meals, pumpkin carving, the boys all smiling.

Sam and Dean following the monster radar, blowing down the door with the grenade launcher and wielding Thor’s hammer (why did they need those? Who knows – never mind, we’re having fun here!) 

Sam’s birthday, complete with cake and festive blowers and is that a tiara? Dean being just as happy as Sam, like all those birthdays that he wanted his little brother to be able to celebrate properly and probably couldn’t (though I do maintain that Dean baked or stole or borrowed a cake for Sammy a time or two).

Dean: When it’s my birthday, can I put in a request for rice krispy treats?

Dean Jack giving Sam Winchester a birthday cake with hat SPN
Sam Winchester smiling with birthday hat on SPN

Mrs. Butters at first teases him about at “his age” not wanting to celebrate his birthday, and I was kinda like WTF, stop being so mean to poor Dean! But she surprises him with some anyway, so I guess it’s okay. Sorta.

Episodes like this make me feel so protective of these fictional characters that I love, because their joy at such simple things is so heartbreaking. They never had much of this, and it’s so compelling to them that they forget to pay attention and be suspicious. They look the other way because they just don’t want it to end. That’s the best part of this episode, this poignant look at the Winchesters – and it’s so very “Supernatural”. Even being able to see them be happy brings so much sadness too, because they never got to have as much of it as I wanted for them. And now, in real life, their journey is almost over. This felt like their last chance, and my last chance to witness it.

Damn it, where are my tissues?

The montage, inevitably, ends, and with it our stubborn innocence about Mrs. Butters. She lets Jack see her pulling a file, and when he investigates, he finds a film that tells him the wood nymph’s history. Apparently, she was captured from the Thule and indoctrinated into taking on the mission of the Men of Letters, and protecting them by whatever means necessary (including ripping the head off a Nazi captive).

Jack (speaking fluent Winchester): Sonofabitch.

He tries to tell Sam, but Sam has a date with Eileen, who is conveniently in the area but doesn’t come to the bunker to say hi to Dean before their date for some reason. Mrs. Butters has dressed Sam like he’s in the 1950s, but he looks pretty cute in his sweater vest anyway. Dean does the annoying thing where he leers a lot about Sam having a date, and I wonder what happened in between Eileen leaving, saying she couldn’t trust her feelings for Sam after being manipulated by Chuck, and now. We may never know.

I really love Shoshannah Stern and wish she could have actually been in the episode instead of the one just mentioned. But we get Sam out of the way, which I guess was the point.  Mrs. Butters also gets Dean out of the way, fixing the TV in his Dean cave so he runs off excitedly.

That leaves Jack to go after Mrs. B (though he could easily just have followed Dean to the Dean cave and shared what he knew, which would have made a lot of sense). Instead, he follows Mrs. B – to a basement dungeon room of all places – where she accuses him of relishing pain and says that Sam and Dean are scared of him, scared that he’ll hurt someone else the way he hurt their mother.

Jack unable to fight off Mrs Butters SPN Last Holiday

Jack tries to fight back but finds his powers diminished.

Mrs. B: You didn’t think those smoothies were for your health, did you?

Damn it, I knew those smoothies were suspicious!

She cuffs Jack and tosses him to the floor, issuing a chilling plan that sounded a little too close to reality: I’m going to make the bunker safe again – get rid of ALL the monsters! The Men of Letters clearly did a bang up job investing Mrs. B with a (not) healthy dose of paranoia to ensure that she’d protect the bunker from pretty much everyone but them.

Next, she tells Dean that they’ll need to go kill Jack, after handing him a delicious looking grilled cheese sandwich. This is such a poignant scene, so well directed and written and so well acted by Jensen. As soon as she says it, he freezes, then looks down at the sandwich he so wants. It symbolizes everything he’s had over the past weeks — someone to take care of him, cook for him, mother him. And now he’s faced with it all falling apart. Again. Always.

Dean Winchester realizing Mrs Butters is putting something in his food SPN
Dean wanting to each sandwich but Mrs Butters has poisened it.

Mrs. B: You don’t need to be afraid anymore.

Dean: Damn it.

He puts down the sandwich, giving it a long look of longing, and then she hands him a knife. You can see the internal struggle in him, knowing that if he doesn’t go along with her, that might be the last grilled cheese sandwich someone will cook for him.

Dean Winchester remembering lunch bags Mrs Butters packed for Jack
Toasted sandwich Dean Winchester ate from Mrs Butters
Dean Winchester reacts to knowing food has been tainted by Mrs Butters

The last brown bag with a “D” on it that anyone will pack. The last time they’ll have Thanksgiving dinner or carve pumpkins. He won’t get rice krispy treats on his birthday.

Of course, he turns away with a sigh. He’s Dean Winchester.

“How about we let Jack go and forget this ever happened?”

Mrs. Butters tosses him in the dungeon with Jack. Poor Dean.

When Sam returns, past curfew and sans tie, he’s smart enough to play along when she informs him that Jack has infected Dean’s mind and they both need to be killed.

“Let me go get my gun,” Sam stalls, and calls Dean, who she apparently locked up with his cell phone. And he didn’t call Sam to warn him that Mrs. Butters was a homicidal unhinged creature? Because Sam was on a date and “it’s been a while for you”? Really???

Sam Winchester on phone with Dean about Mrs Butters.
Dean Winchester with Jack telling Sam Mrs Butters is a problem SPN.

Not my favorite part of the episode.

They both realize that they never actually investigated Mrs. Butters, thanks to all the good food and pampering. Sam gets his gun and goes to kill (hopefully) Mrs. Butters, though nobody is sure the gun will do the trick.

It doesn’t – or rather he never gets a chance to fire it – and Mrs. Butters ties him to a chair. Shades of the other “Supernatural” Christmas episode, and that’s not the only similarity.

Mrs. B: I’m not mad, Sam. I’m disappointed.

Sam Winchester with Mrs Butters in office.
Sam Winchester reacts to Mrs Butters having gun on him SPN.
Mrs Butters holding power fingers on Sam Winchester.

She tells him more of her story – that when they found her, she at first didn’t understand that the most important thing was the mission of the Men of Letters.

Mrs. B: I’m going to help you understand, just the way Mr. Cuthbert helped me. He taught me that pain can be a wonderful teacher.

Me: Uh oh

And then she proceeds to pull out all his fingernails one by one. I thought A Very “Supernatural” Christmas was bad! But honestly, lady, Sam Winchester has been tortured by Lucifer himself, so I don’t think this is going to convince him to murder his brother and their sort of son.  But it definitely convinced me to close my eyes for a minute!

Mrs Butters tying Sam Winchester down to chair SPN.
Sam Winchester looking at Mrs Butters powerless.

Sam (defiant because he’s Sam f—king Winchester): Jack is not a monster!

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Jack and Dean have a little heart to heart.

Jack: Do you still think I’m a monster?

I really liked this scene, both Jeremy’s writing and Alex and Jensen’s acting. Dean doesn’t sugar coat it, doesn’t lie to make Jack feel better. Instead, he tries to share his genuine feelings, even if it’s not exactly what Jack hopes to hear.

Dean: I’m trying, okay? But what you did? That isn’t easy to forget. I was angry with you for a while, maybe I still am. But I’m not gonna let some evil Mary Poppins take you out, understand?

Jack looking at Dean Winchester worried about Sam.
Dean Winchester looking at Jack worried about Sam.

I think Jack does. Dean’s words ring more true than a blanket denial would have. It’s not a magical forgiveness just to make someone else feel better, it’s the way emotions work in real life. No quick fixes. Of course, Dean’s angry and of course he’s not just going to handwave it!

Dean tries to cut off Jack’s cuffs, which sends him flying backwards crashing into the wall and bringing half of it down.

Dean: Dang it! Dang – damn it! Language, my ass!

Dean Winchester cutting off Jacks cuffs
Jack is flung to floor after Dean Winchester cuts cuffs
Dean Winchester reacts to Jack being flung to floor.

It felt so good to have Dean Winchester back, I’m not gonna lie.

And then Jeremy Adams gives us some smart Dean, which I greatly appreciate. He realizes that Sam should have been there by now, and that means something must have happened to Sam. And that means Dean needs to get out of there, like NOW. He looks at the smashed wall, then at the door, and his face brightens.

Dean: I have an idea.

Jack: Yeah?

Dean: (grinning back) Yeah.

Dean Winchester has idea to help Jacki.
Jack back in control of himself with Dean Winchesters help.
Dean Winchester sexy smile after helping Jack.

He lines Jack up, says “on three” and counts “one, two” then tries to cut through the cuffs again without waiting for three because that’s a Winchester thing, and Jack blasts right through the door, landing in the hallway. Dean is positively joyous over that, helping Jack up and heading to the basement to the control panel.

Dean Winchester crashing through basement door SPN.

He smashes the reset button with a hammer, which seems like a bit of overkill, but the lights go out so yay?

Of course, it’s not that easy. As Dean frees a bloodied Sam, Mrs. Butters returns. And she’s pissed.

Mrs. B (possibly channeling Dolores Umbridge): You’ve all been very bad.

She tosses them across the room, but Sam and Dean continue to plead for Jack’s life.

Sam: You hurt him, you hurt us. Mr. Cuthbert used you, okay? He lied to you, tortured you.

Dean: Jack can save the world. That’s the mission, isn’t it?

They manage to convince her with a bit of emotion and a bit of logical paradox, and when she wistfully says she’d love to see the woods again, they let her go. Oddly, they give her the photo of the Men of Letters to take with her, even though it seems to me she wouldn’t want that. I suppose it’s a bit of Stockholm Syndrome? Anyway, it’s kinda creepy.

She tells them that the bunker will power down again without her there, but they’re okay with that. The telescope, she says, is no longer an interdimensional geoscope.

Dean: That’s okay, I tried it earlier and didn’t see anything.

Mrs. B: Oh well that’s not good…

(Chuck must be making good progress in destroying all those other dimensions)

She leaves telling Jack to go save the world. After, Sam and Jack share beers and have a father-son sort of moment, Jack putting himself down because he let her get over on him because he was stupid. How will he be able to kill God if she got him?

Dean Sam Winchester sharing a beer in library.

Dean interrupts the moment with a birthday cake for Jack.

Sam (fondly): He loves that apron.

Dean: I made it by myself. Obviously. Happy birthday, Jack.

Dean Winchester bringing Jack a birthday cake with Sam.
Dean Winchester smiling wide for Jack birthday cake.
Happy Birthday Jack cake Supernatural style ala Dean Winchester.
Sam Winchester scoffs at sloppy birthday cake.

Yes, it is a peace offering, but it’s more than that. It’s the Winchesters saying that they don’t need a wood nymph to find time for some enjoyment in their lives, even in the midst of how ‘busy’ they are saving the world. Dean is offering some of that caretaking to Jack, as he did for Sam when they were kids. It’s a family moment, and I ended the episode content once again, grateful for it. Mrs. Butters did give them something, a reminder that it’s okay to take a little time to be good to each other and celebrate family, home, love. Even if she also contemplated killing some of them.

Dean lights the candle.

“Make a wish,” Sam says, and Jack does. It remains to be seen whether or not it comes true.

Dean Winchester lighting Jacks birthday candles for cake.
Jack smiling looking up at Dean Winchester lighting his cake.
Dean and Sam Winchester watch Jack blow out his birthday candle.
Jack about to blow out his birthday candle.

It wasn’t a perfect episode, but what is? I thoroughly enjoyed much of it, and I’m grateful for that, with six more episodes left. I don’t think, in the end, it will be just Jack who saves the world. It will be Jack doing his part and trying his best, and it will be Castiel (Misha Collins) making a difference, and ultimately it will be Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles).

Until then, I’m going to enjoy every minute of these last six weeks with “Supernatural!”

The Growth of Fantasy Sports

Fantasy sports is a booming industry in the United States and is only set to get bigger in the years ahead. One decade ago, there were around 32 million players of fantasy sports in the United States and Canada. This figure had nearly doubled to 60 million players by 2017. These days, roughly 15% of the US population and 19% of the Canadian population play some form of fantasy sport.

Fantasy sports are an excellent way for participants to enjoy more of the sports they are passionate about, as well as giving them the opportunity to connect with others who share the same interests.

What actually is fantasy sport?

In short, fantasy sports involve putting together virtual teams based on real life players of a sport, their performance is rating on how the player actually performs in reality. These real game statistics are analyzed and compared to see which fantasy team players scored the most points.

One of the most popular types of fantasy sports is football, with many Americans participating in NFL fantasy football. 78% of fantasy players participate in fantasy football, followed by baseball at 39% and basketball at 19%.

Who is playing fantasy sports?

Anyone can participate in fantasy sports, however, some demographics show more of an interest in it than others. For example, 81% of players identify themselves as male. Half of all players are between the ages of 18 and 34, however, the overall average is slightly older at 37.7 years of age.

Those who play fantasy sports are also more likely to take an interest in social media, in comparison to the general population. Around 57% of fantasy sport players are active on photo sharing app Instagram, which is 23% more than the general population.

Some fantasy players play just for fun, whereas many others play for prizes and/or as part of a draft party. Around 70% play so non-cash prizes, such as a trophy, while 84% of players have some form of draft party. Some costs that are involved may include memberships, subscriptions, platform fees, parties and research costs.

How fantasy sport become what it is today

Most fantasy sports these days are played on dedicated websites or mobile apps, these games are often promoted on social media sites. However, fantasy sports predate social media and even the internet and modern computers by far. The Oakland Raiders Organisation was the first to put together a fantasy sports team back in 1962, predictions and outcomes were recorded using pen and paper.

Fantasy sports saw steady growth from then on, until the early 1980’s when it suddenly took off. Sports journalists had a big part to play in bringing the activity into the mainstream media and introducing it to the general public. In fact, it was journalists who created the Rotisserie System, which is the primary system still used for scoring players.

The growth of fantasy sport continued into the 1990’s when the invention of the world wide web made it accessible to scores of new people. Participants can now research player statistics more easily and in much more depth. People could now join leagues far outside their local geographical area and connect with more people interested in the same fantasy sports as them.

These days, many fantasy sports facilitators allow participants to place monetary bets on players. There is now much more variety in the types of games and games styles now available online. You can play the fantasy version of pretty much any sport, whether its golf, soccer, hockey or esports.

In recent years, social media has played a huge role in making fantasy sport more easily accessible. Participants can now connect with one another in community groups and can quickly disseminate information and tips shared out on these platforms. They are more likely to get information about transfers, injuries or suspensions in almost really time and amend their team based on these factors.


Fantasy sport is not going anywhere any time soon. This activity is a way for people to get more involved with the sports they love. Whether participants are motivated by the potential for winning or whether they just enjoy the decision-making process, fantasy sport is something that can be enjoyed by all sports fans.

‘The War with Grandpa’ takes box office top spot as Disney bets on streaming


While Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet” continues to do big business overseas, it was pushed into the number two spot in North America by the Robert De Niro comedy “The War With Grandpa.” While it’s not news that films holding the top spot for several weeks eventually drift down, this was a film that was shelved back in 2018.

Disney’s re-release of Bette Midler’s “Hocus Pocus” came close to unseating “Tenet,” last week, and it is still in the third spot earning $685,000. With tentpole films like James Bond’s “No Time To Die,” delaying until 2021, theater chains like Regal Cinemas are once again closing down. With people not trusting information that it’s fine to get back out like normal during the pandemic, less are willing to risk their health for a film. Theaters were holding out hope that 007 might be able to save the holiday season, but as with many businesses in America, it looks like there will be a lot of lights turned off at theaters.

The Story

The story behind the “Home Alone” knockoff, “The Trouble With Grandpa” was Harvey Weinstein. The mega indie film producer’s company The Weinstein Company was to distribute the film, but then the news hit of him being a sexual harasser and serial predator. His fall from power led to the dissolution of The Weinstein Company and plunged “The War With Grandpa” and other films that the studio had expected to release such as “The Upside” and “The Current War,” into a perilous kind of limbo.

Two years after it was intended to hit theaters “The War With Grandpa” finally debuted, although in a markedly different theatrical landscape, one that faces an existential crisis brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. The film grossed $3.6 million from 2,205 locations while receiving a brushoff from critics who dismissed it as a derivative and joyless. In pandemic times when major markets like New York City and Los Angeles are closed, that may rank as a decent opening.

Worst Box Office Topper

That being said, as Forbes notes, it still clocks in as the worst box office topper since 1988, so clearly the exhibition industry is facing some very punishing headwinds.101 Studios, the new label run by former Weinstein Company executive David Glasser, and Brookdale Entertainment picked up the rights to “The War With Grandpa” and released it. The company also distributed the similarly orphaned “The Current War” in October, with the subtitle “The Director’s Cut.”

“The War With Grandpa” was about a cantankerous grandfather who gets into an all out war with his grandson (Oakes Fegley). Families and older adults turned out to see the film with 46 percent stating that it was their first time back to the cinema since March 2020. “We are really pleased that 101 Studios was able to offer audiences a comedy that is bringing the whole family back to theaters,” 101 Studios president of distribution Laurent Ouaknine said.


In its sixth week of release, “Tenet” grossed $2.1 million domestically, bringing its haul to $48.3 million. The Warner Bros. sci-fi thriller took in an estimated $9.8 million globally this weekend in 62 markets, pushing its worldwide total to $323.3 million.

Disney’s re-release of “Hocus Pocus” continued to be a rare COVID-era hit, earning $1.2 million. The comedy about a coven of witches stars Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy was a box office disappointment when it debuted in 1993, but became a cult classic on cable and other home entertainment platforms. “The New Mutants,” the X-Men spinoff that Disney inherited after it purchased Fox, earned $685,000, pushing its domestic gross to $22 million.  With those tepid results, “The New Mutants: Part 2” seems like a dream that will be permanently deferred.

Sony’s “Yellow Rose,” a drama about an undocumented Filipino girl who wants to be a country music star, netted $150,000 from 900 locations, bringing its domestic total to $170,000.

This weekend — with its collection of underperforming blockbusters and castoffs — paints a dire picture for cinemas. It’s going to take a lot more than this to keep moviegoing viable. “Wonder Woman 1984” can’t arrive soon enough. Or a new administration to fix America’s problems.

North America Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Box office number courtesy of Box Office Mojo.

1. “The War with Grandpa,’ $3.61 million

2. “Tenet,” $2.1 million.

3. “Hocus Pocus,” $1.2 million.

4. “The New Mutants,” $685,000.

5 “Unhinged,” $660,000.

6. “Infidel,” $205,000.

7. “Possessor Uncut,” $163,500.

8. “Yellow Rose,” $150,000.

9. “Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back,” $145,000.

10. “The Broken Hearts Gallery,” $90,.

Disney betting big on streaming

While it’s rare that an activist investor wants a company to spend more money on itself and less on shareholder payouts outrageous (at least in the conservative business world) moves are required. This is what hedge fund billionaire Dan Loeb is planning on by pushing Walt Disney to do with its Disney+ streaming service.

Mr. Loeb’s Third Point wants Disney to buy more content instead of paying dividends. The hedge fund first built a stake in Disney during the second quarter, believing that streaming could eventually bring the company some $500 billion in revenue. That belief only hardened as Disney’s theme parks remain shuttered or under-attended and release dates of blockbuster movies like “Black Widow” slide because of the pandemic. Yesterday, Mr. Loeb sent a letter to Disney’s C.E.O., Bob Chapek, outlining his plan.

Putting Pressure On

It’s unusual for an activist to forego short-term payouts for long-term investments. Mr. Loeb noted that big spending now would put pressure on Disney’s earnings, and eliminating the dividend would displease some investors. He believes that Disney can build a streaming business that eventually generates more revenue than cable TV and box-office releases, “but only if the company leans into this opportunity and invests more aggressively,” he wrote.

Mr. Loeb’s math: By permanently cutting its dividend — worth about $3 billion a year — the company could more than double its Disney+ content budget of about $1 billion a year. Combined with raising the service’s monthly fee, currently $6 a month, and reducing so-called churn, or subscriber defections, the hedge fund thinks that the “lifetime value” of a Disney+ customer could rise to $500, from $100 today. (Third Point says the market values Netflix customers at about $1,200 apiece.)

Disney already suspended its dividend payout in June and is expected by many analysts to halt its next one as well.

Would that be enough to compete with Netflix? The streaming king’s content spending this year alone is expected to surpass $17 billion, according to BMO Capital, and could grow to more than $26 billion by 2028. For comparison, AT&T’s WarnerMedia plans to spend up to $2 billion on content for HBO Max, while Comcast’s NBCUniversal has allocated $2 billion over two years for Peacock.

This drastic action has many wondering what Nelson Peltz’s Trian has in mind for Comcast. 

To date, Trian hasn’t said publicly what it wants from the cable and entertainment giant after taking a stake. What if, instead of calling for asset sales, as many analysts expect, the activist firm takes a page from Mr. Loeb’s book? With cable subscribers falling off as they have for the behemoth, streaming might be the answer. Their Peacock test has succeeded thus far.