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BRING IT! Recap: All Bout Kayla


This week on Bring It!, the girls head to Mobile Alabama for the Shut Up and Dance competition. They are competing in the captain solo (which Kayla is doing), field show and stand categories which are a lot for a time to do. Their rivals are the Diamondettes. Ms. D is not playing with the girls this week. They have to bring the energy 100 the whole time because that’s what they will be judged.

miss d talking about kaylas weight with tina bring it 2015

The pressure is really on Kayla too because there are three categories that she has to lead. Ms. D talks to her about her weight because she has gained some pounds over the course of the year. She actually speaks very tenderly to her which is good because weight gain is a sensitive subject. She takes Kayla to a grassy field to have her do some serious training. Diana wants her endurance and energy to be on point.

We are then taken to the practice for the Diamondettes and it is so interesting because the coaches put such a huge emphasis on the girls being in shape but they themselves are in no kind of good shape at all. They have them doing jump-n-jacks and high knees but yo, they should be doing that shit too. I’m just saying. Anyway, they are fairly new team but that does not stop them for “coming” for the Dancing Dolls.

kayla bring it dancing dolls2015

Of course, Selena is still on her high horse since all three of her girls, Sky, Star and Sanjay, made the cuts last week. She wants all of them to make it again this week again and they do! To be honest, I don’t think they are the best of dancers because they are not as good as their sister but for the sake of the story (I guess) they made it through the cuts.

The day of the competition, we see the Diamondettes practice in their dressing room and I have to say that they girls are good… damn good. They are crisp and put together and give DD a run for their money.

bring it diamondettes

It’s always so interesting to see the parents look in on the practices wishing they could be inside with the girls and then to see them sneak on the day of competition (so that Diana doesn’t see) to give them a pep talk. They are something else because each truly do believe that their girl or in Selena’s case girls, are the very best. This week Zatia’s momma is the one to get to her daughter before they go on to tell her she is the best and should dance as such. She tells her that she is like Beyoncé, Ciara and Janet Jackson. “She has to be flawless.” These girls have so much pressure on them. It feels like at times that the moms are living vicariously through their daughters.

The first competition is the field show and being perfectly honest, the Diamondettes kill it. They showed out in their hometown and even the DD moms had to admit they did well. Diana is nervous and tries to hide it but she “feels like she’s about to pass out and throw up.” The Dancing Dolls go out and they keep their energy up as much as they can, although Ms. D is concerned about Kayla’s because it seems to have dwindled and she still has the solo and the stand battle to do.

dancing dolls stand battle bring it 2015

Then the time comes for the solo competition and it seems like all of DD is holding their breaths. The Diamondettes’ captain goes out and she is a step above all the other girls, maybe even Kayla. She is fit and pretty and very sharp with her movements. Kayla has a lot to do to beat her.

Kayla finally goes up and this girl is bad. She breaks it down and her moves are right on point. Her mom gets emotional thinking about her first solo and this solo. Ms. D is also very pleased with her performance.

dancing dolls vs diamondettes bring it recap 2015

The final competition is the stand battle and the two teams go head to head. Diana holds her composure at how well the girls are doing. And let me say here that they really do a great job. Although both teams did their best, Ms. D. (like any coach) is convinced that her girls are the ones that deserve to win even though she realizes that they are not the hometown favorites which puts them at a disadvantage in the judges and crowds’ eyes.

During the award ceremony, the nerves are super high on both sides. The Dancing Dolls get second place and the Diamondettes takes first place in field show which Ms. D does not agree with but kind of figured might happen because, again, the DD were not the town favorites. Kayla, however, wins the captain solo category which is a super big deal with everything she went through during the week to prepare. And if you didn’t already guess it, the Dancing Dolls came in first place for the stand battle as well.

dancing dolls bring it lifetime 2015

I guess two out of three categories isn’t bad. The Diamondettes vow to come back stronger and better the next time they face the Dancing Dolls.

The girls get stronger and better every week which is sure to make for an explosive finale at the end of the season.

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Recap: Frank Did It for Sam


This final episode was the end of a whirlwind season for How To Get Away With Murder. It opens up with Wes and Laurel arguing at the psyche ward on what to do with the information they got from Rudy. At the same time we see Wes and Rebecca (who knows he was there because she tracked him via his phone) holding each other. She asks him if everything is okay and if he needs to tell her something. He says no (lying) they kiss and have sex.

The show then takes us back five months earlier a few days before Lila’s murder. We see that Rudy hears Rebecca and Lila arguing. Lila says some mean things to her and Rebecca kicks her out.

annalise with beat up boyfriend htgawm finale 2015

Present day, Connor and Oliver are on the verge of a sexual reunion when Oliver stops and says that they need to get tested because Connor is a drug addict and who knows how many other men his dick has touched. They agree to go and get tested together.

A flashback shows that Rebecca was getting back at Lila for how she treated her. She seduced her Griffith texting Lila from his phone to come over. This is of course so that she will see the two of them having sex. When Lila walks in on them, Rebecca says to her, “Do you think she’s still worth it?” Lila attacks her and Griffith pulls her off.

Back at the house, Annalise calls Frank into her office and asks about his connection at the central jail. He says he still has it and the next scene we see Nate being beat up in the middle of the night. I guess it’s all a part of Annalise’s master plan.

With Wes and Laurel snooping around, they get caught talking about Rebecca by the others and the Keating Four force themselves into her place to interrogate her. Michaela goes all “I will destroy you” and demands that she tells them the truth. Rebecca says she found the security guard who was on duty that night that showed up at Annalise’s house, who just so happened to get fired not too long after Sam went “missing.” She threatens to call him and they crew does the only thing they can do- tie her up in her bathroom and call Annalise.

When Annie arrives, they tell her what’s going on. In order to have more control over the situation (I’m assuming) they move her to Annalise’s house and she convinces the crew to untie her.

With Annalise unable to make a decision about Rebecca’s innocence or lack thereof, she tasks each member of her group to present their cases to prove if she actually did kill Lila. None of them are able to give enough evidence that would allow her to be convicted or at least to convince Annalise that she is guilty. But this does not stop them from still trying to get the truth out of her.

Now here is where it starts to get twisted. In a series of flashbacks, we are taken to the night of Lila’s murder. What we find out is that Sam came back from his interview early because Lila was going crazy about the fact that she was not able to sleep with Griffith so that she can pass the baby off as his and he denied her. A one point during the night, Sam is indeed on the roof with Lila and assures her that everything is going to be okay. They kiss intimately and for a split second, you believe that he is about to strangle her… but he doesn’t.

rebecca held hostage in how to get away with murder 2015

What happens next is shocking. Lila is left on the roof alone and immediately after Sam leaves she is grabbed from behind and choked. The camera shows her face as life slowly drains from it and we see that the killer is…. Frank! It seems that at Sam’s request, who we see use a pay phone right after leaving Lila on the roof, Frank did the due and dumped her in the water tower because he owed him a favor.

Now how is Rebecca caught up in all of this you ask? Well she goes looking for her on the rooftop and finds Lila’s phone lying on the ground, vibrating. For whatever reason, she climbed the later to the water tower and saw strands of hair on the outside which prompted her to open it and she finds her friend’s body. She then hears voices and afraid that someone will see her and place her there, jumps into the water tower and thus is why she is later seen by Rudy all wet, and not because she’s gotten herself all excited either!.

Back at the house, in present day, Annalise, who left to give a statement to the new lawyer on Nate’s case, arrives back at the house and goes downstairs to see Rebecca who is not there. She comes back upstairs and asks “who let her go?” They all deny it and of course we think it’s Wes. They all pretty much believe this is the end and it is just a matter of time before the cops are knocking on their doors because Rebecca is gone so they go their separate ways. Annalise consoles a sobbing Wes and tells him that it will make him feel better to just convince himself that Sam killed Lila. He lies on her lap repeating, “Sam killed Lila.”

connor tested oliver positive for hiv how to get away with murder 2015

Laurel and Michaela meet at a bar where Laurel returns her expensive engagement ring which she found in Connor’s car the night of Sam’s murder. Connor goes to Oliver’s house to see him only to find his boyfriend crying in bed because… are you ready for it…. He tested positive for HIV (after telling Connor his tests came back negative).

At Annalise’s after Wes leaves, she goes downstairs to find Frank. We also see a very dead Rebecca in the corner under the stairs.

frank killed lila for sam how to get away with murder 2015

I’m pretty sure Frank did this one too but alas, we will not know anything for sure until later this year when season two premieres.

JUSTIFIED Season 6 Ep 6 Recap: Great To Be Alive Day

justified season 6 poster images alive day 2015

This week’s “Justified” has us wondering if maybe Raylan slept with Ava at her house, maybe he didn’t. I say it never happened. I think he simply wanted to wait around on Boyd to get home. The good Marshal got his wish as Boyd Crowder came home to find Raylan alone with Ava. Boyd got in a jab about Givens’ car looking like an airport rental, but was not in a joking mood over the fact that Raylan was there at all.

Seeing the two adversaries at the same supper table brought back an ugly memory of the last time that happened and Boyd wound up shot. Raylan made a show out of asking pointed questions about Dewey Crowe….spoiler alert, he’s dead and Raylan really doesn’t care anyway. The two alpha males have a good exchange where neither directly threatens the life of the other, but their messages are loud and clear.

choo choo phoning justified alive day 2015

The brain trust or lack thereof consisting of Choo-Choo, Seabass, and Walker is discussing what to do about the Calhoun situation. His lifeless body has to be moved clearly. This scene sets the stage for the rest of the episode when Seabass calls out Choo for “being a dumbass.” He is in fact a dumbass, but he may have been pretty sharp before his wartime brain damage. They decide that Calhoun’s whore needs to be killed too and they agree on a good dumping spot for his body.

Ava’s uncle Zachariah comes to her house to head out to the mine shaft with Boyd and crew. He takes time to talk to her about how she’s doing and also how her daddy died in the mines. Zachariah hated her former husband Bo Crowder, and asks her if Boyd has the same demons her deceased hubby had. Boyd has placed a watchdog to keep tabs on Ava as he and Zachariah head out to the mine shaft.

If ever there have been two snakes more deserving of each other on ‘Justified’, I can’t remember them. Avery Markham decides to pop the question to Katherine Hale with a gigantic engagement ring. He drops a bombshell when he says he got over the fact that she ratted out her husband. She is floored by this assertion by her lover as she assumed he was the rat. This could be a trick by the smooth operator as Duffy tells Hale later on.

Markham’s goons did a poor job of hiding the body of Calhoun. He was found rather fast by the authorities and Raylan along with Tim wind up on the scene. The man was killed apparently with a single blow and looks like he was run over by a truck “or a train,” inputs Raylan. I hope the Marshals show more concern when and if they find Ava dead than they did for Calhoun. He gave them helpful info that cost him his life. Raylan and Tim take the news of the dead real estate mogul to the pizza place and Markham acts like he doesn’t have a clue. That’s because he doesn’t! His men acted on his orders, but killing the man was not in the initial game plan as I recall.

Choo-Choo is charged with the ugly duty of killing the friendly prostitute that looks a lot like Carrie Underwood. It would be hard to live with killing an innocent looking blond resembling a wholesome country singer. He meets up with her and seems pretty hesitant about the entire deal.

Boyd, Zachariah, and some goons check out the mine shaft. Carl is shaky at best and is not meant for mining clearly. While this ragtag crew is deep under ground, Rachel gets some advice from Art, who is tired of sitting around the house. She suspects Ava and Raylan have something going on besides an informant relationship. Art suggests letting it go to keep the case intact.

ava talking earl justified alive day 2015

Choo-Choo went from a punchline to a sympathetic figure in this hour long episode. That’s not easy to do, so kudos to Duke Davis Roberts, who plays the role of Choo. Ty Walker is highly opposed to Markham’s suggestion that Choo has to be eliminated, not because he will give them up easily, but because he is not bright enough to hide the truth about their activities. Walker tells the story of how Choo-Choo got his brain trauma in war time during an ugly scene. Ty Walker softens his position when his big associate calls to tell him they don’t have to kill the whore since she is nice and promised to keep quiet. This was the beginning of the end of Mundo Choo-Choo.

Ava plays her watchdog like a fiddle and gets him to tell her the name of the shaft Boyd and Zachariah are working on. He gives up the info easily to the lovely lady.

Boyd was very nervous while working in the mine. He was certainly not the confident cat we had seen in seasons past. Our silver tongued villain falls through some boards as he reaches for an oil can. He is saved by a wedged board beneath him as it separates him from certain death. Zachariah moves slowly but urgently to save the man. He gets a rope set up with a Boyd goon, then creeps close enough to get his hand down to Boyd. This is some scary shit. Imagine being in a freaking hole that could swallow you completely into darkness for a slow, lonely death. Zachariah’s expertise proves very valuable as he is able to save Boyd from the depths of mining hell.

Walker and a small crew meet up with Choo-Choo as he has the hooker tied up next to a tree. Choo is going to be killed, but Raylan and Tim had followed Walker to the meet up. Raylan makes it clear to Choo that his buddies are there to kill him. It matters not. Choo-Choo is loyal to the end. He draws on the Marshals and is shot. The four on two gunfight was too much for even Tim and Raylan. They were out gunned and lucky not to be hit. Choo-Choo and Walker got away although separately. I kind of hated to think of the big man going away after this episode. What if Choo-Choo had shot Raylan in the head and the rest of the season was spent without Timothy Olyphant? Insane I know, but the writers would have shocked the world.

sam elliot with timothy olyphant on justified 2015

Back in the mine, Boyd goes up for some fresh air. That’s when old Zachariah has to push one of Boyd’s goons into the hole meant for Crowder after he noticed a board over the hole had been sawed. Zachariah had set up Boyd to be killed. That is crazy since he is the one who saved him ultimately. If he truly wanted him dead, he could have let him slip from his grip as he rescued him. This was pretty hard to swallow.

As the Marshals clean up the mess from Tim and Raylan’s shootout with Walker and co., Tim is sent to get his sniper rifle. Shit bout to get real! Then we get to see Choo-Choo die the most appropriate death ever on screen. Well almost. Maybe even better than getting smashed by a real train, the poor bastard dies from his gunshot wounds on the tracks as the locomotive came to a safe stop a few feet from his tiny car. He chose to fall on his own sword and never turned on his former military pals. This guy had character.

limehouse making calls on justified 2015

When Boyd finally made it back to Ava, he finds her listening to some thrash music with the watchdog. She could have any guy wrapped around her finger. She just set her sights too low, only snagging the little fish of the Crowder bros. Limehouse gives Boyd a surprise call to give him the 411 on what Ava was up to the previous day. I don’t know Limehouse’s angle, but he is likely pissed that she tried to play him for a fool. This is a weak point in the plot as Raylan went to a lot of trouble to conceal the fact that Ava was his CI. He put Constable Bob in a tight spot having to tase Errol and all. Limehouse may not know what Ava has been up to with the Marshals, but just telling Boyd that she was running away is enough to end his trust in her. The countdown on Justified being minus one hot blond just sped up.


EMPIRE Recap: Lyon’s Roar for Cookie Nookie

cookie nookie with lucious in empire lyons roar recap 2015

The week on Empire, we open up with Cookie and Lucius the morning after in his room.  She tells him straight up, You want Cookie’s nookie, ditch the bitch.” Lucius says okay. I am not sure what is really going on here, but I am pretty sure it’s not going to turn out how Cookie wants. He’s a player, you know they don’t retire that easily.

jamal with hakeem bulge in church for empire 2015

Jamal and Hakeem meet at a church were we see Keem kneeling at an alter prayer and crying (Lucius told them in the last episode he has ALS). It seems that they have squashed whatever beef they had and are coming together to do a family project honoring Lucius’ legacy. All of this of course is to Andre’s dislike. His plan to take over Empire is slowly unraveling… or is it?

Lucius meets with Ryan Morgan, a documentary film maker, about filming the legacy party and the making of the legacy album. As they speak, Anika comes in and confronts Lucius about first of all, why he had her father sign that he had a clean bill of health. She then goes right into asking him why he fucked Cookie and this nigga blames his ex-wife saying she caught him in a bad place, you know with his ALS. Anika then tells him that if he wants to keep her, he has to marry her now. He says to wait at least after the white party, which is the next night, and she says okay. They agree to announce at the party that they are getting married the following weekend. Damn, Lu you playing both of them.

empire lyons roar cookie lucious singing with sons 2015

In the studio, Hakeem blows up at Cookie and Lucius wants to get to the bottom of their tension. Hakeem tells his mother that she is not the boss and that he doesn’t like the fact that she loves Jamal more than him. Here is the first time they have a tender moment and Hakeem actually lets down his guard with her. Lu asks him if he can make an effort to get to know his mother and he jokingly says no. They share a laugh and move on with the recording.

Lucius is really bold and keeps telling lies to these women. He declares his love for Cookie but then tells Anika he’ll leave her only to screw his ex in the studio on the sound board and shit. He is playing a dangerous game here and I am sure he does not care one bit.

Andre pimps out his wife in order to get one of Empire’s board members on his side. They go to their house we see that the investor he is in a wheelchair. Rhonda doesn’t like the situation and is literally sick to her stomach when the investor tries to hit on her and she throws up in her food.

Later, Jamal and Ryan bond over the fact that they both are gay. Jamal warns him that he shouldn’t let Lucius knows if he wants to work for him and Ryan tells him he doesn’t care what he thinks, this is who he is. He encourages Jamal to be who God made him for his life and for his daughter.

Then in cold ass news, Andre, who worked so hard with Vernon to get votes for him to be in charge in case something happened to Lucius, is struck down by his father who gives him a nay at the “voting.” He takes this very hard.

cookie with gay son jameel empire 2015

At the all-white party, after Jamal tells Cookie that he doesn’t like the fact that she wants Hakeem to go last on the song, Lucius walks in with Anika who instructs everyone to make sure they stay until the end for a special announcement. Of course Cookie wants to get to the bottom of this and Lu tells her point blank, “it aint gonna happen,” because he’s not leaving Anika and they are in fact getting married sooner than later. She walks away from him, but not before telling him to “go to hell.”

Cookie then goes and gently grabs Anika (and the two walk arm and arm) to congratulate her on their upcoming wedding. She also tells her about her and Lucius’s big sex night in the studio after he Anika he was through with Cookie. This does not sit well with the soon to be Mrs. Lyon.

Hakeem shows up with Camilla and introduces her to Cookie. She checks her and tells her to stay away from her son. And this chick has some balls because she tells Cookie that Jamal better go last at the end. In the words of his momma, “okay Yoko Ono.”

Lucius encourages Jamal to not back out of the song but to go ahead and do it. Not for his mother or for him, but because of the music. Jamal takes this moment to let the whole world know that he is indeed gay. His father told him to stay true to his truth and that is what he did. Lucius stands there in calm shock, not moving or saying a word.

cookie with naomie campbell empire lyons roar 2015

The next day, it is all over the news. Lucius comes into Empire with sunglasses on strolling through solemnly. He meets with Vernon and Andre asking if they have heard from Jamal. He excuses Vernon to speak to his son and he tells him that he voted against him because he doesn’t trust him (and because he brought that white woman into his family). Lucius pegs his son right here and pretty much tells him that he’s not leaving his company to someone who is trying to tear his family apart.

After getting the crushing blow from his father, Andre sits in a studio with a gun to his head (this has gotten deep). He pulls the trigger but nothing happens.

Anika, scorned, goes to see Billy BarettiLucius nemesis. We are not clued into what transpired but it is pretty clear that she is about to wage war. Lucius shows up at Cookie’s and asks her if she said something to Anika because she didn’t show up at the wedding planner. He tells her that he will not leave her and what they did was just in a moment of weakness. He then tells her that the legacy album is dead, “I’m done” because of Jamal coming out.

The episode ends with Cookie holding the picture of her family and flashing back to when she was in jail.

There are only three episodes and we all wait with great anticipation.

LOVE & HIP HOP NEW YORK Recap: Peter Gunz Ultimatum & Rich Dollaz

Mendeecees and Yandy talk the fake hospitalization this week on “Love & Hip Hop New York,” and she tells him not to play with her like that. I think that they have a major lack of communication here because both of them have their businesses and they both are pulled in so many directions. They need to focus on each other and their boys.

Apparently Cyn and Chrissy are the best of friends now. Chrissy confides in her about her relationship with Chin, etc. Then of course Cyn tells her about how she feel with Erica moving on to Bow Wow calling him her “Fakeance” (pretty clever). Through it all, she said she doesn’t feel that she got the closure she needed and wants to talk to her again.

Later she pops in on Erica at her factory because she just can’t shake the fact that she’s engaged. Everything that happened between them happened too fast and in the middle of talking, Cyn walks out and says, “I can’t do this.” Erica chases after her and asks her why she’s there. Cyn wants to know why Erica didn’t tell her about the engagement. Long story short, Cyn tells her that she still cares about her and Erica tries to stop crying but can’t and they have a crying moment that is just way too much.

Rich meets with Diamond again about her and Cisco and this chick is… just crazy. She shows up dressed in a tight dress and in her confession says that if things happen between her and Rich then maybe Cisco can see what he’s missing. Leave it along already. They flirt it up and there’s obviously a sexual attraction there.  He then licks on her neck (right there in the damn restaurant) and says “something was wrong with your hair” and tells her “you got my number” as he walks away. Wow is all I can say.

peter gunz ultimatum on love hip hop new york recap 2015

Then there’s the nigga Peter Gunz. This dude talks about how empty the apartment that he and Amina shared (she left to Germany) is. He misses the love that was once there. This guy is just something else because he can’t take responsibility for his part in all. Things happened the way that they did because he is a cheater and a liar and he cannot blame Amina.

peter gunz stalks amina in germany on love hip hop new york 2015

So after talking to his boy Charlie Murphy, he decides to go to Germany to “get his family back.” He shows up at Amina’s sister’s house unannounced. She asks him why he’s there and says “You don’t give a shit about me…I’m not comfortable knowing you love Tara so much.” He tries to sweet talk his way out of it all and says “At some point I have to make a decision” and thus is why he’s there now. She tells him “It’s a little too late.” She given him hundreds of chances and she just can’t do it anymore. He asks her if she wants a divorce and she says I just want to be by myself for a while.

Cyn and Cisco meet in the studio to go over what he can possible do for the record she wants to make. They have really “bonded” since they both have lost brothers. He plays the song he wrote when his brother died and they both shed tears. Cyn really has a moment where she breaks down about her brother and it is like a real moment which is a change from artificial that is so prevalent in reality TV shows.

So then later, Rich comes to the studio to check in on him and to see how things went with Cyn. Cisco tells him it went well and that it all cool because it’s all about music. “Imma make sure you’re covered.” Rich takes the opportunity to see if it’s cool if he smashes Diamond. Cisco immediately gets hype and tells him that he doesn’t like the fact he is thinking about screwing her. Rich tells him he gets it, hopes it all works out with Cyn and he’s not going to mess with “shorty.” Now that’s some guy code there.

yandy reacts for love hip hop new york 2015

Tara is starting a new business with to teach artists etiquette. She shares with Yandy that she is trying to get from under Peter’s shadow. She then breaks down about how much she is still hurt from Peter, the love of her life,  marrying another woman and having a baby. Ugh just move on already.

rich dollaz making more men download action love hip hop new york 2015

Then Rich, Mendeecees and Chink meet up at Rich’s place. He tells them about the whole situation with Cisco and Diamond to get their opinion on whether or not he should fuck (um I thought you already said you weren’t… men) and ends up showing Chink a magazine with Chrissy in it pretty much posing naked. Chink didn’t know anything about it and is super upset. He says he’s going to talk to her and it may end up being their last conversation.

He meets with her and brings the magazine with him. “What’s up with this hoe shit?” She tells him “It’s art baby.” He tells her that she being in the spread puts him in a situation that is harder for him to present her to his family. They argue and he ends up walking away and she calls him insecure. Their relationship is truly one for the books.

The episode ends with Peter Gunz getting scolded by Amina’s mother. I am proud of little ole Amina here because she holds her ground. She calls Peter out on going to Barbados and says that it’s unbelievable that he acted the way that he did. Amina’s mom tells her that it is her decision. Amina says, “I made up my mind I can’t be with him.” Her mom says that Peter is not going to change. “I don’t believe it.”

Amina decides to go her own way… for now. We’ll see if she’s still singing the same tune next week.

TOTAL DIVAS SEASON 3: TJ’s Model Behavior

total divas season 3 tj model behavior 2015

On this week’s Total Divas at Brie and Daniel Bryan’s home, Brie showed Daniel a home voice alert system she bought to keep them safe after a recent break in at their house. They recorded their voices and their dog’s barking for the alert system but Daniel said he didn’t think that would work.

natalya cant handle sexy tj at dinner tyson kid 2015

Natalya took TJ out to dinner to thank him for helping fix up her mother’s house after a recent flood. During the dinner they talked about Natalya’s dad and she told TJ she wouldn’t be able to deal with her father’s problems without his help and support.

wwe wont let paige get tattoo for total divas 2015

Backstage at RAW Paige met with a WWE executive to ask if she could get a tattoo. He told her she needed to get it approved by creative but they would probably say no. Nikki, Brie and Arianne talked about Arianne being nervous about her boyfriend and his family meeting het family. Arianne also said that her dad used to do crack and is now not in good health and has missing teeth, which makes her even more nervous.

wwe tj working bulge on models for total divas 2015

Natalya and TJ talked about how the crowd at RAW kept referring to TJ as “Natty’s husband” as opposed to having his own identity. TJ then said he had also wanted to have his own fitness center and maybe even his own life of workout clothes. He also mentioned being interested in getting into modeling, which inspired Natalya to set up a meeting for him at a modeling agency.

tj wilson keeps getting nattie made on total divas 2015

Arianne and Eva Marie went to Arianne’s dad’s house to see him before he meets her boyfriend. She hadn’t seen her dad in close to a year and admitted that her dad wasn’t there for her when she was growing up. Her dad said that meeting people is awkward because of his teeth and that even though he shouldn’t let it bother him it still didn’t feel right to meet new people looking that way. Arianne then said she would take her dad to the dentist and have his teeth fixed.

TJ and Natalya went to a meeting with a modeling agency that Natalya found for him. They asked for pictures of TJ and then took some pictures of their own.

Paige was told she cannot get a tattoo because WWE has a deal with Mattel to create action figures of WWE wrestlers and that she could not change her character as a result. Paige expressed her displeasure over this and said that she isn’t a child and she should be able to do what she wants.

Arianne took her dad shopping for a new suit to wear to meet her boyfriend Vinnie’s family in. He became upset because he felt like by doing so Arianne was embarrassed about the way he looks. She then said he could wear whatever he wanted to the dinner.

tj works underwear ad bulge on total divas 2015

At TJ’s first photo shoot Natalya watched him get photos taken flanked by two beautiful women and said that while that would normally make her jealous she wants TJ to be happy.

Arianne then took her dad to the dentist and she was shocked to see his dentures were in such bad condition. With high blood pressure and diabetes, Arianne and her dad were told he was going to have to undergo ongoing dental work to fix his mouth even though Arianne wanted everything done within one week.

Paige, Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes hung out backstage and Paige took a call from her dad in England, who agreed with WWE that she should not get a tattoo. Paige then said she was going to get the tattoo she wanted anyway because it was her life and her decision to make and no one was going to tell her what she could and couldn’t do with her own body.

tyson kid showing muscles for total divas wee 2015

When TJ and Natalya went to the modeling agency to get the pictures they took Natalya became angry that he had been photographed with such beautiful women. The agency then told him he had the potential to become a sports model and that they would put him touch with an agency that could help him with that.

Arianne and Vinnie headed to the dinner where their two families would be meeting. The two families met and Arianne expressed that her dad was dressed like a pimp. She then asked him to put in his dentures so he would look perfect for Vinnie’s family. Even though she felt bad about asking him to do that, she did so in the hopes that Vinnie’s family wouldn’t judge her dad harshly. Vinnie then said he wanted to talk to Arianne’s dad and she had no idea why he felt the need to. He then asked her dad for his blessing to become her husband someday. When Vinnie’s parents showed up Arianne was nervous. Her dad then announced that she and Vinnie were engaged, even though he hasn’t proposed, leaving Arianne anxious and confused as to what was actually happening in front of her.

At dinner that night, Natalya admitted to TJ that she was protective of him and that she didn’t like seeing a woman’s breasts against TJ’s back during his photo shoot.

paige wants new tattoo against wwe total divas 2015

Paige went to the tattoo parlor and called Rosa Mendes to Alicia Fox to join her. Natalya also came by because Paige wasn’t listening to Rosa and Alicia telling her not to. Paige wanted a skull with a flower tattooed onto her chest and wouldn’t listen to Natalya either even though Natalya told Paige it could jeopardize her career.

Backstage at a show Paige admitted to the other divas that she would put off getting the tattoo she wanted. Instead she got two small tattoos in a place on her body that can easily be covered up with clothing. She said that Natalya made her realize that she has plenty of time to get the tattoo she wants and that right now her career is more important than having the tattoo.

Ronda Rousey Continues Going Hollywood With Peter Berg’s MILE 22

ronda rousey continuing to go hollywood with mile 22

Ronda Rousey is coming close to retirement in the UFC world, and she made history this past weekend at UFC 184 in her fourteen second win over Cat Zingano. So what’s next for the MMA favorite champ? She’s already been marking her territory in Hollywood, and now it looks like after a few smaller roles in action films, she’s ready to make the jump into a co-starring role in a big budget actioner.

ronda rousey in expendables 3 movie 2015

Rousey is no stranger to the silver screen. She played a character in last year’s “The Expendables 3” and has a role in “Furious 7,” which is set to be released later this year.

According to Variety, Rousey will costar with Iko Uwais in the Peter Berg-produced “Mile 22.” The report has Rousey playing a CIA operative who works with an Indonesian police officer (Uwais) as they battle “violent and extreme” political corruption.

“I’m very excited at the possibility of working with Ronda and Iko to create a film in the spirit of this new wave of combat cinema emerging from Indonesia,” Berg told Variety. “Ronda and Iko will be a very unique and powerful team.”


However, it doesn’t seem as though everyone in UFC is as thrilled about Rousey’s new gig as a Hollywood action star. At least one of her fellow competitors says Rousey is not the kind of champion UFC deserves.

“She did a good thing, that was bringing the UFC the female fights,” undefeated Brazilian bantamweight Bethe Correia told Yahoo Sports at UFC 184 on Saturday. “She convinced [UFC President Dana White] to do it. But I don’t think she’s a good champion. I think she’s really selfish.

“She just thinks about herself, about making movies, dressing well, showing up. I’m not gonna be like this, I’m gonna be a real champ. I’m gonna do something for the people. I’m gonna be the people’s champ.”

Tough talk, but it may be that Correia is just positioning herself to be Rousey’s next challenger.

Better Call Saul Ep 5 Recap: Elder Care & Alpine Shepherd Boy

Better Call Saul Ep 5 Recap Elder Care & Alpine Shepherd Boy

This week’s episode of ‘Better Call Saul‘ wasn’t as good as the past couple weeks. It still wasn’t bad at all though. Put it against most other shows out there right now and it is near the top of the heap.

better call saul chuck mcgill steals old womans newspaper felony 2015

We start off with the ramifications of stealing a newspaper from a senior citizen. Chuck got a visit from the police after the old bag down the street reported his theft of her fish wrap. What’s the over / under on the age it takes to one, still have a newspaper subscription, and two, call the cops if yours is stolen? I say 64. The police eventually got inside despite Chuck using some crafty lawyer talk about reasonable cause to enter a home. For good measure they tase the harmless guy. In their defense, he does seem like a wacko. He is in fact a wacko.

better call saul crazy redneck patriot client 2015

Jimmy has a hell of a time this week as he makes the rounds to potential new clients who sought him out after his billboard stunt. He meets a filthy rich guy with tons of land who appreciates Jimmy’s bravery. This fellow wants to secede from the USA and is willing to take the court fight as far as necessary. Jimmy nearly wet himself at the prospect of billing this guy $450 an hour for years on end. This looked like his first huge score as a lawyer…until the secessionist brought out the $500K in funny money with his own photo where Ben Franklin belonged. Dead end with this one.

better call saul sexual childs toilet 2015

The next stop involved some patent work with an amateur inventor who thought he had the next big thing in potty training for kids. What he actually had was the dumbest, most ill conceived, and creepiest device ever. Jimmy wasted no time getting away from this kook. His last stop looked to be another headache. He was to help an elderly lady with her will. She had the money to pay, but it was quite a slow process. Jimmy showed that he really is sharp and focused on the clients he has, when he was able to remember the details about the figurines’ new owners once the granny passed on.

better call saul with brother chuck in hospital 2015

Kim enjoyed hearing Jimmy’s stories of the day and lets him know that elder law would be a good specialty. She gets alerted about Chuck’s situation from Howard Hamlin. When they get to the hospital, Jimmy immediately starts turning out lights and switching off equipment. He truly loves his brother and even though he knows his sibling’s behavior is nuts, he still tries to make him comfortable. The doctor proves that it’s all in Chuck’s head as she switches on the hospital bed power when he isn’t paying attention. He never flinches. Jimmy still won’t have his brother committed however. He can’t stand the thought of the man he admires so much being locked away as a fruit loop. Dude is crazy though, make no mistake. Jimmy could benefit greatly financially if he did have Chuck committed since Howard Hamlin would be forced to make a big payout to the guardian of his brother….Jimmy. But Jimmy does not go in that direction since he loves his bro and is at heart, pretty decent.

Jimmy had to talk about the billboard stunt once he gets Chuck safely home without a straight jacket. He tells Chuck that he just needed some publicity  and he should do well now that his name is out there. No more Slippin’ Jimmy he tells big brother.

better call saul works eldercare business 2015

In one of the slickest marketing ploys ever, Jimmy watches a ‘Matlock‘ episode to get a feel of how Andy Griffith dressed for the role. In case you are unaware, old people love them some Andy Griffith as Matlock. If Jimmy can dress in a similar fashion, he should boost his connection with the elders he may be targeting for wills and estate planning. Dude is smart. Not as smart as Matlock, but plenty sharp.

Jimmy shows up to a senior citizens center with a jello cart and a new Matlock suit. He is glad handing as the residents enjoy the tasty treats that have Jimmy McGill’s photo at the bottom of the container. This is legit work that he can survive on and maybe even thrive with. Obviously he is going to get into some dirtier business relationships, but this shows Chuck he is a serious lawyer and keeps money coming in when there’s not a Betsy Kettleman to hand over a stack of cash every month. Having normal clients is a good cover for the shady stuff that comes later.

Everything is looking up for Jimmy. Chuck is on a downward spiral straight to a cushioned room, but Jimmy has some positive momentum. Jimmy even manages a civil conversation with Mike at the toll booth. Mike isn’t exactly hugging the lawyer, but they are cordial. Jimmy even has the right amount of stickers this go around. Amazing.

better call saul mike story kicks in 2015better call saul mike story kicks in 2015

We get a small glimpse of Mike at the end of the episode. He has a boring job obviously. This is a far cry from what he used to see on a daily basis as a cop. He gets off work in the morning to head to a diner then waits in his car as he watches a young lady leave her house. I’m assuming this is his daughter and there is some friction since she sees him in passing and stops, but doesn’t speak to him at all. If you’ll remember from ‘Breaking Bad‘ he visited his granddaughter regularly. Once Mike gets back home, his TV watching is interrupted by some cops at the door. Apparently they are from his old days on the beat. It appears Mike left on a bad note or under suspicious circumstances since police from his former home city have come to New Mexico looking for him. I have a feeling he is going to need that card that Jimmy gave him during their special moment at the toll booth last go around. Better call Saul!

Celebrity Gossip Recap: Gaga Plunges, Madonna Raves & Glee Ends

Celebrity Gossip Recap Gaga Plunges Madonna Raves & Glee Ends

This week’s celebrity gossip roundup includes births, deaths and shocking occurrences and events. First up comes the news that The Chew co-host Sara Gilbert and her wife Linda Perry welcomed their son into the world on Saturday. Gilbert’s co-host Julie Chen announced the birth on Monday’s live broadcast of The Chew. Viewers of the show first learned of Gilbert’s pregnancy when she had to back out of a segment that involved performing a stunt for the audience.

hillary duff divorces mike comrie 2015

In news that probably doesn’t surprise anyone, Hilary Duff recently filed divorce papers to end her marriage to Mike Comrie. Though she had been holding out the hope that the two could reconcile, Mike’s actions at a hotspot in Beverly Hills, California called Mastro’s. A source at the scene stated that Mike was blatantly flirting with his waitress who didn’t respond to the flirting. He then turned to another woman in the restaurant and reportedly threw her cash and requested that she sleep with him. Mike was said to have been drunk at the time.

ludacris cheats justin timberlake with eudoxie pregnant pic 2015

Over the weekend Ludacris posted a picture online of wife Eudoxie clearly showing a pregnant belly. In the picture Ludacris was kissing her belly while she smiled for the camera. The caption under the picture stated that is a beautiful day for the couple.

lady gaga and taylor kinney do polar plunge 2015

This past weekend newly engaged couple Taylor Kinney and Lady Gaga were two participants in Chicago’s 2015 Polar Plunge. Lady Gaga posted pictures on her Instagram account and stated how happy she and Taylor were to be participating in the charity event, which raises money for the Special Olympics.

leonard nemoy dies 2015

The saddest news out of Hollywood right now is that legendary actor Leonard Nimoy, better known to fans as Star Trek’s iconic Dr. Spock, passed away last Friday at the age of 83, just weeks before he would have celebrated his 84th birthday. The actor had reportedly been in the hospital fighting COPD, which took his life. It was only last year that he was diagnosed with the medical condition that led to his tragic death.

kim kardashian wears same dress as rita ore for madonna party 2015

Poor Kim Kardashian just can’t get a break as she recently arrived at a party marking the longtime career of Madonna, wearing the same exact dress as another party guest. As if that alone wasn’t bad enough the guest that was wearing the same dress was Rita Ora, Kim’s brother Rob’s ex -girlfriend. Reportedly the only difference between the two women’s outfits was that Rita had on a choke collar and Kim was boasting a high neckline on her dress.

keeping up with the kardashians inks new deal 2015

In better news for Kim Kardashian and her family, they recently reached an agreement with the E! Entertainment Network, that involved a deal worth $100 million. This will continue the family’s reality show on the network for the next four years. In the history of the E! Network they have never paid such a large amount for another show. However, Bruce Jenner, who recently divorced the family’s matriarch, Kris Jenner, will no longer be a part of the Keeping Up With The Kardashians cast. Instead he will have his own show on the network that will follow him as he transitions from being a man to being a woman.

madonna with lady gaga future pop 2015

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone Magazine Madonna spoke of Lady Gaga and how many in the industry believe Gaga is trying to become the new Madonna. She admitted to being a fan of both Lady Gaga and Kanye West and that her only problem with Lady Gaga was when Madonna felt that Gaga had ripped off a song that Madonna had made her own. She also said that though she doesn’t always agree with Kanye West she loves his music.

Speaking of Madonna, during her performance at the 2015 Brit Awards she went to remove a cape that she was wearing and promptly lost her balance and fell down the stairs of the stage, with her back to the audience. The fall only disrupted her performance for a few seconds and then she was back on track.

bobbi kristina brown forever in coma bobby brown 2015

The news surrounding Bobbi Kristina Brown has not improved in recent days. Though she was brought out of the coma her doctors had placed her in she is reportedly showing no signs of improvement. After being woken up Bobbi Kristina proceeded to have multiple seizures that were described as violent. As a result, her doctors put her back into a medically induced coma.

mirjana puhar killed with boyfriend 2015

Tragically, Mirjana Puhar, a former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant, was killed in North Carolina after a triple murder took place in her boyfriend’s house. At only 19 years old, Puhar’s life was cut short after she moved in with her boyfriend. An alleged drug deal gone wrong resulted in the deaths of not only Puhar, but her boyfriend and his roommate as well.

guliana rancicn racist slurs for zendaya 2015

At the recent Oscars telecast, Guliana Rancinc was under fire after making a comment deemed racist. The comment was directed towards Zendaya, an 18 year old singer that appeared on the awards show wearing dreadlocks in her hair. Rancinc issued a formal apology on a subsequent telecast of E! Entertainment News.

demi lovato recovering from bipolar breathing flu 2015

Ailing Demi Lovato was recently taken to the hospital after breathing became difficult. Due to the flu Lovato was diagnosed with a lung infection. Doctors reportedly prescribed the singer medication to restore the health of her lungs.

naya rivera pregnant glee 2015

Glee actress Naya Rivera has announced that she and her husband are expecting a baby. The actress took to her blog to make the announcement and to state how happy the couple is to be expecting their first child. The two have been married since the summer of 2014 when they wed in Mexico.

leah michele takes home cory monteith glee jersey 5 2015 images

Speaking of Glee, the show taped its final episodes recently. Before cast member Leah Michele left the stage for the final time she took with her the jersey her deceased boyfriend and fellow cast member had worn for the show.

That’s it for this week’s celebrity gossip. Check back next week for the latest.

Top 10 Head Coaches in NFL Today

Top 10 Head Coaches in NFL Today

No one can deny the importance of a good head coach in the NFL. Often times when a team is struggling, the coach is the first to go. It’s not an easy job, but someone’s got to do it. Here’s a list of the top 10 head coaches still in the NFL today (NOTE: Bill Belichick has been held off the list due to yet another cheating allegation):

bruce arians top ten nfl head coaches 2015

Bruce Arians—Arizona Cardinals: Arians need a few more seasons under his belt before making it further on the list, but his accomplishments in 2012 with the Indianapolis Colts won him the AP Coach of the Year award and a spot in this conversation.

jeff fisher top ten head coaches in nfl 2015

Jeff Fisher—St. Louis Rams: Fisher hasn’t made the playoffs since 2008, but he has been a head coach for 20 seasons now. Fisher has earned the respect of everyone in the business, and he did led the Tennessee Titans to a Super Bowl in 1999.

lovie smith top 10 nfl head coaches 2015

Lovie Smith—Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Smith’s first season with the Bucs may not have gone perfectly, but he had an fantastic stint with the Chicago Bears, including a Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl XLI…with Rex Grossman at quarterback. Impressive.

andy reid top 10 nfl head coaches 2015

Andy Reid—Kansas City Chiefs: Reid took a 2-14 Chiefs team to the top of the league in only one season. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget those five NFC Championship Game appearances and one Super Bowl with the Philadelphia Eagles.

mike tomlin top ten head coaches 2015

Mike Tomlin—Pittsburgh Steelers: Tomlin took over for the legendary Bill Cowher and never looked back with the Steelers franchise. Two Super Bowl appearances and one ring later, he’s number six on the list.

mike mccarthy top 10 nfl head coaches 2015 images

Mike McCarthy—Green Bay Packers: McCarthy has lead the Packers to the playoffs every season since 2009 including a Super Bowl XLV victory. He has also been labeled as one of the NFL’s best play callers in his time in Green Bay.

Pete Carroll top 10 head coaches nfl 2015

Pete Carroll—Seattle Seahawks: Carroll’s recent defensive schemes have turned the NFL upside down. With two Super Bowl appearances in a row and a Super Bowl XLVIII blowout victory, Carroll has certainly made a name for himself quickly.

tom coughlin nfl top 10 head coaches 2015

Tom Coughlin—New York Giants: Don’t let the Giants poor regular season performances fool you, Coughlin is a football genius, especially in the playoffs. Oh yeah, and he led the Jacksonville Jaguars to two AFC Championship Game appearances.

sean payton new orleans saints top 10 nfl coaches 2015

Sean Payton—New Orleans Saints: We all saw what the Saints were able to do without Payton on the sideline—nothing. Payton no only revitalized a team, leading them to a Super Bowl victory; but an entire city as well.

john harbaugh top 10 nfl head coaches 2015

John Harbaugh—Baltimore Ravens: If Jim was still in the NFL he would be here, but in his absence his older brother gets the nod. What Harbaugh has done in Baltimore over the past few years has been absolutely amazing considering what he’s had to work with. Joe Flacco a Super Bowl MVP? Only under Harbaugh.

5 Reasons Ray Rice Won’t Get Another Shot With NFL

ray rice tries to return to nfl after wife beatdown 2015

Ray Rice may be a totally different person from the one that we all saw throw a punch at his future wife in an elevator. He may have had just one bad night and had never done anything of the sort before. He may live the rest of his life doing positive things in the community and even be a good person to speak out on domestic violence. That may sound farfetched, but not when you consider how many guilty people have done positive things after getting locked up for various crimes over the years. It’s not an easy thing to imagine former murderers or thieves actually doing good things, but it does happen.

Does this mean Ray Rice will get another chance in the NFL? Not exactly and I would bet the other way. Many folks compare his chances to Mike Vick’s opportunities after the dog fighting fiasco. While that is similar, Vick was just one guy with that issue. Rice was just the tip of the iceberg as more and more players were caught up in abuse cases. Teams are doing all they can to keep players already on their rosters from having incidents like Ray Rice was involved in. These teams certainly don’t want to add a guy that is the face of domestic abuse in the NFL, no matter what he says or does to rehab himself and his public image. Vick was also much more talented than Rice. At one point Vick was the most dangerous player in the NFL. Ray Rice was really good in his prime, but not on the level of a $100 million dollar QB.

If I were Ray Rice, I would downgrade my lifestyle dramatically. Maybe he has saved a great deal of his money he made while in Baltimore. If he’s like many pro athletes that is unlikely however. He had better prepare like he will be making a normal salary in a regular job. He received about $1.5 million from the Ravens through his wrongful termination grievance. That money should be set aside for possible hard times ahead.

Here are five reasons no NFL will touch Rice in 2015. 2016 may be a different story with fans’ memories a bit hazier with 365 more days between them and the original elevator news.

  1. Justin Forsett. This journeyman filled the void left by Rice when he was let go by Baltimore. Forsett was paid just over $700K for his services on his way to a league leading 5.4 yards per attempt. Forsett showed the league that backs can be interchangeable, not to mention cheap.
  1. The fact that only two running backs are projected to go in the first round of the draft says it all about teams’ needs. Running backs are just not in high demand. If teams are willing to wait on later rounds to get a rusher, then why would they roll the dice on a player like Rice when they won’t even bother using a first round pick on a back?
  1. The video is never going away. It is online forevermore. The scene of Janay Rice falling unconscious at the feet of Ray Rice is burned into fans’ minds and available on youtube at the click of a mouse. NFL franchises can’t afford to have something like that attached to their name.
  1. Most head coaches would buck the thought of a GM wanting to try Rice. The head coach would be the one having to deal with the daily questions about having Ray Rice on the team.
  1. Running backs can be had cheaply. The position lacks the value of the old days. A free agent can come in on the cheap and without the baggage of TMZ. The NFL is a passing league and becoming more so each season. So now backs are a commodity, plain and simple.

Most Overrated National League Baseball Teams 2015

major league baseball logo images 2015

The 2015 Major League Baseball season is a little over a month away as teams prepare at spring training. This time of the year also gives us all a chance to look at which Major League teams are the most overrated in the game before opening day gets underway. We will get started by taking a look at a few of the clubs in the National League.

Before we get to that list here are some of the key reasons these teams might find themselves on our list. The first of those reasons is if a team consistently gets ranked at the top of their division despite actually finishing at the top the season before.

The second reason is simply because a team gets a lot of credit based on past accomplishments. Yes we all know how many World Series titles the New York Yankees have or how many pennants the St. Louis Cardinals have. The question is will any of those accomplishments actually help a team this season?

The third reason we look at is holes the team could have either due to lack of talent or failure to bring back a key player to their team. This could be said for many of the teams around the league as we saw key superstars like Matt Kemp, Nelson Cruz, Pablo Sandoval and Hanley Ramirez all find new homes this off-season. All of these moves improved their new clubs rosters but left key holes on their former roster.

The last key reason a team will land on this list is if they team they have is simply overrated based on a roster filled with star names. For example if you look back at the Los Angeles Angels in 2013, the team was filled with stars but finished six games under .500 and 18 games behind the Oakland A’s in the American League West division.

Here are the most overrated teams in the National League.

los angeles dodgers most overrated national league team 2015

Los Angeles Dodgers: The Dodgers land on this list simply based on having the best team in baseball the past few seasons but failing to get over the hump in the playoffs. Yes this team has stars like Adrian Gonzalez, Yasiel Puig and the games best starter Clayton Kershaw.

That being said the main reason they play the game is to take home the World Series title something they haven’t done since the 1988 season. Last season the Dodgers finished with the second best record in the National League and took home the National League West crown. In the end the San Francisco Giants took home the World Series title despite finishing six games behind the Dodgers in the division.

Now the upside to the Dodgers is their rotation filled with two Cy Young caliber starters in Kershaw and Zach Greinke. The deeper concern outside of those two starters and Hyun-Jin Ryu is who will man the other two spots in the rotation. Dan Haren was traded away and Josh Beckett officially retired this off-season.

On the offensive side of the field the team also traded away one of their best offensive weapons in Matt Kemp when healthy. This leaves a key void in the outfield along with a bigger hole at shortstop after Hanley Ramirez signed with the Boston Red Sox.

The Dodgers still have enough talent to make it to the post season but first they will have to outplay a much-improved National League West division that could have four teams fighting for a playoff berth.

cincinnati reds most overrated national league teams baseball 2015

Cincinnati Reds: When you start to look at the Reds roster you see talent at all the key positions starting with former All-Stars Joey Votto, Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce. Along with these three stars in the roster, the team’s rotation includes the likes of Johnny Cueto and Homer Bailey.

Despite all of the talent the Reds finished with the fifth worst record in the National League while finishing fourth in the National League Central division. Much of their issues from last season came from the health of the team’s roster starting with Votto who appeared in only 62 games.

Now a new season everyone is moving on and the expectations are elevated across the country for a Reds team that should be able to compete for a World Series title. That being said we still see to many concerns around whether or not this club can see 145-150 games from each of their stars to make a run at a title

Then when you take a look at their rotation you basically have Cueto, Bailey and Mike Leake who have had success in years past. Outside of these three starters who will round out the rotation taking home the fourth and fifth spots in the rotation?

The team also has major concern in the bullpen outside of the team’s closer Aroldis Chapman. The only other guy on the Reds roster to appear in more than 40 games and have lower than a two earned run average is gone. The other four relievers that topped the forty-appearance mark all posted at least a 3.38 earned run average.

In the end these two clubs have what it takes to make it to the playoffs but now they have to go out on the field and prove it.