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10 Things the 2016 Presidential Election Won’t Change


10 things the 2016 presidential election

It is still 2015, right?

For me, it’s very hard to tell since I am bombarded on a daily basis by the 2016 Presidential election news. You would think we were just a couple months away from choosing a new POTUS when in actuality we are still a year away.

2016 democratic presidential candidatesTV news channels can’t help themselves but ramp up the election drama, especially on slow news days. Unless there is a hot blond who just hacked her wealthy husband up into little pieces, FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC are going to be talking about the various candidates on a daily basis.

Full disclosure. I watch very little news and read very little political news anymore. There was a time when I filled my week up with about 15 hours of news talk radio and podcasts.

I found myself getting so angry that I had to cut that out of my universe.

I decided it was unhealthy to worry about what this crooked politician was doing as opposed that other shady representative over there. No point in me getting riled up over a political system that I had very little control over.

Voting you say? I feel nothing but pity for the folks who believe voting makes any difference whatsoever on a national level.

Call me jaded or bitter (I am), but what evidence can you show that national elections have turned things around?

Sure this law got passed, and this other one got struck down. The details may change by a certain politician’s actions,  but what has actually changed as a result of candidate A getting in office over candidate B?

Is your life better after four years of Obama?

Was your life a wreck before George W. Bush took office, then you magically turned things around once he became Prez?

Politics is so much like sports it has become utterly ridiculous. The two party system is to blame for most of that. You have the Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other, championing (I call it exploiting) the causes of their followers.

The voting public that shows up to political rallies looks very similar to shirtless NFL fans with face paint on, waving a banner for their team. These diehard voters are all in on the candidates they believe can change things for the better.

I’m all for hope and inspirational leaders, I just can’t help but ask the same question again. What has changed as a result of the last few Presidential elections? Is your life better? Do you believe your children’s lives will be better than yours currently?

And maybe most importantly, are we headed in the right direction as a nation?

That last one’s a doozy since we have 318 million different opinions on what the right direction looks like.

I have no idea who will end up in the White House in 2016. All these polls are useless with 12 months to go until the real voting starts. Hillary Clinton looks strong obviously, and Donald Trump has more staying power than I would have ever believed possible.

2016 republican candidates presidentThe rest of the gangly group of possible Commanders in Chief have their own merits I suppose, and a couple will find themselves in the mix as time winds down on this circus.

Since our attention spans as Americans are pretty pathetic, I’m going to summarize the 2016 Presidential election with a top ten list. Oh, this is too important a topic for a catchy list, you say?

No, it’s really not. The topic is stupid.

The result of the election will be the same as if Obama just never moved out of the White House or George W. Bush moved back in for another eight years.

We are in for more of the same. As long as we citizens accept the two-party system is the only way to go in America, there will be no positive change. We are living in a connected digital age where thoughts can’t be suppressed by the powers that be much longer. That power structure is hanging on for dear life and as citizens we just have to find a better way to run the country.

Old men in suits making laws when they aren’t on month long vacations has to end eventually. How long will Americans accept rulers put in place by men over 200 years ago that could not fathom the creation of an iPhone, the internet, or just simply chatting online with someone in Asia?

donald trump gunSo to wrap up my thoughts on the 2016 Presidential election, here’s a list of things that will not change as a result.

  1. Citizens will continue to buy the American Dream even though that is clearly a fantasy now. Pensions have all but disappeared. More than half of couples end up divorced long before they pay off that ridiculous 30-year mortgage. And that “free” education has turned into a ball and chain for many college graduates.
  1. The news media will continue to make political judgments based on the letter beside the candidate’s name. You would think an impartial media would judge representatives by their actions. That’s hilarious!
  1. Corruption in U.S. Government will never get better in this system no matter who is bouncing around in Air Force I. Too much easy money floating around.
  1. We will spend way too much for our military to kill off a handful of nutjobs. Yes, there are some folks in need of killing, but there’s no need to spend a billion dollars to knock off a tribe that enjoys beheading journalists. A simple bounty would work.
  1. Unless Bernie Sanders has a miraculous win over Hillary, the War on Drugs will continue. This so-called war wastes so much money and resources, yet it profits some powerful people so it will march on.
  1. The Middle East will never find peace. I don’t care if you dig up Gandhi and make him POTUS. There has been fighting there since time began and I see no reason it would stop.
  1. The jacked up tax system is not going anywhere. A flat tax would be simpler, but how long have “Fair Tax” proponents been begging the masters to allow that?
  1. There will forever be waste in government. A Republican may waste money on different projects as opposed to a Democrat, but both will throw away tax payers money.
  1. The economy will not automatically get better with a certain candidate. You should focus on your personal economy rather than policies from on high.
  1. The next President of the United States will not do it for you. If you want a better life, you will have to figure out how to get it. Sure, they may tweak a policy or two that benefits you in some way, but they will not directly affect the course of your life…unless they do something really dumb. And with this collection of candidates, that is a possibility.

Jared Leto Shows Off His ‘Suicide Squad’ Joker Side


jared leto shows off his suicide squad joker side 2015 imagesWhile we still have quite a wait before the upcoming star-studded Suicide Squad movie is released, the studios are continuing to hype it up and get fans excited for the film.

In Suicide Squad, the government enlists a team of criminals and villains known as Task Force X or The Suicide Squad.  Although there is friction amongst the team members, they decide to work together and execute dangerous tasks in exchange for shorter prison sentences.

The highly-anticipated movie stars numerous big names in the business such as Margot Robbie (Wolf of Wallstreet), Cara Delevingne (Papertowns), Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club), Will Smith (I Am Legend), Scott Eastwood (Snowden), Ben Affleck (Gone Girl), and Viola Davis (How to Get Away with Murder).

Many fans are excited to see Jared Leto’s portrayal of the infamous Joker. Recently, Jared embraces his character on the cover of Empire magazine, where he is shown head-to-toe in full costume. Jared’s version of the character is much more fashion-forward, as he dons a purple snakeskin trench coat, loose drawstring “Arkham Asylum” pants, tattoos, and slicked back green hair. On the cover, Jared is also shown without a shirt. Thus, his take on the character is definitely worlds away from earlier portrayals of the Joker (i.e. Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger).

jared leto suicide squad joker 2015 imagesIn an interview with ComicBookMovie.com, Jared explained the transformation he underwent to be able to portray the villain. Leto revealed, “There was definitely a period of…detachment.” He goes on to say, “I took a pretty deep dive. But this was a unique opportunity, and I couldn’t imagine doing it another way. It was fun, playing those psychological games. But at the same time, it was very painful, like giving birth out of my prick hole.”

In another interview, co-star Will Smith revealed that Leto was completely committed to his role. He explained, “Not a single word exchanged off-camera. He was all in on the Joker.”

During Comic-Con, they released a full trailer for the 2016 flick. In the trailer, Viola Davis is seen talking to a man who is inquiring about the locked up villains. She goes on to say that she hopes she can use their special abilities to finally do some good. She feels that using these villains for the government’s benefit is a perfect situation, as if anything goes wrong they can blame them since they have “built-in deniability.”

Next in the trailer we see the different members of the squad, including Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Harley Quinn. Also known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel, this character first appeared as an enemy of Batman and partner-in-crime of the Joker and Poison Ivy.

The trailer also gives audiences a glimpse into Cara Delevingne’s character, the Enchantress, who is a misguided super villain who once upon a time ended up fighting Supergirl. This is one of Cara’s first acting roles, so it will be interesting to see how she plays off of her well-experienced co-stars.

jared leto suicide squad empire 2015 imagesLastly, the trailer gives the audience a brief scene of Jared Leto’s Joker. However, it is enough to establish that Leto did not hold anything back when undertaking the slightly insane character. Most likely, this will be yet another role that Jared gets high praise for.  Earlier in the year Jared explained his take on the character, saying, “I always get the sense that the Joker may be older than people think. It’s something different. If you don’t break rules, you’re not going to strike new ground. I think I’ll be cooling down for the rest of my life.”

The movie is directed and co-written by David Ayer, who is known for directing Fury, which starred Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, and Michael Pena. When asked about which member of the squad is the worst, David revealed to Empire magazine, “F**k good versus bad…bad versus evil is a lot more interesting. And Amanda Waller is the worst there is.” Here, David refers to the sly government worker played by award-winning actress Viola Davis. Viola has explained her character stating, “She’s relentless in her villainy. When you look at her, there’s nothing that seems dangerous. Her only power is her intelligence and her complete lack of guilt.”

Suicide Squad is set to hit theaters August 5, 2016.

suicide squad poster 2015

NFL Week 8 Fantasy Football Start or Sit: Cam Newton & C.J. Anderson

nfl week 8 fantasy football start cam newton 2015 imagesWeek 8 is about to kick off with the New England Patriots taking on the red-hot. So set your lineups. I tell y’all to every week. Do y’all actually listen? For the sake of our friendship, I’m just going to assume you said yes.

Anyways, it’s Week 8, so here’s a little help with who to play in both your season-long fantasy leagues and your Draft Kings games:

Buy In: Cam Newton, QB, Carolina Panthers—Newton is playing like he wants to put an MVP award next to that Heisman Trophy, and he has the added benefit of going against the Indianapolis Colts. In other words, it should be a good week to be Cam Newton (or play him, for that matter).

The Colts have given up at least 20 points to every quarterback they’ve faced the past five weeks, excluding Drew Brees in last Sunday’s matchup with the New Orleans Saints.

Newton is averaging 26 points per home game this season, so against a weak Colts’ defense he should have no problem bringing that up a bit. Newton does need to watch the turnovers (five interceptions in the past two weeks against the Philadelphia Eagles and Seattle Seahawks), but the defense should be able to put the ball in his hands more than enough to satisfy owners.

Sell Out: C.J. Anderson, RB, Denver BroncosAnderson has been possibly the biggest disappointment of the season. Clearly he was relying a little too heavily on Peyton Manning opening up the run game with his arm. I guess that’s what the Broncos get for going with their third string guy after a few good performances.

Anderson has yet to rush for over 70 yards or reach the end zone, and as the Broncos continue to move toward Ronnie Hillman as the go-to carrier, those numbers will only drop (although not much because…well, they can’t get much lower).

Jamaal Charles, Todd Gurley, and Matt Forte all went off for double digits against the Green Bay Packers, so Hillman may be worth the risk, but with the state of the offensive line no one on the Broncos offense looks particularly appealing this week.

‘American Horror Story Hotel’ 504 Devil’s Night Dinner Recap

american horror story hotel 504 devils night 2015 imagesThings get even creepier on this episode of American Horror Story: Hotel as “Devil’s Night” dives deeper into the horrors of the hotel and those working in it. Additionally, it also continues the storyline of Detective Lowe’s missing son, Holden.

The episode begins with a man named Richard Ramirez, who is revealed to be a serial killer. He died back in 2013 and is now celebrating his third “Devil’s Night” at Hotel Cortez. Hotel worker Liz Taylor tells Richard “the master [Mr. March] has left a couple of treats on the pillow.” However, we soon find out that these “treats” are victims for Richard to torture and kill. A twisted tradition that Mr. March has been running at the hotel.

The mood shifts, as we see Detective Lowe talk to his daughter (Scarlett) on the phone. Scarlett tells her father she doesn’t want to go trick-or-treating and would rather stay in and bake with her grandmother. While on the phone, Lowe sees blood trickling down his hotel wall. Meanwhile, the deceased Ms. Evers is busy scrubbing away at a bloody sheet. However, the blood keeps reappearing.  She then has a flashback to her life. The flashback shows her dressing her son up for Halloween. Detective Lowe, who knocks on the door, interrupts her daydream. Ms. Evers reveals to Lowe that she lost her son on Halloween, and all they ever found was his ghost sheet (the one she is cleaning) he was dressed up in on Halloween. Lowe sympathizes with her, as he tells her about Holden.

Later on, we see Lowe’s wife Alex bringing home her son Holden, who has now become an immortal vampire thanks to The Countess. Being a doctor, Alex notices that something is off with Holden and decides to examine him. After taking his temperature, Holden asks his mother for a drink. Unfortunately, Alex is unaware of what him being “thirsty” really entails.

When Alex returns from the kitchen with a glass of juice, she sees Holden feeding on their family dog. In shock, Alex runs over to him, and Holden tells her he wants to go home to his “other mommy.” Quickly, she returns Holden to the hotel and follows him to the glass coffin he was in a few episodes back. Here, Alex is confronted by The Countess, who states, “You must have a lot of questions. I have answers.”

The Countess goes on to tell Alex that she had saved her son from neglect. She goes on to recount that she took ownership of Holden when his father (Detective Lowe) was busy with work and unable to give him proper care. Alex gets defensive and pulls out a gun on The Countess. However, just as this happens, The Countess’ lover Tristan Duffy walks in and knocks Alex to the ground. The Countess tells him to let her go, and Alex runs off.

Meanwhile, Detective John Lowe is at the hotel bar. He is joined by Aileen Wuornos (played by Lily Rave). Aileen explains that she has returned once again for the “Devil’s Night.” Aileen persuades John to join her in her hotel room, although bartender Liz Taylor warns him not to go. Just as they enter the room, Aileen knocks him over the head and ties him up to a chair. She welcomes him to “Devil’s Night.” John then busts his way out of the chair and handcuffs her to the sink. He finds her wallet and realizes he recognized her, as she is a well-known dead serial killer.

John runs down to the front desk, where he tells Liz Taylor to call the cops. Unfortunately, Taylor tells John not to bother because Aileen will not be in the room when he returns. Taylor then looks down on the guest list for the special “Devil’s Night” dinner party and realizes that he has an invitation addressed to Lowe.

John makes his way to the dinner party and is greeted by Aileen, who apologizes. He joins the other guests, as they welcome him as a new guest. Mr. March introduces himself to John. John points out that March is dead and, therefore, he cannot be him, but Mr. March tells him that in Hotel Cortez anything is possible. The other guests introduce themselves, and they are all serial killers as well. They begin discussing their crimes, as Mr. March explains the importance of hiding evidence.

Suddenly, one of the killers named John Wayne Gacy handcuffs Lowe to his chair, as his drinks start hitting him. While Lowe sits disoriented in the chair, he watches as the other murderous guest, Jeffrey Dahmer, feasts on a young victim brought in by March. Lowe wiggles his arm out and shoots Dahmer in an attempt to stop him from murdering the victim. However, Dahmer reminds him that they are all already dead.

Afterward, March is in dismay as he thought the detective would appreciate the dark, twisted evening. Meanwhile, Hypodermic Sally brings in a drugged-up victim she met outside the hotel, and the dinner guests proceed to brutally stab him.

Then John is seen screaming in the now empty dining room. Sally calms him down and tells him he is hallucinating.

Lastly, Alex is seen surrendering to The Countess. She tells her that she wants to be changed into an immortal like her son so that she can be with him forever.

You can catch next week’s episode of American Horror Story: Hotel on Wednesday, November 4 on FX.

‘Paranormal Witness’ 410 The Real Conjuring Recap

paranormal witness real conjuring 2015 imagesMany horror fans will recognize the story that appears in this episode of “Paranormal Witness.” “The Conjuring” was a 2013 movie credited with the story of the Perron family who were able to get the help of Ed and Lorraine Warren (best known from working on the Amityville Horror house). Carolyn and her family pulled into the yard of their new home. Her husband Roger then found out she put a deposit on the house without telling him. Daughter Andrea said she was mom’s little helper in that house. With five Perron kids in total, the family settled into their new home.

The kids were playing hide and seek when Cindy, one of the daughters, bolted. She went down the basement with a flashlight in hand. She found an old box in the basement. She opened it and thought she had found a hiding spot for hide and seek. She got into the box, and her sisters couldn’t find her. Cindy tried to get the box open after a while but it wouldn’t open, so Cindy started screaming. She started to run out of air and thought she was going to die in the box. When they found her, she was as white as a ghost, and she told her sisters the box wouldn’t let her out.

While doing dishes one night, there was a weird sound and the basement door opened on its own. Andrea dropped a dish when she saw a reflection behind her because she turned around, and suddenly the reflection was gone.

One day while doing homework in her room she heard a  baby crying from downstairs. She said it was distressing, and the baby was wailing and screaming in pain, but the screaming suddenly stopped, and she heard a door creaking. A stream of mist came out of her mouth after the temperature in the house suddenly dropped, and the door slammed shut. Cindy’s dad, Roger, went to look at the door and entered the basement. He felt a hand on his back that stopped as suddenly as it started. He had thought it was Carolyn, but she wasn’t in the basement. Roger went upstairs, closed the door and nailed it shut.

Andrea had a nightmare where she was being attacked. She was paralyzed and couldn’t move at all. She woke up terrified. The next morning Caroline was frantically scribbling with a pen. Andrea saw her drawing the person that attacked Andrea in her dream. Caroline was shocked to hear what had happened in her dream, and it scared Caroline a lot. Awake, Andrea saw the same thing she’d seen in her dream. Roger said he wanted a rational explanation for these things happening, but didn’t have one. All the girls slept in one room for a slumber party and the room got so cold they could see their breath. Cindy saw something hovering over Andrea’s bed but had no idea what it was. She was then dragged across the floor and thought she was going to die. She tried to scream, but no sound would come out. While holding on for dear life, she prayed. Cindy said as fast as the thing that dragged her appeared it disappeared. Andrea said they all wanted to make this house a home.

Carolyn woke up one night smelling smoke. She saw tall men standing in the bedroom, and she was frozen with fear. A woman spoke an incantation and Carolyn said it was conjuring something up. Something pierced Carolyn’s leg, and she threw the covers off of her. Carolyn showed Roger her leg; it was bleeding.

Christine said it was upsetting watching her mother going downhill. Andrea said it seemed like she had suddenly aged decades. Carolyn did research to determine who had lived in the family’s house before they bought it. She said there were suicides, drownings and people freezing to death in that house. She also found out an infant had died in the house after a woman sacrificed the baby for eternal youth and beauty. Carolyn said she felt like there was a curse on the property.

One day a man and woman, the family didn’t know knocked on the door. They were paranormal researchers and investigators and had found out about the problems they were having in the house. Carolyn said she was skeptical but hopeful that they could help her. The couple visited each room to feel the energy in the house. She said the house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The female investigator then started shaking and said she sensed a malignant presence in the house. She said Bathsheba was the name of the presence. Carolyn was told they wanted to perform a seance to correct this. Roger didn’t like the idea and knew there was something wrong with doing it. The kids were sent upstairs during the séance. After two minutes, all hell broke loose in the house. The house shook and trembled. Roger said their table was lifted off the floor. Carolyn began to cave into herself and shut down. Her kids saw the pain on her face and her body. They said her facial features became twisted. Roger said Carolyn was possessed. Andrea said she had never been so scared in her life. Carolyn shot backwards and flipped over. Roger thought the investigators had killed Carolyn, so he ordered them to leave. Roger grabbed Carolyn by the shoulders, shook her and told her to come back. Her kids also begged her to come back. Eventually, she woke up. The family packed up, sold the house and moved. The kids were happy to leave. Carolyn said she was happy when they left the house.

The Strange Loves of Halle Berry

the strange loves of halle berry 2015 gossip opinionPeople have been poking fun at Academy Award winner Halle Berry filing divorce for the second time this week. She and her soon to be ex-husband Olivier Martinez have decided to end their two-year marriage and from the looks of it, the whole ordeal is not going to be pretty as they have raced to file a petition for divorce over the other. Halle using an alias’ to initially file her court documents, Martinez then filing his and she turning around to file again under her real name gives us a glimpse into their rocky relationship. And I don’t know about you, but it makes me wonder- what the hell is wrong with Halle Berry?

This is her third marriage, and it’s just strange that her relationships can’t last. It always fascinates me how women who seem to have everything still can’t find the one thing that they want the most- lasting love.

In fact, let’s look back her love life and this is for the purpose of understanding on my part. Not to pass judgment, but to bring perspective for other women who may be in her boat and can’t see where their issues lie. Because sometimes it takes someone else breaking it down for you to see the truth.

Going all the way back to the early 90’s she was first married to Atlanta Braves player David Justice, that relationship was very rocky. Halle even admitted later that she thought about suicide during their marriage as he would beat on her. According to her claims too, Justice is the reason she is partially deaf in one of her ears. It just wasn’t a good match. They were married from 1992 to 1997.

Then she married singer Eric Benet. They were married for two years together for five, and their divorce had something to do with Benet cheating. Apparently, he was addicted to sex and went to sex-addiction rehab, even though he told people in 2005 that he wasn’t a sex addict.

After Benet, she and actor Michael Ealy had a thing going on for about a year from 2004 to 2005 as a result of them working on the TV movie, Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Halle then moved on to Gabriel Aubry, and these two were together for five years.  They didn’t marry as she vowed to “never, never get married” again after having two failed marriages. Their relationship ended pretty messily, and she ultimately was ordered last year to pay him $16,000 a month since he has full custody of their daughter Nahla.

That brings us to her current marriage, which really surprised me because I remember her being very adamant about not walking down the aisle again.  They seemed to have a good relationship but as we have all known about life, at some point and time in life, things are not always what they seem.

Her narrative is an interesting one. A woman that every man wants can’t stay with a man. In these instances, when it is very easy to blame the other person, one has to look at him or herself and see what they contributed to the demise of each relationship. If I am really honest here, women who have experienced certain privileges in life due to her looks like Berry has- beauty queen, model, actress, etc. – they develop a complex that breeds idiosyncrasies that they either aren’t aware of or don’t care to acknowledge.

It’s a strange life that Halle seems to lead but one that is not uncommon to women in her line of her work. I always tell people that if they continue to have failed relationship after failed relationship; they need to look at the kind of person they attract. We all have a type and sometimes, that type is just not good for us, and so it takes changing our own patterns to get lasting relationship results.

In her current marriage, reports have swirled about tempers on both sides, and that is always the recipe for disaster when the people involved are not willing to compromise. And I get it. Halle doesn’t want another divorce under her belt, especially after going back on her word entering into another “holy matrimony.” That’s why she first filed under Hal Maria, which is still legally her name as she was born Maria Halle Berry.

I am sure after this is all said and done, whenever that will be, she will declare, once again, “I will never, ever marry.” But the solution is not writing off marriage, it’s working on yourself so that you can be your most authentic version of you. That way, the next time you go looking for a relationship, you will find exactly what you need because as the saying goes, “like attracts like.”

So in essence, Halle, and I am sure a lot of other people, needs to become the thing that she wants in her life.

Tom Brady Hopes To Irritate Roger Goodell for Another Decade


tom brady hopes to irritate roger goodell for another decade 2015 nfl imagesWhile Roger Goodell does his best (completely unsuccessfully) to hold Tom Brady accountable for his part in DeflateGate, the New England Patriots quarterback continues to help the team win week after week. The 38-year-old seems to have found the QB Fountain of Youth—which, for the record, prefers to be called Rob Gronkowski—and currently sits at No. 2 in the league with 2,054 yards and tied for No. 1 overall with 16 touchdowns, not to mention a league-low one interception.

But can a 38-year-old quarterback really play longer than some of the rookies on the team? Could Gronk and Julian Edelman really retire before the aging vet? Brady seems to think so.

“I hope so,” said Brady when asked about playing another ten seasons. “There’s a lot of things that can happen in football.”

Injury is never too far away, but Brady doesn’t have a history of issues with that. In fact, if you exclude the 2008 season in which Brady tear his ACL, you’d have to go all the way back to 2001 to find a Patriots QB starting the game not named ‘Tom Brady.’

“What else am I going to do?” continued Brady.

Umm…polish your rings, spy on teams, play pranks on Goodell, deflate footballs, your supermodel wife? Or at least that’s what I’d do in my free time if I were Tom.

“There’s nothing like playing football; it’s a big challenge and a big commitment to make. I think that’s something I’m excited about. There’s nothing I love to do more than running out and playing football. Just because someone says, ‘You should stop playing at this age, or this age, because that’s what people have done before you,’ I don’t really buy that.”

One of the biggest uncertainties with Brady’s statements is nemesis quarterback Peyton Manning. It’s hard (even for me) to ignore the decline in Manning’s numbers. Obviously he does not have the level of offensive weapons that Brady does, but that has never been a problem for The Sheriff in the past.

Since his leg injury last year, Manning just hasn’t played the way we’ve come to expect the 5-time NFL MVP too, and now the 39-year-old is more than likely in his last season and leading the NFL in interceptions. That’s Eli’s job.

So is Peyton’s struggle a foreshadowing of what’s to come for slightly younger players like Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Aaron Rodgers? That’s also tough to say. Manning basically had to have his neck replaced back in 2011, and there was a chance he wouldn’t even be able to throw a football again. Now he has no feeling in his fingertips, and the Denver Broncos atrocious offensive line isn’t helping anything.

“Age doesn’t have anything to do with it,” New York Jets linebacker David Harris said, summing it up for us. “He doesn’t take a lot of hits. It’s pretty accurate when he says he could play another ten years. He probably could.”

Brady isn’t the first guy to say he can do it. Brees made similar comments over the past few seasons about playing till he’s 45. Brett Favre actually tried it, and he learned the hard way that when it goes, it goes fast, in a less-than-spectacular last stand with the Minnesota Vikings.

“I kind of want to make my own decisions. If the game’s not fun anymore, which I highly doubt it because it’s fun for my parents and they’re in their 70s, and it’s fun for me, and it’s fun for my kids, and it’s just something I love to do.”

So now you want to play into your 70s, Tom? Let’s just take it a year at a time.

‘Survivor Second Chance’ 3106: Devil Bunking & Eating Oddities

Surprises hit on this episode of “Survivor Second Chance,” at Ta Keo’s camp, Jeff Probst showed up in the middle of the night with bad news for Deitz. His son was in serious condition in the hospital and his son’s doctor, as well as Deitz’s wife, urged him to come home right away. He said goodbye to his tribe and left with Jeff. Kass said she thought you had to be a parent to imagine how scared Deitz was when he left camp.

The Angkor tribe was eliminated by Jeff and contestants were reassigned to one of two tribes; Bayon or Ta Keo. Spencer said that he and Kass have feuded but how they get along would change his game.

This week’s rewards challenge involved tribe members racing down a slippery track while holding a ring that they had to toss onto a post. The first tribe who got three rings on the post would get a picnic delivered to their camp with food such as fried chicken and mac and cheese, with brownies for dessert. Ta Keo won the challenge.

Spencer said he was worried about how the Ta Keo tribe would work out for him. He said interacting with Kass was a little cagey, and he was going to try and treat her like anyone else. Andrew said that Spencer was a wonderful kid and if he had a son he would want his son to be like Spencer. Kass said she would love to get rid of Spencer and didn’t want to be in a tribe with him.

At the Bayon camp, they had trouble cooking food. Joe said he is in a good spot now with the two new tribes. He said he wanted to keep Kelley around. Kelley said she had the hidden immunity idol, but she would still let Joe protect her in the game. Stephen was trying to convince Jeremy to get rid of Joe, but Jeremy didn’t want to because then he would be the biggest person in the game, physically. Stephen was broken up about the idea of blowing his second chance to win the game.

This week’s immunity challenge was to race to eat local Cambodian delicacies the fastest. The first tribe to find four of them would win immunity. The first delicacy was tarantulas. Spencer and Woo scored the first point for Ta Keo. The second delicacy was a giant water beetle. Keith scored the second point for Bayon. The third delicacy was pig snout. Kelley won the third point for Bayon. The fourth delicacy was a deep-fried frog. Ta Keo and Bayon were then tied. The fifth delicacy was pig’s brains. Woo, scored a point for Ta Keo. The sixth delicacy was a scorpion. Bayon scored a point to make it a tie again. The seventh and finally delicacy was duck embryo. Bayon won immunity for the week.

Kass again said she wanted Spencer to go home and that he had a 0% chance of winning the game. Woo said the tribe already talked about who they wanted to vote out, and the plan was to vote out Spencer. Woo said he was finally in tune with the game. Spencer said he had wanted to play the game with Savage because he could trust him. Andrew said even though he likes Spencer he needed to vote him out so that Andrew could win the game. Sierra wanted to get rid of Woo. Sierra told Spencer Savage was targeting him to go home.

That night at Tribal Council Savage said he was working on his personal game. Spencer said this season was about getting along with people. Woo said he now knew he had to be cutthroat in the game to make it. Savage spoke highly of Kass. Sierra said navigating people was one of her strengths. Savage said he had no doubts about that night’s Tribal Council. Spencer said everyone in the game had some degree of confidence. Jeff then let the contestants vote, tallied them up and announced that Woo was being sent home.

Serie A Week 9 Soccer Review


serie a week 9 soccer review 2015 rade krunic imagesRade Krunic and Piotr Zielinski struck once each in either side of half-time to help Empoli to a 2-0 win over Genoa in the opening game of week nine of the Italian top flight. The defeat means that Genoa’s struggles continue as they lie in 16th and barely off the relegation zone.

Bologna defeated Carpi 2-1 on Saturday at the Alberto Braglia. Both the teams remain in the relegation zone, with Bologna in 18th and Carpi rock-bottom in the league standings.

The wheels seem to be coming off the Inter Milan rails. After a great start to the league campaign that saw them won their first five games – albeit with narrow margins – they lost their sixth to Fiorentina and have drawn their next three games since. They have now slipped to fourth in the table, and Roberto Mancini needs to find ways to lift his men. Last weekend, they were held to a 1-1 draw by Palermo.

Sampdoria ran 4-1 winners over Hellas Verona and moved to seventh in the league table with figures of four wins, two draws and three losses from their first nine games in the 2015/16 Serie A campaign.

AC Milan registered their first win in four games as they defeated Sassuolo 2-1. 16-year-old Gianluigi Donnarumma made his debut for the San Siro outfit. The win moved Sinisa Mihajlovic’s men to tenth in the league table to ease some pressure on the Serb, but he will need to do much more to last the season and beyond at the Rossoneri.

Reigning Italian champions and 2015 Champions League finalists Juventus secured only their third win of the season as they defeated Atalanta 2-0 courtesy of a goal each from summer arrivals Paulo Dybala and Mario Mandzukic. The Old Lady are 12th in the league standings as a consequence of the win with a tally of 12 points and will be eager to go on a winning spree to remain in the hunt to retain the title they have won for the last four years in succession.

However, the Old Lady have enjoyed good fortune in the Champions League and remain atop their group that also comprises of Premier League heavyweights Manchester City, reigning Europa League champions Sevilla and Bundesliga side Borussia Monchengladbach. It remains to be seen if Massimiliano Allegri’s men give a fight to their rivals in the race for the domestic title.

Francesco Lodi’s 20th-minute strike was sufficient to help Udinese to a 1-0 win over newly promoted Frosinone. Udinese are slowly rising up the table and are now 14th in the standings.

Mohamed Salah and Gervinho both scored for Roma in their 2-1 win over Fiorentina. The win moved the Italian capital outfit atop the league standings as they attempt to win their first title in over a decade.

Lazio remains hot on the heels of Roma with a 3-0 win over Torino that sees them in fifth, but only two points adrift of Rudi Garcia’s men.

Gonzalo Higuain’s strike against Chievo Verona that secured them a 1-0 win moved Napoli to second behind Roma.

World Series Game 2 Recap: Kansas City Royals Kill It

world series game 2 recap 2015 mlb images
The 2015 World Series continued on Wednesday night with game two from the Kansas City Royals. On a night that was supposed to belong to Jacob deGrom, the starter for the New York Mets, it was Kansas City pitching that actually stole the show.
Complete games have been called a lost art in Major League Baseball as managerial tactics favor going to the bullpen sooner than later nowadays. However Johnny Cueto, in his first start since getting blasted by Toronto in the ALCS, pitched a complete-game two-hitter in game two, allowing just one run as the Royals routed the Mets 7-1.
With the win, not only does KC increase their series lead but, thanks to the complete game, the Royals were able to rest all of their other pitching arms. Cueto is certainly out of commission for the time being, however, by the time Friday rolls around, every other pitcher on the Kansas City Roster will have had at least two full day’s rest. Given that game one went 14 innings, each team needed to be able to rest their arms yet only KC found a way to do that.
With the two-game lead, with two games to be played in KC still if the series were to go the distance, with the rested bullpen, and with New York pitching arms spent to no avail the Royals are now crushing favorites to win the 2015 World Series (ie. Stan James have them at 2/9 or -450). The latter fact is one that must be weighing on the minds of the entire New York team – they sent Matt Harvey and deGrom in games one and two with nothing returned.
Thursday is an off-day for the World Series, but it will shift to New York on Friday for game three. Games four, and maybe five, will follow from Shea Stadium as New York find themselves in desperate need of a victory – if not three.
The Mets have been the front-runners in their post-season series so far. In the divisional round, they took the early lead over Los Angeles and in the NLCS, the Mets swept the Cubs. We haven’t seen New York respond to the adversity associating with trailing in a series yet. But unless they send the series back to Kansas City with a 3-2 lead, it will be hard to picture a Mets’ World Series victory this year.

Raven Symoné Offends Khloe Kardashian Talks & PETA Goes for Amber’s Rose

Naturally, Raven Symoné offends again; Khloe Kardashian does media spin on Lamar Odom and Amber Rose gets to feel media hungry PeTA’s anti-fur tirade.

raven symone view comments 2015 gossipRaven Symoné Strikes Again… “Two Wrongs” In Spring Valley High Assault

At this point, people are pretty tired of hearing about Raven Symoné. I feel like she says stuff she knows is going to cause controversy because that’s her place on The View. Her latest comments have people upset with her once again which begs this question for me- how many more times does she have before she’s fired?

We have all heard about the resource officer assaulting a teenage girl at Spring Valley High in South Carolina. Well, because she feels her opinions matter, Raven weighed in on the matter during a segment of The View.

“The girl was told multiple times to get off the phone. There’s not right or reason for him to be doing this type of harm that’s ridiculous…”

Just when you thought she might actually see a situation for what it really is, she goes on to say this.

“But at the same time, you gotta follow the rules in school. First of all, why are there cellphones in school… Get off yo’ phone. You are in school, get off yo’ phone. What you doin’ on Instagram?” …This shouldn’t even be a problem to begin with, and he shouldn’t have been acting like that on top of it.”

I am going to keep this real simple; nothing constitutes the treatment that student received. Nothing. No amount of phone usage during class, no amount of talking back I don’t even care if she raised her hand at him first, he should not have handled her like that.

Raven, the two wrongs here are your opinion and the police officer.

khloe kardashian clears up on lamar odom 2015 gossipKhloe Kardashian Make it Clear: She and Lamar Are Not Back Together

For those passing judgment on Khloe and Lamar calling off their divorce, she wants you to know that while they are not following through with it any longer, that does not mean they are back together.

In fact according to her, they are absolutely not back together.

“It’s out in the media that we are back together, but I wish people understood that’s not in our thought process right now…There are too many other important things, too many medical things. It’s not even in our brains thinking about us as a couple or having a relationship right now.”

She explains, according to USA Today, that everything happening right now with Lamar’s situation is the reason they are not rushing to finalizing their divorce, as it just doesn’t “make sense.”

“It’s not anything sexual or intimate…I want to be his support system. Tragedy does make you reassess a lot of things, but when it comes to our relationship, it’s the same, except I’m here supporting him fully.”

Her words come as a surprise with all the speculation the media has made about their reunion. But it’s good that she is thinking straight because getting back with him just didn’t seem like the best idea given the circumstances.

UPDATE: Sources are telling us that the Kardashians are back doing their media spin as the Lamar Khloe back together again will be a part of the upcoming “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” season. As many stories have played out in the press long before the series airs, it becomes old news, so Khloe is working hard to keep as much under raps as possible. That is impossible as there are as many leaks in the camp as an 80’s breast implant.

peta take on amber rose 2015 gossipPETA Comes for Amber Rose at Book Signing

When you are a “bad bitch” you learn a thing or two about dealing with people. And Amber Rose showed just how you respond to people who try to come for you.

During a signing for her new book How to Be a Bad Bitch, PETA activists, who are known for being super aggressive when questioning people about their love for furs, had some words for Amber in a New York City Barnes & Noble in Tribeca.

Of course, they posed as fans of the former stripper turned author before they pulled out signs and chanted things about animal cruelty. One of the protestors grilled her.

“I want to know why you still promote the fur industry?”

#PressPlay: Looks like #PETA wasn't here for #AmberRose during her book signing! Via @Rob__Banks

A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on

According to Vibe Magazine, things just got out of control as more protestors showed up and had to be removed by security. They believe that “Amber promotes torture and death.” Amber, stayed cool and collected.

PETA have gotten several celebrities in the past with their petitions and protests. Once they bought a ticket for a dinner with Beyoncé and slammed her with questions the entire night about animal cruelty and wearing furs. Needless to say, her mother, Tina, was not having it.

Top 10 Anti-Halloween Watchlist 2015

top 10 anti halloween watchlist 2015 imagesHalloween is finally knocking at the front door dressed is ghostly costumes asking for candy and other goodies. Most people love the tradition for all the fun it brings and for the feel that fall has officially started.

I have found that there are, for the most part, two kinds of people on Halloween. There are those like me who love to take in the frightful night partying dressed in a potentially questionable get up that may bring just a little more attention than usual. Or, if I’m being a drag, which is most Halloweens, I’m at home with a bowl of popcorn, some kind of spirit (in my cup) watching a good scary movie in the dark… with my hands covering my eyes.

Then there are those who don’t do anything remotely related to the night and quite frankly, could not care less about ghosts, goblins and spirits (not in your cup). If that’s you, keep on reading.

Not liking all the hoopla of Halloween and preferring to stay in is perfectly acceptable. And if you fall into that category here is anti- Halloween movie list to help you out.

anti halloween how to lose a guy in 10 days 2015 moviesHow To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

Yes, it is a romantic comedy that has its share of laughs. It’s a good movie to watch because you can so relate to the antics Ben and Andy go through in their quest to get over on each other. Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey is the dynamic duo.

anti halloween friends 2015 imagesFriends

You can literally never go wrong with Friends. In fact, it is my go too when I am cleaning the house or working on something. This TV show makes you laugh and like How to Lose a Guy; you can relate to the lives of six twenty-somethings trying to balance love, work, and friendship.

anti halloween dreamgirls movie 2015Dreamgirls

This movie is fun; So much fun. You’ll forget all about the kids knocking on your door as you’ll be engrossed in the music of this stage play turned mega hit movie. I love it because of Beyoncé and Jennifer Hudson of course and because of my favorite scene- Jimmy Early (played by Eddie Murphy) singing his “Jimmy Got Soul” impromptu jam; Such a great moment.

anti halloween hes just not that into you 2015He’s Just Not That Into You

This ensemble cast movie (with three of Hollywood’s Jennifers) is an intricate story telling of a group of people who’s lives intertwine in a romantically messed up way for most of them. You have either been in their shoes or know someone who has.

anti halloween cant hardly wait 2015 imagesCan’t Hardly Wait

If you have not seen this movie, please by all means, add it to your list of films to watch now. Starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Peter Facinelli, Seth Green and a host of other 90’s actors, it will take you back to simpler yet complicated-for-a-whole-other-reason times in your life.

anti halloween the best man 2015 movie imagesThe Best Man

A nostalgia movie for sure, this intriguing story offers up the question- in the game of love and war, who’s to blame? I don’t want to give too much away, just know that it stars Taye Diggs, Morris Chestnut, Nia Long, Sanaa Lathan and is a cult classic.

anti halloween dope movie 2015 imagesDope

This movie lives up to its title. It is a feel good movie that brings the realities of living in Inglewood “Always up to no good” California to the big screen but in a funny way. Starring the beautiful Zoe Kravitz, the premise of three nerds accidentally becoming drug dealers has more to it than what meets the eye. It’s worth watching.

anti halloween blended movie 2015 imagesBlended

Starring Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler, this movie will make you laugh. The leading actors have chemistry that just translates very well on the screen. The idea that two people who met on a blind date gone bad ending up in Africa staying in the same room with their children is a story you just have to see for yourself. Terry Crews is hilarious in it as well and makes it all the more worth seeing.

anti halloween peeples 2015 movie imagesPeeples

Craig Robinson doesn’t get the credit he deserves and in this movie starring him, Kerry Washington, and David Allen Greer, it is one hell of a ride. Robinson is the “not good enough” boyfriend who spends the weekend with his girlfriend’s family whom he coins “the chocolate Kennedy’s.” Antics ensue and the race to see who survives the weekend is one to keep you entertained.

anti halloween movies hairspray 2015 imagesHairspray

I am truly a sucker for musicals, and this is one of the best in the last ten years. A remake of John Waters 1988 hit, you will be rewinding to remember lyrics and learn dance moves; and that’s okay. John Travolta is great as Edna Turnblad, and Nick Blonsky shines in her breakout role.

See, celebrating Halloween isn’t always about the thrills and chills. Get some laughter in your life and enjoy the night your way.