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NFL & Roger Goodell Fining Players for Non-Approved Cancer & Domestic Violence Messages


nfl roger goodell fining players 2015 imagesIt started with every touchdown celebration Chad Johnson or Terrell Owens put together. We all thought the NFL just didn’t like them. Then it was using the ball as a prop in general or leaving your feet. Then it was looking at certain quarterbacks the wrong way. Then it was the goalpost dunk. We should have seen it coming—the day where a player would be fined for literally anything.

As they do so well, the NFL took it way too far: players are now being fined for doing their part in raising awareness for breast cancer, domestic violence, autism, or for donning supportive messages for love ones coping with any of the above.

Pittsburgh Steeler and long-time Carolina Panther running back DeAngelo Williams has worn “Find the Cure” eye black for multiple seasons now, but that didn’t stop the NFL from charging him $5,787 for wearing it last Sunday against the Kansas City Chiefs.

Williams, who lost his mother and four aunts to breast cancer, has always been a huge supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness. In fact, he sought permission from the league to wear pink all season (as opposed to just October), and after being denied, dyed the tips of his dreads pink to get around the NFL’s stubborn uniform policies.

Williams’ teammate, cornerback William Gay, found himself in the same predicament because of his purple cleats communicating awareness of domestic violence. Gay, whose stepfather shot and killed his mother when he was only 7, has worn the purple cleats for the past two seasons, and NFL.com actually ran a featured article on them last season.

Well, as of Week 7, those aren’t allowed either.

“I broke the rule,” said Gay on his decision to not appeal the $5,787 fine the league handed him this week. “I think we all know why I wore the purple cleats.”

Williams will more than likely accept the fine as well. After all, when he asked the league to wear pink all year back in April of 2014, he didn’t really ask. He walked in and informed the NFL that he has over $1 million set aside to pay off any fines they would throw his way.

The NFL eventually convinced him that he could better serve his cause by donating the money. Because saying “It’s okay, we won’t fine you for supporting your mother and thousands of other Americans fighting cancer” would just make too much sense in Goodell’s world.

Gay and Williams now join another teammate, Cam Heyward, in being fined for ridiculous reasons. Heyward got his for sporting “IRON HEAD” across his eye black—a tribute to his late father Craig “Ironhead” Heyward, who passed away in 2006 after a battle with brain cancer. Maybe Goodell just hates the Pittsburgh Steelers…and their families…

Heyward was originally fined $17,363 for his two offenses; however, it was significantly reduced later on the grounds that Heyward find another way to honor his father (which he does now through charitable work).

“I wish I could answer that question,” said Heyward when asked why the league would fine him for supporting a cause they also claim to support. “You’ll have to ask them.”

“It wasn’t the best way it could have been handled, but both sides wanted it to be resolved. There was more awareness toward cancer, so I can’t be selfish and say I’m unhappy with the outcome.”

I don’t know, if the NFL tried to fine me for honoring my father, I’d probably still be a little upset.

If you want to Find the Cure you damn sure better run it by the league office first.

‘Step It Up’ 106 Video Villain Recap

step it up 206 video villain recap 2015 imagesIt’s ‘Video Villain’ time on “Step It Up,” where Traci is overjoyed that her studio is finished, AND her Rep dancers have the opportunity to dance in a music video.

YCDC have the grand opening for Supa Studio, which has a lot of characters, of course. Everyone is super excited to finally have their own home and to be able to practice and dance on their schedule.

Along with the studio, YCDC repertory is in a music video and this week they have guest choreographer Jordan, who is a former LA Lakers dancer and one of Traci’s friends. The music video is for Victoria Velvet, and Jordan is there to make sure they look the part and know what to do. Especially since it is Victoria’s American debut, everything has to be on point. With all of this, because Traci is, well, Traci, she doesn’t feel completely confident in leaving them with Jordan. Not because she’s not good at what she does, but because Traci is a (self-proclaimed) control freak.

Traci spends some time with her little sister, Sunshine, who is staying with her now that their mother has passed. It is something different that she has to get used to and from the looks of it; she’s doing an okay job.

Back at the studio, Jordan is working the dancers to whip them into shape, and they keep up as much as possible. Since Jordan is moving very quickly, Janae has trouble keeping up. So she singles her out during the practice to do the routine solo since she gets the feeling that she doesn’t want to be there. Janae does, it’s just she doesn’t want to ask any questions because she doesn’t want to come off as a weak link.

Jordan tells them she needs bigger and better because her reputation, as well as Victoria’s video, is riding on how well they do. She lets them go for the day, and they gear up for day two, which will determine who gets to dance in the video.

Traci and Sunshine spend more time together, and it’s a good thing. Traci gets to “practice” before she and Jean have a child and Sunshine gets the one on one so that she can continue to grow into a confident young woman. “I don’t want to be Sunshine’s mother. I just want to step in and finish what my mom started.”

The next day at Company rehearsal, Traci works with the members to help them do better so that they can be ready for Rep tryouts in a few weeks. The first thing she does is check their bodies because according to her, in the real world, they give you the uniform first to try on and if it doesn’t fit, you don’t get to try out. It’s a harsh reality that a lot of folks probably don’t agree with, but that is how society is. All of them have points to improve physically and technically.

The next day it is time for cuts and Jordan is not playing with the Reps. She pulls Janae to the side to have a talk with her, and she’s very encouraging. She even tells her that she appreciates the work that she is doing, which makes the young dancer feel good. Thirty minutes into the rehearsal, Jordan has her first round of cuts. During this time, Traci drops in on the rehearsal to see how things are going. As she surveys the cut dancers and the ones who made it, shares her concern about why some of the dancers were cut with her friend, like Armani, who Jordan used as an example before cuts. To Traci, the strongest dancers didn’t make it, and she wants to know why. Jordan pretty much tells her it’s because they don’t have the look that Victoria wants for the video, an answer that doesn’t sit well with Traci.

Apparently Jordan thought about what Traci said, and she changes her mind- Armani gets to dance, which is great because she’s a dark skinned powerhouse who deserves to show what she has.

As they get ready in makeup, Jordan pulls Traci to the side to talk about the tension that was so obvious between them the day before. Traci tells her why she felt so strongly. She’s a dark skinned woman in an industry where being so is not popular. Jordan says that she gets it and even shares with her own struggle with being discriminated against because she was “too thin, too blonde.” But Traci nicely tells her, “it’s not the same.” Jordan maintains that her cuts had to do with height and look, and Traci calls her bull crap since she cut two of her tallest dancers. They are still cool though because as she says, she doesn’t hold grudges.

It’s time to start filming and right out the gate, the Reps miss their entrance, which is not a good look. Jordan maintains her cool and tells them it can’t happen again. To beat an incoming storm, they immediately head outside, and as they do, it starts to rain. They decide to do the scene as planned anyway. As they set up, a bee stings Janae and people scramble to make sure she is not allergic. So Victoria grabs some dirt, to which Jordan tells her she can’t because she’s in costume, which shows how down to earth she is.

In the end, they do the video, kill it and everyone including Traci is very happy with the end product.

‘How to Get Away with Murder’ 206: Two Birds One Psycho Frank Recap

how to get away with murder 206 two birds one psycho frank 2015 images recapIt’s ‘Two Birds, One Milestone’ on “How to Get Away with Murder,” as we find out that Frank may be just a little psycho, among other things. The web continues to become more and more tangled.

He and Laurel get it on, and it looks like they have been going all night. While he takes a shower, she rummages through his stuff obviously trying to find something connected to the money they found in the storage unit.

In class (am I the only one who forgot they go to school) the Keating Five tell West, once again, to let Rebecca and the whole thing go. Michaela is particularly still very upset at the fact that he let her sleep with a drug addict. She does not give him a break. Annalise walks in which starts the class and she calls on Asher to answer a question. During this time, we see a flashback of what happened when Annie showed him the tape of Bonnie being raped as a child. We see here too that he tells her about Lake Trotter and, of course, she said, “We will fix it.”

For whatever reason, Annie leads Bonnie to believe that she on her own is the reason that Asher has changed his mind on testifying. She tells her that she’s done something right, and she should be happy about that. After she delivers “the good news” Annalise pays a visit to “a bitch”, ADA Sinclair, and she tells her to stop messing with Asher before she makes one call to the reporters and turn her into a crazed prosecutor. She agrees but lets her know she is going to destroy her on the Hapstall case.

While she briefs the team on what they need to do to find the info they need to clear the Hapstalls she gets a phone call from a fellow professor that she keeps blowing off. She insists that it is urgent, so Annie takes the call and surprise- Professor Jill Hartford killed her husband in self-defense.

The Keating Five (this week since Asher is back) spend time with the Hapstalls to go over possible suspects. Asher suggests it could have been Catherine and Caleb’s real parents, and they abruptly reject that notion, so does Michaela.

At Professor Hartford’s Annalise shows up and not soon after realizes the scene is exactly the she described it should be over the phone. She knows that things aren’t what they seem. We also find out professor Hartford is a transsexual.

Back at the Hapstalls, while Caleb and Catherine walk outside, the team talks about their case and Laurel suggests that they are guilty. As they discuss the case, Laurel realizes that Catherine is recording them on her iPad. As they try to delete it, she catches them. “Might as well know what our lawyers are saying about us for once.”

As Annie gives them a verbal lashing, Frank walks in with bad news. “Nate’s wife is dead.” She runs to his house, peach cobbler in hand, but he doesn’t answer. So she leaves it at the door.

The Keating Five continue their research on the Hapstalls, and it all comes back to their birth parents. Michaela is against Ollie hacking into the adoption records (Connor suggest it) because she is adopted herself.

While this is going on, a young girl shows up asking for Bonnie. She is one of Jill’s students who claims to have seen her husband beating her the night she killed him. She, of course, is a plant and instead of Annalise being upset about the fake witness, she is upset that she didn’t think of it.

Annie visits the DA office demanding the charges be dropped. They say no instead Grill Annalise about Jill calling her before the cops arrived, accusing her of coaching Hartford into setting the scene up as self-defense. They even threaten to charge her as an accessory after the fact.

On top of this, Annalise has to deal with Asher. He comes into her office telling her he got a phone call from a reporter about Tiffany (Trotter Lake). “I thought you handled this.” Apparently ADA Sinclair leaked Trotter Lake info. Asher warns her that his dad, Judge Millstone, hates her and will come for her because the case affects her too. So what does Annie do? Finds dirt on him.

She presents corruption info on Judge Millstone to the DA in exchange for the charges against Jill to be dropped, and ADA Sinclair leave Asher alone.

The DA takes it, and Annie lets Jill know that she is free to go. They share a moment where they tell each other they are glad their husbands are dead.

Still on the case, The Keating Five uncover that Helena Hapstall had a secret child, which gives them the info they need to claim that he is the killer since he had so much to gain from Catherine and Caleb going to jail. Michaela apologizes to Caleb, who is forgiving to say the least, and he asks her if it is true that she thinks he has a great ass.

Annalise drops off another cobbler to Nate, who tells her that’s not what he needs. He then confesses to giving his wife the pills Annalise wouldn’t so that she could die in peace. He blames Annalise for stealing the only time he had left with his wife by putting him in jail. He tells her that he doesn’t hate her, he just doesn’t care about her and that no one is ever going to love her the way he loved his wife. He closes the door in her face, and as she takes it all in, West shows up, then leaves when he sees her. She follows him.

West makes his way back to his apartment, and Annalise is there waiting for him. She tells him Nate’s wife died, and West goes off on her. He grills her about Rebecca, and she tells him his girlfriend ran off. West doesn’t believe her. She then tells him that his mother killed herself, and that’s why he can’t trust her or any other woman.

Frank and Laurel hit a milestone in their relationship as he takes her to meet his family and they take her in right away.

Asher’s dad tells him that Annalise caused the DA to open an investigation into every case he’s resided over which is the end of his career. He blames his son and tells Asher their relationship is done.

ADA Sinclair pays Bonnie a visit. She tells her about Tiffany Howard and Trotter Lake, and we find out it has something to do with a gang rape.

Ollie hacks into the secret Hapstall baby and finds out who he is and that he lives two blocks from their house. But what he doesn’t know is that he too is a hacker and thus has hacked him.

Franks meets up with his guy who gives him a bag with a body in it only it’s not Rebecca, it’s Catherine Hapstall. And she’s not dead.

Where is this going? Sigh… until next week to find out more.

New York Mets Fight Back Winning Game 3 World Series 2015

new york mets fight back winning game 3 world series 2015 images mlb new york mets fight back winning game 3 world series 2015 images mlb
The New York Mets and the Kansas City Royals met in game three of the 2015 World Series on Friday night. In the first game of what will be a set from Citi Field, the Mets entered play much in need of a home-field victory. What transpired was a 12-hit performance, one that included home runs by David Wright and Curtis Granderson, that almost has the Mets back into the Fall Classic.
The final score in game three was 9-3 for New York, a game that saw the Mets explode against Kansas City in the sixth inning for four runs. However, while the sixth was the inning that put the game out of KC’s reach, New York had the edge even before that as the home runs by Wright and Granderson helped the Mets out to a 5-3 lead.
Noah Syndergaard picked up the win for New York on a night that has to be called a victory for the Mets’ bullpen. Four pitchers saw work, but none of them should be so fatigued, except for Syndergaard, who started the game, as to not be available if needed in game four. For the Royals, Yordana Ventura suffered the loss with five earned runs against him. In total, KC sent seven pitchers to the mound – something that has to trouble Ned Yost a bit.
With the win, Kansas City’s lead in the World Series is now just one game. Trailing two games to one, New York will look to even the series on Saturday night with a start time of 8 pm ET.
That game is expected to feature Chris Young on the mound for the Royals, a pitcher who worked extensively in the 14-inning game that opened the 2015 World Series. Steven Matz is the probable starter for the Mets, a well-rested pitcher who has been sharp so far in the post-season.
The challenge facing New York is to take the series back to Kansas City with a 3-2 lead. If they go back with a 2-3 deficit, the Mets are unlikely to win two straight against these home-field-strong Royals.
Conversely, KC will be in a very strong position if they can win just one of the next two games, with game four their next opportunity.

Rafael Nadal Continues Moving Forward with ATP Basel

rafael nadal continues moving it forward 2015 tennis
ATP Basel 2015 continued from Switzerland on Friday with quarterfinal matches now completed. All of the matches were competitive, they all went three sets, and the chance for a blockbuster final is very much alive.
Here’s a look at the scores for singles:
[1] Roger Federer (SUI) d [8] David Goffin (BEL) 63 36 61
[3] Rafael Nadal (ESP) d [7] Marin Cilic (CRO) 46 63 63
[5] Richard Gasquet (FRA) d Ivo Karlovic (CRO) 64 67(2) 76(6) saved 1 M.P.
Jack Sock (USA) d Donald Young (USA) 57 64 62
For the players that were eliminated, Cilic is the one who has a bit of an excuse. After winning Moscow last week his energy levels couldn’t have been at their highest. Young and Karlovic will surely be disappointed that they didn’t do more with their draws while Goffin continues to struggle against the tour’s elite.
The quarterfinal results have set up the following semifinals from Basel:
Not before 2:30 pm on Saturday:
[3] Nadal (ESP) vs [5] Gasquet (FRA)
[1] Federer (SUI) vs Sock (USA)
The draw now clearly favors a ‘Fedal’ final in Basel more so than it did pre-tournament, with Stan Wawrinka long gone. Such a final would be a match that tournament organizers would surely love to see and it would likely capture a lot of attention outside of Switzerland.
Gasquet is the main spoiler for a Federer-versus-Nadal final as he is a more proven player than Sock. However the Frenchman’s boogieman is definitely Nadal. Gasquet, despite an impressive career, is 0 for 13 against Rafa.
Sock does not have an extensive history against Federer however the American, currently ranked 29th and seemingly improving, remains a shot in the dark against the Top 10. There is basically nothing in Sock’s history that suggests that he is capable of defeating Federer in a tournament that the Swiss Maestro is so distinguished in. Even if Sock manages to capture Federer’s attention in the Basel semis, Federer would likely be able to put the clamp down at will.

Bring Out Your Favorite Diva This Halloween


bring out your favorite diva halloween 2015 imagesHalloween is already here, and while a lot of the focus is on children and candy and scares, that doesn’t mean adults can’t partake in the ghostly fun and traditions. As we know many people who think they won’t be enjoying Halloween suddenly get pulled in at the last minute so we’re here to help you out.

For women, there are so many different costume ideas and ways in which we can go. We can be fun, we can be serious, or we can be sexy. I personally gravitate towards the latter, nothing too raunchy (unless that is your cup of tea) but something that is flirty, hip and definitely divalicious.

So if you are thinking of a costume to really make a statement and to show your grown woman sexy, here are ten great ideas.

Game of Thrones: Khaleesi

Who doesn’t want to be a hot, fierce queen with dragons to protect her? This is a great idea and one that you can really have some fun with. Plus, she is a strong female character that really commands respect.

Caitlyn Jenner

If you are all about the scandalous and somewhat offensive, why not go as the newest addition to the female gender. There is no doubt that her cover of Vanity Fair will be a popular costume this Halloweens season, and it doesn’t take much to get the look either; a cream colored corset, brown hair and high cheekbones.

Little Red Ridding Hood

Make this one sexy and go for it. Little Red Riding Hood will be entertaining, and you can do it in so many ways. There are costumes out there that you can order, or you can DIY it at home. Either way, have the basics:  a red cape, a hood and a picnic basket.


 This is one of my go to’s. Cleopatra was strong and sultry, and she ran a whole empire. This costume is easy to make too, or you can purchase one on Amazon or some other online retailer. I specify online because they usually have a greater selection. She is too fly of a character to not be at least once in your life.


I know I am not the only one who grew up watch Elvira Mistress of Night. Yes the movie is cheesy as hell but who doesn’t love Elvira? She’s funny, she brave, she doesn’t care what people think about her and she definitely has the sexy attire. You can really have so much fun with this one.

Orange is the New Black: Crazy Eyes

 Super popular and super easy to pull off, you cannot go wrong with being a character from Orange is the New Black. Whiel you can choose any of them obviously, Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren will really stand out and make an impression. She’s likeable, she’s crazy and has a personality that you can really play with and get into as well.



Yes hunty, be an angel for Halloween. You can go in one of two directions on this one. Keep is nice and safe with a long white frock, a halo and some wings. Awww. Or you can go in the total opposite direction and bring the fierce fire. A cute mini white dress, flashy blinged out wings, pumps or boots and a beat to death face (really nice make up will have you slaying the parties. Hey, if Victoria Secret models can prance down the runway with wings, why can’t you?

olivia pope scandal halloween costume

Scandal: Olivia Pope

Her wardrobe alone warrants mimicking. She is a powerhouse character that not only knows what she wants, but knows how to get it (except when it comes to Fitz). You can choose any of her awesome looks to fulfill your diva costume goals. Oh and make sure you have your glass of white with you.


Empire: Cookie Lyon

 Cookie has become synonymous with being a diva, being a boss chick… just being a lot of stuff. She is a dynamite character and another strong and powerful woman lead. Go with her signature mini leopard dress and fur coat or all white jumpsuit with a high, long ponytail. I mean, she’s fly, she’s unapologetic, she’s a boss chick, she loves leopard. Need I say more?

suicide squad joker

Suicide Squad: Joker

Here’s a costume for the guys and a super cool idea so let your guy know about this one. The movie hasn’t come out yet, but we have trailers, pictures and Jared Leto to thank for being excited about this film. Let’s take on Joke is pretty scary and silly and bold. It will make a great costume!

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Make sure you have fun and don’t hold back. Find something that speaks to you and go all out.

Katie Holmes Responds To Leah Remini’s PDA & Brad Pitt Opens Up with Angelina Jolie

kate holmes responds to leah remini PDA 2015 gossipActress Leah Remini has been very public about her decision to distance herself and her immediate family from the Church of Scientology.

In the Friday episode of 20/20, Leah discusses with ABC’s Dan Harris her experience with the controversial faith. In a promo for the show, it is revealed that numerous members of Leah’s family will be discussing their time with the church, as many of them “were deep into Scientology.” The clip also hinted that actress Katie Holmes, who was once married to devoted Scientologist Tom Cruise, would also appear in the 20/20 episode.

However, It has now been revealed that Katie will be remaining tight-lipped about her Scientologist past. Despite the promo clips stating that viewers will be able to “hear from Katie Holmes,” it has been confirmed by Katie’s rep that she will not be making an appearance on the show.

Katie’s rep goes on to say that Katie simply provided a written statement for the show in response to questions she was sent regarding Leah’s memoir, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology. In the statement, Katie simply says, “I regret having upset Leah in the past, and I wish her only the best in the future.”

Here, Katie is partially referring to an incident that Remini shares in the 20/20 special, where she claims she was reprimanded by a Scientology official after telling Tom and Katie to “get a frickin’ room” when they were showing a lot of PDA.

You can catch the full interview with Leah on 20/20, which airs Friday at 10pm on ABC.

brad pitt angelina jolie open up 2015 gossipWhile Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are arguably the most famous power couple in Hollywood, they have managed to keep their lives relatively private. However, with their new movie By the Sea coming out, they decided to sit down for a joint interview to open up about their private lives in hopes of promoting their latest work.

In an interview on NBC’s Today which airs on November 2, Brad and Angelina open up about the scary situation regarding Jolie’s decision to get a preventative double mastectomy in 2013.

A clip for interview shows Jolie explaining, “I knew through the surgeries that [Brad] was on my side and that this wasn’t something where I was gonna feel less of a woman, because my husband wasn’t gonna let that happen.” In addition to the mastectomy, the Oscar winner also had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed this past March.

Angelina, 40, lost her mother and maternal grandmother to ovarian cancer, as well as her aunt to breast cancer. After extensive testing, it was revealed that she was carrying the gene that predisposes her to the same cancers. Thus, as a mother of 6 she decided to get both preventative procedures.

Brad goes on to comment, “Whatever’s got to be done to keep the family together and keep the family together as long as possible is gonna be done. That was her charge, no question. It’s a scary decision. There are many things that can go wrong and go many different directions.”

High School Football Deaths: The List Keeps Growing

high school football deaths camron matthews 2015 imagesThere is not much worse than reading about a high school football player dying as a result of playing a game that he likely loved, and a game that I have loved since age five.

Football is supposed to build character in the young men who play the game and inspire those of us who watch from the stands or on TV. Seeing lives ended as a direct result of the game of football makes me stop and think about how much I should enjoy and promote this game.

Cam’ron Matthews was a junior at Alto High School in Texas. He lost his life about two weeks ago after collapsing during a game. Matthews reportedly told teammates that he felt dizzy before halftime then later collapsed, leading one to think he suffered a head injury during the game.

Local reports from CNN affiliate KETK stated that Matthews suffered a seizure during the game. His death brought the death toll to six high school football players in the U.S. in 2015. There were 11 deaths just last year.

While we have seen numerous safety improvements to professional football and the college game, don’t think for one minute that these improvements are widely practiced on the high school level.

There isn’t enough money at most public schools to make that happen. ESPN isn’t sending the GameDay crew to Cherokee County, Texas to cover any games. The NFL isn’t making any money off DraftKings commercials featuring high school stars across the country.

High schools are operating on a tight budget for the most past. Only 37% of public schools even have a full-time trainer available. So for those schools that don’t have a medical professional on the sidelines, who is checking on these young people during the games or even in the week of practice?

Are the ten-year-old waterboys supposed to go through concussion protocol? A volunteer parent? The assistant head coach with no medical training whatsoever?

I’m not saying no one cares about these kids. I know that’s not true. No one outside a sociopath wants to see football players dying in front of a crowd full of parents, siblings and casual sports fans. I’m just saying most high schools are not ready to deal with serious head injuries in football.

And to make that fact even worse, high school football players need to most protection against the game. These players are three times more likely to suffer catastrophic injuries than their college or pro counterparts. This, according to a 2007 study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine.

Early detection of an injury would certainly cut down on fatalities in the game of football. How many young men sustained a concussion during practice that may have led to a second concussion during the game a couple days after the initial head trauma?

There’s also the issue of younger players being more susceptible to head injury because of their still developing brains. This extra vulnerability increases the need for more protection from the adults who oversee high school football.

It’s a tragedy when a young person dies. That’s obvious. Six deaths this year out of the estimated 1.1 million high school football players is a small percentage and not an epidemic, but tragic nonetheless.

The ones that may have been preventable hurt the most.

Since we are just now learning how brain injuries affect players, there is no perfect system to protect all the football players out there. That said, NFLers and collegiate players are being better protected. The reason is obvious.

College teams and professional franchises have the cash to pay medical people and implement systems to check the health of players on the spot.

A high school player may only receive medical help once it’s too late and he is being airlifted to the nearest hospital.

High school football is often said to be the purest form of football. No pay. No scholarship in exchange for playing the game. Just a team of guys playing a game that’s fun, tough, exciting, and rewarding 99% of the time.

Shouldn’t the purest form of the game be equipped to take care of the guys that suit up on Friday nights? Damn right!

I don’t have all the answers as to how that should happen but here are a few of my thoughts on how high schoolers could be better protected.

  • Each school should have a full-time trainer on hand. If they can’t afford it they should disband the football team or cut the fat in their school budget to find the money. Get rid of the 80-year-old elementary principal making $100K per year or maybe cut out the weightlifting class teaching position.
  • There should be a standardized concussion protocol just like the NFL uses. This would include a baseline test for each player to test against when a concussion is suspected in a game. If there isn’t enough time or money to do this, then there should be no time for this violent game at that school.
  • High school kids should be exposed to real information on how brain injuries affect football players. NFL guys have been fully warned at this point, but teenage guys don’t think they can ever be hurt and have no idea how fragile their brains are. Have local colleges send out experts to speak to

Fantasy Football Quarterback Sleepers NFL Week 8: Brian Hoyer & Jay Cutler?

fantasy football quarterback sleeper nfl brian hoyer jay 2015 imagesCan you believe it’s already Week 8? It seems like just yesterday I was drafting my team, and now we’re more than halfway through the fantasy football season. Life needs to slow down…or at least football season does. Anyways, I’ll shut up, and without further ado, here are a few treats for your fantasy football team on Halloween weekend:

Brian Hoyer, Houston Texans: That’s right, I said Brian Hoyer. And Jay Cutler’s on the list too if that’s not crazy enough for you. Despite the Texans being one of the worst teams in the NFL right now, Hoyer has been doing fantastic for fantasy owners (well, those that play him at least).

Hoyer is sitting on four consecutive games with 20 or more fantasy points. That’s no easy task. This week brings the Tennessee Titans to town for a matchup that even the Texans should be able to win.

The Titans aren’t exactly known for their stellar defense, and with DeAndre Hopkins playing at the top of his game right now, Hoyer just might be worth a shot for those with a QB on bye or even those looking to save some cap room on Draft Kings.

Jay Cutler, Chicago Bears: For as bad and un-clutch as Cutler is, you can’t deny that he usually puts up decent numbers. He has a helluva offense around him, so it would be hard for anyone not to. Right now, Cutler has put up 21 fantasy points the last three games in a row. The Bears are visited by the Minnesota Vikings this weekend, so the matchup isn’t horrible at all.

And, to be fair, Cutler did pretty well against the Oakland Raiders and Kansas City Chiefs in terms of managing the game and not blowing it. Sure, it was the Raiders and Chiefs, but both those teams are coming off big wins against the San Diego Chargers and Pittsburgh Steelers, respectively.

I’m not saying sell your soul for Cutler or even bother trading for him, but he may be worth a shot this week, especially in one-day leagues.

Dish & Duer Keep Radiation At Bay With Their Wearable Tech


wearable tech dish duer 2015 imagesWhen it comes to holiday gift shopping, denim isn’t always on the top of one’s gifts to-buy list. Often jeans can be difficult to pick out, especially for someone else. For some, buying jeans is a dreaded chore that they hope to do once a year. However, just as tech gadgets have advanced, so has the fabric technology available in denim pants. Thus, making it easier than ever to pick out a comfortable pair of jeans that will look and feel great on your loved ones.

The specific technology is called Nature2X, which combines four specific fibers that interact with each other to increase overall performance of clothing. The fabric is made up of Tencel, which helps absorb moisture from the skin. It locks in this moisture so that you don’t actually feel wet, but still have access to an appropriate amount of moisture to avoid skin irritation.

Additionally, Nature2X fabric also includes spandex to enhance the stretch and memory of the material and polyester to ensure the shape of the clothing remains intact. Lastly, it also incorporates cotton, which in collaboration with polyester enhances the durability of the innovative fabric.

The Vancouver-based clothing brand Dish and DU/ER created this performance-oriented fabric to merge the comfort of sports and fitness attire with the fashion and look of modern denim. The company offers a new genre of clothing they refer to as “Athleisure,” which allows you to “climb the highest mountains, cross the hottest desserts and compete in athletic endeavors” while sporting a trendy pair of jeans.

The Dish aspect of the brand is geared towards the female consumer while the DU/ER side is designed for men. Thus, they offer a selection of styles and colors for virtually anyone on your gift list. The company prides itself in its unique denim that is 30% lighter and stronger than traditional denim on the market today.

As the company explains, people have been wearing denim for over 100 years yet there really hasn’t been much innovation. So while cars, computers and just about everything else continues to advance at lightning speeds, why shouldn’t one of the most widely owned article of clothing be modified for the better as well?

In some of their denim variations, the company also addresses a growing problem in modern day society, which is the negative side effects men are experiencing due to radiation from their cell phones and such being in their pockets. Their men’s L2X line includes features known as a “seat gusset” and “radiation shield.” The seat gusset is a seamless feature in the crotch of the pant that incorporates triple stitched seams, allowing for maximized durability. Basically, they are making sure you aren’t going to rip your pants even when doing the most impressive of yoga moves.

Meanwhile, the radiation shield is a coating in the left pocket that has silver-coated copper wires spun into the cotton. This feature reduces the amount of radiation traveling the surface of the fabric into your skin. Recent studies have shown that the radiation men are exposed to through carrying the cell phones in their front pocket can decrease their fertility rate significantly.

So, while the men in your life may not be willing to give up their cell phone, you can still protect them (and their baby-making abilities) with the wearable tech incorporated in DU/ER’s denim.

Currently, Dish and DU/ER is using crowdsourcing site Kickstarter to fund their latest line of pants for both men and women that incorporate the revolutionary Nature2X fabric. You can check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/duerperformancedenim/the-revolutionary-no-sweat-pant-w-10-features-and?ref=nav_search

Whether it be for the women in your life that you desperately want to see out of yoga pants and leggings everyday or the men whose go-to are sinful sweatpants, I suggest you check out the latest in wearable tech and denim. Not only will the recipient feel good in their new pants, but also you will feel good being around them (win/win right?)

You can check out Dish and DU/ER’s wearable tech denim at their website:


‘Black-ish’ 206 Jacked Up Recap

blackish 206 jacked up 2015 imagesThe Obama’s get some attention on this episode of Blackish as it’s Halloween and the Johnsons are the first family of the neighborhood. That’s right, this year the Obama’s are coming to town.

If you remember last Halloween, the Johnsons were the Jackson 5, so it is only natural that they be the most influential black family in the world this year.  Every Halloween, the neighborhood “turns up” as people from all over the Los Angeles flocks to Sherman Oaks because they do the tradition better. This means that the Johnson kids’ cousin from “the hood” show up, Straight Outta Compton, with the plan to bully and beat up their Valley family members as they always do. But this year, they have another thing coming.

Dre laughs at the fact that his kids get beat up by their cousin because he says it builds character. But what we find out is that Dre used to and still does get beat up by his cousin, Junebug, played by Michael Strahan. This year, though, the Johnson four put a beating on their cousins from the hood and Dre is pleasantly surprised. And so are the kids when Junebug comes in and puts Dre in the headlock and makes sing like a teapot.

This episode gives us insight into family relations through the dynamic of the cousin’s interaction. After beating up their hood kinfolk, the Johnson kids are proud of themselves, until their cousins hold up in Junior’s room. They then, at the suggestion of Diane, commence to verbally assaulting them by telling them (through the door) the ugly truths about their realities. Like the fact that their oldest cousin doesn’t know his father because he was conceived on a cruise ship (his mother slept with a busboy). Or that they don’t have Air Jordans they have Air Jorbans. Their making fun of their less fortunate cousins is actually an interesting narrative on how people from different neighborhood perceive each other. Zoey and crew’s taunting hurts their feelings, and they lock themselves as they stay locked in Junior’s bedroom.

Downstairs, Bow is having a great time passing out candy to the neighborhood kids because to her Halloween is all about fun despite the fact that Jeanine wants to stop Halloween in the neighborhood by 9 pm. She even hires a Samoan ex- XFL player to police the community.

That doesn’t matter to Bow, though, and her spirits remain high. It doesn’t matter if a pair of trick or treaters change wigs and return to the door for more candy; that’s what the night is for, trick or treating. As she happily drops candy into kids’ baskets, Ruby, ever the devout Christian woman gives the little campers mini bibles. She also tells her daughter in law that she is defaming the first lady by dressing like trashy Michelle Obama with her cleavage hanging out. Bow then gets a taste of what Jeanine means when an older trick or treater demands candy; another kicks her frog, and a group of kids say some pretty non-kid words to her. Thus, Bow retreats to the in the house.

Speaking of “in the house” Dre hides from Junebug. First Bow finds him in their bathroom “fixing the sink.” But since when does tightening a pipe cause you to cry? Bow calls him out for being afraid of his cousin, and he turns it around on her being afraid of the trick or treaters. She denies it at first blaming Jeanine for wanting to end Halloween early, but when Dre looks out the window, she’s having a blast doing the whip/Nae nae with the hood kids. Bow confesses that she is the one who wants to end Halloween early because of the trick or treaters (too much pressure I guess), and he looks at her shaking his head in comical disgust.

The hood cousins have come out of the junior’s room, but they aren’t in the trick or treating mood. The kids try to cheer them up but they are too bummed. Zoe and her siblings go asking for candy without them, sad that they offended their cousins when all of a sudden Jack is jacked for his candy. They return to the house in defeat, and their Compton family members are not having it. “Oh hell no. No one messes with my family.”

Dre continues to hide from his cousin and gets a lesson from his mother when she finds him “changing the oil” on his car. She checks him about always running from Junebug and points out that the thing he’s been holding over his cousin’s head for all these years (Junebug kicked him out the car while it was moving in 1992) was to protect him. As soon as he did that, he was pulled over, and he knew if Dre got caught, he would lose his scholarship.

Dre is humbled and goes into the house to find his cousin.  He apologizes for “flaunting” all his money in front of him and his kids being that they don’t have much. Junebug tells him it’s all good because he just won a $2 million brutality case against LAPD. They laugh, make up and this time, Dre turns Junebug into the teapot.

There’s nothing like the holidays to bring the family together right?

Taylor Swift’s Non-Vaginas Club & Justin Bieber’s Menstrual Moment

selena gomez lands netflix series 2015 gossipFor the past while young star Selena Gomez has been focusing on her music career. She recently released a solo album called Revival which features hit songs such as “Good for You” and “Same Old Love.” However, it appears that Selena is ready to return to the TV – well, Netflix screen.

It has been confirmed that Netflix has ordered a miniseries based on the young adult novel, 13 Reasons Why. The novel it is being adapted from is about a high school student named Hanna Baker, who commits suicide. Shortly after, Clay (a classmate of Hanna’s) receives a secretive box full of tapes. In the box, there are also instructions written by Hanna that tell Clay to pass the box along to certain schoolmates. In the tapes, Hanna reveals the “13 reasons why” she took her life.

It has been reported that Selena will be playing Hanna while the other characters are in the midst of being cast. This will be her first return to “TV” since her Disney special Wizards of Waverly Place: Alex vs. Alex back in 2013. However, Selena has starred in numerous movies since then, including Spring Breakers and voicing a character in Hotel Transylvania. In addition, she will be appearing in Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising, alongside Zac Efron, Dave Franco and Seth Rogen.

There has been no release date set for 13 Reasons Why at this point.

taylor swifts non vaginas club ed sheeran 2015 gossipWhile Taylor Swift’s infamous squad is known for its various supermodels and teen pop stars, musician Ed Sheeran insists that he too has a spot in the elite pack.

In an interview with Billboard, the 24-year-old British singer answers “Of course,” when asked whether or not he has a spot in the squad. He goes on to add, “It’s not a vaginas-only club.”

In the interview, he also talked about dating while in the public eye. Ed shares, “I just never want to be public. It always, always backfires. I really wish I could disappear at moments that I’m with a significant other. It’s none of anyone’s f***ing business.”

Ed tells Billboard that he is focusing on his career right now, although he admits he’s a bit behind when it comes to other artists’ music. Ed explains, “I don’t stream anything ever…I don’t even really get it. I buy everything off Itunes or physically. I’ve never listened to a Radiohead album, to be honest, I didn’t hear a Bruce Springsteen song until like two years ago, and now I f***ing love Springsteen. I didn’t hear Michael Jackson songs till I was 14. I like discovering things on my own. I want to have the moment of ‘holy s**t,’ the moment of the epiphany.”

Currently, Ed is working on his own album. Ed explains, “[this third studio album] is my little baby. Normally I don’t care much about what people think of my music. If you love it, awesome, if you don’t, go and listen to something else. But, this time is different. This project is a lot dearer to me. I’m nervous about how it is going to be received.” He also tells Billboard that rapper Jay-Z has already heard a sample of his upcoming album, Ed jokes “[Jay Z] made me play it four times in a row and called me an alien…that was promising.”

justin biebers menstrual moments radio show oslo 2015 gossipThe Justin Bieber of old seems to be resurfacing in Spain and Oslo. He walked off a radio show and then an onstage performance all in two days time.

It all started when Bieber was doing a radio show in Spain to promote his new album, Purpose, and the hosts wanted to have him help ‘break the internet’ they’ve set up. As you can see in the first video, he seemed all fine to go along with the stunt, but then he just stands up and scoots on out of there. A few Spanish papers claimed that Bieber had said he had to take a tinkle, but he must have held his grip for much longer than that as he never came back.

Then, while he was performing live in Oslo, a fan spilled something on his stage, and the Biebs was having none of that. We can assume he doesn’t like others liquids in his space. He went to clean it up (guess his handlers were busy doing other things), but the fans kept grabbing at him, so he just said he wasn’t going to finish the show. It wasn’t like the time someone threw a water bottle at his head, but something is out of cycle for him, and he loves his dramatic exits.