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Who’s to Blame for Hit on High School Referee Robert Watts?


whos to blame for hit on robert watts 2015 mack breedDid an assistant football coach order the Code Red on high school football referee, Robert Watts? And if coach Mack Breed did directly tell his players to lay the wood to the ref, how much are the players still to blame?

We could use Lt. Dan Kaffee to get to the bottom of this messy Texas high school football situation right about now.

What we do know for sure is that Victor Rojas and Michael Moreno whacked the ref from behind during the start of a play. The kids didn’t even try to make it look like an accident. It was plain as day. They meant to hurt the guy. This was not the brightest move by the young men, one an honor student and the other a former student of the year. They could have at least waited for a pile up near the ref to send a message in a sneakier manner.

In case you’re wondering, this is not the first time a referee has been ambushed by athletes. It may be the most public instance, but it has happened before. A quick online search will show results for refs hit during boxing matches, basketball games, and even seemingly innocent volleyball matches.

I have no idea why anyone would want to be a referee. It’s a thankless job, everyone hates you eventually, and the only way to know you’re doing a good job is if no one notices you at all. Worst job ever, and on the youth sports level, the pay sucks to boot.

This story is so murky because of all the unknowns. The players allege racial slurs by Watts the referee. That’s hard to prove since that is a good go-to move when you have physically assaulted someone. A racist blast would excuse the behavior of these young men in the eyes of a good percentage of the public. In a court of law though it still does not give a person the right to physically attack another.

mack breed had players hit high school referee robert watts 2015No way, Watts would ever admit he used the “N” word, so we’ll never know the truth about that part of the story.

As for the assistant coach that ordered the Code Red on the ref, he later recanted his story after initially taking responsibility for what happened. He never said he told the boys directly to hit the referee, but did admit his words led to the incident that went viral online. In his second statement coach Mack Breed stated he was trying to keep his players from being suspended from school and that he did not instruct them to whack Watts.

Rojas and Moreno say their coach told them to go after Watts, plain and simple.

It’s hard to tell who to believe. The players have lawyered up and are in self preservation mode. They are also among a generation of coddled youths that look to blame others for their own problems. Their generation has been given participation trophies since they were five years old and have never been disciplined by teachers who fear parents going off over their little angels getting in trouble at school. Personal responsibility is not the strong suit of today’s young people.

As for coach Breed, he is also trying to save his own neck. He’s been suspended and would have a hard time finding a another gig after this incident. Whether he directly or indirectly told the boys to go after the referee, he should shoulder much of the blame. We are all responsible for our own actions, but these youngsters are much easier to convince than an adult.

If coach Breed told me, as a grown man, to attack a referee from behind, I would question his sanity and think about the consequences. If I were 16 years old, caught up in the emotion of a violent game like football, then I would give my 16 year old self only a 20% chance of not following the Code Red.

This incident is just a microcosm of what happens in the background of many high school football games. What do you think goes on under piles of teenage boys scrambling for a fumble? Lots of gouging, scratching, nut punching, mama cursing, rib shots, ankle twists, and that’s just between teams that respect each other!

I have personally seen the nasty behavior of high school football players and refs. I know of a Christian school that loved to used racist blasts after tacking my local high school’s best running back. Another fine private institution close to the University of Georgia had a few players tell the opposing team’s cheerleaders how ugly they were after the game. I know of one player in middle school years ago that said he was going to hurt a ref during the game , and he actually ran into the ref on the sideline. The zebra left the game with a broken leg.

Football is not like the chess club or debate team. Football is violent. Players are jacked up with adrenaline. Coaches want to protect their players. And there are some a-hole referees. Some even racist.

The nation was shocked at this violent act directed toward an official. It’s shocking to me it doesn’t happen more often. This situation is just a by-product of a violent game called football. You can’t cheer a fullback smacking a linebacker full speed, then be shocked when after the play nastiness ensues. The action sometimes bubbles over after the whistle.

What happened in Texas happens every Friday night in smaller ways. Both black and white kids use racist comments on each other. Boys talk junk to each other. They do illegal things under a pileup that they would never do in another environment. Refs get cursed out. Refs made biased calls, stupid calls, and make-up calls. Coaches get in the faces of officials. Fans scream at the refs. The female fans (moms) are really vicious.

All that ugliness sometimes crosses over in to illegal activities like assault. That’s what happened when Victor Rojas and Michael Moreno decided to go through with the Code Red.

The coaches’ job is to get kids amped to the max to be ready to play a football game. It’s not hard to push them just over the edge.

Just remember that next time you’re enjoying the beauty of football. You are just a play away from the ugly underbelly of the game rearing its head.

LOVE & HIP HOP HOLLYWOOD 203: Miles & Milan Fixer Upper

love hip hop hollywood recap miles milan 2015 imagesLove and Hip Hop Hollywood continues to heat up and definitely has been having major moments earlier on in the show. And by major moments I mean fighting.

It opens up with Teairra Mari and Hazel meeting up to “hash out” their issues. Since TM reached out to her after her grandfather died, Hazel took that as a sign that her former bestie is trying to mend things. They talk, which turns into yelling, but doesn’t escalate to fighting and Hazel says in her confession that they will never be the same, but they can be cool again. Awwwww, great!

Milan and Miles still have their differences as Milan just can’t understand why Miles has been acting distant. Missing their dinner dates, not being there for him when he needs him and just being altogether a lousy boyfriend. He and Hazel have a conversation as a way for him to sort things out. He tells her that he believes Miles is cheating and she says the only way to really find out is to confront him. Sooooooo, he does and let’s just say it does not go well. Miles gets defensive when Milan asks him were he’s been. Miles lies and says he was in the studio which we know he was really with Amber and her daughter and Milan doesn’t buy it either. Mainly because whenever Miles uses the studio, Milan gets credit card notifications. Miles doesn’t like being questioned and storms out, leaving his boo and his cutie pie dog on the couch in silence.

After what happened in the park at Nas’ bootcamp (Nia showed up and it just went south too quickly) she pays a visit to Soulja Boy during a video shoot. They talk and he pretty much tells her “yes, we fuck, you have known what it is from the beginning so stop tripping, me and Nia are it not you.” She storms out but makes it clear in her confession that she and Soulja both know he’s not finished with her.

Nia too is trying to figure out how to deal with their altercation. She meets with Apryl and her friend for brunch and they “girl talk” it over. Nia tells them that she feels a need to speak to Nas to get things out in the opening once and for all because if you she comes for her, “she’s going to get it.”

So the two meet up later and their “conversation” consists of them going back and forth “the boy is mine, no he’s mine… well that’s not what he said last night.” Nas calls her the scum between her toes, which triggers Nia and she throws a drink in her face. They fight, they are pulled off of each other and Nia leaves because she “can’t take that bitch anymore.” Teddy Riley should really get his daughter (Nia). This is a horrible look for her to be fighting over someone that she knows cheats on her. But that’s just my two cents.

Fizz and his girl Kamiah have some issues and they break up. He doesn’t like the fact that after he came back from out of town, she moved some of her stuff into his place while he was gone. They have their argument (while rock climbing by the way) and he tells her he’s having appetizers right now, he’s not ready for the main dish. She takes that to mean he’s been taste testing this whole time. She’s through and tells him she coming to get “all the stuff” she moved into his apartment.

We don’t really see a lot of Ray J this episode and we see none of Princess. Ray J does, however, have a conversation with Brandi (no not his sister) Whitney Houston’s goddaughter and the wife “not the side chick, not the close friend but wife” of L.A. based producer Max Lux. We see how crazy she really is too later on in the show when she tells her husband, who is going to the studio without his wedding ring, that he needs to call her every four hours and when he brings up about her hiding out in his trunk, she reminds him that it was for a reason. I never get how women can say that their men are their “everything” when they have cheated on them and put them through hell.

At the end of the show, she and Nikki, who is LHHH’s Karlie Redd if you ask me, concoct a plan to get into the studio and when they do, boy this chick goes crazy on the “BECKIES” she finds there with her man. They weren’t doing anything but just the sight sets her off. She had to be carried out.

“Love and Hip Hop Hollywood” is definitely serving the drama and it’s only been three episodes.

SURVIVOR: SECOND CHANCE 3101 Meet the Second Chancers & Bye Vytas Baskauskas

survivor second chance 3101 recap images 2015

On the season premiere of “Survivor: Second Chance,” the fans selected 24 former Survivor contestants to compete in this season. This season the Survivors must live on the shore of the South China Sea in Cambodia. Jeff said it was a unique season and welcomed all the new players. Ciera said there was pressure to not let America down.

The contestants came to the island on three separate boats. Their first task was to grab camp supplies on their boats. On a nearby boat was a bag of rice that whoever got it first could take with them for their tribe.

Spencer said he didn’t trust anyone and he was going to do what was best for him in the game. He said he wanted more one on one conversations in his first three days on the island than he did for the whole season he was on. Ciera said everyone seemed in good spirits and was getting along. She also said she wanted to rewrite her story this time around. Keith said his second time would be much different than his first was. Jeremy said he felt good with his tribe and he hoped Keith would team up with him. Jeremy also wanted Tasha and Savage in his corner. He said the number one person he wanted on his side was Joe. Joe said he learned the alpha males either teamed or went up against each other. Stephen said he felt out of place in his tribe, just like last time. Stephen said he had to be in charge of his tribe or he would “overplay” the game. Vytas said that he was good at manipulating peoples’ perspective but he didn’t want the other contestants thinking he is a manipulator. Shirin said Vytas came off as smarmy and that’s what she thought of him in his past season of Survivor also.

survivor second chance 3101 cast images 2015Shirin said Vytas had connections to their tribes and the other ones. Abi found her bracelet in another contestant’s bag. Peih Gee said she hadn’t stolen Abi’s bracelet, she just grabbed the bag assuming it was empty. Kass said other people were there to prove something but she was just there to win. Stephen went to look for wood and started looking for the immunity idol while he was at it. Stephen said he didn’t want people to judge him for being a nerd. Andrew said he was in awe of Joe.

On day two Jeff said he felt like he had never played the game before and this one was going too fast. He said he was going to play the game hard but didn’t want anyone to realize that. Jeff said he didn’t want to turn on his tribe members who had built their shelter. Jeff said he didn’t know if he should go old school or new school in this game.

On day three Kelley said she wasn’t wasting her second chance to win. She collected coconuts so she could look for the immunity idol at the same time. After walking by a tree she found a note with a hint telling her how to find the hidden immunity idol. It said the idol was on the site of the first challenge for the season. Kimmi said their first challenge for this season was the first challenge of the first episode of the first season of Survivor. Joe led his tribe in Yoga, which Keith said he wouldn’t do. Tasha was distracted during Yoga by Joe’s muscular body. Shirin said Joe was so over the top. Vytas said Abi is a tough person to deal with and she had sent him negative vibes. He also said it would be smart to vote out Abi because no one likes her.

The immunity challenge, Quest For Fire, involved both tribes racing to a raft to light a series of fires and then retrieving a key using nothing but a pole. The reward for winning this challenge was a fire making kit. While no one was looking Kelley grabbed the hidden immunity idol.

The Tae Ko Tribe lost and then found out they were going to Tribal Council right away. Woo said there was a big division happening in the game already. Peih Gee said she’d been trying to correct the mistakes she made the last time she played Survivor. Jeff said there had been a lot of work on the beach by tribe members for the first three days of the game. Woo said tonight’s vote would set the tempo of the game. Abi said she was nervous and would be heartbroken if she went home already. Jeff said he was “balls to the wall” and was dying to see what would happen now. Vytas was then voted off the island.

BRING IT! 222 Dancing Dolls Go Tick Tick Boom!

bring it dancing dolls vs xplosive dance company 2015 imagesThings really amp up in the majorette dance world this week on Bring It, and the girls are just one more competition away from getting to the long awaited Summer Slam AND from learning who the next captain will be to lead the Dancing Dolls next season. They are going to the Buck Worth dancing competition in New Orleans and Dianna has an African dance routine ready for the girls which proves to be interesting to say the least.

Their biggest rival is the Xplosives Dance Company (XDC) who lost the last time competed against DD. They also have to deal with the Diamond Divas of Compton (DDC). Also, Kayla and Sunjai are finally graduating from High School and Tina expresses how much she can’t handle her baby going off on her own. As far as the captain role goes for stand battle this week, Dianna doesn’t make the top three compete but instead she has them pull their names out of a box (which of course Mimi thinks is stupid) and Makalah gets the winning ticket. I just wish she would make her captain already and stop playing. She is the best out of the three girls. And Mimi’s hating is horrible. She is an adult and showing sad faces or disgusting faces when Makalah wins is just not a good look.

The girls have a hard time getting the routine because it is high energy and takes a lot out of thme. They seem to not really be up for the challenge, but I mean come on, it’s African dance that is nothing but rhythm using all of your body. Plus there is a lot going on causing their concentration to be all over the place. Even the parents are hoping that they get it together because it just doesn’t look too good.

On the day of graduation, Sunjai and Kayla get ready together and their moms help get everything together. Kayla can’t hold her emotions and begins crying along with her mother and grandmother. It is a good moment. Of course Selena is dressed to impress but tones it down so that her daughter can have her day and boy does she have her day. As they make their way out the house to load up and leave, her daddy JJ pulls up and what does he bring his baby girl Sunjai? A new car! Now that is how you parent. I mean a drop top Infinite G35, her dream car.

The day of competition is here and all the teams are ready to bring it. Kayla has a conversation with Makalah before she goes out on the floor and even though she seems a little unsure, Makalah takes it in stride.

There are a lot of teams in this one trying to throw DD off their game. XDC, DDC, and a team called D3 Elite. I mean they are gunning for the Dolls and it makes for a very intense competition.

Creative dance is first and DDC looks great and especially since they drove 25 HOURS from California, you really can’t expect anything less from them. In fact, all of the teams kill their routines. When the Dancing Dolls make their way to the floor their creative dance is less than spectacular though. In fact, the second group of DD in the routine messes up horribly and Jalen noticeably trips. Everyone on DD is nervous from the parents to the Miss Dianna.

After the creative dance Dianna has her usual run in with one of the coaches and this time it is XDC’s Sherrie. They fake their pleasantries as always and keep it cordial. As last time, Sherrie tells Dianna “Bigger things come out of Texas.”

In the first round of the stand battle, D3 Elite brings their A game against the Dancing Dolls. When it’s their turn, Makalah does this thing during the routine that leads Dianna to believe that she may have forgotten the stance (we later find out that is exactly what happened, but she plays it off). I think D3 Elite do a great job, in fact, I feel they do better than DD but the judges send the Dolls on to the final round, which is interesting because their coaches talked a lot of mess about “upsetting” DD.

In the end, DD stand battles XDC and it is clear they both really want it. But DD comes out on top in the creative, even with Jalen’s slip, and first place in stand battle, putting them in a great position for the finale next week at Summer Slam.

BIG BROTHER 17 Finale: Steve Wins & Liz Runner Up

BIG BROTHER 17 finale steve wins liz runner up james favoriteOn tonight’s season finale of “Big Brother,” Liz said she needed to win head of household to be in the final two. Steve was eliminated from the head of household competition, which had two more parts to it. Vanessa said it was time for psychological warfare. Vanessa promised Liz she would take her to the final two and then Liz was eliminated, leaving Vanessa as the winner of round one of the head of household competition. Liz said if she lost part two she’d never forgive herself.

Part two of head pf household was a huge crossword puzzle. All the puzzle clues were from this season. Whoever solved it first would win part two. Steve won round two of the competition, making part three Steve vs Vanessa. Steve said he has to win round three of head of household and Vanessa said the same thing.

Austin said he wanted Vanessa in the Jury house. John then joined the Jury. John told Austin Vanessa brainwashed Liz. Austin said he was pissed Liz trusted Vanessa. All the jury house members said they were there because of Vanessa. Shelli said she was impressed by the game Vanessa has played. Meg said Vanessa just wins competition. Shelli said Steve personally connected with every one of the Jury members. John said he didn’t like Steve’s game at all. Julia said Steve was hysterical when he evicted Jackie and she called him cowardly for that. John said Liz shouldn’t win the game and her nominations weren’t the best for her game. Meg said she was a cheerleader for Liz and Becky said Liz worked better with Austin than without him. Julia said she would vote for Liz to win no matter what.

For part three of head of household Vanessa and Steve competed in Scales of Just Us. Julie Chen read statements made by jury members and Vanessa and Steve had to guess the end of each statement. Whoever got more points would win head of household. Steve won the last head of household for the season.

Steve voted to evict Vanessa. Liz cried, thanked Steve and hugged him. Vanessa told Julie Chen she knew it was a possibility Steve would evict her and she never trusted that he would take her to the final two. She admitted if she won head of household she would have evicted Steve.

The Jury was then announced to the audience. Then they found out Vanessa was joining them. Austin said Steve made an excellent decision and went from a boy to a man. Steve told John he was always doing what was best for him in the game. Liz told Becky she came into the house with a target on her back. She said she aligned with Austin and Vanessa but held her own in the game. Steve told James he did not float through the game, as James accused him of doing. Steve said he made alliances early in the game. Julia told Liz her biggest game  move was aligning with strong competitors. Steve old Jackie that his relationship with Austin helped him when James was head of household. Liz told Austin she deserves to win because she came into the game with a huge disadvantage and did a lot to stay in the house and make people think she wasn’t a threat to their game.

Liz said she came into the game with Julia and said it was a miracle they lasted 85 days in the house together. Steve said he made a lot of moves that mean he deserves to win the game. He talked about Liz’s advantage in Julia. He said his moves in the game weren’t made to hurt others. He said being on Big Brother was a lifelong dream cone true.

Da’vonne said Austin spoke about Judas dominating the game and asked where Judas was at now. Austin said he liked people in the house a little too much and didn’t want to be Judas. Vanessa admitted she is one of top professional poker players of all time. Jason said he was surprised how well she maneuvered through the game. Audrey said she had an overwhelmingly warm response from the world after admitting she is a transexual.

Julie Chen revealed to the audience that Steve won the entire season of Big Brother. She then announced America chose James as the favorite house guest of the season.

NSALA & Beth Stern Team Up For Gabriel Cordell’s Roll With Me Feline Campaign

gabriel cordell roll with me beth stern north shore feline 2015 imagesNorth Shore Animal League America is teaming up with Beth Stern once again to support Gabriel Cordell, as he ventures on a four-day “roll” across New York to raise money for a new addition to North Shore’s Long Island Campus.

From October 6th to October 9th, Long Island resident Gabriel Cordell will be embarking on a journey as he manually rolls himself in his wheelchair, fueled only by his muscle and determination to raise money for North Shore. The funds raised will go directly to building Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center, which will extend off of North Shore’s current Long Island location.

Gabriel was paralyzed in 1992 when he was just 22-years-old, as he was involved in a tragic car accident. The accident was caused when his jeep was hit by another vehicle, whose driver failed to stop at a red light. Gabriel was slammed into and ejected into the air, hitting a telephone pole which unfortunately crushed his vertebrate, permanently paralyzing him. Since then, Gabriel has conquered some huge feats in his life, including a remarkable journey across America in 2003, where he rolled for 99 days, 13 states, and travelled approximately 3,100 miles in a wheelchair.

gabriel cordell roll with me bianca furry friends north shore 2015He has used his “set-back” numerous times now to raise awareness for important causes, including promoting tolerance and compassion in Israel (Roll for Peace in Israel). However, this is the first time he will be venturing out to raising money for North Shore, to help save the lives of countless dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. He hopes his 122-mile trek across Long Island will help shed light on shelter pets not only within the North Shore organization, but also around the globe.

North Shore Animal League America is the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization. Since 1944, North Shore has been able to place over 1,000,000 companion pets in the loving home they deserve. The organization is planning to expand its impact on innocent animals’ lives by building Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center. The Center will be a state-of-the-art addition in Long Island, spanning about 15,000 square feet. The facility will be built in hopes of accomplishing two goals: Saving the lives of as many cats and kittens as possible, while also freeing up space in their other centers to rescue more dogs and puppies.

In a press release Gabriel explained his goal: “I’m a Long Island boy through and through. It doesn’t matter where I live at the moment or where I am in the world, Long Island will always be home and I want to do something to give back to one of it’s most respected organizations. North Shore Animal League America is a place that means so much, to so many people.”

Gabriel will be wheeling himself approximately 30.5 miles per day, starting from the famous Montauk Lighthouse on October 6th and finishing at North Shore Animal League America’s Port Washington, NY campus on October 9th.

beth stern furry friends north shore roll with meAnimal League America Volunteer and Spokesperson, Beth Stern decided to team up with Cordell as she believed his spirit and resilience was very reminiscent of what she has seen in many of the shelter animals she has encountered since volunteering and partnering with North Shore. Beth explains: “Every day I watch the brave cats and kittens I foster demonstrate amazing courage and resilience, turning misfortune into joy and inspiration. And now I see the same spirit in Gabriel Cordell. Please give what you can to support Gabriel’s beautiful dedication to saving innocent lives.”

You can not only support Gabriel, but also help save the lives of cats, dogs, puppies and kittens in need, by donating to and raising awareness for the Roll with Me Long Island event. You can check out the event page and donate at:


Dallas Cowboys: Jerry Jones Gawks & Terrell Owens Comeback


dallas cowboys terrell owens comeback nfl 2015The Dallas Cowboys quarterback situation just got a little more interesting in the absence of Tony Romo…or as interesting as it can get when you have two backups competing for the starting role I guess.

No one is really sure what’s going on in Dallas anymore after Jerry Jones gushed over Brandon Weeden and then went out and acquired Matt Cassel from the Buffalo Bills.

It’s hard to blame the Cowboys for making the move to acquire Cassel. He definitely isn’t the perfect solution, but he does have 71 starts over his time with the New England Patriots, Kansas City Chiefs, and Minnesota Vikings.

Of course, multiple starts doesn’t make a quarterback good. Cassel has the fourth lowest quarterback rating (QBR) among qualifying QBs since 2012. But guess who has the lowest…

No, not RGIII. Brandon Weeden.

On top of that, Weeden has shown that he is not overly successful in the Cowboys system. Last season when Romo was out, Weeden looked absolutely pitiful against the Arizona Cardinals. He had his chance, and he blew it, finishing 18-of-33 for 183 with two interceptions in the loss.

Weeden’s poor play hurt the entire team. The Cardinals were able to focus more heavily on the run, holding the NFL’s leading rusher DeMarco Murray to under 100 yards and Dez Bryant to only two catches on 10 targets for 15 yards.

And let’s not forget that Murray is gone and Bryant is hurt too.

However, for some reason Jerry Jones doesn’t seem to think that last season’s performance and Bryant’s absence will be too much for Weeden.

“This quarterback Weeden can drive the ball down field,” said Jones. “He’s a thing of beauty on throwing a football. His passing motion and his arm, frankly, you won’t see a more gifted passer, power, accuracy, the entire aspect of it.”

I think everyone reading this can name a handful of passers better than Weeden. I could name about 30 off hand and some of them are still in college.

“As [Cowboys’ quarterback coach] Wade Wilson said, he’s just not the same guy that we had last year,” Jones continued. “He’s progressed that much. He said that before we had this issue with Tony. I think we all feel good about what we got.”

At least the owner has his QB’s back. Then again, no one is expecting Weeden to come in and lead the Cowboys to a Super Bowl 50 victory. Romo can return Week 11 in Miami at the earliest, so Weeden just needs to keep the 2-0 Cowboys in the run for the division title until then—something much easier said than done, especially without Dez on the field with him.

Fortunately for the Cowboys, the Philadelphia Eagles and New York Giants are sitting on 0-2 records right, and the Washington Redskins may have won a game, but…well, they’re still the Redskins.

Unfortunately for Weeden and the Cowboys, before Romo can possibly return they will have to face both the G-Men and Eagles, the 2-0 Atlanta Falcons, and both the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots.

Maybe the Cowboys can resign Terrell Owens to help take some of the load off. After all, he may be 41, but he’s a Hall of Fame nominee and begging once again to return to the NFL. He didn’t exactly leave the Cowboys in the best of standings, but that won’t stop him from trying to come back…again.

Get your popcorn ready, Dallas. Should be a fun couple of weeks coming up.

Gridiron Heroes Review: A Must See

grid iron heroes pic

What makes football great also makes it terrible. We love to see the beauty of the game, a wideout tight roping his way along the sideline to the end zone or quarterback thread the ball where no man can snag it save his own teammate. But it is undeniable that we also love to watch the violent collisions between football players on the field.

The gladiator aspect of this great sport is still the major reason it resonates with Americans and leaves all other major sports in football’s wake.

Gridiron Heroes is a documentary that takes a look at the price tag associated with the game of football in terms of the health of the athletes involved. Many of these gladiators do not leave the game unscathed and this film shines a light on that ugly truth.

Ever since the NFL concussion issue started getting mainstream attention I have wondered if football is worth it in the long run. Of course it’s worth it for us watching from the stands or the safety of a recliner. For the athletes though, is this beloved sport worth the toll it takes on the human body?

gridiron heroes chris canales movie review 2015 imagesNFL legend Deacon Jones is quoted in the film saying that “Football builds a better person.” No doubt it does just that through teamwork, sacrifice, struggle, and competition. However, just because it can improve one’s character, that does not erase the physical toll that may take away much more than the game can give.

Gridiron Heroes starts out with lots of stats concerning the popularity of football. 100 million people watched last year’s Super Bowl between Seattle and New England. 13 of the 14 most watched TV episodes in 2014 were football games.

We know how popular football is, but those numbers reinforce just how pervasive the game is here in the USA.

The film then introduces us to Chris Canales, a young high school football player who was seriously injured in the last regular season game of his senior year. He had the game of his young life, tallying a sack, five tackles, and an interception. This would also be Chris’ last football game of his life.

Chris took his last steps on a football field.

The young man broke his neck and was paralyzed in a nightmarish scene on what looked to be a routine play. I can only imagine the heartbreak from such an injury, to Chris, his parents, and his team. An injury like that touches everyone around it.

We are shown how hard a time Chris has in dealing with his new life without the use of much of his body. His parents’ interviews are tough to watch as they talk about even the tiny details of the struggle that became their life. Chris talks about his depression, speaking of “being stuck in his room.” In fact he was stuck in his body that could not propel him with the ease it once had.

Amazingly it was a trip to a high school state championship football game that sparked a comeback in Chris’ life. During that game a player named Corey Fulbright had a spinal cord injury and was paralyzed. Chris Canales knew he could be of help to this young man because he had been through the same battle that Corey was about to face.

That was the start of Gridiron Heroes. Chris could no longer use his body in the same manner as before his on the field injury, but he and his dad Eddie could be there for others who were hurt playing football.

I wondered as I watched how Chris could even watch football after it cost him so much. But even a broken neck could not turn the young man against the game he loved. Football damaged his spinal cord beyond repair, but the injury opened his heart to others in a way that even Chris could not have imagined.

It was great to see several stars of the TV series “Friday Night Lights” involved with “Gridiron Heroes.” Kyle Chandler and Brad Leland spoke candidly about the foundation and how impressed they were with Eddie and Chris.

Chandler gave them the simplest, yet highest compliment possible, calling the Canales family “givers.”

It was heartbreaking as I watched several young men filmed in their hospital beds after being severely injured. One thing to see an adult badly hurt, but a teenager with his whole life ahead is hard to shake. Devin Herbert was one such football player. His mom told of having no family close by to help, “So strangers (Chris and Eddie) came and they helped us.”

The film does a good job of not making football into an evil entity. No one suggests outlawing the violent game so many of us love to watch. So many of the paralyzed kids were watching football on TV as they lay in hospital beds.

We do get a look at some trends that are going in the right direction when it comes to football safety. Football does have to evolve or it will die off far into the future. No one with intelligence will send their son out to play the game if it continues to damage so many, both in the short term and in the long run.

Would I let my theoretical son play football? Yes, if that’s what he wanted. The caveat being that he would go to a tackling clinic on a yearly basis to learn proper technique. More and more of these clinics will pop up as the concern over head and spinal injuries grows.

Bobby Hosea runs such camps for youth football, focusing on one thing, proper tackling. This guy was super enthusiastic and a bit of a hard ass to boot, which is good when you are trying to get kids to listen to you.

Proper tackling with the head up won’t stop every football injury, but I believe it goes a long ways in preventing many head and neck tragedies. Hosea is attacking the problem from the bottom up, hoping to set the next generation of football players on the right track. NFLers don’t practice tackling a whole lot, according to Mike Ditka, though the League is evolving mainly due to big penalties and fines for helmet to helmet hits. The change will need to come from youth leagues, and continue through middle and high school.

It’s crazy to think how little emphasis has been placed on tackling in the past twenty years, until very recently. It is a skill that is needed on every single play. How many injuries like the one Chris Canales suffered could have been prevented had more kids been taught proper tackling on a daily basis?

Gridiron Heroes wraps up with Chris talking about how he can walk in all his dreams. We also get a look at a few players that have made huge progress from their initial diagnosis. Eddie Canales was even nominated for the CNN Heroes award back in 2011.

will smith chris canales gridiron heroes 2015 footballEddie’s main goal is to have more people in the football community help his organization. Football is all about teamwork, so what better community to join up to help the fallen athletes?  According to their website, 12 vans have been donated by their non-profit organization already. Imagine the burden lifted just by having a proper vehicle for your paralyzed child.

I am always aware of the dangers of football as I watch on Sundays or Friday nights locally. Most plays end with the athletes heading back to the huddle. It’s the rare play that ends with a motionless player that send chills down your spine.

I would never advocate banning a sport just because it’s dangerous. Life itself is dangerous. Yet we can’t sit around in a bubble awaiting death at 100 years old with no memories of fun, competition, victory, defeat, camaraderie, or the thrill of some danger. That would be an empty existence.

Football isn’t the only sport that holds risks, but it is one of the most violent. The most popular sport in America is not going away so all of us who love it best do everything we can to help it evolve into the safest version possible while still remaining true to its gladiator mentality.

We should also do what we can to help those who have been hurt by the game they loved….and still love even now. We go out of our way to cheer on the gridiron heroes we watch in our leisure time as fans. Let us make sure we get behind the truest Gridiron Heroes who are working to help the young men left damaged by football and also those working to protect future generations of football players.

Please check out Gridiron Heroes the film for yourself. I enjoyed it and have an expanded view of the game I enjoy so much.

Also head over to GridironHeroes.org to see what you can do to help.

10 Things More Likely Than Minnesota Vikings Bringing Back Ragnar


joe juranitch minnesota vikings ragnar mascot missing in action 2015 nflIn case you missed the big news in the NFL last week, let me catch you up. No, I’m not talking Tony Romo‘s devastating injury or Tom Brady ripping Rex Ryan’s defensive manhood. The biggest NFL news in the past few days was the disappearance of longtime Minnesota Vikings human mascot, Ragnar.

The bearded motorcycle riding nordic dude wasn’t abducted by aliens or a vicious cartel. He is simple missing in action at Vikings home games.

Why? Joe Juranitch, who has freelanced as Ragnar since 1994, went Kam Chancellor over the offseason. Yes, the human mascot wanted more money. A lot more.

According to reports, Juranitch wanted a hefty raise that would pay him $20,000 per game. That’s quite a bump from the near $1,500 he had been making for riding his bike on the field during the pregame and playing the role of Ragnar throughout the game. I would imagine those duties would entail looking mean, holding a fake ax, and maybe even drinking mugs full of beer. Probably Budweiser. I doubt a viking would touch light beer.

The Vikings issued a statement basically thanking Joe for his 21 years of “hard work”, but wondering if he was freaking crazy. $20,000 per game?

“This offseason, Joe Juranitch’s (Ragnar) contract with the Vikings expired,” the team said in a statement. “Since then the team has had multiple conversations with Joe but has not been able to reach an agreement on his role with the team moving forward.

The Vikings greatly appreciate what Ragnar has meant to the organization and to the fans over the last two decades. We intend to honor his 21 seasons on the field during a 2015 Vikings home game and we will welcome him to future ceremonial events. We will always consider Ragnar an important part of Vikings history.”

Hope the team plans on paying Ragnar to show up to this future ceremony.

I’m not sure if old Joe has an agent or not. If he does, he should fire the guy if he is the one who suggested Joe ask for over a 1,000 percent raise. Mascot work isn’t like the pharmaceutical world. You can’t just pillage recklessly, even if you resemble a real viking.

To Juranitch’s credit he has built a loyal following during his two decades with Minnesota. He posted a sad photo of himself on Facebook dressed in his usual costume watching the game during week one and stated, “It doesn’t feel right sitting at home. This is not by my choice…I don’t make those decisions..At this point it was made for me. I miss all my fans and your support …let’s all stay positive as we move forward.”

ragnar vikings contract endsSome of his fans comments were very encouraging to the guy, and some bordered on stalkerish. The guy was a mascot. He’s not Adrian Peterson. Here’s a few comments in support.

  • “Pretty positive this will work out for you my friend . Can’t wait for tomorrow AM to call in 100 percent support you RAGNAR !
  • “Who Will I give peanuts to before the game? And Crack us up dancing with the cheerleaders? Love you Ragnar, we will get you back, or die trying!”
  • “Ragnar, I am very confused as to what is going on. Why are you at home for the game? We here in Hibbing, still speak your name with a grateful quiet. What you did for those children was truly God’s work. Thank you so much to you and your wife for being there for that moment. We still remember what you did and will never forget.

Besides the comments there has even been a petition started on Change.org to get the Vikings to bring back Ragnar. Even though the petition apparently has over 10,000 signatures at this point, there’s no way the Vikings can bring Juranitch back. That bridge has been burned, even if he comes to his senses with a more reasonable contract request.

Here are ten unlikely things that could happen before the Minnesota Vikings pay a guy $20,000 to be an unofficial mascot for the team.

bill belichick press conference

  1. Bill Belichick smiles during a press conference.
  1. Rob Gronkowski starts taking the game and life more seriously.
  1. Jerry Jones stops lying to himself and the public about how gifted Brandon Weeden is.
  1. DeMarco Murray will gain over 100 yards in a game behind Philly’s flimsy line.
  1. RGIII wins three games as an emergency starter.
  1. I win $20K on DraftKings this year.
  1. The Cowboys win the Super Bowl with their walking wounded.
  1. Someone besides the Patriots win the AFC East.
  1. The Vikings hire a Kate Upton lookalike to be the unofficial human mascot for the same $1,500 Ragnar used to make. If that happens, all the male fans will forget about the guy who used to have that sweet gig.

kate upton

  1. Roger Goodell stops hurting the game of football.

I get that Juranitch feels like he has earned a raise by being Ragnar for the Vikes for over two decades. While I can appreciate that longevity, it’s all about leverage. He has none and was lucky to get $1500 a game. That’s good money for a day’s “work,” and he got to see the game for free.

Trust me, there are plenty of people who would do what was required of Joe Juranitch for free.

Fantasy Football Week 3 Start Em Sit Em: Carson Palmer & Joseph Randle

fantasy football week 3 start em sit em joseph randle images nfl 2015The New York Giants and Washington Redskins kick off Week 3 Thursday, which means it’s time to set those lineups for Fantasy Football again. Here’s a little bit of help on who to put where for this week:

Put him in, Coach!—Carson Palmer: Palmer should be a pretty obvious start this week. Not only is the 35-year-old the No. 2 quarterback in fantasy right now, he is also matched up against a San Francisco 49ers’ defense that was absolutely torn apart by Ben Roethlisberger last week, giving up 369 yards and three touchdowns.

Palmer has quite the team around him in Arizona right now, and with John Brown and Larry Fitzgerald both making big plays on offense, he should have no problem matching Big Ben’s performance.

With Tony Romo out, Drew Brees banged up, others just not playing well, Palmer should be starting in every league across the board very soon if he isn’t already.

Big Bust Potential—Joseph Randle: Things just aren’t looking good for the Dallas Cowboys. With Tony Romo and Dez Bryant out, Brandon Weeden certainly has his work cut out for him, and the Atlanta Falcons know that. Look for them to pack the box and force Weeden to make plays instead of relying on the run game.

On top of that, the Falcons have done a fantastic job shutting running backs the first two weeks. DeMarco Murray and Rashad Jennings managed only 21 yards on 17 carries and one touchdown against the Falcons’ defense. They did give up a good number of yards to Darren Sproles and Shane Vereen out the backfield, but Randle only has four receptions, so don’t expect too much there.

It’s a little early to call him a complete bust, but Randle definitely needs to get it going. Right now, he’s nothing more than a Flex.

CATFISH 418 Devan & Rylan & Todrick Hall

catfish 418 devan todrick hall rylan images 2015Season 4 Episode 18 of Catfish starts with Nev introducing his temporary partner-in-crime (while Max is away directing a movie) Todrick Hall, who was a contestant on American Idol and is now a Youtube star.

Nev and Todrick open up an email from Devan, a Texan (Again?!? Seems like 99% of people contacting Catfish are from Texas) college student who works part-time as a pizza deliveryman.

Devan goes on to explain that he meet a girl named Rylan on a site called MeetMe and they have been talking and texting for months. He then tells Nev and Todrick that he had asked Rylan to come live with him as he finishes up college.

Rylan also lives in Texas, however Devan has never been able to meet her or video-chat with her for the past year and a half. Therefore, he is hesitant to believe she is who she says she is.

Nev and Todrick video-chat Devan and get him to explain the situation further. Devan says that every time they planned to meet she would get “nervous” and drive back home. In addition, Devan said that he even gave her gas money for the multiple times they have tried to meet up.

Todrick questions Devan, especially after he tells them that Rylan doesn’t have a Facebook. Todrick points out that in 2015 it is odd for a 23-year-old not to have a Facebook account. Nonetheless, Devan says he trusts her and didn’t feel he needed confirmation of her identity until now.

Nev and Todrick head out to Texas to meet face-to-face with Devan. After arriving at Devan’s house, Devan explains that Rylan really means a lot to him as she was always there for him. Devan also confesses he has issues talking to girls in person and therefore talking to Rylan over the Internet allowed him to open up.

He then goes on to tell them about an incident where he went to meet Rylan at her aunt and uncle’s house. Unfortunately, when he got there the man who answered the door said no one by the name Rylan lived there. However, Rylan claimed that her uncle said that simply because Devan was a stranger.

Nev and Todrick go off to do their snooping. As a newbie to the show, Todrick expresses that he feels Devan would treat Rylan well, obviously hoping for the best out of the situation. However, Nev is not too convinced about a happy ending and believes that Rylan is most likely not who she says she is.

They start their search by Facebook searching her, and not surprisingly there isn’t a single girl in the area named “Rylan Collins.” Next, they reverse search the phone number and a Texas address shows up under the name Cassandra. After searching Cassandra and the associated information, Nev and Todrick uncover that it is the information for a woman who has been arrested on numerous charges, including credit card abuse and vehicle theft.

This leads them to believe that Rylan is actually Cassandra, who is a scam artist.

By reverse searching the photos Devan has of Rylan, they discover that the girl in the pictures name is actually Savannah and from her Facebook they establish that she is from Texas and is potentially engaged.

However, things begin looking a bit more hopeful after Nev and Todrick track down the address of Savannah (the girl in the pictures), and it matches the address that Devan was given when he sent Rylan a birthday present.

The next day, Nev and Todrick go back to Devan’s house and explain everything they found while snooping. When they mention Cassandra (the convict), Devan confesses that Rylan has told him she has had some trouble with the law in the past as well. Devan begins getting upset when he sees Savannah’s Facebook profile, that has all of the pictures he has of Rylan.

At this point, things begin to set in and Devan realizes that his relationship with Rylan was most likely based on lies.

Shortly after, Nev phones “Rylan” and gets her to agree to meet up with them.

They pack up and fly out to Austin immediately.

catfish 418The next day, Nev sees that Savannah messaged him back and gave him another phone number to contact her. He calls the number and right away can tell it is a completely different person on the phone than whom he talked to when he called “Rylan”.

They tell Devan about the new information and get Savannah on video-chat. They basically fill in Savannah that her photos have been used to catfish Devan and she is shocked.

Devan’s goes emotionless as Savannah, the girl in all of Rylan’s pictures, says she has never seen him in her life.

Savannah then begins to bring everything together when she tells the Catfish team that her neighbor had told her a while ago that her friend Michelle had been using her pictures on the Internet. She says she has never met her but has her on Facebook. However, this girl was living down the street from her.

“Rylan” texts Nev saying that she is at a friend’s house and is ready to meet. They head over to meet “Rylan,” but when they get there no one answers the door. However, Todrick notices someone peeking from the upstairs window.

“Rylan” then calls Nev and says she is scared to come out as she is nothing like the girl she pretended to be (aka Savannah). She asks Nev to come inside first.

She introduces herself as Michele, and needless to say she looks nothing like the girl in the photos.

Michele finally goes outside to talk to Devan and says that everything she said to Devan was true, except for her name, appearance and that she worked at a prison and was not a personal trainer.

Michele breaks down crying and Nev decides that it would be best if they met up again tomorrow.

The next day, Michele reveals that initially she made a MeetMe account with her own pictures, but no one ever talked to her and it made her feel awful. She then tells them that she has a lot of family troubles, as she doesn’t get along with her mother and her father is never around and had 30-something children with other women.

It is clear there were underlying issues that caused Michele to catfish Devan.

Michele then opens up by reading out a letter she wrote for Devan telling him how much she loves and cares for him.

Unfortunately, Devan says he would still like to be friends but doesn’t feel the same “romantic spark” he once did.

Two months later, Todrick and Nev video-chat Devan and he explains he still keeps in contact with Michele but not nearly as much as before. In addition, Michele says she is feeling a lot better these days and is focusing on herself.

about catfish: the tv show

From the producers of the acclaimed documentary film, “Catfish,” comes a new MTV series that brings together couples who’ve interacted solely through their LCD screens. Over the course of months or years – these romantics have become smitten – but what will happen when they meet in real life for the first time?

In each episode, with the guidance and help of the star of the “Catfish” movie, Nev Schulman, and his filmmaking pal, Max Joseph, a hopeful romantic partner will go on an emotional journey to discover the truth about their significant other. Has that object of affection been telling the truth? Will true love truly blossom? When that fateful knock on the front door finally comes – only one thing is certain – that these incredible voyages will be filled with mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, joy, and sometimes, even shocking revelations.

catfish [kat-fish] verb: To pretend to be someone you’re not online by posting false information, such as someone else’s pictures, on social media sites usually with the intention of getting someone to fall in love with you.

TOTAL DIVAS 412 Some Like It Hot For John Cena Recap

On this week’s episode of “Total Divas,” Nikki took Spanish lessons from a private teacher. Backstage at RAW Natty talked to Cesaro, who was looking for him. Natty said TJ and Cesaro were having a bromance and she was tired of feeling like a third wheel. In Mexico, the Bella twins arrived at a rented mansion with its own private beach and bartender. Nikki talked about her on/off relationship with their dad. Paige and Natty showed up at the mansion to stay with the twins. Naomi and Alicia also came to stay in the mansion. Paige then told everyone she is engaged. Alicia was angry that this was the first she was hearing about it.

Natty said she needed a sexy photo shoot to get TJ interested in her again. Naomi refused to participate because her husband is uncomfortable with her wearing revealing outfits in front of other people. Natty said she wanted the photo shoot to be nothing like TJ has seen before. Paige said Natty was too sensitive about the TJ/Cesaro situation. Brie told Daniel Bryan the twins dad was having a child with another woman.

The girls went out for an engagement dinner for Paige. They went shopping for veils for her wedding but she said it was too much and she just wanted to have fun. Brie said being in Mexico reminded her of their dad. Naomi and Alicia argued because Alicia posted a video on Instagram of Naomi twerking and Naomi knew that would make John angry. The girls then went on a tour when they found out Dusty Rhodes passed away. Natty said they were all close to him and that he was close to TJ. She also said she felt bad for his sons Cody and Dustin because they were close with him. Paige asked Natty if she thought TJ was gay and Natty denied it. She got angry with Paige and told her she crossed a line. Paige got on the phone with TJ and asked him about Cesaro. Brie had Mayan dancers come to the house and entertain them. Paige said it was starting to feel real that she was getting married after being around the other girls, most of whom are married or have boyfriends.