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EXCLUSIVE: Lamar Odom’s Party Pal: Transsexual Porn Star Madison Montag Untucked


9:48 PM ET: For some reason Hollywood Life writer Christopher Rogers forgot to credit us with breaking this story in their article on exactly what we wrote nearly 24 hours ago.

The writer in this article states, “Madison Montag was named as one of the prostitutes who found Lamar unresponsive at the Love Ranch, and we’ve just learned that she’s transexual.”

Since we spent a few hours confirming everything and talking directly to the Love Ranch so that our story was totally accurate, we do appreciate other outlets crediting the originator of the story. We certainly do it, and we’ve done it today crediting Hollywood Life on some of our articles.

8:20 PM ET: Not long after we published this story, transsexual porn star and Love Ranch courtesan Madison Montag posted this tweet:

Other media outlets are finally giving out her name as we first uncovered it, but interestingly enough, they are holding back on the rest of our story which we investigated extensively. Montag and Ryder Cherry were the ones that Lamar was partying with not long after he was informed about the “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” series finale. Once he heard about how he was portrayed, his good mood plummeted and the hardcore partying began, although it’s being reported that he admitted to using cocaine on Saturday.

Doctors at the hospital have determined that cocaine was definitely in his system when he arrived. The Nye Sheriff’s Department immediately obtained a search warrant after hearing the 911 tapes where it’s mentioned. They drew blood from Lamar at the hospital and are waiting for results. The Sheriff said that they had not ruled out a possible suicide attempt, and she also mentioned that if cocaine is found in his blood, he could be prosecuted if he regains consciousness.

While media outlets are reporting that Lamar’s chances are 50/50, our source says that hospital staff are saying that only a miracle can save him at this point. What’s worse is that they have said if he does recover, the former basketball star only has a ten percent chance of not having any type of brain damage. “No one knows how long he was unconscious, and with all the drugs found in his system, it truly will take a miracle for him to come out of this unscathed,” they said. “We already know that he’s suffered brain damage, it’s just finding out how much.”

You can get continuing updates on Lamar Odom on our original article.

6:00 AM ET After reporting on Lamar Odom being found unconscious at the Love Ranch, we found it curious that no one had reported on who the former basketball star was partying with. So we did a little investigating and found out that one of his party pals had a few more details to her anatomy that Khloe Kardashian was certainly lacking.

Sadly, Odom is currently in the same condition as his heart is failing, and he is having complications with other organs. Khloe Kardashian is reportedly now at the hospital with him, obviously distraught.

There are a lot of questions swirling around the events that lead up to his being found unconscious in a brothel in Las Vegas, being rushed to the hospital and everything that has gone down. One of the central questions I have is about the women who found him Cherry Ryder and Madison, who both work at the Love Ranch.

Now I am not one to kick a man while he’s down, especially a brotha. With that, after doing our research, we found that one of the women, according to US Magazine, who found him is a lady named Madison Montag, a transsexual, who has kept her lower male anatomy intact as can be seen in her very popular porn videos!

With these kinds of situations, there’s always so much information withheld for various reasons, and often it is just overlooked. On this one, it is quite obvious that this particular piece of info was not something that Lamar and his people wanted out. I am not saying that he had sex with Madison or that he even likes transsexuals, but I will say that the owner of Love Ranch where Lamar was found, Dennis Hof, told US Weekly that Ryder Cherry and Madison found him “around 3 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon after they left him to sleep at 6 a.m.” That sounds pretty self-explanatory as to part of what went down to me. US Weekly also stated that the two women he was partying with were Ryder Cherry and Madison.

We also placed a call to the Love Ranch to find out that the only Madison who works at that location is Montag, and the very kind lady who answered the phone also confirmed that she had, in fact, been working Tuesday morning. She also let us know that Montag is very popular and one to book quickly. For this article, we wanted to triple check the facts to make sure that our reporting was accurate.

Hof’s comments, Madison presence during Lamar’s whirlwind weekend, she being one of the “women” who found him and partied with him and Lamar not being able to speak to the events that went down does leave a lot the imagination.

madison montag partying with lamar odom 2015 gossipLet’s face it, there have been a lot of things said about the Kardashians with Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner and all. Jokes abound about the women of this family, pretty much, “screwing up” the men in their lives. Lamar’s marriage to Khloe and his subsequent involvement (allegedly) with a transvestite prostitute does leave one to make their own assumptions. Could it be that his time with the social media, attention whoring family exposed him to a lifestyle that he has been engaging in even though he no longer has any real ties to them? Perhaps.

Let me say here, hey, if that’s what floats this boat, then more power to him. I am not condemning nor judging him. For all we know he may have been into that kind of thing long before he married Khloe… but then again he could not have. And I’m going to leave that right there.

So who is Madison Montag? That is one a burning questions. According to an interview she did with Xcritic.com, she is a pretty big deal in the transsexual porn world. Apparently, her “reemergence” has revealed a more “mature and sexier side” to the fan-favorite and those who indulge in that form of pornography just can’t get enough of her. In the interview, when asked what type of guy turns her on she said, “Tall, dark, and tattooed. I love guys who are like extremely tall ranging from 6’2″ to 6’6″ because I’m only 5’1″ and I like the drastic height difference.” Hmmm, that description sounds familiar.

Montag made some headlines this summer when she became the first licensed legal transgendered courtesan in the state of Nevada.

“Madison is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen,” Hof said in a press release from August. “We get frequent requests for transsexual women with fully working male genitalia, and I don’t think you could have the best of both of those worlds any better than you do with this petite young beauty.”

In a strange twist of fate, Hof referenced the Kardashian/Jenner family in this press release.

“Her brunette hair and big brown eyes also bear a more than casual resemblance to Kim Kardashian, and that is just one more connection to the Caitlyn Jenner story that has Hof so excited about this new edition to his roster of beautiful women,” he said.

What does all of this say about the secret lifestyles that people lead? More than we know. Add in all the shit Lamar has be going through romantically and his career being at a stand still, having to hide the fact that he engages in this type of “behavior” is just more things to drown anyone in a sea of depression.

The really messed up thing about it too is if they left him at six a.m. like they say they did and didn’t check on him again until three p.m., that’s nine hours. Who knows how long he was unconscious?

This new revelation is just the tip of the iceberg I’m sure, and I don’t know if I’m ready for what comes out next.

Lamar Odom Technically Still Alive: UPDATED Khloe Kardashian & Family En Route To Vegas

lamar odom technically alive 2015 nba



6:02 PM ET: Doctors have realized that Lamar Odom did not go without oxygen which is a rather large factor for his regaining consciousness. The only thing that can be a problem is the series of strokes he had once he was admitted to the hospital. This is more good news so fingers crossed that those strokes didn’t cause brain damage.

3:45 PM ET: Finally, some good news to report! The doctors have been able to get Lamar Odom to breath for a short time off the ventilator with the aid of a breathing mask. They are going back and forth to try and get him onto the breathing mask as a good step down to breathing on his own. With his heart responding, this is definitely a sign of improvement, but his other organs that were failing have shown no recovery yet.

The doctors don’t know if he’s capable of breathing on his own yet, but it gives a slim glimmer of hope that he’s able to use a breathing mask, even for a short period of time. No word yet on brain damage yet, but that’s something that Lamar has to truly regain consciousness to fully understand.


7:10 PM ET: The Love Ranch is being questioned about how Lamar Odom wound up spending $75K during his long weekend stay there. His family and the Kardashians are asking for a full accounting which had us pose a few questions of our own. You can check out that article here.

2:00 PM ET: Kourtney Kardashian sent out this tweet for Lamar Odom:

Other media are now picking up what we said about Lamar’s condition not improving even though it was believed he had squeezed Khloe Kardashian’s hand.

Rob Kardashian, who’s been mostly reclusive for some time now, put out this Instagram:


12:30 PM ET: Reports are coming in that Lamar Odom is improving after Khloe Kardashian believed he squeezed her hand and fluttered his eyes, but sadly, this doesn’t mean he is improving. Many times, people in a coma or unresponsive state will make involuntary motions which give the family hope, but usually doesn’t mean improvement. We wish that it did mean that as Lamar has had it pretty rough this year.

Our sources have said that the ten-percent chance hospital staffers felt he had of having no significant brain damage has lessened. They are making sure everyone at the hospital knows that since he’s not getting better, his chances of survival are getting smaller with each passing day. The 50/50 chance of survival is only something doctors wish could be true, but they are marking it down as much closer to 25 percent at this point.

His internal organs have not gotten better, and our source said that there have been a few comments about keeping him on the machines, but this is something that “Khloe Kardashian has not mentioned yet as she’s got plenty on her plate already.”


8:35 PM ET: Kris Jenner has spoken via her Instagram asking for people to pray for Lamar Odom.

Please pray for Lamar ? #ourfighter

A post shared by Kris Jenner (@krisjenner) on

We’ve also included the full Lamar Odom Brothel Investigation press conference which included the two 911 calls made from the Love Ranch. The male voice is Richard Hunter, media director of the brothel. He’s the one that made it so the Nye Sheriff’s department was able to easily get a warrant to test Odom’s blood after he told the 911 operator that the former basketball star had cocaine on him the previous Saturday.

This led to the Sheriff taking a sample of his blood at the hospital and they are now waiting for the results. If it comes back positive for cocaine, she stated that they could possibly prosecute him if he comes out of his coma.

The 911 calls are right at the beginning if that’s what you want to hear most. After that is when they took questions from the media.

8:05 PM ET: Even though the FDA sent out a warning to consumers back in 2013 telling them to immediately stop using the product Reload and throw it away, the Love Ranch still stocked it on their shelves. This is where Lamar Odom got the product when he arrived, and the Sheriff’s Department has taken the remainder from their. The danger in this product is that it contains, sildenafil, which is the active ingredient in Viagra, and can lower a person’s blood pressure to very dangerous levels.

It appears that Lamar took 10 of these Reload pills in 3 days. Even for a man of his size, that will definitely have a negative effect. TMZ is reporting that the company that does make Reload has gone out of business so it makes one wonder how many other people will take this product before it’s finally gone.

7:47 PM ET: 911 tapes concerning Lamar Odom’s being found unconscious at the Love Ranch have just been made public by the Nye County Sheriff’s Department. Speculation about Lamar having cocaine in his system will easily kick into gear as the media director of the brothel, Richard Hunter, mentioned seeing a white or pinkish substance coming out of both his mouth and nose. The herbal Viagra called Reload was also used by the former basketball star.

Speculation about the cocaine use can end as the doctors at the hospital have confirmed that the drug was in his system. They’ve not commented about what other drugs, if any, have also been found.

7:00 PM ET: The Nye County Sheriff’s Department is currently answering media questions about Lamar Odom and everything surrounding him being found unconscious at the Love Ranch. The press keeps asking many medical questions, and the police keep stating that they are unable to answer as that is not their profession. They did say that the Nevada brothels rarely have emergency 911 calls like Lamar’s so this is an anomaly for them.

Doctors at the hospital did determine that cocaine was in Lamar’s system when he arrive there, but from what the police department is saying it sounds like if his room had been a party mess as is usual, it was cleaned up very well before the police arrived. They are stating that even though Lamar wasn’t able to be airlifted, the time difference did not make any difference to his current physical state.

Nye County Sheriff Sharon Wehrly stated that her department got a search warrant so they were able to draw blood from Lamar in the hospital Wednesday, and it will now be tested for drugs. Since someone from the Love Ranch told the 911 dispatcher that Lamar admitted to using cocaine some days before he was unconscious, the police said that it is ‘distinctly possible’ that he could be prosecuted if he regains consciousness. Either way, it’s not looking good for Lamar which ever way this goes.

The Sheriff is winding things up, but she let it be known that there’s no idea of when another press conference will be held as they are still investigating this. She also stated that they’re not ruling this out yet as a possible suicide attempt.

4:50 PM ET: As we predicted earlier in this article, since Khloe and Lamar are still married (yes, people who keep questioning this, they are still married in the courts eyes) so it’s already being reported that she is making medical decision and possibly an end-of-life directive for him. Sources are saying that she’s already made several decisions regarding his condition. Khloe filed for divorce in December 2013 and they both signed off on the documents this past July. As the family law courts system can run very slow, this is easily seen as a case of it being hard to let go. We’ll see how she does if our earlier report comes true and it’s a case of leaving him on machines for the rest of his life or letting him go.

4:45 PM ET: While TMZ has reported that Lamar’s chances are 50/50, our source says that hospital staff are saying that only a miracle can save him at this point. What’s worse is that they have said if he does recover, the former basketball star only has a ten percent chance of not having any type of brain damage. “No one knows how long he was unconscious, and with all the drugs found in his system, it truly will take a miracle for him to come out of this unscathed,” they said. “We already know that he’s suffered brain damage, it’s just finding out how much.”

12:49 PM ET: An MRI has revealed that Lamar Odom suffered multiple strokes, but there’s still now sign if he suffered from brain damage or even how long he was unconscious before being discovered by Cherry Rydar and Madison Montag at the Love Ranch. TMZ is reporting that while Jessie Jackson claimed that he spent a half hour with Odom and his condition was improving, he is ‘flat-out wrong.’

While some placed reported that “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” cameras were rolling from the minute Khloe and Kim Kardashian with Kris Jenner stepped off the plane, TMZ is also reporting that the show is on hiatus so no camera crews are in site. The only cameras around are the media ones, which will probably get used in the show, according to sources ‘close’ to the production

10: 15 AM ET: It’s being reported that the season finale of ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ served as a trigger for Lamar going into party mode while at the Love Ranch. He didn’t watch the episode but received a call about it. According to TMZ, he was fine up until that point and remained rather upset about his portrayal on the show.

For those that might have missed that episode Lamar spoke to Khloe a couple times and then left a club in Las Vegas when she and her group found out that he was there. Other sources are telling TMZ that the former basketball star was ‘popping 8 to 10 herbal Viagras’ while another claim that he was taking the real Viagra. By now, many know that this drug can cause low blood pressure along with keeping blood from vital organs, especially using more than a prescribed dose. This does fit as it’s also been reported that he’s had heart,

6:00 AM ET: It’s been reported that Kobe Bryant left the Los Angles Lakers pre-season game early (apparently after suffering a leg contusion) to go with general manager Mitch Kupchak to be with Lamar at the hospital. Kupchak was the man who sent Shaquille O’Neal off to Miami while suiting Odom up in purple and gold.

kobe bryant at lamar odom hospital 2015 gossip

4:20 AM ET: We’ve just posted an exclusive article on who Lamar was partying with, and one of the girls had a bit more parts than most.

2:20 AM ET Sources are saying that Odom’s organs are beginning to fail as he’s having issues with both his kidneys and lungs along with his heart. He’s continued to be unresponsive even with Khloe Kardashian now at the hospital with him. There is already talk about DNR plans and a living will, we’ve been informed.

In a sad turn of events, former Lakers player Lamar Odom was found unconscious in a Las Vegas brothel, and he is now fighting for his life. He is currently in critical condition and breathing solely with the help of machines.

The NBA player has been going through a lot over the past couple of years. It’s no surprise that the near finalization of his divorce from Khloe Kardashian, along with the fact that he has not played for an NBA team since 2013, has caused him to turn to drugs and other things as a way to cope with his issues. While Khloe and Lamar did sign off on the divorce papers, a judge has not yet officially finalized it.

It’s been reported by US Magazine that Odom was found at the Love Ranch brothel by two women he was partying with, Ryder Cherry and Madison in an unresponsive state after having not been seen by workers for nearly nine hours. The brothel called 911, and Odom was stabilized before being taken to the Desert View Hospital. He initially was to be transported to Sunrise Hospital but due to his stature could not fit in the helicopter, so he was taken via ambulance to a Las Vegas hospital. Sources with the hospital have already said that the time lost by him having to be brought by ambulance may “affect his outcome.”

The Love Ranch owner, Dennis Hof, says that the 35-year-old Odom was staying with him at his house, which is attached to the brothel, over the weekend. Odom reportedly told Hof that he “wanted to get away from everybody, wanted to have fun.” He was found by two women who say “terrible stuff came out” of his mouth when they turned him over. The ‘terrible stuff’ was a mucous like fluid that came from both his nose and mouth. No one has stated how long Odom was unconscious.

Hof said Odom had been taking herbal Viagra and had drunk part of a bottle of cognac since arriving, but had no knowledge of his use of any other drugs. An employee from Odom’s management company was sent to pick up Odom’s backpack and cellphone, Hof also said.

Reports abound about Odom’s condition with some claiming he is brain dead after being unconscious for a period of time. Lamar’s father, Joe Odom, believes that whatever happened to his son was no accident because despite what he was going through, he wouldn’t do anything to end his life.

“Somebody drugged my son. There’s no way he’s down there partying crazy like that. No way. I knew something was wrong because I’ve been calling him all day, and he hasn’t been answering.”

There is no doubt that Joe Odom’s emotions are all over the place. He and his son have had a somewhat complicated relationship in the past, but that, of course, does not lessen the sting of possibly losing him.

“I’m depressed right now — this is messed up! What can I do right now? That’s my son. I’m really hurt right now. This is the first time I’m hearing about it. Let’s give this some time. I pray that he will come out of this.”

Joe continued on asking Lamar’s fans to pray for his son and urges anyone, including Khloe Kardashian, to come forth if the know anything about what happened.

“If Khloe knows anything about this, please, tell her to call me. We all love Lamar and want him to pull through this…”

Khloe and Kim Kardashian along with Kris Jenner are reportedly heading to Las Vegas at this writing. She and Lamar’s break-up is also being considered a contributing factor to the events that lead to this situation by his family.

Just two months ago, the media painted Lamar as an addict who stalks his wife and who has trouble moving on. During an encounter caught on tape, he was seen “ambushing” Khloe at an early morning workout.  After that situation, she supposedly said that all she cares about is his getting better because she was concerned about his well-being.

Since Khloe and Lamar are technically still married, it seems likely that she’ll be the one to make all the medical decisions as there’s no way his father would be allowed to do that.

This is all a grave misfortune as Lamar has two children, Destiny, and son Lamar Jr., who look to him for support and love and a lot of years ahead with him. There has been no official diagnosis of his condition, but sources are already saying it will be a surprise if Odom makes it through the week. There has also been no word on what Nevada Sheriff’s detectives found, if anything, at the scene.

To make matters worse for the former basketball player, two of his close friends died also died this year. In June, Jamie Sangouthai, Odom’s best friend, died at age 37 due to a drug-related bacterial skin infection, and just days after Sangouthai’s death, Bobby Heyward, died of a reported drug overdose.

In a statement to CNN, Lakers spokesman John Black reacted to Lamar Odom’s hospitalization on Tuesday, Oct. 13. “We are aware of the reports but have no information to share at this time,” Black said. “I am not aware of any of our players being in contact with Lamar.”

Odom played for four teams during his 14 seasons in the NBA and was the Sixth Man of the Year for the 2010-11 season. Odom was drafted by the Los Angeles Clippers in 1999. He played four seasons there before signing with the Miami Heat. He was traded after one season to the Lakers along with several other players for Shaquille O’Neal.

He was a key part of the Lakers championship teams in 2009 and 2010.

He was traded to the Dallas Mavericks during December 2011 and six months later was dealt to the Clippers. In February 2014, Odom signed with a Spanish team on a two-month deal but a month later he returned to the U.S. because of a back injury. That April, he signed with the New York Knicks for what remained in the season, but he didn’t appear in their final game and was waived that July. After being involved in a drunk-driving case in 2013, he was suspended from the NBA for violating its anti-drug policy in 2000.

We are pulling for Lamar to come through and recover from this and will keep you posted as the situation continues to unfold.

Holiday Prep For Aaron Hernandez As Judge Delays Double Murder Trial To 2016


holiday prep for aaron hernandez as judge delays trail until 2016 images 2015 nflFormer New England Patriots tight-end, Aaron Hernandez, will be spending his Christmas holiday not in court as originally planned, but preparing for his double murder trial instead. Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Locke set the new date for Hernandez’s first-degree murder trial for allegedly murdering two men in 2012 in Boston after spending a couple hours with prosecutors and defense attorny’s  behind closed doors. Apparently the battle over access to physical evidence crucial to the case was being fought hard enough to convince the judge to move the trial date back to Jan. 19.

Neither side nor the judge would say what that evidence is. But Locke did say it relates to a defendant’s right to seek confidential legal advice from a lawyer.

A law enforcement official close to the investigation told media outlets that the issue centers on whether prosecutors should be allowed to have access to Hernandez’s cellphone. The official was not authorized to release details and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Tuesday’s hearing began with about 40 minutes of sidebar conversation between the judge, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. Hernandez joined the whispering group, legs shackled and hands tucked in the pockets of his suit.

Locke then ordered the courtroom cleared, offering an explanation for his unusual actions from the bench.

“Our courts operate publicly,” said Locke. “All are invited to attend, except when there is some interest that is so overriding and is likely to be prejudiced that a courtroom ought to be closed solely for the purpose of discussing that protected interest.”

Locke said he expected attorneys to fight over two motions that are sealed and have not been made public. The first, he said, concerns evidence that is held by a law firm that once represented Hernandez, that the Commonwealth argues is necessary to its case but that it is not able to obtain without court order. The second, Locke said, concerns a request by the Commonwealth for the issuance of a search warrant.

Both motions, Locke said, could affect Hernandez’s Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, his Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial, and his right to “seek confidential and protected legal advice and services” — meaning his attorney-client privilege.

Locke, defense attorneys, and Conley’s office did not identify what the physical evidence is that both sides are fighting over. And once the closed-door session finished, no one offered any public explanation.

Hernandez is already serving life without parole following his first-degree murder conviction in Bristol Superior Court for the 2013 killing of Odin L. Lloyd, who was dating the sister of Hernandez’s fiancee, in North Attleborough.


Hernandez, who was in court Tuesday, gave the cellphone to one of his lawyers in June 2013.


Locke did not immediately rule on the request from prosecutors but said he expects to issue his decision within two weeks.

Charles Rankin, one of Hernandez’s attorneys, told the judge that no matter which way he rules, the losing side is likely to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Judicial Court, which will inevitably delay the start of the trial.

Locke set the new date for January, saying the trial could be further delayed if the appeal is still pending before the high court.

Prosecutors say Hernandez fatally shot Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu in July 2012 after a chance encounter at a Boston nightclub. Hernandez has pleaded not guilty.

I AM THE QUEEN Latest Trailer Sashays In


i am the queen documentary sashays 2015 imagesCinema Libre Studio is releasing their newest documentary on DVD and on-demand called I Am The Queen. The film is in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood and follows three women who are preparing themselves for a local transgender beauty pageant. Known as Paseo Boricua, this tradition brings together local members of the Puerto Rican community to celebrate the transgender participants.

The four women showcased in the documentary are Bianca, Julissa and Jolizza. All of these transgender women are gearing up for the pageant with the help of Ginger Valdez, an experienced transgender mentor living in the Humbolt Park community. Ginger is a veteran HIV activist, who used to be a drag queen. Now, she volunteers to coordinate the pageant.

In I Am The Queen, the women share their stories surrounding their transitions, their family and friends’ reactions and how they find support within their community. The movie showcases the different struggles that each woman has to face in terms of family, culture and personal identity when it comes to embracing who they really are.

The film is co-directed by Henrique Cime-Lima and Josue Pellot. The concept behind it came from a flier that Pellot had seen.

Pellot explained, “[the particular flier] just grabbed my attention. Being Puerto Rican, being from Humboldt Park, then being transgender and young. It sounded like a lot to deal with.”

Pellot could easily relate to some of the women’s stories, as he is of Puerto Rican descent and spent his childhood in Humboldt Park.

Co-director Cime-Lima notes, “[I Am The Queen] shows how complex it is for these women to become true to themselves, and what a high price they have to pay. And how hard it is for their families as well, who had no idea on how to handle this issue, seeing their sons becoming their daughters. How these women and their families negotiated this transition will be a major factor with how easy or hard their lives will be. The fact that one of the women in the film had a very supporting family helped the film to make this case. We hope that the film will help other families of transgender youth struggling with these same issues to see the value of acceptance and love. As the mother of Julissa says in the movie: If you don’t find the support you need in the home you will find it in the streets, and the streets are the worst.”

The trailer showcases the various personalities of the women featured in the documentary. It gives glimpses of some of the preparation they all go through before the big pageant – including dancing lessons, trying on glitzy dresses and getting dolled up.

It is rather clear that there are some big personalities which shine through in this film. While the women all seem cheery and happy in the trailer, the synopsis makes it clear that they have gone through a lot of changes in their lives since deciding to transition. The description explains that the film will dive into the restructuring of the pageant participant’s former family unit, as they are often distanced from their biological family and end up finding support and acceptance from members of the Puerto Rican transgender community.

The film also centers on the close-knit nature of the community in Humboldt. Pellot notes, “Above all, before you’re gay, straight, lesbian or American even, you have to be Puerto Rican.”

I Am The Queen fits right in with the reoccurring topic of the transgender community and the obstacles they face. Especially since Caitlyn Jenner’s public transition, the community has been garnering ample publicity and support, in hopes of gaining more acceptance from the general public. This documentary is the perfect opportunity to dive further into the issues and see first-hand what being transgender truly means.

You can check out I Am The Queen on DVD and on-demand this month.

I Am the Queen Trailer

THE X-FILES Unleashes Another New Trailer


the x files unleashes trailer mulder scully images 2015X-Files fans are rejoicing as FOX recently released a trailer for the upcoming 6-part episode event that reunites agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. Series creator Chris Carter is back as he brings back the chronicles of two FBI agents who are on a pursuit to discover the truth (apparently it’s still out there) behind countless paranormal phenomena.

The original X-Files began in 1993 and aired for nine seasons, ending on May 19, 2002. It encompassed on Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, as they investigated the X-Files, which was a series of unsolved cases that had notable paranormal elements to them. Mulder was assigned to these cases, as he is a true believer in extraterrestrial beings while Scully was assigned to be the skeptic and incorporate a more scientific and critical perspective to their investigations.

The show itself is both a cult classic and pop culture landmark. Critics and fans alike praise the show’s ability to combine both the idea of mistrust between the public and the government and spirituality when it comes to paranormal activity and phenomena.

Luckily for fans, on March 24, 2015, FOX confirmed that the series would be returning for 6-episodes. In addition, the show creator would be returning alongside original lead actors; David Duchovny (Fox Mulder), Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully)

The trailer that FOX put out hints that the series will encompass around a huge disaster that will “seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.” The theme of a deceiving government carries over, as Mulder tries to uncover the truth behind the madness. Of course, he can’t do it alone and contacts his former partner Agent Scully to assist him. The trailer also showcases that Scully continues to be skeptical and questions whether Mulder’s quest for the “truth” is ever going to yield real results.

Although the trailer hypes a big adventure for Scully and Mulder, it does leave fans wondering what the relationship between the two will be in the revival of the series. Historically, the two agents had an on-off relationship, swaying between professional partners and romantic partners.

The show brings the characters to present-day, as they deal with a global crisis that is based upon relevant topics in today’s headlines (i.e. terrorism, government spying, etc.). It will be interesting to see how the dynamic duo interact with the world of today, as it feels like so much has changed since we last saw Mulder and Scully on the screen.

During the launch in Cannes, France, the creator Chris Carter and cast members David and Gillian, all received massive support from fans. During the question seminar, Carter revealed that he decided to keep the credits the same for the 2016 version of the show. He went on to explain, “we thought about doing some changes to the original credits, but then it seemed like this sacrilege. Those credits were on 202 episodes. They belong on these next 6.”

Later, when asked if the show would continue after the 6-part series, Carter joked, “Mulder and Scully will be in wheelchairs before we’ve finished.” He then went on to specify, “For the future of ‘X Files,’ if we are to come back, I think you’ll see us come back with these miniseries if you will. Special events…. We used to tell a story over a long saga, 22 to 25 episodes. Now the arc is much sharper, from one to six. So I think we pack a lot more into these six episodes. “

In addition to Gillian and David returning to the series, actors Mitch Pileggi and William B. Davis will also be reprising their roles. Mitch plays Walter Skinner, who is an FBI Assi

NFL Week 5 Indepth Review


Lions 17 Cardinals 42

Detroit is a train wreck. They were a hot team in the playoffs last year then a bad call got them bounced. Now it seems like that bad vibe just carried over to 2015.

Arizona had their way with Detroit the entire way and got Matthew Stafford benched in the third. Carson Palmer hit for three touchdowns on just 14 attempts. This Arizona team is well rounded with Palmer back healthy and could compete with any of the other undefeated teams in the League.

Stafford was hit 11 times which says a lot about his ability to get rid of the ball promptly.

Eye-Popping Stat: Six turnovers for Detroit.

Fantasy Carnage: Palmer had a solid 18 points to lead all fantasy plays in this one.

Bengals 27 Seahawks 24

Cincinnati is usually the team that gives up a big lead in big games. This time, they were the spoilers as they reeled Seattle back in after the Bengals were down 17 in the second half.

The comeback was mounted with the run game right into the strength of the Seahawks defense. And to give proper credit, Pac-Man Jones ignited the comeback with a prime-time return. Andy Dalton was on point again this week with 331 yards and a couple of TD throws.

Seattle can’t blame this loss on the absence of Marshawn Lynch. His backup, Thomas Rawls had a hell of a game with 169 yards, averaging 7.3 yards per carry. Those are better numbers than Lynch has ever posted in a game by the way.

Seattle is learning new ways to meltdown in the fourth quarter with Russell Wilson looking nothing like Russell Wilson at the end.

Eye-Popping Stat: Tyler Eifert’s two TD catches.

Fantasy Carnage: Tyler Eifert has nice games when I do not roster the guy! He was at the top of TE fantasy play with 21 points (Antonio Gates tied).

Falcons 25 Redskins 19

Full recap link.

Saints 17 Eagles 39

The Saints were just what the doctor ordered for Philly. New Orleans is truly the Big Easy, as they are getting clowned on a weekly basis. The Eagles are not a good team and they pounded Sean Payton’s team.

By the way, Payton looks to be headed out of town with pregame reports of other job offers. Those were probably leaked by Payton’s camp. So while the Saints head coach isn’t attacking Rob Ryan on the sideline, he is brushing up his resume, that’s not too impressive when he has been without Brees over the years.

Eye-Popping Stat: Sam Bradford two RedZone picks…and they still won.

Fantasy Carnage: Willie Snead was a steal on daily fantasy play at just $3000 on DK.

Packers 24 Rams 10

Todd Gurley is a workhorse. That was not enough against one of the best teams in the NFL though. Gurley had 159 yards but needs to cap some of those runs with trips to the end zone. His Rams don’t have many other options that can actually score.

The strength of the Rams is supposed to be their defense, but Green Bay had the better defensive unit on Sunday and may be better overall.

Clay Mathews may have gotten tossed like a child by Todd Gurley, but the Thor lookalike got four hits on Nick Foles in this game.

Green Bay is just on another level, especially with a Rodgers Foles comparison.

Eye-Popping Stat: Nick Foles a vomit inducing 11/30.

Fantasy Carnage: Packers defense a better option this week than Rodgers.

Patriots 30 Cowboys 6

The Pats have Tom Brady and Dallas has Brandon Weeden. Nuff said…not really. Weeden is 0-11 in his last 11 starts.

Dion Lewis is something special, eight catches in this one. If he were not, the Patriots would not have extended the young man this past week. He along with Edelman dissected the Cowboys defense to build a comfortable lead. Edelman is playing better than Welker in his prime. There I said it.

Greg Hardy was back in action after his four-game suspension. He didn’t hit any females this week, but Hardy did hit Tom Brady five times, including two sacks.

Dallas may have seen enough of Weeden and could start Matt Cassel next week.

Eye-Popping Stat: 30 yards a catch for Edelman in the game.

Fantasy Carnage: Brady is a safe play every week in DFS or season long.

Broncos 16 Raiders 10

Denver’s defense keeps winning games for them. Peyton has more picks than touchdowns so it can’t be on his shoulders. The run game needs to improve for this undefeated team to stay that way, however.

Charles Woodson picked off Manning for the first time in the defensive back’s career. That wasn’t enough as the Raiders offense could not generate points. Carr was sacked four times and his run game was of little help with 65 total yards.

Denver moved to 5-0 and Oakland fell to 2-3.

Eye-Popping Stat: Emmanuel Sanders caught 9 of 12 targets to go off for 111 yards.

Fantasy Carnage: Denver’s defense and Sanders in DFS play.

Chiefs 17 Bears 18

KC lost the game and the rest of their season when Jamaal Charles went out with a knee injury. The Chiefs fared poorly with their best player so I can’t imagine it getting better with him gone. The Bears now have a better record than KC, and Chicago was considered the worst of the bottom feeders by other experts and me.

Matt Forte is keeping Chicago alive. He went for over 100 total yards and is still a good player to have in fantasy play even on a lackluster team like the Bears.

Eye-Popping Stat: 16/30 for Alex Smith.

Fantasy Carnage: Not much to choose from, but Forte was OK on DraftKings.

Bucs 38 Jaguars 31

Doug Martin ran wild in this game, racking 123 yards and two scores to help Tampa to its second win of 2015. The Jags drop to 1-4.

This was Lovie Smith’s first home win since coming to Tampa Bay! Wow.

Blake Bortles had a great game stat-wise with four touchdowns. It wasn’t enough in this shootout between league doormats, though.

Eye-Popping Stat: 183 rushing yards for Tampa.

Fantasy Carnage: Bortles and Allen Robinson stacked was a great play on Sunday.

Bills 14 Titans 13

No Shady. No Sammy. No Karlos Williams. No problem. Tyrod got his team over the hump and into the win column in this tight game.

Taylor took a rough hit on a late drive but came back to toss a 46-yard pass that set up the winning score for Buffalo. The Bills are a scrappy team that can beat any of the mid-level clubs right now, even with injury issues apparently.

Mariota had a ho-hum game and failed to throw a touchdown pass. His Titans go how he goes and he just didn’t do enough against Buffalo to get the win.

Eye-Popping Stat: Tyrod led his team in rushing with 76 yards.

Fantasy Carnage: T-Mobile ran, threw, and even caught a pass. He was a solid fantasy play again this week.

Browns 33 Ravens 30

How the Ravens scored more than 10 points is beyond me. They are weaponless and defenseless to boot. Now they are 1-4 after losing to the Browns.

Josh McCown had a career day with 457 yards in the air. Many of those yards went to tight end Gary Barnidge, who wrecked some fantasy contests.

Justin Forsett had a great game on the losing side, with 170 total yards.

Eye-Popping Stat: Zero INTs on 51 passes by McCown.

Fantasy Carnage: McCown lit it up obviously.

Giants 30 49ers 27

Eli looked average much of the game but continued his comeback magic at the end. He picked San Francisco apart on the final drive using Shane Vereen to the point of obscenity. He capped the drive with a pass to Larry Donnell with just 21 seconds on the clock to rip the lead.

Odell Beckham had a big game but managed to hurt himself while celebrating a TD catch, not a good look superstar.

As for San Francisco, NaVorro Bowman did his part with 16 tackles. The guy has made a tremendous comeback from his leg injury a couple years back and is playing as good as ever. Colin Kaepernick even managed a good game, but his team just couldn’t hold the lead at the end of the game.

Eye-Popping Stat: 441 yards for Eli.

Fantasy Carnage: Eli was the correct play, and I should have used in him stacked with Beckham when I found out Julio was going to be limited a bit.

Chargers 20 Steelers 24

Antonio Gates was back in action and allegedly off the juice. He picked up right where he left off, scoring on San Diego’s first drive. Gates looked to be fresh and just as capable of slicing up a defense as ever.

Pittsburgh struggled offensively most of the game as Mike Vick was not trusted to throw it all over the field. Le’Veon Bell proved to be enough offense for the Steelers though as he carried the ball 21 times for 111 yards and the winning touchdown.

Vick did have a vintage 24 yard run on the last drive to keep the Steelers moving. He is still super fast for his age and dangerous when the chips are down.

The game was like a road loss for San Diego with all the Steelers fans in the building as the Chargers are likely headed out of town to L.A. soon.

Eye-Popping Stat: Antonio Gates entire stat line. 9 catches. 92 yards. Two scores. Incredible return.

Fantasy Carnage: TE points are a bonus as most in the league just block. Gates had 21 standard league points and 30.2 on DraftKings.

Colts 27 Texans 20

Matt Hasselbeck had such a good game, people were asking if he is the better option at QB for Indy. This was a serious thought for some apparently.

Houston is a mess and Ryan Mallett all but pitched a fit on the sideline after he was pulled.

Hoyer will start next week for Houston and maybe the Colts trade away Andrew Luck since people are fawning over the retirement aged Hasselbeck.

Eye-Popping Stat: DeAndre Hopkins had 11 catches on 14 targets.

Fantasy Carnage: Andre Johnson finally made fantasy waves with two TDs.

Week 5 Results My 2015 Fantasy Football Blueprint. Watch Me Turn $100 into $0

Week 5 Results My 2015 Fantasy Football Blueprint 2015 nfl imagesWeek 5 Fantasy Football Results: Turning $100 in $0

Week five, ahh, the midpoint of my ten week blueprint on how fantasy football is not to be done.

This week I did mostly head to heads. I followed some expert advice that has nothing to do with drafting a lineup. I chose my opponents wisely. I avoided H2H contests with anyone who had multiple contests available. How’d that go? Take a look at the contests that ended Sunday.

fantasy football blueprint week 5 movie tv tech geeks (1)And below is the lineup that got me 1404th out of 23,000 opponents. Only paid me $3, still I was impressed with that finish.

fantasy football blueprint week 5 movie tv tech geeks (3)I did enter the free weekly Hooters game. Go here to enter for free each week. I also jumped on a  booster contest and a big prize pool with 21,000 opponents. See how I fared below after Monday Night Football on those games and the rest of my H2H action. All my contests are below.

fantasy football blueprint week 5 movie tv tech geeks (2)Not too bad. Overall I doubled my $10 plus another 80 cents. I finished pretty high in the Hooters contest and in the other GPP ($1 entry). I cashed on 8 of 10 contests I entered and won 4 of the 5 H2H contests. I even won the two free head to heads. I’m feeling pretty good about myself right about now.

This is a lot easier when you pick better (dumber) opponents!

I stayed with basically the same lineup for all my head to head matches. I am going to stick with that strategy. No sense in mixing parts in here and there. If draft a solid team then it should do well in most matchups H2H with non sharks.

By the way, here are eleven names on DraftKings you will want to steer clear of if you want to keep your cash. Or if you have the sack to challenge them, go for it. They don’t win 100% of the time. These names were ranked at the top on Rotogrinders for NFL action. They know what they’re doing and can smell blood in the water.

1     maxdalury

2     condia

3     aejones

4     MakeItRain84

5     mbomb44

6     AssaniFisher

7     Yanksdp84

8     PetrGibbons

9     1ucror

9     mirage88

10     csuram88

My H2H lineup changed a bit when late breaking news came in about Julio Jones’ hamstring. He would play, but it was looking like he might be limited. I quickly swapped him for Odell Beckham. That turned out fine as the Giants’ wideout got me over 28 points.

I had Matt Ryan hooked up with Julio and couldn’t really change that up at the last minute. Ryan had a terrible game that included not one, not two, but three turnovers. He added nine points to my game….not good. I wanted to swap to Brady, but didn’t have the cap room.

That is the toughest part of fantasy sports. Late breaking news can kill you. This is especially true for casual players (guys with actual lives and regular jobs…not me). Sure you can monitor Twitter, check expert sites every 60 seconds, or steal Jay Glazer’s phone, but that will drive you nuts if you are only risking a few dollars each week.

I can see it for players risking thousands each Sunday, but the average player doesn’t want to interrupt a family dinner to see if Eli has a toe fungus that will keep him out of the lineup.

So to tally it up for week five, I won $20.80….minus my $10 I entered, that is a profit of $10.80 this week.

My backup plan for when I run out of money on DraftKings is my season long league which may or may not involve $240 for the winner. I beat the brakes off my opponent this week, rotors and all. He still had Philip Rivers waiting on MNF, but he is not going to make up the 52 point lead I held after Sunday’s action.

It’s looking like one guy is formidable enough to knock me off in this ESPN league. I hope he has Comcast internet service and pray he has an outage when it comes time for our playoff.

I love the NFL, but have to say that keeping up with fantasy stats has made me pay even more attention to the details of each game. That‘s very cool.

Still that can be a negative when it takes your attention off the actual game you’re watching. I had to make myself stop checking my DraftKings app as I sat in a Georgia Dome Super Suite watching my Falcons win in overtime over Washington.

I’m jacked about week six. I feel like I am making progress. I don’t care about the amounts I am winning or losing. I only want to be more familiar with the process. I want to know why certain players are the right play as a general rule. I want to know why csuram88 picks certain tight ends or focuses on strange value plays.

I’m getting there slowly but surely.

BIG BANG THEORY 903: 2003 Approximations Recap

It’s all about moving out and moving in on this episode of “The Big Bang Theory,” and Penny and Leonard told Sheldon that Leonard was moving in with Penny since they are married now. Sheldon went to Bernadette to talk to her about Penny and Leonard. He told her he felt abandoned with Leonard moving out and Amy having broken up with him. Bernadette told Sheldon he should get a new roommate and that maybe Stuart would be interested since he has been living with Bernadette and Howard.

At the comic book store, Stuart asked Raj and Howard if they knew of any musicians looking for a gig. Stuart was trying to get a musician to perform at the store so more people would come in.  Howard and Raj discussed starting a band to perform there.

Sheldon made Leonard sign a contract to move out of their apartment and move in with Penny. At Raj’s apartment he and Howard made plans for their band. They discussed song lyrics and put the lyrics to music.

Sheldon interviewed candidates to be his new roommate. He asked all of them typical Sheldon questions. The last person he tried to interview as a roommate was Amy. She said she would not room with him but she was sure he could find someone else. Sheldon said Amy, Penny and Leonard poisoned him with emotions.

Penny and Leonard ran into Sheldon in the hall of their apartment building and invited him out to dinner with them. Sheldon told them he has become too emotional so he was going to restore his life to the way it was in 2003 when he had no emotions and hadn’t met Leonard yet.

Leonard and Penny went out to a restaurant for Thai food because when Leonard lived with Sheldon they get Thai food one night a week. Leonard said he was worried about Sheldon.

Bernadette and Amy had dinner together and Bernadette said she couldn’t believe Sheldon asked Amy to be his roommate. She asked Amy if Amy knew anyone Stuart could move in with. Bernadette called Sheldon a weirdo and Amy defended him.

Meanwhile, at the apartment, Sheldon arranged the furniture the same way it was in 2003 before Leonard moved in with him. Leonard and Penny came in the apartment and Sheldon said he was trying to learn to live without the people who left him. Leonard pointed out that he hadn’t left Sheldon and he only lived across the hall.

Raj performed his and Howard’s song for Emily. She said the song was very cute and Raj disagreed. She said she liked music she could dance to and Raj showed her how she could. Then he went to Howard’s house and told him the song wasn’t right and they needed to change it. Howard argued that the song they wrote was supposed to make people think. He figured out that Raj played the song for Emily and she didn’t like it so now he didn’t either. Howard said Emily was breaking up their band and then they both quit it.

Penny told Sheldon that she and Leonard would take turns sleeping at Sheldon’s apartment and at Penny’s apartment. Sheldon then said he had to draft a new roommate agreement.

Raj and Howard performed their song at the comic book store for Leonard, Penny, Sheldon, Bernadette, Stuart, and Emily. At the end of the performance Stuart said he’d prefer a song they could dance to.

THE VOICE 906: Battles Begin

It was the first round of the battles on NBC’s The Voice. In the battle rounds, the four coaches – Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton, Adam Levine and Pharrell Williams – pit two of their team members against each other to duet on a song of their specification. Ultimately, the coaches have to decide who will stay on their team and who will go home. However, each coach is allotted two “steals,” which means they can save one of the other coach’s team members, if they are being sent home.

So here is a recap of the battles from tonight:

Team Adam

Jordan Smith vs. Regina Love

Like I Can” by Sam Smith

Adam decided to pair two of his resident powerhouses together, Jordan and Regina. Adam’s advisor for this season is John Fogerty of Creedence Clearwater Revival, who helps Adam prepare his team members for the battle.

adam levine dr evil lex luther bald bulge 2015 voice

In addition, just before the singers take the stage, Adam all of a sudden appears with his head fully shaved and kind of resembles a Q-tip. Luckily Blake gets in a few digs at Adam’s new look throughout the show.

Both singers are undoubtedly talented and have incredible ranges. However, I found that Regina took pretty much every chance she could to throw in a run and it ended up feeling over sung. In contrast, Jordan was able to control himself more and choose certain moments to highlight his range.

In the end, Adam chooses Jordan to stay on his team and Gwen ends up stealing Regina.

Team Blake

Tyler Dickerson vs. Zach Seabaugh

“I’m Gonna Be Somebody” by Travis Tritt

Blake pairs up young country singers Tyler and Zach. Tyler came on to the show with a more country-rock edge, while Zach is definitely the typical boy-next-door with a soft voice.

Blake employs country star Brad Paisley as his advisor this season. After some rehearsal, both Blake and Brad agree that Tyler seems to have the upper hand considering he has been performing since he was young, while Zach just recently decided to take up singing.

However, the tables turn when the two singers hit the stage and Zach completely blows Tyler out of the water. It seems that Tyler was doing exactly what Blake warned him not to do – getting too comfortable with the song and just “going through the motions” when singing.

Therefore, Tyler is sent home and Zach remains on Blake’s team.

Team Gwen

Ellie Lawrence vs. Tim Atlas

“Sweater Weather” by The Neighborhood

Gwen pairs up Ellie and Tim for her first battle, as they both have similar raspy qualities to their voices and the “singer-songwriter thing” going for them. Tim’s audition wasn’t shown so this is the first time that the audience gets to see him perform.

Gwen’s advisor for this season is pop star Selena Gomez, who just recently released her album, Revival. During their rehearsals, Ellie is right away the obvious stand out, as Tim seemingly hides away strumming his guitar. This leads to Gwen forcing Tim to ditch his guitar, as well as an impromptu lesson from Gwen on how to have stage presence.

Unfortunately for Tim, Ellie’s voice continues to overpower him in the live battle and she ends up beating him out for the spot on Gwen’s team.

However, Pharrell is intrigued by Tim’s voice and decides to steal him.

Team Pharrell

Celeste Betton vs. Mark Hood

“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell

Pharrell’s first battle is between gospel singer Celeste Betton and R&B artist Mark Hood. He explains that he decided to pair the two singers together because he felt they were both “super soulful.”

Pharrell brought on Missy Elliot as his advisor for this season and it is pretty clear that Mark is a big fan of hers, as he freaks out when he sees her sitting beside the rehearsal piano. By the end of the rehearsals, Pharrell is astounded and claims he doesn’t have a single critique for either of his team members.

I don’t know if it’s the singers or if it was the song, but their battle didn’t impress me at all (most likely the song, considering at least one pair sings it every single season of The Voice). I will admit that the two did have good chemistry and stage presence.

In the end, Pharrell decides to keep Mark on the team and unfortunately Celeste is unsuccessful in getting a save from the other judges and is sent home.

Team Adam

Dustin Mook vs. James Dupre

“Fortunate Son” – Creedence Clearwater Revival

For his second pairing, Adam put edgy rocker Dustin Mook against country singer James Dupre. Adam decides to put incredible pressure on the duo by assigning them one of CCR’s biggest hits. This means they will be rehearsing and getting critiqued by the song’s original singer and writer, John Fogerty.

During the rehearsals, Adam tells Dustin and James that he needs more from them. John explains to them the reason he wrote the song and the “feelings of anger” that are beneath the song’s lyrics. Adam decides that they will sing a stripped down acoustic version of the song, as he didn’t want it to feel they were simply imitating CCR’s recording of the song.

Unfortunately, neither Dustin nor James really stood out in the battle. It almost sounded like karaoke, as both singers failed to connect to the song like Adam and John had advised them to.

Ultimately, Adam chooses to keep country singer James Dupree and Dustin ends up going home.

Team Blake

Barrett Baber vs. Dustin Christensen

“Walking in Memphis” by Marc Cohn

The last battle of the night was between Blake’s teammates, Barrett and Dustin. Both of these singers are from the country genre and earned themselves four chair turns during their blind auditions. Blake explains the pairing, saying they both have a lot of “raw power” in their vocals.

Brad Paisley helps polish the two musicians’ vocals and after the rehearsals Brad notes that Dustin could possibly have the edge up, as he feels his voice is slightly more unique.

During the performance, both Dustin and Barrett demonstrate precise vocals. While Dustin has a bit more power behind his notes, Barrett shows more character and has a more notable stage presence.

After the battle, Blake declares it to be a tie. However, since this is not how The Voice works, he ends up choosing Barrett. Fortunately, Gwen and Adam both buzz in for Dustin and Adam ends up stealing him.

Tune in tomorrow (Tuesday, October 13) to catch the second round of battles on The Voice.

Kendall Jenner Washes Sins Away & Justin Bieber Sues

kendall jenner washing sins awayThis week’s celebrity gossip kicks off with Selena Gomez’s performance this morning on The Today Show. She performed several of her most popular songs to a roaring crowd. Afterwards she gave a quick interview in which she said that she has been in a transitional period in her career over the course of the last two years.

After recently having been accused of being fat, Selena Gomez wore nothing but a white pantsuit and bra when she performed for the audience of the Ellen Degeneres Show. She said the press was all over her for being fat after she was photographed on vacation in a bathing suit that she admitted was a little too small for her.

Gomez is also dealing with the fact that she took a break from her career because she had to be treated for lupus in order to avoid having a stroke. She said she had a hard time dealing with the rumors that there were rumors she took a break because of alcohol or drug abuse. She also said after all she has done for those in need she doesn’t appreciate having become nothing more than a story in the tabloids.

Proving she’s all over the place, Taylor Swift appears on the cover of Australia’s version of Vogue for their November 2015 issue. In her subsequent interview with Vogue, Swift said that one of her favorite parts of the life she has now is all the friends she has made.

The cover of Netherland’s version of Vogue will feature Gigi Hadid in its November 2015 issue. Hadid has also been busy making runway appearances for Spring 2016 fashion shows.

Meanwhile, Hadid’s sister, Bella, has recently gone public with the struggle she faces as a victim of Lyme disease. It was revealed at a recent NYC charity event that Bella’s mom and younger sister suffer from the disease as well. Bella and Gigi’s mother stated that she’ll do anything to find a cure for Lyme disease so they don’t have to suffer anymore.

Taylor Hill is currently appearing in a new Victoria’s Secret ad campaign. She recently told People magazine that she was excited to have been contracted to be a Victoria’s Secret Angel.

Matt Damon drew viewers to movie theaters this weekend and his latest movie, The Martian, was the most attended movie of the weekend, with Hotel Transylvania 2 coming in second. Dragging behind in third place for the weekend was Pan, the remake of Peter Pan, which so far has only grossed a disappointing $15.5 million on its opening weekend.

Steven Tyler is reportedly unhappy that Donald Trump has been using Tyler’s smash hit, Dream On, as his campaign song. In fact he is so unhappy with Trump’s use of the song that he had a cease and desist letter sent to the presidential hopeful. In the letter it said that Trump was not permitted to use Dream On as his campaign song because Tyler doesn’t want people under the mistaken impression that he supports Trump’s run for President.

kendall jenner in shower 2015 gossipOnce again showing how low class the Kardashian clan really is, Kendall Jenner recently did a photo shoot in which she went topless. She even posted a pic on the Internet of herself topless in the shower, with a caption saying she was washing her sins away.

Bill Cosby’s former TV son, Malcom Jamal Warner, recently told the press in an interview that due to the allegations against Cosby, he is worried that in the future people will see The Cosby Show’s Huxtables family as a fairy tale. Warner said that up until now The Cosby Show had always proved that not all black people are worthy of the stereotypes placed against them. He also said that this is an all- around bad situation for Bill Cosby and that he would keep private what he and Cosby have discussed.

Taylor Swift has once again proven how popular she is with her fans. She has now set a record for the most followers on Instagram, with over 50 million fans. She posted to Instagram thanking her fans for following her and joked that she probably only has so many Instagram followers because of the cute pictures she posts of her cats.

In other Taylor Swift social media news she has stated that she prefers to use text messages to communicate with her celebrity friends, as opposed to doing so on Twitter. This is allegedly because of the fallout she had with Nicki Minaj, in which the two got into a scuffle via their Twitter accounts.

On the heels of his divorce from Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton is gearing up for a new 2016 tour. He recently told the media that going on the road to perform is his favorite thing to do and that he has missed it.

justin bieber showing beef 2015 gossipJustin Bieber is once again making gossip headlines in his quest to take legal action against the New York Daily News for running photos of Bieber in which his private parts are exposed. Bieber’s lawyers have reportedly sent the famous cease and desist letter to the Daily News. Bieber’s manager even posted on Twitter that privacy should be respected. The pictures in question were taken while Bieber was vacationing on Bora Bora with his alleged girlfriend.

Ashley Benson is publically apologizing after having posted photos of herself in a Cecil the Lion on her Instagram account. She had captioned the picture by stating it was a Cecil the Lion costume and asking her followers what they thought of the costume. After she got so many negative responses she said that the posted caption was not correct and she immediately had her management team change the post. She called the incident an unfortunate oversight and said that she supports animal conservation.

Wrapping up this week’s celebrity gossip, former Full House star John Stamos is being charged with driving while under the influence of GHB. Stamos is reportedly using it to lose weight.

Does Barcelona Need Extensive Business in Winter?


does barcelona need business in winter without lionel messi 2015 soccerAt the conclusion of the first seven rounds of La Liga games, Barcelona are sitting fourth in the league standings with a return of five wins and two defeats from their games thus far.

They are just a solitary point off table toppers Villarreal and are tied on points with Real Madrid and Celta Vigo, who are second and third respectively. Meanwhile, 2014 Spanish champions Atletico Madrid are in fifth with two points behind the Catalans.

The table doesn’t raise any alarms for the Barcelona and their fans as they remain in touch with Los Blancos and Los Rojiblancos – two teams likely to be the title challengers come the end of the season.

However, things are not as rosy as they seem from a glimpse at the league table.

Barcelona are without Lionel Messi and will not be able to count on his services until late November, after he went off injured in a league match against Las Palmas at the Camp Nou. They are also without the services of Rafinha Alcantara who came off worse in a challenge from behind by Radja Nainggolan of Roma in their Champions League opening fixture. The injury turned out to be an anterior cruciate ligament tear, ruling the Brazil international out for a minimum of six months.

Andres Iniesta is another casualty in the early season as he suffered a hamstring injury and has been ruled out of action for about a month.

Now, all these injuries would not have mattered in a normal season. But this is a far from normal season for the reigning Spanish and European Champions. They are still reeling under a FIFA-imposed two-transfer window ban on registering new players and the sanction remains in effect until the January transfer window.

The ban means that the club will not be able to count on their summer signings Arda Turan and Aleix Vidal. The teakm’s midfield is running on empty. They only have Sergio Busquets and Croatia international Ivan Rakitic of the established midfielders left in the squad. Javier Mascherano had to be shoe horned into the midfield to compensate for the lack of personnel and it didn’t come off well as the Catalans lost to Sevilla at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan in their last league encounter. Sergio Roberto has shown himself to be a better fit at right-back than in midfield.

And that’s it for the options that Luis Enrique has of the regular first teamers.

However the situation, although very bleak for the Catalans, is not beyond them – at least not yet.

Enrique has called upon Gerard Gumbau from Barcelona B into the first team as well as Juan Camara. He has surprisingly not called upon the services of Sergi Samper, who has been always marked out to be the next big thing to come out of La Masia.

Samper deserves a chance to prove himself with the first team. Apart from him, the club will be able to welcome Turan and Vidal in about two months time. Add to it the fact that most of their injured regulars will be back by January and they may not need at all to break the bank in the winter.

RONALDO Documentary Trailer Shows Depth Of Soccer Great 2015

ronaldo documentary cristiano images 2015Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is getting ready for the global release of Ronaldo. In November, the powerful documentary will be available to fans not only in theatres but also on DVD and digital HD.

The documentary is about Real Madrid’s star player, Cristiano Ronaldo, and his life on and off the soccer field. It tells the story of how Cristiano fought to get his son and his family out of poverty, while showing the world his record-breaking abilities as a soccer player.

British director Anthony Wonke shot Ronaldo over a span of 14 months. Wonke is no stranger to the documentary scene, as he has directed countless documentaries including Syria: Children on the Frontline, Gymnast and The Battle of Marjah. Wonke has also won several awards including two BAFTAs and was nominated for an Emmy in 2012.

ronaldo shows off soccer great cristianos depth off field 2015 imagesWhile Cristiano is known for his model good looks and seemingly glowing appearance in every Instagram he ever posts, the documentary promises to show a more down-to-earth side of the soccer superstar. Ronaldo includes footage from Cristiano’s childhood, his struggle trying to fend for his family and his current life living in Spain and playing for Real Madrid.

The films description reads, “for the first time ever, the world gets vividly candid and un-paralleled, behind-closed-doors access to the footballer, father, family-man and friend in this moving and fascinating documentary. Through in-depth conversations, state of the art football footage and never before seen archival footage, the film gives an astonishing insight into the sporting and personal life of triply Ballon D’Or winner Cristiano Ronaldo at the peak of his career.”

With the tag line reading, “You know the name, you know the legend, but you don’t know the man,” the trailer gives fans a glimpse of Ronaldo’s backstory and how he became the sports icon he is today.

The trailer begins with scenes of Ronaldo on the soccer field. Showing him at a young age playing with his peers while an observer notes, “he was so much better than everybody,” it is initially hard to believe that the film will be anything more than a stroke to Ronaldo’s ego; This is further emphasized by Ronaldo jokingly (or perhaps not) saying, “Tell me who the best player in the world is…me!”

However, the mood of the trailer changes about a quarter of the way in as Ronaldo’s mother is heard explaining, “I sent my son to Lisbon when he was twelve years old.” Going on to say, “I felt like I abandoned him.” Cristiano then begins elaborating on his departure from his family at such a young age, explaining, “I remember my siblings crying…. but they knew [soccer] was an opportunity I wanted in life.”

ronaldo cristiano documentary images 2015 soccerIn the next part of the trailer, Cristiano explains that he had “no real relationship” with his father. Scenes of Cristiano and his son, Cristiano Ronaldo Jr., dramatically contrast this revelation. It is clear that the soccer player places high importance on his relationship with his young child, as he is seen playing with him and explaining how the most important thing in his life is his friends and family.

The trailer then establishes Cristiano’s undeniable drive and determination to win. One of his advisors notes, “He does not know what it means to lose.” The soccer star goes on to explain, “I am what I am because of what I have sacrificed.”

He boldly states, “some people hate me, some people love me, I was made to be the best.”

Showing some of the humor in the film, the trailer concludes with a scene between Cristiano and his son. His son tells him, “I’m going to be a goalkeeper. That okay, Dad?” In which the athlete quips back, “A goalkeeper? Are you joking?”

You can catch Ronaldo in theatres on November 9th and you will also be able to pick it up on DVD or Digital HD, which will include deleted scenes and behind-the-scenes interviews with the production team, on November 10th.