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LOVE & HIP HOP NEW YORK Recap: Lots of Regrets 2015

love & hip hop new york lots of regrets recap 2015

It was on and popping this week on Love and Hip Hop New York. Like why is this such a guilty pleasure for me for real, for real?

This week Rich talks to Jhonni about that fight (no the second one) at the boutique with Paris. She is hoping that he will understand that it wasn’t her fault because this time, she came to apologize and ask for forgiveness. They talk it out and she pretty much tells him that if it happens again, she’s putting old girl out. I mean like, ya’ll need to call her a stretcher out. With that, Rich understands how she feels but tells her that she needs to keep it cool and don’t go all thug life because she’s a singer not a fighter. He also reminds her that their relationship is strictly professional (you know since she was playing footsies and all under the table). Rich doesn’t listen to his own words apparently because he follows her home.

Then there is Yandy and this situation really makes me sad because she does not need to be getting as hype as she did in this episode with her being preggers and all. With the drama she’s having with Mendeecees’s intern, assistant whatever the hell you want to call her, she has been in a tense state these past few weeks. She tells him about her meeting with Remy and Mendeecees is upset because he feels she’s not letting him deal with the situation.  She feels that the girl is trying to take her place and he tells her that Remy is just trying to be successful like her. Nonetheless, he hears her and says that he will have a talk with Remy about respect. I mean she did talk real foul to Yandy the last time we saw them.

Later, we see that per doctor’s orders, Yandy is at home on bed rest because the stress of everything has her blood pressure up. Mendeecees asks her to stop working for just a minute so that she can get back to 100%

amina telling off peter gunz love hip hop new york 2015

Then there is Peter Gunz and like literally, I just want to throw my TV out the fucking window whenever he comes on the screen. So from his perspective with everything that has happened you know him going on a family vacation with Tara and the boys and his lying to his WIFE, that Amina is the one who has been disrespectful. When he confronted her about telling Tara about his sleeping with other girls, he went off. He tells her it’s hard out here for a pimp, being in love with two women and all, then tells her he’s going to do him now that he’s told the truth and because of what she did. She tells him she’s going back to Germany with Corey and he tells her she better get a divorce first because she’s not going anywhere with is child. Um okay Peter. You have seven other ones, I’m sure you won’t miss this new one too much. This whole situation just shows how manipulative he is too because at the end, she’s crying and apologizing because he’s chastising her.

amina with peter gunz ex wife love hip hop new york 2015


After all this, Amina, who seems to have found a new friend in Tara, meets with her husband’s ex who pretty much yells at her and tells her to wake the fuck up and smell the coffee. If he left her and their two boys for Amina, what the hell does she think he will do to her and Corey? Good point there Tara. She is trying to get her to understand and see Peter’s ways. After this scene though, I am not too sure how tightly Amina is put together because she thinks Tara is trying to sabotage her marriage to Peter. Um yea, because that’s the thing that’s going to cause  you two to divorce.

peter gunz angry amina told his ex wife on love hip hop new york 2015

Later on, Amina has a singing showcase and Peter shows up. He tells her that he still wants to support her music even though things are rocky with their relationship. She tells him no way, you said you’re leaving, leave. He tells her that he really wants his family and wants to fight for them but he just can’t tell Tara this. She tells him bye and moments later we see her and baby Corey in an airport.

We get a little glimpse of Erica and her story. Her mom arrives and Erica builds up the whole story about her being with  Bow Wow. Her mom is excited for her but then Erica is like “ how am I going to tell my son…” blah, blah, blah. So over this chick. Later she shares a moment with her son in a zoo where she tells him the big news.

Moving on. The guys meet up and each share what’s going on in their worlds. Each can pretty much relate to the other because they all have some kind of drama going on. It seems like Rich is the only one who is drama free (relationship wise).

Speaking of Rich and relationships, he speaks to Diamond on Cisco’s behalf because I guess he just can’t handle it. She tells Uncle Rich that she just wants to know how to talk to Cisco and told him everything about his cheating on her. He agrees to give his buddy her heartfelt note.

When he gives the note to Cisco, he is pretty much disgusted that Diamond is still trying to get to him. I agree. Girl, leave it alone and take your ass back to L.A. where your daughter is.

At the end, we see Yandy who is off of bed rest, trying to get back in the swing of things. She is at an event when her assistant calls her to say that her son, Amir, is in the hospital. She gets to the studio and we find out all of this is a lie that Mendeecees told to get her attention (or something like that). Yandy is of course livid, pushing her baby father really hard. Just then, Remy comes in asking what’s going on. Mendeecees tells her to go file something before Yandy’s rage spills over on her. He then tells Yandy that she needs to get some perspective because she is putting her career before her kids.

Oh the drama.

TOTAL DIVAS Season 3: Nikki’s Mo’ Money Mo’ Purses Or John Cena

This week on Total Divas Eva Marie and Jonathan went on a family vacation to Las Vegas. Eva Marie’s whole family was there and she was excited to see her brothers, nieces and nephews. She said she was concerned about her dad’s health and that she needs to spend as much time with him as possible.

Backstage at RAW Nikki found out that her two favorite designers are collaborating on a purse she highly covets even though it costs $15,000. Brie then said Nikki shops too much and she needs to start saving money in case John Cena kicks her out of their house.

Back in Las Vegas, Eva Marie and her mom discussed the fact that they hadn’t had a family vacation in a long time and that her dad was thrilled to be with the whole family. This made Eva Marie suspicious that something is wrong with her dad that her mom won’t tell her. The family then went out to party at a Las Vegas nightclub. Eva Marie danced with her dad and brothers.

In New York, Natalya talked to her mom about taking care of her dad. Natalya said that she calls her dad a lot and TJ remarked that she calls her dad more than she texts TJ. When Natalya arrived at her mom’s house in Tampa they discussed her dad. Natalya then found out that her mom’s house had flooded and her dad was not doing anything about it. She then called TJ to hell him about the flood and all he had to say was that he was surprised Natalya called him. Natalya then helped her mom clean her flooded house. When TJ arrived at the house he said that it would be easy to fix the damage the flood had done.

At their house in Arizona, Nikki showed Brie an expensive dress that she bought. Brie then told Nikki she thought she was being a fool with her money. She then told Nikki she needed to sit down with a financial advisor and plan out the next five to 10 years of her life.

brie red haired for total divas mo money 2015

In Las Vegas Eva Marie called a family meeting with her brothers. She told them if this was going to be their dad’s last vacation they should make up a bucket list and do everything on it. Eva Marie and her brothers then talked about things to put on the list and her brothers agreed to coordinate everything on the list.

Back in Arizona Brie went to a salon with her mother and told her about the expensive designer purse Nikki wants. Their mom said Brie was always a saver but Nikki never was. She then also pointed out that Nikki and Brie spend an equal amount of money, just on different things.

TJ and Natalya met with a friend of TJ’s who could help remodel her mom’s house. They then moved out old furniture and threw certain things away.

Back in Las Vegas Eva Marie and family went to a restaurant where Jonathan wanted to do a burger food challenge. Eva Marie showed up later at her parent’s hotel room and announced they were having a game night. After a day of family fun Eva Marie found her dad asleep. The next day the family went sky diving together and Eva Marie said it was the ultimate act of family bonding. She then argued with her brothers about the bucket list when their dad found out what Eva Marie was doing. This turned into an argument between Eva Marie and her mom and dad. Her dad said not to worry about a bucket list because he insisted he was not sick. Back at their hotel room Eva Marie discussed with her brothers what went wrong. She then said she was going to go make amends with her dad. She apologized for upsetting her parents but her dad said he appreciated everything his kids did for him.

At John and Nikki’s house a package arrived for Nikki. She opened the box and found out John got her the purse she wanted so badly. She then thanked him and gave him a big kiss.

Backstage at RAW, Nikki showed up with the purse John bought her and Brie was less than pleased when she saw her sister carrying the expensive purse since she didn’t know Nikki got it as a gift. Brie then said she was disappointed in Nikki. Then Nikki said that Brie killed her buzz over getting the new purse.

Natalya spoke on the phone to TJ about fixing up her parents’ house. Naomi was in the car with Natalya during the phone call and she said that TJs actions cleaning up their house mean that he loves her and he is a good guy.

Nikki and Brie then went to meet with a financial advisor and Brie told the advisor that Nikki spends her money incorrectly. The financial advisor then asked Nikki what she was going to do someday when she no longer works for the WWE. Nikki tried to turn the tables on Brie when it comes to how each of them spends their money. After they left the meeting Nikki said it was well worth it. The two talked about the fact that the advisor brought up motherhood as a possibility for Nikki’s future.

Natalya and Naomi went furniture shopping for Natalya’s parents’ house. The women talked about how Natalya was afraid the things her dad was going through may end up being things she and TJ go through as well. Natalya admitted she projects her anxieties about her family on TJ.

Back in Las Vegas Eva Marie and her family went to a racetrack and got to race against each other.

Natalya arrived at her parents’ house to see how much TJ had cleaned it up. When Natalya’s mom came home she saw her newly redesigned home. Natalya and her mom then hugged and cried happy tears.

THE WALKING DEAD Season 5 Ep 12 Recap: Fresh Faced Rick Grimes In Alexandria

This week’s “The Walking Dead” episode ‘Remember’ had an eerie feel to it. Everything was just too perfect for a group that has spent so much time in an imperfect world outside those gates of Alexandria. They had a light-hearted moment when they first entered the community as Daryl saved the group from an opossum, then announced to the city dwellers, “We brought dinner.” Daryl would not be so easygoing the rest of the episode.

darryl dixon possum dinner for alexandria walking dead 2015 images
tovah feldshah walking dead remember recap images 2015
rick doing camera work for deanne in the walking dead alexandria 2015
douglas turns to deanna for the walking dead 2015
rick grimes with aaron gay action walking dead 2015 remember images
carl and rick grims look into new house walking dead 2015 images
michonne walking with rick sagging baby for walking dead remember 2015
rick grims sexy shower on the walking dead andrew lincoln 2015
rick grims shirtless shaving andrew lincoln walking dead remember 2015
remember rick andrew lincoln shirtless sexy walking dead 2015
clean shaven rick with baby walking dead 2015
carol dressing down for remember the walking dead alexandria life 2015
walking dead rick andrew lincoln bulge shaved for zombie kill 2015
adrian torturing zombie on the walking dead remember 2015
glenn kills play toy zombie walking dead remember 2015 images
glenn dukes it out with adrian on walking dead
carol plays it safe dumb on the walking dead 2015
aaron with big gay gun for rick grims walking dead 2015 images remember
sasha shooting off picture frames from the walking dead 2015 fear

The person in charge of Alexandria is Deanna Monroe, a former Congress Critter. This should throw up red flags since some of the most diabolical people are those involved in politics. Deanna is “interviewing Rick” and the reason for filming it is because they are all about transparency she says. Pretty flimsy reasoning, but Rick doesn’t protest. He tells her a bit about what they’ve had to do to survive and how she should keep the gates closed to outsiders. Basically Rick lets her know that everyone is out to take something from others if it increases their chances of survival.

Rick asks what Deanna has done to survive and she admits to exiling three men, which is like a death sentence. This is hardly the type of actions on the level of what Rick and company have done. It’s just a token response to make it seem like she knows what it takes to get by. I feel like these video sessions will come back to haunt Rick and his crew. Alexandria is trying to be just like a real society back in the former world. Admitting to killing other human beings could be a real death sentence in a place that may have laws and punishments set up.

 Deanna can see that Rick knows how to take care of his people and asks him to help her group survive. It seems like they’ve done a good job of that on their own. Everywhere Rick’s people go there is death, chaos, and general mayhem. She might be wise to just send them packing. The Grimes gang finally relents on giving up their weapons, which can be checked out when they need to go outside the walls. This is an obvious mistake. I don’t see why Rick would go along with this since it was clear the Alexandrians were not going to forcibly take them. As an aside note: fans of “The Walking Dead” comics will know that the producers have changed the sex of the character to a woman played by the amazing Emmy-nominated and Tony-nominated actress Tovah Feldshuh (some of you may remember her as the public defender in “Law & Order). She takes over the character from the comics Douglas Monroe, which makes things exciting as we don’t know where the writers will go with her character. I found myself liking her right off solely based on the roles she’s played on Broadway and television which was a very smart casting choice.

Don’t expect Deanna to make any intentional nods or homages to Douglas, either, as Feldshuh has kept herself in the dark where the comics are concerned. Speaking with EW about her knowledge of the gender swap, here’s what the actress had to say. “I knew it was a man but I didn’t want to read the comics because I don’t want to know if she dies and when she dies. Because I just assume I’ll be on this series for years to come. I want to have a long life on this series.”

Aaron appears to be the local real estate agent as he shows some houses to Rick and Carl. They explore the homes a bit and then Rick sheds the “living under a bridge look” he has been mastering over the last few months by showering and shaving. Things seem to be going great as he gets a home goods delivery from a nice looking blond lady named Samantha, a definite 10 in a zombie encrusted world. She happens to be a stylist and gives the man a haircut to go with his clean shaven face.
Daryl does his interview, but is certainly not into it. Dude could use as shower and Samantha’s mobile grooming service too. This hardened warrior is not going to bother cleaning up much until he is sure he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty during the early stages of this visit to Alexandria.

Michonne was really having a hard time on the road because she is instantly in love with this new home inside safe walls. She tells Rick, “I have a good feeling about this place.” I have a bad feeling since I’m watching a show that has seen tons of backstabbing, mass killings, and weirdos galore. I don’t think that’s going to stop suddenly and The Walking Dead turn into a sitcom! Team Grimes goes out exploring a bit and Rick freaks right out when he can’t find his kids. The helpful Samantha shows him they are hanging with some old folks on a front porch. This places seems totally untouched by the horror of the outside world.

Rick got to meet Samantha’s husband while taking a midnight stroll. He isn’t near as friendly as his better half. Carol showed her savvy as she totally lied about who she was to Deanna. She made herself out to be the June Cleaver of the group, cooking and mothering the members as needed. In fact she is as cold blooded as anyone on Team Grimes, but it would be foolish to give any info to this Congress Critter. Carol dresses the part of a Pleasantville mom as she heads out to do her “job” that Deanna has appointed her. Daryl tells her, “You look ridiculous,” as he stands on the porch looking absolutely grimy, with a crossbow on his back, and wearing a blood stained leather vest.

 The danger that we kept waiting on started to appear late in the episode. Rick heads outside the gates and back to the spot he left his gat in the junk pile. No pistol! Some Alexandrian must have taken it so now the paranoid lawman is even more nervous about taking his flock into this new city. He and Carl carve up some walkers to stay sharp and get their daily exercise. Don’t want to get too soft with showers and creature comforts.

The supply run that Glenn goes on with Deanna’s son Aiden is when crazy rears its ugly head. Aiden is either a lone wolf psycho or just the tip of the spear. He and his partner lost a few good members on a supply run a few weeks before so they hung up a roamer as revenge. I’m guessing they torture the poor bastard each time they pass by. This is clearly dumb and the thing has escaped when they come to the tree where they left it. Escapee walker shows up and nearly bites Aiden’s dumbass before almost getting a piece of Tara. That’s when Glenn steps in and delivers a death shank to the walker, with Tara stabbing the thing as well. Aiden is pissed as they didn’t follow orders. Never mind the fact that he was nearly infected and could have gotten them all turned into the undead.

When the folks on the supply run get back inside the gates, Aiden announces that Glenn and his people aren’t ready for these missions. Glenn tries to hold his tongue, but Aiden is such an idiot, he can not. They had some words then Aiden swung on Glenn who slipped the punch and floored the arrogant little rat bastard. Daryl had his boy Glenn’s back as he speared the gate guard, Bill Goldberg style.

As that scuffle unfolded, Rick stepped in before Daryl attempted to skin gate guard dude like he did the opossum earlier. Deanna admonished her entitled boy and announced to everyone that Rick’s family was a part of their community now. She made a public showing of how she expects everyone to interact. Whether it was real or not is to be determined. She uses this time to ask Rick about being the constable, along with deputy Michonne.

Rick takes on the role of town cop and even has a uniform to go with the job. Can’t wait to see what Michonne looks like dressed as a county deputy. Rick tells everyone they can sleep in separate houses if they like. This could end up being the first crack in the foundation of Team Grimes. When they all stayed together on the road, they had to depend on one another. Food, safety, and general well-being was dependent on the individuals working as a group. In their own houses with running water and other modern conveniences, the individuals no longer need the family as much. It mirrors our real world today with the disconnection between families due to smartphones, TV, and working all the time.

Constable Rick Grimes asks Daryl, “You OK with this,” as he strolled outside with his cop outfit. Dixon thinks they are gonna simply get weak by staying in Alexandria. Just when we think Rick is softening up, he makes the proclamation, “We won’t get weak — that’s not in us anymore. We’ll make it work. But if they can’t make it, then we’ll just take this place.”

Let us just assume that Deanna has the best of intentions. That’s a reach, but even if that’s the case, Rick is doing what is best for his people. In this world, a great leader wouldn’t go along with another group’s leader just to be kind. Genghis Khan didn’t just hand over control of his armies to other people in charge of cities he conquered. He did what was best for himself and the ones closest to him. That’s what Rick plans to do, no matter what situation they find themselves in or how nice this community appears.

 Check out the sneak peek trailer below as it definitely shows things will be amping up again for our Walking Dead gang.

RHOA Ep 15 Season 7: Whoreocracy & Phaedra’s Chocolate Lust

RHOA Ep 15 Season 7 Whoreocracy & Phaedras Chocolate Lust

We are back from last week’s Real Housewives of Atlanta break and things just pick up right where they left off.

phaedra parks free of apollo real housewives of atlanta 2015

Apollo reports to prison as he is about to “go asunder.” We see that Phaedra who was fearful for her safety, checked herself, kids and assistant into a hotel. Since her husband is finally in prison, things are “sorta bittersweet” as she returns back to the house.  Also, because there has been so much “turmoil” she feels like the house needs to be exorcised so she calls for “the apostle.” She tells her assistant “I’m just happy it’s over.” But is it really?

phaedra has house blessed by crazy apostle priest rhoa 2015

Later, Apostle Thaddeus and his wife come to the house to “pray” over it and to get out any spirits that were left with Apollo leaving. This part of the episode is just too much. They are laying hands on furniture, speaking in tongues and quoting scripture. I mean, I was raised apostolic, which is what the Apostle seems to be, so I get it. But it all just feels contrived for the sake of the episode and I think that is wrong.

kandi todd talk sex marriage on rhoa 2015

Anyway, Todd, who is finally back from L.A. meets Kandi the Factory and an obvious sexually frustrated Kandi goes straight to it and asks him if he has been “grinding” anyone else. She then says that she wants to go to a therapist. He looks at her like she’s crazy and asks what are they going to talk about in therapy. She says their sex life mostly. He reluctantly says yes. She asks him if they can have sex more than once a week. Then he says let’s face it, “I’m not Tyson Beckford and you’re not Rihanna” Um what? What the fuck does that mean? That was totally the wrong thing to say.

kenya moore reacts to phaedra affair on real housewives of atlanta 2015

The Team Kenya meets for a wine tasting. Here Cynthia takes the time to tell the ladies about Apollo finding the text messages Phaedra sent to “Chocolate.” Kenya gets super upset because Phaedra calls the girls out about being whores but she is having an affair while still married. We also see all the times in the past where Phaedra has lied or been two faced which is another issues they have with her.

kenya moore cries over whoreocracy

Kandi visits Phaedra to see how she is and to get to the bottom of what happened with Apollo. Phaedra tells her that NeNe has called her pretty much every day since the whole situation which takes Kandi aback because she takes NeNe with a grain of salt. She invites Phaedra to a dinner with all the ladies later the night just to catch up.

phaedra telling kandi to stuff it on rhoa 2015

At this dinner ALL of the RHOA ladies show up including Porsha, Demetria and NeNe. You know this is going to be something because the last time they were all together was in Puerto Rico and we all remember how that went. For the life of me though, I don’t understand how they can be so fake with each other (I guess it’s all about that money). Like, I would be sick to my stomach sitting there eating and putting up the façade for the cameras.

phaedra hits kenya moore with purse real housewives of atlanta 2015

While they are eating Cynthia dives right in and brings up Apollo, tiptoeing around the whole Chocolate text message thing. And literally you can cut the tension with a knife. She finally says  to Phaedra that Apollo told Peter she was cheating/ Phaedra brings Kenya’s name in about some situation with an African and text messages. Kenya is not having the pointing of fingers any longer and reads her. Phaedra jumps up and lunges at her with her pocketbook and Porsha quickly pulls her off. She along with NeNe walk Phaedra out. Kandi hurriedly follows after them.

phaedra kenya catfight hits real housewives of atlanta 2015 images

Back at the table, Team Kenya can’t believe what just happened. They walk out while Team Phaedra is still outside talking about everything and there is another confrontation. “Girl don’t let them over here cause I’m going to slap the shit out of her.” Phaedra is obviously pissed off because she can’t stop slinging threats. “These hens can cluck all they want I’m not afraid to take them to the slaughterhouse… they got me fucked up.” Um okay Phaedra, didn’t you just get finished praying and casting out demons?

claudia jordan ready for phedra fight on real housewives of atlanta 2015

Then it just goes south. They bring up NeNe calling Claudia a whore in Puerto Rico and everyone else being called a whore at some point and time throughout the history of the show. For the most part, I understand what the issue is. Team Kenya doesn’t like the fact that Phaedra and her followers call everyone a whore when it seems based on the alleged text messages that Apollo has been circulating, that she is just as much a whore. I will say that the way Cynthia brought it up at the table was very passive and weak. She stuttered the whole time and wouldn’t just spit it out. It is clear that the producers told her to bring it up because it looked like she didn’t really want to. NeNe made a good point too (can you believe that) when she said that nobody wants to discuss their husband with people they don’t know meaning with bitches who aren’t your friends.

team kenya talks out with nene leakes 2015 rhoa

In the end, Kenya stands her ground telling Phaedra that she is wrong and she’s a cheater and as Cynthia (or one of them) put it, “You need to be able to have a conversation and you need to be able to tell the truth.” Team Phaedra dismisses themselves while Team Kenya is still talking and get into their respective cars to leave.

The drama was super high tonight and trust and believe, it will be just as juicy next week.

Is the FCC Quiet Period Truly Over?


tom wheer fcc wins on net neutrality

The FCC Quiet period is now over and now the government has control of the internet. Net Neutrality is now a reality. There will supposedly be no more threats to the equality of bandwidth provided to internet subscribers depending on their respective infrastructures. Bandwidth shall henceforth be equal to the consumer and content provider. But is the quiet period really over? ISPs that stand to lose because of net neutrality are expected to make noise in courts. The same goes for people who have different views about the FCC chairman Tom Wheeler’s net neutrality proposal.

It’s basically not over for the FCC as far as AT&T, Verizon and other losing ISPs are concerned. Verizon and AT&T, the two companies with the highest voices in the opposition, just posted their disdain over the recent February 26 ruling on their respective websites decrying the FCC decision as both partisan and archaic.

fcc delivers net neutrality for some 2015


“Perhaps I’m betraying my years, but in Washington policy circles there has always been tension between those interested in solving problems and those who see policy disputes as a test of ideology. I’d readily admit falling into the former camp, and have the policy scars to prove it.”

–Jim Cicconi, AT&T Senior VP of External and Legislative Affairs


“…What doesn’t make sense, and has never made sense, is to take a regulatory framework developed for Ma Bell in the 1930s and make her great grandchildren, with technologies and options undreamed of eighty years ago, live under it.”

–Jim Cicconi, AT&T Senior VP of External and Legislative Affairs


“…the Federal Communications Commission approved an order urged by President Obama that imposes rules on broadband Internet services that were written in the era of the steam locomotive and the telegraph.”


However, they fail to provide substantial points as to invalidate the more noble tenets of net neutrality such as no blocking of content, no throttling of bandwidth and no paid prioritization of traffic. They promise to pursue their arguments to the courts, to suspend the current FCC ruling and push for more modern laws in place of the almost century-old Communications Act of 1934. Such a move could buy them sufficient time to continue their current management of bandwidth.

Individuals critical of the current US administration also cry foul. Many believe that the internet was fine as it was and that government intervention could somehow ruin it; if not today, but in the near future. A percentage of these individuals are either genuinely concerned that the government could somehow screw up the internet and internet freedom; or are presently shielded by satisfactory speeds given by their respective internet providers that they are afraid of any changes in their status quo.

net neutrality opens internet for fcc 2015

However, there is some substance to opposition arguments that the whole plan could backfire on consumers; that ISPs could charge back from subscribers the profits they lose from their ‘fast lanes’. There is also the argument that the internet, as a utility under government control, could sooner or later be regulated as it is in China given any situation that resembles threats to national security. Another major argument is that the government could dictate prices that are higher than they should be (a problem for consumers) or lower than market value (a problem for providers) and that additional taxes could be imposed in the future. There is also the argument that the government could quickly change the rules to its favor depending on the next FCC Chairman’s interpretation of the rules which would undermine the true concept of internet freedom.

ISPs also argue that bandwidth equality could stifle the innovation and competitiveness of future internet entrepreneurs which is unlikely unless their products and services depend on higher than average broadband. Republicans opposed to the current provisions also argue that there is some sort of hidden Democrat or Obama agenda to regulate the internet for their benefit.

Whatever the opposition arguments are, there’s no denying the benefits of continued net neutrality to the general public as well as content providers. Content providers such as Kickstarter, GitHub, Yelp, Etsy, and Tumblr have expressed approval of the current net neutrality plan; while the Internet Association whose members include Amazon, Facebook, Netflix and Google have reiterated that the rules on net neutrality be solid enough to ensure that the rules apply to both wired and wireless providers, an innuendo to ISPs.

Aside from regulation, the FCC now has the authority to hear and act on complaints on potential violations made by ISPs contrary to net neutrality’s fundamental principles:

No Blocking – Internet providers may not block any access to legal content, services or non-harmful devices.

No Throttling – Internet providers may not impair or degrade lawful internet traffic based on content, services or non-harmful devices.

And No Paid Prioritization – internet providers shall not favor some lawful internet traffic over other internet traffic in exchange for consideration (No fast or slow lanes).

Under such rules, the FCC promises a truly open internet. But how open is something when someone has control? Unlike before, someone clearly holds the reins on the internet and control could always be subject to abuse. For the FCC, the quiet or sunshine period is over. Storm clouds are brewing on the horizon and could become a hurricane if they screw up this wonderful concept of net neutrality.

Premier League Game Week 27 Review: City stunned while Arsenal cruise


Premier League Game Week 27 Review City stunned while Arsenal cruise

The reigning champions Manchester City are being dragged back to the fight for the Champions League spot. Pellegrini’s men were stunned by Liverpool at Anfield on Sunday. The Merseyside giants have truly picked up pace after a slow start to the season.

liverpool beats manchester city premier league soccer 2015

Brendan Rodgers’ side invited the second placed Man City for a crucial tie at Anfield. Liverpool’s stand-in skipper, Jordan Henderson opened the scoring with a thunderous shot, one which would have made Steven Gerrard proud. But soon, Edin Dzeko cancelled out the home team’s lead. Coutinho, who has been in great form off late, got the winner for his side with a sumptuous shot outside the box. Despite the win, the 18-time English champions remain fifth on the Premier League table as Arsenal and Manchester United didn’t slip at the weekend.

arsenal beats off everton premier league 2015 soccer

Arsenal got a 2 – 0 victory over Everton at the Emirates. The North Londoners seem to be genuine contenders for the top four unlike Manchester United, who are still not consistent in picking up three points. Olivier Giroud and Rosicky got a goal each in sinking Roberto Martinez’s team.

manchester united wins on sunderland soccer 2015

Manchester United are currently fourth in the league, but their next set of fixtures would be the biggest test for the English giants. Van Gaal’s men registered a 2 – 0 victory over Sunderland at home. Falcao was pulled by John O’Shea in the Sunderland penalty box for which the referee sent off Wes Brown. Anyhow, Wayne Rooney made no mistake in putting United in the lead. Adnan Januzaj was voted Man of the Match for his performance after being subbed on for Angel di Maria. Januzaj’s shot on target was saved by the goalkeeper, but he couldn’t keep out Rooney’s header right after the save. Liverpool are breathing just down the neck of Manchester giants and one slip by United could allow them to reach the promised land. At this point in time, one could expect a top four of Chelsea, Man City, Arsenal and Liverpool as Man United have some serious battles ahead.

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Chelsea and Spurs were not involved in this game week’s matches as they traveled to Wembley to decide the winner of Capital One Cup. Chelsea were crowned the champions after a 2 – 0 win over Pochettino’s side. It was Mourinho’s first of what could be many silverwares this season. Unlike Chelsea and Spurs, Saints were involved in this week’s fixtures. Ronald Koeman’s men came across Tony Pulis’ West Brom. Berahino scored the only goal of the game and Southampton have suffered a huge blow to their top four aspirations. Yet their dreams are still far from being shattered as we still have eleven games to go and they are only four points away from the fourth place.

stoke wins on hull city premier league soccer 2015

Stoke got a 1 – 0 victory over Steve Bruce’s Hull City, while Newcastle got a 1 – 0 victory over Tim Sherwood’s Aston Villa, forcing them into the relegation zone. West Ham United were defeated at home by Alan Pardew’s Crystal Palace. In this early kick off on Saturday, the Eagles defeated the Hammers 1 – 3 at Upton Park. Last but not the least, Garry Monk’s Swansea City picked up three more points this season. Burnley’s Trippier scored an own goal, keeping his side at the 18th place to fight for relegation.

gaston ramirez ready for bare stoke back for hull city bulge 2015

Fabio Fognini Ready For Top 10 Tennis Action


Fabio Fognini Ready For Top 10 Tennis Action

Fabio Fognini, recently a finalist on the ATP Tour, has been ranked in the Top 50 for men’s tennis since the September 24th, 2012 rankings. However it’s only been in the last couple of years that the Italian has started ranking consistently in the Top 25, having only dipped below that on a few occasions. Rarely a player to make noise against the best players in the world, perhaps Fognini’s recent defeat of Rafael Nadal in Rio means that the Italian is finally ready for the Top 10.

Firstly, let’s back up to the start of the 2014 season.

fabio fognini clay court tennis action 2015

At that time Fognini, having won both Hamburg and Stuttgart in 2013, was ranked 16th in the world entering the 2014 Australian Open. The Italian lived up to his billing in that tournament, making the event’s fourth round before bumping into Novak Djokovic.

A small win streak soon followed Melbourne Park 2014 as Fognini won two Davis Cup matches for Italy before running the tables at ATP Vina del Mar, a 250-series event in Chile (clay). Fognini also placed well in Buenos Aires 2014 (clay/runnerup), Munich 2014 (clay/runnerup), and Cincinnati 2014 (hard/quarterfinals). Those results helped him stay in the Top 20 on tour for the entire 2014 season, with the exception of only the August 11th rankings.

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However despite Fognini’s success in 2014 there’s a couple of things missing from his resume, two things that I think are closely related: Fognini had no ATP tournament wins over players ranked in the Top 10 and, not surprisingly, he had no deep runs in Grand Slam events. The Italian did beat Andy Murray in 2014 at a time when the Scot was ranked 8th in the world however that was in Davis Cup play as opposed to the regular straight elimination tournaments. By and large, Fognini made his ascension to the World No. 13 position in weak tournaments or with lucky draws.

In fact, it can be shown that some of Fognini’s largest successes to date on tour have been in tournaments where he’s ended up with several rounds of uncharacteristically weak competition.

fabio fognini hitting rafael nadals balls 2015

As an example he made his deepest run in a Grand Slam at Roland Garros 2011, a tournament where he made the quarters. Usually if you are an unseeded player entering a Grand Slam, as Fognini was at the 2011 French Open, you will likely have to beat one, if not two, strong players to make the final eight. However en route to that finish, Fognini did not have to beat any player ranked higher than 33rd in the world. It might seem a little cynical to say that that’s why he made the final eight at Roland Garros 2011 but then that’s what the evidence suggests.

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Fognini is 0-7 against Djokovic, he’s 0-3 against Roger Federer, and the current World No. 22 is 0-8 against David Ferrer.

Fognini may have won Stuttgart in 2013 but the best player he beat was a declining and 11th ranked Tommy Haas. Fognini may have won Hamburg shortly thereafter but again, an aging Haas was the highest ranked player the Italian drew. In the final of that event, Fognini was gifted an opponent ranked outside of the Top 100 on tour and a similar thing happened in the ATP Vina del Mar 2014 draw. Usually in tournament finals, even ones that are in 250 or 500 series events, you have to beat a reasonably proven player.

rafael nadal digging in clay court for fabio fognini bare tennis back action 2015

Finding a time when Fognini had beaten a strong player in an ATP event was hard to do before this past weekend. Fognini, at this time last week, was 0-4 against Nadal; Italy’s top player is 1-4 now thanks to a semifinal comeback on Saturday.

Does that one win mean that Fognini has elevated his game?

fabio fognini showing little pen size for rafael nadal 2015

Personally, I’ll need a bit more consistency before I believe that Fognini will make the Top 10. I remain skeptical of him as I think the defeat of Nadal had more to do with the Spaniard than it had to do with the Italian. Nadal’s slipping and maybe Fognini is just a little better than he was before.

fabio fognini bath tub tennis work 2015

Time will tell as it always does but I don’t see Fognini beating Djokovic, Federer, Murray, or Ferrer this season. Maybe he’ll get some lucky draws just as any player could but my 2015 projection for a healthy Fognini is a year-high somewhere between 12th and 16th.

New York Jets Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs

For the New York Jets, head coach Rex Ryan is always on the hot seat. After finishing 8-8 in 2013, the Jets decided to bring back Ryan giving him one last chance to make the playoffs in 2014. Well, it didn’t work. The Jets struggled to a 4-12 record, losing Ryan at the end of the season.

rex ryan loses new york jets again 2015

After a 19-14 victory over the Oakland Raiders in Week 1, the Jets lost eight games in a row. Fans can’t put all the blame on Ryan, however—the team simply failed to finish games, losing four of those eight games by eight points or less, including a 27-25 loss against the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots in New England because of a blocked game-winning field goal attempt.

new york jets kill off pittsburgh steelers nfl 2015

The high point of the Jets season came Week 10 against the Pittsburgh Steelers. At this point the Jets were 1-8 coming off eight straight losses, and the Steelers were coming off of two wins in a row in which quarterback Ben Roethlisberger threw six touchdowns in each win. In what should have been an easy win for the Steelers, the Jets played their best football of the season winning 20-13. The only other game that the Jets can really be proud of came in Week 16 against the Patriots again. Once again, the Jets brought the soon-to-be champs down to the wire, losing 17-16.

todd bowles head coach for new york jets 2015

The Jets have a new head coach to be excited about in Todd Bowles and a new general manager in Mike Maccagnan, and they’re hoping to bring a winning culture back to New York. The Jets have a lot of needs to fill up and a roster that needs rebuilding, so these two newcomers will certainly have their hands full this offseason and in the 2015 season itself. Here are the New York Jets biggest needs heading into the 2015 NFL Draft:

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Secondary: Todd Bowles and Rex Ryan run relatively similar defensive schemes, which require a lot of man to man coverage. Well, the Jets don’t have true number one go-to kind of cornerback to work with in this defensive style. 6th overall would be way too early to select any of the corners from this year’s draft; however, the Jets will most likely need to spend their second round selection on a solid corner. The Jets will also need to spend a mid-round pick on a decent free safety. Calvin Pryor was their first round selection in last year’s draft, but he looks much more comfortable as a strong safety. The Jets need to focus on bringing in cornerbacks, but drafting a safety is pretty crucial to their defense as well.

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Quarterback: The Jets have to face facts that Geno Smith is not a franchise quarterback. Smith is barely better than Michael Vick right now, and Vick is certainly not a long term solution. So, once again the Jets are left to look for a quarterback in the draft. Marcus Mariota and Jameis Winston are the two biggest names in the draft, and with the 6th overall pick in the draft landing one of them is not totally out of the question. The Buccaneers will definitely be selecting one of them (most likely Mariota); however, the Tennessee Titans seem more interested in improving their defense than drafting a quarterback and the Jacksonville Jaguars, Oakland Raiders, and Washington Redskins all plan to stick with the quarterbacks they used or drafted last season. As a result, the Jets might just be able to land Winston with the 6th pick in the draft. If not, the Jets will most likely be in the same bad situation this time next year unless they find a franchise quarterback.

BIG BANG THEORY Recap: Sheldon & Penny Try Intimacy, Howard Gets Ashy

big bang theory penny sheldon try intimacy 2015

On this week’s episode of the Big Bang Theory the gang talked about an experiment Amy had read about concerning research that determined people can fall in love within a few hours. Penny asked Raj if he would try an experiment like that with his girlfriend, Emily. To keep from debating the subject Sheldon said since they were all scientists they could conduct their own research experience. Raj told Sheldon he should try out the experiment Amy read about. Penny said she wanted to ask Sheldon to answer the questions that can determine if someone can fall in love in mere hours.

big bang theory gang talking intimacy for sheldon penny 2015

In the next scene Sheldon and Penny discussed performing the experiment together. Sheldon asked Penny if she would drive him to Lake Geneva in Wisconsin for a convention, if she fell in love with him as a result. The convention was to honor the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons. Penny said if they honestly fell in love she would drive him there and buy him however many dragon t-shirts he wanted.

big bang theory intimacy group love 2015

Raj commented to Amy and Leonard that he was surprised they were so calm about Penny and Sheldon participating in this experiment together. Raj said that the two of them doing so is just tempting fate. Amy and Leonard then decided to try the experiment themselves. Raj asked the questions that were part of the experiment and the first one is who each of them would ask to be their dinner guest. Leonard’s answer was Penny and Amy’s answer was a janitor because she was about to throw up. Leonard then said that they should find something else to do and that Emily was getting off work soon so the four of them should hang out together.

howard bernadette trying to find moms ashes on big bang theory

Leonard then mentioned calling Howard and Bernadette and Raj said their plane from Florida should be landing soon. Anyone who watched last week’s episode knows that in that episode, Howard’s mom went to visit her sister in Florida and died in her sleep while there. Howard and Bernadette are flying back in this week’s episode, presumably with his mother’s ashes. . However, in the next scene Howard is criticizing the airline’s desk agent after finding out his mother’s ashes were lost by the airline. The desk agent then asked for the flight number Howard and Bernadette were on. She also asked them to describe the missing bag that contained the ashes of Howard’s mom.

sheldon with penny big bang theory working intimacy experiement 2015

As Penny and Sheldon finally sat down to begin the experiment, Sheldon said that he wanted to let Penny start first, so that he could be a gentleman. He said he was afraid doing so would cause her to fall in love with him before the experiment was even started, so instead he proposed flipping a coin. Instead, Penny just grabbed the document and read the first question to Sheldon, which was the same question that Raj had asked Leonard and Amy. Sheldon then stated the person he would most want to have dinner with was himself. Penny then answered the question herself by choosing Robert Downey, Jr. Sheldon made a joke that he never would have thought of Iron Man and that after he had dinner with himself, maybe he and himself could have dessert with Penny and Robert Downey, Jr.

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Raj and Emily, along with Leonard and Amy, discussed their plans for the evening. Emily then suggested the four of them go to an Escape Room, which she described as an interactive theater.

Back at Penny’s apartment she and Sheldon continued with the experiment. The second question was about what constitutes a perfect day? Penny said that for her, it was sleeping in, getting drinks and a massage, lounging on the beach and then a night of dancing. Sheldon then asked Penny why she didn’t mention Leonard as part of her perfect day and Penny said he would have been there for all the things she mentioned. Sheldon’s answer to the same question was to wake up, have French toast for breakfast and then be whisked into a wormhole that would take him into the future where he would be able to save mankind from aliens. Penny then called Sheldon out for not mentioning Amy in his answer. After their talk turned more personal Penny said she was starting to feel like she cared about Sheldon.

lame zombie puzzle room on big bang theory 2015

At the Escape Room the four worked together to figure out where the key they needed to open a safe, containing valuables. They found the key in six minutes after having paid $200 to get into the Escape Room. The four of them were disappointed that for so much money they finished the challenge in such a short amount of time.

As Penny and Sheldon continued with the experiment Sheldon revealed that it happened to be his birthday. Penny was shocked Sheldon kept his birthday secret from everyone, including his own girlfriend. He said that he kept it to himself because he doesn’t enjoy presents or surprise birthday parties. When Penny asked Sheldon why he told her when no one else knew, his answer was that the experiment was all about telling the truth.

After hours of waiting Howard and Bernadette were given the news that the airline had found their lost bag. Immediately Howard checked the bag and found his mother’s ashes safely in an urn. He then apologized to his mother for not driving her to the airport when she left for her trip and that he would never forgive himself for it.

sheldon staring down pennys eyes in big bang theory intimacy 2015

As they finished the experiment Penny and Sheldon had to stare into each other’s eyes for four minutes and not say a word. Penny remarked that doing so was creepy and Sheldon reminded her she wasn’t supposed to talk. Sheldon then also said he found it be kind of creepy. Penny asked Sheldon if he wanted her to stop, but he was comfortable with her. They determined that the original experiment’s conclusion was not always right.

Sony’s SmartEyeGlass Not So Smart


sony smarteyeglass not so hot over google glass 2015

Before Apple, Sony was the one with the knack of making innovations and improving technologies; adding style, elegance, advanced technology complete with premium pricing. From TV sets, they’ve been successful in many of the industries they entered into. Sony revolutionized the gaming industry with the PlayStation. Sony made waves when it first came into the cellphone market and Sony put style and fashion into computers with its VAIO series. Unfortunately Sony seems to have lost its edge recently. Competitors like Apple and Samsung have eaten into its market share. But a tech giant like Sony is not easy to take down. Sony continues to create great devices despite its diminished market share such as their XPeria line of Android phones and the PlayStation game console. The company still has plenty of resources to invest in other pursuits. But has Sony really lost it this time after showing off its own pair of augmented reality glasses despite Google’s failure with Google Glass?

Like Apple, Sony has the reputation of improving technologies, so where Google Glass failed, Sony might succeed. Google Glass unfortunately came out as creepy to the general public showing off a very conspicuous camera complete with a LED indicator which reminds many people of those zombified cybernetic beings in Star Trek called the Borg. Google glass made people uneasy as if they’re being recorded all the time thus earning the public’s distrust. Sony’s own augmented reality glasses it dubs the ‘SmartEyeGlass’ hides that camera but unfortunately, its appearance is out to make the recently popular nerd culture unpopular again. Its users could end up looking at the watery depths of the toilet bowl.

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The Sony SmartEyeGlass developer edition available in Germany and the UK looks horrendous. Without the camera, people could easily get away with wearing Google Glass in public and Google could have made millions. The SmartEyeGlass developer edition however would be at much home at pool sides and beach resorts if it came complete with a snorkel. The glasses made an effort to hide the camera which now looks through a pinhole on the side of the glass but the design has a long way to go. The glasses look big, bulky and uncanny in public which even nerds would frown upon.

Despite throwing their reputation of style and elegance out the window, no doubt Sony’s own software implementation of augmented reality for the SmartEyeGlass could be better. But physically some aspects of it are worse than Google’s. Unlike Google Glass which users can control by voice and a touch pad on the side of the CPU, SmartEyeGlass comes with a separate controller which is linked by a large wire to the headset. The batteries have been moved to the controller but it still didn’t help with the bulk. As horrendous the glasses’ appearance are, so is the battery life. The batteries last only up to two and a half hours between charges making them impractical for real world, use unless the user sits in the car all day.

Like Apple, Sony charges premium for their products and that pricing doesn’t help Sony’s case. The unit costs about 952 USD or 652 GBP which is incredibly hard to swallow as the glasses are difficult to wear in public. We’re basically discussing the developer edition available for pre-order in Germany and the UK. The showroom prototypes looked better but still similar to Google’s implementation.

To its credit, Sony isn’t the only manufacturer struggling with stylish development when it comes to augmented reality glasses. Steam’s CastAR looks more bionic than Google Glass with not one but two indicator lights, the Magic Leap unit also looks bulky and requires special gloves. Microsoft’s Holo Lens is more bulky but looks more stylish than SmartEyeGlass. Microsoft got away with Holo Lens’ appearance through some clever words in its marketing as well as some useful apps.

Augmented reality is here but the headgear isn’t there yet. Perhaps in a few years users will be just as concerned with frame style and lens color as they are with hipster glasses today. Google is just one iteration away as its implementation is as close to ordinary glasses as possible while competitors struggle with style and bulk. Hopefully Sony gets its old act together and come up with a fashionable replacement before Apple decides to enter into this fledgling but interesting industry, if they’re not already busy on research and development.

Rafael Nadal Beats Rain & Juan Monaco For Argentina Open Title


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The 2015 Argentina Open (ATP Buenos Aires) is complete and Rafael Nadal, the tournament’s No. 1 seed, has added another clay court title to his already impressive count. Nadal defeated Argentine Juan Monaco on Sunday 6-4, 6-1 to claim the 250-series tournament. For his efforts, Nadal, who is now 6-1 against Monaco, will move up to the World No. 3 ranking on Monday as Andy Murray will drop down.

Appearing in his 93rd tour-level final, the World No. 4 added a 65th overall crown. Nadal assumed sole possession of fifth place on the Open Era titles list, breaking a tie with Pete Sampras and Bjorn Borg.

The title in Buenos Aires represented Nadal’s first since winning the 2014 French Open way back in June. The King of Clay, following a challenging couple of weeks, will now be idle on tour this upcoming week.

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The 28-year-old Spaniard needed one hour and 27 minutes to prevail 6-4, 6-1, breaking on four of nine occasions while not facing a break point on his own serve. After a two-hour rain delay postponed the start of the match, Nadal registered the first break for 4-3 in the opening set. In front of a packed crowd that included Argentine legends Guillermo Vilas, Guillermo Coria, David Nalbandian and Gaston Gaudio, he would reel off eight of the next 10 games to emerge victorious. Nadal converted on his first match point when Monaco fired a forehand long.

In fact there are no ATP tournaments featured in the days ahead although fans of men’s tennis will be turning their attention to Davis Cup play. Nadal, who represents Spain, will not be active in the international team tournament as the Spanish contingent is not in the World Group this season. However tennis fans should expect to see Nadal competing on the hard courts of Indian Wells when that tournament gets underway in California in about a week’s time.

Juan Monaco, who has to be disappointed following a loss in his country’s capital, is not expected to play in Davis Cup either. His country will be hosting Brazil, in fact Argentina will host Brazil in Buenos Aires, however Monaco is not listed as a nomination to represent Argentina at this point. Leonardo Mayer, Federico Delbonis, Diego Sebastian Schwartzman, and Carlos Berlocq are the players expect to represent Argentina later this week.

rafael nadal beats juan monaco bulge for artentina open 2015

Making his first appearance in the Argentine capital in 10 years, Nadal won the title at a fourth different Golden Swing tournament, adding to crowns in Acapulco (2005, ’13), Sao Paulo (2005, ’13) and Rio de Janeiro (2014). He improves his FedEx ATP Head2Head advantage over Monaco to 6-1, earning $91,050 and 250 Emirates ATP Rankings points.

The Mallorca native extends the run of Spanish dominance in Buenos Aires to seven consecutive years with a titlist (Ferrer 2012-14, Almagro ’11, Ferrero ’10, Robredo ’09).

Former World No. 10 Monaco was bidding to become the first home grown Argentina Open champion since Nalbandian won the title in 2008. Appearing in an ATP World Tour singles final for the ninth straight year, the Tandil native was looking for his ninth title overall.

Those looking to following Monaco should look for him to be active in Indian Wells as well where he could pick up some match-wins with the right draw.

All’s Quiet On DeflateGate Front For New England Patriots

new england patriots ready for deflategate to being again 2015

It seems that DeflateGate is not a big story now that the Super Bowl has been over for about a month. Shockingly, the Patriots were not banned from the Super Bowl and the Colts sent in as a replacement at the last minute. No, the New England Patriots were allowed to play, with every player cleared to be on the field including Tom Brady. Seattle ended up losing the game at the end and New England got to bask in the glory of another NFL Championship.

The investigation is ongoing just like I predicted. NFL investigator Ted Wells should just take his time, which I’m sure he will do. If he wants to wait until 2017 to report his findings that will sit well with me. In fact if Roger Goodell sent out a press release tomorrow stating that he has ended the investigation into the Patriots’ possible tampering with the AFC Championship Game balls, I’m fine with it. Goodell could just come out and say that since fans really don’t care and the AFC Title Game is over and done with, we are going to stop wasting money on this farce of an investigation. At least that would be the honest thing to do. Fans don’t care, no records will be changed, and the New England Patriots are the Super Bowl Champions for the 2014 season, period.

I have a feeling I know what the findings will be if the report on DeflateGate ever comes out. Maybe Ted Wells can draw a check for the rest of his life on this one case and we will never see a report at all. But if old Ted ever wraps it up, the general findings will be that there were indeed footballs under inflated, but no one can be found at fault, especially the New England Patriots. I would be less shocked if the report accused the Colts of sabotage in an effort to make New England look like cheaters, rather than the Pats being found guilty!

DeflateGate has become a national joke at this point. Everyone from David Letterman, to SNL, and even Matt Damon and Ben Affleck on Jimmy Kimmel have made light of the situation. Unless a hi-def video pops up that shows Tom Brady and his supermodel wife sucking the air out of some footballs, the nation doesn’t want to be bothered with DeflateGate anymore. The Colts were blown out, game is over, and the Super Bowl has played out. For a scandal to have consequences, it has to have a conclusion before the 24 hour news networks get tired of it. No updates equals no story. And that’s just how Roger Goodell likes it.

For anyone running a big company out there, take note of this NFL scandal. This is how you handle it. Roger Goodell’s game plan to quiet the storm over DeflateGate should sit right alongside Belichick’s Hall Of Fame defensive scheme from Super Bowl XXV. This scandal involved one of the highest profile teams in the NFL, one of the best quarterbacks of all time, and the third biggest game of the season. Yet all has gone quiet. Well played Mr. Commissioner.