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Top 5 Binge Worthy Shows For Summer


The sweltering summer time is fast approaching and with temperatures expected to soar, everyday can’t be fun in the sun. Some days you’ll just want to go inside with a cold drink and cool off. But what to do? Binge watch of course! Here are 5 shows that are totally binge worthy for those summer days in doors:

orange is the new black season 3 binge worthy shows 2015

Orange in The New Black: I started watching this show purely out of peer pressure because people couldn’t stop talking about how awesome it was. Turns out they were totally right! This female based prison drama is very loosely based on the true story of Piper Chapman who’s in her 30’s living the life of a successful executive when her past catches up with her and she ends up doing time in a women’s prison. The brilliant character development is what makes this Netflix show such an amazing gem. Piper is honestly not the most interesting character! The stories that flow throughout this show are emotional, heart-felt and sometimes heart breaking. Season 3 is starting this summer, but fall in love with these prison ladies from the very beginning.

breaking bad top binge worthy shows 2015

Breaking Bad: Who thought you could fall in love with a science teacher who decided to sell meth in order to help cure his cancer so much? Breaking Bad is another series you can get hooked on from the very first episode. Watching house husband Walter White be seduced by the power of becoming a drug dealer is all kinds of seedy fun. There are plenty twists and turns at the end of every episode to keep you glued to the TV from the first episode to the series finale.

the x files top binge worthy shows summer 2015

X-Files: This series came out in the early 90s when I was a child and was told my parents “hello no” every time I asked to watch it. Now I’m grown, I can watch what I want and it’s awesome! X-Files is referred to as one of the best sci-fi shows of all time and the originally, creepy story lines prove that to be true. With the show being on 9 seasons, it may take you awhile to get through the alien filled adventures but trust me, tons of couch time is worth it.

dexter top binge worthy shows of summer 2015

Dexter: Spend just a few episodes with Dexter and you’ll realize why he’s the world’s favorite serial killer…no really he is! It’s hard not to cheer on a serial killer who just kills other killers, but how dark and twisted will Dexter get? You’ll love every blood drenched episode of this popular 8 season show. There’s plenty of corpses to go around!

black mirror top binge worthy shows of summer 2015

Black Mirror: The buzz about this British “adult Twilight Zoneish” show is spreading like wild fire. It’s an easy binge watch because there are only 6 episodes. In order not spoil any of plot twist filled story lines, all I can say is you’ll be crying at the end of the 6th episode simply because there are no more to lose yourself in. Once you see them, you’ll never forget them.

CSI: CYBER Ep 112 Recap Bit By Bit Finale


On the season finale of CSI: Cyber for this year, Nelson hid on the rooftop of a building and opened a case with a camera in it. He then called Raven and left a message on her cell phone telling her he was sending her a file but she shouldn’t open it.

Daniel met his sister Francine for breakfast at a diner, where the two spotted Taylor Pettis, the man that killed their parents and Daniel said he wanted to talk to him. Daniel sat down at Taylor’s table and told him he had wanted him to get the death penalty. Taylor then asked for his check so he could leave. In the meantime, Daniel called him a scumbag criminal and said he was Taylor’s worst nightmare. Daniel said it was his mission to catch Taylor doing something else and have him thrown in jail permanently for it.

At the FBI Headquarters Agent Ryan talked about their latest case, involving several people being hacked. Voice recordings from therapy sessions were accessed by a hacker without going through the mobile devices of the victims in order to do so. Dr. Richard Chan’s patient files had been hacked into, revealing what they talked about in therapy. They got the doctor’s address, went to it and found him dead. An hourglass from his apartment gave the FBI the fingerprints of the person presumed to have killed him.

Nelson was late for work and Raven tracked down his location because she was worried about him. She found him on the rooftop with his wrists tied to a pole. Raven freed Nelson and found out that she had inadvertently helped him commit a crime. Nelson said he needed to talk to Agent Ryan about it.

Agent Mundo and Simon told Agent Ryan that the fingerprints found in the apartment were hers. She said that the hourglass in the doctor’s apartment was probably the same one she used to keep on her desk when she was a psychologist. Simon told Agent Ryan that someone had leaked details on the case. Nelson then came in and asked to talk to Agent Ryan privately.

He told Agent Ryan that he needed her cell phone and personal laptop because someone was spying on her. Nelson said he found this out because he had been spying on her in attempt to find the hacker that got into her client files when she was a psychologist. He told her he had found the files on her former patients. Nelson helped Agent Ryan determine that the hacker in this case was her hacker too.

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Agent Ryan told Agent Mundo that her hacker had been watching her since the day he hacked into her patient files and that she was his intended victim, not the patient who died because of the hacking.

Taylor Pitt, the man who killed Daniel’s parents, filed a complaint against him over the incident in the diner.

At home, Agent Ryan transferred all her files to the FBI computer Daniel had given her to use until the case was solved. Her hacker put a virus in her files that allowed him to track every move. She used the computer to contact her hacker and ask him why he did it. He gave her the address of a bus terminal and said he wanted to see her in person and that she shouldn’t bring any devices with her.

The FBI’s computers were then infected with a malicious code because Agent Ryan had transferred her files to her temporary FBI computer. The flash drive the FBI had was suddenly gone.

Agent Ryan arrived at the bus terminal and went to a locker her hacker told her to go to. She opened it and saw a cell phone that he texted her on. The cell phone was glued to the inside of the locker. The hacker told her via text message to go to a different location.

Raven and Nelson tracked down the hacker to a home address in Connecticut. Agent Mundo went to the address and pulled a gun on Andrew, the man in the house. He then arrested Andrew and demanded to know where Agent Ryan was. Andrew said that Agent Ryan was his ex-wife but he hadn’t seen her in four years.

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When Agent Ryan arrived at the location she was directed to, she saw office furniture set in an abandoned factory. The hacker turned out to be one of Ryan’s former patients, who had stolen her nameplate from her office. Through a video call on the computer the hacker said she had failed all her patients. He told her he thought they had a special relationship. She then figured out his name was Logan Reeves. Logan then came into the room with her and told her she abandoned him and the doctor she sent him to after she lost her practice made him take drugs he didn’t want. He said he became a hacker to get to know Agent Ryan better. He screamed at her for giving up on him, destroyed the computer and walked away. He then came back and admitted to Agent Ryan that the patient of hers that had been killed was killed by him because he was jealous Ryan helped that patient, but not him. He told her that the woman’s ex-husband had gone to jail for murder because Agent Ryan testified that he was abusive towards the woman and was responsible for her death. He then said he had released carbon monoxide in the factory and that it was going to kill Agent Ryan. She then repeatedly hit him on the head, called Agent Mundo and told him where she was before she lost consciousness. The FBI came and rescued Ryan and arrested Logan.

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Back in D.C. Daniel’s sister confessed to him that she had killed Taylor Pitt. Simon had been at the scene of the shooting but didn’t know what happened.


CSI: CYBER Ep 111 Recap: Family Secrets with Bitcoins


In the near season ender of CSI: Cyber, Daniel ran through a house and upstairs to a computer. He then typed something into it and ran back downstairs to see his “little brother” and Agent Ryan pleading with him to come with them. When he went to stand with them viewers saw the barrel of a gun but not the person holding it.

Flashing back 36 hours earlier, Downtown Detroit experienced a power outage that made traffic stand still. Agents Ryan and Mundo went to the area to investigate the reason behind the power outage. They told workers that the city’s power grid had been hacked into. Nelson and Raven were in the power supply room for the city of Detroit trying to figure out who had gained control of the system. The hacker erased the startup disk of every computer the city used to control power. Raven said it was strange that the hacking only knocked out power in 15 blocks throughout Detroit. She also mentioned that when she was an illegal hacker she disabled an entire state’s electricity. Raven then congratulated Nelson on being with the FBI’s cyber- crime division for two months.

Agent Mundo then told Agent Ryan that the government and financial districts were the ones affected by the power outage. Nelson then told them the city’s power grid was back online. He also said Raven was writing a patch of code that would prevent the hacker from disabling the power grid. Agent Ryan told Nelson to infiltrate the laptop computer of the hacker first.

A mystery man dressed all in black was then seen breaking into a jewelry store. The man heard a door close behind him and turned around, firing off his gun. Viewers heard the sound of a body falling on the floor and the man fled the scene. As he did, the store’s alarm went off because power had been restored to Downtown Detroit.

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Benjamin, the son of the jewelry store’s owner, was the man that was killed. They found a laptop computer in the jewelry store that had nothing on it but the details of someone’s bitcoin account, which was empty at the time. Agent Ryan then said the incident was a bitcoin heist and that is why the robber didn’t take any jewelry from the store. Benjamin’s father told Agent Mundi his son had almost a half million dollars in bitcoins in the jewelry store’s account. Stephen, Benjamin’s older brother, was the only other one who knew where the laptop was in the store’s vault. The information to log into Benjamin’s bitcoin account was stored there.

In the store’s security footage they found a picture of the man who broke in. Daniel pulled up a log that showed the amount of bitcoins in the account in question before the store was robbed. Daniel also said the killer probably had the passkeys to the bitcoin account. When he looked closer he found there were two passkeys to this account, implying the killer had an accomplice.

Nelson found the address of the person who gained access to the bitcoin account and drained it. Agents Ryan and Mundo went to the address and found it was a hotel. When they found the killer’s room they burst in only to find the man had been attacked. They got the man’s ID and found out he was Brian Kramer, a man who robbed bitcoin accounts for a living.

They found Stephen and brought him in for questioning. Stephen said he tried to warn Benjamin and his parents that bitcoins are risky, but they didn’t listen. He also said he wanted back the half million they had in bitcoins so his parents would have retirement money.

A man came home from work to find another man in his house, doing something on his computer. The two then got into a physical altercation and a third man came in and attacked the homeowner. One of the men that broke in then said they had one of the passkeys but still needed the other.

Daniel said that he almost had access to the passkeys they needed. The bounty hunters that had the passkeys then sent an email to Stephen. They determined that the computer the email had been sent through had parental controls on it. Raven then got the address of the bounty hunters.

Agents Ryan and Mundo went to Oklahoma, where the homeowner lived that had an intruder in his apartment when he got home from work.

At FBI headquarters a package was delivered to Nelson containing everything he had confiscated when he was arrested for hacking, meaning his probation was now over. They then put the computer virus found on the Oklahoma man’s computer in order to determine who the bounty hunters were. Daniel determined that their final destination was Denver. Jeremy and Henry Spitz were men found to be in both Detroit and Oklahoma at the times when incidents occurred there. Agent Ryan surmised they may be the bounty hunters.

The team arrived in the hometown of the Spitz brothers. Simon and Raven went to Albuquerque to work on the case there too. Raven was able to recover the second passkey and email it to Nelson.

In Denver, Nelson, Daniel and Agent Ryan worked to catch the bounty hunters, but the FBI’s connection to the computer was then disabled. Daniel ran into the house that he was seen in at the beginning of the episode and tried to reconnect the computer to the FBI’s computer. When he got it reconnected he ran down to the living room only to have a gun pointed at him by the bounty hunters. Agent Ryan told them that Daniel and a child in the house were her family.
Agent Mundo burst into the house and pointed his gun at the bounty hunters. The family got their money back and Nelson spoke to his parents again, a first since his hacking trial.


Survivor Worlds Apart was more relaxing as Mike said the previous tribal council was fun for him because it allowed him to break up a strong alliance. Dan said that everyone wanted Mike gone because he was selfish and self-centered. He also said that at this point in the game he has no interest in working with Mike and that he was banding with the other contestants to get Mike sent home. Mike then talked to Sierra about getting Dan out of the game. Carolyn said if Mike didn’t win immunity this week he was going to have to go.

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Jeff announced this week’s rewards challenge. This one involves untying knots while completing an obstacle course. Once the knots were untied playing pieces were presented to the contestants and they had to successfully put together the puzzle. The winners of the rewards challenge would get a helicopter ride to a surf and turf meal complete with wine, which they were allowed to bring back to their camp. Jeff asked Rodney how he felt that he is the only one who hasn’t won a rewards challenge yet this season. Rodney responded that he was seeing stars and was missing out on the full experience of playing the game. He then said that he hoped someone else would feel sorry for him and help him out. Jeff asked Rodney if he felt a sense of entitlement and expected someone else to give him their rewards challenge. Rodney responded by saying it hurt him that on his birthday no one gave him their reward.

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Dan, Sierra and Rodney formed the blue team for the rewards challenge and Mike, Carolyn and Will formed the red team. One hour after both teams got all their puzzle pieces no one had managed to put it together correctly yet. Jeff said Dan and the rest of the blue team didn’t know what to do but the red team was figuring it out. Carolyn then received the reward and choose to keep it rather than giving it to Rodney. She did say she hoped Rodney did not take that personally.

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Mike, Carolyn and Will then boarded their helicopter and Mike said it was his first time on one. They passed over a volcano in the helicopter on the way to their feast. When they landed at their destination they dug into the food and drinks left for them. Will said he felt his whole body wake up when he finally got to eat real food. Mike mentioned himself Carolyn and Will ending up as the last three contestants and Carolyn said she was happy about that because she could work with him. Will said Mike was scrambling because he knew he was the next one on the chopping block. Will also said Rodney need to calm down. Mike talked about how Rodney is the only contestant that has ever tried to make people feel bad for not giving him their reward.

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Back at camp Rodney told Sierra he was mad at Mike. Rodney accused Carolyn of going back on her word by keeping her reward. He said that even Carolyn said he shouldn’t take that personally, he did anyway. He also said that revenge was going to be very sweet.

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Dan said it would be nice to find food since the red team was having their surf and turf meal. He then found fruit but said he didn’t know what it was and didn’t know whether or not it was safe to eat. Rodney ate it anyway and said that the fruit gave him hope for the competition again and that now he was with Dan because Dan is the one who found it. They determined that the fruit Dan found was watermelon.

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Carolyn, Mike and Will then received a message at camp that gave them clues about the hidden immunity idol. Dan said that of Mike won immunity the other five of them would have to turn on each other.

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Jeff then announced the immunity challenge for this week. They had to use grappling hooks to retrieve three bags, each with a ball in it. One of the three balls had to be used to solve a table maze. The first contestant to solve the maze correctly would win immunity. Rodney was having trouble retrieving the balls because the rope he had to use was giving him troubles. Mike and Dan were the first two to start figuring out the maze. Rodney, Carolyn and Will were struggling with this. Mike ended up solving the maze first and winning individual immunity.

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Back at camp Dan said Carolyn was the next one that needed to go because she kept winning challenges. He also said she had to go because she’d been personable. Sierra then said that Dan was a threat and that he needed to be the one to go home. Carolyn also said Dan was the biggest threat because he had an advantage in the competition. Mike then considered trying to get rid of anyone but Dan, just to surprise the remaining contestants. Dan was angry because Mike said he had the power to save Dan from being eliminated from the game. He asked Mike how he could believe in him because he had given him nothing. Mike put the idea in Dan’s head that everyone else might be lying to him.

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That night at Tribal Council Jeff asked Mike if he thought he could trust the others. Mike said when you have a common enemy it is easy to bond with people. Jeff asked Rodney about trusting the others and he couldn’t come up with an answer because he was fatigued. Rodney said one minute you think you can trust someone and then they form an alliance that damages that trust. They talked about how the game was going back and forth a lot.

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Jeff then told them it was time to cast their votes. He counted them and Dan went home.

LAW & ORDER: SVU Ep 1621: Some Parent’s Nightmare, Some Parent’s Lesson

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On this week’s episode of Law & Order SVU Olivia dropped her son Noah off at daycare/preschool. On a mom’s way to taking her son Owen to school she and her son saw a man and a little boy across the street that was one of Owen’s classmates. His mom asked the little boy’s father to walk her son to school also, and he agreed to.

Olivia arrived at her office at the station to see an acquaintance waiting for her. He told her that the city was trying to replace her as Sergeant because they weren’t happy with her job performance. She was recommended to take a test that would allow her to become a lieutenant instead. Olivia said she was happy in her job and had no interest in becoming a lieutenant.

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At the school a man named Carlos had to sign a piece of paper stating he was picking up Owen from school. Carlos then went over to Owen and said that he had been sent to take the boy home.  Owen went with Carlos and tried to walk in the direction of home but Carlos told Owen he had a surprise for him.

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Owen’s mother Dana arrived later at the school to pick him up and found out he wasn’t there. At the same time Carlos forced Owen to get into his van. Dana and a school employee ran around looking for the boy and the school employee said that Owen seemed to know the man that picked him up.

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Olivia, Finn, Sonny and Nick arrived at the school to begin the investigation into Owen’s abduction. They found out that Dana was recently divorced. Dana then realized she didn’t have her cell phone on her and told Olivia she may have accidently left it in her yoga class. She told Olivia that Sam, Owen’s Iranian father, had wanted to take him out of the country but that she didn’t want him to. She also said Sam had a passport for Owen that the court gave to her but she gave to Sam because he was the one that dealt with logistics.

Sonny then went to Dana’s yoga school to investigate. He wanted to go into the classroom to look for the phone but was told he couldn’t do so without a warrant. Sonny then used his cell phone to call Dana’s cell phone and ringing was heard in the yoga classroom. He then pushed his way into the classroom and retrieved the phone.

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Nick went to Sam’s work to question him about where Owen was. In the process Sam accused Nick of thinking he was a terrorist who had stolen his own son. Sam said during his custody battle with Dana she did accuse him of being a terrorist.

Dana arrived at the police station and asked Olivia if Sam had Owen and Olivia said he didn’t. Finn and Olivia obtained security footage from the school yard when Owen was picked up by a stranger. They had Owen’s face in the footage but not the face of the man who took him. Olivia said to show the images in the security footage to Sam and see if he could shed some light on the case. Sonny accessed Dana’s voice mail messages on her cell phone and one of them was a message from Owen stating that he couldn’t go home unless Dana came to get him. They then looked at pictures from traffic control and got the license plate number of the van Owen was forced into. When Dana saw the picture she recognized the man driving the van as Javier, the boyfriend of Fabiana, Owen’s nanny.

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The SVU squad then went to the man’s house, kicked in the door and found several occupied bunk beds in the house. The man they put in handcuffs said that Javier lived there at times but he wasn’t currently there. Fabiana was brought to the station and Dana arrived to ask her if she knew where Owen was.

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Javier then placed a video call to Dana’s cell phone. When she took the call she said she wanted to see that Owen was ok and Javier said until she gave him $37,000 that wasn’t going to happen. When Dana said she didn’t have the money Javier told her to ask Sam for it. Javier then showed Dana that he had Owen tied to a pole. Javier said that Sam had to bring the money to him and if he saw a cop he would kill Owen. Finn told Sam in order to take the money to Javier, Sam would have to wear a wire on himself, which he refused to do.

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Sam went into the house, with a wire on, and told Javier that he had the money and to give him Owen. In the surveillance van Olivia then lost the connection with Sam’s wire. Sam then took Owen out of the house and said he didn’t know where Javier had gone. Sam then took Owen to Dana. Sonny intercepted Javier walking down an alley near the building Owen had been in. When Sonny caught and arrested Javier he told them Dana had paid him to take Owen.

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After talking to Dana, Olivia found out that Fabiana knew that Sam had a significant amount of money. Nick and Finn questioned Fabiana and told her they knew that she was angry that her hours as Owen’s nanny had been cut back on. Fabiana said Dana told Javier that Sam has money.

Javier’s lawyer told Finn and Sonny that Dana told Javier to take Owen and demand money from Sam to give him back. During their divorce Dana accused Sam of hiding $37,000 from her and she wanted it. Dana told Sam that Owen might go to a foster home. Sam admitted to Dana he arranged the kidnapping. Dana got custody of Owen and took him home after learning Sam might go to jail.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Jay Z Duo Done, Diddy Drake & Kanye West Silenced

celebrity gossip jay z diddy drake kanye west and mariah carey 2015 imagescelebrity gossip jay z diddy drake kanye west and mariah carey 2015 imagesIt’s your midweek gossip round up and Jay Z duo dissed, Diddy plus Drake equals tons of money, Mariah divas up Disneyland and Kanye West gets silenced by someone other than himself.

marina abramovic never working with jay z again 2015 gossip

Marina Abramovic on Jay Z Collaboration: Never Again

World renowned “performance artist” Marina Abramovic is clear on the fact that she will never work with rap mogul Jay Z again.

“I will never to it again, that I can say. Never.”

The two collaborated back in 2013 for Jay’s Picasso Baby music video in which he adapted her 2010 MoMA retrospective “The Artist is Present.” In the video,  Abramovic and Hov had a “head-touching” moment which really seemed like there was an artistic connection that could last beyond the video shoot but that turned out to not be the case.

It seems that Jay violated the condition of the agreement they had which, according to Abramovic, him helping her with her self-title performance institute and museum space (which she is claiming he did not) if she did the project with him.

“He just completely used me.”

With all of this, Abramovic says that she doesn’t regret working with him but plans to go forward smarter and more informed. Now you know I am a Jay Z fan (for the most part) and I really don’t want to believe that things when down the way she is claiming. I am of the school of thought that there are two sides to every story, but knowing how Jigga usually responds to these kinds of story, we will probably never here that other side.

On Wednesday however, an art dealer and producer on the video said that Jay Z had made a large donation to the institute.

Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn – the founder of minimalist gallery Salon 94 – told Artnet she had a receipt which confirmed that Jay Z had given a “substantial donation”.

A subsequent press release from the Marina Abramović Institute admitted it failed to inform the artist of the donation. The short statement read: “Marina Abramović was not informed of Shawn ‘Jay Z’ Carter’s donation from two years ago.”

It continued: “We are sincerely sorry to both Marina Abramović and Shawn “Jay Z” Carter for this, and since then we have taken to [sic] appropriate actions to reconcile this matter.”

Jay Z has yet to comment on the saga.

drake and diddy parner up for biz 2015 gossip

Drake and Diddy New Partnership Set to Bring in the Big Bucks 

So whatever was going on with Diddy and Drake, they have apparently put it to the side to from a partnership that is set to be very lucrative for both of them.

A secret meeting took place during the wee hours of the morning (and involving just the two of them) where they called a truce and chatted it up about the possibility of a joint venture. The project or projects will have both of their names on it. They threw around a few ideas of what it can be.

It is also a good thing and so inspiring when you see famous people put aside their beef (which was reportedly over Drake’s song “0 to 100”) to do what really matters- make money. Money is always what splits people apart, but that fresh green scent can also lure them together.

mariah carey divas it up at disneyland 2015 gossip

Mariah Carey’s Disneyland Trip Shows Just How Much of a Diva She is 

There are some rumors you hear about celebrities and it’s like, I can kind of believe that. When it comes to Mariah Carey, there’s no “kind of” to it because more than likely it is very true.

She recently visited the magic kingdom (heels and all) with her two nannies, four bodyguards, some Disney VIP tour guides and… are you ready for it… an umbrella holder. Yes that’s right. She had a woman whose only job was to hold an umbrella over her head while she walked around the park (at least she pushed her kids in the stroller). Talk about a spectacle. It truly is stuff like that that proves not only how unlike us stars are, but how much they don’t even want to try being “normal.”

I believe every single claim that Nick Cannon made and every other person who has said that she is a diva beyond belief. Why can’t she just be a cool chick with a bomb ass voice? I mean, the bodyguards, okay yea, I can understand that, but the nannies, and umbrella holder? Just stay in the fucking house and wait till your kids are old enough to really enjoy all that the happiest place on earth has to offer.

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Interesting that she went to the same place where she and Cannon renewed their vows in a very fantasylike anniversary.

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Kanye West Claims He Was Unfairly Censored

So you remember this past Sunday when the Billboard Music Awards pretty much censored all of Kanye West’s closing performance? He is speaking out about it saying that they cut his audio even on the parts he wasn’t using profanities.

His performance of “All Day” and “Black Skinhead” was mostly silenced (not a good look for the closing act of an awards show I might add. They had the words to the songs just as he was going to perform them and perhaps there were just too many curse words and is why they silenced him for up to 15 seconds at a time.

“Kanye West was grossly over-censored at the Billboard Music Awards,” his rep told every media source who had to listen. “Non-profane lyrics such as ‘with my leather black jeans on’ were muted for over 30-second intervals. As a result, his voice and performance were seriously misrepresented.”

The rep adds: “It is ridiculous that in 2015, unwarranted censorship is something that artists still have to fight against. Although West was clearly set up to face elements beyond his control during the live broadcast, he would like to apologize to the television audience who were unable to enjoy the performance the way he envisioned.”

He as well as other artists who performed didn’t make final rehearsal (he was on vocal rest or something like that) but he had rehearsed two other times earlier in the week. The Billboard folks not only messed up with censoring him they also screwed up the lighting, which is a major issue for Yeezus because you know, he’s a perfectionist and all.

One crowd that wasn’t censored were the ones loudly booing him after his performance.

Poor Kanye he always gets so much flack, or maybe…just maybe… it’s award show karma.

Mike Babcock Leaving Red Wings for Toronto Maple Leafs

mike babcock now coaching toronto maple leafs 2015 hockey

Mike Babcock has been hired by the Toronto Maple Leafs, according to NHL. com, and an official announcement that will be made official on Thursday.

Babcock, the longtime coach of the Detroit Red Wings, is considered to be one of the pre-eminent coaches in the NHL. He was coach of the Red Wings when they won the Cup in 2008 and he has also enjoyed success at the top level of international tournaments. Most noteably, Babcock was head coach of the gold-medal-winning Canadian teams in both the Vancouver Olympics and the Sochi Olympics.

The news from NHL.com ends a couple weeks of speculation on the matter of where Babcock would coach following the end of his contract with Detroit. Some felt that he would stay with the Wings while many others rumoured that he would coach the reinvigorated Edmonton Oilers.

General manager Ken Holland’s morning began with Mike Babcock coming over for a house visit. Three hours later, their professional relationship ended.

Holland and Detroit Red Wings owner Mike Ilitch went as high as five years, but wouldn’t budge on that. Ultimately, it hardly mattered, as they were blown out of the great big lake between here and Toronto when the Maple Leafs showed themselves as the billion-dollar franchise they are and offered Babcock a reported eight-year deal worth in the neighborhood of $50 million.

It’s supposedly front loaded, but even at an average of $6.25 million, it means Babcock will make more than double what the next-highest coach in the NHL makes, with Chicago’s Joel Quenneville a touch below $3 million.

The unprecedented, astronomical sum left general manager Ken Holland, during a Wednesday afternoon press conference, doing exactly what he said he’d do when he gave Babcock permission to talk to other teams two weeks earlier: Staying thank you and good luck to one coach, and already talking up another.

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However in moving to Toronto, Babcock returns to his roots. Born in Ontario, the former coach of Detroit appears as though he will spending a lot of time there. According to the same NHL.com article quoted earlier:

“Terms of the contact were not released, but Sportsnet and TSN reported Babcock will get eight years and approximately $50 million.”

The Maple Leafs acquire Babcock following a decade of dismal results. Toronto, except for one time, have not qualified for the post-season following the 2004/05 lockout.

Adding more frustration to the situation in Toronto is the memory of the Maple Leafs’ only recent Stanley Cup playoffs appearance. Toronto, who played Boston in the first round of the 2013 post-season, held a huge lead in game seven and appeared destined for the second round. They ultimately lost however, a stinging result that is perhaps the low-point of being a Leafs’ fan for the current generation.

With Babcock following an era of disappointment in Toronto, serious comparisons could be made to the situation in Edmonton. Todd McLellan, who recently became Edmonton’s new coach, enters the Alberta capital following a near-decade of futility.

Both Canadian-born coaches are returning to the regions that they originally came from. Both will be expected to guide their team to results unprecedented in recent seasons.

It’s probably fair to say that McLellan will have the better line-up to work with following the 2015 NHL Draft, one that will see Connor McDavid join a team that already has plenty of young talent. However Toronto will have the more proven coach as Babcock has NHL and international championships on his resume.

5 Worst Soccer Signings of Premier League 2015


worst soccer signings of premier league 2015 images

Every year, there’ll always be a bunch of bad signings no matter how successful they looked like being. This season of the Premier League was no different as we take a look at five of the worst signings in England.

angel di maria worst soccer signing for premier league 2015

Angel Di Maria

This addition might seem harsh but when you consider the price tag of £59.7 million – a British transfer record – Manchester United’s big summer signing hasn’t exactly justified his huge price tag.

After helping Real Madrid win La Decima, Di Maria was brought into Old Trafford to inject some pace and dynamism into a transitioning United side. He started off well as well but as the months went by, henbarely registered any goals or assists and his performances went downhill especially after an attempted burglary at his house.

You’d still expect a player like Di Maria to get over that and play his football but unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case as his performances have led to him getting benched in favour of a former fringe player in Ashley Young.

dejan lovren worst soccer signing for premier league 2015

Dejan Lovren

Dejan Lovren was signed by Liverpool on the back of an impressive debut campaign in the Premier League for Southampton. Helping the Saints keep 15 clean sheets in the 2013/2014 season, the Croatian was brought into Anfield for a fee of £20 million to help reduce the number of goals Rodgers’ side had conceded.

However, Lovren has done absolutely nothing to help improve the defense. Lacking any composure and making mistake after mistake, Lovren found himself dropped in favour of Emre Can and even Kolo Toure sometimes.

Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher believes he’s not shown the best that he can produce but backs him to shine next season:

“Lovren has not set the world alight. He came in for a big fee, and he has not quite done yet what he was brought to the club to do. Going into next season, like we have seen with his defensive partner Mamadou Sakho, we should start seeing the best of him.”

As of this season though, he is one big flop.

eliaquim mangala worst soccer signing for premier league 2015

Eliaquim Mangala

The French defender was seen as one of the biggest prospects while he was playing for Porto. Manchester City decided to invest £32 million in the 24-year-old and after being on the bench the first few games of the season, Mangala really impressed in his debut against Chelsea in a 1-1 draw.

However, since that game it’s all gone downhill for the Frenchman with poor performances, crucial errors, own goals and penalties conceded. It even reached the point where 34-year-old Martin Demichelis was recalled to the starting eleven.

Mangala himself agrees that his first season could have been better:

“It could be better, it could be worse. It’s my first season in the Premier League and you have to adapt to a new style of playing. I’m lucky enough to be living my passion, and I want to improve above anything else. My transfer fee doesn’t particularly bother me.”

However, for a transfer fee of £32 million, it really should bother him as he doesn’t look capable of justifying even half that fee.

Mario Balotelli worst signing of soccer premier league 2015

Mario Balotelli

When Mario Balotelli was bought by Liverpool, there were two sections – one who believed this was a gamble which could work out to devastating potential and the other who believed this would never work out.

Liverpool have found out that the latter were correct. Signed from AC Milan for a fee of £16 million, Balotelli returned to England to replace Luis Suarez and while he’s been less controversial than in the past, his goalscoring and performances have taken a beating.

With a record of just four goals in 28 games in all competitions, it’s no wonder Brendan Rodgers isn’t even selecting him these days. Looking lazy and barely providing any sort of spark, it could only be a matter of time until Liverpool cut their losses.

Radamel Falcao worst soccer signing for premier league 2015

Radamel Falcao

Fear ran through the fans of opposition teams when they found out that Manchester United, after pulling off an expensive coup for Angel di Maria, had now signed Radamel Falcao on a season long loan with an option to buy.

However, it was still a gamble for United – Falcao missed the World Cup through injury and United were paying a massive £265,000 per week salary for him along with a £6 million loan fee to Monaco.

Unfortunately, it’s been a gamble which never paid off. Falcao has failed to assert himself on the team, looks miles away from the devastating striker he’s known to be and is stuck on the bench nowadays.
He even suffered the ignominy of playing for the U21 side – a game which he also failed to make an impact in. For the amount Louis van Gaal paid for him, he is definitely the biggest flop signing of the Premier League this season.

Robin Soderling Rooting For Rafael Nadal Loss At 2015 French Open

robin soderling rooting for rafael nadal to lose french open 2015

Former world number four Robin Soderling seems to have become tired of being a favorite sports question after being the only tennis player to have beaten Rafael Nadal at the French Open. While many would be fine with this distinction as Nadal has been a nine times champion at Roland Garros, Soderling seems to be sick of it and is one of the few people vocally rooting for a Rafa loss. Obviously, it’s for selfish reasons as the question won’t be so popular if another player wins.

That is why he will be happy if the Spaniard’s current vulnerability on his beloved claycourts continues when the tournament begins at Roland Garros this weekend.

Nadal boasts an incredible 66-1 record at the claycourt grand slam, stretching back to 2005 when he won the title on his debut, the only loss coming against Swede Soderling in 2009.

Soderling went on to reach the final, losing to Switzerland’s Roger Federer, and he made the final again a year later when Nadal took his revenge.

“It says a lot more about Rafa than it does about me,” Soderling, in an interview in the Daily Telegraph, said of his unique place in French Open folklore.

“It will never happen again, not in 100 years.

rafael nadal hoping for win at 2015 french open

“It’s good to be the only one, but everybody is asking me about only that match. I am really proud of other things in my career: being in the top five, reaching the final of a grand slam twice. I’m actually even more proud of making it to the French Open final in 2010 than the previous year.

“So maybe it’s better if Rafa loses again, then everybody will stop asking me about it.”

Soderling’s four-set victory remains the only blot on Nadal’s French Open copybook, but as he prepares to try to win a record-extending 10th title, many believe his domination may be about to come to an end.

A succession of claycourt defeats in the build-up to the tournament have left world number one Novak Djokovic favourite to claim his first French Open title.

“This year, for the first time in a long time, Rafa is not the favourite,” said the 30-year-old Soderling whose career has been stalled by bouts of illness.

“Of course, it’s going to be tough to beat Rafa at Roland Garros, over five sets on clay. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened.”

Google Glass Redux & Windows 10’s Many Faces

google glass redux  still alive 2015

Google’s Eric Schmidt said last February that Google Glass isn’t dead yet when the company pulled the controversial eyewear off the market last January. Many assumed the end of the controversial eyewear at the pullout but according to Google, Glass was only entering its next phase. Mr. Schmidt also said that Google Glass will return once its ‘ready for users’. So did the recent news that Luxottica was developing the next frame version for Google Glass mean that the device is ready for users? Has it finally found a way around the privacy issue? There’s no other update beyond this confirmation by Luxottica chief Massimo Vian, so it’s unknown if the device is actually user-ready or whether Google has a workaround for the device’s creepiness. But Google apparently believes the device is ready for primetime.

Another thing that’s sure about the return of Google Glass is that the device will get a brain transplant from Texas Instruments’ OMAP chip to something from Intel that consumes less power due to critiques of Glass’ short battery life. It will also have double the RAM. The device will also support prescription lenses. Other changes have yet to be announced, perhaps a better screen, and more storage.

The motive for the announcement may be to confirm that Google is still in the business of high-tech eyewear in light of the growing market for augmented reality headgear especially the current buzz maker Microsoft HoloLens. Since the HoloLens and others are still in development, Luxottica has also stated that they plan to release the next Glass within the year in order to be ahead of the rest, confident that Glass would be the next big thing.

Google Glass could be a hit if used as a Go Pro replacement and as a Periscope or Instagram platform. Users could also use the device in place of a dashcam and as Microsoft reiterated, headgear with cameras could be great tools for collaboration and Glass might even emulate the hololens to a certain degree.

Meanwhile, Apple continues to turn up its nose on computing headgear. They just released the Apple Watch and of course they’ll say that the wrist is where the action is. Gaming and augmented reality interaction seems far from their minds, but as the iPad Mini (smaller tablet) and iPhone 6+ (larger phone) teaches us, Apple is not immune to market pressure and in time will release their own.

So if Google and Luxottica learned their lessons, the new Glass version should have a higher battery life, should be priced at a reasonable three digits, the camera should be more inconspicuous or should have a lens cap and the device should also include an indicator whether or not its recording any audio. Another important lesson is to market the device with enough information and proper guidelines in order to erase the stigma of the Explorer Program.

Google Glass is a great but misunderstood device. Like sunglasses, Luxottica can imbue it with more charm and style to make it more appealing. Google can publish proper guidelines of usage, so like dark sunglasses, users can’t wear them indoors in public and seem like douchebags; and in some cultures they need to be taken off like regular hats in certain situations. Glass may seem ready for users but Google must make the world ready for Glass.

microsoft 10 different versions 2015

The Many Faces of Windows 10

There seems to be no stopping Windows 10’s arrival this summer. Though there’s no exact date yet, Microsoft was confident enough to announce the various editions of its new operating system. These editions include:

Windows 10 Home – which is targeted at consumers, the cheapest of the bunch is what buyers will expect to get from desktops and laptops sold at the nearest Walmart, Target or Microsoft store. This is the version which will be installed by OEMs for their new products. It’s still adequately featured unlike the old Windows 7 Starter Edition but Hyper-V, Bitlocker encryption, remote desktop server and domain login will not be present. This version will also be available as the free upgrade to Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows 8.1.

Windows 10 Pro – costs a bit more since the missing features of Windows 10 Home will be found here. This edition can also be installed by OEMs that receive bulk orders from large businesses. This version will also be available as the free upgrade to Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 8.1 Pro.

Windows 10 Enterprise – has additional features used by large enterprises not present in Windows 10 Pro. Unfortunately, Windows 10 Enterprise is basically an upgrade to an existing Windows 10 Pro license. One apparent feature is the customer’s separate area inside the Windows Store to manage and distribute company approved apps. Enterprise versions are usually reserved for large entities with volume licenses such as government agencies, large businesses and educational institutions.

Windows 10 Mobile – is the version available for tablets and smartphones. To qualify for Windows 10 mobile, the device needs to have a screen size of less than 8 inches. Devices that run on Windows Phone 8.1 instantly qualify for the Windows 10 Mobile Upgrade.

Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise – like Windows 10 Enterprise will be an upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile to be used by large institutions in upgrading and managing their mobile devices.

Windows 10 Education – is for use by educational institutions. It’s basically a volume license but cheaper. Also, Windows 10 Home can be upgraded to this license perhaps if the home license owner enrolls at a school winth Windows 10 Education.

Lastly, there is Windows 10 IoT Core for use in industrial machines such as ATMs, POS, and small computers like the Raspberry Pi.

windows 10 many faces 2015

In all versions, except for IoT, Cortana and Edge will be present. As mentioned, qualified old versions will be upgraded into their respective versions above for free. Windows Hello will appear in devices that have hardware that supports it such as fingerprint readers and depth cameras. Windows 10 Insiders will also be qualified for upgrades to the RTM version of Windows 10. For the most important question—price? Like the release date, that is what Microsoft hasn’t announced yet.

Stan Wawrinka vs Federico Delbonis: 2015 Geneva Open

stan wawrinka vs Federico Delbonis geneva open quarters 2015

The man who shocked the Rome Open after beating the king of clay Rafael Nadal, Stan Wawrinka has just defeated Lukas Rosol 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 in a little over ninety minutes on Wednesday moving him into the 2015 Geneva Open quarter-finals. He lost the following day to Roger Federer, but he’s the top seed at this open and looking to get further this time around.

The Swiss beat the Czech 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 in 96 minutes, firing six aces and capitalising on three of his eight break point chances to reach the quarter-finals, where he will faceFederico Delbonis. The pair have met once before on clay in 2009 in Gstaad. Wawrinka won in straight sets.

stan wawrinka at geneva open 2015

Sixth seed Joao Sousa won his second round match 6-4, 6-4 over Jurgen Melzer in 80 minutes. In his second quarter-final of the season (also Montpellier), Sousa will face third seed Pablo Andujar.

The Spaniard needed two hours and 15 minutes to beat qualifier Adrian Mannarino 3-6, 7-6(2), 6-2, saving seven of nine break points he faced to reach his second quarter-final of the year (also Barcelona).

Federico Delbonis beat Andrey Kuznetsov 6-3, 6-4 in 66 minutes. The Argentine awaits the winner of top seed Stan Wawrinka and Lukas Rosol in the quarter-finals.

Thomaz Bellucci saved both break points faced to defeat Denis Istomin 6-4, 6-4 in 75 minutes.

Klaasen/Lu Speed Into Semis

Raven Klaasen and Yen-Hsun Lu saved all three break points faced to reach the semi-finals with a 6-2, 6-1 win over Frantisek Cermak and Jonathan Erlich in 48 minutes. The South African/Chinese Taipei duo will face fourth seeds Treat Huey and Scott Lipsky for a spot in the final.

Second seeds Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah fended off Rajeev Ramand Donald Young, beating the Americans 6-4, 6-7(3), 13-11 to reach the semi-finals.

Novak Djokovic’s 2015 Feeling Like 2011

novak djokovic 2015 feeling like 2011 french open

While many are blown away by Novak Djokovic’s amazing tennis season, some may be feeling a little bit of deja vu as this is very similar to when he dominated the tennis world back in 2011. Granted, the Serbian number one ranked tennis player in the world is out to break not just a few records, but he’s felt this success before and is making sure he exceeds it. He’s about to break Roger Federer‘s winning match streak with just one more match and he’s rather secured tightly into his number one spot pushing him to break the record for the longest time spent in that slot.

Striking 35 more aces (190) coming into this year’s Roland Garros, as opposed to in 2011 (155), he is also winning a very healthy 60 per cent of points on second serve, up from 56 per cent on 2011. The tactical shift has all the hallmarks of Becker, hired in late 2013.

With a 14-1 record against players in the Top 10 of the Emirates ATP Rankings this year (13-0 in 2011) and once again riding a 20-plus match winning streak heading into Paris, Djokovic starts as the favourite for the title. After two runner-up finishes to Rafael Nadal, this time he will be competing with greater experience.

In 2011, Djokovic got off to the best start of any player in the Open Era, when he went 37-0 and lifted seven trophies coming into the clay-court Grand Slam, which begins in Paris on Sunday. His winning streak ended at 43 matches, when Roger Federer beat him in the Roland Garros semi-finals.

Over the past five months, Djokovic has put together impressive numbers – 35-2 match record and five titles. Unbeaten since 28 February at Dubai (l. to Federer). The Serbian is also 37-0 at the highest level of tournaments, with 20 of his victories coming over Top 10 opponents.

Interestingly, the history books show that Ivan Lendl also had a 35-2 mark going into Paris in 1985. Lendl went on to finish runner-up to Mats Wilander. Djokovic is aiming to achieve for the first time this year, on his 11th appearance. Andres Gomez (1990), Andre Agassi (1999) and Federer (2009) all clinched the Roland Garros title on their 11th attempt.

novak djokovic with rome open title 2015

MOST ATTEMPTS TO TITLE – Djokovic is making his 11th appearance atRoland Garros. The most attempts to win the title in the Open Era is 11, most recently by Federer in 2009, Agassi in 1999 and Gomez in 1990. Here are the players with the most attempts (10 or more) to win the title:

Roger Federer
Andre Agassi
Andres Gomez
Thomas Muster

Should the Serbian go one better than his 2012 and 2014 runner-up finishes at Roland Garros, he would not only clinch his ninth major title, but he would become the eighth player in the sport’s history to complete the career Grand Slam.


ATP MatchFacts
Win-Loss Record
vs. Top 10
Tie-breaks Win-Loss Record
155 (4.2)
Aces (Avg. per match)
190 (5.1)
63 (1.7)
Double faults (Avg. per match)
63 (1.7)
First Serve Percentage
First Serve Points Won
Second Serve Points Won
Service Games Won
Break Points Saved
First Serve Return Points Won
Second Serve Return Points Won
Break Points Won
Return Games Won

At the age of 28, his status as an all-time great would be assured by joiningFred Perry (1935), Don Budge (1938), Rod Laver (1962, 1968), Roy Emerson (1964), Agassi (1999), Federer (2009) and Nadal (2010) in a very exclusive club.