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LAW & ORDER: SVU Olivia Is One Undercover Mother Recap

LAW & ORDER SVU Olivia Is One Undercover Mother Recap

On this week’s “Law & Order SVU,” the opening scene showed Olivia and Rollins running surveillance across the street from a house party. As they watched the events of the party unfold their undercover detective was posing as a party guest. A suspicious looking mini- van was then spotted by the detectives and they retrieved the two scantily clad women that were in the van. They then arrived on the crime scene and arrested the perpetrators. Meanwhile, Finn and his men burst into the patty and proceeded to drag more perpetrators out of the house.

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As they arrived at the police station Olivia asked the scantily clad girls to cooperate. They then discovered that one of the party goers arrested was working undercover to bust the grown men throwing the party for kidnapping her teenage daughter Ariel three years prior. The men were running a brothel in the house where the arrests were made. Olivia then took the woman, Martha, into her office and questioned her while Rollins said the scantily clad women they brought in didn’t even know the woman. Martha took Finn and Olivia to her apartment to examine it for clues in the case.

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The detectives analyzed the case and determined that Martha was working in the brothel, only to try and find out how to get her daughter back. Olivia and her detective then told Martha they were going to arrest her for running the brothel. They promised they would do their best to find Martha’s daughter Ariel. Olivia and her detective then determined that the night of the arrests Martha had been trying to buy her daughter back from those who took her.

benson finn in interrogation for mothers milk law order svu 2015

Rollins talked to one of the young women who was working with the brothel and told her they would find her a safe place to stay. She then showed the woman a picture of Ariel and the woman said Ariel is still alive.

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Another of the young women from the brothel, Selena, was questioned by the department as well. Finn and his partner questioned Selena, who they had arrested the night before. They then told Selena she was not likely to get custody of her young son back as a result of her actions.

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At a different party house the detectives ran surveillance once again, this time looking for Ariel specifically. They witnessed a physical argument between two men. Rollins spotted a beer supplier showing up at the house where the party was taking place. She then arrested the supplier because they held him responsible for getting underage young women drunk at the brothel. Meanwhile, Finn and his partner followed a suspicious looking mini -van.

olivia benson hands up for mothers lap dance law order svu 2015 iamges

Back at the station Olivia and Martha viewed pictures from previous parties, given to them by one of the young girls, in an attempt to get a lead in the case. All Martha had to do was identify any familiar girls and/or pimps in the picture.

When questioning the beer delivery driver the detectives said they would take his job delivering beer the next day, which happened to be Super Bowl Sunday. By posing as undercover beer delivery men, the team of detectives was able to come in and arrest the guilty parties. Olivia and Finn then demanded the woman running the party tell them who exactly was going to be in attendance. The woman claimed she didn’t know the girls working in the brothel were underage.

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Olivia then set up a fake party to look like the parties being thrown at the brothel, in order to capture everyone involved in the illegal activities. She had Finn come pick her up at her apartment to be her date for the fake party. The two mingled with unsuspecting party goers in order to keep an eye on the action. From a surveillance van the other detectives were able to view the party.

mothers giving lap dances law order svu 2015

One of the partygoers then roughed up one of the young women and the detectives stepped in and told him to stop. The partygoer then pulled out a gun and Olivia told him to drop it. At that point the party was brought to an end and arrests were made. Back at the station the DA seemed annoyed that an entire team of detectives was needed to break up the party at the brothel. He was also annoyed that they had Martha go undercover with them to find and rescue Ariel. A detective they used to work with was investigating the case on his own and told the team that doing what they did with the fake party was a stupid move to make. He was angry because as part of their undercover operation they had to arrest him for being involved in the situation. Olivia then showed him a picture of Ariel and he said he knew the man that had taken her. She then told him that he had to buy Ariel back from the man who bought her, which is the man he was working undercover for. Olivia said that she promised Martha that she would get Ariel back and he told her that was one promise she wasn’t going to be able to keep.

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Rollins then questioned Nina, one of the girls working at the brothel. Nina then told Rollins that if she said anything to the cops her life would be in danger. Martha begged to talk to Nina, even though Olivia didn’t want her to. However, she consented and Martha spoke to Nina about Ariel. Martha begged Nina to tell her where Ariel is and Nina said Ariel had been killed.

rollins amora holding up mothers lap dance law order svu 2015

Finn and Rollins then questioned the pimp involved in the case, who referred to himself as a local businessman. They then accused him of setting up other people and demanded to know where Ariel was.

sonny bulge showing for finn black eye law order svu 2015

The detectives finally found three girls that had been kidnapped. The perpetrator was then arrested and Ariel was returned to Martha by Olivia and her detectives.

EMPIRE Ep 7: Lucious Gets His Cookie Served Hot

EMPIRE Ep 7 Lucious Gets His Cookie Served Hot

This week “Empire” just took itself to a whole new level leaving any doubters knowing that this show is here to stay or at least grab up all the ratings on Wednesday nights. Let me start off by saying dayum! Empire was so good last night and I have to admit, I was totally wrong about this show.

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When it first aired, I was like come on really, this show is kind of whack. But as the weeks have progressed and the actors have found their groove of things, it has become “worthy” of all the hype it has gotten. And after what went down last night, I CANNOT wait to see what happens next week.

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This week, Lucius puts on an investor showcase to display to prospective supporters that Empire has what it takes to be a publicly traded company. In the midst of his planning, he collapses in front of Cookie no less, and is rushed to the hospital where he is told by a doctor that the “treatment” he received in the last episode was fake and to no avail. He is still taking care of business from his sick bed. For the showcase, he tells Anika that he wants Elle, played by Courtney Love, to open up the show. Anika asks if he is sure, you know with her being an addict and all. Lu tells her Cookie says she’s good and “I trust her.” You know that didn’t sit well with the debutante.

jamal leaves michael on empire 2015

In this episode too, Michael leaves Jamal because a) “he loves the music more” than he loves him b) he found out that he has a daughter and c) he didn’t tell the whole world during his radio interview that he was in a relationship with a man. Come on Mike, grow up and get a pair. Back at the Empire house, Lucius, who is out of the hospital, deals with the fact that the little girl that Olivia (played by Raven Simone) says is Jamal’s was left there. He asks his son if there is a possibility that the child is his and he says yes. During this interaction too, Lucius actually shows empathy and sympathy for his son’s failed relationship with Michael and offers his condolences. This is important for him to show concern for his son at this point in his life. Good job daddy Lu.

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The team goes on planning the investor event and the tension between Jamal and Hakeem continue to stay high. Cookie steps in to be a momma and tells them pretty much that they need to get their shit together because the event is riding on their performance and the ability to show that Empire really is a family. Just then Lucius comes in and tells them, well Hakeem really, to listen to their mother. Here too the sexual tension between Lucius and ookie is in overdrive, which is a foreshadowing to what happens later.

At the investor event, Elle shows up sober and ready to go on but guess what happens? Sneaky, slimy Anika slips drugs into her drink. When Cookie comes to get her, Elle, who denies taking drugs, seems high. Cook goes off telling her “I vouched for you.” She then tell Lucius she should have never trusted a junkie. This doesn’t hinder the show as Hakeem and Jamal go on and kill their performance. While they are on stage though, Lucius has another ALS episode that affects his ability to speak. He is unable to give the keynote speech so who does he choose to do it- Cookie. This is to both Anika’s and Andre’s dislike.

lucious with precious on empire 2015

Cookie steps up to the plate and lays it all out. She doesn’t stick to the script on the teleprompter but tells it like it is from her heart. Lucius, whose voice just happens to come back right when she goes on stage, is more than happy with her speech and so is the crowd.

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Let me say here that Taraji P. Henson owns this role. She is ruthless, tender, vulnerable and more. She is perfect. After the event, Anika leaves for Chicago to see her mother but not before telling Lucius that she can cancel the trip in light of his continuing episodes. He assures her that all is well and that she needs to go.

Back at the house, he finally breaks down and tells him family what is wrong with him. “I have ALS.” No one takes it well. Andre yells at him about the IPO and Hakeem jumps at him for being so insensitive at a time like this. Jamal breaks them up and Lucius tells his sons that he needs to speak to their mother alone.

Cookie and Lu talk about it while reminiscing over some wine. He asks her to dance and then… are you ready for this… they get it on. And by “get it on” I mean hot, passionate, I’ve been waiting for this my whole life get it on. While they are in the bed, little miss Anika, for whatever reason, comes back to the house. I guess she canceled her trip anyway. She walks toward the sound of music and love making to see through the cracked door the ex-lovers turned current lovers. She does not say anything and just backs away. Hmmm, she is a better woman than me on that one.

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Empire has become one of my guilty pleasures and is so good right now. There are only four episodes left and I am sure the finale will end with a bang! Some of the better lines from this episode:

“The kid can’t be mine, I only slept with that girl once.” – Jamal, not quite understanding how to make a baby.

“I’ve been around Empire so long, I’m on CP time.” – Courtney Love’s Elle Dallas, with some questionable appropriation.

“I love you, Cookie.” – Lucious Lyon, praising his ex-wife, and pissing off his wife-to-be.

JUSTIFIED Season 6 Ep5 Recap: Ava Just Keeps Cooking For Boyd

JUSTIFIED Season 6 Ep5 Recap Ava Just Keeps Cooking For Boyd

Many would say this week’s episode of Justified was a waste of time. It was entertaining, but Ava ended up in the same spot as when it started….in a mess and cooking supper for Boyd.

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To start out, on Boyd and Ava’s drive back to their house, the career criminal is once again giddy over the prospects of farming marijuana in Harlan. Big plans for a guy with shallow pockets. They run into a road block and pass through. It was set up by Raylan just to get a feel for how Ava seemed and if she was in immediate danger. She certainly needed checking on as we saw Duffy and Hale discussing her fate in the next scene. The evil Ms. Hale says it would be a “shame to have to kill her.”

What a shame it would be to kill the perfect looking country girl who can cook up a mean breakfast for her man. Boyd puts the diamond back on Ava’s finger before he dives into the breakfast fit for a king. She heads off to work, her story to Boyd anyway. She actually calls Raylan and gets back to being jumpy as ever. She seems to think he can just deliver her some cash and she can bounce. That’s not the case and it appears the Marshal Service is going to milk her for every ounce of intel she has before they are done with her. She senses that too so she ditches her phone and heads off to her old buddy Limehouse.

justified bob with timothy olyphant sounding recap 2015

As Tim and Rachel track down the slimy prison guard Albert, Mike and Duffy play a little scrabble. I guess Boyd and his guys play ‘Connect Four‘ in their down time. Meanwhile Constable Bob Sweeney is contacted by Raylan to get help checking on Ava. Bob is one of the best occasional characters on Justified and he nailed it again this go around. He is smitten with Ava from high school memories. Who isn’t?

paper drawing clues for justified 2015

Ava is in need of a car and apparently Limehouse is the only way that can happen?  No CarMax in Harlan? I’m not sure why this was even part of the plot, other than to have his goon Errol drive Ava around for a while to waste time on a buried treasure chase. Ava could surely have gotten a car somewhere else. She simply has no clue how to get away from Harlan. She keeps messing with the same people who have only gotten her deeper into trouble.

man with gun on porch justified 2015

Markham’s little crew is discussing why all the landowners keep refusing their cash. They know someone is talking them out of the deals. Markham shows up and is pretty pissed at Walker. He wants to find out how all the landowner names were found out. Walker is about to say something that might make things worse for the situation, but Markham wants to hear none of it. He just wants the job done. Walker was maybe going to say how it was Hale who let the cat partially out of the bag.

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Boyd gets Ava’s uncle to help him with a mine shaft issue while Ava is rolling around with Errol. Her dumb plan now involves stopping for a shovel to dig up the nonexistent money. They end up at a hardware store where she tries to ditch him. Why even ask for their help if this is as far as she was going to get? Ava needs to work on her plans a bit more. Perhaps some chess lessons would help.

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The slimy prison guard Albert is visited by Duffy and his Scrabble playing partner Mike, and Albert is really “aplexed” once the cattle prod comes into play. The duo wants Albert to tell why he came clean about what he did to Ava in jail. To the little bastard’s credit he took the torture like a man and didn’t rat her out as an informant. Tim and Rachel were watching from a door away in case his life was in danger…I think. They sure let him endure a lot of pain. Maybe they were there in case they needed to kill Duffy and Mike and not really to do much saving of a pig like Albert. Ava’s secret remained safe though as the Scrabble team left him after believing his story.

The best scene came when Raylan enlisted Constable Bob to detain Errol so he could get Ava back to Boyd without blowing her cover. Bob is confident with Raylan by his side, but a little nervous on his own. He asks how to detain the big man, to which Raylan replies, “You got a badge and a set of balls don’t ya.” Bob does indeed have a badge and “death star like balls”, so he does his job. Errol ain’t trying to hear no talk of a warrant so Bob eventually has to tase him, which makes the big man a bit easier to handle. Raylan escorts Ava away quietly. Once again Bob saves the day.

Seabass and Choo-Choo pay our friendly neighborhood real estate guy Calhoun a visit. They intend to find out what info he has given up and to whom about their land grab. This goes poorly. Choo-Choo kills the man with a haymaker that ends with Calhoun’s head bouncing off the floor and having no pulse. Seabass only wanted a “starter tap” as he admonishes the big man. He tells Seabass, “If you wanted him hit like a girl, you should have done it.” This guy is awesome!

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So at the end of the episode, Ava ends up right back where she started. Raylan has her home and she is ready to fry up some chicken for Boyd, who may or may not end her supper cooking for good this season. Her day’s efforts were less than fruitful clearly. She just wants to get to another country with a little cash. Raylan promises her that he’ll make it happen. The perfect country girl leans in to kiss the Marshal as he now may appear to be her only salvation. She can’t save herself so she has no choice to put her life fully in his hands. Boyd calls to break up the moment between the former lovers. Ava suggests Raylan leave as Boyd will be back soon. Shockingly, the hero says, “If you don’t mind, I was thinking I would stick around for a bit.” I shouldn’t be too shocked. Ava is near perfect and Raylan is a U.S. Marshal, not an angel. And Winona is far, far away.

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While the plot didn’t move too far forward, the last scene did present some new options for the rest of the season. Would Raylan go all in with Ava as she escapes to a new life abroad? I doubt it, but I can see them having one last fling to spice things up. Raylan’s going to be Raylan, but he’s not going to ditch his baby girl in Florida. And what Winona don’t know, ain’t gonna hurt her.

Pittsburgh Steelers Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs

The Pittsburgh Steelers are one of the best franchises of the past 10 years, with three Super Bowl appearances and two Super Bowl victories since the 2005 season. Over the past two seasons, the Steelers had slipped off course of their greatness, finishing 8-8 in both 2012 and 2013. Well, the Steelers turned things around in 2014: Pittsburgh finished with an 11-5 record and another AFC North division championship. The AFC North was by far the toughest division in the NFL this season, and it actually came down to the Steelers Week 17 matchup against the Cincinnati Bengals in order to clinch the division crown.

The Steelers didn’t do nearly so well in the playoffs. Pittsburgh hosted their Wild Card round matchup against division rival Baltimore Ravens. Unfortunately for Steeler fans, the Ravens upset the home team 30-17 to advance to the AFC Divisional Round.

Ben Roethlisberger adds huge value to pittsburgh steelers 2015

Sure, the Steelers season came to an abrupt end; but it was a great season overall. In fact, the 2014 Steelers became the first team in the history of the league to have a 4,500 yard passer (Ben Roethlisberger), a 1,300 yard rusher (Le’Veon Bell), and a 1,500 yard receiver (Antonio Brown) all in the same season. The Steelers also sent five of their players to the Pro Bowl—Bell, Brown, center Maurkice Pouncey, Roethlisberger, and linebacker Lawrence Timmons—four coming from their unexpectedly powerful offense.

The Steelers of the past won everything with a strong smash-mouth defense; however, this season the Steelers showed the potential to win games with a high-powered offense. In fact, at one point in the season Roethlisberger had a two game stretch in which he threw 12 touchdowns—an NFL record.

The Steelers showed the league that they have an offense ready to win; however, they could use a little help on the defensive side of the ball to replace their aging superstars. Here’s the Pittsburgh Steelers biggest needs in the 2015 NFL Draft:

dick lebeau gone from pittsburgh steelers 2015

Outside Linebacker: When Dick LeBeau was the Steelers defensive coordinator, he led them to two Super Bowl victories by emphasizing the pass rush and crafting a system that literally anyone was able to succeed in. While, LeBeau is gone, so now the Steelers will have to find slightly more talented players to put on the defensive line. 2015 will be a big one for Jarvis Jones—if he doesn’t put up big numbers the Steelers will certainly look to replace him. With the pass rushing talent in this draft, Pittsburgh may even consider picking up a solid player with their 22nd overall selection. Whoever they select will need to be able to start and contribute to the team immediately.

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Safety: That’s right ladies and gentlemen—the Pittsburgh Steelers need to draft a safety. The Steelers defense needs a drastic make-over before the 2015 season, and this starts with the safety position. The fact of the matter is that come Week 1 Troy Polamalu will most likely not be the starting strong safety in Pittsburgh. For years now Polamalu has been the face (and hair) of the Steelers picture-perfect, Super Bowl winning defense. The man had a Hall of Fame caliber career; but he is way past his prime, and the Steelers seem to be ready to move on. Mike Mitchell still does not seem to have a great grip on the defensive system, so Shamarko Thomas seems to be the front runner for starting come Week 1. Thomas is a fan favorite in Pittsburgh, but a little competition from some young blood never hurts. Look for the Steelers to spend an early to mid-round selection on a quality strong safety to compete with Thomas for the job.

UFC Fight Night 60 Colorado: Benson Henderson Steps Up


UFC Fight Night 60 Colorado: Benson Henderson Steps Up 2015

UFC Fight Night 60 from Colorado was an event that was on the verge of being scrapped. Benson Henderson stepped up for the UFC by taking on Brandon Thatch as a welterweight. The former lightweight champ would be fighting in Thatch’s backyard against an aggressive and larger man. The main event was a great battle that we’ll get to, but first let’s recap a couple of the other fights.

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Neil Magny versus Kiichi Kunimoto. This fight saw the hometown Magny with a big reach advantage over his Japanese opponent. The first round featured a lot of grappling along the cage and Kunimoto also received a low blow. Magny had a nice flurry of punches land in this opening round. The cage scuffling ended up with Kunimoto taking more damage by the end of the round.
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In the second round Kunimoto did a lot of clinching to slow things down. He managed to get a takedown in this second period, but failed at a mount attempt. Magny turned the tide later and had his foe in trouble with a couple of strikes, but he slipped for a second and lost the momentum. Kunimoto ate some nasty body shots in his attempt to lock in a kimura. Not sure that effort was worth the punishment. Kunimoto was lucky the ref let the fight proceed to the next round after he was on the receiving end of a beating with just a few seconds left in the second round.

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The reach advantage of Magny showed its face in round three. Magny was too much for Kunimoto as he got a big takedown then took his man’s back and got the tap out with a rear naked choke. That win made it six in a row for Neil Magny. Kunimoto was gassed at the end and in no condition to defend the submission by the winner.

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Cole Miller versus Max Holloway. This fight featured a true journeyman vet in Miller and a guy on the rise in Holloway. Miller could have been a stepping stone or a road block to the younger opponent. The first round was a normal feeling out process for a good two minutes. Miller landed a nice kick and Holloway hit the mat with the help of a slip. Hollaway scored points with a big body kick and then a pretty flurry at the end of the round. Miller got taken down as well, but turned that into a couple of submission attempts with his unorthodox style.

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Round two saw more of the same as the first period. Miller held his own, but did absorb a nice body kick again. Cole Miller tried another submission on Holloway after a weird takedown move. Miller ate a backfist from the talented Holloway and then the two accidentally butted heads which cut Miller over the eye. He took a breather and then pressed the action afterward. Toward the end of the round the fighters butted heads again, and this time the cut was made deeper. Miller let the ref have it after this second butt, but it was totally inadvertent as best I could tell. Miller let it bother him the rest of the way though.

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The third round saw Holloway take more control, but Miller never stopped coming. The cut was a big factor no doubt. Miller invited his opponent to the mat, but was declined wisely by Holloway. No need to grapple when he was tagging Miller and the cut was getting worse. The end of the round saw Holloway put on a nice athletic display with some insane spinning kicks. Miller ended the round with one last punch as Holloway lay on the mat from a slip. This was a decent fight with Holloway getting the unanimous decision at the end.

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Main Event: Benson Henderson versus Brandon Thatch. This fight was worth the price of admission for those in Colorado. Henderson was the smaller man as he went up in weight to take the fight, but he was certainly not tiny in comparison to the powerful looking Thatch.

benson henderson slams side of brandon thatch ufc fight night 60 2015

The first couple of rounds saw Henderson bouncing away as Thatch was the aggressor. Henderson countered in and out for the first two rounds. Thatch was throwing some heavy shots at the former UFC Lightweight Champion, which may have contributed to Thatch’s fatigue near the end of the contest. He landed some shots and Henderson was able to get in his blows as well as he picked his spots. I was impressed with Thatch’s power and his kicks were very effective.

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The second round saw a nice combination by Henderson, but he was also stunned by a head shot from Thatch who kept up the pace. Later in the round Henderson was flung to the mat not once, but twice by the stronger opponent. Very impressive. I had Thatch winning both rounds one and two.

brandon thatch kicks up benson henderson ufc fight night 60 2015

Round three was another exciting round in a great overall fight. Thatch hit Henderson with a stiff right that stunned him. Just when I thought Thatch was too big for Benson Henderson to take down, he finally managed one. Then Thatch made the mistake of letting the former lightweight champ take his back with ease. Henderson’s corner advice to “shoot like you mean it,” worked out very well with the takedown that was close to turning into a rear naked choke. The two struggled on the mat for a couple minutes as some nuts in the crowd booed the non action. There was in fact plenty of action, as Henderson was about to submit their hometown boy. To Thatch’s credit he survived the round, but he was gassed. A body lock and a two minute struggle against a high level guy like Henderson will do that to you.

benson henderson cotch smells with brandon thatch ufc fight 60 2015

As the fourth round began, Brandon Thatch was mouth breathing and looked at the end of his physical rope. Henderson looked fresh. The veteran had stopped running away and was now staying right in front of the tiring Brandon Thatch. Henderson landed a beautiful strike that preceeded an even nicer takedown. The smaller Henderson took side control easily, then took Thatch’s back once again. A powerful fighter becomes decidedly less so once his tank is about empty. Henderson patiently waited on the right time to lock in the choke and Thatch gave it to him as he took a relaxed breath for a second. Henderson applied the rear naked choke and it was game over for the hometown hero. This was a big win for Benson Henderson after losing a tough one against Cowboy Cerrone just a month ago. Not only did he bail out the UFC by showing up against a dangerous guy like Thatch, he put on a great fight along with his opponent.

Jameis Winston May Not Throw At NFL Scouting Combine

Jameis Winston May Not Throw At NFL Scouting Combine

It’s time for the NFL Scouting Combine, and already there’s been plenty of interesting things cropping up, and one of the bigger things is that Jameis Winston is still undecided on whether he’ll be throwing this week or not. It’s being said that it’s a fifty-fifty shot if he’ll throw, so we’ll see what happens.

Jameis Winston has not decided whether to throw at this week’s NFL scouting combine, his quarterbacks coach, George Whitfield, told ESPN.

Winston has a mindset on what he wants to do at the combine, but the 2013 Heisman Trophy winner is discussing his options with his advisers, according to Whitfield.

If Winston throws at the combine, he will do so on Saturday with the other quarterbacks. Whitfield told Mortensen that Winston is still 50-50 on whether he’ll throw.

Whitfield also addressed the issue Tuesday during an interview with “SportsCenter,” saying that Winston’s agency also will have some input in the quarterback’s decision.

“There’s still some information that his agency is gathering,” Whitfield said. “That’s more of an agency element. He’s prepared to do it. But the agents have different concerns.”

Marcus Mariota, the other Heisman-winning quarterback in this year’s draft class, has informed teams that he will throw Saturday at Lucas Oil Stadium, sources told Mortensen.

Although questions remain about Mariota’s ability to transition from Oregon’s spread offense to a pro-style system, there is little doubt regarding Winston’s throwing ability.

Whitfield acknowledged Tuesday that Winston’s mechanics need work but said that the former Florida State star “looks great.”

“He just could be tightened up and play more urgently,” Whitfield said. “He’s getting a lot sharper. He looks great.”

Winston was projected as the No. 1 overall pick to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the latest mock draft released by ESPN NFL Draft Insider Mel Kiper Jr.

Bucs coach Lovie Smith said Wednesday that based on what he knows at the moment, he wouldn’t hesitate to select Winston with the top pick.

Whitfield, a San Diego-based quarterbacks guru who has worked with Andrew Luck and Cam Newton, said Winston reminds him of two highly accomplished NFL stars.

“In my humble opinion, if you line up the 32 quarterbacks in the NFL, and I could take two guys [to compare Winston to] … my opinion would be Ben Roethlisberger and Philip Rivers,” Whitfield said.

NFL Scouting Combine Lessons Learned For 2015

nfl scouting combine lessons learned for 2015

This years NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis started out ominously enough when the Washington Redskins sent out a letter to their full season ticket holders in which Robert Griffin III’s name was missing. He was missing as one of their franchise core players, and naturally that raised plenty of eyebrows. This happened a couple weeks ago, so everyone had this question aimed and ready when the event started.

Washington Redskins coach, Jay Gruden, said that Griffins is the team’s anticipated starting quarterback in 2015. “Robert ended the season as our starter and we anticipate that going forward,” Gruden said. “He’ll be the No. 1 guy.”

robert griffin iii left off season passes washington redskins 2015

As we know, talk is cheap, and there’s many months to go before those words can ring true. It sounds good now, but we’ll see what happens once the season kicks off in the fall. In the meantime, here’s some things learned already from the combine.

1. We’re convinced the Titans are taking a quarterback with the No. 2 overall pick. On Wednesday, both coach Ken Whisenhunt and general manager Ruston Webster sounded open to swinging for the fences with Jameis Winston and Marcus Mariota. Neither committed to Zach Mettenberger as next year’s starter. It’s clear the Titans like Mettenberger, but Webster talked about the team “swimming upstream” until they find their guy.

2. San Francisco 49ers general manager Trent Baalke said the team hasn’t given up on re-signing wideout Michael Crabtree or guard Mike Iupati. Baalke waxed poetic about the Niners wanting to re-sign their own free agents, but acknowledged to Around The NFL that not everyone can be kept. We don’t expect either player to be back, but Baalke did go out of his way to compliment running backFrank Gore, saying that the free-agent-to-be still has plenty left in the tank.

3. Jim Harbaugh hasn’t been forgotten: Baalke fielded plenty of questions about his former coach, many more than were asked about new coach Jim Tomsula. Asked aboutHarbaugh’s suggestion that his split with the team wasn’t mutual, Baalke wouldn’t play ball, saying: “Jim’s moved on, we’ve moved on. He’s done a heck of a job. We’ve got a new head football coach and we’re trying to get ready for the draft, free agency and the offseason.”

4. New Raiders coach Jack Del Rio drew laughs when a reporter asked if Derek Carr will be his starting quarterback next season — something nobody questions. “I certainly would hope so,” Del Rio said. “You’re not trying to jinx me now, are you?”

5. The Raiders haven’t made a decision about Maurice Jones-Drew, who is set to make $2.5 million next season. When I asked if the running back might become a roster casualty, Del Rio said “that’s something we’ll continue to look at.” The coach said he met with MJD and asked, “Hey, man, can you be explosive again? We need to know.”

6. Cleveland Browns coach Mike Pettine revealed Wednesday that he recently met with Johnny Manziel, who checked himself into treatment before the Super Bowl. “I did go to visit him last week,” Pettine said, adding: “I just wanted to go visit him and see how he’s doing and let him know that we’re proud of him for the decision that he made to go in. Obviously he has our full support.” Pettine, though, acknowledged that Cleveland heads into the offseason needing to find a new starter under center.

7. Pettine didn’t mince words on the texting scandal surrounding Browns general manager Ray Farmer. “I wasn’t thrilled about it, but Ray and I have had very clear and open conversations about it,” Pettine said. “… He’s apologized, not just to myself, but to other members of the organization. … But at the same time I’m very comfortable with my relationship with Ray.” Farmer’s Thursday morning presser should be … intriguing.

8. The first question for Rex Ryan today: What was it like to watch the Patriots win the Super Bowl. “It was terrible,” Ryan replied with a grin. “Next question.” Ryan confirmed Buffalo’s meeting with free-agent quarterback Josh McCown, but remained in the corner of former first-round pick EJ Manuel. “I think he’s a young man that has some potential. We’ll see how that pans out.”

9. Last March, the Steelers used their transition tag to keep linebacker Jason Worilds in black and yellow. On Wednesday, Steelers general manager Kevin Colbert sounded more open to parting ways with the former second-round pick. “We’ve talked and he understands if he doesn’t get tagged — which we could still do — that he will explore the market and see what’s out there. We’ll stay in communication and maybe he comes back, maybe he moves on. But he’s been a good player for us and we’d love to have him back if it all fits.”

10. More Colbert, this time on Ben Roethlisberger, who’s entering the final year of his contract: “Talks with our quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, are still progressing, ongoing. As we said earlier when we announced the beginning of the negotiations, there’s no timetable. We’ll continue to work on it and get something done sooner than later.”

11. The Vikings sound serious about keeping Adrian Peterson in Minnesota. GM Rick Spielman shut down our inquiry about a potential contract impasse with the running back, but then went on to speak glowingly about a potential comeback season: “I just know that Adrian Peterson is a pretty unique football player. I know people (say) he’s a 30-year-old running back, but I also know what people said when he was coming off his ACL and had maybe one of the best seasons a running back can have. This is a running back that is very unique from a physical standpoint and we’re talking about a guy who didn’t take many hits on his body last year, only played one game. I expect when Adrian Peterson comes back that he’s going to come back with a point to prove to everybody.”

12. It’s a new world for the Jets with Todd Bowles and Mike Maccagnan running the show. The coach and general manager spoke back-to-back in the afternoon and displayed none of the entertainer qualities that defined the Rex Ryan era. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, of course. Maccagnan revealed that the Jets met with Josh McCown in Indianapolis. Both Bowles and Maccagnan were otherwise extremely tight-lipped about the quarterback position.

13. As far as Gary Kubiak is concerned the sun is shining brightly and the birds are all chirping in Denver. The new Broncos coach said both Peyton Manning and Wes Welker told him they feel great health-wise. Kubiak was emphatic about his desire for the quarterback to return in 2015.

14. Steve Keim announced the Cardinals “finalized” Larry Fitzgerald’s contract negotiation. The two-year deal is for $11 million per season and saves the Cards $13 million.

15. The Chicago Bears remain mum on Jay Cutler’s future. Both coach John Fox and general manager Ryan Pace declined a chance to back their quarterback. Pace refused to call Cutler the starting quarterback, citing that he wants to get to know the player more first. It feels like this is a situation where the team doesn’t love the quarterback, but knows it can’t do much about it.

16. Martin Mayhew’s press conference synopsis: Suh. Suh. Suh. Suh. Suh. Reggie Bush might not be back. Suh. Suh. Suh. Suh. The news is there is still no news on Ndamukong Suh’s contract.

17. John Harbaugh said he’s talked to Steve Smithand both sides are planning on the receiver returning next season. “He’s excited and planning on being back. We’re planning on having him back. I don’t see any reason why that wouldn’t happen.”

18. Andy Reid said Eric Berry — undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma — is heading in the right direction medically. “His spirit is strong,” Reid said. “He’s a stud anyway you look at it.”

19. Les Snead doesn’t sound like a general manager prepared to deal Sam Bradford. He spent plenty of his allotted time speaking about the lack of talent in the current free-agent pool and his desire to build a stable of talented quarterbacks. Bradford, coming off two ACL tears, was given permission to get away from football by Snead in order to clear his head. He has also been updating Snead regularly on his rehabilitation. Basically, this just doesn’t look like a pair that is prepping for divorce a la John Fox and Jay Cutler.

20. To that same point, does anyone else have the feeling that the Rams are going to be good next year? Snead joked that he feels like he’s drafting on a diet now that he doesn’t have all his picks from Washington, but the timing feels right for everything to come together. Of course, Bradford needs to stay healthy, but Snead sounds like an executive confident in his plan.

21. The Buccaneers are being downright ridiculous by talking up Mike Glennon. It’s not that we don’t think the former third-round pick has talent — he does. But to call him a potential franchise quarterback after benching him when the team was clearly out of the playoffs was absurd. Maybe Tampa Bay wants everyone to think they’ll stay away from Marcus Mariota or Jameis Winston, which comes with the pre-draft territory. But to try and suggest that a quarterback who couldn’t win your starting job is the future of the team is unfair to all parties involved.

22. John Fox was the right coach for the Bears. Under Marc Trestman it felt like the players eventually gained control of the ship, but Fox isn’t about to let that happen. His comments — or lack thereof — on Cutler and Marshall on Wednesday were pitch perfect. This team is going to look dramatically different in two years.

23. Teams in the mix for potential relocation don’t have it easy, which is why it was interesting to listen to Snead talk about his situation in St. Louis and whether he thinks it will impact free agency: “I really don’t. I think it’s an era of — it’s always been the era of most money wins and if it’s close who’s the coach.”

BETTER CALL SAUL Ep 3: Jimmy Gets In Some Nacho Business

BETTER CALL SAUL Ep 3 Jimmy Gets In Some Nacho Business

Jimmy McGill gets to work under pressure in this third episode of “Better Call Saul,”  and it turns out that’s when he does some of his finest work. The opening is a flashback to when his brother Chuck had to get him out of jail. Big brother was tired of having to bail out his troubled sibling. So Jimmy agrees to do whatever it takes to turn his life around. It feel like this is the point where Chuck forced him into the lawyer gig to help him turn things around, but as with “Breaking Bad” things don’t always seem to be what they are so we will have to see if that was the case.

better call saul talking to nacho edible arrangement recaps

We bounce to the present day and Jimmy calls up his girl Kim Wexler from the Hamlin firm. It seems like he’s pumping her for intel on where the Kettlemans have hidden their money, as if Kim would know this info anyway. But then Jimmy once again shows his good nature as he mentions the embezzlers might be in some danger, which gets Kim’s attention. Our boy Jimmy plays it off by saying he is just drunk. Jimmy then goes super hero and into dummy mode when he calls to warn the Kettlemans from a payphone. He crafts a ridiculous paper towel mouthpiece to disguise his voice. He has to abandon that plan as Mr. Kettleman can’t understand a damn thing he’s saying. They finally get the message though. Apparently Mrs. Kettleman is a bit brighter than her husband. I imagine taking money from the county was her plan from the start.

Saul has to go to court the next day and he seems to do most of his hard work in the mens’ room. He pesters a prosecutor fresh off the toilet and gets a deal that he wants. Jimmy is a grinder if nothing else. Later as Saul, he’s polished. To get there took a lot of effort as he learned the game.

michael mando hot nacho for better call saul 2015

Kim calls Jimmy to ask about his warning and we see the Kettlemans are missing. It certainly looks like a kidnapping. Mike gave Jimmy a hard time at the booth before he left to see the crime scene. Jimmy finally got over on Mike as he evaded the fee, but it will come back to bite him no doubt.

better call saul nacho payphone action 2015 images recap

Jimmy tries to call Nacho from a payphone to get them out of this mess. But he gets no answer and is spending more on payphones than parking fees. Jimmy waits impatiently for a return call but ends up getting chased by some supposed bad guys. Turns out it is the police who have come to get Jimmy to take him to his client, Nacho. Varga is being held for questioning as his van was seen at the Kettlemans the night before they were taken. And some blood in the van made it look worse for the shady player. Jimmy uses a lot of words to make things appear solvable, but Nacho is pissed. He tells Jimmy that either he gets released today or McGill is a dead man. Pretty clear option.

better call saul jimmy gets arrested for nacho 2015 images

Jimmy gets to check out the crime scene to see if he has an idea what happened or to get another suspect. He picks up on the fact that the daughter left with her favorite doll. He thinks they left on their own and intact. The detectives are not trying to hear his story though so he has to admit to Kim privately that he warned Kettlemans himself. Kim is going to be collateral damage from any and all of Jimmy’s dealings that go wrong. He tells his lady that he has to find the Kettlemans so he doesn’t get whacked.

better call saul jimmy in woods calling about kidnapped family recap 2015

Mike Ehrmantraut gets his revenge on Jimmy via armbar when the lawyer puts his hands on the former cop. Jimmy gets the cops on the Kettleman case on his back for this little action and the detectives try to use Mike to get Jimmy to flip on Nacho. It backfires when Mike changes his mind and wants to drop any charges. Turns out old Mike believed Jimmy and tells him an old cop story that gives the parking bandit a clue as to where the Kettlemans may be.

better call saul heres johnny scare for family 2015

Jimmy, at his best under the pressure of being killed by Nacho if he fails, heads out to the Kettleman’s home. He sees an open gate in the back and just starts walking for miles. He hears some awful singing eventually and finds the genius crooks camped out in the woods with the kids. Kim is alerted by her boyfriend of her clients’ safety and heads to the tent with his “here’s Johnny routine,” which scared the hell out of the family. Good way to get shot too had they been armed. A struggle with Mrs. Kettleman rips open a satchel full of, you guessed it, straight cash homey. These people kept the stolen money real close, but now are at the mercy of a shady lawyer. This show has gotten viewers to where they can’t wait until next week’s episode, as each has gotten considerably better than the last. This spinoff has what it takes to make it long term on its own merit of seeing where so many of the characters we met in “Breaking Bad” got their start.

scene breakdown from better call saul

Celebrity Gossip Recap: Liv Tyler Shocked Kanye West Improved Kim Kardashian

Celebrity Gossip Recap: Liv Tyler Shocked Kanye West Improved Kim Kardashian

This week’s celebrity gossip includes bad behavior from so called role models, temper tantrums and a loss within the entertainment world. First up is rapper Afroman’s despicable performance at a recent concert where he reportedly punched a female fan in the face after she jumped on stage and started dancing  behind him, during his performance. The venue staff then ended the concert on the spot and took him to a local police officer, who then arrested Afroman. According to the rapper’s representative, Afroman performed an involuntary reflex to defend himself from the fan.

afroman punches female fan onstage gossip 2015 images

As is the case most weeks, the Kardashians are also involved in celebrity gossip as Kanye West recently confessed to having lost some of his friends when he chose to start dating Kim Kardashian. He said that these were friends who didn’t like Kim to begin with, so when he started dating her they stopped speaking to him. Much of the controversy the couple has faced has to do with the fact that Kim is a reality TV star, which many people seem to find trashy. Kanye shot down the couple’s haters by declaring that the two have actually caused improvements in each other.

kanye west lost friends because of kim kardashian 2015 images

Not one to be outdone by her sister, Khloe Kardashian is also the subject of gossip this week as her rivalry with Amber Rose continues to play out on Twitter. Amber Rose is once again claiming that Khloe’s biological father is actually O.J. Simpson. Kylie Jenner has also jumped into the war in attempt to defend her sister and tell Amber Rose in no uncertain terms to back off her sister.

amber rose fighting khloe kardashian 2015 images

Since they are such media whores, the Kardashians are also included in this week’s celebrity gossip after an incident during Fashion Week in NYC as Kim and Kanye’s 19-month old daughter, North West, who was in attendance with both parents, reportedly threw a temper tantrum. According to those who witnessed it Kanye and Kim could not get North under control. Kris Jenner took a picture of the child having a temper tantrum and posted it on her Instagram account.

northwest temper tantrum by anna wintour fashion show 2015 images

In news that has to astound anyone with any taste, Lady Gaga announced her engagement this week. Longtime boyfriend Taylor Kinney proposed to her on Valentine’s Day. Two days later Lady Gaga posted a picture of her engagement ring on Twitter and Britney Spears sent her a tweet congratulating her. Caroline Rhea and Ellen DeGeneres also tweeted their congratulations to the singer. As of now, no wedding date has been announced.

taylor kinney engaged to lady gaga 2015 images

Proving he has nothing better to do, Justin Bieber has once again made this week’s celebrity gossip. During yet another recent appearance on the Ellen Degeneres Show, Justin prank called a fan of his after stating that he and his friends make prank phone calls all the time (which begs the question, did he just turn 21 or 12?)The fan Justin made the prank phone call to happen to be a student at the University of Massachusetts. In a British accent, Justin acted like he was a University faculty member calling the woman over attendance issues. Before the call ended Ellen got on the phone and announced to the girl that she had just been talking to Justin Bieber. She also told the excited fan that she was buying her a plane ticket to fly to California so she could meet Justin Bieber in person.

justin beiber douche prank calls fan on ellen degeneres show 2015 images

Aside from multiple appearances on the Ellen Degeneres show Justin Bieber is also in this week’s celebrity gossip spotlight because he went to an after party for a recent Adidas fashion show held in New York City. Justin headed to the party with Sean Combs where she showed off his sleek red leather jacket described as a “Michael Jackson Thriller” type jacket.

justin bieber working gay red leather bondage for kylie jenner 2015

Sad news out of New York City this week as Lesley Gore, a singer whose biggest hit in the 1960s was “It’s My Party”, passed away at the age of 68 from cancer. Her longtime partner Lois Sasson announced her death to the media.

lesley gore died 2015 images

High profile model Bar Refaeli recently attended a ceremony in New York City where she was honored as Hublot’s new brand ambassador. This marks the first time in history a woman has held this position. The world renowned watch manufacturer held the ceremony to recognize their new ambassador. Those in attendance at the ceremony also included the company’s CEO, another company ambassador and the President of the company.

bar refaeli hublots new brand leader 2015 images celeb gossip

Further proving that celebrities aren’t always role models for the rest of us Emile Hirsch was busted recently for putting a female attendee of the Sundance Film Festival in a chokehold. As a result of the chokehold the victim reportedly fell unconscious. Reports state that Hirsch told police the incident happened because he was drunk and he doesn’t even know the woman he assaulted. Hirsch could serve up to five years in jail as punishment.

emile hirsh chocked sundance film festival woman 2015 images

Liv Tyler had the shock of her life one week ago when she went into labor six weeks before her due date. Though the family had concerns that the early onset of labor would hurt the baby, Liv gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

liv tyler goes in labor six weeks early 2015 images

It is quite possible that actor Charlie Hunnam is kicking himself for having given up the role of Christian Grey in the much hyped about “Fifty Shades of Grey” movie. Dakota Johnson, who starred in the movie, said in a recent interview on David Letterman’s late night talk show that Hunnam must have gotten confused and that she believed he turned down the role due to scheduling conflicts. Since the movie has already earned $265 million at the box office, it is quite possible Hunnam shot himself in the foot.

charlie hunan wishing hed done fifty shades of grey with dakota johnson 2015

That’s it for this week’s celebrity gossip. As one of those weeks where the bad news outweighs the good news it will be interesting to see what is to come over the next several months as these celebrities continue to make gossip headlines, good or bad.

Green Bay Packers Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs

Green Bay Packers Season Recap 2015 NFL Draft Needs

The Green Bay Packers may have failed to bring another Lombardi Trophy back to its original home; however, the 2014 NFL season was far from a disappointment for the Pack. After all, the Packers won the NFC North title outright despite an early surge by the Detroit Lions, held on to win against the red-hot Dallas Cowboys in the Divisional Round of the playoffs, and found themselves only 5 minutes away from a Super Bowl appearance before the Seattle Seahawks pulled off one of the greatest comebacks in NFL playoff history. And, if all that weren’t enough, the Packers starting quarterback Aaron Rodgers won the 2014 NFL MVP award.

jordy nelson with randall cobb green bay packers images 2015

The Packers have one of the most talented squads in the NFL, especially on offense. Randall Cobb, Andrew Quarless, and of course Jordy Nelson combine to make up the most talented receiving core in the NFL. The Packers haven’t always been the most talented defensive squad; however, this year was certainly better than those in recent memory.

andrew quarless green bay packers offense 2015

The Packers are not coming into the 2015 NFL Draft looking for a new quarterback or a Pro Bowl wide receiver. The Pack is set up to earn the NFC bid in Super Bowl 50; however, they do have some needs that the draft may be able to help them address. Here are the Packers biggest needs heading into the 2015 draft:

bryan bulaga offense green bay packers

Offensive Lineman: The Packers have one of the best offensive lines in football, so they aren’t looking for starting caliber rookies. Instead, the Packers need to stockpile a solid group of lineman to back up their starting five. The Packers were extremely lucky in 2014, and all five of their starters were able to play consistently throughout the season. Well, this is not common in the NFL. Lineman get hurt all the time, so it’s best to prepare for the inevitable. On top of that, right tackle Bryan Bulaga is a free agent this offseason; and if they are unable to resign him they will need a good lineman to step in for him. The Packers should be fine using a mid-round selection for a new big man.

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Defensive Tackle: This is a very big, pressing need for the Packers in this draft. B.J. Raji appears to be out in Green Bay, and Letroy Guion will most likely be cut following his recent arrest. The Packers really need a big man to fill the gap left by losing those two. There is a lot of defensive line talent in this year’s draft, so scouting out a good nose tackle and taking him 1st or 2nd round should be enough to anchor the defensive line.

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Cornerback: Tramon Williams and Davon House are both going to explore the free agency market this offseason, and early indications suggest that both will find new homes by the time the 2015 season rolls around. If that is the case, the Packers secondary is taking a huge blow. The secondary improved significantly in 2014, but if they hope to maintain this level this coming season they will need to draft at least one cornerback. Fortunately, there are many talented corners in this year’s draft, so the Packers should have no problem finding the right replacements.

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Inside Linebacker: This is the Packers biggest need heading into 2015. It is widely believed that both A.J. Hawk and Brad Jones will be released soon, leaving the Packers with only Sam Barrington to fill both holes. The Packers would be wise to use their 1st round pick here. A quality college linebacker should have no problem stepping right into the Packers defensive scheme and performing well. Also, if they don’t take a linebacker 1st round, they will have a serious problem in the middle of their defense come 2015.

Google Fiber VS Mimosa

google fiber vs mimosa service 2015

No, it’s not a competition of fiber-based drinks. Google Fiber is Google’s very own broadband internet and cable TV solution while Mimosa is a radio frequency based wireless broadband internet service. This story is reminiscent of that race between the turtle and the hare. But in this case, both are fast. It’s basically a matter of implementation and who would want what.

google fiber moving quicker across us than most people think

Google fiber is not the hare here although their logo is that of a rabbit. Hare, rabbit, semantics really but Google is not the one with the floppy ears. Google fiber is what it says, a fiber-optic based broadband internet service and cable TV solution. Fiber-optic as in cables laid underground. It’s a slow and steady arduous process but the resulting internet speed will be an incredible 1000Mbit/s upstream and downstream. This means lag-less Netflix and Hulu, YouTube up the wazoo, Call of Duty 24/7 and almost instant movie downloads legal or illegal with much bandwidth left to spare. It’s actually overkill for the home but a boon to internet-based businesses. Despite the blazing broadband speed, strangely, Google Fiber is the turtle here in a scenario of fast-growing demand and delivery for fast internet. Say the last eight words again faster.

mimosa fiber gigibit wifi services vs google 2015

Mimosa on the other hand offers a different solution. The company’s name by the way doesn’t refer to the fruity alcoholic drink but actually a word play of the radio technology they employ for faster broadband called MU-MIMO (Multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output). Mimosa becomes the hare in this story because they’re easier to set up. Mimosa offers fast internet though not as fast as Google Fiber, its radio technology promises to deliver speeds from 100Mbit/s up to 500Mbit/s. That should be enough for the average internet user. More than enough for emails, and just enough for cloud services and multimedia. Its wireless, meaning there won’t be as much slow, hated, traffic-inducing roadwork. The tradeoff will be the precious skyline of nature lovers of suburbia getting filled with transmission towers, dishes and antennae. Subscribers would have to shell out about 100$ for those dishes and antennae that will pick up the tower signals. Not bad for getting 100 to 500 Mbps compared to the current average of 20Mbps today.

The question now is who would want what? Internet Service Providers and individuals who want internet that’s faster than what’s currently available would and they would want what’s available the soonest. Those who want Google fiber could turn blue while holding their breath as Google slowly selects the cities and states up for deployment after Atlanta, Charlotte and Nashville. Mimosa is set to roll out its products this year. ISPs seeking to cash in to Mimosa would only need to invest in several radio towers; and now that the FCC considers the internet as a utility, municipal broadband would be on the rise and use whatever’s available be it Google Fiber or Mimosa.

It could be a losing race for Google, the turtle in this story once word gets around about Mimosa’s speed and probable availability, that is, if ISPs put up Mimosa towers rather than wait for Google Fiber. After Kansas, Austin and Provo, Google announced only 34 cities and nine metro areas up for deployment. This gives Mimosa plenty of time to talk to willing ISPs and set up their towers, and if they decide to bite, Mimosa becomes a clear winner.

What would be left for Google then? Google could still move on with their diabolical plans and continue literally laying down the groundwork of their fiber-optic infrastructure. In an optimistic investment scenario, the need for faster internet doesn’t stop with Mimosa. Once Google Fiber reaches all its target cities and others, it will be the faster internet service available. With the internet now classified as a utility, ISPs can no longer throttle their signals but they can offer physically faster options. They can offer Mimosa side-by-side with Google Fiber with Mimosa as the economic option. After investing with Mimosa, they would not be able to afford abandoning their subscribers. In this scenario, Google would actually become the turtle in this story but despite losing the race, would still come out as the winner.

Either way, if Mimosa turns out to be what it’s cracked out to be and if ISPs and individuals opt to set up towers and dishes, Mimosa wins the race for the internet at home.

Amar’e Stoudemire Reaches Buyout with Knicks, Looking to Join Dallas Mavericks


Amare Stoudemire Reaches Buyout with Knicks Looking to Join Mavericks

While the 2015 NBA All-Star Weekend events were going on up in New York and New Jersey, Amar’e Stoudemire made one of the biggest headlines of the weekend by agreeing to a contract buyout with the New York Knicks. In the final season of his 5 year, $100 million contract with New York, the Knicks have decided they’ve had enough.

Stoudemire’s run in New York began picture perfect—Stoudemire averaged over 25 points per game in 2011. Unfortunately, Stoudemire’s last four seasons have been filled with nothing but injury problems mainly in his knees and back. As a result, Stoudemire has regressed severely from his superstar numbers back in his first season. In fact, in the 26 games Stoudemire was actually able to play in this season, he has managed only 12 points and 6.8 rebounds per game. Sure, these numbers are still really good, but it is easy to see that it has been tough on Stoudemire to play through the injuries.

Amare Stoudemire leaves new york knicks moves to mark cuban mavericks

Stoudemire has not even cleared waivers yet, and he has already drawn the attention of multiple NBA teams. The Los Angeles Clippers, San Antonio Spurs, and Dallas Mavericks are just a few of the teams that have reached out to Stoudemire in an attempt to have him on roster soon after the end of the All-Star break.

Early indications suggest that Stoudemire will end up in Dallas soon. Apparently, the Mavericks have actually been trying to acquire Stoudemire since December when they traded their center Brandan Wright to the Boston Celtics in exchange for point guard Rajon Rondo. The Mavs are also currently looking to sign Jermaine O’Neal.

Despite the injury problems, Stoudemire is an attractive player for many teams, especially in the Western Conference. Picking up an aging superstar could be just what a team like the Mavericks needs in order to separate themselves from the competition in the air-tight West. The Mavs are sitting on a 36-19 record with the 5th seed in the West, so even if Stoudemire is only able to have spurts of greatness down in Dallas it could be enough to propel the Mavericks to the next level heading to the playoffs.