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Top 10 Things That Can Screw Up Your Fantasy Football Team


There are a few ways not to end up on the bottom in your fantasy football league. These tips are not a guarantee to win it all, but this list might keep you from embarrassing yourself, your family, and your community at large. No one needs that kind of shame.

  1. No need to make trades too swiftly. You want to let your players hang around long enough to see what happens. You drafted them for a reason after all.
  1. Before the draft, not after, is when you read the points rules for your specific league. Player preference is best determined for many positions that way.
  1. You don’t want to pull the trigger on trades too fast as I mentioned, but don’t stay with a player too long either. There is a fine line between a slow start and a season long disaster.
  1. If you end up with some wildly lucky person in your fantasy league, there is not much you can do about it. So he got lucky with getting the first pick overall in the draft and his rookie running back is on fire. Hard to fight a crazy run of luck like that.
  1. Before draft day, you need to keep track of bye weeks, as you don’t need multiple players on the same bye week. Admittedly that is a ton of info to keep up with and balance out with who is available when you are on the draft clock.
  1. Some famous person said “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. That may sound a little haughty, but it is certainly true in fantasy football play. Study some stats instead of watching that episode of Duck Dynasty. You’re better than that!
  1. Don’t get caught up in some weird trade scenario that you think will pay off down the line. If it looks too good to be true…..
  1. Make time to be there for the live draft. Setting up the auto draft is ok but not as good as hand picking obviously. Plus, if you miss the live draft, you have missed the best part of the season.
  1. Setting your line up too early is a screw up that will cost you points. Many player injury updates come right before kickoff.
  1. Injuries to star fantasy players will kill your chances. You can scratch and claw your way through the season to stay in the hunt. But losing your first round pick early in the year to an ACL tear is tough to overcome.

Why are non-white voters drinking the Donald Trump Kool-Aid?

why non whites drinking donald trump kool aid for record 2015There is something going on in the psyche of American minorities. In particular, non-whites when it comes to politics. We are no longer looking at current candidates agenda’s as to the reason why we would vote for them but rather giving them our votes because of other candidates affiliations (family, economic, business, etc.) that we don’t agree with. So yes, we are willing to vote for candidates who’s agenda and mindset are in direct contrast to who we are if that means not voting for another presidential hopeful who has ties to a family that we hate.

If you haven’t guessed, I am talking about Donald Trump and his run for president. See, for the life of me I didn’t understand how black people and even Hispanics could ever poll in surveys and group studies in favor of a man like Donald Trump. An individual who is not a politician, but a real estate mogul, reality TV star and just all around questionable human. This man is a joke, doesn’t have any real solutions to the problems he points out and is continually, always on a high horse.

Then, I started reading articles, listening to callers on radio shows and pod casts and talking to black people about the soon to be all we hear about presidential run for the white house. Suddenly it all clicked. Minorities don’t really support Trump, they just can’t bring themselves to vote for any of the other candidates because of their connections to past presidencies.

This I figured has got to be the only reason why a black man would put in his vote for Trump. When you think about it, Jeb Bush is out of the question for no other reason than his last name is connected to two presidencies that are considered to be the biggest terms to fail black people since Ronald Regan. And as far as voting for the other people in the running, black folks don’t trust what they don’t know and they know Trump’s name. Yea it’s for something not related to running a country but really, how different can that be from running a multi-billion dollar business right? And yes there are some people of color in the running but black folks don’t take black republicans seriously, so they are a non-factor. The only thing left to conclude is that minorities view Trump as the lesser of all evils.

With that, yes, right now he is leading the polls in the non-whites demographic and I believe with everything inside of me that it is because of the above reasoning. This is further supported by a conversation I had with an old friend over the weekend. She is a very intelligent, educated black woman who fixed her mouth to say that she would vote for Trump any day over Hillary Clinton. Which makes sense with my reasoning because Hilary Clinton’s husband, a former president, had a very controversial presidency and the leaking of her emails and other info about her political affiliations doesn’t shed the brightest light on who she is.

With that, I was taken aback by my friend’s comment and listed all the ways that Trump is a disgrace to the political system, but she reasoned that he is able to say how he feels about stuff because he has the money to support himself so at least with him, she knows what’s she’s getting upfront as opposed to other candidates that have to say what people want to hear in order to get funding.

“Hmmmm,” I thought. Now I will say that this black woman is a conservative who has voted republican in the past, but for her to not mention any of the other candidates who have run in other elections as one of her choices really intrigued me.

Considering all of this, it makes sense that those who voted for Obama in the past would jump ship and vote for Trump. His name, at least when it comes to politics, has yet to be tainted by personal connections to the office.

As for those two “stump for trump” black women, Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, who are trying to call out black people for being “spoon fed,” they themselves are part of a greater issue with black people in America. It’s called opportunism. They are propaganda to debunk aspects of the civil rights movement including the Black Lives Matter movement because any black person who says,  “We can no longer take and parade the narrative ‘Black Lives Matter’ in front of people when we don’t feel like our own lives matter” has no clue what the real struggle is. Now they are campaigning for Trump and hell, will probably even come out on top momentarily and that is the real tragedy. How they can say, “What I want you all to do is take that energy and channel it behind someone that I know cares about all lives — and that’s Mr. Donald Trump,” is one of the world’s great mysteries because Trump has said nothing that constitutes anyone believing he cares for all lives.

I hope that minorities (the smart, non passive listeners) remain cognizant of the real forces at play here. We need to educate ourselves so that we can make the right choices so that we can affect the right changes.

Ronda Rousey vs Holly Holm. Why not?


ronda rousey vs holly holm ufc mma 2015 images

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not. There is no good challenger for Ronda Rousey. Holly Holm is as good as any other option at this point in Rousey’s march toward undefeated history.

There’s no doubt that Holm lacks the experience to be locked in a cage with the best female fighter in the world, Ronda Rousey. Holm, even though a former boxing world title holder, has just two UFC fights under her belt. Rousey is 12-0 in MMA action and 6-0 in the UFC.

Holm has an impressive record in the world of boxing. The lady is 33-2-3 (9 KOs). That’s one hell of a run. Only nine knockouts in 38 fights is an issue though. Think she may outpoint Ronda Rousey by keeping her at bay for 25 minutes in the Octagon? Me neither. Five rounds is plenty of time for Rousey to catch her in an armbar, choke her, or simply take Holm down and beat her up until the ref steps in and calls it a night for everyone involved.

Many UFC fans wanted to see Rousey v. Tate III. I can see why. Tate gave Rousey a real fight in their second match back at the end of 2013. She finally got caught in an armbar in round three, but pushed Rousey much further than Rowdy’s competition has recently. Tate made Rousey work for over ten minutes, as opposed to the champ’s last three opponents who have barely made Rousey break a sweat.

All Meisha Tate has to do is keep winning. There will eventually be a part three for both she and Ronda Rousey. It’s not really fair to the champion to have to defeat the same person repeatedly in order to hang onto the belt. That’s like Ric Flair having to wrestle a Von Erich twice a month back in the day. Eventually one of those guys is gonna catch the champ on a bad night.

Something could happen before Tate gets another shot. Rousey could get KO’d by a lesser fighter or head off to Hollywood for good. If that happens, Tate can’t cry about it. She had two nights in which to dethrone her nemesis. Got to make the most of those chances.

The UFC women’s bantamweight top ten is littered with fighters that Ronda Rousey has already wrecked. Bethe Correia, Cat Zingano, Alexis Davis, and Sara McMann were first round victims….all top ten fighters still.

Liz Carmouche lost in her bid for the belt in 2013. Sarah Kaufman lost to Rousey in 2012. For those keeping count at home, counting Tate, that makes seven of the top ten fighters with a loss attributed to Ronda Rousey.

With that data I say Holly Holm has as much a right to fight Rousey as anyone. She is #8 right now and she has not been knocked out or submitted by Rousey. Yet.

Holm, Jessica Eye, and Amanda Nunes are the only three bantamweights that can make that claim. Nunes has four losses, three to women that Rousey beat. Eye has lost three times, once to Tate and once to Davis, both of which are Rousey victims.

Holm may be inexperienced, but at least she is undefeated. She is deserving of a title shot. Is it in her own best interest to take that shot now? No. She should fight a couple more times to get better before facing the best the world has to offer.

Any fighter that feels slighted should use this time wisely. I don’t know how much better Rousey can get. She may be close to her peak. That remains to be seen. All of her possible future opponents have room for improvement, judging by how few in the top ten have yet to lose to Ronda Rousey.

Holm’s best chance against the champ is to catch her early. The longer the fight goes, the more mistakes the inexperienced Holm will make. That will eventually land her in a position to be submitted or beat down in a ground and pound scenario.

I’ve proposed the same strategy for others who have got taken out in mere seconds by Rousey. Bethe Correia got embarrassed really quickly, but could just as easily landed a heavy punch as she and Rousey traded blows. Holm could make that happen. It only takes one well-placed shot.

Adobe Flash, the Undead of the Tech World


adobe flash undead 2015 tech imagesA few years ago, I was cursing Adobe Flash and using it at the same time on my aging Compaq laptop which I have long since replaced. Whenever I visit a website with a running Flash ad or a website that uses Flash video, the laptop fans would go crazy and the laptop would heat my lap and lead me to question my ability to procreate in the future. Flash would crash Mozilla Firefox again and again and I even blamed Firefox for the problem but ultimately can’t dismiss the browser. Firefox for me is better than Chrome and IE. Flash is billed an unsecure resource hog, guilty of crashing un-updated browsers and its vulnerabilities can put computers at risk. It was helpful for a time but its time is near. Steve Jobs shunned it and this September, Amazon will be hammering a nail to its coffin.

Legend has it that Steve Jobs didn’t want Flash support in his iPhones and iPads because he didn’t want his devices to be used to watch porn, many hosts of which used Flash video at the time. Many complained that Flash was also riddled with vulnerabilities, hence the need for it to be patched every once in a while. Also that it was a resource hog which made system fans compete with system speakers in terms of loudness whenever it was on and that it was a bandwidth and data cap eater for sites with many Flash ads. Steve probably just didn’t want his devices to sear the hands of users for the heat Flash causes and that the devices themselves can only take so much of it. Due to Flash’s issues, as useful as it was in modernizing the web by enabling the creation of interactive and dynamic content, the technology is on its way out as security experts call for Adobe to kill the Flash plugin. Yahoo also called for its execution when vulnerabilities were discovered recently and used against the site’s visitors.

As of this September, Amazon will be one of the major users of Flash to follow Queen Elsa’s advice and let it go. Amazon made the decision not just because Flash is on its way out but also because most browsers will be blocking Flash by default and the company’s Flash ads will be rendered moot. Removing Flash support will also to ensure its web pages work smoothly.

“…This is driven by recent browser setting updates from Google Chrome, and existing browser settings from Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari, that limits Flash content displayed on web pages… This change ensures customers continue to have a positive, consistent experience on Amazon, and that ads displayed across the site function properly for optimal performance.”

–Amazon Advertising Policy

Instead of using Flash, Amazon has been getting its sites ready to make the most of HTML5 as HTML5 is versatile enough for interactive and dynamic content. Most modern browsers support HTML5 and the Interactive Advertising Bureau agrees that HTML5 can be used to develop ads as captivating as those made with Flash.

But Flash won’t be going away anytime just yet. The technology has had years to entrench itself and that millions of websites still depend on it for content such as games and video. Flash ads will continue to live on in those sites as long as the sites remain popular. Many users also contend that HTML5 has a long way to go before reaching the versatility of Flash. Google’s Chrome browser comes with Flash built in but will intelligently pause ads in order for computers to save power. Flash is also built into IE11 as well as Microsoft Edge for legacy web support.

Flash has been slated for departure for some time now and I’ve been hoping that the websites I go to would soon find viable replacements that won’t heat up my tablets or make my desktop fans go crazy. Unfortunately, I still find myself having to download the Flash plugin in case some site has content that I really want to see. The world wants this technology to die or considers it dead already but like some undead revenant, it claws its way up the grave trying to stay relevant in the modern-day web. Other technologies the world wants to die but are still being used include fax machines, dial-up internet, Windows X and Java.

MTV VMA’s Bring Nicki Miley Feud, Justin Bieber Tears & President Kanye West

Today’s start of your workweek gossip round up is all about the MTV VMA’s. SO much went on last night including Nicki Minaj showing nice with Taylor Swift while scorching host Miley Cyrus. Justin Bieber gave us tears and Kanye West gave us President Yeezus aspirations.

nicki minaj calls out miley cyrus vma mtv 2015Nicki Minaj Calls out Miley Cyrus

We don’t always know what to except at award shows. I mean, we have seen some pretty bold and jaw dropping moments over the past few decades and this year’s VMA’s gave us even more to talk about.

Nicki Minaj was not playing last night when she received her moon man for best hip-hop video. She got up there, accepted her award, thanked her pastor and then called Miley Cyrus, the host of this year’s show, all the way out about comments she made about the rapper in a New York Times interview last week.

“And now, back to this bitch that had a lot to say about me the other day in the press. Miley, what’s good?”

If you are wondering what exactly was said by Miley that made Nicki address it on live television for the whole world to see, in response to a question by NYT’s Joe Coscarelli who asked for Miley’s reaction to the whole Taylor Swift Nicki Twitter beef back in July, the former Disney star said,

“If you do things with an open heart and you come at things with love, you would be heard and I would respect your statement…But I don’t respect your statement because of the anger that came with it … What I read sounded very Nicki Minaj, which, if you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind. It’s not very polite.”

Needless to say, Miley spoke on things that were a) already over and b) she didn’t understand. And that’s why she couldn’t really come back with anything last night.

Maybe she should focus more on what comes out of her mouth than what pasties she’s going to wear next.

amber rose blac chyna mtv vma clothes 2015 gossipAmber Rose and Blac Chyna Make Questionable Wardrobe Statements

I get it. You want to one up everyone by poking fun at something or a slew of things people say that you are, but I don’t get Amber Rose and Blac Chyna’s choice of clothing last night.

The two, who are apparently very close to inking their reality TV show deal, wore outfits with names that people have called them include, “stripper, slut, hoe, whore, THOT, gold digger, tramp and bitch.”

Amber in her jumpsuit and Chyna in her dress, it was all too much. It was in bad taste. I don’t get how their wearing these outfits with offensive names is getting back at haters. That’s how you sock it to them, by confirming what everyone says that you are?

I don’t get it, it’s not empowering and it’s just an all around bad look. Don’t embrace those things, change them!

justin bieber vmas flies and cries 2015 gossipJustin Bieber Flies and Cries

When you have been in the spotlight as long as Justin Bieber has, there comes a time when you need a break so you can really get your shit together. We have seen the evolution of JB and last night, his come back to the VMA stage was as emotional as it was spectacular.

After performing his Jack U collaboration “Where Are U Now” he went into a spoken word piece that ended with him flying through the theatre then kneeling on the stage crying.

I like this JB. I think it is great because it shows growth on his part, which I am hoping, and praying will continue to shine through in his music.

kanye west presidential bid 2020 vmas 2015 gossipKanye West Steals VMA’s Spotlight… Again

Oh Kanye. It seems that Kim Kardashian making you a daddy has really help to bring some things into perspective for you.

Last night at the VMA’s, after accepting the Video Vanguard Award (which was presented by Taylor Swift) Yeezus went into a speech full of apologies and announcements.

He expressed his remorse for his infamous “Imma let your finish” interruption of Swift at the 2009 VMA’S saying that his need to be liked and his desire to fight for his favorite artists sometimes clash. He dropped some knowledge and got real about the way awards shows can create tensions amongst like-minded people that don’t really need to exist.

“I still don’t understand award shows… how they get five people who work their entire life, who sold records, sold concert tickets, to come, stand on a carpet and for the first time in their life, be judged on a chopping block and had the opportunity to be considered a loser. I don’t understand it, bro!”

Leave it to Kanye to break it down like that. In the end, he left us feeling enlightened, entertained and with the expectation that he is running for president in 2020.

Would he get your vote?

FEAR THE WALKING DEAD 102 Continues A Great Show: So Close, Yet So Far

fear the walking dead 102 recap so far 2015 imagesWhen civilization falls, it falls fast. That according to Tobias. Kid is right. Fear The Walking Dead didn’t waste any time moving headlong into an apocalyptic nightmare. We went from a couple cases of Walker Flu last week to LAPD on walker crime, which led to rioting. That escalated quickly indeed.

The show runners wanted to get right to the action I guess. Probably a good move with all of us suffering from no attention spans.

We saw a creepy opening scene with the school principal wandering the halls of his school. More on him later….but not more.

Just as I figured, Alicia’s boyfriend Matt is super sick. That will happen when you get bit. So he didn’t try to call anyone for help after the bite? These people are pretty independent. Travis wouldn’t call the police if he was in a building full of serial killers from what I can tell.

More and more people are getting the “bug” as 911 is nothing but a busy signal. More cops are shown to be headed away from the impending doom. If you see a cop loading 80 gallons of bottled water in to his car, it’s time to look for a new zip code yourself.

Alicia is hard headed about leaving her boyfriend behind even after they all see his nasty bite. Would you leave your girlfriend or boyfriend behind? Of course you would if you’re in Rick Grimes’ time period. But this is before they know for sure each sick person is going to turn into a flesh eating monster.

The most insane scene this week came as the dude hops on the bus to tell everyone that “A cop shot some homeless dude.” That is the cue for all the passengers to run right over there? Who does that? I’m staying on the damn bus, mainly cause I don’t want to be the next shooting victim if the cop is crazy. And I probably have to be somewhere since I am riding a bus!

Drugged out Johnny Depp, our boy Nick, is in bad shape as withdrawals are near. He predicts a world of shit for himself, but clearly everyone else is in for the same world.

Travis heads out to find his son, but the kid was one of the bold bus riders who just had to see the dead homeless man. Some of their neighbors are clued in to what’s happening, but most have no clue. I have a feeling that birthday party across the street was gonna suck.

So, Tobias gets his confiscated knife back when he catches Maddie going through the school’s “zero tolerance” cabinet. Nick is seriously sick from lack of drugs so she had little choice since his doctor was not available.

I can see how the LAPD wouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt after killing these folks that seemed harmless. The people shot were unarmed, but far from harmless. The protesting crowds don’t realize that though. All they know is a guy is dead and they are all pissed.

Tobias painted Maddie an ugly picture of their society crumbling fast. The kid is very sharp and does not trust the government a bit. Hope he makes it through this season to be a main character. I wouldn’t bet on it though.

The kid showed some guts as he defended Maddie from the zombified principal. He had the right idea with the knife, but didn’t know to go for the head stab. He’ll learn. Maddie finally killed off the walker as she bashed his head in with a fire extinguisher.

If you were waiting for all hell to break loose, you got it the moment the guys with the yellow suits stepped on the scene. That is time to panic and start burning cars, especially if you are in L.A. Lucky for Travis, he and his ex found their son Chris right before it got ugly. Riot police, yellow hazmat suits, gang signs, and animal instincts. Now we have it! Full blown chaos SON!

Travis is lucky he found a friendly neighborhood barber (prompted by his wife), who let him and his family inside their safe haven. Travis would likely have left his ex-wife outside in the turmoil if he could have pulled it off. She is quite bitter and I doubt he will enjoy being cooped up with her.

The old barber, Daniel Salazar, looks like he has some riot experience.

Traffic is a nightmare now and newscasters are telling people to stay inside their homes. I can not imagine the lies that would be spewed by TV news if something like this was happening in the real world. “Back to you Katie….coming up next, Kim Kardashian is donating her kidneys to a set of sick twins.”

I want a body count of how many people die in the first week after the LAPD shooting of the homeless guy. Suicides, wrecks, people trapped, murders of regular humans. Let’s not even count zombie bite victims or those with the bug.

Maddie has herself a short breakdown after she makes it home. Travis calls and tells her to go to the desert. The call is eventually dropped. Oh how we would struggle without constant contact, especially in an emergency. Think of all the mix ups we have now when a member of our family has a dead cell phone. Think about no cell service…..ever again!

Maddie and Alicia witness a walker attack across the street and the mom has to hold back her kid. Alicia is brave to want to help. But Maddie did right. These folks don’t appear to have any weapons at all either. Bare knuckle brawling with walkers is a no-no. Michonne and company don’t even try that.

At show’s end the barber’s wife symbolically blows out the candle as it all goes dark. Take a moment and think of earth with no electricity. Just the lack of lighting would be a bad deal, regardless of walkers, flus, or riots. We live in a world that is just as livable at night as daytime due to light bulbs. That is going away very soon for Travis and friends. #cantdeal

I’m stoked for next week’s episode. The pace has picked up even from the pilot episode. I’m most interested in how people deal with lack of communications and creature comforts. We are all so soft. Folks in this show’s universe better toughen up in a hurry.

And yes, I loved the medical masks with monster mouth designs worn by those kids Maddie saw.

I AM CAIT 106: Dating Game Recap

i am cait 106 dating game recap 2015 imagesThis week’s episode of I Am Cait “The Dating Game” was all about Caitlyn entering the dating world as a member of the trans-community.

The episode begins with Caitlyn sitting down with her assistant Courtney and her boyfriend Johnie. During a casual conversation, Caitlyn and Courtney begin questioning Johnie how he would react if someone he was dating came out as transgender. Courtney asks, “If I told you right now that I was [trangender], would it change us? And would you continue?” In which, Johnie answers, “Yeah (it would change us), but then we could choose to continue to be friends.”

Johnie makes it evident that society isn’t in a place where being transgender doesn’t change things when it comes to dating.

Afterwards, Caitlyn has a lunch with her transgender friend, actress Candis Cayne. At lunch, Candis talks about how nervous she is about her upcoming auditions she has for a role in a movie with Katie Holmes. She tells Caitlyn that she finds that she has a whole other layer of insecurities going into the movie business as a transgender.

Later, Candis convinces Caitlyn to go to The Abbey, a West Hollywood gay club. Here, Caitlyn expresses that she feels uncomfortable being around all the dancing and exposed male dancers. While the other trans-women playfully flirt and watch the male dancers, Caitlyn is visibly put-off by the club setting.

At this point, Candis tells the one-on-one camera that she is pretty certain that Caitlyn is attracted to women.

Soon after, Caitlyn sits down for lunch with her other trans-friend, Jenny Boylan. Here, Jenny tells Caitlyn that she seems much more at ease than she did when they first met about two months ago. She also questions Caitlyn on whether she has begun playing the field, in terms of dating yet. Caitlyn reveals that she hasn’t really even thought about dating, but tells Jenny that although she’s “always been with women,” she would be very attracted to a “guy [that treats her] like a woman.”

At this point, Jenny is worried about Caitlyn’s reliance on others to make her feel like the woman she is. Jenny tells her that she shouldn’t have to look to men to validate who she really is, telling her, “You are a normal woman. You don’t need a man to make you a woman.”

At dinner with her fellow female transgender friends, Caitlyn continues to discuss what dating is like in the trans-community. The women share different stories demonstrating the difficulties they face when trying to date. Many of them have been stood up on numerous occasions once they revealed that they are trans. They also express that as trans-women they are often taken advantage of, since often men believe that trans-women have lower standards.

Later in the episode, Candis tells her friend Chandi that she has pretty much given up on dating. She says she doesn’t feel any hope when it comes to finding a man who is willing to accept her despite her past struggles with gender. Jokingly, she tells Chandi that maybe “she should just date [Caitlyn].”

The show has been hinting at a romantic relationship between Caitlyn and Candis since the early promos. However, multiple sources close to Caitlyn claim that this is merely a stunt to draw in viewers.

At the end of the episode, Caitlyn and Candis visit a summer camp that is for transgender kids. At the camp, Caitlyn and Candis listen as many of the young campers open up about their struggles growing up as a transgender. They also express appreciation for the camp and being able to feel confident and normal as a transgender there. It is clear that listening to the young campers being open about their feelings and identities is inspiring to both Caitlyn and Candis.

After seeing the kids embrace their true selves, Candis and Caitlyn decide to seek the help of a matchmaker. However, Caitlyn makes it clear that she is just there as support for Candis, but eventually decides she will fill out a chemistry analysis for fun. While completing the survey she admits that in terms of physical attraction she is confused, saying, “Physically, I don’t know where I’m at.”

The result of the analysis reveals that Caitlyn should be dating someone who is also her best friend.

The show continues to push the idea that Caitlyn and Candis may develop a relationship that is more than just a friendship. This seems especially apparent when Caitlyn gifts Candis with a Lamborghini to drive around while her car is in the shop and says she “doesn’t know what the future holds when it comes to dating,” as her and Candis drive off into the sunset together.

Sneak Peek:

Next week, Caitlyn’s ex Kris Jenner comes and visits her for the first time since her full transition. Caitlyn says she feels its finally time to talk things through, since her and Kris have been very distant for the past year or so.


sean darling hammond american ninja warrior interview movie tv tech 2015Sean Darling-Hammond made quite an impression on everyone when he walked onto the Pittsburgh qualifiers and shot himself all the way to the Vegas finals. Here’s the full interview our sports guy on the scene Shane Mclendon did with the American Ninja Warrior.

MTTG: I’m a big quote guy, but had never seen yours about the moral arc of the universe. Do you have a favorite athletic quote to share?

Sean: Yeah, I’ve got a few. The first one is sort of what this whole Ninja Warrior thing is about to me and why I do it. That is, “True Strength is not simply conquering obstacles. It is helping others overcome them.” I feel like one thing that makes Ninja Warrior different than a lot of other athletic pursuits is that is very much about how you are connected to a broader community. Everybody in this community is trying to help all the others to succeed. I’ve taken that both outward and inward. So I want folks in this community to succeed, but also want fans of this incredible show to succeed. Kids who don’t have as many opportunities, I want them to succeed as well. I try to put together little Ninja Warrior events that allow kids of all backgrounds to get inspired and believe in themselves.

The second quote is, “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our preparations.” That one is a good reminder to me to train hard! We all think we’re going to do something magical when the time comes, then when the time comes we typically do about as well as we did in practice. Maybe a tiny bit better with all the adrenaline. So two, three weeks out, that’s the time to really start to push and evolve as much as we can be where we want to be in competition.

MTTG: Little bit about yourself for folks who may not watch each second of American Ninja Warrior as closely as I do.

Sean: Sure, so right now I’m a law clerk for a federal judge in the District of Maryland. I graduated from U.C. Berkley about a year ago. Before that I was a political consultant for cause oriented campaigns. Before that I went to Harvard for undergraduate studies. So I’ve been mostly brain for most of my life, so I didn’t really consider myself an athlete. But I started climbing about six or seven years ago and fell in love with it and got addicted. Started to compete and started winning some competitions and realized I had a knack for it. A lot of upper body strength is needed in American Ninja Warrior so it’s really easy to translate from climbing.

So I’ve been able to do better than I probably deserve to, but yeah, if you keep pushing, meet the right people to train you well, you can get pretty good pretty fast.

sean darling hammon on rock above lakeMTTG: How long have you been training specifically to be on the show and what inspired you to make the effort to get on Ninja Warrior?

Sean: So it’s funny you ask that. I can track that back to a specific day. A year and a week ago. August 10th, 2014. I had just moved to D.C. I had already played around with the idea of training for Ninja Warrior, had just finished the Bar Exam, I was about to start a new job. I said you know what, “It’s time to do it.” I can’t keep saying next year, next year. I’m gonna train really hard, apply go for it then see how it goes. The first competition that I did, locally, was in January. That was a rude awakening. I thought that I was strong but realized there’s a lot you have to be convergent at so I started training really hard. I got to meet all the guys in this community, the amazing men and women who do this as their career and their passion. They are so welcoming, so knowledgeable.

MTTG: Pretty cool, just training one year and you make it to the Finals.

Sean: Yeah, there’s a little luck in that. Even for the veterans there’s a little bit of luck involved making it to Vegas.

MTTG: What has surprised you most about your experience on ANW?

Sean: I think what surprised me most was (probably true for most ANW rookies), is how quickly you can change as a person because of being part of this community. I’ve always considered myself to be a very optimistic person, but this has made me even more so. It’s made me really believe in the capacity of human beings to do incredible things. Not just athletically but for others. Folks in this community are just so giving, so welcoming. It’s really affirming to be around people like that for long periods of time. Just to see people so happy, positive, and just light as a feather.

MTTG: What is the freakiest thing you have seen from another warrior in terms of their athletic ability off the course?

Sean: Going to give two answers here. The first is Geoff Brittin. The single armed salmon ladder. I’ve tried it. I’ve gotten close, but to be able to do it and go all the way up with one arm…requires a level of physical ability that in the history of human beings, maybe .00001 percent of people have ever achieved. He does it humbly and naturally. And he challenges other people to do it, thinking we might be able to pull it out of our back pockets too! It’s something that he has earned through decades of hard work and he very rarely acknowledges himself. He is the real deal.

The other is Mike Myers, a fellow rookie like myself. He is all speed and confidence. I have never seen a human body move so fluidly. Guys like Elet, they have that ability absolutely, and Drew Dreshel, but they have been in this game longer, so part of what makes Mike so impressive….he has only been in this game as long as I have. And when you see him on an obstacle, it feels like he’s spent his whole life on it. Really magical to watch that.

MTTG: Describe your typical day for those that might benefit from training tips or just a better way to meet the day.

Sean: One is just get sleep. It’s so easy to underestimate the importance of sleep. But you can’t heal your muscles, your micro tears. You can’t have your muscles move along the right channels unless you are getting like 8 or 9 hours for every day that you work hard in the gym. And ideally 9 hours every night. That’s what the best athletes do, they get 9 hours sleep. And they don’t rely on coffee to stay awake. We’re awful at that in the U.S. We pack our schedules to the max. So make time or sleep is the number one thing.

The other tip is be consistent. Set goals that you can work consistently toward. I think we all have this idea that comes from Rocky montages where we think “I’m just gonna haul ass for like two months and I’m gonna evolve as a person.”

If only it were that easy. The reality is that if you’re trying to be a Ninja Warrior, to get to that level, you’re gonna have to lose a lot of weight. You’re gonna have to gain a lot of strength so your strength to weight ratio gets really good. You chip away at it. Then five months later you can’t even believe you are the same person. You’ve evolved.

MTTG: Akbar Gbaja-Biamila said you had his vote if you decided to run for President and clearly you made  more than an athletic impression on folks. What do you think is the biggest issue facing young people coming out of high school and college?

Sean: For high schoolers, having opportunities for either college or career. That’s an issue that actually starts a little earlier. That’s making sure that kids have access to wonderful teachers, excellent educational opportunities to prepare for college or a career. We’re just not funding well enough to do that. There are some school districts that have amazing amounts of resources, then some districts are treated almost as if they are third world countries. The kids are left to flounder and the kids are left to believe that no one has their back or believes in them. And that’s almost a constitutional violation that we’ve been ignoring for three decades at this point.

Once they are out of college I think the most important thing they can do is have opportunities to really grow as a person. To be as broad minded as possible. Traveling, meeting people in different cultures, expanding your horizons. That’s what allows people to be really well rounded and really kind to others. 

MTTG: Good luck heading into the nationals in Las Vegas. Got any extra training planned, like pushing a Volkswagen uphill daily or thumb wrestling a lumberjack to improve that grip?

Sean: We would try to do these long long courses. Kind of like the Vegas stage one and two courses. We would give ourselves a shorter time to get through than on a real run. Then when we were through it, we would rest like 20 seconds and start it again! I have never gotten like so tired, and this was in the heat of summer. I thought I was gonna throw up! It was a ton of fun you know. You’re pushing yourself to the limits with your best friends. You’re realizing you can do things you didn’t think you could do. It was great and I can’t wait to do it again.


Choosing Your Fantasy Football Team & League


choosing fantasy football team league 2015 imagesIt is not long until fantasy drafts will be getting going. That means lots of catchy team names like ‘Megatron’s Johnson’, trash talk galore, and of course lots of fun. There is also money to be won if you have some skill in the fantasy football arena. Online websites now offer cash prizes for fantasy gurus and you can of course wager with your friends in personal leagues….allegedly. So with draft day closing in on you like Jadeveon Clowney on a hapless Michigan runner, let’s see how best to choose your fantasy team and leagues.

First of all you want to get in a good league or two. It is more fun with people you know. Trash talking is not as enjoyable when it is done with strangers. Also the bragging rights are more valuable as you can use them face to face at family reunions, holidays, and cookouts. Even if your buddies in the real world are not fantasy football enthusiasts, you can still play with ‘friends’ on Facebook or other social media platforms. These people may not be your close acquaintances, hell you may not even like them, but you are at least connected to them. If you absolutely cannot find anyone to start a fantasy league with, then just join an open league on Yahoo, ESPN, or NFL.com. By the way, there are more places to play than those big three.

It is easy to get caught up in the fantasy euphoria and join several leagues. That is fine if you have plenty of free time, but that is not the case with most of us. Two or three leagues is plenty in my opinion. Anymore and your attention will get watered down and you will not do well in any of the leagues. Or you will only focus on the one that you get a hot start in, and totally abandon the other leagues. That is not cool, as the other players will basically be matched up against nobody when playing you.

The best day of the year when it comes to fantasy play is draft day. That is where the groundwork is laid for you to end up looking like either a genius or a big dummy. The fun feeling you get from watching the real NFL Draft is comparable to fantasy drafts for me. You are on the clock and there are some really tough choices to make before that clock hits zero. It may sound bizarre, but there is palpable pressure with each pick. You need to get the right guys and you only have so many quality rounds to get those players. Feel free to cuss and throw things when your dream lineup starts to fall apart. That is how I cope anyway.

Before draft day….way before, you should do some research on the best players to get. I am not telling you vets anything new, but the rookies need to hear it. You can’t just start drafting your team without a plan. And you should not just pick players that you like or who are on your home team. You can do that but your results will probably be less than average. That means your team will suck and you will get berated by the other members of the league. Just a heads up.

Doing research is simple. There are tons of fantasy stats available online where leagues are hosted. You can go with good players who always put up points like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. Or you can take a chance on a hot rookie or go for guys that seem to be on the cusp of greatness. You will need to have a draft lineup ready that includes backups to your plan. Players that you want to pick will undoubtedly get snatched up before you can get to them. When that happens you better have an idea of who to take instead.

Now I am sure some of you are saying that you are too busy to do any research for your fantasy football team. If you are too busy to plan to be competitive then you are too busy for fantasy sports in general and should stop working so much. We are not allowed much time on this planet so we had best plan time for some fun and relaxation. Fantasy football is one of the greatest hobbies ever created and I intend to make time for it. My grass may be overdue for a mowing and my oil needs changing, but damn it, I am going to find out if Nick Foles is a flash in the pan or the real deal!

If you are truly too busy to do some reading to help you with fantasy stats, I have a solution. Podcasts. You can download a few fantasy podcasts and listen while you work or mow that lawn. Now you have no excuse for not being prepared for draft day.

When it comes to the technical aspects of drafting your team, there are too many theories to list. Some experts say ignore QBs as long as possible since good running backs are hard to come by. Some tell you to get the best player as quick as possible, no matter the position. The best thing to do from my point of view is to create your own strategy. If you think it is better to have Peyton Manning than trying to get a rushing combo that will out perform his points, then do it. If your season starts out in a rocky fashion, you can always try to make some trades to right the ship.

Some basic tips to do better in your league are good to know. You should pay attention to how fantasy points are given out. Not all leagues are the same. That does matter when choosing between two different type players. You also need to check your lineup close to game time each week to avoid missing a last minute injury that gives you an empty slot. And for the love of Pete Rozelle, do not forget to set your lineup every week. That will leave you with players that are possibly on a bye week. That makes you look like an idiot as well as netting you zero points for those players.

Good luck with your fantasy team in 2014. Don’t do anything crazy like agree to get a tattoo of your opponents’ choosing if you finish last. That seems to be a thing now.

BACHELOR IN PARADISE 209: Joe & Sam Saga Getting Crazy

bachelor in paradise joe shirtless sam getting crazy 209 recap 2015The Joe and Samantha saga was once again in full swing in this week’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise.

The episode begins with Joe being visibly upset with Sam for agreeing to go on a date with Justin. Joe declares to the camera, “It’s not fair. It’s not fair to Joe. I am hurt. I’m disappointed. I’m frustrated.”

However not long after, Samantha reveals to Joe that she decided not to go on the date with Justin after all. This being because she couldn’t stop thinking about Joe and didn’t think it was fair for Justin. Despite being fuming mad right before this, Joe forgives Samantha for her actions and the two head down the beach and off into the sunset…for now.

After Samantha backs out of the date, Justin decides to ask Amber. Fortunately, Amber accepts, although she claims it’s merely to get Dan jealous.

Amber and Justin end up salsa dancing, where Justin claims to be “hypnotized” by Ashley’s hips. Not too long into the date, Amber ends up having a make out session with him in the water. However, soon after the date Amber begins breaking down as she regrets being so affectionate with Justin when she feels so strongly about Dan.

Amber sits down with Dan and tries to express how she is feeling and let him know that she was thinking about him all day. Unfortunately, Dan doesn’t express the same feelings and tells Amber he was “glad” she had fun on the date and that he honestly doesn’t feel the “connection” he was hoping to feel with her.

Meanwhile, five-time Bachelor alum Chris Bukowski joins the cast. After a day of drinking heavily and ignoring all the women, Chris decides its time to buckle down and asks Tenley on a date.

However, Tenley right away shuts down the possibility that anything romantic can happen between them and suggests he ask someone else out. Especially since she is already romantically committed to Joshua at this point.

Unfortunately, in his drunken state Chris is unable to get any girl to commit to the date with him. Therefore, Joshua gets Chris to give him the date card and uses it to take out Tenley.

While Josh and Tenley go off on their date, Dan confesses to Carly that the only person he can “see [himself] with” is Samantha.

Before this week’s rose ceremony, Jared receives a 5-plus-page love letter from Ashley I. At this point, Jared had told Ashley he couldn’t see a future with her, but that obviously isn’t stopping her from pursuing him.

After Jared reads Ashley’s letter, Amber approaches him and reveals that she is “intrigued” by him. She tells him that she is potentially going to give him her rose in hopes of getting to know him better.

In addition, Dan takes Samantha to the side before the ceremony and attempts at convincing her that Joe isn’t that great of a guy and that he is the one for her.

At the rose ceremony, the couples give each other their roses – saving Carly, Kirk, Jade, Tanner, Tenley, Joshua, Juelia and Mikey.

After the predictable roses, Ashley S. decides to continue things with Nick and gives him her rose. Before Amber gets a chance, Ashley I. gives Jared her rose and he accepts it.

This leaves Samantha and Amber. Amber decides to give her rose to Justin, which leaves Dan and Joe on the chopping block. In a surprise twist, Samantha ends up giving her rose to Dan.

It’s safe to say Joe is enraged and pulls Samantha aside, questioning her why she would give Dan her rose after all they just went through. Samantha claims that it was just “too much drama” to be with him. Joe demands that Samantha apologize to him, as she is clearly the one causing the drama at this point.

Tanner admits to the camera, “Joe fell on the sword for Samantha and then she took the sword and stabbed him in the back about 18 times.

All of the girls are shocked with Samantha’s actions, Juelia confesses, “Not only do I not know who she is, but I don’t want to know.” Pretty much everyone is pissed off with how conniving Samantha continues to be, except Dan of course who is ecstatic with her decision.

Finally, Joe is sent packing and in the car ride out he shows the alleged text from Samantha that instructs him to “do whatever it takes” to stay.

After the rose ceremony, Chelsea from Juan Pablo’s season joins the cast. Before she can ask anyone on a date, Carly pulls her aside and fills her in on what’s been going on in Paradise. Carly makes a point to say that Dan is “very available” and the “way to go,” as Carly tries to get Samantha sent home (by matching Chelsea up with him).

Sneak Peek:

A couple of new girls join the cast, as it is the guys’ turn to give out the roses. One of the newcomers threatens Ashley I.’s “relationship” with Jared.

Rafael Nadal Strips It Down For New Video


rafael nadal strips it down for new hilfiger video tennis 2015Rafael Nadal may be having a rough season on the court this year, but off the court, he’s still a hot commodity and Tommy Hilfiger is taking full advantage of that. The designer has welcomed with open arms, the Spanish tennis star to be the new face and very muscular body of their underwear line for the next two years.

Tommy Hilfiger had this to say about their newest brand ambassador, “Because we’re so global now, Rafael Nadal resonates globally in most countries in the world. He also looks amazing in the underwear and the clothes. He’s not doctored up, that’s the real guy. Rafael embodies an effortless sense of style that exemplifies and reflects our brand spirit – he’s confident, fun and cool.” Not to mention that he’s one of those guys everyone likes to see in a pair of tight underwear.
rafael nadal t shirt underwear
rafael nadal white bulge underwear 2015
rafael nadal playing with hilfiger bulge underwear 2015
rafael nadal taking off underwear hilfiger 2015
rafael nadal smirk 2015
rafael nadal tossing underwear 2015
Nadal spoke in support of his new role for the brand, “I’ve known Tommy and his family for years. When he approached me for the collaboration, I was very excited to work with my friend and one of the world’s most renowned fashion designers. I’m honored to have this opportunity to collaborate with such an iconic American brand.” He also added, “Working with Tommy is a fantastic experience – he’s always got a smile on his face and a positive attitude. He’s a very special person with great taste and an eye for design. He always knows what looks best and is good at giving style advice.”
rafael nadal under hilfiger bulge tennis 2015
rafael nadal showing rear 2015
rafael nadal slipping off underwear bulge 2015
Rafi and Hilfiger have also teamed up to present TH Bold, a new signature scent for men.

The designer had Nadal strip down for a video that has quickly gone viral, and it’s not surprising as the Spaniard does strip it all the way down with his signature smirk. You can see the whole thing below along with the video for TH Bold, where Nadal takes part in a game of ‘strip tennis.’

Nadal is currently playing in the 2015 US Open at Flushing Meadows. Hopefully, his game will pick up as much as his marketing prowess has.
rafael nadal strips it down underwear image collage 2015 tommy hilfigerrafael nadal strips it down underwear image collage 2015 tommy hilfiger
Rafael Nadal for Tommy Hilfiger: it all comes off

Tommy Hilfiger Underwear Launch with Rafael Nadal NYC

BIG BROTHER 1729: Vanessa Turns Things Around

vanessa changes up big brother 1729 recap 2015Vanessa is proving to seemingly be the smartest player in the house, and on tonight’s episode of “Big Brother,” the head of household competition continued. Shelli said it was the most important competition so far and she might go from the jury house to the head of household. Steve said he was afraid if Jackie got pack in the house she would target him for eviction. Becky said she wanted to get back in the game to get Vanessa out of the house. Austin said this was the worst head of household competition for him to have to sit out of.

Julia got eliminated from the head of household competition. Meg said she had to stay in the competition so she and James would be safe. Meg and Steve were then eliminated from the head of household competition. Shelli said if she got back in the game she was going after James because he got her and Clay evicted and separated. James was then eliminated from the head of household competition. Liz was then eliminated from the competition too. She said she was putting all her faith in Vanessa to win. Becky and Shelli were also eliminated from the competition, leaving John to go back into the Big Brother household. Austin said if John wins head of household Austin is done. Vanessa became the new head of household for the week and she said that anything is fair game. Liz, Julia and Austin were thrilled Vanessa won it. Julia said she and Liz were scared with John back in the house and they had to get him out again before he targets one of them.

James said he was stressed over Vanessa being head of household and that he doesn’t know how close she is to the twins. Meg said she hoped Vanessa saw Austin and the twins as a bigger threat than her and James. John said he felt safe this week and Steve was happy John was back in the house. Steve said he was concerned he’d be a target because everyone knows he is working with John. Steve also said he was feeling good about his relationship with Vanessa in the game. Vanessa said her target for the week was James and she wanted to see if Austin had her back.

Vanessa refused to go after John but wanted to target James and Meg instead. Liz said Meg and James had been riding on the twins’ coattails and that they felt fooled by Meg and James and wanted them out of the house. Austin said Liz was special to him and he wanted to keep seeing her after the season is over. He asked Liz to be his girlfriend and she accepted. Vanessa said she wanted to trust Austin but wanted to find out from Meg and James if she could. Meg and James argued about who Vanessa should  nominate for eviction, which Vanessa said was a reason for her to target them. James told Vanessa he’d be willing to get Austin and/or one of the twins up for eviction next.

Vanessa started the nomination ceremony for this week’s eviction. She nominated Meg and James but said it wasn’t personal. Meg felt like she was being played in the game and James is the only one who has her back. She said if James gets evicted her game would fall apart. James said he kind of regretted not telling Vanessa about a deal made.