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KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS 1016: Vanity Unfair for Kris

keeping up with kardshians vanity unfair recap 2015 imagesWhile Caitlyn Jenner’s show may have come to an end, it doesn’t mean that the Kardashian’s won’t try and milk the Caitlyn-Kardashian drama for all its worth. In tonight’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians “Vanity Unfair”, it was all about the family conflict that arose after Caitlyn’s infamous Vanity Fair interview came out.

While many of the scenes were simply repurposed from this summer’s I Am Cait, the show did give a more in-depth look at the Kardashian’s side of the story.

The episode begins with Kim jetting off to San Franscisco to do some press for her video game app. While there, she receives a phone call from Caitlyn, who is preparing for the debut of the Vanity Fair magazine. During their conversation, Kim offers Caitlyn a spot in her video game, in which Caitlyn replies she will think about it. Of course, the guy running the video game for Kim is completely supportive of adding a Caitlyn character to the already wildly successful app.

Later, Kim heads over to Khloe’s house, where the two hang out in the kitchen. In the middle of their conversation, Khloe picks up the phone and it winds up being her ex-husband, Lamar Odom. The phone call is brief, however Kim makes it clear to Khloe that she does not approve of her remaining close with Lamar considering how much he hurt her.

In an off-camera interview Kim explains, “As a big sister, I’m just really protective and for [Khloe] just to be flirting on the phone makes me like, sick to my stomach.”

Later Kim confided in Kourtney, explaining that she is a bit more lenient with Khloe staying in communication with Lamar, as he can no longer claim any of Khloe’s earnings. Kim explained, “Because they filed for separation and divorce, if she makes money that’s her own sole money.”

At least, Kim has her priorities straight.

Later in the episode, Kim reveals to Khloe that she visited Caitlyn while she was shooting with Vanity Fair. Khloe is shocked when Kim confesses she saw Caitlyn while she was changing. Kim went on to explain, “her boobs were like Kourtney’s when she first got hers done. It made me want a boob job.”

Despite being inspired by Caitlyn’s assets, shortly after Kim expressed her frustration, claiming, “All Caitlyn can talk about is that my mom mistreated her and was awful, and just these really rude things when there’s no reason to bash my mom.”

After the Vanity Fair interview was published, Kris calls up Kim. Notably angry, Kris explains, “[the interview] just sums up that I’m this piece of s—t person who was mean. He can go f—k himself. I honestly wish I never met this man.”

Shortly after talking to Kris, Kim discusses the interview with her sisters, Kourtney and Khloe. Both of them are equally upset over Caitlyn’s article and even say they are questioning whether they want to support her at the ESPYs or not.

Kim decides to take matters into her own hands and ends up visiting Caitlyn at her Malibu home to talk about what she said in VF. Much of this scene was already showcased on I Am Cait, but basically Kim tries to get Caitlyn to realize the damage she has caused by saying Kris “mistreated her” and that Kendall and Kylie were “distractions” for her. Unfortunately, Caitlyn was stubborn throughout their whole conversation and refused to apologize.

Kim decided to tell Kourtney and Scott about Caitlyn’s unwillingness to apologize. Scott had a pretty priceless reaction as he exclaimed, “the only thing [Caitlyn] cared about was that her Twitter followers went up more in one day than Obama’s did. I’ll tell you why. Because the greatest athlete of all time turned into a f—king woman.”

At the end of the episode, Kris tells Kim that she is going to get away for a little while to “clear her head.”

Next Week:

Khloe confronts Caitlyn about the VF interview, Scott goes on a partying binge, and Kourtney breaks down trying to keep her family together.

The War On Planned Parenthood Is Just More Republican Minority Hypocrisy: For the Record

war on planned parenthood just more republican hypocricy 2015

Sometimes in life, you hear about stuff, and you just can’t believe it is real. You think to yourself “Nah, that’s not true, no one would do that?” But then you find out it is very true and a whole other level of disbelief kicks in.

That is exactly how I feel about the war on Planned Parenthood that the Republican Party has waged. Furthermore, the fact that they have been willing to shut down the entire government if they didn’t get what they want… to defund Planned Parenthood… is a disgrace to the political system. What they hell are they? 2 year olds who didn’t get another cookie?

The war that they are raging on this organization is both hypocritical and misleading. They would have you think that PP is all about killing babies and allowing young women to revel in promiscuity and lasciviousness. And for them to cry that federal money is being wasted is a great juxtaposition.

For the record, let me say that I do believe women have to take their responsibility more seriously when it comes to having safe and responsible sex. We are the most responsible for what happens after we lay down and open up. If you aren’t taking birth control, don’t know your body or don’t demand that the dude wears a condom, then don’t fucking have sex. As all of that concerns PP, abortion should never be used as a solution or as a “just in case.” With that, PP provides more than pregnancy termination, they offer sexual education classes, STD testing and more. That’s all good stuff to me so why would you take that away from a society where women once had to put their lives in danger to terminate a pregnancy? PP is actually more for preventing pregnancy than the Republican party and the Catholic Church combined.

How the hell can you be willing, listen to me here, willing to stop all operations of a country because of one little battle based on a fucked-up ideology touted as a major issue pressing this nation?

Lies. If you want to shut the government down over something, try the devastating amount of homelessness or how graduates can’t even afford to live with the weight of student loans they have to repay. Issues that have the power to affect change for millions of people aren’t what Republicans and Conservatives want though. They are more concerned with persevering a way of life for a small minority than improving a greater life for majority.

What is this war on PP really about anyway? Let’s look at the fundamental truth that minorities use PP’s services more than anyone. What is going to happen when they can’t get the medication they need, the assistance they need and yes, the abortions they need? How can the people wanting to end PP funding not see that without its services, women will be forced to revert to channels that are not safe or just continue to have babies? People aren’t going to stop having sex and babies are not going to stop being made. What does pulling federal funding from this entity going to do? Are they going to take it and put it into something to help the people or are they just going to waste it like they do millions of other dollars?

It is sickening to think of the lack of compassion involved in this demand. At this point it is not even about the right believing that defunding Planned Parenthood is a good idea, it is about the lengths that they are willing to go in order for it to happen. No, the government did not shut down, but how dare they even consider it? They say they are wasting money for women to get abortions, well damn it, we are wasting money on senators fucking prostitutes, building mansions, jet setting around the world, funding corrupt businesses and causing good people to lose their life’s work. How about all the money, federal tax payer money, that goes to that shit?

The real issue for me with Republicans and Conservatives is that they have a very out of touch perspective on life. What is going to happen to the people who depend on PP? I mean, do they want people to stop getting abortions and this is the way they plan to accomplish it? Also, why is it the Republicans will fight to the death for a fetus as long as it’s inside of a woman’s body, but the minute the child is born, it’s on its own. Republicans will happily also cut every program that can help that child, but it seems one’s it out of the womb, it must fight for its own survival.

Furthermore, this shows the disarray that exists in the Republican camp, and it is so sad. How can people be so careless in the care of other people?

Wars start everyday right? How about starting a war on hypocrisy? How about starting a war on leaders who don’t really lead? If we are going to fight, can we fight for something that is really worth it?



hunger games mockingjay 2 exclusive clip 2015As the big finale of The Hunger Games series, Mockingjay – Part II approaches, the studio is continuing to add hype to ensure big crowds are drawn to the much-anticipated final showdown between Katniss and The Capitol. In a clip that was sent exclusively to moviegoers who pre-ordered their tickets, we see Katniss and her team gearing up for the big fight.

The clip begins with Katniss being surprised by Finnick, who shows up to support Katniss and her team as they take on The Capitol. In a rare moment, Katniss is seen smiling as Finnick reveals he cut his prior plans short just so he could be there with her. This is definitely a different dynamic between the two, as their first few meetings were filled with misunderstanding and lack of trust.

Finnick joins Katniss and Gale, as they await instruction from the rest of the team in an army camp. Once the lead team arrives, they begin delegating people to teams and telling them their roles in the upcoming battle. However, Gale and Katniss look obviously displeased when they hear that they will be “four to five days behind combat.” This set-up will allow for them to be the “on-screen faces of the invasion,” notes Cressida (played by Game of Thrones star Natalie Dormer). She goes on to explain that Katniss and her close team will be the “star squad,” as it has been decided that they are most “effective” when simply seen by the masses, not actually amongst those fighting in the rebellion.

Immediately, Gale questions the superficial role he is being placed in, asking “so, we are not going to fight?” In which Boggs, who seems to play a big role in the organization of the invasion, quips back “you’ll do whatever you are ordered to do. It’s not your job to ask questions.” Gale reluctantly complies to Boggs orders.

Despite being days behind the real frontlines in the war, Boggs ensures the team that they will not be safe. Going on to explain, “this is a war zone. It is likely that we will encounter both active pods and peace keepers.” Shortly after, he makes it clear that Katniss and her close team are “high-value targets” and will face even greater risk on the battleground.

The clip finishes, with Boggs showing a new piece of high-tech equipment designed to show them all of the active pods in The Capitol. He explains that these active pods can set off a range of things, from “bombs to traps to mutts.” However, the specifics of what each pod contains is not relevant, because they are all designed to kill.

Finnick has the last words as he announces, “ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 76th Hunger Games.”

This last installment in the series tells of the story of something bigger than simply the survival of lead heroine Katniss Everdeen. Mockingjay – Part II is about fighting The Capitol for the freedom and future of the districts. As the nation of Panem gear up for a full-scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow for a final showdown. Of course, joining her is a slew of familiar faces including Gale, Peeta and Finnick. Together they try and stage the assassination of the all-mighty President Snow, while having to survive the growing number of obstacles he is putting in their way.

Undoubtedly, Katniss is up against a much bigger challenge than anything she has faced previously in The Hunger Games arena.

Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright, Sam Claflin,Jena Malone, and Donald Sutherland.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 is getting its big theatrical release on November 20th, 2015 and honestly, it will most likely be the box office hit that the studios are hoping for.

hunger games mockingjay 2 images 2015After a grueling 155 day shoot, the cast shared a little of what it felt like when it all came to an end.

“It was so emotional that I was completely numb and dead inside,” says Jennifer Lawrence.

“It felt really weird,” says Josh Hutcherson. Liam Hemsworth adds “I was drunk.”

And it turns out he was. According to Hutcherson, he and Hemsworth had wrapped their scenes the previous evening and celebrated by finishing a bottle of scotch between the two of them.

“Then [the next day] we came to the set because Jen and Woody [Harrelson] had a last scene together and we wanted to watch the last couple takes,” says Hutcherson.

“Then they called wrap,” continues Hutcherson, “and we kind of sat there on the steps in this room and we just held each other…”

According to Mockingjay director Francis Lawrence, the franchise’s producer caught a picture of the four of them right after wrap was called. “You can’t see their faces, but you just see them all hugging.”

There was then a celebration inside the courthouse in East Berlin where they were shooting, with a bunch of champagne and the whole cast and crew there to celebrate the end of an era.

Jennifer Lawrence confirms that’s exactly what happened. She adds, “And then a week later we were all together and we thought, ‘Was it weird that we got so dramatic?’”

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 Exclusive Clip

Atlanta Falcons vs Texans Week 4 Indepth NFL Review


atlanta falcons vs texans week 4 nfl images 2015How would you like being the best defensive player in the NFL and have your defense get run over to the tune of 48-21? It must be great being JJ Watt, but this season is going horribly for the big man. It got worse in Atlanta on Sunday as the Falcons jumped on Houston and would not get off. Houston was being shut out 42-0 at one point as satisfied Falcons fans headed home for a Sunday nap before the fourth quarter even began.

The first of many Falcons touchdowns came as a result of an interception by the Falcons defense. Devonta Freeman scored after the turnover and he showed out for the second week in a row. He ended the game with three more touchdowns, the second of which put his Birds up 14-0.

Freeman also set up a Falcon’s score with a long catch and run that led to a short TD throw from Matt Ryan to Hankerson. That made it 28-0 and the rout was on.

The Texans had a nice drive near the end of the half, but missed the FG attempt and went into the half hopeless and down four touchdowns.

The second half was no kinder to Houston, as Atlanta poured it on. Freeman took it to the promised land for his third score of the day to put his team up 35-0.

After two games Freeman has shown himself to be invaluable. I would never have guessed this level of production out of the second year man from FSU. I am glad to be proven wrong on this one! His play has opened up the offense so much. I hate to compare the kid to Marshall Faulk, but the way he is running and catching the ball out of the backfield I can’t help myself.

The rest of the game was merely the Falcons grinding out the win and Houston getting some late scores to make the score look reasonable. Atlanta improves to 4-0 while Houston flounders at 1-3.

Game Highlights:

Devonta Goes Off Again

Falcons vs Texans Highlights

3 things:

  • Julio Jones had his least productive game of the year so far. Atlanta simply didn’t need to throw it a ton after they jumped to the big lead. It hurt my fantasy teams, but everyone else had Julio as well so no big deal in daily fantasy play.
  • Two games do not make a big sample size, but it’s hard to say that Devonta Freeman’s last two performances are a fluke at this point.
  • Roddy White finally got a catch this week. Finishing the game with just two catches for eight yards does not bode well for this once great Falcon’s future though. Maybe he goes Larry Fitzgerald next week and gets rolling.

Lowlight of the Game: None really. OK, seeing the Georgia Dome empty out maybe. So few blowout wins for the Falcons in the past two years, you would think fans would hang around a bit longer. What’s the rush to get home? Big Instagram post? Pot roast ready? Or maybe folks were trying to beat the I-85 traffic (no chance in hell, it is awful 24/7).

Pleasant Surprise: Leonard Hankerson looked good in this game and appears to be the go to #2 receiver. I hate to say it but Roddy White is about to be put out to pasture. I love White, but he has produced just four catches through four games with no TDs.

Tweets of the Games:

Blake Shelton’s Good Place & Amber Rose’s Slut Walk

blake shelton good place after miranda lambert 2015 gossipDuring an interview with CMT Hot 20 Countdown on Saturday, country star Blake Shelton addressed his recent divorce with his former wife of 4 years, Miranda Lambert.

On the radio show Blake claimed he is “in a good place.” Going on to explain, “I wasn’t but I am now. It’s amazing how quickly life can turn around for you. I’ve had some pretty cool things in recent times that have happened and I’m loving it.”

In the interview, Blake also addressed his recent weight loss that has garnered a lot of attention for The Voice judge. Blake revealed, “I would like to sit here and tell you that I’ve been exercising, but I haven’t been.”

This is in contrast to what Shelton’s rep told media last month, claiming that the country star had been “doing the two things he hates to do – diet and exercise.”

However, Blake cleared things up in an earlier radio interview, saying his weight loss is a result of his “divorce diet.”

amber rose slut walk 2015 gossipAmber Rose held her “Slut Walk” in Los Angeles on Saturday. The walk was designed by Amber to protest the mistreatment of women. Hundreds of scantily clad supporters marched along Amber with signs that shared empowering message that addressed issues such as sexual violence, victim blaming and gender inequality.

Amber lead the way holding up a sign that read, “Strippers Have Feelings Too.”

Later in the day, Amber was also pictured with a sign that read, “F*** Yo 30 Showers,” which referenced a comment made by her ex-boyfriend Kanye West. Earlier this year, in an interview Kanye commented on his past relationship with Amber saying, “it’s very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that’s with Amber Rose…I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim.”

After the march, Amber addressed the crowd and spoke about her exes, Wiz and Kanye. Amber said, “people are ignorant and you have to be the bigger person. [Wiz] came out with that song, and that really hurt me…All I did was ever love him. I just loved him so much and gave him a beautiful son. To be told that I was nothing but a stripper, it hurt.”

Addressing the Kanye situation, Amber said, “I want to forgive Kanye for what he said about me. I want to let all that negativity go. I also forgive Wiz for what he said. Wiz actually apologized to me already. So I have forgiven him. I suggest that you guys do the same and I’ll tell you why…People are ignorant and you have to be the bigger person and be the positive person to forgive and move on and help other people around you that have been through the same thing.”

NCAA College Football Week 5 Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers From Week 5 Of The College Football Season

October is the month when the college football season heats up. Conference schedules start and there were plenty of big clashes this past weekend. The Top 25 is on upset alert the entire month. It’s going to happen; it’s just a matter of when. For one SEC team and another from the Pac-12, the first Saturday in October left them questioning if they have any chance of winning a conference title and a shot at a national championship. Here’s a look at this week’s winners and losers.


For the first time since 2009, Alabama was not favored in an SEC game. The Crimson Tide traveled to Georgia as an underdog and let the entire country know that they are still one of the nation’s best teams with a 38-10 victory over the Bulldogs. The Alabama defense virtually shut down the Bulldogs offense, although it did give up another 100-yard rushing effort to RB Nick Chubb. The loss does not affect the SEC East standings where Georgia is still a contender, but any discussion of head coach Mark Richt’s team being among those in line for a College Football Playoff slot officially ended Saturday.

Previously tenth-ranked UCLA dropped 10 spots in the latest coaches poll after losing 38-23 to Arizona State at home in the Rose Bowl. The Bruins fell behind 29-10 going into the fourth quarter before a valiant comeback attempt fell short. The UCLA defense gave up the clinching touchdown with just 45 seconds remaining when ASU running back Kalen Ballage carried several Bruins into the end zone on an impressive 23-yard scoring run. Super freshman quarterback Josh Rosen was harassed all night by the Sun Devils defense and RB Paul Perkins could manage just 63 yards rushing. It doesn’t get any easier for UCLA. They will face No. 18 Stanford and No. 24 Cal on consecutive Thursday nights.

Going into Week 5, the West Virginia defense was leading the nation in scoring defense. That changed quickly as the Mountaineers entered the Big 12 portion of their schedule. The WVU defense gave up 24 points to Oklahoma…and that was in the first half. The Sooners, led by quarterback Baker Mayfield, went on to a 44-24 win to move their record to 4-0. Head coach Dana Holgorsen’s defense will likely end up in the bottom half of the scoring defense statistics after consecutive trips to No. 20 Oklahoma State, No. 5 Baylor, and No. 4 TCU.


While the Big Ten features the nation’s two top-ranked teams in Ohio State and Michigan State, it was the little brothers of the conference that were big winners on Saturday. Northwestern continued its rise with a 27-0 win over Minnesota. The Wildcats defense will likely be among the top five in the nation in scoring defense when the new statistics are released. Northwestern has recorded two shutouts thus far and leads the conference in rushing (248.8 yards per game). Freshman quarterback Clayton Thorson scored two touchdowns and running back Justin Jackson had 120 yards rushing in Saturday’s win. The Northwestern defense held a fairly potent Minnesota offense to just 173 total yards and 11 first downs. Head coach Pat Fitzgerald and his squad gets its next test when it faces No. 22 Michigan next Saturday.

Illinois quarterback Wes Lunt found wide receiver Geronimo Allison for a one-yard TD pass with just 10 seconds remaining to give the Illini a 14-13 victory over Nebraska. Illinois is now 4-1 despite going through serious turmoil right as the season began. Head coach Tim Beckman was dismissed and interim head coach Bill Cubit was left to right the ship. He has done just that so far. The Illini will face another tough task next Saturday when they travel to Iowa, now 5-0 after an upset of Wisconsin.

The state of North Carolina is usually hyped this time of year because it is just over a week away from the opening of college basketball season. Teams like Duke and UNC begin their preseason training for the long basketball season ahead. This year is a little different. Both the Blue Devils and the Tar Heels are 4-1 and stand at the top of the ACC Coastal Division. North Carolina roared back to defeat Georgia Tech, 38-31, on Saturday. Quarterback Marquise Williams is a rising star. Duke played solid defense and if not for a big play with 28 seconds remaining in Saturday’s game with Boston College, would have recorded a shutout. The Blue Devils won 9-7.

Tim Tebow Ready To Break His Seal & Heidi Klum’s Halloween Casting

tim tebo not gay now for olivia culpo 2015 gossipE! News broke the news that celibate until marriage, football player Tim Tebow, 28, and former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo, 23, have been dating for over a month now.

This is Olivia’s first relationship since she broke up with her boyfriend of almost two years, Nick Jonas, in the early summer. A source told the media outlet, “Tim and Olivia are dating but trying to keep out of the public eye as much as they can. Olivia had a hard time after the break up with Nick Jonas but took time for herself and focused on work and is in a great place now.”

They went on to say, “she is very open to getting to know Tim and exploring the chance of something more with him. She is attracted to Tim’s personality. They are having a great time with each other and are looking to spend more time once the football season slows down. Olivia is excited what’s developing as they get to know each other more.”

A source close to Tim Tebow revealed that he is “enjoying getting to know Olivia,” and unsurprisingly thinks she is “beyond beautiful.”

Although Tim is known for being private, he has been linked to several celebrity women in the past, including actress Camilla Belle and Jana Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting.

The two have not confirmed their relationship, but sports blogger Terez Owens claims that the couple “have been spotted together on several occasions.”

heidi klum halloween casting 2015 gossipOn Friday, Heidi Klum graciously shared her Halloween preparation with her followers. The 42-year-old supermodel showed herself getting molded by a team of designers, as her costume for this year began taking shape.

The Project Runway judge is known for having intricate and unique costumes and therefore, it is not surprising that the star is already getting a head start on her ensemble. Every year Heidi hosts a Halloween party and therefore, she always ensures that her costume steals the show. In addition, she has also revealed in the past that Halloween just so happens to be her “favorite holiday.”

In her Instagram pictures, Heidi is seen with a team from ProrenFx, which is a company that provides expert design and makeup for clients in “all forms of media.”

Although Heidi shared some of the behind-the-scenes, she still left fans wondering what her costume will end up being, as it is still clearly still in the beginning stages of creation. It will be interesting to see what Heidi has up her sleeve this year.

Heidi Klum, Instagram posts:

So yucky but so worth it in the end ? #heidihalloween #heidiklumhalloween

A post shared by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

Thanks @prorenfx team for making my crazy costume idea a reality ? #heidihalloween #heidiklumhalloween

A post shared by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

Slime me up @prorenfx ? #heidihalloween #heidiklumhalloween

A post shared by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

La Liga Week 6 Soccer Recap 2015


la liga week 6 soccer shkodran mustafi images 2015Last season’s fourth-placed finishers Valencia have endured a difficult start to their league campaign and were booed by the Mestalla faithful during their last few games at home. They registered their second league win of the season as a goal from Shkodran Mustafi proved to be enough to give them all three points against Granada.

On Saturday, Barcelona registered a 2-1 win over newly-promoted Las Palmas courtesy of a brace from Uruguay international Luis Suarez. The Catalans headed into the Camp Nou affair on the back of a 4-1 trouncing at the hands of Celta Vigo away at Balaidos in the midweek that saw them cede their lead at the top of the league standings and were in need of a win over the visitors at home. They got the win, but it came at the cost of an injury to Lionel Messi. The stalwart has been ruled out for two months after suffering a discomfort in his knee and his loss is expected to be keenly felt by the Catalans as they are already reeling under a FIFA-imposed two-transfer window ban on registering new players.

In a surprise result, Real Madrid were held to a scoreless draw at home by Malaga. The Andalusian side’s goal was peppered with numerous shots by the hosts, but they found no way past an inspired Carlos Kameni, who managed to keep a clean sheet and earn his team a precious away point at the imposing Santiago Bernabeu. Los Blancos fired an incredible 31 shots at Malaga goal, but only nine were on target.

Reigning Europa League champions Sevilla finally managed to register their first win of the season as they overcame Rayo Vallecano 3-2 at the Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan. Yevhen Konoplyanka’s sizzling free-kick towards the end secured the three points for the hosts.

In the biggest upset of the week, tiny Villarreal defeated 2014 Spanish champions Atletico Madrid at the Madrigal 1-0 and climbed to the top of the table for the first time in their 92-year history. Leo Baptistao, currently on loan at Villarreal from Los Rojiblancos, scored the only goal of the match.

Fresh from the demolition job they did on Barcelona in the midweek, Celta Vigo were held to a 1-1 draw by Basque outfit Eibar and slipped to fourth in the table as a result.

Newly-promoted Real Betis inflicted a 2-1 defeat on Sporting Gijon. Joaquin and Ruben Castro on the scoresheet for Real Betis, while Carlos Castro grabbed the only goal for Gijon.

Deportivo La Coruna ran away 3-0 winners against Espanyol and climbed to sixth in the standings. Alvaro scored an own goal, while Lucas grabbed a double for the Galicians to give them their third win from the last four games.

A brace from Alvaro Vasquez and a solitary strike from Emiliano Buendia were enough for Getafe to inflict a crushing 3-0 defeat on Levante, while one of the most eagerly awaited clashes of the week – the Basque derby between Real Sociedad and Athletic Bilbao – turned out to be a damp squib as it finished 0-0.

Sean Lee & Eric Berry Making Remarkable Comebacks from Injury


sean lee eric berry injury comebacks dallas cowboys nfl 2015sean lee eric berry injury comebacks dallas cowboys nfl 2015One of the most beautiful aspects of the game of football is watching players overcome the seemingly impossible in order to get back on the field. 2015 has given us two fantastic examples already with both Dallas Cowboys linebacker Sean Lee and Kansas City Chiefs safety Eric Berry rebounding from serious issues to play again this fall.

For Lee, it was a torn ACL which cost him his entire 2014 season. The injury-prone linebacker didn’t call it quits, and after a lot of rehab and pacience Lee took the field again Week One against the New York Giants.

Lee has shined so far this season with the Cowboys, leading the team with 33 tackles and one sack. On top of that, his conversion from middle to outside linebacker seems to place the extremely talented defender in the best position not only for his own success but that of the team as well.

The Cowboys may have dropped a tough one Sunday to the Atlanta Falcons, but despite the the offensive woes the team may face moving forward, Lee has been able to quarterback the defense to eight in the league and 10th overall in run-stuffing.

Not bad for a guy who had one good leg this time last year.

Not to Kanye West the attention away from Sean Lee, but Eric Berry just may end up as Comeback Player of the Year when all is said and done. I mean, how many people have been diagnosed with something as serious as Hodgkin’s Lymphoma—a disease that was, for all intensive purposes, supposed to end Berry’s career—beat it, and came back stronger and more motivated than ever?

“How much ever [the team] respected him before,” said Chiefs’ head coach Andy Reid, “they respect him even more now. And for him to be able to play, that’s quite a story there. We’re happy he’s alive. That’s the most important thing. Anything after that was just icing on the cake.”

With 11 tackles and one pass defended, Berry is certainly adding a lot of icing so far. The Chiefs may not have the No. 1 defense in America, but they do have one of the better safeties in the NFL back with quite the story to tell.

Lee and Berry will be two of the hottest players to watch moving forward, especially at the level Lee is playing right now.

Too bad he’ll be subjected to Brandon Weeden for the next several weeks.

Draya Michele Quits Reality & Peter Thomas Hates RHOA Storyline

We made it to the weekend people, and I don’t know about you but I am ready to turn all the way up. Draya Michele is swearing off reality television for now and Peter Thomas suddenly is angry about him having a bad cheating storyline this season on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Guess he’s up for some censorship in this one instance.

draya michele quits reality tv 2015 gossipDraya Michele Quits Reality TV For Good

Who would have thought we see this day? The day that attention loving, crazy girlfriend Dray Michele would say that she is quitting reality TV.

The Basketball Wives LA star (who has never actually been a wife to anyone mind you) has separated herself from the antics of the trashy show and reflects back on her time with the other women.

“Reality TV is really tricky… The first two seasons of Basketball Wives were the hardest, but that’s when I enjoyed it the most. The last two seasons were the easiest, but I was just mentally over it.”

She says that having her private life displayed for everyone to see is not what she wants anymore and complains that it ruins families among other things.

“I don’t need every single thing I do to be on TV and to be judged. I just don’t like it anymore. I just want to live a more private life… It ruins families, relationships, work relationships, I think it tarnishes your name.”

While I have my feelings about Draya, I think that her coming to this realization is a great sign of maturity and that she’s actually doing something about it speaks volumes to her really wanting to put it behind her.

Now let’s see how long this lasts and if it is real.

napa valley wine train sued by sistahs 2015 gossipNapa Valley Wine Train Slapped with Discrimination Suit by Book Club

Remember the group of predominately black women who were kicked off of a Napa Valley wine train? Well they are suing for discrimination and want $11 million.

Five members of Sistahs on the Reading Edge book club feel that the embarrassment they felt and the way that the Napa Valley Wine train handled the situation is cause for monetary compensation. They were accused of being loud, boisterous, rude and were escorted off the tour through the entire train by police. Two of the women actually lost their jobs as a result of the attention it garnered.

“Blacks are still being treated differently in America” said their attorney Waukeen McCoy. The members of the group believe each woman, 11 in all, deserve $1 million each, one of which is a white woman named Linda Carlson.

“I truly now know how it feels to be a black woman,” said Carlson.

They were humiliated as other passengers snickered at them as they were taken off the train and in how the wine tour spoke about them on the social media platforms as well

“We had to stand in the hot sun and have people on the train look at us as if we were criminals.”

There is so much more to this story and a lot of he said she said but you can’t really argue facts.

 peter thomas real housewives of atlanta angry at cheating 2015 gossipPeter Thomas Pissed About RHOA Cheating Storyline

When you are on a reality TV show as superficial and degrading as the Real Housewives of Atlanta, you can’t expect much from the producers when it comes to storylines. Peter Thomas, Cynthia Bailey’s husband, has learned that the hard way.

Sources say that Thomas is not looking forward to his nor Cynthia’s storyline focusing on his alleged infidelities, which is what most of their on air time consist of.  He does not like that the Producers have made him out to be a bad guy.

According to reports, the fight that Cynthia and Porsha Williams are rumored to have had had something to do with Peter’s cheating rumors as well so it is clear that RHOA is hitting way below the belt.

Now, here is the thing- this kind of storyline and the way they are making him out to be is just something that just comes along with the territory. You’re on TV, and not good TV at that. It thrives off of drama and making people feeling horrible about themselves. Why would Peter really think that RHOA producers would do anything of substance? They are willing to capitalize on people’s pain and he and Cynthia and others signed their lives away and have to deal with it. There really is no way around it.

I mean, he could just leave the show and not worry about it being a constant story for people to talk about, but then again, that means he also has to walk away from the money.

SHARK TANK 702 Dang Good Hummus

Season 7 of Shark Tank continued with episode two this week. The sharks that swam around tonight’s offers were Robert Herjavec, Barbara Corcoran, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, and Mark Cuban. The five sharks watched, as four entrepreneurs tried to sell their ideas and walk out with an investment from one or more of the sharks.

So here is a recap of tonight’s pitches:

shark tank 702 odang hummus

  1. O’Dang Hummus

Asking: $50,000 for 10%

Creator Jesse Wolfe came into the tank with his hummus company, which makes a variety of unique flavored hummus. With such flavors as Dill and Buffalo, Jesse’s hummus had all of the sharks raving and even had Mark Cuban claiming it was “the s**t.”

Although the sharks could agree he had a good product, they were all weary about investing into the refrigerated food business, as it is incredibly competitive.

Despite the initial hesitancy, Kevin O’Leary decided he would give it a go and offered $50,000 for 20%. Robert also offered $50,000, but for 15%. However, Jesse convinced Lori to join in with Robert and he ended up closing a deal with the two sharks at $50,000 for 25%.

Unfortunately, Mark didn’t get a chance to offer and claimed that he would have given Jesse $100,000 for 25%.

shark tank bust 702 splikity

  1. Splikity

Asking: $200,000 for 10%

Chad and Doug Clark are two brothers who came into the tank with the idea of Splikity. Splikity is an app that offers a “secure” place to keep track of all your passwords. The app description says, “Splikity remembers all of your passwords so you don’t have to and keeps you safe from hackers. It’s impossible to remember all of your passwords, so Splikity does the work for you. And Splikity helps you create strong, unique passwords to help keep you safe from hackers.”

Unfortunately, the majority of the sharks were critical of the fact that the two brothers were very inexperienced when it came to technology and Internet security. Right away, both Mark and Robert dropped out (note: they both have ample experience with cyber security).

Shortly after, Lori and Barbara ended up dropping out.

Surprisingly, even after all of the criticism, Kevin ended up offering the brothers $200,000 in venture debt for 10% of sales up to $600,000 including repayment of the loan. Additionally, he would own 5% of the company overall.

Although it was their only offer, Chad and Doug ended up declining Kevin’s offer.

Therefore, Chad and Doug left without a deal.

shark tank 702 mark cuban mikki bey 2015

  1. Mikki Bey Eyelash Extensions

Asking: $300,000 for 20%

The owner Mikki Bey began as a celebrity makeup artist with clientele that included Missy Elliot and Jason Derulo. However, as she saw a rising demand in eyelash extensions, she created a proprietary technique and opened a salon for applying high-quality eyelash extensions.

During her pitch, she got Mark Cuban to lie down in her salon bed and demonstrated how she attaches her lashes (note: she only wound up putting one on Mark, as she knew she would end up just taking it off shortly after).

Initially, the sharks fired back claiming that there was nothing unique about her business. However, she explained that she was ahead of the trend when it came to the method of applying lashes. Unfortunately, she wasn’t very successful in convincing the sharks.

Lori was the first to drop out, followed by Mark. Mikki began breaking down as she explained her passion for her business. Her crying caused Barbara to advise her to “lose the emotions,” as it made her look weak.  Both Robert and Kevin had no interest in the business and dropped out.

Therefore, Mikki left without a deal.

shark tank 702 loliware

  1. Loliware

Asking: $150,000 for 10%

Friends Chelsea Briganti and Leigh Ann Tucker are the owners of Loliware, a line of vegan edible cups made from different organic ingredients such as seaweed, organic sweeteners and fruit flavors.

The company description boasts, “Loliware launched with the world’s first biodegr(edible) cup in March 2015. The company’s mission is to transform the tableware and packaging industries by creating products that are non-toxic, fun and delicious.”

The owners proved they meant business, as they explained the major sales they have already made, including receiving a letter of intent from a purchaser worth $1.3 million.

All of the sharks were impressed with their already established business and viral success. Robert was the first to offer in a joint deal with Mark Cuban at $600,000 for 25%. However, the other sharks wanted in and begun trying to get in on Mark and Robert’s deal.

Amongst all the madness, Lori ended up dropping out.

Ultimately, Mark decided to also join in on a deal with Barbara at $600,000 for 25%. Therefore, Chelsea and Leigh Ann were left to decide between the same deal, either with Mark and Robert or Mark and Barbara.

They ended up closing the deal with Mark and Barbara, as they clearly valued the experience Barbara has in the industry.

Sneak Peak:

Next week’s episode includes guest shark, American music manager Troy Carter. The pitches include a sock-of-the-month club, wooden bow ties, lapel accessories and fedoras, a valet and garage parking app and a balm that stops eye glasses from slipping.

Gettings Your Pets Ready For Cold Weather

getting pets ready for cold weather movie tv tech 2015With winter approaching and temperatures dropping it is time to ensure that, as a pet owner, you know how to best care for your furry friend. Through our teaming up with North Shore Animal League America, we are happy to be able to provide pet owners with some helpful tips that apply to caring for your favorite companions during the winter season.

  1. Become familiar with your pet’s limits when it comes to outside exposure in cold climates.

The appropriate amount of time spent outside when it is cold really varies with different breeds and animals. For example, breeds such as German Shepherds, Huskies and Malamutes, can handle colder temperatures for relatively long periods of time. However, they should not be left outside when not on walks or outdoor breaks. In contrast, breeds such as Chihuahuas, Poodles and Terriers, have shorter thresholds when it comes to cold temperature exposure. Therefore, you should be mindful of time when it comes to being outside in the winter with your pet.

  1. Rock salt is toxic and can be harmful to paws.

It is very common to use rock salt during the winter to ward off icy ground. However, it should be noted that the use of this can be very dangerous for the paws of your animal. Therefore, if you are looking to use salt on your walkway or areas where your pets will be walking, you should look for pet-friendly ice melting products and/or foot protection (i.e. booties) for your pet. Unfortunately, sometimes when taking your animal for a walk in public areas, you may encounter rock salt. In this case, you should be sure to thoroughly wipe off their feet, tummies and any exposed areas.

  1. Antifreeze is fatal to both humans and animals. 

Antifreeze is often used during the winter to prevent vehicles’ engines from freezing. However, pet owners should be aware of just how fatal the liquid is to animals. Antifreeze can often attract pets, as they like the sweet taste of it. Therefore, extra precaution needs to be taken when using the substance, as any accidental leaking or spilling could lead to unwanted consumption by your pets. Furthermore, be very cautious when using antifreeze or better yet, look into an animal-friendly antifreeze that is propylene glycol-based.

  1. Fireplaces can be dangerous. 

It is not uncommon for the fireplace to get the most use during the winter months. However, those with pets should be aware of the possible hazards they impose. Pet owners should ensure to purchase a screen to protect their animals from flying sparks and flames. In addition, pets should be kept at a safe distance from both fire places and portable heaters to avoid overheating and/or burns.

  1. “Beef” up your pet’s diet in the winter.

As the weather gets chillier, your pets’ metabolisms have to work harder in order to keep their systems running at a suitable temperature. This causes both cats and dogs to burn more calories in extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is suggested you increase their meal portions to help ensure they are getting an appropriate amount of food to make up for their increased energy consumption.

  1. Check your pets’ water supplies.

With the cold temperatures, it is likely that your animal’s water dishes may freeze, especially if the water is kept outside. Therefore, you should be consistently checking to make sure that your dogs and/or cats have constant access to fresh, drinkable water.

  1. Remember that outdoor cats need your help. 

Even though the temperatures are changing, it doesn’t mean that outdoor animals needs are. If you regularly feed outdoor animals, it is suggested you consider using a Styrofoam cooler and a straw to create a makeshift shelter that will help them stay comfortable during the harsh weather this winter.

Lastly, remember that pets are members of your family and therefore, should be cared for as such. While the winter season can be beautiful, it can also bring very extreme conditions. Whether it be cold, rain, snow or storms, it always better to err on the side of caution.

So, be knowledgeable about your specific pet(s) and know how to best care for their safety, health and overall well-being. You can learn this and also how you can help even more animals, through North Shore’s website, www.AnimalLeague.org. North Shore Animal League America sustains its mission to rescue, nurture and adopt nearly 20,000 orphaned animals into loving homes each year.

These equally helpful and important tips were provided by Christina Travalja, Shelter Director at North Shore Animal League America.