Johnny Manziel Gets Away with Girlfriend Cruising & Bruising

johnny manziel working post rehab pr 2015

johnny manziel gets away with girlfriend crusing 2015 nfl imagesJohnny Manziel got another not so surprising break as he won’t be disciplined for the incident with his girlfriend. If you don’t remember that one, he was driving with his girlfriend back in October and things got out of hand (literally with his girlfriend, Colleen Crowley getting some bruises), but as long as your white in the NFL, you can rough up your girlfriend as she obviously doesn’t matter to Roger Goodell. I guess if she were married to him, maybe Goodell and the NFL would do a little more.

Here’s the statement put out:

“Consistent with the procedures of the league’s Personal Conduct Policy, we have examined the available evidence regarding the recent incident involving Johnny Manziel,” the league said in a statement. “Our investigation included a thorough review of information from law enforcement and our own interviews with multiple individuals, including the two involved in the incident. Based on the information gathered, we have concluded that there is an insufficient basis on which to take disciplinary action. In all cases of this nature, our concern under the Personal Conduct Policy goes well beyond the issue of discipline, and we have made comprehensive professional resources available on a confidential basis.”

johnny manziel working post rehab pr 2015Manziel had this to say after wiping his mouth from some serious ass kissing or something that he did to get away with this one:

“I appreciate the NFL’s diligence and discretion in reviewing a situation that was both personal and embarrassing,” Manziel said in a statement through his friend and advisor, Brad Beckworth. “Colleen and I cooperated fully with the NFL’s process and completely support their goals of making sure that every family under their umbrella is safer and more secure. I’m grateful that the review was so thorough and fair that there should be no question left in the public mind about what actually happened. I’m looking forward to focusing my energies on our start against the Ravens and bringing in a win for our fans in Cleveland.”

So, as I’m sure Johnny Football will continue knowing that since he’s all white to the NFL, he’ll continue being able to beat the fuck out of any woman he wants, and be grateful that he’s got that lily white skin. If he was black, we all know it would have been a very different situation.