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‘American Horror Story Hotel’ 505 Room Service Recap

american horror story hotel 505 room service 2015 imagesNow that Halloween has passed by, we now must rely on American Horror Story: Hotel solely for our weekly dose of creepiness and scare. Season 5 of the series, Hotel, continued tonight with its 5th episode titled, “Room Service.” Before the show aired, star actress Lady Gaga, who goes by The Countess, on the series (and currently on Twitter as well) tweeted that this particular episode is a favorite of hers. The glamorous singer-turned-actress said, “Get ready to watch tonight’s new episode of HOTEL…It’s one of my favorites so far!”

Lady Gaga, Twitter post:

And once again, the show did not disappoint. The show proceeded, as it ambitiously established further complexity within numerous characters.


The episode begins with Dr. Alex Lowe, who was seen begging The Countess to turn her into a vampire in the last episode. She is at her office, where she takes her temperature, which reads 75.5 degrees. Afterward, she enters one of her office rooms, where a boy who she has been treating continues to battle the measles. Since the last time he made an appearance, the boy has gotten a lot worse and has developed pneumonia. Alex insists to the boy’s mother that she won’t give up on him until he is better.

Shortly after, Alex goes into the hospital’s blood storage room and feasts on the blood. She then draws her own blood and decides to put it into the sick boy, in an attempt to save him from dying. After he is infused with her blood, he miraculously recovers. Safe to say, Alex got her wish from The Countess (she is now a vampire).

The next scene shows Donovan banging on Ramona Royale’s door. Ramona opens the door to see Donovan with his mother, Iris, who looks unwell. Donovan explains to Ramona that Iris is drunk, but she is their key to getting revenge on The Countess. However, Ramona quickly realizes that Iris is not drunk, but that Donovan has turned her into a vampire.

Iris returns to Hotel Cortez, where Liz Taylor tells her she looks horrible. She tells him that she is thirsty and thus, Liz fetches a bag of blood from The Countess’ “secret stash.” While Iris continues to feel unwell, Liz is thrilled about her transformation into an immortal.

The next scene shows the formerly ill boy Max embracing his new vampire identity, as he feasts on both of his parents. Then, Max leaves the house and heads off to school. Here, he meets a girl named Madeline who expresses her adoration for him. Max proceeds to tell her about his serious hospital stint with the measles. The two kids go into a room alone and kiss. However, Max bites her lip and then bites his. He tells her to drink his blood. Unfortunately, they are interrupted as a teacher finds them. Startled, Max slits the teacher’s throat. Not too long after, the school is filled with bloodthirsty kids who continue to feast on unsuspecting teachers.

The police end up at the school and find most of the staff dead. The kids, who are now vampires, make up an elaborate lie claiming that it was a man with a mask and dressed in all black that massacred their teachers.

Back at the police station, Detective Lowe is going on about the serial killer dinner party (which was in the last episode) he attended, where he claims he had been drugged. Unfortunately, his lieutenant thinks Lowe has lost it and fires him.

At the hotel, two new guests try and check in and inquire about discounts for “influencers.” They say they are friends of new hotel owner Will Drake and hope to be placed in a room that he has redesigned. Iris gets upset with the couple’s badgering and consults with The Countess. The Countess tells her to pass the message along to Will Drake. At the same time, The Countess senses something different about Iris and tells her that she looks nervous. Additionally, The Countess’ current love interest Tristan tells Iris she smells different as well.

Back at the front desk, the new guests call down and order pate. Mischievously, Liz Taylor tells Iris to give them cat food instead. Liz and Iris go on to discuss how Liz got into cross-dressing. Liz thinks back to 1984 when he decided to marry his wife because she was the same dress size as him. After the wedding, he took a trip with friends to Los Angeles and stayed in the hotel. Here, he got dolled up in his wife’s clothes and encountered The Countess. During this meeting, The Countess tells Liz that he looks and sounds like a man, but he smells like a woman inside. Liz recounts that he had broken down because of how ugly he felt, but the Countess assured him that he did not lack beauty, he simply lacked commitment. It was then that he decided to fully commit to his true identity, and changed from his former name Nick to Liz Taylor.

Unfortunately, after embracing his identity as Liz, the friends he was at the hotel with turn on him. Luckily, The Countess swoops in and slits their throats. The Countess decided to hire him instead of turning him into a vampire. Thus, Liz left his family behind and no longer is in contact with any of them – including his kids. Liz tells Iris that she no longer takes s**t from people

Shortly after, Liz’s story triggers Iris to stop taking “s**t” from others as well. When Iris brings up the new guests’ food, and they act rudely toward her, Iris loses it. She stabs the two guests to death and drinks their blood. Iris exclaims, “I matter.”

Back to Detective John Lowe, who wakes up in his hotel room with Hypodermic Sally lying next to him. It is revealed that the two slept together. However, Lowe is confused on how it all went down.

The episode ends off with Iris and Liz pushing the two dead bodies into the laundry chute. Iris states, “I never knew how to live until I died,” as she toasts on the guest’s leftover wine with Liz.

Alex is seen being reunited with her lost son Holden, courtesy of The Countess. Alex agrees to be the overseer of the children in the hotel, so she can stay with Holden forever. A new glass coffin is seen in The Countess’ secret room, which can fit both Holden and Alex together.

You can catch next week’s episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, “Room 33” on Wednesday, November 11 on FX.

‘Paranormal Witness’ 411 When Hell Freezes Over Recap

paranormal witness 411 when hell freezes over 2015 recap imagesIt’s all about ‘When Hell Freezes Over’ on this week’s episode of “Paranormal Witness,” and Kristel Smart talked about ending a relationship and losing her grandmother and family house. Kristel had a younger sister named Kerrie in a bad relationship, and both women needed a place to live, along with Kristel’s young daughter Taylor. Together they bought a house in Vermont and had their friend Dawn move in too. They found a cold stone wall in the house that looked like an outside wall.

The night they moved in they went to bed at 2 a.m even though they hadn’t moved all their belongings into the house yet. Kristel woke up to the sound of footsteps and giggling in the hall. Kristel thought it was her daughter making the noise and sent her back to bed. Kristel then heard a loud creak and saw a shadow that looked like someone walking through the hallway. Kristel walked past the stone wall and was struck by a sudden gust of cold. She heard footsteps behind her and felt someone breathing into her ear, but there was no one there.

Kerrie said there was a shift in the energy of the house, and it didn’t feel right. Kristel said the house was always cold even though it was September when they moved in, Kerrie called the landlord and told them the house was freezing no matter what they did. A repairman filled their heater with propane to get them through the winter. The next day the house was even colder. They were told the fuel had been used up, and they had to pay another $500 to get more.

Kristel woke up one night to tapping on her window. She saw a crack forming across the window, causing her whole body to stiffen. The crack in the window was gone the next morning. Kerrie said that night she woke up to hear a choir singing Amazing Grace. She went into the hallway and saw everyone was asleep in the house. The singing continued, and there were a lot of muffled voices that sounded like a church choir. Kerrie said the sound was coming from outside the house, but no one was near it.

One day someone knocked on the door but when they answered it no one was there. Then someone started pounding on the door, and a key was shoved under the door into the house. Kristel chalked it up to a neighborhood prank. Later that day she heard Taylor in her room talking to herself. She poked her head in the room and saw her looking up talking to someone above her. Kristel asked her to take dishes into the kitchen, and Terry threw them at her and then threw herself on the floor. Kristel said something was changing her daughter’s personality. Kristel said she was worried about Dawn, who was retreating into herself.

Kristel heard the boiler catch on fire and called 911. The fireman said that the furnace blew up, but they didn’t know why. Alone in her bedroom a few nights later Taylor started screaming. She pointed at the wall and said she had seen monster eyes on the wall, but Kristel said it was just a drawing. Kristel took Taylor into her bedroom for the night. Kerrie tried to convince Kristel something creepy was happening in the house.

The next morning Kristel heard a scraping sound and went into the hallway to investigate. The dining room chairs were moving on their own. Dawn came in then, and chairs kept pulling away from the dining room table. Dawn said she couldn’t take it anymore, and she moved out immediately. Kerrie found a bee on their plate. The bee multiplied until the room filled up with them. They were making a loud noise, and thousands of them were taking over the house. The bees threw themselves at the windows to get through the cracks and into the house. Kerrie and Kristel taped up their windows to keep the bees out.

They called an exterminator and could tell he was uncomfortable with the number of bees in the house. Kerrie and Kristel decided they needed to get out of the house.  Taylor’s teacher showed Kristel a picture she drew of the house featuring black figures with orange eyes in the windows. Kristel was sitting in her car crying until her neighbor interrupted her. She told him they thought their house was haunted and he wasn’t surprised to hear it. Kristel researched the house and found out a church used to  be there, which she thought explained the stone wall in the house. The church had been set on fire, leading Kristel to believe a curse had been put on the house. Kristel thought maybe the congregation was haunting them because Kristel was a single mother. They made the decision to leave the house and go to their mother’s house. But they got snowed in and had to stay. Kristel described the freezing weather as lethal. They felt like the weather turned on them so that they had to stay in the house.

Doors started slamming in the house and the piano played itself. They heard footstep in the hallway. Kristel heard whispers and saw a shadow on the wall that wanted to hurt them. Then the room suddenly got still and quiet. The three of them woke up to see dark shadows shaped like humans moving around the house. Then the shadows suddenly disappeared and the storm passed. They moved out of the house and went to live with their mother.

‘Law & Order’ 1707 Patrimonial Burden Duggar Style

law order 1707 patrimonial burden 2015 imagesOn this week’s episode of “Law & Order: SVU,” Lane Baker, a young reality TV star and her family went to NYC to celebrate her purity. )This show always makes sure to state that the story is fictional, they aired this on Josh Duggar’s birthday.) While filming a scene for their reality show the young girl collapsed. She was taken to the hospital, where it was discovered that she was three months pregnant at 13 years old. The pregnancy was reported to SVU and Benson and Finn questioned Lane’s parents. The family’s pastor came to the hospital and met Benson and Finn.

Rollins researched the family and said they had been in Harlem on religious business around the time Lane had gotten pregnant. Finn tracked the family to a church hostel in NYC where Lane’s parents were filming a scene for their show. The family’s children were taken to the station, and Sonny ordered pizzas for them. Sonny asked one of Lane’s brothers if they had encountered any men when the family was in Harlem, but he wouldn’t talk about it.

Lane told Benson her being pregnant was God’s will. She admitted she had sex with a man who told her she was still a good person, but she wouldn’t reveal his identity. She told Benson it was someone she knew. Lane said the man that got her pregnant loved her. Benson asked her to write down the man’s name.

Finn and Sonny tracked down the man, Pete Matthews, that Lane named and demanded a DNA sample, who was a cameraman for their reality show. Finn said that Lane had identified the man as her rapist. When Benson told Lynn’s mother that Matthews had gotten her daughter pregnant she was shocked. Benson asked Mrs. Baker to have an amniocentesis done on Lane to confirm who the father is.

At the station, Finn and Sonny questioned Matthews after finding footage he filmed of Lane’s sisters changing clothes. Matthews said that he hadn’t gotten Lane pregnant because he had had a vasectomy ten years ago. Benson, Finn, Sonny and Rollins viewed three-year-old footage of the TV show with one of the girls being groped on camera by her brother, Graham.

Finn and Sonny went out of state and talked to a member of the family’s church, who happened to be a judge who was best friends with the family’s lawyer. They were then pulled over by local police for speeding but were let off with a warning. The cop then gave Sonny court records for Graham Baker.

Benson went to the church to speak with the Bakers and their pastor. Benson confronted the couple about Graham’s legal problems. Then she found out the family had sent Graham away on a spiritual journey to Ecuador. They then found out that Graham had gotten his and Lane’s older sister pregnant.

Sonny and Rollins went to the medical examiner for information on the case, and Rollins started having pain, so Sonny took her to the hospital. Doctors recommended she go on bed rest until her baby was born.

The family’s pastor had been with them in Harlem when Lane got pregnant. Benson and Finn deduced that the pastor was the father of Lane’s baby. He accused them of religious persecution. The pastor was then confronted by Benson and Sonny at his church because the medical examiner’s office found proof that he was Lane’s baby’s father. They found out he was set to marry Lane and help her raise the baby. Lane’s mother asked her what the truth was, and Lane said God’s plan was for her to marry her pastor and raise their baby together. He was then arrested for statutory rape of Lane.

Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani Officially Together While Joe Jonas Dumps Gigi Hadid

joe jonas splits with gigi hadid 2015 gossipWhile it may not be a divorce, yet another Hollywood couple decided to call it quits. Reports claim that musician Joe Jonas and supermodel Gigi Hadid have recently broken up. A source tells E! News that “[Joe and Gigi] remain friends but their schedules started to affect their relationship.”

The two began dating back in October of 2014 after the two spent weeks telling the press that they were just really good friends. However, this summer they were constantly seen at each other’s side and a source close to the couple explained, “Gigi feels very comfortable with Joe, and it’s very easy to talk about everything that’s going on in her life with him. He understands where she is at, and they are not in any rush.”

In September, Gigi revealed on Periscope that Joe had asked her out a long time ago. Gigi explained, “we met at the Grammys when I was 13 years old, and he asked me to a basketball game, and I said, ‘No.’” She went on to say, “I was so nervous; I literally didn’t even know what it meant to hang out with a boy and also, Grammys are on a Sunday, and I didn’t want to tell him that I had school the next day, so I was like, ‘No, maybe next time.’” According to the model, her rejection didn’t stop him from trying as he gave a piece of paper with his phone number to Yolanda, Gigi’s mother.

Over the past few weeks, Joe has launched his comeback project, which is a band named DNCE. The band has released a single, “Cake by the Ocean,” and will be touring for the next while, promoting their upcoming music. Additionally, Gigi continues to be the it-model in fashion and has been travelling the world doing shoots and shows. She will also be walking the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show come December.

A source broke the news to People magazine saying, “Joe and Gigi’s relationship recently ended. Nothing serious happened…it wasn’t a dramatic breakup. It was just hard to make it work with their schedules. They will definitely remain friends.”

So that is the end for G.I. Joe (their couple name).

blake shelton gwen stefani confirmed dating 2015 gossipIn the theme of breakups…and getting over them…

Back in July, country singers Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert announced they were getting a divorce after four years of marriage. While the decided splitting up was the best decision for them, they assured fans and the press that they continue to remain friends and supportive of one another.

Over the past while, rumors have begun to spread that Blake has entered a new relationship with fellow Voice coach and recent divorcee, Gwen Stefani.

While this relationship has not been confirmed, a source close to Miranda claims she isn’t surprised. The source went on to say, “Miranda is at a point in her life where she is really focusing on herself and her music. This is a new chapter for her to create new relationships and really move on. Miranda has been going through many people over the past few months, but it’s all for the better.”

The source added, “[Miranda] was not surprised to hear the romance between Blake and Gwen. They were always pretty flirty. Miranda and Blake were on the rocks on and off and knew that this could always be a possibility.”

The Blake-Gwen rumors continued to spawn as the singers were seen caressing each other at Maroon5’s Halloween party. Photos of the two showed Blake holding on to Gwen’s waist. Additionally, the stars were spotted at several other parties together over the weekend.

UPDATE: Blake Shelton’s rep Wes Vause has confirmed that his client and Gwen Stefani are dating.

Premier League Week 11 Soccer Review


premier league week 11 soccer review 2015 liverpool vs chelseaWeek 11 of the 2015/16 Premier League season kicked off with Liverpool’s visit to Stamford Bridge to take on Chelsea. The hosts have endured a difficult start to their campaign, and the Reds started as favourites in the encounter. Two strikes from Philippe Coutinho and a goal from Christian Benteke helped Liverpool come from a goal down to register a 3-1 win. It was a sixth league defeat for Chelsea this term, and it has increased the pressure on their manager Jose Mourinho, who is increasingly finding it difficult to turn things around. Chelsea are now 15th in the standings while Liverpool has risen to eighth.

Crystal Palace held Manchester United to a scoreless draw at Selhurst Park. It was a second successive 0-0 draw for the Red Devils after a similar result against Manchester City, and they have now slipped to fourth in the table.

Table toppers Manchester City looked like dropping two points at home against newly promoted Norwich City until the final minute of the game, but a late Yaya Toure penalty gave them a 2-1 win. Nicolas Otamendi had put the Citizens ahead in the 67th minute, and Cameron Jerome had brought the Canaries level with a strike in the 83rd minute before Toure grabbed the winner.

Newcastle United were held to a scoreless draw by Mark Hughes’ Stoke City at St. James’ Park. The shared points saw the Magpies in 18th while the Potters are in 14th.

Arsenal turned on the style against Swansea City at the Liberty Stadium on their way to a 3-0 win. Olivier Giroud, Laurent Koscielny and Joel Campbell scored once apiece to help the Gunners to their fifth successive league win. The three points means Arsenal remain level on points with Manchester City at the top of the league table as they attempt to win their first league title in over a decade. Arsenal fans will hope that their team keeps their consistency for the entirety of the campaign and avoid any major hiccups on their way.

Watford were 2-0 winners against high-flying West Ham United at Vicarage Road on Saturday. The Hammers have enjoyed a great start to their season and have registered away wins over Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool, but they came up short against the newly promoted Hornets.

Meanwhile, Leicester City continued their terrific start to the season as they won 3-2 against West Bromwich Albion. Riyad Mahrez scored a brace for the Foxes, and Jamie Vardy scored for an eighth successive league match to help his team grab all three points. Claudio Ranieri’s men are now occupying the third spot in the table.

Everton hammered Sunderland 6-2 at Goodison Park with the help of a hat-trick from Arouna Kone, and the Toffees are now ninth in the league table while the Black Cats languish in 19th.

Southampton grabbed all three points from their encounter against Bournemouth, which puts them in seventh.

On a Monday night encounter, Tottenham Hotspur were 3-1 winners against Aston Villa at White Hart Lane.

Bundesliga Week 11 Soccer Review


bundelsiga week 11 review 2015 soccer imagesThe 11th week of the Bundesliga campaign began with a surprise result as reigning German champions Bayern Munich were held to a scoreless draw by Eintracht Frankfurt at the Allianz Arena. The Bavarian giants had won their first ten league games on the trot and were odds-on favourites to stretch that streak to 11 games when they hosted Eintracht Frankurt, but ultra-defensive tactics of the visitors kept Pep Guardiola’s men, who have taken almost all of their opposition to task with their attacking football, at bay. The result has narrowed the German giants’ lead at the top of the league standings to five points, but they still remain favourites to win the title at a canter unless they undergo a drastic drop in form, which looks unlikely. But chasing teams will take note of the tactics employed by Eintracht Frankfurt in their draw and may attempt to repeat the same in their games against the Bavarians.

Augsburg and Mainz played out a 3-3 draw on Saturday at the SGL Arena. The result means Augsburg remain bottom of the table while Mainz are now 12th. Meanwhile, 1. FC Koln held Hoffenheim to a scoreless draw at the RheinEnergieStadion.

Oscar Wendt, Raffael, Granit Xhaka and Havard Nordtveit were all on the scoresheet for Borussia Monchengladbach against Hertha Berlin on Sunday as they registered their sixth successive win in the league. The Foals started their campaign poorly as they lost their first five games in an abysmal fashion that prompted Lucien Favre to resign from his post, and their fortunes have undergone a complete sea change under interim boss Andre Schubert. They have now climbed to fifth in the table with a haul of 18 points and have flung themselves in the running for a spot in Europe.

Schalke were held to a 1-1 draw by newly promoted Ingolstadt at home, and the Royal Blues are now fourth in the table while their rivals are eighth. Roger Schmidt’s Bayer Leverkusen lost 2-1 to Wolfsburg. For the Wolves, summer signing Julian Draxler grabbed the winner, and former Arsenal forward Nicklas Bendtner scored the opener. Former Manchester United and Real Madrid frontman Javier Hernandez scored the only goal for the losing side.

Marco Reus scored a brace in between a Henrikh Mkhitaryan strike to help Borussia Dortmund to a 3-1 win over Werder Bremen. The win moved Thomas Tuchel’s men to within five points of table-toppers Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga standings. The Rhine outfit have started their season in stupendous fashion, and their only defeat so far has come against the reigning German champions. However, they will find it hard to challenge for the league honours with the depth in the ranks of the Bavarians and the exertions of their own gruelling Europa League campaign.

VfB Stuttgart were 2-0 winners against newly promoted Darmstadt at the Gottlieb Daimler Stadium and are now 15th in the standings. Meanwhile, Hannover defeated Hamburger 2-1 to move 14th, while their beaten rivals lie tenth.

Serie A Week 11 Soccer Review


serie a week 11 soccer review 2015 imagesJuventus and Torino went head-to-head at the Juventus Stadium in the Turin derby on Saturday to kick-off the 11th week of action in Serie A. Paul Pogba – who has thus far failed to replicate his last year’s superlative displays – put the hosts ahead with a 19th minute, but the visitors drew level courtesy of a Cesare Bovo goal in the 51st minute. The match appeared to be heading to a draw, until Pogba set up Juan Cuadrado for a 93rd minute winner to break the hearts of the travelling Torino supporters. The Old Lady have now moved to tenth in the league table with a tally of 15 points from their first 11 league games.

In a top of the table clash, Inter Milan defeated Roma 1-0 courtesy of a first half Gary Medel strike. Roberto Mancini’s men played host to the Italian capital outfit at the San Siro and registered a narrow win that helped them go level on points with Fiorentina at the top of the league standings. Roma, who started the game in first in the table, have now slipped in third but remain only a point adrift of the top spot.

Ante Rebic, Gonzalo Rodriguez, Khouma Babacar and Mario Suarez all scored in the first half for Fiorentina as they defeated Frosinone 4-1. The win moved Paulo Sousa’s side atop the table as they attempt to win the title in what is shaping up to be an open race for the title in the Italian top flight.

Bologna were 3-0 winners over Atalanta but remain in the relegation zone in 18th, while Carpi remain rock-bottom after they were held to a scoreless draw by Hellas Verona at the Alberto Braglia.

Napoli’s five-match winning run was brought to a halt by Genoa as the Neapolitans played out a scoreless draw away from home. Maurizio Sarri’s men are now fourth in the table with a haul of 22 points from their first 11 games in the league campaign.

Udinese and Sassuolo also played out a 0-0 draw at the Stadio Friuli on Sunday. The result sees Udinese in 15th while Sassuolo occupies the fifth spot in the table.

A goal apiece from Andrea Bertolacci, Philippe Mexes and Carlos Bacca helped AC Milan register their first win away at Lazio in six years and hauled the Rossoneri up to sixth in the table with their tally of 19 points from six games. Sinisa Mihajlovic endured a difficult start to the season as Milan boss, but their performances have improved since and they remain unbeaten in their last four outings, winning the last three. The AC Milan faithful will hope that their ongoing form continues and they remain in contention for a spot in next season’s Champions League with a top three finish in the league this season.

Eder put Sampdoria ahead in the eighth minute before Roberto Inglese equalised for Chievo Verona as the two teams shared points after a 1-1 draw.

Meanwhile, a Riccardo Saponara goal handed all three points to Empoli against Palermo.

Week 8 Results My 2015 Fantasy Football Blueprint: Watch Me Turn $100 into $0

Week 8 Results My 2015 Fantasy Football Blueprint 2015 imagesWeek eight showed me just how important one roster spot can be. Hell, one game with multiple players can be the difference when you have a historic shootout like the Saints and Giants put on display.

I can’t complain since I came out ahead. Sorry to those of you who enjoy watching me crash and burn. There’s always next week, though.

Here’s how I fared on DraftKings in week eight. I did use only Fantasy Labs this week as promised. I barely used my big football brain at all and found that to be profitable.

fantasy football blueprint 8 movie tv tech geeksI won money on 3 / 5 GPP contests and got the best of 4 / 5 opponents I went head to head with. I should have been batting .1000 on the H2Hs except for the damn overtime game between the Panthers and Colts!

My rival got lucky with the extended play with Cam and Greg Olsen, beating me by less than two points.

That loss was hard to swallow and nearly made me walk away from the game Michael Jordan style. Not at the top of my fantasy game, but like MJ’s retirement from the Wizards.

I should have used the same lineup on all my H2Hs again this week but had tweaked a couple for some reason. Setting the lineups too early in the week gives me too much time to overthink all the possibilities.

Take a look at my lineups that did the best in my head to heads. 174.44 was pretty good for me. Good enough to cash out anyways.

fantasy football h2h blueprintHere is my highest grossing GPP lineup.

fantasy football gpp score movie tv tech geeksI got hurt when Le’Veon Bell went down, and I also lost points on one lineup that I chose the safer pick of RB Devonta Freeman over WR Julio Jones. Freeman gets more touches since he gets a lot of receiving targets in addition to his rushes. Julio’s upside is more though, and he doubled Freeman’s points in this instance.

I was happy with the results this week since I don’t have to deposit another $10 for my matches in week nine. I’m playing with house money, sorta. I’ll break down exactly how much I lost or won after week ten is over.

Ten dollars a week is not much to gamble. I’m aware of that, but this blueprint is for any of you who wish to scale that amount up to $100 a week or even $1000. The percentage of my wins or losses can be multiplied to whatever level you would be wagering.

Hopefully, this ten-week trial will show you all just what it takes to be successful at daily fantasy football. Or how unsuccessful you can be even with a ton of time and effort.

Here are five lessons I’ve learned so far in DFS as I have really been engaged the past eight weeks.

  1.  95% of commentary on sports is not helpful in fantasy play. I now pay more attention to the nebulous terms that talking heads throw out about players. “He’s got the hot hand right now, or there’s something magical about this team,” tells you nothing concrete about what has happened in previous games or might happen the next week.
  1. Figure out the best contests for your specific skill set. Maybe it’s GPPs. Maybe it’s H2H contests, which are what I enjoy the most and have profited the most from overall.
  1. Make notes of sharks’ usernames. Avoid sharks in real life and in DFS.
  1. Know the scoring system for the specific sport you are playing. All touchdowns are not equal on DraftKings for one example.
  1. Pick opponents wisely.

For week nine I will go with five GPPs again, as I hope to get lucky with a big payday to prove to my wife that 32 hours a week on fantasy football research is a good investment of my time.

I will also go with five H2Hs. Three will be against sharks just to see how I fare….if I even survive the attack. As long as they have a game available for $1 I will match my dimwits against some of the best in the game.

That means you CONDIA, ChipotleAddict, and even csuram88.

The last two head to heads will be against the lowest hanging fruit I can find for two sure wins. Yes, I’m getting cocky after my $6.70 profit in week eight.

Three head to head trouncings against the pros should bring me back to earth in week nine. Oh, but if I win……

‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2’ IMAX Sneak Peek Hits


the hunger games mockingjay part 2 imax sneak 2015 imagesArguably the most anticipated movie release this winter is The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, which is the final installment of the hugely successful Hunger Game series. In a few weeks, fans will finally be able to see how the story ends for Katniss and her crew. So while we wait for the movie to hit theatres, IMAX and Lionsgate have released a special featurette teaser for the Hunger Games’ last chapter.

Mockingjay Part II is a continuation of the story, as Katniss and the citizens of Panem have decided to go into full-on war against President Snow and the Capitol. In the past three films, audiences saw that Snow and The Capitol had been forcing two people from each of the 13 districts to take on the role of tributes and fight each other to the death to survive the annual event known as “The Hunger Games.” These tributes were forced to fight against a series of traps and creatures set up by President Snow and the Capitol, as well as each other.

However, it became evident that citizens were no longer willing to put up with this cruel tradition and with the leadership of Katniss, the nation decided to enter a full-blown rebellion.

Now, Katniss is ready to go into a final showdown against President Snow and his crew. With the help of her closest friends – including Gale, Finnick, Cressida and Peeta – Katniss prepares the citizens of Panem for the horrors that The Capitol will put upon them as they risk their lives for liberation. Unfortunately as the leader of the rebellion, Katniss has an extra target on her back and must somehow get to President Snow before he gets to her.

While in the past the stakes of the Hunger Games have been Katniss’ survival, this final installment puts it all on the line as she fights for future of Panem.

Once again award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as lead heroine, Katniss Everdeen. Actors Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth as her two possible love interests, Peeta and Gale, join her. Some other notable names that return for Mockingjay – Part II include Woody Harrelson as Haymitch, Elizabeth Banks as Effie, Julianna Moore as President Alma and Donald Sutherland as President Snow.

In the IMAX exclusive sneak peek, we hear a narrative by President Snow threatening, “Dear Miss Everdeen, the game is coming to its end.” Along with the voice clip, the teaser gives glimpses of the numerous obstacles The Capitol sets up to ward off the rebellion. Some of which include a black, tar liquid that is flooding the streets like a tsunami, a cement floor tearing up into a million pieces and, of course, huge explosions.

Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part II is one of the few movies that warrant the extra money required to see it in IMAX.  The film is being digitally re-mastered to fit the image and sound quality needed for a true IMAX Experience. By producing crystal-clear images, and using the strengths of the IMAX customized theatre, Hunger Games’ studio Lionsgate is hoping to get audiences feeling as if they are “in the movie” – without having to experience all of the craziness that Katniss has to, of course.

In an interview with Collider, Josh Hutcherson reflected back on the final film, explaining: “For me, the message that always resonated and that I think is pretty strong is about standing up for what you believe in, and how one person has the ability to affect something. One person can stand up and get behind a cause or what they believe in, and then fight for it. I think those are pretty strong messages that I hope fans take away, and I think they have. I think that’s why they’ve connected with it, in a way. It gave them a sense of empowerment and the consequence of war. Katniss Is a character who wants nothing more than to not have a war, but unfortunately, in the finale of the film, she realizes that’s where it’s headed, and that’s what has has to be done, in order to have a revolution.”

To watch the last battle and the revolution that takes over Panem, check out The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part – II in theatres and IMAX on November 20th.

San Francisco 49ers Bench Colin Kaepernick for Blaine Gabbert


san francisco 49ers bench colin kaepernick 2015 nfl images

San Francisco 49ers Bench Colin Kaepernick for Blaine Gabbert, Alex Smith Grins Manically

When you’re 2-6 like the San Francisco 49ers, sometimes you need to do something crazy to make a splash. In the Niners case, however, trading star tight end Vernon Davis to the Denver Broncos wasn’t enough—head coach Jim Tomsula announced that Colin Kaepernick will be benched in favor of Blaine Gabbert heading into Sunday’s matchup against the Atlanta Falcons.

“Hahahahahaha,” commented former Niners QB Alex Smith (probably). “Woohoo!!! Yessssss!!!”

Okay, maybe Smith didn’t say it that exactly like that, but I have a hard time believing he didn’t jump for joy when he heard the news. I guess sitting the $114 million face of the franchise is one way to make people pay attention to your team.

It’s also hard to say that Kaep didn’t have it coming. Aside from a win over the pitiful Baltimore Ravens and a decent outing in the loss to the New York Giants, Kaepernick hasn’t been good. At all. Remember his 67 yard, four interception game against the Arizona Cardinals?

Kaepernick has cut down on interceptions lately, but that doesn’t necessarily put points on the board. The Niners have nine points over their past two games against division rival Seattle Seahawks and St. Louis Rams.

Time to break out those Gabbert jerseys, boys.

Who knows, Gabbert may be all right. I mean, he wasn’t exactly Pro Bowl material with the Jacksonville Jaguars, but to be fair that’s where most players’ careers go to die.

At the end of the day, unless Gabbert unveils his inner Manning, don’t expect Tomsula to stick with him moving forward. He’s basically trying out the same thing that Jim Caldwell did with Matthew Stafford and hoping to ignite a fire in Kaepernick’s belly.

I would say the 49ers should try and trade Kaepernick, but much like the Chicago Bears and Jay Cutler, unloading that massive contract won’t be an easy process.

On a side note, maybe the Indianapolis Colts should take a page out of San Francisco’s playbook here. But it certainly can’t be Andrew Luck’s fault, so they just fired their offensive coordinator.

‘Love & Hip Hop Hollywood’ 209 Done Deal Recap

love hip hop hollywood 209 done deal 2015 images“Love & Hip Hop Hollywood” delivers more intricate plot lines this week with one of the cast members ignoring their significant other? Gasp.

Amber confronts Milan, and the first this he does is drops the bomb on her that he and Miles have been together for two years. They both pretty much put it on Miles since he has been telling each of them lies about the other. From Milan being the one to pay her rent to him paying Miles’ car note, Amber had no idea the love her life couldn’t really support himself. Milan feels sorry for her, and there is no animosity between them. Well, except for the contempt they have for Miles.

Teairra Mari finally takes the plunge, after a lot of research and thinking, and goes under the knife to get lipo. Nikki and Hazel go with her to the doctor for moral support, which is good because we all need it

After surgery, TM admits that the recovery is harder than she expected. She thought she would be up and running in no time but instead she feels horrible. Nikki and Hazel visit her during her recovery, and Nikki is concerned for her friend and business partner, but she is also concerned about the outcome of their fashion show. Being that Hazel knows how to pull events together quickly, she offers her services to Nikki, who is more than happy to accept being that the show is two weeks away.

Speaking of offering services, Hazel meets up with Princess Love, who wants to partner with her on the launch of her new clothing line. Since Hazel has Girl Code Ink, a network of women-owned businesses, that push women-owned businesses, Princess feels that she is the perfect person to help get the word out, and she agrees. The conversation then turns to Princess’ run in with Teairra Mari (she brINGS it up), and while Hazel doesn’t say anything bad specifically about TM from what we see on TV, she doesn’t disagree with Princess saying that everything TM did will come back to her.

Rich Dollaz, because he’s apparently trying to be a good boyfriend, after speaking with Moniece about the things her mother said to him and learning what she said to Fizz, takes it upon himself to set up an intervention for the two; Which goes… okay. Moinece doesn’t really want to hear what her mother has to say but listens nonetheless. Marla denies conspiring against her daughter and tells her that everything she’s ever done has been for her. She realizes, maybe for the first time, that her view of herself as a mother and her daughter’s view are totally different. Moniece tells her that she doesn’t want Marla involved in her what she’s doing right now, and Marla looks genuinely hurt.

Willie has a talk with his former manager Screw Face, who asks him if he was able to get out of his deal with Harry. Willie tells him no, which is an issue since he told his wife, Shanda, that he has gotten out of it because ya know, she’s been threatening going back to that pole. Screw Face tells him he can’t do anything for him if he’s still with Harry, which pisses Willie off. He tells him he has to do something, and his former manager pretty much tells him that he will help and be there for him ONLY if it is an artist/manager deal. Willie agrees, and his new partner tells him he’ll get him out of that contract in 24 hours.

And he does just that. But before he seals the deal, Screw Face lets it slip to Shanda that Willie has issues getting out of the deal with pisses her off because that means she lied to her. So what doe she do to show her HUSBAND who’s the boss? This bitch goes back to dancing. Even though he told her, he doesn’t want her stripping anymore. Willie finds out, or so we assume, when it goes home to celebrate Screw Face getting him out of the deal. But his wife wasn’t home.

In the end, Amber has gotten herself together enough to face Miles. She confronts him about the things that Milan told her and he is cool, calm and collected. The way that he responds to her is actually pretty manipulative. Like you can tell that he uses his words on her to make her think that things are one way when they really aren’t. She tells him, “I don’t hate you, we’re cool, I just don’t fuck with you right now.” She is better than a lot of women because come on, he strung her along for years all the while he was in a relationship with a man that she used to be around too. All three used to party together. She gets in the car as it is clear she is on the verge of crying and slams the door in his face.

It gets super heated next week from what the previews show, with Hazel and TM pulling the plug on their relationship again among a host of other juicy stuff.

‘Fresh Off the Boat’ 206 Good Morning Orlando Recap

Fresh Off the Boat is always “Fresh” and this week, Louis becomes a local celebrity much to Jessica’s chagrin and Eddie; well he and his friends, find themselves in unknown romantic relationships to their happiness.

We see Eddie and his friends at the lunch table trying to figure out where they went wrong at the Fall Ball two week before that has caused their crushes not to talk to them since. Only they find out not too long after giving their analysis that they are actually boyfriends of the girls they danced with, and they cannot be more excited.

At the restaurant, local newscasters visits and finds that Louis is hilarious with his different impressions, so they invite him on their four a.m. morning show Good Morning Orlando. He goes and is a hit with this Donald Duck and Mr. T impressions but not everyone is amused.

And by everyone I mean his wife. Jessica feels that Louis made a fool out of himself because Chinese people don’t get chances to be on TV so when they do, they have to take advantage whenever they can. To her, he just reinforced the stereotype of the Chinese character from Sixteen Candles, Long Dong Dick. “When we get opportunities like this, it matters.”

Eddie and his crew have their regular lunch roundtable when they are told, by their girlfriend’s massager, that Becca G wants to break up with one of them. They are confused because they really don’t know who is dating whom.

To understand who everyone belongs to, after school, they make a graph to figure it out. Ethan comes in and suggests that instead of speculating, they should just ask the girls, but that’s too easy and teenage boys don’t do easily. As they argue about what to do, Eddie gets a call from one of the girls (he thinks his girlfriend Allison) which is their chance to figure out who she is and who she’s dating. But that doesn’t work out as Eddie didn’t ask. But they do make a skating date, in which they plan to all fall and determine who dates whom by the girl who comes each of their rescues.

Back at the restaurant, business has really picked up thanks to Louis’ interview, but since Jessica got on him about embarrassing their people with his offensive impressions, he imagines that everyone is making fun of him as Long Dong Duck.

Louis gets another chance to be on Good Morning Orlando and this time, he takes his wife’s words to heart, and he is super serious. He even takes the anchors to task, misinterpreting their comments. “You just want me to be joking around. The Chinese dude is on TV.” They cut to commercial.

When he gets home, Jessica tells him he needs to try it one more time and this time not be too serious. “You need to show that you can laugh at yourself, but be serious.” She tells him all the things that he should be, which just confuses him even more. “I just want things to be perfect.” He tells her that he understands but can’t fix his behavior because he is banned from the studio. But that’s okay because Jessica has a plan.

Now, what is her plan you ask? Louis interrupts a live on location segment to apologize for his behavior before. He goes into his Michael Jackson impression, which wins the anchors back over and everything is okay.

The boys go on their skating date ready to implement their plan. One of the friends goes for the wrong girlfriend’s hand that’s when it all fall apart. One of the Beccas screams at him to get away and tells her he thought they were dating. “You don’t know who you’re dating?” He then ends up telling on his friends, and they all end up leaving without girlfriends (except for Dave).

That night, Eddie gets advice from his young brother on what to do to make things right with Allison since things got messed up at the skating rink the night before. Ethan suggests speaking to her, and Eddie does. He meets Allison at her locker, and she listens to what he has to say, which is, “I like you a lot… but I don’t know how any of this work.” She then confesses that she didn’t know either as her friends confused her after she told them that she likes Eddie at the dance. He then finds out that he’s the only one still dating out of all his friends, which is too bad for them but great news for him.

In the end, Ethan gives his friends some dating advice. “The number one thing to do with a woman is to listen.” They take notes and take to heart what he tells them. Because he knows, right?

Oh, young people. Always finding a way to help one another.