Now that Halloween has passed by, we now must rely on American Horror Story: Hotel solely for our weekly dose of creepiness and scare. Season 5 of the series, Hotel, continued tonight with its 5th episode titled, “Room Service.” Before the show aired, star actress Lady Gaga, who goes by The Countess, on the series (and currently on Twitter as well) tweeted that this particular episode is a favorite of hers. The glamorous singer-turned-actress said, “Get ready to watch tonight’s new episode of HOTEL…It’s one of my favorites so far!”
Lady Gaga, Twitter post:
Get ready to watch tonights new episode of HOTEL… It's one my my favorites so far! 😈
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 5, 2015
And once again, the show did not disappoint. The show proceeded, as it ambitiously established further complexity within numerous characters.
The episode begins with Dr. Alex Lowe, who was seen begging The Countess to turn her into a vampire in the last episode. She is at her office, where she takes her temperature, which reads 75.5 degrees. Afterward, she enters one of her office rooms, where a boy who she has been treating continues to battle the measles. Since the last time he made an appearance, the boy has gotten a lot worse and has developed pneumonia. Alex insists to the boy’s mother that she won’t give up on him until he is better.
Shortly after, Alex goes into the hospital’s blood storage room and feasts on the blood. She then draws her own blood and decides to put it into the sick boy, in an attempt to save him from dying. After he is infused with her blood, he miraculously recovers. Safe to say, Alex got her wish from The Countess (she is now a vampire).
The next scene shows Donovan banging on Ramona Royale’s door. Ramona opens the door to see Donovan with his mother, Iris, who looks unwell. Donovan explains to Ramona that Iris is drunk, but she is their key to getting revenge on The Countess. However, Ramona quickly realizes that Iris is not drunk, but that Donovan has turned her into a vampire.
Iris returns to Hotel Cortez, where Liz Taylor tells her she looks horrible. She tells him that she is thirsty and thus, Liz fetches a bag of blood from The Countess’ “secret stash.” While Iris continues to feel unwell, Liz is thrilled about her transformation into an immortal.
The next scene shows the formerly ill boy Max embracing his new vampire identity, as he feasts on both of his parents. Then, Max leaves the house and heads off to school. Here, he meets a girl named Madeline who expresses her adoration for him. Max proceeds to tell her about his serious hospital stint with the measles. The two kids go into a room alone and kiss. However, Max bites her lip and then bites his. He tells her to drink his blood. Unfortunately, they are interrupted as a teacher finds them. Startled, Max slits the teacher’s throat. Not too long after, the school is filled with bloodthirsty kids who continue to feast on unsuspecting teachers.
The police end up at the school and find most of the staff dead. The kids, who are now vampires, make up an elaborate lie claiming that it was a man with a mask and dressed in all black that massacred their teachers.
Back at the police station, Detective Lowe is going on about the serial killer dinner party (which was in the last episode) he attended, where he claims he had been drugged. Unfortunately, his lieutenant thinks Lowe has lost it and fires him.
At the hotel, two new guests try and check in and inquire about discounts for “influencers.” They say they are friends of new hotel owner Will Drake and hope to be placed in a room that he has redesigned. Iris gets upset with the couple’s badgering and consults with The Countess. The Countess tells her to pass the message along to Will Drake. At the same time, The Countess senses something different about Iris and tells her that she looks nervous. Additionally, The Countess’ current love interest Tristan tells Iris she smells different as well.
Back at the front desk, the new guests call down and order pate. Mischievously, Liz Taylor tells Iris to give them cat food instead. Liz and Iris go on to discuss how Liz got into cross-dressing. Liz thinks back to 1984 when he decided to marry his wife because she was the same dress size as him. After the wedding, he took a trip with friends to Los Angeles and stayed in the hotel. Here, he got dolled up in his wife’s clothes and encountered The Countess. During this meeting, The Countess tells Liz that he looks and sounds like a man, but he smells like a woman inside. Liz recounts that he had broken down because of how ugly he felt, but the Countess assured him that he did not lack beauty, he simply lacked commitment. It was then that he decided to fully commit to his true identity, and changed from his former name Nick to Liz Taylor.
Unfortunately, after embracing his identity as Liz, the friends he was at the hotel with turn on him. Luckily, The Countess swoops in and slits their throats. The Countess decided to hire him instead of turning him into a vampire. Thus, Liz left his family behind and no longer is in contact with any of them – including his kids. Liz tells Iris that she no longer takes s**t from people
Shortly after, Liz’s story triggers Iris to stop taking “s**t” from others as well. When Iris brings up the new guests’ food, and they act rudely toward her, Iris loses it. She stabs the two guests to death and drinks their blood. Iris exclaims, “I matter.”
Back to Detective John Lowe, who wakes up in his hotel room with Hypodermic Sally lying next to him. It is revealed that the two slept together. However, Lowe is confused on how it all went down.
The episode ends off with Iris and Liz pushing the two dead bodies into the laundry chute. Iris states, “I never knew how to live until I died,” as she toasts on the guest’s leftover wine with Liz.
Alex is seen being reunited with her lost son Holden, courtesy of The Countess. Alex agrees to be the overseer of the children in the hotel, so she can stay with Holden forever. A new glass coffin is seen in The Countess’ secret room, which can fit both Holden and Alex together.
You can catch next week’s episode of American Horror Story: Hotel, “Room 33” on Wednesday, November 11 on FX.