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Taylor Swift’s White Girl Privilege With Nicki Minaj

taylor swift white girl privilege twitter fight with nicki minaj 2015 imagesThe recent “twitter beef” between Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift was a lot deeper than many people want to admit. Yes, it was two of the most popular female artists going back and forth on a public forum for all to see, but beyond that, their interaction and understanding (or lack thereof) of what the other was trying to say speaks so much loudly than what was actually said.

To get you up to speed if you don’t have a clue what the hell I am talking about, when the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards nominations were announced, Nicki took to Twitter to express her disappointment in her video for Anaconda not being nominated for Video of the Year. In her “rant” she specifically described elements of one of the videos nominated as being the only kind of body type that seems to be acknowledged and awarded. That video was Taylor’s which lead her to respond because as she later put in her own words, she felt “called out.”

What Nicki said, point blank, is that black female artists don’t get the love that white female artists get. Now I will be honest here, I don’t think the video for Anaconda was that great. If fact, I think it was overtly sexually charged for no reason and the whole concept was just dumb. That’s my opinion. With that, despite my feelings about the video, Nicki had every single right to express her frustration about not being nominated.

“If I was a different “kind” of artist, Anaconda would be nominated for best choreography and vid of the year as well… If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year…”

She was not coming for Taylor personally, but that’s how she took it and her response, to me, was very telling because mainly it was insulting. It was insulting of her to say “maybe one of the men took your slot.” It was insulting of her to “invite” her on stage if she wins. These comments are not those of someone who respects their fellow artist; they are snide, low key arrogant remarks that you make to someone you never really thought that highly of. If you feel called out by someone you “love and support” you contact them directly first in private. Period

This whole thing just shows how much Taylor Swift and others like her don’t get it. They have the power to really affect change for a broad range of issues, but instead of doing so, they miss prime opportunities to show support because their egos get in the way which in turn only continues to heighten the racial divide.

After seeing their interaction, the main thing I wondered to myself was, why is Taylor Swift responding and acting the way she is to Nicki, expressing a very clear and present truth? It was either because she really doesn’t get it or because she really doesn’t care. With Taylor coming back saying, “I thought I was being called out. I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I’m sorry, Nicki. @NICKIMINAJ,” I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. I do think that she just didn’t and doesn’t get it.

This situation has brought up a lot of different conversations with the “angry black woman” being one of them. I don’t like that every time a black woman expresses herself in a stern unapologetic way that tells the ugly truth, this label is placed on them in order to deescalate the sting of their argument. Some people have even tried to say that Sandra Bland, who was killed/died in Texas while in police custody got a little too “angry black woman” and is why she is dead now.

Going forward, I will always look at Taylor Swift was a side eye because her initial slap back, to me, came from a real place of truth for her which lives somewhere among superiority and white girl privilege. I trust, nonetheless, that she has learned a valuable lesson from this so that the next time she is faced with this situation, even if her initial thought is to go all “I’m better than you” she’ll think twice before speaking on things that are over her head.

TRUE DETECTIVE 205: Other Lives Aftermath

true detective other lives 205 colin farrell vince vaugn images 2015This episode of “True Detective” could have been named ‘Aftermath’, but ‘Other Lives’ wasn’t bad at all. After the bloodbath we saw last episode, our three hero detectives are not in the same roles as before the shit hit the fan. Lots of innocent blood being spilled will shake things up. Ray is now working for Frank as a consultant, Ani is doing mundane work in the evidence room, and Paul “god-warrior” Woodrugh is investigating fraud (no bike involved).

The highlight of this week’s episode may just have been Ani in group counseling for sexual harassment. She is of course the only lady there and causes quite a stir as she made a mockery of the entire thing. She was an instant hit among the other attendees who were salivating over her over-sharing.

Frank continued his rough patch as now he is dealing with associates of the former owner of his bar. A rough looking guy named Gonzalez came looking for his cut of the action so Frank had to mark his territory. Frank also told his little companion, The Cisco Kid, to move along after he lingered too long as well. Frank is putting out fires at every turn, and eventually is going to run out of hose. Speaking of hoes, his right hand man Blake, is running them out of Frank’s poker room.

The big news this week centered around the death of the head of the waste disposal company that is wrapped up in the toxic waste land that links the rail system and all the shady folks in Vinci. This is the new American Dream, wreck a plot of land with toxic waste so you can buy the surrounding area on the cheap for a high speed rail system. Google was already created so this was the next best thing for greedy business folks in Vinci.

Frank has Ray follow his right hand man Blake since he is sure the guy is back stabbing him in some fashion. We have seen very little from Blake so I’m not sure what the guy does to earn a check from Frank anyway. He is definitely running some prostitutes through the poker room.

It’s great to see Detective Velcoro off the sauce. 60 days clean. When he has his stuff together, he is a formidable character. His custody hearing with his ex didn’t do him any favors however, as he found out she is going through with the paternity test. The kid he helped raise could be officially announced as the child of his wife’s rapist. Think that won’t make you climb to the bottom of a damn bottle?

Paul lets mommy dearest know of his wedding plans. She is ecstatic and starts planning the occasion….actually this loon flips put and shows just how toxic their relationship is. Oh and Paul finds out she has taken his 20K he had stashed there. How the god-warrior thought that trailer was a safe place for more than $3, I have no idea.

Seeing Ani working the evidence room is like watching Michael Jordan coach middle school basketball. She has been sent to cop hell, but that isn’t stopping her. She gets a look at some photos that the missing girl’s mom obtains from a p.o. box. Diamonds and possibly some big name politicians are the key parts of the pics.

I’d like for Frank and his wife to make it through this debacle, but their relationship got poisoned pretty damn quick once he went back to the gutters of crime. Pimps and pushers are not appealing to Jordan Semyon even though those are the only “avenues left me” according to Frank. This character has some awesome lines.

The meeting between Ray and Ani at the live music bar is kinda weird since that is usually for the Gangster / Dirty Cop MeetUp Group. Ray tries to talk Ani down off the Casper case since no one cares, but Ani does. She is good police! She is after the truth, period. Ray changes his tune once he takes the bait from the state attorney about getting custody of his son. Ray, Ani, and Paul can all work the case from the outside since insiders can be easily compromised with all the corruption from on high. Oh and this tidbit: Ray killed the wrong guy when he was taking revenge for his wife’s rape years ago. The state attorney tells Ray about the DNA evidence that connects his wife’s rapist to a guy just caught. Damn! Frank just fed Ray a piece of trash to kill so he could get his hooks in him.

Frank shows his hunger once again as he makes idle threats to some big wheel connected to the rail system. The guy does offer to give Frank back some land to cover his losses with Casper. All he wants is the hard drive from Casper’s home. The video on that hard drive must be so disturbing we can’t even imagine it. The VHS tape from season one of True Detective was terrible to just watch Rust and Marty’s faces as they watched. Frank is gonna find that hard drive if he lives long enough. What he does with it afterward is up in the air in my mind.

Casper’s wacko doctor gets a visit from a very pissed off Ray Velcoro. This psychologist was a poor one as he missed badly on his diagnosis of Ray’s intentions to actually hurt him. Velcoro disfigured this freak in a hurry. The doc gives up intel very easily about the hookers and the mayor’s son. Apparently these high end parties were just to get dirt on high level politicians like the senator in one of Ani’s photos.

Ani is trying to get an invite to one of these whore / political parties through her sis. Meanwhile Paul is checking around on the diamonds at various jewelers. He finds out that the late Detective Teague Dixon (killed in shootout last week) had checked on the same diamonds.

Ray now has to deal with his ex thinking he made the whole thing up about killing her rapist years ago. Her comment about their “made up” family had to hurt more than the beating the doctor received earlier. It’s hard to imagine both Frank and Ray living through next week’s episode as they face off with Ray knowing how this man ruined him. The rape was enough o rip up a family, but for Frank to lie to Velcoro in order to have control of him is pretty nasty stuff. That lie ruined the man that was Ray Velcoro.

The torture room that Ani and Paul find is a bad scene. Real bad scene! The buzzards are still circling so this is a pretty fresh kill. All this is connected to the old commune and Ani’s dad somehow. I hate to see this peace seeking guy turn out to be a monster, but that’s the way this is headed.

There are just three episodes left so hang on to your hard drives, it’s going to get rocky. Season two is giving season one a hell of a run.

BALLERS Ep 101: Dwayne Johnson Gives It Promise

dwayne johnson ballers ep 101 recap images 2015 shirtless

Let me set the scene for the all new HBO series “Ballers.” Spencer Strassmore, played by “The Rock”, is out to make a name as a financial adviser to NFL ballers. Strassmore is a former player who has a circle of friends still in the game that he needs as clients. Dude is a nice guy that doesn’t want to be too pushy getting his crew to come on board with his company. He best get more aggressive if he wants to make an actual living before all his knucklehead buddies go broke though.

The opening scene is probably close to a real morning for a former NFL player as Spencer eats some pills just after dragging his aching body out of bed. The flashbacks we see from Spencer are from his playing days and thankfully actual NFL teams are used in the series. No made up teams and uniforms so the NFL is on board with the show apparently. That could be good and bad. We all remember how the NFL pressured ESPN to cancel “Playmakers” when the League felt they were being shown in a bad light.

Tragedy strikes early when a former Rookie of the Year is killed in a car wreck. His psycho mistress, aka skank, causes the crash when she gets pissed at his refusal to leave his wife for her. Spencer ends up speaking at the funeral which is full of “funeral hoes” according to his buddy Ricky Jerret who plays for the Packers.

Spencer has been working as a financial adviser for just one year and is being pressured by his manager named Joe, played by Rob Corddry, to use his connections to add more clients. Spencer has to deal with lots of drama along with that pressure. There’s the client who needs a small loan of $300K, his friend Ricky Jerret who finds trouble at every turn, and his buddy Charles Greane who is just lucky to get hired as a car salesman.

Greane’s wife played by Jazmyn Simon has some great lines and could wind up one of the best characters on the show. She warns her husband about too much free time and whores being a big cause of death among ballers, pointing to his friend that was killed in the car wreck.

The show is going to resemble “Entourage” a great deal with all the partying. We see how Ricky Jerret likes to get down when he tags a hot lady (in branding I believe), in the restroom. The hot headed Ricky gets hooked by a random dude outside the bathroom and beats him down only to hear the guy say, “get the checkbook ready.” This is the number one reason pro athletes should not go to public parties. Lawsuits are around every corner at places like this. STDs in the bathroom are also a great reason to party at home instead.

dwayne johnson bed bulge for ballers hbo 101 2015
Spencer has a heart to heart with Ricky when he sees that the Packers may trade him because of the bad publicity. Ricky says he will retire if they send him to Jacksonville. Spencer laughs in his face as he knows that’s a lie. Few NFL players can use the threat of quitting if they don’t like their situation. What are they going to do to generate that same money? Nothing! They are going to take their ass to work on that football field, no matter what city they are forced to play in. Ricky gets the advice he needs from Spencer, “Wise the fuck up and grow up.”

It’s a bit unrealistic that the Packers end up cutting a guy who had 80 catches the previous season, but hey it’s TV. Ricky gets a chance with the Dolphins after a few calls are made by Spencer and Jason the agent. Charles Greane also puts in the good word for his friend Ricky.

By the way, Charles’ first day of work at the car dealer had his wife thinking his “fat ass had been abducted” when she didn’t find him lounging on the couch.

Ricky’s vulgar prayer shows us that he doesn’t “get it,” and is a real knucklehead. He ends up being one minute late for his meeting with the Dolphins’ coach and as a bonus gets called an asshole by Don Shula. Jerret shows some grit as he waits all day for the guys to return from the fishing trip. So the coach gives him a shot, but knows he will likely regret it.

The first episode wraps up with Spencer coming through with the big loan for one of his clients. The guy has leaches living with him that he doesn’t even know so that $300K will be gone soon and Spencer won’t ever benefit from this guy as a client. Spencer is nearly broke too as we see his ATM visit go horribly.

I would say that “Ballers” could be an entertaining way for young athletes to learn about the perils of fame and fortune. But I know better. Young athletes will only see the fancy cars, hot skanks, and big jewelry. They will pay little attention to the retired guys having to work as car salesmen. “That won’t be me,” I can hear them now.

This show has lots of promise simply because Dwayne Johnson is the lead. I lost interest in action films long ago since they all were about the same with the hero always winning in the end. However, almost every movie that Johnson appears in I end up liking a lot. The guy is just plain entertaining and has the “it factor” of course.

I loved “Entourage” back in the day, even when it got a bit redundant. It was just a fun show to follow. Watching a circle of friends climb the Hollywood ladder made Entourage enjoyable for me. I am hoping for the same thing with Ballers. I know “The Rock” will deliver. It remains to be seen if his supporting crew can hold up their end of the bargain like all the guys from Entourage did.

Lord Disick’s Back & Ed Sheeran’s Creamy Treat: Celebrity Gossip Roundup

scott lord disick party kiss in las vegas 2015 gossipOn Friday Night, Scott Disick spoke to reporters for the first time about his split from Kourtney Kardashian. Scott was at 1Oak in Las Vegas, when he decided to open up (a bit) about the recent split.

Even though Scott is continuing to book club appearances, he told reporters that he is slowing down amidst the big change, saying:

“[I’m] just taking it one day at at a time. With everything going on right now, I just need to be positive for myself.”

scott disick bulge for las vegas party 2015Club-goers who were there for Scott’s first club appearance since the split commented that Scott seemed different in comparison to his normal demeanor at these kinds of events. One insider explained:

“Scott was rather disconnected once he got into the club. Typically a very verbal and outrageous host, [he] was rather restrained.”

The venue 1Oak took to Instagram to post some lucky club-goers who won a meet-and-greet with Scott, in which he looks noticeably solemn, although it might be his “Lord Disick” persona playing out.

1Oak, Instagram post:

Congrats to our contest winner @hannahdtrick who just got to meet #LordDisick! ? @letthelordbewithyou

A post shared by 1 OAK Las Vegas (@1oaklv) on

Scott had been with Kourtney for over 9 years and the two have 3 children together (Mason, Penelope and Reign), therefore it is not too surprising that the split is noticeably affecting him.

Meanwhile, Kourtney took to Instagram to show how she spent her night. The reality star posted a picture of her in bed with her kids watching Scooby Doo cartoons – definitely two very different Friday nights.

Kourtney Kardashian, Instagram post:

Scoobs in bed with my boy. #perfectfridaynight

A post shared by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on

But with Scott Disick, things can turn on a dime and they certainly did. He was seen drinking water found a blonde party-goer who got the Lord’s fancy. He’s was shot getting very friendly with the woman seeming to have forgotten his earlier solemn moment.

lord scott disick is back with las vegas party girl 2015 gossipscott disick las vegas woman 2015 gossipThe still mystery woman was wearing a black crop top showing off her midriff with long platinum blonde hair flowing past her shoulders. Disick has mentioned in the past a fondness for long flowing hair.

scott disick bulge intense kiss with las vegas girl 2015 gossipAfter that adventure, Disick got on a plane headed to Canada;s Cowboys Calgary Club the following day, showing that he’s doing what he does best.

ed sheeran ginger ed ice cream 2015 gossipYou know you’ve made it when you have an ice cream treat named after you!

Well, that’s at least how singer Ed Sheeran felt when he shared on Instagram a picture of a new gingerbread ice cream sandwich on sale called “Ginger-Ed.”

The treat is offered by Ireland-based ice cream brand HB Ice Cream. When revamping their treats, the brand decided to temporarily pay tribute to Sheeran, as he will be performing in Dublin soon.

Not only is the treat named after Ed, the package also features a little gingerbread man decked out with Ed’s infamous red hair and holding a gingerbread guitar.

Ed Sheeran was no doubt excited to see the tribute and shared it with his Instagram followers, with the caption reading:

“You know you’ve made it when…”

Ed Sheeran, instagram post:

You know you've made it when…

A post shared by Ed Sheeran (@teddysphotos) on

You know, who cares about winning multiple MTV Video Music Awards, People’s Choice Awards, Teen Choice Awards, Brit Awards, when you’ve got ice cream sandwiches named after you!

Amber Heard Dog Days & Daniel Radcliffe’s Nylon Prank: Celebrity Gossip Weekly

tyler johnson emily maynard second son arrives 2015 gosip

This week’s celebrity gossip begins with the birth of Tyler Johnson and Emily Maynard’s second son. Emily also has a 10 year old son, who no doubt is now a proud big brother.

Due to the allegations of child molestation against Josh Duggar, the family’s cable TV series, 19 Kids and Counting,” will no longer be aired. In light of the show’s cancellation the family released and official statement declaring that they are proud of all of their children for growing up and that they hoped what happened to them would teach others a life lesson.

daniel radcliffe nylon stunt 2015 gossipDaniel Radcliffe recently participated in a hidden camera prank that had him working as a secretary at the offices of Nylon Magazine in NYC. During the filming of the prank Daniel was visited by Joe Jonas, who jokingly told him he made a terrible secretary. Employees of the magazine missed out on phone calls and deliveries that they were expecting, having no idea a prank was being pulled on them.

Amber Heard recently found herself in hot water after she took her two dogs into Australia without going through the necessary steps to bring him in legally. She is married to Johnny Depp, who is also in trouble with the law for the same reason.


In an attempt to expand her professional endeavors Rhianna has helped in the creation of a temporary line of knee highs and other socks. The 18 different sock designs by Stance Socks will hit retail stores in September.

In other Rhianna news, the singer has been battling a crazed fan who stalked her in April of this year and then again in June. An arrest has not yet been made in the case of Rhianna’s stalker, who recently tweeted that he will marry her someday, even if someone gets killed in the process.

After being found guilty of copyright infringement Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke were ordered to pay a settlement of $7.4 million. That amount has now been lowered to only $5.3 million, as ordered by the judge presiding over the case. The copyright infringement charge stemmed from Thicke and Williams writing a song that bared a strong resemblance to a Marvin Gaye song. As a result of the settlement, the family of Marvin Gaye will now be able to claim half of all future proceeds from the song Williams and Thicke wrote.

Sienna Miller has reportedly split from fiancé Tom Sturridge. An unnamed source has stated that the two are still friendly and are still focused on raising their child together.

Trouble seems to follow Chris Brown everywhere, as a home owned by Brown, that his aunt lives in, was broken into earlier this week. When the robbers broke in Brown’s aunt was at home. During the robbery she was forced to stay in a closet while the intruders looted.

Proving what a slut she is Kendall Jenner was recently spotted walking down an L.A. street with an open blouse and no bra on. She was seen shopping in boutiques with her friends, despite being indecently dressed for public.

DMX recently began serving a jail sentence in upstate New York for failure to pay child support. He reportedly owes $400,000 worth of child support that he simply did not pay. As a result, he was sentenced to six months in jail. This is far from his first jail stint, as he has a long history of disobeying the law.

Jesse Eisenberg is one celebrity that did not enjoy last week’s San Diego Comic Con. In an Associated Press interview to promote the upcoming movie “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice,” he compared his comic con experience to genocide. He said that the comic con crowd was a mob and that them screaming at him terrified him. He even went so far as to say that the people that like the comic con environment must have a miserable life. This does not bode well for Eisenberg being invited to future comic cons.

One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson recently announced he will be a father. The mother is a friend of his, though there are no reports of the two being in a romantic relationship. Some of Tomlinson’s fans have publically stated their discomfort with this breaking news.

Eric Stonestreet, an actor on Modern Family, is reportedly dating Bethenny Frankel from Real Housewives of NY. The relationship is said to have begun months ago, but the couple is just now going public with their romance. Frankel has even alluded to being in love with Stonestreet, thanks to a tweet she recently sent out.

Though Ariana Grande just got herself in trouble for licking pastries in an L.A. bakery recently, she will not face any charges as a result. Though the owner of the bakery could have pressed charges, the person chose not to. This incident has caused the local Environmental Health inspectors to question if the bakery is being managed in accordance with health codes.

Jimmy Fallon has released more information on the accident he had at home approximately two weeks ago. The finger injury he sustained was severe enough that there was talk of having to amputate his finger. While doctors avoided having to do this, Fallon still spent a week and a half in the ICU of a NYC hospital. He will struggle for several more weeks before he has full feeling back in the injured finger.

Rapper 50 Cent recently had to file for bankruptcy. A judge has ordered that 50 Cent must pay a $5 million fine, which will go to Lavonia Leviston, who is the mother of Rick Ross’s baby. The fine stems from 50 Cent having made a sex tape of Leviston public.

This week’s celebrity gossip wraps with a touching tribute that Lea Michele published online in memory of boyfriend Corey Monteith, who passed away two years ago. Michele posted a picture of Monteith behind the wheel of his car and said he was missed.

Blake Shelton Miranda Lambert Twits & Nicki Minaj Confirms Swift Feud Over

blake shelton miranda lambert tweet divorce 2015 gossipBlack Shelton and Miranda Lambert engaged in their first public interaction over Twitter just four days after they announced their divorce.

Oddly, the couple tweeted each other to help out fellow country singer Ashley Monroe publicize her third album, The Blade, which was just released.

Blake tweeted at Miranda, posting:

“Hey @mirandalambert can u believe there’s people who haven’t bought @ashleymonroe new album? Isn’t that shocking?!!”

Blake Shelton, twitter post:

In which, Miranda replied three minutes later to her ex:

“@blakeshelton no I can’t because it is the best work she has ever done! I love it! We love you @ashleymonroe”

Miranda Lambert, twitter post:

The Twitter interaction confused and shocked many, especially country fans who were already taken back by the couple’s split.

One fan tweeted at Blake speculating that the tweets were scheduled in advance, as some sort of marketing ploy. However, Blake quickly shot down this speculation, replying:

“Nope…Not at all buddy”

Blake Shelton, twitter post:

However, the former couple didn’t stop there and seemingly played up the shock of their twitter interaction.

Miranda posted a screenshot of a paparazzi video that shows Blake, with a friend, pushing a baby stroller as he put it in an SUV, adding:

“@blakeshelton I knew it… You WERE pregnant! This calls for a drink!”

Miranda Lambert, twitter post:

Playfully, Blake replied:

“Ha!!!!! Busted…I wasn’t JUST a fat ass. Drinking shall now begin…”

Blake Shelton, twitter post:

Not surprisingly, some fans expressed upset over the two poking fun at the whole situation. One fan even tweeted at Blake saying, “Losing respect because of this whole charade,” which provoked Blake to reply, “Well rest assured not one s—t is given…”

Although many media outlets have been reporting that the split between the two country stars was messy and there was even cheating involved, Blake and Miranda are sure painting their divorce to be a lot more amicable than what was initially speculated.

nicki minaj with lara spencer about taylor swift fight 2015 gossipNicki Minaj visited Good Morning America on Friday to perform and inevitably sit down with host Lara Spencer to talk about her recent twitter feud with Taylor Swift.

Although Taylor has apologized to Nicki and the whole feud is supposed to be finished, it didn’t stop Lara from asking Minaj about the whole social-media ordeal.

Minaj explained, “I spoke to Taylor Swift yesterday on the phone. She was super, super sweet and she apologized. She said, ‘Look, you know I didn’t understand the big picture of what you were saying, but now I get it, so we’re all good.’”

Nicki also explained what triggered her whole rant, telling Lara:

“I posted something on my Instagram and it showed the stats of other videos that had been nominated previously, and it just seemed to be a little funny business going on…’Anaconda’ had such a huge cultural impact, and on top of that, we broke the Vevo record. This is actually my third time breaking the Vevo record and ‘Anaconda’ therefore should have been nominated, and I do think if it were the pop girls, they would have had many nominations for it. I think I got two for ‘Anaconda,’ for Female and for Hip-Hop, and it should have been for [Video of the Year]. That’s all we were saying, and it is what it is.”

However, even if media can’t help but continue talking about the short-lived feud, it seems that in Nicki and Taylor’s eyes, the dust has settled. When asked if she would ever collaborate with Taylor, Nicki said:

“I’m sure we can. You know why? Because it takes a big person to do what Taylor did and everyone sometimes speaks out of turn, you know? I’ve been there. Sometimes we do things and we don’t think right away or we don’t investigate then we just talk, so it was big of her to come out and say that. So yes, we spoke for a long time. We were cracking up laughing on the phone. It’s over, you guys! And I love you guys for supporting me. Thank you so much. I would love to. Of course I would love to work with her.”

I am sure if it were up to Katy Perry, the feud would be dragged out for a lot longer, so she could get a few more digs at Taylor (whose nominated song and video “Bad Blood” is reportedly about her feud with Katy). Unfortunately, this is not the case and the feud ended as quickly as it began.

Michael Ealy’s THE PERFECT GUY Sexy Scary Trailer


the perfect guy collage images movie 2015The trailer for “The Perfect Guy” has debuted with screams of excitement coming from ladies everywhere! The sexy thriller starring Sanaa Lathan, Michael Ealy and Morris Chestnut seems like it would be the perfect steamy movie for the summer, but sadly we have to wait until its release date of September 11.perfect guy intense kiss images 2015The always sexy Ealy has been moving away from his lover boy roles recently by playing a psychotic killer on the Fox series show The Following. We’re about to be even more disturbed by Ealy as he plays dream man turned nightmare in the upcoming film The Perfect Guy. Sanaa Lathan plays successful lobbyist Leah Vaughn. Vaughn throws herself in to a passionate relationship with Carter Duncan (played by Ealy) who seems like the perfect guy.

the perfect guy man on man action 2015After Carter shows his real self to Vaughn by brutally beating a stranger, she needs to rethink if she left her ex too soon and got too hot to quick with Carter. When Vaughn realizes that she belongs in the arms of her ex-boyfriend, Carter dangerously stalks her and threatens her life.

the perfect guy 2015 imagesSanaa Lathan had this to say about her usually charming co-star “You’ll see what a fine actor Michael Ealy is because you’re going to wind up hating his guts.” I’m certainly up for the challenge because after all, how could you hate Mr. Ealy?

The movie touches on the important topic of domestic violence and stalking. In the movie, Carter threatens and harasses Vaughn just enough to not do anything illegal and have the cops intervene. This is something thousands of women experience every year and it’s great this movie is bringing attention to it.

the perfect guy scary scenes 2015 imagesActress Sanaa Lathan actually experienced her own real life stalking incident in 2014 and said she could completely relate to the actions that Leah takes. “There is something about finally taking the leap and finding all the strength to do it, no matter how scary,” says Lathan.

michael ealy sexy in the perfect guy shirtless 2015 imagesWhat part of the movie was the most disturbing to Ealy? It’s the scene at the very end of the trailer where Ealy is hiding directly under the bed beneath Lathan. “I was creeped out by that moment,” says Ealy. “That was awful for me.” Normally, women would love to have Mr. Ealy in their bed, but under it? Yeah, that shit is creepy.

Although the film is clearly not an erotic thriller, the trailer clearly gives up the goods that there will be a steamy love scene between Ealy and Lathan. There might even be some romantic “aww” moments between Lathan and Chestnut.

the perfect guy movie images 2015The most surprising part of the film takes place when Ealy’s character Carter beats up an innocent man who simply asked to take a picture of his car. It’s unexpected and intense. I’m sure someone will complain there’s no trigger warning for this film, but hell, this entire trailer is a trigger warning. I have a feeling though that Lathan’s character Vaughn does not play the victim for long and there’s some exceptional ass kicking scenes coming our way.

The Perfect Guy hits theaters September 11, 2015.

The Perfect Guy Movie Trailer 2015

Latest Matt Damon Shots From THE MARTIAN


the martian movie poster images 2015Immediately following Matt Damon’s venture out into space in 2014’s Interstellar, he returns back to space, this time landing on Mars in the upcoming film The Martian. The newly released trailer for the Ridley Scott directed space film introduces us to Damon’s character Mark Watney, an astronaut that ends up being stranded on Mars after a storm impedes on a NASA space mission. Watney, after realizing thats the base camp on Mars is only equipped for 31 days of survival, concludes his only chance for survival is to “science the shit out of” what he has.

The trailer for The Martian shows us that Watney, in his efforts to survive, is finally able to reach his colleagues at NASA, people who initially assumed that he was dead. Their shocking realization that Watney survived leads NASA to deploy a rescue mission to save him.

However going to Mars, apparently, isn’t like going away to a nearby resort town for the weekend. With NASA’s estimated time of arrival being 4 years later, Watney must employ his creativity and knowledge if he is to have any shot at being alive when the rescue crew gets to him.

matt damon bulge crouch on the martian movie set 2015Though the trailer gives some glimpses of the inventions and ideas Watney thinks up, I am intrigued to see more of this aspect of the film as it will be interesting to see how inventive Watney becomes when he knows his survival is on the line. In a way, the problem in the film reminds me of the Tom Hanks’ film Cast Away, a movie from 2000. Mark Watney is the new Chuck Noland, the latter being the character played by Hanks. In Cast Away, Noland is stranded on a desolate island for years with only his ingenuity to save him. We can agree that being stranded on Mars is a different struggle however I’m expecting some thematic similarities between the two movies.

Like I wouldn’t be surprised if Watney started talking to a Martian volleyball.

matt damon jessica chastain on the martian movie 2015In addition to the return of Matt Damon, the film also includes Jessica Chastain, another Interstellar alum. While it isn’t taking much of a risk by saying the film will mostly be centered on Damon, they have also included a few other notable names to the cast such as Kate Mara, Michael Pena, Donald Glover, Jeff Daniels, and – to my surprise – Kristen Wiig. I think even just some of these casting decisions will make the film one to watch. It is nice to see typically comedic actors such as Wiig, Daniels and Glover in substantially more dramatic roles. It is also nice to see risks in casting and I think if they work out it will definitely play in the film’s favor.

Just as Interstellar did, this film seems to be taking a scientific approach to a science fiction plot. From the trailer we see the struggles Damon’s character faces, including growing plants on a planet that is otherwise bare, using duct tape to seal his helmet, and trying to remain sane while he awaits his rescue. All this is also complemented by impressive landscapes and set design that greatly resembles that seen in both Interstellar and Gravity (which both won awards for visual effects).

matt damon martian movie 2015The marketing team for the movie has gone a very unique route by releasing a “farewell” video on Youtube from the crew that is embarking in the ARES 3 mission, which will eventually meet the fate of the storm that leaves Damon stranded. The video is set up to look as if Mark Watney (Damon) is using a hand camera to film an educational tour of the mission ship, Hermes.

In the tour video we are introduced to crewmembers Rick Martinez (Michael Pena), Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastain), Chris Beck (Sebastian Stan), Alex Vogel (Aksel Hennie), and Beth Johanssen (Kate Mara). As the tour guide, Watney goes on to interview the crewmembers about different aspects of the mission and life on Hermes, including the food and the ship’s planned trajectory to Mars. By deciding to hype The Martian with a seemingly behind-the-scenes sneak into the character’s reality, I think there is an added dimension to the movie outside of the given suspense and action that is often associated with the sci-fi genre.

matt damon martian trailer 2015 movieUnfortunately there is a bit of a wait for this film. The Martian is to be released in theatres on November 25, 2015.

With the ability to create such detailed visuals with the help of continuously advancing CGI technology, I think this film has the potential to bring to life an inventive story that incorporates both the realities of science and the unknown world of space of travel.

Here’s the official synopsis for The Martian:

During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Millions of miles away, NASA and a team of international scientists work tirelessly to bring “the Martian” home, while his crewmates concurrently plot a daring, if not impossible, rescue mission. As these stories of incredible bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney’s safe return. Based on a best-selling novel, and helmed by master director Ridley Scott, THE MARTIAN features a star studded cast that includes Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara, Michael Pena, Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Donald Glover.

The Martian Movie Trailer

Montreal Canadiens 2016 Stanley Cup Betting Odds


montreal canadiens 2015 stanley cup odds 2015 imagesThe Montreal Canadiens made some news on Friday as NHL.com, in an article written by Arpon Basu, reported that the strongest team north of the border signed Alexander Semin. According to the verified Twitter account for the Montreal Canadiens, the deal is just a one-year deal for Semin, a player that will turn 32-years old during the 2015/16 season.

The news, except for the fact that it comes out of a major hub for Canadian hockey, probably shouldn’t be considered major news mainly because the veteran right winger was not a game changer last season. In 57 games in the 2014/15 regular season as a member of the Carolina Hurricanes, Semin had just 19 points.

However Semin has scored more than 20 goals seven times in his career and Montreal management must be hopeful that he will rediscover the scoring touch he displayed in the following seasons:

2011/12: 21 goals
2010/11: 28 goals
2009/10: 40 goals

The knock against the Canadiens during the 2014/15 season was that they were too defensively minded. With Carey Price in net and PK Subban on defense, perhaps coach Michel Therrien was simply doing what he had to do with what he was given. However I think fans of Montreal have to be happy that a player with some potential on offense has been added to the club.

The addition of offense is a point that the General Manager of the Canadiens alluded to:

“Alex is a pure goal-scorer with a good shot,” Marc Bergevin stated. “We believe his addition to our group of forwards will strengthen our offensive production and our power play.

Currently the Canadiens are the fourth or fifth favorites to win the 2016 Stanley Cup with a lot of sportsbooks (ie. Stan James and Coral). At present, their odds are 10 to 1 with a lot of firms, odds, in my opinion, that probably over-rate the franchise’s chances next season.

Shane Lambert Releases Third Amazon Kindle Book In Fictional Travel Series

shane lambert amazon books 2015 imagesShane Lambert, an Edmonton based independent author and fellow writer here at movietvtechgeeks.com, announced plans to release the third ebook in his “Back to Alberta, Back to Edmonton” fiction series earlier this year. The original release date was for July/August and the author has lived up to that deadline as the third ebook in the series was released just less than a week ago. Our readers will get a jump as Shane’s letting you get an advance copy now by going here. If you’ve not read his captivating fun series yet, you can get all three copies, and if you have Kindle Unlimited, you’ll get them all for free.

The new book, called “Short-termed Somethings,” continues the story of Shayne Christopher who, unfulfilled by his humdrum life in his hometown decides to travel the world.

The first two books of the series, “A Preference for Transience” and “Backpackers’ Disillusionment,” depict work life in the Canadian Rocky Mountains during the busy summer season. They also recount Shayne’s travels throughout Canada and parts of the USA.

The series, which is not like your normal travel fiction, is not just about adventure but also personal growth and hardships.

The series has gained a small but enthusiastic following online on Amazon Kindle. Those who have enjoyed the series praise the realism of the story and the vivid anecdotes into Canadian life. Furthermore, the author seems to have an ability to illustrate the realities of working in the travel industry, of which the author has first-hand experience.

Lambert believes that many readers will empathize with Shayne’s desires.

To quote the author: “Travel is a form of education that’s superior to textbook studies or studying film and literature. As Shayne realises, there’s nothing that can replace the actual experience of travel, although it can feel as though daily life conspires to prevent a lot of people from exploring the world as much as they would like. As the series illustrates, adventure is possible—as long as you’re prepared to face the challenges you meet with along the way. The reward for facing those challenges is how you grow as a result.”

short termed somethings ebook shane lambert movie tv tech geeks 2015



hunger games mockingjay part 2 marches loud proud cast images 2015The trailer for the fourth and final installment of The Hunger Games franchise, Mockingjay – Part 2, has officially made its way onto the Internet.

It really hypes up the final battle for the citizens of Panem as they take on the Capitol, more specifically President Snow.

The movie continues the story as after participating in two brutal Hunger Games, Katniss decided it was time to defy the Capitol and lead the repressed people of Panem in a rebellion.

In the previous film, Katniss was made the face of the rebellion, and furthers this position as she asks her fellow citizens to “turn [their] weapons to the Capitol, turn [their] weapons to Snow!”

Mockingjay – Part 2 brings back plenty of familiar faces, of course Lawrence starring as Katniss, as well as co-stars Josh Hutcherson (Peeta), Liam Hemsworth (Gale), Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland (President Snow) and the majority of the cast from the previous films.

The film also features the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. The director, Francis Lawrence, explained that he decided not to use CGI for any of Hoffman’s final scenes, and instead adapted the script in order to maintain his real presence throughout the movie.

At Comic-Con, director Francis Lawrence stated that this final film is “where Katniss gets back into action.” This is not to surprising, considering the previous film was much more dialogue heavy and was obviously setting up fans for the action-packed finale.

In the preview, it is shown that the people of Panem are gearing up to march into the Capitol, which is already being filled with traps by Snow and his team. Just like in the Hunger Games arena, the Capitol is using their technologies to kill off the rebels in the most inventive way they can. They are manipulating the battlefield to make “sport” out of the citizens’ deaths.

Although it no longer takes place in an arena, this battle between the people and the Capitol is undoubtedly going to be the “76th Hunger Games.”

The trailer showcases that film makers have upped the ante when it comes to effects, as massive tidal waves of black tar fills the streets of Panem and floors of steel erupt right under Katniss’ feet. Also, they give a glimpse of mutant-like creatures, which many are speculating to be “mutations,” which are described in the Hunger Games books (by Suzanne Collins). These creatures, half-lizard and half-human, are another creation of the Capitol to stop the rebellion.

Although the trailer didn’t hint too much on what happens in the Peeta-Gale-Katniss love triangle, it is assumed there will be some form of resolution presented in the final film. Actors Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Lawrence have continuously expressed how close they have become since beginning the series, which adds to the chemistry between the three on film. They have created a love triangle that rightfully rivals the #TeamJacob and #TeamEdward situation we saw during the Twilight craze.

In addition to the visual environments, the films have also gained some recognition for their elaborate costume designs. In the past films, fans saw Katniss decked out in morphing costumes, as well as Elizabeth Bank’s character Effie Trinket donning equally eye-catching, Lady Gaga-esque outfits. The promotional pictures of Jennifer Lawrence for Mockingjay – Part 2 seem to promise even more interesting costumes, as they show her in a striking all-red suit that seemingly exudes the heroine’s determination to defeat Snow once and for all.

The trailer brings a warning from President Snow, saying “Make no mistake, my dear Miss Everdeen (Katniss), the game is coming to its end.”

This line puts everything into place. Through politics, action, death, love, and everything else that can be jam-packed into this finale, somehow the “games” will end. Audiences will finally get answers to all the loose ends. How successful will Katniss be as the leader of the rebellion against the Capitol? Will Peeta or Gale get the final claim on Katniss’ heart? Who has to die in the crossfire? And inevitable, who will come out victorious, Katniss or Snow?

Unfortunately, these questions won’t be answered until November 20, 2015, when The Hunger Games – Mockingjay Part 2 hit the theatres.

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 Synopsis:

With the nation of Panem in a full scale war, Katniss confronts President Snow (Donald Sutherland) in the final showdown. Teamed with a group of her closest friends – including Gale (Liam Hemsworth), Finnick (Sam Claflin), and Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) – Katniss goes off on a mission with the unit from District 13 as they risk their lives to stage an assassination attempt on President Snow who has become increasingly obsessed with destroying her.  The mortal traps, enemies, and moral choices that await Katniss will challenge her more than any arena she faced in The Hunger Games.

hunger games mockingjay part 2 trailer images 2015The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 We March Together Trailer:

BIG BROTHER 1714: Audrey Out, Vanessa & Jackie HOH

It was nearly unanimous on last night’s episode of Big Brother, and Julie Chen said Audrey’s allies have turned against her and speculated that Audrey might leave the house without being evicted. Jason said it was Audrey’s turn to get evicted anyway. Meg questioned whether or not Audrey would show up for eviction.

Steve said he has no issues with Audrey as a person. Austin said he was angry at Audrey for walking out because being on Big Brother is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Jason said he wanted to see Audrey go out with her head held high.

Audrey came out of the diary room and Julia said she was shocked Audrey was still there. James said he thought she might be too emotional to handle the game anymore. James made an omelette for Audrey to try and make her feel better.

big brother 17 audrey evicted out recap 2015 images

Julie Chen announced a Whackstreet Boys live performance for the other housemates and live studio audience.Audrey said her family was probably overwhelmed at all the attention she was probably getting at home for being on Big Brother. Audrey’s dad and mom said everyone accepted her for making a gender transformation. Audrey’s mom said she was already playing the game in the beginning while the other housemates were just getting to know each other. Audrey’s dad said she intended to set the pace for the game.

Audrey told viewers where to find her on social media and she said it was an honor to be in the game and to have had the other housemates embrace her from day one of the game. She said she thought they wanted her gone for weeks now. John gave a shout out to Jason and Julia and he said he was having fun and it would be awesome if they wanted to keep him in the game.

audrey freaking out big brother 17 guests 2015

 Clay, Vanessa, Jason, Becky, Jackie, Steve, Julia , Meg and James voted to evict Audrey while Austin voted John for eviction. Audrey walked out without saying good bye to everyone. Julie Chen pointed out that Audrey said she was the first transgendered competitor in Big Brother history. Audrey said she was surprised that the other house guests embraced her with open arms after learning she is transgender. Audrey said she will always remember competing in the game. She said that playing the game was harder than she thought it would be and it was a very emotional game. Audrey said Vanessa was justified in turning against her but Shelli and Clay weren’t. Audrey admitted trying to plant seeds of doubt about Vanessa. John said Audrey played the game very hard the first few weeks. Jason called her a fighter and manipulator and he said he voted her out for Da’vonne. He did thank her for telling her story in the house and wished her good luck.

vanessa jackie new big brother hoh 2015

This week’s head of household competition started with Steve vs Jason. Songs were played that identified each competition in the game and house guests had to match up the competition with the song that represented it. Jason won the first round and chose John and Austin to compete in round two. Austin won the second round and Austin chose Jackie and Becky for the third round. Jackie won the third round and Jackie picked Liz and Vanessa for the fourth round. Vanessa won round four and Vanessa chose Jackie and Meg for round five. Jackie won round five and picked Austin and James four round six. James won round six and picked Vanessa and Clay for round seven. Vanessa won round six and chose James and Jackie. Jackie won the first head of household space for next week. Then it was down to Vanessa and Jason. Vanessa and Jackie are now the new heads of household.

Julie Chen talked to Britney Hanes, the most popular Big Brother contestant to date. She asked Britney how it feels to be a mother of two and she said loves it and it is the most rewarding and amazing thing. Julie Chen told the audience that Britney said this season of Big Brother is her favorite one ever. She said the contestants for this season are making her a fanatic for the show all over again. She said she loves Jason and his sense of humor and that she really likes Vanessa as a player. Britney said John is her favorite contestant this season. Britney said the twin twist went in a completely different direction than she thought it would. Julie Chen asked Britney who she thinks will win this season of Big Brother and she said she thinks Vanessa has a great shot at winning.