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AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR 715 Vegas Finals Group 2 Recap

Last week’s taste of stage one in Las Vegas set us up for the second group this week on American Ninja Warrior. I love the fast pace that goes along with the finals and that was a pleasant surprise as I watched the first group. This week’s second group featured a few runners who took the faster pace to heart and ran like hell through stage one.

These quick times were impressive, though I wondered how many would get knocked out from going too fast. Let’s see how this group of finalists fared.

First up was Adam Arnold. He was more victim than runner on this night. He just got in a hurry as he moved from the Propeller Bar to the rope. That resulted in him taking a spill and ending his run in 2015.

Preston Griffall was next to challenge stage one. This Olympic luge athlete was very patient in his run, but got behind due to the Warped Wall. He made it through the Coin Flip with ease only to miss on the Triple Swing. So close, yet so far away from the buzzer and stage two.

The first Akbar highlight came when the “Flying Squirrel,” Jonathan Parr, made his run. “Go get your nut” was Akbar’s call to action for the young man who nutted up on the Sonic Curve. His momentum caused a misstep on the last step before the rope.

I felt great about Grant McCartney finishing the course. He was the young man who lost both his mom and grandma last year. This guy is all power, so stage one seemed like it would be a challenge for him. It was not! Dude had no trouble at all and moved on to stage two.

By the way the season finale is next week for American Ninja Warrior. I am stoked about seeing my first finale, though it seems like a quick wrap up to this season. That does not bode well for the warriors who survive this week.

I liked Rose Wetzel’s Wonder Woman pose. Her run started off less than wonderful though as she stumbled on the opening obstacle. Her night and season ended as she was way short on her leap to the Propeller Bar.

It’s easy to take Jamie Rahn lightly with his silly get-up and green hair. Don’t get it twisted though. He is a threat to win. Legit. His body control and balance made stage one easy as pie for this veteran ninja.

Brendan Couvreux made a big impression on his city finals course, one of the toughest of all the course I witnessed. He fell short of my expectations as he couldn’t even reach the Propeller Bar with his weak leap. Dude was very light so that played a huge role in his fall.

I have no idea who says “exterminators aren’t athletes.” But apparently Akbar Gbaja Biamila hears it all the time. For all I know most exterminators can run the 40 in 4.6 seconds and bench their own body weight 20 times. I don’t judge these warriors by career choice. Anyway, Pavel Fesyuk proved he is indeed a superb athlete. He survived an ugly pass through the Coin Flip to hit the buzzer with just .99 seconds left. Great run by an average Joe.

Helmets might be a good idea for some guys on ANW. Josh Cook would have benefited from a dome protector after he got popped in the head by the Propeller Bar. He moved past that section, but it may have caused him to lose his way on the Silk Slider. Don’t know if he had a mild concussion, but he’ll have plenty of time to recoup in the offseason.

Anthony Scott had a wild spin on the Propeller Bar, rotating six times before snatching the rope. That would have done many a runner in. He shook the dizziness off and finished the course to the delight of his daughter who was absolutely jacked throughout his run. Very cool to see the familys’ enthusiasm for these ninja warriors.

The cowboy ninja, Lance Pekus, was determined to get past the Spider Jump, which knocked him out of the finals two years running. I’m glad he made it past his stumbling point since we got a longer look at his family. I don’t think there is an average looking family member among the Pekus crew. Lance finished the entire course and will try to lasso stage two next week.

If it sounds like there were a lot of guys beating stage one, then you’re correct. There were more finishers this year (38) than ever before.

Isaac Caldiero was a stage two qualifier after his run. This guy has quite a life, living in an RV with his girlfriend traveling about, moving on after they are bored with one climbing location after another. That sounds a lot more like living than signing up for a 30 year mortgage and working in the same boring career for most of your days.

This ninja lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but most of these guys and gals seem happier than the average person just working 9-5 jobs.

I finally got to see what all the hype was about when Kacy Catanzaro made her run at stage one. This beauty is a fan favorite and not just for her looks. She has that extra “it” that makes fans take notice.

american ninja warrior kacy caldiero vegas finals 2 2015This little dynamo is just five foot tall weighing in at 90 pounds. That explains what happened on her trampoline jump. She needed all the power possible just to have a chance to make it to the Propeller. Too much emphasis on getting a powerful launch and not enough on hitting the trampoline properly. She basically leaped over the tramp without even giving herself a chance. Kinda embarrassing and truly heartbreaking for the lady ninja.

She was quite emotional afterward as Kristine Leahy talked with her. All that training and one misstep, over. She is a big motivator to her fans so she didn’t want to appear too down, but did say “It’s Ok to be upset.” It reminded me of Aaron Rodgers saying he would “sit with his disappointment” after Green Bay’s meltdown against Seattle. It truly is better to “be with” our failures for a short time than to act like they never happened.

I was disappointed also to see U.S. Marshal Jeremy Prather get knocked out of contention. Still no Raylan Givens line.

J.J. woods went the paleo diet route to up his game. Kid lost 13 pounds to improve his chances this season. He ended his run hitting the buzzer for the 8th fastest time among all the stage two qualifiers. Woods was very impressive last night. His run might just push me to a test run of the paleo thing.

american ninja warrior joe moravsky vegas finals winner 2015Joe Moravsky could be called the “Pro Ninja” just as easily as the “Weatherman Ninja.” His methodical destruction of stage one is a blueprint for all runners. His focus was zeroed in on each section, not taking any for granted. He moved on with ease.

Elet Hall’s speed cost him. He was flashy with his quick run, but it all ended on the Spider Jump. Got to be precise on the landing. Quick is good, but got to stay in the game. Another favorite bounced.

Jake Murray is a cool customer. He ended up with the second fastest time of all the advancers to stage two. He ran as though he had no care in the world. Very impressive that he beat Kevin Bull’s time from last week.

Unfortunately Meagan Martin was another fan favorite who had their season end last night. She passed the Spider Jump, but ran out of steam at the Warped Wall. She kept trying until the horn went off, but had nothing left to give. Once again, I don’t understand why most of the runners don’t start from the top of the platform for more momentum.

american ninja warrior vegas finals 2 brent steffensen images 2015The fastest time of the night went to Brent Steffensen who finally got some redemption after a couple seasons of disappointing endings. He has to be a favorite going into the finale next week. His lady friend Kacy Caldiero got eliminated so he will carry the torch for both of them.

Next week should be a great wrap up to the season. I do hate to see the season end just when I am starting to know the athletes involved and how this whole thing works.

I wouldn’t bet on anyone beating all four stages either, since it has never happened and it seems like one episode wouldn’t be enough to show that much action. It would be nice to see a warrior grab that million dollar prize. Although the challenge being so monstrous does set this show and competition apart.

Ashley Madison Down, Donald Trump to Go for Impact Team


ashley madison down donald trump with impact team hack 2015 techAshley Madison is immoral. That’s what the hacker group, Impact Team trumpeted when they hacked in, stole almost ten gigabytes of cheater data and posted it on the web for all the nosy neighbors to see. That’s a ton of gossip material right there. So, while they’re at it, they might as well mosey over to Republican potential candidate Donald Trump’s personal files due to allusions of Nazism. We all hate Nazis, don’t we?

Everybody by now knows what the Donald’s deal is. He wants to run for president but the man clearly doesn’t like illegal immigrants. Nothing wrong with that, but despite the wide variety of nationalities illegally staying in the United States, he’s focusing on those from Mexico and other parts of Latin America. He could have been given a bad taco or burrito some time in his life from an immigrant food truck that resulted in him nuking one of his towers. The man doesn’t like the idea of free trade if his or his people’s expertise isn’t involved. He’s no fan of Obamacare either and one of his first acts if elected would be to get rid of it. Now, he’s accused of being a Nazi due to his stance on deporting millions of illegal immigrants and his focus on one minority. His former wife even suggested that he had a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches which he reads while in bed. Trump did admit he was given Mein Kampf by a friend. Not sure whether or not he’s been reading both but a book of speeches could explain his talent for charismatic orations.

The best leaders are often the best orators. Someone who could give a rallying cry, whether it’s right or wrong and make the people follow. Someone who doesn’t use Teleprompters or written speeches on the podium but someone who could speak his mind and speak on the go. That’s one quality of smart people or at least intelligent ones. There’s a fine line between intelligence and wisdom. Whether smart or intelligent, they often have solutions to problems. And as Donald Trump says, America has problems. A lot of it, and that he’s the solution. Now Adolf Hitler, often known first and foremost as a genocidal maniac, is one of the smart ones. Remove the crazy bit and he’s someone to be admired. He could have been a great artist if he didn’t leave art school. He could have been a great stage actor if he tried the trade. He managed to rally a country fresh from a devastating defeat of World War I and turned it around and managed to take over much of Europe except for the British Isles. Very few people can do that within 20 years. That’s due to great practiced speeches and a charismatic personality. Napoleon did the same for France and many dub him as crazy as Hitler himself. The French emperor was short too.

Aside from Hitler’s book of speeches and Mein Kampf, what else does Donald Trump have in common with the former German dictator? No mustache there, and he’s probably not going to crop his infamous hair any time soon. If he can’t touch the Jewish, he’ll go after illegal immigrants, especially Mexicans who illegally cross the border. Like the Fuhrer, he’s allegedly setting up a racial scapegoat to blame for America’s problems. And like the Fuhrer, he’s into charismatic speeches and convincing rallying cries; saying what everyone wants to hear and characteristically, what some people don’t like to hear and making them seem right; earning jeers and cheers from everyone present. And also, like Hitler, he has a track record of turning things around. He’s filed for Chapter 11 on some of his businesses but he’s still on a high horse, ready to fund his campaign personally if necessary.

To be fair, shipping illegal immigrants on box cars like Hillary Clinton says isn’t the Donald’s Final Solution. Just part of it, he actually wants them to walk home. But he’s actually into immigrants (His first one divorced him though); the good ones he calls them. Trump also says he’s not into racism though he got sued for that as well. He just wants to remove illegals who he thinks are viruses, doing illegal stuff that are crippling the country. Illegal is illegal after all. Business is business and good business is often black and white (we’re talking about ink and paper here). You can’t have strangers in your establishment unless they’re customers or suppliers. He wants to run America like a business with everyone as working employees and employees need documents. Simple enough.

Like many politicians, Trump is promising more jobs, for Americans of course by promising to take back manufacturing from China, Mexico and other countries. Here’s hoping he could bring back quality to the tech industry by raising tariffs of ten-dollar tablets and phones from China. He wants to strengthen America’s ever-shrinking military and we also can’t wait to see how he plans to deal with ISIS. He promises to turn the economy around and shave off some of America’s massive debt before everyone speaks Greek. He wants to get rid of the travesty called Common Core. He wants to simplify taxation and make it easier and faster for Americans to pay taxes. As a businessman, he could probably pull them off as long as he’s not hobbled by Congress.

Trump’s position as one of America’s top businessmen, his celebrity status and most of his political aims seem downright appealing. Make America great again, is his catchphrase. Not bad. But one thing stands out, his stance on illegal immigrants which focuses on a particular minority which no doubt stirs up memories about a particular fascist leader. It would be interesting what his thoughts would be on the Syrian refugee crisis, let alone the dozens of Mexican children found along the border who are also refugees from drug and gang-war-torn Mexico. How would he differentiate a refugee seeking asylum from an illegal immigrant?

If racial bias and persecution are included in the Impact Team’s list of immoral acts, then Donald Trump may need to keep his Trump Servers secure. He’ll need to keep an eye out for Danny Trejo as well. As the current number one Republican contender, the NSA might be busy in those servers too. Many lauded what the Impact Team did to Ashley Madison. Anyone against Trump could be rooting for the Impact Team right now, hoping the businessman would be next on their sights and expose any dark secrets he didn’t include in The Art of the Deal.

Sam Smith All SPECTRED Up & Taylor Swift Tops Kim Kardashian

sam smith singing spectre theme song 2015 gossip

On Monday, Sam Smith posted a cryptic photo on Instagram of himself wearing a Spectre ring. Speculation began and finally on Tuesday Sam confirmed that he provided the vocals for the upcoming Bond movie theme song.

The star took to Twitter to share the news saying,

“This is one of the highlights of my career. I am honored to finally announce that I will be singing the next Bond theme song.  I am so excited to be part of this iconic British legacy and join an incredible line up of some of my biggest musical inspirations. I hope you all enjoy the song as much as I enjoyed making it.”

Sam Smith, Twitter posts:

Sam will be the first male solo artist to record a theme song for the movie franchise since 1965. The producers behind the project, Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli (I looked it up…that’s her real name) opened up about the upcoming song, noting:

“Sam and Jimmy (co-writer) have written the most inspirational song for Spectre and with Sam’s extraordinary vocal performance, Writing’s on the Wall will surely be considered one of the greatest Bond songs of all time.”

The song will be released on ITunes on September 25, 2015.

taylor swift passes kim kardashian on instagram 2015 gossipKim Kardashian has officially been dethroned.

Surprisingly Kim, the self-proclaimed queen of selfies, was beat out by pop star Taylor Swift in terms of followers on Instagram. This making Taylor the most followed person on the social media site.

Early Tuesday, Kim Kardashian West was shown to have about 45.4 million followers. However, Taylor stole the IG show when her follower count went up to 45.5 million.

Taylor has had a massively successful year, as she debuted her first pop album 1989 which ruled the charts. In addition, she has released several incredibly successful singles from 1989 this year including Blank Space, Style, Bad Blood and Wildest Dreams. Taylor has also become the #squadqueen as she continues to post pictures while hanging out with her famous best friends, including Lorde, Karlie Kloss and Selena Gomez.

On the other hand, Kim did release a book about selfies called Selfish this year and her husband Kanye West recently revealed that he was going to be running for president in 2020.

However, it seems that Taylor’s accomplishments have won over a few more followers than Kim at this point, nabbing Taylor the Instagram throne.

Despite Taylor’s reign, Kim does have a secret weapon up her sleeve, or more specifically in her stomach – as the reality star is pregnant with her second child. It wouldn’t be surprising if the birth of baby Kimye #2 puts Kim back on top. In addition, if Kanye does end up running for president there is potential for Kim to be the first lady of the United States in 2020! That will definitely garner in some more Instagram followers.

But until then, Taylor should enjoy the view from the top (of IG) while she still can.

Note: Queen Bee, aka Beyonce, is a close third with just over 45 million followers.

Retro TV shows being remade


muppets retro shows being remade 2015 iamgesThey don’t make them like they used to. Or so the saying goes. TV executives are quickly catching on to the fact that we miss the great retro shows that used to grace our TVs, or perhaps they are running out of original ideas. The result is a flurry of remakes which are set to hit our screens soon. Here are some of the remakes you can look forward to in the next few months.

Xena Warrior Princess

An early proponent of girl power before the Spice Girls brought it into the mainstream, Xena was a super popular show in its day. The Hollywood Reporter has reported that the show’s makers were looking to make a revival, and seeking a writer to bring Xena into the present day. Since Lucy Lawless met her end in the series finale, the remake will obviously star new acting talent. We’ll have to wait and see what unfolds for Xena in the coming months. Lawless tweeted that the remake is simply a rumour that is “still in the wishful thinking stage”.


With all these great sitcoms and dramas being remade, it’s easy to forget the retro kids’ cartoons (how many can you remember?) that today’s parents grew up watching. Ducktails is just one of these that is being remade by Disney XD, bringing our favourite beaked heroes Huey, Dewey and Louie back onto our screens where they belong. Oh, and don’t forget the real stars of the cartoon: Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck. You’d be quackers to miss it!

liam hemsworth with muppets miss piggy retro tv shows being remade 2015The Muppets

One more for the little ones. Millions of worldwide fans of The Muppets can breathe a sigh of relief because the show is being remade for ABC, 19 years after it ended in 1996. A pilot has apparently been ordered and team members who worked on the original show are being lined up to work on the remake. Admit it, there’s a kid inside you that’s silently cheering right now.

X Files

Here’s one retro show that you can truly get excited about, because it will thankfully feature the same great actors that made the show so popular to begin with. That’s right, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will be back on Fox early in 2016. The X Files will return with a six episode miniseries with Mulder and Scully solving our favourite paranormal mysteries. The premiere date has been set for January and some other familiar faces will be back on the show, too, including Mitch Pileggi, who plays Walter Skinner and William B. Davis, who plays The Smoking Man. Watch a very brief teaser in the video below:

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Nineties kids, it’s time to celebrate! Rumour has it that Will Smith, star of the hugely popular series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, is working on a remake of the series, which launched his career all those years ago. Smith will be behind the camera this time as producer of the show, which will have a similar fish-out-of-water storyline but with a contemporary update. The show is only in the very early stages at the moment, so anything could happen.

North Shore Animal League America Wants You To #GetYourRescueOn & Save Animals

north shore animal league american wants you to get your rescue on images 2015

Today, North Shore Animal League America is launching their newest innovative campaign, #GetYourRescueOn. Celebrities such as Taryn Manning (“Orange Is the New Black“), Edie Falco (“Nurse Jackie,” “Sopranos”) and Beth Stern have already taken part in helping to save animals lives.

North Shore Animal League America is the world’s largest no-kill animal recue and adoption organization. Open since 1944, the organization has saved the lives of over 1,000,000 cats, dogs, kittens and puppies.

Located in Port Washington, New York, the shelter is not only a facility for animal rescue and adoption; it is also a leading advocate for the no-kill movement, which emphasizes rehabilitating animals instead of euthanizing them. The center continues to innovate in how to best care for animals in hopes of creating a more sustainable future for all pets.

With some great accomplishments already under their belt, North Shore Animal League America is ready to save even more animals’ lives with their newest campaign, #GetYourRescueOn.

Edie Falco get your rescue on north shore animal league 2015By donating $25 to North Shore Animal League America, supporters will receive a rescue cuff. Supporters are then encouraged to share a picture showcasing the bracelet and their own animals on various social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, while including the hashtag #GetYourRescueOn.

By getting their rescue on, supporters of the shelter can promote the important cause and further the impact they have on the animals’ lives. Through #GetYourRescueOn, people can share the message that homeless pets deserve the chance to become loving pets.

Of course, all of the proceeds from the $25 cuffs will go directly to Animal League America’s mission: Rescue. Nurture. Adopt and Educate.

The Rescue cuff bracelet is available at www.GetYourRescueOn.org

By donating and receiving a cuff, you are helping spread the critical message that adopting shelter pets is the best choice when it comes to adding a new pet to your family.

get your rescue on north shore campaign bracelet 2015You can get your own rescue on in just three easy steps!

Step 1: Log on and donate $25 to get your own rescue cuff at GetYourRescueOn.org (where all proceeds go to North Shore Animal League America)

Step 2: Say cheese! Take a picture with your adopted animal or animal, while showing off your new rescue cuff. Just like in all the pictures you see here in this article! It’s really easy.

Step 3: Share! Post your photo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, tagged with #GetYourRescueOn

North Shore Animal League America explains their goal in their vision, which states:

“To put an end to animal cruelty and euthanasia and to create a world in which all companion animals find compassionate, permanent homes.”

The incredible organization has attracted a slew of supporters, including some notable celebrities, such as:

  • Beth Stern: Beth is the wife of popular radio personality Howard Stern. She has taken on the role of spokesperson for the Animal league. Beth, clearly an animal lover, has adopted numerous pets from the shelter, including Apple, Walter, Leon Bear, Charlie Boy, Bella and Yoda. In addition, she has made numerous televised appearances promoting the organization and even ran a 26.2-mile marathon to save animals’ lives.
  • Taryn Manning: The star of the Netflix hit series Orange is the New Black recently visited the North Shore Animal League America shelter and ended up falling in love and taking home a precious black cat named Thunderbird.
  • Tyra Banks: Tyra Banks is a well-known supermodel and driving force behind numerous Television shows, including America’s Next Top Model. She featured the North Shore shelter on her reality TV show True Beauty. On the show, contestants were able to show their compassionate side by helping prepare numerous of the pets at the shelter for adoption. The star also featured the segment on her TV talk show Tyra, giving further publicity to the great cause.
  • Martha Stewart: Martha Stewart is a successful businesswoman, writer, TV star, who has established her own lifestyle brand. In 2010, Martha Stewart teamed up with numerous shelters, including North Shore Animal League America, and embarked on the “Purina ONE Tour for Heroes,” where they encouraged people to be “heroes” in the lives of shelter animals. The final stop of the tour was actually held at the North Shore shelter in New York.
  • Billy Joel: Billy Joel is a legendary pianist, singer and composer, who became known for his hit song “Piano Man.” In 2014, Billy teamed up with Howard and Beth Stern to raise money for NSALA. The singer put on a “birthday concert,” where all the proceeds went to the Animal League. In addition, Billy hosted a mobile unit that allowed fans to adopt some of the shelter’s animals that desperately needed a forever home.

BACHELOR IN PARADISE 212 Finale: Tanner Takes Jade

bachelor in paradise finale tanner with jade images 2015,The finale of season 2 of Bachelor in Paradise has arrivedand the episode jumps right in from where we left off Sunday night. Basically everybody is in total shock that Kirk and Carly ended things. Especially Jade, who expresses how taken aback she is and begins doubting her relationship with Tanner as she thought Carly and Kirk were the “only sure thing in Paradise.”

While Tanner is also in shock, he is hopeful that the breakup won’t impact his relationship with Jade. He says to the one-on-one camera, “[Jade] could either feel sad for Carly but stay excited for me – or she could let this breakup get inside her head a little bit.”

Meanwhile, Cassandra is also questioning her new relationship with Justin. Cassandra was the last one to come to Paradise (she arrived yesterday), so she is feeling anxious about the possibility of sharing a fantasy suite with Justin already.

Nick and Samantha on the other hand seem to have overcome the fact that they only started getting romantic with each other about a week ago. They go on to reassure each other that is okay for them to move this quickly since they had chatted for about 3 months before coming on the show (Note: I am not sure if Nick is totally aware that she did the exact same thing with Joe). After Nick and Samantha go on their last romantic one-on-one date, they end up agreeing to a night together in the fantasy suite.

Justin and Cassandra also go on a romantic date and everything goes just as well as every other date on this show. However, when they begin talking about the possibility of going to the fantasy suite, Cassandra claims it would be “inappropriate” considering they have only known each other for about 2 days. It is clear that Justin is disappointed, but respects Cassandra’s decision to forgo the suite.

In the meantime, Tenley begins pondering what life outside of Paradise would be like with Joshua. She is nervous as the two live in different states and therefore would have a hard time seeing each other once the show ended. However, she decides to “give it a chance” and joins Joshua in the fantasy suite following their date.

Lastly, is the last true power couple left, Tanner and Jade. As Jade continues to express her concern for their relationship following the whole Kirk-Carly debacle, Tanner decides its time to take things between them to the next level. He sits Jade down and tells her, “Over the last week things have gotten more real for me. And I love you, Jade. 100 perce.t It’s crazy to think about because my mind is saying, ‘What the hell are you doing, Tanner? You haven’t known this person that long.’ But my heart is telling me that the feelings are real and I do love you.” Jade’s worries seem to slip away as she tells Tanner she loves him too. Of course, the two go off to a fantasy suite as well.

After all the couples except Cassandra and Justin return from the fantasy suite the next day, host Chris Harrison announces that it is time for the final rose ceremony. However, he says that the roses are no longer just a means of staying in Paradise another week, they now signify the couples’ commitment to each other outside of Paradise.

In contrast to the usual ceremony, the final roses are given out one-on-one. It begins with Justin and Cassandra. Justin offers his rose to Cassandra, explaining that although their relationship is “new” he still wants the chance to explore it. Surprisingly, Cassandra accepts and says, “I’m excited to go on some great dates, just us, without cameras.”

Next up is Samantha and Nick. Their part of the ceremony basically entails Nick saying she is beautiful a dozen different times. Nick offers her his rose, and after she tells him he is her “prince charming,” she accepts.

After 2 successful rose exchanges it is time for Joshua and Tenley. The two had been together for most of the season, however Tenley has continued to express concern regarding their potential as a couple outside of the show. Joshua offers his rose to her, explaining that he is okay with their future being an unknown and that he is willing to give it a shot. Unfortunately, Tenley does not feel as hopeful about their “unknown future” and doesn’t think that the long-distance thing will end up working. Thus, she thanks Joshua for giving her faith that she will find a kind and caring man but ultimately rejects his rose.

Last up is Tanner and Jade, who have been together since the very beginning of Bachelor in Paradise. Tanner jumps in right away telling Jade he has never met “anybody who makes [him] feel the way [he] feels with [her.]”

Then in attempt to add drama, Tanner tells Jade “I can’t give you this rose today.” However, the fact that Jade doesn’t burst in to tears immediately leads me to believe she knew what was coming: a proposal!

As Tanner gets down on one knee, he tells Jade “What we have is worth so much more than a rose – than a million roses – I love you Jade, and I want to keep on loving you for the rest of my life.” Inevitably, Jade says yes to the proposal.

And the couple lives happily ever after…for the next month or two (if their relationship goes on to be like the majority of Bachelor-formed relationships)

That is the end of Bachelor in Paradise until next summer. You won’t be able to get your fix of Bachelor drama and Chris Harrison until the new season of The Bachelor which features Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Ben H!

After-Show Updates:

During the aftershow, it was revealed that Cassandra and Justin are no longer together. However, Cassandra is now dating Jonathan, who was on Bachelor in Paradise before Cassandra arrived. In addition, Nick and Samantha are apparently still going strong and Jade and Tanner remain happily engaged.

Marvin Lewis & Ron Rivera Among NFL Playoff Coaches on Hot Seat in 2015


marvin lewis ron rivera nfl playoff coaches 2015 imagesIn the NFL, making the playoffs only gets you so far. It’s all about wins. If you don’t win, fans, owners, and the front office will start to get upset, and when you’re the head coach, keeping them happy is the difference between having a job and…well, having to find another one.

Marvin Lewis and Ron Rivera are on the verge of that position heading into 2015. Both coaches led their teams to the playoffs in 2014, but neither made it past the Divisional Round.

For Rivera, his Carolina Panthers actually won their Wild Card weekend game, but even that couldn’t make up for the 7-8-1 record that got them into the postseason thanks to a terrible showing by the NFC South as a whole.

Rivera has been in and out of the hot seat over the past several seasons, but he saved face in 2013 with a solid division championship. Well, once again, if you don’t win in the playoffs, the regular season success will only keep your job secure for so long.

Marvin Lewis is the perfect example of this. His Cincinnati Bengals have made the playoffs each of the four seasons with six total appearances since 2003, when he took over a struggling team which hadn’t qualified for extra football since 1991.

Despite taking the Bengals from an Oakland Raiders-level franchise to a legitimate competitor, his job isn’t safe anymore.

Personally, I have a hard time blaming Lewis for Andy Dalton’s shortcomings, but if the Bengals lose another playoff game (or fail epically and don’t even make the postseason), Marvin is gone.

Bengals owner Mike Brown made his intentions pretty clear by only renewing Lewis’ contract for only one season through 2015. This is Lewis’ last shot to save face and keep his job. Another early exit will leave the Bengals looking for someone who can actually win come January.

You’d be better off trying to find some way out of that ridiculous contract y’all gave Dalton, Mr. Brown.

Sam Smith Feeling Very James Bond Spectre & John Hamm Now Single

sam smith singing new james bond spectre theme 2015 gossipMove over Adele!

Rumors have started circulating that singer Sam Smith will be the new singer featured on the upcoming James Bond movie, Spectre, starring Daniel Craig.

This was somewhat a surprise, as the musician denied being involved with the 007 film back in July, bluntly saying “It’s definitely not me!” He went on to tell BBC Radio 2’s Jo Whiley, “People seem to think I’m doing it but I have no idea what’s going on, I’m being deadly serious. I think I would know by now. I head Ellie Goulding was going to do it.”

On the other hand, the 23-year-old has had a massive year in terms of his music and therefore it isn’t too shocking that he would be offered the coveted gig. Sam wound up receiving 4 Grammy awards earlier in 2015, including Best New Artist, Record of the Year for ‘Stay with Me’ and Song of the Year.

Speculation started when Sam posted a picture of him wearing a particular ring on his Instagram on Monday. The ring is engraved with a modernized version of the Spectre symbol, which is the featured criminal organization in the new Bond movie.

Although Smith hasn’t confirmed the collaboration, Spectre director Sam Mendes revealed that the theme song was already recorded in an interview in late July.

Sam Smith, Instagram post:

A post shared by Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) on

jon hamm splits with jennifer westfeldt 2015 gossipHopefully this is the last of the Hollywood splits that have seemingly plagued the summer season.

Mad Men star Jon Hamm, 44, and actress Jennifer Westfeldt, 45, have released a statement announcing their separation. The former couple explained to People magazine:

“With great sadness, we have decided to separate, after 18 years of love and shared history. We will continue to be supportive of each other in every way possible moving forward.”

The two stars began dating back in 1997 and have since worked on numerous projects together, such as Kissing Jessica Stein, Ira & Abby and Friends With Kids. However, the couple did endure some hard times in their relationship, as Jennifer stood by Jon when he admitted himself into rehab for “alcohol addiction” earlier this year.

The break up has come as a surprise, as just a few months earlier (in April) Hamm’s rep slammed reports of a split saying, “the story that appeared in this week’s edition of In Touch magazine is not true.”

In addition, Jon told E! News in June that he had a “couple of projects” in the works with Jennifer.

Nonetheless, Jon and Jennifer join the multiple other couples that have decided to call it quits in the last few months. Although Jon and Jennifer never officially wedded, they did maintain that they were “committed” to one another and thus, the decision to separate was no doubt a difficult one.

Meek Mill vs Future & 50 Cent Bankruptcy Mansion

Happy Labor  Day! Nicki Minaj keeps pumping her man Meek Mill up enough to think that he can take on anyone. He went for Drake and now he’s going on after Future. 50 Cent has decided that bankruptcy doesn’t mean you stop wasting your money since he’s nearly finished his African mansion and he’s letting everyone, including the IRS who watches social media for this stuff, know how amazing it is.

 meek mill vs future nicki minaj 2015 gossipMeek Mill’s New Beef

You know I have to hand it to Nicki Minaj. She has really made Meek Mill feel invincible. First he’s beefing with Drake and now rumors are that he and the auto tunes using, computer love sounding rapper Future are going it at.

Well that’s what people were believing because of Meek asking the DJ at the Made In America Fest in Philly to stop playing Future songs, which of course lead to the assumption that Meek is not a fan. I guess he learned from his last situation with Drake because this time he took to Twitter to clear up what he really meant.

“My Dj caught a Future attack on the set when he was told play a bunch of artist shit! Lol He prolly did it because I tell play all future in the club! Don’t get it fucked up we rather see the streets win b4 anything.”

I’m glad that the let us know what really happened but to be honest I don’t blame him nor anyone else about not wanting to hear Future. I literally turn the radio off when his music comes on because I just can’t take it. It’s not good.

50 cent bankruptcy african mansion50 Cent Bankruptcy Gift to Self: Build a Mansion in Africa

50 cent really does have no chill.  If he’s not calling other rappers out or dogging females, he’s filing bankruptcy and building African Mansions

The rapper posted a video of his new house on his Instagram showing the whole world how it looks to file for bankruptcy.

“My crib is almost finished in AFRICA. I’m gonna have the craziest House warming party ever.”

This situation is so interesting because of the fact that he pretty much said he is broke over the summer after being ordered to pay Rick Ross’ baby momma $7 million for a sex tape of her and her boyfriend that 50 leaked. The situation is further convoluted because Forbes estimated his net worth at $155 million in May of this year.

50 has def learned how to play the system like the good ole boys.

kevin roper wants tracy morgan criminal charges dropped 2015 gossipTruck Driver in Tracy Morning Fatal Crash Wants Criminal Charges Dropped

The driver responsible for the crash that claimed Tracy Morgan’s friend life, James McNair, and that left the actor in pretty bad shape, says that he wants the criminal charges against him dropped.

Kevin Roper argues that he is not able to get a fair trial thanks to a number of factors including the media’s reporting on the incident and Wal-Mart taking responsible for the deadly crash. In his eyes, he has already been convicted because of all the stories being told about what happened so he will not be able to get an “impartial jury.”

“No system of justice can rightfully call itself just – if it operates in an atmosphere where the state is unwilling to protect the accused who appears before them, prior to a jury trial,” the paperwork claims. “No accused can receive a fair trial, or any other due process requirements, if the criminal justice system under which an accused is tried leaves him at the mercy of the press.”

Roper is charged with death by auto and four counts of assault by auto to which he pleaded not guilty to all.

sheree whitfield charges rhoa fans for signature 2015 gossipReal Housewives of Atlanta Cast member Sheree Whitfield Charges A Fan Five Dollars for Picture

It is stories like this why I don’t deal with these reality TV people. Sheree Whitfield, one of the founding members of RHO, was accused of charging a fan $5, yes… $5 to take a picture with her. Of course he posted it on Instagram. But the really the “are you serious” moment of it all is Whitfield‘s response.

“Most charge fees hunni! Next time it will be $10! #iworkhard #whogoncheckmeboo #umadornah #itwasagreatday.”

Some of these people are truly unbelievable. I mean, you hashtag “who gon check me boo?” Um how old are you? Reality TV folks think way more of themselves than they should and people asking for their picture when they seem them is one of the reasons why.

Sheree was cast off the Real Housewives of Atlanta so she should be counting her blessings she’s getting another chance to build her next mansion on the hill Chateau Sheree 2.

Get out of here with that mess!

THE BEAUTY INSIDE Trailer Reveals A Light But Intriguing Story


the beauty inside trailer light intriguing plot 2015The trailer for the Korean movie The Beauty Inside was released, and it definitely has an intriguing plot.

The story told by the movie is of a man named Woo-jin, who wakes up in a different body everyday. Every morning he is surprised by his age, gender, race…basically his entire external identity. Although his appearance is constantly changing, Woo-jin is internally the same person. Unfortunately being different on the outside every single day presents its challenges.

The only thing that Woo-jin can rely on each day is the love of his life, Yi-soo. Fortunately, she is aware of Woo-jin’s changing appearance but chooses to stick with him anyways.

Ultimately, Woo-jin must find a way to be with the one he loves while dealing with his every-changing appearance.

The Beauty Inside marks the first movie directed by Baek Jong-yeoi, who has only done commercials in the past. The trailer released for The Beauty Inside, shows that Baek employs the warm setting and welcoming background instrumental in the film that is reminiscent of a high-quality Television advertisement.

The film dives into the struggle that Woo-jin faces, as he tries to pursue his relationship with Yi-soo. Trouble ensues when her family asks to meet her new love interest; however even Yi-soo can’t recognize who he is once the morning arrives.

Therefore, Yi-soo is seen with many different men, although they are all internally Woo-Jin. However, from an outside perspective it seems as though she is going out with a new guy each night, which is what her boss ends up suspecting.

One of the interesting points of this movie is that they employed upward of 123 actors and actresses to play the role of 29-year-old Woo-jin. Although he often goes from one good looking Korean actor to the next, there are days where he will wake up as an old man or a woman.

The cast is filled with notable names in the Korean film industry including Do Ji-han, Lee Beom-soo (200 Pounds Beauty), Lee Jae-joon (Night Flight) and Kim Hee-won (The Man from Nowhere).

The film is basically trying to come across with the underlying principle that it is the person inside that matters. Since Woo-jin can only count on being an attractive young man for a day, he must embrace who he is as a person rather than what he looks like on any given day. In addition, the film also points out that often a healthy relationship requires sacrifices on both ends. Both Woo-jin and Yi-soo have to overcome the difficulties they face to be with each other: Woo-jin has to embrace his condition and become vulnerable to Yi-soo’s acceptance and love, while Yi-soo must deal with the issues that arise from dating an ever-changing man.

Although the story behind the film is interesting, it does seem like it becomes the typical romance movie fast. Just from the trailer, it is obvious that it checks off a lot of the scenes one would expect to see in a young love story. Unfortunately, it seems there wasn’t too much exploration into the deeper struggles that a changing appearance can cause.

In addition, critics of the film say that generally the major progressions in the story’s plot and the two main characters’ relationship (Woo-jin and Yi-soo) occur when Woo-jin is embodying the appearance of an attractive young male. Subsequently, this lead to criticism about how much the filmmakers truly embraced the concept of internal beauty, rather than focusing on what they believe will make the film more successful at the box office.

However, it looks like it will be a light, love story with a unique backstory to hopefully captivate audiences for as much of its duration as possible. Furthermore, I wouldn’t go into this movie expecting get any deep philosophical answers about identity or anything.

The movie was released in South Korea on August 20, 2015 and will be released in the United States on September 11, 2015.

The Beauty Inside Movie Trailers 2015

Tim Tebow Eagles Cut: 7 Reasons why it’s OK


tim tebow cut from eagles 2015 nflTim Tebow’s NFL career has hit another wall. The latest team to tell the former Heisman winner and all around good guy to hit the road was the Philadelphia Eagles. Even the mad ‘x and o’ scientist Chip Kelly couldn’t come up with a formula that would make use of Tim Tebow’s abilities.

Or if he did, Tebow didn’t execute the plans properly.

That’s a real shame. All during training camp we kept hearing about how Kelly would use Tebow on two point conversions and throw him in the mix for short yardage situations. I even said Tebow would be perfect for these scenarios. I have always sung his praises for his ability to sniff out a goal line or first down marker.

But apparently being one of the best short yardage runners in the history of college football isn’t enough to stick in today’s NFL.

Even though today is a sad one for Tebow fans, there are a few silver linings, which I’ll get to.

Trust me, Timothy Richard Tebow is going to be just fine. I know there are little kids in Florida crying right now after waking to the news of their hero being cut from the Eagles. Probably even a few grown men shedding tears as well. I can envision entire sermons centered around Tebow, being preached in the Gainesville, Florida area.

Tebow himself is not going to sit around and moan the blues like some of his followers though. He had this to say via Twitter, “Thanks @Eagles and Coach Kelly for giving me the opportunity to play the game I love! Romans 8:28 #Blessed.

That sound like a man down on his luck to you?

Tim Tebow is going to keep moving forward, NFL paycheck or not. Here are seven reasons Tim Tebow being cut from Philadelphia’s roster isn’t the end of the world. Got to see the glass as half full, just like the man himself.

  1. Stephen Morris will get his shot at an NFL career. The Miami graduate was on Jacksonville’s practice squad last year and didn’t make their cut over the weekend. Most likely this young man won’t be around professional football in four years. However, he is more worthy than Tebow, who has had ample opportunity, but can’t stick anywhere he lands.
  1. Fans can find another hero on the field. There are plenty of good guys to root for, maybe not at Tebow level, but some can be found. Look around the NFL. Pick a guy that does great charitable works and get on his bandwagon.

You won’t be cheating on Tim Tebow. You guys can still follow his journey. It will just give you some closure on your NFL dream for your boy Tebow.

  1. The SEC Network gets a good commentator back. The man works hard, is likeable, and clearly has the name to get eyeballs on the screen. The network should benefit for years to come, as should Tebow himself.

Much easier on the brain to spit into a mic on Saturday than get whacked around on the field every Sunday.

  1. Chip Kelly can enjoy that sack of cash Goodell tossed at his feet to sign Tebow to ensure the preseason got plenty of extra attention, sorta like Deflategate. I’m just assuming this is the norm now. Can’t let there be any lag in NFL news. Sign Tebow, create weird air pressure controversy, crush the union, or whatever keeps the League ahead of every other sport in the news cycle. As if that’s even necessary.
  1. TV media may finally realize it’s over and cover worthy stories. This quote from Chip Kelly says it all. Notice the 3. “I think Tim’s really progressed,” Kelly said. “We just didn’t feel like he was good enough to be the ‘3’ right now.”
  1. Eagles players don’t have to contend with the Tebow hype. It may not seem like a big deal for a receiver to field Tebow questions. If it happened just once a week, then maybe not. But every freaking day would get old and get in guys’ heads. Pretty soon resentment sets in, then gets worse if the starter actually struggles, making the Tebow noise even louder.
  1. Honestly Tim Tebow really can do more for the world without football. I know it’s hard to believe, but there are bigger platforms and callings than professional football. And it’s entirely possible this guy is really just too good for his chosen sport. Not too good at running an offense, but possibly meant for bigger and better things than being an NFL quarterback.

THE DANISH GIRL New Trailer Very Timely


the danish girl trailer images timely 2015Right on trend, the new movie The Danish Girl is to be released in theatres this November. The movie is based on the true story of artist Einar Wegener, who undergoes a sex-change operation in the early 1900s.  The movie captures the obstacles Einar faces as he struggles with his gender and trying to determine what his true identity is.

Although the transgender community has gained ample publicity in the past while, especially with Caitlyn Jenner coming out public as a transgender, The Danish Girl is set in a time where little was known about being trans.

The trailer showcases Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne, known for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything, as he waivers between his born identity as Einar and his desired identity as Lilli.

The movie is an adaptation of the novel of the same name written by David Ebershoff. The book recounts the story of Einar, who was born male in 1882, but transitioned into a female in the 1920s with the support of her wife; This making Lilli the first person to undergo gender-changing surgery.

Einar, who was born in Denmark, decided at age 47 that she was truly a female and felt that she wanted to attempt at surgery so that others would see her this way as well.

The trailer shows Einar in the beginning stages of his marriage to his wife, Gerda (played by Alicia Vikander). Gerda had asked Elbe to wear dresses and other articles of women’s clothing so that she could paint him. Eventually, this leads to Gerda suggesting that Einar go out as “Lilli” as a joke. However, at the same time Einar begins feeling more and more comfortable and at ease as he embodies Lilli.

The situation gets messy when Gerda catches Einar kissing another man when he is out dressed as Lilli.

Soon after, Einar makes it clear that portraying Lilli Elbe has become more than just a joke to him. Einar tries to explain to his wife, “This is not my body…I have to let it go,” referring to his male gender.

Surprisingly, Gerda ends up supporting Einar’s decision to transition permanently into Lilli Elbe. The trailer shows him saying, “I believe that I am a woman,” in which Gerda replies, “I believe so, too.”

The movie is directed by Tom Hooper, who won an Oscar for directing the 2010 hit movie The King’s Speech. Tom spoke out about reading The Danish Girl script earlier in the year at EW’s fall sneak peak saying, “When I first read the script, I wept three times. It connected to me in similar ways to The King’s Speech, where a man is locked in his body by a stammer and he’s helped by a tender friendship. With Lilli I was moved by the power of love as an agent of transformation, even when the world was against it.”

Since the release of the trailer, there has already been some buzz that Eddie may be headed towards another Academy Award with his portrayal in the movie. To prepare for his role, Eddie revealed that he not only thoroughly researched transgender theory and history, but he also reached out to activists in the trans-community and his director on Jupiter Ascending, Lana Wachowski (who is transgender).

The Danish Girl seems to be the perfect match for where the world is right now, as the topic of transgender is continuously popping up all over the media. So not only does it have the complex story line to feed off of, it will naturally get a lot of hype considering its transgender theme.

As long as the script is captivating enough, it looks like The Danish Girl has all the other elements (i.e. award-winning lead actor, experienced and notable director, compelling and relevant theme) needed to claim some hardware come award season.

The Danish Girl hits theatres on November 27, 2015.
The Danish Girl Movie Trailer