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JUSTIFIED Season 6 Fate’s Right Hand Recap: So long Dewey

justified season 6 recap images 2015 timothy olyphant

The open for the first episode of the final season of ‘Justified’ shows us Winona with Raylan’s daughter living a normal life away from Givens. She wonders aloud juts what Raylan could be doing that is so important to keep him away from the child.

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We see just what the marshal is up to as the scene switches to a sleazy bar in Mexico that has likely seen more stabbings than most prison yards. Raylan is trying to get some info on the bodies that were left in the desert in the box van. Those dead folks included Johnny Crowder of course and Raylan wants to use a local police chief to implicate Boyd Crowder in the deaths. That request for help goes poorly as you might suspect, and Raylan is basically told to go fuck himself. Givens says he will “be in touch.” He keeps his promise when he t-bones the drunk police chief in a back alley after the bar closes. He then kidnaps the Mexican police officer and hauls him back to U.S. soil as Givens continues to disregard any laws that get in his way.

Boyd holds true to the lead up from last season when his bank robbing expertise was mentioned by Katherine Hale. The spiky haired villain is sitting in a bank with a hot lady banker. Next the scene fades into the best intro song ever for a TV show.

boyd crowder for justified season 6 2015

The awkward meeting between Ava Crowder and Boyd was uncomfortable at best. She is waking up in an old house and he drives up to do some construction work for her. The hot romance has certainly cooled off with Boyd letting Ava down over and over last season.

Our old buddy, the weaselly Dewey Crowe, is walking out of prison to start a new life. Only he runs into Raylan just a few steps past the prison exit. That is a bit closer than the 1000 feet Raylan has been instructed to stay away from the little weasel. But Givens was unofficially given the go ahead to use Dewey to try and catch Boyd in some criminal activities. To his credit, Crowe doesn’t fold under the marshal’s pressure and gets on a bus to Harlan as he pines for a “six dollar blowjob.”

dewey crowe in justified season 6 with ava

When Dewey finds his old stomping grounds at the trailer park whore facility boarded up and now the property of the state, it about breaks the man. I thought he might eat a bullet right then. It was similar to a business man finding his building chained up by a bankruptcy court order. But Dewey is pretty resilient to be so stupid. He finds a little turtle trinket and takes it as a sign. He heads to a diner and finds one of his old hookers there as a waitress and takes that as another sign.

Poor Ava has to go back to work at the beauty salon after dreams of a millionaire’s life with Boyd. Boyd tells her that Harlan is soon to be a ghost town and them with it if they don’t get out. He talks about a big score that could take them to Costa Rica or anywhere she likes. As always, Boyd is thinking big. But there is nothing stopping him from heading there now. A smart guy like him doesn’t need a pile of cash to leave the country. He could have his lovely Ava with him at some great beach getaway. All he need do is go. But he doesn’t see it that way.

Later at the bar, Boyd finds Dewey Crowe there to see him asking for work. Crowe has taken these signs to mean he needs to go back to work for his former employer. Bad idea.

timothy olyphant justified season 6 recap 2015

Raylan and Tim are at Arlo‘s old house discussing the surveillance they are doing on Boyd. They get a visit from a high roller in a Mercedes looking to buy the property….with a suitcase full of cash. They do things a lot different in Harlan. Around my town people set up appointments with real estate brokers and banks generally. Raylan sends the man on his way after giving him and us a brief history of the place. This episode really made us aware of the Harlan starting points and the men that got the town going. They are likely setting the scene for a comparison to the way parts of America have been turned into deserted areas full of economic woe.

A local drug dealer, Cyrus, gets a shovel to the face as Raylan and Tim set him up. His absence forces Boyd to let Dewey get back in the gang to an extent. He isn’t going to be trusted with much responsibility clearly. He can’t be trusted and he is as dumb as ever. Boyd knows he is being watched by the Feds so he needs Crowe as a diversion. Boyd has his sights set on the bank he visited earlier in the show and Dewey is to lead the marshals on a goose chase, though the weasel thinks he is hauling some important drugs no doubt. A roadblock only temporarily stops Dewey. He speeds off only to have his tires shot by the state police. He wrecks the truck of course as Raylan along with Tim go check on him. By check on him, I mean shake him down and break his jaw as they find he is indeed a decoy.

Boyd had used this distraction to the marshals to get his bank heist rolling. He and a small crew pop a few shotgun blasts off in the bank lobby, then proceed to hook up a truck wench to the safe deposit wall. They only take a few select boxes though and head off in the clear. Obviously Boyd is using his big criminal brain for something larger than a few thousand dollars that could have been his easily. Although that small amount would have been plenty for him and Ava to get to a beach paradise if that’s what he really wanted.

Raylan is none too please with Ava as they meet on the bridge. He tells her that she will be going back to jail if she lets him down again with no info. She didn’t know about the bank job and tries to convince Givens of that. He sort of believes here but lets her know that matters little. If she doesn’t help or has no ability to help his case the result will be the same, prison. Raylan tells Ava that she has the ability to get Boyd to tell her his plans. He reminds her of how she set up her first husband, Bowman Crowder and lulled him into a false sense of security…right before she killed the man at supper time. Her favorite time to shoot a man.

The last scene with the hero shows Raylan visiting Art who is still recovering from his gut shot. Art paints a bleak picture for Givens, telling him that he needs to do things by the book instead of only thinking about killing Boyd. He also tells Raylan that he could be the one who winds up dead in such an exchange, which Raylan seems unable to fathom.

The final scene of this episode ended up being the last one for the little weasel Dewey Crowe. He had a hell of a run on this series for a criminal that had a super low IQ. Dewey wanted to reminisce about the old days and Boyd’s original gang. Boyd Crowder seemed to go along for the stroll down memory lane as he told Dewey about the picture on the wall of his family and how they helped start the town of Harlan. As Dewey tried to find the look in the men’s eyes in the photo, mentioned by the silver tongued Crowder, Crowe gets his brains splattered all over the historic photo.

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This season will likely see a lot of bloodshed as the town refuses to go away quietly into ghost town mode. Boyd certainly showed a cold hearted side this scene, whacking a guy that had not even given any info up on him yet. That leads us to believe he would kill Ava without too much hesitation if he found out about her and Raylan’s bridge conferences. One thing is sure. Not everyone is making it out of their final season intact.

LOVE & HIP HOP NEW YORK Episode 5 Oh Baby! Recap: Peter Gunz Chooses Only Woman Left


So seriously, I don’t know whether to be happy that this season of LHHNY is almost over or bemoan that fact that LHHATL is right around the corner. So much to talk about from last night, so little brain cells left over from watching.

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The show opens up with Cyn talking to Chrissy’s old ass at some club. They share some laughs and then Cyn tells her about wanting to get back…mmm… I mean get into music by maybe doing a song. Chrissy sees this as a prime opportunity to get back at Erica by suggesting that Cyn works with Rich. Chrissy even tells her that she can do a break up song because “He’s a dope ass producer.”

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Next, this week Yandy and Mendeecees got more screen time. She met with her best friend Candy who just moved back to New York. Yandy expressed the feelings she’s been having about Mendeecees upcoming court issues. After talking to her galpal, she decides to have a nice dinner at a nice restaurant with her man to talk about her fears and feelings with the whole situation. He reassured her that he “aint got not worries” and that he is thinking positively about everything. With that, Yandy’s spirits were lifted and she goes on planning their wedding.

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Next up is Erica Mena. You know this girl is so damn full of herself. From her walk to her talk, she is just too cool for school (in her eyes). I really want to like her too. I mean she seems to be a business woman but I just can’t allow myself to have much respect for a person that conceited. She had the burning question of the night, well one of the burning questions of the night, “Why can’t my work life and my love life be good at the same time?” She feels that the same thing that went on with Cyn is the same thing that went on with her and Rich and she can’t seem to understand what the problem is. Hmmmm. Come one now E, I think you have a pretty good idea where the issue lies… the rest of the class is on page 59, keep up. To get a clearer understanding of why things turn out for her the way that they do, she turns to none other than Rich Dollas himself for some answers. When Rich starts to tell her what she needs, this chick says, “I need someone who’s built like me.” What the hell does that even mean? Their interaction (first interaction) ends with Rich saying something about her being too special and it’s gonna be hard to find someone like her. Um okay Rich, just go down the same whore house you pulled her from… DUH.

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Speaking of Rich, he meets with Cyn and they decide to work together on a charity project centered around Cyn writing a song or something. He also wants to make her the face of his new 79 campaign. Then, what does he do, tells his friend Erica. She blows all the way up. “You should have never offered her that before me…You’re taking money out of my mouth,” she told him before she stormed out.

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Then there is Chrissy and Chink. Now this is a very interesting situation because in this episode, I really felt for the woman. She is trying to be with this man who is still married so you know he’s not trying to commit right now. Her interaction with him shows how women who are “powerful” or give an air of being powerful can easily be smitten and taken down by a man. Another woman comes to mind that’s like that too – Olivia Pope. Anyway, she apologizes to him about how she came all crazy to the studio last week. Later in the show, after talking to her girl, she picks Chink up anddrops a huge bomb on him, “I stopped taking my birth control three weeks ago.” Oh he hit the fan. He pretty much told her that his trust in their relationship is gone and she breaks down crying. For the record, I get that she is old as hell and is ready to have a family. She even admitted to “ending a few pregnancies,” but trying to do that by going off the pill with a married man is not the business. I am team Chink on this one.

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Who else to talk about in this circus of fools? Oh yes, Cisco. After talking to Rich (this dude was giving all kinds of advice last night) he decides to fly to Atlanta and talk to the mother of his two children, whom he has been with since they were like 18 years old. He gets there, they talk and then he tells her that he has been seeing another girl (Diamond) for the past two years. His baby momma is fed up, as she should be, and she tells him to just leave them alone and that she is going to move on. Cisco tells her that she better not have another man around his kids because then it’s on and he’s going to go crazy. Yea because you’re not already.

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Finally and I saved this one for last because it is just so damn unbelievable. After Tara tells Peter Gunz to leave her alone he has no choice but to go back to his wife who went into labor right has he got back from his “business meeting.” He says that he’s going to come clean and start telling the truth, but I guess seeing his pregnant wife on the bed about to give birth to his daughter caused him to spare her feelings because he still referred to his tryst in Barbados as working with promoters.

amina peter gunz baby kissing cori pankey love hip hop new york 2015

This nigga tells Amina that he chooses her (well I thought that was apparent when you put the fucking ring on her finger). He says that he talked to Tara while away and after hearing what she had to say (because he was going to see if she wanted to work it out) he is coming back home to be the father and husband that he should be. This scene really broke my heart because Amina, who interpreted what he had to say as “because Tara said she doesn’t want me, now I am just going to be with you” broke down crying and said to him, “You didn’t choose me you let her choose, it’s because of her you are choosing me.” Gunz is so slick with it though because he turns it all around on her saying “I’m just telling you about a conversation, you’re taking it and making it the way you wanted to hear it.” What? You mean she wanted to hear that I chose another woman but she rejected you so now I’m going to do right by you? Get out of here with that shit. He is a master manipulator and any woman that has dealt with or deals with him is a fool.

Lord so much happened and on this episode you can’t help but tune in to see where the madness takes the washed ups and wannabe’s next week.

2015 Premier League Soccer Predictions


2015 barclays premier league predictions

With the FA Cup being played on the weekend, the Premier League gets a much needed break after the festive period. With over 20 games played so far, we have an idea of where things could stand come the end of the season. Here are our predictions:

crystal palace 2015 premier league predictions

Relegation battle

As it stands, Crystal Palace, Burnley and Leicester City occupy the relegation zone with the trio all having just three wins under their belt. However, only four points separate 18th place, Crystal Palace and 12th place, Aston Villa so we could be in store for another tight relegation battle this season.

Palace have recently appointed Alan Pardew as their new manager while 17th place, West Brom have appointed Tony Pulis – moves which impact the relegation battle greatly. We think only one of them can get their clubs to safety in Pulis as he’s done it before – coincidentally with Palace – while Pardew could face a struggle.

We predict Crystal Palace, Leicester City and Aston Villa to get relegated.

tottenham soccer fazio bulge 2015 premier league predictions

Europa League places

As for 5th, 6th and 7th, Tottenham, Arsenal and West Ham respectively occupy those spots though it is highly unlikely to remain that way, come the end of the season.

West Ham are unlikely to keep up their early season good form while 8th place, Liverpool have finally begun to find their feet this season following the departure of Luis Suarez. As for Tottenham, they are probably the only team likely to finish where they currently lie, just lacking that extra bit of quality to finish in the top four.

We predict Tottenham, Southampton and Liverpool to occupy 5th, 6th and 7th.

manchester city 2015 premier league predictions

Top four

The top four sees Chelsea and Manchester City at joint top, remarkably having the same amount of points, goal difference and games won, drawn and lost. 3rd place, Man United are nine points behind with 37 points while Southampton are 4th, one point behind United.

Southampton have done well to maintain their position in the top four this season so far but it still remains to be seen whether they have the overall quality to remain in it for another five months. Arsenal should leap frog them in the coming months, having more experience and quality in their squad, being just three points behind the Saints.

As for the title race, it could very well go down all the way to the wire. We’ll predict a second consecutive title for City based on their current form.

Final predictions for the top four: 1) Manchester City 2) Chelsea 3) Man United 4) Arsenal

Top 5 Premier League Standout Soccer Players 2015 Season


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With what’s been a great season of Premier League football so far. Now we’re taking a look at some of the biggest stand out players so far in their debut seasons for their respective clubs – here’s our top five:

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5 Sadio Mane

Sadio Mane is one of many recruitments in Southampton’s Ronald Koeman era and is one that hit the ground running straight away with some good performances, including two goals and an assist in his first five games.

The 22-year-old from Senegal has played out wide for the Saints this season to good effect and at the time of writing, has hit a rich vein of form, contributing to three goals and an assist in his last three games. With the African Cup of Nations coming up, his absence will be a big blow to Koeman’s side.

gylfi sigurdsson top premier league soccer players 2015

4 Gylfi Sigurdsson

While he has played for Swansea before – during the 2011/2012 season on loan – this is still technically Sigurdsson’s debut season for the Swans and it’s like he never left the Liberty Stadium.

Contributing to his team’s cause with a shocking opening day win against Manchester United – finishing the game with a goal and assist – the Icelandic playmaker set the tone for the rest of the season, being a key cog in the midfield.

As it stands, Sigurdsson currently boasts four goals and 8 assists – a contribution of 12 goals in just 19 appearances as Swansea lie in 9th place. Those figures are bound to improve as the weeks go by.

thibaut courtois top premier league soccer bulge players 2015

3 Thibaut Courtois

While he doesn’t have much to do compared to other goalkeepers in the Premier League, Courtois has still impressed this season. For goalkeepers of dominating teams, they have to be at their utmost best and 100% concentration whenever the opposition to get a chance and Courtois is yet to be complacent.

What’s also impressive other than him contributing to Chelsea’s 19 goals conceded in just 20 games is his command of his box. Coming from La Liga (on loan), the Belgian has adapted remarkably, taking control of his box and presenting himself as an authoritative figure.

If Chelsea do go on to win the title, Courtois will be a key factor.

cesc fabregas top premier league soccer player 2015

2 Cesc Fabregas

The former Arsenal player has simply been superb for Chelsea – proving Arsene Wenger wrong a countless number of times after the Frenchman declined to sign him from Barcelona.

Not only has he adapted to new teammates, a new manager and a different philosophy seamlessly, but Fabregas has played the last few months as if he never left the Premier League.

The Spaniard – signed in a €33 million deal – already boasts double figure assists with 14 assists while having netted twice in 19 league games. The current record of assists in a single season is 20 by Thierry Henry and Fabregas has half a league season to break it if he just assists seven more times.

It’s hard to bet against the former Barcelona player breaking the record.

alexis sanchez top man premier leagues soccer bulge players 2015

1 Alexis Sanchez

In what has been a mixed season for the Gunners, their £35 million mega signing in Alexis Sanchez has certainly paid his fee off with some world class performances.

It’s not only the fact that the Chilean has scored 10 goals and assisted six times in just 20 games – Sanchez has virtually carried Arsenal these past few months, bailing them out time and time again.

But what’s really impressed Arsenal fans and neutrals alike is the commitment of the Chilean – he keeps running, working hard, tracking back and pressing the opposition like a typical Barcelona player. It’s certainly refreshing to see a player with this mentality and approach in the Premier League and Sanchez is definitely the biggest stand out player so far.

La Liga 2014-2015 Soccer Season Overview


La Liga 2014 2015 season overview images

The winter break is finally over and La Liga returned our television screens this past few weeks. With just four months of the season to go, we’re taking a look at the season so far.

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Real Madrid lead the way

What’s interesting about the fact that Real Madrid are currently comfortably top of the table is their start to the season. After losing the Spanish Super Cup to Atletico Madrid, Los Blancos kicked off La Liga with 2 defeats in their first 3 league games – including a 4-2 loss to Real Sociedad and a 2-1 home loss to derby rivals, Atletico Madrid again.

Many questioned manager, Carlo Ancelotti and whether he would be sacked, especially after he shipped off Xabi Alonso and Angel di Maria to Bayern Munich and Manchester United respectively. However, Madrid woke up after their derby day defeat.

Going on a spectacular run of goalscoring form, Ancelotti’s side went on to win 22 games in a row in all competitions – a remarkable run which ended in defeat to Valencia recently. The Italian isn’t worried about the defeat though as Real Madrid sit one point clear of Barcelona and Atletico Madrid with 39 points, having played a game less.

“I don’t think it will affect the team. As I said it has happened after 22 victories. The season is very long and we are well-positioned in La Liga and have a lot of competitions. This won’t affect us because we know all the things we have done well until now.”

Madrid may have started 2014 with a defeat but they can look back to 2014 with fondness, having won four trophies and all but establishing themselves as the best and most in-form team in Europe.

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Cracks showing for Barcelona

Barcelona started the season superbly – with clean sheets galore as Claudio Bravo broke records, the Blaugrana went 8 games without conceding, winning 7 of those games in the process.

However, they faced Real Madrid at the Bernabeu on what would be Luis Suarez’s debut. The stage was set, but in the end, Luis Enrique’s side lost 3-1. To make matters worse, Barcelona lost the very next game 1-0 at home to Celta Vigo.

Enrique is yet to find his perfect formation/team – with too much rotation, there is no stability in this Barcelona side even though they have grinded out big wins and routine victories along the way. With Xavi ageing and Rakitic impressing (but not elite enough nonetheless), Barcelona have also been lacking in quality in midfield – an astonishing to say given their success over the years.

With their recent 1-0 loss to Real Sociedad – failing to capitalize on Real Madrid’s defeat to Valencia – and with Atletico Madrid picking up form, one wonders what Lionel Messi and company possibly finishing 3rd will do for Luis Enrique’s career.

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Christiano Ronaldo on fire

Cristiano Ronaldo is one who has benefited from a poor showing at the World Cup. With injury problems and Portugal getting knocked out in the group stage, the former Manchester United star had ample time to get rested and replenished for the new season – and what a season he’s having!

With 26 league goals in just 15 games, the Portugal captain is on course to his best ever season tally. Records were broken on the way as Ronaldo scored his 200th La Liga goal, quicker than any other player in just 178 games while he also broke La Liga’s hat-trick record, netting his 23rd for Los Blancos.

If Madrid are to win their 2nd La Liga title in 3 years, Ronaldo’s goals will be a big factor.

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Luis Suarez’s struggles

Forget about the bites, forget about the racism issues – whatever baggage Suarez brought with him, one thing which was for sure was that he’d be scoring for fun in La Liga and forming a monstrous trio alongside Lionel Messi and Neymar.

While he has shown flashes of brilliance, he is yet to fully make his mark yet. In 9 league games, Suarez has assisted a credible 5 times but has only scored once. Whether there’s a mental block or if he’s still adapting remains to be seen, but the controversial Uruguayan really needs to be hitting the net more to truly be accepted at the Nou Camp.

10 Signs An NFL Coach Is About To Be Fired

signs an nfl coach is about to be fired 2015

It gives me no pleasure to talk about people getting fired. OK, maybe it does when it comes to a few politicians and coaches of various teams across sports. But I think I can get a pass on those folks. NFL coaches in particular get little sympathy since they make a ton of money and some of these guys are simply not fit for the responsibility they are given. Running an NFL team is not easy, so only the best and brightest should be hired. It doesn’t take long to figure out if the right person was chosen in most cases. At other times a coach can just wear out his welcome. Here are the top ten signs that an NFL coach is about to get the ax.

nfl coach press conference meltdown 2014

  1. Press conference meltdowns are a good signal that a head coach is stressed to the max and doesn’t have any answers for his team’s struggles. See “PLAYOFFS?!?!”, “They are who we thought they were!”, and “You – play – to – win – the – game!”.
  1. The inability to win home games will get a guy canned in a hurry. It is one thing to lose on the road, but losses in front of the home town fans repeatedly is a no-no.

josh mcdaniels nfl high expectations 2014

  1. High expectations can be a death punch for a head coach. If the team is picked to go to a Super Bowl but loses five of the first six games, the head coach is going to have to explain the mess.
  1. Local beat writers who are usually supportive of the home team begin to turn on the head coach as press conferences become nasty affairs during bad years.

marty mornhinweg detroit lions mistakes 2014

  1. Boneheaded decisions that get plenty of run on SportsCenter are a bad sign. Detroit’s former head coach Marty Mornhinweg famously chose to give the opponent the ball in sudden death overtime once. WTF?
  1. Players start to publicly question the coaching staff. “We were not ready to play”, is a player quote that is a direct shot at the head coach.

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  1. A Gatorade bath from the players after beating a mediocre team. This is a sign that even a victory over a nobody is a source of pride for your team. That won’t cut it in the NFL.
  1. The team owner says repeatedly that he has full confidence in the coach. It is like he is trying to convince himself or it is an obvious lie.
  1. The team can’t get past a certain level. Making the playoffs each year is great, but higher expectations are then born. If the coach can’t get to the next level, then another guy will be hired to make it happen with the old coach’s players. See Tony Dungy in Tampa Bay.

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  1. The team quits on the coach to make sure he does not return the next year. Once a coach loses the respect of the locker room, he is dead man walking.

Right Time To Fire An NFL Coach: A Look Back At Mike Smith & Arthur Blanks

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It is a difficult thing to know the exact right moment that an NFL coach must go. Firing a guy that was picked to run an NFL team is not an easy decision for a team owner. After all, the owner picked the guy to be the head coach in the first place. So the team owner would be admitting he made a mistake. That is not an easy thing to do for a billionaire with a ton of pride who is in charge of an NFL franchise. Getting rid a coach too soon is also of huge concern. What if the guy is the right person for the job still, but the team is just in a bad slump? It would be a costly mistake to fire a man that would have eventually led a team to a world title. So as you can see, it is easy for fans to clamor for a guy’s head when things are not going the way the fan base would like. But firing an NFL head coach is not something that can be done on a whim.

A prime example of this issue is currently happening in Atlanta. The Falcons were just a few yards away from going to the Super Bowl in 2012. They were way ahead of the 49ers in the NFC Title Game only to let them come back to take the lead late in the game. The Falcons were playing at home and still had a chance to win in the end. They fell short by about ten yards as a last second pass to the endzone was knocked down by San Francisco. Atlanta missed a prime chance to go to only their second Super Bowl in Franchise history and the first under head coach Mike Smith.

Mike Smith has been the best Falcons coach in the history of the team. He has taken the team to new heights since his arrival. They have had the best regular season record in the NFC twice. The team is 60-36 since he took control of the Birds, which is near the top of winning percentages in the entire league. All this winning is quite new for a franchise that had never had back to back winning seasons in its history. Let that sink in for a minute…..no two consecutive seasons with a better than .500 record. Clearly Mike Smith has made the team better than he found it.

Now comes the downside of the equation. With all of Smith’s success, he has failed to get to the ultimate goal. That is a Super Bowl. Just like every other team owner, Arthur Blank wants to not only get to the big game, he wants the trophy after it is over. Competitive business men are funny that way. Second or third best won’t get it. The two years that Smith led his guys to the best record in their conference were impressive. The first time it happened though, the team was knocked out of the playoffs in the first round. Not a happy ending to a great regular season. The second time they had the best regular season mark with home field advantage throughout the playoffs they nearly gave away the first round game after blowing a huge lead. They made it to the NFC Title Game only to lose to the aforementioned 49ers.

With great success comes great expectations. Smitty created those expectations among the fans, his owner, and himself. Since that 2012 Georgia Dome collapse, the team has sunk back to pre-Smith levels. In 2013, they were picked to go to the Super Bowl by a few, and chosen to be in the hunt for another conference title by many. But they started the year horribly, then got worse as the season progressed. They did have some injuries that cost them valuable players, but things were not right from game one. They finished the year 4-12 with disappointment hanging over the entire city of Atlanta. But maybe it was just one bad year with some injuries mixed in to make things worse than they would have been under different circumstances. Maybe not.

This season Atlanta is struggling once again. They sit at 3-6 and the losses have generally not been even close games. Just like 2013, injuries piled up early and often. This time they hit the offensive line very hard as they lost starter after starter. I don’t know if any other coach would have fared better after the O-line was devastated. They lost three starters early in the regular season and one projected starter in the preseason.

arthur blank with atlanta falcons head coach mike smith 2014

What is Arthur Blank to do after this year? What would any NFL owner do? The Falcons have little hope of even getting a wild card spot in the playoffs even if they managed a winning streak the next few weeks. If that miracle happened, they would get destroyed in the first round most likely. They are not going to the post season so that is a pointless consideration. Mike Smith is the best coach to lead the team in Atlanta ever, but they are at a crossroad. Is it the right time to let Smith go since the Falcons have not lived up to expectations? Or should he be given more leeway because of the injuries that piled up on him this year? And his past performance has to be taken in consideration as well. He is a quality coach. But how long can Mr. Blank keep hanging with his guy? He certainly doesn’t want to waste another season. This corp offensive group is full of weapons, but their window of opportunity is not going to remain open forever.

I know many NFL owners would just fire a coach in Smith’s position. The team is not performing as expected, so they would hang him out to dry and move on to a new guy to take over. But what if he was able to get the team on track next year? It would be a costly error to fire a coach when he is only a year away from another great season. The Steelers are one franchise that sticks with coaches through the ups and downs of the NFL. They have had only three head coaches since 1969. I would say they have had a ton of football success in that period. They have had a few bad seasons mixed in with the good ones, but they stuck with their head coaches. They were not quick on the termination trigger.

It is easy to fire a coach that starts off his tenure losing and stays on the path of suck. That choice is so easy that it isn’t even a choice. But deciding the fate of a coach who has proved himself in the past is difficult. The future of a franchise depends on the owner making the right call, one way or another.

Did The NFL Clean Up Its Act In 2014 For 2015?

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I am sure Roger Goodell is pleased with himself after a rough start to the 2014 NFL season. The fact that he still has a job in the NFL is reason enough for his happy state of mind. He could have easily been removed from his position as King of the NFL, or as he likes to call it, Commissioner. Ray Rice got the ball rolling over the summer with the video of him going caveman on his fiancé by dragging her unconscious from an elevator. Poor Roger had to deal with this ugly mess instead of worrying about ways to expand the NFL empire even further.

race rice punches wife in face for roger goodell nfl 2015

Well things got worse when video surfaced of Ray Rice actually punching his girlfriend in the face. Goodell had a lot of ‘splainin to do! He was roundly criticized for not being tough enough on Rice as he gave him a mere two game suspension. He then turned the tables on Rice by suspending him indefinitely based on the new video evidence that Goodell claimed was much different than what he was told by Rice himself. I, along with most thinking folk did not believe that for a second. Goodell knew what happened but screwed up the punishment and made it look as though the NFL was soft on woman beaters.

Next Goodell had to deal with more players accused of domestic abuse. It seemed like a new story popped up weekly for a few weeks there. You would think players would get the message and be on their best behavior after the Rice debacle was a major national story. But headlines kept coming and Goodell was backpedaling the whole time trying to get a grip on things.

nfl wife beating controversy woman with black eye for roger goodell 2015

The league did start taking domestic violence more seriously. They had no choice with the limelight on them at that point. They crafted a new policy that was much more strict for players accused of hitting women. It was about time.

Roger Goodell hoped to get the whole Ray Rice issue off his plate as he was being accused of lying about not seeing the video of Janay Rice being knocked out before it was leaked nationally. So the Commish hired an independent investigator to find out what really happened and if anyone in the league office ever saw the footage before it was released to the public air waves. This independent investigation was a dog and pony show in my eyes. No way a guy hires an investigator that would possibly find cause for Goodell himself to be fired. The Commissioner is a very powerful man and would never make the mistake of hiring a guy that could get him fired.

As I expected, the investigation found that not one person in the NFL Offices saw the video of the Ray Rice punch prior to TMZ releasing it. That cleared Goodell of that issue, but the Mueller report did point out mistakes that the NFL made during the entire incident and ways to correct those errors. The investigation had to have some air of legitimacy so it had to have points of negativity of course.

Maybe some people believe that giant corporations like the NFL are on the up and up when they get in hot water. And maybe those same naive folks think that Robert Mueller is a man of impeccable character just because he worked in law enforcement his whole life. I’m too jaded for that nonsense and don’t buy it for a second. I admit that Goodell may not have seen the video in question. But it is only because he chose not to look for it. But if he did see it, I have no doubt whatsoever that he would have it covered up effectively.

Do I think the NFL will do a better job going forward in dealing with domestic abuse? I believe so. They have no choice as the light will get brighter if they screw up again on this same issue. They will err on the side of being too hard on players who even have the appearance of guilt. Adrian Peterson, even though he went too far, disciplined his child in a manner that is approved by a good deal of the American population. Yet the NFL made it clear they would not tolerate it by making sure he sat out the rest of the 2014 season even after his court case ended.

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I sincerely hope the NFL does have its act together going forward. I love the NFL, but I don’t want to support an organization that stands idly buy while some of its players beat on women. I want to cover a league that makes every effort possible to do the right things morally. If they screw up, I want to see them admit it and make corrections.

I will give Goodell credit for saying time and again that he messed up personally by being too easy on Ray Rice. He was never going to say he messed up badly enough to be removed from his job as King of the NFL though. If he believed he is the best man for the job, I can see why. It is human nature to protect one’s own position. Very few people would just fall on the sword and give up the power that comes with a job like Commissioner of the NFL. The $40 million a year would worth fighting for also of course.

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I certainly would not give the NFL an “A+” for cleaning up their act. But I would say a “B” is a big improvement from the “F” that the league started out with at the beginning of 2014. The main thing is that attention was brought to the issue of domestic abuse. As long as the public does not let that attention fade, the NFL should follow suit along with all other organizations as well.

2015 NFL Championship Weekend Recap Patriot Blowout & Seahawks Fly Off To Super Bowl

seahawks take down packers 2015 championship win

Wow. Championship Week never fails to prove us with some great matchups. As predicted, the Super Bowl is going to be Seahawks Patriots, but it’s not that simple of course. Here’s a recap of a crazy Championship Week:

packers vs seahawks nfc championship 2015

Green Bay Packers 22 at Seattle Seahawks 28: I’m going to jump to 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. The Packers are up 19-7, and Russell Wilson just threw his fourth interception of the game. Wilson had an atrocious game. In fact, the Seahawks quarterback started the game 2 of 9 for 13 yards and three interceptions. Wilson isn’t “elite,” he’s a joke. The Seahawks are lucky they had the personnel around him to pull out the victory in the end. Anyways, the Packers were unable to waste much time on their short drive and had to punt. The Seahawks drove down the field with ease thanks to the power running of Marshawn Lynch, kicked the onside kick (which Brandon Bostick comically dropped in some sort of David Tyree-esque catch attempt), and then scored again, and converted on a crazy two point attempt. Just like that the Pack was down 22-19 with a minute left. Eddie Lacy and Aaron Rodgers helped led the team down the field, and a Mason Crosby 48 yard field goal sent this game into overtime. The Seahawks won the toss and never looked back. If you had to miss this game, make sure you watch the final 5 minutes.

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Indianapolis Colts 7 at New England Patriots 45: The game itself was a complete blowout, but another Patriots Super Bowl just wouldn’t be complete without another controversy. The only notable stat line from this game is Andrew Luck’s (12-of-33 for 126 yards and two picks). Tom Brady didn’t do well as far as completion percentage goes, but his biggest mistake was the interception he threw trying to force a ball into coverage on Rob Gronkowski. That’s when everything got blown open. D’Qwell Jackson immediately noticed something was wrong with the ball—it was slightly deflated. Sure, sometimes this happens during the game. The problem is it makes it easier for kickers, receivers, and especially quarterbacks (Lord Knows Brady can’t win without cheating). Well, the NFL would usually shrug this off; however, after the Ray Rice debacle that’s no longer an option. Roger Goodell’s favorite team had to be investigated like any other team would be. 11 of the 12 balls the Patriots were using were under inflated. Don’t get me wrong, the Patriots could have beaten the Colts without deflating their footballs, but could they have beaten the Baltimore Ravens? The Denver Broncos earlier this season? For all we know they’ve been doing this all season, maybe longer. Cheaters cheat.

REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA Season 7 Divide & Ki-Ki Recap: Nene Leakes Apoligizes

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Here we are another week dealing with the Real Housewives of Atlanta’s (ROHA) antics. It is none stop with these women. They don’t hold back and always go for the jugular with each other.

Now as you read from my last recap, along with giving you a summary of each episode, I throw in my two cents because I want you to be aware (if you’re not already) of the fact that this shit is not real life. Please be able to separate the greedy, bougie sadiddy behavior that these women display from the way real, every day, sane, hardworking women should conduct themselves. And if you are one of those women who don’t see anything wrong with the way that the ROHA act because “hey, you gots to get yours” then please do us all a favor and go have several seats.

kandi shade umbrella for real housewives of atlanta 2015

Okay let’s recap! So episode 11 of the seventh season picked up right where it left off. Claudia had just read the hell out of NeNe, who for a moment was speechless (yea, I know, I couldn’t believe it ether). After NeNe made the comment about Claudia’s clit no longer being on her body, what could Claudia really say? I mean how does one even respond to such stupidity and tackiness? Who talks like that? If this is what has gotten Ms. Leaks as far as she has come, then Lord, shame on all those people who didn’t tell her to shut her mouth in the past. That is not how a lady speaks to anyone, but then again, what more can you expect from women who gain or regain relevancy by doing a damn reality TV show?

real housewives of atlanta nene leakes phaedra shade time 2015

This scene right here is also a perfect example of how many black women can’t get their egos together enough to a) support another female and it be about her and b) get over the fact that they don’t have to be the center of attention all the damn time. All the ROHA do is tear each other down and try to get the upper hand. For what I don’t know. If each woman is doing her thing, why does there always have to be a fear of threat or competition. Idk, I guess that’s just how insecure bitches roll.

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Anyway, Kenya and the crew, Claudia, Cynthia and Demetria, decide that they have had enough cat calling and naming dropping for the night and get up from the table to leave. Oh, but the shade throwing does not stop with their absence. NeNe, Porsha, and Phaedra continue talking about Claudia and the others. And it is no different for the ladies that left either.

Outside the restaurant, Kenya apologizes to Demetria for the way that everyone was acting because the night is supposed to be about her. In fact, the whole trip is supposed to be about her but just like selfish, conceited, jealous chicks do, they made it about everything and everyone else but the woman who is bankrolling the whole trip.

demetria chats with phaedra shade real housewives of atlanta 2015 ep 11

So while the feud between Claudia and NeNe is just getting started, with the new comer declaring, “I had to tell that raggedy ass bitch what time it was,” Demetria, once again, is being the bigger person and making the first step to clear the air with Phaedra. She goes to her room and apologizes for saying what she said about Phaedra’s marriage ending referring, to the Apollo Nida’s eight-year prison sentence. Of course with the Atlanta lawyer being who she is, she really didn’t apologize per se for her part of the debacle but instead told Demetria “I would prefer if you had come to me…and I would’ve told you I’m not tripping on you.” All in all, at the end of the scene, they squashed the beef and moved on. We’ll see how long that lasts.

It is interesting to me how one of the youngest cast members seems to be the one with the most class. I feel Demetria and I relate to her. I cannot tell you how many times I have wanted to slap a bitch but chose to talk it out instead. Has the other woman always accepted my olive branch? Hell no, but that is not my problem once I communicate how I feel.

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Moving on, Kandi does another sex toy party as a redo for the one in Atlanta that didn’t go so well. She also takes this time to ask Porsha about her relationship with a wealthy married African businessman. Porsha, in not so many words, pretty much reveals that she is getting tired of his ass because “It’s just hard dealing with somebody out of town.” This type of nonchalant talk about the side chick getting tired of her married lover is another thing that is so wrong with this show. They throw around the fact that she is sleeping with a married man and taking extravagant gifts from him like it’s the norm, like we all do it and it’s not a big deal. Their telling of this story is gross misrepresentation of what it means to be in a relationship.

nene leakes khandi porsha with phaedra parks on beach real housewives of atlanta 2015

So at the party on the beach, the ladies play a game and to our surprise, they actually get along. I mean they are cordial and friendly and smiley. Who knew they could get through an event with it not being about who’s missing what sexual body part?

porsha calls claudia contradictory on real housewives of atlanta 2015 ep 11

Finally, we get to the moment they’ve all been waiting for- Demetria’s performance. Both crews, minus Demetria of course, ride in a shuttle to the venue, but it is not without “conversation.” NeNe, who still seems to be stunned about Claudia calling out the fact that her NBC show The New Normal was cancelled, announces her run in Cinderella on Broadway and gives each Housewife two tickets. Awww how sweet of her. But the hugs and kisses only last for a moment because Nene and Claudia go at it again when they argue about “taking accolades away from each other.”

claudia kenya go after nene leakes on real housewives of atlanta puerto rico trip

“I didn’t start with you,” Claudia reminds NeNe. “I will finish…I just hope that you can give me that same respect. I’m far from a whore.”

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Then something happened that none of us knew was possible, NeNe Leaks apologized. Claudia and Porsha go it at about being phony and a hypocrite and Porsha told her she is a big “contradictory.” I’ll just let that soak in. Just remember, this is the one that thought the Underground Railroad was a real train station…Alas, they finally make it to Demetria’s performance… late!

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Everything is hunky dory for the time being but we all know that nothing on ROHA is what is seems so we’ll see what the deal is next week.

TOTAL DIVAS Season 3 Twin Leaks Recap: Eva Marie’s Implants Spill Over & John Cena Gets Sprayed

This week on Total Divas Natalya tried to convince the other divas that Summer Rae has a good heart even though viewers have seen the tension between the two. Paige said Summer Rae is her girl and she was the first diva Paige bonded with.

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John Cena and Nikki went to the gym together and goofed off before getting down to business. Nikki then said she is faster than John, so he promptly challenged her to a race. According to Nikki, she and John enjoy competing against each other. She said that sometimes she feels overshadowed by John.

eva marie tells jonathan about breast implants failing on total divas 2015

Meanwhile Eva Marie and Jonathan discussed that her breast implants were starting to make her physically uncomfortable. Jonathan said he felt lumps in her silicone breast implants. He then said that she needs to have a doctor examine her.

natalya confronts paige about lesbo kiss on total divas 2015

Backstage at Monday Night RAW Natalya confronted Paige about trying to kiss her. Natalya said Paige seems determined to do sexual things to her.

Eva Marie then went to a doctor to have her breast implants examined. The doctor determined there was a small leak in her implant. Both the doctor and Jonathan told her she wouldn’t/shouldn’t wrestle for two to three months after her breast implants are fixed. Eva Marie then said it is her decision what she does with her body and she didn’t appreciate Jonathan trying to tell her what to do.

Natalya was talking to the other divas over lunch about how even though she enjoys wrestling Paige she doesn’t enjoy when Paige lays down on top of her during a match. She then said that Paige was exploiting her in her quest to become a porn star. Eva Marie then got a call from her doctor’s office during the lunch. It was confirmed she would have to have surgery to fix her breast implants.

nikki bella john cena racetrack fight on total divas 2015

Nikki said that when she told the other divas about the challenge she and John had dared each other to do that John was going to win. This made Nikki more determined to show everyone that she could win. The couple then went to the Grand Prix racetrack to start their competition. Nikki wanted to know if John would get her a trophy if she won. They then started the competition by racing GoKarts. The next competition was a game of mini golf. Nikki kept accusing John of cheating at both mini-golf and GoKarts. The couple then moved on to skee ball. Nikki said she felt John was goofing around too much and not taking their competition seriously.

eva marie breast implant pains for total divas 2015

Eva Marie and Jonathan then argued because she scheduled and then cancelled the surgery to fix her breast implants so she could keep working. Jonathan got made at her for not discussing it with him before she cancelled it.

nikki water sports bulge with john cena on total divas 2015

At home Nikki and John were seen competing at beer pong. When he did better than her at it she walked away disgusted and said she wasn’t going to play anymore because John was still goofing off. Nikki then splashed a cup of beer in John’s face. He then asked her if she was alright and she said he turned their competition into a joke. He said the competition was never serious to being with. While this angered Nikki at first, she did end up apologizing for getting mad at him. She then admitted she took the fun out of the competition just to be able to prove something to herself. John then said that they should just be happy for each other.

Eva Marie then found out her boss at WWE got a phone call from Jonathan about her postponing her surgery. She stated that she was embarrassed and annoyed that Jonathan made the phone call without her knowledge. At home that night they argued about the situation and he accused her of acting like a child by postponing the surgery and that she needed to grow up. Jonathan stated that Eva Marie is saying her career is more important to her than her health. She then told Jonathan to f**k off and stormed out of the room.

nikki brie talk to eva marie about breast implant risk on total divas 2015

Nikki and Brie went out to dinner with Eva Marie later on. Eva Marie talked to them about her career and brought up her health problems and admitted it was causing an issue for her. Brie and Nikki both told Eva Marie it is very dangerous to wrestle with a damaged breast implant. They also said that she was compromising the safety of the divas she works with in the ring. Brie then confessed that when she had to take time off for knee surgery she missed a lot of big career opportunities. Eva Marie pointed out that when Nikki came back after a five month absence the WWE gave her a big push with the fans.

Backstage at Smackdown Natalya and Paige met to talk about their upcoming match. Natalya told Paige to keep it G rated so that if Stephanie McMahon watched the match it would be one her young daughters could watch with her. Unfortunately that did not stop Paige from licking Natalya’s face during the match. Natalya said this made her feel disrespected and that she was aggravated and wasn’t going to allow this behavior to continue. After the match Natalya confronted Paige backstage over her face licking. Paige tried to convince Natalya doing such bold moves in the ring was an effective way to get the audience interested in the match.

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Eva Marie finally agreed to have surgery where her implants would be replaced with implants made from materials safer for her. She said that WWE happily gave her time off for the surgery and recovery. After the surgery, Eva Marie and Jonathan checked into a nearby hotel because they live in L.A. and the surgery took place in Beverly Hills. She then said that the surgery had put everything into perspective for her and made her realize that without her health she can’t have a career.

Deflating Deflate Gate

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First off, can we please stop calling any incident involving a conspiracy a “gate”? Watergate was a long time ago and surely we can do better than describe each cover up of national interest as a “gate” issue. The Patriots are involved in another possible cheating scandal. They are being investigated for providing footballs that were under inflated. The NFL is doing the investigation after officials took a ball out of play on Sunday’s game to check the weight.

deflate gate hits new englad patriots bill belichick 2015

New England is no stranger to cheating as we found out as they allegedly spied on the Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl to gain an advantage and video taped many teams’ signals in later seasons. Belichick may be a football genius, but he is not above bending the rules to help his team.

In case you are wondering what the big deal is with under inflated footballs I will fill you in. These balls would be easier to throw as the QB could grip them better. In rainy conditions like we saw in the AFC Title Game that would have helped Tom Brady a good bit. I am guessing the Pats would have set it up so the Colts did not get a hold of these special balls. Would that have been possible? I am not sure, but why would they bother deflating the balls if they could not keep them away from Andrew Luck?

Also these underweight balls would be easier for receivers to catch, especially in wet conditions. I don’t recall many drops on the part of Patriots receivers. Let’s don’t forget the running game that killed the Colts defense ultimately. LeGarrette Blount mashed the Indy defense on 30 carries and never once came close to fumbling the football. I don’t know if New England did cheat on the footballs for this game, but clearly there is an advantage to be had if that was the case.

bill belichick deflate gate memes 2015

The Patriots are trying to laugh this off as some crazy conspiracy. That is the best way for them to handle it as they don’t need a big distraction like this before the Super Bowl. It’s not like the NFL is going to disqualify them from the big game anyway. The worst penalty would be losing draft picks, which is pretty bad but wouldn’t affect this team in this moment.

For those out there who think a little thing like this couldn’t be the difference in a game, you best rethink it. Football is a game of inches, especially in the NFL. How many toes out of bounds have decided games? How many field goals have been wide by a few inches to lose a playoff game? How many times have defenders been so close to a pick only to have the receiver get the glory as it slipped literally through a safety’s arms? All these events have happened often. Deflated balls would definitely be a factor in a close contest if only one team got the footballs that were easier to hang onto.

I have a hard time believing Bill Belichick would do something like this. I have no doubt he would cheat to win. He has proven that. but if he knows the officials can and have checked the balls mid game before, why risk it? He certainly wouldn’t want to chance future draft picks on one game. His team was heavily favored anyway. He was 3-0 against the Andrew Luck led Colts before this game. I don’t see Belichick being afraid of the Colts and in a panic getting a low level grounds keeper to deflate the footballs. The risk was greater than the reward. But I have no evidence either way. I can only speak to the most likely scenario. Belichick is too smart in my opinion to have tried this dumb trick, even though it would have helped his offense.

We will see how this shakes out in the next few days. The NFL will not let this drag out for long. They surely won’t chance this being a big story as the Super Bowl inches closer. It should not take long for the NFL to get the results of weighing a few footballs. I don’t think they need a CSI type team to help with the testing. If the Pats are guilty then the punishment will be swift. If the balls are found to have been in spec, then hopefully this story will fade away so we can focus on the Seahawks and Patriots match up.

tom brady laughs off deflate gate for new england patriots 2015 nfc champs

The Patriots can’t cry about this investigation. Once you are found to be a cheater, then the reputation is going to stick with you. They would be wise to stick to the rules as closely as possible if they don’t want an asterisk beside anymore championships. Raiders fans will never acknowledge the Pats as Super Bowl champs in the year of the tuck rule incident in the playoffs. The Rams of 2001 have not forgotten the allegations of the Patriots spying on their walk through practice before Super Bowl XXXVI. I hope this deflation story goes away quickly one way or another. But if found guilty, I have a feeling the story will only get bigger in the next 13 days leading up to the Super Bowl.