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Russell Wilson Debunks Meaninglessness of Sports

I heard a very interesting topic discussed a few weeks ago on one of my favorite NFL podcasts. The meaninglessness of sports was brought up as a side note in a discussion about the week’s games. It is a topic that I have pondered often, even though I clearly love sports. I get inside my own head too much and think of life in a broad sense. If you do the same thing, then you know that sports are indeed meaningless. Most activities are, since we will all eventually die and most of what we did won’t matter much. Sorry for the gloom and doom, but stick with me here.

I enjoy football as much as any entertainment option, but I try to not get caught up in one team’s fortunes. I realize that win or lose, my life won’t change much with their win loss record. That doesn’t keep me from being fully engaged in the games, it just keeps me from acting a fool like some fans. Grown men crying in the stands because their college team loses. Drunk fans fighting each other at NFL stadiums. Stuff like that is ridiculous. As I said, sports are ultimately meaningless in the big picture.

Here comes the however. If you saw the Seattle and Green Bay game this past Sunday, you witnessed something very special. The Seahawks came from way down in the game to get the win in dramatic fashion. They were being beaten the entire game and only took the lead with about a minute and a half left to play. They battled and finally won the game in overtime after looking horrible most of the game. Their quarterback Russell Wilson had his worst game ever. He sucked to put it nicely. He would agree with my assessment by the way. However, he stood victorious after the game, sobbing as he was interviewed by Fox Sports’ Erin Andrews. The man was overcome with emotion at what he and his team had just accomplished. They came back from what was sure defeat, to be champions of their conference. They experienced victory in the fashion that Rocky type movies try to emulate.

As I watched Russell Wilson’s post game interview, tears rolling down his eye black, I got real goosebumps. I was happy for the man and his team. I was able to share in his joy at that moment. Keep in mind I was not rooting for the Seahawks nor the Packers. I wanted to see a great game, that is all. But to see a grown man who is paid lots of money to play a game just break down on national TV because he was simply overcome with happiness made me happy as well.

The other side of the coin was the Packers, who suffered an awful defeat when they were the better team most of the day. I know there were tears from those grown men for opposite reasons from Wilson’s. There is some meaning and lessons to be had from their fate as well though.

After this game the world as a whole was not changed. Many unfortunate kids still had cancer. Lots of families did without a proper meal. Some of our fellow human beings slept under a cold bridge as we laid in a warm bed. The world turned as it always has. This one football game did not make the world a better place unfortunately. That does not make it meaningless though.

The game had meaning for me. And I know it meant something to many others as well. I’m not talking about all the rabid Seattle fans either. Of course they were happy for the win and should be. But the comeback by Russell Wilson and his team showed us what can be accomplished in the face of adversity. When things look the darkest, you can still keep going and have hope.

Not giving up is a victory in itself. I’ve seen tons of games where teams were beat down the entire game but kept fighting even though they never quite made it back for the win. Troy Aikman and the Cowboys come to mind in the 1994 NFC Title Game that they lost to San Francisco. I hated the Cowboys, but could not help but respect how the defending Super Bowl Champions would not go away quietly, even after being down 31-14 at the half. They lost in the end, but fought like hell until the final second. There was meaning in their struggle.

russell wilson crying happy after winning nfc championship for seahawks 2015

The Seahawks comeback and Russell Wilson’s emotional reaction as Andrews interviewed him should be a lesson for many jaded fans that criticize pro athletes. Sure they make a ton of money, but they care about the games clearly. They are competitive athletes and no matter the size of their game checks, there is a level of pride that keeps a fire burning inside them. If Seattle only cared about their salaries, they wouldn’t have spent all that effort after being down by 16 points.

On Monday morning after the Seattle win I got up and went to work like most folks. It was a normal day. World peace did not materialize because Russell Wilson and his team made a historic comeback in a football game. But in the three and half hours I spent watching the NFC Title Game, I watched a meaningful event. I watched the underdog Packers punch the favored Seahawks in the face and gain control of the game. That took a team effort and a competitive spirit. I then witnessed the Seahawks gather themselves after hardly anything went right all day and mount a furious comeback. They showed me what not quitting looks like. It’s easy to tell our kids that they should never give up, but those words cannot resonate like the visual display that Seattle put out there for the world. Not giving up earned them a trip to the Super Bowl. No person could have watched that game and not been inspired. Impossible.

I try not to get too jaded about sports. With all kinds of off-the-field issues that is hard to do sometimes. Luckily there are events like the NFC Title Game to erase some of that negativity now and then. In one hundred years most of us who witnessed that epic comeback won’t even be here to tell anyone about it. But on that Sunday, the meaning was undeniable for anyone watching or involved in the game. Seattle gave many people hope for the next day. Maybe someone got inspired to start a new business or join a gym to lose some weight. Maybe a kid decided not to drop out of school. Maybe it just made some people cry for joyful reasons for the first time in a while. Maybe it just gave some people goosebumps like I got. Events that provide goosebumps are never meaningless.

Will Apple regain its tech edge in 2015 or is it a losing battle?


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Before Apple released the iPhone 6 last September, the world held its breath, hoping for something new and innovative from Cupertino. However, what came out was a faster and larger version of the iPhone 5s, a new payment system called Apple Pay and the Apple Watch. Apart from Apple Pay and Apple Watch, there’s nothing we haven’t seen before.

So Apple now has a bigger phone but the experience on using it is still more of the same. The iPhone 6 Plus was a bigger iPhone and a smaller iPad. The iPhone 6 features can also be found on other phone models of other manufacturers. Apple has even yet to breach the phone 1 GB RAM barrier. Consumers can’t help but expect much from Apple partly because of the exorbitant prices of its products but mostly because Apple was at the forefront of Technology since Steve Jobs’ return in 1997. They introduced the stylish and colorful iMac and Macbooks. They revolutionized the music industry with the iPod. They revolutionized cellphones with the iPhone and touch screens became the norm. They revolutionized computing with their take on tablets through the iPad. So yes. People expect much from Apple.

Lately, after the iPad, we only see moderate improvements to their current crop of products. There hasn’t been a real revolution since Steve Jobs passed on. 2014 isn’t much of a banner year either when it comes to innovation. Again, improvements to their current technologies such as the new A8 chip and Touch ID fingerprint reader but nothing new we haven’t seen before. The Apple Watch is another disappointingly phone-tethered gadget and not the independent Dick Tracy device everyone’s been clamoring for.

What should the Apple Watch have been? An independent nano-sim enabled phone/watch with Facetime, a replacement for your car key using NFC. Now that’s new and innovative. What we have is what everyone else is making, another smartphone tethered watch with a battery that won’t last three days. As compelling as Jony Ive’s ad is for the Apple Watch, it’s still more of an iPhone accessory than an actual product.

Currently in the rumor mill is Apple’s 12.9 inch iPad Pro aimed for the enterprise which includes a stylus. Again nothing new in several levels. Styluses have been available since the Palm Pilot. Microsoft, Samsung, Lenovo and HP has already played with larger tablet form factors which have yet to hit mainstream. Also, Samsung already has the stylus-driven Galaxy Note line. According to Steve’s biography, during the initial development of the iPad, Jobs shunned the stylus by saying we already had ten fingers for that. Being able to control a computer with taps, swipes and pinches is what led to the iPad’s popularity and tablets in general.

apple tim cook losing edge on tech industry 2015

Tim Cook and party could probably use a trip to India or a few drops of acid and start making up wild ideas or radically improve what’s already out there. Apple first went downhill without Steve Jobs’ radical ideas or radical approaches to other people’s work. Again, without Jobs, Apple is slowly deviating to ideas Steve used to detest. Steve is gone but innovations and revolutions at Apple must continue for them to remain on top. It’s just the start of 2015 and we’re keeping our fingers crossed.

REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA: Season 7 Ep 10 Recap Claudia Jordan Takes Nene Leakes To Library

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It is hard to watch Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) and truly focus on what’s in front of me for a number of reasons. It’s like on in the background. While seeing the antics that these women put themselves and each other through, all I can think is “You have got to be kidding me.”

Before I get into the meat of what happened last week, let me get on my soap box for a second. These females, well most of them, are the evidence of everything that is wrong with black women in America today. We place too much emphasis on the wrong things, on materialistic things. Who the hell cares that Portia has a married man buying her $80,000 purses? It’s that kind of display of THOTism and basic bitch mentality that will have our young girls growing up thinking that having a big ass and bouncy boobs are what it takes to make a name for themselves. I mean, you don’t need real talent, just sleep, scheme, backbite and fist fight your way to the top. Sigh… but I digress.

claudia jordan kenya moore with cynthia for real housewives of atlanta 2015

Now let’s talk about last week. The RHOA head to Puerto Rico to support Demetria who is performing a 30 minute set as a way to get herself out there with her singing career. Her boyfriend of eight years is bankrolling the entire trip for all of the women as well Demetria’s singing endeavor as a whole. We see what some of the ladies are doing before they make their way to the beloved island ready to have some fun and it seems, to put the cattiness behind them. Key phrase here… it seems.

The level of pettiness present amongst these women is unbelievable. Someone is always throwing shade at someone else over the stupidest, miniscule shit. You have women watching this show who in turn, start to act like what they see and so on. I mean it’s just… oh wait… there I go again, on my soapbox. I digress.

claudia jordans feet problem for kenya real housewives of atlanta 2015

So first there is Claudia. She invites Kenya to go to the foot doctor with her. She plans to get surgery on her feet because she does not like the way that they look. They actually showed her feet on the episode and while I am sure most of us have seen worse (or have worse) I can see why she’d want to get them “fixed.” Claudia was hoping for a procedure before the Puerto Rico trip but decide against it when told that she would have to wear a cast for two weeks.

real housewives of atlanta nene leakes phaedra shade on demetrius at studio 2015

Nene and Phaedra got to see Demetria in the studio before leaving for the trip and Phaedra keeps throwing shade her way. She drilled her about her relationship with Roger, asking her about her singing and asking her all kinds of questions with very condescending undertones. She is just so damn bougie.

real housewives of atlanta season 7 puerto rico trip 2015

All the women arrive in Puerto Rico in their respective cliques: Kenya, Claudia and Cynthia, Portia, Kandi and Demetria, and Nene and Phaedra. And let me say, these have got to be the most ungrateful, stuck up women on the planet. Of course the last two to arrive complained about how small their rooms were compared to the other girls. Nene even says, “Well let me go climb back into my closet.” Um excuse me. You’re not paying for anything on this trip and yet you still have something to say? I just, I just don’t get it.

Anyway, with all the women finally there, that’s when it really gets heated.

demetria takes on phaedra real housewives of atlanta 2015

First Demetria addresses the shade that Phaedra threw at her in the studio because the chick kept throwing it at her during the dinner. She kept making sly little comments to everything that Demetria was saying and she had enough. That pretty much kicked off the last 8 minutes of the episode being about who can diss the other person with the harshest comments about everything from their love life to their career.

claudia jordan reacts to nene leakes real housevies of atlanta 2015

So in the midst of the “oh no you didn’ts” something was said by either Nene or Portia on the other end of the table about Demetria. Claudia, already fed up with that crew, heard it and that was it. She brought up the fact that Demetria was trying to handle it like an adult by putting it out there. Of course team Nene had something to say about that and that’s when it shifted from D & P to N & C.

real housewives of atlanta claudia jordan throws shade right back on nene leakes 2015

They exchanged blows for blows and Claudia did not back down. In the words of Kandi “She read Nene like Hooked on Phonics.” It was refreshing to see someone get all up in Nene’s ass because she is just too much. She talks too much and she does too much. These women have got to understand that the world does not revolve around them just because they are on a TV Show or they have a clothing line or because they have some other business that would not even exist if it wasn’t for RHOA.

real housewives of atlanta nene leakes loses reading from claudia 2015

In the midst of all the trash talking though, Nene stunned everyone, even those in here corner, when she said to Claudia “You’re clit has left your body.” Um yea, I know… me too.

The level of disrespect on this show is sickening but as you know, we all come back each week to keep watching it because for whatever reason, we just can’t get enough. So we’ll see what happens this week.

NFC Championship Recap: Reports Of Seattle’s Demise Greatly Exaggerated NFL 2015

This NFL Title Games was one for the ages. The battle was not a back and forth one between the Packers and Seahawks. It was a beat down from the jump and the recipient of the beating was the defending Super Bowl Champs. The champs only managed to get off the mat with about five minutes to go in the game. And off the mat they came, with thunderous momentum.

Green Bay opened the game with the ball on a windy rainy day in Seattle with the 12th man as loud as one can imagine in an NFL stadium. Aaron Rodgers looked good in the early part of the game even with the calf injury. Eddie Lacy had a big run of 13 yards on this drive and Adams and Cobb caught a couple of nice passes as well. Rodgers did make a dangerous attempt to Jordy Nelson that fell incomplete. Rodgers wasn’t going to avoid Sherman as he had done in the regular season. He paid the price though as Sherman picked #12 off in the end zone.

seahawks luke wilson catches conversion from packers nfl champs 2015

Seattle’s offense had their shot after the turnover, but quickly realized they were up against a formidable defense themselves. Ha Ha Clinton-Dix snatched the ball out of the air after a Russell Wilson pass bounced off his wide out Kearse. Green Bay was set up in nice field position with the INT, but a dumb 15 yard penalty backed them up. One of many plays that added up to disaster in the end for the Pack.

haha clinton dix grabs ball from russell wilson pass 2015

Green Bay managed to get to the one yard line on this short drive, but their fullback Kuhn’s score was reversed on the replay and they opted to kick a short field goal with the ball just a breath away from the goal line. A decision that would add to the pile for the Packers later. 3-0 Packers.

Seattle’s Doug Baldwin yakked up the ball on his kickoff return and the Packers recovered it for their second turnover recovery of the game. Momentum was on Green Bay’s side most of this game.

packers eddie lacy concussion against seahawks nfc champs 2015

Eddie Lacy was gashing the Seattle defense behind some amazing blocking by the Packs’ O-line. Rodgers had Nelson in the end zone for a sure TD but the receiver slipped on his cut just enough to throw the timing off and wasn’t able to make the catch for six. Again Green Bay kicks a field goal, making me wonder if threes would be enough to slay the champs at home. 6-0 Packers.

Seattle gets the ball back only to go three and out with Wilson experiencing a rare thing, a sack.

The Pack moved the ball effectively this drive with Lacy continuing to wear down the Seattle defense. He was in minibeast mode. Jordy Nelson got in the mix as well. The rain kept coming during the entire game even though it appeared sunny. They wrapped this drive up with a Randall Cobb TD reception on a free play with Seattle offsides. 13-0 Pack, champs reeling. 12th man queasy.

The Seahawks were hurt by turnovers and penalties all game long. This drive was no different and ended with a punt after no first downs. Russell Wilson was as inaccurate as I have seen him.

The Packers got a big punt return to set up nice field position. Another free play was missed on a deep pass to Adams on second down. Cobb dropped a third down pass, but another Hawks penalty moved the chains for the cheeseheads. They ran Lacy and Cobb even got a carry, but the drive stalled one yard short of a first down and another field goal of 40 yards was made. 16-0 Packers.

seahawks take down packers 2015 championship win

Seattle should have been settled down at this point if nerves were an issue. They had been hit in the mouth pretty hard and that usually wakes up the favorite in big games. But no. Wilson launches an ill advised deep ball in double coverage and Clinton-Dix gets his second interception of the day. Wilson had zero completions at this point! The quarterback also got smacked very hard by Clay Matthews on a block during the interception. He may not have had a concussion, but he surely was affected by the hit.

Green Bay failed to capitalize on this mistake by the Hawks. No Lacy on this drive but Nelson had a nice 23 yard catch. Rodgers then threw his second INT in the rain soaked game. The weather was a huge factor in the turnover column, with 5 total for both teams at this early point.

Seattle finally got their offense going this possession with the run game. Lynch runs as hard as any back I have ever seen. I can’t put into words how much that means to his O-line, the fans, and the guys watching from the sidelines. His contribution to the Seahawks’ success can not be overstated. Wilson still had not had a signature scramble in the game though. They moved the ball all the way to the Green Bay 18 only to have Wilson throw a bad pass that was picked again. That’s three in the first half.

Green Bay did little on the drive that came after the Wilson pick and punted it back. Seattle fared no better on the last drive before the half with Wilson getting dropped for a loss during the failed possession. 16-0 the halftime score in favor of the Packers. I thought at this point that Dom Capers, defensive coordinator of Green Bay would be getting lucky when he got home. His D was dominant!

Both teams started out with punts on consecutive drives to begin the new half. By the way, Aaron Rodgers was 40-1 when having at least a 16 point lead.

Seattle put together a good drive the next shot they got. Lynch looked even better than in the first half, like Pete Carroll hit him in the heart with an adrenaline needle Pulp Fiction style in the locker room. Wilson took another sack during the drive in which Mathews made a play on the QB that 1% of linebackers could make. Lynch was unable to haul in the ball on a sideline pass and Seattle had to go for a FG. Only the field goal turned into a fake with the holder Ryan juking the defense into thinking he was running, only to lob it up to eligible lineman Gilliam for a touchdown. That led to an eruption from the number 12’s. Seattle with life at 16-7.

Rodgers looked ultra cool as he trotted on the field to try and match the Hawks last score, which came on special teams mind you. However the Pack punted after three plays, but Seattle did the same once they had a shot.

The Packers moved the ball better next as James Starks rested Lacy. Rodgers missed Starks on a sideline route that could have been six points. A 48 yard field goal in wet conditions put the visitors up 19-7.

Seattle had a long drive next that ended in a punt nonetheless. Wilson was sacked once again as the defender leaped on him like a grizzly bear. The Pack must have practiced catching a chicken all week, as they had great success catching the elusive Wilson.

I felt like Green Bay needed just a couple of first downs to end this thing, but they went three and out again. Wilson did nothing with the opportunity as he threw INT number four with just five minutes left to go.

This is where the train veered off the track for the Packers. They ran three straight plays which only burned about a minute off the clock. They punted after three and out. Conservative play calling, but I would have thought they could hold a twelve point lead with so little time left and Seattle’s offense a non factor.

Seattle showed why they are the champs on the next drive. Wilson hits Baldwin for a big gain then Lynch catches a pass that went for a TD. The score was reversed with a replay though. But no matter, the Hawks were not to be denied. Wilson scored from the one a few plays later after Lynch gobbled up a few more yards. 19-14 and Aaron Rodgers looks less relaxed than he did a few drives ago.

The onside kick was coming and everyone knew it. The Packers’ could not gather the ball in and the tipped pigskin was recovered by Seattle’s Mathews. Panic had to be setting in among the 104,000 cheeseheads living in the hometown of the Pack. A game of inches is the best definition of this play and the game of football as usual.

marshawn lynch gets sacked in bulge by packers 2014

Russell Wilson looked like his old self as he moved his crew down the field. Luke Wilson had a key catch for a first down and Lynch was busy electrifying the crowd as usual. #24 scored on an epic run behind even better blocking with 1:25 left in the NFC Title Game. The stadium was crunk, even though later photos showed some number 12’s standing outside the building watching on TV screens, having left early. The two point try was the wildest play of the game with Wilson in a mad scramble back and forth then finally finding Luke Wilson at the goal line to get in for two, making it 22-19 champs. Why Clinton-Dix didn’t make a play on the lofted ball I have no clue. The lack of aggression was a team wide issue for the Pack.

Rodgers, no longer the picture of cool, did manage to move the offense close enough for a long field goal. The attempt was good and the game stood tied at 22. Overtime!

Seattle won the toss and needed a touchdown to close the game out without Rodgers ever getting a chance to get back on the field. That is exactly what happened as the Packers defense had held off the Hawks as long as possible and finished the Green Bay collapse on the next six plays. Wilson went assassin as he carved up the Packers for a 10 yarder then a 35 yard pass. With hammer in hand, Wilson delivered the final nail in the Packers’ coffin, hitting Jermaine Kearse perfectly on a 35 yard strike for the score! Kearse made a historic catch with a Packers defender draped on his back. 28-22, Seahawks awaken from the dead to win in epic fashion and head to their second Super Bowl in two years.

seattle seahawks beat green bay packers nfc champs 2015

This comeback did not happen as the result of one play. It was a culmination of several letdowns by the Packers and an incredible will to win from Seattle. Troy Aikman called it the most improbable win he has ever witnessed. Erin Andrews was on the verge of crying as she interviewed the sobbing Russell Wilson right after the game. I had goosebumps myself witnessing the biggest comeback in NFC Title Game history.

aaron rodgers feels russell wilson for win against packers 2015

This game was what makes sports great and a lot like life. There are ups and downs as we go, but the reason we should jump out of the bed each day was on display in Seattle. There is always that chance for redemption and greatness.

seahawks russell wilson emotional after beating packers nfc champs 2015

AFC Championship Recap: Patriots Smother Colts…Again NFL 2015

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I hope New England fans realize how lucky they are to have Tom Brady and Bill Belichick on their side. These two can make a crew of also rans into a Super Bowl team, and look good doing it. The Patriots were just the better team versus the Colts on Sunday. I don’t think Indianapolis is as bad as they played. New England just got on a roll and kept it going until the end.

tom brady bill bilichick bring home another patriots win 2015

The Colts got the ball first and would need to keep pace early if they expected to win in Gillette Stadium. They failed on the first drive with Luck being off the mark. A punt came after an ugly three and done series.

colts josh cribbs drops punt from patriots 2015

The Patriots were a buzz saw on offense on this day. The opening drive resulted in a punt however. Fortunately for the Pats, Josh Cribbs dropped the punt, giving it right back.

The next series was just a primer for the rest of the game. It was Blount doing major damage on the ground and Edelman making key catches. Blount scored after a quick two minute drive. New England up 7-0 on the upstart Colts.

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Indy’s next possession saw them keep the drive alive despite some key drops by Boom Herron. T.Y. Hilton made a nice grab to help the cause though. The old man Vinatieri came in for a 51 yard field goal attempt, but missed in his old stomping grounds.

New England kept the offense rolling with another nice drive. More Blount gashing the Colts defenders. Shane Vereen bailed out Brady on a pass that should have fell way short. I don’t know what kind of vitamins Julian Edelman began taking to start these playoffs, but I’d like to have some. He was a major player all game long. Brady to Develin for a one yard TD pass. 14-0 Pats.

The Colts punted on their next try on offense, leaving their defense hung out to dry once again. Indy’s D did make a big play against Brady as he tried to force it to Gronkowski over the middle. The pick by D’Qwell Jackson gave the Colts offense another shot.

Luck managed to move his crew with more success this go around. A ticky tack call on Vince Wilfork helped them out also. The drive ended on a touchdown pass to Zurlon Tipton. The drive wasn’t the prettiest, but seven points is seven points. 14-7 Pats.

patriots gronkowski jump over colts for win 2015

The Patriots got a nice kickoff return by Amendola to give Brady better field position at the 32 yard line. The Golden Boy drove his team down the throats of the Colts defense once again. They got help from a ticky tack call when Brady was hit a bit late. Blount was getting better with each drive and the Colts were not showing much resistance. Gronk dropped a TD pass, but interference could have been called. The Patriots settled for a FG to go ahead 17-7.

The Colts settled for this score and kneeled their way to halftime.

rob gronkowski jumps colts davis for touchdown patriots 2015

Brady and the boys got the ball to start the new half. Bad news for Colts fans. Belichick is not one to let an opponent up after they are down. Take note Mike McCarthy. Edelman made another third down conversion as was a theme for the entire contest. Blount was now embarrassing the Colts defense, getting the ball four straight plays at one point. That set up a 16 yard pass to Nate Solder. Yes a lineman catches another TD pass from Brady. 24-7 Patriots and the rout was on. There would be no comeback like in the NFC side of things.

The best thing the Colts could have done was throw the game plan out and threw the ball like crazy. That was the only shot they had, and it was a reach. But they continued their path going three plays with no success. You could hardly tell the Colts even had an offense if you judged by this one game. They were on the field very little.

Once New England got the ball back, there was horse blood in the water. Brady could smell it and he drove his club down the field to take away any fight left in the Colts. He hit LaFell and Edelman for nice gains, while Blount ripped the manhood from the D. Gronk scored on an unstoppable route to make it 31-7 Pats.

The Colts got the ball back only to have Luck throw a pick to Revis. The game was over at that point anyway, but Blount added a TD to go up 38-7, embarrassing a once proud Colts team.

rob gronkowski patriots ball bulge for win against colts 2015

The rest of the game just played out mundanely as the result was obvious. Blount added another TD to make the score 45-7. The cast off from Pittsburgh ended the game with a dominant performance of 148 yards and three touchdowns. 45-7 was the final. Patriots earn a trip back to the big game.

patriots beat colts 2015

The best young passer in the NFL was erased in this game by Belichick and his defense. T.Y. Hilton was a non factor, with just one catch. It will be interesting to see how the Patriots handle Seattle’s rushing game in the Super Bowl. The coaching matchup between Pete Carroll and Bill Belichick is an interesting one indeed. Tom Brady won’t get many more chances at that elusive fourth ring. At least he doesn’t have to face the Giants again, but Seattle is a much better team than those New Yorkers who stopped the Patriots twice before.

LOVE & HIP HOP NEW YORK Episode 4 Recap: Cisco’s Surprise Baby & Gunz Keeps Playing

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Oh Love and Hip Hop (LHHNY), your ability to bring the scandal, ratchedness and downright embarrassment to the black community never fails.

What can I really say about LHHNY? It is a show that continues to exemplify so many of the labels that keep us (black folk) down. Men cheating and the women allowing them to do so. Women sleeping with women, because I don’t know, it’s the “in” thing to do. Old ass chicks still trying to hold on to a sliver of their youth and remaining relevant by calling out younger chicks and fighting them at parties. In a whole world of crazies, sillies and stupids, it’s not real life.

So much happened last week, as it always does, and there is really no surprise as to the outcomes of pretty much every storyline. Cyn and Erica continue to bicker and go back and forth, “I love you, I hate you… no wait I like dick… oh you like dick too… ugh you’re such a cheating bitch” blah, blah, blah. I mean the two are really the epitome of narcissists. To be with someone that looks that much like you… it’s like having sex with yourself! Anyway, after they saw each other at Amina’s baby shower, there were still some words left unsaid so they met to clear it all up. They met particularly about the business they have together called Her a, yep you guessed it, clothing line. Apparently Cyn found out that the line was making $20,000-$30,000 a month and she wanted more of her “silent partnership” benefits. Long story short, the met, they argued, they yelled, they stormed off…same ole, same ole.

yandy with mendeecees love hip hop new york 2015

They showed just a scene from Yandy and Mendeecee’s story. She met him at a basketball court where he was playing with some guys. They talked it up then she gave him a gift bag with a positive pregnancy test in it, which I don’t really get because throughout the whole damn season she has looked pregnant so why are they just now showing the reveal? And what a reveal by the way.

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Chrissy Crastanda or whatever the hell her last name is, had a good portion of the scene last week too. The trials and tribulations she is going through with her beau Chink Santana really came full on when she found out that Chink, who said he was going to be in DC, was actually still in New York and not just in NYC on the low, but was chilling and going to clubs and shit, with some chick he claims is his artist. She met him at the studio with the girl and started to get all in his ass but he quickly turned it on her. The dude is bold. I mean, you say you’re in DC but still in the city and then you’re going out and about. Wow. But did she leave him or beat his ass? Nope. When the girl came back in saying you are interrupting my studio time, Chrissy just walked out and said something about Chink not having a home to come back to.

cisco watching diamond explode after baby on love hip hop new york

Also on the show, Diamond and Cisco called it quits after he revealed to her that he has a six month old child (he and Diamond have “been together” for two years by the way) with his baby momma. Things got really awkward when Diamond’s momma came to town and finds out a) Cisco has a child and b) Diamond just showed up in NYC without telling him. She gives the typical black woman threat “leave my daughter alone or deal with me” and that was that.

peter gunz tells amina hes on photo shoot lying on love hip hop new york 2015

The big storyline that has the most screwed up plot is the whole Peter Gunz, Amina, Tara situation. This this is so beyond my comprehension. Peter and Tara decide to take their kids on a vacation to Barbados because they have never really had a chance to do something as a family. Um hold the hell up Tara, he has a family… Amina and the baby growing in her stomach! I mean he is married to the girl right? How the hell are you going to allow a man who is married to another woman talk you into going on a vacation with just the two of you and two kids? I don’t care if he is your baby daddy. That just goes to show the level of immaturity the women on these shows have.

tara peter amina threesome for love hip hop new york 2015 images

And what about poor Amina. I mean don’t get me wrong, she brought this shit on herself. She should have never gotten involved with the poor man’s Stevie J, but to let him treat her the way he is shows her naivety and lack of self-respect. The dude lied to his wife saying he was on a remote photo shoot or doing some kind of business. Yea I’d like to see the pics from that one.

peter gunz old man on love hip hop new york images 2015

Peter Gunz is too damn old to be acting like this; saying to Tara that women are his Achilles heel. Negro please, you’re ass needs to stop thinking you are God’s gift to women and grow the fuck up. A part of me wants to feel sorry for Tara too but she is just a dumb as they come. You are with a man for 13 years knowing how much of a womanizer he is, and you want to throw a tantrum because he doesn’t marry you after all that time. Girl bye! At the end of it all, she tells him off, saying that she doesn’t want him and that he needs to just stay the hell away from her. Yea and it took you going to Barbados to finally realize this? Um okay. Peter Gunz is a poor, disgusting excuse for a man & Tara is pathetic & delusional.

diamond reacts to cisco baby love hip hop new york

LHHNY is almost over and I wish I could breathe a sigh of relief (it really is trash TV that just perpetuates the worst stereotypes) but alas, VH1 has honed into a vein of American culture and aren’t letting go with Love and Hip Hop Atlanta starting not to long after NY ends I’m sure.

Here Comes Super Bowl XLIX 2015 Overload!

super bowl 2015 xlix build up

I kind of miss the years when the Super Bowl was not two weeks after the Conference Title games. A week was a little better to keep out the ridiculous story lines that pop up to fill the airwaves when there are 14 days until the big game. That long of a stretch between games also gives players more time to embarrass themselves off the field before they get chance to make their community proud on the turf. All that said, let me begin the Super Bowl hype here and now.

I cannot wait for the coaching matchup between one Bill Brainiack Belichick and Mr. Motivation Pete Carroll. These two men are a pair of historically great coaches. I could make the argument for Belichick being the best football coach to ever live on this planet. Pete Carroll has had ultimate success on the college level as well as in the NFL. His current defense ranks with the best of all time statistically and to the naked eye. I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall in both men’s offices this week.

I am also anxious to see the verbal games between Tom Brady and Richard Sherman. “You mad bro?” was a couple years ago, but it was the launching pad for Sherman’s notoriety. Brady has not forgotten, but I have the feeling he takes the high road in a fake way for the next two weeks. I’m sure he secretly hates Sherman, but will likely only put out compliments to the media. As for what Sherman will say, I couldn’t guess. He’s super smart and a great marketer of himself. If he shows up to media row in Phoenix with Kevin Hart as his hype man I would not be shocked. It may be like a 14 day Madden commercial.

The actual matchup on the field should be epic. I just hope the game lives up to the hype. Super Bowls are known to be let downs however. That said, the Patriots have been involved in some of the best championship games ever. I want to see Gronk on Kam hits and vice versa. I want to see Brady pick the hobbled Hawks’ secondary apart. I also want to see that same secondary cause the Golden Boy trouble. It goes without saying that I can’t wait for Beast Mode to show up on the biggest stage. Lynch is the most crowd inspiring force ever at running back. It is like he is the linchpin between the old school world of running backs and the inevitable march toward a league that passes 90% of the time. His bruising style may keep running backs relevant another five years past what evolution would have otherwise dictated.

I am not one for Super Bowl parties and crowds making a lot of racket while I am watching the biggest game of the year. I am there for the game, not the spectacle. I don’t care who performs at halftime. Katy Perry could come out nearly naked and I wouldn’t notice. OK, that’s a lie. But you get the point. I am all about the game itself even though I can appreciate the spectacle that the game has become.

There is nothing certain with this matchup between the defending Super Bowl Champs of Seattle and the three time Champion Patriots. All the talking heads will make ridiculous predictions for the next two weeks. But the game could go either way. Early momentum is key in most Super Bowls, but that same momentum can turn on a dime as we saw in the NFC Title contest.

It will be a long two weeks for me. It always is. There will be plenty of talk to occupy me of course, but nothing replaces the actual game.

What’s Next For Anderson Silva If He Beats Nick Diaz?


anderson silva vs nick diaz ufc 2014

On January 31st, 2015, the greatest fighter in UFC history will return to the Octagon. Anderson Silva makes his comeback from a broken leg to face the always entertaining Nick Diaz. Silva has not fought since the second Chris Weidman fight in which he had the horrific leg break. That was at the end of 2013, so The Spider will have had over one year to heal his leg and mind. Silva has seven fights left on his contract, including the Diaz battle. If he wins in his return, what will be next for the former middleweight champion?

Nick Diaz should be a good matchup for Anderson Silva and for MMA fans. Styles often make fights and these two guys can strike with the best of them. They may just slug it out in a stand up fight that won’t last very long. Diaz will be fighting after more than a year off, so some ring rust could be a factor for him as well. He reportedly has been keeping in shape, but that is much different from fighting on a regular basis. His last two Octagon losses came at the hands of champions. Georges St-Pierre and Carlos Condit both beat him via decisions.

Recovering from the injury against Weidman has been a long journey for Silva. It takes time to heal such an awful break. I am no doctor, but it is hard to even imagine a person ever being the same in just walking around. Being the same as a MMA fighter is even more unfathomable to me. I simply cannot believe he will be the same fighter from an athletic standpoint. From a mental standpoint Silva has to overcome the memory of what happened the last time he was in a cage fight. That is not an easy task, and maybe even harder than overcoming the physical comeback. Imagine having your leg shattered, flopping around like a ‘Stretch Armstrong’ body part. Now think about having to go back in the ring and use that same leg to kick over and over. Not an easy thing to get past.

This is going to be a fight. A man’s fight. These are two proud and tough fighters. Anything can happen in this matchup. I don’t see it going to a decision, as they are both capable of ending a fight with strikes. If Silva loses this fight, I am not sure where he would turn for his next fight. He claims that his losses to Weidman are in the past. He only wants to focus on his next fight. He says, “If I earn another chance to fight for the title I would do it, but it’s not in my plans right now. My plan is to fight and get some confidence.” He seems to have accepted his title loss and the subsequent loss in the rematch. That may be just his public thoughts and privately he is itching to get another shot at his dethroner, Weidman. I will take him at his word, but a true champion would like to get back on top. And Anderson Silva was a champion in every sense of the word.

If the UFC as an organization had it their way, Silva will be the victor. They can do much more with that scenario. Silva is more popular than Diaz and a bigger draw. If Silva does beat Nick Diaz, he will be in line to fight Weidman for a third fight, but I think that fight would be at the end of 2014. Silva would likely want another fight under his belt before trying to regain his middleweight title. That is the smart move in my opinion.

Would I like to see the third installment of Silva v Weidman? Yes. I would like to see it instead of this Diaz contest actually. I would hate for Silva to lose in a fight and never get back to a title shot. That is a real possibility. On the other hand, I want to see The Spider back at 100 percent physically and mentally. He does need a couple of fights to get there. Logically I suppose if he loses before getting a shot at the belt, he does not deserve the shot anyway.

It is just a shame that he lost to Chris Weidman in the way he did in both fights. Make no mistake, neither fight was a fluke. Silva acted a fool and got KO’d in fight one. His fault. Fight two saw Weidman do proper defense of a leg kick which resulted in an unlikely leg break for Silva. Everyone lost in those fights. Silva was dethroned as the middleweight champ and pound for pound champ. Weidman won but still does not get the credit he deserves for beating Anderson Silva. No matter how he won, he beat a guy who had looked like a video game version of himself as he embarrassed fighter after fighter. UFC fans lost as well. We did not get to see if Silva would find a way to hold onto his belt in the first fight, had he not been clowning. In the second fight, the injury ended what could have been an epic fight.

For now the focus for Silva is on Nick Diaz. That is the way it should be. Anything less than total focus will cause another blemish on the Brazilian’s record. I will be anxious to see how this fight plays out. The implications are enormous. In the few months leading up to Silva’s return, anything can happen. Injuries to him or Diaz in training. Weidman could lose the belt. Diaz could go crazy and just retire. In the fight game, we have to expect the unexpected. I hope nothing derails this middleweight battle. No matter the outcome, the fans are ready for the return of the man Joe Rogan has called in all seriousness, “the greatest fighter in the history of mankind”. I am ready to see it as well. I am even more excited to see what happens in the months afterward.

Future Of Electronics Industry 2015


future of electronics industry 2015

The electronic industry has been steadily rising in the last twenty years except a few ups and down. Even in the recent years also they have made quite e marked rise in the market. Be it the computers or the toys or any other electronic gadgets, the spread of business have been very positive. At the same time, the proper upgrading of these gadgets has also been immense. All these marked improvements have raised the questions as what will be the future growth of these accessories in the coming year. Here is a brief outlook of the whole picture that can offer a brief but clear picture to the readers.

Gadgets of the future:

In the recent decades, tinyifying has to a great extent supported the information stockpiling market, A tinyifying pattern for battery life will work a little in an unexpected way, however. Not just will the life and revive times of little batteries enhance, the courses of action which normally suck up the life of a battery will get to be more progressive also. New screens will utilize control just when pictures on screen are evolving. Wireless force, lamentably, is not advancing when we would like. Wireless innovation, regardless of being outlined extremely well, obliges consumers to pay somewhat more for gadgets that are a bit greater yet just offer the same points of interest as gadgets which utilize batteries to “wirelessly” utilize power.

Touch skinning is a developing engineering fitting great into a much requested pattern of innovation. Immediate include as touching an interface is late. Mice are cumbersome, primitive methods for controlling visual showcases and the innovation to trade them has been around for more than individuals figure it out. The issue has been no less than two-overlay: (1) touch screens have been costly; (2) interfaces have neglected to update themselves sufficiently to move past the pixel-exact accommodation of conventional UIs. Touch interfaces require huge peculiarities without thought to mouse drifting. That is, unless, I am wrong that “touch drifting” is not as far away as I think.

Genuinely web-grasping working frameworks like Google Chrome OS will successfully fill a corner of computer interest -basic computers that get you on the web quick and modest. 2015 will check a period when consumer cloud computing first begins to increase footing.

Future Toy Industry:

We can withdraw into our memories to review how things were back when we initially begun in toys. Contingent upon what decade we can think about the majority of the ways the toy business has changed. The movements have been incredibly misrepresented even in only these past few short years. The highlighted issues speak to changes that reflect how the business has and will be seen in the future. For those of us who have been included in the business over a few decades, the progressions are gigantic. There are numerous variables that have helped each of these progressions. Toys are after all an impression of our general public. How the toy business is drastically changing could be seen through this “kaleidoscope” of issues that reflect real changes, including:

1) Diversity and sorts of items licenses, innovation and “joysticks”

2) Free recess of kid’s diminishment in the accessibility of leisure time to encounter play in addition to the build in living up to expectations folks with less family play time.

3) Shift in toy fabricating Made in the USA is past as worldwide assembling has assumed control

4) Drastic changes in venues of retail settings – where individuals discover toys and purchase them

5) Various legitimate, moral, exchange awkward nature, and different business matters-your legal counselor can converse with my attorney etc

6) Impact of technology– chips, computers and past.

The future of the toy business will be a testing one as the business shifts into the new part of “facilitators of play”. Looking around the future, we can think of some as astounding new headings. We could be idealistic that kids will keep on seeking toys of worth. Different and advantageous toys will keep on being promptly accessible and be available to impact the play designs for the offspring of tomorrow.

Future of PC’s:

You may discount PCs as bygone or exhausting. You may underestimate that they’ll get speedier, lighter, more power-proficient and more helpful to use about whether. At the same time on the off chance that you stop and consider all the things that go into greatly improving the situation, there’s really a considerable measure to be amped up for. Today’s Windows crossovers oblige an intense choice for purchasers. Intel’s next chipset, code named Broad well, may strike a superior equalization for 2-in-1 PCs, as it’ll consider 12.5-inch tablets that weigh short of what 1.5 pounds and are more slender than an ipad Air. In spite of prior deferrals, Intel says PC creators ought to have Broad overall built items with respect to store retires this Christmas season. Despite the fact that Intel has hoarded the spotlight regarding the matter of force proficient laptop-tablet crossovers, AMD supposes it has a reply. Through the following six years, the organization says its processors will turn into 25 times more power-effective. In the event that AMD can join its representation ability with throughout the day battery life, it might at last turn into a contender in 2-in-1 processing. Wireless charging and low-inertness screen offering aren’t new ideas, yet they might really pick up some footing as Intel tosses its weight behind them. By 2016, Intel needs to push “without wire PCs, which can pillar screen substance to an alternate presentation through WiGig and stay accused of wireless docking. The thought is that any desktop monitor or TV could turn into a moronic terminal for your laptop, with nothing additional to associate. Several years after the approach of Apple’s Lightning link, the USB Implementers Forum is preparing its reaction. USB 3.1 will be speedier than its antecedent, yet all the more vitally; it’ll utilize reversible USB-Type-C connectors, so you won’t need to consider whether you’re embeddings a link right-side up.

Search for underpinned monitors to end up accessible in six to 12 months. Intel arrangements to backing Ddr4 in an “Amazing Edition” Core chip in the second 50% of this current year, yet standard PC help supposedly won’t touch base until Intel boats its Skylake chips in 2015.



keeping up with the kardashians lowest points 2015

The Kardashians have never been known for being an upstanding family. They are most well known for making headlines and causing controversy. Their reality show gives viewers a glimpse into some of the lowest points the Kardashian clan has hit.

kris jenner leaky bladder problems for kardashians

Kris Jenner’s Inability To Control Her Bladder

When the entire country sees you wet your pants and you are over the age of two you have hit a low point in your life. Kris Jenner did this when she was seen wetting herself and failing to notice that she has a pad stuck to her clothing.

lamar odom urine fetish for khloe kardashian

Lamar Odom’s Possible Urine Fetish

There are some conversations that should only be held in private. One of them includes Khloe and Rob (who are siblings, don’t forget) discussing whether or not Khloe should allow Lamar Odon to urinate on her. This uncomfortable conversation likely creeped out any normal viewer of the show, as did the odd talk between brother and sister on a subject that most brothers and sisters would rather cut off their own arm than discuss together.

scott disick penis size for kardashians

Debate Over The Size Of Scott Disick’s Penis

It is not unusual for someone to accidently walk into the room when someone else is naked. This was no exception when Kris Jenner got an accidental glimpse at Scott Disick’s penis. The creepy part of this low point among the Kardashian clan is that Kris then reportedly went to Kourtney and announced exactly how well- endowed her significant other is. This led to a discussion between the two in which it was decided that his penis was bigger than squash but smaller than a bottle of champagne. The conversation then went on to compare Scott’s penis to that of a jumbo sausage. Clearly tact is not something anyone in the Kardashian clan possesses.

kourtney kardashian talks about painful sex with scott disick 2014

Kourtney’s Declaration Of Painful Sex

In a similarly twisted conversation between Kourtney and Scott, Kourtney complained that ever since she had given birth it was painful to have sex and how much she was having difficulty trying to get it not to be painful. As a result Kourtney and Scott took the time to seek out someone to purchase lube for the couple’s use. Why they couldn’t do this themselves remains a Kardashian family secret that no one really wants to uncover.

khloe kardashian with kim showing laser hair removal 2014

Laser Hair Removal And Some Sisterly Bonding

While Khloe Kardashian was receiving a laser hair removal procedure Kim, who was present during the procedure, proceeded to tell her sister that her vagina was better looking than Kim had expected it to be. This is one of those cases where silent thoughts should have been used in place of spoken words.

kourtney gives khloe kardashian a bikini wax 2014

A Bikini Wax Between Sisters

Khloe Kardashian was worried that Lamar would see her private parts and liken them to a hairy beast. As a result she let sister Kourtney talk her into giving her a Brazilian wax at home. While this is creepy enough in and of itself before the Brazilian wax began Kourtney had to tell Khloe to get down on all fours, which just shows that this is one of the Kardashian clan’s lowest points.

kris jenner putting viagra in bruce jenners coffee 2014

Viagra For Father And Son

In an attempt to get busy with her husband Kris Jenner took a Viagra pill and put it in Bruce’s coffee. However in typical TV show fashion the coffee with the Viagra pill in it ended up being consumed by Rob Kardashian instead. Afterwards Rob laid down to take a nap and when he woke up he declared that when he woke up he had an erection that would not go away and he didn’t know why that was the case. Maybe this will teach Kris Jenner to be more careful who drinks her “special” coffee.

kendall jenner birth control from kris kardashians

Birth Control For The Teenage Jenner

While most parents of teens will do anything to keep their teens from having sex, Kris Jenner decided that it would be a great idea to put her 15 year old daughter Kendall on birth control pills. She did it to help her daughter deal with debilitating menstrual cramps but this still goes to show how low the Kardashians can actually sink to. Especially when you consider the fact that most teenage girls are self-conscious and chances are good that at least some of her friends saw this episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, poor Kendall has to consider this one of the low points of her social life.

kourtney kardashian pulls penelope baby out of womb images

Kourtney Kardashian Acting As Her Own Obstetrician

While most women in labor are usually content to let the doctors and nurses handle the delivery when Kourtney Kardashian gave birth she assisted her doctors in pulling her own baby out of the womb.

kim kardashian xray of butt for fans 2012

Proof Of Having A Real Rear End

The tabloids can be ruthless to celebrities and the Kardashian clan is no exception. After a tabloid report stated that Kim Kardashian had a butt implant in her left cheek that exploded she went to her sisters for advice on how to convince people that the report wasn’t true. The sisters then discussed the idea of Kim getting an x-ray of her rear end. To add to this already strange conversation the sisters compared the texture of Kim’s rear end to the texture of fake silicon breasts Kourtney had implanted. Considering they are all from the same gene pool this turns into a really creepy conversation for them to have, marking a low point for their family.

These lowest points in the lives of the Kardashian clan should come as no surprise to those who are familiar with them. One could argue that it is hard, if not nearly impossible to, pinpoint any high points in the life of this family. It seems that they sink to such low levels on purpose in an attempt to seek more attention and make themselves feel more famous. The Kardashians have not tried to either deny or cover up any of these lowest points in their lives any time.

Top 10 Best NFL Players To Interview

top 10 best nfl players to interview 2015

If last year’s Richard Sherman rant after the NFC title game tells us anything, it is that some players are just better interviews than others. Clichés are so boring and pathetic. I would much rather a guy simply say what he means and stand behind it. Even if it makes a player seem crazy, bragadocious, or too honest, I will take that over boring interviews any day. Here are my top ten NFL ballers that I like seeing interviewed.

jared allen best nfl interview 2015

  1. Jared Allen may no longer be with the Vikings but he is still the same weirdo he has always been. He may be in a new uniform but he will continue to make strange statements and have a good time with a mic in his face.

steve smith best nfl interviews 2015

  1. Steve Smith is the most intense receiver ever. He has a chip on his shoulder the size of Chip Kelly’s brain. On more than one occasion I have heard him threaten to “hit him in the head” or do bodily harm “when I see him in the streets”. He is not all talk either. He is “likes to fight guy”.

cam newton best nfl interviews 2015

  1. Cam Newton is not a fun interview to watch, just interesting. When his team is going badly, he is absolutely a downer to watch. I don’t know why he would show this side of himself. He is supposed to be a leader of a NFL team, not the melancholy leader of an indie pop group.

peyton manning best nfl interviews

  1. Peyton Manning is a funny guy and gets to show it in longer interviews. Short ones are the standard talking points, but a good sit down interview with the QB legend is very entertaining.

robert griffin iii best nfl interviews 2015

  1. Robert Griffin III thinks he is much better at football than he really is. The more he talks the worse he looks. A train wreck is hard to turn away from, and that is where his career is headed.

tom brady best nfl interviews 2015

  1. Tom Brady gives honest answers most of the time and is old enough to care less what the media thinks. The guy has swagger galore and is not afraid to speak his mind.

roddy white best nfl interviews 2015

  1. Roddy White got some good face time on HBO’s Hard Knocks this year and he was a site. The wideout is a big time baller and trash talker. Love the guy.

wes walker bulge best nfl interview 2015

  1. Wes Welker says a lot of stuff his coach would rather him not. His foot fetish talk referring to Rex Ryan and his wife a few years ago was epic.

arian foster best nfl interviews 2015

  1. Arian Foster is a smart man playing a meathead game. He is not afraid to be different. He has stated that he was paid while in college, making no apologies. He is not seeking approval from anyone.

richard sherman best nfl interviews 2015

  1. The world was shocked at the gall of Richard Sherman to say he was the best at his job. People couldn’t believe his vitriol at his opponent across the field, that “sorry receiver Michael Crabtree”. I am glad he has confidence in himself, because he may be the best corner in the league. I am glad he hates his opponent. I see to much of the smiling and hugging after NFL games. Good old fashioned hate is OK in small doses.

Top 5 Most Underrated College Basketball Players 2014-2015

most underrated college basketball players 2014

With the college basketball season hitting its midpoint, several of the nation’s best players continue to fly under the radar. Some play at schools that just do not receive the air time of the Dukes and Kentuckys. Others are in leagues where their teams are overshadowed. Whatever the reason, some players are just underrated. Here are the top five college basketball players that do not receive enough notoriety.

delon wright most underrated college basketball players 2015

Delon Wright, Utah

Utah? In the Top Ten? Yep, and the reason why is related to 6-foot-5 guard Delon Wright. After a phenomenal junior season, the senior guard is back leading the team with 15.3 points and 5.7 assists per game. The Utes are ranked No. 8 in the country, currently 14-2 overall and unbeaten (4-0) in the Pac-12. Utah’s two losses are a four-point defeat to 16th-ranked San Diego State and a three-point loss to No. 10 Kansas. In the game against Kansas, Wright scored 23 points and grabbed five rebounds. At any other school, Wright would be a household name. He was a first-team All-Pac 12 player last year, will likely be this year, and possibly even in the running for the Naismith Player of the Year.

joe young most underrated college basketball players 2014

Joe Young, Oregon

The Pac-12 has some great basketball schools. Arizona and UCLA come to mind. Oregon continues to improve its basketball program and a big part of their success this season comes down to 6-2 senior guard Joe Young. He was the second-leading scorer in the league last season and averages 20.1 points per game this season. The Ducks are now 12-5, 2-2 in Pac-12 play. Despite his height, Young averages five rebounds a game and shoots an amazing 92 percent from the free throw line. When the Ducks receive an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament (unless they win the Pac-12 tourney), it will be because of the play of Young.

terran petteway most underrated college basketball players 2014

Terran Petteway, Nebraska

There may not be a better pure scorer in the nation than the 6-6 Petteway. A year after leading the Big Ten in scoring, Petteway is averaging 19.4 points per game as well as 5.2 rebounds. He is the best player on a very mediocre Nebraska (10-7, 2-3) team in a very competitive Big Ten. After transferring to the Cornhuskers after his freshman season at Texas Tech, Petteway has become one of the premier players in the league and the nation. He will likely repeat as a first-team All-Big Ten selection and could be the league’s player of the year. If Nebraska makes the NCAA tournament, it will be solely the play of Petteway that gets them there.

keifer sykes most underrated college basketball players 2014

Keifer Sykes, Green Bay

You have most likely never heard of last year’s Horizon League Player of the Year. That is, unless you remember Green Bay’s upset of Virginia in last year’s NCAA tournament. Sykes may be small (5-11), but he can do it all. He leads the team in scoring with 19.2 points per game and assists averaging 3.8 per contest. Sykes was the key to Green Bay’s 24-5 season a year ago. In that game against Virginia, he scored 21 points and had 10 assists. Green Bay is 14-4 and 3-1 in the Horizon League and should they make it to the NCAA tourney again, it will likely be on the heels of Sykes.

rj hunter most underrated college basketball players 2014

R.J. Hunter, Georgia State

Hunter was the Sun Belt Conference Player of the Year…as a sophomore. The 6-5 guard scored 18.3 points a game last year and is one of the nation’s most dangerous three-point shooters. This season, Hunter has stepped up his game and is averaging 20.3 points and 3.7 assists per game. He shoots 81 percent from the free throw line. Georgia State, which is coached by Hunter’s father, is currently tied for second place in the Sun Belt at 4-2, 11-6 overall. Many college basketball experts name Hunter the best pure shooter in the nation.