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Don’t Trust These 5 NFL Quarterbacks down the Stretch


Don't Trust These 5 nfl Quarterbacks down the Stretch 2015 imagesThere are seven weeks left in the NFL regular season. Division races will soon tighten up, and every game will mean more and more as fall turns to winter.

It’s one thing to put a four game winning streak together in the first month of the NFL season. Things get real when you have one month to hold on to a playoff spot or claw your way into the playoffs with must win games.

Then the real season begins. The playoffs start and the clutch players are easy to spot. The chokers are even more identifiable.

With the pressure on and a few teams almost a lock to make the playoffs, which quarterbacks can’t be trusted in the 2015 postseason? These are the guys leading teams that have good shots at the postseason, but could fall apart at any time as the spotlight gets brighter.

Let’s see just who is most likely to choke away a good season when the games matter most.

5. I hate to do it. I just can’t trust Matt Ryan. His stats are good this year, and everything was going fine for the first six weeks. Then when things fell apart with losses to the lowly Saints, 49ers, and Bucs, I could only blame Ryan. He was the one throwing picks in the endzone, not Julio Jones or Devonta Freeman. Those guys were still doing their jobs.

Hell, the defense has even been consistent. They are holding teams to low enough point totals to win games with a top tier QB. Ryan will have to get his team to the Super Bowl before I get back on his bandwagon.

If he does, I reserve to the right to disavow this list.

4. It may be crazy to put the best quarterback in the NFL on this list of untrustworthy QBs for a playoff run. OK, it is crazy, but Aaron Rodgers makes my list like it or not. I trust him in normal circumstances. This year is anything but normal though as Rodgers is trying to run a high powered offense with him being the only super star left to make plays.

Eddie Lacy belongs on a fat farm. The Pack’s best wideout Jordy Nelson went down before the season got started good. Randall Cobb had one big game against the Chiefs but has otherwise been underwhelming. Davante Adams has been hurt most of the year and has underperformed when he has played.

I’m afraid Rodgers is going to make a lot of mistakes come the playoffs when he inevitably tries to do too much. He won’t be choking. He will just be hurting his team by forcing the ball into places that used to be occupied by great receivers. That will result in turnovers, and that’s how playoff runs end.

3. Peyton Manning. It’s going to be hard for Gary Kubiak to keep Peyton on the bench if and when he’s healthy enough to play. The guy is one of the best regular season quarterbacks ever, and his coach will have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

From what we’ve seen of #18 this year, he’s a liability and Brock Osweiler is a better option even as an untested starter.

I would not bet on a Manning led Broncos team in the playoffs. Not even a first round game.

2. Andy Dalton almost had folks believing in him near the end of 2015. The ugly loss to Houston in week ten wasn’t all his fault, but he sure didn’t bring his team back at the end.

Dalton is 0-4 in the playoffs and has thrown just one TD pass. He’s much better as throwing it to defenders, which he’s managed to do six times. Can’t trust him.

1. Some quarterback from the AFC South is going to make the playoffs. The division title has to be awarded to one of those awful teams. If it’s Tennessee or Jacksonville, you can’t trust either Mariota or Bortles to win a big game against a quality opponent in the postseason. They’re simply too young.

If Indy wins and gets in then do you really want Matt Hasselbeck leading a march toward the Super Bowl? He is still the same QB who predicted a score in overtime at the coin flip versus Green Bay only to throw a pick six to assure his team a loss. He’s just way older now.

If Andrew Luck made it back, so what? He has been a turnover drone most games already.

Brian Hoyer of the Texans is better than Ryan Mallett. That’s the only positive spin I can put on the guy. No way he leads the NFL Texans past anyone should they win the division….OK, maybe he can get over on the Bengals. AGAIN!

‘American Horror Story Hotel’ 507 Lady Gaga Flickers

american horror story hotel 507 lady gaga flickers 2015 imagesTonight’s episode of American Horror Story: Hotel “Flicker,” dove deeper into The Countess’ (played by Lady Gaga) past. So far, audiences have learned that she uses her powers of seduction to lure in helpless victims, whom she often brutally kills and devours (being that she is a vampire). In addition, the last episode also showed that The Countess visited Dr. Montgomery in the Murder House from season 1. Here, she gave birth to her demonic, mysterious son, Bartholomew.

The episode begins with contractors working on some renovations under the supervision of new Hotel Cortez owner Will Drake. During their construction, they discover a secret hall, “that smells like death.” Unfortunately, the workers are unable to tell anyone about their discovery as they are soon after feasted on by two creepy beings, which seem to be vampires or some sort of zombie-like creatures.

Meanwhile, John is at the hospital seeking professional help for his apparent madness. He tells the doctor that he has had a hard time with his work and family, especially since he started investigating a series of murders based on the Ten Commandments. However, in a flashback it is revealed that John is actually admitting himself into the L.A. Health Center because he read in a file at the police department that the lead suspect in the murder case is also checked into the center.

Back at the hotel, Iris, and The Countess stumble upon the dismembered construction workers. Iris notes that she has never seen The Countess look so afraid. This spawns into a flashback of The Countess and where it all began.

The flashback showcases 1925, where The Countess was an actress on an Old Hollywood movie set. On set, hotshot actor Rudolph Valentino (played by Finn Wittrock) invites her to meet him after work. The Countess joins him for dinner at his mansion, where they dance and flirt throughout the night. However, he fails to tell her that he is still married to his wife, Natasha.

Shortly after, Natasha comes down the stairs and confronts The Countess, saying, “so you’re the mouse.” Evidently not upset, Natasha comforts The Countess and invites her to become part of the couple’s relationship.

Unfortunately, while, at a party at Hotel Cortez, The Countess learns that her love, Valentino had died. Immediately, she runs off to one of the hotel’s top floors and contemplates jumping out the window. However, Mr. March (Evan Peters) stops her, and they eventually wed, though The Countess didn’t truly love him.  Although she does walk in on him killing one of his countless victims, and tells him she would support his “hobby” if he picked victims of wealth and value.

The Countess continues to secretly grieve Valentino’s death but is shocked when she runs into Natasha and Valentino. The actor explains that he faked his death and was given a chance to preserve his movie star beauty by German director F.W. Murnau.

Murnau had traveled deep into the mountains when shooting one of his previous horror movies. When doing so, he encountered creatures with an “ancient blood virus” – aka vampires. Thus, Murnau was gifted with the immortal powers and wanted to pass it to Valentino so that he could live forever. In addition, Valentino had “shared” the gift with his wife, Natasha.

Eventually, the couple convinces The Countess to join in on their fun, and infect her with the “ancient blood virus.” Unfortunately, Mr. March secretly catches the couple seducing and converting his wife and plots his next move.

Meanwhile, Detective Lowe is roaming around the mental hospital, where he overhears the guard talking about a psycho killer staying in the restricted ward. Subsequently, he knocks the guard out, steals his set of keys, and finds his way into the off-limits ward.

In here, he meets a young girl named Wren. She tells John that she was there for all of the Ten Commandment murders and even helped the killer. She goes on to take the blame for the cruel murders, but she also reveals she had been tormented by her father who said he was going to make her his lover when she was of age. John tells her that it is her father that is to blame not her.

In a flashback, Wren reveals that The Countess, who converted her into a vampire, saved her from her father. John pleads her to tell him who the Ten Commandment killer is, and Wren tells him she will show him if he gets her out of the institution.

Back at the hotel, we see Valentino and Natasha feasting on an innocent hotel guest. Soon after, they make their way to devour a group of macho, male strippers who are staying in the hotel as well.

(Note: It turns out that the two vampire creatures in the beginning of the episode were Valentino and Natasha)

Also at the hotel, Mr. March (who is dead as it is present tense) greets The Countess to their monthly dinner together. The Countess reveals to her former husband that she is planning to marry Will Drake. Mr. March tells her that when she kills Will Drake she should do so off the property, so he doesn’t end up roaming the hotel forever.  However, The Countess tries to convince Mr. March that she has actually fallen in love.

The dinner cuts to a flashback, where it is revealed that Mr. March had The Countess’ lovers, Natasha, and Valentino, kidnapped. He then went on to lock them away behind the walls of the Hotel (which is what we saw in the beginning of the episode).

After hearing Mr. March’s confession, The Countess rages at his actions.

Lastly, Detective Lowe and Wren are seen escaping from the mental hospital. John tells her that when she brings him to the Ten Commandment killer he will kill him. Wren replies, “I really like you…I hate to see it end.” She then proceeds to run into the middle of traffic. From this scene, it seems as though she is hinting that John is somehow the killer.

Unfortunately, we will not find out more until the next episode.

You can catch episode 8 of American Horror Story: Hotel on December 2 on FX.

Mo’Nique’s Cheating Pass, Bobby Jindal Out & Taye Diggs Black Card Issues

It’s been a crazy week already with Mo’Nique’s cheating pass, Bobby Jindal finally bowed out of the GOP 2016 Presidential race and Taye Diggs is close to having Black Tweet snatch his black card away from him.

monique cheating pass 2015 gossipMo’Nique Says A “Cheating Pass” Not Such a Bad Idea

It seems that Toya Wright admitting she gave her soon to be ex-husband a “cheat pass” has opened up a warped conversation about the practice in marriage. Actress Mo’Nique is the latest celebrity to weigh in on the debate.

During an interview with True Exclusives, she spoke about what it really means, in her view, when two people vow to be everything to one another.

“Honesty. That’s it. When I hear men say ‘I don’t tell my wife everything, you crazy?’ and I hear women say ‘I ain’t telling my husband that, you crazy?’ So you mean you trust somebody else other than the person you lay with every night, you slept with, you cried with, you make love to?”

She goes on to talk about being real with the person you are married to since you more than likely consider him or her your best friend. Best friends should be able to tell each other anything, including the moments when they want to have sex with someone else.

“…Let’s be honest enough to have those conversations. What is it about that person that you find that you want to sleep with? Because they may give you something that I’m simply not willing to do. And if that’s the case, how can I be mad? Because I’m not going to do it. Should I deprive you of not having it? That’s when the relationship is real, real.”

Mo’Nique actually has some pretty interesting ideas when it comes to fidelity. They are rooted in her belief that ending a relationship because of cheating is the Western way of life and stems from a sense of ownership, and since her place of origin is Africa, where Kings had/have multiple wives, she doesn’t want to be owned anymore.

Well, that is one way to look at it.

bobby jindal out of gop race 2015 gossipbobby jindal out of gop race 2015 gossipBobby Jindal Bows Out of GOP Presidential Race

Another one bites the dust. Bobby Jindal has ended is presidential run. The Louisiana governor announced that he is suspending his campaign as he believes “Americans can do anything” but it’s just not his time right now.

According to Foxnews.com, Jindal told Bret Baier during a “Special Report,”

“Going forward, I believe we have to be the party of growth, and we can never stop being the party that believes in opportunity.”

He also spoke about Democrats and the war they continue to rage on American values and encourages Republicans everywhere to keep their heads up because, ya know, they are still the chosen people.

“We cannot settle for the left’s view of envy and division. We have to be the party that says everyone in this country – no matter the circumstances of their birth or who their parents are – can succeed in America.”

If you say so Bobby.

taye diggs black card issues 2015 gossipTaye Diggs Close to Getting His Black Card Revoked by #BlackTwitter

Look I get it, black people have babies with non-black folks. There is not a damn thing wrong with it, more power to them in fact. But being offended when your biracial child is referred to as black raises some issues for a lot of people.

And that is exactly what is going on with Taye Diggs, who is coming under fire from #BlackTwitter and others for complaining about his son not being considered just as much white as he is black. He told theGrio.com,

“When you [call biracial kids Black], you risk disrespecting that one-half of who you are and that’s my fear…I don’t want my son to be in a situation where he calls himself Black, and everyone thinks he has a Black mom and a Black dad, and then they see a white mother, they wonder, ‘Oh, what’s going on?'”

Along with that comment, he used President Obama as an example because everyone considers him to be the first black president.

“As African-Americans…Everybody refers to him as the first Black president. I’m not saying it’s wrong; I’m just saying that it’s interesting. It would be great if it didn’t matter and that people could call him mixed. We’re still choosing to make that decision, and that’s when I think you get into some dangerous waters.”

Taye Diggs needs a reality check because it does matter not because black folks are the ones making it an issue. The truth is the world looks at his son and other biracial children who are half black and says that he’s black. It’s a system thing. And if I am really honest here, he doesn’t look mixed at all (and don’t act like you can’t tell when people are). His emphasis on his son being considered mixed is a touché one, and it does call into question, for me, what he thinks of himself as a black man. But that’s a whole other story in itself.

Ronda Rousey Loss: Dana White & Joe Rogan Break it down


Dana White and Joe Rogan Breakdown Ronda Rousey Loss 2015 ufc imagesAfter Ronda Rousey’s first loss in the UFC, there were a million questions to be answered. One of the first ones that popped into my head was “What the hell does Dana White think about his golden goose Ronda Rousey getting absolutely wrecked?”

I had seen a couple of post fight interviews with Dana and he certainly looked disappointed right after the fight was over. Who could blame him?

The biggest draw in his company was no longer the champion and no longer larger than life. In under two rounds, Rousey became just another fighter, bloodied and unconscious, with the deflating sound of her enormous ego almost audible above the crowd of 56,214.

I became plum giddy when I saw my podcast feed updated on Tuesday with Dana White as a guest on Joe Rogan’s Podcast as recorded on the private plane back from Australia where Holly Holm became a household name overnight.

Rogan’s podcast is a deep dive into thoughtful conversations, not soundbites like most media outlets provide with in and out interviews. I couldn’t wait to hear Joe and Dana break down what had just happened in the Octagon between Rousey and Holm, then almost as importantly what the aftermath would look like.

The most interesting tidbit from White was when he discussed the betting line moving more toward Holm right after the weigh-in between the two bantamweights. Of course, Rousey was still a huge favorite (as high as 12 -1), but apparently many fight fans saw enough at the weigh-in to put their trust in an upset, which turned out to be pretty damn financially sound!

I have never put much stock in these weigh-ins that seem to me to be just one last shot at hyping up a PPV. White feels totally different, putting a ton of emphasis on the weigh-in, saying it is the most important part of a fight except the actual fight when it comes to predicting what will happen.

One thing that White repeated several times was that Holly Holm fought the perfect fight. I don’t deny she did exactly what she should have. She did perform perfectly, and her gameplan was spot on.

However, without taking anything away from the new women’s champ, it was Rousey who fought the most imperfect fight imaginable. If Holm had prepared herself to guard against multiple takedown attempts, it was unnecessary. Rousey’s plan was to throw punches with a better striker, and she was hell bent on sticking with that strategy as she chased Holly Holm the entire fight, getting tagged all the while.

It’s cool that Dana White gave his new champion the credit for what she did, but he went overboard which will certainly help sell even more PPVs to see the rematch.

White stated that this first Rousey v Holm fight broke the live attendance record and also shattered several other UFC marks with over a million PPV buys.

Joe Rogan said he was conflicted after the fight, being happy for Holm, but really disappointed for Rousey after such a big blow to her career. The UFC commentator was very emotional after Rousey’s last with over Bethe Correia, as he talked about her dad’s suicide, an event that Correia felt the need to make jokes about.

Rogan also compared the Holm win to Buster Douglas beating Mike Tyson. He said the fallout from Douglas upsetting Tyson was felt for years in the heavyweight division of boxing as Evander Holyfield later beat Douglas then went on to whip Tyson twice. That led to Holyfield having one of the most memorable heavyweight title runs ever.

Rogan made a clear distinction between Douglas, who was a lazy one hit wonder and Holm who was very experienced in big fights and had been at the top of her game for a long time. Indeed, Holly Holm was relatively new to the UFC, but not new to the spotlight the fight game.

The most memorable point in the fight for me was when Rousey lunged at Holm in the second round with a wild punch missing completely and stumbling against the cage. Rogan’s comedian pal Tony Hinchcliffe was along for the podcast, and he talked about that moment in the fight as well. He noted the look on Rousey’s face as she looked back at Holly Holm after her embarrassing stumble. He said Ronda Rousey looked like she was baffled that this beating was actually happening….to her.

To me, the look on Rousey’s face at that time told the story of the fight. She knew for a fact at that moment she was going to lose her precious belt. She realized that Holly Holm did not need to be a media darling in order to win the bantamweight title. Ronda Rousey knew that she was in the realest of moments, a fight. A fight in which she had no shot of winning from that point forward.

White also talked other UFC news mentioned below. To hear the entire interview, here’s the link.

Other UFC notes:

  • White mentioned the UFC is building a state of the art rehabilitation facility to help fighters as they recover from injury. That seems to be a great idea since one of the biggest issue the company faces is big fights being shuffled around when one of the fighters ends up hurt. Whatever the UFC can do to speed up the healing process and help prevent injuries will pay dividends in the long run.

  • White mentioned Jon Jones doing powerlifting and how the guy looks absolutely huge now. The UFC Prez also said it looked like Jones may be getting himself together. I doubt Dana White can tell what’s going on in Jones’ head by watching him throw around a ton of weights so we’ll wait and see on just how far Jones has come since all his legal troubles came to a head with a hit and run.

  • Talk of PEDs was also a topic that was discussed on the podcast. White talked about the millions it is going to cost the company to clean up the sport, while Rogan talked about some punishments that may go too far.

Fantasy Football Start ‘Em or Sit ‘Em NFL Week 11: Brandon LaFell & Brock Osweiler

fantasy football start em sit em week 11 brandon lafell 2015 nfl imagesWith the Tennessee Titans and Jacksonville Jaguars kicking off the Who The Hell Cares Bowl Thursday, we are officially in Week 11. Time moves way too fast. Let’s go back to Week 6 when Peyton Manning still had a foot and the New Orleans Saints actually inspired hope for the future.

But I digress. Go set your lineups, non-Yankees. Here’s a little bit of help for both your main league and your Draft Kings leagues:

Fantasy Football Pick Him Up—Brandon LaFell, WR, New England Patriots: Julian Edelman broke his foot this past weekend against the New York Giants, so the odds are he’ll be out for the rest of the season. That’s ten targets a game to be dispersed amongst the rest of the Pats receiving core—mainly Danny Amendola and Brandon LaFell. The majority of the hype seems to be around Danny, so he’s probably already gone in most leagues. LaFell could easily play a bigger role, however.

He may be looking for his first touchdown of the season this weekend against the Buffalo Bills, but since LaFell returned from the PUP list, he’s had a consistent six targets per game. Just two more a week would be huge.

LaFell had 167 yards and two touchdowns against the Bills in 2014, so Bill Belichick just may give him a few more nods this weekend. Either way, he’s worth a shot until we know who on that team will step up for the injured Edelman.

Fantasy Football Don’t Bother—Brock Osweiler, QB, Denver Broncos: Okay, yeah I’m upset that Peyton has to miss the first game of his career outside of 2011. That doesn’t change the fact that Osweiler has shown absolutely nothing to justify the claims that he’s the future of the Broncos franchise.

I could rant for days on why I think Osweiler is overrated, but at the end of the day this is a legitimately tough matchup for Brock. The Chicago Bears aren’t exactly known for their defense anymore, but playing his former head coach John Fox and his former offensive coordinator Adam Gase won’t be easy. These guys already know Osweiler’s style.

If that isn’t enough for you, the Bears haven’t given more than 17 fantasy points to a quarterback since Week 6 against Matthew Stafford of all people. That includes limiting Philip Rivers, Russell Wilson, Aaron Rodgers, and Carson Palmer. So if you actually think Osweiler is better than them for your fantasy footbal game, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

NFL Week 10 Indepth Review


NFL Week 10 Indepth Review 2015 images

NFL Week 10 Indepth Recap

Bengals 6  Texans 10

What another exciting Monday Night Football game! Uh, not exactly. This was an ugly game that saw the home fans booing the Cincinnati receivers as they dropped multiple balls from Andy Dalton.

Houston does deserve the credit for making it hard on the Bengals offense. They played the Cinci receivers tight and never let them get comfortable.

The game was put away by the Texans secondary when Quintin Demps ripped the ball from AJ Green with 40 seconds left on a play that would have had the Bengals in the red zone.

TJ Yates had to finish the game for the Texans with Brian Hoyer suffering a concussion.

Eye-Popping Stat: Just 5.2 yards per pass for Dalton.

Fantasy Carnage: Not many options, but the Texans defense scored 13 standard league points.

Patriots 27  Giants 26

The NFL could have these two teams play each week if they wanted a game for the ages every seven days. They only play classic contests against each other.

New York had a couple of chances to close this game out but failed to hammer the Pats’ coffin shut. The Giants left Tom Brady a chance at the end and we all know how that goes.

We saw another catch controversy in this game with Odell Beckham appearing to make a TD grab but had the ball swatted by Malcolm Butler. Beckham did have a huge TD catch and run for 87 yards to top the 76 yard TD by Gronk.

Brady got his crew close enough for Stephen Gostkowski to knock in a 54 yard FG to break the Giants’ collective heart.

The Pats lost another key offensive weapon with Julian Edelman suffering a broken foot. The Patriots will miss his 61 catches and nearly 700 yards receiving, but hope to get him back for a playoff run.

Eye-Popping Stat: Danny Amendola with 10 catches will need to take up Edelman’s slack each week now.

Fantasy Carnage: Eli or Gronk.

Panthers 27   Titans 10

Cam has the answer for stopping his TD celebrations…stop the TD in the first place. Newton tallied one score on the ground and another in the air to close out the Titans who just couldn’t find ways to score.

Carolina continued their 100 yard rushing streak as a team, ending this game with 119 on the ground. This game was close for much of the contest with Carolina pulling away late.

Newton, who did get sacked five times, was 21 / 26 passing despite the pressure. Mariota looked decent again but has to find ways to get points on the board. Not an easy task against this Panthers defense that looks playoff ready.

Eye-Popping Stat: 5 sacks on Newton.

Fantasy Carnage: Cam is always a safe play.

Chiefs  29  Broncos 13

This game was lopsided the entire way with KC jumping to a 29-0 lead. Peyton Manning had four picks on a day that he set the career record for passing yards. He only completed 5/20 passes before being benched.

The Broncos’ Gary Kubiak took the blame for Manning’s horrific outing saying he should have sat him the entire game as he practiced hurt all week. That’s just pity for Manning and pretty sad.

The Chiefs had a typical 17/31 game from Alex Smith, but their real firepower came from Charcandrick West who had 161 total yards.

With the win KC is still alive for a playoff spot especially with Denver in a freefall.

Eye-Popping Stat:  Five completions versus four INTs for Peyton.

Fantasy Carnage: West on DraftKings.

Lions 18  Packers 16

Tom Brady has his work cut out for him without Dion Lewis and Julian Edelman. Just ask Aaron Rodgers who finds himself struggling with his taped together receiving group. Injuries have cost the Pack three straight losses and they fell Sunday to the lowly Lions.

Green Bay finds itself behind the Vikings in the division and Detroit broke a losing streak on the road to the Pack that dated back to 1991.

Detroit tried their best to give the win away at the end, letting the onside kick get away and allowing the Packers one last drive. That drive ended with a terrible FG attempt by Mason Crosby that never had a chance.

Eye-Popping Stat: 61 attempts by Rodgers.

Fantasy Carnage: Rodgers in desperation passing mode.

Eagles  19  Dolphins 20

The Eagles managed to squander a two score lead early in the game as their inconsistent offense let them down again. Sam Bradford went down with a shoulder injury and Marc Sanchez came in only to throw a red zone interception.

The Eagles remain in the hunt for the division lead with three other teams that look no better from week to week. Washington was the only NFC East team to get a win in week ten.

Eye-Popping Stat: 10 targets for Philly’s tight end Zach Ertz.

Fantasy Carnage: Slim pickins, but Brent Celek at tight end was decent.

Bucs 10  Cowboys 6

It appears Dallas will never win another game. Wait, Tony Romo is set to return next week….still that won’t fix all their issues. The Boys have been in position to win almost every week that Romo has missed. They just cannot make the key plays to put them over the hump.

Tampa got a late touchdown run from Jameis Winston to go ahead 10-6 with just 54 seconds left in the game. The Tampa Bay QB had two interceptions earlier after going four weeks with zero picks.

Dez Bryant was a big let down for his team as he made no play on a deep pass in the end zone that could have been the difference in the game. Cassell trusted the big wideout with a ball that was up for grabs and Bryant just let the defender have his way.

Eye-Popping Stat: 12 targets for Dez, only five catches. 42 rushing yards for Dallas.

Fantasy Carnage: Not much to offer, but maybe Mike Evans in DFS.

Vikings 30 Raiders 14

Oakland could blame the wind for their lackluster offensive day, but Minnesota had a lot to do with it. David Carr put up a nice stat line except for the 7.0  average per pass and the two costly interceptions.

Minnesota relied on the running game with Adrian Peterson rolling up 203 yards in the win. The guy is on pace for 1800 yards in 2015.

Minnesota now leads the NFC North and faces Green Bay next week in a key matchup.

Eye-Popping Stat: An 80 yard run by Peterson nearly matched Oakland’s team rushing total on the day.

Fantasy Carnage: AP all day, any format.

Redskins  47  Saints 14

This ghastly defensive performance finally got Rob Ryan fired as defensive coordinator of New Orleans. Kirk Cousins threw three touchdowns in the first half and the game was over at the intermission.

Cousins finished with four TDs and a perfect passer rating.

The Saints can’t score 50 points every week to stay in games so don’t look for any miracles the rest of the way. This is a bad team that is lucky to have Atlanta in their division, but is not a threat to most teams.

Washington could actually win their division as Cousins gets better each week as the consistent starter.

Eye-Popping Stat: Washington’s Matt Jones with  three receptions for 131 yards.

Fantasy Carnage: Cousins was second in overall fantasy points in standard play.

Jaguars 22 Ravens 20

This game ended a long 13 game road losing streak for the Jags as they got over on a bad Ravens team with no offensive weapons left after Steve Smith went down for the year.

The Jags were set to continue their losing ways on the road until a defensive penalty on  Baltimore with no time on the clock gave them life. They went on to hit a 53 yard field goal to go up by two and end the game.

The Ravens are 2-7 and a long way from the Super Bowl contenders we saw just last year. Jacksonville is 3-6 but somewhat alive in their terrible division.

Eye-Popping Stat: 14 targets, but only seven catches for Kamar Aiken.

Fantasy Carnage: Flacco was a decent pick.

Steelers 30 Browns 9

Just Cleveland’s luck. They hurt the starting quarterback, but that just made Ben Roethlisberger, the emergency backup get into the game! Big Ben went out and torched Cleveland for three touchdowns and nearly 400 yards passing.

The Browns just couldn’t generate the offense needed to keep pace with Ben and Antonio Brown who had another big day with ten catches that netted two scores.

Eye-Popping Stat: 15 rushing yards for the Browns. Manziel had 17 himself. Do the math and see that two rushers ended the game with negative yardage!

Fantasy Carnage: Big Ben made some bold DFS players very happy with stacks of cash.

Rams 13 Bears 37

The Rams have a lot of promise but lack the stars to compete on a weekly basis. Todd Gurley wasn’t enough this week as the Rams fell behind the Bears quick and couldn’t reel them back in.

Chicago got a nice game from Forte’s backup Jeremy Langford. The kid had two touchdowns and racked up 182 total yards.

Nick Foles is of no help to the Rams when he is unable to throw past ten yards. He was 0-12 for passes over the ten yard mark.

The Bears tight end Zach Miller had a big receiving day with two scores of his own, one for 87 yards as he hauled in five of five targets.

Eye-Popping Stat: Cutler stacked with Langford.

Fantasy Carnage: Everyone who had Gurley who only had 12 carries. Game flow will kill a fantasy lineup.

Cardinals 39 Seattle 32

Seattle has made a habit out of needing a comeback to win over the past two years. More and more that formula is failing to work. The Cards got out to a 19-0 lead in Seattle but needed two late game touchdown drives by Carson Palmer to get the win.

Bobby Wagner got the Hawks up when he returned a Palmer fumble in the fourth quarter for a score.

There was no panic in the Arizona team as they calmly marched 80 yards on back to back drives to get seven points on each drive. The Cards took a big step in owning the NFC West, now with a 4-1 record in division.

Eye-Popping Stat: Russell Wilson 14/32. How are they even competitive? Must be his 8.7 yards per rush in this one.

Fantasy Carnage: Michael Floyd stacked with Palmer in DFS.

‘Love & Hip Hop Hollywood’ 211 Catwalk Action

love hip hop hollywood 211 catwalk action 2015 imageslove hip hop hollywood 211 catwalk action 2015 imagesWe are only one week away from the season finale of “Love & Hip Hop Hollywood,” and it is on and popping. There is a lot of high drama this week, which just makes for an explosive end to the season.

Moniece and Fizz get together to buy school clothes for Cameron since he is starting kindergarten. They have some laughs, and you can see a twinkle in Moniece’s eye. Um, excuse me home girl aren’t you supposed to be planning a life with Rich? That seems to be up in the air now as she confides in Teairra Mari while getting ready for Fizz’s music video that she has fallen in love with her baby daddy, again.

TM is stunned as asks her what she plans to do. Moniece says she is still trying to figure it all out. At the same time, Teairra Mari tells her what happened at the fitting with Hazel and Princess. Moniece is in awe and says, “Revenge plot?” TM says “yes”, but she doesn’t know what she is going to do yet. Sigh… the ever ratched revenge plot bullshit again.

TM leaves so her friend can get ready. After she and Fizz do their scenes, they have a conversation with her letting him know that she is still in love with him. She tells him that she wants them to be a family and asks him if he ever thinks about it. He drops a “no” bomb on her. He doesn’t feel the same way. “I fell out of love with you five years ago,” he tells her. She cries because I am sure her feelings are hurt, but she also says that the “what ifs” plague her. “What if I never left?” For Fizz, he’s in a different place in his life right now and “that kind of love for Moniece will never be there again.” And there you have it. But what about Rich Dollaz Moniece?

After the shoot, Nikki shows up, and Fizz tells her what happened with Moniece. And while she doesn’t go off the handle this week, let’s just say that this storyline culminates on a major level during the season finale.

Ray J is back this week after the show took a break from his and Princess’s storyline. He has a talk with Max, Brandi’s husband, and he tells Ray that if he really loves that girl, he has to do whatever needs to be done to make it work. Plain and simple. So this episode, Ray does just that. He shows up at Princess’s house, unannounced, telling her how he feels and how screwed up he is. She tells him she needs space and time. He shows up again after the fashion show with flowers looking all humble and sad. He puts all the blame on him and tells her he’s willing to do anything to get her back. She hears him but is just not ready yet.

Speaking of the fashion show, what a trainwreck that thing turns into. First of all, Hazel leaves once she gets a text from TM. The unbelievably immature chick tells her she’s crashing the damn thing, and Hazel is not having any parts of it. Yep, the chick who when off on TM and inserted herself into the situation leaves the rest of the team high and dry because of the text she got from Teairra Mari. Milan tries to stop her, but Hazel tells him ‘I’m cool I don’t want to do it anymore.” For the record, I understand not wanting to be involved with the mess but leaving the event you put together is a sucka move.

At the show, everything goes over smoothly, that is until TM, and her models come strutting down the runway in the middle of the event, uninvited. She and Princess have words back and forth over the mic in front of everyone, and it is all kinds of messy. Milan is pissed and gets up to take the mic and close the show.

Other side stories this week include Brandi and her family dealing with her sister being diagnosed with MS. Also Amber and Miles have their first real, calm conversation since he came out to her about being gay. He tells her how his family took it, the fact that his nephew fought him etc. Amber hears what he has to say then tells him that she told Zoe. He feels a certain kind of way because he would have liked to have told her since she looks to him as a father but knows that Amber did what she had to do.

In the end, after the fashion show, Teairra, Nikki, Milan, Princess and Moniece all meet at a restaurant to clear the air about what happened. Moniece is more or less there for moral support to TM, but that doesn’t stop her from being the face that gets the drink Princess throws. TM stays calm, and Moniece is the one ready to fight.

And oh boy does she get to fight next week, as the situation with her and Nikki promises to be all the way live.

Week 10 Results My 2015 Fantasy Football Blueprint: Watch Me Turn $100 into $0

Week 10 Results My 2015 Fantasy Football Blueprint 2015 images

Week 10 Fantasy Football Blueprint Recap: Turning $100 into $0

Well, it’s over folks. To quote Apollo Creed, “Ain’t gonna be no rematch.”

Daily fantasy football has kicked my ass after ten grueling weeks of me trying to show you exactly how not to do fantasy sports. I guess I can call this ten-week blueprint a success since you all should be able to learn plenty from what I did wrong.

While I didn’t exactly turn my $100 into $0. I did manage to lose more than I won while embarrassing myself during a couple of really bad weeks. I believe I also saw an uptick in my coffee and alcohol consumption during the past 70 days as well. Just add that to my expenditures during this exhausting trial run at DFS on DraftKings.

Maybe I can use that as a tax write off?

I’ll get to my week ten results in a sec, but first let me break down my overall run over the past ten weeks. I profited on 4 / 10 weeks while losing 6 /10 weeks. The most I profited in one week was $10.80 and the most I lost was $10 on a given week. I had one week where I just lost 60 cents so you could say I was about 50 / 50 on my win-loss columns.

Overall I ended up down just $8.50 after betting $100 over the ten-week stretch. This was all on DraftKings.

Let’s see how I fared in week ten below.

wk10 fantasy football movie tv tech geeks 2015I won 3 / 5 head to heads and cashed in 2 / 3 GPPs. I profited $3.40 in week ten. I sought out fish in those head to heads and left the sharks to eat each other alive. I saw enough in week nine to know they are to be left alone.

Here’s my lineup that I used in each H2H match. 118 points wasn’t great, but it was good enough in the majority of these contests this week. Willie Snead laid an egg; Edelman broke his foot, and Gurley was a victim of game flow as his Rams got behind early.

h2h linupwk 10 movie tv tech geeksMy GPP lineup is below.

gpp big score of week 10 movie tv tech geeksI noticed that my GPP point total was almost always higher than my H2H scores. I took more risks in the tourneys obviously, but maybe I should take more chances on players’ upside in H2Hs as well.

The past ten weeks taught me a lot about daily fantasy football (it’s hard), and I learned a lot about myself (I’m not very smart). The main thing is that I had a good time and do know a lot more about daily fantasy sports. I’m completely engaged in the industry now more than ever.

For any of you wondering if I will continue to play on DraftKings now that I’ve wrapped up the $100 to $0 blueprint, I will indeed. I plan on another documented test run on NBA daily fantasy action, but I may try that one on a different platform.

There’s talk of a Netflix documentary covering my DFS journey, but that may not happen until 2016. Talks are ongoing, and the project could even turn into a feature film I’m told.

I seriously did learn a lot about fantasy football. I don’t think I would have bought a “self-help” book on daily fantasy leagues if not for this little trial run. And I know I wouldn’t have paid out the $59 a month to a premium service to help me do better during the past few weeks.

I hope you benefited from watching me navigate the shark infested waters of DraftKings. Fantasy football is not easy and daily fantasy play is even harder as people are trying to make real money.

After my ten week run, I am not overconfident (why would I be), but I do feel like I can hang with most players that aren’t sharks in H2H matches. And I’ve done fine in GPP tournaments. Good enough to sorta break even and keep playing while hoping for a big payday.

To wrap up this fantasy football blueprint, I’ll leave you with the best tips I can give after ten weeks in the trenches. I don’t know it all, but who does when it comes to daily fantasy sports?

  • Pick opponents wisely.

  • Try as many websites as you can to see what platform you like best.

  • With the government breathing down the necks of DFS companies, I would not leave large amounts of money in my account.

  • Don’t just read weekly articles about who you should start or sit. Go deeper with a book or a premium service to get some advantage on the rest of the fish out there.

  • Your fantasy football lineups are not to be influenced by the talking heads on TV, in-game or during pregame shows. Solid data improves your shot at winning, not Troy Aikman’s take on Kirk Cousins’ toughness or Terry Bradshaw’s thoughts on Tom Brady’s next revenge game.

  • Don’t bet money you can’t afford to lose! I would have loved to bet $1,000 a week, but my family and I have gotten real used to eating.

Zayn Malik Steals Some One Direction Thunder

zayn malik steals some one direction thunder 2015 gossipConsidering One Direction put out their album Made in the A.M. just a few days ago, it’s only natural for ex-band member Zayn Malik to want to steal some of their thunder. On Tuesday, The Fader magazine released a short film that promoted Zayn’s interview and spread with the publication. This marks Zayn’s first major magazine interview since quitting One Direction.

In the short film, Zayn is seen riding a motorcycle shirtless through the forest. This is fitting for the young musician, considering he revealed that he recorded his solo album in a secluded house in the middle of a forest.

zayn malik shirtless fade bulge shots 2015 gossip

In addition, the film features a snippet of Zayn’s upcoming single, “Befour.” Unsurprisingly, the title has sparked some controversy and conspiracy theories amongst One Direction’s massive fandom.

One Direction fan, Twitter post:


In the feature, Zayn goes on to drop some hints about what people can expect from him as a solo artist. He says, “life experiences have just been the influences for the album and just stuff that I’ve been through especially in the last five years, being in the band and everything.”

Zayn also explains that people haven’t been able to really understand who he is as an artist. He says, “I don’t feel like people really know what I’m going to give them.” Going on to say, “Because for five – not even for five years, for ten years, this album has been in my brain and it’s just been there, sat with me, needing to be out.”

He also refers to ‘Larry Stylinson’ which was a fanmade name for band members Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson that Directioners have fantasized as having a secret romance. Zayn said that this caused problems for the two as they were afraid to show any kind of affection fearing that it would only trigger more scrutiny.

‘It’s not funny, and it still continues to be quite hard for them,’ he added, showing a bit of sympathy for his former co-stars in an interview that otherwise was altogether more negative.

‘They won’t naturally go put their arm around each other because they’re conscious of this thing that’s going on, which is not even true. They won’t do that.’

So while his former band winds down and heads on their two hiatus, Zayn is gearing up and ready to win back some fans.

charlie sheen hiv positive open letter 2015 gossipThe latest shocker to rock Hollywood comes from Charlie Sheen. The actor penned an open letter where he reveals he is HIV positive.

The 50-year-old explains, “Roughly four years ago, I suddenly found myself in the throws of a seismic and debilitating three-day cluster-migraine-like headache. I was emergently hospitalized with what I believed to be a brain tumor or perhaps some unknown pathology. I was partially correct. Following a battery of endless tests, that included a hideous spinal tap, it was sadly and shockingly revealed to me that I was, in fact, positive for HIV.”

The troubled star continues, stating, “The news was a ‘mule kick’ to my soul. Those impossible words I absorbed and then tried to convince myself, that I was stuck, suspended, or even stranded inside some kind of alternate reality or nightmare, were to the absolute contrary. I was awake. It was true…realty.”

Charlie goes on to reveal that he underwent intensive treatment and was able to rid of most his symptoms. However, the shame and anger he developed transformed into a self-proclaimed “suicide run,” where he abused both substances and alcohol. He went on to say, “…every blood test returned levels revealing a state of remission. Even though I might have been trying to kill myself, one thing was radically evident; the disease was not.”

In the letter, Charlie also claims that numerous of his sexual partners have used his condition as blackmail, even though he says he was upfront about his condition to them. He then boldly sates, “News Flash: This ends today. I’m claiming back my freedom…”

At the end of the open letter, the former Two and a Half Men star says he is done with his “partying days” and looks forward to a more philanthropic future.

This is the full letter Sheen wrote:

An open letter from Charlie Sheen:

Roughly four years ago, I suddenly found myself in the throws of a seismic and debilitating three-day cluster-migraine-like headache. I was emergently hospitalized with what I believed to be a brain tumor or perhaps some unknown pathology. I was partially correct. Following a battery of endless tests, that included a hideous spinal tap, it was sadly and shockingly revealed to me that I was, in fact, positive for HIV.

The news was a “mule kick” to my soul. Those impossible words I absorbed and then tried to convince myself, that I was stuck, suspended, or even stranded inside some kind of alternate reality or nightmare, were to the absolute contrary. I was awake. It was true… reality.

Under the brilliant and perfect care of Dr. Robert Huizenga as well as “the” leading infectious disease expert in the known universe, I began a rigorous and intensive treatment program. Not missing a beat, a med dose, or one shred of guidance, quickly my viral loads became undetectable. Like every other challenge in my life, again, I was victorious and kicking this disease’s ass. I wish my story had ended there. Unfortunately, for my family and myself, it had only just begun.

The personal disbelief, karmic confusion, shame and anger lead to a temporary yet abysmal descent into profound substance abuse and fathomless drinking. It was a suicide run. Problem was, I’d forgotten that I’m too tough for such a cowardly departure. Yet, despite this loathsome and horrific odyssey, I was vigilant with my anti-viral program.

My medical team could only shake their heads as each and every blood test returned levels revealing a state of remission. Even though I might have been trying to kill myself, one thing was radically evident; the disease was not.

In and around this perplexing and difficult time, I dazedly chose (or hired) the companionship of unsavory and insipid types. Regardless of their salt-less reputations, I always lead with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition. Sadly, my truth soon became their treason, as a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage in this circus of deceit.

To date, I have paid out countless millions to these desperate charlatans.

Locked in a vacuum of fear, I chose to allow their threats and skulduggery to vastly deplete future assets from my children, while my “secret” sat entombed in their hives of folly (or so I thought).

News Flash: This ends today. I’m claiming back my freedom. The scales of justice will swiftly and righteously re-balance themselves.

In conclusion, I accept this condition not as a curse or scourge, but rather as an opportunity and a challenge. An opportunity to help others. A challenge to better myself.

Every day, of every month, of every year, countless individuals go to work, man their stations, fulfill their professional obligations with a host of disabilities. Diseases, imperfections, hurdles, detours. These maladies range from lupus to cancer, from paralysis to blindness, from diabetes to obesity. “Treated,” HIV is no different.

My partying days are behind me. My philanthropic days are ahead of me.

Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “Courage is grace under pressure.”

I’ve served my time under pressure; I now embrace the courage, and the grace.

Love and peace, Charlie Sheen

Statement from Dr. Robert Huizenga, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCLA

Four years ago, Charlie Sheen came to see me with an upper viral infection followed by joint aches, swallowing complaints and then progressive severe headaches. During this infection, his HIV tests “seroconverted” (acutely changed) from negative to positive. He was immediately placed on four antiretroviral drugs and his HIV viral blood levels thankfully dropped to undetectable. He has tolerated his antiretroviral cocktail and by faithfully complying with the daily pills, his viral HIV load has remained consistently undetectable.


The urgent dilemma that both Charlie and I recognize is that there are 1.2 million other Americans currently living with this diagnosis. Shockingly, up to 20 percent of these individuals are unaware of their HIV status and sadly 60 percent are not adequately being treated. This leads to 50,000 new diagnoses and 18,000 HIV deaths yearly in this country.

I anticipate Charlie can save many more lives coming forward with his revelation than I could ever have aspired to as a doctor. With Charlie remaining dedicated to his treatment regimen, I expect the HIV will only minimally — if at all — affect his predicted life expectancy.

The Resurgence of Sergi Roberto


The Resurgence of Sergi Roberto 2015 soccer imagesPrior to the 2015/16 season, Barcelona midfielder Sergi Roberto had made 56 appearances for the club’s first team, and most of them were as late substitutes when he came on to give respite to the starting player, who had tired and the match was already sealed in favour of the Catalans. And when he started it was mostly in inconsequential games, like the second leg of a Copa del Rey tie that was already sealed or in the fifth or sixth group stage games of the Champions League with the club having already secured their place in the last 16 as group winners.

In short, the young midfielder was on the fringes of first team selection and was expected to move to another club in search of regular senior action in due course of time.

However, the young Catalan has proved all his detractors wrong with his exceptional displays on the pitch this season. And to truly add to his utility for the reigning Spanish and European champions, Roberto has shown himself to be adept at various positions, having played exceptionally well as right-back as well as a central midfielder.

Heading into the 2015/16 season, the Catalan giants said goodbye to their long-serving stalwart and club legend Xavi Hernandez, as he moved to Qatari outfit Al Sadd in the summer. A FIFA-imposed registration ban on new signings meant that the club were not in a position to play either of their signings Arda Turan or Aleix Vidal until the sanction was lifted in the coming January.

To truly compound the problems for manager Luis Enrique, Pedro Rodriguez moved to Chelsea and subsequent injuries to right-backs Dani Alves and Douglas meant that the manager was left with no recognised right-back to fill the slot. In came Roberto, who had played as a central midfielder all his life. But his exceptional displays in his new position and that too against teams like Athletic Bilbao and Atletico Madrid meant that he filled the vacancy of the Brazilians more than ably. He was so good in his new role that some of the club’s supporters were asking Enrique to trust him in the position even after Alves made a full recovery from his injury.

Alves soon came back, but another problem cropped up as the team saw Rafinha Alcantara sidelined for about six months after his anterior cruciate ligament tear. Subsequent injuries to Andres Iniesta, Ivan Rakitic and Sergio Busquets meant that the team’s central midfield was completely ravaged and needed someone to step up to the plate and make a difference.

Roberto proved himself to be up to the task again and played in a fashion that many started comparing him to the incomparable Xavi himself.

This season so far, the 23-year-old has gone on to make a total of 15 appearances across all competitions and had three assists as well as a goal against his name. And his impact has been such that he should command a starting berth even when Enrique has all his men at his disposal.

Is this really Arsenal’s Year?


is this really arsenals year 2015 soccer imagesAt the conclusion of the first 12 rounds of games in the 2015/16 season of the English Premier League, Arsenal has amassed 26 points. They have won eight games, drawn twice and lost the same number of matches so far to remain tied on points with table toppers Manchester City. In fact, the two teams have conceded the same number of goals: nine, and the only reason the Gunners are in second is due to the fact they have scored four fewer goals than the Citizens.

So are Arsenal really in a position to challenge for the Premier League title?

The last time the Gunners hoisted the English title above their heads was way back in the 2003/04 season when they ended their historic campaign unbeaten. That invincible side counted the likes of Thierry Henry, Robert Pires and Patrick Vieira in their ranks. Over a decade has passed since and the north Londoners are still looking for their next title. Though, they did end their nine-year wait for a trophy when they won the FA Cup in 2014 and went on to retain the prestigious domestic trophy the following year after ruthlessly defeating Aston Villa in the final at Wembley in May this year.

Arsene Wenger’s side do look better than they have done in the recent past and boast of some great players in their squad. They have a playmaker par excellence in Mesut Ozil, pulling strings from attacking midfield. Alexis Sanchez has been a revelation for the Gunners since he joined them from Barcelona after the World Cup last summer.

Theo Walcott, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Jack Wilshere, Aaron Ramsey, Olivier Giroud, Laurent Koscielny, Per Mertesacker, Gabriel Paulista, Hector Bellerin, Francis Coquelin and Nacho Monreal are some of the regulars in the first team, and all of them are players of exceptional quality.

Arsenal has really been propped up by the superlative displays of Santi Cazorla in midfield, as the Spain international has come into his own and has dictated play from his central midfield position. The addition of Petr Cech from Chelsea in the summer is already bearing fruits as the Czech Republic international has helped his side gain many a point with his exceptional saves in the Chelsea goal.

The rise of youngsters like Bellerin and 2014 summer signing Calum Chambers has meant that Wenger has a nice group of youngsters coming through, and they have already proven that they are ready for the big stage with the few appearances that they have been entrusted with.

In fact, Bellerin has been so good that he is already keeping out Mathieu Debuchy out of the starting line-up.

Arsenal are surely blessed with a great bunch of players who have it in them to carry the side to the title this campaign. However, talent is not the component that has been keeping Arsenal away from the title, rather temperament is, and it will be interesting to see how they cope up when they face their direct title rivals.

In Lionel Messi Arsenal News:

Arsenal fans have taken reports that Lionel Messi wants to a move to the Emirates with a pinch of salt, with one fan comically asking 599,999 other supporters to help pay the Barceloa maestro’s wages.

The Daily Star ran a report on Monday claiming that Messi is keen on moving to Arsenal providing they can cough up what would be a world record wage of £600,000-a-week. Given the frugal spenders that are Arsenal, fans clearly didn’t buy into this and took to Twitter to voice their humour at reading such a transfer rumour.

Messi has been linked with a move away from the Nou Camp in the past, with both Manchester City and Chelsea toured as possible destinations should the unthinkable happen and Barcelona decide to sell the four-time Ballon d’Or winner.

The 28-year-old Argentina international would cost in the region of £200m should anyone wish to snap him up on a transfer, and on wages of £600,000-a-week, the Gunners would have to shell out nearly £1bn extra to pay him.

But one Arsenal fan has come up with a unique way to bay for Messi’s wages. Twitter user @matt_clarky has offered to set-up a £1 direct debit each week to Messi, and has called on his fellow Gunners to do the same.

Johnny Manziel Gets Away with Girlfriend Cruising & Bruising

johnny manziel gets away with girlfriend crusing 2015 nfl imagesJohnny Manziel got another not so surprising break as he won’t be disciplined for the incident with his girlfriend. If you don’t remember that one, he was driving with his girlfriend back in October and things got out of hand (literally with his girlfriend, Colleen Crowley getting some bruises), but as long as your white in the NFL, you can rough up your girlfriend as she obviously doesn’t matter to Roger Goodell. I guess if she were married to him, maybe Goodell and the NFL would do a little more.

Here’s the statement put out:

“Consistent with the procedures of the league’s Personal Conduct Policy, we have examined the available evidence regarding the recent incident involving Johnny Manziel,” the league said in a statement. “Our investigation included a thorough review of information from law enforcement and our own interviews with multiple individuals, including the two involved in the incident. Based on the information gathered, we have concluded that there is an insufficient basis on which to take disciplinary action. In all cases of this nature, our concern under the Personal Conduct Policy goes well beyond the issue of discipline, and we have made comprehensive professional resources available on a confidential basis.”

johnny manziel working post rehab pr 2015Manziel had this to say after wiping his mouth from some serious ass kissing or something that he did to get away with this one:

“I appreciate the NFL’s diligence and discretion in reviewing a situation that was both personal and embarrassing,” Manziel said in a statement through his friend and advisor, Brad Beckworth. “Colleen and I cooperated fully with the NFL’s process and completely support their goals of making sure that every family under their umbrella is safer and more secure. I’m grateful that the review was so thorough and fair that there should be no question left in the public mind about what actually happened. I’m looking forward to focusing my energies on our start against the Ravens and bringing in a win for our fans in Cleveland.”

So, as I’m sure Johnny Football will continue knowing that since he’s all white to the NFL, he’ll continue being able to beat the fuck out of any woman he wants, and be grateful that he’s got that lily white skin. If he was black, we all know it would have been a very different situation.