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Cyber Monday Video Games Shopping Tips & Tricks 2015

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Maybe Black Friday didn’t offer you the best gaming options, or you just knew Cyber Monday would give you exactly what you wanted, but this year will surely make up for any disappointments you might have had. We’ve already posted great deals on the Xbox One and PS4, but now here’s some great tips, tricks and deals for those pricey games that come separately.

Keeping checking our Cyber Monday section as we’ll continually update it along with Cyber Monday for your shopping convenience. You can also check out Amazon’s Black Cyber Monday deals here as they’ll keep changing as fast as a Kardashian’s Instagram page.

When it comes to buying a new gaming console, it can be helpful to follow a few Cyber Monday shopping tips. These tips will help you find a Nintendo console that matches your needs and is the best fit for your family.

The one thing that you can expect to find on Cyber Monday is Wii as well as Wii U bundles. Often retailers will bundle the Wii console with one or more fun games.

Last year, games like Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo Land, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze were bundled with the consoles. Since many of these games can be expensive, this is an excellent way to save a few dollars during Cyber Monday sales.

Some Wii U games you may want to look out for this holiday season include Super Mario Maker, Yoshi’s Woolly World, Splatoon, and Mario Party 10. These games might be bundled with the Wii U console so be sure to look for them when you’re doing your shopping.

cyber monday amazon deals 2015 images tech

The second thing you want to consider when looking to purchase a Wii gaming console during Cyber Monday is how you plan on using your Wii. If you’ll be using it for exercise games to help you lose weight, then buying a bundle with different Mario games isn’t going to help you.

Instead, look for a Wii console that comes with a store gift card or eShop gift card. This will allow you to purchase the kinds of games that you would actually use and enjoy with a fitness routine.

Don’t forget to look at the accessories included when you’re busy comparing Wii U gaming bundles. The Wii U comes with the GamePad but this device isn’t the easiest way to play and can be difficult for small children to use.

That’s why you want to make sure that you find a bundle with one or more Wii U Remotes. If you can’t find a bundle with these remotes, remember to add them to your cart separately.

Otherwise, you may not get the most enjoyment from your gaming experience. Some games that were included in last year’s bundles required Wii U Nunchuk controllers in order to play.

These devices are sold separately from the standard Wii remotes. During play, you’ll connect a Nunchuk controller to a Wii U Remote in order to explore and play the worlds contained within your games.

Another thing you’ll want to be on the lookout for this Cyber Monday are Amiibo figurines. These characters can be a bit expensive when sold separately, but they are expected to be a bit cheaper during Cyber Monday sales. They make a great gift item, since they expand your gaming experience and allow you to do even more with your favorite characters.

‘Empire’ 209 Sinned Against Recap

empire 209 sinned against 2015 imagesThere’s plenty of star cameo’s this week on “Empire,” and the only thing I can say is that the story continues with a surprising twist for one of the characters.

Let me first star off by talking about one of the aspects of the show that is becoming more unbearable- Anika’s obsession with Hakeem. I really do try to understand and see things her way as to why she would become so attached to the young Lyon, but I just can’t come up with anything. The thing about it is the way in which they have taken her from this strong, no bull shit, independent working woman to an unemployed, stalker chick who can’t take a hint is out of character. In fact, it is so much out of character that it is annoying. Her “character arch” has gone backward and the fact that the writers have chosen to do that with her is amateurish and insulting. It’s like they are trying to find a storyline for her. This is especially clear when she pays Rhonda a visit at the new house Lucious just bought for her and Dre, and she tells her about the time in college she cut off a girl’s ponytail (by sneaking into her room) because she was trying to steal Andre. The whole scene and story are just weird. I mean having her bust into one of Hakeem’s house parties, put him on blast in front of Laura and then to have her come to his house later on in the episode so she can confront him about “his love for her” is… just… bad.

Now on to the big news of the night.

Jamal is not gay! Well, he is but, he likes women now too? Or at least that is what we saw this week when he and Sky Summer, a well-established artist played by Alicia Keys, do a song together. He calls himself her biggest fan at a press conference, they work on a song together; they lock lips. It’s a very “interesting” narrative. You know it’ll be that bond they have over the artistry, and who wouldn’t turn a corner for Alicia Keyes?

alicia keyes sky kissing jamal 2015 empire imagesLee Daniels also guest stars as himself on the show. He is the director of Jamal’s Pepsi music video. He and Lucious have a difference of opinions as far as the direction in which they should go for the video. Lu wants it to, pretty much, be an homage to him, but Lee doesn’t see it that way. “Lucious you represent the past, this kid is the future,” he tells Poppa Lyon. Speaking of Jamal’s music video, we see his cool ass dance moves in this episode, and it just makes him all the more likable.

Alex gets a visit from his boys at Cookie’s, and he immediately puts them in their place. He has fallen for her, and the plan they had to extort her for money is over as far as he is concerned. That’s what he tells Cookie too when he is finally busted by… her baby daddy. Lucious pays her a visit to ask her to release her interest in his early songs for a deal he is trying to make and Alex is there with some wine. It obviously pisses Lu off, he goes looking into his background and finds that he’s  “one of them bully boys.” Cookie is heartbroken. She gives the gun she pulled on Alex to Lucious, and we are lead to believe that Lu and the boys kill him.

Vivica Fox is back this week again as Candace. She and Cookie go looking for Carol all over Philly. They search high and low and don’t find her. Cookie visits Pepper played by Rosie O’Donnell. She is a “cupcakes shop owner” who helps her find Carol. They do, and she and Candace are relieved. They get some breakfast and Cookie, and Candace continue to go at it. Cookie excuses herself to the bathroom and Candace, clearly disgusted and probably a bit jealous of their relationship tells hers, “If only she knew what you did while she was away in prison, it wouldn’t be such a Sister Sledge reunion now would it.” And literally that’s the juiciest thing that happened on the show. I want to know what she’s talking about.

Dre talks his dad into selling their merchandise so that they can acquire Swift Stream. Lu does not want to hear it, but after his “run in” with Lee Daniels, he changes his mind and tells his son to do it because, ya know, they can always buy it back.

Lu meets with Hakeem to offer him one more chance to be a part of the team (not drop his last name) and he, of course, says no.

The episode ends with Sky and Jamal BOTH playing the piano, singing their new “edgier” song “Powerful” and that’s when the kiss that has confused everyone happens.

And just like last week, I have no idea what’s going on and not in a good way.

‘Survivor Second Chance’ 3110 Selling Your Soul Off Recap

survivor second chance 3110 selling your soul 2015 imagesThe blindsides kept coming on this week’s episode of “Survivor: Second Chance,” and at Orkun’s camp, Jeremy said Ciera might be the next one to be sent home. Joe said last week one of his biggest allies in the game went home, and he needed to win immunity again because people were coming for him. Ciera said rain messing up their shelter could screw up her entire game. Keith said when people ask him if Survivor is fun he says no.

This week’s rewards challenge took place in the pouring rain. The contestants were divided into two teams of five with the winning team getting to escape the rain somewhere where they would have a roof over their head. The challenge involved playing basketball in the rain, and the Orkun tribe won it. Ciera said it was a huge advantage to have conversations with people outside of their shelter.

At the shelter Spencer said he had been wet for two days straight. They got food, beer and local entertainment as part of the reward. Ciera said she needed to take any advantage she could get and said they should spend time formulating a plan at the shelter. Spencer said he wants Stephen out, but he knows others want him out. Kimmi said she enjoyed the tougher elements of Survivor because she was inspired to be there by her sons. Keith said Joe has to stop winning everything and give others a chance. Stephen said he thought he had his fingers in every pot, and he thought he was in a good position and had room to maneuver in the game.

Stephen said he was having stomach problems and was afraid his body was shutting down. He said every part of him had given up, but he wasn’t quitting the game. Jeremy said he felt bad for Stephen and hoped he was OK because Stephen was loyal to him. He said they needed one day to get warm and dry, and then everything would be alright.

For this week’s immunity challenge, Jeff gave one black rock and one white rock to each contestant. Each contestant had to balance themselves on a small block while balancing a rubber ball against a piece of wood. Whoever lasted the longest would win immunity. Jeff said construction men were at each camp to redo their shelter and would start a fire that would be covered so it would last. Jeff then announced he wanted five of them to give up their chance at immunity for the week. He said this challenge comes down to trust. Ciera said surviving was more important than individual immunity. Holding up the white rock meant they would give up their chance at immunity while a black rock meant they wouldn’t. Joe and Keith were the only ones that refused to give up their chance. Joe won immunity for the fourth week in a row.

Stephen said now that they were dry and had better shelter they could get back to the game. He said Ciera was playing a hard game because she knew she was in trouble. Abi said having a fire going was such an amazing feeling. Stephen said Ciera was the next to go because she was too dangerous. Ciera said she hoped her plan to blindside Stephen would pay off. Tasha said Ciera had unhinged several groups and wondered why no one was getting rid of her. Spencer said he had to convince people to get rid of Stephen. Joe said he wanted Ciera and Stephen gone and no one knew what advantage Stephen had in the game. Spencer tried to convince Jeremy to get rid of Stephen rather than Ciera.

At tribal council, the jury members were brought in. Ciera said the rain was the only thing that had made her cry during this game. Stephen said he was in personal distress and felt completely overwhelmed. Ciera said she had been willing to give up a chance at immunity to help everyone else, but she didn’t know who else might also be willing to give it up. Tasha said she made the unselfish choice to give up a chance at immunity, and Joe said if he had given up his chance he would have been going home that night. Ciera said no lines had been established in the game. The votes were then placed, and Jeremy cashed in his hidden immunity idol for Stephen. Jeff tallied the votes before announcing that Ciera had been voted out and would become the fifth member of the jury.

Back at the Orkun camp Stephen said he had no idea Jeremy had a hidden immunity idol. Jeremy said he knew Stephen would have his back but that now he would have a huge target on his back. Spencer said it was a new game after every tribal council. Stephen said he was annoyed with himself that he had been out of the loop and had no idea Jeremy was going to use an immunity idol on him. Stephen said his feet had swollen, and he hadn’t eaten or slept for days.

Jeff told them a story about Cambodian history, and then each contestant had to go into the woods, find five stations and pick the correct answer of the question found at each station. A correct answer would score the person a gold medallion, and whoever got all five gold medallions was the winner. The winners would get picked up by a chopper and taken to a chicken and steak feast. Stephen was the first one to get all five gold medallions. He chose to take Tasha and Jeremy with him to the feast. Spencer said Stephen made a very questionable decision.

Kelley found a clue to the hidden immunity idol. Stephen, Tasha, and Jeremy arrived for their feast. Stephen said Tasha was one of his first allies in the game, but she had tried to vote him out so he needed to repair their alliance. Joe said Stephen threw himself out there and didn’t even realize it. Joe said Kimmie, Stephen and Tasha were close in the game, and that scared him. Abi said she wanted to go for the plunge. Kelley said her goal was to grab the hidden immunity idol when no one was paying attention. Kelley said for some odd reason Abi was making coffee, and she didn’t know why. Kelley faked taking a nap so she could sneak off and get the idol. She said she was excited to have it and was ready to shake up the game a little bit.

The immunity challenge involved using their feet to drop blocks into a basket and stack them and place them on a flat service. Spencer won the individual immunity idol this time. Joe said now he was vulnerable and really nervous that he might be going home. Stephen said Joe hadn’t been up for elimination before  but now he is and that Stephen was trying to take out Joe from day one. Jeremy said Joe was the biggest challenge in the game. Kelley said her plan was to blindside Stephen and send him home. Joe said he was relying on his social game and was trying to develop something he didn’t have when he was on Survivor last season. Stephen said Abi was insane and suspicious of everyone. Abi said Joe was very shady. Kelley said if the others didn’t stick with her plan she would use her hidden immunity. Stephen said the plan was going to go down the tubes. He told Abi he didn’t know what would happen if they didn’t stick to the plan. Stephen said his advantage allowed him to steal a vote and he could split the vote between Joe and Abi. Spencer said Abi was the most unreliable person in the game.

At tribal council, jury members were brought in. Abi said she knew there were alliances and it all came down to loyalty. Stephen said having an advantage in the game was a scary thing. Spencer said people were throwing out what ifs in the game. Stephen stole Joe’s vote for the night, allowing Stephen to vote twice. Jeff tallied the votes and announced Stephen was going home.

NFL Week 11 Indepth Recap 2015


nfl week 11 indepth recap 2015 pats vs bills images

NFL Week 11 Week In Review

Falcons 21  Colts 24

Full recap link

Patriots 20 Bills 13

The Pats keep rolling despite star players dropping like sacks of potatoes. Danny Amendola did a good job of impersonating the injured Julian Edelman as #80 hauled in 9 balls for 117 yards.

Rex Ryan succeeded in confusing Tom Brady in the first half, but the cream of the NFL rose to the top eventually with a late score going into halftime then turned it up in the second half.

Brady was sacked just once but got hit ten times. Buffalo is good, not great. The Pats are the Pats and are now six games away from a perfect season at 10-0.

Eye-popping stat: Gronk with just two catches.

Fantasy carnage: Shady or James White was your best bet.

Panthers 44   Redskins 16

Cam for MVP? He’s got my vote, and I’m feeling better about an alleged wager I have for the NFC versus the AFC in the Super Bowl. Newton tossed five touchdowns to five separate Panthers as Carolina rolled over Washington.

The Panthers scored 27 points off turnovers, and Newton ended up sitting out most of the fourth quarter of this blowout. Carolina isn’t a one man team. They are improving overall each week. The defense has not allowed a red zone appearance for opponents in two weeks now.

Eye-popping stat: Cam’s five TD throws to various receivers.

Fantasy carnage: Cam had 31 points on DraftKings and was solid in the standard play of course.

Packers 30 Vikings 13

Clearly the Packers own the NFC North after taking the division lead back and will host the game against the upstart Vikings next time. Winning by 17 in Minnesota makes it obvious who will be king of the north.

Eddie Lacy looked like himself after a week off, and James Jones came back from mediocrity to score a touchdown and catch six balls for 109.

Teddy Bridgewater wasn’t bad in this contest. His line did him no favors and Adrian Peterson was only good for 45 yards on the ground.

Green Bay isn’t on easy street. They still are not on the level of the top tier teams with Randall Cobb dropping balls and Rodgers forced to do too much.

Eye-popping stat: Lacy returned with 100 yards rushing.

Fantasy carnage: Mason Crosby. Yes, a kicker.

Ravens 16   Rams 13

This game was more about injuries than anything else. The Ravens eked out a win but lost Joe Flacco and Justin Forsett for the remaining games. Flacco with a knee and Forsett with a broken arm.

The Rams didn’t escape injury either as Case Keenum suffered a concussion yet was still allowed in the game. Clearly the NFL’s concussion protocol is not perfect yet. I have a hard time understanding how no NFL official did not get involved when the guy is on national TV looking quite woozy.

The Ravens get the win which will be their last of the year so they may end up with the top draft pick in 2016. They have been decimated with injuries this year, so much so lately that it’s easy to forget that Terrell Suggs went down before the season got started well.

Eye-popping stat: Two Ravens starters put out for the year.

Fantasy carnage: The Ravens defense.

Bears 15    Denver 17

Chicago had a chance to tie this one up but failed on a two point conversion, giving Brock Osweiler and his Broncos the win.

The new Denver starter accounted for two touchdown throws, and this game was the first time all year Denver didn’t suffer a turnover from the QB position.

Chicago played tough once again but was unable to get the win.

Peyton Manning could be ready in as little as two weeks according to reports, but if Osweiler is steady, he could keep the QB1 job, and should.

Eye-popping stat: Five sacks on Osweiler.

Fantasy carnage: Osweiler was cheap in DFS so while not scoring a ton of points he was a good bargain.

Raiders  13 Lions 18

What a weird game to watch. Oakland looked nothing like the exciting team that has lit the scoreboard up most of the 2015 season. The first half was really brutal to watch.

Amari Cooper struggled with drops while on the other side of the line Megatron got in the mix with Stafford for a rare decent game between the two Lions.

The score could have been worse in this game so don’t look for things to get better for Oakland. There isn’t a much easier out than Detroit, and they just handed the Raiders their sixth loss of the year.

Eye-popping stat: Zero picks or TDs from either QB.

Fantasy carnage: Stafford. Decent points at a bargain on DFS.

Jets  17 Texans 24

Ryan Fitzpatrick continues to decline along with the Jets entire team.

Houston got their third win in a row as DeAndre Hopkins is now the proud new owner of an island, lighting up Darrelle Revis up all game long until the all world DB exited the game with a head injury.

The Jets have too many problems to list, but their defense is a big part of their troubles. They are no longer producing the turnovers like in the first few weeks, and the Jets have suffered as a result, losing four of the last five games.

Eye-popping stat: 19/39 for Fitzpatrick.

Fantasy carnage: DeAndre all day in everyday fantasy.

Cowboys 24  Dolphins 14

Tony Romo knows how to lift up a fan base. Cowboy fan is clamoring to buy playoff tickets now that Romo is back. Hold off until we see what happens on Turkey Day when the Panthers roll into Texas.

Dallas took care of Miami after the Phins defense had a dominate performance in the first half but looked wore out in the second.

Romo had two bad picks but was able to atone with two TDs. That’s what an elite QB does that guys like Cassel and Weeden can not. They can’t erase their picks with TDs on a regular basis.

Eye-popping stat: 169 for Run DMC.

Fantasy carnage: McFadden and the Dallas defense.

Bucs 45   Eagles 17

Chip Kelly can head back to school anytime he wants. Philly fans won’t miss the genius. Tampa Bay destroyed the Eagles as rookie QB Jameis Winston looked like a seasoned vet with five touchdown passes and no picks.

Not to be embarrassed solely by the passing game, Philadelphia gave up 235 yards on the ground to Doug Martin.

Mark Sanchez managed three interceptions to make matters worse for the Eagles who drop to 4-6 while Tampa moves to 5-5.

Eye-popping stat: Five TDs from the Bucs QB that tied an NFL record for rookies.

Fantasy carnage: Winston.

Chiefs 33  Chargers 3

KC has now won four in a row after dropping five games straight. Quite a roller coaster ride of a season. The Chargers are a good team to have in front of you when you need to extend a winning streak.

Spencer Ware kept the KC running game moving as the third stringer came in to produce 96 yards and two scores. Alex Smith avoided INTs once again, continuing his streak back to week three.

San Diego had just 52 yards rushing as a team, again leaving Rivers to do it all, which isn’t working out in 2015.

Eye-popping stat: 250 team rushing yards.

Fantasy carnage: Spencer Ware, good and cheap in DFS.

Seattle 29  49ers 13

Seattle’s offense rarely looks consistent during the whole game. San Fran makes most offenses look great, and their defense as well.

Seattle got a huge game from rookie Thomas Rawls, who replaced Marshawn Lynch who was out with an abdominal issue. Rawls went off for 209 on the ground and 46 in the air.

Blaine Gabbert to his credit didn’t throw any interceptions and added a TD pass. He just isn’t a threat to win many games with the players he has around him.

The Hawks could finish the season at 9-7 the way their schedule sets up which would likely land them in a wildcard spot.

Eye-popping stat: Wilson was 24-29 with three TDs.

Fantasy carnage: Russell Wilson and Rawls.

Cardinals  34  Bengals 31

Is there a better team to watch in primetime? Arizona was fun to watch again on SNF, keeping this old man up to the final play.

Carson Palmer rebounded from two early picks to go on to toss four touchdowns to four different recipients.

Cincinnati put up a good fight, tieing the game after being down ten points in the fourth. Dalton and crew didn’t fade away but have now lost back to back games after starting 8-0.

Chandler Catanzaro hit the 32 yarder for the three point win, making his Cards 8-2 on the year.

Eye-popping stat: JJ Nelson stepping in a starting role to average 35.5 yards a catch on four grabs.

Fantasy carnage: Palmer

NFL Winners & Losers Week 11 2015


nfl winners losers week 11 2015 cam newton images

Another round of winners and losers for week 11 in the NFL coming up. But first things first. Who you got for MVP if you had to vote today? I’d take Cam Newton even though Tom Brady has been a monster.

Newton may not have a long NFL career due to his style of play, but it’s looking like 2015 may be his year. What this kid did at Auburn was unbelievable, taking his team on his shoulders each week. If he can bring a team back from 24 down to a Saban led Bama team then I see no reason he can’t lead Carolina to their first Super Bowl win this year.

NFL Grown man of the Week: Thomas Rawls may have just made Marshawn Lynch expendable starting in 2016. If there’s a team out there in need of Lynch’s services, just hit his agent up. Lynch still has tread on the Beastmobile tires, but why does Seattle need to keep paying him when his backup keeps outshining the starter? Rawls rushed for 209 against San Francisco while Lynch sat with an abdominal injury. It’s the second time this year the rookie has racked up over 160 yards when given more than 20 carries.

NFL Child of the Week: Colin Kaepernick got put on IR for the rest of the year after becoming the backup just a couple weeks ago. The guy isn’t healthy enough to hold a clipboard? Kaepernick just regressed too far for the Niners to have any hope for his future there. He will end up elsewhere next year.

This guy had the keys to the kingdom and somehow managed to get benched in favor of Blaine Gabbert! His team friendly contract will make moving him easy in the offseason, and there are teams out there who will think they can get him back to the player that helped the 49ers get to the Super Bowl in 2013. They are wrong.

Winner: Cam Newton threw five touchdown passes to five different guys. One may have even been to a fan just to see if Newton could do it. The guy should finish close to the top of the MVP voting this year and may even win it should the Pats falter with all their injuries.

Loser: What happened to Matt Ryan? Some theorize he got injured in the Washington game in week five. That’s when things begin to go downhill for Ryan, who has been the biggest part of the Falcons’ tailspin the past four weeks.

I don’t want to see my QB make excuses or give the opposition a target for his injured body part, but I’d like to know that he isn’t just sucking it up for no reason at all. I’ve moved on to Tom Brady and the Patriots anyway, so I can’t dwell on the bandwagon I just leaped off of in a panic.

Winner: Matt Hasselbeck may be the oldest starting QB in the NFL, but he’s 3-0 after getting over on the Falcons in the Georgia Dome on Sunday. He’s doing what Andrew Luck could not. Win.

Loser: Joe Flacco went down for the count with an ACL tear on a freak play with a guy rolling up on his leg after a pass. The Ravens’ 100 million dollar leader will miss the rest of the year, and Baltimore will probably average about 2.3 points the rest of the year with nearly no offensive players of note left.

Winner: Why did the Texans ever let TJ Yates go? This guy may suck everywhere else he goes, but he’s good for a few great backup performances a year when he’s in a Houston uniform. Yates helped his team roll past the Jets while Brian Hoyer recovered from a concussion.

Loser: Marshawn Lynch may have season-ending surgery and his run in Seattle could end as well. Someone may have to help this exciting running back clean the Skittles out of his locker at the end of the season as a rookie takes his job going forward.

Winner: Tony Romo is still undefeated in 2015. Too bad he’s only played in three games. Also, too bad that he will likely lose this week when Dallas hosts Carolina on Thanksgiving.

The Cowboys are the favorite right now, however. How the hell is that possible?

Loser: Teddy Bridgewater took a pile of sacks as Green Bay took back the lead in their division with a 30-13 come-up-ins beat down of the Vikes. Bridgewater was sacked six times for a loss of 48 yards.

Winner: Tyler Lockett doesn’t get a lot of chances in Seattle’s offense, but he makes his limited opportunities count. The rookie sensation had two touchdowns on just four receptions versus the Niners.

Loser: Bad day for Darrelle Revis. First he is banished from his own island as DeAndre Hopkins dominated the veteran DB all game long. Revis then left the game with a concussion. The Jets can’t afford to have him miss next week, but we’ve seen a few guys miss back to back games with the concussion protocol in effect this year.

Winner: Jameis Winston joins Cam Newton with five TD passes on Sunday. He tied a rookie record with the five touchdowns in the Bucs’ demolition of the Eagles 45-17.

Loser: Me and every other fantasy footballer that had Devonta Freeman on their roster. He went out early in the first quarter with a concussion. The scores on DFS this week were low on average as most sensible people had Freeman.

Winner: Any daily fantasy player who had the good sense to take a risk on Thomas Rawls suiting up in place of Lynch. Rawls was the outlier needed for big money tournaments.

Loser: Rex Ryan and the Bills who could not get past the Pats even after making Tom Brady look human in the first half.  Buffalo also erased Gronkowski from the mix as the big tight end had just two catches on the night. New England pulled away in the second half with Danny Amendola doing a nice Edelman impression with nine catches for 117 yards for the game.

Winner: TNF fans who like to bet on the NFL and play fantasy football.

Loser: TNF fans who like quality football games.

Winner: Carson Palmer came back from two early interceptions to throw four touchdown passes as his Cards got the best of Cincinnati 34-31. The Cardinals and Carolina appear to be on a collision course to rep the NFC in the big game come February.

Loser: The Bengals who have lost two in a row after the SNF defeat at the hands of Palmer and Arizona. This could be the start of a meltdown. Trust me. I’m a Falcons fan, and I know what a meltdown looks like.

Selena Gomez Defensive On Justin Bieber & Kylie Jenner Keeps Tyga Confused

selena gomez defensive on justin bieber 2015 gossipSelena Gomez is the latest cover star for Instyle UK. In the magazine, the young star is questioned about her former romance with Justin Bieber and playing the field.

In the January 2016 issue, Selena gets defensive when she is asked about her recent outings with Bieber. Just a few days ago, Selena was seen walking around Beverly Hills with Justin, and he was also recorded serenading her at a hotel bar a few nights back.  Selena responds to the prying, saying, “I’m just tired of talking about it. I never intended my life to become a tabloid story.”

The young actress goes on to admit that she is seeing people casually, but has some difficulties when it comes to the dating scene. Selena says, “I hate it. It’s hard, and I’m weirded out by the idea that a guy has Googled me before we meet, and that has happened.” She goes on to complain, “I feel like I look 16 sometimes, which is a bummer because I would love to date older guys.”

Later in the interview, Selena is asked whether she would be interested in former One Direction member Zayn Malik, even though he is slightly younger than her. Selena says, “if he had asked me out on a date, I would be seen with him.” Going on to playfully add, “just kidding, but not kidding.”

Unfortunately, it looks like the Zayn ship has sailed, as he has been spotted getting close to supermodel Gigi Hadid over the past few days.

kylie jenner keeping tyga confusion going 2015 gossipWhile 18-year-old Kylie Jenner is adamant that she and Tyga are completely fine and back together, signs are pointing otherwise. Earlier this week, Kylie appeared on Ellen where she claimed that her and Tyga were never broken up and the media had falsified the story. In addition, Tyga was seen with her and her family on Thanksgiving.

However, despite Kylie’s party claiming that the couple is solid, it has been revealed that the Tyga, 25, recently moved out of her house.  On Friday, a source told E! News that Tyga has packed up his things from Kylie’s $2.7 million mansion in Calabasas.

During the summer, Tyga was renting out a $6.7 million house, however it is currently unclear where he is living. The source explains, “Tyga was going to stay [at Kylie’s] until his house was ready. They lived together for about a month. He was thinking about moving out anyways because he likes his own space. But then she started that ‘needing her space’ stuff and he decided to leave earlier.”

In the midst of the breakup rumors, insiders claimed that Kylie had broken up with Tyga, as she wanted some time to “just do her.” However, there seems to be some mix messages in terms of the status of the couple’s relationship.

Is Pep Guardiola Headed to Premier League


is pep guardiola headed to premier league 2015 soccer imagesBayern Munich CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has clearly indicated that Pep Guardiola is not guaranteed to continue at the Allianz Arena beyond the current season, having recently said that the future of the Catalan at the club will be decided prior to Christmas.

“It is not planned to push back that date; we have always said there will be a decision in 2015. I know that it’s late, just days before Christmas. But the talks will be held after the Hannover match, and we’ll then announce a decision.”

Guardiola has been reported to be interested in continuing with the German giants, but the club are not overly concerned about him leaving the club, as Rummenigge further added that a quest for a new boss is a process and no one is irreplaceable.

“It always continues. There is no person in this world who can’t be replaced at some point; that’s the state of things. Players come, players go, and the same applies to coaches. They come and they go at one point.”

The comments from the Bayern Munich supremo have led to various rumours around the former Barcelona boss, who won 14 trophies during his reign at the Camp Nou. He has been successful in the German league as well, having guided Bayern Munich to the two successive league titles as well as a DFB Pokal in his first two years. They are also in the driver’s seat for this year’s league title. However, the Catalan inherited a treble-winning team from previous manager Jupp Heynckes and his side’s exit from the semi-final of the Champions League for the last two seasons has not been viewed in good light, especially with the way they folded up against Real Madrid and then Barcelona in the last four.

If Guardiola leaves Germany, there is no lack of suitors for the hugely successful former Barcelona midfielder and he has been linked with the Manchester City job for a long time. The speculation of him taking over from Manuel Pellegrini at the Etihad Stadium has only intensified with the comments of Rummenigge.

Some of the sources in Spain are reporting that Guardiola has a pre-contract with the Citizens to take charge of the side next summer. But sources close to Guardiola have denied there being any pre-agreement with any side.

Manchester United have also been linked with Guardiola, and Sir Alex Ferguson had earlier acknowledged that he would have liked the Catalan to take over at Old Trafford, but he had taken a sabbatical from the game at the time and wasn’t willing to cut it short for the Red Devils’ job.

Louis van Gaal is under contract with the English giants until the summer of 2017 and Guardiola has been rumoured to be the man to succeed the Dutchman.

Surprisingly, Real Madrid has also been reported to be interested in getting him to the Santiago Bernabeu. But despite the interest from Los Blancos, the proud Catalan is more likely to head to the Premier League.

Lamar Odom’s Long Road Ahead & Chris Rock Baby Update

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I know I did and I am back to give you just a little more of the antics of the rich and famous. Lamar Odom’s condition is still rather bleak with a long road ahead, Patti Labelle met with pieman James Wright and Chris Rock’s baby drama still going on.

lamar odoms long road ahead 2015 gossipLamar Odom Recovery Will be a Long Road

There is no doubt that Lamar Odom being alive right now is a miracle. And while we are happy he is among the land of the living, his road to recovery is without its challenges.

He spent his Thanksgiving in the hospital, of course, surrounded by loved ones as his is not expected to leave the facilities anytime soon. The question that remains for his family members, friends and fans is will he ever be the same. According to Radar Online, the answer to that question is still up in the air.

The thing about his condition right now is that he apparently doesn’t know what led to his hospitalization and brain injury. He is not sure but according to a source close to People Magazine, the “extensive damage” he sustained more than likely means his prognosis is pretty bleak.

“Lamar Odom has made some progress, but his cognitive impairment is making life very challenging,” an insider explained, adding that Lamar Odom is not yet able to walk unassisted, and continues to have a tough time communicating verbally.”

Well, at least he has Khloe by his side right?

Patti Gives in and Meets James Wright

It seems like Patti LaBelle has changed her tune as she spent her Thanksgiving with the man responsible for the sell out of her pies. If you remember, last week she told TMZ that her pies were selling out before James Wright did his YouTube video about her sweet potatoes pies. And James could not be more happy about it.

“This has been the best Thanksgiving ever, and it’s also been the best birthday ever and I’m very very grateful… “And at this point in my life I’m kind of speechless but we serve an awesome God a God that can change your life around in less than a second I seek Him so I can be more and more like Him daily like I always say when I’m done the whole world is going to be smiling. Thank you, Ms. Patti Labelle.”” Wright wrote on his Facebook page.

There is no doubt it was and in all honesty, it should have been.

Pilar Sanders Order to Pay Up in Deion Sanders Defamation Suit

Let what happened to Pilar Sanders be a lesson to everyone  who wants to get back at their husband- it doesn’t pay to lie.

Well, actually it does pay if you are Deion Sanders. Pilar falsely accused him of abusing her while they were married and he brought a defamation of character lawsuit against her last December. Along with the $2 million she has been ordered to pay him, he has been awarded sole custody of their threes children.

Deion served Pilar divorce papers in December 2011 after the two had been married for 13 years. She also claimed that he would only give her money for their kids if she has sex with him.

Pilar, according to TMZ, the money are just funds that will come out of money Deion was to pay her in their divorce settlement. So it’s not like she has to pay him, pay him.

That’s a good way to look at it right?

chris rock baby drama 2015 gossipChris Rock Baby Situation Figured Out?

So if you don’t know what has been going on with Chris Rock, the story goes he has been denying a baby that his wife “adopted” when they were married. The baby is from South African and supposedly had been living with the family for the past several years.

Well now, according to TMZ, the girl has been in the U.S. on a B2 “visitor for pleasure” visa. But for whatever reason, it seemed that Chris was trying to deny the child.

His ex-wife, Malaak Compton-Rock, has now spoken out on the situation. According to People,

“Although Chris Rock is a celebrity, Malaak and the children are not. Protecting the privacy of her family remains of utmost importance to Malaak. She is saddened by recent tabloid media reports, which are full of erroneous speculation and inaccuracies that are hurtful to three innocent young girls. While the adoption by Malaak is not yet finalized, it is actively in process under the rigorous guidelines and safeguards of international adoption policy.”

Divorce is always a hard situation and in the world of the rich and famous, that is especially true.

DraftKings Post Thanksgiving Fantasy Football Update

draftkings post thanksgiving 2015 fantasy footballThis Week in DraftKings

Fantasy Alert. It’s a day after Thanksgiving and you need to get to work on your fantasy rosters. You will not have time in the morning and won’t be able to make proper decisions after three pounds of turkey and 12 Bud Lights.

If you know you won’t have time to set a good lineup for Turkey Day, just be smart and wait on Sunday’s games. I rarely play DraftKings on TNF anyway. Too much pressure to get my roster set during the week. Not enough time for mind to recover from the prior week of fantasy.

An 18 game NFL schedule would probably end my fantasy career early with the toll it takes on me weekly, just like the real players.

Let’s get to what happened last week on DraftKings.

If you took Devonta Freeman, you likely threw up when he went out of the game halfway through the first quarter with a concussion. Bad for Freeman, but the good news for you and me was the fact that the Falcons runner was owned by lots of Draftkings users, 31% in fact.

Same deal for bargain running back Charcandrick West who also left his game with an injury. He was a fantasy bust that was owned by 58% of users.

The top five scorers according to DraftKings Playbook included three QBs, one WR, and one RB. That running back was Thomas Rawls who scored 43.5 points to lead all fantasy players after he started for the injured Marshawn Lynch.

Rawls was only rostered by 1.8% of DK players! Fantasy sports is all about paying attention. Rawls has played well when given the touches. With Lynch out, it was clear that Rawls would get the opportunity to rack up points. And at just $3800, he didn’t need to score 43 points to worth drafting him.

Rawls was a great play in cash games and in tournaments. Look for him this week also since Lynch is now scheduled for abdominal surgery.

The biggest disappointments beside the injured runners I mentioned already? Gronk with just 5.7 DK points, Derek Carr and his WR Amari Cooper with just 8.96 points combined while playing lowly Detroit.

By the way, DraftKings Playbook is a great place to get DK specific stat knowledge weekly. If you’re good with numbers and creating formulas, you could create some equations from their lists of ownership percentages and who has scored consistently over the season. Just take a look back at the numbers for each week.

As for the newest Millionaire to be created by DraftKings? That went to Noles2148. See his lineup below.

draftkings fantasy football plays movie tv techHe, unlike me, paid attention to Rawls getting the start. He got a bit lucky with Cam throwing five TDs and made up for Charcandrick West going down by getting 20 points from the Chief’s defense. Noles2148 took safe picks with Amendola and Julio Jones, but got good production from Shady McCoy who was only owned by 4.6% of the field.

Once again the Millionaire Maker was won by going outside the box. Rawls was the big outlier, but Cam, Shady, and the Chiefs defense were nowhere near the normal draftees.

My personal best finish in a decent sized tournament this past week was 1600th out of 23,000 players. If I had just picked Rawls I would have made about $150 as opposed to $6 :(

Now it’s on to week 12 with three games on Thursday. This could be a whacky week of scores and late swaps. What are you gonna do to separate yourself from the field? Thomas Rawls will be a good play, but gone is the chance to use him as the outlier. Everyone knows now.

I’ll leave you with my DraftKings tip of the week.

Tip of the Week: Injuries suck for athletes. We know this, but selfish fantasy players like myself know that injuries can kill a fantasy lineup on Draftkings. I make sure and set a reminder on my phone so I can check injury news right before kickoff at 1pm on Sundays.

That keeps me from leaving in a guy that is a late scratch. But what about the 4 pm starts and the late game on NBC? Can’t forget those or you end up with Thomas Rawls sitting on the bench with piles of points that would have been enough to give me a win in my season long league.

It’s easy to get distracted by real life on Sunday afternoons.

The tip is to make sure your fantasy apps stay updated and that you set reminders on your phone that you can’t ignore. I mainly use my PC and laptop to set my rosters, but I need to go to my phone more on game day or risk losing simply because I didn’t pay closer attention right up to each kickoff.

Late swaps on DraftKings are also a good idea on SNF or MNF if you are way behind and need a Hail Mary. Better to swap players and take a risk on a guy with a high ceiling than to stick with a consistent player if you need 38 points to comeback in your matchup.

Virtual Reality 2016, Will We Get It Right This Time?


virtual reality 2016 will we get it right 2015 tech imagesIt’s already 15 years into the new millennium, and we still haven’t seen flying cars as the standard mode of transportation nor have we gotten past the moon in terms of manned exploration. Remember Space 1999? We’re supposed to have blown the moon out of orbit that year. The thing is, we may have advanced a lot in the past decade or so but not as much as many predicted back in the 70s. Many of the stuff predicted in Back to the Future hasn’t come to pass, but Marty would be happy that there’s a prototype hoverboard out there somewhere. We now have the internet, something many never expected. We now have social media in various forms, well Wall-E saw how much we’re enslaved to it. Watch the weight people. Anyway, 2016 promises a lot of technological changes underway. One of those changes includes Virtual Reality.

We’ve been on that road before actually. It was all the rage back in the second half of the 90s when computers were supposed to be at their most advanced that they can take users to other worlds. Well, they did. Mostly a world of neck strain and blocky polygons. Several movies did cash in on the trend like Virtuosity and The Lawnmower Man, but the technology back then was nowhere near the scenarios depicted in those movies. TLM did come close when it came to renditions which are actually laughable by today’s standards that it’s silly to re-watch the movie today. There was a lot of hype back then about how the VR could change the world. But because of the cost and computing power required, the technology never got to be mainstream but instead was used in special applications such as psychological therapy and simulations. The thing is we tried. We proved that it was possible. But the reality in virtual reality wasn’t there yet. It was actually hot back then as awe took over and many accepted blocky polygons, and a little framerate lag to be as real as it gets. Come 2016, we’ll see the second wave of VR technology as many tech companies like Facebook acquired Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, Sony, Samsung, Magic Leap and even Microsoft ready their products next year. Will we get it right this time? Will Virtual Reality change the world like it was supposed to do back in the 1990’s?

If you take the time to look into YouTube videos of the output of VR headsets today, especially Oculus Rift, you’ll be amazed at how far we’ve gone in terms of frame rates and polygon count. Definitely more impressive if you’ve experienced the technology before during the first wave. Oculus Rift’s results actually renewed the interest in Virtual Reality as the time was ripe for a reboot. Machines are a lot faster, and research can easily be funded or absorbed by big players if the tech is interesting enough. Headsets are still a little bulky, but that can be fixed in due time if the technology really takes off. Watching several Oculus Rift videos shown by independent game developers, the reality element has arrived. And these are just from the Indies. What happens if studios like EA or Blizzard release their own titles?

In the world of gaming, framerates and resolutions are hitting an impasse. Graphics become more realistic, and cut scenes are already at cinema quality. The only way to beat the competition is to continually up the frame rate and polygon count on the next generation, but that won’t necessarily translate to better games. What that translates to is additional bloat to the game size and bandwidth required to play the game through internet multiplayer. What’s needed is a new mode of gameplay, a more immersive experience than simply seeing two hands holding a gun or a sword in front of the TV. The answer is Virtual Reality and its set to take the gaming world by storm in 2016.

Aside from the technology, another limiting element mentioned that kept VR from going mainstream in the 90s was the cost. The headsets were huge and bulky and cost a fortune. Few people got to develop the killer app or game needed to send the tech out to the public. But university labs and therapists managed to afford them, and some are still in use today, waiting to be replaced by the cheaper Oculus Rift. Now the Oculus Rift, even though its expected price is a minimum of 400 dollars, is relatively affordable for avid gamers. The immersive experience and new mode of gameplay seems like a fair tradeoff for the price. The cheapest way to get into VR now without having to wait for 2016 is through Google Cardboard, at least for people who own compatible Android smartphones. The most expensive option so far is Microsoft’s Hololens, while not exactly virtual reality comes quite close. In their recent demo, giant robots can now invade the user’s living room to do battle over the couch. With VR, maybe landing a jet on a carrier in Top Gun VR would now be easier. Users can also shop and do a teardown of the latest Volvo. Development kits for the Hololens cost 3,000 dollars.

Will Virtual Reality change the world in 2016? Yes. For gaming, what little time we have with the kids will be taken up by VR gaming or even social media. The kids haven’t even had their shot yet. Apart from gaming, the sales and tourism industry will also take advantage of the technology. Prospective home buyers can explore a house for sale on the other side of the country. Tourists can have a pre-tour of their destination. Students can explore Mars as it was seen by the Mars rover. Trainers and trainees of various industries can enjoy and learn more with more realistic simulations. The same promises that were said in the first VR wave. Yes, VR, as it is now, could change the world. Streets might be devoid of kids and young adults as they’re all in another universe as shown in TV shows like Sword Art Online or .Hack. 2016 will be an exciting year especially if like tablets; anyone can afford to get their hands on VR.

Scott Disick’s Way Back To Kourtney & Kylie Jenner’s Growing Influence

scott disick working way back to kourtney kardashian 2015 gossip

While Scott Disick continues to go through treatment at a Malibu rehabilitation facility, he is already gearing up to return to “work.” Scott, who has struggled with substance and alcohol abuse for several years, admitted himself into rehab for the fourth time to try and nix his unhealthy habits.

Despite his decision to change his ways, he continues to plan nightclub appearances, which ultimately might hinder his progress. On Wednesday, Scott posted a promotional advertisement to his Instagram page. In the post, Scott hypes his upcoming New Year’s Eve appearance at 1Oak nightclub in Las Vegas. Along with the image, Scott captioned, “Vegas I’m Back [1Oak Las Vegas] for #NYE2016!”

Scott Disick, Instagram post:

scott disick working again drinking sucking off 2015 gossipMost reports claim that it was his partying and reckless behaviors that lead to Kourtney Kardashian’s decision to end things with him. Therefore, it is surprising to see him getting back into it, as it is speculated that he is currently trying to win Kourtney and his family back. Photographs of Scott and Kourtney going out for lunch on Wednesday further fueled this speculation. The two were seen casually strolling around Calabasas, after they had lunch at Marmalade Café.

In addition, a source told E! News earlier this week that, “Scott has made an effort to cut bad influences out of his life. He knows a lot of people were using him. At the time, he didn’t really care because he was caught up in all the partying, but he’s finally realized the party has to stop. He’s focusing on a tighter, more loyal circle of friends – the people who were there for him before all the money and fame.”

However, it seems that Scott isn’t quite practicing what he is preaching.

kylie jenners growing influence 2015 gossipSpeaking of Kardashians, it looks like Kylie Jenner’s influence isn’t just over her fan base, as it also having its effect on fellow celebrities. Early on Thursday, Real Housewives of Atlanta Kim Zolciak’s 18-year-old daughter revealed to Instagram that she opted for some surgical enhancements.

Brielle Zolciak posted a video to her Instagram page that showing and explaining that she got lip fillers from the same Beverly Hills plastic surgeon that Kylie goes to. In the video, fans can see as Brielle gets her fillers injected. Alongside the video she writes, “Thank you thank you thank you!!! To my favorite, [Simon Ourian]! My lips are my biggest insecurity and I’m so happy w my results now.” She goes on to sing the Doctor’s praises, stating, “You truly are the best! Even though I hate needles you made this very easy! Thank you again.”

Brielle Zolciak, Instagram video:

thank you thank you thank you!!! to my favorite, @simonourianmd1 !!! my lips are my biggest insecurity and I'm so happy w my results now! ☺️ you truly are the best! even though I hate needles you made this very easy! thank you again #simonourian #epione

A video posted by brielle zolciak (@briellebiermann) on

Although it took a while, Kylie finally admitted to getting lip fillers back in September. In an interview with The New York Times, Kylie revealed that she got Juvederm for her lips and that she opted for Dr. Ourian, as he is takes a “super natural” approach to the procedure.

Kylie went on to give advice to others, saying, “I would recommend that anyone who gets it done go for a filler that lasts only two to four months. It’s annoying to keep going back, but you have the option of stopping it.”

Hopefully, this doesn’t become a widespread thing, as 18-years-old is awfully young to be getting any form of plastic surgery done – whether it be temporary or not!

One influence Kylie doesn’t seem to have is over Tyga, who is moving out of her house as the two have decided they need more personal space. He’s now living in the Hollywood Hills where he can let loose and do the things that Kylie isn’t so much into. Oddly, the two are realizing that for their individual brands to work, it would be better for them to be single. Kylie’s learned so much from Kris Jenner.


Manchester City’s Premier League Title Quest


manchester citys premier league quest 2015 soccer imagesManchester City started their 2015/16 Premier League campaign in a blistering fashion when they won their first five games at a canter. They were prolific in front of the goal, scoring 11 times and water-tight at the back, not leaking a single goal in their first five games.

Many announced them to be the champions-elect. However, the Citizens’ form has significantly dipped, and they are now winless in their last three games across all competitions, an unflattering record for a team of their resources. They were held to a scoreless draw by Premier League bottom dwellers Aston Villa at Villa Park. The draw the Villans was followed by a toothless display against Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool at the Etihad Stadium.

The Reds were constantly dominant while the Citizens were found wanting on all fronts after they conceded an own goal from Eliaquim Mangala. The exquisite interplay between the Brazilians Philippe Coutinho and Roberto Firmino meant that the visitors went into the break in a commanding position. Defender Martin Skrtel added another goal to complete a humiliating 4-1 defeat of the 2012 and 2014 Premier League winners.

It was telling that despite the heavy defeat both the managers admitted that the result could have been worse for the hosts had Liverpool been more ruthless in front of the goal.

In a midweek Champions League clash, Manchester City lost 1-0 to reigning Italian champions and 2015 European Cup finalists Juventus in Turin. The defeat of the Premier League side means the Old Lady have done the double over their rivals in the group, revealing the struggle of the Citizens’ recent struggles as well as their familiar failings in the elite European competition.

Manuel Pellegrini’s men are currently sitting third in the league standings with their tally of 26 points from their first 13 games as Leicester City occupy top spot, and Manchester United sit second. There is a gap of only two points between the Foxes and the Citizens and by no means there is a clear contender for the league title so far.

Premier League title race is as open as it has ever been as Chelsea struggle with their own malaise, Liverpool continues to learn under Jurgen Klopp, Manchester United attempt to string together a series of coherent displays and Arsenal struggle to confront their familiar failings. Tottenham Hotspur have shined under the management of Mauricio Pochettino and are regarded amongst the teams capable of taking home the title.

However, Manchester City still remain the strongest side in the English top flight, and if they manage to get their first team in top shape, then they would be hard to defeat. Vincent Kompany, Sergio Aguero and David Silva are all struggling with injuries while Joe Hart has been added to the injury list during the Juventus clash.

Raheem Sterling and Kevin De Bruyne are yet to live to the billing, and once Pellegrini has all his men at his disposal, Manchester City can be expected to start firing from all cylinders again.