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Dwight Howard’s Kobe Diss & Lark Voorhies Corn Chip Penis

So singer Sinead O’Connor apparently overdosed then went to report about it on social media, Dwight Howard disses Kobe Bryant, Lark Voorhies talks about her ex’s corn chip smelling penis, and Porsha Williams talks up her brawl with “Real Housewives of Atlanta” Cynthia Bailey.

Sinead O’Connor Attempted Suicide; Announced it on Facebook?

The singer is known to many as the woman who ripped a picture of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live Performance, one of her performances back in the 90’s. And just has she garnered a lot of attention then, she is back in the news. This time around, it has everything to do with an attempted suicide.

She posted a message to her fans on her Facebook page over the weekend while in Ireland.

“I have taken an overdose. There is no other way to get respect…If I wasn’t posting this, my kids and family wouldn’t even find out. I’m such a rotten horrible mother and Person, that I’ve been alone. Howling crying for weeks. I’m invisible. I don’t matter a shred to anyone.”

As of this writing, according to Irish news outlets, she has received medical attention and is “safe and sound.” It is always a touché situation when these kinds of things happen, and there is no doubt that she is in a bad state. I hope she gets the help she needs and reconciles whatever she feels she needs to with her family.

dwight howard kobe diss 2015 gossipDwight Howard Disses Kobe Bryant?

Clearly the former Orlando Magic and Laker feels a certain kind of way about Kobe Bryant. He had a hard time the year he was in Los Angeles and the rumors that swirled cited his and Kobe’s relationship or lack thereof as the root. He left on a somewhat sour note and is still singing a tune that pits him against the Black Mamba.

Dwight was recently asked after a game if he learned anything from Kobe, which is an especially interesting question with Kobe announcing that he is retiring at the end of this season. Howard, ever the pouting toddler, answered:

“Awww man. We’re going to go to the next question.”

Really Dwight? He went on to say that, “He’s one of the greatest to play the game,” which is particularly telling being that most consider him the greatest since Jordan and Howard obviously can’t bring himself to give that sentiment.

Kobe announced yesterday in a poetic letter titled “Dear Basketball” that although his mind and his heart are in it and wants to play, his body ultimately had the last say.

“…You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream. And I’ll always love you for it. But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer. This season is all I have left to give. My heart can take the pounding. My mind can handle the grind. But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye.”

Oh, Kobe, ever the poet.

lark voorhies corn chip penis 2015 gossipLark Voorhies’ Failing Marriage lead to Instagram Diss?

Okay, so there really is no surprise that this didn’t last. Oh come on, I know I am not the only one. We all figured that Lark Voorhies would come to her senses sooner or later and realize that her marriage to Jimmy Green wasn’t the best idea.

Lark has been silent about her divorce since it was announced last month, but over the weekend, there was a message posted to her Instagram account in which she calls Green a “joke” among other things and makes fun of his penis.

“To whom this may concern. I am single! Jimmy couldn’t fork up a dime for our divorce. There’s an active restraining order that he continues to violate. No sex tape even physically exists. Everyone in Pasadena knows you’re a joke. Gang Member? You lost your job at Taco Bell. Your penis is NOTHING to brag about! Is it normal for a penis to smell like corn chips?”

Okay, does this sound a little fishy to you too? I mean, come on, who is  going to put their ex on blast light THAT because really, it’s a reflective of her in choosing his ass. Lark has since denied that she wrote the post and says, via Twitter, that she was hacked.

“My Instagram account was hacked; I never wrote such things!”

She filed for divorce back in October, after meeting Green on Facebook in April of 2014 and marrying him one year later. She has asked the court to deny all requests for spousal support.

porsha williams responds to rhoa cynthia bailey fight 2015 gossipPorsha Williams Responds During Televised Fight with Cynthia Bailey

Last night on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” we finally saw the fight that Bravo made such a ruckus about over the summer. Cynthia and Porsha went at it, but we didn’t see it on screen; we heard it, though… kind of.

Porsha tweeted about it during the airing of this week’s episode, and she was very honest about her feelings on the situation.

“I hate to be taken to that place with someone I try to support… I try… Love ya but can’t be the punching bag… is how I felt that day.”

Of course, there has been no a mention on Cynthia’s side about the situation, which if you ask me, is all her fault.

Roger Goodell Continues to Tease as NFL Los Angeles Time Line Pushed Back


Roger Goodell Continues to Tease as NFL Los Angeles Time Line Pushed Back 2015 imagesNFL owners meet again as Roger Goodell continues dragging feet on Los Angeles

We all know Roger Goodell is going to do what he wants and couldn’t care less about what you, I, the players, the teams, common sense, or human decency have to say about it, but he is once again pissing off fans with his indecisiveness and overall lethargic attitude about the whole moving a team to Los Angeles thing.

Just make up your mind. That’s really all we ask.

We’ve been keeping you all up to date with the saga; however, things just seem to get more and more convoluted every day as teams continue to get added to the conversation. Because Goodell has not made an official statement about the situation, it’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s not.

At this point, the consensus is that either the St. Louis Rams or both the Oakland Raiders and San Diego Chargers will be playing in the City of Angeles come 2016. However, there have been rumors as crazy as the Rams’ owner seeking to buy the Denver Broncos and move them. A Broncos official shot that one down on Twitter this past week.

With the NFL owners convening in Dallas this week to discuss the move once again, rumor now has it that the whole situation is in gridlock, and no team will be calling Los Angeles home until 2017.

Good Lord, Goodell, you need to make up your mind.

Rams owner Stan Kroenke has made it clear that he wants to be in L.A. next season. It’s his team, and he’s actually made a decision, so I say let him do it.

At this point, it’s like a huge game of phone tag. The Rams, Raiders, and Chargers all have their own ideas about how this move can happen and be streamlined. At this point, we’re just waiting for a breakthrough.

I’ll keep you all updated on what’s actually happening, as always; however, just remember that the past 20 years of rumors has taught us one thing: no team is moving to Los Angeles until they actually, physically move to Los Angeles.

Turning the Tables on ISIS Technology


Turning the Tables on ISIS Technology 2015 imagesCan the United States out tech ISIS?

ISIS also known as the Islamic State, known for its gratuitous violence against so-called non-believers of its brand of Islam is slowly spreading its influence all over the world, through technology. As previously mentioned in thousands of articles, ISIS has been busy. ISIS has been procreating. Increasing its ranks by convincing susceptible individuals into joining their cause through the use of the internet and social media. ISIS has been reportedly using Twitter for propaganda and recruitment. ISIS has been uploading to YouTube and other video sites to spread videos of their executions to strike terror to the world. ISIS has been reportedly using Telegram, an encrypted messaging app to communicate with its members and the app was allegedly used in the Paris attacks. Even innocent forms of entertainment such as the Playstation 4 and PSN have been reported as being used by the terrorist group. Since ISIS has become so proficient at technology and using it to recruit, could technology also be the instrument to bring them down? Can the US and other countries and realize how to make technology work against the Islamic State?

“The ISIS social-media campaign is a fundamental game changer in terms of mobilizing people to an extremist cause…You are seeing foreign fighters from 80 or 90 countries. In terms of numbers and diversity, it has been quite stunning.”

–Amarnath ­Amarasingam, Researcher, University of Waterloo

No matter how many airstrikes are sent against ISIS, as long as fresh troops keep pushing in, the Islamic State can go on indefinitely. Also, ISIS is not bound by borders. Even if coalition forces nuke parts of Iraq and Syria and take out ISIS bases, as long as the leadership exists, they can transfer the caliphate to Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan or to any country where you wouldn’t think they’d be. So long as they can communicate, get funds and recruit, ISIS goes on. ISIS has already lured over 20,000 fighters from neighboring countries and even from other continents. There have been fighters from Europe and even the US, radicalized by recruiters online by preying through psychological backdoors turning once decent individuals into bloodthirsty, sadistic killers either out of fear or their own free will. It’s even easier on individuals who are already on the point of radicalization, those with sociopathic issues and even those actively seeking ISIS out to join. If the United States is a melting pot of various nationalities united under the banner of freedom and perceived economic prosperity, ISIS allegedly united over 80 nationalities through religion. The US has strict rules for entry but for ISIS, the prospect of looted treasures, power, the desire to join their brand of Islam and the lack of squeamishness in killing, then joining is easy.

What’s important in any war, however, is not just resources, but communication. Remove the ability to effectively communicate and coordinate or at least find out how and intercept, the war is lost. Man cannot build his tower to reach God if everyone cannot understand each other. The Germans would not have lost World War II if the Enigma machine was not captured and decoded. The US campaign in the Pacific theater was made easier through Navajo code talkers as shown in the 2002 movie Windtalkers.

After the Paris attacks, the hacktivist group Anonymous declared war on ISIS and promised to take down websites and Twitter accounts, which they did by taking down ISIS related websites, taking down over 5,000 Twitter accounts and releasing several names of ISIS members and supporters. No further news so far on Anonymous’ end and ISIS is so confident that they called the hacktivist group a bunch of idiots.

Which means, Anonymous has a long way to go. According to reports, a large percentage of the Twitter accounts they dug up were not all related to ISIS but every little bit helps. A few groups, however, composed of more rational Muslims battle the online group head on. They do this by intervening on the process of radicalization of their fellow Muslims, who are more susceptible to ISIS propaganda which, despite ISIS hardline brand of Islam, are designed to be more secular and attractive to the youth which comprises many of those migrating to Syria. Many of those involved in the Paris attacks were below 30 years old. These rational Muslim groups intercept tweets or messages from those who seem to be on their way to be radicalized and convince them to think hard or seek help. In relation to this, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue in London was successful in using Facebook to locate people at risk of radicalization. These are strategies that need refinement and further implementation. Unlike the passive strategies of the NSA that concentrated on the collection of data yet they kept on missing signs of attacks. The US government is currently pushing the removal of encrypted communication as ISIS thrives on it by using apps such as Telegram. The pitch, however, does not sit well with privacy groups.

A more active and filtered monitoring needs to be done by the NSA as opposed to its mass-data collection. If it’s any way possible for the NSA to mimic the active monitoring done by SHIELD as shown in the film Incredible Hulk in detecting the communication between Mr. Green and Mr. Blue, as well as the active monitoring done by Peter Gabriel’s group in Live Free and Die Hard, then there’s a fighting chance to keep thousands of misguided individuals from migrating to Syria or stop them from conducting group or lone-wolf attacks locally. Another way to fight ISIS online is for social media companies such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to take a more active role in removing ISIS-related propaganda wherever they find it.

Yes. It’s possible to turn the tables on ISIS in terms of technology. If they use technology to spread propaganda to those who would listen, then everyone else can use technology to spread the voice of reason to that same group of people eager to join the Islamic State. ISIS itself did say what technologies they use (Telegram, Encryption, VPNs) and where they go (TOR, Deep Web) to avoid Anonymous. Western Intelligence can take it from there.

Good Guy Mark Richt parts ways with Georgia Bulldogs

Good Guy Mark Richt parts ways with Georgia Bulldogs 2015 imagesGood Guy Mark Richt parts ways with Georgia Bulldogs 2015 imagesIf I’ve read it once I’ve read it a thousand times, “But Mark Richt is such a good guy.” That has been the response to calls to fire the University of Georgia’s head football coach each time he has been on the hot seat.

Richt defenders felt like their guy made up for any shortfalls as a coach with the way he carried himself and represented his university.

Those defenders couldn’t stop Richt’s departure from UGA on Sunday, which according to a statement from the university was a mutual decision. ESPN reported earlier today that Richt was fired, however.

Whether coach Richt was fired or the two sides did agree that it was best for him to step down, the fact is that UGA will start the search for a new coach immediately. Kirby Smart, a former Dawg player and current Bama defensive coordinator, looks to be the front-runner.

Richt ends his 15-year campaign at Georgia with a 145-51-0 record, a 74 percent win percentage, which is fifth best among active FBS coaches. Good, very good actually, just not good enough to keep his job this time.

The problem Mark Richt faced was two-fold, unrealistic expectations from Dawg fans and playing in the most competitive conference in the nation.

Let me handle the first part. I have no idea why UGA fans expect Georgia to win the national title on a semi-regular basis. The last time the school won the championship was 1980. Since that time Georgia has seen hated rival Georgia Tech win the title, Bama has won it four times, while even BYU and Washington managed to win it all. It should be clear to all rational football fans that Georgia isn’t a national power. UGA just does not win national championships.

It didn’t happen before Mark Richt rolled into Athens and it didn’t happen on his watch either.

That said, Richt did do a great job of recruiting top players and UGA ranked fourth (tied with Alabama) in the number of alumni on NFL rosters at the start of the 2015 season. So he should have done more with his talent, but UGA fans just were unrealistic about winning a national title. Instead of seeing it as an expectation, they should have seen it as a bonus.

It’s hard enough to just win the SEC East, much less get through the obstacle course of votes needed to be in a BCS title game. Richt won the SEC title twice, which was two more than the two coaches preceding him. Still that wasn’t enough for some Georgia fans.

Schools like Ohio State, Florida State, and Oklahoma have a big advantage over SEC schools. They don’t have to play in the slaughterhouse that is the SEC. These ACC schools and teams from the Big 12 can just cruise through their weaker competition and hope to get a win in one big game at the end.

No way in hell Ohio State would ever go undefeated in the SEC. Never.

It may sound like I’m making excuses for a guy that was making nearly four million dollars a year. I’m not. If the fan base wants more out of their program, then I’ve no problem with his firing or him agreeing to step down as head coach.

Go find someone who can get over the hump. Just don’t expect to get over that hump with a guy with a heavy sack of morals. Mark Richt was a good guy trying to run a franchise that’s part of a dirty business. Filthy actually.

Examples are easy to find. FSU has competed for a national title the past couple of years as their players’ rap sheets stretch ever further. Mark Richt wouldn’t even defend Todd Gurley for signing a few autographs for pay, yet Jimbo Fisher stood by his QB Jameis Winston, who shoplifted, embarrassed his school with idiotic antics, and was accused of rape.

Morals and college football do not mix. Getting the axe at Georgia may be the best thing that has ever happened to Mark Richt in the long run. It had to be a lot of stress going to work every day knowing he had to compete against the dirtiest players in the game if he wanted to get to the top of the mountain.

The statement from UGA states that Richt will be offered another position at the school if he desires that option. I don’t see that happening. If the point is to win at all costs, UGA doesn’t need Mark Richt and his morals in the way at any level. Maybe a cushy job in the American Lit department until he can draw a full pension would work best.

The folks that have defended Richt in the past have been defeated by the fans that would chip in for hookers and cocaine parties if it meant UGA getting the best recruits each year.

Gone from Georgia is a good guy trying to win a game that’s rigged against good guys. Let’s watch what happens over the next four years to see if it was the right decision. If Georgia isn’t being investigated for violating major NCAA rules, then the right coach has not been hired. If the Dawgs do find themselves in hot water with the NCAA, then that means they have had a real shot at the national championship under the new head coach.

The Max 360 Will Give You Piece Of Mind While Saving You Money

This post brought to you by Escort Radar + Laser Detectors. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Movie TV Tech Geeks.

Escort Radar’s new Max 360 radar and laser detector is yet another tech gadget that is able to relieve some stresses that many people encounter on a daily basis. Basically, the Max 360 is a system using Escort’s exclusive Defender Database of active red light and speed camera locations. The system alerts drivers when they are approaching speed traps or speed surveillance cameras.

Additionally, the new updated system now has built-in Bluetooth technology that allows you to access a network of other radar users on your smartphone. Through their award-winning “social network for the road” Escort Live! App, you can connect with other detector users. In the app, you can get information about the local speed limits, get speeding alerts and report or receive warnings about local areas where roads are being monitored for speeding.

With the advances in technology, drivers face an increasing amount of ways to be ticketed. Whether it be a radar and laser guns, red light cameras, air patrol, photo radar (speed cameras) or the traditional cop car on the road, drivers are having to become hyper aware of their surroundings which can often be difficult when trying to focus on safely getting from A to B. Therefore, the Escort Radar Max 360 helps alleviate these extra stresses on drivers, as it delivers pinpoint precision that alerts drivers of speed traps and cameras quicker and with more accuracy than any other technology on the market today.

With a technology so useful and relevant to everybody’s daily routine, it has become a misconception that using radar and laser detection for speed traps is illegal. However, in general, this is not the case. The Max 360 is completely legal for use in non-commercial vehicles in 49 states (as it is currently prohibited in Virginia and Washington, D.C.).

The database used to run the Max 360 is constantly updated, which allows you to keep up to date with the increasing presence of red light and fixed speed cameras in the US. Therefore, for a minimal subscription charge, Escort ensures your system is kept up-to-date with all camera threats when driving.

This system is not simply for drivers who consider themselves “speeders,” as it can benefit drivers who are regularly commuting and may be driving through roads where speed limits change without their awareness. Ultimately, even if you are a cautious driver who doesn’t speed you are still at risk to get ticketed, as the National Motorist Association estimates that 1/3 of all citations given for speed-related violations are products of inaccurate accusations.

Thus, even cautious drivers can’t avoid the threat of being ticketed. On average, driving tickets cost drivers $150 – totaling up to over $6 billion in fees being collected for speeding a year. In addition, it is not only the amount of the ticket that driver’s are facing, as the average insurance increase over three years from a single ticket is $900. Meaning that based on the value equation of a detector, the Max 360 pays for itself by saving a driver from only one ticket.

While technology has increased the presence of speed monitoring systems, it has also allowed for Escort to create revolutionary technology with the Max 360. The Max 360 has power, precision and 360-degree protection, which is unparalleled by any other product in the industry. It features arrow indicators that show the direction of the radar source for complete protection.

The system also has a dual antenna front and rear detection feature that detects surrounding threats. With its GPS-powered AutoLearn technology, the Max 360 intelligently filters out false alerts based on their signal frequency and location. The product also has Digital Signal Processing, which provides users with extreme range and lightning fast responses.

Lastly, Escort is so confident with the Max 360 that they are offering customers a “Speeding Ticket Limited Guarantee,” which promises to pay for any speeding ticket (both radar and laser) that a user receives after purchasing a system factory direct. Escort is also offering to buy old detectors from customers and give them credit towards their purchase of a new and improved console.

The machine itself has been getting rave reviews from industry experts. Speed Measurement Laboratory Inc. comments: “In 30 years of impartial testing, we haven’t seen the astoundingly accurate reporting range or the immediacy of alert by any other system.”

The all-new Escort Max 360 is available now for $649.95. After buying the console, users can opt to purchase an additional 24-month service plan and a 1 or 3-year upgrade that allows them to receive weekly speed trap and camera updates.

We’ll be getting a chance to test drive the Escort Max 360 and let you know our own personal reactions to it. In the meantime, check them at Escort 360, and from the sound of it, this sounds like one tech item we’ll be adding to our must-have holiday wish list.

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La Liga Game Week 13 Soccer Review


la liga game week 13 soccer review 2015 imagesIt was a routine game week for the top three teams in the Spanish league. Barcelona continues to lead the La Liga table with 33 points followed by Atletico Madrid, who have accumulated 29 points. Rafa Benitez’s Real Madrid are six points behind the Catalan giants at the third spot.

Barcelona’s attacking trio consisting of Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar ran riot against Real Sociedad on Saturday. The Catalan giants won 4 – 0 at Camp Nou with Messi and Suarez getting one goal each and Neymar scoring a brace. The Brazilian ace is now leading the La Liga goal-scoring chart with 14 goals. The former Liverpool striker, Luis Suarez, is second in the standings with 12 goals in 13 games for Barca.

Real Madrid grabbed an away victory at Eibar at the weekend. Los Blancos won 2 – 0 with goals from Gareth Bale and Cristiano Ronaldo. The ten-time European champions can’t afford to drop more points if they want to stay in contention for the league title.

Atletico Madrid also clinched all three points in the home fixture against Espanyol. Antoine Griezmann’s third-minute goal was enough to seal the victory at Vicente Calderon. Diego Simeone’s men travel to Granada for their next fixture in the La Liga.

Valencia lost 1 – 0 to the hosts Sevilla at the weekend. Valencia’s Cavaco Cancelo got his marching orders in the 35th minute of the game which impacted on their chances of returning home with a positive result. Sevilla’s Escudero scored after the half-time break, but the nail in the coffin was Fuego Martínez’s sending off in the 78th minute of the match.

Following the disastrous result, Valencia coach Nuno Espirito Santo resigned from the helm at Valencia. Nuno leads his side to a fourth-place finish last season, but Valencia are currently struggling in the mid-table. Valencia are only a place Sevilla, who are 10th in the La Liga table.

“I ask that the fans continue to support the youngest squad in La Liga. Tomorrow we will give more details.

“I understand that the issue is pertinent, but I do not want to say too much in this regard. It is important that Valencianismo continues to be united and believes in this project for the present and the future.

“Tomorrow we will have a meeting with the owner to decide about the future. The players did not know anything about the matter.

“I have only spoken with the owner and the chairwoman. In the game, we were adversely affected by the sending off. We found things hard after that.”

The 41-year-old added: “Nobody gives up here, and the players are a solid, cooperative unit. We have been a reflection of that during this period.

“I am sad, as I have always felt a strong identification with Valencia CF. We have achieved important things for the club, including the highest points total in Valencia CF’s history. I hope that I have given the players something to improve them and benefit their futures.

“I want to thank everybody for every day that I have spent at Valencia CF. It has been an honour and a source of pride for me.

“I have spoken personally with the owner and the chairwoman, and we are all in agreement that this is a project for both the present and the future. I do not want this to stop; I want Valencia to get back amongst the biggest sides in Europe.”

Valencia plays host to the league leaders, Barcelona, and the former Manchester United player, Phil Neville, is currently the caretaker manager at the Mestalla.

Ballon d’Or 2015: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi & Neymar shortlisted


Ballon dOr 2015 Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi Neymar soccer imagesThe usual suspects – Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi – have yet again made it in the three-man shortlist for the 2015 Ballon d’Or. The duo will be joined by the Brazilian ace Neymar for the ceremony in Zurich on January 11, 2016.

FIFA have whittled down their 23-men list for the 2015 Ballon d’Or award. Lionel Messi is the favorite to win the accolade as his scintillating performances helped Barcelona to win yet another historic treble last season. The diminutive Argentine was outstanding and overshadowed the brilliant displays of teammates Luis Suarez and Neymar. The Barcelona stalwart bagged 58 goals and 27 assists in 57 appearances in all competitions. Messi already holds the record for the most wins in the competition, and he’d be ready to win his fifth Ballon d’Or next year.

Cristiano Ronaldo has won three Ballon d’Or trophies and is chasing Messi’s record of four wins. The Portuguese skipper scored 61 goals and provided 21 assists in his 54 appearances for Real Madrid in all competitions last season. Based on his individual performance last season, the 30-year-old forward presents a good case for himself and he would be looking forward to winning his fourth Ballon d’Or. Although, it seems highly unlikely that he’d win the trophy as Los Blancos failed to win any silverware at the end of the 2014/15 campaign.

Neymar was the joint-third top scorer in La Liga last term. He netted 22 goals in the Spanish league and gave some match winning performances for Luis Enrique’s side which won the treble. The 23-year-old was the top scorer in the Champions League last season with ten goals. Neymar ends the eight-year period without any Brazilian player in the top three. The last Brazilian to be shortlisted for the award was Kaká in 2007, who eventually won it ahead of Messi and Ronaldo.

Luis Suarez will not be on the podium in Zurich but the Uruguayan striker was nothing short of sensational last year, and he is continuing his form this season. For the sixth year in a row, the three-man Ballon d’Or shortlist doesn’t include a player from the Premier League. Among the top five European leagues, five players from the English league, six from the Bundesliga and 11 from the Spanish league were included into the 23-man list.

The women’s nominees for their respective prize are the USA’s Carli Lloyd, Japan’s Aya Miyama and Germany’s Celia Sasic.

‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ 804 Another Porsha Williams Brawl

Real Housewives of Atlanta 804 Another Porsha Williams Brawl 2015 images“The Real Housewives of Atlanta” finally gave us some real drama this week. Well, to be truthful, it alluded to some real drama. We finally got to see the much talked about “fight” between Porsha and Cynthia and to say that it was disappointing is an understatement.

Yes, I say disappointing because while I am not about women fighting on TV, if you are going to advertise it and let them do it, let it be good (that’s ratched, huh). Anyway, here is what went down and led up to the altercation.

Kenya throws a party on a yacht for her friend Cynthia who is obviously going through a tough time in her marriage. We first see her walking to Sharee’s house. She figures since she’s actually there, she might as well drop in to say hi. She sees Chateau Sharee and that thing is beautiful. I really do hope she gets’s it finished (which may be the reason she is back on the show) because that thing is gorgeous. While Kenya invites her to the yacht party, the two make a bet on who’s house will be finished first. Or rather, who will obtain a certificate of occupancy first. The loser has to clean the other’s house.

Kim Fields has a play date with Phaedra and her kids, and it turns into a real moment for her. Phaedra asks her what she does for fun, or what she does for her and everything Kim says centers around her husband, kids or career. This self-revelation saddens her, and she cries as Phaedra encourages her to do things for her. She tells her it’s alright they will get back to their selves together and Kim feels like a friendship with the entertainment lawyer is a great start for her.

Phaedra is just the friend of the night as she also helps Porsha pick out some sexy face-time attire that she can wear for her next online session with Duke. The only thing is that the NFL player never gets to see what she got because he “stands her up.” Porsha calls Phaedra who tells her obviously the thrill is gone and it’s time to move on because “life is too short to be unhappy.” I hear you on that Phae Phae.

The big event of the night is Kenya’s yacht party and everyone attends, accept Phaedra and we aren’t told why she’s not there. The ladies are picked up in a Mercedes van that shuttles them to the spot. It is a beautiful day and everyone looks forward to letting loose and having a good time. Especially Cynthia, who the trip is for and who also has a little too much to drink, which leads to the run in with Porsha.

And let’s talk about what happened. Tensions were already high because Porsha invited Shamea, who if you remember, shaded the hell out of Kenya at her event by asking if her products were for drinking since they “smell like water.” Kenya asks why she’s there and tells Porsha that it was an invite-only affair and not “open” as the radio host suggests. That’s the first thing. They get really drunk as buff men serve them COCK… tails (their joke). And it is clear that Cynthia, in particular, is super lit.

As Kenya speaks to the women about what they are all there for she mentions how Shamea tried to come for her at her product launch, and that’s when it all heats up. Shamea, who clearly is out of line, continues to insult her, calling her “Miss America” and Kenya is done. She wants her off the boat and goes to the captain to have him escort her to shore. While she does that, Cynthia seeks to help her friend and Porsha says, “yes go see about her best friend” to which Cyn says that Kenya has a lot of “best friends” that don’t always act like friends or something like that. Porsha says, “whatever bitch” clearly joking, but Cynthia doesn’t take it that way.

The model gets all in Porsha’s face. She demands that she respect her by not calling her out of her name. Porsha is floored as she is just playing and asks Cynthia, “are you serious right now?” They go back and forth and Kenya comes over to break it up. Kim takes Cynthia to the other side of the boat and Kenya and Sheree tell Kenya to apologize. But she doesn’t feel she did anything wrong, however, since she doesn’t want there to be a misunderstanding, she goes to Cynthia who does not want to hear what she has to say. In fact, she get’s pretty belligerent with her which prompts Porsha to call her “fake as fuck.” The next thing we see are Kenya and them on the other side of the boat looking in their direction asking, “are they fighting” and running to them.

Now, for the record here, Porsha is being the bigger person in this situation, and it is super petty and embarrassing for Cynthia to go off on her. She is too drunk, and it obviously gets to her. Porsha even tries to apologize to her that she took it the wrong way, and Cynthia is just too out of it to think straightly. Thus, the situation is her fault, and she is the one in the wrong.

We have to wait until next week to see what happened but from what they showed us, Porsha is the one who had to be restrained. This time, it wasn’t her being kept away from Kenya Moore but Cynthia Baily. Who’s next for this girl, Kandi?

New Orleans Saints Keep Imploding Without Rob Ryan


New Orleans Saints Keep Imploding Without Rob Ryan 2015 nfl images

Now it’s the Offense: New Orleans Saints Continue to Implode Even without Rob Ryan

Even I can’t put this one on Rob Ryan.

The New Orleans Saints offense did its best 2007 Detroit Lions impersonation in their 24-6 loss to the Houston Texans Sunday. It wasn’t pretty. At all. In fact, it was arguably the worst offensive performance the Saints have had in the Drew Brees-Sean Payton era.

J.J. Watt and the Texans defense clearly had the Saints numbered, and for the first time since Brees and Payton joined forces, the offense was unable to break the goal line, ending both Brees’ personal streak of 45 straight games with a touchdown pass as well as the franchise’s streak of 155 straight games with a touchdown—the second-longest such streak in league history.

So what does it mean? Well, a couple of things.

First off, the Saints are officially done for the year. They may as well aim for a top five draft pick at this point. Actually, they may have started doing that after the embarrassment against the Washington Redskins a few weeks ago.

Second, this team needs to clean house, especially if head coach Sean Payton leaves after this season. Everyone wants Payton, he’s supposedly pretty upset with the whole ownership situation, and Tom Benson will reportedly let him test the market after this season.

If Payton leaves, the entire staff needs to follow or be fired. It was very clear on a number of drives that Rob Ryan wasn’t the problem—years of poor free agency moves and draft picks on defense are coming back to bite. The offensive line sucked, Brees played about as poor of a game as we’ve seen him play since coming to New Orleans, and the Saints need to just call it quits.

Alas, let’s end on a high note. Kicker Kai Forbath hit a 57-yarder. So until his next miss when everyone’s calling for his head again, the Saints may have actually found a reliable kicker, something they haven’t had since Garrett Hartley went downhill after the Super Bowl.

Other than that, it’s rebuilding time yet again in the Big Easy.

NBA Recap: Golden State Streak Continues & Philly Failing


nba recap golden state warriors keep streak alive 2015 steph curryThe last week of NBA action was a historic one as the Golden State Warriors both tied and broke the record for most wins to start an NBA season. Their much-documented win streak has made them the favorites to win the championship this season, an expectation that was formerly placed on the Cleveland Cavaliers. However, Golden State’s incredible streak, one that has seen them go 18-0, is certainly not the only news in the association.

In the Northwest Division, the OKC Thunder have taken control for the time being. Considered major favorites pre-season, OKC did not get off to a wonderful start. However, following a four-game win streak the Thunder have improved to 11-6 on the year and they have opened up a two-game lead over the Utah Jazz.

San Antonio, themselves in the middle of a winning streak, are also opening up a divisional lead. The Spurs have won five straight and they are comfortable front-runners in the Southwest, with a four-game lead over the Dallas Mavericks. Other divisional leaders include the Toronto Raptors in the Atlantic (1.5-game lead), Cleveland in the Central (2-game lead), and Miami in the Southeast (1-game lead).

At the polar opposite of Golden State and the other divisional leaders, one finds a franchise making news for all the wrong reasons. The Philadelphia 76ers recently tied a mark for futility to start an NBA season, going 0-18 following an 8-point loss to the Memphis Grizzlies.

But if being an all-time great loser was not bad enough press, Jahlil Okafor, a Philly rookie, added more woeful headlines to Philly’s current rap. The No. 3 pick from the most recent NBA draft participated in a street fight over the last week outside of a Boston bar. TMZ broke the video related to the story, one where Okafor seems to be bragging about how rich he is relative to some guy on the street, one that Okafor called both “broke ass” and the N-word.

While the Golden State record and the Okafor fail were the major news stories earlier, the biggest recent news comes out of Los Angeles. According to NBA.com, Kobe Bryant has announced his retirement following the end of the current season. With this year’s Lakers struggling for victories at just 2-13, it seems unlikely that the guard will end his career in the playoffs.

Looking ahead this week, NBA news promises to centralize on Golden State. The Warriors’ winning streak is tops to start a season, but Steph Curry has announced that they are also focused on topping a decades-old record set by the Lakers in the early 1970s. If the Warriors can win 33 games in a row, then they will match the record for longest winning streak at any point in the season.

Upcoming games include one on Monday as Golden State will be in Utah (9 pm ET). Subsequently the Warriors will head to Charlotte for a game on Wednesday (7 pm ET).

Other intriguing games this week include one between San Antonio and the Chicago Bulls. Those two teams will lock up on Monday night at 8 pm ET. On Thursday, the Thunder will be in a Miami in a game that looks to feature two division leaders (7 pm ET).

NFL Winners & Losers Week 12 2015


nfl winners losers week 12 2015 brock osweiler imagesWeek 12 NFL Winners Losers

Time for another round of winners and losers in the NFL. This time around we have to include Thanksgiving day games which usually suck. That held true for the most part this year, especially for the Cowboys on the holiday game.

Another undefeated team fell thanks to the efforts of upstart quarterback Edward Cullen (Brock Alan Osweiler) leading the Broncos to an SNF overtime win.

nfl week 12 winners losers 2015 imagesAlso, this season may go down as the year of the injury with week after week of bad news from the medical staffs. I even got a paper cut making notes during a 4 pm game. Still, we must carry on no matter how banged up we are here at Movietvtechgeeks.com.

NFL Grown Man of the Week: No doubt who owned the grown man award this week. Josh Norman not only shut down Dez Bryant on Thanksgiving Day for all the turkey eating world to see, he also owned the mic afterwards. Norman told the locker room media that Dallas should ask for a $70 million refund from Bryant if that effort was all he had. Where the hell did this corner come from? The kid is making a name for himself on the field and topping that off with some serious smack after he dominates.

NFL Child of the Week: This has to go to the TV networks who insist on doing the ridiculous post-game Thanksgiving Day feast for game MVPs. It’s so painful to watch. Just interview the players like normal and pretend it’s not national “feed your face day.” It’s embarrassing and truly amazing no one in TV land realizes how trite this is. We’ve seen this act. Please move on.

Winner: Cam Newton rolled into Texas and ripped apart the Cowboys. Actually Tony Romo did that himself with three first-half interceptions in the first half. The Carolina defense may be the difference between New England good and Carlina good. Cam even got Phil Sims’ seal of approval for his celebrations. Thanks, Phil! I’m sure Cam has been waiting for that all along.

Loser: Tony Romo came back too soon. By too soon I mean in 2015. The guy could have sat out a couple more weeks but chose to come back to help his team for a shot at the postseason. It was not to be as he again broke his collarbone and is now done for the season.

Winner: Jay Cutler and the Bears have not slinked off into the abyss after a rough start. They handed Green Bay a divisional loss on Thanksgiving which does not help the Packers’ playoff set up with Minnesota winning in Atlanta.

Loser: Dez Bryant who has not performed well this year even when healthy. His latest mediocre game against Carolina just highlighted how little he’s contributed in 2015.

Winner: JJ Watt racked up two sacks as his Texans continued their winning ways with a win over the Saints 24-6. That makes it four in a row for Houston who was considered dead after a 1-4 start. Good things started happening after they shed Ryan Mallett. Coincidence? I think not.

Loser: The Atlanta Falcons should bench Matt Ryan. I realize he’s a better option than his backup. That’s obvious. I just don’t know any other way to wake Ryan up from the funk he finds himself in. He simply stinks.

Winner: Adrian Peterson ran right through the #1 rated Atlanta rushing defense for 158 and two scores. The Vikings stayed with Peterson the entire game as they salted the minutes away, not needing many points to stay ahead of the inept Atlanta offense.

Loser: Chip Kelly let his team get smacked once again. The Eagles gave up 45 points for the second week in a row. Not a positive development in a city known to show hate, even during the Christmas season.

Winner: Jeremy Maclin turned in a dominate performance against Buffalo as he tallied 160 yards and a touchdown. KC took the win 30-22 despite losing superstar linebacker Justin Houston in this one.

Loser: Jeff Fisher appeared frazzled in front of the Rams’ beat writers after his team’s efforts were questioned. St. Louis showed promise with rookie Todd Gurley showing dominance once he got in the mix. Gurley, being the only consistent offensive threat, has been held under 100 yards the past four weeks now.

Winner: The Washington Redskins beat the Giants to take control of the NFC East.

Loser: The NFC East as a whole. It’s so bad; the Cowboys are not mathematically eliminated.

Loser: Miami lost to the Jets to go 0-2 on the year to NY. Miami stands at 4-7, hope long gone from the fire lit early on by interim head coach Dan Campbell.

Winner: Russell Wilson got off against Pittsburgh to the tune of five touchdown throws. He hit Doug Baldwin for three and Jermaine Kearse for a couple on the way to Seattle’s 39-30 win over the Steelers.

Loser: Fantasy owners like myself who figured on Carson Palmer and the Cardinals racking up endless fantasy points against San Francisco. Arizona got the win but a cakewalk it wasn’t.

Winner: Brock Osweiler. Young QBs don’t beat Tom Brady, but Osweiler may be a vampire so these rules don’t apply. Denver got the big win over the Patriots in overtime with a walk-off touchdown by CJ Anderson. The Pats couldn’t move the ball at all with their only overtime possession and are undefeated no more.

Loser: Rob Gronkowski was carted off the field in Denver with a knee injury. The big man was in a lot of pain, but the hit didn’t look terrible like you might see with a player’s foot planted taking a hit. It was more of a glancing blow with Gronk’s leg still in the air. The Pats are hopeful the injury isn’t as serious as it looked from Gronk’s reaction.

‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ 1103 Rites of Passage & Tyler Henry Crossover

Tonight’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians “Rites of Passage,” was all about the family coming together to surprise Kylie Jenner as she graduates high school and Kim dealing with problems regarding her second pregnancy.

The episode begins with Kris finishing up her conversation with Scott Disick. In the previous episode, Kris was having trouble trying to get Scott to commit to his family and put effort into regaining Kourtney’s trust. Tonight, Scott is still frustrated by the situation, even though he was the one who got him into this whole mess. Kris simply tells him, “I want you to be a full-time committed, kick a** dad. They need you. They miss you.” Scott agrees but based on his track record he probably didn’t follow through on this plan for too long.

Afterward, Kris is seen with Kourtney and Khloe, as she tells them that she wants to throw a celebration for Kylie’s high school graduation next week. In addition, she also wants the party to be about Kendall as well since she didn’t get any big celebration when she graduated a year ago. Later, Kris, Khloe, and Kourtney go out for lunch and talk about the event. The two girls ask Kris if she is planning to invite Caitlyn to the graduation party. However, Kris says she doesn’t feel ready for that but also doesn’t want to upset anyone by not inviting her. During the filming of this episode, Kris had not met Caitlyn face-to-face yet and admits she is “scared to death” to do so.

Later in the episode, Khloe explains that she feels a masculine presence in her house and wonders if it could be the spirit of her late father, Robert Kardashian. Khloe invites medium Tyler Henry over to her house to see if he can sense anything. Tyler tells Khloe that he feels that she has a psychic sense to her and isn’t surprise that she feels energies on her own. While at Khloe’s house, Tyler says he smells the scent of a man’s tie. Khloe is in shock, as she explains, “My dad had hundreds of ties, and I always smell his stuff. I have a jacket and his shirts, and I haven’t ever washed them and I always smell them.”

E! is working their cross-over magic with Tyler Henry as he’s got his own reality show starting in January 2016 called appropriately enough, “Hollywood Medium.” Nice plug E!

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian is off traveling around the country to satisfy her pregnancy cravings. Kim goes to New Orleans with a couple of her friends and lets herself indulge in as much food as she wants, including three desserts in one day.

When Kim returns to Los Angeles, Kris shows concern for Kim’s behavior. However, Kim assures her she is okay and mentions that she’s “way skinnier” and “way healthier” than when she was pregnant with North.

Not long after, Kim decides to take it to a whole other level and jets off to Paris. She claims that she is going there to get fitted for some clothes to wear during her pregnancy. However, the reality star seems more excited for the Parisian cuisine and desserts – specifically cheesecake – than anything else.

After returning from her quick trip to Paris, Kim goes to her doctors with Kourtney because she is experiencing swelling in her fingers and face. At the checkup, her doctor notices there is a bit more fluid than normal in her placenta, and her blood pressure is elevated. Back at home, Kim tells her mom Kris what the doctor observed and adds, “[it either] could mean that I’m having a carb-intolerance, or I have diabetes.” Kris is concerned, as she struggled with gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with Kylie and realizes how serious it can be.

Although Kim tries to play it cool, she admits in the one-on-one confessional, “it is so frustrating that I could possibly have diabetes. I think this is just a wake-up call that things, you know, just might not be going the way that I thought they were, and I need to try and be healthy.” Fortunately, not too long after she gets a call from her doctor who informs her that she does not have diabetes. However, Kim claims that this health scare has really put things into perspective and that she is going to try and eat healthier from here on out.

The episode ends off with the extravagant graduation event. Held in Kris’ backyard, the party includes synchronized swimmers, a giant bouncy castle, and a dance floor, amongst many other things. Some big celebrities show up to the party including Kanye, Alan Thicke, Gigi Hadid, Ryan Seacrest (who hosts the gathering) and Pia Mia.

At the party, Khloe manages to guilt her mom into letting her be part of the festivities, as she didn’t get any sort of party when she graduated years ago. Therefore, Kendall, Kylie, and Khloe all end up in cap and gowns, as they celebrate their achievements.

Next Week on Keeping Up with the Kardashians:

The next episode dives back into the tension between Kris and Caitlyn. It seems to show a lot of what has already been seen on I Am Cait, but this time around it is from Kris’ perspective. It looks like the exes are using their reality TV shows to get their side of the story out there, and I bet E! is more than happy to accommodate this. Meanwhile, Kylie gears up to celebrate her 18th birthday.

You can catch the new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians next Sunday, December 6th.