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Buffalo Bills Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs


Buffalo Bills Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs

It was a long, stressful offseason for the Buffalo Bills and their fans heading into the 2014 NFL season. Ralph Wilson, the Bills founder and the only owner the team has ever known, died on March 25, 2014. Immediately after Wilson’s death, rumors arose that the team would be relocated across the border to Toronto, Canada. The team was left under the control of Ralph’s wife, Mary Wilson, who was instructed to sell the team with the precondition that it be kept in Buffalo.

buffalo bills sammy watkins treasure for nfl 2015

It was hard for fans in Buffalo to focus on football again until the Bills drafted Sammy Watkins with the fourth pick in the 2014 NFL Draft. That was around the time that the city and fan base really started to get behind their team, and the Bills responded well to all the passion and support.

buffalo bills beat crap out of miami dolphins 2015 images

The Bills were expected to do worse than their 6-10 record from 2013, but with the fans behind them the team won the first two games of the season, including an impressive 29-10 victory over the Miami Dolphins in the Bills home opener.

terrence pegula buys buffalo bills nfl 2015

Heading into Week 6 the Bills were sold to natural gas baron Terrence Pegula who was determined to keep the team in Buffalo where it belongs. The Bills went on to finish 9-7 on the season—not bad for a team that was supposed to struggle to win a game.

buffalo bills head coach rex ryan killing nfl 2015

The Bills are looking good heading into 2015. With new head coach Rex Ryan and a little bit of help from the draft, the Bills could find themselves in the playoffs for the first time since the 90s. The Bills already have a championship defense, but the offense could certainly use some tweaking. Here are the Buffalo Bills biggest needs heading into the 2015 NFL Draft:

cj spiller booted from buffalo bills 2015

Running Back: Early indications suggest that C.J. Spiller will be leaving Buffalo this season as a free agent, and Fred Jackson is 34 making him one of the oldest running backs in the league. Jackson is still performing at a very high level, and the Bills should have no problem squeezing at least one more solid season out of him. By using a 3rd or 4th round selection to pick up a rookie running back the Bills could be set for set for years to come after Jackson retires. A rookie running back could certainly learn a lot from an old workhorse like Jackson, and the Bills

fred jackson oldest running back in nfl buffalo bills 2015

Offensive Line: The Bills finished 25th in the league in rushing last season, and for a team with two quality running backs that’s pretty bad. Obviously there’s no way that’s all on Spiller and Jackson, so the Bills will need to bolster their offensive line if they want any chance of success in the run game in 2015. On top of that, the Bills still don’t have a franchise quarterback; so the one they use will most likely need all the help he can get. Look for the Bills to get a few young offensive linemen ready to start right out of college.

kyle orton okay quarterback for buffalo bills 2015

Quarterback: The Bills have had problems finding a franchise quarterback for years. Ryan Fitzpatrick was a joke, and E.J. Manuel has not worked out so far. Kyle Orton did pretty well stepping in as the starting quarterback, but he is not the solution either. The Bills don’t have a first round pick in 2015 because of their trade during last year’s draft to acquire Sammy Watkins, so trading up to grab a top quarterback would cost way too much for the Bills. At this point, the Bills best shot would be drafting a young quarterback like Cody Fajardo out of Nevada and training him. Unfortunately, this also means that the Bills will be without a quality quarterback this season; but Rex Ryan will probably find a way to deal with that.

So Who Really Wins With Net Neutrality?


fcc tom wheeler passes net neutrality 2015

The word ‘net neutrality’ have been thrust upon us from the media and everyone making it sound like it’s something that absolutely must happen now. Whenever messages are thrust this hard at me, it always makes me take a step back to see why it’s being pushed so hard with that element of fear attached. As we know, politics always adds that fear element to make their case sound even stronger. The words sound great as everyone likes to be neutral these days, and the thought of having your cable company be able to just throw a switch and slow your internet speed down for no reason sounds scary. Frankly, the only one that really screamed about this was NetFlix, and I can’t recount a single cable customer bringing charges against their service operator for doing this.

So, now that net neutrality has passed the FCC, what does that mean for us everyday people? Not a whole heck of  alot!

Net neutrality doesn’t fix the most pressing problem with our internet service.

On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission officially approved net neutrality regulations intended to protect consumers and businesses from internet service providers.

The new rules, broadly outlined earlier this month by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, will restrict ISPs like Comcast and Time Warner from blocking or slowing down traffic to certain websites, or allowing certain companies to pay extra for better treatment.

These regulations are positive step, but those swept up by the hype might end up disappointed when the real thing finally arrives. That’s because net neutrality doesn’t seriously address anything cable companies are currently doing, nor will it help with the number one issue most people care about: the price and quality of their service.

who wins with net neutrality 2015

What Net Neutrality Really Does

Let’s start with the restrictions against blocking or slowing down websites. It’s obviously good that cable companies will now be prevented from actively censoring content, but this isn’t something ISPs ever actually practiced.

“I think it’s funny that the three big rules are no blocking, no throttling, no paid prioritization,” Dan Rayburn, principal analyst at Frost & Sullivan and owner of StreamingMedia.com, told MONEY. “That’s all great, but do we have a single instance of an ISP doing any of those things?”

That might sound surprising to those who’ve heard Netflix’s repeated complaints that various ISPs, particularly Comcast, were intentionally degrading its service unless the company paid a “toll.” Isn’t that exactly what net neutrality is meant to stop?

Well, sort of. What Netflix and Comcast are really fighting over is something called “interconnection” or “peering,” where sites with especially heavy traffic have to pay more for extra capacity. Comcast says Netflix should be charged for using additional resources, whereas Netflix thinks it’s being strong-armed into forking over more than it should.

The new net neutrality regulations give the FCC some oversight over these agreements to determine if they’re “just and reasonable,” but that standard is so vague as to make an already complicated issue difficult to enforce. In Chairman Wheeler’s proposal, broadband providers are allowed to pretty much do whatever they want as long as they defend their actions as “reasonable network management,” which, as The Verge points out, is “a term which the ISPs have already been using to justify congestion at interconnection points.”

comcast time warner merger still happening 2015
What Net Neutrality Doesn’t Fix

The upshot of all this is very little will change for the average U.S. internet user in a post-net-neutrality world. That’s a bad thing, because America does have a very serious internet problem desperately in need of regulatory assistance: namely, the fact that our internet connections are slower and costlier than the rest of the developed world’s.

The solution to this problem is simple: more competition. Almost one third of Americans have no choice in their broadband provider—a number that will go up to 66% if Comcast is allowed to merge with Time Warner Cable—meaning cable companies don’t have to compete very hard for your business.

Competition is scarce because it’s prohibitively expensive for a new company to build its own fiber network. The FCC could have fixed this problem by requiring “last-mile unbundling,” a policy that would force major broadband providers to lease their own networks to competing ISPs, when it reclassified broadband under Title II of the Communications Act. However, Chairman Wheeler explicitly ruled unbundling out of any net neutrality regulation.

This means the average internet user is going to be paying more for subpar internet for the foreseeable future. The Obama administration is planning to address this by encouraging cities to develop their own broadband networks, which, if effective, should create more competition and faster internet service. But such a solution is far away and will likely face significant legal hurdles.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying net neutrality is actively bad. We’re better off in a world with these kinds of restrictions. That said, the new rules should be seen as little more than a preventive measure for abuses that have largely yet to occur. For more meaningful reform, Americans should throw their support behind other policies that will break broadband monopolies and actually improve their connections. The fight for a better internet isn’t over. It’s barely begun.

Dropping Adrian Peterson Won’t Hurt Minnesota Vikings


dropping adrian peterson wont hurt minnesota vikings 2015

It’s been less than 48 hours since Adrian Peterson’s NFL suspension was overturned, but one thing that seems certain is Adrian Peterson doesn’t seem too inclined to return to the Minnesota Vikings, and the team appears to feel pretty much the same way.

There is still a ton of confusion, hurt feelings, and controversy concerning Adrian Peterson. The best running back in the league is still trying got make it back onto the field after dealing with his legal troubles over the harsh disciplining of his young son. According to NFL.com, U.S. District Judge David S. Doty has ruled in favor of Peterson, granting an NFL Players Association motion to vacate a previous suspension. Once this ruling was overturned, the NFL simply put Peterson back on the Commissioner’s Exempt List so this is all still a murky situation to say the least.

There appears to be some doubt as to whether the Vikings really want Peterson back, although they are publicly saying they do. The Vikings say they look forward to “welcoming (Peterson) back when he is able to rejoin our organization.” That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement to get their best player back as soon as possible. It’s corporate speak. And it’s understandable. Minnesota doesn’t want to be seen as supporting his behavior in the spanking incident. While their public image is a concern, money is a big factor as well. Shocker right?

Peterson will count $15.4 million against the salary cap in 2015. He will be a 30 year old running back earning a healthy chunk of his team’s payroll. That is fine for the next couple of years, but what about three years from now when he is bound to be on the decline. Backs over 30 do not get better. That is a fact and even though Peterson is a physical freak, he is no match for father time. It may sound crazy for the Vikings to try and shed Peterson right now, but if they want to save money, now is the time. The NFL is a cold hard business and Peterson has put himself at a disadvantage with this court case.

The NFL no longer cares what the legal system says about these abuse cases. The Shield is out to protect its own brand. If that means sitting a guy like Adrian Peterson, they will do it gladly. They are not going to be soft on cases like this ever again. That’s why Peterson got put back on the Commissioner’s Exempt List and it’s why the Vikes are not jumping for joy over Peterson’s win with the appeal in court.

Even though I know Peterson sells a lot of tickets in Minnesota and he is the best player they have, I would try to get rid of him. He won’t be able to live up to his contract in the next few seasons. It’s as simple as that and the Vikings are going nowhere fast anyway. A Super Bowl is not in the near future for this mediocre team.

This isn’t about whether Peterson was right or wrong with his discipline methods. This is about a team running a business. They lost Peterson in 2014 when he was still in his prime. They can choose to keep the player and hope he stays at the top of the league for the remaining time left on his deal. That’s just rolling the dice though and successful businesses are not run that way. Neither are successful NFL franchises.

Winning Big On UFC Fight Night 61 Upsets


ufc fight night 61 great for underdogs 2015 images

Last weekend was big win for not only the underdogs in UFC Fight Night 61 in Brazil, but also for the guys and gals willing to throw a few dollars on these fighters. Ten out of the eleven bouts on this card were won by the underdog. The odds of that happening are pretty astounding, but for those who didn’t mind risking just a few dollars, betting on longshots paid off in a big way.

The parlay bettors are the ones who really cleaned up. These types of bets are difficult for the average guy to win with, but when luck strikes it’s like hitting a lottery ticket. Online sportsbook Bovada.LV lost nearly a million dollars due to this volatile card in Brazil! Clearly things don’t bounce like that every day, but if you’re feeling lucky then the UFC is the place to win big by betting on the dogs. Why the UFC? Here are five reasons.’

frank mir bottomed out for bigfoot ufc 2015

  1. More and more new fighters are coming onboard each year. Their skill sets are advancing faster than those of some of the veterans, so a well timed bet on a rookie could pay off handsomely.
  1. If you only have to risk a few bucks to hit big, why not place these bets on the UFC. This sport is as exciting and unpredictable as any. That’s not a recipe for success when betting on historical trends, but it is when wagering on rare events to happen.
  1. It only takes one fight for a great fighter to go downhill. He or she can look invincible then turn into an also-ran seemingly overnight. Guessing the right time to bet against the impressive veteran is the key.
  1. There are so many ways for an MMA bout to end that it makes these contests more unpredictable than other sporting events, even boxing. A fight can end with a KO, submission, a strange injury, or even a bad decision by judges who don’t know what they’re doing.
  1. A fight can end at any moment. It can be lights out due to a KO with a punch, kick, elbow, or knee. The favored fighter is not immune to a lucky strike from a lesser fighter.

With Rio Title, What’s In Store For David Ferrer?


David Ferrer, currently ranked ninth in the world, is a player who you can't exactly call slumping. He's spent most of his career ranked outside of the Top 5 and so, as the World No. 9, he's not exactly off his normal pace. However the Spaniard has not done well in the last year of Grand Slams and it could be that his best tennis is behind him. But even if that is the case then I don't think that there's much to complain about in the Ferrer camp as he's gotten more than his fair share of luck in his career.  When you look at Ferrer's ranking history what you see is a player who peaked in 2007 and 2008. Starting at the 2007 US Open, Ferrer made the quarters of three straight majors, including a semifinal appearance at Flushing Meadows. Those results helped lunge him into the Top 5 before he dipped back down to the teens for a few years.  The Spaniard, who has won twelve of his twenty-three titles on the clay court surface, then experienced a re-surgence in 2010, re-cracking the Top 10 again in October of that season. His re-peaking is no doubt a testament to his own drive, conditioning, and coaching.  However there is another factor, a major one in my opinion, that probably helped Ferrer in the zero-sum world of ATP tennis, a factor that the Spaniard had no control over: Robin Soderling, a player who easily could have curtailed Ferrer's clay court results in recent seasons, got diagnosed with mononucleosis and the former Swedish No. 1 has not been able to train properly since.  Soderling, who I consider retired because I refuse to get my hopes up, was the third best clay courter between 2009 and 2011 inclusive. Soderling beat Roger Federer at Roland Garros and he beat Rafael Nadal there too - the only French Open champions of the current era.   The former World No. 4 certainly had Ferrer's number as the Swede beat the Spaniard in ten of their fourteen meetings. That head-to-head series included their last meeting in 2011 when Soderling demolished Ferrer in the Bsstad final, 6-2, 6-2.  When the Swede played his last match later that year it left a vacancy in the Top 5 on tour that someone not as good would simply have to fill. Ferrer, a lesser clay courter than Soderling and lesser player overall, fit the bill and the Spaniard went on to enjoy the best seasons of his career in 2012 and 2013.   You can call it "shoulda-coulda-woulda" but I don't think Ferrer could have supplanted Soderling in the Top 5 the good old fashioned way. If Soderling was in all of the twelve tournaments that Ferrer won since the start of 2012 then I think the Spaniard might only have won three or four of them.  That the loss of Soderling made Ferrer who he is today is clear in my mind. It is a lamentable fact for fans of tennis because it also made some important matches kind of boring.   The 2013 French Open final (Nadal vs. Ferrer) is one of the only Grand Slam finals I haven't tuned into in recent years. Make no mistake, it was because Ferrer was in the final and, in my mind, the outcome of the match was never uncertain.  Ferrer, in 2014, didn't duplicate his run to the final as Soderling did back in 2010. Rather these are the results that the Spaniard turned in last season in majors:  Australian Open 2015 	R16	 Roland Garros 2014	Quarterfinalist Wimbledon 2014 		Second Round US Open 2014		Third Round  Tournament for tournament, Ferrer's last four Grand Slams have each been worse than the one in the previous year. So much has been made about the Spaniard's fitness but if he's not winning the best-of-five-set matches like he used to then perhaps that fitness level is on the decline for the 32 year old.  In 2015 look for Ferrer to continue to make a living in the best-of-three-set tournaments. Of course he'll take a big win down here and there but the semifinals of majors are nearly out of reach in my view.   Out of reach, unless, of course, some misfortune were paid to one his chief rivals.  2015 projection for Ferrer: ranked 7th to 12th at year's end with no semifinal appearances in Grand Slams.

David Ferrer, currently ranked ninth in the world, is a player who you can’t exactly call slumping. He’s spent most of his career ranked outside of the Top 5 and so, as the World No. 9, he’s not exactly off his normal pace. However the Spaniard has not done well in the last year of Grand Slams and it could be that his best tennis is behind him. But even if that is the case then I don’t think that there’s much to complain about in the Ferrer camp as he’s gotten more than his fair share of luck in his career.

When you look at Ferrer’s ranking history what you see is a player who peaked in 2007 and 2008. Starting at the 2007 US Open, Ferrer made the quarters of three straight majors, including a semifinal appearance at Flushing Meadows. Those results helped lunge him into the Top 5 before he dipped back down to the teens for a few years.

The Spaniard, who has won twelve of his twenty-three titles on the clay court surface, then experienced a re-surgence in 2010, re-cracking the Top 10 again in October of that season. His re-peaking is no doubt a testament to his own drive, conditioning, and coaching.

However there is another factor, a major one in my opinion, that probably helped Ferrer in the zero-sum world of ATP tennis, a factor that the Spaniard had no control over: Robin Soderling, a player who easily could have curtailed Ferrer’s clay court results in recent seasons, got diagnosed with mononucleosis and the former Swedish No. 1 has not been able to train properly since.

Soderling, who I consider retired because I refuse to get my hopes up, was the third best clay courter between 2009 and 2011 inclusive. Soderling beat Roger Federer at Roland Garros and he beat Rafael Nadal there too – the only French Open champions of the current era.

The former World No. 4 certainly had Ferrer’s number as the Swede beat the Spaniard in ten of their fourteen meetings. That head-to-head series included their last meeting in 2011 when Soderling demolished Ferrer in the Bsstad final, 6-2, 6-2.

When the Swede played his last match later that year it left a vacancy in the Top 5 on tour that someone not as good would simply have to fill. Ferrer, a lesser clay courter than Soderling and lesser player overall, fit the bill and the Spaniard went on to enjoy the best seasons of his career in 2012 and 2013.

You can call it “shoulda-coulda-woulda” but I don’t think Ferrer could have supplanted Soderling in the Top 5 the good old fashioned way. If Soderling was in all of the twelve tournaments that Ferrer won since the start of 2012 then I think the Spaniard might only have won three or four of them.

That the loss of Soderling made Ferrer who he is today is clear in my mind. It is a lamentable fact for fans of tennis because it also made some important matches kind of boring.

The 2013 French Open final (Nadal vs. Ferrer) is one of the only Grand Slam finals I haven’t tuned into in recent years. Make no mistake, it was because Ferrer was in the final and, in my mind, the outcome of the match was never uncertain.

david ferrer career kicking in for 2015

Ferrer, in 2014, didn’t duplicate his run to the final as Soderling did back in 2010. Rather these are the results that the Spaniard turned in last season in majors:

Australian Open 2015 R16
Roland Garros 2014 Quarterfinalist
Wimbledon 2014 Second Round
US Open 2014 Third Round

Tournament for tournament, Ferrer’s last four Grand Slams have each been worse than the one in the previous year. So much has been made about the Spaniard’s fitness but if he’s not winning the best-of-five-set matches like he used to then perhaps that fitness level is on the decline for the 32 year old.

In 2015 look for Ferrer to continue to make a living in the best-of-three-set tournaments. Of course he’ll take a big win down here and there but the semifinals of majors are nearly out of reach in my view.

Out of reach, unless, of course, some misfortune were paid to one his chief rivals.

2015 projection for Ferrer: ranked 7th to 12th at year’s end with no semifinal appearances in Grand Slams.

Mavericks Rajon Rondo Suspended One Game for Altercation with Rick Carlisle


rajon rondo suspended after fight with mavericks coach rajon rondo

The Dallas Mavericks have reported that point guard Rajon Rondo has been suspended one game for his on-court altercation with head coach Rick Carlisle. The dispute stemmed from Rondo’s refusal to listen to Carlisle’s play calling from the sideline. Rondo ignored the coach, bringing the ball up the floor and forcing Carlisle to blow a timeout. During the timeout, Carlisle stormed onto the court screaming at Rondo.

Carlisle’s approach resulted in Rondo retaliating and shouting back at the head coach. The exchange lasted the majority of the timeout and ended with assistant coach Jamahl Mosley standing in front of Rondo to prevent any further argument.

The dispute didn’t stop there—Rondo and Carlisle continue their fight in the locker room after the game. As a result, Rondo was suspended for the Mavs 104-87 loss to the Atlanta Hawks on February 25th.

“It’s an emotional game, and we had a difference of opinion,” said Carlisle after the game. “There was an exchange, and then in my mind, it was over.”

Rondo was held out for the rest of the game.

Rondo only recently joined the Mavericks, coming over in the blockbuster trade with the Boston Celtics on December 18th. The Mavs brought in the four-time All-Star in hopes of helping them advance further in the tight Western Conference. If Rondo and Carlisle cannot make their relationship work, this could be a huge roadblock for the Mavericks.

“The events of last night are now in the past,” said Carlisle during his pregame interview the night after the incident. “We’ve got to move forward. I need to say this clearly: He is an extremely important part of our team. Our efforts to get to the highest possible level largely hinge on him playing and playing well with him. He needs to play well with us, and we need to play well with him. It’s a two-way street.”

Rondo and Carlisle clearly have their problems, but there is no room for error in the midst of the Western Conference playoff race. If the Mavericks cannot keep their team together they will lose everything they’ve strived for this season.

Fittest American Football Players of 2015


Everyone knows that professional football players are in peak physical condition; however, people fail to realize how complex training for football can be. Unlike most other sports, football requires the players to be at their max size, strength, and weight; and on top of that the workouts and strengths needed vary by position. Lineman, for example, need a lot of body weight and bulk as well as power. Wide receivers and cornerbacks on the other hand need maximum strength, speed, and agility while minimizing their bulk. To make it to the NFL a player must be in top physical condition. Some of the fittest athletes currently in the NFL include Reggie Bush, Julius Peppers, and Cam Newton; and some of the fittest people to ever play in the NFL include Steve Young, Jim Brown, and Lawrence Taylor. However, there are a few that stand out from the rest:

adrian peterson most fit american football player 2015

Adrian Peterson: The Minnesota Vikings running back has been tearing up the football field for years earning basically every award possible, including Pro Bowl starter, NFL MVP, and Offensive Player of the Year. All 6’1 217 pounds of Peterson is an absolute beast. In order to keep himself in such great shape, Peterson spends a lot of his time in the gym and eats mostly baked foods like fish, chicken, and potatoes. These baked foods keep Peterson powerful but lean, making it easy for him to keep his impressive 4.4 second time in the 40 yard dash. Even through all of his controversy this year, he’s not let any of that stop him from keeping the beast within alive.

calvin johnson most fit nfl american football players 2015

Calvin Johnson: At 6’5, 236 pounds, Johnson is a freak of nature. Johnson’s build is a large part of his record-setting performances—he is rewriting the NFL Receiving record book one amazing catch at a time. However, Johnson’s spectacular twisting, diving catches do not just come out of nowhere: Johnson does 30 second weighted, one-handed planks while pulling at a resistance bar with the other hand with extra weigh on his hips. Yes, you read that right. Johnson works hard in the weight room for every yard he has ever earned on the field.

calvin johnson most fit nfl american football players 2015

Herschel Walker: After 13 years of fighting to touchdowns, everyone assumed Walker would take a break and rest his body when he retired at the age of 35. Walker had a different plan, however: he immediately began training for mixed martial arts, an equally physically demanding sport. Walker has since retired from fighting, but up until age 50 his daily regimen consisted of 3,500 sit ups; 1,500 push ups; and an 8-mile run. He even considered returning to football—at age 50.

rob gronkowski most fit american football players 2015

Rob Gronkowski: Gronk may have struggled through a tough, injury-plagued 2013 season—one in which his quarterback, Tom Brady, had an exceedingly difficult time finding reliable passing options in his absence. But that didn’t stop the monster big kid from coming on strong this year and making his plays count at Super Bowl XLIX. At 6’6”, 225 pounds, he’s a truly imposing figure able to smash through huge NFL defenders with ease (well, as much as that’s possible).

marshawyn lynch fittest football nfl players 2015

Marshawn Lynch: One of the best freight train-like backs in the NFL, Lynch is, of course, most famous for the insanity of the “Beast Quake” touchdown run he pulled off during Seattle’s upset victory over the Saints during the 2010 playoffs. But, in the years since, he’s contributed much more to the Seahawks’ resurgence by being one of the most consistently prolific rushers in a league becoming more pass-oriented each year. “Beast Mode” runs a 4.46 40-yard dash and thrives in the weight room, as you might imagine, benching 355 pounds and squatting 485. It’s no wonder this Skittle-popping tank of a man has easily cleared the major rushing benchmarks in each of his past three seasons (1,000-plus yards/10-plus TDs), while being an immovable pass blocker and short-range receiver.

NFL Overturned, Clearing Way For Adrian Peterson Reinstatement


nfl overturned so adrian peterson on to reinstatement

This should get many people talking and debating, but a U.S. District Judge has sided with Minnesota Vikings Adrian Peterson and overturned the NFL’s denial of his appeal to be reinstated. Yup, you have to think for a second, but basically, Peterson wanted to get reinstated after all the controversy of child abuse hit the running back, and the NFL wasn’t feeling it so he took it a step further.

The statement they issued didn’t expressly address the question of whether the Vikings can now speak directly to running back Adrian Peterson, who has been restored from suspended status to the Commissioner-Exempt list. Per a team source, they can.

That’s a huge development for the Vikings, who hadn’t been able to make their case directly to Peterson as to why he should return for a ninth season with the team. In a visit last week to PFT Live on NBC Sports Radio, coach Mike Zimmermade the case that he’d make directly to Peterson.

Now, Zimmer can make that case directly to Peterson, and the Vikings can try to secure from him a renewed commitment to remain in Minnesota.

Ultimately, the decision could come down to money. For now, the Vikings have the ability to mend fences and rebuild bridges before allowing him to once again break the bank with a base salary of $12.75 million.

U.S. District Judge David Doty on Thursday overturned NFL arbitrator Harold Henderson’s denial of Adrian Peterson’s appeal, clearing the way for the Minnesota Vikings running back’s possible reinstatement to the league.

Doty issued his order Thursday, less than three weeks after hearing oral arguments. The ruling sends the case back for further proceedings consistent with the rules of the collective bargaining agreement.

The league had suspended Peterson through at least April 15 under its personal conduct policy for his role in a child abuse scandal that shook the league. Doty said in his 16-page ruling that Henderson “simply disregarded the law of the shop and in doing so failed to meet his duty” under the CBA.

NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement that the league disagrees with Doty’s decision and will appeal.

“We believe strongly that Judge Doty’s order is incorrect and fundamentally at odds with well-established legal precedent governing the district court’s role in reviewing arbitration decisions,” McCarthy said. “As a result, we have filed a notice of appeal to have the ruling reviewed by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.”

McCarthy said that Peterson would be placed back on commissioner Roger Goodell’s exempt list rather than being immediately reinstated, “pending further proceedings by appeals officer Harold Henderson or a determination by the Eighth Circuit Court.”

McCarthy added, “The commissioner’s exempt list permits a player and team to communicate.” McCarthy also said players on the exempt list can be traded, released or have contracts restructured after the start of the league year on March 10.

The Vikings released a statement saying they would welcome Peterson back to the team once his situation is resolved.

“Adrian Peterson is an important member of the Minnesota Vikings, and our focus remains on welcoming him back when he is able to rejoin our organization,” the statement read. “Today’s ruling leaves Adrian’s status under the control of the NFL, the NFLPA and the legal system, and we will have no further comment at this time.”

NFL Players Association executive director DeMaurice Smith said in a statement that Doty’s decision was a “victory for the rule of law, due process and fairness.”

The crux of the issue was the application of the enhanced personal conduct policy, increasing a suspension for players involved with domestic violence from two games to six games. Because that was implemented after the injuries occurred to Peterson’s son, delivered by a wooden switch that Peterson was using for discipline, the union contended that the prior standard of punishment should apply.

“Our collective bargaining agreement has rules for implementation of the personal conduct policy and when those rules are violated, our union always stands up to protect our players’ rights,” Smith said. “This is yet another example why neutral arbitration is good for our players, good for the owners and good for our game.”

Doty’s courtroom has long been a ground zero of sorts for NFL labor matters, and his ruling pattern has favored the union more often than not.

The increased penalty for domestic violence arose from the furor over the league’s handling of former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, who was seen on surveillance video knocking out the woman who’s now his wife with a punch in an elevator.

Rice was initially suspended for two games before Goodell declared the ban indefinite. The arbitrator who heard Rice’s appeal, former U.S. District Judge Barbara Jones, ruled that Goodell’s decision was “arbitrary” and an “abuse of discretion.”

Despite the NFL’s argument that the ruling by Jones was irrelevant to Henderson’s, Doty disagreed.

“The court finds no valid basis to distinguish this case from the Rice matter,” Doty said.

Now there’s the matter of Peterson’s future with the Vikings.

adrian peterson wins ruling in nfl case 2015

He is under contract through 2017, carrying a $15 million salary cap hit for 2015, and several high-ranking Vikings officials have said definitively they want him to return. General manager Rick Spielman said last week he expects Peterson to be back. But Peterson has expressed some uneasiness, saying in interviews he felt betrayed by the organization during the process of Goodell placing him on paid leave while the child abuse case played out in court in Texas.

There also was uncertainty as to Peterson’s future with the Vikings after his agent, Ben Dogra, had to be separated from Vikings vice president Rob Brzezinski during a heated exchange at the NFL scouting combine last week, sources have said.

The running back is scheduled to earn a base salary of $12.75 million in 2015 and count $15.4 million against the Vikings’ salary cap.

Peterson would again be the league’s highest-paid running back if he returned under his current contract, and in a December interview with ESPN, he said he didn’t believe he should take a pay cut in 2015. He added that he saw himself being a better player in 2015 after getting tackled just 21 times in 2014.

The market opens with the new league year March 10, at which time the Vikings could trade Peterson if they so decide. If they cut him, they’d owe him no more money and take only a $2.4 million hit to their salary cap.

FCC Net Neutrality Passes, But A Battle Is Brewing


net neutrality passed for fcc but expect battles to challenge it 2015

Net Neutrality has been a touchy subject in the United States since 2006 when the first attempts to enforce it came out. Net neutrality is a noble concept wherein internet bandwidth is equalized among everyone regardless of content type (text, audio, video) and other internet services. According to the president, high-speed broadband shouldn’t be a luxury but a necessity. However, implementing net neutrality would mean that it could undermine the healthy and lucrative competition between internet service providers, thus hurting the economy as well as compromising privacy and security. This fight has continued until today, when net neutrality passed in a 3-2 vote which will be challenged soon enough.

The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to regulate Internet service like a public utility, expanding the U.S. government’s oversight of a once lightly regulated business at the center of the country’s commercial and social activity.

The 3-2 vote, along party lines, starts the clock ticking on an expected legal challenge from the telecom and cable industries.

The move marks a turn in the government’s approach to the Internet—from a hands off policy dating back two decades to encourage the Web’s growth to a more interventionist posture as commercial issues have multiplied.

It was spurred on by companies—such as Netflix Inc. —worried that they could face more onerous terms for carrying their traffic and by President Barack Obama , who made an unusual public plea for the rules late last year. The new regulations were strongly opposed by carriers such as Verizon Communications Inc. and AT&T Inc., and they even drew warnings from Google Inc., which told the White House privately it was making a mistake.

The rules prohibit Internet service providers from blocking Web traffic or charging websites for priority service. They also extend the FCC’s reach into the middle of the Internet by saying the commission will review so-called interconnection deals between companies such as Netflix and Comcast Corp. on a case-by-case basis to make sure they are reasonable.

what net neutrality means 2015

Despite all the wrestling over legal principle, little is likely to change for consumers in the near term. Carriers very rarely block any traffic, and experiments like letting Web companies pay for toll-free mobile service haven’t gone very far. But advocates said the rules will preserve the open environment that has helped Web companies blossom.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, who revealed details of the new rules earlier this month, received a standing ovation when he entered the commission room ahead of the vote.

Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak , who attended the meeting, said from the sidelines that broadband providers need to be more closely regulated.

“Broadband is essential, like water,” Mr. Wozniak said.

Verizon, in a statement typed on a Remington typewriter and datelined Feb. 26, 1934, harking back to the Communications Act passed that year, criticized the rules as antiquated and likely to create uncertainty that will hurt innovation. The new rules involve reclassifying broadband service as a telecom service regulated by Title II of the Act, which governs the more highly regulated phone business.

Mr. Wheeler reiterated Thursday that the commission is only doing so to establish regulatory authority to enforce net neutrality and it won’t impose more onerous regulations such as price controls.

The full FCC order will be available on the commission’s website within the next few weeks and will take effect 60 days after being published in the Federal Register.

Opponents plan to fight the rules in the Congress and in the courts.

The decision, which has already faced Republican criticism on Capitol Hill, will come under the microscope next month, when the five FCC commissioners are slated to appear before the Senate Commerce Committee.

Lawmakers in both parties have long said an update of telecommunications law is needed, and that clarity from Congress could help the FCC and the courts sort out the legal questions surrounding the issue. After the public outcry in support of strong rules to ensure net neutrality, Republican lawmakers began drafting alternative legislation that would avoid reclassifying broadband as a telecommunications service.

Backers—led by Senate Commerce Committee John Thune (R., S.D.), House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R., Mich.) and Rep. Greg Walden (R., Ore.)—hoped to win bipartisan support to ensure net neutrality, but Democrats had shown less interest in the effort. On Thursday, however, Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.) said he would be willing to continue talks on “true bipartisan legislation.”

A rewrite of telecom law is a huge lift in Congress, especially at a time of such polarization on Capitol Hill. Still, Mr. Thune said Wednesday he thinks the FCC’s action and likely lawsuits could prod lawmakers to act. The last rewrite was in 1996.

The FCC has a poor record with net neutrality in the courts. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 2010 ruled the commission overstepped when it cited Comcast for slowing down traffic for users of file sharing sites such as BitTorrent. Last year, the same court ruled in favor of Verizon and overturned the FCC’s effort to draft Open Internet rules.

FCC Net Neutrality Passes But A Battle Is Brewing

In that ruling, the court said the FCC was trying to regulate Internet providers like traditional “common carrier” telecommunications services, such as landline phone systems, even though the commission had explicitly decided not to classify broadband as a telecommunications service. The reclassification of Internet service under Title II is an effort to patch that hole.

Unlike the previously rejected rules, the rules fully apply to wireless service and give the FCC new powers to oversee deals in the middle of the Internet, where companies such as Netflix and intermediaries such as Cogent Communications Holdings Inc. link up with the networks owned by Verizon, Comcast and others.

Network owners are pushing harder to get paid when hooking up websites such as Netflix that bring waves of traffic. Netflix complained publicly last year that broadband companies were slowing delivery of its video service to gain leverage in pricing discussions. The dispute helped nudge the net neutrality debate into the mainstream.

The FCC’s new rules let the agency police those agreements based on whether it finds them just and reasonable. It isn’t clear how the agreements would be evaluated, and critics claim the commission is on shakier legal ground overseeing those relationships.

As we reported earlier this month, the President means well. No more data caps, movies and TV shows without lag but if things were only that simple. Like coffee, net neutrality is good or bad for many reasons and it’s up to the FCC or even congress to come up with some sort of balance. Then again, like most commodities, big business could find a way around net neutrality if it gets ratified. Through different types of value-added services like better gadgets and equipment. Ten more smartphones if you subscribe to me than the other guy. I have iPhones, they have Lumias. When everyone gets the same slice of pie, the question becomes how many slices of pie big businesses will have.

Better Call Saul Ep 4 Recap: PR Hero

Better Call Saul Ep 4 PR Hero Recap

Jimmy McGill is a hero of sorts in this episode of “Better Call Saul” with the title being aptly enough called “Hero”. The up and coming lawyer is involved in an act of heroism, sorta, in this week’s show, but he is a hero to the underdogs of the world as well. He is at the bottom trying to claw his way up and most people who have ever been down on their luck can appreciate that.

We got a good flashback again this week showing Jimmy using his con artistry to get over on a fellow night owl. Jimmy and his newfound buddy happen upon a drunk guy in an ally and decide to take his already dropped wallet. Then Jimmy spots a nice Rolex that he is smitten with, so that convinces his acquaintance that he might want the watch for himself so he ponies up a few hundred for what turns out to be a worthless fake Rolex. Jimmy and the drunk acting guy in the alley celebrate later with a beer over their victorious scam. “Beer money is all we can hope to gain out of small time tricks like this though,” laments Jimmy.

Back in the present day Jimmy is still trying to talk the Kettlemans into going home from their little “camping trip” and simply giving the stolen money back. Betsy, the brains and backbone of the operation, wants no part of that and tries to bribe our boy Jimmy McGill. Betsy is very good at rationalizing what she and her husband have done. Jimmy says he can’t take a bribe, but will take the money as a retainer. Betsy says they can’t because, “you’re the kind of lawyer only guilty people hire.” Not exactly a compliment.

better call saul nacho chat for michael mando ep 4 recap images 2015

Once Jimmy makes his way back to the courthouse, he tells Mike how right he was about the Kettlemans’ location. This former cop is not enthused with this news and basically ignores Jimmy. The lawyer has more problems than trying to win Mike as a friend. Nacho is being released, but is highly pissed at his lawyer as he figured Jimmy ratted him out to the Kettlemans. Jimmy never admits warning them, but lets Nacho know that the good samaritan who did warn the thieving couple did Varga a favor before he was able to do anything really dumb.

Later we see that Jimmy did take the cash from Betsy Kettleman. It seemed clear she wasn’t going to hire him so we can only assume he took the bribe. “Upon this rock, I will build my church” Jimmy says as he makes plans for the stacks of cash. He starts by working on himself, getting tailored suits, a new hairdo, and generally spiffying himself up. He made these physical moves to appear in a billboard ad for his small law firm. He intends to copy Hamlin’s look along with the logos and fonts.

howard shows kim billboard for better call saul 2015 images

Once Howard Hamlin sees the billboard, he’s visibly upset and sends Kim over with a cease and desist order for Jimmy. She tells him he’s picked a fight he can’t win, which he probably knows. He and Hamlin get in front of a judge who ultimately sides with the polished Howard Hamlin. Jimmy can still used his last name the judge states. What a generous move by the honorable one! The billboard is ordered to be changed within 48 hours however.

I’m not sure how far out Jimmy planned this scenario, but it began to take shape as he tried to get some media attention to shame the big law firm that was bullying his little firm. He got no takers from the local news crews, so he paid a couple guys to shoot a piece on him as the billboard was being taken down.

better call saul billboard pr stunt hero recap 2015better call saul billboard pr stunt hero recap 2015

It seems like this little video of Jimmy being victimized by a giant company would be of little use. That’s when the sign worker slipped off the edge of the billboard framework and ended up dangling by a safety harness. Of course all this was being caught on film, and Jimmy decided he had to help the poor worker that was in grave danger. This was either a lucky break that would get immediate attention or Jimmy set the plan up himself to be a hero. The latter is exactly what happened. This was pretty shrewed thinking. No way the news would ignore a brave guy helping out a man whose life dangled above the hard New Mexico ground. This may be shady, but how else is a guy at rock bottom supposed to climb the ladder of success? The big boys like Hamlin will continuously step on his neck if he follows every rule to a tee. Rules are set up by the status quo, for the status quo.

better call saul saving billboard man 2015 images

Jimmy’s little publicity stunt did the trick. The guy had seven messages on his answering machine at his salon office. That’s about a million percent better than his average to this point.

When Jimmy visits his brother Chuck, he tells him about how he is getting more clients now. Chuck thinks its word of mouth doing the trick and Jimmy certainly doesn’t want his brother to know about the con job he did on the media. He had to remove the Albuquerque newspaper from Chuck’s normal reading list to avoid him knowing the truth. Old Chuck is no dummy and knows something is up and intends to find out what once Jimmy is gone. He sees a neighbor’s paper and heads out to get it with a space blanket over his head and in full freak out mode. This outdoors experience is truly hell on Chuck McGill. Shockingly he makes it back to his place with the Albuquerque paper. Jimmy is right on the front page with all the details of his heroic acts. Big bro Chuck knows exactly what’s going on as the credits roll.

chuck thurber wrapped in silver for better call saul ep 4 recap 2015

Even with Chuck knowing the truth, there’s little he can do besides fuss at Jimmy. A guy without the ability to walk outside without hyperventilating is not going to be able to put much pressure on anyone to do anything. Jimmy is on his way to another level of success with the seed money from the Kettlemans. All he has to do is get more and more clients. The more he gets, the higher number that will have some deep pockets that he can dig into. Even if he is the type of lawyer that can only get guilty clients, it’s pretty clear that guilty people sometimes have access to big stacks of money.

Tennessee Titans Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs


Tennessee Titans Season Recap 2015 NFL Draft Needs

The Tennessee Titans regressed significantly from their 7-9 record in 2013. In the team’s first season under head coach Ken Whisenhunt and the first full season without long-time owner Bud Adams around, the Titans managed a mere two wins, tying the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for the worst record in the NFL at 2-14. That’s right, the Titans actually did worse than the Jacksonville Jaguars, finishing dead last in the AFC South division. This was actually the worst season since 1994, when the franchise was still known as the Houston Oilers.

ken whisenhunt coach for tennessee titans major work ahead for 2015

The only silver lining from the Titans season is the high draft pick they receive in return for their horrible performances. Sure, the Titans have a lot more needs to address than there are picks in the draft, but at least they can put their 2nd overall pick to some good use if they make the right decision. Here are the Tennessee Titans biggest needs heading into the 2015 NFL Draft:

tennessee titans defense needs major improvement 2015 images

Defensive Line: In 2014 the Titans converted from a 4-3 defense to a 3-4 defense, and needless to say it didn’t work out well for them. The players struggled immensely to adapt to the new defensive style. While the current players continue to try and adjust to this new defensive style, the Titans front office needs to bring personnel fit to run the defense effectively. In a 3-4 scheme it is vital that the three men on the defensive line come out ready to play and perform well every game, so the Titans may need to use more than one pick here to ensure that they have a quality line come August and September.

delanie walker best thing for tennessee titans nfl 2015 images

Wide Receiver: The Titans receiving corps had a lot of hype coming into this season, but at the end of the day they did nothing. In fact, tight end Delanie Walker finished the season as the leading receiving for the Titans—this certainly does not speak well about the Tennessee receivers. Sure, the Titans receivers didn’t exactly have Peyton Manning throwing them the ball this season, but they could have done much better than they did. Kendall Wright, Nate Washington, and Justin Hunter all failed to live up to the hype around them in 2014; and as a result the Titans need to start looking towards the draft to fix this issue. Sure, a mid-round selection probably won’t be able to win the starting job, but at the very least he could give the other receivers on the team something to fight for and maybe just ignite a spark in them once again.

jake locker leaving tennessee titans for eagles 2015

Quarterback: After missing most of the season again this year, Jake Locker has shown that he is not able to stay healthy long enough to be the quarterback the Titans need. Zach Mettenberger is a joke. The Titans need a quarterback that can put up consistent numbers and basically be the face of an often overlooked franchise. Well, the Titans will need to look to the draft to find their man. Fortunately, the Titans have the 2nd pick in the draft, so after the Bucs make their selection the Titans will have everyone else available to them. Marcus Mariota and Jameis Winston are the top two prospects in this year’s draft, but Mariota seems to be on his way to Tampa. Here’s the problem—Winston seems to be unable to control himself. Tennessee isn’t exactly the party capitol of America, but if Winston can’t get his act together he won’t be able to live up to the expectations he’ll have in Tennessee. For this reason, the Titans seem to be leaning towards Leonard Williams, the defensive end from USC. This will be a big decision for the Titans, so it will be interesting to see which need they deem most pressing.

We’re not in Private Kansas Anymore: Thanks AT&T


att privacy issues for kansas

It’s a story worthy of Oz for people in Kansas. With all the buzz about hacking and privacy going around, the last thing people need is for their ISP to be able to keep their search terms in exchange for a discount. It’s a matter of perspective and preference, but really?

This is because AT&T needs to be more competitive in Kansas City Missouri due to the invasion of Google Fiber. The search giant’s fiber service outmatches AT&Ts broadband cost by a wide margin; and with a sure, fast connection from Google, AT&T is finding itself more and more disconnected. The impending implementation of net neutrality and municipal broadband isn’t helping AT&T’s case either. So AT&T is offering a 30 dollar discount on its own fiber service to combat the onslaught of Google Fiber in exchange for people surrendering their web browsing information to the company in a program they refer to as “Gigapower Internet Preferences”.

They put it nicely this way: “let us use your individual Web browsing information, like the search terms you enter and the web pages you visit, to tailor ads and offers to your interests.”

For people with nothing to hide, folks who use the internet for purely business, this seems harmless enough; except for all the tailored flash/Silverlight/animated GIF ads that pop up while browsing, taking all that extra bandwidth that’s supposed to speed up the connection in the first place along with precious screen real-estate. That’s the best type of encroachment to privacy business users could hope for, apart from all the potential distracting spam e-mails on the desktop and phone. People who use the internet for pure business is quite rare, mostly corporate. Also, folks like Ned Flanders would welcome this service with open arms.

Aside from business, people who want the type of high-speed broadband Google and AT&T offer are often gamers, artists, people who can’t get enough of Game of Thrones who already threw away their conventional TV sets; people who love cat videos and other viral vids on YouTube and who could forget people who love porn and other illicit content as well folks who’d rather download a crappy movie rather than watch it in theaters. There are of course people who just want good quality fast internet no matter the cost. Still, most of these casual users could still indulge in their ‘private’ pursuits. Subscribers going after AT&Ts ‘promo’ will not only open them up to all sorts of ads (consented of course) but will give AT&T as well as the authorities a window to a person’s character, which is basically what internet privacy is all about; not letting anyone know what we browse for after dark.

att privacy policy versus google fiber

There has already been a report somewhere of someone raided for purchasing a pressure cooker online (RE: Boston Marathon). Gun enthusiasts, people looking to refill their chemistry sets can be outed as terrorists and people browsing for unconventional sex terms can be outed as sexual deviants. It’s a pretty paranoid view but not at all impossible. DJ Quall’s character in ‘The Core’ put it rather eloquently when he talked to the guy in charge of his arrest. Then again, even without this promotion from AT&T, other parties are busy enough collecting web information as it is. AT&T is just that handsome or beautiful vampire legally asking for permission to enter someone’s home.

Through AT&T’s Gigapower Internet Preferences, users get what is known as a ‘premium’ service, which is really a 30 dollar rebate with their search information hostage; as opposed to the ‘standard’ service, a rather private connection which costs 30 dollars more (which is actually their regular bill). The whole thing actually sounds better the other way around. With the current state of the economy, users ‘with nothing to hide’ would rather choose 30 dollars less. This whole thing could actually sound better if it was done the other way around. For just 30 dollars ensure you’ll have all the browsing privacy you’ll need while still in accordance to federal laws. With the right marketing, privacy-minded individuals could snap the service up rather than go with Google.

So will subscribing to Gigapower Internet Preferences open up the users’ internet despite all the personal firewalls, anonymizers and privacy programs? AT&T doesn’t say but rather mentions ‘various methods’ of collecting information. AT&T however makes sure that it won’t mess with secure connections like banking and online shopping and other encrypted sites.

Still, even with nothing to hide, offering up one’s self to any sort of monitoring is somewhat unnerving. In principle, users will be selling themselves out for 30 dollars (Pretty ironic number considering what happened to someone a couple of millennia ago). For AT&T, the amount certainly won’t cover for any individual information, instead, they stand to profit over it since it’s what they should lower their bills to if they seek to stay competitive in Kansas.