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Plights Of A Cleveland Brown’s Fan


cleveland brown fans plight as teams problems mount 2015

Please don’t misinterpret the title of this article. I am not a Cleveland Browns fan. Let me repeat, NOT A FAN. I have enough emotional damage from being an Atlanta Falcons fan. I can hardly imagine what it must be like to be a fan of an NFL team that has had as much bad luck as Cleveland over the years. My Falcons have had little success since their inception, but the Browns have experienced some of the worst downturns and even back stabbings imaginable.

Full disclosure. I did root for the Browns of the late 80’s when Ernest Byner had the spleen wrenching fumble and made me want to cry for the grown man who lay beaten at the goal line. I saw the carnage as Elway dissected the Browns defense on an epic 92 yard drive to once again destroy hope in the city of Cleveland. If I were a resident of that dirty city, I think I would just pick a new home team or maybe even move away. Even the former owner ripped the city’s heart out by running away to Baltimore in a not so smooth getaway.

The luck of the Browns is not getting better here in 2015. They drafted an electrifying college sensation in Johnny Manziel, who is now in rehab for alleged alcohol abuse. The best receiver in the NFL two years ago in Josh Gordon, luckily was on the Browns roster. That would be great news for Cleveland if not for the fact that this receiver keeps getting suspended from play. In case you are a newbie to the world of sports, an athlete is little more than a fan if he is unauthorized to participate. Fans don’t usually count against the salary cap, but inactive players do.

2014 was a promising year for the Browns. They were not far from a playoff birth even without their best pass catcher. Starting QB, Brian Hoyer did an admirable job and was never seen rolling up a dollar bill in a bathroom to my knowledge. The team owner may have been under federal investigation, but he didn’t load the team belongings up for a move to Los Angeles.

But the season ended pretty badly. The team missed the playoffs once again even after throwing Johnny Football into the fray. Josh Gordon came back after his suspension got lighter due to some rule changes from on high only to be suspended for the final regular season game because he missed a team walk through. Gordon wasn’t done letting the team down there however. He raised the ante when he managed to get suspended for violating the NFL Policy and Program for Substances of Abuse. This guy knows how to ravage a roster! Johnny Manziel may be disappointing, but at least he has just not lived up to his potential and hype. Gordon had already become a premier player when he started his downward spiral.

There is no reason for Cleveland fan to hold out much hope for their current team. This is a franchise that couldn’t even get lucky with a can’t miss running back like Trent Richardson coming out of Alabama. Maybe it’s Richardson who should be angry. He was fine before becoming affiliated with Cleveland. Now the poor running back is nearer a career in insurance rather than as a premier rusher.

Let me sum up what the next couple of seasons will resemble for Cleveland fans. They will remain mediocre, neither good nor awful. They will have the Manziel circus to keep them near the spotlight until ESPN sees the website hits for J-Football drop off. Then the major media outlets will start talking about relevant quarterbacks again. Josh Gordon will move on to another team eventually and be a nobody. A guy with as little awareness as to cost himself millions because he didn’t know the specifics of the NFL guidelines, can’t be trusted to carry a team. Each year will be without any playoff appearances and if they are lucky enough to somehow wind up in a wildcard game, the thumping they will receive from a team without missing players in rehab will be embarrassing.

I really do feel for Cleveland fans. I know they got their alleged king back in the douchey Lebron James, but the NFL is way above the NBA scale. Browns fans have endured a lot, including the fumble, the move outta town, the drive, the rehab, the decision, the burning river, the unemployment rate, and I could go on forever. I wish I could say something positive about the Browns’ future. I thought they had a decent coach in Mike Pettine, but he folded under pressure from management to start Manziel at the end of the year, when I’m sure he knew the kid was unprepared as well as a train wreck generally.

I’ll start the 2015 season with some hope for my Atlanta Falcons, just like most NFL fans. Julio Jones won’t be suspended. Matt Ryan probably won’t be photographed napping under a table at an NFL event. My Falcons defense may be paper thin, but at least I don’t see top draft choices and play makers in rehab. Cleveland fans have little hope for 2015. Teams that are looking at drafting Jameis Winston should take note. Maybe the FSU quarterback will be an All Pro, but all indications are that the guy is a slip up away from a suspension or even prison. Browns fans can tell you what it’s like to run onto the field without talented guys that can’t get their act together off the field.

2015 NFL Scouting Combine Highs & Lows


nfl scouting combine highs and lows 2015

As we learned once again this year with the NFL Scouting Combine, it’s all about seconds whereas football is all about inches, inside and outside the locker room. This is where the draft and fantasy football players learn who to watch for and some may have their hopes dashed. Now it’s time for all the free agents to either lick their wounds and egos or get on the phone with their agents demanding more dollars and perks for having run a half second faster than last year.

So, let’s see what players had the highs and lows of the 2015 NFL Scouting Combine.


Ryan Mallett: He’s a free agent coming off a serious injury. And he’s clearly Houston’s No. 1 choice to start at quarterback next season.

Devonta Freeman: Based on the comments of Atlanta’s decision makers, the second-year running back has a good chance to step into a leading role in offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan’s zone-running scheme. Steven Jackson is likely to get cut.

Peyton Manning departure conspiracy theorists: Every bit of the buzz out of Indianapolis suggests that Manning is returning to Denver. Gary Kubiak and John Elway want him back and believe he will be back. So why isn’t the issue finished yet?

Yes, Manning still has to take a team physical to officially be back on board. But he reportedly told the Broncos he’s passed all his tests and wants to play again. This issue should be settled already, but it appears there is more going on behind the scenes. We heard that Manning expected clarity by the time the combine started but it didn’t happen.

Why did Elway deflect a question about Manning’s contract? If the Broncos truly want Manning back, asking him to take a pay cut is out of bounds. We don’t imagine Manning ever taking a pay cut.

The Broncos publicly said they are waiting for Manning’s answer. Manning’s camp has alreadyseemingly put out their answer publicly, but the contract answer looms. If there was no doubt about Manning’s status, the issue would be settled by now. It’s not quite over yet. Until a new deal is announced, there will be folks around the league that still wonder if drama could be on tap.

Sam Bradford: Six months ago, we thought Bradford would be forced to take a big pay cut or get released. Now it appears there could be another option. The quarterback market is so thin that other teams could be willing to offer something up for Bradford in a trade. He’s far more likely to stay in St. Louis, but he might not have to take less than his scheduled $12.95 million this season despite two ACL surgeries in as many seasons.

The Rams might want to reduce Bradford’s salary, but perhaps other teams would be willing to pay the freight.

Carson Palmer: The Cardinals are unlikely to be in position to draft a high-level quarterback, and this is a thin draft for them anyway. More importantly, Palmer knows he’ll have Larry Fitzgerald to throw to for another two seasons.

Tyler Eifert: It sounds like the Cincinnati Bengalstight end won’t have to compete with Jermaine Gresham for snaps anymore.

Byron Maxwell: As the top cornerback on the market (unless Darrelle Revis becomes available), Maxwell sounds set to strike it rich. Like a lot of above average starters that hit free agency, Maxwell could get overpaid like a superstar.

Robert Griffin III: Jay Gruden is taking a different tact with Griffin this time around. Just six weeks after Gruden said there would be an open competition at quarterback, the Redskins coach made it clear RGIII is his No. 1 until proven otherwise. It looks like Griffin will get another true chance to be the team’s “franchise” quarterback — at least until Gruden changes his mind again.


DeMarco Murray fantasy owners: The odds are that Murray will be playing elsewhere in 2015. Life without the Dallas offensive line could be ugly, and Murray is at a big risk of injury after his huge workload last season. If Murray does return to the Cowboys, his role is likely to diminish. Add it all up, and his numbers are likely to go way down.

Cordarrelle Patterson: Just two years removed from being a combine superstar, Patterson was served a helping of humble pie by his offensive coordinator. Norv Turner said that Charles Johnson is “far and away” Minnesota’s best receiver. That doesn’t speak well for Greg Jennings, either.

Rolando McClain: A failed drug test is not what you want heading into free agency. The Cowboyscould actually benefit here; it’s unlikely that other teams will want to take the plunge with McClain now.

Jay Cutler: His money is guaranteed over the next two years, yet coach John Fox couldn’t bring himself to commit to Cutler publicly. The Bears mentioned that they don’t have to make any decisions until March, but really what are their options? They can’t cut Cutler, and it sounds like they are just keeping things open-ended in case other teams come calling for a possible trade.

More Drama As Net Neutrality Thursday Vote Arrives


net neutrality vote hitting thursday 2015 images

For something that the elected officials try to make sound so simple, they certainly are creating plenty of minefields along the way regarding net neutrality. We reported earlier this month breaking it down into its simplest form about what the fight is all about seeing it from both sides. Naturally, once politicians start to get involved, everything becomes a free for all and fear is thrown into the equation.

A Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission wants to see changes that could narrow the scope of new net neutrality rules set for a vote on Thursday.

Mignon Clyburn, one of three Democrats on the FCC, has asked Chairman Tom Wheeler to roll back some of his provisions before the full commission votes on them, FCC officials said.

The request — which Wheeler has yet to respond to — puts the chairman in the awkward position of having to either roll back his proposals, or defend the tough rules and convince Clyburn to back down.

It’s an ironic spot for Wheeler, who for months was considered to be favoring weaker rules than those pushed for by his fellow Democrats, before he reversed himself and backed tougher restrictions on Internet service providers.

Clyburn’s objections complicate the highly anticipated vote and add an extra bit of drama to the already high tensions on the five-member commission.

Wheeler will need the votes of both Clyburn and Democratic Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel to pass the rules, since the two Republicans on the commission are expected to vote against anything he proposes.

Clyburn’s changes would leave in place the central and most controversial component of Wheeler’s rules — the notion that broadband Internet service should be reclassified so that it can be treated as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act, similar to utilities like phone lines.

Proponents of net neutrality have said such a move is the surest way to prevent Internet service providers from interfering with people’s access to the Web.

However, she wants to eliminate a new legal category of “broadband subscriber access services,” created as an additional point of legal authority for the FCC to monitor the ways companies hand off traffic on the back end of the Internet.

Those deals, known as “interconnection” arrangements, became a point of contention last year, when Netflix accused Comcast and other companies of erecting “Internet tolls” before easily passing Web traffic from one network to another.

The initial plan sought by Wheeler would allow the FCC to investigate and take action against deals that are “not just and reasonable,” according to a fact sheet released by the commission earlier this month.

Eliminating the new legal category could make it trickier for the FCC to police those arrangements, said officials with the agency, who were granted anonymity in order to speak freely about the ongoing negotiations.

Other FCC officials have previously said that the broader act of reclassifying broadband Internet service would, in and of itself, give the commission enough power to oversee interconnection deals. That opinion has been backed up by lawyers at Google, among others, who made the argument to FCC officials last week.

Matt Wood, the policy director at the pro-net neutrality organization Free Press, disagreed with officials who thought the change could weaken the rule. Clyburn’s edit might actually make the rules stronger by getting rid of “unnecessary baggage” in Wheeler’s early draft, he said.

Clyburn’s changes also would replace a new standard for Internet service providers’ conduct, which was meant to act as a catchall rule for any future behavior that might abuse consumers. That standard would be swapped out with potentially narrower language from 2010 rules that prevented “unreasonable discrimination.” A federal court tossed out those 2010 rules early last year, setting the stage for the FCC to write new rules.

The full text of the rules will not be revealed to the public until after the FCC’s vote on Thursday morning.

Clyburn declined to discuss specific changes she was supporting on Tuesday.

“This is a process that is an interaction with all five members of the commission and their offices,” she said after remarks at a policy forum hosted by Comptel, a trade group.

“I will just say that I am attempting to strike a balance and whatever you hear, whether it’s accurate or not, is a reflection of my enthusiastic willingness to do so.”

In a speech at the Federal Communications Bar Association last week, the commissioner said that she was “pleased” with the initial draft but also hinted that she might need some fixes to strike that balance between “strong” protections for consumers and “clarity” for investors.

“Some have expressed concerns about allowing private rights of action in court, failing to consider the impact on smaller [Internet service providers], that including interconnection goes too far or that the case-by-case approach does not go far enough, and that the new conduct rule may not be as strong as the previous unreasonable discrimination rule,” she said.

The requested changes come as FCC lawyers are spending hours poring over the text of the rules.

In keeping with FCC procedural rules, the four other commissioners got their first look at the rules just two and a half weeks ago outside of Wheeler’s office. Now they are scrambling to make edits ahead of the vote on Thursday morning.

Overpaying Quarterbacks is Pushing Superstars Away…to Oakland Raiders


oakland raiders overpaying quarterbacks 2015 images

There is a current trend in the NFL: give the quarterback as much money as possible without worrying about the near future of the franchise. Well, teams that have done this are starting to see the negative side effects of doing so. Dedicating between 10 and 20 percent of a team’s entire salary cap to one player is a recipe for disaster, especially when other big name players reach the end of their contracts. Players in the NFL know what they are worth, and if the team that they are currently with is unable to pay them that then they will find a team that will. For many free agents in 2015, the Oakland Raiders appear to be that team.

For a lot of players, the Raiders are the most attractive team that can pay them what they want. The Raiders have almost $52 million in cap room heading into the 2015 NFL season, joining the Jacksonville Jaguars ($62 million) and the Cleveland Browns ($51.7 million) as the three teams in the league with the most money available to spend this offseason. Both the Jags and Browns are seen as franchises that are simply hot messes, and as a result big names players are leaning towards suiting up for the Raiders in 2015.

Several players have already made it clear that if their current team is unable to give them more money they will seriously consider joining the Raiders including Carolina Panthers defensive lineman Greg Hardy, Denver Broncos tight end Julius Thomas, and even Dallas Cowboys running back and the 2014 NFL rushing leader DeMarco Murray.

The Raiders aren’t exactly a good team—really, along with the Jags and Browns they’ve been the laughingstock of the league for years now. One player deciding to join the Raiders to make a little bit more money won’t help anything; however, if a handful of Pro Bowlers decide to take their talents to Oakland the Raiders could find themselves back in the playoff race for the first time since losing Super Bowl XXXVII to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Road To College Basketball Final Four Recap: Kentucky Tops Week Again

Road To College Basketball Final Four Recap Kentucky Tops Week Again

The men’s college basketball regular season is nearing its end. Top-ranked Kentucky is sure to be the NCAA tournament’s No. 1 seed while the rest of the top five or six teams still jockey for positioning. There is still a lot of basketball yet to be played to determine exactly who will make up the final field of 68. Here’s a look at last week’s action.

kentucky wildcats top ranked college basketball 2015

Kentucky Could Make History

With victories over Tennessee and Auburn, the Wildcats moved to 27-0 on the season with just four games remaining. The Wildcats will face their only test down the stretch from No. 18 Arkansas (22-5). The two teams will meet next Saturday. The Wildcats will finish the season with Georgia and a home game against Florida on Mar. 7. Should head coach John Calipari’s squad win its final four games and finish 31-0, they would match last year’s Wichita State team which became the first team to finish the regular season unbeaten since Indiana did it in 1976.

virginia cavaliers biggest threat to kentucky wildcats 2015 images

Biggest Challenges For The Wildcats

Kentucky should get past Arkansas and may wind up facing them again in the SEC tournament. Once they get into the tourney, though, there are a few teams that will give the Wildcats a run for their money. Second-ranked Virginia (25-1) recorded wins over Pittsburgh and Wake Forest, holding both teams under 50 points. The Cavaliers are first in the nation in scoring defense yielding just 50.5 points per game.

Virginia’s lone defeat was to No. 4 Duke (24-3), which beat rival No. 15 North Carolina 92-90 in overtime last week. The Blue Devils, unlike Virginia, get it done with offense. Head coach Mike Krzyzewski’s squad averages 80.6 point per game, fifth best in the nation. Duke closes the regular season at Chapel Hill against the Tar Heels on Mar. 7.

Fifth-ranked Wisconsin (25-2) matches up well with just about anybody. Seven-footer Frank Kaminsky does it all averaging 17.7 points, 8.3 rebounds, and 1.6 blocks per game. Sam Dekker (6-9) averages 13.1 points a game and sophomore guard Bronson Koenig has come on strong as of late. Like Virginia, the Badgers play great defense giving up just 55.4 points per game. Wisconsin is big, physical, and can score.

syracuse orange beats lousville cardinals basketball 2015 images

What’s Up With Louisville?

With a 69-59 loss to Syracuse (17-9) early last week, the Cardinals dropped from No. 12 to No. 17. Missing from the loss to the Orange was guard Chris Jones, who was averaging 13.7 points and 4.0 rebounds per game. Jones sent a threatening text to a female who he was involved with. Jones was reinstated for the Cardinals game against Miami on Saturday, a narrow 55-53 victory, but then was dismissed from the team on Sunday. Jones’ dismissal will affect the Cardinals chances come tournament time.

west virginia mountaineers beat oklahoma state cowboys basketball 2015

West Virginia Rebounds

After three losses in four games, the Mountaineers rebounded with two huge wins last week. Juwan Staten scored 20 points and dished out four assists as WVU beat No. 8 Kansas 62-61 on Monday. Head coach Bob Huggins squad followed that win up with a 73-63 victory over No. 22 Oklahoma State on Saturday. The pair of wins moved West Virginia to 21-6 overall, 9-5 in the Big 12. The Mountaineers moved up in the latest AP poll to No. 20.

gonzaga kills saint marys basketball 2015 images

Gonzaga Survives Toughest Test Of Regular Season

Head coach Mark Few’s Zags won games number 20 and 21 in a row last week. A relatively easy 86-74 win over Pacific was followed by a battle as Gonzaga had to battle back from being down by 17 in the first half to defeat Saint Marys 70-60. The Zags regular season ends this Saturday, Feb. 28, when they host BYU (21-8, 11-5). If Gonzaga can finish the regular season unbeaten and then win the West Coast Conference tournament, they should lock up a No. 1 seed in the NCAA tournament.

oregon ducks beat utah college basketball 2015

Sunday Upsets Affect Poll

Oregon put a notch in its tournament resume with a 69-58 win over previously No. 9-ranked Utah. The Ducks’ Dillon Brooks finished with 19 points, including 11 straight at one point in the second half, to lead Oregon (20-8, 10-5). It was the first loss in six games for the Utes, now 21-5 overall, 11-3 in the Pac-12.

spike albrecht kills michigan wolverines to beat ohio state 2015

In the Big Ten, Michigan broke a five-game losing streak and upset No. 24 Ohio State, 64-57. Spike Albrecht led the Wolverines with 16 points and five assists. The Buckeyes (19-8, 8-6) took a step backward in their quest for an at-large tournament berth. Ohio State fell behind early, which has been something that Buckeyes head coach Thad Motta has found difficult to overcome this season. Ohio State is 1-8 when they have been trailing at halftime. The loss dropped the Buckeyes out of the latest AP poll.

In the newest poll, the nation’s top five remained the same – Kentucky, Virginia, Gonzaga, Duke, and Wisconsin.

Atlanta Falcons Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs


Atlanta Falcons Season Recap 2015 NFL Draft Needs

The Atlanta Falcons 2014 NFL season did not go much better than their 2013 season. In 2013, the Falcons came into the season as possible Super Bowl contenders after finishing 13-3 the year before. Unfortunately for Atlanta, the Falcons were plagued with injuries all season and were only able to squeeze out 4 wins on the season.

atlanta falcons head coach mike smith cant get it together nfl 2015

The Falcons came into the 2014 season healthy and therefore with high expectations, but they face planted along with the rest of the NFC South division. Despite having a relatively healthy roster and head coach Mike Smith, the Falcons were hardly able to beat anyone outside of their division. In fact, the Falcons only non-division game victory didn’t come until Week 13 when they beat the Arizona Cardinals 29-18. The Falcons lost to every other team they faced outside of the NFC South, including teams like the New York Giants, Minnesota Vikings, and Chicago Bears who did not perform very well at all.

atlanta falcons lost to carolina panthers game 2015

The Falcons seemed to be favorites to win the division simply because they were beating everyone else in it. The Falcons were 5-0 within their division going into their Week 17 matchup against the Carolina Panthers. This game would determine the NFC South champion for the 2014 season, and send the winning team to the playoffs with a guaranteed home game. The Falcons lost that game 34-3, sealing them at a 6-10 record.

matt ryan good quarterback for atlanta falcons nfl 2015

Despite their bad season, the Falcons did still send three players to the Pro Bowl: quarterback Matt Ryan, wide receiver Julio Jones, and receiver/return specialist Devin Hester. For a 6-10 team, the Falcons are actually very talented especially on offense. A little bit of young help for their defense and Atlanta should have no problem finding themselves back in the playoffs soon. Here’s the Atlanta Falcons biggest needs heading into the 2015 NFL Draft:

desmond trufant great cornerback for atlanta nfl falcons 2015

Cornerback: The most important job for the Falcons this offseason is to improve the pass defense. Atlanta was dead-last in the pass defense category, giving up almost 280 yards a game through the air. The quickest way to improve a pass defense is to bring in a bunch of young corners who can keep up with the NFL’s best receivers. The Falcons already have Desmond Trufant who has certainly earned his keep; however, it is important that the Falcons put another strong option on the opposite side of him if they hope to improve their defense at all. Because of how bad the Falcons secondary was last season, don’t be surprised if they spend a few early draft picks trying to improve it.

tony gonzales great tight end for atlanta falcons nfl 2015

Offensive Line/Tight End: The Falcons have built up quite the army of players around Matt Ryan, so it is important to keep him upright. The Falcons have a solid set of wide receivers and running backs, so at this point they just need a little more help protecting Ryan. The Falcons selected Jake Matthews with the 6th pick in last season’s draft, and he had a good rookie year; so adding another young lineman on the other side could do wonders for the pass protection and running game. As far as tight ends go, it is hard to replace Tony Gonzales; but the Falcons can work with anything. Atlanta did fine this season without an All-Pro tight end on offense; but tight ends have become one of the most important positions for the offense, so drafting a good one could do them well. Also, having a good blocking tight end would only further improve both the run and pass protection for the Falcons moving forward.

Windows 10 Worth Upgrading This Time


windows 10 well worth the upgrade this time 2015

It seems like such a long time ago when Microsoft released an operating system that you could actually get excited about, and Windows 10 is there well earned attempt at getting us close to that again. Earlier this month we reported on eight things that Windows 8 haters would love in Windows 10, and now we’re going more indepth on what to expect and why this time it’s actually worth the upgrade. Skip the upgrade, it’s time to just start your hard disk from scratch and put the full version on it. Upgrading keeps some remnants from previous versions we don’t always want, so it will be safer to do a clean install this time around.

Microsoft’s Windows 8 Operating system was fresh, fast and different. It ushered in a new PC category known as hybrids, half tablet/half laptop. However, its being ‘different’ has also earned it the distinction of being the most hated Windows version sinceWindows Vista and Windows Me. Foremost of its problems was the removal of the Start Menu that Windows users have become very familiar with since Windows 95 and replacing it with rows of colorful tiles that occupy the whole screen. Second is the new type of full-screen apps formerly named ‘Metro’ which again occupy the whole screen setting aside multi-windowed multi-tasking users are familiar with. Third, is the various interface changes that make Windows 8 a radical departure from the familiar Windows 7 and Windows XP.

Over the six years since Windows 7 was released, Microsoft has made its PC operating system far more intuitive and powerful by packing it with tablet- and smartphone-like features.

A lot of those features debuted with Windows 8, but they still weren’t working perfectly.

Microsoft went back to the drawing board with Windows 10 to develop an operating system that will be familiar to Windows 7 users but doesn’t compromise on modern features. (Note: You’re not crazy — Microsoft skipped Windows 9 altogether.)

Windows 10 has a Start Menu, just like Windows 7 — only better.

windows 10 tech preview start menu images 2015

On the left Start Menu column, you’ll find a list of your most used apps, most visited folders and recently added software. There’s also a button that will show you all your apps in a single list.

windows 10 tech preview beta multi windows 2015

On the right part of the Start Menu, there is a grid of app tiles that you can arrange however you like. The “live” tiles will show you updates, such as the latest stock prices, the last show you were watching on Netflix, social media updates, weather, news and sports scores.

If you want, you can take the Start Menu full-screen by clicking the “expand” button — it’s kind of like having a tablet or smartphone screen for a desktop. But, crucially, it’s only there if you want it. The default is the familiar Windows desktop experience.

Windows 10 provides some design changes that Windows 7 users will welcome. For example, taskbar icons glow at the bottom when they are opened, but only the app icon that is currently being used is completely highlighted. In Windows 7, all open apps are highlighted, confusingly.

windows 10 file explorer 2015

Folder icons are far less glitzy and much more intuitive in Windows 10, making it much easier to view the contents of the folder at a glance before you open it. Gone is the confusing and redundant “libraries” directory. The task manager is also much simpler to use.

Windows 7 users should be unafraid of upgrading when Windows 10 hits store shelves later this year. There is hardly any learning curve, and the new bells and whistles alone are definitely worth checking out.

Much Much better than Windows 8 & 8.1: So what if you’ve upgraded to Windows 8? Here are the big differences you’ll notice in Windows 10.

Windows 8’s odd tablet-style layout was confusing to Windows die-hards. You won’t find Windows 10 difficult to use. Windows 10 boots straight to the desktop, and it stays there.

If you have a convertible laptop or Windows tablet, Windows 10 has a “tablet mode” that recognizes when there is no keyboard or mouse present. But rather than make two separate tablet and desktop interfaces like Microsoft did for Windows 8, Microsoft chose to make the Windows 10 desktop and apps more finger-friendly for tablet users. They only morph a little to fit the device they’re running on.

So if you download a “modern” app from the Windows Store, it will run in a window, just like standard Windows software. The only difference is that it has a diagonal arrow button between the “close” button and the “expand” button at the top right of the window. That will take the app into “tablet mode,” going full-screen. But you can easily get out of that by moving the mouse to the top of the screen and clicking the button again.

windows 10 action center

Windows 8’s not so helpful charms bar has been replaced with the Windows 10 action center. There, you get notifications and access to handy quick settings, such as brightness controls, airplane mode, Wi-Fi and tablet mode toggles.

windows 10 app chooser 2015

Also different is Windows 8’s app-choosing feature, that let you go back to the last-used app by swiping in fro the left. It has been replaced with a far more useful display of all your open apps on a single screen.

Touchscreen users can access the action center with a swipe in from the right, just as they can view all the open apps by swiping in the from the left. But, mercifully, Windows 10 put buttons for both on the taskbar so mouse and keyboard users won’t accidentally launch those features by putting the cursor too far to the left or right.

windows 10 mouse controller

Window 10’s Latest New Features Worth the Wait: Windows 10 isn’t just about correcting Windows 8’s mistakes, though. There are new features that Windows 8 users will love.

The coolest new feature is Cortana, Windows 10’s version of Siri, which appears net to the Start button on the taskbar.

“She” has a sense of humor (“I know Siri, but I don’t KNOW her, know her, if you get what I mean,” Cortana says in response to an obvious question). But in addition to barking voice commands and queries, the search feature is genuinely helpful.

It will search your apps, the Windows Store, the Web and your files to answer search queries. It’s a super-quick way to launch an app (just start typing and hit Enter when the app appears). And like Windows 8’s outstanding search function, Cortana can help you access deeply hidden settings with a few keyboard strokes, helping you avoid hunting and pecking through control panel settings.

Windows 10 also comes with multiple desktops, which is helpful for cleaning up a messy workspace.

I have been testing the preview version of Windows 10 for a few weeks. There are plenty of things not to like, including the fact that you still can’t access all your settings from the “settings” app. We’ll cover more of the hits and misses in a fuller review once Microsoft gets closer to releasing Windows 10.

But the preview has shown me enough to confidently say that Windows 10 will be a breeze to use, a welcome change for both Windows 7 and Windows 8 users, and a big hit for Microsoft.

Nick Gordon Claims Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Family Gave Death Threats

nick gordon uses twitter to lash out at Houston Brown family

Just when the media was getting a little quiet about Bobbi Kristina Brown, something else fired up, and this time it’s her boyfriend’s temper as he recently let loose on Twitter about the Houston and Brown families. Much of it launched at Bobby Brown, who he claims is cancelling tours and hanging around ready to cash in on some of his ex-wife’s money.

Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown is still fighting for her life, Fox News reported today, but the drama surrounding her is giving the Lifetime Channel more than enough material for a “Whitney” movie sequel.

The Brown and Houston family have been fighting the media claiming false reports, but Nick Gordon, the boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina has decided to let it all out on his Twitter account. He confirmed all the news reports about the feud between he and Bobby Brown and how the family has prevented him from seeing Bobbi Kristina. Naturally, Bobby Brown’s lawyers have jumped into the mix claiming that Gordon was given the opportunity and he turned it down.

“Let me be very clear, Mr. Gordon was offered an opportunity to potentially visit Bobbi Kristina and he declined to meet the terms of any possible visit,” Bobby Brown said in a statement through his lawyers. “Obviously Mr. Gordon is not as desperate to visit Bobbi Kristina as he wants the world to believe.”

Gordon’s lawyers rebutted and advised against meeting them since the family had made a point to not let him have any access to Bobbi Kristina.

“In an effort to do all he can to visit, Nick has repeatedly offered to meet with Mr. Brown privately to discuss his request in person, rather than through lawyers,” lawyers Randall M. Kessler and Joe S. Habachy said in a statement. “Those offers have also been rejected. We hope Mr. Brown has a change of heart.”

nick gordon feud with bobby brown heating up again

After seeing his name being ripped in the media, Gordon felt it was time for him to give his side of the story and defend his actions. His tweets mention that Bobbi Kristina’s father only saw his daughter four times in the last five years, but now that family and he are hanging around waiting for the Whitney Houston windfall.

Below are some of his tweets, including his claim that the Brown family gave him death threats:

Police in the Atlanta area have reportedly begun a criminal investigation in the case for possible foul play as injuries on Brown’s body can’t be explained. The nature of the injuries are still unknown, but TMZ reports that multiple sources, including many family members, have said there is a history of violence between Bobbi Kristina and boyfriend Nick Gordon.

Mutual friend, Max Lomas, who discovered Bobbi Kristina facedown in a bathtub full of water, stated that he arrived at their home around 9 a.m. ET last Saturday. Gordon was around, but when asked about Bobbi Kristina, he told Lomas that she was in the bedroom. It wasn’t until an hour later that the body was discovered when a cable serviceman needed access to the bedroom so no one knows exactly how long she was without oxygen. TMZ also reports that Lomas claimed Gordon allegedly cleaned up their home along with removing blood stains.

Last week, it was reported that doctors had replaces her breathing tube with one normally used for patients on ventilators for extended periods of time.


Jay Z Baby Daddy Rumors Still Ringing

jay z baby daddy rumors still ringing

So the cat is out of the proverbial bag. Jay Z a.k.a. Shawn Carter a.k.a “Ya Money Too Short You Can’t Be Talking To Me,” has a 21 year old son, Rymir Satterthwaite, who is also a rapper.

Okay well we don’t know for sure if he’s really the boy’s father but that’s the rumor that is going around right now. The story goes that he is the mogul’s love child from a time back in the day when he used to “smash” Rymir’s mother, Wanda Satterthwaite.

While everyone from just about every outlet seems to be trying to point out the similarities between Jay and Rymir, no one will not know his true paternity until and unless a judge orders one. And that’s the sad this about all of this- the family is taking Jay to court. They want a court to order that he submits to a paternity test because as of right now, he is not having it. And apparently, Rymir’s family is hurting for money. They even opened a Fundly account, which has only reportedly raised $50, for their legal fees.

Now while other sites speculate whether or not all of this is true by putting side by side photos of the two, I want to bring attention to some other pertinent questions, considerations and thoughts about the whole situation.

First of all, the dude looks nothing like Jay Z. I have seen gossip outlets try to draw attention to certain features and using that as a good possibility of Rymir being his child, but that is bull shit. There is no resemblance. Jigga is the kind of guy with strong genes that will show in his offspring. I mean just look at Blue. There is no doubt that that baby is a Carter. Rymir on the other hand, I see no Jay in him. And just because the two have big lips doesn’t mean that they are related.

Secondly, Jay Z doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to just let it all out and leave things up to chance when it comes to having a child. Many other rappers in the game had children before we knew them and after they have become famous. They claim their kids, even if they don’t want to. I don’t think Jay would put himself in a position to have a love child and come on, let’s be real here, if he has one he probably has more.

beyonce laughing at jay z father son 2015

Jay Z is a strategically, calculated man. He has been in the rap gang for a minute and I am sure that he has known from the beginning that he would be where he is. He would not jeopardize any of that just to smash some around the way girl.

Next, if Jay did have other child or children, I don’t think he is the kind of man that would deny them. Why should he? He has the money to take care of them and perhaps that is what all of this comes down to. Reports have circulated that the family of Rymir is hard pressed right now for money which serves as a good reason why they have chosen this time to bring everything up. You know how people do.

Finally, what is really interested in all of this, and what everyone is wondering, is how Beyonce is taking it? Bey knows how it feels to be in this situation because her father has stepped out plenty of times on her mother and who knows how many other children he really has. What is more than likely sitting heavy on everyone’s mind is whether or not she is going to leave him. Here on are my thoughts on that in particular.

I don’t believe she will. If Rymir is indeed Jay’s child, she has no room to be upset (only if he didn’t tell her) because it happened light years before they were together. Matter of a fact, I think she was probably like 12 years old. It would be extremely unreasonable and very unfair for her to leave him because of this situation.

Another reason why I don’t believe that she will leave him or end their marriage is because of image, which is also a reason why I believe Jay Z is handling the situation the way that he is. You have to remember that the Carters are very big on image. I mean Jay supposedly told Kanye that Kim Kardashian isn’t good for the brand. When you are a nigga that says loving someone and having a family with them isn’t good from a money stand point, you are way too caught up in image.

The Carters work very hard to keep up the looks of a happy, put together family. Yes the addition of a love child would mess that dream up I get it. But I’d like to believe that Bey and Jay are not that hung up on looks.

Let’s just call all of this for what it more than likely is. Rymir’s momma used to hang with Jay Z, they probably screwed a couple of times; Rymir is a rapper who is trying to make a name for himself and he knows that his mother used to mess with Jay so for the sake of getting himself out there and garnering some kind of attention, he is brining all this up in the hopes of getting nothing but exposure.

I know it is harsh to say and probably sounds messed up, but if the he did look remotely anything like Jay Z, my tune would be a little different. But he doesn’t which leads me to believe this is all about that old mighty dollar.

In all honesty, love children are nothing new in Hollywood. From Diana Ross and Barry Gordy to Mel Brown and Eddie Murphy, people have babies outside of their marital relationships all the time. If Jay is the father, than he just needs to own up to it and Bey just needs to deal with it and what they are doing moving forward.

Real Estate Agents Potential NFL Client List


real estate agents nfl potential client list

When NFL players sign that enormous contract, they usually wind up splurging on that just as enormous new home, not thinking that the winds of fortune can change just as quickly as a Kardashian finding a new marketing opportunity. They sign as the next new hot thing, and then things just don’t work out as well for the team, and before you know you’re hearing in the media that you’re up for trading season. Below is a helpful list to high end real estate agents ready for that next big commission after draft season.

The NFL offseason is a good time for real estate agents. These less than scrupulous property salespeople benefit from rookies coming into the league from college and sometimes buying homes they will never be able to afford longterm. These real estate people also get some commissions when NFL veterans are dismissed and have to seek work in other cities. Let’s look at a few of the bigger names that may just need to sell a home and find another one due to being cut for salary cap reasons or simply because they are not what they once were.

Dwayne Bowe of the Kansas City Chiefs scored zero touchdowns last year. That is not a great bullet point on a wide receiver’s resume. I’m sure the Chiefs can find a rookie or a hungry journeyman that can luck their way across the goal line for less than half what they would have to pay Bowe. He’s been a solid guy for them, but his abilities are diminished and has never been quite the guy they thought he might evolve into.

Trent Richardson of the Indianapolis Colts really doesn’t belong on a list of “big names” that may be cut. He was a big name coming out of college, but is never going to reach half of his potential. The fact that I’m still talking about the molasses like running back is a testament to how good he was at Alabama. In the NFL he has stunk up two different opportunities.

Troy Polamalu has been one of the best defensive players ever for Pittsburgh and that’s saying quite a bit. This guy was one of the most electrifying playmakers on defense in NFL history. I’d hate to see him on another team, but the NFL is a business and if Ronnie Lott had to move around at the end of a brilliant career, then Polamalu is not above that scenario.

Danny Amendola played a big part in the Patriots’ playoff run, but if Tom Brady can make this guy look good, he can do it with any no name wide out. No offense to Amendola, as he impressed me when the games meant the most, but Brady just makes every receiver into a better version of themselves.

Just a couple years ago Vikings running back Adrian Peterson would have been untouchable. Mix in an excessive spanking incident with his young son and his big cap number for next year and things change in a hurry. Apparently there are hard feelings between Peterson and the Vikings right now according to reports from the combine. There would be no shortage of teams that would line up for AP if he were to be dropped by the purple and gold.

Brandon Marshall may voice his opinions too loudly sometimes, but he was one of the lone bright spots for the Bears last year. The guy plays hard and is a mismatch against the vast majority of defensive backs. Chicago has shaken its leadership up, but Marshall is well worth the few million they could save by dumping him.

For fans it’s hard deal with players moving on, but the NFL is a tough business. There is very little loyalty to players from teams and vice versa. Fans shouldn’t take it too hard when guys are bounced from the roster. It could be the entire team that shows up missing. Just ask the old Cleveland Browns and now maybe even the Rams of St. Louis.

Roger Goodell’s Future


roger goodells nfl future 2015

Even though the NFL had an epic playoff run with many nail biters and a Super Bowl that will have folks talking for years, Roger Goodell had to be relieved the season was over. The Commish didn’t exactly have his best year on the job. Ray Rice, puncher of a female, somehow came out looking better than Goodell at one point in the season. Domestic violence became the main story line for the first few weeks of the 2014 season. And when all that looked like it was fading away, his old buddy Robert Kraft was embroiled in a team scandal involving deflated footballs in the AFC Title game. If Roger Goodell could have called in sick for the entire year, this would have been a good time to do so. 2014 sucked for the commissioner of the NFL to say the least.

Will 2015 be any better for Goodell? That depends on how he handles any incidents that pop up along the way. The league now has a framework set up to deal with domestic violence issues, but they will be scrutinized so they best use every resource and expert in that field available to them. For instance, Greg Hardy of the Carolina Panthers was on the commissioner’s exempt list last year after being accused of beating his girlfriend. He was convicted, but filed an appeal. The case was dropped after his ex-girlfriend, Nicole Holder would not cooperate. It appears she reached a financial settlement which led to her disinterest in pursuing the criminal action. If that’s the case, the woman was simply paid off and Hardy walked away a free man. The guy made over $13 million last year while playing just one game due to the suspension so he certainly had the cash to pay her to keep quiet.

How is Goodell going to handle the Hardy case and others like it? At this point the NFL is doing its own investigation with information coming from the original trial. They are not depending on the American justice system, which favors guys who make $13 million a year,  to do the right thing. That’s the right play. If Hardy’s ex-girlfriend felt like she would rather increase her bankroll than help punish a her alleged attacker, that’s her choice. No one can make that decision but her. However, Hardy is still a dangerous man to future females if the reports of the first trial are accurate. The NFL as his employer should take severe action if they find he got away with an incident that could have easily left his ex-girlfriend dead. I am more interested in this investigation than the DeflateGate nonsense.

I hope Roger Goodell realizes just how much media attention the NFL is going to get going forward. It’s not going to get any lighter for him or his league, especially after the 2014 season. Every idiot has a video camera on their phone and there are a few nuts who try to become a part of the headlines when they see a pro athlete in public. More and more athletes are announcing their own news through Twitter and personal websites also, so there is that to deal with as well.

Pro sports commissioners of the past didn’t have to deal with this type of aggressive media like Goodell is left with. Sure there are plenty of NFL reporters that will tow the line and act like good little lapdogs such as Peter King. But Goodell now has to deal with the TMZs of the world. Guys that can make him look pretty stupid when they make points about how easy it would be for the NFL to get security tapes from a casino. A single phone call, I believe it was in the Ray Rice case. Goodell would do well to hire someone from TMZ to prep him for any questions that may make him appear a fool again in the future.

What about NFL fans? What do they think of the NFL’s leader? As a fan myself I dislike him greatly. He’s the smug type of guy that you’d just like to punch in the neck for the hell of it. He seems hypocritical on many issues and I feel like most fans don’t trust him or like him. Not that any of that matters to Goodell. He’s there to do a job and he is focused only on that. Whether Joe Falcon or Jane Seahawk likes him means very little to a guy pulling in $40 million a year. And ultimately the fans care mostly about the games and a few beers on Sundays. Fans might want a more likable guy running their favorite sports league, but as long as the action remains great they could really care less. Goodell’s douchebaggery is something to talk about around the water cooler during the week once the games are over from the weekend.

The NFL is a giant monster of a company. Take a look at other leaders running such organizations. You will find a few likable guys that seem like normal people. But many of these leaders are just like Roger Goodell. They have tunnel vision and only seek to move forward. Guys in those positions can’t get caught up in too much public opinion nonsense. They have to handle a situation and never for one second doubt what they are doing is the right thing. That’s why Goodell never once even came close to saying he may need to consider stepping down back during the Ray Rice mess. Admitting anything of the sort would have meant he wasn’t the right man for the job and shown him to be weak. He did admit his mistakes, but was never close to saying someone else could do the job better.

Roger Goodell is a shark with one goal in mind, growing the NFL. There are going to be bumps along the way and he will have to deal with the human element of the players’ screw ups. But make no mistake, he plans on pushing right through all such issues. If he has to wear blinders on some issues, he’s not opposed to that either.

Ten Things To Watch For In NFL Offseason


Ten Things To Watch For In The NFL Offseason 2015

Now that my television viewing options have become ever so limited with the NFL season ending, what will I have to entertain me during the long offseason? Baseball? Yawnfest. NBA basketball? Only the end of their playoffs and to do daily fantasy sports. I will catch the NCAA basketball tournament when it rolls around, but that’s only about three weeks worth of sports entertainment. It will be on the UFC and a few quality TV shows to give me something to enjoy this NFL offseason.

There may not be any live football games to view, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a number of NFL story lines to follow until the preseason in August. Here are ten things to watch during the NFL’s downtime this spring and summer.

johnny manziel helping cleveland browns dumpster fire offseason antics 2015

  1. The dumpster fire that is the Cleveland Browns could get completely out of control while there are no games going on. Their players had a hard enough time keeping in line while the season was in play. Johnny Manziel will get plenty of attention again next year, but if he does nothing on the field we will move on to someone who can actually play.

pete carroll wont forget bad super bowl call 2015

  1. Pete Carroll won’t have to deal with “The Call” much longer during the offseason. The Super Bowl is over and done and no amount of explaining can change the outcome. But if things don’t go well early on in 2015 I can see the coach getting doubted by his team and even the local media. Funny how one mistake can derail an entire future, but that’s not a far fetched scenario.

deflategate nfl never ending 2015

  1. Depending on how long Roger Goodell wants to delay the findings of the DeflateGate investigation, this may be a big story. But even if the Pats are found to have done something shady with the footballs versus the Colts, what does it matter? They moved on and won the freaking Super Bowl. No findings are going to erase that fact. I doubt the investigation will show any wrongdoing by anyone of importance anyway.

will new england patriots keep darrelle revis 2015

  1. New England reportedly will try to keep Darrelle Revis another year even though it was generally thought that he would be one and done with the cheapskate Patriots. The guy did his job even though he didn’t have crazy numbers like he has had in the past. And the Patriots may even be able to add some more defensive help if they want to spend the cash. There is no way they will bother spending an extra nickel on receivers with Brady making his wideouts look like world beaters in the postseason. And I have admitted that those no name wide receivers earned their keep when it mattered most. No more will I refer to Julian Edelman as Welker-lite.

where will Ndamukong Suh end up nfl 2015

  1. Watching where Ndamukong Suh ends up for 2015 is a big defensive story. It will be hard for Detroit to afford the D-line monster and fine magnet, but a player like Suh comes along so rarely how can they let him leave? Paying him what he’s worth could wreck their salary cap for more than just a couple of years though.

peyton manning still deciding on broncos future 2015

  1. Will Peyton Manning return for more regular season mastery? It’s looking like old number 18 is going to come back next year as long as the Broncos want him back. But clearly Denver has to have a plan going forward. Manning may have another run in him, but he is certainly not going to be there much more than another farewell season. John Elway best have a good option locked and loaded.

jameeis winston stupid offenses off nfl field 2015

  1. It’s going to be interesting to see what team rolls the dice on one of the biggest dummies college football has ever produced. Jameis Winston finally got his degree from Florida State and is now a practicing Doctor of Knuckleheadery. No amount of smiles, robotic clichés, or apologies can erase all the dumb things this guy did while at FSU. No way I make him the face of my franchise….but someone will.

san francisco without jim harbaugh in michigan nfl 2015

  1. San Francisco will try to move forward without Jim Harbaugh, who is settling into the more friendly confines of Ann Arbor, Michigan. We’ll see how good Colin Kaepernick is without Harbaugh’s Jedi-like QB wisdom. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long year for the 49ers. Their fans better watch a few episodes of ‘Doomsday Preppers’ to get mentally ready for their team’s decline from where Harbaugh had the franchise.

cowboys try holding nfl on to dez bryant and demarco murray

  1. The Cowboys have their bean counters working overtime and I don’t mean their 2014 taxes. They need to find a way to hold onto both Dez Bryant and DeMarco Murray. Both free agents are not headed out of Texas, but the running back is more likely to wear different colors next year than is the wide out. Running backs’ value has dropped with the passing game all but taking over the NFL, so look for Dallas to try their luck with a rookie or running back by committee. With that monster O-line, they should have little trouble finding a decent rushing game without Murray.

beast mode marshawn lynch not sure which nfl team to go 2015

  1. Will Beast Mode be playing for Seattle again in 2015 or will he be elsewhere wrecking safeties that try to hit Marshawn Lynch above the knees? Hell, Lynch may not even play at all. It wouldn’t be the first time a premier running back decided to pack his locker and leave the NFL behind. Running backs have the toughest job physically in all of sports and it should be no surprise that guys fall off so drastically late in their careers. If Lynch does hang it up don’t be shocked. If he comes back with Seattle, which I hope happens, please enjoy every run. There hasn’t been a guy like Lynch in quite a while and he is a dying breed.