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Johnny Manziel’s Teammates Not All Supportive


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Rehab was just the first step, but Johnny Manziel has a long road to go getting both his fans and his fellow Cleveland Browns support back. Usually when celebrities come out of rehab, they’re greeted with open arms, but not everyone on the Browns is feeling so much of that as they know how reality can be. Manziel is going to need quite the image overhaul along with keeping himself in check to even come close to the high expectations thrust on him this past football season.

Browns teammate Joe Thomas took a swipe at the beleaguered former Heisman Trophy winner. Thomas, a vocal critic of Manziel’s this offseason, said the quarterback’s troubles last season were not exactly undetected by his fellow Browns.

“I think the only thing that was apparent probably was that there were other things in his life that were maybe getting in the way of committing himself the way an NFL quarterback needs to,” Thomas said at the Cleveland Convention Center, according to ESPN, after the team unveiled its new uniforms.

Johnny Manziel at baseball game after rehab 2015

Thomas wouldn’t elaborate on his assessment, but questioning a quarterback’s commitment is a dagger, even if the Cleveland veteran does cloak the comment with “maybe” disclaimers. A quarterback is supposed to be a film junkie who controls the team and lives and breathes football; to have a teammate question a signal-caller’s dedication is telling.

“It’s a different level completely,” Thomas said about the focus needed at the quarterback position.

Manziel, who received two starts toward the end of last season, which he promptly bombed before a hamstring injury forced him out, will have to earn his teammates’ trust, according to safety Donte Whitner.

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“I would think that he would say yes to [having to re-earn trust], but the thing is, we commend him for what he did,” Whitner said, according to NFL.com, about Manziel’s checking himself into rehab. “Nobody knew the actual things that were going on in his life but him and his family. So I commend him to be so young and take the initiative and do what he did.

“It can only help him as a person first and foremost, and then as a football player. I believe that he’ll come in, he’ll earn our trust back, he’s that type of guy, he’ll have to compete for his job and I believe he’ll be up for that challenge.”

Aaron Hernandez Saga Isn’t Over Yet


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You’d assume that getting a life term sentence in prison would be enough, but the Aaron Hernandez saga is far from over, and he’s got one more potential criminal trial coming up along with two civil actions. His response upon hearing his guilty verdict today had the former NFL star mouthing the words, ‘wrong’, but he sat down after the first guilty verdict and remained seated while the jury foreman read the rest. His lawyers are making a fortune and will continue so if he holds on to them for the next rounds.

Next up is another murder trial in which he is accused of killing two men and wounding another person near a Boston nightclub in July 2012.

Prosecutors have said Hernandez fatally shot Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado when he fired into their 2003 BMW. Another passenger was wounded and two others were uninjured.

Hernandez pleaded not guilty at his arraignment.

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The trial was originally slated for May 28, but Jake Wark, spokesman for the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office, said Wednesday the trial had been postponed and no new date had been set.

“We expect to select a new court date in the coming days and then set the amended trial track. The Suffolk indictments allege two counts of first-degree murder for the July 16, 2012, shooting deaths of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado in Boston’s South End; three counts of armed assault with intent to murder and one count of assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon for shots fired at three surviving victims; and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm,” he said.

The families of de Abreu and Furtado filed civil suits against Hernandez, and a judge froze his $5 million in assets, pending the outcome of the double-murder trial. The freeze includes the disputed $3.3 million signing bonus payment Hernandez claims he is owed by the New England Patriots.

Hernandez is also being sued by a man who claims Hernandez shot him while they were in a limousine in Miami in February 2013.

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Alexander Bradley claims the then-New England Patriot tight end wounded him after the two got into a fight at a Miami strip club.

In a lawsuit filed four months later, Bradley said Hernandez fired at him during a limo ride after leaving the club and that Hernandez intentionally “possessed a gun which he was not legally licensed to have.”

Hernandez’s lawyers have argued he couldn’t defend himself properly while on trial in Massachusetts. There was no criminal charge in the case.

And then there is the grievance over unpaid bonus money filed by the NFL players union on behalf of Hernandez, who signed a contract in 2012 that potentially was worth more than $40 million.

If the grievance is heard by the league, Hernandez will be represented by the the National Football League Players’ Association.

JUSTIFIED Ep 613 Finale: A Perfect Ending For Raylan Givens


The series finale of ‘Justified‘ started with our hero Raylan Givens in cuffs riding in the back of a police car, but ended with him on the right side of the law. Givens ended up doing what was lawful with Boyd, then he did what was moral with Ava. Even though I would have been fine with Raylan putting Boyd Crowder down in that barn, whether the outlaw drew or not, he showed proper restraint and even made Art proud for once.

Of course Ava had been taken to Markham by his dirty cops so she had to do something to save her neck. Calling the cabin phone (maybe Grubes had color TV and internet too up on that mountain) she got Boyd on the line, but cooly acted like it was her uncle Zachariah. She let Boyd know where she was in hopes his greed for the hidden money would make him rescue her. Best plan the blond ever had.

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Raylan was put back into play when Art got him released to his custody from the local police. The two were gonna hunt down Ava until Art split off to help his team of Marshals get Boyd, who was using a bag full of Zachariah’s dynamite to keep space between him and those Marshals. Boyd armed with TNT is pretty deadly and it was good to see him use his explosive expertise one last go around. Raylan headed out to Markham’s place after he and Art got some info from the dirty deputy that had let Carl into Boyd’s hospital room.

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Avery Markham finally lost it this week. Dude had had enough of Harlan, judging by his anger directed at Ava once Zachariah never showed up with his money at the meeting spot. He was ready to kill Ava and who could blame him. Markham had lost his lover and 10 million dollars because of these “hillbillies” of Harlan. He was about to lose more than that as Boyd Crowder entered the gangster’s hideout with chaos on his mind. Boyd showed just how dangerous he was as he dispatched two dirty cops along with Avery Markham in a nice gunfight. Three on one and the one lived, showing no mercy whatsoever to Markham, whom Crowder had shown so much respect for when he arrived in Harlan earlier this season.

Boyd still had one threat left alive in that barn and that was his former lover. She went for a gun as she knew what would be coming. Boyd aimed his pistol at Ava and pulled the trigger….only to hear it click. Ava lived only because he was out of ammo. Then, in walked Raylan with his impeccable timing, which according to Boyd “sucked.” This was Raylan’s chance to do away with the outlaw that had plagued Harlan for years. One problem, Boyd was out of bullets. Raylan solved that by giving him another weapon. Raylan is not exactly the most cautious law officer ever. He tells Boyd to make a move, but the wily crook knows better and refuses. Raylan would have been justified had he just killed him anyway. After all, the barn was a bloodbath and it would have looked like self defense. Boyd ended up in cuffs instead of a grave even though he threatened to kill both Raylan and Ava once he escaped prison eventually.

Before he was taken into custody Boyd did ask Ava why she shot him and stole the money when they were close to having it all. She said, “I just did what I thought you would do in my situation.”

Art ends up letting Raylan take Ava in, which set up the confrontation with Boon I’d been waiting for. The quick draw deranged thug had Loretta with him as he rammed Raylan’s car to force him to stop. Raylan and Boon would face off in the middle of a Kentucky highway. It was a very cool looking scene and perfect for a finale. Both men were hit and just as I predicted, Boon was not the marksman that Raylan is. The criminal went for the head shot, which put a nice hole in Raylan’s hat, but ended up just grazing the Marshal’s scalp. Boon’s wound was more serious and he faded away fairly quickly. He did come close to putting a second shot in Givens from the ground, but Loretta put a stop to that. Boon was good, but not good enough to end the legend that is Raylan Givens.

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Ava ran to check on the injured Raylan since she still had deep affection  for the man….actually that’s not the case. She sped off in his car with cuffs still on her! Every man for himself or herself in Harlan. She made a clean getaway for the moment, but the Marshals would be on her trail of course. Raylan would not be a part of that manhunt. He was finally headed back to Miami. There were no long goodbyes or hugs with Tim, Rachel, and Art. The farewell was short and sweet though Tim was given a book by Raylan on his way out, ‘The friends of Eddie Coyle.’ This book was one of the favorites of Elmore Leonard so it was a nice touch and tip of the hat to the man whose short story began the entire ‘Justified’ series.

The finale took an unexpected jump four years into the future with Raylan spending time with his daughter on a playground. He and Winona didn’t make things work after all as she was married to another at this point. But the two seemed good with the situation. Raylan got info on Ava, who had made it out of Harlan alive somehow after the Boon shootout, so he headed to California to check it out. I thought we might get to see Raylan and Ava end up together, but it was not to be. She was not too shocked to see Raylan and tried to convince him of her good deeds of late. He wasn’t overly impressed until she went to the Jenny Gump card and showed him her son. The kid was dressed just like his daddy, Boyd Crowder. Ava made sure Raylan would never tell Boyd and he of course agreed. He kept his promise to Ava and she was safe, although she had taken matters in her own hands in order to help her own cause. Raylan did the right thing letting Ava stay put with her kid in her new life.

Boyd is back to using his best gift, that being gab. Preaching in prison is a perfect gig for the silver tongued outlaw. There was even a nod to “The Apostle” movie that Goggins co-starred in with Robert Duvall back in the day (great film if you have yet to see). Boyd is a survivor no matter the environment. Raylan pays the man a visit for the last scene of the series. The two frenemies face off once again with prison glass between them on the phone lines. Raylan makes it look like Ava is dead from a car accident and shows Boyd the fake proof. The old Ava really is dead, and the new one will be a lot safer if Boyd never knows about it. The vicious outlaw tears up a bit as he really did love her in his own way. Boyd asks Raylan why he came all that way personally when he could have just made a phone call. The Marshal tells him, “If I were to allow myself to be sentimental, there is something that I wander back to….” Boyd finishes his buddy’s sentence for him, “we dug coal together.” Raylan agrees as the scene faded to black.

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I loved the last scene. Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins had me glued to the screen noticing even the looks in their eyes as they spoke as old friends for just a few honest seconds. Under different circumstances these two would have made a hell of a duo as fellow lawmen. Paired as two outlaws, they may have been even more formidable. Fate had them set up to oppose one another though and it was quite a treat to watch it unfold over the past six years.  All the hours I spent watching this series were truly Justified.

SURVIVOR: WORLDS APART Ep 8 Recap: Hali Ford Doing Jury Duty


On this week’s episode of Survivor: Worlds Apart, back at camp, Rodney said he was heartbroken to see Kelly go. He said that he was mad about it and he blamed Mike for Kelly going home. Jenn told Mike she was sorry that he was disappointed that she was still in the game. Rodney said that Shirin didn’t need to be there and that it was the blue collars running things at camp, as opposed to the white collars.

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The tribe then showed up for this week’s Reward Challenge. They had to walk across a series of balance beams while collecting bags of puzzle pieces. There were three bags that had to be collected and whoever managed to collect them first would move on to the next part of the challenge, which was to put the puzzle pieces together correctly. The winner of the challenge would get to take a ride on a zip line and at the end of the ride they would be rewarded with food. Hali, Joe and Mike were the ones that got to move on to putting the puzzle together. Joe was the first one to finish the puzzle.

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Since Joe won the Reward Challenge he got to pick three others to take the zip line trip with him and share the food as well. Joe chose Tyler, Will and Caroline. Jeff then told Joe he could pick one more person to go with them. Shirin was thrilled to learn that she was the last person Joe was choosing to share the reward.

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After the zip line ride the five sat down to enjoy their food, which included pizza, watermelon and soda. Shirin had commented that she didn’t like Caroline and didn’t want to have pizza with her. As Caroline drank from a bottle of soda Joe noticed that there was something floating in the bottle. When Caroline gave the bottle to Joe he finished the soda and discovered that a note was floating in it. The note was a clue to the hidden immunity idol. Joe said when he woke up the next morning Tyler was already wide awake and waiting for Joe, because he knew what Joe had. Joe and Tyler took the dishes from the night before and went down to the water to wash them.

When Joe and Tyler were alone together Joe pulled out the note and read it. Mike wanted to know why Joe would show Tyler the clue to the location of the immunity idol because Joe wanted Tyler to be his ally. Tyler told Mike that Joe knew where the immunity idol was hidden but that he hadn’t told anyone. Mike said he had to find Joe before Joe found the hidden immunity idol.

Joe found the immunity idol in the water and Mike congratulated him on finding it. Joe said that Mike doing so may have spoiled Joe’s plans to use the immunity idol. Dan said Shirin was so annoying he could never even remember the proper pronunciation of her name. Shirin said that Dan was trying to rip her apart by throwing insults at her.

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Mike also found a hidden immunity idol in a tree trunk at the tribe’s campsite. He said that he wasn’t going to share it with anyone else because he needed it for himself.

hali ford about to get voted off survivor worlds apart ep 8 2015

The tribe arrived for this week’s Immunity Challenge. They had to work their way through a maze that involved moving slides to form a particular pattern. A slide puzzle needed to be completed in order to win the challenge. Jeff asked Shirin how she felt about this challenge and she said she had been waiting for a challenge like this one. She said since she is a computer scientist this challenge should come easily for her. When they started the challenge Dan was the first person to complete the slide puzzle, but the completed it incorrectly so the challenge continued. Joe was the first one to solve the puzzle correctly, making him the winner of the individual Immunity Challenge.

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Rodney said that the tribe had to hustle because of the decisions Mike had made. Shirin said it would be a life achievement for her to win one of the Survivor challenges and that Joe wins them all. She also said everyone thought she was weak and no one thought she was a threat to them in the game. Shirin expressed her desire that this would help her remain in the game for at least a few more days. Dan said Caroline and Tyler felt confident that Shirin didn’t have the immunity idol. He also said that Shirin might be an idiot savant, but if so she was more idiot than savant. Sierra said that it would be great to get rid of Dan because he kept saying rude and childish things about the other tribe members. Shirin said hearing that other people didn’t like Dan either made her feel less like she was crazy for disliking him. The women all said that they wanted to come together to get Dan voted off the island. Tyler said he wanted to target Mike and Dan for elimination.

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That night at Tribal Council, Jeff asked Tyler how the tribe had reacted when Kelly was voted out. Tyler said that jaws dropped, seeing Kelly go home. Jeff then asked Dan if he was uneasy at seeing how quickly things can change in this game. Dan said as a fan of the game one has to expect bombs to be dropped. He also said that it was necessary to stand by and believe in any alliance between members of the tribe. They talked about whether or not people who flip their alliances have a better or worse chance of winning Survivor. Jeff then announced that it was time for each person to cast their vote for the person who goes home this week. After they placed their votes and Jeff tallied them it was determined Hali Ford was going home.

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LAW & ORDER: SVU Ep 1619 Recap: Granting Kids Immunity On Trial


On this week’s episode of Law & Order: SVU, Olivia said that she was taking Noah to the pediatrician to get his vaccination. Meanwhile, at Tribeca Academy, in the city, a teenage boy went to school sick. He and his friends were smuggling bottles of hard liquor in their backpacks to take to a rainbow party. The people at the party played a kissing game, which included the sick teenage boy. At the party people took selfies that showed the girls at the party dancing around in their underwear. Every person who had been at the party had these photos on their cell phone and a teacher at the school happened to see the pictures on a student’s phone.

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The SVU team got wind of this rainbow party and the fact that lewd selfies were making the rounds among the school’s students. This was causing angst among many of the female students and many more of their parents. Olivia, Sonny, Finn and Rollins went to Tribeca Academy to talk to the teacher that saw the lewd photos. A PTA meeting was being held while Olivia was at the school. Olivia talked to the parents and told them that SVU was concerned with whether or not any actual crimes took place as a result of the rainbow party. Rollins and Sonny spoke to some of the students and their parents that were concerned about the incident. One of the boys at the party confessed that people were smoking weed the whole time.

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A mother of one of the male students at the party went to the station and told Olivia that the kids at the party didn’t mean to do anything wrong and most of them had never been in such serious trouble before. She also told Olivia that the parents of the other boys at the party were afraid their sons would be arrested even though they felt the girls at the party were just as guilty of wrongdoing.

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Back at the school the SVU team talked to each student and told the students they would need to give police the log in info for their social media accounts and any pin that would be needed to access a student’s phone. While at the school Olivia got a call that Noah had been rushed to the hospital and she needed to get there immediately. When Olivia got to the hospital and spoke to Noah’s doctor the woman said that Noah had been exposed to the measles virus and Olivia needed to quarantine Noah at home.

Olivia took Noah home and had Finn and his partner, bring her the items she would need from her office to work at home while Noah was in quarantine. Finn and his partner told Olivia that some of the pictures that had been taken at the party were now on several online porn sites.

Sonny and Rollins went to the school to retrieve the cell phone of Luke, a student who had refused to give his up the day the entire SVU team was at the school for this purpose. The detectives forced the student to open his locker in front of them.

Finn’s partner told Olivia that two of the boys at the party who refused to give up their cell phones to the police were now out of school because they were sick. At that point the babysitter came into the room and told Olivia that Noah was having trouble breathing, so Olivia rushed him to the hospital. When Olivia got Noah to the hospital she was told that they suspected he had measles.

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At a meeting between the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) and Larry’s mother, they talked about the fact that Luke was found to be the one who posted lewd pictures from the rainbow party on someone’s porno website. She argued that this did not make him a sex offender as the ADA was trying to imply that he is. Larry’s mother talked about how everyone at the rainbow party was now in danger of coming down with the measles. She questioned how the measles virus could be spreading considering that New York law says students must be vaccinated in order to attend school.

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Back at the school Finn and his partner found out that eight students were out with measles and the school was closed for the rest of the week so it could be disinfected. One of the teachers said that two students in the school had a medical exemption from having to get vaccinated.

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Olivia tracked down the doctor that had signed off on several of the school’s student vaccination records. Rollins and Sonny went to the doctor’s office of the doctor who had vaccinated all the students that were currently out of school with measles. When they left the doctor’s office Sonny said right away that the doctor was lying and Rollins brought up that the vaccination records may have been falsified.

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When Rollins questioned Trudie Malco, one of the mothers about whether or not students’ vaccination records were falsified she refused to talk about the subject. Olivia and the ADA went to talk to another student’s parent. The woman told them the law about vaccinations is unjust and parents have a right to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children. The ADA told the woman she was guilty of reckless endangerment and that he would work with SVU to get her to stop encouraging other parents not to vaccinate their children.

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Ms. Malco went to court to fight for her perceived rights. The ADA and the defense attorney discussed coming to an agreement on how to handle the mother legally. Olivia testified in court that Noah had caught pneumonia from the younger sibling of one of the infected students from Tribeca Academy.

The jury in the case ruled that Ms. Malco was innocent of first degree reckless endangerment but was guilty of reckless endangerment of second degree.

Love & Hip Hop New York Reunion Part 2: Creepytime Sets In

love and hip hop new york reunion part 2 2015

Last night on Love and Hip Hop New York, we saw part two of the reunion and if you thought the sparks flew last week, well honey child you ain’t seen nothing yet. These fools are off the freaking chain.

It picks right back up from where it ended last week with us waiting to hear what REALLY when down in the bathroom between Rich and Diamond. Diamond, of course, is mad at the fact that they had audio from what they did, but we never hear it. Wack! This bitch, how can you even get mad boo, everything that you have done during the whole show as been stupid and degrading, why start caring now? Anyway, her mom, who needs to shut the fuck up, said that she supports her daughter, right wrong or indifferent but what she needs to do is stop spoiling her and enabling her to run from the consequences her dumb ass actions.

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Rich finally chimes in and says that he didn’t do anything to give Diamond the impression they were more than just acquaintances.  Cisco then asks him why he even started messing with her in the first place. Rich couldn’t really say anything and Cisco tells them that there will be no fighting on the show. Whatever they have to do/talk about will be dealt with outside of the cameras.

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Then there is Peter Gunz, Amina and Tara and for whatever reason Yandy and Mendeecees join them on the stage. They do a recap of their storyline and Amina then says that she wants to (or would) get back with Peter and she loves him but she just can’t get do it.  Come the fuck on Amina, you don’t admit that shit for the whole world to know. Tara then tells him how she feels and that she can’t believe the way he treated her. Peter calls Amina a snitch for telling Tara that he had sex with other chicks. Tara calls him out and says that he wouldn’t be able to take being done that like if the shoes was on the other foot this ass says, “You’re right… I can’t.” Literally, is this guy for real?

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Peter is just too much. They bring Orion out and he won’t let him speak. He also accuses Amina of not taking up for him the way she takes up for Orion. NIGGA PLEASE! Go jump off the fucking Brooklyn Bridge you bum ass fool.

To make it interesting, Nina Parker, the moderator, brings the guys on the stage to see who is the biggest creep. Cisco says that it is Rich but idk… Peter is probably the without a doubt the biggest one even though Rich is too damn old for everything that he does. Peter then says that his creepness is “all in the name of love.”

Of course the reunion would not be “complete” without the stuck up, better than everyone, all about me bitch Erica Mena. I just cannot stand this trick.  We see more of the interview she had with Mona Scott Young and this hefa breaks down crying when talking about the way that Bow Wow and her son love each other. She sheds more tears saying that she would be nothing without the show and how it changed her life. She is such a fucking joke. Like I said last week, she would have been better off not doing the interview at all because the things that she says about the other cast members look just as bad as if she were there confronting them.

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After seeing her video, Rich says that LHHNY went on without a hitch without Erica Mena and “Love and Hip Hop fucking continues.” Damn right Rich (and that is the only time I will agree with that dog).

We then see Yandy, Kimbella, Remi and Mendeecees on the stage.  Yandy  tells Remi that she never had an issue with her until it got creepy. When it is Remi’s time to speak, this chick raises her voice and still doesn’t show any respect. Nina asks Mendeecees if he thinks that Remi likes him and he totally avoids the question. Kimbella can’t take it any more and tells her that she is just chirping. Remi gets up like she is going to go at her and Yandy stands up like she is about to jump in to which her man grabs her and tells her to sit down. Their segment finishes with Remi saying that she has a lot of love and respect for Yandy.

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At the end of the episode, they bring the entire cast on stage to review clips of the season. When asked if they have any last things to say Amina asks Tara if she still feels that she can do to peter whatever she wants when she wants and she says yes. Amina then asks Peter if it’s true and he says no.  You know you would think that will all the practice he has with lying and being a jerk, he would have a better poker face.

Yandy then leaves everyone with the invitation to her wedding which we are all invited to because it is going to be VH1 special. Hmph… didn’t see that one coming.

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This has been one hell of a season for New York but have not fear, Love and Hip Hop Atlanta premieres next Monday and you know I’ll have all the details for you.

CSI: Cyber Crowd Sourced Ep 105 Recap

On this week’s episode of CSI: Cyber a movie theater usher found a bomb under a patron’s seat. The usher ran out of the theater and into the lobby with the bomb and warned people to get away before it exploded, which it then did.

Agents Mundo and Ryan then showed up to examine the area and Agent Ryan said that six people had been killed. The team had confiscated the cell phones of the people in the movie theater to determine whether or not anyone had captured anything happening on their phones. They were trying to determine who the target of the bomb was. There was a tablet attached to the bomb that showed, rather than a countdown to the bomb going off, a count up to it. They theorized that the target used the cell phones around them to detonate the bomb.

Agent Ryan then questioned some of the people who were in the movie theater when the bomb went off. Many people in the movie theater had received a “kaboom text” on their cell phones prior to the bomb detonating.

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Agent Mundo and Nelson took the pieces of the detonated bomb to FBI headquarters in an attempt to begin piecing together this case. They were looking for the hard drive in the tablet that was on the bomb. They determined that all of the “kaboom texts” had malware in them in order to disable people’s phones.

At the D.C. Medical Examiner’s office Agent Mundo was checking the bodies of the bombing victims for possible clues in the case. The hard drive that had been in the tablet was recovered from the body of a young teenage boy. Two Congressional staffers were among the dead that were at the morgue.

The team at FBI Headquarters found a website with a video stating that if on the day the bomb went off people had left their cell phones at home the incident never would have happened. It also said that when the video reached a certain number of views another bomb would be detonated. The way the site was set up the video would automatically start playing when anyone viewed it. Nelson attempted to gain administrator access to the website.

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Agent Ryan went to a Federal prison in D.C. to question Tobin, one of the prisoners. From him she received the information the FBI needed in order to gain access to the method the hacker used to cause the bombing incident. Nelson discovered that the malware used in the incident had malware of its own embedded.

In Paris and Italy, similar incidents happened and the FBI began to probe into these incidents to find out whether or not they were connected in anyway. Agent Ryan then took Nelson and went to see Tobin in prison once again. They went to get the encryption key from Tobin that they needed to get into the website in question. Tobin said if he could type the encryption key himself he would let Agent Ryan use it. She and Nelson were then able to get into the system and communicate with the rest of the team at FBI Headquarters, which allowed the team to pinpoint where in the malware program the command to detonate the bomb was located.

Agent Mundo found and confronted the man responsible for the malware program, who told Mundo that people were becoming too addicted to technology and that it was everywhere. The man had a bomb in his head hand when he was found and Agent Mundo shot and killed him when he went to detonate it. The team later realized that the man Mundo had killed was the only one who had key information that they needed in order to solve the case.

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As Nelson and Agent Ryan went back to discussing the case with Tobin he began to have trouble breathing. After Tobin used his inhaler to get his breathing under control he told Ryan and Nelson that they could have let him die and Ryan said they weren’t going to let that happen because they still needed him

Back at FBI Headquarters Agent Ryan and the rest of the team pinpointed the event where the bomber in this case was very likely to strike again. They arrived at the event, which was a concert. The website that was going to trigger the next bomb detonation was getting enough visitors that the detonation was likely to happen that night, at this concert with hundreds of people in attendance. Like at the movie theater, almost everyone at the concert was using their cell phone to record the event.

The team showed up at the concert, went onstage and told the band to get the audience members out of the building immediately. Backstage, Agent Mundo found the bomb that was about to detonate, which looked just like the bomb that went off in the movie theater, complete with a tablet attached. Agent Mundo then left the building with the bomb and put it in his car. As Mundo fled the scene in his car Agent Ryan told him the bomb squad was going to come meet him and safely detonate the bomb but Mundo said the bomb squad wouldn’t get there in time. Though Mundo had one of the FBI team in his car, he told him to get out. Ryan told Mundo to drain the tablet’s battery, which would prevent the bomb from detonating. Mundo then pulled over and did what he was told.

Agent Ryan flashed back to two years previous when Tobin had been a part of the FBI team. Prior to joining the FBI he had been a black hat hacker before then. Ryan felt guilty that she brought him into the FBI only to have him go back to the wrong side of the law. She then realized that Tobin left his inhaler next to Nelson’s laptop to keep the team from discovering mistakes that Tobin made.

Love & Hip Hop New York Reunion Part 1: Remi Gets Shine Time


So here is the truth about Love and Hip Hop New York– These fools are crazy. Last night was part one of the reunion and if you thought the regular episodes we saw each week this season were something, well honey chile you ain’t seen or heard nothing yet.  I mean they even let Remi’s disrespectful ass have a little time to shine.

First up on the couches was Cyn, Chrissy, Rich and the whole Erica Mena storyline. Nina Parker, the host of the reunion show, asks about Erica and if anyone has spoken to her. Of course no one has and we are told that she refused to see anyone on the cast, which is the reason she is not on there. She did however, agree to speak to Mona Scott Young the whole creator behind all this shit and in her interview, she pretty much told her that all those people on the show don’t matter because this is their 15 minutes of fame so let them have it. She is the same old Erica and clearly thinks that she is better than them because she has so much going for her. And according to Erica, Cyn is playing up the victim card so she is just going to let her.

The people on stage listen to what she has to say and when asked by Nina if he thought that Erica was seeing Bow Wow the whole time with Cyn, Rich says without hesitation, “Yes.”

Then there is Yandy and her crew. They do a recap of what happened during their storyline on the show, in particular the meeting where Judy (Mendeecees mom) threw her drink in Kim’s (Samantha, Mendeecees baby momma) face. On the stage, Kim has something to say to Mendeecees about making Samantha out to be a deadbeat mom. They try to clear up who had little Mendeecees when his dad was in jail and of course they made it seem like Yandy was his substitute mom which pisses Kim all the way off. She gets hype and they have to calm her down. This woman is hilarious because she goes from 0 to 100 and then back again.

hugs at love and hip hop new york reunion 2015

Next up are Rich and Jhonni and their whole “relationship” which is still full of strife. After we see their clips from the season, Rich and Jhonni of course, go back and forth. The tension between them is so high. Precious P also has a time to address the whole Rich as her manager fiasco and he is just rude and an ass. He responds to Precious P with all kinds of shade and with a lot of hostility.  Jhonni Blaze is still on the stage too and she is just out of line because she goes in on Diamond Strawberry who is in the audience. She has to deal with her anger issues and it is really a shame because she has talent, but these feelings she has for a man that does not love her makes her out to be a joke. You can’t take this chick seriously because her first mind, in ANY situation, is to fight and that just ain’t cool.

Chrissy and Chink get some time on stage and they talk about their situation. She breaks down crying because she feels like she wasted time and is truly hurt. Nina asks Chink about where he stays when he goes to DC (Chrissy thinks with his wife) and he says in his house. She also asks him if he understands where Chrissy is coming from and he says no he doesn’t. When asked if she would take him back if he got divorced today, Chrissy said she would because she loves him.

Also, Chrissy talks about what happened with Erica and we see what Mena has to say about the whole thing. Erica reveals to Mona in her interview that Chrissy clearly “knows that she is worthless… and a pig… she is a pathetic, worthless, ran through that can’t have a kid to save her life whore.” Erica is so fucking full of herself and it just isn’t a good look. She is saying all these things because she can’t get her ass beat for it. I know she doesn’t realize it, but her saying this shit is just as bad as if she were actually there because it is still a negative hit on her reputation. It’s all bull shit.

Finally, crazy ass, delusional, spoiled brat Diamond is up and no matter how you slice it, she has no real sense of reality. Her momma is there with her and we can kind of see where she get’s her crazy from. She says that Cisco gave her the idea that they would be together when she came to NY and that’s why she left her daughter for the Big Apple. Then of course they show a clip of Erica who says that Diamond is pathetic and sad and for the record, I totally agree with her because Diamond is unbelievably self-centered and doesn’t like to take criticism at all. The bitch is immature.

tara fighting for love and hip hop new york reunion 2015

In the end, we learn that the mics were not turned off when Diamond and Rich were in the bathroom doing God knows what, but we have to wait until next week to hear the truth of what (or who) went down.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Ciara Speaks Tiffany Pollard Botch Free & Kanye Defies Stereotype

celebrity gossip ciara tiffany pollard kanye west and aaron hernandez images 2015

What’s up peeps, today in the world of celebrity news, we have some two singers beefing and one rapper… swimming causing quite the uproar while NFL star Aaron Hernandez will be doing either kitchen or laundry duty for the rest of his life.

ciara on breakfast club 2015

Ciara Speaks on Relationship, Charlamagne & Beefing with Female Artists

I tell you what, this new more in your face Ciara is defiantly a change from what we are used to. Ciara was recently a guest on the The Breakfast Club, which is a surprise in itself. Why? Because she whenever she is on the Power 105.1 morning show Charlamagne gives her a hard time about her choices in both relationships and her music. He happened to not be there this interview around to which Ciara says,

“I think we can all say the reason why Charlamagne gives me a hard time is because he’s scared of me.”

ciara calls of future with future 2015 gossip

She was very open during her segment and spoke on everything from what happened with Future, which she summed up by saying, “Simply put, “It clearly didn’t work out, but I have the greatest gift.” She maintains that everything is cool between the two parents and says that her son gets along just fine with his other four siblings.

ciara baby 2015 gossip

“We don’t talk every day, there’s no need to. But my son is clearly the connection between he and I and as parents I think it’s important to be able to communicate,”

Ciara also addressed the rumors that continue to swirl about her and Rihanna beefing.

ciara feud with rihanna 2015

I’ve always been a fan of her work. I’m happy for her. I’ve always said that,” she admitted. “In reference to what happened, I still can’t tell you what and why to this day.”

She also spoke about her new album Jackie, which has something to do with her mom’s name. It hits stores May 4th.

tiffany pollard i love new york reality star botched 2015

Tiffany ‘New York’ Pollard Gets Botched Boob Job fixed

I am not sure how many of you remember the VH1 show “I Love New York” but I have bad news for you. The star Tiffany Pollard is back . This time around though it has nothing to do with kicking Flavor flav and all to do with getting her boobs fixed.

tiffany pollard on botched 2015

On the season premiere of the show “Botched”, New York, told them how she got a double D breast job because she appeared “flat chested” on the Flavor Flav show and then when even bigger on a second procedure that was worst than the first. She showed her boobs and one of them even felt like a “bowling ball” (damn!).

tiffany pollard before after botched boob job 2015

She feels that getting this shit fixed will help her in the “next phase of my career” which was supposedly a show with the title “Ratchet Queens” and other projects, which thankfully didn’t get picked up.


“I’ve held back on so many things because I was uncomfortable with my breasts…now it’s time for me to become who I wanted to be ever since I was a kid. I have to have this. There’s no other way.”

Ugh I hate when THOT’s try to put a spin on their hoeing. She’s not talented and her fake ass boobs can’t change that. Just go be a stripper already and stop wasting or time.


Kanye West Defies Stereotype, Jumps into a Body of Waterkanye west pic 2015

Since he, his wife and other members of her family have embarked on a “tour” of Kim’s home country, Kanye has been the focus of media outlets left and right.

kanye west lake jump paris 2015

On Sunday, Yeezus decided to do a free concert in Yerevan, Armenia which quickly gets shut down because this dude jumps into a near by body of water (yes defying the stereotype that black people can’t swim).

Well I guess that doesn’t really count because water was shallow (and we all know he’s used to being inside shallow things) so there really wasn’t anything proved there. Except the fact that he will do pretty much anything for attention.

kanye west fans jump into swan lake 2015

To make matters worse, dozens of fans join him in Swan Lake which caused the gig to be shut down.  Oh Kanye, leave it to you to give the people what they want… a up close and person experience with a real jackass.

percy sledge dies 2015

Percy Sledge Dies

In unfortunate news, famed singer of one of R&B’s most recognizable songs died yesterday. Percy Sledge died in Baton Rouge Louisiana of natural causes at the age of 73. Known for the ballad “When a Man Loves a Woman” his career spanned five decades. While he had other hits, none of them brought the success and fame of his first number one blockbuster.

“The granddaddy to all of my songs. The boss of all of my songs. I have great respect for that song,”

Rest in peace Mr. Percy and thank you for blessing us with your gift all these years.

aaron hernandez found guilty of murder 2015

Aaron Hernandez Found Guilty of 1st Degree Murder

In a long trail that had many believing form the beginning that former New England Patriots start Aaron Hernandez killed 27-year-old Odin Lloyd, everything has come full circle as the one promising football player was found guilty of premeditated murder.

Shane Ray 2015 NFL Draft Stock


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Although Missouri Tigers superstar defensive end Shane Ray had to miss the NFL Scouting Combine, his numbers and raw talent speak well enough about him to warrant 1st round selection in the upcoming 2015 NFL Draft.

Ray had a quiet sophomore season in 2013 with only 4.5 sacks, but during his junior year this past season he really made his name. In 2014, Ray finished with 14.5 sacks and 65 total tackles, including 22.5 tackles for loss. Ray showed his ability to play against virtually anyone with four multi-sack performances and a great game against Florida Gators offensive tackles D.J. Humphries.

shane ray ready for 2015 nfl draft

Ray clearly has the size and speed to be an every-down pass rusher in the NFL. He can beat lineman around the edge, he is fantastic in pursuit of rushers, and he is quick coming off the snap.

Ray does have some shortcomings. He still needs to work on stopping runs straight up, as he had problems throughout the season when teams would rush straight at him; and he also lacks overall length. However, at the end of the day, Ray is one of the more NFL-ready outside linebackers in the draft.

So far, the team showing the most interest in Ray is the Houston Texans who currently hold the 16th overall pick. Jadeveon Clowney has provided absolutely nothing to the team so far after being picked 1st overall in 2014, and bringing in Ray would be the perfect move to replace edge rusher Brooks Reed and give Clowney a kick in the butt.

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Shane Ray didn’t have a great pro day, so he may be available when the Texans are on the clock. The reigning SEC Defensive Player of the Year should keep his fingers crossed that the Texans call his name, because there is no better team in the league for him.

Houston’s defensive line currently consists of Clowney, Vince Wilfork, and of course J.J. Watt—the best line in the NFL. Lining up alongside prolific players such as these would do wonders for Ray. Not only would he be able to learn from some of the best in the game, he would also see the kind of numbers he did in college simply because offensive linemen will be more worried about stopping Watt and Wilfork than him.

Hernandez Gets Lifetime To Aaron Out Prison Laundry


aaron hernandex trial verdict finds footballer guilty life in prison 2015

Aaron Hernandez will have plenty of time to work the gangster lifestyle that he apparently loved more than being a professional football player. The former Patriots tight end was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison today. This guy went from being one of the best tight ends in the NFL with a new $40 million contract on a prominent team to being a convicted murderer that will wake up every day in a fucking cage. The scenario sounds more like a ‘Lifetime Network’ movie than a real life event. Reality is truly stranger than fiction sometimes.

aaron hernandez shirtless tattoo nfl star 2015

There are plenty of innocent people in jail. The proof of that is in all the people released from prison after DNA evidence showed their innocence. The American judicial system is certainly not perfect and we don’t know all the details behind the scenes yet, unless you are willing to look over ream after ream of courtroom documents. With that said, it sure looks like Hernandez is a killer. His own lawyer finally acknowledged he was with the other two friends who are awaiting trial for the same murder of Odin Lloyd. His legal team likely admitted that in closing statements simply because there was substantial evidence showing that to be the case anyway.aaron hernandez killed odin lloyd verdict 2015

The defense claims he was a 23 year old guy who witnessed a horrible crime committed by two friends and didn’t know what to do. First thing you do is not hang out with friends that are capable of murder. This was no spur of the minute killing. This was an execution. No way Hernandez didn’t have a feel for what his two buddies were capable of doing. And that is a best case scenario for the former football star. The more likely situation was Hernandez pulling the trigger himself, judging from the jury’s decision.

By the way, the justice system isn’t done with Hernandez. He will face another murder trial for the drive by shootings of two men over a spilled drink at a nightclub. It’s a good thing Hernandez is already going to prison for life. It would suck to be in the clink over a spilled beer at a club. To be fair, prosecutors suggest Lloyd was killed to help cover up the 2012 drive by slayings. Aaron Hernandez is not very good at covering his tracks. From destroying his home video security system, to breaking his cell phone, to the extreme of killing one guy to conceal the murder of others, this guy is Matlock’s wet dream. It’s amazing the bonehead out of the University of Florida remained among the free population as long as he did. Now he will be in the gen pop at a guarded facility.

aaron hernandez facing life in prison murder guilty 2015

Aaron Hernandez should be the poster child for the NFL Rookie Symposium. Most athletes likely know how much trouble you can get into if you take another human’s life. But on the off chance that there is another Hernandez, Rae Carruth, or O.J. Simpson (allegedly) lurking in the 2015 draft, it would be good to mention to the future draftees that murder is wrong. All the speeches in the world may not be as effective as showing video footage a former $40 million dollar baller wearing “inmate orange.”

What is truly amazing is how the New England Patriots bounced back from the loss of a Pro Bowl player so quickly. Hernandez and Gronkowski were a one-two punch at tight end that the league had never had to deal with before. That duo would have been a monster mismatch for years down the line. It was not to be though and the Pats won their fourth Super Bowl this past February as their once prized fourth round pick sat in his jail cell. Hernandez was cut within hours of his arrest and the team never looked back. Even the Raiders wouldn’t have kept a guy like this around for long once such news broke.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. Pro athletes cannot stay who they were once they enter the professional ranks. If they had a perfect homelife in a cozy little town, that is one thing. If they were living on the edge of crime riddled areas and had “friends” that were criminals themselves, these athletes have to leave that behind. In most cases, the bad seeds are going to drag the superstar athletes down instead of the star’s pulling their “buddies” up from the streets. All Aaron Hernandez had to do was keep his nose relatively clean. He could have gotten away with acting a fool now and then. He was a pro athlete with some real money. But you can’t just go kill a guy…. or two…. or three. That kinda shit will usually catch up with you unless you are some kind of evil genius criminal. Hernandez is no genius of any sort, so he will now await his death day after day in a tiny cell meant for animals, which is what he behaved as.

Why Philip Rivers Trade to Tennessee Titans Makes Sense: 2015 NFL Draft


marcus mariota with philip rivers for tennessee titans 2015 nflmarcus mariota with philip rivers for tennessee titans 2015 nfl

Since the Tennessee Titans finished 2-14 and locked up the 2nd overall pick in the 2015 NFL Draft, rumors have been swirling around the league about what they would do with it. First the Titans were supposed to take either Jameis Winston or Marcus Mariota, then they were going to take USC defensive lineman Leonard Williams; but now what?

Well, the latest rumors coming out of Nashville indicate that the Titans may now be looking to trade their 1st round selection. At the end of the day, this route may be the best option for the Titans.

tennessee titans unsure of second pick 2015 nfl draft

Let’s face it, the Titans need any and all the help they can manage to get this offseason: quarterback Jake Locker retired, the team hasn’t had a postseason appearance since 2008, and they haven’t won a playoff game 2003. Fans are starting to itch for some extra football in January.

If the Titans select Winston or Mariota, they’re taking a chance. There’s no guarantee that either of these players will amount to anything in the NFL; and with the talent (or lack thereof) that the Titans have on roster, the team would be setting a rookie quarterback up to fail much like Zach Mettenberger did in his seven games this season.

Leonard Williams would be a great addition to the defense, especially with Brian Orakpo joining the squad over the offseason. The Titans also have Wesley Woodyard on defense who is one of the best up-and-coming linebackers in the NFL. Unfortunately, unless Williams is the next J.J. Watt or Mario Williams (which is very unlikely), he will not bring enough to the defense to warrant a legitimate shot at a playoff appearance.

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What the Titans need is a leader, preferably a quarterback—they can certainly get that from the San Diego Chargers in the form of Philip Rivers. According to rumors coming out of San Diego, the Chargers may be trying to move their long-time quarterback to Tennessee in a draft day trade for the 2nd overall pick, most likely for Winston or Mariota. The Chargers Super Bowl window is closed, and so there’s no point in keeping their aging quarterback around.

At 33 and on the downslope of his career, Rivers is not about to lead a team on a miraculous Super Bowl run; but the Titans aren’t looking for the next Air McNair—really, they’ll take what they can get at this point.

philip rivers not happy with chargers marcus mariota nfl 2015philip rivers not happy with chargers marcus mariota nfl 2015

Rivers knows what it takes to quarterback a team to victory, as he has for so many years in San Diego. Rivers isn’t exactly an elite quarterback, but he’s a solid option given the right players and a good coaching staff. Given a season or two, Rivers can give the Titans exactly what they need—a playoff appearance.

At this point that’s all the Titans really need. Players don’t want to play for a team that they feel is going nowhere, which is why the Oakland Raiders and Jacksonville Jaguars have problems obtaining contributors year after year. Rivers can bring a winning attitude to a team that desperately need it, and the players and coaching staff will follow.

ken whisenhunt titans coach looking for philip rivers 2015 nfl draft picks

Let another team take a chance on a rookie. There’s no guarantee that either of them will succeed; and much like Blake Bortles and the Jags, they may find themselves picking in the top five again next season.

The Titans would be smart to accept an offer for Philip Rivers; and then in a few years when it comes time for him to retire, they will already be set up to continue to succeed moving forward.