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Forget Your Passwords, It’s a Must For the Future

Loki, the Norse god of mischief himself makes the effort to go to Germany to probe someone’s eye in order to get the iridium meteorite needed to make his plan work. That’s how secure biometrics-based security can be compared to conventional password-based security. The human eye’s retina, the fingerprint and the human voice (and if you’re in Britain, the shape of the ear) have their own uniqueness that can’t be duplicated which can be exploited for purposes of security, unlike today’s passwords and pins which seem more and more vulnerable to hacking every passing day with or without encryption. Through biometrics and token-based security, will the world be better off without passwords?

It seems that every day there’s news of important establishments, government or private, getting hacked despite alleged high levels of security. The latest of which is the Office of Personnel Management where the information of 1.9 million federal employees were stolen and password management site LastPass where thousands of accounts were hacked. The situation only seems to get worse as hackers seem to get more and more talented or security administrators get lazier and lazier or security systems get more and more perforated.

Because of this, giant tech companies have launched a campaign to end the use of passwords as tools for security. Apple and Samsung have already made use of fingerprint technology to unlock their phones and certain apps. Microsoft will soon follow suit and even took one step further with Windows 10’s Windows Hello to include voice recognition as well as better facial recognition, courtesy of Intel’s RealSense technology. Such campaigns have made biometrics technologies more in demand and soon affordable. Now the government, particularly the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NSIT) has joined in the campaign when it gained membership into the FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance to help in the development of stronger online security.

retina scan fingerprint over passwords 2015

“As part of our ongoing effort to move the world away from passwords and to stronger forms of authentication, the FIDO Alliance is broadening its membership classes to include a FIDO Government Class membership. This will enable governments around the world to contribute their unique needs and perspectives to the next developments in FIDO standards…We welcome our first government members and look forward to increased participation in this new membership class. We look forward to working with them to develop universal standards for strong authentication that are more secure, private, and easier-to-use than passwords.”

–Dustin Ingalls, president of the FIDO Alliance.

The FIDO Alliance clearly states they intend to make passwords a thing of the past as there are other secure ways of authentication such as biometrics, hardware dongles or wireless tokens. Passwords are vulnerable to brute force hacking, phishing and even simple guesswork. Passwords are a real chore to remember and maintain especially for establishments that regularly enforce rotation and hard to remember mixed characters (a REAL chore).

harry potter password protector 2015

As yours truly said in a previous article, most people today have at least three accounts on the internet and maybe just about the same number of ATM and credit card PINs. It would be convenient to keep just one precious PIN or password to rule them all. However, every office, store or internet site has its own password rules that the blasted thing should be more than eight characters, have at least one uppercase letter, yadda, yadda, yadda… Keeping one master password for everything if possible, is also unsafe as it opens all your accounts in just one hack. In order to keep track of all user names and passwords, we’d need a password manager, pen and paper, keep them in smartphone notes or just trust the good old noggin, which can be a problem if you have ten or more existing accounts. For some, if not most people, password management is a tedious process and many do it grudgingly settling for easy to guess aberrations like ‘P@ssw0rd’, ‘Trustn01’, ‘M@y101975’ or in the case of PINs, ‘1234’, ‘4321’, ‘5678’ and ‘0000’. Big security hole if you ever saw one. Some major sites and companies got hacked big time through the use of passwords from lazy executives.

no more typing passwords 2015

Which brings us to the topic of password free sign-ins. Most Android devices come with pattern-based sign-ins which many people like instead of tapping in PINs. Patterns are easier to remember than a set of numbers, and it’s fun swiping the pattern. Some phones already make use of facial recognition by using the front camera which unfortunately can be fooled by a good printed picture. Apple has made fingerprint recognition mainstream through the iPhone 5S and Samsung followed suit with the Galaxy S5. The technology made it easier for users to access their phones provided the readers function correctly. Fingerprint readers aren’t new but were only present on expensive high-end laptops and security systems. Now that biometrics are getting more and more affordable, the time has come for security systems to evolve. Because of all the hacking going on, companies and government now want people to consider passwords as things of the past and maybe sell non-password security systems on the side. It would indeed be more comfortable to just stare at the webcam and log in to Facebook and to just press down one’s fingerprint and buy something. Are they secure? Apparently so because unlike passwords, patterns from fingerprints, retinal scans and voice scans are more complex and harder to crack. Also, the prospect of not having to remember combinations of letters and numbers is highly appealing. Unfortunately, the chances of getting stalked, kidnapped, or losing an eye goes up a notch.

So yes, it may be time to forget passwords since passwords tend to get stolen ever since the time of the Forty Thieves. Everyone is unique so we might as well be our own passwords. But as Ian Malcom from Jurassic Park once said, life finds a way. Determined life forms will find a way past this new type of security. Replacing passwords with biometric or hardware sign-ins will buy us some secure time until the next hacker solution, but whatever the system, nothing beats proper security implementation, awareness, and vigilance.

WHAT HAPPENED, MISS SIMONE?: A Perfectly Honest Nina Simone Tribute

Everyone is talking about the new Netflix documentary “What Happened, Miss Simone?” and with great reason! Even if you’ve never heard a song of hers in your life (I personally could only think of one or two that I knew) you’d be hard pressed not be moved by the life of this extremely talented and genius woman. The beauty in the documentary is that it does expose all of Simone’s demons along with her talents.

The jazz singer’s life was sad from beginning to end. It’s doubly sad because how can someone so talented lead such a sad life? Easy, the world seemed to have it out for her from the very beginning, but her own personal demons had just as much to do with it.

Nina Simone was born with the name Eunice Kathleesn Waymon. She ended up changing her name so that her mother didn’t know she was performing at night clubs to support her poor family. All she wanted to be was a classic pianist. That dream was crushed after she was denied entry in to the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia specifically because she was black. The documentary does a great job of showing how this one moment completely changed her life forever. Since she was a child, her blackness had got in the way of her happiness and once again, it took from her one of the things that would have made her the happiest in her life.

What Happened, Miss Simone? Nina Simone tributeThrough many taped personal interviews and intimate interviews with the people that knew her, it became clear that something was wrong with Simone right away. The man that she married became her manager and also her abuser. He saw what a commercial success Simone could be and was very good at making the connections for her that she so desperately needed. However, she didn’t want to be commercialized and she didn’t want to be working all of the time. She wanted to be home caring for her daughter. Despite the abuse Simone inflicted on her daughter later, it was clear that she loved her and wished she’d spent more time with her as a child.The constant traveling and being in the spotlight took its toll on Simone quickly.

You have to give Simone’s daughter so much credit for being so honest and open about her mother. While she acknowledges the brilliance of her mother, she is also honest about her battle with her own demons as well as her mental illness. It was sad that Simone was raped and beaten constantly by her husband, but it was even sadder that she turned that same abuse on her daughter who pretty much had to run to her abusive father for safety.

The film does not demonize the woman in any way. It’s made clear that she was a person that did her very best like anyone else in life. Was the abuse she inflicted on her daughter wrong? Yes. Did she make a lot of wrong decisions, yes. Even she had to acknowledge that she went too far in the songs that she sang during the Civil Rights era. Some of the violent activist behavior she displayed surely didn’t do her any favors, but her song Mississippi Goddamn was brilliant. The lyrics were so controversial that not only would radio stations not play the records, they would return the records broken. Mississippi Goddamn is now a shining example of her creative brilliance and fearlessness and as an African-American woman myself it makes me proud that the world has such an amazing example on how we feel.

The documentary also doesn’t shy away from the fact that Simone had bi-polar disorder, and at one point while on tour with Bill Cosby suffered a mental breakdown. This would explain why one minute she was the nicest person in the world and the next she was very violent. Simone would be yelling and screaming at those she worked with, and you can only imagine that it would have been very hard for the people around her to put up with that kind of behavior for very long.

Even if you thought you knew everything you could know about Simone, the documentary still reveals some shocking things about the singer. One of them being that she was completely obsessed with sex and actually measured her mental health through her sex drive. Her husband claimed that she attacked him sexually one day although she most likely didn’t see it this way. Simone claimed her husband never had time to have sex with her and that was a real thorn in her side. She would have liked to have sex as often as possible. In fact, both spouses had their own relationships on the side to get what they needed.

what happened miss simone netflix documentary 2015This documentary allowed me to hear many of her songs for the very first time. Not only that, but it gives them new meaning after you hear the stories from which they were written from. The Nina Simone Biopic that is going to be released soon has been met with much valid criticism. I think to release this documentary first was a great idea because people now see the truth about who she really was. Bio pics can be really on point or totally miss the mark and beginning with their horrible casting choice, it’s safe to say they already got some things wrong. Most times they take a lot of dramatic license, but with a story as controversial as Simone’s only a hack writer and director would feel the need to dramatize.

This Netflix documentary is a 5 out of 5 and will surely go down as one of the best music documentaries about one of the greatest musicians of all time.

What Happened, Miss Simone? Movie Trailer

No Bo For Kim Kardashian & Kelly Rowland’s Empire

kim kardashian botox filler free while pregnant boy kanye west 2015 gossipKim Kardashian has opened up to reveal some of the “sacrifices” she is making now that she is pregnant with her second child.

The 34-year-old reality star opened up on Instagram, where she explains that she chooses to forgo fillers or Botox treatment when she is pregnant. Alongside a cropped, topless selfie, Kim went on to say:

“…you would have to be really sick to endanger your child like that! Anyone who has been pregnant or gained weight knows your face totally changes! My nose gets bigger, cheeks fuller & my lips swell up. The challenge is trying to adjust the make up to make me feel normal…”

Kim also says she will be sharing a contouring make up guide for her “changing pregnant face” on her revamped website that is set to be launched soon.

Kim Kardashian, Instagram post:


kelly rowland on empire plays lucious lyons mother 2015 gossipFormer Destiny’s Child Kelly Rowland has landed a spot on FOX’s hit show Empire. E! News has revealed that the 34-year-old singer will be on the television screen this fall, playing the role of Lucious Lyon’s mother in a flashback.

During season 1, Empire often featured scenes from Terrence Howard‘s character’s past, which shows and his feisty now-ex-wife Cookie Lyon, played by Taraji P. Henson, during harder times before they built their powerful music empire.

Kelly’s appearance on the show was alluded to when the Empire writers posted a tweet, along with a picture, showing Kelly visiting the show’s writers.

Kelly isn’t the only big name that Empire has managed to get their hands on. The second season (premiering September 23) is set to feature guest stars such as Chris Rock, Lenny Kravitz, and Alicia Keys.

In addition, fan favorite Cookie Lyon’s, will have a new love interest in the second season, played by Magic Mike XXL’s Adam Rodriguez.

Empire Writers, Twitter post:


kate hudson star spangled banner moment 2015 gossipIn spirit of the Fourth of July, actress Kate Hudson shared a video of her singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

The video shows Kate dressed casually in pink and white floral sweat pants and a blue tee, along with red plastic sunglasses.

The video was posted alongside the caption “7:30am and I’m feeling seriously patriotic! Happy 4th of July,” followed by a dozen fun and patriotic hashtags. One of these being “#MyKidsAreGoingToBeSoEmbarassed,” which Kate is referring to her two children, Ryder, 11, and Bingham, 3.

The actress has a surprisingly impressive voice, so it would be hard to believe her limitless talent would embarrass kids!

The video was posted just a week after her father, Bill Hudson, came out to say that he no longer feels he is the father of Kate and her brother Oliver. Although Kate has not officially expressed her feelings about Bill’s comments, from this video it seems she is moving on and enjoying herself with the wonderful family she has.

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy Fourth of July!

Kate Hudson, Instagram Video:



UNDERCOVER BOSS: Rocket Fizz Robert Powells

undercover boss rocket fizz recap images 2015On this week’s episode of Undercover Boss, Rob Powells, the president of Rocket Fizz, a candy shop with locations throughout North America. Posing as an employee named Lee, he went to one of his California locations to work with one of his saleswomen, Kim. After working with Lee for a few minutes she said she would never hire him.

 rocket fizz undercover bossFor his second undercover mission he went to a bottling plant for Rocket Fizz. Lee couldn’t put glass bottles on the conveyor belt without the bottles falling over. Lee said doing this job was like swimming up the Niagara Falls. Lee said too much pressure was being put on his employees at the bottling plant.
undercover boss rocket fizz 2015 596x335-003In the Tampa, Florida location of Rocket Fizz, Lee worked with a franchise owner, Marianne. She told him she would show him what it takes to run a candy store. Marianne’s first impression of Lee was that he was an unusual character that seemed a little crazy. He said the invoices store owners receive with their shipments are archaic and that it was slow, time consuming and tedious to check in stock. He said he was frustrated because then company’s POS system was too slow also. He said he hated spending so long pricing candy.

undercover boss rocket fizz 2015 596x330In a Rocket Fizz warehouse in California he worked the distribution center with Daniel. Lee learned to drive the forklift but struggled to do what Daniel had to do on a regular basis. Daniel told Lee that when he was growing up his father beat his mother and he and his brother fended for themselves after parting ways with his mother. He then told Lee that his wife has Lupus.

undercover boss rocket fizz 2015 596x335-005Lee the revealed to each employee he worked with that he was really Rob, Rocket Fizz President. He told his franchise owner, Marianne, that she ran a great store and said he was giving her a new POS system for the store for free. Rob then told her he would bottle a soda in her brother’s honor and proceeds of the sales would go to a charity to remember her brother. Rob gave her and her husband an all expense paid vacation to Spain.

Rob met with his bottling plant employee , Ben, and told him new machinery would be installed at the plant. He also set up a college fund for Ben’s children, which he promised to add money to every year. Rob gave him $20,000 to help him take care of his family.

When Rob met with Kim she said Lee got off to a rough start. He then promised her a new POS system for the store she works in. He also paid for her $20,000 college tuition to study sign language. Rob said he would give Kim her own Rocket Fizz franchise without charging her the usual fee.
undercover boss rocket fizz 2015 596x1060When Rob met with Daniel he admitted Lee was a disaster at Daniel’s job. Rob said he would bottle a soda for Daniel’s wife and agreed to give the profits from the sods to Daniel. He also told Daniel he was getting him a new car. Rob then told Daniel he was giving him $25,000.

Rob said his Undercover Boss experience was an emotionally intense time and that his employees had suffered losses and setbacks similar to what he experienced. It made him realize he shouldn’t be so consumed with business.

Kim Kardashian Bumps While Taylor Swift Jumps On Calvin Harris

taylor swift calvin harris kim kardashian scott disick 2015 gossip imagesRecent photos have surfaced of Scott Disick lounging and cozying up to his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Bartoli, in Monaco. While Scott is often doing public appearances that entail a large female presence around him, the pictures that have surfaced seem to exude a more intimate vibe between Scott and Chloe.

Chloe, a well-known stylist, runs her own service alongside her twin sister, Marie. She, Chloe, has styled big names such as Gigi Hadid and also was recently romantically linked with Jared Leto.

scott disick playing chloe bartoli 2015 gossipThis secret getaway of Scott’ s follows rumors of a rocky relationship between him and Kourtney Kardashian, someone who chose not to post anything about Scott on Father’s day a few weeks ago. This is in contrast to sister Kim, who used Father’s day to shower husband Kanye in praise, adoration, and gifts.

scott disick kardashian with ex chloe bartoli courtney 2015 gossipSince the pictures have surfaced, Scott’s girlfriend Kourtney has just recently broken her silence on social media. She did so by posting a picture of a “pajama party” she is having with the three kids she shares with Scott: Mason, Penelope, and Reign.

It is no secret that Kourtney and Scott have had troubles in their relationship in the past, something that is evident on Keeping Up with the KardashiansHowever, it seems that things have taken a turn for the worst as Scott abandons his family for a vacation of flirtation with his ex.

kim kardashian baby bump boy showing for kanye west 2015 gossipMeanwhile, Kourtney’s sister Kim showed off her growing baby bump while running some errands in downtown Los Angeles. In a tight and all-black workout ensemble the bump was on full display.

Recently, Kim had refuted to Today Show the rumor circulating that Kanye and her used only male embryos during her IVF treatments. Although Kim clarified that this was simply made-up by tabloids, Kim has also come out confirming that her and Kanye are expecting a boy.

kim kardashian behind baby bump kanye 2015 gossipAfter a struggle to get pregnant a second time, both Kim and Kanye are “over the moon” to be able to give daughter, North, a brother.

This time around Kim has also been more publicly accepting of her curves, joyfully telling Today Show’s Kelly Cobiella that she has “already gained fifteen pounds!”

Now to see what name Kim and Kanye will choose for their son…South-West possibly?

taylor swift 4 of july ready 2015Taylor Swift has been a lot more public with her relatively new relationship with Calvin Harris. This theme continues as she took to Instagram to share photos of her and Calvin beginning their Fourth of July celebrations.

taylor swift calvin harris shirtless for holiday beach 2015 gossipTaylor posted a fun picture of her in a plaid bathing suit getting a piggy back from shirtless Calvin. The two are both donning ear-to-ear smiles, as it seems Taylor whispers something into Calvin’s ear.

taylor swift swan job for calvin harris 2015She also shared a large group photo of the Fourth of July celebration at her Rhode Island home. The Instagram pic shows about a dozen of Taylor’s friends all on various inflatable animals, soaking in the sun in the pool.

taylor swift swan party for holiday 2015 calvin harrisThe pop star also shared a picture of her and her close girl friends jumping in the air as they all fling their patriotic towels. This image including Gigi Hadid, Empire cast member Serayah and the sisters of the band Haim.

taylor swift with joe jonas and cavlin harris 2015After seeing these fun-filled pictures, it is pretty evident Taylor knows how to treat her friends to a party.

Chris Brown Royalty & Kendrick Lamar Smacks Down Geraldo Rivera

It’s the fourth of July edition of celebrity news and gossip (hmmm I need a new name for that) and as always, the rich and famous are doing what they do best- entertaining the masses.

america ferrera takes on donald trump 2015 gossipAmerica Ferrera Serves Donald Trump

There are so many great things about the open letter actress America Ferrera wrote to Donald Trump. From her calling him out about his screwed up way of thinking to her singing it simply “America” it is a great day to be a woman with a voice who is not afraid to use it.

She is a Latina and so there is no doubt that the disgusting things Trump said about Hispanic immigrants hit home for her.

“You’ve said some pretty offensive things about Latino immigrants recently, and I think they’re worth addressing. Because, you know, this is the United States of America, where I have a right to speak up even if I’m not a billionaire. Isn’t that awesome?”

When it comes to his actual comments, it’s hard to pinpoint the most offensive. I mean, is it when he says that they are all rapists or when he said that out of the millions of Latinos in America, he “guess” some of them are good people.

I won’t even go into what his comments really speak to, but we can all gather that it’s not the common good of all men.

chris brown paternity test for royalty 2015 gossipChris Brown Files Paternity Documents … Blasts His Baby Momma’s Mo

Breezy is not playing when it comes to his baby. It is no secret that he is madly in love with little Royalty (um does anyone else wonder if she is really his though because in all honesty, she doesn’t look anything like him). He takes the girl everywhere, she’s always with him and talks about her all the time.

The bitch, her mother Nia Guzman, is demanding $15, 0000 a month in child support which come on, the little girl is one. Of course this doesn’t sit well with the singer so he has gotten the courts involved. Reports say that he’s been paying her $2500 a month which he thinks is fair. Baby momma’s have to understand that child support is just that, CHILD support not “I popped out a baby for a famous man so I needs to get paid” support.

She posted a cute pic on her Instagram of the baby. Her mother, who goes by the less than age apporporate IG name @na_ma_ste felt the need to chime in and say that her daughter needs $15,0000 a month in order for royalty to go to private school (she’s one) and to live in a gated community. Bitch please. First of all why is her old ass on IG.. .first of all. And it is clear where Nia gets her ratched trap a man ways.

Chris responded to the old lady’s comments by posting this:

“Obviously you aren’t looking out for my daughter by putting personal issues up on Instagram. I’m not gonna be disrespectful and rude about this becuz I know and they know I provide and take care of my daughter equally. […]I filed for joint custody. “EQUAL” custody. No kid needs 4k a week…”

Damn right Chris Brown. These bitches need to learn and stop acting like the victim when they knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they laid down and opened their legs.

kendrick lamar takes on geraldo rivera 2015 gossipKendrick Lamar Claps Back at Geraldo Rivera

It is a no brainer that there are some people who don’t like rap. Maybe they don’t like it because they don’t get it. Maybe they don’t like it because they think it’s not real music. Regardless the reason, those commenting on the genre and its influences on the black community should really check themselves before they open their mouths to criticize. And by those I mean, in this case, Geraldo Rivera.

“This is why I say that hip-hop has done more damage to young African-Americans than racism in recent years. This is exactly the wrong message…”

Rivera was referring to Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics, “And we hate po-po/ Wanna kill us dead in the street, fo sho” from his song “Alright.”

Kendrick’s response?

“How can you take a song that’s about hope and turn it into hatred? For the most part it’s avoiding the truth…This is reality, this is my world, this is what I talk about in my music. You can’t delude that..”

Rivera’s comments are both condensing and another perfect example of how mainstream America will try everything in their power to divert the attention away from the fact that racism is one of the most damaging and crippling things in this country. For him to say that hip hop has done a worse job on black folks than people killing black folks is dumb propaganda… But I digress.

Ben Affleck Ready For Comic-Con & America’s Message For Donald Trump

ben affleck comic con teresa giudice donald trump 2015 gossip imagesAmidst Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s divorce announcement, it was unclear how this would affect Ben’s publicity events that are about to pickup for his starring role as Batman in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

However, with Comic-Con quickly approaching, it looks as if Ben will be continuing with his scheduled appearances. This is actually quite shocking that Ben has chosen to continue with the appearances for the movie so soon, considering he and Jennifer had been married for 10 years.

ben affleck batman with superman supergirl 2015 images

Maybe the fans and work involved with the press event will help Ben get through this tough time?

Although, Ben does play the lead role in the highly anticipated movie, in which Warner Brothers is trying to rebrand Ben’s character Bruce Wayne, aka Batman.

Therefore, Ben’s presence at such events may play a critical role in being able to do so.

Director Zack Snyder has previously commented about Ben’s controversial casting in the infamous role, saying:

ben affleck at comic con 2015 for batman v superman 2015 gossip“He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter but retain the charm that the worlds sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne.”

This Comic-Con is particularly important for the movie, as Marvel will not be present. Allowing Ben, along with his superhero cast mates, to further hype up the new superhero installment.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is due out March 25, 2016.

america ferrera letter of america for donald trump 2015 gossipFollowing the slough of controversial comments Donald Trump has made throughout his presidential campaign so far, it is not likely he will be free from criticism anytime soon.

This time, former Ugly Betty star America Ferrera took to her social media to share a letter she had written thanking Donald for ensuring that he will never be president of the United States of America.

Ferrera’s letter read:

“You, Mr. Trump, are living in an outdated fantasy of a bigoted America. Your negativity and poorly thought out speech ignited a fire in our community.

Thank you, Mr.Trump! Thank you for reminding us that there remains an antiquated and endangered species of bigots in this country that we must continue to combat. Thank you for reminding us to not sit complacently at home on election day, but to run to the polls and proclaim that there is no place for our brand of racial politicking in our government.

What you just did with your straight talk was send more Latino voters to the poll than several registration rallies combined! Thank you for that.”

America, 31-years-old, is amongst a large number of Latinos who have publicly smashed Donald and his polarizing views. She continued to say that Donald’s opinions were “incredibly ignorant and racist.”

I doubt this is anywhere close to the end of backlash that Mr. Trump will be facing throughout his campaign for presidency.

real housewives of new jersy terea giudice prison diary images 2015Real Housewives of Jersey star Teresa Giudice is currently serving her 15-month sentence in jail for fraud has released a number of diary entries of her time in jail.

Just last week, Teresa spoke publicly for the second time since being imprisoned via Twitter, with the aid of her 13-year-old daughter Gia), admitting that it has been the “most difficult time” of her life.

Teresa has now shared some of her journal entries from behind bars with US Weekly. Including the following:

January 26, Day 21

I went to lunch at 10:20. I had tater tots, a soy burger that was so gross and orange! I also had some potato salad. They feed us so much here. I’m going to have potatoes coming out of my ears pretty soon!

February 1, Day 27

Great Mass. I enjoy [going to church], it makes me feel good after I go and during. I feel like God is really present there with me.

February, Undated

There is a lady in here, she hit her roommate. The officers are up here

now to evaluate the situation. She is a crazy lady who fights with everyone.

Teresa plans to use this material, along with everything else she has written while in prison, in a memoir she will publish once she is released.

After leaving prison, Teresa’s husband of 15 years, Joe Guidice will be serving a 41-month prison sentence. The judge chose to stagger the couples sentencing to allow for at least one of them to be home with their four children, Gia, 13, Gabriela, 10, Milania, 8 and Audriana, 5.

While Teresa has been in jail, Joe and their daughters have been busy starting the filming of their new Bravo series that will document their daily lives while Teresa is in prison.

Hannibal 304 Aperitivo Speeds It Up Again

What a horrible week its been for us Fannibals. In a scary foreshadowing event, I wrote that if they didn’t pick up the pace on Hannibal the show might face cancellation. It was then revealed on Monday (of all days) that the show is officially canceled on NBC. Well, Hannibal fans turnt up! Now Amazon and Netflix are expressing genuine interest in continuing Hannibal’s bloody reign. It would be a dream to see this show on Netflix! Especially with this episode being so intriguing. Don’t be sad though Hannibal, there might be some life in it left!

The episode of Hannibal “Aperitivo” was definitely one this season really needed. The show saw the return of many characters. The return of Dr. Chilton was a big surprise. I mean who didn’t believe when Miriam shot him in the face that he was completely done for? The episode begins with the flash back of Miriam shooting Dr. Chilton in the face. It was extremely artistic and graphic, something that makes the show the standout that it is. Chilton visits with the now horribly disfigured Mason Verger. If you forgot, Verger was drugged by Hannibal and made to maim and cannibalize himself. Needless to say, Mason hates Hannibal just as much as Chilton does. In order to to know if Chilton is really genuine or not, Mason asks for them to exchange injuries. Chilton then proceeds to “strip down” his face to show Mason the full extent of his injuries. Chilton is seriously messed up. He’s got a foggy grey eye, a bullet hole in his cheek and toothless gums. Mason’s injuries, while horrible are not nearly as scary. Oddly enough, he looks like the pigs he use to feed people to. Poetic Justice for sure. Mason reveals that he has a $1 million price on Hannibal’s head and that he knows how to draw him out.

We find out that when Will saw Abigail visiting him, it is actually Dr. Chilton. As Chilton tries to convince Will to work with him to find Hannibal, Will finds himself increasingly uninterested. Then, we see Will escape in to one of his dream sequences again where he envisions himself and Lecter brutally murder Jack Crawford. When Jack checks on Will to make sure they keep their stories straight about their terrible injuries, Will makes a very surprising revelation. He tells Jack that he called Hannibal because he was his friend and he actually considered running away with him.

hannibal 303 laurence fishburne hospital 2015 images

The homoerotic tones have been growing between these two every week and it seemed to explode in this episode.

The only character’s fate we’ve yet to find out about is Alan’s. I thought for sure now she would be dead after being hurled out of a second floor window. However, we find out that she’s alive and we see her laid up in a cold hospital bed with pins holding her spine together. Chilton visits her to get her riled up in anger towards Hannibal. Since Alana was literally Hannibal’s lover, it’s safe to say that she might be feeling the most betrayed right now. She’s clearly done playing nice and wants a piece of revenge for herself.

Alana finds Will sitting in Hannibal’s home and he dismisses her quite rudely after wanting to be left alone with his sick memories. Alana then goes to visit Mason who reveals he has found Jesus and Jesus has told him he has the strength to kill his enemies. Um, ok?

Whatever his crazy ass believes, Alana is down for the cause of getting Hannibal.

This week’s story line of Jack and Bella nearly brought me to tears. As Jack’s wife Bella laid dying of cancer, she finally convinces Jack that he should mercifully put her out of misery. In the end, in a beautiful sequence, he does. At the funeral, Jack discovers a note by Hannibal on casket.

I found it sick and real proof that Hannibal is a twisted sadist in more ways than one. Jack is confused about how he should take the note when he is hit with Chilton giving his “let’s get Hannibal speech.” Will then approaches Jack at the funeral where he tells will, “You don’t have to die on me either.” Jack feels like he is losing everything and he doesn’t want to lose Will as well even though he sees him going down a slippery slope.

The audience then gets to see the twisted Mason again as he’s being treated by his nurse Codell who is clearly much more than a nurse. Mason expresses to Cordell he wants Hannibal to b eaten alive. Alana tells Mason that even though Hannibal’s name might have changed, his tastes clearly haven’t. That is how they will track him.

When Jack goes to visit Will’s house, he finds Alana there instead. She goes on to tell Jack that Will is gone and knows what he must do now. The last scene is where we see Will sailing off on his boat to Europe. Even though Will is boarder line in love with Hannibal, he still knows that he must bring the monster to justice.

This episode was much like old times. The dialogue was sharp and intriguing while the suspense constantly kept coming. Now that we know how the whole lot got to Europe, I want to see some bloodshed. I’m so glad to see Alana wake up out of her completely naive trance, even if that meant her being thrown out of a second-story window. This episode renewed my love for this show and whether it ends this season or not, I think we’re in for a very exciting ride.

BIG BROTHER 1705: Jace Out & Kathy Griffin Calling In

big brother 1705 jace eviction recap 2015 imagesJace was still reeling at being put up on the nomination block next to Jackie on last night’s Big Brother as the two houseguests up for eviction but Jackie knew that Jace had a much bigger target on his back than she did so she planned to remain calm and avoid causing drama. Audrey said she had a gut feeling Jace was about to “go off,” in response to being targeted and possibly evicted. Jace said the game was scarier for him than Y2K was for the world.

sad jace on big brother eviction 2015Jace said he didn’t expect to be blindsided and that the thought he could trust people he now knew he couldn’t. Jace then asked James if he could speak with him alone. James said he respected Jace as a person but didn’t want to have to compete with him. He also told Jace not to take that personally, but Jace did anyway. James tried to apologize to Jace but Jace wasn’t buying it and said he put his faith in James for absolutely nothing. Audrey tried to tell Jace she had nothing to do with him being on the chopping block but he didn’t believe her either. Jace called Audrey out on betraying his trust but Audrey said she had a clean conscience. Clay said he likes Jace but that Jace’s ship has sailed. Jace tried to convince the other housemates that they need him and they shouldn’t vote him out. Steve said he knew Jace would be on his side and if Jace won the head of household Steve would be safe. Audrey told Jace everyone wanted him out of the competition because he makes them feel uncomfortable. Jace then called Audrey a master manipulator and Audrey asked what she did to deserve that label. Jace said that Audrey was flipping out because she was the next target in the game.

jace shocked by big brother 1705 twins 2015Julie Chen then announced that one of the houseguests had been secretly playing the game with their own twin by switching places and telling no one. She said that if both twins survived five evictions each twin could play as themselves. It was then revealed that Liz has a twin sister named Julia, who had just arrived at the Big Brother house. Liz said that when she and Julia switched places in the game they only ever had a few minutes to catch each other up on the latest developments in the game. After Audrey saw Julia as Liz she told her fellow housemates she suspected someone was playing with their twin. Julie Chen said that Liz and Julia would make Big Brother history when they agreed on who to nominate for eviction and that it would then be revealed live to the other housemates that Liz has a twin sister that has been playing the game.

jace bro evicted on big brother 1705 2015

jace big brother cloud town 1705 2015Julia Chen started the live voting process to determine the first houseguest to be evicted this season. Jackie and Jace were then both given a chance to make a statement as to why they should not be evicted. Jackie said that she loved the game and everyone in it and that she would continue to show the love as long as she was not sent home. Jace plugged his Instagram account and said he knew it had been a crazy and intense week at the Big Brother house. Jace went to so far as to say that James created a fake alliance with him and he had been tricked. He also said he thought he was a strong player and that he wanted to stay in the game. Jace ended his piece by telling Julie Chen that she is gorgeous. All but one houseguest who was eligible to vote chose Jace for eviction. Jace then left the Big Brother house and appeared in front of the live studio audience with Julie Chen. Julie asked Jace who the thought was the one houseguest that did not vote him for eviction and he said it was hard to say. He said it was a tough battle and the whole house was against him. Jace guessed that Audrey might have been the one to vote him out and that it wouldn’t have been Austin or Liz. Julie then revealed that Audrey was the one that voted for Jackie and not Jace. He said Audrey was in a tight position and was just trying to save herself. Jace then watched goodbye messages from his housemates. Jason said he wasn’t sorry to see Jace go because he proved he was a ticking time bomb. Steve said he wanted to work with Jace in the house but he couldn’t because everyone was against Jace. Julie then revealed to Jace that Liz has a twin who has been switching places with her in the game.

kathy griffin julie chen chest bro bump big brother 1705 2015big brother 1705 hoh puzzle kathy griffin 2015 imagesFor this week’s BB Takeover Kathy Griffin announced she was participating in the show. She then said it was time for the head of household competition. Kathy Griffin announced a new twist in the game. She said a phone would be added to the Big Brother house and she would keep calling it. Whoever picked up on the seventh call would win the power to save three housemates from eviction every week.

becky shelli win hoh big brother 1705 images 2015This week’s head of household competition then began. James couldn’t compete because he has already been the head of household. The competition consists of two rounds, with half the housemates participating in the first one and the other half competing in the second one. The houseguests that win the first or second round are the new heads of household for the week. Each houseguest had to take puzzle pieces and make a new billboard for Kathy Griffin. Becky won the first round of this week’s competition. Shelli won round two of the competition and became the second head of household for the week.

jace evicted on big brother 1705 2015 recap

NBA Free Agency: Cleveland Cavaliers Paying their way back to NBA Finals


matthew dellavedova signed by cleveland cavaliers nba 2015 imagesIt was almost a fairy tale ending in Cleveland, Ohio. The team went from picking 1st overall in 2014 to a trip to the 2015 NBA Finals.

Key word: almost. With a reserve starting a point guard, a couple of role-players, and LeBron James, the Cavaliers almost did the impossible.

It wasn’t supposed to be impossible: this was the scene LeBron came back to perform on, and it was the opportunity of a lifetime for superstars Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving who had experienced postseason basketball before teaming up with The King.

James sure held up his part. You couldn’t ask for a better Final’s performance than LeBron’s. Unfortunately, with Love resigned to watch from the bench in a suit and Irving still recovering from surgery to repair the knee injury he suffered in Game 1, James’ incredible showing won’t be remembered in 10 years when history looks back on this series.

Well the Cavs are facing another problem now—payday.

When you bring a lot of talent to one team, you need to be prepared to shell out a lot of money. Championships don’t come easy, and as the Cavaliers are trying to prove, they don’t come cheap either.

$110 million for Kevin Love. $80+ for Tristan Thompson. $40 million for Iman Shumpert. Nearly $16 million a season for Irving and another $10 million a year for Anderson Varejao.

lebron james cleveland cavaliers nba draft 2015And they still need to sign Matthew Dellavedova and J.R. Smith. Oh yeah, and LeBron James.

Dan Gilbert is worth $4.8 billion, so I guess these massive contracts combined with the luxury tax is lunch money to him.

Then again, what choice does he have? Gilbert wants what’s best for his team like every other owner, and with Tiago Splitter, DeMarre Carroll, and Greg Monroe joining already-competitive Eastern Conference teams, things won’t be getting any easier en route to the 2016 NBA Finals.

The Cavs have done a great job of keeping everyone together, but they can’t expect much movement into the organization this offseason or next offseason for that matter. Cleveland has basically locked in its roster for the next few seasons, convinced that they can win it all with the talent they currently have. A championship isn’t out of the question, but will it be out of budget?

Your move, LeBron.

Black Churches Keep Burning But No Media Coverage: For the Record

black churches keep burning down no media 2015Churches are burning and no one is saying anything about it. It was brought to my attention that numerous churches, black churches to be exact, have burned within the past few weeks. I didn’t really know much about it happening because I didn’t see the mainstream media talking about it. But why is the mainstream media not talking about it?

I am a public relations major. I have my masters in corporate communications so most of the time when situations happen, I see the way in which they are reported differently from others. So why is the burning of predominately black churches not important enough to give the same attention to as that of marriage equality, Caitlyn fucking Jenner (seriously I am tired of hearing about her), what Beyoncé wore while walking the streets of NYC or what Kim Kardashian is having?

I am happy for gay people, more power to the newest Jenner and yea yea, beyonce and Kim, the attention whores, but why can’t we as consumers of information, demand that the media give us more of other things that matter. For the record, I am sick and tired of the media’s agenda setting.

While they are giving us the oversaturation of one thing, they are purposefully not giving us anything (or hardly anything) of something else. And for those reading this who say I am hating on gay people or transgendered people or white people, NO that’s not the case. I felt the same damn way with the oversaturation and hype of Lupita Nyong’o (a black woman… I am black) and Tess Holiday (a plus size model… I am a curvy girl).

It’s not always about color or lifestyle or other touchy subjects that most people try to steer clear of for me. It’s about addressing the clear and present bias of certain stories in the media. And those subjects just happen to be what they are negligent in caring about.

mt zion ame church burns but no media coverage for june 2015When I am in this headspace, I think to myself, “Okay Rasheda, is the situation really what you are making it?” Maybe churches burn all the time and because of what happened in Charleston, SC, people are making a big deal out of it. OR maybe it doesn’t happen all the time and these kinds of incidents have increased since the Charleston Massacre, thus it is a big deal.

Why are churches in the south burning and hardly any attention has been given to the situation? I know without a shadow of a doubt that it has everything to do with agenda setting.

I wish things were different. I wish the conversation on race in America was different… so different that there is no conversation about race in America. The media, just like the political system, has gotten to a place that it does not do the good and justice it once did or was intended to do.

I am going to be honest here and play devil’s advocate to my own consternation. There is no getting around the fact that what Dylan Roof did, killing nine black people in church after spending an hour praying with them, has indeed done a number on the way black people and white people think. I mean it has caused so much of a controversy that officials in several states have made the move to even rid themselves of the confederate flag, a symbol, despite what people try to explain about heritage, of one of the darkest moments in our history as a country. With that, maybe the scale of the story has given certain low-key media outlets the opportunity to make a ruckus about burning churches. I mean, they could be events that happen on the regular because ya know… shit happens.

I have always been the type to give people the benefit of the doubt because in my heart of hearts, I believe that people are good and everyone is just trying to make it. But I would be lying if I said that in the past few years, the stories and situations that have happened with black people being the butt of the joke (very sad, unfortunate, fatal jokes) hasn’t changed my view of the world. And I know, that the media and the way that they do shit has played a role in doing that as well.

So here is my charge to you because this is not a For the Record about black churches burning (I mean kind it kind of is but… ). Let us start holding the mainstream media accountable for their lack of fairness, their double standards and their biases (against minorities, women etc.) because damn it, if there is a church burning in a down trodden community full of black folks, I want to hear about that just as much I want to hear about Donald Trump being an ass… something I already was well aware of.

Miley Cyrus’ Secret Girl, Takei Takes On Trump & Dukes Bumped: Celebrity Gossip Roundup

miley cyrus killing stella maxwell 2015 gossipAfter Miley Cyrus recently opened up about having relationships with both men and women, rumors began swirling about her possible relationship with Victoria’s Secret model Stella Maxwell.

Stella Maxwell, who is a constant presence on Miley Cyrus’ social media accounts, is a 24-year-old model from New Zealand. Maxwell has donned the cover of such magazines as Elle, Vogue, Glamour and just this year she became an official Victoria’s Secret Angel.

miley cyrus with victorias secret stella maxwell sexy 2015 gossipTo add to the rumors, recent video and photos have surfaced of the two interacting intimately in between takes of Miley’s new music video in Hollywood. Miley can be seen wearing a sequined gold mini-dress and knee-length boots, while Stella is more casually dressed in a denim jacket.

It seems that the confidence of the trans-genders Miley has been working with through her Happy Hippy Foundation, may have rubbed off on her, as it was evident both Stella and Miley were aware their affection for one another was being photographed. But then again Miley has been one to follow what she felt was right and didn’t worry what others thought so good for her.

While neither party has yet confirmed it, the photos and videos of the two kissing and holding each other definitely add fuel to the rumor that Stella is in fact Miley’s new beau.

george takei takes on donald trump marriage equality 2015 gossipDonald Trump is facing further backlash, but this time surrounding his stance on what he considers a “traditional marriage.” Former Star Trek star George Takei, recounts a sit-down he had with Donald in the past to MSNBC’s The Last Word, where George tried to challenge Donald’s views.

George recalls that Donald was telling him that he had just returned from a gay marriage of two of his good friends. However, when George asked how he could attend this, yet not support marriage equality, Donald simply replied that he was “for traditional marriage.”

George challenged Donald’s own situation, being married three times, and how this didn’t reflect a “traditional marriage.”

Unfortunately, George explained that the two of them decided to agree to disagree.

George continues to be an activist for marriage equality and with the recent Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage, it seems George’s side of the disagreement (equality for all partnerships) is the one taking bigger strides forward.

With such polar opinions, maybe it was a good thing George’s stint on The Celebrity Apprentice wasn’t very long.

tv land pulls dukes of hazzard for confederate flag 2015 gossipTV Land has officially pulled all reruns of the 80’s hit series The Dukes of Hazzard.

The series, according to the theme song, featured “good ole boys” that often got in a little bit of trouble with the law. The decision to pull the series comes in the aftermath of the racially motivated shooting at the Church in Charleston in June. Following the violence, there has been an outbreak of public pressure to remove the Confederate Flag from public grounds. Evidently this removal is extending to television and popular culture.

The Dukes of Hazard featured The General Lee, which is the name of the car the Duke boys drove, and it famously displayed a painted-on Confederate Flag on its roof.

john luke duke shirtless sweat for dukes of hazzard 2015john luke duke shirtless sweat for dukes of hazzard 2015TV Land’s decision follows in the footsteps of Warner Brothers’ decision last week to stop any further licensing of the flag bearing car, The General Lee.

While the major boards all seem to be agreeing with such decisions, the stars of Dukes of Hazard have been expressing conflicting opinions.

Actor Ben Jones, who played Cooter, took to Facebook to explain that he will continue to carry and sell the flag at the Dukes of Hazard museum he runs and owns. He explains to fans that he feels that “Hazzard Nation” understands that the Confederate Flag on top of the General Lee made a statement of rural south values – those of “courage, family and good times.”

dukes of hazzard boys streaking episode 2015In addition, Dukes star John Schneider also defended the shows use of the flag. He told The Hollywood Reporter that in certain applications the flag might be used in a racial sense, but certainly not on the Dukes. Boldly adding: “If the flag was a symbol of racism, then Bo and Luke and Daisy and Uncle Jesse were a pack of wild racists and that could not be further from the truth.