Jace was still reeling at being put up on the nomination block next to Jackie on last night’s Big Brother as the two houseguests up for eviction but Jackie knew that Jace had a much bigger target on his back than she did so she planned to remain calm and avoid causing drama. Audrey said she had a gut feeling Jace was about to “go off,” in response to being targeted and possibly evicted. Jace said the game was scarier for him than Y2K was for the world.
Jace said he didn’t expect to be blindsided and that the thought he could trust people he now knew he couldn’t. Jace then asked James if he could speak with him alone. James said he respected Jace as a person but didn’t want to have to compete with him. He also told Jace not to take that personally, but Jace did anyway. James tried to apologize to Jace but Jace wasn’t buying it and said he put his faith in James for absolutely nothing. Audrey tried to tell Jace she had nothing to do with him being on the chopping block but he didn’t believe her either. Jace called Audrey out on betraying his trust but Audrey said she had a clean conscience. Clay said he likes Jace but that Jace’s ship has sailed. Jace tried to convince the other housemates that they need him and they shouldn’t vote him out. Steve said he knew Jace would be on his side and if Jace won the head of household Steve would be safe. Audrey told Jace everyone wanted him out of the competition because he makes them feel uncomfortable. Jace then called Audrey a master manipulator and Audrey asked what she did to deserve that label. Jace said that Audrey was flipping out because she was the next target in the game.
Julie Chen then announced that one of the houseguests had been secretly playing the game with their own twin by switching places and telling no one. She said that if both twins survived five evictions each twin could play as themselves. It was then revealed that Liz has a twin sister named Julia, who had just arrived at the Big Brother house. Liz said that when she and Julia switched places in the game they only ever had a few minutes to catch each other up on the latest developments in the game. After Audrey saw Julia as Liz she told her fellow housemates she suspected someone was playing with their twin. Julie Chen said that Liz and Julia would make Big Brother history when they agreed on who to nominate for eviction and that it would then be revealed live to the other housemates that Liz has a twin sister that has been playing the game.
Julia Chen started the live voting process to determine the first houseguest to be evicted this season. Jackie and Jace were then both given a chance to make a statement as to why they should not be evicted. Jackie said that she loved the game and everyone in it and that she would continue to show the love as long as she was not sent home. Jace plugged his Instagram account and said he knew it had been a crazy and intense week at the Big Brother house. Jace went to so far as to say that James created a fake alliance with him and he had been tricked. He also said he thought he was a strong player and that he wanted to stay in the game. Jace ended his piece by telling Julie Chen that she is gorgeous. All but one houseguest who was eligible to vote chose Jace for eviction. Jace then left the Big Brother house and appeared in front of the live studio audience with Julie Chen. Julie asked Jace who the thought was the one houseguest that did not vote him for eviction and he said it was hard to say. He said it was a tough battle and the whole house was against him. Jace guessed that Audrey might have been the one to vote him out and that it wouldn’t have been Austin or Liz. Julie then revealed that Audrey was the one that voted for Jackie and not Jace. He said Audrey was in a tight position and was just trying to save herself. Jace then watched goodbye messages from his housemates. Jason said he wasn’t sorry to see Jace go because he proved he was a ticking time bomb. Steve said he wanted to work with Jace in the house but he couldn’t because everyone was against Jace. Julie then revealed to Jace that Liz has a twin who has been switching places with her in the game.
For this week’s BB Takeover Kathy Griffin announced she was participating in the show. She then said it was time for the head of household competition. Kathy Griffin announced a new twist in the game. She said a phone would be added to the Big Brother house and she would keep calling it. Whoever picked up on the seventh call would win the power to save three housemates from eviction every week.
This week’s head of household competition then began. James couldn’t compete because he has already been the head of household. The competition consists of two rounds, with half the housemates participating in the first one and the other half competing in the second one. The houseguests that win the first or second round are the new heads of household for the week. Each houseguest had to take puzzle pieces and make a new billboard for Kathy Griffin. Becky won the first round of this week’s competition. Shelli won round two of the competition and became the second head of household for the week.