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Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles save ‘Supernatural’s’ Beat the Devil

Remember last week I ended my Supernatural review with “That said, I’m no fool, and I know foreshadowing when I see it”?

Man, being right is a burden.

Episode 13.21, “Beat the Devil” was penned by Robert Berens, directed by Phil Sgriccia, and opens up with a dream sequence. This is the second dream sequence this season. That’s two too many, frankly. The dream sequence is such a TV and movie cop out, it’s an attempt at showing the inner workings of a character, but more often than not it’s just useless filler.

I won’t say this is completely without function; I do get it, this was Berens attempting to show that Sam just wants his family and friends safe and together. It’s still a tired device.

does sam winchester really sleep fully clothed supernatural

Once Sam awakens it’s time for them to get ready to go rescue Mary and Jack. Of course, one of the first things out of Sam’s mouth is, “how’s Gabriel”.

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being trolled? I most certainly do. Just once, once can someone ask Sam how he is? I’d start a drinking game, take a shot every time someone other than Sam is asked how they are, two shots if Sam is the one asking, but no one would survive.

After that we are treated to the longest, most forced penis/semen joke in the history of this show. Look, a swift, well-placed dick joke is a thing of cheap comedy beauty. There’s no one out there who hasn’t giggled along with a perfectly done “that’s what she said” zinger. This, however, was not that. This was grace = semen, the portal = an unsustainable erection, Gabriel is indignant and must reassert his manliness and who better than Rowena, am I right? Whatever. That whole thing happened, and it’s all so poorly timed because it’s juxtaposed against one of the most infuriating scenes I’ve ever had to watch.

The above scene is spliced against a scene of Sam pleading to Dean and Castiel for them to not guilt him into trying to use Lucifer and his grace to fuel the portal. It is, of course, Castiel’s idea and he even has the unmitigated gall to force Sam to share the blame for Lucifer being free.

Oh, nay-nay, sir. See, let’s be kind/rewind back to season 11, the season where Sam, once again, ended up in The Cage (or an approximation of The Cage? Honestly, that was a confusing mess, let’s not even try to go there) with Lucifer and stood up to his abuser, declaring that he would not give in to Lucifer’s demands. Unknown to Sam, the others had Rowena cooking up a spell to send Lucifer back to Hell, but y’know what happened instead? Castiel, who did know about the spell, let Lucifer talk him into letting him hitch a ride inside Castiel and right outside that cage.

The reasons why this was so messed up are aplenty, but the fact that this selfish, literally pitiful betrayal was retconned into Castiel being some brave hero for being stronger than Dean or Sam; for doing something they wouldn’t, was grotesque and nonsensical enough, but to now have Castiel spread that blame to Sam like a thick schmear of room temperature cream cheese was like watching Supernatural while hitting the peak wave of an acid trip.

I mean, Castiel is talking about how being used by Lucifer was “the worst possible violation,” meanwhile not only was it consensual, as far as we saw Lucifer stuck Castiel in the corner of his own mind and vegged him out on Netflix. How that compares to what adds up to thousands of years of torture that Sam’s soul endured I’ll never understand.

That said, I don’t actually expect more of Castiel than that, in fact, it’s pretty in character. The problem with that is they keep telling us that Castiel is a good friend, that he’s “family,” that he has too much heart. All tell and no showing at all.

So if Castiel is in character then what’s my issue? Dean.

At the end of the previous episode Dean tells Sam that all he cares about is Sam being safe; now in this episode he’s willing to try to capture Lucifer, despite Sam’s protests, despite Sam’s fear, despite Sam telling them that they’ve tried this before and it never works in their favor. Dean Winchester is better and smarter than this, Robert Berens.

Sam caves though, because of course he does. The scene of them capturing Lucifer is not only overly drawn out, but it’s yet another example of everyone but Sam getting to take a shot at Lucifer. Once they get him back to the bunker, we’re forced to endure a lot of exposition that would have maybe been necessary if it wasn’t completely borked in the second half of the episode.

supernatural beat the devil saved by Jensen Ackles Jared Padalecki performances 2018 images

The hardest thing about this episode is that as angry as it made me, the second half is gorgeous. Maybe because the AU world is so washed out that I can’t help but be reminded of the early seasons of Supernatural and how gorgeous the aesthetic of it was. Sure it was dark and muted, but that added to the feeling of the show.

Now it’s all bright primary colors and garish neons. The AU, like Purgatory, feels more like Supernatural than Supernatural itself.

One of my favorite lines happens as we get into the AU world and ironically it’s said by Gabriel, who you all know I cannot stand.

“Not our world, not our problem.”

He’s right. Dean gives him this look like he can’t believe Gabriel can be so detached and unconcerned, but he’s totally right. And, well, Dean should’ve listened to him, because now they have vampires to deal with. Of course they do, because this episode was written by Robert Berens.

And during a big fight scene, Sam gets his throat ripped out, and he dies. Because this episode was written by Robert Berens.

And Dean abandons Sam’s body. Because this episode was written by Robert Berens.

That’s right; we now have an overstuffed, low-rent version of the season 11 standout episode, “Red Meat.” In theory, getting a redo of what is one of the best episodes in recent Supernatural history should’ve been a treat, here’s where it went sideways.


For all that Castiel flipped his angel blade in this episode, he did nothing with it. He slowly trotted after the vampires dragging Sam’s body away, but he didn’t do anything. He didn’t fight them, not with his powers (whatever they may be) and not physically. He just left Sam to be eaten. And then had the audacity to not only keep Dean from going after Sam, but to chastise Dean. I don’t understand this scene. I don’t understand Castiel’s aggression towards Dean about Sam; I don’t understand him saying they don’t have time given that as far as he knows they have all the time in the world thanks to Lucifer’s grace. Hell, they know they have enough time to walk from “Northeast” Kentucky to Dayton, Ohio, which is at least two and a half days by foot if you walk non-stop, which angels can do, but humans can’t.

misha collins castiel supernatural beat the devil rough spot

If it sounds like I’m being too hard on Castiel, well, I’m not. He was awful in this episode, both callous and useless. The most relatable moment in this episode was Jack yelling at Castiel and literally pushing his hand away.

Same, Jack. Same.

I can’t help but wonder why Castiel and Gabriel didn’t take out the vampires and carry Sam’s body. They are, after all, super strong heavenly beings.

Ah, I get why, it was so that Lucifer, oh did I mention Lucifer overpowered Rowena and is free and through the portal himself and resurrected Sam, could mock and blackmail Sam into putting in good word for him with Jack. So that Sam is now indebted to his torturer, his rapist, his nightmare.

It was so that, once again, Sam can be the bad guy. I can’t wait to watch everyone tell Sam how he screwed up in the next episode. No really, it’s gonna be so fun.

I reiterate, the second half of this episode was stunning. The shots of the tunnel were dank and claustrophobic and just the overall feel of the AU world appeals to the part of me that finds all the glaring brightness of the show to be a direct conflict with the actual tone of it. I could stay in the AU for the rest of the series and watch Sam and Dean fight whatever mutated monsters they come across.

sam winchester lying on floor supernatural 1321

Additionally, as morbid as this is going to sound, the shots of Sam lifeless and bloody were stunningly framed and lit. All at once heartbreaking and breathtaking.

'Supernatural' Beat the Devil inside look Part 2 2018 images

What truly saves this episode are the performances Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles brought to it. From top to tail, the way Jared takes Sam from reluctant to hopeful to terrified was some of Padalecki’s best work. The way he holds his body when Lucifer is mentioned or is actively taunting him is so subtle, yet so effective. Not one to be outdone, Ackles brings a quiet, angry grief to that latter part of the episode, tight jawed and lost.

dean winchester agonizing over dead brother sam supernatural

After all this time, one would think that his single perfect tear would lose its effect, but nope, the broken way Dean looks at Mary when she asks for Sam is enough to rip your heart out. His stubborn determination to go back for Sam’s body, knowing that it’s likely going to not end well for him either, is the Dean Winchester we know. It’s the Dean Winchester that got everything he’s been striving for all season and realizing it means absolutely nothing without Sam next to him.

So, yeah, I’ll go on record and say I kinda actually hate this episode overall. The first third of it was just dumb and the rest? I’m offended by it, in fact. I’m offended that the writer essentially plagiarized himself. I’m offended by the predictable way this writer does all his episodes. I’m offended by the way several of the characters were written. I’m offended by the neverending exposition dumps. This was the only episode Robert Berens did this season that didn’t relate to the spinoff he and Andrew Dabb are hoping to land and maybe he resents that he’s still forced to write for this show and not his own. Maybe he just didn’t think we’d notice that he copied off his own work.

Maybe he just doesn’t care.

Check out what Lynn thought about this episode if you’ve not already. She’s in line with Vinnie this week which caused quite the Twitter stir.

Cavs Rodney Hood freed up while Michael Jordan lands James Borrego


Cleveland Cavaliers Rodney Hood did apologize to GM Koby Altman Tuesday for refusing to enter the 128-93 blowout win over the Toronto Raptors Monday night.

Rodney Hood’s playoff problems now extend to off the court.

Hood, who has seen his role reduced during his first postseason with Cleveland, will not be fined or suspended for refusing to enter Monday night’s Game 4 blowout win over the Toronto Raptors in the fourth quarter, a person familiar with the situation told media outlets.

Hood feels bad about the incident that happened with 7:38 left in the fourth quarter, and he expressed remorse on Tuesday to team officials about becoming a distraction, said the person who spoke to media outlets on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.

The person said disciplinary actions against Hood “were never a consideration.”

The Athletic first reported that Hood had angered teammates and others in the organization by rejecting coach Tyronn Lue’s instruction to enter the game.

With Cleveland leading 110-80 and on its way to sweeping the series, the Cavs called timeout to replace superstar LeBron James. Lue told Hood to check in but he refused, and guard Jose Calderon peeled off his warmup and jogged to the scorer’s table. It was observed that at least one assistant coach was shouting toward Hood.

Earlier in the game, rookie Cedi Osman came in with the second unit and played the minutes that had been going to Hood in Lue’s rotation.

The 25-year-old Hood is averaging 4.6 points in 17 minutes in the postseason. His playing time dropped in the second round — he began the playoffs against Indiana in the starting lineup — as he struggled with his shot and looked uncomfortable on the floor.

Hood scored just 2 points on 1-of-9 shooting in three appearances against the Raptors.

The Cavaliers acquired Hood at the Feb. 8 trade deadline from Utah. A first-round pick in the 2014 draft, he averaged 16.8 points with the Jazz, but the 6-foot-8 left-hander has never found his rhythm with Cleveland, which is back in the Eastern Conference finals for the fourth straight season.

Lue said he spoke with Hood at Sunday’s practice and that he understood his role.

“It’s been tough circumstances as far as the first round and playing now and getting spot minutes more than anything,” Lue said. “He could be better; he knows that. Just need him to be aggressive.”

Hood started Game 1 against Indiana, but after the Pacers beat the Cavs by 18, Lue changed his lineup. He swapped Hood with Kyle Korver and Cleveland regrouped, going 8-2 since the change.

Hood will be a restricted free agent this summer.

james borrego coming to hornets for michael jordan nba

Michael Jordan has his guy.

The Hornets owner has finalized a deal to hire San Antonio Spurs assistant coach James Borrego as Charlotte’s next head coach, according to people familiar with the situation.

The people spoke to media outlets on Tuesday on condition of anonymity because the Hornets haven’t officially announced the hiring.

A news conference is expected in the next few days.

The 40-year Borrego has spent 15 years an NBA assistant coach, 10 of those with San Antonio under Gregg Popovich. He has been a part of two NBA championship teams — in 2005 and 2007. He also was an assistant with the New Orleans Hornets, well before the team moved back to Charlotte.

This will be his first head coaching job.

However, he did serve as an interim coach with the Orlando Magic late in the 2015-16 season after Jacque Vaughn was fired.

The Hornets are in the midst of a major change in the organization.

Jordan fired general manager Rich Cho midway through last season and hired Mitch Kupchak to replace him in April. Kupchak fried Steve Clifford as head coach a few days later.

Under Clifford, the Hornets went to the playoffs just twice in five seasons and failed to win a playoff series.

Among the other NBA assistant coaches to interview for the position were Celtics assistant Jay Larranaga, Raptors assistant Nick Nurse, Spurs assistants Ettore Messina and Ime Udoka, and Blazers assistant David Vanterpol. Former Grizzlies coach David Fizdale also interviewed, but was later hired by the New York Knicks.

Borrego, Larranaga, and Nurse were considered the three finalists for the job.

Now the big question becomes whether the Hornets will shake up their roster this offseason.

If the Hornets chose to rebuild, two-time All-Star guard Kemba Walker is easily the most tradable option because of his salary and production. The team also includes Dwight Howard, Nic Batum, Marvin Williams and Michael Kidd-Gilchrist.

timberwolves rick brunson resigns after sex harrassment bulge claim

Minnesota Timberwolves assistant coach Rick Brunson abruptly resigned Tuesday and the team said he had fallen short of meeting its “high standards of conduct” amid reports he had acted improperly toward women.

The Timberwolves announced Brunson’s resignation in a one-sentence release and later sent a statement about the 45-year-old former NBA player.

“Our entire organization — made up of the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Minnesota Lynx and Iowa Wolves— is deeply committed to creating a safe work environment for our employees, partners and fans,” the team said. “We work to maintain high standards of conduct and expect our staff to lead by example. We did not believe Mr. Brunson’s conduct was consistent with those standards.”

The Star Tribune, citing a source it did not identify, reported Brunson had been the subject of complaints of improper conduct toward women. The Athletic also reported that he was accused of improper conduct toward women while on the job. The Timberwolves did not return phone calls seeking additional comment and the NBA did not respond to a message.

In 2014, Brunson was arrested in suburban Chicago and charged with sexually assaulting a massage therapist. He was acquitted of all counts in that case, saying he had an ongoing extramarital affair with the woman.

The Timberwolves hired Brunson in 2016, and last season was his fourth working under coach Tom Thibodeau, who helped the team reach the NBA playoffs for the first time in 14 years. Brunson had previous assistant coaching jobs with the Denver Nuggets, Charlotte and Chicago, where he worked under Thibodeau.

Brunson played in the NBA for nine years, including stops in New York and Houston. He made it to the playoffs in five of his nine seasons, and was a member of the 1999 Eastern Conference champion New York Knicks, who lost to San Antonio in the finals.

Brunson is the father of Jalen Brunson, the men’s college basketball player of the year who declared for the NBA draft last month after winning two national titles at Villanova. The star guard averaged 18.9 points and 4.6 assists per game in 40 games for the Wildcats this season.

Juan Martin del Potro ready to take on Rafael Nadal, Madrid Open 2018

Juan Martin del Potro marked his clay-season debut with a 6-3, 6-3 win over Damir Dzumhur in the second round of the Madrid Open on Tuesday.

It was the 22nd triumph this season for the sixth-ranked Del Potro, who has the most victories on the ATP Tour in 2018.

“I was playing well out there,” said Del Potro, who won back-to-back titles in Acapulco and Indian Wells earlier this year.

The Argentine – who took a break from the ATP Tour after his 15-match winning streak was ended in the Miami Open semi-finals by John Isner – looked reinvigorated as he needed just 80 minutes to defeat Damir Dzumhur – 6-3, 6-3.

The world No 6’s victory also ensured he moved clear of Alexander Zverev and Dominic Thiem with 22 wins to his name in 2018.

Del Potro is in the same half of the draw as Nadal, who is bidding to win a sixth title in the Spanish capital.

And he insists he feels he has the weapons in his game to hurt the top players in the tournament.

When asked for his thoughts about being a threat to Nadal’s dominance on clay, Del Potro said: “I’ve already tried to do it, but Rafa and many other players have big games to play on clay court.

“I’m confident with myself and will see what happens.”

Del Potro also feels that he was able to recharge sufficiently after Miami, adding: “It helped a lot – I did a lot of good preparation for the tournament.

“I had a great time with family and friends, but it is time to think about tennis again and keep winning.”

Nadal, meanwhile, who begins his campaign on Wednesday against Gael Monfils, is in the middle of a 19-match winning streak.

And he is looking to extend his incredible record of having won 46 straight sets on clay.

Del Potro’s next match is against Dusan Lajovic, who defeated Richard Gasquet 7-6 (1), 7-6 (1).

[pdf-embedder url=”https://movietvtechgeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018-Madrid-Open-Mens-Singles-Draw-Day-3.pdf” title=”2018 Madrid Open Mens Singles Draw Day 3″]

In the women’s event, top-ranked Simona Halep reached the third round by beating Elise Mertens 6-0, 6-3.

Halep converted her fifth match point to win her 14th straight match in Madrid and stay on track for a third consecutive title in the Spanish capital.

“I knew she was coming with a lot of confidence,” Halep said. “I had to start very strong and aggressive, which I did. After I played a few games, I felt really good.”

The 16th-ranked Mertens has played well this year but struggled from the start at the Magic Box and ended up with 31 unforced errors and five double faults.

She was coming off an impressive 13-match winning streak, with titles in Morocco, Switzerland, and Tasmania. She also reached the Australian Open semifinals, losing to eventual champion Caroline Wozniacki.

Halep next faces Kristyna Pliskova, who defeated Sara Sorribes Tormo 7-5, 6-2.

“She’s serving pretty strong,” said Halep, who beat Pliskova in Madrid in 2017. “I have to just watch a little bit how I played last year and to do it again. I believe I can win the match, but I always expect a tough one.”

Crowd favorite Garbine Muguruza, ranked third, fought back to defeat Donna Vekic 2-6, 6-4, 6-1 while Petra Kvitova knocked out Monica Puig 6-3, 7-6 (8) to record her seventh straight win.

In the men’s event, Fernando Verdasco defeated Paolo Lorenzi 7-5, 6-4 to claim his 500th win, while Robin Haase beat Hyeon Chung 6-2, 6-0 for his 200th victory.

“Getting the 500th victory is an unbelievable number that I never even thought about,” said Verdasco, who became the 45th man in ATP Tour history to reach the milestone. “I’m super-emotional and super-happy.”

Kyle Edmund defeated Daniil Medvedev 6-4, 6-0 to set up a second-round encounter with Novak Djokovic, while Milos Raonic upset third seed Grigor Dimitrov 7-5, 3-6, 6-3 to reach the third round.

Denis Shapovalov hit 38 winners to oust Benoit Paire 7-6 (5), 4-6, 6-4 in the second round and 11th seed Roberto Bautista Agut beat Jared Donaldson 6-7 (3), 6-4, 6-4 in the first round.

Borna Coric upset ninth seed Pablo Carreno Busta 6-4, 6-2 in another first-round match, while Pablo Cuevas rallied to defeat 12th seed Jack Sock 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-0.

noah rubin lands french open bulge for usta

Noah Rubin earned his first berth in the French Open’s main draw by finishing atop the U.S. Tennis Association’s wild-card challenge, while Taylor Townsend assured her fifth consecutive appearance in the clay-court major tournament.

The USTA announced Monday that Rubin, a 22-year-old from Long Island, sealed his spot in Paris by winning a Challenger event in Tallahassee, Florida, and picking up points in qualifying at an ATP tournament in Morocco.

He also got a USTA wild card for the Australian Open in 2016. Rubin is ranked 196th this week.

Townsend, a 22-year-old from Atlanta, won USTA Pro Circuit singles titles in Dothan, Alabama, and Charleston, South Carolina.

She’s ranked 73rd but was outside the top 100 when the French Open’s direct entries were determined last month.

Townsend’s best Grand Slam performance came at the 2014 French Open, where she reached the third round.

The French Open begins May 27.

Google jumps headlong into AI for 2018

As artificial intelligence (AI) has become a known word in the mainstream, many tech companies have embraced it, but Google is taking it to another level. They have even gone so far as to rebrand their Google Research division as Google AI showing how important this will be in the future. They announced this on Monday.

Google showcased its plans for the next several months as it kicked off its annual developers’ conference Tuesday. Many of the new features center on the use of artificial intelligence to help save time.

google rebrands research division as google ai

Here are the biggest things you need to know about:

MAPS: Google will use augmented reality to help guide you to your destination. When you pull up direction on Google Maps, you can look through the camera and get turn-by-turn directions while viewing the actual street. The app will also orient you and verify your position using local landmarks such as buildings and shops viewed through the camera. Google calls the technology VPS, or visual positioning system. The feature is expected this summer.

GOOGLE DUPLEX: Google’s digital assistant will call actual people at businesses to make restaurant reservations and hair appointments and check holiday hours. In two demonstrations, a realistic-sounding automated voice used pauses and “ums” and “mmm-hmms” to sound more human during interactions with people. Google says the technology is rolling out as “an experiment” in coming weeks. Google says it’s still figuring out how to be upfront and let businesses know that they are talking to a computer.

GMAIL: An autocomplete feature called “smart compose” uses artificial intelligence to suggest ways to finish sentences you start typing. For example, “I haven’t seen you” might be autocompleted to “I haven’t seen you in a while, and I hope you’re doing well.” The feature will start rolling out this month.

PHOTOS: When Google recognizes a photo of someone who is one of your contacts, it can suggest sending the photo to that person. It can also convert photos to PDFs and automatically add color to black-and-white photos or make part of a color photo black and white. The changes are coming in the next few months.

GOOGLE ASSISTANT: Google’s digital assistant will get six new voices, including one based on that of singer John Legend, later this year. The voices aim to sound more natural and will include pauses that convey meaning. Google is also unveiling ways to let you issue multiple commands without having to say “Hey Google” each time. And it will reward kids who say “please,” similar to a feature Amazon is bringing to its Alexa voice assistant.

LENS: Google’s visual assistant will be built into the camera. Just point the camera at a building or sign to get more information. Or copy text from images of menus, documents, and other sources into another app on your phone. Samsung phones aren’t on the list of phones getting the feature starting next week. Samsung has its own version, Bixby Vision.

NEWS: Google is redesigning the News feature to present five stories you need to know, plus others that it thinks will be most relevant to you. For outlets with subscriptions, Google will allow you to subscribe directly through your Google account, without needing new passwords or credit card information. The feature should be available to everyone by next week.

ANDROID P: The version of Google’s Android phone software will infuse basic functions with AI smarts. The battery will adapt to how you use apps in order to conserve energy. “Adaptive brightness” will learn how bright you like your screen based on manual adjustments, instead of automatically adjusting based on the how bright it is. Apple’s latest system, iOS 11, has a similar feature. Owners of some Android phones — none from Samsung — can get an early test version now.

WELL-BEING: Android P also includes features to combat overuse. A “shush” mode automatically turns on the “Do Not Disturb” mode when you turn your phone face down on a table. And “Wind Down Mode” will fade the screen to greyscale at a designated bedtime to help you disconnect before bed.

google takes artificial intelligence to heart

Google put the spotlight on its artificial intelligence smarts at its annual developers conference Tuesday, announcing new consumer features imbued with machine learning.

Many of the updates have a practical bent, designed to ease tasks such as composing emails, making lists, navigating city streets and lessening the digital distractions that have increasingly addled people’s lives as a result of previous tech industry innovations.

One of the biggest crowd-pleasers for the thousands of software developers who gathered at the outdoor conference was an augmented reality feature on Google Maps that helps people get walking directions. Users will be able to follow arrows — or possibly a cartoon-like creature — that appear on a camera view showing the actual street in front of them.

Some new features for Android phones also aim to improve people’s digital well-being, including a new “shush” mode that automatically turns on the “Do Not Disturb” function if someone flips their phone face down on a table. And “Wind Down Mode” will fade the screen to greyscale at a designated bedtime to help users disconnect before bed.

The company’s digital concierge, known only as the Google Assistant, is getting new voices — including one based on that of musician John Legend — later this year. It will also encourage kids to be polite by thanking them when they say please, similar to a feature Amazon is bringing to its Alexa voice assistant.

The assistant may also soon be talking with ordinary people at businesses for tasks such as restaurant reservations, although the feature is still in development.

“Hi, I’m calling to book a hair appointment for a client,” said a realistic-sounding automated voice in a demo from the conference stage. The AI assistant deployed pauses and “ums” and “mmm-hmms” to sound more human in conversation with real people.

The company said it will roll out the technology, called Google Duplex, as an experiment in coming weeks. “We really want to work hard to get this right,” said Google CEO Sundar Pichai, who kicked off the conference, known as Google I/O.

Other changes are more immediate. Gmail is getting an autocomplete feature that uses machine learning to offer suggestions for finishing half-completed sentences. For example, “I haven’t seen you” might be autocompleted to “I haven’t seen you in a while and I hope you’re doing well.” Users can accept the completion by hitting the tab key.

The Google Photos app aims to get smarter about suggesting who you might want to share photos with. Whenever it recognizes a photo of one of your Google contacts, it can suggest sharing the photo with that person. It will also convert photos to PDFs and automatically add color to black-and-white photos or make part of a color photo black and white. The changes are coming in the next two months.

The search giant aims to make its assistant and other services so useful that people can’t live without them — or the search results that drive its advertising business. But it also wants to play up the social benefits of AI and how it’s being used to improve health care, preserve the environment and make scientific discoveries.

Pichai didn’t emphasize the privacy and data security concerns that have put companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google in the crosshairs of regulators. But he did say the company “can’t just be wide eyed about the innovations technology creates.”

“We know the path ahead needs to be navigated carefully and deliberately,” he said. “Our core mission is to make information more useful, accessible and beneficial to all of society.”

Google’s latest version of its Android phone software, for now known as Android P, will offer other smart features. It will teach the battery to adapt to how you use apps in order to conserve energy. Phones using Android P will also learn how to adjust your screen brightness by studying your manual adjustments, a change from automatic adjustments based on ambient light levels.

But not everyone will see the new Android features soon. Android P won’t be released until later this year, and even then, phone manufacturers and carriers frequently limit Android updates to their newest phones. Owners of Google’s own Pixel phones will get the updates most quickly.

Samsung is getting snubbed on some of these new features, at least for now. It has been challenging Google more frequently by launching that services duplicate what Google already offers on Android.

For instance, Samsung users won’t have access to an early “beta” version of Android P. Samsung’s camera app also won’t get a built-in Lens feature that lets Google offer information after taking a photo of a building or sign. Samsung has been developing its own similar feature called Bixby Vision.

It wasn’t immediately clear which company made the call to withhold the features announced Tuesday.

Russian hackers hit more than Clinton plus Zuckerberg joins Bill Gates

Back in 2015, ISIS had no problem taking credit for threatening United States military members spouses on Twitter, but it actually wasn’t them doing the bullying. It turns out the Russian hackers responsible for meddling with the 2016 presidential election and exposing all those Hillary Clinton e-mails were actually the culprits.

Army wife Angela Ricketts was soaking in a bubble bath in her Colorado home, leafing through a memoir, when a message appeared on her iPhone:

“Dear Angela!” it said. “Bloody Valentine’s Day!”

“We know everything about you, your husband and your children,” the Facebook message continued, claiming that the hackers operating under the flag of Islamic State militants had penetrated her computer and her phone. “We’re much closer than you can even imagine.”

Ricketts was one of five military wives who received death threats from the self-styled CyberCaliphate on the morning of Feb. 10, 2015. The warnings led to days of anguished media coverage of Islamic State militants’ online reach.

Except it wasn’t IS.

Evidence has been found that the women were targeted not by jihadists but by the same Russian hacking group that intervened in the American election and exposed the emails of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta.

The false flag is a case study in the difficulty of assigning blame in a world where hackers routinely borrow one another’s identities to throw investigators off track. The operation also parallels the online disinformation campaign by Russian trolls in the months leading up to the U.S. election in 2016.

Links between CyberCaliphate and the Russian hackers — typically nicknamed Fancy Bear or APT28 — have been documented previously. On both sides of the Atlantic, the consensus is that the two groups are closely related.

But that consensus never filtered through to the women involved, many of whom were convinced they had been targeted by Islamic State sympathizers right up until media outlets contacted them.

“Never in a million years did I think that it was the Russians,” said Ricketts, an author and advocate for veterans and military families. She called the revelation “mind blowing.”

“It feels so hilarious and insidious at the same time.”


As Ricketts scrambled out of the tub to show the threat to her husband, nearly identical messages reached Lori Volkman, a deputy prosecutor based in Oregon who had won fame as a blogger after her husband deployed to the Middle East; Ashley Broadway-Mack, based in the Washington, D.C., area and head of an association for gay and lesbian military family members; and Amy Bushatz, an Alaska-based journalist who covers spouse and family issues for Military.com.

Liz Snell, the wife of a U.S. Marine, was at her husband’s retirement ceremony in California when her phone rang. The Twitter account of her charity, Military Spouses of Strength, had been hacked. It was broadcasting public threats not only to herself and the other spouses, but also to their families and then-first lady Michelle Obama.

Snell flew home to Michigan from the ceremony, took her children and checked into a Comfort Inn for two nights.

“Any time somebody threatens your family, Mama Bear comes out,” she said.

The women determined they had all received the same threats. They were also all quoted in a CNN piece about the hacking of a military Twitter feed by CyberCaliphate only a few weeks earlier. In it, they had struck a defiant tone. After they received the threats, they suspected that CyberCaliphate singled them out for retaliation.

The women refused to be intimidated.

“Fear is exactly what — at the time — we perceived ISIS wanted from military families,” said Volkman, using another term for the Islamic State group.

Volkman was quoted in half a dozen media outlets; Bushatz wrote an article describing what happened; Ricketts, interviewed as part of a Fox News segment devoted to the menace of radical Islam, told TV host Greta Van Susteren that the nature of the threat was changing.

“Military families are prepared to deal with violence that’s directed toward our soldiers,” she said. “But having it directed toward us is just complete new ground.”


A few weeks after the spouses were threatened, on April 9, 2015, the signal of French broadcaster TV5 Monde went dead.

The station’s network of routers and switches had been knocked out and its internal messaging system disabled. Pasted across the station’s website and Facebook page was the keffiyeh-clad logo of CyberCaliphate.

The cyberattack shocked France, coming on the heels of jihadist massacres at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket that left 17 dead. French leaders decried what they saw as another blow to the country’s media. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said evidence suggested the broadcaster was the victim of an act of terror.

But Guillaume Poupard, the chief of France’s cybersecurity agency, pointedly declined to endorse the minister’s comments when quizzed about them the day after the hack.

“We should be very prudent about the origin of the attack,” he told French radio. “We might be surprised.”

Government experts poring over the station’s stricken servers eventually vindicated Poupard’s caution, finding evidence they said pointed not to the Middle East but to Moscow.

Speaking to media outlets last year, Poupard said the attack “resembles a lot what we call collectively APT28.”

Russian officials in Washington and in Moscow did not respond to questions seeking comment. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied masterminding hacks against Western targets.

russian hackers behind military spouse threats


Proof that the military wives were targeted by Russian hackers is laid out in a digital hit list provided to media outlets by the cybersecurity company Secureworks last year. Media outlets previously used the list of 4,700 Gmail addresses to outline the group’s espionage campaign against journalists, defense contractors, and U.S. officials. More recent research has found that Fancy Bear, which Secureworks dubs “Iron Twilight,” was actively trying to break into the military wives’ mailboxes around the time that CyberCaliphate struck.

Lee Foster, a manager with cybersecurity company FireEye, said the repeated overlap between Russian hackers and CyberCaliphate made it all but certain that the groups were linked.

“Just think of your basic probabilities,” he said.

CyberCaliphate faded from view after the TV5 Monde hack, but the over-the-top threats issued by the gang of make-believe militants found an echo in the anti-Muslim sentiment whipped up by the St. Petersburg troll farm — an organization whose operations were laid bare by a U.S. special prosecutor’s indictment earlier this year.

The trolls — Russian employees paid to seed American social media with disinformation — often hyped the threat of Islamic State militants to the United States. A few months before CyberCaliphate first won attention by hijacking various media organizations’ Twitter accounts, for example, the trolls were spreading false rumors about an Islamic State attack in Louisiana and a counterfeit video appearing to show an American soldier firing into a Quran.

Media outlets have found no link between CyberCaliphate and the St. Petersburg trolls, but their aims appeared to be the same: keep tension at a boil and radical Islam in the headlines.

By that measure, CyberCaliphate’s targeting of media outlets like TV5 Monde and the military spouses succeeded handily.

Ricketts, the author, said that by planting threats with some of the most vocal members of the military community, CyberCaliphate guaranteed maximum press coverage.

“Not only did we play right into their hands by freaking out, but the media played right into it,” she said. “We reacted in a way that was probably exactly what they were hoping for.”

mark zuckerberg joins forces with bill gates foundation

Tech moguls Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg said Tuesday they will team up to help develop new technologies for kids with trouble learning — an effort that will include dabbling into child brain science.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative intend to explore a number of potential pilot projects.

They’ll focus on math, writing and brain functions — key areas of classroom learning that they note are crucial for academic success.

The effort is now seeking information and ideas from across sectors, from education and academia to business, technology, and medicine. Future investments based on that information are expected, but no dollar amount has been set.

The idea that disadvantaged children struggle to learn because of poor executive brain function involving memory, thinking flexibility, and behavioral issues related to autism and other attention disorders has long been lamented by social workers and health advocates.

The joint project by Gates and Zuckerberg details possible ways to mitigate those shortcomings.

Among the ideas is using games and technology simulations to support teachers and family, and tracking progress in certain vulnerable student populations such as kids with disabilities or those who are learning English as a second language.

Leaders of the effort say technology is not a primary focus, but they recognize the role it can play.

The new endeavor marks the latest effort by deep-pocketed philanthropists who have tried with little success and much controversy to change entire school systems.

In some ways, it advances the reform agendas of the philanthropists, including helping low-performing students catch up to their potentially more prosperous peers and using classroom technology for digital or personalized learning.

Gates, the world’s top philanthropist, recently announced more support for students with disabilities, issues involving American poverty and Alzheimer’s disease research.

Zuckerberg idolizes Gates as an inspiration in professional and philanthropic work. But their representatives rejected any notion that their effort on learning is connected to their respective business roles as Facebook CEO and Microsoft founder.

Microsoft announced a $25 million initiative on Monday to use artificial intelligence to build better technology for people with disabilities.

‘Agents of SHIELD’ Ties into ‘Avengers Infinity War’ Season 6 Possibilities

Just when you think that Agents of SHIELD is in its own little universe, they manage to find a way to show us that it’s still connected to the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Avengers: Infinity War made that clear, very clear. They really named-dropped him this time, Thanos. So in true comics form, if you don’t see your hero participating in something, it means they’re doing their own thing. While the Avengers are fighting the Black Order and Thanos’ armies, Coulson and his team are busy preventing the Earth from cracking up.

So, for us demanding a more solid connection to the MCU, it looks like we just got it. Not only is Thanos just a name-drop, Thanos becomes the motivation for the story to move along. So have the writers and producers known the Infinity War plot all along? We guess not necessarily. Let’s recap the events for a bit.

So the Confederacy shows up at the Lighthouse base, the group of Aliens General Hale was colluding with. And these aliens want their gravitonium. Their soldiers attack the team until events led to General Talbot entering the Particle-Infusion Chamber and using up the remaining gravitonium, giving him the power over gravity. Unlike Ruby, who couldn’t handle the voices of Franklin Hall and Ian Quinn (who are trapped in the mass of gravitonium), Talbot seems to have both under his control, due to his military training and maybe a side effect of HYDRA’s conditioning. Technically, we have the MCU version of the very powerful villain Graviton. Except here, Talbot thinks of himself as a superhero.

I first got acquainted with Graviton in Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. He’s like Magneto, except he controls gravity and took the combine powers of the Avengers to take him down. Imagine if Talbot gets loose in the MCU films. Powerful as he is though, he’s still no match for Thanos powered with most of the Infinity Stones. Anyway, in comics, Graviton’s real name is Franklin Hall. Fanboys may have immediately associated the scientist with the villain since Season 1, and when we watched him get absorbed into the gravitonium, fans have been waiting four seasons for Graviton to actually appear. And here he is, sort of.  Well, it’s completely okay and interesting since this isn’t the first time Marvel slapped the mantle of a hero or villain on another character. In another universe, Bruce Banner isn’t the Hulk; he’s Spider-Man. And what’s great about Talbot/Graviton here, is that his costume is explained as a ceremonial Confederacy garb.

We are now into episode 20. Two more episodes to go before we see the Earth remain crack open of remain whole. Two more episodes to go before we find out whether the bubble bursts or the bubble keeps floating. So Talbot takes Coulson to the Confederacy ship where he takes over the ship and meets with the rest of the Confederacy members. Talbot kills one of the members earning himself a place in the ranks. There, Talbot meets with Kasius’ father Taryan who tells him that while the group was formed to ‘help’ the Earth fight a greater unknown threat, they cannot fight against Thanos’ forces, and the only way to fight Thanos is with more gravitonium.

Talbot is motivated to save the Earth himself and becomes easily manipulated by Taryan. While this is happening, the rest of team SHIELD make their way to the Confederacy ship to save Coulson. Phil finds out that the Confederacy leader is Kasius’ father and tells Talbot that dealing with him is a very bad idea. Plus, he thinks that the presence of the rest of SHIELD on the ship is undermining his authority. Talbot loses it when Daisy arrives and tries to lifts Coulson up to kill him. Coulson is put down when Hale interferes and attempts to use Talbot’s mental conditioning. Talbot kills Hale and battles Daisy, easily defeating her. Coulson and the rest of SHIELD gets detained. At the end of the episode, Daisy is put into Taryan’s custody.

Now things are getting more and more exciting as we find out whether the earth is going to crack or not, and this episode just made things more exciting with its Infinity War tie-in. Will Talbot get his chance against some of Thanos’ forces or totally miss the fun? And since this episode tied itself into Infinity War, who will we see turn to ash at the end of the next episode or in the season finale? Yes, season finale sounds good, but the title of the last episode doesn’t though. But as our sources have confirmed, season 6 is on the horizon. What could SHIELD come up with next? Could they somehow tie in with Captain Marvel, maybe usher her into Avengers 4 which could be hitting theaters to undo Thanos’ quest in the middle of season 6.

agents of shield season 6 who survives thanos avengers

Could they pull off the new season with half of the primary cast which has vanished into the ether, not to mention half the population of the world? This makes the final episodes of Agents of SHIELD very exciting now, more than ever. Plus, how will the Marvel Netflix shows that are connected to the theatrical MCU move forward?

[pdf-embedder url=”https://movietvtechgeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Avengers-Back-to-Basics-005-2018-Marvel-Comics-MCU.pdf” title=”Avengers Back to Basics Issue #5 Marvel Comics”]

Enjoy the latest copy of Avengers Back to Basics #5 which you can get here to read.

Rafael Nadal soccer controversy, Novak Djokovic beats Nishikori at Madrid Open

Rafael Nadal is killing it on the clay courts of the 2018 Madrid Open, but suddenly his off court action is causing some ire. Rafa has put himself in the middle of a soccer controversy in Madrid.

A longtime Real Madrid supporter, Nadal appeared with a Atletico Madrid jersey during the club’s Europa League match against Arsenal last week, making headlines across Spain and attracting a wave of social media reactions from fans from both teams.

Nadal couldn’t avoid the issue when he arrived in the Spanish capital for this week’s Madrid Open.

“Well, there is a problem with today’s society, that to be a true supporter of one team, it seems that you have to be anti another team,” Nadal said Monday. “I just support Real Madrid. I have a lot of friends that are from Atletico. They are playing in a competition in Europe against an English team. I just went there to support Atletico Madrid. They invited me. I just wanted to enjoy the day, to see a great football match.”

rafael nadal with real madrid jersey around neck

Nadal was captured on camera with the jersey around his neck during the team’s 1-0 win at Wanda Metropolitano Stadium on Thursday, a result that allowed Atletico to reach the final of Europe’s second-tiered club competition.

“The (club’s) president gave me a T-shirt as a gift,” Nadal said. “At night it was a little bit chilly, a little bit cold, and I just used it as a scarf. That’s all. But it’s always the same stuff. Maybe there’s too much hypocrisy, or I would say you people in the media have to write too many things, so you have to explore some stupid things.”

Nadal also discussed Sunday’s “clasico” between Barcelona and Real Madrid, which ended in a 2-2 draw after several questionable calls made by the officiating crew at Camp Nou Stadium.

“I don’t have to talk about football referees,” Nadal said. “The poor referee will have a lot on his back because you have been speaking about them for hours and hours. I’m not going to contribute to that show. I think it was a great football match, nice to see. I really enjoyed the football.”

Nadal said he favors after-game sanctions to try to make the referees’ life easier.

“Maybe I am very passionate about football, and I’m not criticizing football,” he said. “But at the end of the day, the referees have a very hard job. It’s very difficult to make decisions when you are under pressure. There are sometimes many players that try to trick other players … It’s just a show.”

novak djokovic beats off kei nishikori madrid open 2018

Novak Djokovic got the type of win he needed to boost his confidence and get his game back on track.

He beat 20th-ranked Kei Nishikori 7-5, 6-4 in the first round of the Madrid Open on Monday, his highest-ranked win in 10 months.

Djokovic broke serve late in each set to get past Nishikori after nearly two hours in the Magic Box.

“I’m glad that match went my way, but it could have gone his way as well. I managed to play the right shots in the important moments,” Djokovic said. “It was exactly what I needed for my confidence and for my game. I’m just happy to go through this one.”

Coming back from a right elbow injury, Djokovic hasn’t made it to the quarterfinals in his previous five tournaments this year, admitting he returned to tennis too quickly. In his last event, he lost in the third round in Monte Carlo, where Nishikori reached the final.

“I’m just trying to take one day at a time, build my game, because that’s something that I feel is a priority right now,” Djokovic said.

“I was looking forward to these kind of matches, looking to try to win these kind of matches. I couldn’t ask for a better start. I feel much better about everything that is happening on the court and around tennis, in general, with my body than maybe two months ago.”

Djokovic was aggressive from the start, hitting 26 winners against Nishikori, who has made at least the Madrid quarterfinals for the last five years. He was a finalist in 2014, losing to Rafael Nadal.

Maria Sharapova, who won in Madrid in 2014, made it to the last 16 by defeating Irina-Camelia Begu 7-5, 6-1 in only her second match since the Australian Open. She has been dealing with a left forearm injury.

“It was a lot of hard work,” Sharapova said of her match. “Being down a break to start off both of those sets didn’t make things easy for me. That will certainly help me moving forward.”

Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki edged past Ashleigh Barty 6-2, 4-6, 6-4. Wozniacki reached the 2009 final on debut and hasn’t been close since.

“I was lucky to get away with it in that third set,” the second-seeded Wozniacki said.

Milos Raonic defeated Nicolas Kicker 6-3, 6-2 to set up a second-round encounter with third-seeded Grigor Dimitrov, while Richard Gasquet beat Tomas Berdych 6-4, 6-2 to advance to play qualifier Dusan Lajovic, who got past Karen Khachanov 6-3, 6-2.

In a first-round match between Frenchmen, Benoit Paire hit 39 winners to defeat 18th-ranked Lucas Pouille 6-2, 6-3, advancing to face 19-year-old Denis Shapovalov of Canada, who got past Tennys Sandgren of the U.S. 6-1, 6-4.

‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Gas Station Rare Exclusives For Serious Collectors

If you reside in Southeast Asia or have a friend in Southeast Asia and are a fan of the MCU, then you must pick up the exclusive Avengers: Infinity War Desk Collectibles. These are die-cast desk display pieces of several Avengers characters that have their individual functions other than being a display or paperweight. These are available exclusively from Petron gas stations for RM45 or 45 Malaysian Ringgit (USD 11.57) after purchasing RM50 (USD 12.58) or above worth of oil or gas. Unfortunately, these figures will only be available between April 15, 2018 and May 15, 2018 or as long as supply lasts. This is in no way an endorsement for the items nor the gas company. You might get lucky and some here to grab quickly as they will easily be worth something down the road.

avengers infinity war hot collectibles gifts

There are six characters available which include Steve Rogers, Black Widow, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Thor and the Incredible Hulk. Steve Rogers functions as a call and mobile alert display which of course alerts you if you have a call or message on your phone; Black Widow functions as a useful USB hub; Iron Man is a desk lamp; Doctor Strange is an Electronic Message Board; Thor is a multi-charger so you can charge your Apple or Android device and Hulk acts as a not so glamorous memo pad holder. The good size and heft of these things make me pine for the Hulk next.

Most of the figures are just gorgeous, but my priorities include Iron Man and Doctor Strange. They’re my first purchase and are the subjects for this little review. If I have to have at least one of these, it would be these two characters since I’m a fan of both. But if I have to choose function over form, the most useful would be Thor and Black Widow, and if you have to have both form and function, Hulk would be great as I make good use of notes at work.

First off, let’s talk about the Iron Man desk lamp. The moment I opened the box and took him out of the Styrofoam, Iron Man simply looked amazing. I absolutely loved the glossy finish on the 6-inch figure. The figure itself is mostly made out of die-cast metal except for the head and arms. The figures are mostly like statues. Though it may seem that the arms can move for additional poses, I’d rather not force them for fear of breakage. Both figures are rather hefty due to their die-cast composition. Due to the craftsmanship of the figure, I’d say it’s worth the investment. There’s not much detail though down Iron Man’s lower half as he doesn’t look too mechanical, or whatever mark number his suit is now for the film is just too advanced.  Unlike some Marvel Legends action figures, the mask doesn’t open up, but that’s maybe too much to ask. But the glossy paint on the non-metallic areas looks quite consistent with the die-cast paint.

As mentioned, he functions as a desk lamp. The LED lights are hidden in the base and has three settings. White light, yellow light and Off which is quite unexpected. The lamp is powered via USB so you’ll need to look for a separate phone charger if you intend to use the figure as such. The problem though is the rather dangerous procedure of getting the USB cord out of the base as it was tough to take out of its latch.

iron man avengers infinity war collectible led light gifts

Now for Doctor Strange. He’s not as beautiful a figure as Iron Man, but he looks quite nice, especially with the die-cast. The metal is mostly on his torso and legs while the rest is made out of hard rubber. The figure has average detail work but still resembles our MCU Doctor Strange. We can’t exactly expect the detail work on his face to look like a Marvel Legends figure, but it’s good enough. His clothing looks good, but the lapels on the cape of levitation and the Eye of Agamotto just don’t look as detailed as I’d like. May seem a lot to ask for 12 bucks.

Again, the arms have very limited movement. I also forgot to mention that the heads can also move a little. There’s little to expect in terms of poseability, and again, the die-cast does a good job in hiding the shortcomings. So does the figure’s added functionality as an electronic message board. The type where you write a message on a glass panel which is illuminated by LEDs. Unlike Iron Man though, Doctor Strange is powered by three AAA batteries at the base and has only one color for the lighting which is blue. The pen, in the form of that awkwardly placed post is yellowish in color and the ink is inconspicuous when the light is turned off. The writing is rather thin unless you make an effort of doubling your doodle.

Overall, these gas station pieces make for great additions for any Marvel collection, and each is quite useful for their respective functionalities. They have a good level of detail, and their die-cast composition make them great displays for any geek’s desk at the office.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://movietvtechgeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Avengers-001-2018-Marvel-Comics-MCU.pdf” title=”2018 Avengers 1 Marvel Comics”]

Here’s a little bonus for all your Avengers fans with Avengers #1 for 2018. Enjoy!

Top 10 Mother’s Day Gift Basket ideas for healthy moms

Mother’s Day shopping can be tough, especially when the Mom in your life isn’t interested in the mainstream perfume and chocolate! There are still a ton of options for a thoughtful and practical gift. Check out the Mother’s Day gift shop here.

One excellent idea is to put together a gift basket for your mom. This not only lets you have something to customize, but it allows you to give her not one big gift, but a lot of little gifts. You can see all of our Mother’s Day gift guide ideas here.

perfect gift baskets for every mother

There are many different themes out there for gift baskets, from gardening to wine and cheese, but if you have a mom who cares a lot about her health, she might want something a little different. The following provides 10 creative and practical gift basket ideas for a health-conscious mom.

Why Gift Baskets?

Before looking at some different gift baskets that can be perfect for your mom, let’s go over some benefits of this type of gift. It really is great for every mom, but the ones listed here are specifically for the moms interested in different types of health and wellness.

They are completely customizable – First of all, gift baskets that you make yourself are entirely customizable. This means every single piece, from the basket itself to what goes inside it is chosen by you. It allows you to really personalize it for your mom and get what she enjoys the most. No more money is wasted on gift baskets that are premade, often with items she will never use.

You control how much it costs – It is also a good option no matter what your spending budget is for mother’s day. You might have a tight budget where you choose a small basket and items that are more affordable, or be splurging with more big-ticket items and gift certificates tucked inside.

Either way you go, your mom is going to love the thought you put into it.

Your mom appreciates the extra effort – What your mom wants most for mother’s day is to spend time with you and know you care. That is exactly what the gift basket is going to do for her. You will be personalizing it and choosing each item carefully, so she knows how much extra effort you put into this type of gift.

They can be fun to put together – As an added bonus, these can be a lot of fun for you to put together! Get together with siblings or kids and make something really special for your mom.

mothers day bath salts spa gift basket ideas
  1. DIY Lotion and Bath Salts Kit

Moms avoiding toxins and artificial fragrance often miss out on pampering products, so give her the chance to make her own! This is a really simple and fun gift basket that just about every mom would love, whether she is looking to pamper herself, or just likes a little relaxing for stress relief purposes.

Purchase the ingredients for homemade lotions and bath salts so she can relax and know the ingredients of her collection! This can be as simple as shea butter, Epsom salts, jojoba oil and essential oils! Lavender is a must have for a relaxing basket. Include a recipe and a mason jar for storing the final product, for an easy and very thoughtful pampering gift.

You then have the option of adding other ingredients to the gift basket, such as essential oils with a diffuser and carrier oils, or a variety of different scented products. Get creative with this one! You can find an amazing assortment of these gift baskets here.

  1. Day of Spa Pampering

Massages are a universal favorite for any Mom, and a gift certificate for a massage can go a long way. Perhaps you know your mom works hard and is in need of a little pampering and relaxation. Here is another take on this type of gift basket.

This can be a small or large gift basket, depending on the types of items you want to include. Instead of just handing her a spa or massage gift certificate, put together an entire gift basket. You can have some essential oil candles for aromatherapy, which includes cozy slippers and a terry cloth robe for when she gets home, or you can put together items where she can pamper herself at home without ever leaving the house.

Another idea is to do both with this gift basket – give her the gift certificate, but also include items for pampering on her own. Giving more options is always a good thing. You can find luxury spa gift baskets at all price points here.

kombucha brewing kit mothers day gift ideas
  1. Kombucha Brewing Kit

For something a little different for your mom, consider putting together a kombucha brewing kit. This is unique and caters to her healthy lifestyle, while really surprising her with something extra special.

Kombucha is a growing trend in the health community, and for a good reason! This probiotic packed drink offers high-quality nutrition and an energy buzz with a tasty fizz! Home-brewing kombucha is an easy hobby that’s affordable and sustainable.

A kit can be pieced together or purchased online, typically containing: an all-glass brewing jar, 1-5 gallons, an organic cotton dishcloth and rubber band, a glass thermometer, starter tea, plain white sugar, and a SCOBY. Include a recipe in your kit for some fun and inventive flavors for a gift this healthy Mom can enjoy brew after brew. If this is as all new to you as it was to me, you can get a full kit here with super fast delivery.

mothers day workout gear refresh gift basket ideas
  1. Fitness Gear Refresh Kit

Who doesn’t love new clothes? For a fit mom, nothing beats new workout leggings or running socks. If your mom not only cares about her health, but is also into fitness, this is the perfect gift basket for her. You are combining something she loves with something practical and helpful for her.

Put together a cute spring workout ensemble and finish it with a gym bag, stainless steel water bottle or some colorful headbands to give the gift of motivation! You can make it a little pricier with high-end workout clothes and even new running shoes, or you can keep it minimal with simple things like a water bottle, towel, and accessories.

To really hone in on the fitness theme, consider putting all the items into a gym or yoga bag, instead of a traditional basket. This makes it a lot of fun for her to enjoy. We’ve got quite the supply to choose from here.

mothers day natural health gift basket idea
  1. Natural Health Reference Books

Health conscious Moms are always learning, so help her build her library with an “Encyclopedia of Natural Healing” or book about herbal remedies or essential oil safety. These resources can be found anywhere and are so valuable! To take it up a notch, pair it with a few basic oils like lavender, tea tree and lemon to start her collection.

You can make this a health-related book basket with some added items, like a coffee or tea cup, candles to enjoy book time, and even a cozy blanket. Think about how your mom likes to read for more inspiration about what to include. Here’s some to get you started.

coffee lover survival kit mothers day gift basket ideas
  1. The Caffeine Lovers Bundle

Caffeine is a winning gift for most Moms across the board. There are quite a few premade gift baskets all about coffee or tea, so if you’re in a time crunch, that is definitely one way to go. You can choose one with just coffee or some healthy tea, without all the high sugar snacks inside.

Another fun way to explore these drinks is with coffee and tea samples that you have picked out yourself. Herbal tea sets or organic flavored coffees can be found anywhere, and make a really cute basket when paired with a personalized coffee mug. Your Mom will surely appreciate the thoughtfulness and the much-needed caffeine buzz.

This can also be turned into a couple’s or family basket just by adding more variety and a few more coffee mugs to go in the basket. Here is quite the array of coffee lovers gift baskets that should suit every taste your mom has or might have.

mothers day beach bundle essentials gift basket idea
  1. The Beach Essentials Bundle

With summer right around the corner, Mother’s Day is a great time to start preparing for Beach trips. Not only that, many healthy moms like spending more time outdoors in the summer, getting regular exercise and of course that vitamin D.

For this type of basket, you can either use a basket, tote bag, beach bag, or even an ice chest when putting things together. Here are some ideas for items that might go well in the beach gift basket:

  • Beach towel
  • Beach blanket
  • Sunblock or tanning lotion
  • Sunglasses
  • Straw hat
  • Cover-up or other clothing
  • Water bottle
  • Ice packs for an ice chest

There really are a lot of different options for this one. It’s a fun one to put together! Here you can find the perfect array to satisfy all your mom’s beach going needs.

mothers day essential oil jewelry gift basket 2018
  1. Essential Oil Jewelry

For moms who are into health, this isn’t always physical health, but often with more holistic health as well. If you have a mom who is into natural health, she probably also enjoys using essential oils on a daily basis.

Essential oils provide so many amazing benefits; from providing relaxation and aromatherapy, to helping with homemade skin care, anxiety relief, and a lot more. Why not put together a gift basket for her?

To start with, you can, of course, do a standard essential oils basket with the oils, carrier oils, candles, and diffuser. Another option is to get even more creative with essential oil jewelry.

Jewelry with lava rocks is made specifically for applying oils to wear all day! Bracelets and necklaces come in various designs and accompanying stones to represent different things as well, i.e. jade and lava rock welcomes wealth and abundance. You’ll have fun picking out something that reminds you of her, and she will love the practicality and meaningfulness behind it. Here are some beautiful gift baskets with every essential oil to help your mother rid herself of any anxiety or worries on her special day.

mothers day memories picture frame gift basket ideas
  1. Mom’s Memories

As Moms, we can never have enough pictures of our family and kids. Give her a special scrapbook kit, photo album or cute picture frame set to commemorate those photos. You can even gift a Shutterfly credit so she can order recent prints! This is a thoughtful way to give her something to cherish.

This type of basket is great for health-conscious moms and those who simply want a wonderful keepsake put together by their children. No matter your age, you can turn this into an extra-special gift. Here are some great picture frame examples and ideas to get you started.

mothers day movie night gift basket idea 2018
  1. At Home Movie Night

What Mom couldn’t use a date night? Gift the perfect at-home date night basket by grabbing some organic dark chocolates, dried fruit or organic popcorn, a nice new throw blanket to cuddle up with, and a fun new movie for an at home date night.

You can also turn it into a family movie night basket where you choose healthy drinks and snacks, family-friendly movies, and maybe some blankets for everyone in the family to cuddle up under.

An alternative option is to get items for a family game night, with the promise that all the kids will join in. You can find a great selection here or to give you some inspiration.

Top 7 important ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ questions answered

I’m often asked these questions by friends after they watched Avengers: Infinity War. Might as well answer them for folks with similar questions. It’s already made over $1 billion dollars, but the answers won’t cost you that.

what happened to xandar avengers infinity war

What happened to Xandar?

That’s the question that immediately came to mind in the first few minutes of the movie. Thanos had the Power Stone, and last we checked it was on Xandar. Presumably, Thanos attacked Xandar and took the stone. In an interview, the Russo brothers decided to skip the scene and let the audience put two and two together. They didn’t want the film to begin with two negatives as it would be very dark. Loki dying was already too much for some fans. Thor just tells us that he somehow found out that Xandar was destroyed a week prior. So that happened before Thor: Ragnarok or during?

doctor strange gives up infinity stone avengers infinity war

Why did Doctor Strange give up the Time Stone?

Many audiences were puzzled at why Doctor Strange gave up the Infinity Stone for the life of Tony Stark. Strange simply gave it up to save Tony from getting killed by Thanos. When Thanos got the stone, he stayed true to his word not to kill Stark which says a lot about this villain. Now I thought at first that Strange simply had a change of heart and that he can’t watch someone die, then I quickly remembered that he was ‘browsing’ the future outcomes of the whole thing. 14,000,605 of them with just one possibility of victory and that victory involves both giving up the Time Stone and saving Tony’s life. Possibly, in that one outcome, Tony plays a major part in the victory and that giving up the Time Stone was a strategic move, much like sacrificing a chess piece.

what happened to ant man and hawkeye in avengers infinity war

Where were Scott and Clint aka Ant-Man and Hawkeye?

Unless you listen very closely, this is unfortunately easy to miss. Why isn’t Ant-Man and Hawkeye included in the movie? Even though Steve Rogers freed them from the Raft, and Tony probably negotiated with Ross for their ‘freedom,’ they decided to go back to their respective families. Rhodey said that the two were on house arrest and it’s there on the Ant-Man and Wasp trailer. Clint probably didn’t want to be away from his newborn child and had to make a sacrifice. We’ll see what Scott is up to in the next film Ant-Man and the Wasp.

what happened to hulk in avengers infinity war

What’s wrong with the Hulk?

Funny how Marvel messes with the fans with false trailers. We see the Hulk running with Cap’s team in Wakanda in the trailers, but after Hulk crash lands in the Sanctum Sanctorum, we no longer see him in the entire film. It’s entirely possible that Hulk has never experienced such a defeat before, except maybe with Thor. Now Hulk may either be afraid or humiliated or even both and is afraid to show his face. It was just hilarious and amazing how Bruce handled his final battle with Cull Obsidian with Bruce saying that he’ll deal with Cull Obsidian himself.

what happened to gauntlet in avengers infinity war

What happened to the Gauntlet?

During the last seconds of the battle in Wakanda, Thanos snaps his fingers as Thor pushes Stormbreaker into his chest. Thanos makes his wish with a blinding flash of light. But after that, the gauntlet looks ruined. Was killing half the universe’s population too much? Perhaps. The gauntlet with the stones may be all-powerful, but it’s nice and a bit believable that it’s shown to have some limits. A bigger wish could have destroyed the gauntlet and scattered the stones, kind of like that long-running anime franchise. In the comics, before the beginning of Secret Wars 2015, Captain America used the gauntlet to push back another Earth to prevent it from colliding with Earth 616. And it was quite surprising since I thought the gauntlet could do so much more, that the Infinity gems shattered after Cap used the gauntlet. Guess it’s really up to the writers.

avengers infinity war thanos little gamora soul stone realm

Where were Thanos and little Gamora?

Thanos entered a strange realm when he first got the Soul Stone and later when he snapped his fingers and wiped out half of all life. Where is this mysterious realm where he meets little Gamora? In the comics, there is a realm inside the Soul Stone called the Soul Realm where apparently, anyone who Thanos wished out of existence would go. Fans are unanimous that it was the soul realm as evidenced by the appearance of Gamora’s soul. Since Thanos had to sacrifice Gamora to get the stone, it would make sense for her to be there.

And the last Avengers: Infinity War open-ended question we, unfortunately, cannot answer…

gamora story lost avengers infinity war

Why is Gamora?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I don’t feel so good.

‘Avengers: Infinity War’ tops box office, passes $1 billion mark beating ‘Star Wars’

Marvel and Disney are determined to make 2018 the year of breaking every box office record in movie history, and “Avengers: Infinity War” is the one now driving the charge. Not long ago, it was “Black Panther,” but things have changed as the film crowded with superheroes became the fastest movie to hit $1 billion globally.

After breaking opening weekend records, “Avengers: Infinity War” continued to dominate in its second weekend in theaters, but alternative programming like the romantic comedy “Overboard” also found an audience in what has historically been considered the “official” kick-off to the summer movie season.

The Walt Disney Co. said Sunday that “Avengers: Infinity War” will gross an estimated $112.5 million from North American theaters over the weekend, becoming the second highest grossing film in weekend two behind “Star Wars: The Force Awakens’” $149.2 million and just slightly ahead of “Black Panther” ($111.7 million).

The film cruised past the cumulative total of many of the wildly successful predecessors in the Marvel cinematic universe, including “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” “Thor: Ragnarok” and “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.” Records are being set around the world, including for the biggest opening day ever in Russia. And the movie has still not touched down in China, where it is expected to draw a mammoth audience.

It’s a 56 percent drop from its first weekend in theaters — less steep than the second weekend fall of “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (59.4 percent) or “Captain America: Civil War” (59.5 percent), but more than “Black Panther’s” uniquely soft 44.7 percent sophomore weekend decline.

“We’re in uncharted territory again,” said comScore senior media analyst Paul Dergarabedian. “This is a second weekend number that many films would aspire to have on opening weekend.”

Globally, “Avengers: Infinity War” has now grossed over $1.2 billion and become the first film ever to cross the $1 billion mark in 11 days of release, and it has yet to even open in China.

The film’s continued success reinforces the dominance of both Disney and Marvel studios in Hollywood. Disney just crossed $3 billion for 2018, breaking its own record for the shortest time to reach that landmark in a given year. And Marvel has another potential blockbuster, “Deadpool 2,” with Ryan Reynolds, arriving May 18.

There was little new competition this weekend in the blockbuster space, although there were a handful of other options, like “Overboard,” which came in a very distant second to “Avengers,” but still made a notable splash for a film its size.

MGM and Lionsgate’s Pantelion Films’ gender-swapped remake of Garry Marshall’s 1987 comedy, “Overboard” scored the highest-grossing opening weekend for Pantelion Films with a better-than-expected $14.8 million from 1,623 theaters. It’s already surpassed its modest mid-teens production budget.

Pantelion Films CEO Paul Presburger and Jonathan Glickman, president of the Motion Picture Group at MGM, both attribute the success to the star-power of Eugenio Derbez (“Instructions Not Included,” ″How to be a Latin Lover”) who helped developed the bilingual remake with an American star (Anna Faris) to appeal not just to his Hispanic fan base but all audiences.

The cast, including Derbez and Eva Longoria, helped promote the film on their social media accounts too.

“It’s great to have a large base especially in the wake of ’Avengers,’” Presburger said. “We have a movie out there that plays to families and all audiences that should have success into Mother’s Day and onwards.”

Although critics were not especially won over by “Overboard,” audiences gave the film a more favorable A- CinemaScore.

Third place went to “A Quiet Place,” which has grossed $159.9 million in five weeks in theaters, and fourth place to “I Feel Pretty,” now up to $37.8 million in weekend three. “Rampage” rounded out the top five with $4.6 million, bumping its domestic total to $84.8 million.

In sixth place, “Tully,” starring Charlize Theron, launched on 1,353 screens with $3.2 million. It’s the third collaboration between director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Diablo Cody, the team behind “Juno,” and their second with Theron, who also starred in their film “Young Adult.”

“Bad Samaritan,” starring David Tennant as a sadistic villain, scraped to $1.6 million in 2,007 theaters. The director Dean Devlin self-distributed and marketed this movie through his own company Electric Entertainment.

Hollywood’s summer movie season typically runs from the first weekend in May through Labor Day, but this year got a jump-start with the late April release of “Avengers: Infinity War.”

“This was not the strongest weekend ever regarding the official kick-off of the summer season, but we could be looking at a record May ultimately,” Dergarabedian said, noting upcoming releases like “Deadpool 2″ (May 18) and “Solo: A Star Wars Story” (May 25). “This weekend just shows how the strategy of release dates is changing how the box office plays out.”

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to comScore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

avengers infinity war beats overboard i feel pretty at box office

  1. “Avengers: Infinity War,” $112.5 million ($162.6 million international).
  2. “Overboard,” $14.8 million.
  3. “A Quiet Place,” $7.6 million ($4.1 million international).
  4. “I Feel Pretty,” $4.9 million ($3.2 million international).
  5. “Rampage,” $4.6 million ($13.7 million international).
  6. “Tully,” $3.2 million ($200,000 international).
  7. “Black Panther,” $3.1 million ($390,000 international).
  8. “Truth or Dare,” $1.9 million ($5.7 million international).
  9. “Super Troopers 2,” $1.8 million ($90,000 international).
  10. “Bad Samaritan,” $1.8 million.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to comScore:

  1. “Avengers: Infinity War,” $162.6 million.

2. “Us And Them,” $27 million.

3. “Rampage,” $13.7 million.

4. “A or B,” $11.1 million.

5. “Baahubali: The Conclusion,” $7.9 million.

6. “Ready Player One,” $6.3 million.

7. “Truth or Dare,” $5.7 million.

8. “Champion,” $5.5 million.

9. “102 Not Out,” $3.4 million.

10. “I Feel Pretty,” $3.2 million.

‘Supernatural’ Beat the Devil inside look Part 2

Lynn’s review and inside look at Supernatural’s Beat the Devil episode continues from Part 1 which features some never before seen photos.

Watching that scene be filmed – first Jared Padalecki’s coverage and then Jensen’s – was incredibly emotional, even sitting there on set knowing I was watching the filming of a television show. Jared and Jensen are just that good, and I care about these fictional characters so much, that all the emotional impact came right through. I gasped out loud when Sam went down, and the blood started spurting, because no one had prepared me for what was going to happen, and had to slap a hand over my own mouth to avoid ruining anything. I think I sat there in shock for a good ten minutes after, even as I kept watching them film. Jared just put so much emotion into that moment, the way Sam yelled for Dean, the way he screamed as his throat was savaged….the way his head falls back as he dies of blood loss. I just….wow.

sam winchester reacts to having throat torn up by vampire supernatural

And then Jensen’s coverage, which if I was still emotionally alive at all, finished the job of killing me. He had to do multiple takes of Dean seeing Sam get attacked and yelling “Sammy!” and every time, it broke my heart. Every single time he put so much emotion into it, so much that it clearly drained him. These guys put 150% into everything they do, even after thirteen seasons, and that really does make all the difference.

Dean fights his way free of the vampire pinning him against the wall, which was a longer scene than it ended up looking like, with Jensen having a fight scene too and Dean throwing a guy practically over his shoulder. He immediately gets attacked by another vampire and blasts that one with his shotgun and blows its head right off like the freaking badass he is. He is clearly on a mission to save his brother, his every motion full of intent and urgency, allowing absolutely no bullshit.

Fun fact: Jensen really did fire that gun, and it really did make a huge noise – luckily I was warned to cover my ears!

Castiel has already run after Sam as the vampires drag him away, yelling for him as he disappears into one of the pitch black passageways.

As Dean takes off yelling for his brother, Cas comes back and stops him. Dean tries to barrel past, and Cas grabs his shoulder to stop him.

Cas: He’s gone.

Dean: NO!

Cas: We don’t have time. Dean, we can’t save him.

The expression on Dean’s face is one of absolute horror – and shock.

dean winchester horror supernatural look after sam died
castiel tells dean winchester sam is dead after vampire bite 1321

I 1000% expected Dean to go after Sam anyway – to at least have to see for himself. I actually gasped in shock when he didn’t, when I was sitting there watching them film it. (Luckily it was a quiet gasp).

This is the part of the episode that is still bothering me two days later, though I’ve had time to make some sense out of it. But it still FEELS wrong.

One thing that we know unequivocally about Dean Winchester is that he will never leave his brother. This is canon. We’ve heard him say it, flat out, multiple times. And we’ve seen him live it. One of my favorite episodes of the series is ‘Red Meat’, which Robert Berens also penned (with Andrew Dabb). In that episode, Sam also dies temporarily (only on Supernatural is that a ‘thing’…). And in that episode, Dean also is forced to leave Sam’s body behind in order to get some civilians to safety. But this felt different. First, Dean didn’t get to SEE Sam’s body like he did in Red Meat. Yes, I know, Sam wasn’t just lying on the floor of a cabin this time, he was dragged off by vampires who would have been equally happy to eat Dean. And yes, Dean did see Sam get attacked. But I still can’t see him not wanting to see with his own eyes that Sam was indeed “gone” as Cas said.

Second, the dialogue for Misha Collins was again just… weird. It was unclear from the timing whether Cas was gone long enough to even see for himself that Sam was indeed gone or if he just assumed. If he did know for certain, why didn’t he say that to Dean? Instead, he said something vague about “not having time.” What?? Not having time to look for Sam?? Not having time when they’ve waited for months to get to the AU? That was not a compelling reason not to go look for Sam. If he’d said “Dean, he’s dead, and you will be too if you go after those vampires. There’s nothing you can do now, and we need to get these people to safety,” then I would have understood it better.  But surely “we don’t have time” would never in a million years convince Dean Winchester not to go after his brother!

This is the Dean Winchester who, when told by Cas in Season 5 that all he’d see out there was Michael killing his brother, “Well then I ain’t gonna let him die alone.” Who sat with Sam’s dead body for three days at the end of Season 2 heedless of the pending apocalypse and exploded when Bobby tried to talk him into moving on. Who left a lamp on by Sam’s dead body and promised he’d come back for him before he led the survivors to safety in Red Meat. Who swore to Sam that “I’m never leaving you – ever!” as Sam lay dying in Amara’s mist at the end of Season 10. That’s the Dean Winchester I know and love. It’s not toxic codependence or character development when someone does not want to leave their brother without being sure you can’t save him. That’s who Dean is, and that is the emotional backbone of this show.

I think that whole scene could have worked if only Dean had been able to see that Sam was gone for himself, ala Red Meat. Dean leaving Sam’s body behind worked in that episode, because he KNEW. So his commitment to keeping others safe kicked in, because it was too late for Sam. (Of course he was wrong that time, so you would think that would make him even MORE determined to make sure for himself this time!)

I’m going to assume that Dean could see clearly from across the tunnel that Sam was 100% certain to be dead because of that spurting blood because that’s the only way it makes sense. But it bothered me enough to throw me out of the story, which is never a good thing.

That said, everything else about the tunnel scenes was stellar. Jared played the hell out of his death scene, breaking my heart with both of the times he called out for his brother. And Jensen played the hell out of Dean having to watch that, helpless and unable to save Sam – and then unable to even go after his body. He broke my heart into a million pieces with the look on his face when Cas said they were too late. Misha also had a moment when he showed us Castiel’s sadness, but it came after such an odd exchange that it didn’t have the impact it might have despite his best effort.

They continue on, Dean a walking zombie just putting one foot in front of the other. This follows canon well, the same as the other times we’ve seen one of the brothers lose the other. Sam like a robot after Dean’s death in Mystery Spot, Dean in Red Meat or even going through the motions with Lisa and Ben. I don’t even know how an actor manages to show what the character is feeling so clearly without even saying anything, but I could read all of Dean’s agony on his face.

dean winchester agonizing over dead brother sam supernatural

He’s having flashbacks of Sam’s death as he pushes forward, and OMG that really broke me. The guilt, the regret, the sadness, the overwhelming sense of loss….you can see it all. Maggie tries to offer condolences about “your friend” and Dean just turns away from her. How could he ever explain who Sam was to him, what he’s lost?

But he’s Dean Winchester, and he keeps pushing on until they get to Dayton – and to Mary. You can see Dean’s shoulders drop when he sees his mother, when he knows he’s succeeded in what they’ve been working for this whole time – but Sam is not there to savor it with him. Mary wraps him up in a hug, and when she pulls back to look at him, she’s smiling, relieved – and then she gets a real look at his face.

dean winchester sees mary in woods supernatural beat the devil
sad dean wincheser hugs mary about dead sam 1321
mary winchester to dean wheres sam supernatural

Mary: Dean, where’s Sam?

Ohgod ohgod ohgod. He can’t even answer her. Can’t even speak. How do you tell your mother that her son is never coming back? A single tear overflows – the One Perfect Tear – and Mary knows.

And poor Dean. He’s been working for this reunion the entire season, and now he can’t even feel it, not with his brother dead.

jensen ackles up close with mary winchester abou t sam bite
dean tells mary winhcester about sam bitten by vampire supernatural

Flash to Cas telling Jack the news, and Jack channeling many of the rest of us, screaming “he can’t be dead! Why didn’t you bring him back?”

Good question, Jack! Why is Jack the first person to demand this?

Cas says he’s not strong enough, that they would have if they could have.

castiel weak for jack supernatural 1321

(I am continually confused about this. I know Gabriel is not at full power, but he was able to take down the wards. And isn’t Cas at mostly full power? The two angels together could not take out a rag tag group of starving vampires?? Nobody wanted to get to Sam and at least TRY to bring him back or get him to Jack?? At the very least, Cas and Gabriel could have carried Sam’s body away from the vampires literally EATING him. They were tossing around giant rocks like they were nothing to clear the blocked passage a few seconds before. I just don’t get why everyone gave up so easily.)

No sooner does Dean get everyone to the camp and confirm that Mary and Jack are safe, then he turns around to head back out again.

Dean: We have to go back, get his body.

dean winchester wanting sams body supernatural beat off the devil

I think Mary is still in shock, but she knows better than to try to talk Dean out of it.

Ohgod, my heart. Of course he does. That’s very ‘Red Meat,’ and it makes me feel a little better about the tunnel scene and Dean leaving Sam in the first place.

Flash to Sam, lying on the floor open-mouthed, eyes staring upwards, unseeing – and somehow looking incredibly beautiful anyway.

sam winchester lying on floor supernatural 1321

And then Sam sucks in a giant breath (also ala ‘Red Meat’) and comes back to life, struggling to his feet and clutching his throat where he just bled to death. Behind him, there’s a noise.

Lucifer: Boo! Hey Sammy.

Sam: No.

And OMG the look on Sam’s face, his confusion giving way to horrified understanding.

Sam: You brought me back…

Lucifer: I did. You’re welcome.

Sam: Why?

sam winchester asking lucifer why supernatural 1321
lucifer laughing at sam winchester your welcome

Lucifer explains how he had enough juice to bring Sam back (he ate a bunch of AU angels on the way…ewww) and keeps not answering Sam’s question, because Sam KNOWS that Lucifer has an agenda, of course.

Sam: What do you want?

Lucifer: (doesn’t answer)


sam winchester to lucifer what do you want

Me: Holy hell, is it hot in here??

I don’t have words for how incredible Jared was in this scene. You can see every emotion Sam is feeling, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. To have his abuser, the one who traumatized him so horrifically, be the one who brought him back to life? And is now going to hold this over his head to get what he wants? What is more horrible than that??

Lucifer finally answers.

Lucifer: What you have. A relationship with my son.

Lucifer knows that Jack won’t want to have anything to do with him if he just bursts into the camp and demands it. So he’ll come bearing gifts.

Lucifer to Sam: You.

Sam’s faaaaaaaaace OMG. I was dying right along with him.

Lucifer: I was the one who brought you back to life. I just want you to acknowledge it.

So he’s going to make Sam say it? Like some kind of twisted parody of gratitude – admit it to the one who tortured and abused and broke him?? I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it, that this is what Sam is being forced to do.

Lucifer: So you coming with? Or (gestures to crowd of starving vampires) this?

Sam Winchester is so much stronger than I am. He wants to say go to hell; he wants to say no. But that would mean Lucifer would still go find Jack – and Dean, and Mary, and Cas and everyone else. This way, if he does this, he will be able to help keep the world – and his family – safe. So he agrees, even though it must be costing him so damn much.

Mark Pellegrino also did a fabulous job with this scene. I hate Lucifer unequivocally and want him to disappear from the Supernatural universe, and that’s in part due to Pellegrino’s skill in playing him. He makes Lucifer always interesting, and at the same time makes my skin crawl. The two of them together portray a complicated dynamic that rings a little too real to my psychologist self – hence the skin crawling.

The ending scene killed me all over again – let’s face it, I did a lot of dying during this episode.

As Dean is preparing to literally turn around and head right back to get Sam, a bell announces visitors to the camp. Dean looks up, and once again we can see every emotion he’s feeling as a bloodied but very much alive Sam stumbles into view. Disbelief, shock, and then Dean’s eyes literally widen as he realizes his brother is alive – it’s like he wasn’t willing to even let the world in when Sam was dead, all of him closed off – he was mute, unable to speak; half blind, eyes slitted closed, unable to see anything but the traumatic memory of watching Sam die. But as soon as he knows Sam is back, he can open himself up and let himself see again – let himself feel again. It was like five seconds, and every bit of that emotional journey came through loud and clear.

dean mary winchester react to sam alive supernatural beat the devil
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We see Castiel’s shocked face, and Mary, and Jack, whose face lights up with the kind of innocent absolute joy that any parent who has returned to their child after a long absence knows so well.

Jack: (almost reverently) Sam.

jack smiles with castiel for lucifer return supernatural

Alex Calvert did a wonderful job in the few moments he had onscreen showing us Jack’s feelings for Sam, and it touched me so much.

A brief almost-smile crosses Sam’s face as he sees everyone he loves standing there, alive and okay. His eyes lock to Dean’s and they share a look full of feeling.

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sam winchester almost smile with jack lucifer

And then Lucifer appears behind him.

Sam hangs his head, and you can see how tormented he is, only allowed that one second of triumph and relief after all this time. He looks ashamed, guilty almost – at having brought the devil himself to their doorstep. At maybe having disappointed his brother, let him down. Sam’s biggest fear. Ohgod, my heart broke for Sam at that moment.

Lucifer (to Jack): Hello, son.

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sam winchester bloodied neck supernatural with lucifer return
supernatural lucifer says hello to son jack beat the devil
supernatural jack reacts to dad lucifer back 1321

By that point, I was ready to fall over. What a rollercoaster of an episode! I love this Show for its ability to create strong emotions in me and strong connections to the characters I love – and this episode certainly succeeded in that! So I’m giving Robert Berens kudos in spite of my quibbles. And I’m crossing my fingers that next week’s episode picks up right where this one left off (Spoilers ahead…)  Jensen Ackles said at the Supernatural convention in the UK today that there’s a “bro hug” in the next episode, so it seems like we might pick up right there – I always love that, it amps up the momentum into something that feels like “real time.” And let’s face it, I will ALWAYS want a bro hug – especially after one of the Winchesters has lost the other, even if only temporarily.




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