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Shane Mclendon Takes on Bruce Jenner Part 2


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Part 2 of the “About Bruce” special continued with more round table talk between Bruce Jenner and his daughters. The same concerns were discussed, and it seemed like the kids just wanted to know fully what was going on. No more secrets from Bruce. There was a little sex talk, which was kind of weird between this dad and his daughters, but it was likely prompted by the show runners. The audience was probably curious anyway and it added controversy to the episode.

Bruce told his girls that they would “just know” when it was appropriate to refer to him as “her.”

I got introduced to Scott Disick in this episode…and I am worse for it. He’s kinduva dick. That’s my assessment by having seen him on camera for all of two minutes. I did about ten seconds of research to find out who he is and this is what I found to sum up his career: “This ‘entrepreneur’ rose to fame by dating reality star, Kourtney Kardashian.” The only reason anyone knows his name is the fact that he dates or is married to a Kardashian (I won’t be bothered to find out which it is). He has impregnated a Kard multiple times, from what I’ve read. Congrats. He appears to be a leach who says semi controversial things to make tiny waves that make him “interesting.”

Scott and Bruce talked over the upcoming gender change, although Scott’s presence added nothing of substance. I imagine his girlfriend requested he get some camera time to keep him relevant. Scott stated that Bruce could open doors for many people in the same transgender boat. He also called Jenner the “biggest male athlete of our time.” Dude was special, but certainly not Michael Jordan, Ali, or Joe Montana. Scott needs help with his lines if he is to continue his reality TV “stardom.”

Bruce mentions how life may not be easy going forward with all the media pressure of L.A. He’s right of course, but I’m guessing it would be easier than living as a transgendered person in Easley, South Carolina.

We get more of the same from Khloe as we did in part one. She seems to want to control what Bruce does and how he communicates his plans to the family. Khloe should get as little screen time as possible. She is quite bothersome, and if she had not lucked into being born into a rich family, she would be cleaning bathrooms at a Motel 6 in Kansas. The difference in the kind hearted Bruce Jenner and Khloe Kardashian is painfully obvious. He is fully aware of how his actions affect others, hence keeping his secret so long. She clearly only thinks of herself…and ice cream….and texting.

One surprising tidbit from this episode came when Bruce talked about telling his mother the plans to transform into a female. He stated that he and his mom were not that close, which is both surprising and a real shame.

We see the first mention of keeping more secrets when Kourtney doesn’t want her kid to hear talk of this new Bruce. Kids aren’t stupid, so they are going to find out eventually. That said, I have no idea the right thing to do in that situation. Ignoring it isn’t the proper way though. Open talks with even small children seem to work best. They’re young, not stupid.

The most painful talk that Bruce had was with his ex-wife Kris. I don’t know much about their relationship since I am not a regular watcher as I mentioned in part one. I can see how she would be super confused about all this. She shared a bed with this man who is going to soon be a woman. They had babies together, no small bond indeed. Kris seems to blame Bruce’s condition and secrets that went along with it for most of their marital issues in the past. Maybe that’s true, maybe not. Bruce says he was always trying to figure out his life. Ain’t we all!

Kris talks about how angry Bruce was in the last few years of their marriage, and I can imagine keeping one’s real identity secret would make a guy irritable. The two say they still love each other, but this situation must be harder on Kris than the kids, even though they are no longer married.

The feel good portion of the episode was when Kim Kardashian came in to help Bruce with his new female wardrobe. This was likely a set up by the brains behind the show, but it played nicely. Kim is known for her style from what I can tell, so it was a cool scene. Bruce even copped to stealing an outfit from Kim. It was weird seeing Bruce Jenner holding up dresses that he plans to wear, I have to admit. Does it bother me? No, it’s just out of the ordinary. He owns his life, not me.

The main theme I carried away from this two part special on Bruce Jenner was how he wished others to be happy, mainly his family. He also hopes to help other transgender folks deal with their lives. I’ve no doubt that he will have a positive effect on some people dealing with similar issues as himself. Whether or not the publicity surrounding his own steps toward transformation make people more tolerant about multiple issues, as he hopes, is debatable. This planet is inhabited by a great percentage of dingbats who think they have a right to force their will and ideals on others. Bruce Jenner isn’t going to change that very much, I am afraid.

Bruce will receive some hate for what he is doing, while many will just think it weird. Those opinions do not really matter. What matters to Bruce is how his family accepts his transformation. We get one life to control, our own. Bruce lived a life that others expected of him for most of his 65 years. Now he is doing what he believes is best for him, while still taking into consideration the ones closest to him.

The fact that much of this has played out on reality TV is just part of life here in 2015. I have no idea what was sincere in the interviews and interactions I watched during this special. I don’t trust reality TV to be very real at all. I did, however, believe this family cared about each other and what Bruce was going through. That will make it harder to insult the reality “stars” of this show going forward. Harder, not impossible.

To read all the articles in our six-part series, go here.

Shane Mclendon Takes on Bruce Jenner Part 1


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Unless you have been under a rock for the past couple of months, you must have at least heard about the Bruce Jenner situation. The former Olympic stud and member of the Kardashian family has been in the news for his desire to transform into a female. This news has likely disturbed a lot of people and confused even more. I’m sure many people wonder “how could a guy want to be a woman,” much less a guy that was macho enough to be one of the best athletes in the world at one point. I certainly don’t understand it myself, but there is plenty in this strange world that confuses me.

If you have read much of anything from me in the past, you’re likely to know how I despise reality television. I don’t try to hide that fact and take jabs at this “genre” of entertainment whenever possible. I am proud to say I had never seen an entire episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” before the two part “About Bruce” episode. Reality TV just isn’t for me, and I believe the United States is dumber and worse off as a result of the success of these type of shows.

By the way, how much fucking money do these people have? The beachside scenes are incredible. And I wonder how much Khloe’s Zorro hat cost and would like to see the price tag of the wide angle lens that was able to capture that headpiece.

All that said, I have to admit these two episodes covering Bruce Jenner’s conversations with his family about his upcoming change of gender kinda hooked me. To be clear, I am not going to watch another full episode anytime soon, but this Bruce Jenner story was interesting enough to gain my attention.

Part one started out with Khloe, the most annoying Kardashian in my limited knowledge of the crew, checking out some of Bruce’s high heeled shoes. That set the tone for the shock value that the series wanted. But then the show shifted with the daughters and stepdaughters telling old stories about how great of a dad Bruce was to them all. Kendall, the most authentic person from what I can tell, made it clear that she “could not have asked for a better dad.” She had seen her father years before dressed as a female at 4 am in their house, but didn’t approach him. She felt sad that he had to sneak around in the wee hours of the morning in order to do the thing that made him happy.

The dramatic part of the series special was the fact that Bruce was not being upfront about his intentions to completely transform into a woman, sooner rather than later. Khloe made a point to keep harping on this fact. No reality TV show can keep viewers watching without some immediate “conflict.” The crab boat is running out of time before the storm, gold miners need $350K before noon, and Khloe Kardashian has to act indignant. I can see how Bruce would be less than open about all of his plans after keeping all this stuff buried deep for so many years.

The biggest concern his family has is the fact that Bruce will be gone. I had never thought of it in that way, but it is a legitimate concern. The man who was first in line to pick his daughters up from school will not be there in the same way once his transformation is complete. “He” will be replaced by a “she”, and his kids are not sure what to expect. Who could be prepared for such a thing? Kendall is especially scared that her father will be no more.

Bruce Jenner was a fascinating person to watch during this process. It would take a cold hearted person to say they were not moved as he talked about being around ten years old and feeling like he was out of place as a boy. He said “there was no help for me with these issues.” He was in fact alone with his struggles. Sports were used as a distraction from his innermost feelings. A distraction….and the guy was at the top of his game on a planet wide level!

Kim Kardashian got plenty of face time, as well as side boob time, as I imagine is the case on most every episode of this series. She is impressed as Bruce shows her his handy work on his pink toenails. I don’t know if she is more shocked that he has painted toenails or the fact that he did this menial work himself. She is told about the Diane Sawyer interview as her step dad opens up about how soon all this will take place.

Bruce’s wife Kris is handling this pretty well according to Bruce, but as she lays on her bed covered with the pelt of what looks to be a woolly mammoth, she seems uncertain. She has known about these “tendencies”, but her husband’s full blown transformation into a female is not so easy to swallow.

As a side note, I would love to know where the Kardashians got that animal that appears to be half dog and half miniature kangaroo. Also, Kim reported that her hubby Kanye West was supportive of Bruce’s decision to live his life as a woman. It’s good to have the support of the entire family, but I doubt encouragement from one of the worst people ever to remain alive is of much help to Bruce Jenner.

After watching part one of this special, I could not help being moved by the daughters’ love for Bruce, especially Kendall. I have little use for Khloe and only care about Kim as long as she keeps her looks. Bruce really impressed me. His main concern was that his decision would not hurt his family. He also felt like going public with all this transgender talk could help someone who is struggling as he did as a younger man. When the man told his children how proud he was of all them, his voice totally cracked, showing his deep love for them.

Making his life transformation on a reality TV show may not be the best way to go about this for Bruce Jenner and his family. But as he stated, “There is no doing it right. There is no manual for this kind of thing.”

As I head into part two of “About Bruce” I found myself paying attention to the preview of the next episode. All previews are a waste of time when you are already going to watch the next full episode. That exposes me as….very interested in what happens next.

To read Part 2 of Shane Mclendon Takes on Bruce Jenner, go here.

To read all the articles in our six-part series, go here.

A Conservative’s View on the Transition of Bruce Jenner Part 2

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In the second episode of the two part special “About Bruce,” the stars of Keeping Up with the Kardashians delve further into what the long time patriarch of the family, Bruce Jenner, journey is like as he transitions into a woman.

The overall feeling that I get from the girls is that they are okay with what he is doing, but they have to transition themselves. They open up more, asking questions about what he is doing and just overall trying to get an understanding of the process.

Kim asks him if he plans to get his dick cut off (not her exact words, but you get the point), and he says at the moment that is not the plan, because just a few seconds later he reveals that he is heterosexual.

Kim then smartly asks, “But if you are a woman, then won’t you be a lesbian?”

His response is actually quite confusing and one of the aspects of his particular situation that I don’t understand. What I can ascertain from other stories that I have heard about people transitioning into the opposite sex, they go through the process because they are a lesbian or gay. But according to Bruce, out of his own mouth, he is heterosexual. So he just wants to be a woman and still sleep with women? Khloe tries to help everyone (including me) by saying “you’re not attracted to men, you’re attracted to women” and he says “yes as a guy, I was always attracted to women.”

This is what I don’t get, and I guess is one of my “gripes” about this in particular. With everything that he is uncertain about and is waiting to see about, that leaves me with the question, is this the case for everyone who goes through this process. I imagine that Laverne Cox knew when she transitioned that she likes men and was going to be with a man. So Bruce’s “not knowing” yet, is just a little unsettling because with a process like this, there should be more knowing.

It is interesting to see how everyone is taking it all one step at a time. There is a new face in this episode, Scott, Kourtney’s boyfriend. He gives his thoughts on the whole situation, particularly the difficulty they experienced early on in their relationship. It was refreshing to see some male support on this issue as he is the only guy in relation to the family that appeared.

Kendall and Khloe have a conversation away from the others, and they share how they felt about finding out that he was indeed going to become a woman without telling them. I can feel them on why they were initially VERY upset, but with that, I get why he didn’t tell them upfront.

Then the time comes for him to talk to Kris, which is a pivotal point in the show, to me, because this woman gave him his children and a life. He tells her about the struggle that he has had in his life and that “in so many ways I have lived my entire life running away from me and who I am.”

This, of course, is an emotional part, but it brings up the question, what exactly has he been running away from? Is it wanting to be a woman, or dress like a woman, which he could not do because he is a man. But now, he is finally able to do because he’s not got the guts to say, “to hell with everyone, I’m doing me.”  Either way, it further doesn’t make sense to me, because again, he says that he is heterosexual, so WHAT IS IT that he’s been running from?

He asks Kris if she will be onboard with him, and she says that she is confused and rightfully so. She says she always knew he wanted to dress like a woman, but she doesn’t know when he went from just dressing like a woman to wanting to become a woman. From their conversation, we learn that he went through a time frame where he was extremely angry and how that anger affected how Kris responded in their relationship.

This scene between them is very telling, because it touches on how deep the issues transgendered people go through and how it affects their loved ones. She tells him, and this is sad, that she feels like Bruce died. He wants her to be a part of his life and vice versa, but how does that even happen on any level between a man and a woman who used to be married in this kind of situation?

At the end, Kim goes to his house and helps him find stuff to wear, etc. Bruce also talks about the need for tolerance towards all people and just more love overall in the world.

I have to be really honest here, after watching this special, I am even more confused about why he is doing this. I mean, at one point he fulfilled his desire by dressing like a woman, now he wants to be a woman but he still likes women? What was his want the whole time? I just hope his indecisiveness about how he will go forward after the transition is not representative of the majority of transgendered people, because it’s just too much uncertainty for such a permanent decision.

Nonetheless, more power to him.

To read all the articles in this six-part series, go here.

A Conservative’s View on the Transition of Bruce Jenner Part 1

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It is not often that reality TV, on any channel, takes a moment to get away from all the trash, all the ratchedness, and all the superfluity that they consistently pump into the minds of those who watch the craziness. And one of the shows, based on its regular programming, least likely to take a serious note in the hopes of benefiting the overall greater good, has actually done just that.

We are all familiar in some form or fashion with Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Whether we watch them faithfully, every now and then or never, we have a pretty good idea of what their show is about. Usually filled with their antics, demands and overall super chic lifestyles of some of the most famous people in the world, they recently put all of that aside to talk about a sensitive subject that is obviously very personal to them. And I’m being honest here, they really could not get around not talking about it.

Rumors have been circulating for months about Bruce Jenner’s decision to start the process of becoming a woman. We have heard everything from him liking men to him stilling wanting to be with women… as a woman.  And to be honest, the media made such a big deal about it, to the point that any seriousness or opportunity for an open discussion about people who have sex changes got lost in the fluff and insignificance of the usual run of the mill celebrity gossip.

That is perhaps why KUWTK filmed a two episode special that focuses on Bruce, in an attempt to tell the story from the perspective of those who are affected by it the most – Bruce and his family.

While I don’t care much for the Jenner/Kardashian clan; they are attention whores who don’t really use their influence in a way that brightens the world in my opinion. I am a big believer in giving credit where credit is due though. With that, the Kardashian’s two episode special on Bruce Jenner’s transitioning process is something that people of all beliefs and backgrounds can learn something from.

The first episode opens up with Khloe showing Kim some pretty hot shoes that she got for Bruce. We are then whisked away to his Malibu house where she shows Bruce the shoes and asks, “I don’t know her tastes yet” to which he says, “I don’t know her tastes either.” He tries on a pair as he sheds some tears and thanks Khloe for the gesture.

Khloe then asks him if he feels better now that more people know, and he says when you hold a secret that long, it is hard to keep it to yourself. Various interviews with the family members reveal that most of them have known for a while about Bruce’s crossdressing because some of them have “caught” him in the act, but none of them knew about his transitioning.

Khloe asks him if he plans on not being Bruce any time soon and he says, “That’s quite possible.” She kind of checks him right there and says that while he doesn’t need their permission, he most definitely should have let them known this.

You really see the emotion here with Khloe and Kendall because they are essentially losing their father, which speaks to a broader issue about transitioning. An issue that Bruce himself hits right on the head when he says, “Sometimes it’s tougher for them than it is for you… it’s a tough transition for the people around you.”

After seeing everyone’s reactions to finding out that he is indeed becoming a woman, the support that he gets is overwhelming. Most of them seem to be okay with it, although Kylie literally says nothing.

Kris Jenner’s interview and her scenes are probably the most heartbreaking, because as his wife, she had to have known…something. Furthermore, as his wife, how do you go on knowing? This is a man that she built a life with and shared her most intimate moments.  That is not something you just forget about. The emotions were definitely high, which really shows this family in a vulnerable state. It makes them relatable…almost likeable.

If I am being open here, before watching this, I didn’t understand why someone would want to transition into the opposite gender.  In my view, being gay or a lesbian is fine, but why take it THERE. I was raised in a strict religious background that taught a man should be a man and a woman a woman in how they act, speak, dress, etc. Now that I am older, I have more tolerance and empathy for this subject.

After watching this, even with my personal views and lack of full understanding of these kinds of situations, I had a much better understanding of what Bruce has been going through. I believe that a person who feels as strongly as Bruce does about his life and what he has gone through in hiding who he believes he really is, should do what they feel is necessary to live their most authentic life.

With life choices like this, those who choose to transition run the risk of losing relationships. Right now, his family (only the women from what I see) are “okay” with it, but just like it’s a transition for him, it is a big one for them and not everyone may make it through. They have a right to choose their reaction just as much as he has a right to choose this action.

This episode (and I’m sure the next one) is important because it gives the situation a much needed seriousness that, as mentioned before, has been lost. Kudos to the Kardashian clan for being sensitive to the subject (although I’m sure the ratings aspect had something to do with it too). Now if only their other endeavors were as genuine as this one.

To read Part 2 of A Conservative’s View on the Transition of Bruce Jenner, go here.

To see all the articles in this six-part series, go here.

My Problem with Bruce Jenner Part 2


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Part 2 of the About Bruce special was just as revealing as part 1! It becomes extremely clear that Khloe is not handling the situation well at all. While some people threw major shade at Kim for supposedly not taking her father’s news well, Khloe (at least in front of the cameras) seems to be handling things much worse.

In a sit down with the girls, Bruce revealed that he had his nose done and some other minor plastic surgery. He also revealed that he’s begun his transitioning process. Khloe pieced together that Bruce must have begun transitioning around a year ago before he told them anything. That seemed to hit Khloe like a sack of rocks! She’s so afraid of losing her dad that it absolutely crushed her that he already started transitioning before anyone knew anything.

A year is a long time to hide such a secret, and it means that he’s closer to becoming a woman than they realized. No matter how supportive Khloe says she is, it’s clear she is not ready to see Bruce as a woman.

Once Khloe and Bruce had it out about honesty and openness, Khloe forgave him. There’s still such a sadness in Khloe’s face, however, when she talks about meeting “her” that I can’t help but think that she’s going to burst out into a ball of tears when all is revealed. I think Bruce and Khloe’s moment of peace is not going to last long at all.

There were some moments in part 2 that felt completely fake to me. For example, there’s a scene where Kim looks through “her” closet and goes over “her” style while telling Bruce what’s hot and what’s not. Bruce seemed happily surprised that Kim dropped by to do something so intimate and helpful for him. I can’t help but think that he was genuinely surprised that Kim was that accepting.

Bruce has already stated that the girls were not as supportive on camera as they were off. In my opinion, Kim appears to be acting the way she thinks people want her to act. I’m still not sure I believe her whole, “Kanye changed my opinion story.” Could that have been a way to make Kanye West haters appreciate him more?

Another dramatic and overdone scene came from your royal highness, Kris Jenner. Bruce went to Kris’s house to have a sit down with her and discuss everything that’s been going on. It wasn’t long before Kris had the tears and mascara flowing endlessly. Even Khloe, who was clearly hurt, wasn’t such a drama queen. Kris went on and on about how confused and sad this situation made her.

Wait a minute, aren’t these two divorced? Bruce reminded her that during the last few years of their marriage Kris treated him like crap. Kris responded that he was so unhappy and mean that she just couldn’t handle him. I believe that he was most likely angry and distant from her because of the conflict going on within himself, but it seems to me that the divorce would have shut the lid on that part of their life. When Kris mentions that she thought Bruce just wanted to “dress differently,” it tells me right up front that despite what the girls or Kris say, she had a clear idea of what was going on with her husband. Not to say that what she’s going through wouldn’t hurt any ex-wife, but it feels like she’s taking things a bit too far for the camera. As Bruce leaves, Kris drops her head on the kitchen counter and begins to cry uncontrollably. Really? That extra bit of performance was not needed.

One of the most surprising moments was Kourtney Kardashian telling Khloe that she didn’t want to talk about Bruce’s transition around her son. She’s not sure how she will explain the situation to him. I did agree with Khloe when she said that it’s better to hear the news from his mother than the kids at school. Sure, it’s pretty shocking news for a little guy, but imagine all the misinformation his friends will be buzzing with.

People don’t give children enough credit at all. Explaining to children early about the LGBT community can go so much better than people expect, while giving the child a jump start on being more informed and understanding than their peers.

The special ended with everyone saying how proud they are of him, but they all know there is a long journey ahead. I can’t help but think that they won’t be totally accepting of everything until they walk around with “her” and experience first-hand how supportive people really are. This is a family who bases everything on image, so it’s not far-fetched to think that they’re terrified of what people think of them right now.

This two part series was extremely informative about how each side is handling such a life changing event. While it all seems so real and honest at first, I think we should look toward a less attention seeking family for a more honest look at a transgender person and their experience. Who would have thought that Bruce would have turned out to be the most interesting part of the Kardashian/Jenner clan?

To read all the articles in the six-part series, go here.

My Problem with Bruce Jenner Part 1


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The Kardashians have shifted the focus of their show to highlight the transition their father Bruce Jenner is making from a man in to a women. His change has certainly stirred up much discussion in America about what it truly means to be a transgender. Positive or negative feelings aside, an important discussion is currently going on about the topic and that’s a good thing.

Apparently this special was filmed before the Diane Sawyer interview so everything was still very raw for the family. They always say there are two parts to every story. The Diane Sawyer interview was his part of the story and this special shines the light more on the Kardashians. While I still think it was shitty not for them to speak during his interview, they apparently very concerned with not mixing the two narratives. Still seems a little selfish on their part, but whatever,

From the time the entire controversy started with Bruce, it felt like a publicity stunt. Even though I understand how hard it is to come out with something like that, he let the rumors circulate way too long. It was especially interesting that the rumors started during a time where the Kardashians were becoming more and more irrelevant. Suddenly, this mega intriguing plot twist pops up! It’s still an aspect that makes the entire thing feel like a potential publicity stunt. Considering how much this family loves the limelight, no matter how shameful it gets, I would not be surprised at how far they would go to stay relevant.

That being said, I’m very sympathetic towards Bruce’s plight. I can’t imagine the pressure he must feel waking up in a body every day that doesn’t feel like his own. However, this special really shows that the Kardashians are not handling it as bad as people think and Bruce didn’t handle things as well as he could have.

It’s clear to me from part 1 of the About Bruce special that his children really do love him! He was an amazing father and the children appreciate that more than anything. I think what he doesn’t realize (or misinterprets as being unsupportive) is the fact that the children are grieving the loss of their father. Bruce keeps telling them he’s not going anywhere, but he is. They are losing their father and gaining…..a mother? It will be like gaining a new parent.

I’ve never had a problem with transgender people as I feel they have to want to be the opposite sex so bad because if there was any alternative for them, they would choose it. Who would willingly put up with the pressure and judgment of society just to “act like” the opposite sex? My problem comes in when they lie to people and then expect people to jump on board with them. I think it is wrong when people marry someone in an attempt to hide things, create a life with someone and then busts out of the closet with such emotional information. Everyone should be true to themselves, but when you involve others in the cover up your identity it’s just wrong.

Bruce was not as honest about the transition as he could be. He’s started doing hormone shots and getting surgery without telling the family. That was a big mistake because the girls feel like he hasn’t been completely honest with them. They want to be supportive and they really do love him, but in order for them to heal from this he has to continue to be honest with them.

Tolerance is important in our society. However, when secrets are kept from people that could change their entire life, it’s only natural that they have a mildly negative reaction. None of the children plan on turning their back on Bruce, but they’re all asking for a little more grieving time. They’d like to feel their feelings before being introduced to him as a female. I believe that is totally in their right. This is hard for them seeing their father change in to a completely different person and I don’t think they should be expected to just jump on board with everything.

On the flip side, Bruce said during the Diane Sawyer interview that the kids are not as supportive when the cameras are turned off. I do believe him on that point. While Kim was said by many to be unsupportive of her father’s change, during the show she is the intermediary between him and the children. Kim is a person who is always on for the cameras so, I really have to wonder just how supportive she was when the cameras weren’t pouring over her.

It’s very clear that Kendall Jenner is not nearly very supportive both in front of and behind the cameras. She seems stuck on her father being further along in his journey then she realized and taking it personally. While it may hurt, it certainly isn’t done on a personal level.

Khloe also felt the same way and is taking the journey harder it seems more than anyone (even Kim to my surprise). I thought it was cruel for Bruce to say that he was more concerned about how Kendall and Kylie were taking things than Khloe. Is it because they’re younger or because they’re his natural children. It just sounded mean and insensitive considering Khloe has known him longer than them!

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. While this is clearly more than publicity for him, how long will the family drag this through the mud for their own gain. It’s easier to deal with now that he’s still a man, but how will they really handle everything when they meet him as a women. Will they be able to keep up the supportive nature for long?

To read Part 2 of My Problem with Bruce Jenner, go here.

To see all the articles in this six-part series, go here.

Movie TV Tech Geeks’ Bruce Jenner Transgender Challenge


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It takes a lot for us to get inspired by something we’ve watched on tv, so you can only imagine the shock we felt here at Movie TV Tech Geeks News when the recent Keeping Up with the Kardashians, “About Bruce” special aired and truly did just that. None of us here watch the show, but for some reason, we wound up checking out the first part and then returned again for part 2.

I had trouble believing that I was watching a show that normally feels so exploitative handle a subject as sensitive as Bruce Jenner‘s transitioning into a woman. Instead of over the top antics, they delivered an intimate look into gender identity and its impact on a family.

Our writers have poked fun many times at the Kardashian family, so when I told three of them that they would be watching and writing about the episodes, there was quite a bit of disbelief. We made a point to choose writers who were neither fans of the show or the Kardashian family. We also wanted to make sure that these three writers were very different from each other, both in background and perspective, so they could represent a broad demographic view of this subject matter.

The first writer, Shane Mclendon, is a very southern good ole boy who covers football and MMA on our site. The second is our Curvy Girl Diva, who was raised in a very conservative Pentecostal Apostolic church. The last writer, Janiera Eldridge, who writes for our movie section, was raised in a liberal Christian home. The only common denominator the three share is their dislike of the Kardashian family and the show as a whole. They were all tasked with watching each of the two episodes. From there, they were directed to write a two articles sharing their honest opinions about their preconceptions about both the Kardashian family and the transgender community.

I think readers will be very surprised when they discover the very different viewpoints of each writer and whom they belong to. You can check out all six articles in this series by going here.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Chris Brown Running For One Girl & Away From Another

celebrity gossip drake madonna tyson beckford chris brown 2015 images

On this Memorial Day, as we honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, but then there are those celebs who just don’t have the time and need to keep getting in trouble.

drake disses madonna for rihanna 2015 gossip

Drake Disses Madonna… Again

Remember a few months ago when Drake and Madonna had an onstage kiss and Drake totally dissed her by wiping his mouth as if he was totally disgusted? He said that it wasn’t her kiss per se but more because of her lip gloss that he seemed grossed out.

Well, as it always goes when you are famous and with the media being what it is, people are making a big deal out of a recent performance where Drake replaced some lyrics in his “Madonna” song in Houston.

rihanna with drake 2015

Instead of saying “you could be big as Madonna”, Drizzy said “you could be big as Rihanna.”

I don’t quite understand what the issue is because people do that all the time. Apparently Rihanna even said that she wanted to be the black Madonna and Drake and Rih have been linked romantically before so for him to mention her in his song over Madonna doesn’t seem like that much of a diss to me. Personally, I’m just saying. Stop reaching people.

chris brown tyson beckford love triangle 2015

Chris Brown Jealous Over Tyson Beckford?

For the life of me I don’t understand men. Like I think I am at a place where, for the most part, I get them, but then something happens in the news or around me that I negates everything I thought I learned and I have to start all over again.

Case in point, Chris Brown is throwing some major shade, reportedly, at Tyson Beckford over a picture that he posted of Karrueche Tran and himself via one of his social media accounts. Breezy posted some tweets that pretty much told Beckford that he needs to back the hell up. I mean he even threated to do “damage” to his legs or something. Of course Beckford kept it calm and cool tweeting “It’s all about fun in Vegas, come thru papa.”

Here my thing. Why? Why Chris Brown? Why are you getting all up in arms over a picture with all the shit you have done to this poor girl (although she is stupid for continuing to let you do those things)? That’s what I don’t get about men. They go out they do the do, but as soon as the chick they stepped out on starts to live her life and do her, they want to stop the damn presses and raise hell. That’s some bull shit. Chris… go sit down somewhere.

nia guzman calls chris brown deadbeat daddy 2015 gossip

Chris Brown Called A Deadbeat Dad by Baby Mama

Just as Chris Brown is fighting and running for one women, he is fleeing just as hard from another one. Nia Guzman claims that Brown stopped paying for baby Royalty’s child support back in March.

Naturally, Chris Brown says he’s been paying her $2,500 a month, but she’s now using the child as a lottery ticket and demanding $15K per month.

Guzman’s attorney is threatening to file legal docs in the next couple of weeks demanding all that back child support so don’t be surprised is this gets settled quietly and out of the courthouse. Brown doesn’t need more visits there before he gets a special punch card filled up with all his visits.

stephen curry daughter at nba press conference 2015 gossipstephen curry daughter at nba press conference 2015 gossip

Stephen Curry’s Cute Daughter Didn’t Get Kids Banned from NBA Press Conferences

We all remember not too long ago when Steph Curry’s cutie pie little two year old daughter Riley stole the entire show when she made her way on stage during her daddy’s post victory interview.

Well, apparently there were reporters calling for children to be banned from the press room after this incident. They said something about it being difficult for them to do their jobs.

I wish these men who feel like they are way more important than they are would stop acting like something as small as a child sitting with her famous father is preventing them from doing their job. Honestly, if a two year old can affect you that much, then maybe, just maybe you aren’t that good at what you do in the first place.

If you ask me (hell and even if you don’t) the fact that he is a father to his child matters more than you being able to ask a question. There are so many men out there who don’t take care of their kids or kids who aren’t able to be around their athlete dads so anyone who opposes children being attending press conferences should just stay at home themselves.

anne meara rip 2015

Anne Meara, Mother of Actor Ben Stiller, Dies

Hollywood has lost another great. It is reported that Anne Meara, the mother of famed actor Ben Stiller and wife of veteran actor Jerry Stiller, died on Saturday May 23. She was 85 years old.

A long time fixture on the Hollywood comedy scene she and her husband were a 1960’s prominent comedy team that appeared on shows like The Ed Sullivan Show. She was a playwright, an actresses, a filmmaker and so much more.

In her later years, she appeared on such sitcoms as The King of Queens and TV series including Sex and the City and Law and Order: SVU.

She is survived by her son, daughter, husband and a host of grandchildren. R.I.P

Still Unclear On ANT-MAN? Here’s All You Need To Know INFOGRAPHIC


unclear on ant man movie infographic paul rudd 2015

With so many super hero movies out, it’s hard enough keeping up with even the lesser know ones like Ant-Man, unless you’re a devout fan. Many aren’t so if you’re curious what this latest Marvel hero is about, look no further as we’ve got it all down for you in a great infographic plus a nice rundown for you to better understand. Our friends at Morph Costumes were able to supply us with this great info piece so you’ll know what to expect or if you’re a hardcore Ant-Man fan, you can see how right they are.

If your Ant-Man knowledge only extends as far as the trailer for the new film, then we’ve definitely got some news for you. You may be under the impression that Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is the only Ant-Man, but the comic book story is about a lot more than that.

When Henry ‘Hank’ Pym formulated a substance (Pym’s Particles) that could change your size, the idea of Ant-Man started to formulate. After first using Pym’s Particles, Hank shrunk down to the size of an insect and became stuck in an ant hill. Once free he deemed the substance too dangerous and destroyed it, this only lasted a short time as he later realised this could be put to good use. From his time spent in the ant hill, he became fascinated by the study of ants and created a helmet that let him communicate telepathically with them. Once revealing his inventions to his girlfriend Janet Van Dyne, she became his crime fighting partner named the Wasp. Together they were the founding members of the Avengers.

The next person to take up the Ant-Man name was a common thief named Scot Lang. After finding out about the Ant-Man suit he stole it in order to treat his daughters heart condition. Lang only intended to take the suit to save his daughters life, however on returning the suit to Pym, he was allowed to keep it on the condition he only used it to uphold the law. As Ant-Man Lang became an ally of the Fantastic Four and most recently a full time member of the Avengers.

Eric O’Grady was the final person to use the name Ant-Man. Unlike his predecessors O’Grady did not always use the suit for good, as a low-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent he came across the suit in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s headquarters and stole it for his own gains, which included using his Superhero status to seduce women and humiliate others. A recurring theme to O’Grady’s character is the fight over his evil side, resulting in him countlessly vowing to change. His life however comes to a heroic end when he is beaten to death by Father’s henchman while trying to protect a child.

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As we know the movie version usually winds up different from the comics, so here’s the full movie description: Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, con-man Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.

Chelsea Takes 2015 Premier League Title Recap


chelsea wins barclays premier league title 2015

Chelsea lifts the Premier League title, while Hull are relegated to the Championship. It was a dramatic final day in England as Newcastle left it late to confirm their stay in the top division.

John Carver’s Newcastle United won 2 – 0 at home against Sam Allardyce’s West Ham. Both the goals came in the second half, which left all the Toons sweating over a possible demotion. It couldn’t have been more a emotional final game for the fans as Jonas Gutierrez netted the second. A few months earlier Gutierrez made a comeback to the squad after his brave and successful against testicular cancer.

There weren’t many smiling faces at the KC Stadium as Hull were relegated following the draw against Manchester United. Louis van Gaal’s men did no favours to their former player’s team. Steve Bruce’s team held United to a goalless draw, thereby ending their campaign at the 18th spot on the league table.

The biggest losers of the day were Brendan Rodgers’ men. The 6 – 1 defeat to Stoke City on Sunday was Liverpool’s biggest loss in the last five decades. The 18-time English champions have conceded the fifth spot to Pochettino’s Tottenham. Spurs earned a 0 – 1 away win at Goodison Park at the weekend. Harry Kane was again on target, but he has missed out on the Golden Boot as Sergio Aguero took his tally to 26 goals in the match against Southampton. The Saints had an opportunity to seal their place in the Europa League but they lost 2 – 0 to Pellegrini’s City at the Etihad. They have now finished seventh and their chances of featuring in Europe next season are in the hands of Arsenal, who’ll battle Aston Villa in the final of the FA Cup.

Arsenal were rampant in their last league game as Theo Walcott bagged a hat-trick against West Brom. Jack Wilshere also scored on a brilliant half volley in the 4 – 1 win at the Emirates.

hull city relegated to premier league championship 2015

Burnley are signing off from the Premier League with a win over Tim Sherwood’s Aston Villa. Danny Ings scored in his last league game and possibly his last game for the club. He has been linked with Liverpool and his summer move seems inevitable as it doesn’t seem that Ings will move to the lower league.

Swansea travelled to the Selhurst Park but Crystal Palace took all three points from the match courtesy of Chamakh’s goal. Alan Pardew has now become the first manager in the Premier League history to take over a club in the relegation zone after the halfway point of the season and then guide them to the top half of the table.

Leicester City won 5 – 1 against QPR with Cambiasso getting on the score sheet with a brilliant shot on goal. Last but not the least, Chelsea have been crowned the champions of England and they were handed the trophy after a 3 – 1 victory over West Brom. Didier Drogba were the skipper for the day as he played his last match for the Blues. On his substitution, the legendary striker was lifted by his teammates and carried off to the touchline.

Joe Hart was awarded the Golden Gloves for most clean sheets throughout the season, while his Manchester City teammate Sergio Aguero picked up the Golden Boot 2015. The Hammers’ boss Sam Allardyce has been sacked following the defeat to Newcastle United.

Latest 2015 French Open Betting Odds: Men’s Singles

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A couple day’s worth of action is complete in the men’s draw at the 2015 French Open. However with no major upsets in the opening round thus far, the betting market for the event’s outright winner has not changed much yet.

Here’s a look at some odds for the favorites:

1. Novak Djokovic (-120 bet365) 10/11
2. Rafael Nadal (+500 Stan James) 4/1
3. Andy Murray (+1000 Boylesports) 10/1
4. Roger Federer (+1000 Stan James) 10/1
5. Kei Nishikori (+1200 Stan James) 10/1
6. Stan Wawrinka (+2500 Stan James) 25/1
7. Tomas Berdych (+2500 bet365) 28/1
8. Gael Monfils (+4000 bet365) 50/1

Djokovic and Nadal have not yet opened their 2015 Roland Garros campaign. However both players are on the order of play for Tuesday.

french open betting odds novak djokovic 2015

Djokovic is scheduled to face veteran Jarkko Nieminen while Nadal will face one Quentin Halys, a Grand Slam debutant. Between Djokovic and Nadal, neither player is facing an immediate threat. However Nieminen was once a very sharp player with a mind for the game, someone that might play the World No. 1 to some close sets.

Otherwise the players mentioned in the list above have all advanced through the first round. In fact, with the exception of Monfils, they all advanced in straight sets.

If any player among the eight favorites listed above is in trouble in the next two rounds then it would probably be Wawrinka. The Swiss No. 2 has not played his best tennis at Roland Garros over the years and he shares a quartet to the round of sixteen with a few tricky players.

Next up for the former Australian Open champion is Dusan Lajovic, a 24-year old that crushed Maximo Gonzalez in the opening round. Lajovic enjoyed a run to the fourth round of last year’s French Open and he may prove to be a tough out. Furthermore, both Steve Johnson and Sergiy Stakhovsky are also in Wawrinka’s microsection of the draw.

Johnson is a player with seemingly improving confidence while Stakhovsky, on his day, is normally a tough out. Later this week the Swiss No. 2 will need to be sharp to keep an upset at bay.

Berdych is another player looking ahead at a tough couple of matches. He has picked up veteran Radek Stepanek in the next round, a former top ten player. Following a win there, Berdych would probably face Fabio Fognini, a player who has made some noise in clay court events so far this season.

However since none of the favorites suffered a first-round upset the betting market has remained fairly stagnant. If anything, Nadal appears to be continuing to lose some favour with tennis punters as odds of 5 to 1 on him to win the French are unheardof for the last decade. Truthfully, in order to back Nadal you might want odds a little longer than 5 to 1 still following a lacklustre start to the 2015 season.

Day three appears unlikely to feature a major upset however tougher matches are ahead this week, when the middle rounds of the tournament get underway.

A Rested Andy Murray Takes Down Facundo Arguello: 2015 French Open

andy murray beats facundo arguello french open 2015

Andy Murray proved right in pulling out of the 2015 Rome Open to get some much needed rest and mental preparation for the 2015 French Open. He defeated Facundo Arguello in straight sets 6-3, 6-3, 6-1 on Monday. This is Murray’s eighth attempt at the Roland Garros title and Arguello’s second match at a Grand Slam championship.

Murray seemed like he struggled slightly against the obviously nervous Arguello, but it didn’t take long for the British tennis player to crank up the volume to move himself into the second round.

“The first set, I didn’t feel like it was great; I felt like it was difficult,” said Murray. “The start was very windy on the court and cold, so it was quite slow conditions. I found it difficult at the beginning. Then I felt, when the wind died down a bit in the second and third set, I felt that the level of tennis was better.”

The 28-year-old Murray came into the clay-court major with a 10-match red dirt streak, on the back of two ATP World Tour titles at the BMW Open presented by FWU AG (d. Kohlschreiber) and the Mutua Madrid Open (d. Nadal).

facundo argeullo loses to andy murray 2015 french open

Murray goes on to face Canada’s Vasek Pospisil or Joao Sousa of Portugal. Fellow Briton Kyle Edmund could join Murray in round two, but Aljaz Bedene lost to Dominic Thiem.

Murray has won titles in Munich and Madrid on clay in recent weeks, beating Rafael Nadal along the way, but the two-time semi-finalist insists he is still not among the title favourites in Paris.

He was scheduled last on the main Court Philippe Chatrier and had to wait until late afternoon to get under way, but then needed just one hour and 45 minutes to see off Arguello.

[pdf-embedder url=”http://movietvtechgeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-roland-garros-french-open-draw-schedule-day-2.pdf”]

The Scot came through a 14-point opening game, saving one break point, en route to a 3-0 lead. But Arguello, bidding to secure his second tour-level win, bounced back winning three straight games only to see Murray regroup and take the 44-minute opener.

Murray continued to press in the second set and won eight of nine games from a 4-3 lead in the second set. He is now 32-5 on the season and is hoping to better his 2011 and 2014 semi-finals runs in the French capital.

Arguello, 22, only made the main draw as a lucky loser after being beaten in qualifying.

He landed a few telling blows with his heavy forehand, overturning an early break of serve in the first set, but was broken six times by Murray.

There was a worrying moment at the start of the second set when the Scot appeared to turn his ankle but apparently no damage was done, and a rasping backhand return gave him the key break for 3-2.

The final set took just 26 minutes as Murray, watched by new wife Kim Sears for the first time since their wedding last month, extended his best ever run on clay.

Arguello, who has played 12 of his 13 events on clay this year, committed 38 unforced errors.