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Black Lives Matter Two Big Mistakes: For the Record

black lives matter two big mistakes push bernie sanders off 2015We live in a world where freedom of speech is a luxury that we take deep pride in. It has brought about various types of entities, organizations and movements, and there has perhaps been no bigger “movement” in recent memory than Black Lives Matter (BLM).

Rooted in the belief that black lives are wasting away at the hands of white people in authority and no one seems to care, members of the movement are unapologetic about their message AND the way in which they get their message across. The old saying, “by any means necessary” is the way of BLM supporters. But is that way of thinking really effective? The cold hard truth is “by any means necessary” is not always a good look and in fact, can hurt a movement or cause, in the eyes of not only people who oppose it, but of those whom the efforts are trying to empower and build up.

Recently, BLM organizers interrupted a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle, WA. Sanders, a democratic presidential hopeful was in the middle of an event with hundreds of supporters looking on when activists Marissa Janae Johnson, and Mara Jacqeline Willaford not only interjected themselves into a gathering put on by the camp of a presidential hopeful who actually gives some glimmer of hope of being on black folks side, they were really rude about it. And my question simply is why?

They say that they felt there were important pieces missing from his agenda. They say that they were speaking their minds for the sake of the many who can’t, but I say that they were out of line. There is a time and a place and things should be done in decency and in order. Don’t get me wrong, I know when to turn up as well, but this was not one of those times.

black lives now mara jacqeline marissa janae 2015It makes me think of how people have yet to learn the difference between being heard and looking like fools. In the world of activism and causes, all publicity is not good publicity and these two women (and those that support what they did) missed the mark. Plan and simple.

A part of my consternation for their actions comes from the fact that I just don’t trust people. In my experiences and the way that social media and our obsession with fame is today, people will do anything to get their 15 minutes. So yes, my first inclination is not to applaud their rude act and throw around the “by any means necessary”. My first inclination is to question their motives.

It would be different if it were a Donald Trump rally or a Rick Santorum event. These two guys are out of touch with the real world, have no idea what it’s like to be a part of the minority and don’t have to fear for their lives every time they see a police officer. But Bernie Sanders has shown himself friendly and supportive of the black cause. He has campaigned for issues that others have not touched or don’t deem important, which brings me to my initial first response question of Johnson and Willaford’s actions- “Why?”

They and others have to understand what really happens when they do shit like this. It’s like Christians being known for love and reaching sinners and then Westboro Baptist Church Members trolling soldiers’ funerals and gay pride events telling people they are going to hell. Their actions are out of line and don’t represent others who believe the same message they claim to.

These two protesters have received a lot of heat and rightfully so. They were messy, they were obnoxious… they were wrong. Not for feeling the way they do. Not for standing up for what they believe in or even wanting to bring attention to their cause, but for how they did it and I dare say, to whom they did it.

I’m not the only black person who feels this way either. Many others don’t agree with their tactics. I feel like it didn’t accomplish anything but add fuel to the fire for hateful opposition and threw a wrench in the progress that the Black Lives Matter movement has and seeks to make.

I hear supporters of what they did even comparing it to the sit ins and civil unrests of the 1960’s, but I think that all has a place and the Bernie Sanders event just wasn’t it.

Because the truth is, politicians seeking a position in office will say anything to get you to believe in them. It’s the ones in power who need to release “racial justice platform” campaigns and affect change as they are the ones who can do something about it now.

TRUE DETECTIVE 208 Omega Station Finale

true detective 208 omega station colin farrell 2015Another season of “True Detective” is in the books and the comparisons between season’ one and two will be a popular topic this week. I know many people didn’t care for this season, but I am not in that group. It took a few episodes to get me interested in the storyline, even though some of the details were pretty confusing. Most of that stuff was cleared up last night as we saw the link between the diamond heist, the kids who saw their parents murdered for those jewels, and the corporate sex parties.

The scene between Ani and Ray was awesome as she told him the chilling story of her childhood abduction. Her story revealed the damage done by that event, how it changed her forever. Ray killing the wrong scumbag paled in comparison as he shared his life changing moment.

We’ve all see the forced goodbye between lovers before with one hurting the other to make them leave for their own protection. That trick didn’t work with Jordan Semyon. She was intent on standing by her man. Frank finally convinced her to go and painted a nice picture of how they would meet back up in two weeks. It sounded like they would never see each other again, except in that fantasy white suit and dress meetup.

Ani and Ray were in a tough spot. No money to just run away, so they chose to fight it out. Neither was ever fond of running from trouble anyway. Ray had an epiphany about the boy from the diamond heist. How that came to him, I have no idea, but it lead he and Ani to the guy’s house eventually.

Frank began his final campaign to payback some folks and get more cash so he could flee the dirty little city of Vinci. His first stop was the mayor’s mansion where he found the guy face down in his own pool, then ran into his strung out wife. Turns out the mayor’s son killed his old man, making it look like a suicide. Little Tony Chessani was no joke and meant to be on top in the end no matter who he had to knock off.

When Ani and Ray checked out the diamond heist boy’s (Len) house, much of the mystery was unraveled by the sister who was there. Len was stalking the folks who had anything to do with his parents’ murder years ago. It was Len who tortured Casper and killed the dirty dealing city manager. Len’s sister had turned to hooking after being in the foster system as a kid, then eventually got hooked up with the big time sex parties. That created the opportunity for Len to get revenge for their mom and dad. Pretty crazy coincidence, but it did explain the tie-ins with the diamonds, the kids, and the powers that be.

Loved the scene where Frank talked to Osip on the phone, telling him that he would get him some day, and that when “the lights do go out, that’s me.” Ani was tasked with watching the sister, Laura, while Ray went off to stop Len from killing the dirty cop. They already had some key evidence from Laura, but getting the hard drive (even though it was erased) was worth the risk?

Ray caught Len off guard before his meeting with the cop. Ray convinced the guy to hold off on his murder plan until he could get a recording of the transaction. It was working well with the kid going Assassin’s Creed waiting patiently as Chief Holloway told the sordid details to Ray before the exchange. The news of his sister being the love child of Casper was too much for Len so he commenced to wrecking the plan. As he tried to slash Holloway, Ray drops his gun and his recorder which eventually gets stepped on during the chaos. If not for bad luck…..

Ani saved Ray as she showed up just in time for the two to escape. Holloway and Len ended up dead and Ray left with no evidence.

When you can’t get justice the legal way, you gotta turn to a gangster. Frank was armed to the teeth so he and Ray plan an assault on Osip and company. Frank sends a message through Ani to Jordan if things go bad…..”That story we told, it’s still true.”

The scene at the cabin reminded me of the real life “rogue” LAPD cop from last year that was such a threat to the system. Frank and Ray made short work of the crew guarding the place and tossed in some tear gas for good measure. That left Osip still alive so he got to see Frank turn his lights out for him, leaving no doubt who was responsible for ending his life. The bags of cash there were Frank’s retirement and Ray’s ticket to a new life with Ani. If only it would have played out so smoothly afterward.

Ray should have listened to Frank’s advice about sending his son to Yale someday. Instead he makes the idiotic move to see his son one last time through the playground fence. This was an obviously dumb thing to do but did show how much Ray really loved his boy….who turned out to be his biological son after all. Ray also would not take a chance on exposing Ani once he found the tracking device on his ride. Once again, a good man.

How I wanted Frank to win this game. He made all the right moves when he should have been checkmated once Casper was whacked. He trades his duffel bag full of cash for some diamonds from the bearded jeweler. Easier to transport overseas obviously. His clean getaway was near until the freaking Mexicans rolled up on him and snatched him up.

Frank ended up in the desert, Breaking Bad style. Gonzales and the Cisco Kid came back to bite him. Frank was able to buy his freedom with a million in cash in his suitcase. Things got wrecked when one of the thugs decided he wanted Frank’s suit. He couldn’t give it up since his diamonds were in it so he had no choice but fight the guy. That got him shanked in the side by another thug, effectively ending any hope for Frank to go out on top.

With a kill squad chasing Ray, Frank began his death march out of the desert. As he lost more and more blood he faded back to his childhood. A mean father telling him how he was nothing, black kids bullying him, and more bad memories as his life slipped away. He was near that dark place he had told his wife about early in this season as he stared at the water stain on the ceiling. Frank had beaten the evil corporate guys who screwed him, but fell victim to low level players that he was forced to deal with once he was screwed by Casper and crew.

I wanted Frank to live, but his death scene was better than any getaway. In his mind he met up with his wife just as they had spoken about.

Ray did all he could do against the kill squad, but eventually realized it was futile. After capping two of the guys, he took a look up at the glorious forest then made a last stand that ended with him riddled with bullets. His final message to his son failed to upload, as his bad luck continued. Ray traded one last look at his boy for a future with Ani and stacks of cash. Bad choice, good guy.

We flashed forward to see little Toni running things in Vinci and Ani giving her story along with some evidence to a Times reporter. We don’t know how that story will affect things in Vinci, but if real life is an indicator, corruption exposed rarely leads to big changes. There’s always another little Toni laying in wait.

Turns out Ani has a baby and is with Jordan, along with Frank’s trusted guy guarding them. Out of the cast of heroes, the women made it out alive to Venezuela. Frank’s life’s work wasn’t for nothing. He helped this bodyguard out once, and was repaid with loyalty that kept his wife alive.

I enjoyed this season as much as last year’s. Some of the storylines were pretty blurry for most of the season, but the acting was just as good as season one and I know that’s saying a lot. The template is going to be similar each year for True Detective. An awful murder, followed by the investigation by characters that we get to investigate along the way. We had two more interesting cops this year, with a good guy gangster thrown into the mix. I can’t wait for next year’s version and news on the actors who will be trying to keep stride with the first two generations of True Detective players.

Miley Cyrus Body Talk & Yolanda Foster Toxic Free After Implant Leak

miley cyrus body talk dysmorphia from hannah montana 2015 gossipMiley Cyrus is the newest cover girl for Marie Claire, where she opens up about numerous things going on in her life.

First, Miley calls out fellow pop star Taylor Swift for capitalizing on a song that is about getting revenge (“Bad Blood”). Miley explains, “I don’t get the revenge thing. That’s supposed to be a good example? And I’m a bad role model because I’m running around with my t***ies out? I’m not sure how t***ies are worse than guns.”

The star also opened up about the self-esteem issues she had stemming from starring in Disney’s hit show “Hannah Montana,” where she played a high school girl (Miley Stewart) who had a secret life as a pop-star. Miley reveals, “I was made to look like someone I wasn’t, which is probably what caused some body dysmorphia because I had been made pretty every day for so long, and then when I wasn’t on the show, it was like ‘Who the f*** am I?’”

She recounts the changes she had to go through so that she could earn the title of a “pop star” saying, “From the time I was 11, it was, ‘you’re a pop star! That means you have to be blonde, and you have to have long hair, and you have to put on some glittery tight thing.’ Meanwhile, I’m this fragile little girl playing a 16-year-old in a wig and a ton of make up.. It was like Toddlers & Tiaras. I had f***ing flippers.”

Since her days being “Hannah Montana,” Miley has gone through a huge transformation while still keeping in the public eye. Nowadays, Miley is seen being much more expressive in her fashion, as well as donning short blonde hair. It is also rumored that Miley has been dating Victoria Secret model Stella Maxwell.

In the magazine’s interview with Cyrus, there is also some reference to her releasing her next album completely free. Noting that she would have bought herself out of her contract with RCA Records, if they hadn’t agreed with her choice. Miley’s manager, Adam Leber, tells Marie Claire, “Miley’s not driven by dollars. She makes her own path. Once upon a time, that’s what most artists did. Now, people like Miley are fewer and far between.”

yolanda foster toxic free after implant leak 2015 gossipReal Housewives of Beverly Hills Yolanda Foster recently discovered some major complications that may be to blame for her sudden relapse that was thought to be associated with her Lyme’s Disease.

Yolanda was experiencing severe difficulties, including difficulty reading, writing and even watching television, however she was surprised when her doctor found out that one of her old breast implants had ruptured and leaked into her body. Her doctor also informed her that this very well could be partially to blame for her recent struggles.

Her doctors were able to remove the leaking implant right away. Following the surgery, Yolanda Instagrammed saying, “Turn a mess into a message…we might have hit the jackpot by finding all this silicone from a 20 year old implant rupture through ultrasound mapping as shown in this selfie. Thank you Dr. Feng for holding my hand and leading the way…”

Yolanda Foster, Instagram post:

Since the implant removal surgery, Yolanda has gone even further to improve her health by committing to a “Toxic Free” lifestyle. Yolanda shared on her Instagram that she will now be going without implants, botox, extensions, highlights, nail polish, and mercury fillings.

Yolanda Foster, Instagram post:

This new lifestyle will definitely set her apart from the rest of the cast members on Real Housewives.

Atlanta Falcons Comprehensive Week 1 Preseason Recap


atlanta falcons beat titans nfl recap 2015 imagesThankfully the offseason is over in the NFL. We may only be watching exhibition games, but it’s way better than any Kardashian coverage or presidential debates that resemble reality shows. My Atlanta Falcons got their 2015 campaign underway with a match-up with the Tennessee Titans Friday night.

Dan Quinn made his head coaching debut in the Georgia Dome along with Marcus Mariota of the Titans. Quinn promised to bring quickness and hardnosed play to Atlanta. Mariota made no promises, but expectations are always high for a #2 overall pick.

Game Summary: Atlanta controlled this preseason game with the Titans from the jump but needed a 4th quarter score to get the win. The Falcons defense was on the same level as the offense as well, a huge change from the past few years. The Falcons D made the highlight reels as they made Mariota look like the rookie that he is. The Birds’ defense is used to making lots of highlights for the opponents, so it was about time they gave their own fans something to cheer about.

Matt Ryan did his job for the few plays he was on the field, going 6-6 on the opening drive that ended with a nice TD to Julio Jones.

The Falcons scored 17 points in the first quarter, then gave up 13 to Tennessee in the 2nd. Ryan looked like the polished vet he is, while his backup T.J. Yates threw a pick on his way to a 9 of 15 game. None of the QBs from either team looked horrible and that can be attributed to the simpler preseason offensive gameplans and lack of speed from the defenses that realizes there is a long season ahead.

Atlanta won the game 31-24 and will face the locker room brawling Jets next Friday night.

Game Highlights:

*During this highlight, a Falcons player grabs Titans quarterback Marcus Mariota then tosses him to the ground. This is referred to as a “sack” fellow Falcons fans. We have seen so few of these in recent years I wanted to prepare you for the shock of such a play. Hope we see more of the same.

3 Things to Build On:

– Rookie pass rusher Vic Beasley had a nice game, although things will get much tougher once the real season starts. The guy is not the heaviest looking defensive end so that may be his downfall once we hit the regular season. His quickness allowed him to disrupt Mariota on a few occasions, resulting in one interception. “I think it went pretty well,” Beasley said of his debut. “I think we got off to a good start as a team. Just looking forward to getting started this week coming up.”

-The opening drive looked like a well-oiled machine from the ATL offense. Ryan could not have looked any better and Julio Jones resembled, dare I say it, MEGATRON. There, I’ve jinxed him.

-Quinn is getting lots of love for how his team came out with the type of football he promised. We can’t get too far ahead of ourselves. This is just week one of preseason and there will be blunders ahead for this rookie head coach. Last night was a great start though!

Lowlight of Game: Antone Smith pulled a hamstring during a one-yard touchdown run in the second quarter and didn’t return. Smith was quite the big play baller last year before injury took him out of the lineup. The Falcons will need this guy back in order to take pressure off the passing game.

Bonehead Play of The Game: Have to give this one to Marcus Mariota for getting swiped by Jonathan Babineaux. That led to a Falcons TD. Got to be aware of your surroundings kid. This ain’t Oregon! NFL defenders get to the backfield in a hurry. Adjust that mental clock.

Julio Watch: Jones is still in contract negotiations. He is going to get paid and the reasons why were on full display in this opening game. Dude is a freak who should be in his prime the next five years. He caught all four balls tossed to him and scored one touchdown in this contest.

Tweets of the Game:

Yes Julio makes folks into fools. #decleat

Nothing better than a shot of the gladiators about to enter the arena. #maximus

I don’t recall Mike Smith doing this in pregame. #youngblood

Let me dispel this idiotic blackout myth. Wearing all black does little, actually nothing, to help the team win. #checkyohistory

Pretty disturbing. Blank would never give this guy another chance post Mike Vick era. Right? #can’ttolerate

Novak Djokovic vs Andy Murray 2015 Rogers Cup


novak djokovic vs andy murray canadian masters 2015 rogers cupThe semifinals at the 2015 Rogers Cup were played on Saturday as Novak Djokovic took on Jeremy Chardy and Andy Murray faced Kei Nishikori. At stake was both a spot in Sunday’s championship match from Montreal and a chance to claim 1000 ranking points with a title.

Djokovic entered his match against Chardy having saved match points against Ernests Gulbis in the previous round. However the semifinal against his relatively inexperienced French opponent was not as competitive. In relatively short order, Djokovic defeated Chardy 6-4, 6-4 to move into the Canadian Masters final.

With the win Djokovic improved to 10-0 against Chardy, a player who rarely makes the late rounds of ATP tournaments. Djokovic acknowledged that his dominant heads-up record against Chardy was a factor in the match.

“If you have a good head-to-head record against the player you’re facing, it gives you a little bit of a mental edge,” the World No. 1 said. “In crucial moments, that’s maybe what helped me hit the right shots at the right time.”

Djokovic should have the confidence in the championship match as well. Not only does he have a great track record at the Canadian Masters, having won the event three times, but he has a 70% winning percentage against the player that he has drawn in the final.

On the bottom half of the draw, Andy Murray has plowed through to the championship match. He defeated Kei Nishikori in straight sets 6-3, 6-0, a somewhat embarrassing scoring line for the Japanese player. However, in Nishikori’s defense, he was playing in back-to-back weeks following a title in ATP Washington last week. Rarely do players win back-to-back titles on tour when playing in back-to-back weeks and Japan’s top player admitted to fatigue.

“I think I’m more tired,” Nishikori stated. “Everything was sore these couple of days. Today it got a little bit worst so I couldn’t really move 100 per cent.”

With how much he has been playing lately, I would not be surprised if Nishikori withdrew from the Cincinnati Masters or went out of the tournament early – even against an unseeded opponent.

Not only does the semfinal victory see Murray qualify for the championship but it will also seem him bump up in the rankings a bit. Murray will be ranked second in the world on Monday, even if he should he lose to Djokovic in the final.

But while Djokovic has the better track record in Canada, Murray is certainly not without his own plaudits. The Scot has twice won the Rogers Cup, first in 2009 when he defeated Juan Martin del Potro in the final, a player who was about to win the US Open. The Scot also won the event the next season, defeating Roger Federer in the championship match.

While Murray’s track record against Djokovic is just 8-19 overall the soon-to-be World No. 2 has defeated Djokovic in bigger matches than the one they will play on Sunday. Specifically Murray has wins in against Djokovic from both the Wimbledon 2013 and US Open 2012 finals.

I don’t think Djokovic is playing his absolute best tennis at the moment and his draw in Montreal has been a bit cushy. A lot of the better players on Djokovic’s half of the draw failed to produce their best tennis this week. Upsets meant that Djokovic was able to avoid Stan Wawrinka, Milos Raonic, and Tomas Berdych enroute to his appearance in the final. Murray,conversely, has survived a very difficult draw through Tommy Robredo, Gilles Muller, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, and Nishikori.

Heading into the final, most will certainly be looking for the Serb to win another Canadian Masters. However I think Sunday might actually belong to Murray. Sunday’s final will start not before 3pm from Montreal following the men’s doubles final.

POWER FInale 210 Recap: Ghost Is Dead

power 210 ghost is dead recap 2015We got an early look at the season finale of  “Power,” Ghost Is Dead and oh boy, it is a doozy.

Last week, pretty much, Angie found out that Jamie is Ghost, who messed up her case to convict Tommy, which would have convicted Lobos. When Angie would not help get Tommy off, which is what James asked her to do, he took matters into his own hands by stealing the sketch of Tommy that Ruiz’s daughter drew for Angie which was illegal of her to do because she is under age. Tommy’s lawyer presented it, the judged scolded Angela for withholding it and dismissed the case.

In the meanwhile, Kanan’s plan to have his son Shawn kill Ghost is a no go as the young man just couldn’t do it (and James found out he’s been screwing his wife in the process). So what does good ole’ dad do? Kills him. Yea, Kanan ain’t shit. And it’s really messed up because Shawn and Tasha were supposed to leave that night together.

It ends with Angie feeling hurt, Greg confronting her about how everything went down, Angele telling him the truth (kind of) and they plotting to nail James as Ghost.

power finale ghost is dead images 2015And here we are today…the season two finale. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR FINALE

Jamie can’t seem to understand that what he and Angela had is over as he continues to call and text her. She ignores him and we see her change his name in her phone from James to Ghost to “Do Not Answer.”

She’s up early to see her boss and he doesn’t want to hear anything she has to say but she talks him in to listening to her as she has something to tell him that she “should have said week’s ago.”

Later, Greg finds out that Angela has one upped him, making him seem like a stalker who’s emotions got the best of him with the case. She files a sexual harassment complaint against him, which causes him to be suspended. She’s a cold bitch for that one.

Tasha makes Tommy breakfast and as he eats, he tells her everything (that he thinks he knows) including how Ghost and Angela are through. This prompts Tasha to secretly call Shawn to see where he is, since she hasn’t heard from him.

Tasha shows up at Ghost’s office and this nigga turns the tables on her. He tells her that his sleeping with Angela was all part of his plan but Tasha’s sleeping with Shawn was not. He blames her for almost messing everything up and pretty much tells her to choose between leaving with nothing or staying… probably with nothing still.

Ghost really came up with getting back Stern. He staged a robbery of Truth’s offices which was to steal papers that helped Stern’s wife get everything and more in their divorce, which then allowed him to buy back Truth and two other clubs. He did a beast mode move.

He confronts Angela at her apartment and she lays him out. She lost everything when he got Tommy off, which means her family loses everything. She tells him to fuck off and leaves him standing cold.

Holly is back in the picture and is screwing up everything. She ambushes Tommy in the park while he walks the dog. She tells him that Ghost is the one that sent her away and gives him a bag of “evidence” which includes her fake ideas.

Back at Truth, Trey, Kanan’s minion, shows up to talk to Ghost (who pulls a gun out on him when he first comes in). He tells him that Kanan killed Shawn and Ghost is sick to his stomach. Trey tells him he wants to work with him because he’s through with Kanan. But of course this is not the case. It was all a front as he is indeed still working with crazy ass Kanan.

In jail, Lobos actually gets clipped in his jail cell. Throughout the whole episode, a hit man has been killing major players and leaving a “La Arana” card on them.

Ghost traps Kanan and the two have the much awaited confrontation we have all been waiting for. They fight and Kanan seems to get the upper hand as he smothers Ghost with a bag and all of a sudden, Ghost stabs him. Fifty, I mean Kanan, dies and Ghost burns his ass to cover it up.

The End

A lot happens in the finale, so here is what you need to know.

Tommy shows up after Ghost kills Kanan and goes off on him about sending Angela away. Ghost tells him he is the one who killed all the distributors because he’s out and leaving the business to him. Tommy doesn’t believe him and pulls a gun on him. Ghost pulls his gun and Trey shows up, pulling his gun on Tommy. Tommy leaves and doesn’t want to have anything to do with Ghost anymore.

Later, Angela pays a visit to Jamie at his place and tells him that she can’t be with Ghost. He says that Ghost is gone for good and now they can have everything they ever wanted.

Tasha also gets a call that Shawn is dead and goes to identify the body.  She tells Kesha that she knows who did it, which I’m pretty sure she thinks is Ghost

Greg, who is obviously salty that Angela screwed him surprises Angela in the basement of her apartment. He tells her that he knows what she did, Ghost is going down and she’s going with him.

Angela’s boss is an informant for Lobos as he pays him a visit in the hospital, gives him a phone and calls him boss.

One of Lobos’s men finds Tommy in the park and hands him a phone. It’s Lobos and tells Tommy to kill Ghost or he will kill them both, Holly and their dog.

Ghost gets receives a bloody “La Arana” card, which pretty much tells him to watch his back.

Cops investigate the fire that Jamie started and they find that someone broke out. So….um… yea Kanan is probably alive.

It was heavy ya’ll, do you hear me? And no doubt next season is going to blow us away.

Months wasted. Lives Wrecked: This is Deflategate


deflategate tom brady images 2015 nflHow many more lives must be ruined before the NFL, namely King Goodell, drops this entire Deflategate thing? Are we to continue with it forever, or just until after kickoff of week one when we will know whether Tom Brady had to sit or rightfully made it onto the field.

I’m sick of hearing about it just like most football fans. How much more ridiculous can this thing get? Stick around.

I must admit I enjoyed the latest point on this scandal’s time line, that being a poor court sketch artist that made Tom Brady look like either a crackhead or very similar to The Creeper from Scooby Doo. This artist is one of the lives that has been at least temporarily ruined by Deflategate. The court should probably fire the poor woman who turned the Golden Boy into a hideous version of himself. But who knows, she might get a better gig doing illustrations for “The Walking Dead” next season. She was reportedly able to make Robert DeNiro look like himself, but maybe she was painting what was inside of Tom Brady’s soul…who knows.

Let’s talk about the relationships that have been trashed by Deflategate. Not that I care about a couple of filthy rich individuals like ole Bobby Kraft and Roger Goodell. These guys don’t need anyone’s sympathy. I just find it insane that their friendship has been pretty much trashed because of some air pressure in a few footballs that may or may not have been within specification during a game in which the “cheaters” could have spotted the “victims” three touchdowns and been fine.

Teddy Wells didn’t come out unscathed either. From everything I read about Wells before he started his investigation into the Patriots’ alleged tampering with footballs, the guy was well respected. His role in this scandal has surely cost him lots of respect, not to mention making him seem like the slowest investigator in history. Wells’ won’t be losing any sleep since he padded his mattress with some high stacks of NFL cash, so we can’t say his life was wrecked, just his good name.

I could cry about all the hours I have been subjected to talking heads on TV who have gotten paid good money to talk all offseason about how many snaps Jimmy Garoppolo has been getting. So cry I will. This reporting was about as critical as knowing what kind of shampoo Tom Brady uses. That would actually matter more than Garoppolo’s snap percentage during training camp.

Then there’s this poor Judge Berman who got handed this case once Brady’s appeal fell on deaf ears attached to a hard head belonging to Roger Goodell. This man went to law school and must have been a successful lawyer in order to earn the title of judge. Yet here he sits listening to an argument between millionaires over football air pressure. He must not be a sports fan or watch the news since he thought it wise to order Brady and Goodell to continue negotiations in “good faith.” That good faith evaporated a while back.

“What is the direct evidence that implicates Mr. Brady?” Judge Richard M. Berman repeatedly asked NFL lawyer Daniel L. Nash. That single question should let the NFL know that they will need more than circumstantial evidence and general opinion if they wish to keep Tom Brady on the bench for four games. This is a real court, complete with standards and guidelines. It will not be the kangaroo court run by Judge Rog.

With the preseason now underway, Deflategate needs to be wrapped up to make way for real NFL action and news that impacts the game going forward. The League got what it wanted with amazing doses of publicity during the offseason. It’s time to move on.

I know Goodell isn’t going to back down at this late hour, so it’s going to take a real life judge to clean this mess up for us. I don’t want Brady to back down, even though that’s what some fans want since they see Brady’s appeal as childish. These folks want Tom Brady to give up the fight and accept his punishment since they believe he is guilty.

The guy should fight it as long as it’s financially logical….even if he is guilty of deflating those footballs. Since the League has no solid proof against the man, why should he cave? A sense of fairness and sportsmanship?

Every player and team does what they can to get slight advantages. Some take PEDs. Some do unthinkable things at the bottom of a pile after a fumble. Some hold on every play even though it’s illegal.

If Tom Brady is guilty, then it’s on the NFL to prove it. Otherwise #12 will be starting on opening day for the Patriots. Unlike Ted Wells, Judge Berman doesn’t work for the NFL, so his findings will be quite different. In the meantime I just hope no more court workers’ lives are ruined. The longer this stretches out, the more opportunity for the bailiff, paralegals, and stenographers to screw up like the now famous sketch artist did. Deflategate has ruined enough lives already. Godspeed Judge Berman.

Meek Mill Loves Drake Again & Khloe Kardashian Worried About Lamar Odom

The weekend is finally here and you know I have a lot of updates for you. The Khloe Kardashian Lamar Odom drama continues, Sherri Shepherd tests her Christianity by lying, and Meek Mill loves Drake again.

khloe kardashian worried about lamar odom 2015Khloe Kardashian Calls Out Lamar Odom about his “Ambush”

So you know how Khole Kardashian claims that her ex husband Lamar Odom ambushed her at the gym this week, and how he is saying that he didn’t, well she’s saying “oh yes you did”… kind of.

It’s a classic back and forth of the exes. One person claims a thing happened, the other maintains it didn’t happen like that and the first person reiterates it did. Lamar has been very outspoken about how he believes the media is making him out to be a “scary black man” and swears it’s a race issue in their reporting. He has been vocal about how his ex wife is handling this situation, and feels she is doing him dirty for letting everyone believe that he ambushed her. But it seems the details we are getting about what happened are all coming from “sources.”

As the story goes, he surprised her (after not speaking with her for week reportedly) at a SoulCycle class on Wednesday as she was going in. “Witnesses say he began yelling at her and even tried to touch her. She skipped the class and just went home.

Lamar claims they had been in communication before the incident, Khloe’s sources (what does that even mean again) say they had not been in contact at all before their “meeting.”

It all still remains a mystery at this point and those same sources who are making Lamar out to be a monster say that Khloe is not afraid for her life, just concerned for his.

Awww isn’t that sweet.

sherri shepherd view not sure 2015 gossip

Sherri Shepherd May or May not Be Coming Back to ‘The View’

You know at the end of every rainbow is a pot of gold. For Sherri Shepherd, her rainbow is finally being done with the storm of a divorce and maternity suit she was battling and her pot of gold- returning to The View?

Well she may be returning to the day time talk show and rumors swirled about her coming back a few months ago, but according to her it is not a done deal yet.

“I read that I was coming back, but as with all of the stuff at ‘The View,’ you never know. Nothing is true until I actually see myself on the air, at the table.”

I guess she knows better than anyone how it all works as she was a part of the show for a while. It’s all very interesting as to why they would even bring her back though. Obviously The View is going through some changes and has yet to find the success and flow it once had with its pioneer hosts.

As for Sherri, she can play “coy” all she wants as an “insider” says,

“She’s an audience favorite. All the producers are eager for her to come back. It’s pretty much a done deal.”

Oh the secrecy. Don’t you just love Hollywood?

meek mill calls of drake feud 2015 gossipMeek Mill Calls it Quits with Drake Beef

What a bigger man Meek Mill is being right? He knows how to start a beef and as of this this week, he knows how to end one too.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, where the hell have you been this past month? Meek Mill’s Twitter beef with Drake (he called him out for not writing his own rhymes) was of major proportions thanks to social media. We got three diss tracks all in all (two from Drake, one from Meek) and the Philly rapper was pretty much the laughing stock of the rap world.

Well, he posted to his Instagram account to give a final say of sorts about the whole beef with the Canadian rapper and his girl Nicki Minaji label mate.

“We really only focusing on making it out that’s the only war we are fighting.  I’m not entertaining no rap/real beef over Drake s/o a rapper! I can’t fall for the oldest trick in the book and I never shoulda entertained it bcuz it won’t bring me no money or success…”

He goes on further to say how social media is like “walking ya self into a prison and that ain’t my lifestyle and don’t really make sense to me.” Good for him for finally coming to his senses. It sounds like someone wise that he really trusts broke it down for him and he has seen the light.

You know how social media goes. It has become the newest form of peer pressure and for a split second he gave in but now, he’s back to doing what he does best- making that raw, hip hop Philly music.

Google’s Alphabet Soup


google alphabet mix 2015 techIn a recent stunning announcement, Google announced that the company known as Google will be splitting and its components will be headed by a new holding company they call Alphabet. Google itself will become one of Alphabet’s subsidiaries. Alphabet is a symbolic and somewhat catchy piece of nomenclature that Microsoft has yet to learn.

“We liked the name Alphabet because it means a collection of letters that represent language, one of humanity’s most important innovations, and is the core of how we index with Google Search!”

–Larry Page

Google has been under fire lately for its seeming lack of focus on its projects as well as its core competencies like search (to which it lost Apple to Microsoft’s Bing) so the company gave the world a stunning and solid retort, by creating companies out of its major divisions, giving them more control while being lightly orchestrated by Sergei Brin and Larry Page at Alphabet. Is renewed focus just the reason for the name change or is there something else?

Google is one ginormous company. Its name, derived from the term for a number 1 followed by a hundred zeroes relates really well to the search and advertising giant. But the company may have become too big for its own good and has earned criticism of losing its focus due to several failed projects like Google Glass, Google Talk and the struggling Google Plus. But creative founders Larry Page and Sergei Brin continue to approve and think up new products and ventures for what used to be just a search and advertising company.

“Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one. As part of that, we also said that you could expect us to make smaller bets in areas that might seem very speculative or even strange when compared to our current businesses. From the start, we’ve always strived to do more, and to do important and meaningful things with the resources we have.”

–Larry Page

And they have. In fact, Alphabet may actually be a play on words. It’s an Alpha bet. A major change for the company. While creative and competent enough to create and implement their projects, Google has trouble maintaining and managing them. Focus and personnel turn to new projects and sidetracks existing ones. Rumors of restructuring had been floating around for some time but not to the extent of what Google let out of the bag. So here’s the ingredients of Google’s soup. Not all the letters will be there but no bowl of alphabet soup is always complete.

  • Alphabet – is now the name of Google’s parent company. It’s also the parent company of Google’s many former divisions which have become companies of their own, each with a new CEO, putting emphasis on renewed focus.

“…Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies… The largest of which, of course, is Google. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead…”

–Larry Page

  • Brin, Sergei – Google co-founder will become President of the new holding company.
  • Calico – a biotech research company focused on combating aging, will be one of the companies under Alphabet. C is also for Capital, Google’s late stage growth venture capital fund whose purpose is to generate profit through its investments. Sister company Ventures meanwhile is for early stage investments.
  • Fiber – is Google’s fiber-optic internet and cable service provider which will also become one of Alphabet’s subsidiaries.
  • Google – the original company becomes a subsidiary under Alphabet. It will be the company’s largest arm and will continue to fund Alphabet and the rest of the subsidiaries. The symbols GOOG and GOOGL will remain in use for trading in Nasdaq.
  • Larry Page – Google co-founder will head Alphabet as its CEO.
  • Nest Labs – producer of self-learning, sensor-driven, Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats, smoke detectors, and other security systems, was acquired by Google last January 2014. It’s known for the successful Nest learning thermostat. Nest Labs will also become one of Alphabet’s subsidiaries.
  • Pichai, Sundar – is the new Google CEO. Google itself becomes a subsidiary of Alphabet and as mentioned, every other subsidiary will have its own CEO. It’s been a rumor for some time that he would be the chosen one for both Google and Microsoft. For those not familiar Mr. Pichai was senior vice president of Android, Chrome and Apps.

“…Sundar has been saying the things I would have said (and sometimes better!) for quite some time now, and I’ve been tremendously enjoying our work together. He has really stepped up since October of last year, when he took on product and engineering responsibility for our internet businesses. Sergey and I have been super excited about his progress and dedication to the company. And it is clear to us and our board that it is time for Sundar to be CEO of Google”

–Larry Page

  • Susan Wojcicki – will be the new CEO of YouTube, which is still a subsidiary of Google but may become an Alphabet subsidiary.
  • Ventures – or Alphabet Ventures was formerly known as Google Ventures. It handles Google’s corporate venture capital and investments. Ventures provides seed and growth funding for other technology companies.
  • X-Labs – is the division in charge of Google’s hardware tech projects such as Google Glass, Google Wing (same as Amazon’s drone project), Loon (the company’s project to provide internet access through weather balloons), glucose-sensing contact lenses and driverless cars. X-Labs is now a separate company under Alphabet.
  • YouTube – the world’s most popular video sharing website, for now remains a part of Google but may also become a separate company.

Now that Google’s former projects have their own CEOs, Google itself can be more focused on its original missions. The web, advertising and search. Everyone else would be too without much interference from the top brass. However, Pichai would still have to worry about funding everyone else. To do so, profitable areas such as Android and YouTube will remain with Google.

Larry Page sums up the restructuring with the following:

  • Getting more ambitious things done.
  • Taking the long-term view.
  • Empowering great entrepreneurs and companies to flourish.
  • Investing at the scale of the opportunities and resources we see.
  • Improving the transparency and oversight of what we’re doing.
  • Making Google even better through greater focus.
  • And hopefully… as a result of all this, improving the lives of as many people as we can.

So is the restructuring some sort of corporate move to ease on taxes as some may speculate? Perhaps, but it’s hard not to dismiss their real need to restructure. Alphabet is not likely to stop expanding and acquiring other profitable ventures and for that, any organization must be organized.

LIFE Trailer Shows Robert Pattinson Rising Way Above Twilight


life movie poster dane dehaan 2015The trailer for “Life” has been released, which is a biopic centered on late acting icon James Dean starring Dane DeHaan and Robert Pattinson, showing that his acting chops are far beyond “Twilight’s” Edward Cullen.

Anton Corbijm, who is known for A Most Wanted Man, directs the movie. Starring in the movie is Dane DeHaan as James Dean and Robert Pattinson as photojournalist Dennis Stock.

The movie follows the story of Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock, who is assigned to photograph James before the release of East of Eden, which was Dean’s first major movie role. As Dennis follows James around the United States on his press tour, a friendship develops.

life james dean movie trailer hits 2015 imagesThe film is set in the mid 1950s in various locations throughout the states, from Los Angeles to New York. In addition, there is also focus on James’ childhood home in Indiana, where Dennis took some of the most iconic images of the actor for Life Magazine. Dennis was determined to shoot Dean in all the environments that had “affected and shaped [his] unique character.”

The movie also stars Ben Kingsley, who plays Warner Brothers studio executive Jack Warner, who warns Dean that if he wants to be famous he must follow the rules.

Life is reportedly an attempt to revive a previous project about James Dean that failed to impress critics at the Berlin film festival earlier this year. The movie initially garnered harsh reviews from several notable critics, including The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw who said “[the movie] is a laborious, lugubrious movie maintained at a somnolent cool-jazz tempo – a waxworky piece of American icon worship featuring a sympathetic but mannered performance from Dane Dehaan impersonating James Dean…This is a movie about photographs and photography, a subject about which Corbijn knows perhaps more than any movie director working. But the subject arguable made him self-conscious. At any rate, the film has the inert stasis of a photo spread.”

life movie still 2015 james dean robert pattinsonRecently, Robert Pattinson opened up about being able to relate the James’ story saying, “In the movie, anyway, [Dean] had a very specific idea of what he wanted his life to be and was disillusioned before it had even started happening.” Going on to recount his own experience as he shot to fame saying, “All my experience…I had no idea what was going on when Twilight first started taking off. When we were doing interviews, I’d never done a press junket. I was like, ‘What?’ You just sit in a room and talk shit for eight hours, I was telling jokes. And every day my manager was getting calls from the studio going, ‘you have to tell him to shut up!” Also, I had nothing to lose.”

Pattinson’s London-heritage seems to help him establish a convincing vintage edge that fits well within the film. In the trailer, Robert blends in perfectly with the era of the film, as he is seen sporting side-swept hair and a sleek suit throughout.

In addition, from DeHaan’s appearance in the trailer, he too brings a unique quality to the lead role, which is fitting as that was what caught photographer Dennis Stocks’ attention about James Dean.

In reality, James Dean died tragically in a car crash at the age of 24 in September of 1955. At the time, his movie East of Eden was only released, but soon after two other already shot movies were released that starred Dean and he eventually became most known for his role in Rebel Without a Cause. With only three films under his belt, James uniqueness, abilities and potential earned him great recognition as an actor after his sudden death. Although Life attempts to capture the beginning of James’ short career, it tells the story through the perspective of Dennis who is watching James’ rise to fame from the sidelines.

The movie is largely based on Dennis’ book Beautiful Enigma: LIFE with James Dean, which he published in 2005.

The trailer gives a glimpse of the allure that gained James so many fans, as Dennis describes him as having “an awkwardness, something very pure.” Despite, coming into the world of Hollywood, naïve to the realities, the young actor had an unexpected confidence that is shown as James questions Dennis, “You think you’re giving me something that’s not already coming my way?” Suggesting that James was well aware of his capabilities and presence that would eventually earn him international praise.

After the release of the trailer, many are speculating that Pattinson will be one to look out for in this film and this role will likely further his presence as a notable actor from his early teen-heartthrob days as Edward Cullen in the Twilight series.

The movie will be released in France on September 9, 2015. However, since there was a fall through with the contract for the movie rights in the United States, the details haven’t been released for its US premiere date, other than it should be expected out sometime in Fall 2015.
Life Movie Trailer

Andres Iniesta: Barcelona can still win Supercopa, despite losing 4 – 0 in first leg


andres iniesta thinks barcelona can win supercopa 2015 soccerThe La Liga 2015 – 16 campaign hasn’t begun yet but Barcelona are already competing at the highest level. The Spanish and European champions were completely thrashed by the La Liga outfit Athletic Bilbao.

Bilbao won 4 – 0 on Friday in the first leg of the Supercopa de Espana, thereby raising serious questions over Barca’s claim over the sextuple. It seems that Luis Enrique’s men won’t be able to repeat the historical performance by Pep Guardiola’s Barca in 2009. Although, the Catalan giants haven’t completely given up on their chances of winning the Super Cup. The newly appointed club captain, Andres Iniesta, claims that it isn’t impossible to come back from the 4 – 0 defeat and also admits “everything went horribly wrong” on Friday.

“Problems with conceding goals are never the fault of the individual, but of the whole team,” the 31-year-old Spanish midfielder told reporters after the match.

“Everything turned out horribly wrong for us but nothing is impossible, we need to believe in the comeback and, starting from there, we’ll see what happens.”

Barcelona boss, Enrique, took the blame of the defeat and also made schedule as an excuse.

“I had to make many changes because we had only three days to recover. I take responsibility for the loss,” Luis Enrique told the media after the clash.

“The schedule hurt us, as we had just come back from a trip to Georgia, but this is not the time to look for excuses. The calendar is what it is.”

“I’ve never played an easy game against Athletic. I congratulate them, but on Monday there will be another atmosphere,” he added.

Luis Enrique, alike the captain of his team, isn’t ruling out a dramatic comeback, keeping the hopes of sextuple alive.

“Is a comeback possible? This was just the first half. If there’s one team that can turn this around it’s Barca.”

THE VIEW’S Revolving Door & LeBron James Ready For Space Jam 2

the view changes nicole wallace 2015 gossipThere is once again a change in the cast over at ABC’s The View.

There has recently been a rumor that Sherri Shepherd, who was on the show from 2007-2014, is set to make a comeback. In an interview with The New York Post, the actress addressed this rumor saying, “I read that I was coming back, but as with all of the stuff at The View, you never know. Nothing is true until I actually see myself on the air, at the table. You can sign a contract, but until you are actually in front of that camera, it don’t mean nothing.”

Other names have also been speculated to be joining The View table, such as Cameron Candace-Bure, Molly Sims and Stacy London.

In July, The View announced that comedian Michelle Collins would be serving as co-host for the next season of the view, starting in September. Collins was given the position following Rosie Perez’s exit announcement.

In addition, co-host Nicole Wallace will be leaving after she is done this season. If you recall, our own Shanka Cheryl broke that story back in July and right before it became official. However, in Nicole’s case it wasn’t on her terms as Shanka also reported. Nicole recently opened up to Variety revealing she found out about her firing in the press. Nicole explained:

“I loved the job. I had no plans of quitting. I think I thought that I would learn somewhere other than Variety that I’d been fired. It shattered my naiveté about television. Listen, it’s all fair, I wasn’t wronged by anybody. But I was surprised to learn in the press about their decision not to bring me back.”

She goes on to explain her shock saying, “I had never had one note from anybody inside the entire organization during the entire season. No one said a word to me. May I should have seen it coming. Not after a single show, a single Hot Topic or a single interview. It was like being invisible. But not in an unpleasant way.”

Nonetheless, come September Nicole will be absent from the show’s cast, while newbies Michelle Collins and Raven Symone will be returning to add to the commentary.

lebron james wants space jam 2 2015 gossipAccording to LeBron James, audiences should be prepared for a Space Jam 2 to hit theatres in the near future.

LeBron, who recently starred in Amy Schumer’s comedy Trainwreck earlier this summer, owns a production company, which just signed a partnership with Warner Bros.

James revealed to Today’s Willie Giest that making movies is a “passion of [his].” He then opened up about the possibility of creating a sequel to 1996’s Space Jam, which starred Michael Jordan and the characters of Looney Tunes. Lebron explained, “We hope so. We ‘re definitely missing Bugs and Daffy and Tasmanian Devil and every last one of them, so hopefully we can do some great things.”

Although Warner Brothers has not officially announced any Space Jam 2 in the works, they did file for new trademarks in June.