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Terrell Owens Can ‘Absolutely’ Help Philadelphia Eagles at 41


terrell owens can help philadelphia eagles 2015The Philadelphia Eagles aren’t exactly off to the best start. Chip Kelly’s experiment in messing with success probably won’t get this team back to the 10-6 record it’s enjoyed the past two seasons.

Well…unless they pick up Terrell Owens.

That’s right, the 41-year-old-retired-but-not-actually-retired-up-for-the-Hall-of-Fame-wide-receiver is back in the news after being denied by the Dallas Cowboys a few weeks back. Now he’s trying to beg his way back onto the Eagles’ roster.

“Absolutely, yes,” said Owens Friday when asked if he could still help the Eagles. “No question, no question about that.”

Owens definitely helped the Eagles a decade ago. In 2004, Owens put up 1,200 yards and 14 touchdowns in his first season in Philly and was a large part of the Eagles success that season en route to a Super Bowl XXXIX loss to the New Englans Patriots.

But that was 11 years ago. TO is 41 now, and he hasn’t played a down in the NFL for five years. But Owens isn’t going to let something as trivial as Father Time get in the way of his professional football career.

“You think that I shouldn’t be playing right now?” said Owens as the audience of the 94WIP Mike & Ike show all collectively shouted ‘YES!’ at their radios.

“I definitely could be playing right now, but based on my character—yeah, people can say, ‘Oh, he’s 41.’ But I’m not your average 41 year old…and when I was on that football field, I felt like I was the best thing out there, and it was due to how hungry I was and how decidcated I was.”

Let’s not forget that the last time he was on a team (aside from a short offseason stint with the Seattle Seahawks), Owens got kicked off of the Allen Wranglers, an IFL team which he was also a partial owner of, for a complete lack of effort both on and off the field.

At the end of the day, I’d pick up Owens. His Football Life documentary was amazing, he’d play with a chip on his shoulder, he probably isn’t asking for much money, and signing him is probably the only way to get him to shut up.

Sounds like a win-win-win-super win to me. Of course, after the Sunday’s win over the New Orleans Saints 39-17, the Eagles and Chip Kelly may say they’re bounding back well enough on their own.

UPDATED: Shia LaBeouf Arrested Again & Raven Symone Continues Talking Leaving Dad Manager To Respond

raven symone the view black name comment 2015 gossipIt wouldn’t feel right to not have some form of drama or scandal from the ladies at The View this week.

On Friday, talk show newbie, Raven Symone talked herself into some trouble when she commented on a new study released in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behavior. During the segment, Raven claimed she would definitely not consider any “ghetto” names if she were an employer looking to hire.

The That’s So Raven star admitted, “Just to bring it back, can we take back ‘racist’ and say ‘discriminatory,’ because I think that’s a better word. And I am very discriminatory against words like the ones that they were saying in the video. I’m not going to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It’s not going to happen. I’m not going to hire you.”

After several of her fellow cohosts expressed opposing opinions to Raven, she asked, “is that mean?”

Well, according to thousands of viewers who heard what Raven said, it was in fact mean. Some of the feedback she received included:

“Raven is on TV looking like Toucan Sam w/ her Technicolor dreamcoat hair but wants to talk about not hiring folks w/ ghetto names. Girl…” – @Luvvie

“I think it’s ridiculously stupid not to hire someone for their name, just because my name is Shanique that shouldn’t affect my work ethic. I don’t even categorize raven with black woman because she does not respect nor support us in the way a black woman should, shes embarrassing.” – @BLVCKMATTERS

Critics Twitter posts:

Raven has yet to respond to the backlash, but her father did in an odd fatherly way.

In an open letter posted on this Facebook page Friday night, Christopher B. Pearman said he did not agree with his daughter’s comments, adding that she sometimes says “dumb shit.”

“Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweethearted, Human Being. I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes………. she says some dumb S#%T!” he wrote.

After Symone made her comments, she was taken to task on social media — prompting her father, who previously served as her talent manager, to speak out.

“There has been much talk today about my daughters comments on her show’ The View.’ People have been hitting me up all night questioning me about her remarks,” he wrote. “This woman is grown, has her own management team, has her own opinions, right or wrong, and is responsible for her own words and actions.”

“I did my best as her father, mentor and career manager. I believe I did a Wonderful job. Aside from this inexcusable gaffe, her 29 years in the entertainment industry has been quite successful,” he added. “I certainly don’t agree with what she said….but she is damn near thirty years old. She’s a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes. We all have been guilty of this.”

Here is Pearman’s full post below:

To My Dear Friends,

There has been much talk today about my daughters comments on her show The View. People have been hitting me up all night questioning me about her remarks. Let me say this……I haven’t managed Ravens career in over 10 years. This woman is grown, has her own management team, has her own opinions, right or wrong, and is responsible for her own words and actions. A woman wrote to me tonight and said she couldn’t support my book because of the words of my daughter. What she fails to realize is that my book is about teaching your child to believe and achieve. Raven has achieved incredible success, and this cannot be denied!

Children grow up and become influenced by many things, situations and people. I certainly don’t agree with what she said….but she is damn near thirty years old. She’s a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes. We all have been guilty of this.

I did my best as her father, mentor and career manager. I believe I did a Wonderful job. Aside from this inexcusable gaffe, her 29 years in the entertainment industry has been quite successful, for there have been only an Elite Few Child Stars to last this long and have little to no controversy. For this, I am Very Proud!

Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweethearted, Human Being.I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes……….she says some dumb S#%T!


Raven-Symoné waited until the last minute on Sunday to ‘clarify’ her View comments. Here’s what she had to say:

In a Facebook post shared Sunday evening, the co-host clarified her remarks and promised that she has “never discriminated against a name.”

“I’d like to begin by saying that I was not attacking a specific race, but repeating a name that was said in a viral video which has received over 2 million likes,” she wrote to her 4.8 million followers. “My comment was in poor taste. My lack of empathy towards name discrimination was uncalled for….As an equal opportunity employer, I have never discriminated against a name….even though I said I would, it’s not true.”

As soon as the episode aired, a number of viewers began slamming the 29-year-old for her comments. Even Raven’s father had some words to say on Facebook over the weekend.

“I certainly don’t agree with what she said….but she is damn near thirty years old,” Christopher B. Pearman explained on social media. “She’s a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes. We all have been guilty of this.”

He added, “Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes……….she says some dumb S#%T!”

Tonight, Raven wants to make sure her comments don’t spin further out of control. At the same time, she’s also opening up about her own experiences with discrimination.

“I have been denied many jobs because of my skin color, body size, and age. Each time I was rejected, my self-esteem was negatively affected, so I empathize with those who feel victimized by what I said,” she wrote. “We would hope that when it comes to hiring, our names, physical appearance, sexual orientation, and age would never outweigh our qualifications, but often times, they do, that’s the truth and it sucks. But I should not be part of the problem, I should be part of the solution.”


shia labeouf arrested for public drunkeness 2015 gossipActor Shia LaBeouf got himself into trouble yet again.

The young star was arrested around 8pm on Friday night while outside of a bar in Austin, Texas. The star was reportedly charged with public intoxication. Shia’s mug shot was released, which shows him donning a mustache and a blue t-shirt.

According to TMZ, Shia was in Texas for the Austin City Limits music festival. However, on Friday his drinking got out of hand when he was seen running down the streets and jaywalking in front of the police. Apparently, the police gave Shia a warning about his behavior, but after failing to listen and smarten up, he was arrested.

Witnesses quickly shared the news on Twitter, as they posted videos and photos of the 29-year-old being taken away by the police.

Witnesses, Twitter posts:


Unfortunately, Shia has a history with substance issues and public outbursts. A few years ago the star was arrested when he drunkenly disrupted a performance of Cabaret. Shortly after he admitted to the press that he was going through an “existential crisis.”

Additionally, the star was seen in a huge fight with his ex-girlfriend Mia Goth back in July. In a video from the night, the star was heard saying that he “would have killed her” if he hadn’t walked away from the situation.

Hopefully, the former Disney star reaches out for some much-needed help after this incident.


Downhill for DeMarco Murray & Philadelphia Eagles


The first hole in the dam of the Philadelphia Eagles just spouted off with DeMarco Murray openly saying he is not getting enough touches in Chip Kelly’s offense. Murray didn’t go on a big T.O. type rant. He simply answered a reporter’s question after the Redskins game, which was another loss for his Eagles.

Philly is now 2-3 and headed nowhere. Even quarterback Sam Bradford said as much when asked about lofty preseason expectations, “I think, at this point, when you’re 2-3, those expectations are gone.”

Yes, those expectations are gone indeed Mr. Bradford. Nobody expects much from Philly the rest of the way. Not me. Not you. And not even that genius coach of yours, Chip Kelly.

Kelly has turned the top running back from last year into a disgruntled afterthought. Even fantasy players won’t touch DeMarco Murray now that they have seen how many touches he gets week to week. Even if Murray were getting more carries per game, his numbers against Dallas in week two would deter most sane fantasy owners from taking him on.

13 carries for two yards is not a recipe for a winning lineup.

demarco murray carries

We all know running backs have little leverage in the NFL today so it is not surprising that DeMarco Murray voiced his frustrations to the media. He gave an honest answer to a relevant question. Obviously he thinks he can help his team if he gets more carries. By airing his grievances with Kelly’s offense, maybe things will get shaken up to the point where Murray can get the ball more. It sure couldn’t hurt at this point.

As we know by now, Chip Kelly is not exactly a player’s coach. The former Oregon Duck has sent major players packing that once were a staple of the Eagles team.

He believes that he can plug most any athlete into his system and have successful results. That may have been true in college. Not true in the NFL….unless you have Tom Brady at QB1. Sam Bradford is not that.

Kelly does not care about how many touches Murray gets or any back for that matter. He doesn’t stay up at night thinking about Sam Bradford’s contentment with his yards per attempt. Chip Kelly just wants his offense ran the way he designed it. To hell with the players who may not like how the box score looks, as long as his team winds up in the win column.

demarco murray eagles carries

That’s part of the issue here. Murray’s complaints would be unwarranted if the Eagles had a good record at this point in the season. But at 1-3, Kelly’s system is not working. If it were the team would at least have a winning record.

If DeMarco Murray had stuck with the Cowboys for a little less money, he would have over 400 yards already. With Romo and Dez injured, he may even be on pace to duplicate his 2014 season.

So he made his own bed when he chose the cash over a dominant offensive line.

Many will question whether Murray should just be the good team player and go with the flow. I’m not in that camp. I don’t like it when players act selfish to the detriment of the team. I don’t however mind guys like Murray speaking up when there is a problem that is costing the team some wins.

DeMarco Murray could be content to sit back and collect his game checks while contributing little to his team. By questioning his carries per game, that just proves he wants to be great, wants to play a role in his team’s success. A lazy unmotivated player would be glad to have his role reduced while still getting paid the same as if he were leading the NFL in rushing.

I don’t know if any running back can impress behind the offensive line that Philadelphia is trotting out there on a weekly basis. But at least DeMarco Murray is motivated enough to speak out when it has become crystal clear the team needs a change.

If things don’t improve, Chip Kelly is going to find out that players are not the only ones who can be run out of town like Shady McCoy and Nick Foles.

Advertising vs Ad Blockers


advertising vs ad blockers

The Need for Advertising and the Danger of Ad-Blockers

Wikipedia is one of the godsends of the internet. It’s the one-stop shop for factual and historical information, almost indispensable for the common web user. Wikipedia continues to grow and expand while continuing to provide free information for all. How do they do it? How can they continue to provide free information while maintaining their servers and their workforce? Well, because Wikipedia is a non-profit organization. It continues its operations through various benefactors’ donations and periodic fund raisers. But most websites that provide free information, services and entertainment have to resort to other means of funding, mainly through ads. These sites or their hosts are paid to post ads. Money is earned when these ads are displayed, clicked or both. What would happen if everyone or a large percentage of visitors were to block these ads?

One could consider websites to be alive. They’re made, they grow, they branch out and multiply and they die. Like all living things, they serve some purpose such as providing information or some form of service. For them to grow, they have to feed and if they can’t feed, they die. Now the primary source of food for many websites is advertising. Businesses pay these websites to display their ads, whatever they may be but mostly relevant to the content presented. A website’s continued existence depends upon how much these ads are viewed and clicked. But if they’re not viewed at all, you know what happens. Same way as any creature that can’t find food. They die.

Modern browsers now have read modes such as Firefox and Microsoft’s Edge. On reading articles such as this, users can make use of read modes to get rid of many page elements including ads to declutter the screen and read the article but the entire page has to load first. For those that don’t want to put up with load times, ad blockers come into play. Users can purchase ad blockers to keep any ads or other malicious pop-ups from appearing on web pages before they load. This keeps the distraction to a minimum and also works as partial security. The other beauty of ad blockers is that they keep bandwidth to a minimum which is excellent for data-metered connections as many internet service providers impose data caps or extra data charges. Ads, especially the flashy ones can seriously add to data charges even if the user only wants to read a few kilobytes worth of articles.

But a large percentage of sites on the internet is dependent on ads to keep their content and services free and earn some money at the same time. And fortunately for these sites, not everyone is aware of ad blockers nor do they have the time and money to purchase them. Fortunately, that’s a large percentage of internet users as well. Whether desktop or mobile, these websites are dependent on the non-blocking population to view their ads. But several new threats have surfaced that could further diminish the non-blocking population.

Apple’s iOS 9 for one, now supports ad-blocking extensions for Safari. So iPhone and iPad users are now scrambling to purchase ad blockers on the App Store after updating to iOS 9. With the release of iOS 9, ad blockers quickly became the most popular apps in the App Store. Another threat is the Adblock Browser for iOS and Android from the makers of Adblock Plus. This free browser will block ads without the use of any plug-in. Also, as mentioned, browsers with read modes remove most webpage elements including ads so that only the main content can be seen. And lastly, the newfound awareness that iOS 9 and Adblock Browser gave to people who were not aware that ads can be blocked in the first place. So, there are tools that can block these pesky ads!

So ad-dependent websites are more and more getting in a bind. How can they get their revenue if users don’t bother looking at the ads like when people quickly discard the classifieds section of the morning paper? These sites will find it difficult to continue operations if their ads are blocked. Many of these websites offer free info, free entertainment and free services in exchange for people clicking on their ads. Without ads, these services will no longer be free and every website on the net will require subscription membership or upfront payments.

Users with paid ad blockers are well within their rights not to be bothered with ads. It’s like paying for an unlisted number to avoid stalkers and telemarketers. They pay for the right to view websites without being distracted or bogged down by bandwidth-heavy flash ads. But ad-blocking as a feature or as a whole app could seriously affect the web. It’s strange to think that free ad-blocking could actually be a problem. What’s an advertiser to do? What are website owners supposed to do?

It’s difficult to say. It’s difficult to tell somebody to sit through a bunch of commercials before watching their favorite show unless it’s the Superbowl where people actually wonder what the ads will be. People will get ad blockers or ad blocking browsers when they’re aware of them and when these things are available. It’s a comfort though for websites that ad companies often find ways to get around these ad blocking software. There’s a technological arms race between ads and ad blockers. Ads will find a way to be shown just as spam occasionally finds its way into your email. White flags won’t be up just yet.

Victoria’s Secret & Kardashians: For the Record

victorias secret kardashians 2015 for the record imagesWhat does it to do your psyche to constantly be told that you have to conform to unrealistic standards that society continues to push down your throat? A lot.

It always baffles me when I see photoshopped photos, in particular of women who fit society’s beauty mold. I mean, damn, are you telling me that the women who have the perfect bodies still aren’t perfect enough? Well, hell, how in the fuck can anyone compete?

That’s the thing wrong with our culture and yes I know, majority of us know this and embrace the truth that it’s all bullshit. By my concern lies in what it does to the generation of boys and girls who allow this kind of marketing to shape their view of themselves, each other and the world. That’s what’s happening. They believe that what they see on TV and in magazine is the only way they can be worthy.

In the most recent Photoshop fail that Victoria Secret has yet to fix, it’s a picture of a woman, already in a demeaning position, with only one butt cheek visibly enhanced making her look pretty deformed. It’s not enough for her to be thin, white and perky, she has to have the perfect ass too.

Their lack of detail is only one issue with the picture which feeds into a bigger issue that continually grows and that proves all the more damaging. The need to alter one’s body as a way to gain acceptance and attention for the purposes of what? Money, fame, to say you have a bigger romp than the next? This is my problem with it and with others’ that are the poster children for this kind of thinking.

kardashian cosmo cover 2015 for the record imagesEnter the Kardashians and the Jenners. Their recent Cosmopolitan Magazine cover is beyond disturbing because it communicates to me a lack of consciousness on the part of these print publications and it shows what people will do for a pretty penny. Putting these women who are famous because one of them did a sex tap that enabled everyone to be set, on the cover of their November issue and then calling them “America’s First Family” is a blatant display of disrespect and negligence. Cosmo can’t consider itself to be lifter of women when they put fake, superficial, attention whoring personalities on their cover and then give them such a prestigious moniker.

Now I am not saying that the Kardashian’s aren’t nice people. From what I heart, they are pretty decent, but that does not take away from their pushing of a lifestyle that most people will never, ever have. And then making it seem like something is wrong with everyone else for not being able to attain their status is sad.

What happened to social responsibility in what companies do? If more entities would conduct themselves from an angel that believed in their ability to influence for the good and that’s what should matters, we would have much stronger self-worth and self-acceptance among younger generations who are growing up with Kylie Jenner and her sisters as their role models. Oh, you don’t think that what these socialites and reality TV shows do affect teen girls? You need to wake up.

I have been around young girls, 15 years old, who wants to be a basketball wife one day because they see Basketball Wives LA. The influx of fighting videos we see of girls going head to head with each other because they deem it okay to take care of disputes or to show their displeasure with someone by throwing fists is a breakdown of understanding of messages they receive from the media.

If I’m being honest here, it’s not just young girls. It’s impressionable women whose notion of self-worth has been stripped away by photoshopped pictures, airbrushed faces, enlarged chests, increased thigh gap and the presence of thigh brow.  When you don’t’ feel good about who you are and exist within a society that doesn’t allow for healthy self -reflection, you don’t have an understanding of what it means to conduct yourself with dignity and class.

There is literally no combination of words I can form to express my disappointment in what the Kardashians and Cosmo and Victoria Secret and others have created. A world where looking perfect on the outside is the ultimate measure of beauty and success. And the really f’d up thing about it is that men have embraced the same train of thought which feeds into the insanity even more. In fact, it is probably the most destructive of it all because every woman needs to feel wanted and every man wants Kim K and Beyoncé and K. Michelle. Right?

What can we do to combat this? How can we change the thought process? Or perhaps the real question- Do we want to?

Taylor Swift’s Tears & Justin Bieber’s Purpose

taylor swift sad grammy loss 2015 gossipIn a new interview with Grammy Pro, pop star Taylor Swift opened up about her reaction to not winning the Album of the Year Grammy for Red back in 2014. She revealed to the media platform, “I remember not going to after-parties. I went home, and I cried a little bit, and I got In-N-Out Burger and ate a lot.”

At the 2014 Grammy Awards, Taylor’s album lost to Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories, which included the hit song “Get Lucky” that features Pharrell Williams. However, the 1989 artist shouldn’t be too upset, as she has earned a total of 7 Grammy Awards for herself.

Taylor went on to explain, “We don’t make music so we can like win a lot of awards, but you have to take your cues from somewhere if you’re going to continue to evolve.” Here, Taylor refers to her decision to part ways with her country sound and rebrand herself as a pop artist.

Later in the interview, Swift says, “You have a few options when you don’t win an award. For one, you can decide like, ‘Ugh, they’re wrong. They all voted wrong.’ Second you can be like, ‘I’m going to go up on the stage and take the mic from whoever did win it,’ or third, you can say, ‘Maybe they’re right.’ Maybe I did not make the record of my career. Maybe I need to fix the problem, which was that I have not been making sonically cohesive albums. I need to really think about whether I’m listening to a scared record label and what that’s doing to the art I’m making.”

She recounts going to bed after the Award show and waking up with the idea of her latest album 1989. She told Grammy Pro, she remembers thinking that night, “I’m calling it a pop record. I’m not listening to anyone at the record label. I’m starting tomorrow.”

justin bieber purpose album cover 2015 gossipIt looks like Justin Bieber is attempting to move on from his most recent scandal that began when nude photos surfaced of him in Bora Bora on Wednesday night. The young singer posted various versions of the album cover art for Purpose to his Instagram earlier today, seemingly trying to direct the attention away from his nakedness and onto his upcoming music.

The album shows a shirtless Bieber with his head bowed down and his hands in a prayer-like position. The singer is surrounded by graffiti art, much like what he has been featuring in his videos for “Where Are U Now” and “What Do You Mean?”

Justin Bieber, Instagram posts:

#5weeks #PURPOSE

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

#5weeks #PURPOSE

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

#5weeks #PURPOSE

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Justin’s father got the memo when it came to trying to move past the photo scandal. Things got all kinds of weird, when Justin’s father Jeremy Bieber took to Instagram to comment on Justin’s nude shots. Not only did Jeremy call Justin’s southern region a “beaut,” but he also direct tweeted him asking, “what do you feed that thing.” Of course, he wisely pulled them down.

Fortunately for Justin, his album is out on November 13 and since he hasn’t released a proper album since 2012’s Believe, it will likely garner a fair amount of attention (and therefore take some away from the recent scandal). In addition, many people are anticipating the rival between the Bieb’s and One Direction, since they are releasing their albums on the same day.

Nonetheless, I have a feeling Justin isn’t going to be too happy with his dad’s questionable remarks.


SHARK TANK 703: Cardigans & Nerdwax

shark tank 703 Cardigans and nerdswax recap 2015 imagesThis week’s episode of Shark Tank welcomed established entertainment and music executive Troy Carter as a guest shark. Troy joined Kevin O’Leary, Daymond John, Lori Greiner and Mark Cuban, as they welcomed a new set of entrepreneurs to the tank.

So here are this week’s pitches:

  1. Foot Cardigan

Asking: $250,000 for 10%

CEO Bryan DeLuca and his partner enter the tank in their underwear, in order to highlight their product – unique and playful socks offered through a subscription payment model. Their company, Foot Cardigan, offers an extensive line of socks for anyone aged three and up.

The customers don’t actually pick out which socks they get, as the company ships out a surprise pair on a specified basis. The company’s description boasts, “You don’t get to choose what pair you get! Think of it this way: you get to play the sock lottery and win every time. Our scientific sock selection process guarantees an instant conversation starter will always be conveniently located just below your knees.”

The company has already established itself with over $900,000 in sales, mainly to men and during the holiday season. Damon is the first to offer at $250,000 for 22.5%. Next, Kevin comes in at $250,000 for 15%. Lastly, Cuban emphasizes that he wants to help the company grow and not worry about paying back his investment. This peaks the entrepreneurs interest and they settle a deal with Cuban and Troy Carter at $250,000 for 20%.

  1. Valpark Mobile

Asking: $300,000 for 20%

Valpark Mobile is a phone app that specializes in offering a prepaid valet service. Wayne Johnson, who wanted to expand the market for valet services by offering consumers a way to pay in advance and not be restricted to paying cash, created the app.

Currently, the servoce is available in just over 100 locations throughout Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia. Valpark targets popular restaurants, nightclubs, hotels and daily garages.

Unfortunately, all of the sharks were hesitant to invest in Wayne’s company, as they believed it would be difficult to scale. Troy Carter is the first to drop out, but both Cuban and O’Leary quickly follow. Lori explains that she would have to take at least 30% of his company to actually get excited about the deal, but she knows that wouldn’t be fair so she drops out.

Therefore, Wayne walks out of the tank without a deal.

  1. Two Guys Bowtie Company

Asking: $150,000 for 10%

Owners Adam Teague and Tim Paslay came into the tank with their company, Two Guys Bowtie Company. Their company offers consumers wooden bowties, hats and the ability to customize their accessories. They impress the sharks when they reveal they made almost $500,000 in sales in one year and have an incredible track record when it comes to shipping and craftsmanship.

O’Leary is the first one to put up an offer. Kevin says he is willing to give them the $150,000 they are seeking for 15%. Fashion-guru Daymond John is also interested in the company, but says that since he has a lot of connections and experience in the field, he feels the right deal would be $150,000 for 20% with a 10% royalty until his investment is paid back. Meanwhile, both Greiner and Cuban praise the company but drop out.

The guys immediately show interest in getting Daymond in on their company. They ask Troy Carter if he would be interested in joining in with Daymond. However, Troy says he will only go in for they give up 30% equity. They end up negotiating and closing a deal with only Daymond at 17.5% with a 5% royalty until his $150,000 investment is paid back.

  1. Nerdwax

Asking: $80,000 for 20%

Nerdwax is a no-slip glasses product that was created by Don Hejney and is now run by him and his family of 4. The company, which began on Kickstarter, offers a solution to constantly adjusting your glasses to stay properly positioned on your face. The product description states: “Nerdwax is a beeswax based blend of All Natural and Certified Organic Ingredients specially formulated to keep your glasses in place while you live your life.”

The sharks are impressed with Nerdwax’s margins, as they made $65,000 in profit from their first $136,000 in sales. O’Leary shows interest, but says that he would want to drop the current retail price of the product ($10) so that it had quicker turn around. Lori agrees with Kevin, while Mark believes it would be a mistake to lower the price. Meanwhile, guest shark Troy Carter drops out right away.

Daymond advises the enrepreneurs to not take any of the money, as they are well on their way to success on their own. However, this doesn’t stop Kevin from offering $80,000 for 10% of sales till he gets his money back and then 3% stake in the company. Surprisingly, Troy decides to jump back in and offers them an $80,000 loan for $120,000 back and 10% stake in the company.

In the end, the Hejneys decline both Kevin and Troy’s offers and ultimately listen to Daymond’s advice.

SICARIO Intense With Brilliant Performances Movie Review

sicario movie review intense 2015 iamgeStrong women leads sometimes are few and far between in Hollywood, especially in a cast of men who are known for being strong themselves. That’s why Emily Blunt in Sicario is great and the movie itself intriguing and intense.

I like Sicario and so do a lot of people. The storyline is simple enough, a group FBI agents get ambushed in a raid and one of the survivors Kate Macer (Blunt) jumps at the opportunity to be a part of a task force that is going to make those responsible for the lost of her men pay (or so she thinks).

The movie as I mentioned earlier is intense especially thanks to strong performances. In particular, Alejandro, played by a dashing Benicio del Toro. Josh Brolin and Victor Garber also have prominent roles in this Ridley Scott film. Kate combats a lot of the male egotistical bull crap that most women have to go through at their jobs when working for a federal agency. In one scene towards the beginning of the movie, when she was being asked to be apart of the team, Brolin who plays Matt Graver asks her a series of questions that sexist and female specific and Uberly sexist. “Do you have children, are you married,” blah blah, blah, a line of questioning that is nothing short of condescending.

Despite that and other questionable things that members of the task force do, Kate stays positive and is determined to finish the mission. Her character is one that believes in the good that her position can do when everyone is on the same page and as the movie goes on, she quickly realizes that everyone is not on the same page. She is riveting because she projects herself as a bad ass that is self sufficient in every way, but in a moment of passion as she is in the heat of a make out session that clearly will lead to sex, there is a vulnerability she displays with great abandon. Of course, she is able to go right back into kick ass mode in an instant which further shapes her as relatable.

One of the central conflicts of the movie is a reoccurring theme- how much wrong is okay to do if it is in the fight for justice? Sicario really explores that narrative. Brolin plays his part to the T and when it comes to Del Toro as a no mercy assassin, all I could think was, “How is this just a character he is playing?” He embraced it that much.

Sicario also explores the many inner workings of the government and the anonymous situations that happen on a daily basis. Situations that are unknown to both members of the government and common, everyday citizens. I love movies that make you wonder about your reality and this one does that without a doubt.

The “war on drugs” is another central theme. In particular the movie focuses on the U.S. and Mexican border and all the activity that takes place there. A hot topic in today’s presidential race (among other places) it blows your mind, or at least id does mine, how things go down.

The unfolding of the story is steady and you don’t have to worry about getting bored. I don’t think that there is a scene in the movie where you think to yourself, “Okay how does this tie in” and it not tie in.

Kate and her idealistic views on crime and the government’s place in making sure it is stopped definitely changes over the course film. She goes from being willing to put everything on the line for what she believes in to succumbing, because who wouldn’t in her situation, to the will and powers of Gravers, carried out by Alejandro. And seeing the situation she is in and thinking about my actions if faced with the same decisions, I can’t blame her for the choice she makes. Which further shows her humanity.

The movie will have you guessing the whole time but don’t let wanting to know what’s going to happen next distract you from enjoying the story as it plays out on screen. Sicario is solid and it is worth seeing. I give it a solid A.

Film Review: ‘Sicario’

Reviewed at Dolby 88, New York, May 7, 2015. (In Cannes Film Festival — competing.) MPAA Rating: R. Running time: 121 MIN.

PRODUCTION: A Lionsgate release presented with Black Label Media of a Thunder Road production. Produced by Basil Iwanyk, Edward L. McDonnell, Molly Smith, Thad Luckinbill, Trent Luckinbill. Executive producers, John H. Starke, Erica Lee, Ellen H. Schwartz.

CREW: Directed by Denis Villeneuve. Screenplay, Taylor Sheridan. Camera (color, Arri Alexa HD, widescreen), Roger Deakins; editor, Joe Walker; music, Johan Johannsson; executive music producers, Tara Moross, Darren Blumenthal; production designer, Patrice Vermetter; supervising art director, Paul Kelly; art director, Bjarne Sletteland; set decorator, Jan Pascale; set designer, Ricardo Guillermo; costume designer, Renee April; sound (Dolby Digital), William Sarokin; sound designer, Tom Ozanich; supervising sound editor, Alan Robert Murray; re-recording mixers, John Reitz, Tom Ozanich; visual effects supervisor, Louis Morin; visual effects, Oblique FX, Fly Studio, Cinesite; special effects supervisor, Stan Blackwell; stunt coordinator, Keith Woulard; associate producer, Emma McGill; assistant director, Donald L. Sparks; casting, Francine Maisler.

WITH: Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro, Josh Brolin, Victor Garber, Jon Bernthal, Daniel Kaluuya, Jeffrey Donovan, Raoul Trujillo, Julio Cesar Cedillo, Bernardo Saracino. (English, Spanish dialogue)

FEAR THE WALKING DEAD Season 1 Box Set Trailer Hits


fear the walking dead box set trailer images 2015AMC’s latest hit show Fear the Walking Dead, brings fans back to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse to see how the madness all started. Comic book and show creator of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman returns with this new series to offer even more action, drama and of course, zombie guts. You can pre-order the box set here. Our friends at Anchor Bay have given us two blu-ray copies of the set to give away to our readers so be sure to check in November when we unveil how you can get your hands on them.

This series is a prequel to the incredibly successful The Walking Dead. Set in Los Angeles, Fear is centered on a mixed family, composed of a high school counselor mother of two and her high school teacher boyfriend, who also has a son from a previous relationship. While the family is relatively dysfunctional on their own, things are taken to a whole new level when they find themselves in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, as a mysterious virus begins plaguing the population.

AMC provides a whole new cast to become attached to, as they try to fight for their survival while civilization is crumbling to pieces around them. The show stars actress Kim Dickens, who appeared in such movies as The Blind Side and Gone Girl, as high school counselor Madison Clark. Madison is a divorcee with two kids: her daughter Alicia (played by Australian actress Alycia Debnam-Carey of The 100) and her drug addicted son Nick (played by British actor Frank Dillane of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). Madison is dating her co-worker Travis Manawa, who is played by New Zealand actor Cliff Curtis of NBC’s Body of Proof.

The show already has a two-year commitment from AMC, which includes a 6 episode first season and a 15 episode second season, which will air in 2016. The show began filming in early 2015 and was filmed in Los Angeles, California and Vancouver, Canada.

Fear the Walking Dead premiered its pilot on August 23, 2015 and drew in over 10 million US viewers. Since its debut, the show has garnered mainly positive reviews, with many saying that it has the potential to rival its coveted predecessor.

Fortunately, Anchor Bay Entertainment is giving the fans exactly what they want: more zombies! On December 1st, they will be releasing the first season of Fear the Walking Dead on Blu-ray and DVD. This will include a 2-disc set with in-depth character bios and “A Look at the Series.” Fans can pre-order the set beginning on October 28th.

The season’s description reads, “Living in the same universe as “The Walking Dead”, “Fear the Walking Dead” is a gritty drama that explores the onset of the undead apocalypse through the lens of a fractured family. Set in Los Angeles, a city where people come to escape, shield secrets and bury their pasts, a mysterious outbreak threatens to disrupt what little stability high school guidance counselor Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) and English teacher Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis) have managed to assemble. The everyday pressure of blending two families while dealing with resentful, escapist, and strung out children takes a back seat when society begins to break down. A forced evolution, a necessary survival of the fittest takes hold, and the dysfunctional family must either reinvent themselves or embrace their darker histories.”

So far, the show has allowed fans to become familiar with the different characters and their tendencies. However, it was quick to dive into the apocalypse drama, as the city was put on lockdown by the military in order to quarantine those who have not come in contact with the zombie virus. Fear the Walking Dead provides insight to some of the horrors that we have seen in The Walking Dead and how fully developed cities turned into barren streets of dead bodies. In addition, the prequel also gives fans a chance to see what freshly turned zombies look like and how they may possibly differ from those encountered by Rick and his crew in The Walking Dead.

Be sure to check out The Walking Dead, Sundays on AMC. And pick up a copy of season 1 when it is released on December 1st, 2015.

fear the walking dead blu ray box set images 2015

BLACK SAILS Man O War Clip Hits For Season 2 Box Set


black sails man o war clip hits 2015Anchor Bay Entertainment just released a special featurette for their series Black Sails, which will be entering its third season in early 2016. The show is an action-drama set on New Providence Island and is a prequel to the well-known novel Treasure Island. You can pre-order the box set here. Our friends at Anchor Bay are giving us two blu-ray box sets to give away so check back here at the end of this month to find out how to get your hands on one.

The show originally debuted on Youtube and several other streaming platforms, but was picked up by STARZ for a second, third and fourth season after it got impressive reviews from viewers and critics.

Jonathan E. Steinberg, who was the co-creator, writer and producer on Jericho, collaborated with Robert Levine to create Black Sails. Steinberg also produces the show, alongside wildly successful filmmaker Michael Bay.

Black Sails is set about 2 decades before the time of Treasure Island, during what is known as the “Golden Age of Piracy.” This era spanned from the 1650s to the 1730s, when there were notable outbursts of piracy occurring. Many believe this sudden spike in pirating spawned from a rise in valuable products being shipped to Europe, as well as reduced presence of the European navies at sea. The show focuses on Captain Flint, who brings a young crewmember with him as he fights for the survival of New Providence Island. The first episode describes the plot, stating: “In 1715, West Indies, the pirates of New Providence Island threaten maritime trade in the region. The laws of every civilized nation declare them hostis humani generis; enemies of all mankind. In response, the pirates adhere to a doctrine of their own…war against the world.”

The show stars Toby Stephens, who is known for his role as Bond villain Gustav Graves. Actress Jessica Parker Kennedy, who has appeared on such TV series as Smallville, Undercovers and The Secret Circle, also has a reoccurring role on the show.

On November 3rd, STARZ will be releasing the thrilling second season of the series to Blu-ray and DVD. In a three-disc set containing all 10 episodes and exclusive extras, you will be able to catch all of the Black Sails action.

The disc set includes a “Man O’ War” bonus feature that goes behind the scenes of the show and gives audiences a chance to hear the cast and crew discuss the incredibly accurate full-size Spanish Man O’ War ship that was built for the series.

In the short featurette, it is revealed it took about 3 months for 50 people to reconstruct the famous ship design. Made of 2000 sheets of plywood, 15,000 running feet of different timbers and over 16 miles of rope, the ship was created to be an exact duplicate of what you would have seen during the time period of the show.

The clip also dives into the CGI behind the show, including the creation of digital sails that are able to truly embody the motions that come from being on the turbulent sea. It isn’t too surprising that the series has already won two Primetime Emmys: One for special visual effects and another for sound editing.

In the feature, the cast comments about the show’s willingness to take risks and expand what movies have previously shown when it comes to naval action.

And while the show may be filled with actors playing pirates, the ships featured in Black Sail are as real as it gets.

Make sure to grab a copy of Season 2 of Black Sails when it is released on November 3rd and keep an eye out for Season 3 when it returns to STARZ in January 2016.


how to get away with murder 203 octopus 2015Barely into the new season and “How to Get Away with Murder” goes there, and brings us one step closer to knowing what happened that fateful night in which we are to believe that Annalise has been stabbed (or shot) at the end of this season.

We see Annalise all natural, speaking into a tape recorder in her room. She goes over the many reasons why Caleb and Catherine Hapstall (the two siblings who’s case she’s working) would have killed their parents. This scene sets up a central theme of the episode and that is loneliness.

She is so lonely apparently, that she hears things… in the basement. She calls West over, at like 2:30 in the morning, to investigate and it’s a mouse, that he kills. Their relationship is quite interesting and there is an underlying sexual tension between them, to me. I would not be surprised if they get it on before the season is over.

The case this week involves a woman, Tanya who puts on sex parties, accused of killing her secret lover (cue music), a frequenter of her sex parties. Annalise fights to get to the bottom of what happened and has some surprises that her client did tell her about. Of course, nonetheless, she deals with them in classic Annalise style- find the dirt and expose it. Which she does and we are pretty sure that the victim’s wife gave him a combination of pills once she found out he had been cheating.

The episode is definitely all about sex positivity too with Connor and Ollie finally able to do it and Michaela revealing that she’s has never had an orgasm among a host of other things. There are discussions about sex parties, sex positions and yes, BDSM.

While working on the other partygoers at Tanya’s sex party the night of the death, they find out through a magazine cover, that Caleb and Catherine Hapstall are lovers? Annalise and the team immediately go to them for answers and Caleb kind of puts her in her place, which is interesting to say the least. I mean come on it’s Annalise Keating. It is later revealed that their housekeeper, who has never been coy about her suspicions of their innocents, leaked the picture of the siblings because she believes they are guilty. Hmmmm, maybe it’s her.

Asher continues to be blackmailed by ADA Sinclair and we find out that whatever she has on him is something to do with a girl named Tiffany and Trotter Lake. She has him steal the recorder that Annalise keeps in her desk and we find out that he was the sound “in the basement” that she heard the night West came to kill the mouse.

His deal with ADA Sinclair interferes with his relationship with Bonnie who he continually stands up or is late showing up for. While at the courthouse on the day of Tiffany’s being verdict hearing, Sinclair sends a picture of Tiffany to his phone, which Bonnie sees which prompts her to break it off with him. He goes along with the story that it is a woman he’s been seeing behind her back because he can’t tell her the truth.

Speaking of Tanya, she has an interesting way of showing her appreciate for Annalise winning her case. Because Annie destroys her dead lover’s wife on the stand, Tanya is disgusted with her. She asks with such unbelief “How do you sleep at night” and Annalise, in an awesome response says, “Alone, on very comfortable sheets.”

Laurel and Frank, who by the way is fine as hell, try it again, kind of. He apologizes for leaving her with “blue balls” and tells her that she should get to know the real him. She tries to as they sit in the car on a “stake out” but he doesn’t tell her all the gory details of what he has actually done in his life. Which she later tries to get out of Bonnie over drinks but she’s not spilling any beans on Frank (and you know she has a lot to tell).

Conner and Ollie have one more day until “D day” which they can’t wait for. In this episode, Connor shows that he has really changed as he didn’t hook up with anyone at a sex party he and Michaela attended to gather info for Tanya’s case. Ollie is surprised because even he would have given in. (Um maybe that’s why you are in your current situation Ollie). They get it on.

Speaking of Michaela, the big “gasp” of the week is that she has NEVER had an orgasm. It comes up when they all talk about sex and everyone sympathetically tells her she needs to have an orgasm.

Which is does when she finally goes on another date with Levi aka Eggs911 (who she doesn’t know is Eggs911). West, however, does and confronts him about it. Levi says that he is Rebecca’s foster brother and hasn’t heard from her since the day before she went missing (was killed). This piques West’s interest and makes him question the validity of what Annalise told him about finding Rebecca. He then forges an alliance of sorts with Nate, whom we all know is looking to get back an Annalise for allowing him to almost go down for Sam’s murder.

We find out about their plan when Annalise, who shows a lot of vulnerability here, shows up at Nate’s house dressed up with wine pretty much begging him to forgive her and “try again.” She misses him. He tells her to go home and as she turns away, he lets her know that he’s not saying no, he’s just not ready yet. We then see West standing behind a corner in Nate’s apartment after he closes the door and Nate tells him, “She took it.”

At the end, we know that Nate knows about whatever happens to Annalise and it looks like he may even help the Keating Five.

BLACKISH 203 Hell No Recap

blackish 203 hell no recap 2015 imagesHealth issues are front and center on Blackish, they touch on the all too familiar stereotype that black folks don’t go to the doctor.

Dre talks about the importance of getting a yearly check-up and has the experience of going to the doctor after 40 for the first time which means…. A prostate exam.

Back at the house Dre acts like a “little bitch” after his exam to which Bow tells him to “get over it.” From his drama, they find out that Pop’s has never had a prostate exam and has not been to the doctor since 1985. This sparks Bow to set him up with an appointment where she works.

The next day, as she takes him to see the doctor, it is quite an experience. Patients screaming, others asking “what did you do to me” and the doctor that did Dre’s exam tells her in passing that he’s going to see his mal practice lawyer “to go over my story again.” Pops looks at him, says “hell no” and drags Bow out. “Old man strength is real.”

At his office, Dre tells the guys what’s going on with his dad and they each tell him that it is a big deal for his dad to go to the doctor. They rattle off all the things that not going to the doctor gets you, which makes Dre all the more worried.

When he gets home, determined to not let what the folks at his office said get to him, he keeps it cool and collected…. Until Bow tells him “don’t freak out,” his dad has a clogged artery and needs “don’t freak out” a minor balloon angioplasty.

Going full on drama king, he slings himself on the couch crying, “My old decrepit dad is going to die…. Soon.” While going to bed, he asks Bow how to say “goodnight” to a man about to go into surgery. Drama much Dre? He goes to sing Luther Vandross “Dance with My Father” to his dad and Pop’s swings on him, which makes Dre even more concerned because he missed.

The kids discuss what’s going on with Pops in the twin’s room. Zoe and Jack end up making a bet about claiming what is he’s in the event he dies and Junior decides to make a video to remember Pop’s by while he has the chance. Oh and Diane is all about getting power of attorney.

The next morning, Grandma Ruby makes a big breakfast including “real bacon” and pancakes. She gives an extra big helping to Pops. Their back and forth is just too much, in a good way. Bow comes in complaining because she doesn’t like the kids to have a sugary breakfast and throws some low key shade at her mother in law when she asks Pops, “Why do you have to be the one sick?” Zoe and Jack place dots on him, Junior records him and Diane gets him to sign “a permission slip” for school. Pop’s also let’s them know that he is not going to get the surgery because he got a second opinion- the boys at the barber shop.

Back at the office, after telling the guys about this dad needing the procedure and his refusal to get it, they tell Dre to get his dad to the hospital because that’s not anything to play with.

Later that night at the house, Dre tells Pops that he’s getting the surgery, to which Pops says, “Boy I’m yo father, you don’t tell me what to do.” He runs into the kitchen ignoring Dre and picks up Jack like a sack of potatoes on his shoulders. As he does, he experiences shortness of breath, his knees buckle and everyone rushes to him. “I’ll have the damn surgery,” he says obviously shook by what just happened.

At the hospital, Pops is nervous. He tells Bow he wants her in the room with him to which she says yes but just to appease him because “there are a million protocols” as to why she can’t be in there. She ends up having to leave because Diane got sick, which means Dre stays in the waiting room alone. He talks to a lady that he is boring about his “daddy” rambling on and on when a balloon pops and scares the hell out of him. “My daddy dead, my daddy dead… damn, damn, damn, James.” Just then he is interrupted by the doctor who tells him Pops is fine and excitement ensures.

At the house, little Johnson is fine and Rudy realizes that she spoils her grandkids too much as she let Diane drink a milkshake, chase it with churros and ride a pony in the heat. Ruby calls herself a bad grandma and Bow corrects her, “no you’re a bad person, but a good grandma.”

Ruby visits her ex-husband in the hospital and they are very cordial. “I want to be the favorite grandparent not the only one.”

In the end, Dre gets his dance with his father and Pops objects to no avail.