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More Windows 8 Haters Now Flocking To Windows 10

windows 10 keeps bringing in more new people 2015

In the aftermath of the apocalypse known as Windows 8, more and more Windows faithful flock to the upcoming Windows 10 to see what the commotion is all about and how it can restore peace and order in the consumer and business world. Windows 10 is currently at build 10061 bringing with it more user interface improvements, a better mail and calendar app, return of Solitaire and a few other improvements underneath.

Solitaire is kind of a big deal since it’s been with us since Windows 3.0 and removed in Windows 8 leaving many lonely users wanting. But seriously, Windows 10 build 10061 brings plenty of improvements on the table. But first, let’s count the ever increasing congregation of Windows faithful and possible converts hoping for a better computing experience and better productivity.

As of Build 10051, Microsoft’s Windows 10 advocate Gabe Aul has stated that the Windows Insider program is adding users who want to try out Windows 10 at the rate of 60 users per minute. 60 users a minute may not sound much but it adds up to 3,600 users per hour and a modest amount of 86,000 users a day. By now, Microsoft has already picked up several million testers and several millions more could flow through from the grapevine as more and more cool improvements continue to roll out. The number should be substantial enough to justify that Windows 10 could be more successful than Windows 8. That does not include the millions of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users who would opt for the free upgrade within the first year of Windows 10’s summer 2015 release. Of course, when Windows 10 comes out, vendors would be more than happy to ship out new machines with Windows 10 installed and hopefully revitalize the PC business.

Improvements on the current 10061 build include new Mail and calendar apps. Both apps now perform better than the previous builds. The mail app has that familiar Outlook UI and Windows 10 promises integration between desktop and mobile, Mail and Calendar includes customizable swipe gestures for various functions (mark, move, delete) as users would do on their mobile phones and tablets. The new Mail and calendar apps now support Exchange, Outlook.com, IMAP, POP and Gmail. Email authoring would have the flexibility of Microsoft Word. New Windows 10 users would be pleased to be able to have email out of the box without having to install Office. The calculator app has been slightly improved and now includes a Programmer mode in addition to Standard and Scientific.

windows 10 converting more people over 2015 with latest build

The interface could always make or break an operating system as what happened with Windows 8 and the controversy with its start menu and bipolar interface. While Windows 8 under the hood is a great operating system, it’s hard to deny the massive backlash the removal of the Start Menu has caused and why modern apps have to run full-screen. The Start Menu for build 10061 has minor improvements. It can now be resized, and along with the Taskbar has an Aero-like transparency. Both will also pull the desktop’s primary color and apply it. Both the primary color and transparency settings can be adjusted. By default, the Start Menu and Taskbar take on a black theme. The power button was also made more accessible by moving it from top right to bottom left but honestly, in this writer’s opinion, makes the power button more subject to mistaken clicks. Notifications was revamped and now includes plenty of information and more quick settings. The date and time are easier to read when clicked on the system tray and Windows Defender can also be easily summoned on the system tray. Also, Solitaire also makes a comeback after its abrupt removal in Windows 8 and was missed by its often lonely and bored fans. In fairness, the free downloadable Microsoft Solitaire Collection app was amazing in itself and now it’s back, pre-loaded in all its modern glory and not as a traditional desktop application.

The current build also adds a few problems to the user experience but it must always be remembered that Windows 10 is a work in progress and its current bugs won’t reflect in the finished product, hopefully. One major problem is the lost ability to run Win32 desktop apps from the Start Menu. Users would have to pin them on the taskbar for them to run. Another problem is that when playing audio, the music stops when the app is minimized. Downloading Xbox music is currently broken. It’s normal in the development process to break something while fixing another and Windows 10 has fixed a few things Insiders complained about such as Visual Studio crashing when developing modern apps, and finally, modern apps are properly sized and aligned when open in resizable windows.

Windows users have long been wanting to move on from Windows 7 and Windows XP and try out something new but unwilling to get burned on Windows Vista and Windows 8; a good reason why many choose to become Insiders and try out Windows 10. Many are also curious and many more are actually excited fans looking out for the promises of last January’s build conference. Will Windows 10 finally succeed? With the competition like Linux, Chrome OS, OS X gaining ground, it has to.

Ducks Douse Calgary Flame Now Ready For Blackhawks: 2015 Stanley Cup Playoffs

anaheim ducks douse calgary flame stanley cup playoffs blackhawks 2015

The Calgary Flames, following a loss in game five of their second round series on Sunday night, saw their hopes dashed in the 2015 NHL Stanley Cup playoffs. The Anaheim Ducks, enjoying their best post-season since winning the Stanley Cup eight years ago, have now advanced to the western conference finals behind a 3-2 overtime game five victory.

The scorers for Calgary were Jiri Hudler and Johnny Gaudreau, each player tallying their fourth and final goals of the post-season. For Anaheim, scorers were Ryan Kesler, Matt Beleskey, and Corey Perry, the latter of which clinched the series with the overtime winner.

In the end, Calgary’s problems centered around ineffective defense and puck controlling in front of Karri Ramo. The 28-year old Finnish netminder faced 47 shots on Sunday night, far too many even for a game that went into overtime. His save percentage of .936 shoulda-coulda-woulda been good enough to keep Calgary alive under most circumstances. However the Flames’ skaters needed to curb Anaheim’s offensive opportunities more effectively and they did not.

Speaking on game five after the fact, Ramo had the following statements.

“I guess it’s luck,” he claimed. “It hit me today. But in order to win [against] this kind of team, in order to win a series in playoffs, you have to be able to give up less than three goals a game. That’s the bottom line. I didn’t succeed in that.”

With the series now over and looking back, the second round match-up went pretty much the way it was expected to go. Pre-series, the glaring statistic was the fact that Calgary had not won in the Honda Center in ages. In three playoff games from Anaheim in the 2015 playoffs, true to that trend, the Flames were not able to claim a single victory and that was their major undoing.

anaheim ducks vs chicago blackhawks 2015 stanley cup playoffs

The silver lining with the Flames is that they are pretty good and they are pretty young. With the changes going on in Edmonton, perhaps the Battle of Alberta will mean something again in the near future. But for now, NHL hockey in the western conference is about Anaheim and Chicago, the two teams that will meet in the finals when the playoffs continue later this week.

GAME OF THRONES Ep 504 Recap: Bloodbath With Sons of the Harpy

game of thrones 504 harpy sons recap images 2015

Game of Thrones gave me quite the scare this week as I thought it may be curtains for Margaery Tyrell. That would have been quite a shame. Tommen would have never recovered and I would have been in the same boat. The Red Lady tempted Jon Snow this week with her perfect offerings and gave him an old school lap dance. Snow has a ton of willpower! Tyrion tells Jorah Mormont that his actions were a ‘waste of a good kidnapping” since Tyrion was already headed to see Dany. That’s right, Daenerys Targaryen is the queen that Jorah referred to last week, not Cersei.

game of thrones tyrion kidnapped 504 harpy 2015
The open starts out with Jorah and Tyrion on a stolen boat with the little man still bound and gagged. I would imagine Tyrion wishes he had listened to Varys now and stayed hidden. I don’t think there is any complimentary wine on this boat ride.

We knew from last season that the Lannisters owe more money to the Iron Bank than the USA owes China. So now the bank is wanting one tenth paid back immediately. Cersei knows this is impossible so she sends Margaery’s idiot daddy, Mace Tyrell, to smooth things over with the Iron Bank. I have a feeling Mr. Tyrell is some form of payment and he hasn’t a clue.

game of thrones cersie crazy nephew harpy 2015
Cersei ramps up her partnership with the Sparrows cult when she militarizes them so they can really make a dent in sin. The “Faith Militant” are the armed sect of the Sparrows who now have free reign to use violence on sinners, aka everyone in King’s Landing. They start battering people right away with their new powers and I feared Margaery would fall prey to them. However it was her brother, Ser Loras, who was imprisoned by them at the nudging of Cersei. Being gay is a sin in the eyes of the Sparrows clearly. So now Margaery is without her father (not much help anyway) and her brother.

Margaery is enraged by her brother being thrown in jail so she demands Tommen set him free. To the little king’s credit he goes immediately to his mom to tell her he wants his brother in law set free. Cersei has the excuse that she didn’t imprison him so Tommen must speak to the High Sparrow himself. This goes very poorly as the boy who occupies the Iron Throne is stopped at the steps of the church by the Faith Militant and told that their leader is too busy to speak to him. All Tommen had to do was say two words, “kill them,” and his men would have slain these upstarts who opposed his will. He chose to back down, when he should have went to the WWSD playbook. Stannis would have ordered the slaughter of these religious nuts and never blinked. Tommen is too gentle for his own good and he will not last long as king. That is clear. He also heard the cat calls of “bastard” from the common folk behind him in the streets. It goes without saying that Tommen will not be enjoying his favorite new hobby with his new bride anytime soon after failing to free her bro.

Jon Snow probably didn’t count on all this paperwork when he agreed to take on the leadership role at Castle Black. He is signing letter after letter being fed to him by Sam, the Joan Holloway of this office. Snow even has to request extra men for The Wall from Roose Bolton. Melisandre and her perfect body make their appearance in Jon’s study as she tempts him, apparently wanting to make another shadow baby. Jon stays strong as he is still in love with Ygritte, and he probably doesn’t want to piss off Stannis. I know that Melisandre is a witch, admittedly creepy with the shadow offspring, and likes setting people on fire, but other than that she would make the perfect wife.

There was a rare gentle moment from Stannis as he spoke to his daughter who asked, “Are you ashamed of me father.” That cracked even the iron shell of this serious man. He told her of how she became afflicted by some sorcery as a baby and how he was told she would never live long at all. But he would not accept that so he spared no expense bringing in people from all over the world to save her life.

game of thrones littlefinger sophie turner 504 2015
Sansa and Petyr share some time together as he tells her old stories of her ancestors. He tells Sansa that he must head back to King’s Landing, but she should be fine here. Yeah right. He knows Stannis is coming and Littlefinger is betting on Stannis to wipe out the Boltons. Even if the Boltons somehow win that battle, he tells Sansa she can handle even that horrific scenario. She may have learned from the best when it comes to deception, but being wed to a sociopath like Ramsay Bolton won’t be easy. I see poison in his future if Stannis somehow fails. Or maybe Theon redeems himself by saving Sansa at some point, as far fetched as that seems at this point.

The Jaime and Bronn road trip has Bronn doing all the work. Jaime can’t fight much, nor can he help row the damn boat. The two warriors discuss their best case scenario for dying and nearly find one as they have to fend off four fighters from Dorne. Jaime uses his metal hand to his advantage and kills his first man since losing his hand. The two men’s arrival in Dorne is no secret as Oberyn’s lady has a snitch captain who has spilled the beans and got a spear to the skull for his effort.

Tyrion finds out he is not being taken back to Cersei for slaughter, rather he will be presented to Daenerys as a show of good faith on Jorah’s part. This plan is not the greatest according to Tyrion and tells Jorah that he was already headed to see the Mother of Dragons anyway. I didn’t think this plan had much hope either….until the last scene unfolded.

game of thrones 504 dragon mother emilia clarke 201As we get back to Daenerys, she is talking over old times with Ser Barristan. Dany is headed to listen to more requests at the foot of her throne. She spends way too much time on this stuff and needs to delegate it to someone lower on the totem pole. It’s very suspicious that her lover Daario says Ser Barristan would be wasting his time attending the request session. After all hell breaks loose during the session, it makes it look like Daario could be in with the Sons of the Harpy, who start picking off the Unsullied. Maybe Daario isn’t in with these masked killers, but maybe wants to be the only close adviser to Dany left standing. He is a mercenary after all, and not known for his loyalty.

game of thrones 504 death fights 2015The Unsullied didn’t fair too well as they were set up by some whores again. The elite warriors were put in no win situations in the back alleys of the city. Grey Worm presented himself very well as he killed plenty of Harpys, even after being wounded. I had been waiting for a while to see the old knight, Ser Barristan, in action. Ever since he dropped his armor in the Iron Throne room and announced he could cut through the remaining knights like a cake, I have wanted to witness this great warrior in battle.

I was not disappointed. The legend lived up to his name as he helped the Unsullied and may have saved Grey Worm’s life. I counted 15 kills by Ser Barristan before he was finally cut down by the overwhelming odds of the Harpy. It appears from next week’s preview that he did indeed die as a knight, just as he proclaimed he would when he left King’s Landing.

got sons of harpy 504 maskIf both Grey Worm and Ser Barristan are dead, then that will leave Dany in a very vulnerable spot. She will be left with Daario, whom we don’t even know if she can trust at this point. That does set up an interesting reunion with Jorah. She may find it wise to accept him back into the fold since her options will be limited. I hated it when Jorah was exiled by Dany, with whom he was clearly in love. She will need Jorah, Tyrion, and Varys going forward. I cannot wait for Tyrion to become an advisor to the Mother of Dragons. This season is set up nicely now, so each and every week should be action packed the rest of the way.

REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA Reunion 2: NeNe Leakes Defaults On Charity Donation

real housewvies of atlanta season 5 reunion 2 2015 images

You know how last week I said there really wasn’t any drama on the first part of the reunion for Real Housewives of Atlanta? Well, honey chile let me tell you something… that AIN’T the case this week. These chicks were all the way live during part two of three reunion.

nene leakes donation fraud with keny moore real housewives of atlanta reunion 2015

It opens up with Messy Andy asking about the $20,000 NeNe and Kenya agreed to each give to the Detroit school system. In the rewind clip, we see that NeNe Leakes brings it up and “challenges” Kenya Moore to do the same. Well, apparently she gave her $20,000 but NeNe did not which just… just speaks to her character. I don’t understand why and this is a point that Kenya brought up when she confronted her. NeNe Leaks claim to have all this money (she just bought a ginormous house) and to be doing this and that, but when asked if she gave the check she says (unapologetically) “no” and then says “when I’m ready” when Andy asked her when will she be giving it. This woman is a total joke. I don’t care how much you make and how many jobs you have, if you can’t keep your word and especially for such a worthy charity, you are a fraud. Point blank.

real housewives of atlanta nene leakes reunion donation

Then there is Cynthia Bailey and Phaedra Parks and they go back in forth like “Wow.” They talk about each other, what they have and what they don’t have. It really boils over when Cynthia bringing up the whole “Mr. Chocolate” is mentioned. Cynthia says that she apologized and Phaedra didn’t accept it. She said she didn’t because she didn’t believe that it was real. Their going back and forth is juicy because they really hit below the belt. It was catty, and petty and everything you would expect from this group. But when Cynthia uses that great line, “Win a case,” I couldn’t help but laugh.

phaedra kandi friendship drama rhoa reunion part 2 2015

Then there’s Phaedra and Kandi Burruss and they keep bringing up how Kandi wasn’t there which seems to still be a big issue in their friendship. Kandi goes off pretty much and rightfully so. Phaedra is a bougie, drama queen and makes it seems like everyone has to bend to her whims. I mean come on Phaedra, you are not the only one going through shit and once more, you can’t expect people to feel sorry for you because you knew who your husband was when you got married. So you want people to be there for you, be there for them. At the end of their “segment”, Phaedra says that it is all good, “I love her.”

peter saying his piece on real housewives of atlanta reunion 2015

Then they bring the husbands on the show and it gets really good. First of all Peter is a trip and he does not care what you think. He cusses up a storm and Cynthia had to tell him to chill out. When asked why he butts into the women’s business, he says “I don’t give a fuck about what people say.” Then Andy asks Greg how he feels about what Peter said about NeNe and his response was cool and collected. “I’m a man’s man, I don’t get involved in women’s stuff.” He then goes on to praise his wife and he was just so smooth with it. I may not care too much for his significant other but from what he seems to be about, he is alright with me. There was one thing in particular he said that really shows his love for her.

“My wife is a strong woman. You pitching a ball she’s gonna knock it out the park, She ain’t gonna do a single or a double or a triple, she’s going to hit a homerun every time.”

Andy brings up the whole African prince storyline that has been a running theme throughout a few seasons of the show. Of course all fingers point at Phaedra who vehemently denies the Mr. Chocolate rumors and in fact says that she still loves Apollo and has never done anything to comprise her marriage. Andy asks Peter about the situation because he saw the “text messages” to prove it. He says that whether or not it was true wasn’t the issue for him, he just didn’t want Apollo to do anything stupid.

kandi burruss with kenya moore and cynthia rhoa reunion 2015

Kenya Moore and Phaedra’s issues have come back up (or maybe they never really left… yea that’s probably it). Kenya calls her out about being liar and all these other things and they argue about who’s booty is real and who’s boobs are fake,  you know… the usual.

The most exciting part of the evening though came when Kenya and NeNe started to go back and forth with each other. This all happens when Andy asked about flirting (apparently Kenya was doing a lot of that with Apollo). Kenya says that everyone flirts with everyone, “NeNe flirts with Peter.” NeNe objects loudly and looks like it is taking everything in her to not get off that couch and throw some blows. Greg eventually calms her down and said sweetly as he pulled her back, “She’s my prize.”

real housewives of atlanta nene leakes mental breakdown reunion 2015

Part three is next week and from what it looks like, emotions will be high and someone is going to walk out. Of course, we know it’s gonna be Ms. NeNe Leakes…

Andy Murray Betting Odds: 2015 French Open & Nadal Drifting

betting odds roland garros french open 2015

Andy Murray’s betting odds to win the 2015 French Open, following a comprehensive victory over Rafael Nadal on Sunday, are shortening drastically. The Scot, who won ATP Munich on clay last week, won the second clay court tournament of his career in Madrid, defeating Nadal 6-3, 6-2 in that Master Series event’s championship match.

A short time ago Murray, who had never won a clay court event prior to this season, was priced at about 25 to 1 in the outright winner’s market for Roland Garros. For example Stan James had the Scot at those odds during much of April. But the unfolding of events over the last couple of days, which also saw Murray defeat former third favorite Kei Nishikori, have lead to odds of about 8 to 1 for most sportsbooks regarding the Scot’s chances in Paris (ie. Bwin).

andy murray french open betting odds 2015

Murray has never made the final of the French Open in his career to date. He has made a run deep in a couple of the draws at Roland Garros, making the semifinals in both 2014 and 2012. However Murray is definitely a player capable of winning Slams, having won both the US Open and Wimbledon in his career already.

rafael nadal french open betting odds drifting with novak djokovic and andy murray

Nadal, who is a nine-time champion in Paris, remains the second favorite to win the French Open behind Novak Djokovic (ie. bet365). Currently the Spaniard is in the area of 9 to 4 but you have to wonder if those odds will continue to drift. Besides the loss to Murray, Nadal has suffered setbacks to much less proven players, including Fabio Fognini twice on clay already this year.

The favorite to win the 2015 French Open remains Djokovic, a player who was idle this past week. The Serb will play in the quickly approaching Rome Masters, the final Masters event ahead of the clay court Grand Slam. Djokovic appears poised to win in Rome, especially since he enters the field following a week’s rest. Most of the other favorites, including Nadal, Murray, and Nishikori, have to be at least a little fatigued following their efforts in Madrid. Djokovic, conversely, has to be fresh.

An interesting thing with both Djokovic and Murray is that they have both been denied clay court success in Paris thanks to Nadal’s reign as the King of Clay. Djokovic, having won every other major, needs only to win the French Open to claim a career-slam. Murray, should he win the 2015 French Open, would still need to win the Aussie to claim that feat.

However the door, more than ever, appears to be open for one of them in Paris this season. In fact, you have to wonder if Nadal should be considered fourth favorite to win the French Open now – behind not just Djokovic and Murray, but Nishikori as well.

Rome won’t prove much this season as Djokvoic enters the tournament with an edge in terms of relative fatigue. There’s a couple 250-events to follow next week but they won’t showcase all of the favorites. Nonetheless, at about this time next month the French Open will be decided. At this point a likely final appears to be Djokovic vs. either Murray or Nishikori.

Andy Murray Nabs 2015 Madrid Open Title From Rafael Nadal

andy murray beats rafael nadal 2015 madrid open title

Rafael Nadal was aiming for his fifth record win at the 2015 Madrid Open, but Andy Murray, who’s been running on fumes, dug deep and took the title for himself. The number three ranked tennis player hadn’t been able to beat Rafi in six of their previous matches on the clay surface, but he took the Spanish tennis star out in two sets, 6-3, 6-2. This was a natural stunner to his home crowd.

The 27-year-old, who won his first clay-court title in Munich on Monday, has now secured two in under a week.

rafael nadal loses to andy murray in 2015 madrid open

“I played a good match,” Murray told Sky Sports. “I made very few errors and changed the height of the ball extremely well, which was part of the reason why he was mistiming a few shots.

“I used the second serve into the forehand a lot and that worked well because I was able to get him moving. I dealt with all of the nervy moments I had in the match pretty well.”

Nadal had reached the final without dropping a single set, showing signs of his best form ahead of the French Open later this month.

But defeat means he slips to seventh in the world rankings, the first time he has been outside the top five in a decade.

The Mallorcan will be aiming for a 10th title at Roland Garros, but on the evidence of Murray’s performance in Madrid, the Scot will be just as strong a contender.

“I have played well at Roland Garros in the past,” Murray said. “Last year my game was not ready to win, whereas the previous time against Rafa there I played well. I don’t think I would go into the French as one of the favourites but if I play like that I’ll give myself an opportunity.”

Full of confidence following his triumph over Philipp Kohlschreiber at the Munich Open on Monday, Murray started brilliantly to win 12 of the first 14 points and establish a 3-0 lead.

Murray was powerful, patient and aggressive but still had to defend three break points on his way to taking the first set.

Despite signs Nadal was recovering his composure, Murray broke again immediately in the second, showing the same focus and determination that epitomised his powerful start to the match.

Having held his serve, the Scot emerged from a 21-shot rally with another break point, wasting it with a forehand smash into the net before being gifted a 3-0 lead by a Nadal error.

With the double break secured, Murray held his nerve to seal the 10th Masters title of his career and celebrated by writing ‘marriage works’ on a camera lens in reference to his recent marriage to long-term girlfriend Kim Sears.

“I’ve always said if the personal stuff is happy and under control that helps your performance on the court,” he added.

“But I also feel healthy this year and I have trained well. I’m in much better shape on the clay than I have been for a number of years.”

Match stats

Nadal Murray
1 Aces 3
1 Double faults 1
72 1st serve % 60
68 1st serve win % 68
46 2nd serve win % 81
62 Total Service Points Won % 76
27 Total Return Points Won % 38
0/3 Break points won 3/6

Teflon Tom Brady Untouched By Wells Report: Deflategate 2015

teflon tom brady untouched by deflategate report 2015

30 hours was not enough time for Tom Brady to digest the Wells Report, he said in an interview with Jim Gray. Brady said he would let everyone know when he had a response to the report on Deflategate that stated that the four time Super Bowl Champ was “at least generally aware” of the football tampering. Anti Brady people see this as lawyer speak and think the Patriots QB is covering his own ass. The pro-Brady camp sees the report as nothing more than guesswork and circumstantial evidence against their hero, so any response he makes with be greeted with thunderous applause.

I don’t blame Tom Brady for being very careful with his words. His official response to the Wells Report should be carefully crafted. Everything he says will be picked apart for 24 hours by dozens of commentators looking for one little nugget of info that doesn’t line up with what he said prior to the investigation. If I were Brady I would offer a minimal response at best. The report offered minimal proof that he had knowledge of the releasing of air pressure from footballs. The report’s biggest piece of evidence against Brady is in the form of the two equipment guys texting back and forth with each other, joking about Brady complaining about over inflated balls in other games. I know this is not a court of law, but if it were, Brady would walk away scot free.

tom bradys agent comments on wells report 2015
Tom Brady’s agent, Don Yee, has not shied away from commenting on the Wells Report and backing up his guy. Yee isn’t watching his words at all. Appearing on ESPN’s “Mike & Mike” show, he basically mocked the report saying that their wording on evidence of Brady “probably having general knowledge” of the deflated balls was the lowest standard of “proof” in legal terms. Yee also stated that the report accused Brady of being uncooperative even though the quarterback spent a day answering questions from four, count ’em, four lawyers.

The report makes it look like Brady has something to hide because he would not turn over his phone records to Ted Wells. I can certainly see how that looks shady, and it could well be to hide something regarding texts Brady may have sent to the equipment guys, McNally and Jastremski. However, if I’m Tom Brady I am not giving up my personal phone records to anyone! That would be a recipe for disaster. And no I don’t care that Wells stated that Brady’s lawyer could be present to make sure no personal details were seen by the investigators. In case you haven’t noticed, personal data gets leaked all the time without people knowing it got ripped off in the first place. Tom Brady just handing over his personal phone could have resulted in all kinds of data being released to the public. This guy is one of the most recognizable figures in sports worldwide. He had way more to lose than the average Joe by giving someone access to his phone records.

tom brady untouched by wells report on deflategate 2015

Opinions on Brady’s legacy are flying fast and furiously. Everyone has a take on how the guy should be perceived historically. Spygate and now this Deflategate scandal have everyone from politicians to Browns coach Mike Pettine weighing in on cheaters in sports. I doubt Tom Brady even knows who Pettine is and I’m not sure why Pettine would comment at all since there is no danger of his team being in a playoff game versus New England anytime soon. Back to the shallow end Mike.

Of course there is still the looming NFL punishment for Tom Brady and his likely appeal. The so called evidence in the Wells Report, while flimsy, apparently meets the burden of proof to the point that many insiders believe a suspension is coming. That will be the next chapter of this saga that has no end. It’s hard to imagine the highest profile QB in the NFL being suspended due to an investigation that was lacking any cold hard facts.

Brady may wait and see what his punishment is before making an official statement. That might be wise since he doesn’t want to have to march up to a podium too soon only to have to go back and defend himself again once any penalties are handed down. I’m sure he will have a polished statement ready once he does hold a presser. If I were writing a statement for Brady in response to the Wells Report, it would be short and sweet as follows. “They got nothing on me. The Wells Report was a witch hunt using guesswork. Scoreboard, look up at it. Four time Super Bowl Champion, breeder of supermodels, and future POTUS if I so choose.”

The NFL may well suspend Brady and could punish the Patriots in some way. That will satisfy the “law and order” crowd who believes all rules must be adhered to so society doesn’t crumble. That’s a lovely notion, but in my eyes deflated footballs are not the biggest issue in the world. And every team does something to get an edge. Think no player on the Colts or Ravens roster had HGH in his system during those playoff games? Think the ball wasn’t spotted an inch or two off in those games? Think a pass interference call wasn’t missed by a ref that may have not gotten eight hours of sleep the night before? Football is not a perfect game. This is not a perfect world. If we keep reaching for an excuse for every single thing that happens in sport, soon there will never be an untainted championship. The Patriots are world champions, none of this is going to stick to Tom Brady long term, the opponent’s playing in those games have moved on and so should everyone else.

2015 Madrid Open: Clash Of the Titans Rafael Nadal vs Andy Murray

rafael nadal vs andy murray clash of titans 2015 madrid open

Today’s final match at the 2015 Madrid Open should be a clash of the titans as Spaniard Rafael Nadal takes on British Andy Murray. Rafi has had some stumbles this season, but with Novak Djokovic out of this open, it seems he’s come on strong taking out player after player determined to get to the finals while Murray has been playing on nearly empty but coming up a winner every time.

Murray entered this Open right on the heels of winning the 2015 Munich Open and even commented that even he was rather surprised to have won after playing his match in the twilight hours. Rafi, has found his spot again and this will be a great match to watch on Sunday.

World No. 3 Andy Murray and No. 4 Rafael Nadal clash in a blockbuster Mutua Madrid Open final today. The duo meet for the 21st time with Nadal boasting a 15-5 overall lead in their FedEx H2H series and a 6-0 advantage on clay. The Spaniard is chasing a record fifth title in Madrid, while Murray is seeking a second. The Scot’s previous win here came in the tournament’s last year indoors.

rafi nadal vs andy murray madrid open tennis 2015

Winner         $799,450 and 1,000 Emirates ATP Rankings points
Runner-up     $392,000 and 600 Emirates ATP Rankings points

Nadal is bidding for a 28th ATP Masters 1000 title (27-13) and a 66th overall (65-28)
Murray is bidding for a 10th ATP Masters 1000 title (9-4) and a 33rd overall (32-16)

MASTERING THE MASTERS: Nadal is seeking an unprecedented 28th ATP Masters 1000 crown today and a record fifth in Madrid. This is his seventh final appearance in the Spanish capital. He has won the title here four times: 2005 (d. Ljubicic), 2010 (d. Federer), 2013 (d. Wawrinka) and 2014 (d. Nishikori), while finishing runner-up in 2009 (l. to Federer) and 2011 (l. to Djokovic). He is on a 14-match winning streak at this event. All-time ATP Masters 1000 title leaders

RANKING WATCH: Nadal needs to win today in order to stay at No. 4 in the Emirates ATP Rankings. A loss would see him drop to No. 7, putting him outside the Top 5 for the first time in a decade (No. 7 – May 2, 2005).

MURRAY EYEING A FIRST: Murray is off to his best ever start to a clay-court season, going 8-0. Last week in Munich he reached his first ATP World Tour final on clay, defeating Philipp Kohlschreiber, and today he bids for his first ATP Masters 1000 title on the surface. His win over Kei Nishikori in the SF was just his second over a Top 10 player on clay with his other coming against Nikolay Davydenko in Monte-Carlo six years ago.

MURRAY YEAR-BY-YEAR ON CLAY: Here’s a look at Murray’s best clay results down the years:
W-L    Best Result
2005     0-2    1R – Barcelona
2006     4-5    2R – Barcelona, Hamburg
2007     0-2    1R – Rome, Hamburg
2008     7-5    3R – Monte-Carlo, Hamburg, Roland Garros
2009     9-4    SF – Monte-Carlo
2010    6-4     QF – Madrid
2011    12-4    SF – Monte-Carlo, Rome, Roland Garros
2012    9-4     QF – Roland Garros
2013    5-3     QF – Madrid
2014    11-4    SF – Roland Garros
2015    8-0     WON – Munich
Total    71-37

MURRAY CHASING HISTORY: Murray is bidding for a 33rd ATP World Tour title today, which would put him level with Arthur Ashe and Mats Wilander in 19th place on the Open Era title leaderboard. If the World No. 3 is successful today, he will become just the fourth player to beat Nadal in a final on clay, joining Djokovic (4 times), Roger Federer (2) and Horacio Zeballos(1).

BIG FOUR DOMINANCE: With Nadal and Murray in the final, the Big Four is guaranteed to extend its dominance at this tournament level. After today, the quartet of Nadal, Murray, Federer and Djokovic will have accounted for 43 of the last 47 ATP Masters 1000 tournaments (since 2010 Monte-Carlo). The only exceptions came at Paris-Bercy in 2010 (Robin Soderling) and 2012 (David Ferrer) and last year in Monte-Carlo (Stan Wawrinka) and Toronto (Jo-Wilfried Tsonga).

CLAY-COURT TITLE LEADERS: Nadal is three clay-court titles away from equalling Vilas’ record:

Player               Clay Titles
Guillermo Vilas        49
Rafael Nadal           46
Thomas Muster       40
Bjorn Borg              30
Manuel Orantes       30



[3] Rafael Nadal (ESP)            vs            [2] Andy Murray (GBR)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: Nadal leads 15-5

•    Nadal advanced to his seventh Madrid final with his fourth straight-set win of the week, defeating Tomas Berdych 7-6(3), 6-1. The Spaniard posted victories over Steve Johnson, Simone Bolelli and Grigor Dimitrov in the earlier rounds.
•    This is Nadal’s seventh final appearance at the Mutua Madrid Open. He has won the title here four times: 2005 (d. Ljubicic), 2010 (d. Federer), 2013 (d. Wawrinka) and 2014 (d. Nishikori). He is on a 14-match winning streak at this event.
•    Nadal is contesting his 41st ATP Masters 1000 final (27-13) and his 94th overall (65-28).
•    Nadal is aiming to extend his record of winning a European clay-court title in the build up to Roland Garros to 11 straight years.
•    Nadal has a 14-3 record on clay this season with his losses coming against Novak Djokovic (Monte-Carlo SF) and Fabio Fognini, twice (Rio de Janeiro SF and Barcelona 3R). The last time he lost more than three matches on clay in a single season was in his rookie campaign in 2003.
•    In February, Nadal won the 46th clay court title of his career in Buenos Aires (d. Monaco), and is now just three short of Guillermo Vilas’ record clay court title haul of 49. His victory in Argentina ended a nine-month trophy drought dating back to Roland Garros 2014 (d. Djokovic).
•    In March, Nadal fell in the QF at Indian Wells (l. to Raonic after holding three MPs) and the 3R in Miami (l. to Verdasco).
•    Nadal lost his opening match of the season, 1R in Doha (l. to Michael Berrer), before reaching the QF of the Australian Open (l. to Berdych).
•    In 2014, Nadal finished in the Top 3 for the ninth time in the past 10 years (except 2012), capturing four titles in seven finals. The Spaniard extended his streak of winning at least one Grand Slam title per year to a record 10th year in a row with his ninth victory at Roland Garros. His 14 Slam titles are tied second all-time with Pete Sampras, behind Roger Federer(17).
•    After overcoming Philipp Kohlschreiber for the second time this week in his opening match, Murray posted comprehensive wins over Marcel Granollers, Milos Raonic and Kei Nishikori to reach his second Madrid final and his first since the tournament’s move to clay.
•    Murray improved to 2-13 vs. Top 10 opponents on clay with his victory over Nishikori.
•    Murray leads the way this week on return, breaking serve in 17 of his 41 return games (41%). Nadal is in second on 38%, winning 14 of his 37 return games.
•    Murray returns to Madrid for the ninth time. He lifted the title here in 2008 (d. No. 2 Federer in SF, Simon in F) – the last year the tournament was played indoors. Prior to this week, his best results since its move to clay were three QF outings in 2009 (l. to Del Potro), 2010 (l. to Ferrer) and 2013 (l. to Berdych).
•    Murray is contesting his 14th ATP Masters 1000 final (9-4 in finals) and 49th overall (32-16).
•    Murray returned to action in Munich last week for the first time since taking a few weeks out to marry long-term girlfriend Kim Sears. In Germany, he captured the 32nd title of his career and his first on clay, defeating Kohlschreiber in the final. With the win he improved to 17-2 in finals against players ranked outside the Top 10.
•    Murray joined Andy Roddick, Manuel Orantes and John Newcombe in 22nd place on the Open Era title leaderboard with his 32nd career title. He can rise as high as 19th with victory today.
•    In March, Murray advanced to the SF at Indian Wells and the final in Miami, losing to Djokovic each time. With his 4R win over Anderson in Miami, Murray became the first British player to hit 500 wins. He defeated 185 different opponents from 50 different countries en route to the milestone.
•    Murray opened his season by reaching the Australian Open final for the fourth time (l. to Djokovic).
•    Murray has now reached at least the QF in 16 of his last 17 tournaments (94%), which is the highest percentage on tour over the last 10 months.
•    In 2014, Murray finished in the Top 6 for the seventh year in a row, winning three titles.

Kevin Anderson Beats Florian Mayer: 2015 Rome Masters Open

kevin anderson beats florian mayer 2015 rome open

It wasn’t an easy win for 15th seed Kevin Anderson against Florian Mayer, but it was just short of three hours and it was his match with a third set tie-breaker. 7-6 (3), 4-6, 7-6 (4) at the 2015 Rome Masters Open. Anderson is making up for his first round exit in the 2015 Madrid Open to Simone Bolelli.
The South African returned to winning ways after an opening second-round exit in Estoril was followed by a first-round defeat in Madrid earlier this week (l. to Bolelli). The 28 year old, runner-up in Memphis in February (l. to Nishikori), improved to an 18-11 mark on the season.

World No. 275 Matteo Donati earned himself a second-round clash with sixth seed Tomas Berdych after claiming his first tour-level win with a 2-6, 6-1, 6-4 victory over Santiago Giraldo, placed 226 spots higher in the Emirates ATP Rankings.

florian mayer loses to kevin anderson 2015 rome masters open

SPOTLIGHT ON ITALY: TheInternazionali BNL d’Italia, the fifth ATP Masters 1000 tournament of the season, is headlined by 17 of the world’s Top 20 players. The 56-man field is led by the quartet of Novak Djokovic,Roger Federer, Andy Murray andRafael Nadal. Djokovic and Nadal – the only former champions in the field – have shared the last 10 titles between them at the Foro Italico, while Federer and Murray are seeking success in Rome for the first time.

•    DAY 1 PREVIEW: Men’s singles play gets under way on Sunday with six main draw matches on the Order of Play. Headlining proceedings on Centrale are three of the four Italian wild cards: Matteo Donati, Federico Gaio and Luca Vanni. Kevin Anderson is the lone seed in action on the opening day. The South African goes up against Florian Mayer, who recently returned from a lengthy lay-off with a groin injury. Ernests Gulbis also opens today; he takes on Jiri Vesely.

•    DJOKOVIC’S DOMINANCE: Djokovic is set to return to competitive action for the first time since lifting the Monte-Carlo title on April 19, a victory which saw him become the first player to win the opening three ATP Masters 1000 events of the season. The Serb, who is currently on a 17-match winning streak, has been dominant at this tournament level in recent years, winning 18 of the last 40 (45%) Masters 1000 events. He has a 29-5 career record here, reaching the QFs or better every year. He won the title in 2008 (d. Wawrinka), 2011 (d. Nadal) and 2014 (d. Nadal). Three of his five losses here have come against Nadal (2007 QF; 2009, 2012 final).

•    FEDERER CHASING ELUSIVE CROWN: Rome is one of two ATP Masters 1000 titles still missing from Federer’s collection (along with Monte-Carlo). The Swiss is set to make his 15th appearance in the Italian capital (27-14) – at no other tournament has he appeared more without winning the title. He has reached the final here three times: 2003 (l. to Mantilla), 2006 (l. to Nadal) and 2013 (l. to Nadal), and last year he fell to Jeremy Chardy in his opening match.

•    MURRAY ON A ROLL: Murray is off to a career-best 8-0 start on clay, capturing his first ATP World Tour clay title in Munich (d. Kohlschreiber) and advancing to the final in Madrid (vs. Nadal). The Brit is making his 10th straight appearance in Rome (8-9 record) with his best results a SF in 2011 (l. to Djokovic in 3rd set TB) and a QF last year (l. to Nadal in 3 sets).

•    BIG FOUR DOMINATION: With Nadal and Murray in the Madrid final, after today the Big Four will have accounted for 43 of the last 47 ATP Masters 1000 tournaments (since 2010 Monte-Carlo). The only exceptions came at Paris-Bercy in 2010 (Robin Soderling) and 2012 (David Ferrer) and last year in Monte-Carlo (Stan Wawrinka) and Toronto (Jo-Wilfried Tsonga).

•    LOOKING UP: Nick Kyrgios is expected to rise to a career-high No. 30 in the Emirates ATP Rankings after a solid start to the clay court season. He reached his maiden ATP World Tour final in Estoril (l. to Gasquet) and the 3R in Madrid (d. Federer after saving 2 MPs in 2R; l. to Isner).

•    DOUBLES WATCH: The doubles field is again led by World No. 1 Bob andMike Bryan, who are three-time winners in Rome (2008, ‘10, ‘13). They have won a doubles record 34 ATP Masters 1000 titles and 106 overall together. India’s Leander Paes is one win from becoming the fourth active player on the ATP World Tour with 700 career match wins in doubles. The other active players with 700-more are: Daniel Nestor (970), Mike Bryan (946) and Bob Bryan (932).



[WC] Matteo Donati (ITA)        vs            Santiago Giraldo (COL)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: First ATP World Tour meeting

[WC] Federico Gaio (ITA)        vs            Leonardo Mayer (ARG)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: First ATP World Tour meeting

[WC] Luca Vanni (ITA)            vs            [PR] Nicolas Almagro (ESP)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: First ATP World Tour meeting


[15] Kevin Anderson (RSA)        vs            [PR] Florian Mayer (GER)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: Mayer leads 1-0
2010     ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Shanghai    Hard    R64    Florian Mayer    6-2 6-2

Other Meetings:
2010     Noumea CH (New Caledonia)        Hard    SF    Florian Mayer    0-6 6-2 6-3

Jeremy Chardy (FRA)            vs            Lukas Rosol (CZE)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: Series tied 1-1
2013     ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Paris    Hard    R64    Lukas Rosol    6-3 6-4
2014     ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Madrid    Clay    R64    Jeremy Chardy    4-6 6-3 6-4

Ernests Gulbis (LAT)            vs            Jiri Vesely (CZE)

FedEx ATP Head2Head: Vesely leads 1-0
2015     Auckland (New Zealand)            Hard    R16    Jiri Vesely    6-2 3-6 6-1

2015 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Canadiens Best Tampa Bay Lightning Game 5

montreal canadiens beat tampa bay lighting game 5 2015 stanley cup playoffs images

The Montreal Canadiens and the Tampa Bay Lightning continued their series in the second round of the 2015 NHL Playoffs on Saturday night. Montreal, having won game four in Florida to stave off elimination, hosted game five – once again in need of a victory.

devante smith pelly gets first goal for canadiens beating lighting 2015 stanley cup playoffs

In what was a low-scoring affair, Montreal opened with a goal from Devante Smith-Pelly, his first of the 2015 Stanley Cup playoffs. However following that tally, there was no offense in the remainder of the first, nor was there offense in the entire second period. It seemed as though, if Montreal were to survive, they would not do it comfortably as they had in game four.

steven stamkos scores for lightning game 5 2015 stanley cup playoffs

Nerves got tense in the Bell Centre in the third period when Steven Stamkos, a profilic scorer but one who has not done a lot in the 2015 post-season to date, tallied his second goal of the series at 9:27 of the third. With Montreal down 3-1 and losing momentum in game five, their elimination appeared to be a very realistic possibility.

pieree alexandre parenteau scores for canadiens 2015 stanley cup playoffs

But if Habs fans felt a little tight in the chest they were able to breathe a little easier about 75% of the way through the third period. Not to be eliminated on their home ice, Montreal answered back when Pierre-Alexandre Parenteau scored his first of the post-season to pull ahead 2-1.

Tampa Bay controlled the puck for much of the last few minutes however the Canadiens did not give up a strong scoring chance. Behind 24 saves from Carey Price, arguably Montreal’s goat from earlier in the series, the Habs lived on to force game six.

Now comes the tough part.

The Canadiens will travel to Florida for game six, a game that Tampa Bay will host. The Lightning, unlike game four which also came from Tampa Bay, will probably approach the affair with a “must-win” mindset. The prosect of playing a game seven on the road in a hockey town is not one that Stamkos and all have to be looking forward to, especially not after holding a 3-0 lead.

montreal canadiens beat tampa bay lightning game 5 2015 stanley cup playoffs

The series, sitting at 3-2, appears to be up for grabs or the first time since the conclusion of game two. On that note, hockey fans following this series will need to wait all the way until Tuesday for the next game.

Novak Djokovic Rested & Ready To Dominate 2015 Italian Open

novak djokovic rested ready to dominate italian open 2015 images

Novak Djokovic has been sitting high at the number one position for nearly 145 weeks, and he knows that he needs to play it smart if he wants to stay there and break more historical records. By pulling out of the 2015 Madrid Open, he played it smart allowing himself some time to rest, regroup and get himself mentally prepared for the Roland Garros, a title he hasn’t won yet, but at the rate he’s going this season, it won’t be a surprise for him to take it. He’s now raring to take another title at the 2015 Italian Open as he arrives in Rome. He’s returning to clay-court action after a three-week break hoping to put the final touches on his impeccable game with a fourth title at the Italian Open.

Despite starting 2015 by winning a fifth Australian Open and then taking the first three Masters 1000 titles of the season at Indian Wells, Miami and Monte Carlo, the Serb knew that taking time away to recharge was his best season strategy. Plus, he’s hoping to extend his 17-match winning streak.

“I want to build a platform to get off and perform well,” Djokovic admitted at the Foro Italico Saturday.

“At this level you need freshness of mind and also fresh legs in order to perform well to overcome the challenges of long and exhausting matches on this surface. I hope my decision to skip Madrid will positively effect this week and Roland Garros. We’ll see.

“I have done things in the right way over the past couple of weeks. My whole team is here – both coaches – so we are taking it really seriously and we hope to have a good result.”

“I need at least a week of good rest, it’s been a long couple months for me,” he said before the break. “It has been very successful and I cannot complain.

novak djokovic 2015 italian open and roland garros tennis

“But I played a lot of matches, traveled a lot with Davis Cup, Dubai, Indian Wells, Miami, and now getting into clay that is a totally different surface,” added Djokovic, who turns 28 the week before the start of the French Open at Roland Garros.

“I’m healthy, obviously very confident. Everything is going in the right direction,” continued the Serb, winner in Rome in 2008 and 2011 as well as last year.

The same cannot be said for second seed Roger Federer, who made a late decision to play after losing in the second round in Madrid to Australian Nick Kyrgios three days after winning a third title of 2015 in Istanbul.

Rome has been a career minefield for Federer, who has never won the title at the Foro Italico.

Federer, like the other top eight seeds, has a first-round bye in the 56-man field and will start against either Pablo Cuevas or Italian wildcard Paolo Lorenzi. Djokovic will wait for the winner from Luca Vanni and Nicolas Almagro.

Britain’s Andy Murray, winner of his first career title on clay in Munich, takes the third seeding and starts against either Jeremy Chardy or one of his Munich victims, Lukas Rosol.

Seven-time champion Rafael Nadal is seeded fourth as Spain’s king of clay fights his way back into shape with the start of Roland Garros looming in a fortnight.

Rounding out the top eight are Kei Nishikori, Tomas Berdych, David Ferrer and Stan Wawrinka, who has won just four matches since claiming the Rotterdam title more than two months ago.

Meanwhile, the top three women’s seeds are all looking for quick improvement after surprise Madrid results.

Number one seed Serena Williams lost her first match of the season after winning 27 in a row going back to last year’s WTA finals when she went out in the Spanish semi-finals to Petra Kvitova.

In addition, second seed Simona Halep exited in her opening match and holder Maria Sharapova was outplayed by Svetlana Kuznetsova in their semi-final.

“We have another tournament ahead of us next week which will also be an important part of the preparation,” said Roland Garros champion Sharapova. “Every match I can get at this stage before a Grand Slam is important.”

Caroline Wozniacki takes the fifth seeding with Canadian Eugenie Bouchard sixth, Ana Ivanovic seventh and Russian Ekaterina Makarova eighth.

World number nine Agnieszka Radwanska will not play due to a hand injury and Andrea Petkovic is missing after quitting in Madrid due to illness.

Men’s seeds

Novak Djokovic (SRB x1)

Roger Federer (SUI x2)

Andy Murray (GBR x3)

Rafael Nadal (ESP x4)

Kei Nishikori (JPN x5)

Tomas Berdych (CZE x6)

David Ferrer (ESP x7)

Stan Wawrinka (SUI x8)

Marin Cilic (CRO x9)

Grigor Dimitrov (BUL x10)

Feliciano Lopez (ESP x11)

Gilles Simon (FRA x12)

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA x13)

Roberto Bautista Agut (ESP x14)

Kevin Anderson (RSA x15)

John Isner (USA x16)

Women’s seeds

Serena Williams (USA x1)

Simona Halep (ROM x2)

Maria Sharapova (RUS x3)

Petra Kvitova (CZE x4)

Caroline Wozniacki (DEN x5)

Eugenie Bouchard (CAN x6)

Ana Ivanovic (SRB x7)

Ekaterina Makarova (RUS x8)

Angelique Kerber (GER x9)

Carla Suarez Navarro (ESP x10)

Karolina Pliskova (CZE x11)

Lucie Safarova (CZE x12)

Sara Errani (ITA x13)

Venus Williams (USA x14)

Madison Keys (USA x15)

Jelena Jankovic (SRB x16)

2015 Madrid Open Masters Finals: Rafael Nadal vs Andy Murray

rafael nadal vs andy murray 2015 madrid open images

Tennis playdowns in the 2015 Madrid Masters continued on Saturday with four top ten players all gunning for the final. The clay court event, part of the build-up to the French Open, featured Kei Nishikori, Andy Murray, Tomas Berdych, and Rafael Nadal in the semifinals. Following results from thos semis, Madrid will see a familiar player looking for another clay court title.

rafael nadal slams balls of tomas berdych 2015 madrid open

Spaniard Rafael Nadal defeated Tomas Berdych in straight sets 7-6, 6-1. It was a feat that Rafa had accomplished before as he improved to 19-4 over his Czech counterpart. Nadal now has a chance to inch closer to 30 Masters Series titles as he will look for his 28th on Sunday.

tomas berdych works rafael nadal balls for 2015 madrid open

Rafa, who has not played his best tennis so far in 2015, could be facing a ranking slide in the not too distant future if he does not start putting big dents into draws. However perhaps Spain’s No. 1 is starting to regain his best form, something he has so often done at this time of year.

rafael nadal beats tomas berdych 2015 madrid open

“For the past couple of days I have been playing better and better every day,” Nadal stated, referencing his improved play. “That’s always very good news. I am in the final. I am happy for that. I am enjoying a lot the fact that I am playing in front of an unbelievable crowd. For me, that’s the best crowd in the world without any doubt. So that gives me a lot of really positive energy.”

Nadal draws Andy Murray in the championship final, the Scot having defeated Kei Nishikori in the semis 6-3, 6-4. Murray, having won a clay court title in Munich last week, is perhaps a surprise finalist in Madrid. Doing well in back-to-back tournaments – in back-to-back weeks – is always difficult on tour and, in this case, that is especially true since clay is Murray’s weakest surface.

andy murray beats kei nishikori 2015 madrid open

Nor surprisingly, on head-to-heads Nadal owns the clear advantage against the Scot. He’s defeated Murray in 15 of their 20 matches overall, a series that includes six matches on clay (Nadal 6, Murray 0).

kei nishikori serves to andy murray 2015 madrid open

Perhaps now is as good a time as any for Murray to break his clay-court goose-egg against Nadal however the Scot has to be tired following his efforts in the last two weeks. Look for Nadal to improve to 7-0 against Murray on clay and don’t be surprised if the Scot is a scratch, or an early exit, for next week’s Rome Masters.

The Madrid final, which promises to take a lot out of Murray, is scheduled for a 7pm start time in Madrid on Sunday night.