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Highlights from DeMaurice Smith Interview

demaurice smith interview highlights 2015

The NFLPA’s executive director had some interesting comments this week as he sat down with ESPN. He talked about his evolving role as head of the players’ union, the recent controversies in the League, the hypocrisy of punishments for players versus management, and of course his old buddy Roger Goodell.

I have never been a fan of the NFL Players Association, since they seem to get steam rolled in every negotiation. Any concession they get appears to be crumbs tossed to them by the team owners just to make these negotiations seem like a two sided “battle.”

This interview put DeMaurice Smith in a new light. Don’t get it twisted. I still know that the players union is no match for the NFL owners, but Smith makes some interesting points and clears up a few issues. Is Smith the right guy to keep as the head of the NFLPA? I can’t answer that, but I would guess that it doesn’t make a huge difference who leads the football players when the owners have such a big advantage when it comes to leverage.

Here are five highlights of Smith’s interview with Jim Trotter. The full interview is below.

5. Smith had this to say about the treatment of owners in regards to personal conduct, “When it comes to owner misconduct, the record is clear about the incidents that have caused players and fans to question the fairness of the system — in terms of how the Zygi Wilf and Jimmy Haslam and Jerry Jones and Jim Irsay situations were handled.” For anyone who knows how big companies work, this should not be very shocking. The higher up you go, the worse the stink. Roger Goodell is paid by the owners. How is he going to enforce any real punishments on his bosses? It would be akin to me making a citizen’s arrest on a cop running a stop sign.

4. Smith’s response to a question about using Goodell’s all-time low credibility to the union’s advantage: “I don’t believe it’s our job to “exploit” as much as it is to point out that the lack of credibility to the league office is something that all of us will suffer from.” I get where Smith is coming from here. If the commissioner looks like a slime ball then it is a bad look for the rest of the NFL. However, the union is in the best position ever to get Goodell to give up some more power. Maybe “exploit” isn’t the best word, but if I were Smith I would not let the public forget Goodell’s poor record of handing out punishments.

3. Smith says that the personal conduct policy is the last bastion of the commissioner’s sole power now that drug policy penalties and on the field fines are subject to being handled by neutral arbitration. I see no reason why Goodell should continue to be in full control of this aspect of league policy. He has a poor performance record so far and if he were a starting quarterback he would have been benched by now.

2. Smith stated, “Take the example of Aaron Hernandez: The Patriots refused to pay his workout bonus after he had been arrested, the union defended the process and the player because, according to his contract, he was due a workout bonus if he completed his workouts, which he had.” DeMaurice Smith is a lawyer and knows how it looks to defend a bad guy in the NFL, just like in the justice system. He makes it clear that the union’s job is to defend the collective bargaining agreement, even if it means getting compensation for a convicted killer like Hernandez. A team can’t just save some dollars when a player does something dumb if he held up his end of the contract up to that point. It would be like Tom Brady winning the Super Bowl, which may earn him a contract bonus of say $200,000, then hijacking a Greyhound bus the next day. If the Patriots tried to cheat him out of his bonus, that is unfair even though Tom should have never committed that crime. Regular Joes who get a DUI still get a paycheck from their job for hours they have already worked.

1. “We’re still in the same system we had when the commissioner was overturned in bounty, and then in Rice, and then in Peterson,” Smith said when talking about what it would take for Goodell to allow neutral arbitration concerning the personal conduct policy. It does appear that whenever an outside person make a ruling, Roger Goodell’s decision is overturned in some fashion. You would think the guy would want these decisions out of his hands by now with all the blow back he has received.

The main takeaway from the interview, regardless of your opinion of DeMaurice Smith, is Goodell’s reason for not wanting to give up any power. It is a childish reason. Roger Goodell just wants to have things his way and is a control freak, even to the detriment of his beloved League. The commissioner has proven he is not the best person to uphold the ever evolving personal conduct policy. Of course he has to be a big part of the process, but does not deserve to have the final say anymore.

demaurice smith espn interview on nfl 2015

ESPN.com: As a union, how do you approach these recent high-profile grievances between players and the league?

Smith: The fans and the media, they deal with every one of these things episodically. It’s Brady or it’s Peterson or it’s Rice or it’s McDonald. But we view these things philosophically — almost existentially — not episodically. Our job as a union is to defend our players. We wrap our hands around the player, we wrap our hands around the CBA, and anytime we believe the league violates the rights of either, this is what we do. So it’s not a, “Hey, are you guys going to defend Greg Hardy the same way that you defend a Tom Brady?” Well, yeah, this is what we do. This is what we do.

Is it about defending the process or defending the player?

Both. We have tried to negotiate these issues for literally decades. The first articulation of the commissioner’s power was in the first player contract, and over the decades we’ve negotiated scaling back that power to a more defined process. For example, in 2010 we came up with a new process that limited the commissioner’s power by subjecting it to neutral arbitration for on-field fines. And in 2011, we tried to negotiate that provision with respect to the drug policy, and the league refused for three years. It wasn’t until the last year that we scaled back the commissioner’s power by making his punishments subject to neutral arbitration under the drug policy. Really, the last step of this process is the personal conduct policy, and up until this point the league has been unwilling to make the same changes that they’ve made for on-field and drug policy applicable to the personal conduct policy.

The reason I mention the process vs. the player is that some people might take your words to mean that you condone the behavior or actions of the player.

I hear that. I guess because more of my training has been as a lawyer, when you are defending a person in the criminal justice system, I always view that as representing the person but ensuring that that person is entitled to fair process. These situations are no different. What the union finds philosophically and intellectually repugnant is when the league makes up rules as it goes along. That’s not only a violation of the player’s rights; it’s also a violation of the process as articulated by the collective bargaining agreement. And when they do that, it puts the union in the only position it can be in, and that is to respond.

In layman’s terms, how would you describe the role of the union?

It’s simply to enforce the rules of the collective bargaining agreement as it relates to protecting our players today and tomorrow. Take the example of Aaron Hernandez: The Patriots refused to pay his workout bonus after he had been arrested, the union defended the process and the player because, according to his contract, he was due a workout bonus if he completed his workouts, which he had. The union doesn’t ask the question of whether he got arrested for something or whether the league likes him or doesn’t like him, or whether the owner likes him or doesn’t like him. The union looks at the obligations of the league pursuant to the player’s contract, and if the team or the league violates that, we step in and we represent both the player and the process. When we believed that team doctors weren’t providing the best medical care according to generally accepted practices, we stepped in and raised the level of concern about pain-killing drugs. If a team doesn’t obey the concussion protocols, we seek to have sanctions against the team. If a team violates workout rules — even if the players in some cases may want to agree to it — we nonetheless step in and enforce the rule to protect the players. So when it comes to personal conduct, that’s not an anomaly. That’s an exercise in consistency.

What steps can be taken to get the commissioner to buy in on neutral arbitration under the personal conduct policy? Is the league showing any flexibility on that issue?

We certainly haven’t seen any flexibility from the league on that issue. The only thing that we can do is what we have done in previous negotiations, and that is to highlight why we believe neutral arbitration is good for both the players and the owners. Obviously, the league reached that conclusion when it came to on-field fines. Obviously, the league reached that conclusion when it came to issues arising from the drug policy. So, I’m at a loss as to why they don’t believe a neutral arbitrator isn’t in their best interest when it comes to the personal conduct policy. Because if anything has been clear — and both parties would agree — it’s that the last year was not a shining example of sound discretion by the commissioner. I’m not sure that any owner would want to look at last year and say, “That was a high point for the credibility of the owners and the credibility of the league to its fans, to its sponsors and to its players.” It’s hard to believe that three years after the [New Orleans Saints’] bounty case, we’re still in the same system that lacks clarity. We’re still in the same system we had when the commissioner was overturned in bounty, and then in Rice, and then in Peterson.

Couldn’t one possible explanation be that the personal conduct policy isn’t being applied evenly to owners and players — that this is a means to keep the owners from being held to the same standards of conduct as the players? Does the union have any grounds or means to ensure that the policy is applied equally to owners as it is to players?

That is where truly the rubber meets the road. Frankly, the league has run out of logical excuses for why they resist a neutral arbitrator in the personal conduct policy. When you look at their public statements about the policy being applied fairly to both players and league personnel, you realize that is simply not true.

Not just that, but didn’t the commissioner say that owners and league employees would be held to a higher standard of conduct?

It’s clear to anyone who knows about all of the instances of misconduct that the policy isn’t being applied fairly. Accordingly, there’s no need to even guess whether league personnel are being held to a higher standard. That simply can’t be true. It’s clear to virtually everyone that there appears to be a lack of will on behalf of the league owners to have a policy that applies as equally to them as it does to the players.

Why do you think that is, at the risk of asking the obvious?

You’ll have to ask them. It’s obvious to everyone that there is a double standard. Right now, there doesn’t seem to be a majority of owners who want to do something about it. … When it comes to owner misconduct, the record is clear about the incidents that have caused players and fans to question the fairness of the system — in terms of how the Zygi Wilf and Jimmy Haslam and Jerry Jones and Jim Irsay situations were handled. I know that the league hired a new director of investigations; I’ll just assume that he hasn’t gotten to those [investigations] yet.

Earlier you brought up Roger’s credibility, and I think most people would agree it’s at an all-time low. Is there anything the union can do to exploit that for its own benefit?

Frankly, I don’t believe it’s our job to “exploit” as much as it is to point out that the lack of credibility to the league office is something that all of us will suffer from. Our goal is to have a league and its players and its owners in a position that warrants the respect of our fans and our business partners. If we all have a concern about that, it’s our duty, I believe, to make corrective measures. When it comes to the players, none of us wants a league where our sponsors lack faith in its integrity. That’s not good for the owners. That’s not good for the players.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Goodell makes the argument that the commissioner’s office has always had this power and, therefore, he is not going to relinquish it. Is that accurate?

That’s his argument, but it’s a fallacy of incomplete. It is true that the personal conduct policy has been within the power of the commissioner, but the reality and the truth is that that power has not changed until it has changed. For example, the power of the commissioner to punish people for on-field violations rested within the power of the commissioner until it was changed in 2010. The power to discipline players under the drug policy rested with the commissioner until it was changed in 2014. So the reality is, the power vested within the commissioner under the personal conduct policy will remain that way until it is changed.

The obvious question is: What is going to precipitate that change?

The only thing that can precipitate a change is the exact same thing that has led to change in the past — and that is when both parties are committed to resolving their differences by collective bargaining. We have reached agreements on literally hundreds of issues since 1993 when we’ve done that.

If the players feel so strongly about neutral arbitration, why didn’t they stand up and fight for that in 2011 during the labor negotiations?

That was a subject of our negotiations, and the owners’ response was what their response is now: They’re not interested in changing the policy. That doesn’t mean, however, that the players should give up on the issue. The owners’ response to the drug policy in 2011 was that they did not want to change, and the players continued to negotiate that until we reached a resolution in 2014. One of the more powerful arguments for neutral arbitration and for a collectively bargained personal conduct policy is what happened last year. If there was ever an instance that demonstrated a need for a collectively bargained process, it’s a process that the NFL got wrong in Rice that led to it being overturned, that it got wrong in Peterson that led to it being overturned.

The union has asked the commissioner to recuse himself from hearing the Tom Brady appeal. Do you believe that part of the reason he has refused to do so is concern that he won’t get the ruling he wants, a la the bounty case when he appointed Paul Tagliabue to hear the appeal and the player suspensions were vacated?

Frankly, we don’t spend time trying to guess why league officials do or fail to do something. We focus on the facts. The former commissioner came in in bounty and overturned the decision of the commissioner. A neutral arbitrator jointly selected by the players and the league overturned the commissioner in Ray Rice. A federal district judge reviewed the arbitration of a current league employee and overturned the league in Mr. Peterson’s case. It seems from those facts that anytime someone who is distanced from the league reviews the league’s actions, it results in the commissioner being overturned.

Which would seem to indicate why the commissioner would not want to relinquish final say, right?

We let the facts speak for themselves.

Caitlyn Jenner Is Absolutely Fierce Darling!

caitlyn jenner is absolutely fierce 2015 gossip

“Meet Caitlyn” is the headline splashed across the cover of Vanity Fair in front of the newly revealed Caitlyn Jenner.

And Caitlyn is absolutely Fierce Darling!

bruce caitlyn jenner behind shots vanity fair 2015

As the reveal for Vanity Fair blew up across my Facebook time line, it was both heartwarming and funny to see the reactions of my friends. Many of them were amazed by how great Bruce transitioned in to Caitlyn. A few of them thought at first glance that the woman on the cover was Jessica Lange. Then, upon reading the headline they saw that that it was Bruce Jenner revealing himself as Caitlyn Jenner. It wasn’t long before the jokes came in questioning why he didn’t spell Caitlyn with K.

caitlyn jenner getting blown out 2015

In typical TMZ fashion, they had the answer for us right away! Sources close to Bruce told TMZ that he really wanted to make a clean break from the Kardashian Clan. There’s no bad blood between him and Kardashians, he just wants his own identity. Thank God! It’s such a sense of relief to know that with his coming out he did it for him and not to help contribute to the ever growing attention seeking legacy of the Kardashian family.

The photo shoot was done by famous photographer Annie Leibovitz and upon this announcement I knew we could expect something amazing, but this goes beyond expectations. At 65, it won’t be long before Caitlyn is making the average woman jealous and begging for her aging secrets (even if it does include tons of high-end plastic surgery).

caitlyn jenner swimsuit pictures 2015

The magazine also released a video of Jenner’s thoughts about revealing Caitlyn to the world. “Bruce always had to tell a lie. He was always living a lie. Every day, he always had a secret. From morning till night. Caitlyn doesn’t have any secrets.”

caitlyn jenner straight on bruce 2015

“As soon as the Vanity Fair cover comes out, I’m free.” That’s such an amazingly powerful statement. It wasn’t until the E! Special About Bruce that I realized how deep Bruce’s suffering truly went and how much he craved bursting out from behind the shadows and being his true self. Not only is it great to see someone happy as their true self, it’s even better when you think about the fact that his revelation could potentially help many people come out and be their true selves. It’s a fascinating story to watch unfold and ( I never thought I’d say this in connection to anyone associated with the Kardashian clan) an important one.

caitlyn jenner fierce darling 2015 movie tv tech

Jenner also debuted a verified twitter and Facebook account. The Twitter account alone had over 700,000 followers in less than three hours.His PR people did some brilliant work on their end. He’s due to have reassignment surgery very soon.

birth of caitlyn jenner bruce 2015 gossip

What’s even more interesting is this reveal comes the morning after his step-daughter Kim announced that her and her husband Kanye West are having their second child. You have to wonder if the attention seeking Kim isn’t a bit pissed that Bruce snatched the spotlight from her a little. I’m going to go out on the ledge and say that more people are interested in Caitlyn than another spawn of the Kardashian Klan.

All I really have to say is keep it fierce Mrs. Caitlyn, keep it fierce!

Will Tinder Make An App Fighting STD’s It’s Causing?


will tinder make an app to fight stds its causing

It used to be a guessing game. Whether or not one person mutually likes the other, friend or acquaintance, enough to go on a date and possibly sleep together. It was also difficult to determine for some whether there’s someone out there nearby he/she is compatible with. Now it’s become very easy. Easy enough that complete strangers can casually engage in that pleasant three-letter activity without exchanging cash. Unfortunately, with the rise in unprotected S-E-X, comes the rise of S-T-Ds. And what is it that made sex easier to begin with? The internet, social media and online dating apps like Tinder, Down formerly known as the controversial BangWithFriends and Cuddlr.

In the state of Rhode Island, it’s apparently very easy to track illicit sexual activity. It seems doctor-patient confidence has dropped down a notch. It’s not surprising since not much is private anymore in the good ole US of A with all the news about the NSA. The diminutive state’s Department of Health has recently blamed the abnormal rise of sexually transmitted diseases to apps such as Tinder, which is apparently the most popular dating app in the state.

Automatic matchmaking, which Tinder does, makes it easier for people to find sexual partners. The real point of dating is often finding common interests, gaining trust which later lead to sexual encounters. Dating apps often cut down on the common interest thing. With apps such as Down, the gaining trust part is easily done with since Down already matches Facebook friends and friends of friends. For people looking for love or just a hug, there’s Cuddlr but cuddling also often leads to the bottom line. Facebook itself was supposed to be such a tool for its early members, college students. For those who watched the Facebook movie, The Social Network, one of the reasons the former Friendster knock-off took off was the ‘relationship status’ in order for members to determine whether their friends or acquaintances were ‘available’. Now Facebook works behind the scenes actually serving as the engine for modern dating apps like Tinder.

tinder causing std increase

The problem with increased sexual activity is that it leads to increased transmission of sexually transmitted diseases so it’s easy to blame the tools that makes it easier for putting sexually charged partners together. But the actual reason for the increase of STDs, not to mention unwanted pregnancies is irresponsible, unprotected sex. Let’s face it though, raw is much better when doing the deed. Reasoning that online dating apps are directly responsible to the increase of STDs is false. Perhaps indirectly but still, humans are social and sexual creatures and given the right tools just makes them more social and sexual. At the end of the day, it’s up to us humans to be responsible and practice safe sex. Problem is, we’re just human which is another way of saying, we can be careless at times. HIV is on the way to be cured and everything else can be cured within days. Something scarier than HIV might do the trick. Nothing like a good scare to make us humans think twice.

While waiting for that new disease, we go to the real issue at hand. What can the app developers, those who are held responsible such as Tinder Inc., do in order to minimize the spread of STDs? It’s almost like telling a basketball player not to aim at the hoop. Is it possible for them to take some responsibility and mitigate the spread of STDs?

Here are some thoughts:

Like cigarettes, they can display graphic images of the consequences of STDs like gonorrhea and syphilis. Like lung cancer, those images won’t be pretty.

Like alcohol, they can display a popup that says ‘be responsible’ with every successful hookup.

From time to time, they can display informative tidbits or links to sites on how to practice safe sex or actually enjoying the relationship without engaging in sex. These apps can also include listings of the nearest relevant clinic in case things get oozy.

On a more serious note, users can, with the help of their doctors tag risky app members (the last few partners the person had before contracting the disease) to temporarily take them offline. Getting back to the in-crowd requires a scanned clean bill of health. There are privacy issues involved that the developers can sort out.

These suggestions are not exclusive to Tinder. There’s Down, Cuddlr, Gryndr, Wyldfire and even Craigslist. There’s no denying these apps promote sex but to be politically correct, the least they can do is to make like a pack of cigarettes and display a gruesome picture or two.

Stanley Cup Finals Betting Odds: Blackhawks vs Lightning

stanley cup betting odds chicago blackhawks vs lightning 2015 nhl

The final series of the 2015 Stanley Cup playoffs are scheduled to start in Tampa Bay on June 3rd. But despite the fact that the Lightning hold home-ice advantage in the championship series, it’s the Chicago Blackhawks who are considered the favorites to win.

The ‘hawks, a team loaded with players who have had a lot of success in recent postseasons, enter the 2015 Stanley Cup Finals priced at -125 with BetVictor, good enough to be called mild favorites. Tampa Bay, mild underdogs, are priced at +120 with SkyBet although it is worth noting that they were also underdogs against the New York Rangers. The Lightning truly are a team who have overachieved a little bit in the 2015 post-season while Chicago are more-or-less exactly where a lot of hockey fans probably thought they would be.

Playing in separate conferences, the two teams did not meet all that much during the regular season. However Chicago and Tampa Bay did compile the following head-to-head record:

November 11th, 2014: Chicago (home team) defeated Tampa 3-2 in a shootout
February 27th, 2015: Tampa Bay (home team) defeated Chicago 4-0.

In short, the home team won each game played between the two franchises during the regular season while Tampa Bay ‘won’ on goals-for and goals-against 6-3.

chicago blackhawks favored stanley cup finals betting odds vs lightning 2015

However one major point that is worth noting, when considering the head-to-head series between the two teams, is that Corey Crawford did not play in the 4-0 loss in Florida. Those goals went against Scott Darling, a player who has helped the Blackhawks during the post-season greatly but one who probably won’t appear in the Stanley Cup Finals unless something seriously goes wrong with Crawford.

The major point that cannot be overlooked when previewing the Stanley Cup Finals is that the Blackhawks are loaded with players with tons of experience in the Stanley Cup playoffs, including in the very late rounds. Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, Marian Hossa, Crawford, and Duncan Keith are players who were major parts of the success that the ‘hawks enjoyed in 2010 and 2013.

The Lightning have good players of course – in fact I think 25-year old Steven Stamkos is the most talented player in the finals this season. However, among their best players, you don’t really find anyone with Stanley Cup Finals winning experience. Stamkos doesn’t have it, Tyler Johnson doesn’t have it, Nikita Kucherov doesn’t have it, and neither does Ben Bishop.

In the case of Stamkos, Johnson, and Kucherov it’s fair to say that youth may be the reason they don’t have Stanley Cup winning experience. However Chicago’s best players are only a little bit holder for the most part. Except for Hossa, the ‘hawks aren’t exactly over the hill and I see their experience as being pivotal heading into the 2015 Stanley Cup Finals.

On a similar note, the Blackhawks, despite being favorites, are not the ones under pressure. If they fail to win the championship series then no one could say that Kane, Hossa, Toews, Keith, and Crawford aren’t capable of doing it. Their resumes already speak for themselves. Accordingly, it’s the Lightning who have something to prove and the pressure is square on the shoulders of their key players to deliver – without the confidence of past success to draw upon.

Goaltending will always be pivotal in any Stanley Cup series but it’s also inconsistent and hard to predict. However when it comes to offensive power, I think Chicago have the pillars of strength to lean on. I see some Lightning skaters folding in the Stanley Cup Finals. Accordingly I see Chicago, not just winning, but cruising to victory.

I would be surprised if the finals went six games with Chicago winning in either four or five.

Recommendation: take the ‘hawks at -125.

Video Footage Makes it Worse for Jon Jones


jon jones hit and run footage hits 2015

The release of the 911 call and video aftermath of Jon Jones hit and run accident has made things a bit worse for the former UFC champion. The video doesn’t change what happened of course, but as we saw with the Ray Rice footage it can sure turn up the heat. Lucky for Jones the video doesn’t show the actual accident or Jones running away from the scene like a coward without checking on any of the people he hurt. What is shown just embarrasses the man further and puts us viewers at the scene to get a better feel for what happened. Check out the full unedited raw footage below and you be the judge.

Let me break down the video for you as you check it out below. The two cops discussing the contents of Jones’ car is pretty great. The discovery of the “shitload of condoms” was not a case breaker, but awesome none the less. I salute Jones for trying to control the population on a individual basis. I suggest a vasectomy as well Jon. Athlete groupies are pretty resourceful when it comes to trapping a rich pro athlete with a surprise pregnancy. Used condoms have been known to be used later on by said groupies. An ugly thought, but absolutely the truth.
jon jones hit and run images 2015 mmaThe two officers from Albuquerque don’t want to jump to the conclusion that the car belongs to “The” Jon Jones. But as the evidence mounts they start to believe it and it’s clear their adrenaline is pumping. Once they confirm the car does belong to the then UFC Light Heavyweight Champ, they instantly start thinking of what it would be like to have to fight the guy. Officer #1 says he would just tase him. The latter would be the better option as I’m sure Jones would choke the life out of both these guys simultaneously in a weaponless fight.

“He almost fuckin killed both these people,” is a harsh reality as stated by the cop. This crash hurt a pregnant lady and could have easily ended the lives of the victims in this hit and run.

As if Jones’ image wasn’t damaged enough by all this we get to see what a slob he is. His car is trashed on the inside with water bottles everywhere. I can see how things got off track for the guy with this kind of disorganization. I guarantee Ronda Rousey’s car is spotless! Same goes for Demetrious Johnson‘s vehicle. These champions have their shit together.

By the way, I’m not sure “Hot Funyuns” are the best snack for the greatest fighter in the world. We see this tasty snack sitting on the seat above where the police dig out the alleged drug pipe from the cluttered floorboard.

“Well he’s fucked,” summed up the whole situation pretty well by the officer. We were reminded how Jones came back to the car after fleeing so he could get his wad of cash and possibly his drugs according to the officer’s assessment. The fact that he had time to reconsider leaving the people he crashed into there after he ran away and came back, makes the situation worse. I can see him panicking and doing the wrong thing initially, but seeing the damage done as he ran back then taking off for the second time? Hard to excuse that and this video is going to make it harder for anyone to have sympathy for Jon Jones.

Caitlyn Jenner is Born, Kim Kardashian Kanye Expect Another: Celebrity Gossip Roundup

celebrity gossip caitlyn jenner floyd mayweather kim kardashian baby 2015 images

It’s Tuesday my beauties and there is all kinds of news to report from the rebirth of Bruce Jenner now Caitlyn Jenner and a new expecting birth for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

bruce jenner as caitlyn jenner

Introducing… Caitlyn Jenner, the biggest reveal of 2015

Call my Caitlyn. Introducing the newest member (kind of) to the Jenner/Kardashian clan. The long awaited reveal of the Bruce Jenner’s transformation is complete and the world got to see Caitlyn Jenner for the first time via the June cover issue of Vanity Fair shot by the amazing Annie Leibovitz. I thought it was a nice break for him to go with a C name rather than a K as a break from the Kardashian clan.

bruce jenner then

caitlyn jenner photo shoot

bruce caitlyn jenner photos vanity fair

caitlyn jenner reborn movie tv tech geeks

caitlyn jenner photo shoot vanity fair

bruce caitlyn jenner behind shots vanity fair 2015

birth of caitlyn jenner bruce 2015 gossip

caitlyn bruce jenner side shot 2015 gossip

From the boobs to the hair, it is a sight to see (in a good way). Aside from all of the “conversations” around the transformation process, I have to say that I did not expect her to look like this. I mean, just being honest here, Bruce Jenner wasn’t the greatest looking man in his later years in my opinion. I know that there is more than likely some photo shop and make up working in her favor, but all I can really say is what a transformation. Check out the video just below to see even more.

kim kardashian kanye west new baby 2015 gossip

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Expecting Second Child

Caitlyn Jenner is not the only one of the famous clan with big news. Kim Kardashian is pregnant with the newest West expected delivery to be in December of this year.

It is no a secret that she has been struggling with some fertility issues since having North West which she has shared on numerous occasions. It is great that they have finally been able to add to their bunch.

In these moments, it is a bit refreshing to shear news like this from celebrities because they are people just like us. We all go through things, have desires and want the best for our lives and her challenge with having another child I am sure touched a lot of people who have gone through the same thing.

Congrats to them both.

floyd mayweather married proposal 2015 gossip

Floyd Mayweather Proposal… Kind Of

Men are so mysterious and famous men are even more mysterious. Not necessarily in like a mystical, intriguing, “OMG you change my life” kind of way. It’s more like a “what the fuck is wrong with you” kind of way.

Case in point, once again, is Floyd Mayweather. New legal documents revealed that this negro proposed to Shantel Jackson, his ex from a couple of years ago, via text messages, but it’s not what you think.

“This is what I offer to you. Let’s get married move in together you can go back in forth to L.A and stay at the condo.”

“I promise I will get you in 3 A list movies this year and I’m willing to go to counseling to make us work and you can get the stuff you want and I’m willing to change but I need you to have a better attitude.”

I mean, it is not totally insincere but if he was really serious about getting married to her and changing his ways, it should have approached it in a totally different way.

I want to give him an A for effort but the way my text messaging is set up…

tracy morgan after wal mart crash settlement 2015 gossip

Tracy Morgan Speaks for the First Time After Wal-Mart Settlement

Comedian Tracy Morgan has finally broken his silence over the crash that claimed the life of his mentor and friend James McNair during an interview on the Today Show with host Matt Lauer.

It has been a long recovery for the “30 Rock” star. The lawsuit against Wal-Mart in the June 7, 2014 crash was finally settled last week (for $90 million) but that does not take away the emotional pain that he and his wife feel.

“Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal.”

Morgan has suffered debilitating injuries including a broken leg, broken ribs and severe brain trauma since the New Jersey Turnpike incident where his vehicle was rear ended by a Wal-Mart Truck.

I can’t believe I’m just here, and just seeing the tragedy that happened. It touches me.”

We are so proud of Morgan and very glad that he is making a slow but steady recover. RIP James McNair.

countess vaughn lighter for show 2015

Countess Vaughn Gets Flack Over Lightened Picture

We haven’t really heard much from actress Countess Vaughn since she was on “Celebrity Fit Club,” but every now and then the “Moesha” and “The Parkers” actresses resurfaces and it usually has something to do with her social media pictures.

She posted a picture on her Instagram account of a new look and immediately the haters went in on her. In particular they had something to say about her makeup being a shade or two lighter.

For the record, it was not the best picture of her. She doesn’t have a neck in the photo, she has on aqua blue contacts, an unflattering pixie cut and yes, her make-up was lighter than her face. But here is the thing- that happens all the time. It has nothing to do with her wanting to look lighter or “hatting her blackness” and everything to do with proper foundation application.

Black folks need to chill. We are always the first to cry foul and march and the last to give props or lift someone up.

Just chill the fuck out and let people be.

That is all…

How IoT & Big Data Can Work Hand In Hand For Better Living

The Internet of things market connected smart devices tag cloud

The Internet of Things (often abbreviated to IoT) and big data are probably two of the most talked about concepts that are currently happening within tech and whilst they are not mentioned together that often they are most definitely two technologies that go hand in hand and their relationship is likely to blossom as each of them come in to mainstream use.

The Internet of Things

The Internet if things is really a concept that is there to explain how the Internet is evolving into something new and far larger than what we have seen so far. Whilst the Internet is mostly known at the moment for being a source of information – news, guides, programs and discussions – as new devices are being connected up it is evolving in to a connection medium that is connecting every piece of technology together.

This new Internet could be compared to the physical transport systems that we have now – roadways, train lines and subways – these transport systems connect our lives together and are used by all of us every day to get where we need to go. This new Internet is very similar in that it will connect every type of device together as well as many other things in between.

The reason it is called the Internet of things is because everything that you can think of will have an Internet connection.

At the moment the main uses for the Internet of things is in the control it gives us over these things – for example cars, electrical appliances, lighting systems and alarm systems are some common things that are now Internet connected and allow us to control them via the Internet wherever we are.

Big Data

Big data is a relatively new concept or at least the extreme interest in it is relatively new. At the moment big data seems to be reserved more for large corporations and most people think that big data has no use in everyday life and isn’t something that concerns them.

Big data is pretty much exactly what it sounds like – a large amount of data that can be gathered, stored and manipulated. The reason it has become so important is really because computers are only now powerful enough to handle and manipulate large datasets and actually get some benefit from the process. This is largely thanks to cloud computer and the fact that computer systems are no longer constrained by physical hardware resources.

Big data does tend to be used by large companies with the aim of gleaning some new information about business practices, profit margins or evening upcoming trends in the marketplace.

A good example of a real world use for big data was presented by Wal-Mart not so long ago when they used huge datasets and predictive analytics to establish buying patterns of their customers in various regions. They used the information to stock shops within each region much more efficiently and this increased their margins and made the investment in big data technologies extremely effective.

internet of things meets big data iot 2015

So how to big data and IoT go together?

Big data thrives on information and is really about using that information to automatically change systems for the better. The Internet of things is the perfect facilitator for big data because it enables all types of things do collect and transmit data.

As the Internet of Things takes hold it is likely to become one of the key suppliers for big data systems and this will be great for the consumer because it will make every day things much more efficient.

For example, the Internet of Things could provide information on all of the things we use such as electricity, water, internet, telephone, mobile phones, food and literally hundreds if not thousands of other things and that information could then be used to provide the best type of service for each of those resources.

It would be sort of like an automated real time version of comparethemarket.com and would mean that rather than consumers being stuck on a particular price plan for any resource that they use they could be automatically put on the best plan with the best provider. Even better than this IoT and big data might see all of these types of consumer services changing into a far more accurate per unit pricing model similar to the system used by HP with their instant ink service.

Replacements for Goodell As Arbitrator in Brady Deflategate Appeal

replacements for roger goodell tom brady deflategate images 2015

It seems insane to me that Roger Goodell will not step aside to let someone else handle the Tom Brady Deflategate appeal. Brady and the union have appealed his four game suspension for his perceived role in the Deflategate ordeal. The hearing is set for June 23. There was no doubt that the players’ union would object to Goodell presiding over the appeal. They have formally asked Goodell to recuse himself, but we also knew how that would go. Goodell feels like he is honest enough to handle the appeal process and plans to do just that.

The NFLPA has made it clear that Goodell could be called as a witness in the appeal. That in of itself should be reason enough for the man to step aside for this case. It’s ridiculous that anyone would think Goodell is going to overturn a decision that he made himself. Doing so would be admitting that he was wrong and we know how he isn’t into that kind of thing.

The union also pointed out Goodell’s “evident partiality with respect to the Wells report.” In short they don’t trust the guy and feel like he had his mind made up going into the Deflategate investigation.

This appeal is going to be a waste of time for everyone involved. The end of the appeal case could be summed up with Roger Goodell reading his original punishment for Tom Brady, then adding “ditto.”

Goodell could have handed the case over to an independent arbitrator but chose not to do so. Doing so would have put his diktats in jeopardy of being overturned. A truly independent arbitrator would not be able to uphold Brady’s penalties if he went strictly by the “evidence” in the Wells report. Without preconceived notions, I don’t see how anyone could say Brady was proven guilty.

Here are ten people off the top of my head that would be better suited than Goodell to hear Tom Brady’s appeal.
jameis winston replace roger goodell for tom brady10. Jameis Winston. I would love to see what Winston had to say before, during, and after the appeal. He appears a fool to me, even though many media people talk about how smart he is. He may go with his favorite line about the “love of the game,” and let Brady slide since he did it to win football games.
jon gruden replace roger goodell for tom brady 20159. Jon Gruden. The former head coach is great at breaking down quarterbacks on film. He could easily break down the Wells Report and get to a proper decision on Tom Brady. I imagine he knows how silly all this has been.
lebron james to replace roger goodell for tom brady 20158. Lebron James. Since the media has anointed this man a king, maybe he would be perfect to sort this thing out the right way. That’s what kings should do right, make the big decisions? I would prefer he work on the Brady appeal over him spending time during the NBA Finals getting away with walking on every possession, every call going his way, and me having to watch his big head on each and every camera shot.
judge judy to replace roger goodell for tom brady deflategate 20157. Judge Judy. This is the meanest lady to ever preside over a courtroom. Brady would run the risk of being executed instead of suspended with this character. She makes more money ($47 million a year) than Goodell so she isn’t out of her league here.
al michaels to replace roger goodell for tom brady 20156. Al Michaels. One of the most trusted broadcasters of our time. It would hard to go wrong with a legend like him. I would be comfortable with his decision, whether he exonerated Brady or banned him from the NFL for life. That would be pretty funny actually.
jay z to replace roger goodell for tom brady deflategate 20155. Jay-Z seems like he is a fair minded guy. I would even vote for him to take over Goodell’s job full time.
dana white to replace roger goodell for tom brady 20154. Dana White. White may not be the most subtle guy ever, but he speaks the truth. I think he would cut through the bullshit to get to the truth. That might not bode well for Brady since the circumstantial evidence is against #12, but I’d trust Dana White over Roger Goodell.
Tim Tebow to replace roger goodell for tom brady deflategate 20153. Tim Tebow. He is an angel among humans and is unsullied with worldly sins. Who could be more fair than Tebow? Be prepared for a ruling that involves cutting Brady in half with a sword like the wise King Solomon once ruled however.
Rex Ryan to replace roger goodell for tom brady deflategate 20152. Rex Ryan. The Bills head coach hates the Patriots and Tom Brady. He would have a stake in Brady missing four games since it would help his team that resides in the same division as the Pats. I still would trust his decision over Roger Goodell’s.
kevin hart to replace roger goodell for tom brady 2015 deflategate1. Kevin Hart. The guy may be the funniest man on the planet so that makes him perfect for hearing the Brady appeal. Deflategate has been a joke from the start so Hart is the right guy to finish it off with the proper punchlines as arbitrator.

5 Best Moments From GAME OF THRONES 508 Hardhome

game of thrones 508 hardhome best moments 2015 images

We’re finally getting closer to the climax of the fifth season of Game of Thrones with episode 508, and while for some, this season has been a disappointment, Hardhome will have surely made up for most of it. And so, here are the five best things about the episode that we saw. [Book Spoilers]

tyrion with dany on game of thrones hardhome 508 2015

Tyrion and Dany

They haven’t met in the books yet so for show watchers to actually see two of the most popular characters on other sides of the world for majority of the story actually sit and chat is somewhat of a surreal experience.

Dany tries to intimidate Tyrion with indirect threats about having a huge army but he’s having none of it and having lost the fear of losing his life a long time ago, gave her honest counsel. It was certainly refreshing for the Mother of Dragons to hear as opposed to yes men (let’s face it, no one’s really challenged her from her council) and led her to keep him alive.

Here’s to more fun interactions between the two.

sansa finding truth on game of thrones hardhome 2015

Sansa finds out the truth

Other than the brilliant interaction between Sansa and Theon (oh..Reek) which we don’t have in the books, Sansa now extracted a vital piece of information – her brothers are still alive.

Under the impression that all of her family were dead barring Jon Snow, Sansa seemed a bit resigned to the fact that the Boltons would be ruling the North for at least the considerable future. However, with this vital piece of information, it’ll definitely be interesting to see how Sansa uses it considering it would weaken the Boltons’ claim to rule the North.

tormund back jon snow game of thrones hardhome 2015

Tormund backing Jon Snow

Look at how far Tormund’s come. From wanting to kill Jon to now openly admitting that he’s allies with him in front of tens of thousands of wildlings.

tormund killing lord of bones for jon snow game of thrones 2015v

He even killed the annoying Lord of Bones – a prominent character in the books – with ease and got the Wildlings’ attention. And to top it all of, he complimented the Lord Commander saying he knew how to fight and even though he was young, he knew how to lead.

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Battle with the White Walkers

It was this battle that really stole the show though. From the screen directing to the soundtrack to the acting, everything was done perfectly. Book readers haven’t got any White Walker action yet as the show got to it first but it’s very doubtful that they’d be complaining if they saw it.

From giants to white walkers to Jon Snow to that goosebump rendering scene where Jon just watches the White Walker general reanimate all the dead Wildlings while posing as if to say “Are you not entertained?”, this battle couldn’t have been done any better.

Nods to Book Readers

This episode also confirmed a few things. For one, Valyrian steel is in fact capable of striking down a White Walker – something not confirmed in the books.

Along with this, Sam gave a few clues about Jon’s fate in the books. With his speech about hard choices to Olly, it’s not going to be hard guessing who ends up standing in Jon’s way at the end of the season.

white walkers game of thrones hardhome 2015

But will Jon be dead? As Sam may have foreshadowed, “Jon always comes back.”

Is Daniel Cormier Greater than Jon Jones?


daniel cormer is greater than jon jones ufc 2015Daniel Cormier is better than Jon Jones. Cormier > Jones goes against one of my all-time favorite sports’ argument enders….scoreboard. Jon Jones whipped Cormier in the ring when the former champ defended his Light Heavyweight Title, so Jones has to be better right? Not exactly. Jones was the better fighter in the ring versus Cormier, but the new champion who beat up Rumble Johnson is better at being a professional fighter. That is obvious and cannot be debated.

As Jon Jones sits out, stripped of his belt and facing major legal troubles, he should check out the playbook Daniel Cormier has used to be at the next level. Jones doesn’t need any guidance inside the Octagon from the new champ. Jon Jones needs guidance on how to conduct himself outside the ring and how to ensure he has a MMA career after Father Time beats his ass eventually. Daniel Cormier can teach Jones all he needs to know in these areas.

jon jones arrestedWhile I don’t think the UFC benefits from Cormier being the champion when it comes to the actual fights, the new Light Heavyweight Champion will do wonders for hyping fights up. His fighting style is not as exciting as what Jones brought to the table, but not many fighters can make that claim. Cormier grinded his way to the title when he mauled Anthony Johnson for three rounds on his way to a win via submission. The win wasn’t flashy, although it was impressive as he survived big blows from the Tyson-like Johnson.

Cormier is the exact opposite outside the Octagon. His personality is anything but ground and pound. His outgoing style on the mic is comparable to Jon Jones’ freaky style inside the ring. Cormier does epic work in post-fight interviews as well as on his side gig as a commentator for Fox Sports. He has the natural gift of gab and the big personality that makes him perfect for TV work. His “Get yo shit together, I’m waiting for you,” walk off blast at Jon Jones after he won the belt was one for the ages. I wanted to hear an in-depth interview with Rogan, but that one liner was even better.
jon jones high lows 2015Jon Jones could learn a thing or two from the new champ about staying out the news for all the wrong reasons also. Cormier may not be an angel. I don’t know him personally, but he hasn’t embarrassed himself publicly like Jon Jones. Keeping your nose clean isn’t hard to do. It’s a big part of staying on top, no matter the sport. Jones may have been the best pound for pound fighter in the UFC, but that was made irrelevant when he failed a drug test, then became a menace to commuters.
daniel cormier ufc tonight 2015Daniel Cormier is set up for the next several years, if not life. He can’t fight forever, but he can spit mad game into that mic for as long as he wants to cover UFC action. He is apparently smart enough to realize he won’t be able to beat up people for a living into his forties. He was not better than Jon Jones on the one night they were in the same Octagon. Jones whipped him pretty good. But Daniel Cormier is going to show Jones and any other athlete the road map to success. It doesn’t stop when the athletic ability diminishes. There is plenty of work to be found in coaching, training, and in media related opportunities once the stardom fades.
jon jone dui car 2015Jon Jones may make a brilliant comeback if he gets his life in order. Cormier may get destroyed in a rematch with the former champion, who knows. Fans and history books may remember Jones more fondly since he has been one of the brightest stars in the UFC ever. That won’t change my mind about Daniel Cormier being greater than Jon Jones. Being successful, even as an athlete, involves using your smarts. Cormier has set himself up for long-term success. Jon Jones did what was needed for the short term. Life lasts longer than an athletic career though. Best prepare for both, just as Daniel Cormier has done.

GAME OF THRONES Ep 507: No Gift For Sansa


There was a great deal happening this week on Game of Thrones in Westeros. So let’s jump right in before something else terrible happens to Sansa. Just kill her off already, if she is to never see a bright spot!
jon snow kit harington in game of thrones 507 gift images 2015Jon Snow rides off with the defacto leader of the Wildlings, Tormund, on this somewhat hopeless mission. If Mance didn’t think he could get the Wildlings to combine forces with Stannis, it seems doubtful Jon Snow can make it happen.

We see Sansa wake up with bruises on her arms as the result of sharing a bed with Ramsay. She is just his victim and begs Theon to help her. She is totally desperate to even ask this man, whom she hates, for help. He promises to light the candle in the high tower to signal for help. He of course does the opposite and tells Ramsay all about it. He is broken and is not coming back to the Theon Sansa knew. This man is Ramsay’s slave. He is Reek forevermore .

The men of the Night’s Watch said farewell to Maester Aemon. Sam gave his eulogy saying the wise man was “the blood of the dragon.” Sam has been left without many friends now at the Wall.
More gloom for Sansa as she strolled along with her hubby Ramsay. She puts him in his place, reminding him that he is a bastard and it was another bastard that gave the royal decree making him no longer a bastard. Ramsay isn’t phased much and informs her of her bastard brother’s rise to Lord Commander at the Wall. I don’t know if that gave Sansa hope or if that is impossible now. After she is shown the tortured body of the old lady who told her “The North remembers,” I don’t see how she could have much hope at all. She did pick up a shank of some sort on their little walk, so maybe she will take matters in her own hands. Doing so would get her killed, unless he could blame the murder of Ramsey on Reek.

We see just how unprepared Stannis’ army is for winter time warfare. His two closest advisers want him to either retreat to Castle Black or sacrifice his little daughter to use the smoke baby monster once again. Stannis isn’t interested in either option.
hannah murray john bradley in game of thrones gift recap 507 images 2015Sam stood up for Gilly as she was harassed by some watchmen. He isn’t much of a fighter, but can take a punch…or ten. Ghost made a cameo appearance to scare off the dudes that beat Sam and wanted to rape Gilly. Sam was shown some real appreciation by Gilly later on.

The irony of Jorah being sold to a slave master was clear as he stood ashamed on the platform as men bid for the right to own him. The hype man selling him had him killing hundreds in past wars and painted him as slayer of Khal Drogo himself. Tyrion was quick to tag along with Jorah, beating the piss out of his handler to show he was a “great fighter” as well.

Olenna Tyrell finds out that the High Sparrow is just what he purports, a religious fanatic. He has no interest in gold or other worldly things. He has the notion that the average Joes will soon lose their fear of the powerful families of the world and the balance of power will shift from the few to the many. This theory is being talked about online in regards to Daenerys never reaching the Iron Throne, but installing a democratic society that spreads worldwide. That’s a theory, not a spoiler.

We got a glimpse of Jaime and Bronn locked up in Dorne. Jaime has no pervasive powers over his daughter who intends on staying there. Bronn is informed by the “most beautiful woman in the world,” Tyene Sand, that he was poisoned during their fight. She is nice enough to toss him the antidote as she teased him, but not before he admitted she is in fact the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. That would have been a cool way for Bronn to die, but I’m glad he is still alive.

The pit fights are just what Dany thought they would be, barbaric. She watches as a nod toward tradition. What happened to only free men fighting though? These guys are slaves! Jorah heads out to do battle once he knows Khaleesi is in attendance. The guy laid waste to all the gladiators and showed his face to Dany. She was pleased with this fighter’s ability, and the fact that he didn’t end anyone’s life in the process. However, she was not ready to forgive him and wanted him removed. Tyrion saved the moment as he presented himself as the gift Jorah spoke of to her. He introduced himself as Tyrion Lannister and flattered Daenerys in the process, giving her the respect of “your grace.”
dean charles chapman lena headey in game of thrones gift ep 507 images 2015Cersei told Tommen she would speak to the High Sparrow on the little king’s behalf. She really just wanted to rub Margaery’s nose in the fact that she had won. Cersei visited the queen in her cell and acted as though she was concerned, even now keeping up appearances. Margaery is pissed beyond all belief and looking a bit haggard.

Cersei was pretty pleased with herself as she prepared to leave the holy building. She endured some high brow moral talk from the High Sparrow on her way out. However, she took her leaving a bit slow. Petyr had given Olenna some ammo to battle Cersei, which she must have passed on to the High Sparrow. The cult leader tells Cersei about a young man who freed himself of the burdens of sin when he joined the Sparrows. The man he spoke of was of course Lancel Lannister, Cersei’s cousin / former lover. Cersei has to pay for her sins and is tossed in a jail cell herself. It was beautiful! She is devious enough, but does not think very far ahead of the game. The Queen Mother does get off one more verbal blast as she tells the lady jailer to look at her face, as it will be the last thing she sees before she dies. I hate Cersei, but have no doubt that is true.

As I said, lots of action this week. Jorah and Tyrion making it to Dany was a huge step forward. She has to eventually forgive Jorah and Tyrion may prove to be her best adviser yet if she will accept him. Don’t forget about Varys either. Surely he has to be close to Meereen by now. Sansa’s storyline is so dark that I cringe whenever she appears. I’m not going to even mention something positive happening to the girl. There has been no evidence that is going to happen. So until it does, I accept her life as a hell based existence.

LA Lakers Big Winners in Slightly Less-Rigged 2015 NBA Draft Lottery


la lakers big winners in nba draft 2015

Before Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals between the Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors on Tuesday night, the annual NBA Draft Lottery took place in New York. With college superstars and NBA team executives and players looking on, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the worst team in the NBA this season, were awarded the 1st overall pick in the 2015 NBA Draft.

The Los Angeles Lakers, Philadelphia 76ers, and New York Knicks round out the top selections. The Lakers and the Knicks were the only two teams who will not be picking in the spot they technically earned.

It was nice to finally see the right team get the first pick in the draft; however, even under new NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, the league still had to rig the order somewhat in arguably the most rigged event in professional sports. I don’t necessary want to play conspiracy theorist, but the evidence against the NBA is just too much to ignore:

The Cleveland Cavaliers have had the first overall selection three of the last four years despite very small odds last season. Why? The league had a big need to break up the powerhouse that the Miami Heat had put together. By giving the Cavs three first overall picks, the league encouraged LeBron James to return home to Cleveland.

The one season that the Cavaliers did not receive the first overall pick was 2012 when the New Orleans Hornets heard their name called as the big winners. The Hornets didn’t earn the top pick with their record; but with their original owner pulling out of the organization and the team under the control of the league while they searched for a new owner, New Orleans was given the first selection (Anthony Davis) in order to increase interest in the franchise amongst potential buyers.

The evidence is hard to ignore, and it’s hard to say that the last four years have all just been a big coincidence. The NBA Draft Lottery was accused of being rigged right from the beginning in 1985.

los angeles lakers nba draft workout 2015

Then-Commissioner David Stern called for the first NBA Draft Lottery in 1985, the same year that “once in a decade talent” Patrick Ewing declared for the draft. With a 24-58 record, the Knicks would have simply had the 3rd overall pick—not early enough to draft Ewing, the center the team desperately needed.

Stern, a well-known Knicks fan, made the selection in the lottery by grabbing an envelope out of a big ball. He clearly threw the top few aside to go straight for the Knicks envelope. Given Stern’s history with rigging NBA basketball events (i.e. the 2002 Western Conference Finals between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Sacramento Kings) before and after the 1985 season, it’s hard to say that Stern wasn’t trying to bring some life back to one of the league’s biggest markets.

Fast forward to Tuesday night. Silver, in an attempt to rescue the NBA’s image, gave the Twolves, a very small market compared to the other three teams in the top four, the top pick that they ‘earned’ by their poor play throughout the season.

Silver wasn’t free from the sins of the previous administration, however. The Lakers jumped from the 4th pick to No. 2, replacing the Knicks.

“But the Knicks are a huge market, why wouldn’t the NBA want them to have the 2nd overall pick?”

Well, let’s face it—the Knicks suck. They need a lot of help; and with everything going on there and everything Phil Jackson has done so far, the top pick in the draft really won’t do much. It’ll help, but it certainly will not mean a playoff berth.

The Lakers on the other hand have a lot going for them by moving up to No. 2. Kobe Bryant will be returning from injury, the team will have a fantastic rookie to play, and then big names like Kevin Love and Russell Westbrook could very easily find themselves in L.A. by the end of the offseason.

Rumors that Love and Westbrook will try to team up again on the Lakers have been swirling around for most of the season. Bringing in one of the best college players will only help draw big name free agents there. No one is interested in playing for the Knicks either way.

I’m sure the Draft Lottery was legitimate some years; but until they let the public watch the drawing itself, it is hard to believe that they aren’t simply picking the teams in an order that is most beneficial for the league as a whole (makes the most money for the owners in big markets) in their eyes.