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Rachel Dolezal Using Race Card When Convenient: For the Record

rachel dolezal using race card when convenient 2015 imagesThe biggest news story, what seems like of the year, just continues to get bigger so there is really no way for me not to talk about it. Not just because it has everything to do with me as a black woman, but because there are so many differing opinions that are all over the place. So here is my attempt to bring some perspective on the situation.

Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who was found out to be portraying herself as a black woman for a number of years. The story, in a nutshell, is that she identifies with the black community and therefore sees nothing wrong with wearing black face, wearing kinky wigs, dreads, braids or anything black originated because she is considers herself “trans racial.”

Now at first, I really didn’t have a clear opinion on the situation. I was like, “well damn… ain’t that something.” I mean yes she deceived people so much to the point that she was able to be president of a NAACP chapter in the Spokane, WA area, but she did so much for the community. Perhaps, just maybe, we can all look past the lies and the deceit and the insult that Rachel Dolezal really is to black people because of it is all for our advancement.

Then, as more information continued to flow from all outlets, it became clearer to me that this woman, who was married to a black man and who has a child, a woman who denies with every ounce in her body that she is white but at the same time, in no form or fashion, can ancestral claim African American roots (you know… the thing one needs to be considered black), I thought surely she is suffering from some kind of mental issue. I mean, to totally cast off the fact that you were raised by two very white parents because you decided that you just wanted to and speaks about a connection to black people as if your mother and father were melanin rich has to be the result of something being kind of off “up there.”

I was all for giving her a pass so to speak or to brush it off (even though like seriously, I am tired of seeing it every single time I am on anything social media related) but then something happened. I actually started to listen to Rachel Dolezal. I listened to and read her comments from her interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show. I heard her answers to the question asked of her.

“Well, I definitely am not white. Nothing about being white describes who I am.”

I watched her movements and her eyes and listened to the tone in her voice.  And became even more intrigued. “This bitch really believes this shit.” Then, I heard about her time at Howard University, probably the most famous of the Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and how she felt left out, alone, marginalized and altogether unwanted at the school because she was white. I read how she sued the school and lost. And it made me think, who the fuck is she to be upset about something that has happened and continues to happen to black people on a grander scale? The very fact that she felt like she was entitled to all the rights, traditions and connections of black people, in my opinion, speaks to the very root of the issue that caused her to unapologetically live as a black woman in the first place- white girl privileges.

Now I know that people don’t want to hear this. But let me break some things down for you. In this country, the images we see pretty much all the time is of white, skinny, beautiful women whose lives are pretty damn perfect. They are CEO’s, cover models, run way models, superstars and they live the fucking life. There is an unspoken privilege that white women have access to that not even white men are able to have.

With that, the very fact that Rachel Dolezal feels that she has the right to do what she is doing is because it is a privilege that her natural born race affords her. She cannot speak of a struggle or “going through stuff” because she has no real right to that claim.

This sounds harsh and controversial but know that it is coming from a real place of truth. It does not make those who are able to take advantage of it bad people or racists people or even stuck up people. In fact, on of my very best friends is white and would definitely argue with me on this without fail and we’d love each other all the same. But there are those like Dolezal who understand it and use it to their advantage.

So her pretending to be black because she connects with the black experience is bullshit. And fuck a “trans racial” because here’s the deal. What she is doing and how she continues to get away with it would not be tolerated if a black person did it.

And for those who believe she is brave or a trailblazer, go sit on down with your Kool Aid. There are so many other more important and relevant issues that brave people are dealing with, you know, like white male terrorist committing hate and religious crimes on black churches.

What Does the Future Hold For LaMarcus Aldridge In NBA?


what future holds for lamarcus aldridge 2015If it weren’t for Marc Gasol’s impending free agency, LaMarcus Aldridge would be the best available player on the market in 2015. After nine great seasons with the Portland Trail Blazers, LA looks to be on the way out of Oregon after yet another early playoff exit. Or is he? No one can tell because there is so much speculation about the All-Star’s potential landing spot.

Aldridge was actually drafted 2nd overall by the Chicago Bulls in 2006; however, he hasn’t taken the court for anyone but the Blazers in his nine professional seasons. There was a bit of a learning curve for Aldridge in his rookie year; but since then LA hasn’t failed to put up at least 17.8 points and 7.5 rebounds per game in a single season, playing at the highest level of his career over the past two seasons averaging over 20 and 10 a game.

Needless to say, Aldridge would be an immediate improvement to any team he decides to play for this offseason. Too bad we have no idea who that team will be with all the rumors floating around.

When it first became clear the LA would test the waters of free agency when the pool opens on July 1, rumors started coming from everywhere. Aldridge is most likely fed up with the early playoff exits and lack of championship-caliber players around him. He’s not getting any younger, and he’d like to get a ring while he’s playing at such a high level. Thus enters the first big rumor—Aldridge really wants to play for the San Antonio Spurs.

I’m not sure how true this one is, but it definitely makes sense. The Spurs are a winning team with championship DNA. 2015-2016 will be the last season that Gregg Popovich, Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili, and Tony Parker are all on the same team, so it’s all in for that sixth ring. The Spurs are a team that could and most likely will make a legitimate run at the NBA Finals once again with or without Aldridge.

Duncan, Ginobili, Parker, Kawhi Leonard, and Aldridge all on the same team doesn’t sound fair at all; but it’s pretty obvious why this would be appealing to the free agent.

Everyone was pretty content with that answer (except Blazer fans, I imagine); however, then the news broke that the Dallas Mavericks may be the real front runners in the Aldridge sweepstakes. Apparently the Mavs are pursuing him pretty hard. Dirk Nowitzki isn’t getting any younger; and if they hope to win another NBA title with their sharp-shooter, bringing in someone like Aldridge would give them the best chance.

And of course what NBA free agent’s discussion would be complete without the Los Angeles Lakers rumor. If everyone that was supposed to go to the Lakers actually did, the starting five right now would be LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Kevin Love, and Kobe Bryant. So, basically Team USA.

Well, the Lakers feel that they have a shot, albeit distant, at landing Aldridge. Although they posted the worst record in franchise history this past season, the Lakers do have a good bit going for them. But is Aldridge willing to wait a few more years to start winning?

That’s really what it comes down to. Aldridge really has three options: win and win a lot this year only with the Spurs, win for a few years with the Mavs, or win in a few years with the Lakers. And of course there’s always the possibility that he stick with Portland. I guess we’ll all just need to shut up and wait for him to decide.

But first I’m going to add my own rumor: LaMarcus Aldridge to the New Orleans Pelicans. Sure, it’s an even longer shot than the Lakers thing; but could you imagine Anthony Davis and Aldridge playing together? I can’t, but I’d sure love to see it.

Will Apple Try To Save Jay Z’s Tidal Crash Now?


will apple try to save jay zs tidal crash now“It’s happening… What does Apple bring to this?… Well, they’ve got $178 billion dollars in the bank. And they have 800 million credit cards in iTunes. Spotify has never really advertised because it’s never been profitable. My guess is that Apple will promote this like crazy and I think that will have a halo effect on the streaming business… A rising tide will lift all boats… It’s the beginning of an amazing moment for our industry.”

— Sony Music CEO Doug Morris, via Venturebeat

After allegedly trying to kill Jay Z’s Tidal business, Apple might suddenly play the white knight and rush in to save it after it launches Apple Music, sort of. Now that Tidal has some major problems brewing, will the behemoth Apple really need to?

The way I see it, what the SONY exec was saying that once Apple becomes successful in the streaming business, streaming will be the new thing. What’s old becomes new again. Apple will basically open up the market to music streaming giving every other streaming business like Tidal more customers than before. Much like how Apple opened up the market to tablets with the iPad, music players through the iPod and touch screen phones through the iPhone. It’s like in Field of Dreams. If you build it, they will come. In the case of Apple, if Apple does it too, then they will come. This means well not just for Tidal, but for other music streamers like Spotify.

Another theory is if Apple becomes successful with Apple Music, it will want more. Apple will acquire or Apple will partner. Either way, it will be in Jay-Z’s best interests. Apple will want access to some if not all artists signed up with Tidal and those exclusive songs. If he remains ideological (giving the artists what’s due), he can partner with Apple so Apple has access to his stable of artists, but if he’s only in it for the money, he could sell Tidal outright and add his poor peers to Apple’s walled orchard. Hopefully, he won’t fully sell out. In a world or rampant media piracy, he has a noble concept. Partnering with Apple opens up his artists to additional revenue and people with more options.

However, what Sony Music CEO, Doug Morris said doesn’t feel quite right. Most people go into business with the goal of coming out on top, especially giants like Sony. Now the man says that everything depends on another company to shake things up. How hard times have gotten for Sony indeed as many people still expect it to innovate as it used to do. But in a business sense, the music business is similar to the stock market. Apple commands what will be the popular stock of the day and people will buy into any stock available no matter the company. Sony has resigned itself to the idea for now. If you can’t beat them, join them. Sony music remains a music label and iTunes is the storefront.

Back to Tidal, the company is still doing well but its size or customer base compared to the others continue to pull the company down on the news, plus Apple’s alleged attempts to snuff it out by giving Jay-Z’s artists a difficult time on iTunes and not including Tidal in the App Store’s top 700. Tidal has one thing going for it, and that’s the uniqueness of exclusivity; tracks not available anywhere else. But it’s not like other labels can’t follow suit. Apple is considering artist curated music. Instead of just competing with each other, artists could help each other out and since artists are music fans themselves, they can suggest what music they like best from their peers. It’s like a medley from one of my favorite artists, ‘Songs I wish I wrote’ except he sung them himself. Dead artists and albums can be revived again though we’ll never know what Michael Jackson’s taste in music was like or would we. Apple’s success will float other’s people’s boats in the music stream. Apple will also need Jay Z’s artists for their curated music idea. If it kicks off, other artists will be able to float other people’s boats as well. It will be fun seeing these people help each other out and making eclectics out of everyone.

But now, things for Tidal are suddenly building up to a possible big crash as artists such as Drake have signed on to Apple’s subscription service and good buddy Kanye West is already deep into talks with them. When it comes to biz and money, Jay Z and Beyonce know, friends are far and few between when you’re struggling. Image is everything to the couple and wife Beyonce tarnished theirs somewhat when she introduced a new vegan diet that fans could purchase for $1K for 22 days and lose the weight she did. I don’t know if that will include all the trainers and nutritionists, but you can be sure, results will surely vary as the fine print will say.

jay z tidal causes madonna glitch 2015Right now, exclusive content includes Jay Z and Madonna, but after the major video premier glitch for M’s “B***h I’m Madonna” this week, that might change too. Madonna does not take mistakes lightly so with issues continuing to build for Tidal, will Apple buy them for a cheap price to knock out that possible competition or just hope to let them wither on the vine? Apple is offering a free three-month subscription trial on June 30 to add more pressure.

RHOA’s Loose Peter & Khloe Lamar Odom Drama: Celebrity Gossip Roundup

cynthia bailey bobbi kristina lamar odom tamar braxton 2015 gossipI know you are burning for some celebrity gossip because for some reason, we just can’t seem to get enough of it so here are some highlights. Cynthia Bailey continues pretending Real Housewives of Atlanta hubby Peter Thomas is keeping his peter to himself and Bobby Kristina has been brought home but is there something nefarious going on?

rhoa cynthia bailey husband cheating peter 2015Cynthia Bailey’s Husband Caught Cheating

Peter Thomas the Jamaica man a.k.a Cynthia Bailey’s husband from Real Housewives of Atlanta was caught on a video engaging in some inappropriate touching (and from what it looked like kissing) with a woman who was clearly NOT Cynthia.

Thanks to social media and a camera phone, one girl caught Peter greeting a woman with a kiss that should only be meant for a wife. He touched her neck and then ran his hand down her boob.

peter thomas kissing another woman rhoa 2015The video hit the internet not too long after it happened and now his wife is speaking out about the suspicious video. She said,

“I wasn’t there…“I saw the video like everyone else. It seemed like he was kissing some identified woman on her cheek.”

Come on now Cynthia, you know full well it looked like more than a kiss on the cheek. It was sultry and smooth and foul.

“You know, when I saw the video I thought it was inappropriate… I don’t know if it’s grounds for divorce, but… I’m not going to set his clothes on fire, but we’re going to talk about some things.”

Well at least see agrees that he had no business doing it. It all goes along with the rumors that circulate about him being a male whore and cheat on the show. Maybe there is something to the accusations.

pat houston bobbi kristina brownBobbi Kristina Brought Home… Reason Why Still Up in the Air

Why is there so much drama around Bobbi Kristina even in a non-responsive state? The Browns and Houstons are at it over BK’s well-being. A recent slew of articles reported that she was being brought home to die peacefully not, Leolah Brown, Bobby Brown’s sister, says that shit ain’t true and Pat Houston, Whitney’s sister in law, just wants to pull the plug because she THINKS she will inherit BK’s money.

Leolah says that Houston has been griping about the cost to keep BK breathing. “Why don’t he (her daddy) just pull the plug on Bobbi Kriss, because it’s costing too much money to keep her alive.”

bobbi kristina brown brought home to die 2015Leolah goes on further to express how much Whitney Houston “hated” Pat and her whole family knows it.

This of course is so sad and there is no doubt that the drama is just going to continue to escalate because when money is involved, people just don’t know how to act.

 lamar odom friend od 2015Lamar Odom Suffers Meltdown?

Is it just me or does it seem like Lamar Odom just is not having the best moments in his life right now? He is still married to Khloe Kardashian but yet they obviously are not together. One of his best friends just died from an apparent suicide and there isn’t an NBA team out there that wants him.

With all of that and I am sure, so much more, I can see how and why he could have a meltdown which is exactly what people are saying happened recently.

lamar odom drinking to vegas meltdown 2015While traveling to his friend’s funeral, he couldn’t take it anymore and a source on the plane says he had a meltdown. It more than likely had something to do with the free booze he consumed on the one hour flight from Vegas to L.A.

“Lamar had two shots of vodka and he told the flight attendant ‘Vodka and Xanax and I should wake up there.”

To be honest, you can’t really blame him for trying to down out the hurt and the rumors of everything. Losing someone close to you is hard enough and add being famous and washed out to it. It cannot be a good experience.

k michelle tamar braxton shade feud 2015 gossipTamar Braxton Throw Some Down low Shade at K. Michelle

Hey, I thought they called a truce, or at least moved on from the pettiness of going back and forth talking about each other like little middle schools stalling before a fight.

Michelle recently said that she plans on giving up singing after her next album. She “announced” her decision through a series of Tweets.

“You all have to stop putting people as your idol! We serve the same God. People are vessels to heal. Music is 2heal.”

When asked by a fan if she would give it up tomorrow she said, “I am! 1 more album and I’m out! I’ve helped women and made money 4 my family.”

She goes on to say that she hates being a singer because she “hates the hate” she gets when all she’s trying to do is help her family.

Well apparently Tamar got word of the tweets and in her traditional down low messy fashion for whatever reason she tweeted,

“People talk about NOT singing anymore #ifidontdhaveyou is PERSONAL to me!!!”

For the record, I don’t think that K. Michelle can hold a note to Tamar but I def respect her reasons for singing and for quitting… even though I don’t think she’s that great of a singer.

LeBron James Should’ve Been NBA Finals MVP


lebron james should be mvp nba finalsThe 2015 NBA Finals are over and the Golden State Warriors, following a series-clinching victory on Tuesday night, are the new NBA champions. Andre Iguodala, a forward for the Warriors, was named the NBA Finals MVP shortly after game six. However the NBA probably should have broken away from tradition and awarded the finals MVP to a player on the losing team. Lebron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers was clearly the best player in the championship series, so much so that the tradition of awarding the MVP to a player on the winning team could have been forsaken.

Iguodala’s performance in the 2015 NBA Finals was impressive. Highlights included scoring 25 points in game six and 22 in game four. However James’ performance was so much more impressive that it should have been acknowledged. Here’s a look, game for game, at the two players’ stats during the NBA Finals:

Game 1:

Lebron James: 44 points, 8 rebounds, 6 assists
Andre Iguodala: 15 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists

Game 2:

Lebron James: 39 points, 16 rebounds, 11 assists
Andre Iguodala: 7 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists

Game 3:

Lebron James: 40 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists
Andre Iguodala: 15 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists

Game 4:

Lebron James: 20 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists
Andre Iguodala: 22 points, 8 rebounds, 0 assists

Game 5:

Lebron James: 40 points, 14 rebounds, 11 assists
Andre Iguodala: 14 points, 8 rebounds, 7 assists

Game 6:

Lebron James: 32 points, 18 rebounds, 9 assists
Andre Iguodala: 25 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists


Lebron James: 215 points, 80 rebounds, 53 assists
Andre Iguodala: 88 points, 35 rebounds, 24 assists

In winning the NBA Finals MVP award, Iguodala becomes an unworthy recipient who now joins a list that is otherwise pretty exclusive. The 11-year veteran, who didn’t even start for Golden Start once during the regular season, is now on a list that includes, besides James, Dirk Nowitzki, Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, Shaquille O’Neal, Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon, Isiah Thomas, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and several other great NBA players.

Here’s a serious question: is Iguodala the worst player in the award’s history? He’s definitely one of them and I don’t even think he was the best player on his team in the NBA Finals.

Even if you hold that the award has to go to a member of the winning team then Steph Curry probably should have gotten it. He didn’t play a great series from top to bottom but neither did bench player Iguodala. At least with Curry you have top notch performances for individual games.

In regard to James, there’s only one precedent of the NBA Finals MVP going to a losing player and that was way back in 1969 when it went to Jerry West. However awarding it to Iguodala diminishes the award. 88 points, 35 rebounds, and 24 assists in a six game series does not make an MVP.

Let’s call things straight here: NOBODY on the Warriors had an MVP-calibre series. Golden State won because two of Cleveland’s best players had to spectate with injuries. The Warriors won as the better team but an MVP award is not a team award: it’s for an individual.

If not for Lebron, the 2015 NBA Finals would not have been a remotely competitive series. It would have been a sweep in Golden State’s favor with spreads around 20 points per game. Giving Lebron the MVP award despite losing was the only way to protect the award’s integrity.

GAME OF THRONES 510: Not Much Mother’s Mercy Plus Jon Snow’s Future

game of thrones mothers mercy 510 imagesAfter watching the season five finale of Game of Thrones I’m thinking of how Disney would do this series. Instead of constant disappointment and horror, we would see a musical number at the end of each episode with smiling happy characters. This ain’t Disney! This is the creation of a twisted man named George R. R. Martin who must enjoy torturing his audience.

“Mother’s Mercy” flew by this week and covered a lot of ground. Stannis got what was coming to him after ordering the burning of his kid last week. With half his men deserted along with all his horses he still marched on Winterfell. Big mistake and he had to know the end result. The only good thing that happened to Stannis was having his wife hang herself. When that is a positive you know you have had a bad day, not to mention a terrible wife. Stannis’ rag tag outfit is slaughtered by the Bolton’s mounted army with ease. The aerial shot showed just how foolish this “assault” was in the end.

Stannis survives long enough for Brienne to track him down. She gets her revenge for her friend Renly finally, but misses Sansa’s distress signal. Stannis takes his death like a man as Brienne swings her sword. Those who wanted to see Stannis suffer after what he did to his daughter got robbed a bit since the actual death happened off screen. We get more of Ramsay’s trademarked brutality as he finishes off some wounded soldiers before heading home to his “lonely” wife Sansa.

Sansa Stark is trying to sneak back into her room or flee Winterfell altogether as she is confronted by Myranda and Reek. Sansa says she prefers to die while there is “still some of me left.” That is fine by Myranda who appears ready to kill Ramsay’s wife, but is thwarted by Reek who tosses the brutal bitch over the wall, splattering her pretty little head on the stone below. We’re left hanging here as Reek and Sansa jump off the giant wall presumably into something soft. No way this is a double suicide.

arya blind with meryn trant game of thrones 2015arya blind with meryn trant game of thrones 2015Arya got her chance to mark another name off her kill list as she stood before Meryn Trant with the face of another. We see just how evil this man is as he beats the three young girls before him. Arya takes his lashes without a sound so he sends the other two away. That’s when she pounces on this evil son of a bitch, stabbing him in the eye as she shows him her real face. Epic move that got better with a stab to his other eye, then multiple pierces to his chest. Arya Stark took her time and let him know who she was before she slit his throat sending him to hell. This was great fun for the audience. However the good feeling couldn’t last since she got in trouble with her mentor Jaqen. He acts as though he drinks poison, but Arya sees herself as dead on the floor. Apparently using faces of the dead is like poison and she begins to go blind. Great. We finally have a Stark with the mean streak necessary to survive in this hell hole called Westeros and she is going to be blind or maybe even dead. We’re left hanging on that one until 2016!

Bronn and Jaime are headed home along with Myrcella and Trystane. This seems like a happy resolution to all parties. Jaime even gets a tender moment with his daughter as he tries to tell her he is her real father. She already knows and lets the kingslayer know she is glad. The joy is halted as her nose starts to bleed. Just as I suspected, she was poisoned with the kiss from Ellaria Sand. It’s going to be a tough boat ride home and hard to explain this to Cersei who has had a bad few weeks already. Dropping her dead daughter at her feet will not go well for Jaime. No incest for him anytime soon.

Without Daenarys, the boys are lost. Tyrion, Daario, and Jorah are just sitting around criticising each other on the steps to the queen’s throne. The two warriors are going to look for Dany, but Tyrion isn’t invited since his only skill is talking. That was a great line and the truth for the most part. He is left to help Grey Worm run the city until Dany is found. Varys shows back up finally, so Tyrion will be helped by him and Missandei. It was good to see the crew escaped the stadium after Dany and Drogon fled the scene. They are still left with the terroristic Harpys so maybe Tyrion can figure a way to weed them out. No way all of those guys were killed off at the fighting pit.

We catch up to Daenerys and Drogon, both of which look worse for wear. Drogon is hurt and not in a hurry to fly back to Meereen. There is no telling where they are but Dany decides to head out in search of some food. She is then surrounded by thousands of horsemen that I assume are all Dothraki. She doesn’t appear to be in immediate danger but she is a white haired woman in the midst of apparent savages. This is a formidable army that could be added to her fold or simply replace the battered Unsullied who now are sullied regularly by rivals. Next season will probably see this army making the Mother of Dragons’ army stout enough to begin her march on King’s Landing…..or Dany could get crucified before that ever takes place. I don’t dare put my money on any likable character.


Cersei thought she could confess and be her her merry way. Wrong. She was told by the High Sparrow that she would stand trial for the sins she denied, but he did allow her mercy by letting her head home until the trial. You could see the wheels turning in her head as she thought of her revenge. Then he mentioned atonement. That entailed a bad haircut followed by a walk of shame. Now if I were going to feel any sympathy for this horrible woman this would have been the time. I was not however. This punishment was of her own doing. She put the cult in power that sent her walking through the streets naked through throngs of peasants shouting at her, spitting upon the Queen Mother, and even tossing what looked to be feces at her for good measure. Not a good day for house Lannister. I’m sure many of these peasants had a ton of hatred built up for the former queen who never had much use for common folk.

The visual of Cersei looking toward her castle was to me the best part of the finale. I hate Cersei, but damn she knows how to focus. Imagine walking buck naked through the streets full of scornful people, especially if you were royalty. I certainly didn’t want to root for a character I hate, but it was interesting to watch her struggle to reach a safe haven as she endured the longest walk of her life. She knew if she could just get through those few minutes, she would get to live….and hand out her own atonements. Memo to the High Sparrow: Ain’t gonna be no trial!

After finally making it back to her home Cersei is greeted by her mad scientist who introduces Gregor as the newest member of the King’s Guard. The big guy has taken a vow of silence until all her enemies are vanquished. You could see hope return to the face of the still filthy and bloodied lady as she envisioned the new and improved “Mountain” laying waste to the High Sparrow and anyone who laid a finger on her during her incarceration.

jon snow stabbed to death game of thrones finale 2015Jon Snow’s death lit Twitter ablaze last night, as if that should have been a shock. He was one of the good guys so what did you think was going to happen? He was good hearted, merciful, and a bit ignorant. That is the perfect recipe to have yourself whacked on Game of Thrones. Snow was set up by his protege Olly and sent to a circle of watchmen to find out news about his uncle from season one. First off, how he could think this guy was alive is beyond me. But that was irrelevant. Snow could have been set up in any number of ways. He ended up stabbed by a handful of his brothers, including Olly, in front of a sign reading “Traitor.” Trying to save all mankind still didn’t justify helping the Wildlings in the eyes of Jon’s  brothers. Jon’s role as Lord Commander of Castle Black ended as he bled out into the white snow.

I guess next season I should root for Cersei since anyone who is moral will never win in the end. There is historic evidence of that from each season so far. There is no happy ending coming, which is fine. There is too much of that in TV and film. I want to be shocked even if it means good guy after good guy has to be sacrificed. If I jump on the Cersei bandwagon, she may end up on the moral side, as far fetched as that sounds. Then that will lead to her undoing. It’s probably best to enjoy Game of Thrones like a Super Bowl with two teams you don’t care about. Just hope for an entertaining contest.

Look for the season long wrap up next week. A mild spoiler is below….you have been warned.

SPOILER ahead: I made the mistake of checking Twitter after the end of the finale to see a little Jon Snow reaction. Any search like that can spoil you so I knew it going in, but dove headlong into the fray regardless. There is either a theory or book knowledge that has Milesandre raising Jon from the dead. I only recall her taking lives, not reviving anyone. But I guess anything is possible with a red headed witch.

Our Australian guy Luka Alaria wrote a piece on some things to expect in the finale, and he was dead on with Jon Snow’s death. I had to get in touch with him immediately, and he let me know that Snow is not gone and he will be resurrected as the show will follow this part in the Game of Thrones books. Now that Milesandre is basically adrift again, this will give her more time on the show. Plus the fact that the actress who plays here, Carice van Houten still has a contract. So you’ve been warned/consoled not to mourn Jon Snow for long.

Google’s Mobile App Indexing: Is This A Global Search Shift?


google indexing mobile app content changing search 2015Google recently announced a new feature called Google Now on Tap; the feature will be available in the latest version of the Android operating system and will allow smart phone users to get additional information from within apps.

Up until recently you would be taken out of the app you were in when requesting information from Google but with Google Now on Tap tapping and holding the home button will allow you to ask for, and receive, additional information without leaving the app that you are currently in.

As an example of where this might come in useful, if you were in the middle of texting a friend and they mentioned something of interest – like a new movie – you could tap the home button and get a snippet of information about that new movie without leaving the SMS app.

Along with the announcement of this new service Google also announced that they would be indexing content within other apps in order to provide rich information. This announcement is a very important one because it marks the beginning of SEO for apps. Now that Google are starting to index app content and also to rank apps based on various metrics it means that this is another avenue where businesses must invest money into marketing and SEO strategies and those that don’t may well be missing out on traffic and falling behind their more ambitious competitors.

google indexing content from mobile apps 2015Some may see this as another pothole in the road for small businesses and companies that can’t necessarily afford to adopt all of these new platforms let alone spend money on advertising and SEO services for them. The reality though is that Google are doing this for a reason – they can see that users are using mobile phones to carry out far more tasks and there is a definite shift away from computer use and towards exclusive mobile use when it comes to browsing the internet and looking for information, products and services.

The more refined the mobile experience is for the user the better seeing as we are always ultimately striving for convenience and speed – two things that mobile phones most definitely bring.

Google have really seen the importance of mobile technology and how apps are taking over in all areas of the marketplace – we should really be thanking Google for the heads up because regardless of whether they are indexing in app content or not the user is definitely moving towards the exclusive use of apps and businesses of all sizes should be responding to that shift as quickly and efficiently as possible otherwise those with just a web presence will soon not have any customers to cater for regardless of whether they appear in Google search results or not.

As the shift towards mobile and app use continues no doubt the services that relate to these areas such as mobile app development and mobile SEO will become more and more expensive in line with the increased demand so perhaps now is the time to avail of these services before the prices start to rise.

Is there room for SEO when Google keeps changing the rules?


google keeps changing rules for seo 2015

Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon; It would seem that Google has unleashed almost every animal that it can think of in a bit to prevent the manipulation of its search results by keen webmasters and every time one of these new updates comes out there is always talk that SEO has come to an end and that it is no longer possible to manipulate the search engines.

If you sit back and think about it, the updates are just really Google’s way of responding to weaknesses in its own algorithms – sure each time one of those weaknesses is patched it can no longer be exploited but there will always be another weakness. It is the nature of computing that dictates the undying ability to reverse engineer any system that is put in place, google algorithms notwithstanding.

The latest update from Google dubbed Phantom 2 is a quality update that has had a wide spread effect on rankings across the board. To some this will once again signal the end of SEO but to me it just shows that Google are getting desperate and are clearly changing their tactics from the unleashing of wild beasts to scaremongering with mythical creatures.

The reality is that Google can only use machine learning to rank websites in the best way possible but all of their efforts have to be automated – sure they have some manual reviews in certain areas rife with manipulation such as the payday loans niche but in most areas they steer clear of this, seeing manual intervention as a weakness, so they are always using what is essentially a computer algorithm to determine how relevant any particular site is in regard to a search query. This algorithm can always be gamed because it has a set of ideal parameters that it will accept as being the best.

google seo rules keep changing 2015Whilst the job of a search engine optimisation expert may change from day to day in terms of the specific manipulations that need to take place the overall objective is always the same – to guess the ideal input that is required to satisfy that algorithm – and this can be achieved in only one way – experimentation.

As long as the SEO community keep changing tactics as often as Google keep changing their algorithms then SEO will never be dead and Google will never rain supreme.

Besides, the reality is that Google simply aren’t very good at effectively ordering search results and if they truly managed to gain 100% control over the SERPS then people would probably go elsewhere for Internet queries because it is often the enthusiastic webmasters that so desperately try to get their results to the number one spot on Google who actually have the best information to offer the people that are searching for the keyword or phrase in question.

LeBron James Just Not Enough For Cavaliers NBA Finals Win


lebron james not enough for nba finals cavaliers 2015The 2015 NBA Finals are almost over as, at a maximum, the championship series can only feature two more games. The Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors met in game five on Sunday night. Following a double-digit loss for the Cavs, the Warriors are now within one game of claiming their first NBA title in forty years.

Game five’s result re-affirmed that one standout player cannot make a championship team. LeBron James, twice an NBA champion in Miami, scored 40 points, he claimed 14 rebounds, and he had 11 assists. But despite what has to be called his best efforts the Cavs were not in game five in the dying minutes.

The reason is clear: LeBron doesn’t have a strong enough supporting cast with both Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love out.

J.R. Smith played well in game five but only in the first half. After a hot start, he finished the night 4 of 14 from behind the arc. As his support went so went the Cavs’ chances since none of the other players, besides LeBron, produced a standout performance.

Timofey Mozgov didn’t log big minutes following a stellar performance in game four. In nine minutes of playing time in game five he scored zero points, he had zero rebounds, and he had zero assists.

Matthew Dellavedova, the darling of the series for Cleveland in games two and three, came back down to Earth in game four and he stayed there in game five. He went just 2 of 9 from the floor for just five points, two assists, and no rebounds.

Tristan Thompson and Iman Shumpert didn’t play badly in game five but Cleveland still weren’t able to hang around with Golden State on Sunday night for the whole game. Heading into Tuesday’s game six, Cleveland Coach David Blatt appears to be practically out of options.

If anything, I think he should curb Dellavedova’s minutes by ten to fifteen percent and play Joe Harris for a few. However it’s hard to see how making that move would affect the outcome of the game by much: Cleveland’s chances largely come down to LeBron continuing his standout play and hoping that the other players rise up. However ‘rising to the occasion’ is not as simple as turning on a light switch and I think the Cavs are huge underdogs to win the 2015 NBA title.

That said, they are not out of the series yet. Cleveland will host game six and that gives them a fair chance to win, a result that would force a deciding game seven.

Cleveland fans can hope that their Cavs win on home court and then take the series to a one-and-done situation. Anything can happen in that scenario so the 2014/15 Cavs are by no means down and out yet.

Game six is scheduled for Tuesday night with a start time of 9pm ET.

Chicago Blackhawks Win Their Sixth Stanley Cup


chicago blackhawks stanley cup 2015 winnersThe Chicago Blackhawks won the sixth Stanley Cup in their franchise’s history on Monday night. The ‘hawks, having entered game six up 3-2 in the best-of-seven series, defeated Tampa Bay 2-0 to clinch the NHL’s championship series. Duncan Keith scored the winner ahead of receiving the Conn Smythe trophy while Corey Crawford posted the series-winning shutout. With Chicago winning their third cup in six seasons, debates about whether or not the franchise’s recent success can be called a dynasty promises to ensue.

In my opinion, the answer is clearly no.

But central to the debate is semantics: how is the phrase “dynasty” to be defined in sports? As it’s commonly used, a dynasty describes a single sports franchise that dominates a league for a period of time, and not just one season. So if you look at the time frame between 2010 and 2015, the Blackhawks might appear to be a dynasty because they won three of the Stanley Cups that were up for grabs.

However, in my view, central to a dynasty is at least one back-to-back scenario. With the ‘hawks there are gaps between all of their championships. They won in 2010, 2013, and 2015.

Furthermore, I also think that a dynasty should describe an era where just one team stands out as the major force in the respective sport. But between 2010 and 2015 the Chicago Blackhawks are not the only franchise to have won more than one championship. The Los Angeles Kings also won multiple Cups in recent years, having won the Stanley Cup playoffs in both 2012 and 2014.

chicago blackhawks beat lightning for 2015 stanley cup finalsWhat you have in Chicago are individual cups which do not collectively make a dynasty. It would probably be different had Chicago beaten Los Angeles in the 2014 Western Conference Finals but the ‘hawks did not.

Writing at NHL.com, Corey Masisak described the recent Chicago championships as follows: “the closest thing the NHL has seen to a modern dynasty.”

I can agree with that in the same way that my 1997 Ford Taurus was the closest thing I’ve had to a Porsche.

However dynasty or not, Chicago are clearly in a golden era for their franchise. With Duncan Keith, Corey Crawford, Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, and others central to Chicago’s success the franchise has enjoyed success since 2010 unlike any other period in their own history.

A dynasty may still very well ensue as Chicago are current favorites to win the 2016 Stanley Cup, priced at 8 to 1 with Paddy Power.

Lil Wayne Won’t Roc & Janet Jackson Touring: Celebrity Gossip Roundup

lil wayne lark voorhies naacp janet jackson gossip 2015 imagesIt’s Monday beautiful people. There are so many things it’s hard to know where to start but nonetheless, I will start. Here are some highlights in gossip and current event news.

lil wayne not signed with roc nation 2015 gossipLil Wayne Signs to Roc Nation?

We all know about the turmoil going on with Lil Wayne and Birdman who once were like father and son of Cash Money Records. There have been all kinds of rumors and half-truths (which are probably also whole truths) about what the real beef is between the two. They are currently in the middle of a $51 million dollar court battle over the Wayne’s contract and the delay of this album The Carter V.

Well, while Wayne still feels a certain kind of way I am sure, he has something to really celebrate.

“I just signed a deal with my motherfucking idol, Jay Z.”

The news came as Wayne took the stage at KMEL Summer Jam but it is not what it seems according to Lil Wayne’s manager, Cortez Bryant. The announcement was a little misleading as Wayne has signed on to become involved in some or fashion with Tidal, Jay Z’s music subscription service.

“The Internet and blogs took his words out of context,” said Bryant.

Well it’s not really it’s not really the collaboration fans wanted but… it’s a start?

lark voorhies jimmy green danger marriage 2015 gossip“Saved by the Bell” Star Lark Voorhies Married; Family Begs to Leave Husband

Was anyone else as happy for Lark Voorhies as I was when I heard she up ad got married? Yes she met the guy on Facebook but hey, people find love in all kinds of places now a days right.

Well her family is begging her to leave this guy because according to them, the longer she is with him the more in danger she becomes. They want her to annul the marriage immediately.

After she eloped in Vegas with the new love of her life, Jimmy Green, it is found out that he is a wanted man in Arizona for apparently allegedly threatening to kill a man.

Now I am a strong believer in “there are two sides to every story,” however, being wanted for saying you are going to kill a man is kind of hard to explain away.

Get this too, Lark says she knows all about his past because he told her and she believes that he is a changed man. According to her, he is trying to be better and does not want to leave him.

That is truly standing by your man. Till death do you part.

rachel dolezal resigns from naacp 2015 gossipRachel Dolezal resigns in the Midst of NAACP Scandal

You know this whole situation with Rachel Dolezal posing, as a black woman for all these years is a very interesting one. For me on the one hand I am like “oh no she didn’t” and on the other I’m like “how flattering.”

Regardless of what I think, a lot of black people have had some really strong feelings about her portraying herself as black and perhaps that is the reason why she has resigned as president of a Washington State chapter of the NAACP.

“It is with complete allegiance to the cause of racial and social justice and the NAACP that I step aside from the Presidency and pass the baton to my Vice President, Naima Quarles-Burnley.”

Her racial identity has become national news and one that is a baffling case for so many reasons. I think the biggest issue that people have and that I go back and for about is the fact that it seems okay for a white woman or person for that matter, to racially identify with the black community (which she has actually gotten an interesting amount of support from black people by the way) but if it were the other way around, it would be a totally different story.

Anyway, the work that she has done for the black community is of course, much appreciated but… still… idk.

janet jackson touring this summer 2015 gossipJanet Jackson Is Going On Tour 

The wait is finally over. We have clear confirmation that Janet Jackson, the Queen of Pop, is officially going on tour starting this August in Vancouver, BC.

This tour is a long time coming for fans of the pop star as it has been about four years since she last toured.

There are about 30 dates scheduled which include just about every part of the US so don’t worry, she will more than likely be in a city near you.

Furthermore, the first single from the album is called, “No Sleep” (yep three E’s) and it is rumored that Jimmy Jam sis working on it.

This is surely exciting news and a concert that is sure to sell out.

Most Underrated Tennis Players 2015


Ask any casual tennis fan to name some players on the ATP Tour and the answers are likely to be the same.  Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray are sure to mentioned most frequently.

Rightly so, these are four players who have been performing at the very top of men’s tennis for a number of years.  When a major tennis tournament comes around, such as Wimbledon or the French Open, cast one eye at the bookmaker’s favorites and these names are sure to be at the top.  The location of the tournament and the surface it is played on seems almost to be irrelevant in the modern game.  The same names are talked about as potential winners, regardless.

However, there are a number of players, perhaps under the radar to the casual observer, who are playing very well and having an excellent 2015.

stan wawrinka most underrated tennis players 2015

The obvious candidate as most underrated player so far this season, has to be Stanislas Wawrinka.  Having reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open in January and tasted tremendous success by winning the French Open, Wawrinka was propelled to number four in the world.  Prior to success at the French Open, Wawrinka had won both the Aircel Chennai Open and the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament, in Rotterdam.  Coupled with this, a semi-final place at the ATP World Tour Masters event in Rome, shows how well Wawrinka has been performing.  Given his current standing on tour and prior Australian Open win, it’s difficult to call Wawrinka the most underrated player on the ATP Tour but he is rarely mentioned as a serious contender, along with Djokovic et al, come the major events.

david ferrer most underrated tennis players 2015

 A few places below Wawrinka in the current ATP rankings is David Ferrer.  The Spaniard is yet to win a Grand Slam tournament but has been enjoying a fantastic 2015 to date.  Three tournament victories coming at the Qatar ExxonMobil Open, Rio Open and the Abierto Mexicano Telcel, highlight what a good season Ferrer is having.  In addition to these triumphs, Ferrer has also reached the semi-finals of two tour events and the quarter-finals of four, including the French Open.    Ferrer is a player who is capable of defeating any player on his day and no one wants to draw him in a tournament, especially considering his determined style of play.  This season has been fantastic so far, yet Ferrer remains one of the most underrated players on the ATP Tour.

gilles muller most underrated tennis players 2015

Looking further down the rankings and a player who has been outperforming his place of number 53 in the world is Gilles Muller.  Born in Luxembourg, the 32 year old has been a pro since 2001 and reached his best ever ranking on the ATP Tour, rising to number 34 in March this year.  This coincided with a quarter-final appearance at the Aircel Chennai Open and progress to the fourth round of the Australian Open, defeating the likes of Roberto Bautista Agut and John Isner on the way.  Both of those players are ranked higher than Muller, who was at it again at the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament, defeating David Goffin and current world number 11, Grigor Dimitrov on his way to the quarter-finals.  Thus proving, that Muller is a very dangerous opponent, who should not be underestimated by any player this season, whatever their standing in the game.

Pablo Andujar most underrated tennis players 2015

Ranked slightly above Muller is Pablo Andujar.  The Spaniard, having been ranked at number 67 in the world earlier this season, showed everyone what he is capable of in Barcelona.  A fantastic run through to the final of the Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, ended in defeat to Kei Nishikori but the tournament highlighted what an underrated player the 29 year old is.  During the course of the tournament, Andujar defeated four players ranked above him on the tour, including Leonardo Mayer, Feliciano Lopez, Fabio Fognini and David Ferrer.  To defeat these players over the course of the same week shows real ability and to make the final of a tournament featuring Rafael Nadal, Milos Raonic, Marin Cilic and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga makes Andujar a dangerous player.

gael monfils most underrated tennis player 2015

 Another player, who is underrated on the ATP Tour is Gael Monfils.  The Frenchman is capable of beating any player when 100% focused and proved this when defeating both Grigor Dimitrov and Roger Federer, without dropping a set at the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Monte Carlo.  Very inconsistent but capable of big victories, Monfils is always a dangerous player in the draw of any tournament.

It’s difficult to pick out one name in particular when assessing who is this most underrated player on the ATP Tour this season.  All of the names mentioned above are certainly not given the credit they deserve for their ability.  However, despite being ranked 7 in the world, David Ferrer continues to be the most underrated player in men’s tennis.  Having reached the quarter-finals of Wimbledon in two of the last three years, Ferrer is still placed out at 150/1 with the bookmakers to win the event this year.  This means there are 13 other players who are fancied to perform better than Ferrer at the tournament and this underlines how the Spaniard is the most underrated player this season.