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China, Iran joining Russia with 2020 election hacks

Russia still gets the most mentions about wanting to interfere even more in America’s 2020 elections, but they’re not the only country hoping to jump in on the action. China and Iran are whetting their chops as Donald Trump’s administration has been very lax in attempting to repair the system.

American officials sounding the alarm about foreign efforts to disrupt the 2020 election include multiple countries in that warning. Concerns abound not only about the possible hacking of campaigns but also about the spread of disinformation on social media and potential efforts to breach voting databases and even alter votes.

The anxiety goes beyond the possibility that U.S. adversaries could affect election results: The mere hint of foreign meddling could undermine public confidence in vote tallies, a worrisome possibility in a tight election.

“Unfortunately, it’s not just Russia anymore. In particular, China, Iran, a couple of others, studied what the Russians did in 2016,” said James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

U.S. intelligence agencies reported Russian, Chinese and Iranian influence activities targeting last year’s midterms, and a senior FBI official last week singled out Beijing as a particular source of concern. Meanwhile, Microsoft recently reported that Iranian hackers had targeted an unidentified presidential campaign along with government officials, journalists, and prominent expatriate Iranians.

FBI Director Chris Wray told a congressional hearing Wednesday that the FBI does not have evidence that China, Iran or North Korea plan to target election infrastructure in next year’s election, but “that doesn’t mean they’re not looking carefully at what the Russians attempted to do and trying to learn lessons from that.”

“All of those countries in different ways are clearly interested in engaging in malign foreign influence,” he added.

As for Russia, he said, the U.S. expects that they “already have continued to up their game from what they did in 2016. Of course, we’ve upped our game too.”

Any foreign effort to interfere in the 2020 election won’t necessarily mirror Russia’s attack in 2016 when Kremlin-linked military intelligence officers hacked Democratic emails and shared them with WikiLeaks to try to help Republican Donald Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

More likely are the social media campaigns, like the Russian-based one that shaped public opinion in the 2016 election and divided Americans on hot-button topics like race and religion.

Facebook, for instance, announced recently that it has removed four networks of fake, state-backed misinformation-spreading accounts based in Russia and Iran. The company said the networks sought to disrupt elections in the U.S., North Africa, and Latin America.

A Senate Intelligence Committee report described Russia’s social media activities in 2016 as a “vastly more complex and strategic assault on the United States than was initially understood.” A recent memo from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security warned Russia may use social media to exacerbate divisions within political parties during primaries or hack election websites to spread misinformation on voting processes.

Concerns about foreign influence campaigns coincide with stepped-up enforcement of a law requiring the registration with the Justice Department of lobbyists, media organizations and other entities that do the bidding of foreign governments.

Special counsel Robert Mueller exposed through his investigation the unregistered, covert Russian campaign to spread disinformation on social media.

On Wednesday, Facebook announced that it had removed from its site three Russia-based networks that engaged in foreign influence targeting more than a half-dozen African countries. The company said its investigation linked those accounts to a Russian already indicted in Mueller’s investigation in connection with the social media disinformation effort.

The Justice Department is concerned about China undertaking similar activities. Twitter said it has suspended more than 200,000 accounts that it believes were part of a Chinese government influence campaign targeting the protest movement in Hong Kong. The department also required China’s state-owned television network, CGTN, to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

“Make no mistake, China is aggressively pursuing foreign influence operations,” Nikki Floris, an FBI deputy assistant director, said at a recent congressional hearing. “So as we roll into 2020, though Russia was certainly a threat in 2016 (and) 2018, and will continue to be so in 2020, we are also aggressively looking at China as well.”

U.S. officials said the foreign influence campaigns didn’t change midterm vote totals, but there’s no question that concern remains for 2020. Besides the hacking and subsequent release of stolen emails, Russian agents in 2016 searched for vulnerabilities within election systems in all 50 states and breached the election systems of two Florida counties but don’t appear to have done any damage.

America’s adversaries might have a stake in the 2020 vote. Trump, for instance, speaks well of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un while deepening tensions with Iran by withdrawing the U.S. from a nuclear deal. He has also engaged China in a trade war.

But some experts are skeptical that those countries will use hacking to try to boost a particular candidate — or to influence the election at all. Much of their hacking has been tied to more narrow national interests, and Wray said the FBI doesn’t see them as targeting elections directly.

China, for instance, has so far largely used its cyber capabilities for the purposes of espionage and intellectual property theft and to further its goal of challenging the U.S. role as a global economic superpower. The Justice Department in 2014 charged five Chinese military hackers with siphoning secrets from major American corporations.

Iranian hackers have attacked dozens of banks and a small dam outside New York City and, more recently, sought to pilfer sensitive information from hundreds of universities, private companies, and American government agencies.

North Korea tends to focus its efforts on defectors, academics and others with a hostile relationship to the country, said Jung Pak, a Brookings Institution expert. It hacked Sony Pictures Entertainment and released the private emails of its executives in apparent retaliation for a Hollywood comedy that mocked Kim.

“We haven’t really seen politically motivated attacks where they try to sway elections,” said Matt Ha, a research associate at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Right now, their main objective is the summits, the diplomacy, to try to gain as much as they can — gaining a lot for giving up nothing.”

Even as other countries have bolstered their own capabilities, Russia’s own decadeslong interest in American politics makes it the most challenging and realistic adversary, said Lewis, of CSIS.

“They’re politically astute in a way that no other country can match, and that makes them the most formidable opponent,” Lewis said. “They just know us really well.”

Facebook Paying Up For Cambridge Analytica Mess

Facebook has agreed to pay a 500,000-pound ($643,000) fine in a privacy case stemming from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, agreeing to accept the fine without admitting any liability.

Britain’s Information Commissioner Office had leveled the fine after concluding Facebook processed the personal information of users unfairly by exposing it for use by app developers without informed consent.

Facebook was at pains to underline that the ICO had not found that the data had actually been transferred to Cambridge Analytica, which counted U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign among its clients.

Facebook associate general counsel Harry Kinmonth says the company has “made major changes” to the platform since that time and that it is “significantly restricting the information which app developers could access.”

twitter bans political ads for 2020 elections

Twitter Pulls Plug On All Political Ads

Twitter is banning all political advertising from its service, saying social media companies give advertisers an unfair advantage in proliferating highly targeted, misleading messages.

“While internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, that power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions,” Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said Wednesday in a series of tweets announcing the new policy.

Facebook has taken fire since it disclosed earlier in October that it will not fact-check ads by politicians or their campaigns, which could allow them to lie freely. CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Congress last week that politicians have the right to free speech on Facebook. 

The issue suddenly arose in September when Twitter, along with Facebook and Google, refused to remove a misleading video ad from President Donald Trump’s campaign that targeted former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading Democratic presidential candidate.

In response, Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, another presidential hopeful, ran her own ad on Facebook taking aim at Zuckerberg. The ad falsely claimed that Zuckerberg endorsed President Donald Trump for re-election, acknowledging the deliberate falsehood as necessary to make a point.

Critics have called on Facebook to ban all political ads. These include CNN chief Jeff Zucker, who recently called the company’s policy of allowing lies “absolutely ludicrous” and advised the social media giant to sit out the 2020 election until it can figure out something better.

Google and Facebook did not have immediate comments on Twitter’s policy change.

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, another Democratic 2020 contender, retweeted Dorsey’s announcement, adding the comment, “Good. Your turn, Facebook.”

Dorsey said the company is recognizing that advertising on social media offers an unfair level of targeting compared to other mediums. It is not about free expression, he asserted.

“This is about paying for reach. And paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramifications that today’s democratic infrastructure may not be prepared to handle,” he tweeted. “It’s worth stepping back in order to address.”

Twitter currently only allows certified campaigns and organizations to run political ads for candidates and issues. The latter tend to advocate on broader issues such as climate change, abortion rights, and immigration.

The company said it will make some exceptions, such as allowing ads that encourage voter turnout. It will describe those in a detailed policy it plans to release on Nov. 15.

Federal campaigns are expected to spend the majority of advertising dollars on broadcast and cable channels during the 2020 election, according to advertising research firm Kantar, and about 20% of the total $6 billion in spending on digital ads.

Twitter’s policy will start on Nov. 22.

Customers will win big in streaming wars plus HBO Max lands in May

Customers will be the biggest winners in the upcoming streaming wars as there will be plenty of free stuff and very deep discounts in Apple, Disney and AT&T’s WarnerMedia challenge to Netflix with their emerging plans. HBO Max will land in May 2020 and existing HBO subscribers will be getting the best deal.

That includes a free year of Apple TV Plus for customers of new Apple devices and a free year of Disney Plus to higher-tier Verizon customers. Some existing HBO subscribers will also get the supercharged version, HBO Max, at no additional cost.

Experts say these services can worry later about holding onto customers — perhaps by offering must-see shows they can’t get anywhere else or tying discounts to other services that are difficult to drop.

“Next year is a race to aggregate consumers,” said Kevin Westcott, who heads Deloitte’s U.S. telecommunication, media and entertainment consulting business. “The first war is getting them to sign up for a service. The second war is retaining them.”

The new services have to attract users with marketing blitzes and the promise of original shows and movies, then build a big enough library of old favorites to help keep them. Already, HBO Max will have “Friends ” exclusively, and Disney is taking back its older movies from Netflix.

A lot of shows and movies won’t be available at launch but will be added over time. Free helps in the meantime.

Netflix has spent years building up its 158 million subscribers worldwide. Hulu has 28 million. The new players want to ramp up subscribers quickly to show they can compete.

So the services have launched the digital equivalent of the old cable promos: lure you in with discounted rates, then jack up the price after a year or two. But digital customers have more choices than cable customers of yore so a big question is whether they’ll stick around.

Apple TV Plus debuts Friday for $5 a month with just nine shows and a few more coming soon. It’s already cheaper than the $13 a month Netflix charges for its most popular plan. Buyers of any new iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac or iPod Touch get a year for free. That suggests a market of 40 million customers, Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said.

Disney Plus, which arrives Nov. 12, is also cheaper than Netflix at $7 a month. Disney struck a deal with Verizon to give customers of all unlimited wireless plans and some home-internet customers a free year. Members of Disney’s free D23 fan club were also eligible to buy three years of Disney Plus service up front for the price of two years. Disney is targeting 60 million to 90 million worldwide by 2024.

AT&T’s HBO Max, which launches in May for $15 a month, is the most expensive of the new services. That could make it tough for AT&T to reach its goal of 50 million U.S. customers and 75 million to 90 million worldwide by 2025.

But AT&T will make the service free for about 10 million existing HBO subscribers, or about a third of its U.S. subscribers. HBO Max will also be included with AT&T’s higher-tier wireless and broadband offerings.

Comcast’s Peacock service will be free for many of its own cable and internet customers. The regular price hasn’t been announced yet. The service launches next spring.

“I don’t think customers are going to have to make difficult choices about cutting one in order to add another for the first few years,” said MoffettNathanson Research’s Craig Moffett.

But companies can’t run the services at a loss forever, and when discounts end and prices rise, customers may flee. After all, the services add up fast, and signing up to multiple ones could end up costing as much as the cable packages people are ditching for streaming.

There’s a lesson to be drawn from the latest TV-industry attempt to counter cord-cutting. Cable-like online packages like Sling TV and YouTube TV have ended discounts or raised prices, causing customers to flee and new sign-ups to slow down. Sony announced Tuesday that it will quit offering PlayStation Vue, one of the first to challenge traditional TV packages.

Even the dominant player isn’t immune. Netflix has raised prices slowly, which helped shield it from price shock, but its latest small increase has hurt customer growth.

Westcott, the Deloitte consultant, compared the streaming promotions to efforts to lure wireless customers from competing companies.

T-Mobile has long offered Netflix free to many customers. Verizon includes six free months of Apple Music with some of its unlimited plans. Many offer other deals like paying off your phone early or getting a phone for free if you switch.

“They were constantly looking for ways to steal you off other players,” he said.

How will these services keep users once they’ve reeled them in?

The companies can constantly refresh their services with new shows and movies, Diffusion Group president Michael Greeson said.

Cathy Yao, an analyst at Diamond Hill Capital Management, also said companies can try to create “stickiness” by bundling the services with other products and services so a customer is less inclined to unsubscribe.

For example, including HBO Max with wireless and broadband services will make consumers more likely to stick around for all three, Yao said. It’s similar to how Amazon packages its streaming service with its $119-a-year Prime loyalty program.

Ultimately, content will be king, experts say. The services are investing billions into creating new shows and building up their libraries to find or create the next “Stranger Things.”

Apple TV Plus inked high-profile deals with Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, and Jennifer Aniston. Comcast’s NBCUniversal reportedly paid $500 million to take back “The Office,” and Netflix reportedly paid even more to claim global rights to “Seinfeld.”

“The weapon of choice for retention is exclusive programming,” said Peter Csathy, founder of Creatv and an industry consultant. “All of these behemoths are investing billions of dollars in originals with the hope of finding the next ‘Game of Thrones’ that becomes ‘Must See TV.’”

hbo max lands in may 2020 images

HBO Max Hits In May 2020 At $15 Per Month

AT&T said Tuesday that its HBO Max streaming service will launch in May for $15 a month, joining a crowded field.

The company has said HBO Max will become the “workhorse” for its video business as cord-cutting of traditional TV expands. It hopes to migrate people who pay for HBO in different ways today to the new platform. The service grew out of AT&T’s $81 billion purchase of Time Warner, which AT&T overhauled and rechristened WarnerMedia.

HBO Max will challenge Netflix alongside Disney, Comcast, and Apple. It will be the most expensive of the new services that have announced prices, which could make it challenging to expand its customer base.

It is also the same price as HBO Now, the current HBO streaming service for people who don’t get the cable channel. Company officials expect existing HBO customers — those subscribing either via cable or HBO Now — to switch to HBO Max, which will offer far more to watch.

Some existing subscribers to HBO’s cable channel or HBO Now will get free access to HBO Max, AT&T said.

The company said it will launch a version of HBO Max with ads in 2021, a new twist for a brand known for being ad-free. The company wants to reach 50 million subscribers in the U.S. by 2025, and 75 to 90 million worldwide. It expects HBO Max to be profitable starting in 2023.

The service will offer movies and programs from HBO and the WarnerMedia library, including “Friends,” which it will pull back from Netflix. Other hits like “The Big Bang Theory” and “South Park” will also be available.

It’s aiming for kids with “Sesame Street” and an Elmo talk show. And it will have superhero movies from DC.

The service will also launch 50 original series in the first year, half targeted to younger adults and the remainder split between shows for kids and for adults. The service won’t release a season’s worth of episodes all at once, as Netflix typically does.

AT&T will bundle HBO Max with some unlimited wireless plans as well as certain “premium” home TV and internet plans to promote the streaming service. It will work with other cable and satellite companies to get them to offer the HBO Max service for their customers too.

It plans to invest roughly $2 billion into HBO Max in 2020 and about $1 billion annually for a few more years. (Netflix will spend $15 billion this year alone on shows and movies.) AT&T executives stressed an emphasis on quality.

AT&T is looking to future-proof its video business, which has been shrinking as cord-cutting accelerates. Customers are departing its previous attempt at a new-TV tack, the online-cable substitute today known as AT&T TV Now, as AT&T sought to make it profitable and raised prices.

2019 Hottest Holiday Gamer and Gaming Geeks Gift Guide

If you need to buy a gift for someone who’s into gaming, there are a lot of categories to choose from that fit any price range. From full consoles to accessories that enhance or make their gaming experience more enjoyable, there’s something for everyone on your gift list.

MTTG 2019 Holiday Gift Guides

You can find everything here in this guide right here, so bookmark as the holiday season approaches. All of our 2019 Holiday Gift Guides are in one spot here, and they cover every person and situation you can think of along with our Top 5 Gifts for everyone on your list.

OPTOSLON 3d virtual reality headset 2019 hottest gaming holiday gift ideas

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is the latest advance in gaming and because of that, the electronics used in gameplay are always most-wished-for items recently. The 3D VR glasses – like the ones by Optoslon – are affordable but don’t skimp on quality.

The lens on the glasses have focus settings that can be adjusted, so users get clear images each time they play. The 3D viewing rates right up there with some of the more expensive sets.

These glasses are compatible with smart phones – both iPhone and Android. In addition to playing VR games, users can also use the set to view movies as long as they have the app.

BNEXT VR headset 2019 hottest holiday gaming gifts oculus


They’re lightweight at only .64 ounces and can be used by gamers who wear glasses. There’s also the BNEXT VR headset that’s for kids or adults. One of the bestselling features with this set is that you can use it with or without glasses, thanks to the FD and OD adjustments.

The product lets users place a smartphone right on the set and then play their games in 3D. Users will feel like they’re actually in the middle of all the action because of the immersive setup.

This particular product is compatible with both Android and iPhones. The foam of the glasses is made of breathable material and they come with a head strap that has a customizable strap.

Xbox One S Two Controller Bundle (1TB) 2019 hottest holiday gaming console gifts


Any gamer would love to get an Xbox system, especially if that system was a bundle. The Xbox One S is a bundle deal that includes the console as well as two of the wireless controllers.

Nintendo’s system plays both games and videos with clear cut visuals. Because it’s a 1TB, users get a lot more speed in their entertainment choices. The console can play Blu-ray through the player that’s built in and users can also enjoy the rich experience of 4K when watching a movie or videos.

The console can connect to apps like Spotify or ESPN. There are more than 100 entertainment options that are only available through the console and users have access to hundreds of Xbox games.

You will have to buy any games separately since one isn’t included with the bundle.

Xbox One S 1TB Console - Fortnite Battle Royale Special Edition 2019 hottest holiday gaming gifts


If you do want to get a special edition bundle, then you can select the Xbox One S Fortnite Special Edition one.

This console stands out right from the beginning because of the gradient purple color. It also carries that same purple in the controller. With the gift, users get a free download of the Fortnight game which can be played in 100 player mode so that gamers battle to be the winner.

The PVP combat is what makes the game so popular. Users also have the option to use the console to view streaming content on Amazon or YouTube or watch a movie or show on Netflix.

Nintendo’s XBox One console also gives the option to see 4K Blu ray movies. This gift lets the recipient have access to thousands of games as well as exclusive content. Plus, the old favorites from Xbox 360 and the original are also available for users to play. It does have a parental setting so that time and content can be limited.

PC Gaming

For those who enjoy PC gaming, there are a few must-haves. The first is a good gaming PC. Not all personal computers are the same when it comes to being able to handle video games.

One that’s a favorite is the Pro Gaming PC from iBuyPower. It’s a desktop Intel i7-9700k 8-core PC with 3.6 GHz, 16 GB DDR4, and 1 TB HDD. It has a liquid cooling feature, is ready for WiFi, and has Windows 10 installed on it.

This particular PC is capable of handling virtual reality games. It comes with a free gaming keyboard and a gamer mouse, so you won’t have to buy those separately if you’re giving it as a gift.

LG 34GL750-B 34 inch 21 9 Ultragear Curved Wfhd 2019 hottest gaming holiday gifts

Another thing you’ll want for a PC gamer gift is a good monitor. The ASUS Gaming Monitor is a good choice, and it’s specifically designed to protect a gamer’s eyes while delivering smooth game play as a visual perk.  LG’s 34 inch will have your gamer in true gaming geek heaven.

Nintendo 2DS - New Super Mario Bros. 2 Edition 2019 hottest holiday gaming gift ideas


Games on the go are what every gamer fan wants to have this year. You can find portable, great budget items for the perfect gift, like the Nintendo 2DS system. This is a two system handheld deal that includes the DS as well as the 3DS version so users have access to those games.

Users will also have the ability to share games with friends through the system. Wireless hotspots are a feature and offer some exclusive options. The screens are the original game size and it comes with a stylus.

Nintendo Switch, iVoler PortableTravel 2019 hottest holiday gaming gifts


There is a game included, but users can also download games. On the go gaming means that those who play portable games will need a solid carrying case. For those who have the Nintendo Switch, the  iVoler PortableTravel All is a must for protecting the system.

It’s a large capacity and has safe storage compartments for accessories like the Joy-Cons, the Switch Dock, the charger and adapter. The inside lining of the case has grooved areas that keep each piece where it’s stored so that means that the items don’t end up knocking together and getting scratched. The case has an EVA shell, which means even if it’s dropped or bumped, it’ll still keep your system safe.

Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Edition 2019 hottest gaming holiday gifts


One of the hottest items this year are the Nintendo systems, especially the Switch. It’s a great gift idea for kids, teens and adults alike. The Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros. is the edition that’s number one on many wish-lists.

The bundle brings players all the fun from the original game as well as access to the Ultimate game. This one features a mix of old and new with the introduction of new characters like Simon Belmont.

This game is faster and the combat more challenging than before. The system offers players a new option to pick a Stage Morph, which can change the stage right in the middle of the fight.

There are new defensive tools as well for more playing options. Users can play a 1 on 1 battle or engage with 8 players at once. They have the ability to play in TV mode, handheld or with GameCube.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2019 hottest gaming holiday gift ideas

Legend of Zelda

You can also get the perfect accessories as a gift – like the amiibo figures to go with the game. One game you don’t want to miss giving since it’s so popular is The Legend of Zelda.

This is the Breath of the Wild edition. This world of adventure allows players to maneuver through fields and forests and across mountains. The players get to uncover new things as they take their journey.

They’ll have to learn to survive, to gather weapons, make their food and solve the puzzles in order to succeed. Users will enjoy the shrines that hold challenges that will take the character’s best effort to overcome.

PICTEK Gaming Mouse Wired 2019 hottest gamers holiday gift ideas

Gaming Mouse and Keyboards

With the right gift, a gamer can bump his play up to the next level. One of these gifts is the Razer DeathAdder Elite Gaming Mouse. This mouse has incredible sensitivity and can respond to the slightest touch, thanks to the high precision sensor.

The ergonomic mouse is one of the most durable on the market with the ability to handle as much as 50 million clicks. The scroll wheel is ridged, which makes it easy for the mouse to pinpoint the move users make.


It has bumps on the grip that gives players the best in control when playing. There are 7 buttons that are programmable, with each giving users the edge they need to win. Another durable mouse is from PICTEK and it’s a wired gaming mouse.

The mouse has the ability to match speed on different games and with the Chroma RGG lighting, you get to choose from millions of different colors for a unique look all with the touch of a switch.

You can leave off the backlight if you want, though. The mouse is ergonomic and has a claw-grip design, which means that gamers can use it for hours without their hand growing weary.

logitech gaming console 2019 hottest gaming holiday gifts


It also has better grip ability because it’s both anti-fingerprint and anti-sweat. A good mechanical gaming keyboard is necessary in the world of gaming and the Logitech Mechanical one is what players want because of its reputation as the fastest RGB in the world.

This board has Romer-G switches that have built up that reputation because it gives users as much as 25 percent faster movement. It has a control app along with a phone dock making it easy for players to check their stats on their phone while in-play.

There are 9 programmable keys so users can set their own commands with the touch of a button. It has dedicated media controls that are used to pause, play, mute and more. The keyboard also has personalized lighting and users can choose from millions of different colors.

redragon mechanical gaming keyboard with mouse 2019 hottest gaming holiday gifts


Another keyboard to consider is the Redragon Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. The reasons that a regular keyboard just won’t suffice for PC gaming is found in all the features offered up by the Redragon.

First, there’s the comfort. Whether users are involved in short or all day games, this is a necessity. Comfortable gaming keyboards help keep your hands and fingers from growing tired quickly.

Next, there’s the control that you get with this keyboard. Because it has custom switches, it means that the response time is faster. So, users can get their character around obstacles, fight better or run farther with the keyboard and in a quicker time frame.

These keys are mechanical, which means that they make a slight clicking sound, but they offer the best in gameplay. The board has 87 keys and12 multimedia ones. It has LED lighting that can be changed so your gift recipient’s backlighting can be customized.

playstation 4 consoles 2019 hottest holiday gamer gift guide ideas


PlayStation is the name in fun gifts when it comes to gaming consoles. The PlayStation 4 is now thinner and lighter, but not when it comes to entertainment value. The 1TB hard drive holds it all – games, videos, apps and more.

Sony’s system delivers the best in what users what to see. This includes TV and music in addition to favorite old and new games. The gaming system has a search button that takes players to the entertainment through PlayStation Vue.

This console offers HDR gaming that makes the worlds and characters in the game come to life with an infusion of color and view. Users can connect with others for multiplayer games and there are plenty of free games to play, too.

The system has a faster network connection with better performance. The controller that’s included is a current generation. The PlayStation 4 Pro is another console that you’ll want to consider.

This one is one of their advanced consoles and has everything gamers love about PS4, but with more power. So users get better play performance, better graphics, details and more.

The PS4 has an HDR signal which allows it to meld with the 4K televisions. This boosts the frames per second (FPS) from the games, which allows for both clearer motion as well as image.

PS4 Slim Or Pro

It also offers the ability to stream entertainment such as movies, shows and more. If you do buy a PlayStation 4 or the Pro version and are looking for a game to go with it, there’s one releasing later that’s already on the bestseller list. The FIFA 20 by EA Sports has gotten all those initial bugs fixed, and has quickly become a huge favorite with sports gamers.

This game lets gamers build their own football game squad in different environments like streets, rooftops, fields etc. Users can customize their characters from head to toe in both appearance and dress. Players can take part in single-player matches as well as play in the Volta League and can build their skills in the AI Defending mode.

The Sony PS5 won’t be out until 2020 or later so prices on the PS4 will continue getting better, especially as the holiday season gets closer.

HyperX CloudX xbox wireless headset 2019 hottest gamer holiday gift ideas


For gamers to truly immerse themselves in the action and experience of the game, they need a pair of headsets. The HyperX CloudX is loaded with the features that can make the difference between good play and great play. 

These have a jack that lets users connect straight to the controller. They’re built with HyperX comfort with the padded headband for longer play. The memory foam earpads are created with comfort in mind.

It has a long-lasting aluminum frame along with a noise-canceling microphone that’s easy to arrange and can be removed. The audio control is located in-line for easier reach and adjustment.

SteelSeries Arctis 7 - Lossless Wireless Gaming Headset 2019 hottest gaming holiday gift ideas


Another set that can deliver quality audio is the SteelSeries Arctis 7. These are made for the gaming life with a strong 2.4G connection. Users get high quality, lag free surround sound play with noise cancellation.

The drivers give players an incredibly low distortion, so the game sounds come across exactly as they’re meant to be heard. The set’s ear cushions are designed with AirWeave, which means the user’s ears won’t end up hot and sweaty regardless of the length of play time.

It has a rechargeable ion battery that can support an entire day of gaming. Users can customize the headphones with various features and apps. It also has auto speaker switching as well as ChatMix dial. The controls are on the ear so users can quickly reach the volume or mic.

Twitch Glitch Pillow Plush 2019 hottest gaming holiday gift ideas

Twitch Gifts

If you want to give a gamer a fun gift that he or she will use all year long, think Twitch. This streaming service is packed with video games for everyone from beginning to advanced gamers.

It’s a popular service, which is why the merchandise is a favorite among gamers. One gift for gamers of all ages is the Twitch Glitch Pillow Plush. It’s perfect for adding a bright spot to bedroom décor, especially those with a gaming theme, for the game room, a huggable addition while playing or as something to prop a handheld system on.

The color of the pillow is light purple and it has the Twitch applique in the middle. It’s made of 100% polyester and can be wiped clean. Also in the Twitch line is their apparel. You can get hats, hoodies and more.

Twitch Colorblock Crewneck Sweatshirt 2019 hottest gamers holiday gift guide

One of the popular clothing pieces is the Colorblock Crewneck Sweatshirt. It’s soft and comfortable, making it a perfect choice for extended game play. It can easily fit men or women.

The shirt is mixed material, with half of it made from polyester, the other half a blend of cotton and rayon. It has the raglan sleeves and the word Twitch on the front of the shirt. It can be machine washed, but don’t iron the word Twitch.

Twitch Men's Glitch Logo Thermal Henley 2019 hottest gaming holiday gifts

There’s also a thermal version with the Men’s Henley. This one is purple and has the smaller Twitch logo on the upper left side of the shirt. It can be machine washed but shouldn’t be ironed. This shirt is a 50/50 blend of both cotton and polyester. Though it’s labeled as a man’s shirt, it’s a great shirt for women to wear if they want to snuggle into warmth.

Sega Genesis Mini console 2019 hottest gamer holiday gift ideas

Retro Gaming

Looking back at the games from years ago is a big deal in the gaming world. Players love those iconic games. A few years ago, Nintendo caught a big buzz when they brought back their NES Classic Mini EU Console. It flew off the shelves and Nintendo waited another year before bringing it back out again. Now, it’s still available for those that missed it the first time around.

The SEGA Genesis console returns those gamers to the old days with this system.

This is a mini console that’s plug and play. It comes with 40 of the games that were favorites from past generations. These games are divided into 4 Waves. Included in the first one are Sonic the Hedgehog, Ecco the Dolphin, Comix Zone and more.

Wave 2 brings Thunder Force III, Streets of Rage 2 and more. In the third Wave, users get Street Fighter 2, Beyond Oasis, Phantasy Star IV and more. Wave 4 brings Light Crusader, Monster World IV, Road Rash II and others.

Simpsons Hit and Run - Xbox ps4 nintendo 2019 hottest holiday gamer gift ideas

Simpsons Still Hot

There are also two bonus games – including the ever popular Tetris. The set comes with 2 wired remotes, the cable and USB adapter. From the past, Xbox has the Simpsons: Hit and Run game.

This game is packed with fun and mystery as users go along with Homer to figure out what’s been going on in Springfield. The game gives an interactive view of the fictional town.

Players can discover the power-ups that let them experience the Simpson way of life. The movements and events in the game present gags like what was shared on the show. The game also has a multiplayer mode.

Regardless of which gaming gift you give someone, chances are, it will bring a smile to their face because it means hours of upcoming entertainment and an escape from the stress of their daily lives.

Check out all of our other 2019 Holiday Gift Guides:

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Electronics

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Home Theater

2019 Hottest Holiday Fashion and Accessories Gift Guide – Women & Men

2019 Hottest Holiday Home Gifts For Every Room or Housewarming

‘Joker’ back to box office top spot in close call race


After being pushed to the second spot at the box office by Angelina Jolie’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,”  Warner Bros. “Joker” is No. 1 again. It’s a true photo finish though as “Joker” is ahead by a very slim margin and studio predictions are always slightly different from the Monday actuals. This win is just by $300K, and the fact that the two are so close shows how successful “Joker” has been performing since opening on Oct. 4.

The surprise hit made more history last week after passing Ryan Reynolds’ “Deadpool” as the top-grossing R-rated film of all time with $849 million worldwide. Reynolds even put out a congratulatory tweet on Friday.

The new record includes 2003’s The Matrix Reloaded ($738.6 million), 2017’s It‘s ($697 million) and 2003’s The Passion of the Christ ($622.3 million), which are not adjusted for inflation.

Todd Phillip’s R-rated comic-book hit regained the top spot at the weekend box office in its fourth week of release, narrowly besting “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.” The Warner Bros.′ sensation, starring Joaquin Phoenix, took in $18.9 million in ticket sales over the weekend, according to studio estimates Sunday. While being rare for a movie to hit the top spot in its fourth outing, “Joker” highlights impressive stamina despite the fact that many feared it could incite violence. It is the third film this year behind Universal’s “Glass” and Disney’s “Avengers: Endgame” to land the top spot for three weekends.

That came in just above the $18.6 million haul for the Walt Disney Co.’s “Maleficent” sequel, which slid to second after a disappointing No. 1 debut last weekend of $36 million. “Mistress of Evil,” starring Angelina Jolie, is performing better overseas, where it grossed $64.3 million over the weekend.

With such a close race at the top between “Joker” and “Mistress of Evil,” the order could switch when final figures are released Monday.

But ticket sales have continued to surge well past expectations for “Joker.” With a modest budget of $60 million, it’s been extraordinarily profitable for Warner Bros. — although the studio, to mitigate risk, shared costs with Bron Studios and Village Roadshow Pictures.

This week, “Joker” became the most successful R-rated moved ever, not accounting for inflation, in worldwide release. It’s made $849 million globally, including $47.8 million internationally over the weekend. (Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” remains the R-rated domestic leader, with $370.8 million.)

Despite mixed reviews, “Joker” — a “Taxi Driver”-styled spin on a comic-book origin story — has already amassed a box-office total exceeding that of more mainstream superhero movies such as “Thor: Ragnarok” and “Wonder Woman.”

No new releases mustered any competition with the holdovers. The best-performing newcomer was the STX Entertainment horror thriller “Countdown,” about a smartphone app that can predict when people will die. It grossed $9 million. Sony Screen Gems’ “Black and Blue,” a police thriller starring Naomie Harris as a rookie cop in New Orleans, opened with $8.3 million.

Holding especially well was “The Addams Family,” United Artists and MGM’s Halloween-timed animated reboot of the macabre family. It slid just 28% in its second weekend with $11.7 million, good for third place

Much of the weekend’s action was in limited or expanding releases for acclaimed Oscar contenders.

Robert Eggers’ “The Lighthouse,” a black-and-white psychological drama starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson as 19th-century lighthouse keepers, made $3 million on just 586 screens for A24.

Another awards contender that continues to impress is Neon’s “Parasite,” a dark social satire from director Bong Joon Ho. In its third frame, “Parasite” made $1.8 million from just 189 theaters, averaging a strong $14,107 per location. To date, the movie has earned $4.1 million in North America.

Taika Waititi’s “Jojo Rabbit,” about a 10-year-old boy growing up in Nazi Germany, expanded into 55 theaters, earning a strong $1 million. In September, the Fox Searchlight release won the Toronto Film Festival’s highly predictive audience award, setting it up as a potential Academy Awards favorite. Its initial expansion suggests it will be a hit with audiences, too.

“There are encouraging signs regarding ‘Jojo Rabbit’ as we continue to build momentum,” said Frank Rodriguez, Fox Searchlight’s head of domestic distribution. “The polling results from this week coupled with the A CinemaScore from last weekend, along with the solid box office results are more than positive and as we move forward over the next few weeks, there is every reason to be optimistic about the film.”

Less successful was the Bruce Springsteen concert film “Western Stars” ($560,000 in 537 theaters) from Warner Bros. which failed to even crack the top 20. Combined with the Fathom Events’ preview screenings, the film has hit $1 million.

Alfonso Gomez-Rejon’s “The Current War” also finally landed in theaters more than two years after it first premiered. Gomez-Rejon recut his film after Harvey Weinstein, shortly before his downfall, pushed out a critically panned version of the Thomas Edison (Benedict Cumberbatch) and George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon) tale. Gomez-Rejon’s “director’s cut,” which 101 Studios acquired from the now-defunct Weinstein Co., opened with $2.7 million from about 1,000 theaters. The behind-the-scenes drama garnered much more attention than the actual film.

Another musical film, Kanye West’s “Jesus Is King,” earned $1.04 million from 440 Imax screens this weekend. The 30-minute film, in partnership with Imax, showcases West’s famed Sunday Service and played in limited showings around Imax’s regularly scheduled screenings. The movie, tied to the release of his new album, played in 24 cities across the globe, including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Also in limited release, Saban Films and Kevin Smith’s “Jay & Silent Bob Reboot” pulled in $219,397 from 17 screens for a domestic tally of $1.5 million.

Box office milestones include Roadside Attractions had two films, “Judy” and “The Peanut Butter Falcon,” that crossed the $20 million mark in North America, a strong result for an independent distributor.

Overall, the domestic box office has declined over 5% from last year, according to Comscore. Outside of any surprise hits, Hollywood is banking on reliables like Disney’s “Frozen 2” and “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” and Sony’s “Jumanji: The Next Level” to boost revenues.

“Terminator: Dark Fate,” which is expected to lead the box office next weekend at over 3,500 theaters, got off to a $12.8 million start in a handful of international markets before its stateside debut. “Arctic Dogs” opens in over 3,600 theaters, “Harriet” opens in 2,000 theaters and Warner Bros. “Motherless Brooklyn” lands in over 1,250 theaters.

North American Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. “Joker,” $18.9 million ($47.8 million international).

2. “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” $18.6 million ($64.3 million international).

3. “The Addams Family,” $11.7 million.

4. “Zombieland: Double Tap,” $11.6 million.

5. “Countdown,” $9 million.

6. “Black and Blue,” $8.3 million.

7. “Gemini Man,” $4 million.

8. “The Lighthouse,” $3.1 million.

9. “The Current War,” $2.7 million.

10. “Abominable,” $2 million.

Robert Pattinson, Willem Defoe talk their weird indie, ‘The Lighthouse’

Robert Pattinson fans worried last spring when it was announced that he would take over the Batman suit from Ben Affleck. Would this foray into mega-budget action film territory mark his exit from indie films? “The Lighthouse,” which opens Friday, will quickly put an end to those worries. Pattinson loves the wonderful weird, sometimes artsy-fartsy world of indie, and he’s said he will be basing his Batman voice on fellow “Lighthouse” co-star Willem Dafoe. It fits in well as an older model from Christian Bale’s take.

“Willem’s voice in this is kind of inspiring for it, to be honest,” Pattinson, 33, told Access Hollywood. “It is pretty similar, the voice I’m gonna do. Batman has a sort of piratey kind of voice, I think that will really suit it.”

Pattinson has already slowly started preparing to take on the role in other ways. In a video clip shared by Twitter user @ibabysky, the actor was asked if he’s started bulking up for the upcoming The Batman.

“I’m early stages. Very, very early,” Pattinson answered.

Pattinson also admitted that he’s been more into exercising lately after the interviewer brought up how he didn’t use to like it.

“I didn’t when I was younger, but now, as I’ve kind of gotten older I’m suddenly getting aware of aging,” he said. “So now I’m kind of like, I need to put some effort in otherwise I’m gonna need a hip replacement.”

Batman Reaction

It’s now been months since Pattinson officially won the role of Batman for the upcoming new trilogy — but he’s still not sure how it all happened.

“It’s kind of insane,” Pattinson recently told Esquire. “I was so far away from ever thinking it was a realistic prospect. I literally do not understand how I’ve got it, at all.

There was no surprise to the actor when the backlash was so strong on social media after his name was announced with even a Change.org petition surfacing asking Warner Bros. to reconsider.

“To be honest, it was less vitriolic than I was expecting,” he says. And he’s not deterred by the doubters: “It’s much more fun when you’re an underdog. There’s no expectation of you.”

Indie Weird

“Indie weird” is a vague and imprecise word but it’s probably fair to say it can be applied to a boxy black-and-white movie about the feverish psychological battles and explicit mermaid-infused visions of two isolated and increasingly mad lighthouse keepers in 1890s Maine.

For writer-director Robert Eggers, real and mythic collide in strange and hallucinatory ways. He makes rigorously researched period films that nevertheless have an otherworldly fairy tale quality. His first film, the 2015 horror hit “The Witch,” wasn’t just set in 1630 but grew out of the real folktales and period-authentic nightmares of a family in puritanical New England.

Now, he has moved slightly north for “The Lighthouse,” a gothic tale of even greater and frothier intensity with still worse fates befalling the local wildlife. A goat figured prominently in “The Witch.” Seagulls have a starring role in “The Lighthouse.”

So do Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, who play the two seamen who alone tend a remote lighthouse. Dafoe is Thomas Wake, a crusty and tyrannical salty dog and the possessive “keeper of the light,” and Pattinson is his new and progressively frustrated and unhinged assistant, Efraim Winslow. The expressionist imagery and heated atmosphere recall something from Bergman, if transplanted from Sweden to Melville’s Northeast. But there are hints of an even stranger brew.

“The hope is that people go in there like, ‘(Expletive), I’m watching a boring Hungarian art-house movie,’” says Eggers. “And then Willem starts farting and there’s a clue that there’s something else going on.”

Artsy Fartsy

It’s perhaps fitting that a film so relentlessly blustery, filled with stormy seas and the blare of the lighthouse’s fog horn, first signals its more comic dimension with the breaking of wind. As the movie’s deranged pitch heightens, so does its humor. Slate has perfectly summarized “The Lighthouse” as “artsy fartsy.” It expands nationwide this weekend.

“For me, it was a mea culpa after ‘The Witch,’” says Eggers, speaking alongside Pattinson and Dafoe in an interview. “I wanted to make another miserable movie but be able to laugh at the misery. These guys are hilarious and really comedic performers. I was even concerned the film was going to be too funny after we shot it. That’s not a surprise about Willem but Rob is a very physical comedian and there are flat-out Buster Keaton splits and things that we cut out because they were just too much. But he went for it.”

Quest For Weirdness

Dafoe and Pattinson are very different performers but “going for it” has been a modus operandi for each. Pattinson, in particular, has in recent years been on a self-described quest for “weirdness,” one he grants he may have taken to its limit in “The Lighthouse.”

“I definitely feel like you can’t find something weirder,” Pattinson says. “But it’s not weirdness for weird sake. I think what I meant was just originality. Whenever you find something where you don’t really have any kind of archetype to fit it into, you don’t have any crutch of something you’ve done before, it’s always so exciting.”

Eggers initially offered Pattinson a very different role that he describes as “a posh, sherry-drinking gentleman.” (Eggers came close to remaking the 1922 classic “Nosferatu.”) When Pattinson turned him down, the 36-year-old director realized the actor was after something more inscrutable.

“I don’t particularly know how to describe what my character is at all,” says Pattinson, grinning. “That’s kind of what I’m always looking for.”

Miserable Shooting

The production, while not as trying as the ordeals depicted in “The Lighthouse,” was, Eggers says cheerfully, “extremely miserable.” It was shot on the rocky, wind-swept southern coastline of Nova Scotia. There, Eggers and his production designer Craig Lathrop built a 70-foot lighthouse with a working beam that could shine for 16 miles. At the film’s premiere at Cannes’ Directors’ Fortnight section, Dafoe joked that the only animals hurt during the film’s making were him and Pattinson.

“Actors love to talk about that and it’s always a little boring,” says Dafoe. “But it’s a huge part of this movie. The weather and the conditions were a huge part of it. That really told the story. We were interfacing with nature.”

Oddly Comforting

For Pattinson, the environment was oddly comforting, even if he counts a sprint across jagged rock in period-appropriate shoes as his most terrifying moment on a film set. “I felt very at home in it when I was there,” Pattinson says.

As much as the production drew from its natural surroundings, Eggers’ camerawork was precisely orchestrated. Eggers, who co-wrote the script with his brother Max Eggers, shot the movie in 35mm. It’s projected in a square-like 1:19:1 aspect ratio, adding to the film’s antique and ghostly atmosphere.

“This is very close to how I imagined it, much more so than ‘The Witch.’ It’s partly because I know what I’m doing more. It’s also partly because I had more money,” says Eggers.

For the New Hampshire-native, research is an intrinsically part of his filmmaking, including digging through rare old dictionaries for period vernacular. He was initially inspired by a real account of two lighthouse keepers — one older, one younger — with the same name. “The Lighthouse” includes long sections of dialogue, old sea shanties and some unforgettable lines. Dafoe acknowledges that one such quotation — “Bad luck to kill a seabird” — has stayed with him. “I’ve probably said that a couple times, like in the shower,” he says laughing.

Pinter Time

The film’s language has prompted natural theatrical comparisons. “The Lighthouse” has some of the menacing comedy of Pinter. As a two-hander of raw masculinity, it recalls a Sam Shepard play. Dafoe, though, likens it to a musical with a rhythm vacillating between activity and meditation.

“It wasn’t two monkeys in a cage,” says Dafoe. “It was a lion and a monkey, or something.”

Whatever the caged animal comparison, such extremes of landscape and drama and cinematography created a tension for the actors that fed into the chamber piece’s fevered atmosphere.

Levels Of Frustration

“There’s something about the particularities of everything you have to go through during the scenes. It creates a kind of pressure that’s really, really difficult to get under other circumstances,” says Pattinson. “There are some scenes where there are so many bits in them, it would create such a level of frustration because you’re having to wrench all these different elements into the same kind of flow. It did feel like it was elevated.”

For Dafoe, “The Lighthouse” may be heightened but it’s not weird. As strangely specific (and farty) as the movie is, the dynamic between Wake and Winslow isn’t just off the coast of 19th century Maine but everywhere.

“The basic story is very practical. Two guys get stuck and they start working on each other to kind of dominate their sense of well-being. But they do it in such an aggressive way because both of them are threatened,” says Dafoe. “They’re not opposites but they challenge each other. And that’s an exciting story. We experience that every day on a different scale. It makes me think about fathers and sons, bosses and workers, believers and non-believers — a flood of things.”

While the reception at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival was phenomenal, the actors aren’t expecting a huge box office reception. “The Lighthouse” is that film that will more than likely achieve cult status over the years.

2019 Hottest Holiday Home Gifts For Every Room or Housewarming

It doesn’t matter if it’s Christmas, a housewarming party or some other reason – when you’re buying a gift for the home for your significant other, your parents, or someone else, there are plenty of gifts to choose from!

There are gifts for every room of the house to make life more pleasant and to transform the home from a sterile environment to one that is tranquil, organized and pleasing. Some gifts will be decorative in nature, while others will improve the functionality of the room.

MTTG 2019 Holiday Gift Guides

You can find everything here in this guide right here, so bookmark as the holiday season approaches. All of our 2019 Holiday Gift Guides are in one spot here, and they cover every person and situation you can think of along with our Top 5 Gifts for everyone on your list.

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Sound Machine 2019 hottest holiday home gifts


When it comes to giving a gift for the bedroom, you may not want to invest in something that’s a personal choice, like sheets or bedding. That’s because each individual had personal preferences for that.

But what you can do is give a gift that enhances the quality of sleep that the recipient gets. One product anyone would love is the LectroFan white noise machine by Adaptive Sound Technologies.

This machine helps drown out small noises that distract someone as they try to drift off. It has 20 varying styles of sounds along with a sleep timer. It comes in a variety of colors and not only has fan sounds, but aside from white noise, it also has pink and brown noise options.

The person using it can set the volume to their desired preference at night and can use it during the daytime, too – if they need it to help them concentrate during work or while studying.

Lbell Wake- Up Light 2019 hottest holiday home gift ideas

You can also get them a gift like the LBell Alarm Clock that features a wake-up light system, where it simulates a sunrise. It also includes an FM radio. The sunrise feature begins and when the sun has risen fully, the regular alarm then goes off.

The gift recipient can reverse the process, too – setting the clock to stimulate sunset, where the music and lighting dims as they drift off to sleep. They can set more than one alarm for weekdays and one for weekends if they want.

Esright Coffee Fabric Massage Recliner Chair 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Living Room

If you’re buying a gift for the living room, you may want to consider something that adds extra comfort and appeal to this room, such as an Esright Massage Recliner. This chair is heated and swivels for the person using it.

It has an ergonomic design that provides maximum comfort. The person sitting in it can also use it as a rocking chair. The chair is made with artificial leather and it’s soft and durable.

There’s thick padding for the seat, back, and armrest, along with a couple of cupholders, too. The chair has a set of four storage bags on it, where they can put magazines, the newspaper or whatever else they want to have near them. And at the end of a long day, they can relax and use the remote control to set up a soothing massage with as much or as little intensity as they desire.

omnihome Essential Oil Diffuser Humidifier 2019 hottest holiday house warming gifts

Another item that makes a great gift for the living room is a beautiful essential oil diffuser and humidifier by Ominihome. This is an aromatherapy dispenser that has a variety of timer settings and misting preferences, along with seven beautiful, glowing light options.

It can run for 18 hours at a time and is a soothing addition to any living room environment. It’s a nice environmentally friendly product with good safety features, like an automatic shut off.

Your gift recipient can use it to eliminate odors, help keep the room at a comfortable humidity, and more. They can use it in any room, not just the living room. And the misting settings can be controlled for high mist or lower ones.

ustic Coat Rack Wall Mounted Shelf with Hooks & Baskets hottest 2019 holiday home gifts

Entryway and Laundry

Many people love to receive gifts for their entryway. It’s the first thing people notice about their homes. A wall mounted shelf that has hooks and baskets would be a great choice.

A company called HBCY makes a handcrafted solid wooden one that looks rustic and beautiful. It’s an organizer that has five coat hooks and cubbies. People can use this in other areas of the house, too. Their guests can hang coats, purses, leashes and more on the hooks and use the baskets for keys, wallets, or other belongings that want to grab on the way out the door.

This is a great way to help your gift recipient declutter their home and add some gorgeous décor to it, too. Another gift you might consider is one for the laundry area. Some people need help tackling the large amount of laundry they have.

BOXLEGEND V3 shirt folding board t shirts 2019 hottest holiday home laundry gifts

If you know someone who could use a gift for their laundry area, you might want to consider buying them a BoxLegend shirt folding board for quickly folding t-shirts, pajamas, pants and more.

This neat little tool makes folding a snap – and in just 3 simple steps, which take 3 seconds, the clothing is folded perfectly. This is a great tool to teach kids how to use if they’re helping with the laundry, too.

Dining Room

If you want to go with a gift for the dining room, then you might want to invest in a simple, elegant dinnerware set from Amazon Basics. This beautiful, white set includes 18 pieces of dishes and bowls for up to six people.

It’s a porcelain dinnerware set that’s BPA-free and lightweight. The color and design make it a perfect for your gift recipient, regardless of their current décor because it assimilates well with anything.

This dinnerware is dishwasher safe and very durable. They can also put it in the microwave or oven, store it in the fridge or freezer for leftovers if they want to. They’ll get six 10 ½ inch plates, 7 ½ inch dessert plates, and 5 ½ inch bowls.

Modern 5 Pieces Dining Table Set Glass Top Dining Table 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Want to splurge a bit on a bigger gift for the dining room? How about a modern, luxurious looking dining table with a glass top and four chairs by Bonnlo? The chairs are black and made of artificial leather, so they’re very stylish.

This elegant dining room set can match any décor, and it will last your gift recipient a long time, thanks to the way it’s constructed. The steel is heavy duty and rust-resistant. It’s been powder coated to last longer, too. This set would be perfect for someone on your list who has a small space, like an apartment, breakfast nook or other limited areas.

secura Premium Touchless Battery Operated Electric Automatic Soap Dispenser 2019 hottest home gifts


There are a couple of gifts you can buy for someone who wants something for their bathroom. Of course, you can always go with design elements, like a new set of bath rugs, shower curtains, etc.

But those are more personal tastes. Why not give them something that they can appreciate for other reasons? Like the touchless automatic soap dispenser by Secura? This is a battery operated or electric dispenser that has a volume control for how much soap is distributed.

Your gift recipient can house up to 17 ounces of liquid soap in this dispenser and either place it on the counter or mount it on the wall. It’s a chrome and black design, with a clear holder for the soap itself. An infrared sensor tells it when to dispense the soap.

Etekcity High Precision Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Another good idea for a bathroom gift is a scale. There’s a great body weight scale that measures up to 440 pounds by Etekcity and it has a backlit LCD screen so it’s easy to read.

This scale is very durable and sturdy and is easy to clean. Known for its accuracy, the precision sensor can give an instant reading as soon as someone steps on the scale. There’s also a free body tape measuring device included with the purchase so they can measure inches as well as pounds.

Hypnoser Weighted Blanket for Kids 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Kids’ Room and Nursery

If you’re buying something for a child, you might think of a toy right off the bat. But there are some instances when you want to get something more functional for the room or for the child to have a better experience in that room.

If you’re buying for a child who is out of a crib, you might want to gift them a weighted blanket made especially for their age group. The Hypnoser brand offers soft weighted blankets filled with glass beads.                             

This blanket feels like a nice hug as the child drifts off to sleep and it helps keep them asleep for longer periods of time. It’s a warm, quiet blanket that has a special design to evenly distribute the beads.

Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine 2019 hottest holiday home kids room gift ideas

If you’re buying a nursery item as a gift, you might want to give the recipient a Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine. This is both a night light and wake up machine. For nighttime, in addition to the nightlight, it includes sounds that help a little one drift off to sleep.

They can use your phone to manage the brightness and volume on the machine. Or, program it for automated usage based on a schedule that you set. As the child grows, the machine grows with them, helping them learn how to rise on their own.

VIVO Black Height Adjustable 36 inch Stand up Desk Converter 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Home Office

If the person you’re buying a gift for has a home office, then there are a few items you might want to consider giving them, depending on their needs and your budget. Many people are loving the standing desk that gives them some mobility as they work and helps improve their fitness.

VIVO makes a height adjustable model that gives 36 inches of height to a desk the person already has. It’s built for anyone who wants to employ the use of dual monitors, too. The person using it can choose to sit or stand with the desk, and it will move quickly and effortlessly with them. This is great for those that hate sitting for seven or more hours a day at work or even if you work from home. It’s on my wish list for those thinking of what to get me this holiday season!

AmazonBasics High-Back Executive Swivel Office Computer Desk Chair 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas

Another great gift idea for the home office is a high back swivel office chair. These executive chairs are nicely padded and decorative with the black leather and pewter accents.

This gift will give your recipient a combination of comfort and ergonomic support that helps them feel good all day. The chair holds up to 275 pounds and can be adjusted for height.

Yaheetech 32in Outdoor Metal Firepit 2019 hottest holiday outdoor home gift ideas

Outdoor Living

There are many people who love to spend outside. So making that space enjoyable is a priority for them. If you have someone like that on your list, you have a couple of gift choices you can consider.

The first gift idea is for those cozy outdoor nights and it’s an outdoor firepit made of metal with a gorgeous design that’s perfect for a patio or the garden area of your backyard. This one is made by Yaheetech and it’s a square firepit that includes a spark screen, cover, and poker for the logs.

Whether the person is entertaining or just enjoying a cool night outside, this fire pit is a safe option to have a beautiful fire that provides warmth to all who surround it. The pit is easy to keep clean and you can put the cover over it to prevent rusting.

Cuisinart CGG-7400 Full Size Gas Grill 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Another good outdoor gift might be a gas grill. Cuisinart makes a full-sized, four-burner grill that puts out 44,000 BTUs of heat. Your gift recipient gets the cooking surface plus a nice warming rack.

It also has a set of heavy-duty grates made of cast iron, along with a couple of side tables measuring 18 by 13 inches. There’s a nice stainless steel lid and a control panel to manage all of the cooking.

Instant Pot Ultra 2019 hottest holiday kitchen home gift ideas


If you want to buy a gift for someone who loves being in the kitchen, then there are two gift that everyone’s raving about this year. The first is the popular Instant Pot Ultra. This programmable cooker can be used as a crockpot, rice cooker, steamer or to do other things like make yogurt, eggs or even cake!

It will automatically adjust based on the altitude of the user and you can see the progress of the cooking through the visual progress bar. It’s the perfect gift for someone who needs most of the cooking process automated for them.

COSORI Air Fryer 2019 hottest holiday home kitchen gifts

Another good kitchen gift idea is an air fryer. These healthy cookers, like the one from COSORI, hello remove oil from the recipes and instead provide crispy, tasty food through a roasting process.

It comes with a nonstick cooking basket and there are 11 settings you can choose from when you want to make fried chicken, fried pickles, French fries or more! There are different sizes to choose from.

KidKraft Bookcase with Reading Nook Toy 2019 hottest holiday home gifts ideas


If the person you’re buying for has a playroom for kids, there are two top gift ideas you may want to consider. First, there’s the KidKraft bookcase that has a cozy little reading nook built-in.

You can choose from several colors to match any decor – white, espresso and natural. There are built-in storage areas that can house books, toys or other items and it’s made from sturdy composite wood.

Tot Tutors Kids’ Toy Storage Organizer 2019 hottest holiday home gifts

Another great playroom gift would be a toy organizer. The Tot Tutors Kids’ Toy Storage Organizer is a big one with 12 removable plastic bins nestled on the wooden holder. Kids can take a bin down, gather up their toys, and put it back easily. 

This organizer is great for kids who have a lot of little toys and odds and ends. You have eight standard-sized storage bins and four larger ones. It’s designed with a multi-color appeal, so it’s great for both boys’ and girls’ rooms.

There are many gift ideas for the home. When you’re considering buying one for someone you love, think about whichever room they’ve mentioned needing to spruce up, or a problem area they’re having – such as cooking disasters, lack of sleep, or disorganization, and go from there!

Check out all of our other 2019 Holiday Gift Guides:

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Electronics

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Home Theater

2019 Hottest Holiday Fashion and Accessories Gift Guide – Women & Men

Libra looks doubtful after Mark Zuckerberg Congressional hearing


Don’t expect Mark Zuckerberg’s plan for a new digital currency named Libra to happen any time soon after the Facebook CEO’s floundering performance in front of Congress on Wednesday. He went very well-coached, but that preparation quickly dissolved as he faced questions from Maxine Waters and AOC.

“You have opened up a serious discussion about whether Facebook should be broken up,” Waters said, following a litany of the company’s offenses.

“Each month, 2.7 billion people use your products. That’s over a third of the world’s population. That’s huge,” Waters said. “That’s so big that it’s clear to me, and to anyone who hears this list, that perhaps you believe you’re above the law.”

That growth has victims, she added:

And it appears you’re aggressively increasing the size of your company and are willing to step on or over anyone, including your competitors, women, people of color, your own users, and even our democracy, to get what you want. All of these problems I have outlined, and given the company’s size and reach, it should be clear why we have serious concerns about your plans to establish a global digital currency that would challenge the US dollar.

Zuckerberg endured hours of prickly questioning from lawmakers Wednesday as he defended the company’s new globally ambitious project to create a digital currency while also dealing with widening scrutiny from U.S. regulators.

Representatives also grilled Zuckerberg on Facebook’s track record on civil rights, hate speech, privacy and misinformation — not surprising given the litany of scandals Facebook has been dealing with over the past two years.

The House Financial Services Committee’s immediate focus was Facebook’s plans for the currency, to be called Libra. Zuckerberg took pains to reassure lawmakers that his company won’t move forward with Libra without explicit approval from all U.S. financial regulators.

Still, many members of the panel appeared unconvinced.

Rep. Maxine Waters, the California Democrat who chairs the panel, said the Libra project and the digital wallet that would be used with it, Calibra, “raise many concerns relating to privacy, trading risks, discrimination … national security, monetary policy and the stability of the global financial system.”

Furthermore, Waters told Zuckerberg, “You have opened up a discussion about whether Facebook should be broken up.”

The social media giant has sparked public and official anger at every turn, from its alleged anticompetitive behavior to its shift into messaging services that allow encrypted conversations, to its refusal to take down phony political ads or doctored videos.

The breakup specter — the worst-case scenario for Facebook and other tech behemoths — has been raised by prominent politicians, notably Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a leading Democratic presidential candidate.

The Justice Department, the Federal Trade Commission, the House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee and attorneys general in several states are all conducting investigations of Facebook and other tech giants amid accusations that they abuse their market power to crush the competition.

Zuckerberg was on the defensive at the hearing, his first testimony to Congress since April 2018, parrying criticism but also acknowledging lapses. He conceded at one point that the Libra project is “risky,” acknowledging several high-profile companies such as Visa, MasterCard and PayPal had signed on as partners in the currency’s governing association but have recently bailed.

Under continued criticism of Facebook’s handling of hate speech and potential incitements to violence on its site, he said, “We’re not perfect. We make a lot of mistakes.”

Trust was a central theme of the hearing. Given Facebook’s history “why should congress regulators and the public trust you to create what amounts to the world’s largest bank, what really amounts to shadow sovereign government?” asked Rep. Madeleine Dean, a Democrat from Pennsylvania.

Responded Zuckerberg: “Well congresswoman, we are not creating a bank. We are helping an organization create a payment system.”

Zuckerberg held up China as a strong reason for encouraging innovation as embodied in the Libra project.

“While we debate these issues, the rest of the world isn’t waiting,” he said. “China is moving quickly to launch similar ideas in the coming months.”

Facebook also has cited competition from China as a compelling reason against breaking up the company.

Zuckerberg’s China argument found a ready echo from some Republicans on the committee, such as Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, who stepped up to defend the Libra project and urge lawmakers not to put “innovation on trial.”

But Democrats, in a rare tilt, allied themselves with President Donald Trump and his Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, who have publicly criticized the Libra plan. Mnuchin and other regulators, including Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, have warned that the digital currency could be used for illicit activity such as money laundering or drug trafficking.

Zuckerberg touted his optimistic vision of Libra and what it could mean for people around the world who don’t have access to bank accounts.

A bulk of the hearing also focused on Facebook’s record on diversity and civil rights. Rep. Joyce Beatty, a Democrat from Ohio and vice-chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, lambasted Zuckerberg over his company’s track record on both.

Demanding yes or no answers, Beatty asked Zuckerberg, for instance, how many of Facebook’s stable of big law firms are a minority or woman-owned or how many women or minority partners work on the company’s cases.

She told Zuckerberg Facebook works with civil rights groups only because of “the number of lawsuits you’ve had.”

A subdued-looking Zuckerberg didn’t get in much in the way of answers and Beatty ended her questioning by saying “this is appalling and disgusting” and told Zuckerberg that “you have ruined the lives of many people, discriminated against them.”

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Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Won’t Proceed On Libra Without U.S. Approval

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg aims to reassure Congress on Wednesday that his company won’t try to evade financial regulators as it prepares its planned digital currency Libra.

In prepared remarks released Tuesday ahead of a hearing before the House Financial Services Committee, Zuckerberg says that Facebook “will not be a part of launching the Libra payments system anywhere in the world unless all U.S. regulators approve it.”

That’s a stronger statement than Facebook official David Marcus made in July, when he said the company will not offer Libra until it has “fully addressed regulatory concerns and received appropriate approvals.” Marcus leads the Libra project at Facebook.

Zuckerberg is trying to defend Libra and alleviate concerns that the currency could sidestep regulators. Analysts say Libra could avoid regulation and launch in countries where it’s not receiving pushback, but this does not appear to be Facebook’s intention.

Instead, Zuckerberg is pushing an optimistic vision of Libra and what it could mean for people around the world who don’t have access to bank accounts.

“The financial industry is stagnant and there is no digital financial architecture to support the innovation we need,” his statement reads. “I believe this problem can be solved, and Libra can help.”

Libra has seen several high-profile defections among other companies that originally supported it, including Visa and MasterCard.

While some critics see those departures as evidence of Libra’s likely failure, U.S. regulators appear to view it as enough of threat that they are considering the possibility of the Federal Reserve launching its own competitor currency.

“At the Federal Reserve, we will continue to analyze the potential benefits and costs of central bank digital currencies, and look forward to learning from other central banks,” Fed Gov. Lael Brainard said in a speech last week.

Zuckerberg’s remarks also play the China card, urging regulators to act quickly.

“While we debate these issues, the rest of the world isn’t waiting. China is moving quickly to launch similar ideas in the coming months,” Zuckerberg says in the statement. Marcus made a similar argument over the summer.

In 2018, when Zuckerberg spent two days testifying before Congress on privacy, competition and a host of other issues, his notes cited competition from China as a reason against breaking up Facebook.

IBM questions Google’s quantum supremacy claim


Google’s advanced Sycamore chip has taken the search engine giant to “quantum supremacy,” or at least that what the company announced on Wednesday.  It has now achieved a breakthrough in quantum computing, by developing an experimental processor that takes just minutes to complete a calculation that would take the world’s best supercomputer thousands of years.

The feat could open the door someday to machines so blazingly fast that they could revolutionize such tasks as finding new medicines, developing vastly smarter artificial intelligence systems and, most ominously, cracking the encryption that protects some of the world’s most closely guarded secrets.

Such practical uses are still probably decades away, scientists said. But the latest findings, published in the scientific journal Nature, show that “quantum speedup is achievable in a real-world system and is not precluded by any hidden physical laws,” the researchers wrote.

Big tech companies including Microsoft, IBM, and Intel are avidly pursuing quantum computing, a new and somewhat bewildering technology for vastly sped-up information processing.

While conventional computing relies on bits or pieces of data that bear either a one or zero, quantum computing employs quantum bits, or qubits, that contain values of one and zero simultaneously.


But quantum computing requires placing the fragile and volatile qubits in colder-than-outer-space-refrigerators to control them.

Google’s quantum processor looks like an upside-down garbage can, out of which comes a series of tubes used to conduct signals to a chip. The whole thing is stored in a cool chamber to protect the chip.

Google said that its quantum processor, called Sycamore, finished a calculation in 3 minutes, 20 seconds — and that it would take the world’s fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to do the same thing.

The calculation was a random sampling problem, similar to looking at the various combinations that could come from dice or a gambling machine. It has little practical value, other than to test how well the processor works.

“The more interesting milestone will be a useful application,” said Chris Monroe, a University of Maryland physicist who is also the founder of quantum startup IonQ.

Google’s findings, however, faced pushback from other industry researchers. A version of Google’s paper leaked online last month.

IBM Disagrees

IBM took issue with Google’s claim that it had achieved “quantum supremacy,” or the point when a quantum computer can perform a calculation that a traditional computer can’t complete within its lifetime.

IBM researchers said that its IBM-developed supercomputer, called Summit, could actually do the calculation in 2.5 days.

Google disputed IBM’s claims.

Whether or not Google achieved “quantum supremacy,” the research suggests the field is maturing.

“The quantum supremacy milestone allegedly achieved by Google is a pivotal step in the quest for practical quantum computers,” John Preskill, the Caltech professor who coined the term “quantum supremacy,” wrote in a column after the paper was leaked.

In essence, by harnessing the power of sub-atomic particles that can be in multiple at the same time, Google has been able to do something that would simply not otherwise be possible.

It means quantum computing research can enter a new stage, he wrote, though a significant effect on society “may still be decades away.”

One feared outcome — though experts said it is a long way off — is a computer powerful enough to break today’s best cryptography.

Quantum computers might also one day lead to the development of better artificial intelligence systems to guide financial portfolios, crop yields or transportation routes.

The promise of such applications has attracted interest from the U.S., China, and other governments. President Donald Trump last year signed a measure to spend more than $1.2 billion over five years for quantum research across the federal government.

Speed Matters

The team behind the work, headed by Frank Arute from Google AI, says: “This dramatic increase in speed compared to all known classical algorithms is an experimental realization of quantum supremacy for this specific computational task, heralding a much-anticipated computing paradigm.”

As CEO Sundar Pichai explains, one of the key achievements of Google’s work here has been eliminating errors. “We are able to achieve these enormous speeds only because of the quality of control we have over the qubits,” he said.

“Quantum computers are prone to errors, yet our experiment showed the ability to perform a computation with few enough errors at a large enough scale to outperform a classical computer.”

Google has been working on quantum computing – a field that has existed for around 30 years – for more than a decade. The recent advancements that have been made could have huge implications for future technology, but you probably shouldn’t expect to find a quantum chip in your net laptop or desktop computer.

Steps To Avoid A ‘Roommate From Hell’ Scenario


Are you worried that you are going to end up with a roommate from hell? If so then it is time that you put an end to your concern once and for all. Some roommates can be slobs who absolutely cannot contain their own private space. Other people create taxing situations that can easily burden you and this is the last thing that you need when you have so much going on with your own life. As if that wasn’t enough, you also have to worry about other people eating your food without your permission or even those who pretend that rental due dates aren’t really a concern. If you want to avoid all of this then here are a few things that you can do to try and help yourself.

Conduct a Background Check

Doing your research is crucial. You have to be thorough so that you can easily discover what to expect from an early date. The best way for you to find out what someone is really like would be for you to assess the other person’s social media profile. This will give you plenty of information about them and it will also help you to find out exactly what you need. Believe it or not, a quick search will help you to find someone’s interests, whether they have any pets and even a little bit about their personality too.

This is one of the best ways for you to find out if their personality is going to align with yours and it will also help you to determine their morals. If you have mutual friends, then now is certainly a good time for you to find out if they are aware of your potential roommate and their general behaviour. Of course, if you are having a hard time knowing even then if someone is going to be a good fit for your lifestyle, then it may be worth trying to hire the best background check service to see if they can be of any assistance.

young men women rommates hanging out in white plant filled apartment

Ask Questions

Another way for you to find out if you are going to be living with an awful roommate or not would be for you to ask simple questions. When you do, you will be able to find out more about them and you can even see if they give off any red flags. Invite them for a coffee, and from there, ask them about their favorite shows, the food they like, whether they cook, if they watch movies, and anything else you might need to know.

This will help you to determine whether or not they are going to be a good fit and it will also help you to trust in them more when the time comes for them to move in. You have to remember also that it takes two to tango. If you are looking for a good roommate then there’s a high chance that they are also looking for someone who they can count on, so make sure that you keep that in mind, so you know that you are going to have a good relationship with one another. This will help you to build a level of trust and it will also help you to feel confident in your decision.

Trial Period

If you are not satisfied with the information you have managed to gather from background checks and even meetups, then there is something else you can do. Have a trial period of two or even three weeks so you can see how things go. This will really help you and it may even give you the confidence you need to feel completely at ease.

how to spot a roommate from hell
Easy signs you’ve got the ‘roommate from hell’

Set your House Rules

It’s so important that you have discussions face to face when problems do arise. If you don’t then you may find that you are not able to solve them and that you also feel as though you end up being ignored. When talking to your potential housemate, talk about everything from visitors to how they should be paying the rent and anything else that you might need to cover. This is the best way for you to make sure that they are going to listen to you, and it will also help you to feel much more at ease with your decision too.

So, there are plenty of things that you can do to try and make sure that your roommates end up being great people and by taking a few extra precautions, you can be sure to make the best decision. If you want to take any additional steps then it helps to put your advertisements up in reputable areas, such as at nearby colleges or even in libraries rather than in clubs and bars.

‘Maleficent’ tops box office but ‘Joker,’ ‘Zombieland’ get attention


Angelina Jolie’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” might have topped the box office charts, but DC Films “Joker” is still generating all the buzz as three-time nominee Joaquin Phoenix might have a good chance at finally securing down that elusive Academy Award. The film was the first winner for this year’s award season nabbing the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. While setting a new October opening weekend record, the film looks to top $300 million domestically.

Warner Bros. will be marketing the film hoping to join the “Black Panther” style rank along with “The Dark Knight” as that rare comic-book film that hits at the box office while also winning an Oscar. The Best Actor category is where it has the most chance of winning. Phoenix has been nominated three times for “Gladiator,” “Walk the Line,” and “The Master.” He’s also been cited multiple times as the best actor of his generation that the Academy may finally give him his due.

His performance as a sad sack who takes a violent turn also plays into one of Oscar voters’ favorite tropes: It’s physically transformative. Phoenix lost more than 50 pounds to play the Joker, and the director Todd Phillips shoots the frequently shirtless actor in a way that doesn’t let you forget it. The best-actor Oscar often goes to a performance that’s perceived as physically arduous — think Matthew McConaughey in “Dallas Buyers Club” or Leonardo DiCaprio in “The Revenant” — and Phoenix puts all of that exhausted emaciation on the screen.This could give Phoenix an advantage over the best-actor candidate who so far looks like his strongest competition, Adam Driver in “Marriage Story.” Driver has astounded reviewers playing a character that most Oscar voters will have no trouble relating to — a bicoastal director negotiating a tricky divorce — and critics’ groups will probably hand him the most laurels this season.

There are precedents: Films like “The Blind Side” and “Bohemian Rhapsody” weren’t especially well-reviewed, but they were such populist powerhouses that voters couldn’t overlook them in the best-picture race, and the leads of both movies went on to win the Oscar. The difference between those films and “Joker,” though, is that “The Blind Side” and “Bohemian Rhapsody” were conventional crowd-pleasers, while “Joker” is a violent, feel-bad bummer.

The Walt Disney Co.’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” knocked “Joker” out of the No. 1 spot at the box office, but just barely. “Joker” had stayed on top for two consecutive weeks. You can be sure analysts will question the star power of Angelina Jolie, who hasn’t been seen much on the big screen since the 2014 original. In that period, she went through the divorce from actor Brad Pitt which showed some of her missteps in trying to control the publicity during that tumultuous period.

Studios on Sunday say the film starring Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning grossed $36.9 million in North America and $117 million internationally in its first weekend in theaters. The first film had a much stronger domestic showing, opening to nearly $70 million domestically in 2014, and the sequel was expected to earn more stateside. Although

“It’s not as strong as we hoped domestically, but it’s a good start for October and we have a great window leading into Halloween,” said Cathleen Taff, Disney’s president of theatrical distribution. “Most encouraging is the fact that audiences seem to be responding very positively.”

The A CinemaScore — in contrast to the mixed critical reviews — suggests that the film could have a longer life at the box office.

Although it fell to second place after two weekends at the top, Warner Bros.′ “Joker” continues to hold strong at the box office. It added $29.3 million in its third weekend in North America. The villain origin story has grossed over $247 million domestically. Worldwide, it’s earned $738.6 million, and has already surpassed the lifetime grosses of “Justice League” and “Suicide Squad.”

Now the big question is whether the R-rated film will make it to $1 billion, but with a $55 million production budget, it’s already a massive hit for the studio and will likely also become director Todd Phillips’ highest-grossing film too.

“It’s already in territory that nobody thought it would get to. It’s achieved a box office that is above the wildest expectations of the studio and analysts,” said Paul Dergarabedian, Comscore’s senior media analyst. “Even if the box office stopped right now it’s an absolute, unqualified success.”

Third place went to another new sequel, Columbia Pictures’ “Zombieland: Double Tap” with $26.8 million. The R-rated comedy comes 10 years after the original, reuniting Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Woody Harrelson with director Ruben Fleischer. The three return in the sequel to fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic world. They do so alongside a handful of newcomers, played by Rosario Dawson, Luke Wilson and Avan Jogia, to name a few.

“Three films earning over $25 million, that doesn’t happen very often,” Dergarabedian noted, although the weekend is down from last year when “Halloween” opened to over $76 million.

In notable landmarks, “Hustlers” crossed $100 million domestically this weekend. It’s the second STX film to do so this year after “The Upside.”

And buzzy, awards-friendly indies are continuing to thrive. “Parasite,” which opened last weekend, added $1.2 million. This weekend, Taika Waititi’s Nazi satire “Jojo Rabbit” opened in five theaters with a strong $350,000, the black and white Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe mindbender “The Lighthouse” earned $427,797 from eight theaters, and “Jay & Silent Bob Reboot” grossed $93,520 from one screen this weekend.

But the year is still down 5% from last year.

“It was a great weekend for sequels and great weekend for indie movies,” Dergarabedian said. “But we’re still struggling to get ahead of last year. We’re racing to the finish line here. We’ve only got 11 weekends left to go.”

One of the bigger box office surprises came from Shia LaBeouf’s “Peanut Butter Falcon” about a down-and-out fisherman who befriends a young man with Down syndrome determined to attend a wrestling school. The film won the Audience Award at South By Southwest in March which inspired the distributor to put up additional marketing funds. It is a modern-day twist on “Huckleberry Finn” grossing $20 million in the United States making it the top platform release of the year at the specialty box office.

This is the film that could bring Shia LaBeouf back to star attention after his many years of not so good headline-making antics.

“It was devastating when the buyers weren’t able to see what we were seeing,” said Zajaros. “They wondered whether people would be interested in seeing a movie starring a person who actually has the syndrome.”

maleficent vs joker box office winners losers 2019

North American Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

  1. “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” $36.9 million ($117 million international).

2. “Joker,” $29.3 million ($77.8 million international).

3. “Zombieland: Double Tap,” $26.8 million ($5.3 million international).

4. “The Addams Family,” $16.3 million.

5. “Gemini Man,” $8.3 million ($33.4 million international).

6. “Abominable,” $3.5 million ($9.2 million international).

7. “Downton Abbey,” $3.1 million ($2.5 million international).

8. “Judy,” $2.1 million ($1.3 million international).

9. “Hustlers,” $2 million ($3 million international).

10. “It: Chapter Two,” $1.5 million.

Worldwide Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to Comscore:

1. “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” $117 million.

2. “Joker,” $77.8 million.

3. “Gemini Man,” $33.4 million.

4. “One Piece: Stampede,” $21.9 million.

5. “The Captain,” $17.8 million.

6. “Abominable,” $9.2 million.

7. “My People, My Country,” $8.4 million.

8. “Zombieland: Double Tap,” $5.3 million.

9. “A Witness Out of the Blue,” $4.6 million.

10. “A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon,” $3.1 million.

Why CrowdStrike Matters to Donald Trump


With nearly all the guard rails gone protecting Donald Trump, it’s much easier for the president to get himself into hot water. As the Mueller report showed, many people were able to keep him within the law, but as they have either left or been pushed out, Trump is becoming his own worst enemy.

In his now-infamous July phone call with Ukraine’s president,  Trump referred briefly to a long-discredited conspiracy theory that tries to cast doubt on Russia’s role in the 2016 hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

Some Trump backers who circulate unsubstantiated rumors have latched onto some version of the theory to support claims he’s being persecuted by “the deep state,” also known as the federal bureaucracy, as the House of Representatives begins an impeachment inquiry. The issue arose anew Thursday, when White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said he had “absolutely” heard Trump mention “the corruption that related to the DNC server.”

In broad outline, the theory contends — without evidence, of course — that the DNC hack was a setup based on fabricated computer records and designed to cast blame on Russia. One key figure in this supposed conspiracy: CrowdStrike, a security firm hired by the DNC that detected, stopped and analyzed the hack five months before the 2016 election.

Here’s how Trump’s phone call brought this conspiracy back into currency.


During his July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Trump made a brief and cryptic reference to CrowdStrike. According to a reconstructed transcript of the call released by the White House, which is not a verbatim account, he said:

“I would like to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike. I guess you have one of your wealthy people. The server, they say Ukraine has it.” Trump added that he’d like to have Attorney General William Barr call “you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it.”


CrowdStrike determined in June 2016 that Russian agents had broken into the committee’s network and stolen emails that were subsequently published by WikiLeaks. Its findings were confirmed by FBI investigators, with whom it later shared the forensic evidence.

Based on those findings, Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 members of Russia’s military intelligence agency and later concluded that their operation sought to favor Trump’s candidacy.

Mueller testified before the U.S. Congress the day before Trump’s phone call with Zelenskiy.

In the call, Trump mentioned Mueller’s “incompetent performance” and said “they say it started with Ukraine.”


Ukraine and Russia have been bitter foes since Russia’s 2014 military intervention and annexation of Crimea. Unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about a purported Ukrainian link to the DNC hack began circulating almost immediately after it was discovered.

Some propagated by Russian media and online included mention of a supposed “hidden DNC server,” which acolytes of the Republican political operative Roger Stone picked up and circulated.

Stone is set to stand trial in November for allegedly lying to Congress, obstructing justice and witness tampering after getting swept up in the Mueller probe. He has claimed that CrowdStrike is concealing evidence that could presumably clear Russia of culpability.

A judge recently denied Stone’s efforts to challenge the investigation into the hack. Stone sought to suppress search warrants that he alleged were based on faulty assumptions from CrowdStrike, but U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said there was no evidence anyone in the FBI had “played fast and loose with the truth” in applying for the warrants.

In fact, CrowdStrike has also worked for the GOP. It helped the National Republican Congressional Committee investigate email thefts by unidentified hackers during the 2018 campaign, the company told media outlets in December.


One version of the conspiracy theory holds that CrowdStrike is owned by a wealthy Ukrainian. In fact, company co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch is a Russian-born U.S. citizen who immigrated as a child and graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Trump himself has made this erroneous reference before.

In an April 2017 interview, Trump said: “Why wouldn’t (former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John) Podesta and Hillary Clinton allow the FBI to see the server? They brought in another company that I hear is Ukrainian-based.”

“CrowdStrike?” the interviewer asked.

“That’s what I heard,” Trump replied. “I heard it’s owned by a very rich Ukrainian, that’s what I heard. But they brought in another company to investigate the server. Why didn’t they allow the FBI in to investigate the server? I mean, there is so many things that nobody writes about. It’s incredible.”


The reference raises questions about Trump’s ability — or, perhaps, willingness— to sort between fact and fiction, analysts say.

“If we take Trump’s words at face value, then it appears that the president of the United States is intellectually unable to distinguish between utterly outlandish conspiracy theories and solid intelligence assessments based on facts,” said Thomas Rid, a Johns Hopkins security studies professor.

Joan Donovan of Harvard University said conspiracy theories generally have two principal attributes: They simplify matters and lack attribution. And some political actors see a benefit to encouraging them.

“Who can know the truth in these conditions? No one,” said Donovan, who directs the Kennedy School’s technology and social change research project.

CrowdStrike said in a statement that it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.” It added: “We stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the US Intelligence community.”


References to the server were included in the prepared remarks of U.S. envoy Gordon Sondland, who told Congress Thursday that he had heard the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, specifically say Trump wanted investigations into the 2016 election, including the server.

Later in the afternoon, Mulvaney acknowledged that the decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to his demand that Kyiv investigate the DNC and the 2016 campaign.

“The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation,” Mulvaney said.

“Did he also mention to me in the past the corruption that related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that,” he added. “That’s why we held up the money.”

Mark Zuckerberg uses freedom of speech for Facebook while China keeps spying

Mark Zuckerberg is rarely compelling when he speaks, but when his Facebook is facing increased scrutiny, the CEO doubled down on freedom of speech. Especially after leaked audio from an internal meeting revealed Zuckerberg calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren an “existential threat.” Under his vision, more speech is better whether it is factual or not.

One part of his speech that was very revealing and on point was:

“Increasingly, we’re seeing people try to define more speech as dangerous because it may lead to political outcomes they see as unacceptable. Some hold the view that since the stakes are so high, they can no longer trust their fellow citizens with the power to communicate and decide what to believe for themselves.

I personally believe this is more dangerous for democracy over the long term than almost any speech. Democracy depends on the idea that we hold each others’ right to express ourselves and be heard above our own desire to always get the outcomes we want. You can’t impose tolerance top-down. It has to come from people opening up, sharing experiences, and developing a shared story for society that we all feel we’re a part of. That’s how we make progress together.”

It was very telling of the time we live in as in the past, Conservatives were the fighters against the liberal speech-code intolerances, but now many conservative intellectuals have become more willing to jettison First Amendment doctrines because they view the other side’s speech is too toxic to tolerate. Each side uses their own excuses to rationalize this, but top-down censorship only fractures our society which has become very fractious. One side uses “tolerance” while the other side loves using “common good.” You can figure out which side uses what excuse.

On Thursday, the Facebook co-founder defended the social media platform’s refusal to take down content it considers newsworthy “even if it goes against our standards.” But while he promoted free expression, limitations were placed on coverage of his remarks at Georgetown University.

Reporters were not allowed to ask questions — only students were given that chance, filtered by a moderator. Facebook and Georgetown barred news organizations from filming. Instead, organizers provided a livestream on Georgetown’s social media site and made available video shot by Facebook.

“It’s quite ironic,” said Sally Hubbard, director of enforcement strategy at the Open Markets Institute and a former state prosecutor. More generally, she said of Facebook, “The key to free expression is to not have one company control the flow of speech to more than 2 billion people, using algorithms that amplify disinformation in order to maximize profits.”

Facebook, Google, Twitter and other companies are trying to oversee internet content while also avoiding infringing on First Amendment rights. The pendulum has swung recently toward restricting hateful speech that could spawn violence. The shift follows mass shootings in which the suspects have posted racist screeds online or otherwise expressed hateful views or streamed images of attacks.

Facebook also has come under criticism for not doing enough to filter out phony political ads.

“Right now, we’re doing a very good job at getting everyone mad at us,” Zuckerberg told the packed hall at Georgetown.

He said serious threats to expression are coming from places such as China, where social media platforms used by protesters are censored, and from court decisions restricting the location of internet users’ data in certain countries.

“I’m here today because I believe that we must continue to stand for free expression,” he said. People of varied political beliefs are trying to define expansive speech as dangerous because it could bring results they don’t accept, Zuckerberg said. “I personally believe this is more dangerous to democracy in the long term than almost any speech.”

Taking note of mounting criticism of the market dominance of Facebook and other tech giants, Zuckerberg acknowledged the companies’ centralized power but said it’s also “decentralized by putting it directly into people’s hands. … Giving people a voice and broader inclusion go hand in hand.”

John Stanton, a former fellow at Georgetown who heads a group called the “Save Journalism Project,” called the CEO’s appearance “a joke.”

Zuckerberg “is the antithesis of free expression,” Stanton said in a statement. “He’s thrown free speech, public education and democracy to the wayside in his thirst for power and profit.”

The social media giant, with nearly 2.5 billion users around the globe, is under heavy scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators following a series of data privacy scandals, including lapses in opening the personal data of millions of users to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Facebook and other social media platforms have drawn accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that their platforms are steeped in anti-conservative bias.

Zuckerberg recently fell into a tiff with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a leading Democratic presidential candidate, who ran a fake political ad on Facebook taking aim at the CEO. Warren has proposed breaking up big tech companies. With the phony ad, she was protesting Facebook’s policy of not fact-checking politicians’ speech or ads in the same way it enlists outside parties to fact-check news stories and other posts.

“We think people should be able to see for themselves,” Zuckerberg responded Thursday on the fact-checking issue. “If content is newsworthy, we don’t take it down even if it goes against our standards.”

The social media network also rebuffed requests that it remove a misleading video ad from Trump’s re-election campaign targeting Democrat Joe Biden.

A spokesman for Biden said Zuckerberg’s speech was an effort “to cloak Facebook’s policy in a feigned concern for free expression.”

“Facebook has chosen to sell Americans’ personal data to politicians looking to target them with disproven lies and conspiracy theories, crowding out the voices of working Americans,” campaign spokesman Bill Russo said in a statement.

Several of the students’ questions to Zuckerberg at Georgetown pointed up the conflict. One asked, if Facebook supports free speech, “why is conservative content disproportionately censored?” But another asserted that the policy of not fact-checking political ads is pro-conservative.

“I think it would be hard to be biased against both sides,” Zuckerberg replied, smiling.

Asked about the handling of questions, Facebook spokeswoman Ruchika Budhjara said, “They were submitted by students as they walked into the room. And they’re being picked at random by Georgetown.”

china uses huawei to spy on onther countries

China Snooping Tech Continues Trying For World Domination

When hundreds of video cameras with the power to identify and track individuals started appearing in the streets of Belgrade as part of a major surveillance project, some protesters began having second thoughts about joining anti-government demonstrations in the Serbian capital.

Local authorities assert the system, created by Chinese telecommunications company Huawei, helps reduce crime in the city of 2 million. Critics contend it erodes personal freedoms, makes political opponents vulnerable to retribution and even exposes the country’s citizens to snooping by the Chinese government.

The cameras, equipped with facial recognition technology, are being rolled out across hundreds of cities around the world, particularly in poorer countries with weak track records on human rights where Beijing has increased its influence through big business deals. With the United States claiming that Chinese state authorities can get backdoor access to Huawei data, the aggressive rollout is raising concerns about the privacy of millions of people in countries with little power to stand up to China.

“The system can be used to trail political opponents, monitor regime critics at any moment, which is completely against the law,” said Serbia’s former commissioner for personal data protection, Rodoljub Sabic.

Groups opposed to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic say police are leaking video of protests to pro-government media, which publish the images, along with the identities of participants. Vucic himself has boasted the police have the capability to count “each head” at anti-government gatherings. During a recent rally, protesters climbed up a pole and covered a camera lens with duct tape scrawled with the word “censored.”

Serbian police deny any such abuse of the Huawei system, which will eventually encompass 1,000 cameras in 800 locations throughout Belgrade. Huawei said in a statement that it “complies with all applicable laws and regulations” in Serbia and anywhere else it does business.

While facial recognition technology is being adopted in many countries, spurring debate over the balance between privacy and safety, the Huawei system has gained extra attention due to accusations that Chinese laws requiring companies to assist in national intelligence work give authorities access to its data.

As a result, some countries are reconsidering using Huawei technology, particularly the superfast 5G networks that are being rolled out later this year.

Still, Huawei, which denies accusations of any Chinese government control, has had no trouble finding customers eager to install its so-called Safe Cities technology, particularly among countries that China has brought closer into its diplomatic and economic orbit.

Besides Serbia, that list includes Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Angola, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kenya, and Uganda, as well as a few liberal democracies like Germany, France and Italy. The system is used in some 230 cities, exposing tens of millions of people to its screening.

In a promotional brochure, Huawei says its video surveillance technology can scan over long distances to detect “abnormal behavior” such as loitering, track the movement of cars and people, calculate crowd size and send alerts to a command center if it detects something suspicious. Local authorities can then act upon the information they receive.

In one case advertised on its website, the company says a suspect in a hit-and-run accident in Belgrade was later discovered in China with the help of face recognition data shared by the Serbian police with their Chinese counterparts.

In view of the cybersecurity accusations leveled by the U.S. and international rights groups against Huawei, the relationship between China and countries that use the company’s technology is coming under renewed scrutiny.

China’s influence in Serbia, a European Union candidate that Beijing views as a gateway to the continent, has significantly expanded in recent years through Beijing’s global Belt and Road investment programs. The populist Serbian regime has been keen to develop closer ties and the country’s fragile democracy allows China’s economic interests to grow relatively unchecked, without raising too many questions about human rights, environmental standards or transparency.

China’s state investment bank has granted billions of dollars in easy-term loans to build coal-powered plants, roads, railroads and bridges. Chinese police officers even help patrol the streets of Belgrade, a security presence officially billed as assisting the growing number of Chinese tourists who visit the city.

It’s a similar story in Uganda, where China has invested heavily in infrastructure like highways and a hydropower dam on the Nile.

When longtime President Yoweri Museveni launched a $126-million project to install Huawei facial recognition systems a year ago, he said the cameras were “eyes, ears and a nose” to fight rampant street crime in the sprawling capital, Kampala. Opposition activists say the real goal is to deter street protesters against an increasingly unpopular government.

“The cameras are politically motivated,” said Joel Ssenyonyi, a spokesman for the musician and activist known as Bobi Wine who has emerged as a powerful challenger to Museveni. “They are not doing this for security. The focus for them is hunting down political opponents.”

In neighboring Kenya, the government has also renewed its focus on public safety after a spate of extremist attacks. It has been pushing to register people digitally, including by recording DNA, iris and facial data. To do so, it turned to China, which helped finance the installation of surveillance cameras in Kenya as far back as 2012.

The Kenyan government wants to pool into one database all the information from public and private CCTV cameras, including those with facial recognition technology, a move that activists warn would vastly expand its surveillance powers in a country that does not have comprehensive data protection laws.

A growing number of countries are following China’s lead in deploying artificial intelligence to track citizens, according to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The group says at least 75 countries are actively using AI tools such as facial recognition for surveillance — and Huawei has sold its systems in 50 of those countries, giving it a far wider reach than competitors such as Japan-based NEC and U.S.-based IBM.

“It’s very unclear what safeguards are being put in place,” said Steven Feldstein, a Carnegie Endowment fellow who authored a report on the issue. “Where are images being stored? How long are they being stored for? What kind of accountability procedures will there be? What type of operations will be linked to these surveillance cameras?”

Huawei said in an emailed statement that it “complies with all applicable laws and regulations in our countries of business. This is the most fundamental principle of our business operations. We are dedicated to bringing people better connectivity, eliminating digital gaps, and promoting the sustainable development of our societies and economies.”

In Belgrade’s bustling downtown Republic Square, high-tech video cameras are pointed in all directions from an office building as pedestrians hurry about their everyday business.

With public authorities disclosing little about how the cameras work, a rights group has set up a tent to ask pedestrians whether they know they are being watched.

“We don’t want to be in some kind of Big Brother society,” said rights activist Ivana Markulic. “We are asking: Where are the cameras, where are they hidden, how much did we pay for them and what’s going to happen with information collected after this surveillance?”