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NFL Finally Puts Out Statement After Tom Brady ‘Deflate Gate’ Press Conference

nfl finally puts out statement after tom brady deflate gate conference
It took Tom Brady‘s humorous and head scratching press conference to force the NFL to finally say something about Deflate Gate. Interestingly enough, Brady said that he hadn’t spoken yet to the NFL which definitely didn’t bode well as they promised from the start to have a very quick and through investigation. After reading the below statement, I think we can all agree, that the official finding from them will come after the Super Bowl. Just below is Tom Brady’s press conference if you missed it or just want to check it out again.

The NFL put out the following statement below yesterday afternoon well after everyone started crying foul on Brady and the New England Patriots.

“Our office has been conducting an investigation as to whether the footballs used in last Sunday’s AFC Championship Game complied with the specifications that are set forth in the playing rules. The investigation began based on information that suggested that the game balls used by the New England Patriots were not properly inflated to levels required by the playing rules, specifically Playing Rule 2, Section 1, which requires that the ball be inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch. Prior to the game, the game officials inspect the footballs to be used by each team and confirm that this standard is satisfied, which was done before last Sunday’s game.

“The investigation is being led jointly by NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Pash and Ted Wells of the law firm of Paul Weiss. Mr. Wells and his firm bring additional expertise and a valuable independent perspective. The investigation began promptly on Sunday night. Over the past several days, nearly 40 interviews have been conducted, including of Patriots personnel, game officials, and third parties with relevant information and expertise. We have obtained and are continuing to obtain additional information, including video and other electronic information and physical evidence. We have retained Renaissance Associates, an investigatory firm with sophisticated forensic expertise to assist in reviewing electronic and video information.

“The playing rules are intended to protect the fairness and integrity of our games. We take seriously claims that those rules have been violated and will fully investigate this matter without compromise or delay. The investigation is ongoing, will be thorough and objective, and is being pursued expeditiously. In the coming days, we expect to conduct numerous additional interviews, examine video and other forensic evidence, as well as relevant physical evidence. While the evidence thus far supports the conclusion that footballs that were under-inflated were used by the Patriots in the first half, the footballs were properly inflated for the second half and confirmed at the conclusion of the game to have remained properly inflated. The goals of the investigation will be to determine the explanation for why footballs used in the game were not in compliance with the playing rules and specifically whether any noncompliance was the result of deliberate action. We have not made any judgments on these points and will not do so until we have concluded our investigation and considered all of the relevant evidence.

“Upon being advised of the investigation, the Patriots promptly pledged their full cooperation and have made their personnel and other information available to us upon request. Our investigation will seek information from any and all relevant sources and we expect full cooperation from other clubs as well. As we develop more information and are in a position to reach conclusions, we will share them publicly.”

Bill Belichick Brings Out His Scientific Background On Deflating Balls

bill belichick brings out scientific background to discuss deflating balls 2015

I am not a scientist. Neither is Bill Belichick. You can quote him on that. He made the statement in his latest press conference in which he had to talk about the deflated footballs in the AFC Title Game. Belichick said that he was “embarrassed by the amount of time he has had to put into talking about (Deflate Gate).” I am sure that is the case, but it is of his own doing. Having been caught cheating before with Spy Gate, Belichick is not going to be given the benefit of the doubt in this case.

The Patriots coach said they have had their quarterbacks test out some balls since the game to see if they can tell the difference in less inflated balls than the standard. He says they generally could not with them being just one pound off. That is all fine and good, but this isn’t exactly an unbiased research team. If most fans believe the Pats deflated the balls purposely, no way they will take Belichick at his word about the testing. That said, he did invite the media and anyone watching the presser to do their own tests. I am sure we could find some independent tests being done right now online since this has become such a huge story.

There have been some reports of the weather having something to do with the balls being underweight that day in Foxboro. That is not out of the realm of possibilities. If you have the tire pressure sensors on your vehicle, you know how the air can become lower when there is a big drop in the temperature. I had my truck tires go from 44 pounds to 35 pounds last week when we had a very cold three day stretch. I checked the weather history for Foxboro on that now infamous day, but they didn’t have a drastic drop in the temperature. It dropped some, but I doubt it was enough to make the footballs go down in pressure. But again, me nor Bill Belichick are scientists.

I’m sure there is a lab out there somewhere that could duplicate the exact conditions of the AFC Title matchup between the Colts and the Patriots. They could ultimately rule out the weather I assume.

bill belichick discusses deflate gate and nfl balls 2015

This story has gained more momentum than I thought it would at first. And with another week to go before the Super Bowl, it will keep expanding. The media members that line up on media row this week have a real story to dig their teeth into when they run out of match up talk. They don’t have to ask ridiculous questions like happens each and every year. They can always go back to Deflate Gate when they run out of material. I can’t imagine the fines for not talking to the media during Super Bowl week, which is what the Patriots would like to do. I guess the death penalty is possible with Roger Goodell running the show. The Commish was ready to kick Marshawn Lynch out of the NFC Title Game if he dared to wear some golden cleats. So anything is possible.

Bill Belichick was a bit testy behind the microphone in case you missed it. He hates talking to the press anyway on regular football topics. This may push him over the edge and he might just go Woody Hayes on some poor beat reporter this week. All I know is that Tom Brady is never going to admit to anything if he is guilty in some fashion. He is a smart guy and knows better. This whole thing will likely get swept under the rug like the Ray Rice video cover up was with the Mueller report….allegedly.


nfl networks finding giants

Last fall, the NFL Network aired a great series called “Finding Giants”. The show took a look behind the scenes of the NY Giants as their scouts head out across the USA in search of the newest talent to eventually draft onto their team. When I say behind the scenes, I mean way behind the scenes. This show focuses on the grunt workers in the organization. The scouts are not sanitation workers at stadiums or security guys. But they are at one of the lowest spots on the totem pole that is still relevant to on the field action. Their work is sometimes mundane and tedious but they have a direct effect on the fortunes of their franchise.

Finding Giants is the final TV project brought about by the late Steve Sabol of NFL Films. That made me instantly interested in the show. Steve and his father Ed were almost as much a part of growing the NFL legend as the super star players they documented. NFL Films made epic games and players stand out even more than what was seen just in game footage. Any die hard NFL fan should be grateful to the Sabols for their work in the artistic segment of football.

finding giants docu series images 2015

The show makes it clear that being an NFL scout is not a glory position. Sure they get to meet different college coaches for a quick handshake before games they are evaluating. But they spend a lot of time on the road and away from their families. These scouts are not sitting in luxury booths and sipping champagne with Jerry Jones-like individuals. They have a job to do and that means a lot attention to detail and trying to see things that normal folks don’t pay attention to. Some viewers may think the scenes involving the Giants’ war room on draft day are the best the show has to offer. That will be cool. I am just as satisfied seeing the daily happenings of the normal looking guys helping build the NY Giants football team.

beckham jr in finding giants documentary 2015 images

As a NFL junkie, I find all this detailed info about finding the right players very interesting. The average football fan might think the series is boring since there is not a lot of football action. But for me, I want to see how teams are molded from the draft on up. I had never considered that knowing the exact hand size of a receiver was something that a scout would track, but that is evidently the case. I thought, “the guy has big hands”, or “his hands are a bit small” would be detailed enough in a scouting report. Uh, no. Scouting is a technical undertaking that seeks to find the most minute differences in player A and player B.

Several scenes of the Giants scouts traveling on the road show the loneliness of the job. Rainy scenes and endless highways in a four door sedan are not what most people would sign up for. But to just be a small part of an NFL team is worth it for these men. Scouting players on smaller college teams shows how far the scouts are from the Giants rowdy home stadium. These small schools have nearly no one in the stands and those there are certainly not cheerly wildly as the scout jots down note after note on the most technical aspects of a guy the team is eyeballing.

Specifically to the show, I have been impressed by the Giants ownership. The scouts on the series point repeatedly to how the team is family oriented. One guy had to be out several weeks due to his child’s health issues. The owner told him to take all the time he needed and the job would be waiting for him whenever he was able to return. Plenty of guys would be lined up to take over such a job, but the Maras appear to be a tight nit group and that certainly breeds loyalty from all the people in the Giants organization. Of course you’re not going to have guys come on an NFL Network TV show and dog their bosses. But the loyalty and family concepts do appear to be the real deal.

One of the most humorous scenes to me so far involved an older Giants scout. He was mocking folks that brag about Andrew Luck being their top rated guy when Luck came out and how he is proving them right. He says, “Andrew Luck! Of course you had Andrew Luck. Everybody did. That is easy. I’m looking for the mid round guys that are going to make a difference. I am looking for Tom Brady.” That may have summed up the basic premise of scouting. It is easy to find guys that are the consensus #1 pick. Even if you are wrong as a scout, what is the big deal if everyone else was wrong as well? If Luck was a bust then everyone would look stupid so no one could be shamed. Sticking your neck out as a scout for a player under the radar is much different than going along with the crowd. The scouts who convinced the Patriots to look closely at Tom Brady should never have to pay for a beer in New England, ever.

Finding Giants is a four part series that wrapped up on October 21st, 2014 on NFL Network. You can catch up if you missed the start by subscribing to NFL Now’s premium service. You get access to the full six episode director’s cut with that service. I am just enough of a football junkie to want to see the additional footage. This show isn’t for everyone. Fans that just want to see touchdowns and top ten plays may not sit still for a story about regular guys doing repetitive work. I love the nuts and bolts that make up the National Football League. The more I can find out about the people who make the League what it is, the happier I am.

Joe Rogan’s Best UFC MMA Quotes


joe rogans top best ufc mma quotes

Joe Rogan has some great quotes out there. The guy is a stand up comedian, UFC fight commentator, and hosts one of the top podcasts in the world. So he has had a lot to say over the years. He is a funny guy but is very thoughtful as well. He dives deep into scientific & philosophical topics on his podcast. I could list over 100 quotes of Rogan’s on different subjects. But for now, let’s look at the top ten MMA quotes from Joe Rogan. Some will be paraphrased.

joe rogan black eye gay ufc mma quotes 2015

  1. “Silva didn’t respect his opponent, and he paid for it with his consciousness”. Rogan on the call after Anderson Silva was knocked out by Chris Weidman.
  1. “A ballet of violence.” Joe Rogan giving an epic description of Anderson Silva.
  1. “Agreed upon controlled violence, what is wrong with it?” Nothing wrong with adults choosing to fight in a controlled environment.
  1. “You running out things to say?” Rogan jabbing Mike Goldberg after the following….”And here is Nakamura…entering the octagon for the 1st time…touching the fence for the first time.” Classic Rogan…must be tough for Goldberg to work with a comedian. He takes the jabs well I think.
  1. “To be truly great something, you have to give in to a little bit of madness.” Makes sense to me. What sane person would train like UFC champs?
  1. “You’re the one married to a Japanese chick.” This after Goldberg mistakes Japanese instructions from a fighter’s corner for Portuguese.
  1. “Martial Arts is a vehicle for developing your human potential.” People all over the world would have to agree, as they have used the Arts to gain self control, confidence, and discipline.
  1. “No, he’s not” Joe’s response to his UFC partner, Mike Goldberg, saying Travis Lutter “is like the Michael Jordan of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!” Rogan couldn’t let that one slide. Don’t compare any athlete to MJ unless that guy is the best ever in his sport.
  1. “Fighting at the highest level is such an insane proposition that it can only be done for a few years.” The toll it takes on the body is just too much with all the training and high level fights.
  1. “I think that we could all benefit from MMA training. It relives stress that gets built up so we don’t just explode on each other in the real world.” A good point in my opinion. When humans don’t have a release for their stressed out bodies, it results in road rage, domestic violence, and just nastiness toward others.

UFC Jon Jones: Addict Or Just A Slip Up?


The UFC doesn’t need its biggest star testing positive for cocaine. If that happens to a low level fighter with no belt and little notoriety, it is not a good thing certainly. However it is not a huge black eye for the sport. Jon Jones, the UFC’s pound for pound best fighter, is the last guy Dana White wants to see in trouble. Fighters are rarely squeaky clean, but cocaine in the system right before a big pay per view is a long way from squeaky clean.

I hate news like this for the kids who are fans of the UFC and Jones as an individual. I also hate it for the naive adult fans that were shocked by the news. I was only a tiny bit surprised because you don’t expect great athletes to be cocaine users. But as I have said before, we do not know these people! We don’t know athletes, celebrities, or politicians. All we know is what they put out there for public consumption. If all you watch are UFC highlight shows and the fights themselves, you are likely just seeing the positive aspects of the sport and the fighters. I hate it for the kids who had their hero fall from grace, but as for the naive adult fans….grow up. These athletes are just people. They have special abilities, but all the possible shortcomings of everyday folks.

Jones received a lot of criticism as he checked out of rehab after just one day there. That does seem like a short stay for any kind of drug abuse help. And most pundits called it just a means of satisfying the public with a dog and pony show. If that was the case, then his camp did a terrible job since the one day stay at a rehab joint made him look even worse.

The Light Heavyweight Champ says he isn’t a drug addict. Probably not. I doubt he would be the at the level he is at if he were abusing cocaine regularly. It is possible he is just an occasional user, but I am not a drug expert. And the fact that denying you are an addict is a good sign you have a problem allegedly. But I’m sure there are drug users who deny being addicted to drugs who truly are not addicts. So that’s always a hard statement to swallow 100 percent of the time.

Only time will tell if Jones really has a cocaine issue or if he just made one hell of a dumb mistake. Either way, he needs to clean his act up. If he is an addict I want him to get help asap. Addiction is a real problem in this world we live in, even for superstar athletes like Jones. Even though he could win a fight against almost everyone on this planet, he is no match for addiction on his own. If he just messed up and got carried away while partying, then he needs to get past that also. He is one of the main draws for his sport and can’t afford slip ups like failing a drug test. He will burn out pretty quickly if he starts slipping up like that on a regular basis.

Jones has had very little trouble inside the Octagon. He dominated Daniel Cormier in the PPV in which he had cocaine in his system. As a side note Cormier made no excuses directly after hearing out about the possible cocaine issue. He made it clear he lost the fight fair and square and stated that he needed to become better as a fighter himself.

Correction: Nevada Athletic Commission (NAC) executive director Bob Bennett stated, “Jones’ post-fight carbon isotope ratio (CIR) test reportedly returned clean last week. And Jones was found to be clean of street drugs in a separate test taken after UFC 182 on Jan. 3, too. Those results came back this week. Bennett said he would have the official documents out to the media within the next 48 hours.”

Jon Jones is finding out what it is like to be a superstar when things appear to go sideways. It is great to be internationally known when the crowd is cheering wildly, fans are begging for a simple autograph, and women are throwing themselves at your feet. The fun stops when you have to give interviews about drug use, knowing your mom is watching, along with millions of fans. I don’t have a clue what it is like to be a star at the level of a Jon Jones. I am sure the guy needs to blow off some steam now and then. Hopefully he finds some better ways to do that than with the white powder. He may think he is in control, but drugs have conquered many a human before him. His future is secure with the UFC as long as he gets his act together though. A string of missteps could lead to a suspension however.

Hopefully Dana White has made it clear to Jones just how important it is to stay out of the news for the wrong reasons. Talk is cheap though and it may take something like a suspension to get the champ’s attention if he doesn’t have a handle on his cocaine use.

Top 5 College Basketball Programs Needing Major Changes

college basketball programs needing major changes 2015

The college basketball season is heating up as teams are working through their league schedules. Top-ranked Kentucky and No. 2 Virginia remain unbeaten midway through January. Several other well-known programs such as Duke, Arizona, and Kansas, are among the favorites to earn top seeds in the annual NCAA tournament. But, only 68 teams will make the Big Dance this March. That leaves 279 Division I college basketball programs that will be left to figure out how to get to that Big Dance next year. Here are five programs that are in need of changes and need them quickly.

st johns red storm college basketball programs needing major changes

  1. St. John’s

Head coach Steve Lavin had a great run at UCLA and took St. John’s to the NCAA tournament in his first season with the Red Storm. They finished 21-11 in the ultra-competitive Big East Conference. But, St. John’s hasn’t been back since. In the two previous seasons Lavin and company is a combined 37-29. The Red Storm were actually picked by many pundits as one of the favorites to challenge Villanova for supremacy in the conference. It appeared that they just might. St. John’s started the season 11-1 but then dropped three straight, all Big East games. Lavin and his squad are struggling and have zero quality wins. They still face Villanova, Seton Hall, and Providence once more and also get to entertain No. 5 Duke on Jan. 25. The Red Storm need to beat top-tier opponents to prove that they belong in the national championship picture.

texas am college basketball programs needing major changes 2015

  1. Texas A&M

The Aggies went to four straight NCAA tournaments during the reign of head coach Mark Turgeon, the last in 2011. Turgeon is now the head coach at Maryland and Texas A&M hasn’t come close to an NCAA bid since. Billy Kennedy, now in his fourth year, has the Aggies off to a decent start, 12-5 overall and 3-2 in the SEC. While Kennedy’s team did play well against top-ranked Kentucky – the Aggies lost in double overtime 70-64 – they have not been competitive otherwise. The Aggies lack any star firepower, which is tough to draw at a school where football reigns supreme. Should Kennedy make it to the NCAAs this year, it may make it a little easier to attract the talent necessary to compete in the SEC.

oklahoma state college basketball programs needing major changes 2015

  1. Oklahoma State

When All-Everything point Marcus Smart left Oklahoma State, head coach Travis Ford’s cupboard wasn’t exactly bare. It wasn’t exactly filled with NBA talent either. Ford, who has taken the Cowboys to four NCAA tournaments in six seasons should be headed for a fifth trip this season…if they can navigate a murderous Big 12 schedule. Le’Bryan Nash, 6-7 senior, averages 17.6 points a game and is quite capable. What the Cowboys need is improved play from its backcourt. That and they are going to need to improve upon their Big 12 play from a year ago when they finished 8-10. That will be easier said than done as six of their league opponents are ranked in the AP Top 25.

georgia tech college basketball programs needing major changes 2015

  1. Georgia Tech

The Yellow Jackets haven’t been relevant in the college basketball landscape since Bobby Cremins retired in 2000. They have not danced in the NCAA tournament since 2010 and fourth-year head coach Brian Gregory is probably on his last legs. Gregory went 11-20 in his first season and hasn’t fared much better since. A 16-15 season followed and then Tech was 16-17 last year. They are 9-8 so far this year and have not won a game in the ACC. It is likely that the Yellow Jackets will suffer through another mediocre season. At its end, Gregory needs to go and the university needs to search long and hard for a quality coach that can restore the glory to Georgia Tech program.

creighton blue jays college basketball programs needing major changes 2015

  1. Creighton

This is head coach Greg McDermott’s first season in four that he does not have his son, Doug, last year’s Naismith Player of the Year. The season started well enough as the Bluejays were 9-3 through most of their non-conference schedule. Then, the Big East season began with a New Year’s Eve date with last year’s Big East tournament champion Providence. Creighton hasn’t won since then. The Bluejays are close, but just can’t seem to get there. They lost to Seton Hall and Marquette by one and Butler by three. Their leading scorer, point guard Austin Chatman, averages just 11 points a game. Creighton’s biggest problem? Shooting. The Bluejays are one of the worst shooting teams in the country. Four of the team’s starters shoot below 40 percent. McDermott needs to somehow get his team to shoot better. If he can, they have a shot at a .500 season. Whether he does or not, McDermott needs to recruit players who can score this offseason.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Pregnant & Mile High Clubbers

Celebrity Gossip Roundup Pregnant Mile High Club 2015

This week’s celebrity gossip starts out with some good news for Tiffani Thiessen and her husband. The actress recently announced she is pregnant with baby #2. In true Hollywood fashion the couple recently threw a party for their friends and family to reveal the gender of their baby, which will be a boy.

tiffani thiessen pregnant with second baby images

Marissa Miller just announced that she too is pregnant with baby #2. As the mom to a 2 year old son she is thrilled to become a mother again. She too is having another boy and she commented how she is so happy her 2 year old son will now have a friend to play with.

marissa miller pregnant again

In some rather pathetic news from a band that used to have it all, R&B group TLC recently took to the fundraising website Kickstarter to fund their next album through fan donations. While I was a huge TLC fan in the day if you have fallen so far from grace you all of a sudden need a Kickstarter campaign to put your album out its time to find another line of work. It remains to be seen whether or not the group will make enough money from their Kickstarter campaign to produce what is supposed to be their final album. As much as I loved TLC, you won’t find me making a contribution in order to help them get that last album made and released.

tlc using kickstarter to fund next album 2015

At a recent appearance on the Ellen Degeneres show Gwyneth Paltrow and Johnny Depp told the host that they are members of the infamous “Mile High Club.” The two actors were on the show promoting a new movie they made.

johnny depp and gwyneth paltrow members of mile high club 2015 images

In news that has NASCAR fans bummed out, superstar Jeff Gordon recently announced that he is giving up on his racing career after a 20 year run. At 43 years old, Gordon has announced that 2015 will be the last year he competes to win a NASCAR championship.

jeff gordon retiring from nascar images 2015 gay sports figures

In other sports news with the upcoming Superbowl athletes Chris Evans and Chris Pratt have made themselves a friendly bet concerning the game. Since both athletes are competing they took to Twitter to challenge each other. This was brought by some lighthearted trash talking between the two athletes.

chris evans chris pratt sexy betting on super bowl bulge images 2015

Former Boy Meets World actor Rider Strong and his wife Alex have recently become parents. The couple kept her pregnancy under wraps so much so that the public didn’t know she was pregnant until after she welcomed her first child, a baby boy. The baby was born days after Christmas.

will ferrell throws balls into cheerleader 2015

Bumbling actor Will Ferrell recently made headlines for throwing a ball directly at a cheerleader at a recent basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the New Orleans Pelicans. Following the incident, the arena’s security team drug him out of the gym. No one knows whether this legitimately happened or it was a publicity stunt set up by Will Ferrell’s camp.

kate hudson in mexico with son ryder for charity 2015

Recently Kate Hudson took a trip to Mexico to help the Starkey Foundation, which is a non -profit organization that ensures children who are deaf can get hearing aids for themselves. Kate was photographed at the headquarters of the charity with her son in tow.

johnny depp hates actors trying to be singers 2015

Johnny Depp recently said during an interview that he finds it difficult to take actors who try to have a music career seriously. Depp’s sense of humor allows him to make fun of actors turned musicians without fear of repercussion.

lindsay lohan get virus from mosquito 2015

Lindsay Lohan was recently hospitalized for something other than a drug and alcohol addiction. After recently taking a vacation in Bora Bora Lindsay Lohan apparently contracted Chikungunya after a mosquito bit her.

zooey deschanel engage to jacob pechenik images

Actress Zoey Deschanel recently became engaged to Jacob Pechenik, her longtime boyfriend. This will be her second marriage as she was previously married to Ben Gibbard of Death Cab For Cutie. Zoey and Jacob reportedly broke up and then got back together in August of 2014.

justin bieber bulge goes acoustic performance for bare people images

At a recent performance Justin Bieber did his best to give an acoustic performance. The actor arrived at the State Social House in L.A. simply to have dinner. However, when he saw a guitar on stage he couldn’t resist going up and performing. He then performed four sings for the people dining in the restaurant.

chad michael murray gets gay sarah roemer pregnant images 2015

In more baby news Sarah Roemer and Chad Michael Murray are now expecting a special delivery of their own. The couple recently got married, secretly, and are now preparing to become first time parents.

mel b splits from husband stephen belafonte images 2015

Mel B, former Spice Girl member, was recently spotted taking her husband to the hospital after he began to suffer from extraordinary back pain. There has been no statement from Mel B about what is wrong with her husband.

leann rimes eddie cibrian bulge sad for reality show demise 2015 images

Leann Rimes and husband Eddie Cibrian were sad to learn that their reality series, which aired on VH1 is not being renewed for another season due to low ratings from the first and only season. This is sad because these networks usually give reality shows and their other shows more of a chance.

twitter feud for katie cassidy with chrissy teigen

Chrissy Teigen recently took to Twitter to argue with Katie Cassidy. This came about after Chrissy publically criticized Katie’s friend Erin Andrews, a female sports reporter for ESPN. Katie then stepped in to her defend her friend and had some harsh words for those who were bashing Erin.

shakira pregnant and posing for unicef images 2015

A pregnant Shakira has recently been working with UNICEF by posing for pictures with her husband. The pictures are being used in an attempt to help the organization raise money for women and their babies who are living in poverty.

That’s it for this week’s celebrity gossip. So far the gossip for the year has been milder than it was last year, though that will likely change as we progress further into the year. Many celebrities are doing good things that put them in the gossip mill but others will always make it for their less than honorable actions and words. It will be interesting to see how this year’s celebrity gossip compares to that of the last year.

WATCH: ‘Deflate Gate’ Blows Up As Tom Brady Speaks

In case you missed the Tom Brady press conference about Deflate Gate, you need to check it out above.  It was much more entertaining than the AFC Title Game in which the deflated balls became a national story. The quarterback of the New England Patriots looked as uncomfortable as I have ever seen him. He certainly was not a nervous wreck, but for a three time Super Bowl Champion with a rock star following and a man who has made babies with a supermodel, the guy was not 100% steady.

deflate gate blows up after tom brady speaks 2015

Brady was thrown to the wolves as he took questions for about 30 minutes on Thursday from the blood thirsty press. It was a long and mostly uncomfortable event for the Patriot’s QB. I have a feeling that the NFL mandated a long Q&A with reporters since surely Belichick would not allow his guy to be subjected to that many questions. It was ugly for a superstar who usually is respected and a bit feared by the media. Neither was the case on Thursday as reporters interrupted Brady each time he tried to use a cliché or go with some non-answer. One guy actually asked Brady, “When and how did you alter the game balls?” Wow! Tom Brady has never been treated like this in a presser. He was far from the confident guy he usually is and even was as a young starter after the Tuck Rule Game with the Raiders. When asked repeatedly about the fumble issue back then, he said to a reporter, “Yeah I was pulling the ball down, how you like that!”

tom brady deflate gate press conference 2015 images

Public opinion will be drawn along the lines of whether you like the Patriots or you hate them. Fans of the team and Brady will say it is a non issue and move on. Haters are gonna hate as they say. Those detractors are going to say that Brady is simply lying about having “no knowledge of anything.” And it’s not just fans that are saying Brady is not being truthful. Guys at the forefront of the big media are saying it as well. Mark Brunnell made it clear on ESPN that he thinks Tom Brady is a liar. Troy Aikmam had the same sentiments saying, “It’s obvious that Tom Brady had something to do with this.” Bold words from one of the most respected broadcasters in the game.

troy aikman says tom brady knews about deflate gate balls 2015

Aikman also noted how easy that Roger Goodell has been on the Patriots in the past. Spy Gate was a deep form of cheating and Goodell gave the Pats just a slap on the wrist according to the former Super Bowl winning quarterback.

It appears to me that Brady could be lying to some degree. Maybe he just mentioned to an equipment manager how “it would be nice if the balls were a little deflated” and gave him a wink. That would be plausible deniability . If I were that equipment manager I would do what Tom Brady said…and you would as well. And if called upon to fall on the sword eventually, I would do so. It is most likely that an equipment manager for an NFL team is not doing it for the money. They are probably big fans and just want to be around the team.

I keep hearing from players and fans that the Colts would have lost the game no matter what the weight of the footballs. That is true in my eyes as well. But that is missing the point. Yes the Patriots have straight owned the Colts and Andrew Luck. They would have won this game nine times out of ten without cheating. It’s not if the cheating helped them win. It is about the fact that they cheated, period. Why deflate the balls if it is not going to give your team an advantage? For the hell of it? No. The balls were deflated to help them make sure of a win. What is the most common decider of football games? Turnovers. If the Patriots could use balls that were easier to hang on to, especially in the rain, then they would have a clear advantage.

Football is a game of inches and momentum. The Colts were not the better team on Sunday. That does not mean they could not have won. What if Brady throws two interceptions and Blount loses a fumble, all in the first half? That would have given the Colts a big edge and most like put them ahead in terms of the turnover battle. Stats show about a 80 percent winning percentage for the team with fewer turnovers than the opponent.

Just what is going to happen in the next few days leading up to the Super Bowl? Tom Brady is never ever going to admit to any wrong doing. TMZ is searching for dirt on all the Patriots’ equipment managers. Belichick is not giving Jimmy Garoppolo extra snaps in case Roger Goodell decides to suspend his buddy Robert Kraft’s golden child, Tom Brady. Richard Sherman is working on every single one liner that relates to balls and air pressure.

It is going to be a wild nine days as the buildup to the Super Bowl continues. Many conspiracy theorists are already claiming this Deflate Gate is simply to build up the hype for the Super Bowl. While this coverage will reach a ton of people, I am pretty sure that the most watched event on TV does not need any extra hype.

I don’t believe anything is going to happen to Brady as far as a suspension. It would be awful from a fan standpoint to see the Super Bowl with one team minus their best player. The NFL goes out of its way to protect these quarterbacks with safety rules all year making sure they are available for the championship games. It may surprise you to find out that the Seahawks do not want Brady out of the game either. You think that proud group of pro athletes wants to win over a team with a backup QB? No sir, they want to whip the Patriots at full strength. Pete Carroll and that historically great defense do not want any sort of asterisk beside a possible Super Bowl win.

Goodell needs to come down hard on the team in some fashion though. It may seem like a small issue to some people, but this ball tampering is akin to performance enhancing drugs as one Ravens player pointed out. Going outside the rulebook is giving yourself a competitive advantage.

tom brady deflating balls for new england patriots

I’m pretty sure that Tom Brady ordered the Code Red on these deflated footballs. But unless the NFL can get him on the stand with Tom Cruise questioning him like a rabid dog, he is never going to admit it. I don’t like cheating, but I would like a Super Bowl matchup between Russell Wilson and Jimmy Garoppolo even less.

5 College Football Programs Needing Major Changes For 2015

top 5 college football programs needing major changes for 2015 images

As we head into 2015, the state of college football is alive and well. The first-ever College Football Playoff proved to be exciting and enjoyable for fans around the nation. Still, there are programs around the country that need to make some changes if they wish to see success in the 2015 season. Here are five tradition-rich programs that need to do something to return to glory.

michigan wolverines college football programs that neded changes 2015

  1. Michigan Wolverines

The Wolverines haven’t been relevant in almost a decade. They took the first step when they hired new head coach Jim Harbaugh. Former coach Brady Hoke won 11 games in his first season and then watched as the once proud Maize & Blue fell to just 5-7 in 2014. The defense was terrible and, if anyone can believe it, the offense was worse. Harbaugh did keep defensive coordinator Greg Mattison, one of the game’s best, but also brought in former Florida DC D.J. Durkin to shore up the Wolverines defense. The offensive staff is entirely new and Harbaugh will surely instill the type of toughness that he brought to Stanford and to the San Francisco 49ers.

tennessee vols college football programs that need changes 2015

  1. Tennessee Volunteers

The Vols made a change two years ago when they hired head coach Butch Jones. All Jones did was take Tennessee to a bowl game and win 7 games. Now, for the big changes. For Tennessee to return to its glory – between 1990 and 2004 the Vols won at least nine games every season but two – Jones and his staff need to improve the defense. In a league where four of the top 10 scoring defenses sit, Tennessee needs to become one of those. It can be done. One of the biggest changes for the Vols will be its players. The 23 true freshman that were key contributors last season will become sophomores.

oklahoma sooners college football programs that need changes 2015

  1. Oklahoma Sooners

After being in the preseason Top 5 last year, the Sooners suffered through an 8-5 season capped by an embarrassing 40-6 defeat at the hands of Clemson. Granted, of the Sooners five losses four were to ranked teams and the other was an overtime loss to rival Oklahoma State. But, those losses showed that Oklahoma can no longer compete with the elite teams in the country. While the Sooners offense averaged more points in 2014 than they did in 2013, the unit struggled, especially quarterback Trevor Knight. Head coach Bob Stoops needed to make some big changes and did with the firing of co-offensive coordinators Jay Norvell and Josh Heupel. The Oklahoma running game is in good hands with RB Samaje Perine. If the passing game picks up, the Sooners could return to the national championship picture.

texas tech college football programs needing major work 2015

  1. Texas Tech

Things were great when the Red Raiders hired former star quarterback Kliff Kingsbury as their head coach prior to the 2013 season. They appeared even brighter when Kingsbury’s squad began that season 7-0. Since then…the Red Raiders are a dismal 5-13. Texas Tech’s plight can be summed up in a word – defense. In all but two of their 12 games last season, the Red Raiders surrendered at least 30 points. They gave up a whopping 82 to TCU in late October. Kingsbury went out and secured a quality defensive coordinator in David Gibbs, who previously served at Houston. The Red Raiders can score points, there is no question about that. If Gibbs can turn around the defense in the pass-happy Big 12, the Red Raiders can get back to being relevant.

notre dame college football program that needs major changes 2015

  1. Notre Dame

The Irish lost to Alabama in the 2012 national championship game. Since, they have gone just 17-9 including dropping five of their last seven games in 2014. The big change for head coach Brian Kelly is on defense. The Irish need to get back to their 2012 form when they were one of the nation’s best. Notre Dame’s defense gave up 30 or more points in seven of their last eight games last season. Teams can’t win games by playing poor defense. The other change for the Irish will be replacing Everett Golson at quarterback with Malik Zaire. Zaire, who will be a junior next season, was comfortable in leading Notre Dame to a 31-28 victory over LSU in the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl. He was 12-of-15 in the air, ran 22 times for 96 yards, and scored two touchdowns.

Is It the Right Time To Buy A 4K UHD TV?


is it the right time to buy 4k tv technology 2015

With the dramatic drop in prices, consumers are left in a confusing dilemma whether to pay for a standard 1080p TV or find some extra funds to invest in a 4K TV. The prices of 4K TVs have fallen recently which make them look quite attractive and worth the money, but it is necessary to find out whether 4K TVs are worth the extra amount of cash over other alternatives in the market. If you have the money and are willing to invest in a premium TV then you might as well invest in a 4K TV. If you rely on the retailers for such answers, the chances are that you will walk out of the store without a bank balance in your account since the shop keepers are equipped with some of the nastiest convincing skills. They will show you why exactly a 4K TV is worth the extra money and will demonstrate this argument with unrealistic high quality resolution of the TV. In reality, there are some instances and reasons where 4K TV does not find its worth over other alternatives in the market.

right time to buy 4k tv demand 2015

Why it’s not worth the extra bucks?

Let us compare 4K TV with a TV with 1080p resolution first, holding an assumption that both TVs come with a similar screen size. Since 4K TV promises a better resolution, it will end up costing around a $100 more than the TV with a 1080p resolution. To be honest, it is hard to distinguish the picture quality between both the products. The main reason why this difference cannot be seen is because of the seating distance of the consumers. Normally a person would sit around less than 10 feet away from the TV and from this distance one cannot exactly tell the difference between the picture qualities, unless an observation is made from a very close angle.

So the bottom line is that even if you invest extra money in a 4K TV, you would not really find massive upgrade in the picture quality, assuming that you will place the TV in your living room and view it from a normal viewing distance. The sharper images in 4K resolution do look amazing but they are not exactly worth the extra bucks over a 1080p TV.

sony bravia thin 4k tv best time to buy 2015

Why you might find it worth the extra bucks?

There are many popular brands right now making 4K TVs and they definitely feel proud in providing these products to the consumers. This is mainly because of the upgraded LCDs that are installed in these TVs that promise a superior picture quality. While you might not be able to experience an enhanced resolution in a 4K TV unless you view it closely, there is a general consensus that picture quality does actually look better. Moreover, the LCDs that these 4K TVs are made with do not compliment the picture quality just because of the resolution. The quality of LCD itself is what makes a 4K TV an attractive alternative at the price it is being offered.

To experience this picture quality enhancement you might have to look into brands that are providing great deals on the 4K TVs in terms of manufacturing. For instance 4K TVs that are provided by Samsung are actually costly, but they use a local dimming process in the manufacturing process and install it in the TV which gives out great picture quality. This is what makes the picture quality better and also makes the difference noticeable which makes 4K TV an attractive alternative over standard 1080p TVs. But on the other hand it is also true that with such manufacturing efficiencies there are some Samsung plasma TVs that might stand on equal footings with 4K TVs despite the huge difference in prices but with almost similar picture quality.

sony 4k tv bubble commercial 2015

How will you use it?

In theory, it all comes down to simple formula and this formula is based on how exactly you will use the 4K TV. If you are one of those people who will be using a 4K TV in the living room, watch it with family or even place it at an average distance from your bed in the bedroom, then you should probably not invest a lot of money in it and look for alternatives that offer better value for money such as 1080p TVs, or even plasmas.

On the other hand, if you have this habit of looking at the television from a very close distance while you appreciate the picture quality of the TV, or use it as a PC monitor, then 4K TV could work wonders for you, especially if you are planning to use it for gaming since it would turn your gaming experience into heaven.

lg 4k oled tv right time to buy 2015

Are 4K TVs supported by the market?

When dealing with technology, one must always have this fear of obsolescence. Technology products tend to go obsolete very quickly. Take an example of your smartphone and remind yourself how many times you had to change it in the past 4 years because of lack of support. The thing with 1080p TVs is that it supports a variety of media. The only way a 1080p TV would go obsolete is when 4K content is available on a very wide scale. This obsolescence would especially occur if the 1080p TVs fail to play 4K content, which seems less likely. There are only few media sources that are currently supporting 4K TVs and some of them are Netflix and Sony. But you should know that Xbox and PS4 still do not support 4K content and there are not even 4K Blu-rays that you might want to play in your 4K TV. Luckily, a 1080p TV can handle all such content.

In order for 4K TVs to overtake 1080p TVs it is essential for the broadcasters and movie producers to bring in new camera equipment that has 4K support. This might result in widespread use of 4K TVs, but it is unlikely that the producers will go out of the pockets and do this when the market is sitting content with 1080p resolution. Even if the producers adapt to 4K resolution and incorporate it in their new movies and shows, still we do not know whether the picture quality would drastically change. In all honesty, the picture quality would still be more or less the same and would not be that great that forces you to throw out your 1080p TVs in rage. Tests were done on Netflix 4K videos and it was found out that the picture quality improved on a very tiny scale which again reinforces the argument of not buying 4K TV just for the sake of picture quality since the difference is very small. A realistic intuition is that a 1080p TV can last as long as you want it to last since it can support a variety of media content.

What is best for you?

It all comes down to the use of a 4K TV and if you are a standard user of a 4K TV then chances are that you do not require the extra pixels it comes with. But still, there are many people who still think that spending a little more on 4K TVs just for the extra pixel is worth it. This can be linked to the consumers’ need of remaining up to date with the latest technology. If you are one of those people who put a lot of stress on the specifications of the product and want to always remain ahead of the world by owning all the latest equipment then sure, go with a 4K TV since it would give you the satisfaction of experiencing extra picture quality which having the surety that all the latest media with high resolution would be welcomed by your TV.

It is also important to note here that the trend of dropping prices of 4K TVs does not seems like it is going to stop any time soon. If you are one of those people who loves to get a bargain on the products and prefer to play the waiting game just to get a discount, then there is a huge possibility that the prices of 4K TVs will drive down even lower in the coming year.

best 4k time to buy models 2015

In conclusion it can be said that the market is full of a lot of products including the 1080p TVs that function really good, come with great picture quality and still cost quite less. It is also possible to find some 1080p TVs that perform even better than the 4K TVs. 4K TVs do have a nice title attached to them that make them sound like something from the future but it must be remembered that new does not always mean that it is better. If you lie in that segment of the market where you can easily afford a 4K TV then it is best to go ahead with a 4K TV. Moreover, if you are a gamer and want to use it as a gaming monitor then you might be able to enjoy gaming a lot more than you used to. But if you are one of those people who value money and are focused towards saving it then it might be best to either invest in a 1080p that would give similar resolution and picture quality at a lower cost, or you could play the waiting game, if you are desperate for 4K resolution, by waiting for the prices of 4K TVs to go down even further. Get more information on the best prices on 4K TV’s here.

Editor’s Note: We have already adopted 4K TV’s in our offices and for those that truly love great theater quality, these are very worth it, especially as prices are dropping rather quickly this year. Be warned, that if you’re looking to move up to 4K or UHD, do your research as most of the electronics companies are cranking them out, but they are not all the same. Sony and Samsung are miles ahead with keeping the tv’s updated (including the all important firmware), and these are worth paying a little extra for as they will last much longer than most of the them.  For some reason Sony has discontinued their A lines from the 4K which had passive 3D technology so if you hate those bigger glasses with the opening and closing lenses, that’s something to keep in mind. Our Sony 4K has passive 3D which is the exact same quality as you get at the IMAX or better theater.

Gregory Slides Into Finals With Safe – TOP CHEF: BOSTON Week 12 Recap

gregory slides in safe for top chef boston finals recap images 2015

This week on Top Chef, four contestants remain. As they arrived at the Top Chef kitchen they were introduced to Wylie Dufresne, who would be judging this week’s quickfire, the final one to take place in Boston. They were tasked with creating a bean dish that reflects Boston’s style.

top chef boston pad with gregory for quick fire 2015

Mei said that seeing Wylie inspired her to put eggs in her dish because he loves eggs. George exclaimed that he had to improvise his dish because he didn’t have access to the ingredients he would have liked. At the end of the quickfire challenge, George presented his tomato base with chickpeas and other ingredients. Mei made a black beans and corn dish that included poached eggs and bacon. She told the judges she pureed beans to make the foam she used in her dish. Melissa made tenderloin accompanied by chickpeas and bacon butterbean puree. Gregory created navy beans with ham and vegetables and he could tell the judges didn’t like his dish. Wylie said George cooked his beans very nicely but he wasn’t sure the pork was necessary. He told Mei that the beans should have been the star of the dish and they weren’t. He then criticized Gregory’s use of avocado in his dish. Wylie then chose Mei as the winner of the quickfire challenge.

padma eating gregory gourdet out for top chef boston 2015

The Elimination Challenge was to create an innovative dish that is a daring choice for any chef. The chef that wins the Elimination Challenge gets $10,000 and moves on to the Top Chef finals. After making this announcement Padma then dismissed the chefs for the day.

mei not smiling for top chef boston 2015 images

The chefs were then shown shopping for the ingredients they would need for the Elimination Challenge. Gregory said that he would be using Asian flavors in his dish again.

Back at the house Gregory talked about how winning Top Chef would help him leave his difficult life in the past. Mei then said that she went to nursing school because her family wanted her to but she dropped out to go to culinary school instead.

As the chefs arrived the next day to start preparing their dishes Melissa said that since she was guaranteed a spot in the finals she could relax during this challenge and make something she enjoys. Gregory said that even though he started off the season strong the last few challenges have been a struggle for him. Melissa said that she would be happy to go to the finale with Mei because they have become friends throughout the course of the competition. Tom and Wylie then showed up to supervise the chefs. Wylie asked Gregory what was going to be innovative about his dish and he said the texture of the salmon he was using would.

gregory talking technique to tom colicchio on top chef boston 2015

Gregory had to serve his dish to the judges first, though he was running behind in having the dish ready. He said that he felt nervous about this. He then presented his salmon dish to the judges and Padma told him it was delicious. Melissa then presented her dish to the judges and Wiley said the duck she used was perfectly cooked. He then said that even though the dish was good he felt like Melissa stayed in her comfort zone when making it. George then presented his dish to the judges, who expressed displeasure with it. Mei presented her dish to the judges next. Tom said that he liked it and Wiley said that there was only a little broth but the flavor of it was delicious. Padma called Mei’s dish a breath of fresh air. Richard Blais said Melissa made the dish that tasted the best. Wiley then said that he would give the $10,000 to Melissa. Toms aid that George did not step out of his comfort zone by cooking ox.

top chef boston padma deciding on finals 2015 iamgestop chef boston padma deciding on finals 2015 iamges

As they arrived in the stew room the chefs anxiously awaited their fate in the competition. Once they were at the judge’s table, Tom said that some of the chefs didn’t step out of their boundaries enough to do well in the challenge. Padma then said Mei and Melissa had the best elimination challenge dishes. Mai said that she felt she had pushed herself to the limit throughout the competition. Tom said Mei’s dish was very complex and that he liked it. Wiley then announced the $10,000 was being awarded to Melissa, based on the execution of her dish. Padma then told Mei she is going to Mexico for the finals of the competition.

Tom told George and Gregory that he struggled with their dishes and that George made the same thing too many times. Wiley told Gregory his dish was restaurant worthy but that it could have been plated better Tom said Gregory’s dish was perfectly cooked. Padma then announced that George was being sent home, leaving Gregory to move onto the finals, taking place in Mexico. Padma said that when George got eliminated and got back into the competition he earned everything he achieved throughout the competition. He said he was proud of himself for making it to the final four anyway. He then said he wanted to go home and be great at what he does.

top chef boston george gregory waiting to be eliminated 2015

Gregory said that he has worked himself to the bone and is grateful he is moving onto the finale. One more last chance kitchen takes place between Doug and George in Mexico.

Next week the three remaining chefs are seen experiencing Mexico. Mei said that she should have practiced her Spanish before arriving and to her, not winning was not an option because she had to be the one to win the competition.

top chef boston gregory melissa mei jumping for finals 2015

The top chef finale in Mexico will likely be the most interesting and competitive part of the competition. With the heat being turned up it will be interesting to see if Mei, Melissa, and Gregory get along like they have up until now or if the tension of being in the finals causes anger and arguments among the three of them that they never experienced before.

Editor’s Note: Top Chef Boston does it again, having us believe we’ll know who’s survived Last Chance Kitchen to join in the finals, but we have to wait until next week. It’s down to George and Doug. Since George hasn’t made the best decisions on Top Chef, Tom Colicchio thought it would be fun to have Doug choose between clams and octopus (the two dishes that sent George packing). Doug chose clams and now we’ll see who joins Melissa, Mei and Gregory (who played it way too safe and lucked out) in the finals in Mexico next week.


NBA All-Star Game: Best Three

michael jordan nba all star game best three 2015
Credit: Jason H. Smith

With less than a month until the 2015 NBA all-star game at Madison Square Garden, basketball fans don’t have long to wait until they find out who will make a mark on the big occasion this year. After last year’s incredible 163-155 victory for the Eastern conference – their first win since 2010 – this year promises to be just as exciting.

We can’t promise that there will be another record-breaking number of points scored to upset the bookmakers and thrill fans, but the quality of play is certain to be outstanding and the action will have fans across the world, particularly those who have placed a bet with betfair, glued to the edge of their seats. With just a matter of weeks until East meet West again, it is a great time to look back on the men who have shone in the all-star game in the past. There are any number of worthy candidates, and supporters of the different franchises may disagree, but here are our three of the best.

kareem abdul jabbar nba all star best three 2015

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (born Lew Alcindor) enjoyed a 20-year career in the NBA, first appearing for the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1969-70 season and then joining the LA Lakers in 1975-76. By the time he played his last game at the top level in 1988-89, he had appeared in the NBA over 1500 times and had amassed over 38,000 points. During his NBA career, Abdul-Jabbar won the NBA Championship on six occasions, and was also named NBA MVP six times. Abdul-Jabbar made his first all-star appearance in 1970, in a game the Eastern conference would win 142-135, and would go on to be selected a further 18 times and appear on a further 17 occasions. The only year that Abdul-Jabbar missed out on selection throughout his whole career was 1978 and he still holds the record for number of selections, number of appearances and minutes on court (449).

Wilt Chamberlain

Another dominant Center who made the all-star game his own was Wilt Chamberlain. Chamberlain made his NBA debut for the Philadelphia Warriors in 1959-60, a year after first appearing for the Harlem Globetrotters. During his 14 seasons in the NBA, Chamberlain enjoyed spells with the San Francisco Warriors, the Philadelphia 76ers and then the LA Lakers, where he preceded Abdul-Jabbar in the middle of the court. Chamberlain won the NBA Championship twice (1967 and 1972) and was named NBA MVP four times. Also like Abdul-Jabbar, Chamberlain was selected in the all-star game in all but one of his NBA seasons (1970) and still holds the record for the most career rebounds (197). Despite his longevity, Chamberlain makes the cut as one of our top three because of his exploits in just one all-star game, 1962. To this day, Chamberlain still holds the record for most points in a game after amassing 42 in the Eastern Conference’s 150-130 victory. The Eastern conference’s second highest scorer on the day was Richie Guerin, who scored just 23 points.

nbal all star game best three wilt chamberlain 2015
Credit: Cliff

Michael Jordan

Despite Chamberlain and Abdul-Jabbar’s exploits, neither of them come close to Michael Jordan in terms of their fame. The NBA legend was initially drafted in 1984 by the Chicago Bulls and would remain with franchise until the end of the 1997-98 season, when he retired for the second time (he had already retired once but came back after a brief spell playing baseball). After three seasons away from the sport, he returned with the Washington Wizards and played for a further two years before hanging up his sneakers in April 2013. Jordan won the NBA Championship on six occasions, each whilst with the Bulls, and was named MVP five times. Jordan won all-star selection 14 times, including in both of the seasons that he represented the Wizards – he was aged 39 when he played in his last all-star game in 2003. Jordan was the first man ever to record a triple double in the all-star game (1997) and currently holds the joint career record for steals (37) in the all-star game along with Kobe Bryant.