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‘Supernatural’ 15.06 gives a little glimmer of Golden Time

I didn’t get to watch last week’s “Supernatural” episode live since I was on a plane flying to Jacksonville for a “Supernatural” convention when it aired. That meant avoiding spoilers until I finally had a chance to watch, which was well after midnight after the Saturday night concert at the convention, on a friend’s laptop in her hotel room. While we lettered a sign for a photo op the next day. (Just a typical 2 am at a “Supernatural” convention…)  This was a bit of an unusual episode and not a very emotional one for the most part for us, but it had some lovely moments. Maybe this review won’t be ten pages long like my usual ones though – I hear sighs of relief from out there!

The episode opens with a music video-esque montage of someone we don’t know breaking into Rowena’s apartment and trying to steal her magic supplies. It was well done but it wasn’t Sam or Dean or Cas and it’s the last season so time with them is precious and it went on way too long. At some point, my friend Alana announced “oh, she’s gonna die” – and sure enough, she did.  Just not quite quickly enough.

Cut to the bunker, Sam on his laptop, wondering if he’s hearing things. Dean (Jensen Ackles) in his dead guy robe – and hot dog pajamas because he’s Dean Winchester.

Dean Winchester in dead guy robe with hot dog pajamas SPN

Apparently, Dean has been hiding in his room again, this time eating his feelings (and cereal) and escaping by watching the show that reminds him of his childhood, Scooby Doo. He’s still feeling pretty hopeless, locked into what he calls “Cain and Abel 2.0” and feeling like he’s just waiting for God to find them and make them kill each other. No wonder he feels so depressed and helpless, when you think of it like that. Sam, on the other hand, keeps researching and keeps trying.

It’s the dynamic of the entire season so far – the Winchesters take turns, one of them hopeless and the other trying to pull them out of it. It’s been the dynamic of the show as well, but now it’s intensified, alternating episode to episode in a way that sort of makes me dizzy.

Sam goes out for a jog (in the beautiful rainy Vancouver weather) and Alana and I stop what we’re doing to appreciate Jared Padalecki’s grace when he’s running.

My friend Alana: It’s like he’s floating!

Sam Winchester jogging in the park SPN 1506

Seriously, it’s a beautiful thing.

Sam sees his breath and senses something again, and then ghost Eileen shimmers into view with a “Hi, Sam.”

Shoshannah Stern Eileen shimmers back to Sam Winchester Supernatural
Sam Winchester happy to see Eileen return SPN Golden Time

I’m a huge fan of Shoshannah Stern, and I loved the character of Eileen so I’m happy to see her. As happens with just about everything this season, we all knew she was coming back. It would have been a wonderful moment if we hadn’t known though. Turns out the hellhounds that killed her dragged her to hell, so she’s back now that Chuck opened up the door.  Eileen, as a hunter herself, understands only too well that if she stays as a ghost she’ll go crazy and hurt someone, and she will not go back to Hell, so she asks if Sam and Dean can possibly put in a good word and get her to Heaven.

Check Out Lynn’s Interview with Shoshannah Stern

Dean: Souls from hell can’t go to Heaven. I’m sorry.

Souls from heaven cant go to hell from Eileen SPN 1506

Sam bristles, but Dean had to tell her the truth. It’s not like he doesn’t care – he tries to come up with some alternatives, including making a spell for an individual soul catcher that she can stay in safely. Sam agrees to go to Rowena’s apartment to look for the ingredients for the spell, but Dean decides to stay behind.

Dean: You’re like Rowena’s protégé. It’s a milk run.

Sam argues that this is important, that it’s the antidote for that helplessness Dean has been feeling, his contention that nothing matters.

Sam: We can do this. This matters.

Dean: That’s why you’re gonna kick it in the ass.

That has to be a deliberate use of beloved director Kim Manners’ favorite saying, and it made me a little wibbly for a minute there. Only for a minute though, because I was too busy saying nooooo Dean, go with Sam, no good will come of this!

He did not listen.

Sam and ghost Eileen go to Rowena’s apartment. Jared does a fabulous job here, mostly without any dialogue about it, showing us just how much Sam is still devastated by having to kill Rowena. He can barely bring himself to go inside. He’s also empathizing with Eileen, who has just been in hell.

Sam: I went to hell too a while back. You try to forget, but… it gets inside you. Talking helps.

Eileen: I can’t. not yet.

Sam signs to her, and she smiles.

Eileen: I’m impressed.

Sam studied up a bit after he met her, which…. Awwww. Sam Winchester is such a good bean.

They find Rowena’s real stash with ghost Eileen’s help, and it turns out that Rowena kept journals of all her spell work.

Sam Winchester and eileen enter Rowenas home
Sam Winchester finds Rowenas spell books 1506

Sam’s clearly emotional as he reads one.

Eileen: You miss her.

Sam: I killed her. Her idea. She sacrificed herself to save us…. You ever feel like the punch line to some cosmic joke?

Eileen: Are you kidding?

She tries to hold his hand in sympathy, but of course, her hand goes right through his, which is heartbreaking. Shoshannah is so good at showing us Eileen’s emotions, her face so expressive, and you can see that it’s breaking her heart too.

Eileen symphasizes with Sam Winchester 1506

Sam realizes that the spell to bring someone back from the dead and make the spirit flesh is there, and that he can probably finish it.

Sam: Eileen, I can bring you back.

They get back to the Impala and suddenly Sam starts spitting up blood, collapsing to the ground. He pulls a hex bag from the wheel well, but it’s too late, the witches are coming.

Sam (signing to Eileen): My brother!

Sam Winchester knocked down by mom witch SPN 1506
Keegan Connor Tracy plays mom witch on SPN Golden Time

The witch mom (Keegan Connor Tracy) makes clear what we’ve suspected – anyone who steps inside Rowena’s apartment dies. Except Sam! She left everything to him.

Me: Awwww

The witches make a voodoo doll type thing with Sam’s hair and use it to control him. Ouch.

We get yet another sibling parallel of sorts, since younger witch sib Emily actually resents her now dead older sister Jacinda. Sam tries to convince her to give him the resurrection spell ingredients instead of their mom, who will use it to bring Jacinda back, and for a minute it seems to almost work. Jacinda has done some pretty shitty things to her younger sister.

Sam: I get it, I have an older brother. When I was ten he put superglue in my toothpaste.

(I guess that’s why Sam was so pleased with himself when he superglued his brother’s hand to his beer bottle in Season 1)

Unfortunately, younger sister Emily decides not to believe Sam.

Emily not believing Sam Winchester SPN 1506

Just as Sam is forced to gather all the supplies for the witches, it’s big brother to the rescue!

Dean comes in with a witch-killing-bullets-firing gun on the mom witch.

Dean Winchester holds gun on mom witch SPN

It’s a stand-off as Emily squeezes the Sam voodoo doll. Suddenly ghost Jacinda appears and attacks Dean, who’s thrown to the floor.

But ghost Eileen appears just in time and stands between them.

Eileen: Not today, bitch.

Dean: About time.

Eileen gives him a victorious grin. Talk about a badass, I loved that moment!

Eileen giving Dean Winchester victory smile SPN

There’s a fight, Dean manages to shoot Emily, and the mom witch viciously attacks Dean while ghost Jacinda attacks ghost Eileen. This time it’s little brother to the rescue. As Dean writhes in pain, Sam tackles mom witch and forces some bespelled stuff into her mouth and says the right words and she expires.

Dean Winchester attacked by mom witch Golden Time SPN
Sam Winchester shoves bespelled powder into mom witch mouth SPN
Sam Winchester tackles mother witch Supernatural 1506

Dean jumps up and manages to torch Jacinda’s body, saving Eileen (though it took him so long to light his zippo that all of us watching were screaming at 2 am. Sorry, hotel guests)

Meanwhile, Cas is hanging out in another beautiful part of Vancouver lakeside, going by the name of Clarence and fishing a lot.

Cas: I had a friend who praised fishing for its meditative qualities.

So, Cas is also hiding, and also still thinking about his falling out with Dean.

He hears that people in the small town he’s hiding in are missing, and heads to the Sheriff’s office, unable to stay completing out of saving people hunting things. The Sheriff is not exactly forthcoming, and asks to speak to Castiel’s supervisor. That means calling one of Bobby’s OG burner phones, and who has to pick up? Dean of course.

Cas looks like he’d rather call literally anyone but Dean.

Dean: Cas, Sam has been trying to call you. Did you listen to his messages?

Castiel responds to Dean Winchester warning him about Chuck


Dean: I don’t know if you care or not, but Chuck is back on the board, so watch yourself.

In other words, Dean may be pissed and Cas may be pissed, but both clearly still care.

Long shot of Castiel on phone with Dean Winchester SPN 1506
Dean Winchester warns Castiel about Djinn Chuck SPN

Cas goes looking for the missing people, followed by Mellie, the mom of another boy who has just gone missing. I like her, she’s no-nonsense and determined to find her son. I think Cas likes her too. She also feels guilty, because she told her son to go out and get some fresh air and he never came back. Cas understands guilt about one’s son and how it feels to lose a child now, and he empathizes with Mellie. As they search, he confides in her a little.

Cas: I needed to step away for a while. My colleagues and I had a falling out with management. And with each other.

Castiel with Mellie in park before Djinn arrives SPN

He also surprisingly tells her that monsters are real (like Dean abruptly did recently in a different episode) – and then they find Mellie’s son with a broken ankle but otherwise okay after having a run in with a monster. It’s a djinn – and also the cranky sheriff – and he shoots Cas twice, but Cas doesn’t back down. In fact, he gets to say a few very Misha Collins-esque lines.

Cas: It’s always you — you selfish little men in positions of authority. You take what you want, you take who you want. And you believe that your power will protect you. But your power won’t protect you from me.

Djinn meeting with Castiel to kill him SPN
Mellie with son squatting watch Castiel go kill in SPN 1506

Badass Cas is my favorite flavor, and he stabs the hell out of the djinn, getting thoroughly bloody in the process. Mellie and her son watch in sort of horror, and I’m reminded that on the day Misha brought his young son West to the set, that scene was being edited and thus up on the screen. Poor West probably had a similar sort of horror expression on his face watching his dad go nuts on some guy.

Castiel beating the heck out of a man while Mellie and son watch SPN

Cas manages to heal the boy’s ankle, though it clearly takes a lot out of him.

Mellie: It’s a miracle. Were you sent by God?

Everyone watching: Oh hell no.

Cas says no, and that it’s better if he doesn’t tell them too much. The experience has made him rethink his recent decisions though.

Castiel bloodied up talking to Melli in Golden Time

Mellie: But you’re leaving?

Cas: If I stay, nothing changes. Time for me to get back in the game.

Time for SPN Castiel to get back in the game Golden Time

That small win, and perhaps that moment of letting himself express all the rage he has bottled up over Jack, and Chuck, and Dean, are a pivotal moment for Castiel. His self-imposed break is over.

The penultimate scene was quite beautiful, as Sam attempts Rowena’s spell that couldn’t bring back their mom to bring back Eileen. I wondered at first why he had his back turned as she stepped into the tub, but I should have guessed that for some reason she had to come back naked – I guess it makes sense? Anyway, handy dandy towel and Eileen steps out of the tub, human and alive.

Eileen watches Sam Winchester from behind Golden Time SPN
Sam Winchester discovers Eileen is back on Supernatural 1506
Shoshannah Stern on SPN Golden Time episode with Jared Padalecki

She holds Sam’s hand without it going right through this time, and falls into Sam, who holds her close. She signs a thank you, and as Sam leans down into the hug, Padalecki shows us just how much this moment means to Sam. Sam who has had to kill someone he cared about, and who has never been able to bring anyone back – this time he was able to bring about someone he cares about. It was a healing moment, and an important one for Sam. I took the title to refer to the fact that both the Winchesters and Castiel managed to have a “win” this time, something rare for them recently. Something they desperately needed, and right now – similar to the “golden hour” in which you can most effectively intervene after a crisis or a trauma. Hopefully, it’s enough to bring them all back to life!

Eileen dies in front of Sam Winchester Supernatural Golden Time
Sam Winchester tries bringing back Eileen from dead with Rowenas spell SPN 1506

That brings us to the last scene, my favorite of the episode.

Later that night, after Eileen is asleep, Sam joins Dean at the map table.

The shadows look like bars, showing us how trapped Dean has been feeling.

SPN Dean Winchester trapped in by shadow bars 1506
Caps by kayb625

He rolls a beer across the table to his brother.

Sam: Eileen’s asleep. She had a big day.

Dean: So did you. You some kinda witch now?

Sam: No, got lucky.

Dean: You did good today, man. I did jack.

Sam: You killed a witch – saved my ass.

Dean: (reluctantly) Yeah, I guess so.

Sam fixes his brother with a meaningful look.

Sam Winchester tells Dean hs killed a witch SPN 1506
Dean Winchester feeling like he didn't do enough for Sam SPN

Sam: You’re right, we don’t make the rules, we never have. But that doesn’t mean we can just give up. We have moves to make here. You think Chuck wanted me to shoot him?

Dean: (still struggling) Maybe that was part of the plan. I don’t know what’s him and what’s not and it’s driving me crazy!

Sam: We’ll find a way to beat him. We will. Because we’re the guys who break the rules.

Dean still looks skeptical, though he’s listening to every word Sam says.

Sam: But I can’t do it without you. Just like today. I couldn’t do it without you.

Dean looks up.

Dean Winchester looks up after Sam says he needs him SPN Golden Time

Sam is dead serious, willing Dean to hear him.

Sam: I need my brother.

The episode ends and I reached for my first tissue of the night. The last scene was beautiful and emotional and rang very true. It was the same dynamic we’ve been seeing repeatedly, but Sam’s plea to his brother at the end may have been the most compelling argument yet. That is something that Dean Winchester cannot ignore, it’s hard-wired into him and it’s one of the main reasons I love this show so much.  Sam needs him. That means Dean will follow.

Unless we’re going to go against 14.5 seasons of canon, that is. I sincerely hope that’s not the case!

I loved having Shoshannah Stern back on my Show. She made Eileen a character that we cared about, and it was tough to lose her – especially grating to have that loss happen offscreen. Side characters die on “Supernatural” all the time, and I have no issue with that, but there have been a few that were killed off that were definitely a mistake. Eileen was one of them. She could have remained a fellow hunter and an occasional ally and she was a fan favorite. It was also important to many fans to have representation on their favorite show in such a kickass and inspiring way.

It’s half annoying that SPN is trying to make up for its questionable decisions by bringing some of those characters back (Charlie, Bobby, Eileen, Kevin) and half oh fine I just wanted to see them again so okay. In this case, at least they brought back the real Eileen, not some AU version of her who was NOT her at all. I love the friendship between Sam and Eileen, and I hope it stays friendship, because a romantic relationship in the midst of where they’re at right now seems like a real stretch with only fourteen episodes to go. And for me at least, that’s not what SPN has ever been about. Your mileage may vary, of course. Ship if you want!

There’s trepidation about the next episode, which airs in two weeks after a pause for Thanksgiving here in the US, because despite what Sam said at the end of this episode about them needing each other, the brothers are hunting (or doing something) separately in the next episode. That’s rarely my favorite flavor of “Supernatural,” especially at this point in its tenure, but I’m staying optimistic that the episode will have a reason for that which makes sense and that it will be a good one. I understand why emotions are running high though – we only have fourteen episodes left with these characters, and it feels vitally important to get what we want most from them in the little bit of time we have left.  Nevertheless, I’m trying to stay grounded and savor every moment I have with my favorite fictional characters ever.  Fingers crossed!

Now on to “Supernatural” 15.07 Last Call to keep us going through the holiday season.

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Guide for Retro Gamers and Hobbyists

Holiday season is coming, and it’s good to shop for gifts early to avoid the rush. We love our friends and family because they are unique, especially when it comes to what makes them happy. Some of these friends are retro enthusiasts – they are fond of video games or movies from the 80s and 90s for some reason.

There are plenty of retro products to choose from despite this particular interest is considered rare. They also come in different price ranges from affordable to expensive. This means there are plenty of options should you decide to support your friends’ love for the retro. Most of these games can be played via the Nintendo Switch and its portable counterpart Nintendo Switch Lite. One can also play retro games from the PC through an emulator. There are also those who collect memorabilia of popular classic movies such as GI-Joe, Star Wars, Transformers, DC, and Marvel.

Do note that we also have a much bigger Gift Ideas for Gamers – click on the highlighted text if that is something you are looking for instead. You may also check all of our 2019 Holiday Gift Guides here and it covers every type of person or situation, depending on who you want to give a gift to.

Switch Pro Wireless Controller 2019 hottest holiday retro gamer gift ideas

Switch Pro Wireless Controller

For: Retro Gamers
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite, PC

A brand new controller is something that any retro gamer would want. Playing a game with it has a more nostalgic feel to it compared to using a keyboard and a mouse. In most cases, a controller also makes the game a lot responsive and easier to control. That means there’s less room for mistakes and the victories are more satisfying. Your friend can also get to sit more comfortably on the couch while playing his or her favorite retro game with the Switch Pro Wireless Controller.

Starter Kit Accessories Bundle for Nintendo Switch 2019 hottest holiday gamer gifts

Starter Kit Accessories Bundle for Nintendo Switch

For: Retro Gamers
Platform: Nintendo Switch

If you have a friend who is a retro gamer, chances are he or she owns a Nintendo Switch. In that case, give your friend the Starter Kit Accessories Bundle for Nintendo Switch. This holiday present will certainly add more spice to his or her retro gaming gadget. It includes headphones, tempered glass screen protector, cleaning cloth, charging cable, cover case, game card holder, stylus pen, colorful joy-con grips, thumbstick caps, and plenty more! With these accessories, your friend will certainly appreciate the gift not only for the quality but also for the quantity.

Complete Starter Kit for Nintendo Switch Lite 2019 hottest holiday gamer gifts

Complete Starter Kit for Nintendo Switch Lite

For: Retro Gamers
Platform: Nintendo Switch Lite

A friend who owns a Nintendo Switch Lite is more likely a retro gamer who is always on the go. Being always on the go, that also means your friend’s Switch Lite is more prone to dust and scratches. Good thing a perfect gift idea for him or her this holiday is the Complete Starter Kit for Nintendo Switch Lite. It includes a tempered glass screen protector, cleaning cloth, game cards holder, and travel case – needed to clean and protect your friend’s precious retro gaming gadget. It also includes a charging cable, high precision headphones, stylus pen, thumb sticks, and more!

Pixel Beads Art Kit evoretro 2019 hottest holiday hobbyist gifts

Pixel Beads Art Kit

For: Retro Gamers, Retro Hobbyists, Retro Artists/Creatives

Bring out the artist in your retro enthusiast friend by introducing him or her into a new creative hobby. This activity uses the Pixel Beads Art Kit and it involves making artistic masterpieces inspired by retro designs. Your friends can use their favorite characters from retro games or classic movies. You can use the designs from the beads art as wall paintings, coasters, keychains, and plenty of other unexplored ideas. It is also an easy hobby to pick, even kids can do it.

Funko Pop Plastic Protector Case 2019 hottest retro gamer gifts

Funko Pop Plastic Protector Case

For: Retro Hobbyists, Funko Pop Collectors

What better way to show to your friends you care but by helping them take care of their precious collections? Give their precious Funko Pop collection additional protection this December with the Funko Pop Plastic Protector Case. These bobblehead versions of popular comic book and video game characters are a rising trend that’s not about to stop for some years. That is why many are collecting these adorable figurines. If you know someone who does, then you’ll certainly make them happy if you give them the Funko Pop Plastic Protector Case as a present.

6 display case carded blister pack pet protector holiday gamer gifts

Blister Pack PET Protector Display Case

For: Retro Hobbyists, Action Figures Collectors

Another past time that draws on nostalgia like Funko Pop is collecting action figures. The most popular ones are G.I. Joe, Star Wars, Power Rangers, Marvel, DC Comics, and plenty more. These action figures are based on popular characters from comic books, movies, video games, and TV series. Some are even based off the 80s and 90s titles, which is why some are so nostalgic. If you have a friend who collects these memorabilia, give them the Blister Pack PET Protector Display Case this holiday season. The display case will not only keep your friend’s collection protected, but it will also make their action figures more presentable for display. The protector works best with 3.75” carded action figures.

Blister Clamshell Display Case 2019 hottest holiday retro gamer gifts

Blister Clamshell Display Case

For: Retro Hobbyists, Action Figures Collectors

Some people prefer to collect action figures and keep them sealed in their respective boxes. Others prefer to let the action figures out in the open for them to play with. They have it do awesome poses or action sequences and post these stories on Instagram or Facebook. If you know a friend who collects action figures for this reason, then the Blister Clamshell Display Case is perfect for them. These display cases are more suited for hobbyists who collect loose toys. If you give display cases as presents, your friend will appreciate you for acknowledging their hobby and helping them take care of their collection better.

These are but few of the many gift ideas you might want to consider this holiday season. These suggestions are perfect for a friend who loves retro culture – people who tend to prefer video games, comic books, TV series, or movies from the 80s and 90s. You can find more gift suggestions for gamers this Holiday season in this hottest gift guide.

Check out all of our other 2019 Holiday Gift Guides:

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Electronics

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Home Theater

2019 Hottest Holiday Fashion and Accessories Gift Guide – Women & Men

2019 Hottest Holiday Home Gifts For Every Room or Housewarming

2019 Hottest Kitchen & Cooking Holiday Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Toys & Collectibles Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Gaming Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Beauty & Skincare Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Sports & Fitness Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Camera & Video Gift ideas Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Travel, Bags and Luggage Gift Guide

Uber loses London license as rival Ola moves in


Uber continues getting besieged with obstacles of its own making as London has canceled its operating license as Indian owned rival Ola will be entering that market in the upcoming weeks. The company which has been a thorn in the side to taxi companies has been a lightning rod for controversy beginning with sexual harassment problems, to fraudulently billing customers and non-customers.

Now, London’s transit authority on Monday refused to renew Uber’s operating license over concerns about impostor drivers, with the ride-hailing company vowing to appeal the decision as it struggles to secure its future in the British capital.

It’s the latest chapter in Uber’s rocky history with London transport officials, who have subjected the San Francisco-based tech company to ever tighter scrutiny over concerns about passenger safety and security.

Uber called the decision “extraordinary and wrong,” and has 21 days to file an appeal, which it said it would do. It can continue operating during the appeals process.

Transport for London cited “several breaches that placed passengers and their safety at risk” in its decision not to extend Uber’s license, which expires at midnight Monday. Among other things, unauthorized drivers carried out thousands of rides, the regulator said.

“While we recognize Uber has made improvements, it is unacceptable that Uber has allowed passengers to get into minicabs with drivers who are potentially unlicensed and uninsured,” said Helen Chapman, director of licensing and regulation at Transport for London, known as TFL.

“We cannot be confident that similar issues won’t happen again in future.”

The company fired back, pointing out that TFL had found it fit and proper in its most recent license renewal in September.

“We understand we’re held to a high bar, as we should be. But this TfL decision is just wrong,” CEO Dara Khosrowshahi tweeted. “Over the last 2 years we have fundamentally changed how we operate in London.”

The denial in a lucrative European market is a big setback for Uber as it struggles to turn a profit. The company posted a $1.16 billion loss in the latest quarter and Khosrowshahi forecast it wouldn’t make a profit until 2021. Shares fell 1.5% in New York.

TFL had already been keeping Uber on a tight leash. It had revoked Uber’s license once before, in 2017, but a court later granted it a license lasting 15 months, which TFL then extended for two more months in September, but added 20 conditions.

In the latest decision, the transit authority said it was concerned Uber’s systems “seem to have been comparatively easily manipulated” by drivers.

One key issue was a change to Uber’s systems allowing unauthorized drivers to upload their photos to other driver accounts.

This let them pick up passengers as though they were the booked Uber driver on at least 14,000 trips, which means all those journeys were uninsured, TFL said.

The change also resulted in some passengers traveling with unlicensed drivers, including one whose license was previously revoked by TFL.

TFL faulted Uber for another “failure” that allowed dismissed or suspended drivers to create a new account and carry passengers. And it cited other “serious breaches” involving unspecified insurance-related issues.

Uber said it has audited every London driver over the past two months and will soon launch a new “facial matching process” for its Microsoft-powered verification system, which requires drivers to periodically take selfies for comparison with their account photos.

Drivers will have to more actively confirm their identity by blinking, smiling or turning their head — part of recently announced beefed up safety measures.

Investors shouldn’t be under the impression the phony photo issue is limited to London, said Dan Ives, managing director at Wedbush Securities, who estimated London represents 3% to 5% of Uber’s business.

“Regulators around the world are going to scrutinize this issue, peel away the onion and make sure there are no similar issues,” he said.

In the U.S., safety advocates have criticized Uber for conducting less thorough background checks on drivers than traditional taxi companies, which generally check drivers’ fingerprints against databases.

Uber has been slugging it out with regulators in recent months and losing. California recently passed legislation to make companies treat rideshare drivers as employees instead of independent contractors, which could force Uber to provide health and other costly benefits.

New Jersey’s labor department recently sought more than $640 million from Uber, saying it misclassified drivers as independent contractors, and New York has enacted a minimum wage for drivers, which Uber passed along to customers in the form of higher prices.

“It feels like the regulators have the upper hand,” Ives said.

Baked into Uber’s business plan is the assumption that many mundane parts of running a business, including recruiting and dispatching drivers, can be automated or handled by a driver, said Nicholas Farhi, a partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants. That may save money, but it doesn’t guarantee safety.

By contrast, becoming a black cab driver in London takes about three years.

“The temptation with a platform as big as Uber for fraud is pretty high,” Farhi said.

Uber rival Ola will be launching in London in December.

ebay sells off stubhub to viagogo for better stock price

eBay selling off StubHub

EBay is selling StubHub to ticket seller viagogo for $4.05 billion in cash.

The transaction is part of a review that eBay undertook earlier this year following pressure from an activist investor. The San Jose, California-based company then said it was also reviewing options for its classified ads business.

EBay Inc. bought StubHub in 2007 for $310 million. Both StubHub and the classifieds business each brought in less than 10% of eBay’s total revenue last year.

The addition of StubHub will allow viagogo to sell tickets in more than 70 countries and give buyers access to a wider selection of tickets.

Viagogo’s founder and CEO Eric Baker is a StubHub co-founder. In a statement, Baker said it has been his longtime wish to unite the two companies.

The sale is targeted to close by the end of 2020’s first quarter hoping to bring its stock price up. eBay has never been able to compete with Amazon, and the stock price has never climbed higher than the low 40’s so possibly the auction site might realize going back to what made them popular could be the best route to bring that stock price back up.

Will Amazon’s ad overuse drive customers elsewhere?


Amazon is the shopping monster of the internet, but as they continue wanting to keep shareholders happy, they are shortchanging their most important asset; their customers. The retail giant has been finding ways to shore up its bottom line which started with slashing commissions on affiliates who, at one time, could make a living creating interesting sites to push their products.

Earlier this year, they began blocking ads for products that weren’t profitable for them. In the third quarter of 2019, Amazon’s earnings were up, but their profits were down which led to shares plummeting nearly nine percent the day after. To keep their shareholders happy, Amazon is loading up its pages with ads that force users to treat it like Google where you have to scroll down a bit to get to what you really want. Many of the ads are for products that have no relation to the product page the user is looking at.

Amazon created an influencer program which thankfully, has professionals creating clean storefronts with products recommended for the user without all the ads. An example would be this storefront.

“As someone who has shopped on Amazon for literally decades, I’m getting tired of having to wade through all the rubbish. I go there to buy something, and having to hunt the page basically makes me want to go elsewhere. I stopped going to brick and mortar stores to avoid all the nuisance there, and Amazon seems to be bringing it right back.”

Mike Maddaloni went to Amazon.com knowing exactly what he wanted to buy.

But instead of showing him the Synology router he was searching for at the top of his results, Amazon bombarded him with ads for hard drives and routers that he didn’t want.

Maddaloni, a web strategist in Appleton, Wisconsin, said searching on the world’s biggest shopping site had always been a good experience for him up until a month ago, when he started seeing more ads.

“Now I have to scroll down,” he said. “It’s annoying.”

Amazon has turned its online store into an advertising powerhouse in just a few years. It overtook Microsoft last year as the third largest ad platform in the U.S. following Google and Facebook, according to market research firm eMarketer. That’s mostly due to Amazon’s search bar: Most shoppers now go to Amazon first instead of Google to look up products, according to Jumpshot, which tracks online shopping behavior.

The downside to Amazon’s booming advertising business is the impact on the user experience. Companies and brands can bid to get their products in Amazon’s search listings, sometimes pushing down what shoppers are searching for and making them harder to find. It risks betraying Amazon’s customer-friendly reputation and irritating shoppers like Maddaloni, who are used to Amazon being the place they go to find what they want to buy quickly.

Amazon’s ads show up at the top, middle and the bottom of its search listings, as well as within pages for other products. They look exactly like regular product listings except for the word “Sponsored” in gray. Holiday shoppers may notice more of them: In September, Amazon began putting three sponsored ads at the top of its search results, up from two, according to Marketplace Pulse, a market research firm that focuses on Amazon and other online marketplaces.

Jason Goldberg, a retail consultant and chief commerce strategy officer at Publicis Communications, said showing ads instead of what people search for is “the best example of Amazon failing to live up to its mission of becoming ‘Earth’s most customer centric company.’”

“That’s clearly not in the shopper’s best interest,” he said.

Advertising is one of Amazon’s fastest-growing businesses, helping to offset some of its more expensive endeavors like one-day delivery, which is hugely popular with customers but also a drain on the company. Amazon hasn’t said exactly how much it makes from ads, but its “other” business is mostly made up of advertising, which brought in $9.3 billion in the first nine months of this year, up 38% from the same period the year before.

Amazon launched its auction-like ad platform in 2014. Advertisers bid for specific keywords, similar to what search giant Google does. Skippy, for example, can bid to show up when someone searches for “peanut butter” or its rival, “Jif.” Some keywords can cost under a buck. Sought-after ones could cost much more. Amazon gets paid only when someone clicks on the ad, even if the product isn’t purchased.

The company said its sponsored ads are a way for customers to find products they may be interested in. And it uses machine-learning technology to try and show ads that are relevant to shoppers. But that doesn’t always happen.

After David Sinclair’s book on aging went on sale in September, colleagues told him that when they typed his name on Amazon, they saw ads for vitamins and supplements above his book. The supplement makers had selected Sinclair’s name as a keyword, hoping to get the attention of people who wanted to buy his book, “Lifespan: Why We Age — and Why We Don’t Have To.”

He tweeted a warning to his followers: “If you search for me on Amazon right now, you may first have to scroll past some sponsored ads for supplements. This is not my doing. I do not endorse products.”

The Harvard Medical School professor said the supplement ads made it look like he was somehow linked to the pills, which he is not.

“That’s my reputation at stake,” Sinclair said.

After being asked about the vitamin ads, Amazon said it wasn’t a good customer experience and removed them.

Erik Gordon, a professor who follows Amazon at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, said the ads at the top of a search implies to many visitors that the products are the most popular.

“It is not misleading in the legal sense, but it borders on a breach of trust with visitors,” he said.

That could drive some customers away from the site — but perhaps not enough for Amazon to change its behavior.

“Amazon is gambling that it will make enough money off the ads to offset the loss from visitors who notice that products at the top are sponsored,” Gordon said.

Online shopping sites are already awash with ads and more retailers are looking to grow that business, Walmart and Best Buy among them. But Marc Lore, who runs Walmart’s online business, said the company won’t be putting ads in the first or second spot in search results like Amazon does.

“We’re trying to do it in a very customer-friendly way,” said Lore, who made the comments at a retail conference in New York last month. “We’re being very smart about not going too far.”

Edgar Dworsky, a consumer advocate who runs ConsumerWorld.org, said he doesn’t have a problem with the sponsored ads on Amazon since they are clearly labeled as sponsored.

“Shoppers should check out all results, sponsored or not, to determine which product is best suited for their needs,” he said.

But Chad Hunter would rather not see them.

The cybersecurity worker in Portland, Oregon, said he’s encountered plenty of sponsored ads while searching for e-books on Amazon.

“I don’t think they’re helpful,” Hunter said. “And there’s so damn many of them.”

‘Frozen 2’ tops box office weekend, but will it match original?


At multiplexes all over America, you were bound to see the same title on at least 5 of the theater screens, and that name was “Frozen 2.” The ArcLight Cinemas in Sherman Oaks, Calif alone had one on offer every thirty minutes while more mid-level films like “21 Bridges” received five time slots compared to “Frozen 2” getting 26.

Six years after “Frozen” kicked up a pop-culture blizzard, the sequel to Elsa, Anna and Olaf’s adventures snowed-in the box office with an estimated $127 million debut domestically and $350.2 million worldwide, according to studio estimates Sunday.

The opening for the Walt Disney Co.’s “Frozen 2” buried several records. It’s the highest-grossing debut ever for any animated film globally. It marks a new high in the U.S. and Canada for an animated movie released outside of the summer season. And it’s the largest opening for any Walt Disney Animation Studios release.

Disney opted for the week ahead of Thanksgiving to open “Frozen 2,” meaning it will get a significant second week bump from kids out of school. The first “Frozen” opened over Thanksgiving, earning $93 million in five days and $67 million for the three-day weekend.

The original, though, quickly grew into a sensation, remaining in the top 10 at the box office for 17 weeks and ultimately grossing $1.27 billion. Propelled in part by the hit song “Let it Go,” “Frozen” begat a flurry of merchandizing, untold numbers of Elsa dresses and a Broadway musical. It won two Academy Awards, for best animated feature and original song.

Matching that total gross won’t be easy sledding, but “Frozen 2” has a head start. Cathleen Taff, distribution chief for Disney, granted there’s a “high bar” set by “Frozen,” but she’s confident of the film’s enormous appeal.

“We can’t open to a number this big without everybody coming out to see it,” said Taff. “We’re looking forward to a good run through the holidays given kids are going to start getting out of school this next week.”

Reviews and audience reactions have been good for “Frozen 2,” but not as strong as they were for the original. The CinemaScore was A- for “Frozen 2,” whereas “Frozen” yielded an A+. Critics were also a little less taken with the sequel: 75% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, compared to 90% for the original.

But scores were still very high, including a 93% Rotten Tomatoes audience rating. Crowds were largely female (59%) but not extremely so. And audiences came out in larger numbers than analysts forecast, especially overseas.

The film brings back much of the talent behind the 2013 original, including the voices of Idina Menzel (Elsa), Kristen Bell (Anna) and Josh Gad (Olaf). Also returning are songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, though the music this time hasn’t be quite as enthusiastically received. And it’s again directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, who’s now the chief creative officer at Disney Animation.

“Frozen 2” helped thaw a frigid November box office. The last three weeks have seen a string of films rooted in decades-old intellectual property fizzle, including Warner Bros.’ “Doctor Sleep,” Paramount Pictures’ “Terminator: Dark Fate” and Sony Pictures’ “Charlie’s Angels.”

But Elsa could do only so much to move the needle. The weekend was actually down 7% from the same frame last year, according to data firm Comscore. In 2018, there were simply more big movies in the marketplace, including “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” “Creed II” and “Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald.”

Last week’s top film, “Ford v Ferrari” slipped 49% in its second week to a distant second with $16 million. James Mangold’s film, also a Disney release (courtesy of the studio’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox), has grossed $103.8 million worldwide thus far. Starring Christian Bale and Matt Damon, the movie has also joined this season’s sped-up Oscar race. (The Academy Awards will be held Feb. 9 this year.)

Marielle Heller’s Mister Rogers drama “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” starring Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys, is also in the Oscar mix. It opened in third with $13.5 million. That was roughly on target for the Sony Pictures release, which cost about $25 million to make. It, too, should be positioned to play well through the holidays.

Less successful was the crime thriller “21 Bridges,” starring Chadwick Boseman as a police detective who puts Manhattan on lockdown for a manhunt. Up against steep competition for adult audiences, “21 Bridges” raised $9.2 million in tolls for STXfilms, a so-so result for a film that cost $33 million to produce. The film is produced by Anthony and Joseph Russo, whose last movie as directors, “Avengers: Endgame,” did slightly better.

Todd Haynes’ legal thriller “Dark Waters” opened in four theaters with a strong per-theater average of $27,467. The Focus Features release, starring Mark Ruffalo, is based on a 2016 New York Times Magazine article about a corporate attorney who sued the Dupont chemical company over the health and environmental effects of a “forever chemical” used by Dupont.

frozen 2 beautiful day 21 bridges box office open
Frozen 2, A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood, 21 Bridges

North American Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. “Frozen,” $127 million ($223.2 million international).

2. “Ford v Ferrari,” $16 million ($14.7 million international).

3. “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” $13.5 million.

4. “21 Bridges,” $9.3 million ($2.7 million international).

5. “Midway,” $4.7 million ($5.4 million international).

6. “Playing With Fire,” $4.6 million.

7. “The Good Liar,” $3.8 million.

8. “Charlie’s Angels,” $3.2 million ($4.6 million international).

9. “Last Christmas,” $3 million ($6.7 million international).

10. “Joker,” $2.8 million ($7.6 million international).

Top 5 2019 Hottest Holiday Luxury Gift Ideas

If you’re well off in terms of finances, you’re probably willing to go big or go home when it comes to Christmas gifts. Sometimes you want to give someone something nice to tie their entire holiday season together, and the best way to do that can be with something very expensive that they might not have gotten otherwise.

LG 8K tv hottest holiday luxury gifts

TV – 4K or 8K

A nice, big screen TV can be the centerpiece of any modern living room, so it’s expected that you’ll have a nice one. Modern TVs can come with a ton of built-in features, allowing you to stream your favorite movies and TV shows with just your TV alone. A large, high-resolution TV can be rather expensive, but if you’re willing to pay for it, it’ll certainly make someone’s holiday. You can find an amazing assortment of amazing deals on our 2019 Home Theater Gift catalog.

One of our biggest recommendations for those still coming over to 4K is the LG 86UM8070PUA 86” Ultra HD Smart LED TV as LG is the top of the pack when it comes to amazing picture quality. Sony and Samsung come behind it, but if you’re looking for pure luxury in picture and audio, this is the one you want. If “86 s too big, then you can go for the 65” inch version.

Now for those early adopters, 8K image quality will blow your mind when you see it.

Currently, Samsung is the first out of the gate with 8K, but LG will be coming out with their 88” version which comes with an absolutely beautiful stand. There may now be any 8K content out yet, but this tv will upscale 4K and HD content to higher levels like good 4K tvs do.

peloton treadmill woman working out hottest holiday gym gifts 2019

Home Gym Equipment

Another high-end Christmas gift to consider is a piece of top of the line home gym equipment. These pieces can often cost well over $1,000, meaning the average person can’t really afford them. If you’re still on the fence about a Peloton, here is an amazing array of different priced machines that will keep you fit no matter what season it is.

However, if someone is looking into creating a home gym, a good multi-purpose piece of gym equipment can go a long way in helping them toward their goal of achieving better physical health. Octane makes a great recumbent elliptical for those needing one for physical therapy with no resistance.

Check out our Fitness Sports Gift Guide for a great array of items to choose from.

Shark IQ R1001AE 2019 hottest holiday robot vacuum cleaner gifts

Clean Up On Aisle 4

In recent years, automatic machines that eliminate chores have become increasingly popular. Things like robotic vacuums are a high-end way of keeping a space clean and reducing the amount of work that someone must do. The Roomba and Shark IQ will even empty themselves out for you so you don’t have to touch them only once a month.

The cost of them often drives people away, but with that high price tag comes a lot of functionality, so it makes a nice gift if you have a bigger budget. They will automatically patrol your floor, quietly cleaning anything up that they need to, all while detecting their surroundings and not bumping into everything.

Check out our Holiday Home Gifts Guide that will give you a wide array of items to choose from.

La Mer moisturizing cream hottest luxury beauty gift ideas


A more conventional luxury Christmas gift is something in the luxury beauty niche. You can choose a high-quality perfume or cologne for men or a nice beauty palette. Smelling and looking nice are important parts of any first interaction or social function, and by using a better-quality product, such as a more expensive fragrance or highly pigmented eyeshadow, you’re ensuring that you won’t mess that up.

One product that has a cult following is La Mer moisturizing cream that has over 60K hearts at Sephora and will make you a true superstar this holiday season.

Check out our Beauty Skincare Gift Guide for more great ideas.

apple watch 5 2019 hottest holiday luxury gift ideas

Watch Out

Finally, one of the best luxury gifts you can give is a high-quality watch. A watch is a core part of a man’s attire, especially when dressing for formal events. By purchasing from a recognizable brand, such as Rolex, you’re showing that you have fantastic taste.

The Apple Watch is still a hot item for those friends always on their iPhone. With this watch, they can have all of their notifications, texts, and music at their fingertips, and the Apple Watch Series 5 is our favorite this season.

Buying a cheap knockoff might look fine at a glance or from a distance, but up close, people would be able to tell the difference. There are luxury watches and other jewelry pieces for both men and women that you can choose from.

Check out our Fashion Accessories Gift Guide for more ideas to choose from. All of our Holiday Gift Guides that we’ve become famous for are all right here.

‘Ford v Ferrari’ tops weak box office, ‘Charlie’s Angels’ lands hard


Hollywood always gets nervous when it comes to biopics, but when you throw in fast cars with stars who can handle that speed, people will come out. Not as much as the studios would love as November still lags behind 2018 sales.

“Ford v Ferrari” left its competition in the rearview, racing to an estimated $31 million debut at the box office in a No. 1 finish that counted as a win for big-budget originality.

James Mangold’s racing drama rode into the weekend with strong reviews and Oscar buzz for its leads, Christian Bale and Matt Damon. And audiences enthusiastically greeted it, giving the $98 million movie a A+ CinemaScore. “Ford v Ferrari,” which dramatizes the Ford Motor Co.’s push to unseat the perennial power Ferrari at France’s 24-hour Les Mans race in 1966, has been considered a rare kind of high-priced throwback built more on story, practical effects, and star power than intellectual property.

In his review for The New York Times, A.O. Scott wrote that “‘Ford v Ferrari’ is no masterpiece, but it is — to invoke a currently simmering debate — real cinema, the kind of solid, satisfying, nonpandering movie that can seem endangered nowadays.”

Elizabeth Banks’ “Charlie’s Angels” reboot couldn’t keep up. The Sony Pictures release opened below expectations with $8.6 million domestically and $19.3 million overseas, according to studio estimates Sunday. Though the movie was relatively modestly budgeted at $48 million, it fell well short of the $40.1 million debut of the 2000’s “Charlie’s Angels,” with Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. (The 2003 sequel opened similarly with $37.6 million.)

Banks’ version of the 1976-1981 TV series gave the material a feminist spin. But Kristen Stewart was the sole widely known Angel, starring alongside Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska. And “Charlie’s Angels” couldn’t best the World War II movie “Midway” in its second week. It slotted in just ahead of “Angels” in second, with $8.8 million. One of the easiest issues was marketing as it didn’t really amp up until days before the theatrical release to make up for only having one known star in it. The film is still hoping to best second place “Midway” when the Monday actual numbers hit as “Maleficent” was able to take over a “Joker” win weeks ago.

Lately, at least, Hollywood’s efforts to dust off old intellectual property have been received with a shrug by moviegoers. November has already seen disappointing debuts for the Paramount Pictures sequel “Terminator: Dark Fate” ($56.9 million in three weeks) and Warner Bros.’ “The Shining” riff, “Doctor Sleep” ($25 million in two weeks).

That made the initial success of “Ford v Ferrari” stand out even more. The Walt Disney Co. release’s opening weekend, which included $21.4 million internationally, has several laps to go before reaching profitability. But as an adult-oriented action film with excellent audience scores and awards attention, “Ford v Ferrari” is likely to play well for weeks to come.

“We knew that it was a real crowd-pleaser. Anywhere we played it, whether at festivals or screenings, people have come out responding so positively to it. We knew that we had a little jewel here,” said Cathleen Taff, Disney’s distribution chief. “James Mangold and the Fox team, combined with the talent behind it — Matt and Christian — it’s just a great, exciting, ambitious film. It’s exactly what you want to see on the big screen.”

“Ford v Ferrari,” made by 20th Century Fox before the company’s acquisition by Disney, is the biggest Fox hit yet released by Disney. Much of the studio’s previous Fox output, including “Stuber” and the X-Men film “Dark Phoenix,” has flopped. The “Ford v Ferrari” release comes sandwiched between two major Disney initiatives — the recently launched Disney+ streaming service, and the upcoming “Frozen 2” release.

Warner Bros.’ “The Good Liar,” a mystery starring Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen, was the weekend’s other new wide release. It managed a modest $5.7 million, adding to a string of underperforming adult-targeting releases for the studio, including “Blinded by the Light,” “The Goldfinch” and “The Kitchen.”

Those disappointments all pale, though, to the Warner success “Joker.” On Friday, it passed $1 billion worldwide.

Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst for data firm Comscore, applauded “Ford v Ferrari” as a quintessential crowd-pleaser, but noted the industry needs much more gas to chase down a 6.2% deficit to last year’s total domestic box office. This weekend, down 37% from the same weekend last year, didn’t help, either.

“‘Ford v Ferrari may have won the race this weekend, but the industry is still trying to get out of neutral,” Dergarabedian said. “We need ‘Frozen’ to thaw out this box office.”

In limited release, Trey Edward Shults’ anguished family drama “Waves” opened on four screens in New York and Los Angeles with a $36,140 per-screen average for A24.

ford v ferrari beats out charlies angels box office

North American Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. “Ford v Ferrari,” $31 million ($21.4 million international).

2. “Midway,” $8.8 million ($5.3 million international).

3. “Charlie’s Angels,” $8.6 million ($19.3 million international).

4. “Playing With Fire,” $8.6 million ($1.3 million international).

5. “Last Christmas,” $6.7 million ($8.6 million international).

6. “Doctor Sleep,” $6.2 million ($5.2 million international).

7. “The Good Liar,” $5.7 million ($1.5 million international).

8. “Joker,” $5.6 million ($13 million international).

9. “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” $5.2 million ($11.8 million international).

10. “Harriet,” $4.8 million.

Twitter’s messy political ad ban plus robocall fight hits Trump’s desk

Social media giant Twitter unveiled the first iteration of its new political ad ban, but there will certainly be plenty of protests and questions in need of answers. Jack Dorsey’s new policy is basically just a rough outline of his policy that doesn’t seem quite ready for primetime.

“This is entirely new terrain,” said Vijaya Gadde, legal, policy, and trust and safety lead at Twitter, in a call with reporters on Friday. She acknowledged that especially on the global level, Twitter has a lot of specifics to figure out, and that some areas will be subjective. “We’re also prepared that we’re going to make some mistakes, and we’re going to have to learn and improve this policy over time,” she said.

Twitter’s new ban on political ads will cover appeals for votes, solicitations for campaign contributions and any political content. But the company quickly acknowledged Friday that it expects to make mistakes as individuals and groups look for loopholes. Plus, Twitter won’t be enforcing the new policy until November 22.

Twitter is defining political content to include any ad that references a candidate, political party, government official, ballot measure, or legislative or judicial outcome. The ban also applies to all ads — even non-political ones — from candidates, political parties and elected or appointed government officials.

However, Twitter is allowing ads related to social causes such as climate change, gun control and abortion. People and groups running such ads won’t be able to target those ads down to a user’s ZIP code or use political categories such as “conservative” or “liberal.” Rather, targeting must be kept broad, based on a user’s state or province, for instance.

News organizations will be exempt so they can promote stories that cover political issues. While Twitter has issued guidelines for what counts as a news organization — single-issue advocacy outlets don’t qualify, for instance — it’s unclear if this will be enough prevent partisan websites from promoting political content.

Twitter announced its worldwide ban on political ads Oct. 30, but didn’t release details until Friday. The policy, which goes into effect next Friday, is in stark contrast to Facebook’s approach of allowing political ads, even if they contain false information. Facebook has said it wants to provide politicians with a “level playing field” for communication and not intervene when they speak, regardless of what they’re saying.

Response to Twitter’s ban has been strong and mixed, with critics questioning the company’s ability to enforce the new policy given its poor history banning hate speech and abuse from its service. The company acknowledges it will make mistakes but says it’s better to start addressing the issue now rather than wait until all the kinks are worked out.

Aside from ongoing concerns about foreign elections interference, the political advertising issue rose to the forefront in recent months as Twitter, along with Facebook and Google, refused to remove a misleading video ad from President Donald Trump’s campaign that targeted Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

In response, Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, another presidential hopeful, ran her own ad on Facebook taking aim at Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The ad claimed — admittedly falsely to make its point — that Zuckerberg endorsed Trump for re-election.

Over the past several weeks, Facebook has been pressed to change its policy. But it was Twitter instead that jumped in with its bombshell ban.

Drew Margolin, a Cornell University communications professor who studies social networks, said Twitter’s broad ban is a reflection that “vetting is not realistic and is potentially unfair.”

He said a TV network might be in a position to vet all political ads, but Twitter and Facebook cannot easily do so. While their reliance on automated systems makes online ads easier and cheaper to run, Margolin said it also makes them an “attractive target” for spreading misinformation.

Political advertising makes up a small sliver of Twitter’s overall revenue. The company does not break out specific figures each quarter, but it said political ad spending for the 2018 midterm election was less than $3 million. It reported $824 million in third-quarter revenue.

Because of this, the ban is unlikely to have a big effect on overall political advertising, where television still accounts for the majority of the money spent. In digital ads, Google and Facebook dominate.

Unlike Facebook, which has weathered most of the criticism, Google has been relatively quiet on its political ads policy. It has taken a similar stance to Facebook and does not review whether political ads tell the truth.

Twitter, Facebook and Google already take steps to prevent political manipulation by verifying the identities of some political advertisers — measures prompted by the furor over Moscow’s interference. But the verifying systems, which rely on both humans and automated systems, have not been perfect.

senate passes antirobocall bill for donald trump tos ign

Anti-Robocall Bill Moves Forward

It’s looking like an anti-robocall bill will get sent to President Donald Trump this year, helping tackle an infuriating problem in the U.S.

House and Senate leaders said Friday they’ve reached an agreement in principle on merging their two versions of bills against robocalls.

The House bill had gone further than the Senate one. Details about what’s in the final bill are still to come, but legislators say it will require phone companies to verify that phone numbers are real, and to block calls for free. It will also give government agencies more ability to go after scammers.

It’s the latest effort in a crackdown, building on steps by state attorneys general and the Federal Communications Commission as well as the phone companies.

Phone companies have been rolling out verification tools after prompting from regulators. These reassure customers that the number showing up on their phone is actually the number that called, and not a fraudster “spoofing,” or faking, the number to try to get people to pick it up. Numbers can be faked to look like they’re coming from the IRS, for example, or from a number with the same area code as you. But to combat this successfully, all carriers need to put the anti-spoofing system in place.

Telecom companies are also offering call-blocking apps for smartphones and many home phones, although not always for free. The FCC in June gave them permission to turn on call-blocking by default. While tools had been available before, customers might not have known to ask about them.

Robocalls have become almost inescapable as the cost of sending them dropped and going after callers is difficult. Tech vendor YouMail said there were 5.7 billion calls from scammers, telemarketers, debt collectors and others in October. Not all those calls are unwanted, though — you might want to get the call from your pharmacy saying your prescription is ready.

‘Supernatural’ Proverbs 17:3: Going Up Against God in 1505

We’ve never had a “Supernatural” episode named after a Bible verse before, but considering how this season is shaping up to be all about God, I guess it’s appropriate. Proverbs 17:3 was the swan song episode for writer Steve Yockey, who has written some of my favorites, and another directorial stint for Richard Speight Jr. With that combination, it’s not surprising that I liked it a lot – but it was an unusual episode in many ways. Proverbs 17:3 is all about how “the Lord trieth the hearts”, and that’s certainly fitting for what happened to the Winchesters in this episode. But it’s not that simple; this entire episode worked on multiple levels, so it’s equally fitting for what keeps happening to the fans. My heart is definitely being tried!

Let’s dig in, shall we?

(There’s nothing I love more than feeling like I have a lot to dig into the day after an episode airs, and for the millionth time I have to say that I’m going to miss this day-after-conversation-speculation-discussion SO much)

The episode starts off with a quintessential “Supernatural” opener, three young women (who look so much alike half the fandom thought they were triplets) on an ill-advised camping trip and one of them being silly enough to go OUTSIDE the tent when they hear scary noises. Only one survives, and the case of the week is kicked off.

Meanwhile, Sam has been texting Cas (which he erroneously spells Cass like everyone on this show) and it’s sort of heartbreaking. I understand why Cas (Misha Collins) left so abruptly, but I doubt Sam really does despite whatever explanation Dean gave him.

Sam Winchester texting Cas trying to get him for SPN 1505

Dean’s Kind Of Supplies

Dean returns with supplies, including ghost pepper jerky, and we get a pricelessly funny brother’s scene which I loved. Only “Supernatural” can seamlessly transition from people getting murdered to Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki making us laugh over ghost pepper jerky. I think most of us suspected that we were seeing as much Jared and Jensen as Sam and Dean in that scene, and wondered if Jared was reprising his spike-the-eggnog-and-not-tell-Jensen bit from the Christmas episode, this time with superhot actual jerky. There’s a moment when Jensen definitely does his half-hidden OMG laugh, and throwing the water all over himself felt a lot like his ad-libbing too. Meanwhile, Sam’s knowing taunt of his overly macho brother by withholding the water was so perfect – and could have been so Jared too.

Sam Winchester rubbing Deans head with ice SPN
Sam Winchester taunting brother Dean SPN 1505

Richard Speight Jr.

It’s wonderful to have a familiar and beloved colleague directing so much for the final season, and Richard Speight Jr. does a great job with this one. He understands the fandom differently than any other director would (except Jensen himself and another of this year’s directors, Matt Cohen) thanks to doing so many conventions for the past decade. He knows what gold Jared and Jensen are when he gives them some free rein and I think that’s what he did here. He also recognizes that gold when he sees it, and knows how to edit to make sure that comes through. I’m grateful!

On the other hand, Speight also knows how to make a moment visually stunning and powerful, perhaps thanks to his love of Tarantino and film in general. That fits well with this last season, when much of the show is subtext and meta, and when there are callbacks to earlier seasons that have impact thanks to the way they’re presented. Speight has a unique style, and occasionally it jars me, but I think that also works most of the time. We’re supposed to jarred at this point, just like the Winchesters, our collective footing swept out from under us.


And lastly? Speight understands just how beautiful we think these characters are. Like Kim Manners, he’s not afraid to linger on their expressive faces, up close and personal, or to showcase their fighting as the oddly erotic thing it can sometimes be. He also is very aware of how demon Dean and Lucifer Sam affected the fandom, and just how powerful it will be to see them again. And see them we do, gorgeously.

From those lighthearted moments at the start of the episode that felt like a balm to the tortured fangirl soul, we careen right into heartbreaking with one of those gorgeous shots — of Sam as Lucifer. From behind, his broad shoulders in that white suit are striking, instantly recognizable.

Sam Winchester transforming into Lucifer from behind SPN
Lucifer beginning to take over Sam Winchester body SPN

Dean enters, gun raised, his face the picture of torment, and we know right away what he’s here to do.

Dean: Please forgive me….

Dean Winchester Please forgive me to Lucifer Sam

He fires, and I literally jumped and gasped, because it’s not really happening in this universe but it looks real and it’s not Sam but it’s still Sam. And OMG I just wasn’t prepared for that. Sam slumps onto the table, Dean looks utterly devastated at what he’s done, and I have a moment of extreme empathy for this character I love so much who has just done the thing he cannot possibly live with. And then Sam sits back up, calmly heals the hole blasted through his head, and that telltale Lucifer smirk curls his lip.

Sam Winchester glowing read eyes as Lucifer enters his body


What made it even more upsetting for us is that we’d all seen a tiny clip of this moment in the preview for the season. Jared looked so beautiful, lit from behind, his hair like a glowing halo. Many of us admired his beauty even though we realized it was Lucifer. Now we realize with horror that the glow in which Lucifer!Sam is basking is the fire that’s consuming his brother. It made me feel briefly sick to my stomach, to have been complicit in not knowing and in feeling anything but horror. It was that upsetting.

Sam basking in fire that engulfed Dean Winchester Supernatural
Lucifer!Sam basking in hell fire SPN Proverbs

Jared knocked it out of the park as Lucifer!Sam once again, reprising his role so perfectly it was like all those years hadn’t gone past, like we’d just been zapped right back to the episode The End when we first ‘met’ this version of Sam. I am loving the call backs this season, for the last one. It’s just so appropriate and so moving and Speight and Jared nailed it here.

Sam wakes up with a start in our reality, having fallen asleep in the car. He has to look several times to be sure his brother is there and okay and driving.

Dean: You okay?

Sam insists he is, that he just had a dream.

Dean: Tell me about it, I’ll Freud you.

Sam says no, but I love that Dean offered. I wanted to hear his dream interpretation!

The Winchesters reprise their Fish and Wildlife ranger identities, using the same badges they did way back in Season 1 as Agent Ford and Hamill. There’s a running gag about Dean insisting he looks exactly the same and Sam scoffing at him every time, which keeps making me giggle, partly because it’s such a brotherly thing to do and partly because fandom regularly hypothesizes that Ackles is an alien who doesn’t age.

The sheriff plays right into it, asking Dean with skepticism, “that you?”

Dean: Obviously.

Sam: scoffs affectionately

The sheriff is the same woman who played Tara, John’s old fling (Rachel Hayward). I liked her then and I like her now, she’s no nonsense and unimpressed and clearly good at her job. We learn that the triplety girls’ hearts were ripped out, which seems like a nod to exactly what this episode will do to the Winchesters – and what this season will do to all of us.

Rachel Hayward as sheriff in Supernatural 1505

Before we leave this scene, Speight lingers deliberately on the hats that Sam and Dean are wearing – with a clearly depicted salmon on them. It’s a fandom in joke that everyone calls the brothers “SamandDean” which when you say it fast sounds like “Salmon Dean”. That became a thing one year at the Rome convention I was at, and Jared and Jensen have made fun of it ever since. So Dean and Sam wearing that cap? Yep. Salmon Dean.

Dean Winchester in hat with salmon on it

I love all the shout outs, I can’t help it.

I mentioned that this episode feels odd sometimes though, and the next scene is one of the odd ones. Dean and Sam visit Ashley in the hospital, and Sam goes outside to talk to the doctor so Dean can question her. Uncharacteristically, he almost immediately sits down on her hospital bed – and then holds her hand! I was like, huh? Is that really Dean? Not that he’s not always empathic, but she’s a stranger and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him reach out like that so quickly. He also tells her monsters are real just like that, though he looks sad to see her so upset after. Weird.

Apparently, Lilith was already possessing the girl at that point, so let me just say that Lilith is one damn fine actor!

Ashley possessed by Lilith with bleeding eyes SPN Proverrbs


Sam and Dean find the werewolves’ very werewolfy looking house in the middle of the woods and are smart by asking them to write down their phone number with a silver pen, but the werewolves don’t bite (haha see what I did there?) saying they don’t have a phone. Oddly, Sam and Dean just leave, and the werewolf brothers have an argument. This scene was also odd. The big brother/little brother dynamic is clearly meant to mirror Sam and Dean, but the older brother’s (Luke Camilleri) protectiveness is almost a parody of Dean’s protectiveness of Sam. He assures his brother that if he wants them to stop killing, they will. Little brother (Markian Tarasiuk) protests that he’s lying, but he insists “I don’t lie to you.”

Then he tenderly cups his brother’s face and tells him, “I look out for you.”

Markian Tarasiuk looking to kiss big brother Luke Camilleri hot SPN scenes
Luke Camilleri holding little brother Markian Tarasiuk face SPN 1505

It’s a clear shout out to many Sam and Dean scenes over the years, with even the same words and familiar gesture used, but it also doesn’t ring true. We don’t believe the big brother, and neither does the younger one. So it’s not really like Sam and Dean at all. At the time, I scratched my head. Now I wonder if we were meant to wonder, because as Lilith points out, Chuck’s writing ain’t all that good. It’s like he’s been watching Sam and Dean all these years, but he doesn’t really understand them at all. Or he refuses to believe their devotion to each other is genuine.

Which, if that was the intent, is kinda brilliant.

Ashley calls Dean, saying she has nowhere to go, and the Winchesters give her their room at the aptly named Sleepy Bear Inn (a shout out to writer Steve Yockey, whose twitter handle is @SleepyPanda76). Nothing makes you feel safe and welcome more than a statue of a giant bear holding a ‘Welcome’ sign. 

Winchester brothers at Sleep Bear Inn SPN

Ashley asks Dean to stay with her, which struck me weird once again. Ashley is dressed as a schoolgirl even though we know she’s a recent college graduate, and Dean is behaving entirely fatherly and protective and not at all lascivious (yay), but still, it’s weird.  Sam goes out to get food or something, but not before noting that the case feels weird to him also, like too easy.

Dean: I like easy.

Clearly Sam is sensing the same weirdness we all are. Meta.

Ashley and Dean have a bit of a heart to heart, which is surprisingly revealing.

Ashley: Do you like your job? Monsters…

Dean: Do I like my job? I do. There’s bad, a lot of bad. Still, it feels good to help people.

Ashley: Have you ever wanted to be anything else?

Dean: Jimi Hendrix. No, not really. I’m where I’m supposed to be.

Dean Winchester talking about being Jimi Hendrix SPN

I do believe that’s true for both Winchesters. They are doing what they want to be doing – they just want to be doing it of their own free will. This conversation is extra heartbreaking in view of where we leave Sam and Dean at the end of this episode though.

Ashley wonders if it wouldn’t be easier if everything was all planned out for you, but Dean disagrees. At the time I thought wow, that was way too on the nose. Which, of course, it was!

Next thing we know, Dean is sound asleep and Sam is back, wondering what the hell happened. They go after Ashley, who is now tied up at the werewolves’ house about to be de-hearted. The Winchesters burst in just in time and an epic fight scene ensues. Beautiful directing by Richard Speight and choreography by Rob Hayter I’m sure, and Jared and Jensen and the guest stars all pulling it off flawlessly. Eventually, younger bro has a gun on Sam and older bro is about to kill Dean as poor Sam can only sit there watching helplessly.

Younger brothers holding gun on Sam with hands up Supernatural
Older brother trying to choke out Dean Winchester SPN 1505

Desperate Shooting

I think we all guessed that younger bro was going to shoot older bro in desperation, which again, really a little too on the nose, right? Right.

Younger bro: He was my brother…but he was never gonna stop. And he turned into a monster. And I’m a monster too!

He shoots himself, and Sam and Dean look at each other like Huh.

Sam to Dean: You good?

Dean: That was weird…

He reaches out to console Ashley and she uncharacteristically says “don’t touch me” and pulls away, trips over the antlers that Dean took off the wall to use as a weapon and falls on them, impaling herself theatrically.

Ashley screams out Dont touch me to Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester reacts to Ashley not wanting him to touch her SPN

Dean and Sam (and all of us): gobsmacked

Ashley: Well, this is a bitch.

Gotta say, I did not call it that Lilith would be one of the characters coming back.

My timeline: Who had Lilith on their back-from-the-dead “Supernatural” S15 bingo card??

First shot of Lilith returning to Supernatural 1505
Lilith shocks SPN fandom by returning to Sam and Dean Winchester

Sam looks horrified. He killed her, after all, after a season that ripped all our hearts out. It did not go unnoticed by fandom that Jared portrayed Sam’s horror flawlessly, even when he wasn’t speaking, clenching and unclenching his fist as Lilith keeps talking as though to ground himself, the way he did back when he was never sure what was real and what was Lucifer. His PTSD is all about Lucifer, and Lilith is a brutal reminder of that.

Sam horrified by Lucifer suffering PTSD SPN

Lilith, it turns out, was in the Empty (score one for Show for remembering that’s where demons go) until God yanked her out (but didn’t someone say that God had no power in the Empty so maybe take away that score, or…?). Anyway, apparently she was supposed to seduce Dean.

Dean: —

Me: In that outfit?

Now that that isn’t happening, she wants the gun.

Dean: The Equalizer?

Lilith: I’m not calling it that.

I actually laughed out loud at that line. Anna Grace Barlow did an amazing job portraying Lilith as smartass and oddly appealing while also scary and horrifying. For a second, Sam and Dean think they have the upper hand with the demon blade and the angel blade, saying they’ll never give up the gun, but she tosses them both across the room. As Dean gets up, she’s advancing on Sam menacingly, and he instantly panics.

Sam Winchester knocked out after Lilith fight SPN 1505
Dean Winchester reacts to Lilith knocking Sam out SPN 1505

Dean: Wait, wait, no, don’t touch him! I’ll show you where it is.

Me: Yes, that’s my show! What makes it so compelling after all these years. And what drives Chuck absolutely crazy.

Meanwhile, Sam is out cold – and has another vision. Each one of the visions has been some of the most amazing “Supernatural” ever, and this one – OMG it was maybe the most amazing one yet. We have all lamented again and again how we wish we’d had more of demon Dean, and how sad it was that we’d never get it again. But that’s exactly what we got in this vision. Mark of Cain Dean fighting his brother, throwing him through the railing on the bunker landing! Stunt coordinator Rob Hayter confirmed that Jared did this scene himself, plunging down to land on the map table (a cushion I’m sure in real life). Apparently, in one planned part of the scene, Dean jumps down to join him – hence the released still. That didn’t make the cut, but wow, what a scene!

Shot of Dean Winchester jumping down from library for Sam SPN 1505

Hot Pursuit

Dean pursues Sam and continues to throw him around, clearly way stronger than his brother and ruthless in his pursuit.

Rob Hayter’s choreography here was masterful, and Jensen plays demon Dean with just as much overt menace and unfettered sensuality as he did the last time. Jared and Jensen have said many times that they love doing fight scenes with each other, because they’re so comfortable with each other and can make it more real than with a guest actor. They wrestle regularly in real life, and that physical comfort shows. They also trust each other, so they can go harder than they would otherwise, as they’ve said at several conventions.

Dean finally gets Sam pinned against the wall, lifting him clear off his feet and choking him as he holds him there, helpless, dangling.  The trust they have allows Jensen to seemingly really hold Jared pinned there and to really choke him, which means the scene comes across as startlingly, terrifyingly, real.

Evil Dean Winchester picks Sam up by throat SPN 1505
Demon Dean Winchester choking hard on Sam up against wall SPN


Sam desperately chokes out, “Stop, this isn’t you,” but Dean doesn’t listen. Jensen channels the exact energy and personality he used for demon Dean seasons ago, and he looks just as incendiary doing it as he did then. The way he looks up at Sam, savoring the moment, virtually leering at him, tongue poking out, made my breath catch as he slowly raises the first blade so Sam can see it.

Evil Dean looking at big knife while holding Sam up by throat 1505 SPN

Then his eyes go black and he thrusts the first blade into Sam, watching like he’s looking at the most exciting spectacle ever, then slowly pulling the blade out and letting Sam’s body crumple to the floor.

Black eyed Dean Winchester lifting Sam up by throat holding knife
Evil Dean Winchester lifting Sam up by throat with knife 1505
Possessed Dean Winchester stabbing Sam with big blade SPN 1505

Too Hot

It definitely shouldn’t have been hot, but I don’t think anyone told either of the actors or the director. There’s just something about demon Dean. Damn.

My timeline: So, Sam’s visions (and Chuck’s endings) are just Sam and Dean’s hottest bad guy moments? Same, buddy.

Sam wakes up as his body hits the floor, to find himself lying there, Lilith and Dean gone. He rushes outside, grabs the werewolf brothers’ truck and goes after them. Dean and Lilith have another interesting conversation as they drive back to the motel. It’s increasingly meta, as Lilith complains about God being a bad writer, not exactly Shakespeare – and reveals that for Chuck, it always ends the same, with one brother killing the other.

Lilith: He likes that one. I guess that’s why you had to see the werewolf brothers die. You know, foreshadowing.


We’re deep into the meta now, and it’s a bit dizzying to sort through it. All that really was way too on the nose, but that’s because it was Chuck being a bad writer? The interesting thing is that WE, the fans, have now been drawn into Chuck’s writing too. If things don’t feel right, maybe  it’s not the writers, it’s the Writer. Wow, that is seriously meta.

Also, Chuck apparently has “a very weird and very pervy obsession” with Dean.

Me: Like just about every other monster on the show ever. Oh, who am I kidding? Like pretty much everyone.

Lilith isn’t exactly blind to Dean’s charms either. They get to the motel room and she confronts him.

Lilith: Now be a good boy and show me that big gun of yours.

(Oh, Chuck, really?)

Lilith threatens to torture Dean by “death from 1000 cuts” and begins to slash him, but he remains resolute despite being in obvious pain. Suddenly Sam bursts in, shooting Lilith with a devil’s trap bullet.  It seems like a wonderful moment for a second, Sam getting a chance to save his brother from the demon who was responsible for his horrific death by hellhounds. Sam feels about Lilith the way Dean feels about Lucifer, because of what each of them did to their brother.

Sam to Dean: Dean, you good?

Sam to Lilith: I’ve killed you before, I can do it again.

Me: Mmmm BAMF Sam.

Sam Winchester shooting Lilith in head SPN Proverbs
Caps by @kayb625

Break Out

Unfortunately, Lilith breaks out of the trap and traps Sam and Dean as they try to flee, freezing them in place while she looks for the gun. It’s conveniently in the glove box of the Impala, which makes little sense. I mean, at least couldn’t it be in the warded trunk? She destroys it before their shocked eyes, melting it into a puddle as director Speight gives us some truly spectacular closeups of the stricken Winchesters. Then Lilith is gone.

Bloody face Dean Winchester reacts to Lilith SPN 1505

The last scene of the episode was devastating in its quiet heartbreak. Sam tries to call Cas again, but it goes straight to voicemail. Dean and Sam sit down, looking broken.

Dean: He was supposed to be gone. So we’re stuck in his maze still? What’s he gonna do, throw our greatest hits at us?

(Exactly what the first few episodes of this season were. Meta meta)

Sam: Why doesn’t he just kill us?

Dean: It’s not what he wants. Lilith said Chuck only likes one kind of ending – you kill me or I kill you. Well, that’s not happening.

Sam is shocked, clearly, and he opens up to Dean, to my great relief.

Sam: My visions…they all end the same way.

Dean: And you’re just telling me now?

Sam Winchester tells Dean his visions all end the same way killing each other

Sam: I thought they were just my PTSD…

(Oh, Sam. And we’re finally getting some clarification that yes, that’s exactly what Sam has which feels SO good. Jared has played it like that for a long time, but it seems that was mostly Jared and not the writers giving Sam’s trauma acknowledgment. It feels good to have it clearly stated in canon. And what a statement, that it’s so bad that Sam just assumed these horrific dreams were his customary PTSD-related nightmares.)

Sam: But what if somehow I’m seeing Chuck’s endings? Because of this (the God wound). It wasn’t a bullet, it was a piece of me, right? Maybe it created a link of some sort, like I’m somehow in his head?

(Exactly what fan theories have been for some time now)

Dean: (sounding hopeless) This was supposed to be over. We were done. Free. And now… What are we supposed to do, man? Keep running in a friggen’ hamster wheel, until we die – or get boring?

Sam: No. We fight.

Dean: (looking at Sam almost imploringly, like he desperately needs Sam to be the reassuring big brother right now)  Fight God? Without the gun? It’s God, Sam! And he’s coming for us. How the hell are we supposed to fight God?


Sam Winchester reacts to fighting God with Dean SPN Proverbs 173

And there it is. The set up for this last season that we knew was coming. The last scene killed me because Jared and Jensen brought so much emotion to it that seeing the Winchesters so lost and so hopeless was incredibly painful. But hearing the overt set up itself felt oddly anticlimactic since we’ve known all along that’s the set up for this season. (Is this Chuck’s not so perfect writing again? More like the way television works these days.)

Speight closed out the episode with a brilliant shot, the Winchesters framed by what looks like theater curtains, the helpless puppets in a show of God’s design, beautiful but tragic.

Sam Dean Winchester framed in curtains as helpless puppets 1505

Kudos to Steve Yockey on his final episode – we will miss you! All the guest actors were top-notch, even the ones we only saw for a short time. And kudos to Speight’s direction and Jared and Jensen for making me feel so damn much. I love you all for making me reach for those tissues.

Timeline Reactions

Much of my timeline reacted by screaming about Sam being Chuck’s horcrux. Will Sam’s ability to see inside Chuck’s head allows them to stay ahead of Chuck and make their own choices beforehand?  Does Chuck have any idea that Sam is seeing into his head and all his endings? Somebody should probably “Freud” Chuck, and the sooner the better! The psychologist part of my brain is actually fascinated with who they’ve turned him into.

I still think it’s a retcon of sorts, but they did lay the groundwork that would explain him being obsessed with the Winchesters. He has a big chip on his shoulder thanks to his troubled past (putting it mildly) and sense of betrayal with his own sibling. Does it drive him insane that Sam and Dean are as devoted to each other as they are? Someone smarter than me pointed out that in the demon Dean vision, Sam doesn’t have his arm in a sling, which means in that version, Sam never went crazy searching for and determined to save his brother. Is that what allows them to kill each other each time?

Is his own troubled sibling history why Chuck is so obsessed with driving the ultimate wedge between Sam and Dean? And if so, will it be that same dogged devotion and loyalty that allows them to defeat his plan for them? I like that idea a lot. We’re right back to free will versus destiny and it goes right along with Kripke’s original vision for the show’s ending from Swan Song. They chose family, and isn’t that the whole point? I’m guessing that Cas will too eventually, his chosen family.

Dean Winchester frightened and tense with Sam SPN

Focus Please

I’m beyond thrilled that, in this last season, the show is actually ABOUT Sam and Dean. Hopefully, Castiel will also have greater relevance when he returns. Because really? I don’t care about anyone else. Just focus, Show. It’s your last chance!

Fingers crossed next week’s “Supernatural” 15.06 Golden Time will do just that!

Disney Plus shakes up industry on Tuesday plus what you get

Disney’s chief executive, Robert A. Iger, watched Netflix grow streaming video to new heights in 2015, so he tested DisneyLife in Britain. The streaming app showed him the future, but it wasn’t until 2017 when Iger jumped into the deep end of the streaming video pool.

At a board of director’s retreat, he repeatedly heard many executives openly complained how digital technology was disrupting their divisions. The most lucrative division (Media Networks) was seeing cord-cutting happening faster than expected while live viewing of children’s programming was plummeting. Iger’s first move was by creating ESPN Plus platform for sports and Disney Plus. With the purchase of Fox Studios, he knew they had the library many would kill for.

“We were now hastening the disruption of our own business,” Mr. Iger wrote of the move in his recently published memoir, “The Ride of a Lifetime.” The chapter title: “If You Don’t Innovate, You Die.”

So now Disney is officially throwing its hat into streaming Tuesday with the debut of its Disney Plus service.

It is hoping the $7-a-month service, years in the making, will attract millions of subscribers with its mix of Marvel and Star Wars movies and shows, classic animated films and new series.

There’s a lot riding on the gamble, as traditional media companies seek to siphon the subscription revenue now going to Netflix and other streaming giants.

With an advertising blitz, low entry price and coveted library of older movies and shows, Disney should “blow the doors off initially,” said Pivotal Research Group analyst Jeffrey Wlodarczak.

But the challenge will be keeping those subscribers in the long run.

Disney is not alone in making the gambit. Here’s a look at the new streaming challengers and what you get with each:


Disney’s entertainment service, featuring shows and movies from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic.

Launch date: Nov. 12

Price: $7 a month or $70 a year. Getting Disney Plus with ESPN Plus and Hulu, both owned by Disney, will cost $13 a month.

Promotions: Seven-day free trial. A free year with all Verizon Wireless unlimited plans and when customers switch to Verizon’s Fios Home Internet or 5G Home Internet.

Original shows: “The Mandalorian,” a live-action “Star Wars” series created by Jon Favreau. A prequel to the “Star Wars” movie “Rogue One.” A series about the Marvel character Loki. A rebooted “High School Musical” series. A documentary series focused on Disney.

Other shows and movies: Animated classics, including “Aladdin” and “The Jungle Book,” will be available at launch; others will be added as streaming deals with other services expire. Movies released in 2019 or later will go to Disney Plus rather than a rival streaming service first. Disney Plus will also house past seasons of “The Simpsons,” which Disney got through its purchase of Fox’s entertainment business.


Apple’s entry into the streaming business.

Launch date: Nov. 1

Price: $5 a month

Promotions: Seven-day free trial. A year free to buyers of a new iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod Touch or Mac.

Original shows: A Jason Momoa series called “See” and “The Morning Show,” a comedy starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon and Steve Carrell. The service will launch with nine original shows and movies, with more expected each month.

Other shows and movies: None.


The service from Comcast’s NBCUniversal will carry 15,000 hours of video at launch.

Launch date: April 2020

Price: Undisclosed

Promotions: Free for many Comcast cable and internet customers.

Original shows: Reboots of “Battlestar Galactica” and “Saved by the Bell.” Comedy series “Rutherford Falls,” from Michael Schur, creator of “The Good Place” and “Parks and Recreation.”

Other shows and movies: “30 Rock, “Will & Grace,” and “Cheers,” though these won’t stream exclusively on Peacock. Peacock will get “Parks and Recreation” and “The Office” once existing deals with Netflix expire. “Bridesmaids,” ″E.T.” and other movies from Universal Pictures, Focus Features and DreamWorks Animation.


A souped-up version of HBO from AT&T’s WarnerMedia, with some 10,000 hours of video at launch.

Launch date: May 2020

Price: $15 a month

Promotions: Free for about 10 million existing HBO subscribers — those who get HBO through AT&T distribution platforms such as U-Verse and DirecTV, and those who get the HBO Now streaming service directly from HBO, rather than a cable or online partner such as Amazon. Free for customers of AT&T’s higher-tier wireless and broadband offerings.

Original shows: A “Game of Thrones” prequel called “House of the Dragon.” ″Raised by Wolves,” a sci-fi series directed by Ridley Scott. “Strange Adventures,” a DC Super Hero anthology series.

Other shows and movies: HBO shows and movies, including theatrical releases that HBO licenses. Programs from the Warner Bros. studio, including “Friends,” ″The Big Bang Theory,” ″The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” and “Pretty Little Liars.” The animated comedy “South Park.” New CW shows “Batwoman” and “Riverdale” spinoff “Katy Keene” will also be available to stream after the season ends.


“The Simpsons,” ″Cinderella” and several movies from the Star Wars and Marvel universes will share a streaming home Tuesday as Disney Plus debuts.

Subscribers will initially get more than 500 movies and 7,500 TV episodes. That’s expected to grow to 620 movies and 10,000 episodes in five years, as existing deals with rival streaming services expire.

The service will cost $7 a month, or $70 for the year if paid up front. Four people can stream simultaneously on a single subscription. Disney Plus is also offering downloads for offline viewing on up to 10 devices.

Here’s a look at what will be available at launch:


“The Mandalorian” Star Wars series, about a bounty hunter from the same planet as Boba Fett. First episode on Tuesday, with a new episode every Friday.

“High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,” a mockumentary about a high school musical, with episodes airing weekly.

Live-action version of the Disney animated classic “Lady and the Tramp.”

“Noelle,” a holiday movie starring Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader.

Documentary series “Encore!” reuniting high school musical casts to perform their shows again, featuring Kristen Bell.

Documentary series about Disney called “The Imagineering Story.”

“The World According to Jeff Goldblum,” in which the actor tackles different topics like sneakers and tattoos.

“Marvel’s Hero Project” a nonfiction series about kids who perform community service.

Pixar animated short film series “Forky Asks a Question,” about a character from “Toy Story 4,” and SparkShorts, Pixar’s animated short film program.


Disney’s movie classics such as “Cinderella,” ″Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” ″Pinocchio,” ″Swiss Family Robinson” and “Fantasia.”


The majority of the 21 Pixar movies will be on the service. Disney Plus won’t launch with a few, including “Coco,” and “Toy Story 4,” but all of them should be available within the first year.


Past 30 seasons of “The Simpsons.”

Two X-Men movies, “X-Men: Evolution” and “Wolverine and the X-Men.”

Other Fox movies such as “Avatar,” ″Home Alone” and “Miracle on 34th Street.”


Eight movies initially: “Avengers: Endgame,” ″Avengers: Age of Ultron,” ″Iron Man,” ″Iron Man 3,” ″Captain Marvel,” ″Thor: The Dark World,” ″Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Ant-Man”


The first two trilogies: “The Phantom Menace,” ″Attack of the Clones,” ″Revenge of the Sith,” ″A New Hope,” ″The Empire Strikes Back,” ″Return of the Jedi.”

Two newer entrants: “The Force Awakens” and “Rogue One.”


The full library including shows such as “Wild Yellowstone,” ″Kingdom of the White Wolf” and “Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted.”


Some movies and shows will await the expiration of existing streaming deals with rivals. The Pixar cartoon “Coco,” the live-action “Beauty and the Beast” and the Star Wars movies “The Last Jedi” and “Solo” fall in this category.

Others like “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” and “The Lion King” remake haven’t been released for streaming yet. “Maleficent” is still in theaters.

Other original TV shows like Marvel’s “Loki” are still in the works.

2019 Hottest Holiday Bags, Luggage and Travel Gift Guide

There are some people on everyone’s gift list who need items for carrying things on the go. Whether they’re traveling a long distance or just need some way of carrying things around locally, bags, luggage, and travel accessories can be the perfect gift!

If you want to travel on the cheap or in pure luxury style, we’ve got you covered!

woman with travel bags for 2019 holiday mttg gift guide

MTTG 2019 Holiday Gift Guides

You can find everything here in this guide right here, so bookmark as the holiday season approaches. All of our 2019 Holiday Gift Guides are in one spot here, and they cover every person and situation you can think of along with our Top 5 Gifts for everyone on your list.

SwissGear 1900 Scansmart TSA Laptop Backpack 2019 hottest holiday travel gifts


Backpacks are one item that people use both locally and as a carryon whenever they’re traveling to a new destination. They’re not just used by school kids and college students.

A SwissGear Scansmart TSA Laptop Backpack is one of the best ones you can get as a gift for someone. And just about everyone needs a backpack that’s specifically meant for carrying a technology gadget around, like a laptop.

This particular model is weather-resistant, so they won’t have to worry about rain. It’s durable to harsh conditions and able to protect a laptop up to 17-inches securely. It lays flat, so going through the TSA line is quick and easy, and there are separate pockets for things like pens, notebooks, and keys. My son has had this for over four years now, and it’s the perfect weekend getaway pack that can literally 90 pounds so making it easier to travel.

ALPS OutdoorZ Pursuit Hunting Pack 2019 hottest holiday gifts

Another smart bet is the ALPS OutdoorZ Pursuit Hunting Pack. This is perfect for storing and organizing hunting gear as you hike or camp in the woods. There’s a specific holder for your bow or rifle and other holders for hydration and other things.

The padded belt that goes around the waist increases comfort and the camouflaged backpack includes an orange rain cover to protect the pack and its contents during harsh weather. 

Louis Vuitton Palm Springs Mini Backpack  2019 hottest luxuy holiday gift ideas

Louis Vuitton makes a really cute Palm Springs Mini Backpack that is the perfect luxury travel accessory.

Solo Bryant Rolling Laptop Bag with Wheels 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas


For the businessman or woman, a briefcase might be the perfect gift they need for transporting important papers and other items from place to place. The Solo New York Lincoln Rolling Catalog Case works for both men and women.

It comes with dual combination locks and has wheels for easy transportation. This is a stylish briefcase that’s sturdy, thanks to its hard side, but the vinyl finish keeps it looking sharp and professional.

Samsonite Leather Expandable Briefcase 2019 hottest holiday gifts


Or, you might consider getting someone a Samsonite Genuine Leather Expandable Briefcase. This one is equipped with a removable, padded shoulder strap in case you want to carry it.

This is a great business case that can handle a heavy load of files and paperwork for you. It also fits a laptop up to 15.6 inches in case you want to carry it in your briefcase for added protection.

Prada black mens briefcase leather 2019 hottest luxury gift ideas

For the power business person, Prada makes a beautiful Black Briefcase along with Saint Paul Luxury in grey calfskin leather.

under armour undeniable duffle 3.0 2019 hottest holiday gym bag gifts

Gym Bags

A good gym bag can come in handy for men and women both. Carrying your gear – shoes, athletic clothes, and gadgets – not to mention water bottles – to and from the gym can be burdensome.

The Under Armour Undeniable Duffle 3.0 is a great bag to get someone as a gift. The polyester bags come in many different colors, so you can pick something you know he or she will like.

This is a tough and durable bag that won’t scratch up or tear easily. It’s water-resistant and vented to prevent the build-up of bad odors. It has plenty of internal organization and has pockets (both mesh and zippered) to store things in. There’s also a nice, padded shoulder strap to carry it with.

Adidas Squad III Duffel Bag 2019 hottest holiday gym bag gifts


Another option is the Adidas Squad III Duffel Bag. They come in a variety of color options and it’s a roomy bag measuring 20 x 11 ½ inches that’s perfect for those who have a lot of gear and gadgets to transport.

The 8 ½ inch shoulder drop strap makes it easy to tote around, and they can organize everything inside the zippered enclosure where the pockets are at. Although the bag is durable and vented, it has to be hand-washed.

becky winston Luxury Leather Gym Bag 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas

If you want some true style when you go out or to the gym, check out the Becky Winston luxury leather gym bag or the Starhide Men’s Duffle Holdall bag. You will get plenty of admiring stares with these.

Solo Lincoln Rolling Catalog Case with Dual Combination Locks 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas

Laptop Bags

Sometimes they need a bag dedicated to the preservation and transportation of their laptop. A good laptop bag can be trendy and stylish, like the Solo New York Bryant Rolling Laptop Bag.

Similar to the Lincoln version mentioned earlier, this is a bag that can be suitable for both men and women alike. It fits a laptop up to 17.3-inches and is perfect for commuters.

The compartment for the laptop is padded inside, and there’s a secure strap to hold it in place. All files and other items can be stored in a second zippered area for quick and easy access.

KROSER Laptop Backpack 15.6 Inch Stylish School Computer Backpack  2019 hottest holiday gifts

Another brand to check out is the 15.6-inch nylon Kroser Laptop Backpack. It’s water repellant and stylish, yet casual – perfect for use at school or work. It comes with a USB port that comes in handy and you can get a power bank to with it if you want to add to this gift.

AmazonBasics Premium Expandable Softside 2019 hottest holiday travel gifts


If someone on your list is always traveling to a different destination, then a good piece or set of luggage would be a nice gift choice. Amazon Basics has an 18-inch carryon called the Premium Expandable Softside Spinner Luggage that comes with a TSA-enabled lock.

These come in a variety of color options. They’re equipped with four double-wheeled spinners to help them easily maneuver the luggage around, and the built-in stabilizers prevent it from tipping over.

Kenneth Cole Reaction Out Of Bounds 2019 hottest holiday travel gifts

Kenneth Cole

Another smart option would be an entire luggage set. Kenneth Cole’s Reaction brand makes a great one called Out of Bounds and it’s a 3-piece set that has hard sides, but it is lightweight.

It comes with a 20-inch carryon and two other 24 and 28-inch pieces of luggage and you can choose from a variety of color options. The bags have the 4-wheel spinners on them and top and side handles for better control.

The bags have a nice liner inside and the corners are reinforced to prevent impact issues if it gets tossed around by the airline. The built-in U-shaped zipper pocket lets travelers pack on both sides of the luggage, so they can get the maximum use of their bag.

Louis Vuitton Luggage Travel Bag Damier Ebene Keepall 2019 hottest holiday gifts

For high-end travel, you can’t go wrong with the Luckwq high-grade luxury leather trolley or the Louis Vuitton luggage travel bag Damier Ebene.

Travelon Anti-Theft Classic Messenger Bag 2019 hottest holiday gifts

Messenger Bags

If someone you know likes to carry around important work or papers, but they don’t like using a backpack or briefcase, then you might want to get them a messenger bag instead.

The Travelon Classic Messenger Bag has an anti-theft element to it because it has locking compartments. The body itself is resistant to slashes, so pickpocketers and thieves will have no luck accessing their belongings.

There are a couple of expandable pockets to hold things like an umbrella of hydration flask and the shoulder strap is adjustable so it will fit any body shape and size. It even comes with an LED light they can use or remove, if they prefer.

This is a good bag for traveling, too – especially if you’re in an unsafe or unfamiliar area and you want to keep your travel documents safe and secure. The person you give this to will also get the gift of peace of mind.

Samsonite Columbian Leather flapover case 2019 hottest holiday gift travel ideas

Another choice is the Samsonite Columbian Leather Flapover Case. This is a cowhide leather-crafted bag, so no two bags are identical in design. The shoulder strap is removable and inside, they can contain all of their important documents and belongings – including a laptop that measures up to 15.6 inches. 

Louis Vuitton District Messenger Bag 2019 hottest holiday luxury gift travel ideas

Michael Kors makes a beautiful Jet Set Travel Messenger Bag that will have you loved for years by whomever you give it to…even if it’s yourself. If you really want to pamper someone, the Luis Vuitton District Messenger Bag or Prada Men’s Messenger Bag is an absolute must!

10 Premium Leather Toiletry Travel Pouch 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas

Travel Accessories

Sometimes you want to give a travel gift, but maybe not something as big as an entire set of luggage. Think about some neat accessories you could give them instead, such as a toiletry case.

Aaron Leather Goods makes a handcrafted, vintage version of one that’s a 10-inch premium buffalo leather pouch with a waterproof liner. It has a leather strap handle to carry it by and zippered enclosures.

It’s good for both men and women and holds a myriad of toiletries and accessories. It’s roomy enough to carry quite a bit but compact enough to pack easily. It won’t tip over or slip off the counter, thanks to the metal studs on the bottom.

Victorinox Unisex's Travel Organizer 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas


Another smart unisex gift idea is the Victorinox Travel Organizer. It comes with built in RFID protection to prevent thieves from electronically stealing your information. Your gift recipient can put their important documents and tickets inside the interior storage pocket and keep the coins in a specific satin, zippered coin pocket.

It even has a quick access pocket on the rear for easily getting ahold of things like boarding passes or passports. There’s a satin micromesh slot that allows them to keep their ID visible.

Oversized Travel Duffel Bag Waterproof Canvas Genuine Leather Weekend bag Weekender  2019 hottest holiday gifts

Travel Duffels

Everyone needs a good duffle bag from time to time, but there’s a difference between a regular gym duffle bag and a travel duffle. The NEWHEY brand makes an oversized one that’s made of genuine leather and canvas.

It’s a waterproof bag that’s perfect for weekend or overnight trips. This stylish bag comes in three different designs. They’re all super durable and won’t suffer tears if you fill it to the brim with your belongings.

Inside, it has a large main compartment along with some zippered pockets for things like smartphones or other items. The exterior has more pockets – magnetic and hidden, too.

It comes with a shoulder strap they can adjust to suit them, making it easier to carry with them on the go – whether they’re camping, going on a business trip, or other activity. This is a great bag for people who routinely take 2-3 day trips at a time.

Cenzo Duffle Vecchio Brown Italian 2019 hottest holiday travel gifts


Another option for a good travel duffle is the Cenzo Duffle Vecchio Weekend Travel Bag in brown Italian leather. This gorgeous bag is handmade in Florence, Italy from calfskin leather and the interior lining is cotton duck canvas.

This is a bag that only gets more beautiful over time as the deep, rich hues soften on the tanned hide. The outside has contrast stitching and brass hardware with a brass zipper to complete the sophisticated look.

For those that love to travel in pure style, Briggs & Riley have an Expandable Cabin Bag which makes getting through those annoying airline security check-ins much quicker and easier.

Travelpro Maxlite 4 blue 2019 hottest holiday luggage gift ideas

Travel Totes

Among all of the travel bags and luggage is another style – the travel tote. Travelpro makes a tote called the Travelpro Maxlite 4 in blue. It’s a very lightweight tote that rolls on 11 spinners, making it easy to maneuver.

It measures 18 x 11 x 1 and it comes with a lifetime warranty. It’s a water repellent bag, both inside and out, and the adjustable, padded shoulder strap makes it easy to carry around. The interior is U shaped, which makes it easy for the person using it to see the location of things with ease.

Lug Ace 2 Convertible Travel Tote 2019 hottest holiday gifts

Lug It!

Another good travel tote is the Lug Ace 2 Convertible Travel Tote. This is a polyester twill bag with a trolley sleeve. It has a couple of pen holders and four card slots. The strap is adjustable and removable to fit anybody.

The backpack strap is hidden but gives them more carrying options. There’s an insulated pocket that’s zippered, so they can put snacks or a drink in there and it will keep them cool.

This tote, with RIFD protection, has a special north-south design, which means the bag won’t put you off-kilter when you wear it. It’ll keep your body streamlined so that it’s more comfortable, whether you’re carrying it, wearing it as a backpack or using it as a crossbody bag.

Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Graceful MM Beige 2019 hottest holiday travel gift ideas

For that high-end traveler, Luis Vuitton has a beautiful canvas Graceful MM bag that can carry everything you need and then some!

Waist Packs

Last, but not least, you can consider getting the gift of a waist pack. These come in different styles, but they’re meant to free up a person’s hands and allow them to carry essential items with them, with ease.

Adidas makes the Originals Unisex Utility Crossbody Bag that can be worn across the body or as a waist pack – either one. This versatile, polyester bag has a 22-inch shoulder drop.

It has a large compartment and a zippered pocket. They can adjust the size of this waist pack using the special tension locking mechanism. It’s easy to take care of – they can just clean with a damp cloth.

Petzilla Genuine Leather Waist Bag Fanny Pack 2019 hottest holiday gift ideas travel


Petzilla makes a four compartment waist bag, also known as a fanny pack, that’s genuine cow leather, which makes it more durable than cheaper versions. It’s big enough so that the person you gift it to can carry a smart phone, keys, wallet, and important cards with them, among other things.

Regardless of which travel or bag type of gift you choose, you’ll have the ability to get something on a tight budget – or an item that exudes higher quality and durability. Many of the products listed in this guide have lifetime warranties, so your gift recipient will be protected in the event anything happens to it.

Check out all of our other 2019 Holiday Gift Guides:

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Electronics

2019 Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas: Home Theater

2019 Hottest Holiday Fashion and Accessories Gift Guide – Women & Men

2019 Hottest Holiday Home Gifts For Every Room or Housewarming

2019 Hottest Kitchen & Cooking Holiday Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Toys & Collectibles Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Gaming Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Beauty & Skincare Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Sports & Fitness Gift Guide

2019 Hottest Holiday Camera & Video Gift ideas Guide

‘Midway’ scares ‘Doctor Sleep’ away from box office top spot


A World War II action film called “Midway” defied the critics to top the box office holiday weekend, but that won’t give the studio anything to rejoice as the box office was very slow for November. Many were expecting Stephen King’s “Doctor Sleep” to take the top spot as it had much stronger reviews and word of mouth, but with a Veterans Day weekend, “Midway” fit the bill.

The war film is expecting to take in another $2.6 million on Monday, the official day of Veterans Day. “Midway” revolves around the pivotal 1942 air and sea battle that gives the movie its name. It re-creates that fight with the help of some famous figures: Luke Evans, Woody Harrelson, Patrick Wilson, and Nick Jonas are among the members of its ensemble cast. Roland Emmerich, best known for “Independence Day,” was the director.

Emmerich, once known for exciting films to immediately line up to at the box office, hasn’t been delivering the same in a very long time. Since ending his working relationship with Dean Devlin years ago, his films just haven’t matched up to their early days.

Despite a fresh injection of four big movies into the marketplace including a Stephen King adaptation, a World War II epic, a glossy, holiday-themed romantic comedy, and a family-friendly comedy, audiences largely stayed away from theaters this weekend and the North American box office is hurting.

Audiences Slept on Doctor Sleep

Prerelease surveys that track interest indicated last week that “Doctor Sleep” was positioned to bring in $25 million or more this weekend. The actual response was far less robust: “Doctor Sleep” sold an estimated $14.1 million in tickets Friday through Sunday. That Warner Bros. had a box-office knock out a couple months ago with another King adaptation, “It Chapter Two,” makes that figure all the more disappointing.

“Doctor Sleep” follows Dan, the child of the troubled couple at the center of “The Shining,” who in the sequel is shown as an adult dealing with the continued fallout of the first novel’s events. Ewan McGregor plays Dan in the film, which was directed by Mike Flanagan.

That the new film lives in the shadow of Stanley Kubrick’s seminal 1980 version of “The Shining” made it a tricky movie to market because the studio had two distinct fan bases to handle: King’s and Kubrick’s. “Doctor Sleep” currently holds a 73 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Box Office Down

Down nearly 27% from last year, the sluggish weekend allowed for a few big surprises, however. The biggest surprise was the fact that the Roland Emmerich film “Midway,” which slightly overperformed, snagged the first-place spot over Warner Bros.′ “Doctor Sleep,” a film that came in well under expectations and has left many in the business scratching their heads as to why.

Lionsgate on Sunday estimated that “Midway” earned $17.5 million from 3,242 screens. The studio acquired the film about the Battle of Midway that features a large ensemble cast including Nick Jonas and Patrick Wilson.

“As expected, everyone is ecstatic,” said David Spitz, Lionsgate’s president of domestic distribution.

“Midway” cost a reported $100 million to produce and the studio is projecting that the film will have grossed $20.1 million by the end of Veteran’s Day Monday.

Reviews Didn’t Matter

Reviews didn’t seem to play into account with the box office at all this weekend. Critics were not kind to “Midway” (it’s currently at 43% on Rotten Tomatoes), but audiences, who were largely male (60 and older (87% were over 25) had given the film an A CinemaScore.

And although $17.5 million is not a massive number on its own, it was a significant upset since going into the weekend experts thought the No. 1 spot would easily go to Warner Bros.′ “Doctor Sleep,” the high-profile Stephen King adaptation starring Ewan McGregor. But audiences slept on the well-reviewed (75% on Rotten Tomatoes) sequel to King’s “The Shining” and it grossed only $14.1 million from over 3,800 locations. The film from director Mike Flanagan even utilized the classic imagery of Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film version of “The Shining,” which factored heavily into the marketing.

Budgeted at around $50 million, “Doctor Sleep” was expected to open to over $25 million. The studio was disappointed with the result. But it’s at least partially attributable to the “general malaise” at the box office this weekend.

“There’s no way to sugarcoat this, this was a pretty awful weekend for the overall marketplace,” said Paul Dergarabedian, the senior media analyst for the box office tracker Comscore.

John Cena Mini Surprise

In a more minor surprise, Paramount Pictures’ John Cena-led “Playing With Fire,” a family-friendly comedy about firefighters, opened in third place with $12.8 million over Universal Pictures’ Wham!-inspired romantic comedy “Last Christmas.” Starring Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding, “Last Christmas” took fourth place with $11.6 million. But Universal is optimistic about its prospects, considering the thematic nature of the film and the holiday weekends to come.

“We have a fantastic storyteller in Paul Feig and a ridiculously charming cast,” said Universal’s distribution head Jim Orr.

Once again, the bright spots at the box office are in the awards-friendly limited releases. Amazon opened Shia LaBeouf’s autobiographical film “Honey Boy” in four locations, where it earned a strong $288,824. And Lauren Greenfield’s Imelda Marcos documentary “The Kingmaker” opened in two locations to $23,600. Both “Parasite,” which earned $2.6 million from 603 locations, and “Jojo Rabbit,” which added $3.9 million from 802 locations, also continue to perform well as the films expand a little bit each week.

Paramount’s “Terminator: Dark Fate” rounded out the top five. But its anemic $10.8 million second weekend didn’t reverse its fate after a bomb of an opening.

Weak November

But it’s still one of the worst early November weekends in years and Dergarabedian noted that the smaller films are not going to move the needle on the overall box office for the year, which remains down 5.5%.

“It’s definitely a little bit of a challenged box office,” Orr said.

Although The Walt Disney Co.’s “Frozen 2” is on the horizon to help pick things up, Dergarabedian said that at this point, 2019 might not best the record 2018 box office year.

“I think it’d be really tough at this point (to surpass 2018). But it’s not a ‘Chicken Little’ situation,” Dergarabedian said. “When we compare to any other year it’s a solid year.”

Still, he added, “For November, this is a very slow weekend.” The “Joker” continues slugging along though.

doctor sleep last christmas and midway open box office november
Doctor Sleep, Last Christmas, Midway

North American Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

  1. “Midway,” $17.5 million ($21.6 million international).

2. “Doctor Sleep,” $14.1 million ($13 million international).

3. “Playing With Fire,” $12.8 million ($2.5 million international).

4. “Last Christmas,” $11.6 million ($3.1 million international).

5. “Terminator: Dark Fate,” $10.8 million ($29.9 million international).

6. “Joker,” $9.2 million ($20.3 million international).

7. “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” $8 million ($19.9 million international).

8. “Harriet,” $7.2 million.

9. “Zombieland: Double Tap,” $4.3 million ($5.1 million international).

10. “The Addams Family,” $4.2 million ($13.2 million international).

Worldwide Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to Comscore:

1. “Terminator: Dark Fate,” $29.9 million.

2. “Midway” $21.6 million.

3. “Better Days,” $21.1 million.

4. “Joker,” $20.3 million.

5. “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” $19.9 million.

6. “My Dear Liar,” $13.8 million.

7. “The Addams Family,” $13.2 million.

8. “Doctor Sleep,” $13 million.

9. “Weathering With You,” $9.4 million.

10. “Das Perfekte Geheimnis,”$8.7 million.