Monthly Archives: November, 2016

‘The Dark Tower’ gets waylaid again

For anyone who's followed Stephen King's The Dark Tower's journey to the big screen, you know it's been just as difficult as Roland's. The last time it looked like a sure thing, Ron Howard was behind it

‘Van Helsing’ reboot coming to modern day

‘Van Helsing’ Reboot Will Take Place In Modern-Day

Carey Price’s Montreal Canadiens top the NHL’s Super 16

The Montreal Canadiens, with a record of 9-0-1, are now top ranked according to the average taken from the input of several of the NHL's writers.

Julian Assange claims Hillary Clinton WikiLeaks not tied to Russia

Julian Assange loves media attention, and it didn't take long before he did an interview trying to refute claims that his Hillary Clinton emails were from the Russian government.

Adam Fergus talks ‘Supernatural’ and being a Man of Letters Interview

Fun fact about Adam Fergus – he’s Irish; and he’s got an accent to match. He also plays Mick, the mysterious Supernatural Man of Letters – English chapter – who comes to the States to reel in the leash of Lady Toni.

Tony Romo doesn’t deserve Dallas job back

Tony Romo has been an elite quarterback over the past decade. He just hasn’t done enough to deserve “his” starting job back with the Cowboys.

Shame on Lil Wayne

In today’s rap music culture, there are a lot of things wrong, and Lil Wayne recently exemplified one of the major things. Things that don’t add up and things that make it really hard for black people to have a realistic view of life

‘Agents of SHIELD’ 406 Good Samaritan confirms MCU Origin

Agents of SHIELD and Supernatural are currently the two favorite shows of yours truly. THE MCU has finally entered the realm of the supernatural with the participation of Ghost Rider in Agents of SHIELD and the recent release of the Doctor Strange film.

Top 10 Political films fitting for 2016 election

Most of us remember those beautiful fuzzy idealistic films about the American political system where the young person with all the right reasons is able to go into a corrupt nasty Washington DC system and change it from within.

Hurricane Trump hits Florida hard

Florida is getting hit with yet another strong force with Donald Trump doubling down on the state before Tuesday's Presidential election. The Republican nominee knows that this is one of those 'must' states for him

‘Uncharted’ movie promises an Anti-Indiana Jones Nathan Drake

‘Uncharted’ Movie Writer Joe Carnahan Says Nathan Drake Is “Anti-Indiana Jones”

Richard Speight Jr. and Rob Benedict talk ‘Kings of Con’ & ‘Supernatural’ interview

Are You Ready for the Kings of Con? Richard Speight Jr. and Rob Benedict certainly are in this rather lengthy interview. Size does matter this time.

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