Agents of SHIELD, Season 4, Episode 7, was just amazing. Through Ghost Rider, Agents of SHIELD Season 4 has become one of this year's much-anticipated TV series. Not as much as The Walking Dead
With the "Power Rangers" movie hitting in March 2017, the Lionsgate marketing machine has begun and Elizabeth Banks is the latest with new Rita Repulsa images hitting.
After the success of 'Deadpool,' it's easy to forget that it wasn't long ago that Ryan Reynolds was on the 'unhireable' aka washed up list, but he shares his downfalls and rebounds with Taraji P. Henson in a rather revealing interview.
Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he would have big news on Wednesday. One of those will be his adding billionaire investor Wilbur Ross to his economic team as commerce secretary.
In Donald Trump's world, loyalty is a very big thing, and Steven Mnuchin is reaping the rewards after being one of the top fundraisers for his presidential campaign.
Just because the election's over, there's no reason to think that all those political cyber attacks would be stopping. Actually, there just getting warmed up, so a German spy is warning that they will be building up in intensity.
Recently I had the pleasure of being able to chat with Sam Smith, who plays Mary Winchester on Supernatural. I tell you, this woman is not only a fabulous actress, she’s an utter joy to chat with!
One of President-elect Donald Trump's many far-reaching promises was to quickly take out much of President Barack Obama's climate change efforts, but he'll soon learn how difficult it may be to keep that one.
Donald Trump will be making more big announcements on Tuesday, and on Monday he made his choice to nominate Georgia Rep. Tom Price, a leading critic of President Barack Obama's sweeping health care law
Now that the United Kingdom has passed a spy bill referred to as the 'Snooper' charter giving the British government even more authority to look at the internet browsing records of all their citizens.
It's been mainly Preisdent-elect Donald Trump causing all the head scratching, but his senior advisor Kellyanne Conway caused quite a ruckus on Sunday in an interview basically disavowing Mitt Romney for Secretary of State.