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Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Kim Kardashian Blonde Moment & GaGa’s Gagging Bodyguard

Celebrity Gossip Roundup Kim Kardashian Blonde Moment Images

Today, I have some updates for you as well as some new gossip that, let’s face it, we just can’t get enough of hearing about.

kim kardashian goes blonde for butte of jokes 2015

Kim’s the Butt of Jokes

So if you don’t know, Kim Kardashian has gone blonde and it is causing quite a stir. Mainly because we all know she is doing it for attention. I don’t get these attention whores who flood our timelines and inboxes. I mean, I’m all about making that money, but some of these “superstars” take it to another level. Anyway, her bleached blonde hair (and black eyebrows) is being made fun of even by other celebrities. Harry Potter star Tom Felton who played Draco Malfoy in the hit series, calls attention to how much she looks like him in the movie. He takes it a step further by putting her head on his body from one of the scenes. Oh famous people, you crack me up with your sense of humor.

50 cent son sire lands big modeling contract 2015

50 Cent Son Lands Modeling Deal

I have to hand it to Curtis, he is all about money and if I were him, I would be putting my two year old son to work too! I mean for real, if I ever pop out a kid, it is going straight to work in commercials, movies… something. His youngest son Sire recently landed a $700,000 modeling deal with an audio company. The Queens rapper told Power 105.1’s Angie Martinez pretty much that his son is so bad, he’s not even three and he’s already made his first million. Well almost a million. Hey you know what they say, “Train up a child in the way they should go” right?

rihanna lands starring role of home with leonardo dicaprio 2015

Rihanna Keeps Winning

I guess being with one of the most powerful A-List actors in Hollywood has its perks outside of just being seen with them. Rihanna is starring as the title character in the Dream Works animated film Home set to be released later this month (which I was floored to see the main character be a black girl) and she recently scored two covers for Harper’s Bazaar China for April of this year. She is def on fire. If the rumors are true that she and Leonardo Caprio are an item, she needs to stick with him. It’s a perfect example of what being with a man that has your best interest in mind can do for your career and life. He should elevate you not Ray Rice elevator you.

lady gaga bodyguard chokes fan 2015

Lady Gaga’s Bodyguard

If you are a fan of the powerhouse singer, let’s be very clear here -do not get too close. While in Paris during fashion week, a super excited fan got a little too close and her bodyguard pretty much choked them out. She has more than likely had these issues in the past because not too long ago one of her bodyguards almost did the same thing to neo soul singer India Arie at one of the awards shows. I get it, but having people fall all over you and wanting your attention is just the price you pay to have your name in lights.

nick gordon gets dr phil intervention 2015

Nick Gordon Gets an Intervention

As we all know, the whole Bobbi Kristina saga is beyond sad. The man we thought was her husband ended up just really being her boyfriend (and childhood friend) amongst so many other things. Nick Gordon, according to reports, has not been able to see BK since she has been in the hospital. Gordon and his mother met with Dr. Phil on his show during which Nick’s mom Michelle told the talk show host, “As we sit here right now, my son’s life hangs in the balance.” This comes on the heels of Gordon’s recent Twitter messages where he is no subtle way let’s his followers know his current state of mind.

“I’m so hurt I wanna do myself in, I know I have to be strong. I’m close to you baby.”

Whether or not it is true that he has been able to see the love of his life, one thing is for sure, the boy needs help. According to reports, he has checked himself into rehab. Good luck to him and to the whole situation.

mike tyson not betting on pacquiao mayweather fight 2015

Tyson Not Making Bet on Pacquiao and Mayweather Fight

Not one to ever be shy about his financial situation, Mike Tyson does not plan to bet on who he thinks will win the highly anticipated “fight of the century” happening in May. If he were a betting man, his pick is Pacquia to beat the arrogant, loud mouthed Mayweather. He is not placing a 1.6 million wager that 50 cent has bet in the past because he can’t.

“I don’t have the money!”

His experience is a stark lesson in rising from nothing because the mind set you have at the bottom will go with you to the top and so will the shady people. He made over $300 million in his career but that doesn’t show in his current financial state.

harrison ford plane crash landing 2015

Harrison Ford Survives Plane Crash

For all you Indiana Jones lovers out there, don’t worry, Harrison Ford is okay. Although he was sent to the hospital with serious injuries after crashing the plane he was flying into the Penmar Golf Club shortly after takeoff, he is doing much better now and his condition has been upgraded from critical. He is expected to fully recover. Glad to hear.

Our Future of Self Driving Cars


Car companies like Mercedes and BMW, as well as companies like Google and Apple have thrown around the idea of building a self driving car. The CES 2015, held in Las Vegas, made it known to the world that as early as 2017 but by 2020 at the latest, self -driving cars will be on the streets. Audi has already built and tested a car that drove itself between Silicon Valley, California and Las Vegas. The journalist behind the wheel simply sat back and watched the car drive itself.

The unveiling of a Mercedes-Benz at this year’s CES showed the world that it will be feasible to have a self -driving car in which the “driver’s” seat can be swiveled around so the person sitting in it can see their backseat passengers face to face. As if that isn’t impressive enough, the convention also featured a BMW that not only parks itself but will find its own space in any parking garage. The CEO of Ford also announced plans to release a self-driving car that the average American is more likely able to afford as compared to a Mercedes-Benz or BMW.

mercedes benz self driving car future 2015

Car companies have been testing this technology since 2004. At that time a self-driving car could not travel more than seven miles before stopping. This was a huge set back to the auto industry, as it is believed that self-driving cars will be the most helpful to those traveling long distances.

Audi’s A7 marks another attempt at building a car that needs no driver. When it was tested in California it was able to navigate country roads traveling as much as 70mph. The sensors built into the Audi 7 allow the car to figure out when it is in heavy traffic and signal for an actual human driver to take over. Its 3D camera gives the car a view of the traffic conditions at any given time.

Not to be outdone, Volvo recently announced plans to begin testing 100 self-driving cars. As the company is based in Sweden, this will be the location where the cars are tested. A Vice President with Volvo has stated that their cars will allow drivers to switch between actively driving the car and allowing it to drive itself and that this will free people up to get more done on a typical day. When these cars are tested on the roads each will have a backup system in place that will drive the car if the main system stops working correctly.

google self driving car 2015

Google is using its knowledge of software development to ensure that self- driving cars put an end to the errors humans can and do make behind the wheel. The Director of Google’s Self Driving project has publically stated that their car will provide a stress free alternative for those who hate to drive. The theory is that if people can spend their commute to and from work answering emails, catching up on news or chatting with friends they will be less stressed out. Since 2009 Google has been testing their self-driving cars for a collective 700,000 hours, with plans to make these self-driving cars available for purchase in 2017, as a way to directly compete with the various car companies that are working on the same idea.

One thing that Google has up their sleeve that the car companies don’t is an integrated map system that makes the car more aware of its surroundings, thereby providing a safer commute for passengers. In fact, Google cars are dependent upon these integrated maps. A camera mounted to the car lets its computer system know the angle at which the steering wheel must be turned and the necessary throttle. The computer system is also able to detect the blind spot of other cars on the road in order to avoid ending up in that particular spot. It is not yet fully known how the car will operate in weather conditions such as rain and snow.

While Google is confirmed to be working on a self- driving car, there are simply unproven rumors that Apple is working on the same thing. Experts in the industry speculate that Apple wants to brand its own self-driving cars as it branded the iPad and iPhone. After hiring a Yale educated roboticist in 2013, rumors are that the building of an Apple branded self-driving car is the job the roboticist was hired for. Only time will tell whether Apple jumps into the self-driving car market or not.

Researchers working at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute have determined that the future widespread availability of self-driving cars could cause a decrease in car ownership of up to 43%. The thought process behind this is that households with more than one car could easily share a self-driving car instead. Though the 43% drop in car ownership may be drastic it is not out of the realm of possibility. At any time that 43% could grow or shrink. There are factors being taken into account that may lead to a higher ownership rate of cars among people who aren’t comfortable with the idea of sharing a self-driving car with someone.

One noticeable change that is likely to occur in the event that self-driving cars soar in popularity is that the car companies looking into implementing their technology will have to place a higher priority of cyber security than they ever have before. This falls in line with the idea that self-driving cars will make the roads safer for everyone on them.

In conclusion, self-driving cars are something that the world will have to prepare for. While there are proponents and opponents of it, car and technology companies will keep moving forward with plans to change the face of the auto industry and give people more options for getting where they need to be. The eventual goal is to ensure that everyone can get to where they are going safely and efficiently, thanks to advances in technology.

Yahoo’s Mobile Initiative: Make Yahoo Relevant in the Mobile Arena


marissa mayer developing yahoo mobile initiative 2015

When Marissa Mayer came aboard the sinking ship called Yahoo, she was appalled at the number of developers in its mobile division. There were about fifty developers available and she immediately made changes; she hired more developers, required actual presence of employees for better teamwork and got rid of some dead weight but ironically added more shipload in the form of acquisitions. After two years, her efforts have borne fruit and Yahoo is back and slowly getting back the relevance it enjoyed before Google entered the scene. Yahoo is now actively selling ads natively and is gradually getting back its search power after Mozilla set Yahoo as its default search. Apple is also considering getting Yahoo as its default search engine as well.

Now Yahoo is endeavoring to increase its mobile presence. Nowadays, mobile is where the money is. More and more people are carrying small screens with them wherever they go, consuming content relevant to them, seeing ads relevant to their content and even purposely purchasing stuff with the convenience of a few taps. In order to keep up, with the leaders Google and Facebook, Yahoo needs to get in touch with these people, not just with those stuck at their desks. To do so, Yahoo recently unveiled its own mobile development suite in order to help mobile developers monetize their apps right from the ground up. Mobile will be Yahoo’s saving grace and at the same time propel the company back to the spotlight. Will developers snap this up or will this be another failed attempt?

To find out, we need to know what’s in the can. The Yahoo Mobile Development Suite is a set of tools that include App Marketing, Search in Apps and Yahoo App Publishing for Monetization. These tools are aimed at app makers to help them market their apps and help Yahoo sell their ads at the same time. Yahoo Mobile Development Suite is the product of several acquisitions Yahoo made last year which include Flurry Analytics and BrightRoll.

From just fifty mobile developers, Mayer practically increased that number to over 200,000 through the acquisition of Flurry which has over 630,000 mobile apps built using the platform. But that’s not enough; she needs more to really get ahead. That’s where Yahoo Mobile Development Suite comes in. Mobile developers who seek financial gain with their apps can now easily monetize their creations through Yahoo App Publishing which uses Flurry’s SDKs. Developers can easily integrate Yahoo Gemini ads into their app feeds in various ways that fit into their app designs. Through Flurry SDKs, developers can also easily integrate Brightroll’s video ads into their apps to generate more revenue.

Then there’s Flurry’s Explorer analytics tool which helps developers get analytics data about their apps more easily. What’s more is the tool is free unlike the popular analytics tool Mixpanel. Another tool is Flurry Pulse which will help developers easily and securely send data to their ad partners using comScore without additional code overhead.

And lastly, there’s Yahoo Search in Apps. Yahoo’s quest to once again be a relevant force in search doesn’t end with Firefox and Safari. The company wants to be as prevalent in mobile as Google is with Android. Yahoo Search in Apps will enable developers to seamlessly include Yahoo searches into their apps. Users will no longer have to exit an app to conduct a search for something that piqued their interest within the app. They can stay within the app and the developer gets a premium when users click on search ads. To see Yahoo Search in Apps in action, it is already present in Yahoo’s apps such as Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News Digest and Android launchers Aviate, Solo and Dodol.

Yahoo’s Mobile Development Suite could put a serious dent into Facebook and Google’s own ads and monetization tools. Should Mayer’s program kick in, Yahoo will once again be in the same league as Google and Facebook and the latter companies will be forced to rethink their own mobile initiatives. That will be a mark in itself in the mobile industry.

yahoo mobile development suite 2015

Here’s a recap of the Yahoo’s Mobile Development Suite:

  • Flurry Analytics – free insights from one of the industry’s leading mobile app analytics tools
  • Yahoo App Publishing – monetize your app with native and video ads from Yahoo, Flurry and BrightRoll advertisers
  • Yahoo App Marketing – Reach your target audience with the Gemini native ad and video marketplace
  • Flurry Pulse – Send your app data to partners of your choice with one SDK
  • Yahoo Search in Apps – Keep users in your app with Yahoo Search and monetize those moments

So will developers be enticed with Yahoo’s mobile effort? It’s a win-win situation for both parties. With free analytics and monetization tools as well as a wide audience through Flurry, Brightroll and comScore, the answers range from ‘Why not?’, most likely to a big yes.

Sean Kilpatrick: Best Basketball Player You’ve Probably Never Heard Of


sean kilpatrick best unknown basketball players 2015

Every year in college basketball hundreds of kids compete for a shot at the NBA. With only 60 NBA draft picks available each year, not everyone can make it. You have to be good. Really good. You need to be able to score on offense, then run down the court and make a great play on defense too.

Unfortunately, with hundreds of ball players and only 60 picks, great players get overlooked and teams choose the wrong guys. One of the great players passed up in the 2014 NBA draft was Cincinnati Bearcats guard.

After a fantastic high school career at White Plains Senior High School in New York and a short stint at Notre Dame Preparatory School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, Kilpatrick began playing basketball for the University of Cincinnati.

Kilpatrick redshirted what would have been his freshman season with the Bearcats as he learned from Lance Stephenson. In his real first season for UC, Kilpatrick averaged 9.7 points per game as a regular coming off the bench.

During his sophomore season, Kilpatrick started to show college basketball fans a glimpse of what he was capable of. Kilpatrick averaged over 14 points per game in his expanded role, leading the Big East Conference in three pointers per game and three point shots overall on his way to second team All-Conference honors at the end of the season. His junior season saw an increase to 17 points per game and a second straight spot on the All-Big East team.

sean kilpatrick with cincinnati bearcats 2015

In honor of his accomplishments on the court, Kilpatrick was invited to participate in the 2013 Summer Universiade Games in Kazan, Russia with the USA men’s national team.

It was during his senior year at Cincinnati that Kilpatrick cemented himself as one of the best basketball players in the school’s history. Kilpatrick averaged an insane 20.6 points per game as the leader of the Bearcats basketball program, and he also played a pivotal role in the school’s transition from the Big East to the American Athletic Conference.

Kilpatrick was a first-team All-AAC member, and a consensus second-team All-American in 2014, as well as a semi-finalist for the Naismith College Player of the Year award. As if all of those accolades weren’t enough, on February 19, 2014, Kilpatrick secured his spot in history by passing up Steve Logan for second all-time on the Bearcats scoring list—behind only the great Oscar Robertson.

Despite absolutely everything Kilpatrick was able to accomplish over his college career, he did not hear his name called in the 2014 NBA Draft. Fortunately, the Philadelphia 76ers gave him a chance in the 2014 NBA Summer League. After playing on the Sixers’ Summer League team, Kilpatrick signed with the Golden State Warriors for a few days.

Clearly Kilpatrick was drawing some professional interest; however, in a game with rosters of less than 20 men it isn’t easy to land a secure job. The Warriors wanted to keep Kilpatrick, but with no room on their main roster they had to allocate him to the Santa Cruz Warriors in the NBA Developmental League. In January Kilpatrick was traded to the Delaware 87ers where he has emerged as one of the leaders of the team averaging over 15 points per game.

Kilpatrick played absolutely out of his mind in February. Multiple 20-plus point performances culminated in a 30 point game against the Canton Charge and then an insane 33 point game on 13-of-14 shooting against the Sioux Falls Skyforce.

Sean Kilpatrick is still young, and he has not even hit his prime yet. With his best years still ahead of him and his sights set on a long NBA career, there’s no telling what Kilpatrick will do next.

NBA players better get ready, because Sean Kilpatrick will be playing against them soon.

Nerlens Noel Pushes Philadelphia 76ers past Atlanta Hawks 92-84


nerlens noel wins for philadelphia 76ers 2015 images

The headline is not a typo—the Philadelphia 76ers handed the Atlanta Hawks their 13th loss of the 2014-2015 NBA season on Saturday.

The Sixers looked fantastic in their upset victory. They shared the ball well, and held one of the best and most efficient offenses in the NBA to 39 percent from the floor and only 84 total points—the Hawks’ third-lowest point total in any game this season. On top of that, the Sixers finished on a 10-1 run to secure their eight point victory after being down by as much as 16.

“We got down 16 and found a way to hang around. We found a way to make it close at halftime,” said 76ers head coach Brett Brown. “I think it was a reflection of what the group has shown throughout the year.”

A big part of the 76ers success was the play of rookie center Nerlens Noel. For those of you who don’t remember the name, Noel was a standout defender at Kentucky in 2012-2013, but an ACL tear left questions about how soon he would be able to play in the NBA. The New Orleans Pelicans drafted Noel with the 6th overall pick in the 2013 NBA Draft, and almost immediately traded him to the 76ers for Jrue Holiday. Noel was supposed to make it back for Christmas last season, but that didn’t work out.

76ers beat atlanta hawks nba 2015

Instead, Noel began his NBA career this season. He hasn’t had the best numbers, but he has shown potential despite the team’s overall poor season.

Noel had a historic night against the Hawks. Noel finished the game with 11 points, a career-high 17 rebounds, and five steals, making him the first rookie since Shaquille O’Neal himself to post numbers like that in a game.

Since the All-Star break, Noel has averaged a double-double in points and rebounds, 2.9 blocks per game, and 2.7 steals per game. If Noel can keep these averages up for the rest of the season, he will go down in history as one of only four players ever to average more than two blocks and two steals per game over a single season.

The 76ers might be 14-49 right now, but at least Noel has shown signs of being able to lead the franchise in the future.

Denver Broncos Super Bowl 50 Chances in 2015 With New Look

peyton manning pay cut to stay with denver broncos super bowl 50 2015

After weeks of waiting (even though pretty much everyone already knew), Peyton Manning announced that he would be returning for his 18th season in the NFL, his 4th with the Denver Broncos. We’ve all seen what the best quarterback in NFL history is capable of, but the question is what he will be able to do in a brand new scheme with one season left.

Every year is the same story for Peyton: after leading his team to the playoffs, they fall apart in the win-or-go-home games. Be realistic, Manning is not Andy Dalton. Not every playoff loss is on him.

Things haven’t changed much in Denver. Every season for Manning and the Broncos has been Super Bowl-or-bust as Father Time continues to try and sneak up on the quarterback who will turn 39 on March 24th. Peyton has led his team to three straight division victories on three straight first round byes. Unfortunately for Manning however, the playoffs are more team oriented—that is, the entire team must show up in order to win a playoff game.

In 2013, the Broncos came close. After Manning had the best season in NFL history, the Broncos made it all the way to Super Bowl XLVIII before getting absolutely embarrassed by the Seattle Seahawks. Manning was the only one that came to play in the 43-8 blowout loss.

The Broncos addressed their defensive shortcoming that offseason (and there were a lot). Bringing in Aqib Talib, T.J. Ward, and Demarcus Ware certainly helped out the defense; but the pass defense continued to struggle. Despite what his four interceptions and two interception touchdown returns may say, Talib was subpar in coverage for the majority of the season with only flashes of excellence.

The Broncos did fantastic with a healthy Manning in 2014, but after a series of nagging thigh and leg injuries began to effect his team, the Broncos were unable to do anything to help their quarterback. On top of that, they were unable to let him sit out. Even an injured Peyton Manning is significantly better than any of the other quarterbacks on the Broncos current roster.

super bowl 50 denver broncos chances with peyton manning 2016

Now we’re coming to 2015. John Fox is gone and Jack Del Rio is gone. Fortunately, John Elway was able to find even better replacements: head coach Gary Kubiak comes in bringing an offensive style more suited to a 39 year old quarterback with a balance of rushing and passing. Sure, he does not have the championship coaching experience that Fox boasts; however, Kubiak does have three Super Bowl rings from his playing days with the Broncos and San Francisco 49ers—that’s three more than Fox has.

Wade Phillips, on the other hand, brings a lot of professional experience and defensive expertise to the table. He has coached himself out of every situation possible, and certainly will have a better management system for Denver’s talent than Del Rio did. On top of that, Phillips has already worked with Kubiak as a coach and coordinator duo with the Houston Texans.

The bottom line is 2015 is almost guaranteed to be Peyton Manning’s last season as a professional football player. Manning’s age has shown no signs of catching up with him, and the only thing that has been able to slow the future Hall of Famer done was his leg injuries. Manning has posted at least 4,000 passing yards every season of his career except two, and there is no reason that he won’t put up the same numbers in 2015.

The only thing that is uncertain in Denver for 2015 is how well the rest of the team will perform, but with experienced coaches and a lot of talent to work with the Broncos look good for this coming season. Provided they can really come together for Week 1, the Broncos have all the pieces they need to be the best team in the AFC this season. Maybe Manning will get a chance to retire on top after all.

Top 10 Most Hated Players in NFL 2015

most hated players in nfl 2015 images collage

In the NFL there are players that the fans feel they can associate with and those that alienate themselves from even the most loyal of football fans. Where guys like Peyton Manning are consistently voted the most likeable players in the league year after year, Adrian Peterson and company get the short end of the stick—usually for their off-the-field behavior. Obviously loyal fans of a team usually love their players, but the rest of the league hates these guys. Let’s take a look at the 10 most hated players in the NFL for 2015:

Ben Roethlisberger most hated nfl players 2015

Ben Roethlisberger—Pittsburgh Steelers: Roethlisberger used to be a lot higher on this list, but he has managed to stay out of trouble recently. However, three sexual assault allegations doesn’t go over well with fans, especially female fans.

dez bryant most hated nlf players 2015

Dez Bryant—Dallas Cowboys: Bryant has always had immaturity and attitude issues on the field. If there’s a call he doesn’t agree with, Bryant is the first to run up to the refs and complain. He’s always crying on the bench. Oh yeah, and there was the whole thing with him assaulting his own mom…

richard sherman most hated players nfl 2015

Richard Sherman—Seattle Seahawks: Seahawks fans love this man, but that’s about it. Sherman has a big mouth and no self-control on the field when it comes to running it. Sure, he can back it up with his play; but no one cares if you think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to football.

jay cutler most hated nfl players 2015

Jay Cutler—Chicago Bears: Cutler looks like he doesn’t care about the game of football, he is completely inconsistent, and as if that weren’t bad enough he is one of the highest paid players in the NFL. Bears fans and football fans in general agree that Cutler sucks.

ndamukong suh most hated nfl players 2015

Ndamukong Suh—Detroit Lions: Suh has always had a rap as a dirty player. Suh is a Roger Goodell favorite as far as fining goes, and he is often criticized for being “too rough and aggressive” for football. Personally, I think Suh is second only to J.J. Watt as far as defensive linemen go; but he remains on this list season after season.

johnny manziel most hated nfl players 2015

Johnny Manziel—Cleveland Browns: Manziel has made a lot of enemies by his wild activities off the field. Manziel does what normal early-20 year olds do but on an extreme level. Hanging out with Drake, missing team practices because he’s hungover, and posting pictures of it all over the internet make Manziel look immature and not ready to lead a team.

tom brady most hated nfl players outside new england patriots 2015

Tom Brady—New England Patriots: This one deserves a little extra explanation: Unless you’re a New England Patriots fan, you hate this man. Brady is an arrogant, overrated, super-model-marrying, cheater. On top of that, his personal life and dealings with women before Gisele Bundchen have alienated many female fans. Male fans hate him because they want to be him and because Brady is not the type of guy that you could drink a beer and watch a game with (he looks more like a fancy aged wine kind of guy). Whether it’s envy or flat-out hatred, Brady is one of the most disliked players in the league year after year.

Michael Vick still mots hated nfl players 2015 dog love

Michael Vick—New York Jets: Society and the NFL gave him a second chance, but apparently killing dogs doesn’t bode well with the majority of football fans (surprise, surprise).

ray rice most hated nfl players 2015

Ray Rice—Free Agent (Baltimore Ravens): Here’s another shocker. If it weren’t for Peterson doing basically the same thing to a child instead of his wife, Rice would be number one on this list. The elevator footage is still fresh in the minds of many, and if Rice is ever picked up by another NFL team he better get used to being booed by even the home fans.

adrian peterson most hated nfl players 2015

Adrian Peterson—Minnesota Vikings: Well, well, well. We’re down to the 2012 NFL MVP. Surprisingly, beating your own child to the point where there are bruises left behind don’t sit well with anyone. What Peterson did is just wrong, and it will be interesting to see if fans accept the best running back in the league back come the 2015 seasons.

Most Underrated National League Baseball Players 2015

2015 most underrated national league baseball players images

The 2015 Major League Season gets under way on April 5th allowing us enough time to take a look at the most underrated players in the National League. These ball players don’t make the enormous salaries and some of them don’t even get mentioned in the same breath as the big name stars.

That being said we have a few key areas we like to look at to determine if a player should be classified as a underrated ball player. The first one we look at is how much one of these players is making compared to the production on the baseball field.

The second area of production is how much recognition a player might get based on the production he had on the field. For example Todd Frazier of the Cincinnati Reds made the All-Star team last year as well as participated in the Home Run Derby but many fans around the game still don’t know who he is.

The last area we will look at is the players career statistics as well as what to expect from this ball player in the near future. All three of these can help us point out some of the most underrated ball players in the game of baseball.

Here is our list of underrated players in the National League.

neil walker most underrated baseball players national league 2015 images

Neil Walker, Pittsburgh Pirates: The Pirates second baseman might be one of the tops in all of baseball but seems to find himself behind the likes of Brandon Phillips, Chase Utley and Robinson Cano. When you look at Walkers 2014 season, he finished third in the National League of all second baseman with a .271 average.

Walker also finished first in the National League with 23 home runs among second baseman as well as runner up to Chase Utley in the runs batted in category. The Pirates second baseman has everything you need in a second baseman to help your team produce year in and year out.

Paul Goldschmidt most underrated baseball players national league 2015

Paul Goldschmidt, Arizona Diamondbacks: While Goldschmidt is slowly emerging as one of the top names in the game he still lacks the National recognition that some of the other star first baseman get despite putting up some stellar numbers. This is exactly why Goldschmidt lands on our list of underrated players in the National League.

Last season Goldschmidt saw a drop in production but that had to do with him being limited to just 109 gams after appearing in 160 the season before and 145 in his first full season. The Diamondbacks first baseman still hit 19 home runs to go with a .300 batting average and 69 runs batted in.

Devin Mesoraco most underrated bottom baseball national league player 2015

Devin Mesoraco, Cincinnati Reds: The Reds catcher might be the future of the National League after a terrific season in 2014. Mesoraco appeared in a career high 114 games last season posting career highs in home runs, doubles and runs batted in.

Along with his production at the plate, Mesoraco also played well behind the plate for the Reds. Now just 26 years old, Mesoraco has anchored himself into the category as one of the top offensive threats at the position in the National League.

doug fister most underrated baseball players national league 2015

Doug Fister, Washington Nationals: While Fister might not be the number one or two guy with the Nationals he did post some of the top pitching stats in the National League in 2014. That being said he is often forgotten about in a Nationals rotation that will now feature Max Scherzer, Stephen Strasburg, Gio Gonzalez and Jordan Zimmerman.

Last season Fister finished in the top 10 in the National League in both wins with 16 and earned run average with a 2.41 in 164 innings pitched.  If Fister can touch the 30-32 start mark in 2015 we could see his win total top the 20 win mark.

lance lyon most underrated baseball players national league 2015

Lance Lynn, St. Louis Cardinals: Lynn might not get the recognition that his teammate Adam Wainwright commands but he was a key player in the teams success in 2014. The Cardinals starter posted a 15-10 record in 203.2 innings pitched for the team.

The wins total landed him with the eighth most in the National League while his 2.74 earned run average was good enough for ninth best in the division. This marks the third straight season Lynn has finished with at least 15 wins but saw his earned run average drop over a full point.

Lynn has also been a key member of the team’s rotation during their four-year stretch of making the playoffs. In that time, Lynn has posted a 5-4 record with three holds and a career post-season earned run average of 4.41 in that stretch.

dee gordon stealing bases most underrated baseball players national league 2015

Dee Gordon, Miami Marlins: The former Los Angeles Dodgers second baseman will not get a chance to produce for the Marlins in 2015. While Gordon brings a few different elements to Miami his base stealing abilities is the one that stands out the most.

Gordon finished with a National League best 64 stolen bases last season. This also helped him finish eighth in the National League in runs scored. Gordon’s flaw his lack of power but his ability turn a base hit or walk into a double gives his team an advantage to score a lot of runs.

Denver Broncos Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs

Denver Broncos Season Recap 2015 Images

The Denver Broncos entered 2014 coming off of one of the worst losses in Super Bowl history. The 2013 NFL concluded with the Broncos losing in Super Bowl XLVIII to the Seattle Seahawks 43-8. Over the offseason general manager John Elway went to work to improve the Broncos defense which finished 2013 as one of the worst in the NFL. Elway brought in three Pro Bowl defensive players: safety T.J. Ward, defensive lineman Demarcus Ware, and cornerback Aqib Talib.

john elway general manager denver broncos working with peyton manning 2015 nfl

The 2014 season was also Peyton Manning’s third with the Broncos. Manning broke records once again, becoming the NFL’s all-time leader in career touchdown passes in a Week 7 victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

peyton manning playing with torn quad for denver broncos 2015 nfl

The Broncos finished with a 12-4 record, but things got bad at the end of the season when Manning played through a torn quad (something fans wouldn’t find out about until after the season). Manning’s numbers clearly dropped towards the end of the season, and of course the team was able to do nothing without him.

The Broncos won the AFC West division again this season, but because of their Week 9 loss in New England against the Patriots they did not earn the top seed in the AFC this season. After their first round bye the Broncos hosted Manning’s former team, the Indianapolis Colts. The Broncos defeated the Colts 31-24 in Week 1, but were unable to do anything in the Divisional Round matchup due to Manning’s injury. The Broncos lost the game 24-13, ending the Broncos chances of making a second consecutive Super Bowl appearance.

gary kurbiak head coach for denver broncos 2015 nfl

With Gary Kubiak taking over as the Broncos head coach and Wade Phillips as the defensive coordinator, the Broncos certainly have the personnel to succeed in Peyton Manning’s final NFL season. Phillips will whip the Broncos defense into shape, and with Manning the offense will definitely be top three in the league. The Broncos have a lot of cap room to work with this offseason as well, but it never hurts to find some solid, cheap talent in the draft. Here are the Denver Broncos biggest needs heading into the 2015 NFL Draft:

peyton manning gearing up for coach gary kubiak nfl denver broncos 2015

Offensive Line: The Broncos don’t exactly have a good offensive line. A lot of the linemen enjoy the perks of playing with Peyton Manning as their quarterback, namely Pro Bowl selections and an easy job. When Manning leaves, his replacement will get crushed if Elway doesn’t make some improvements this offseason. Also, improving the run game in 2015 would work well with Kubiak’s new offensive style. Kubiak and Elway should get together and discuss which college linemen they believe will work best in the new offensive scheme, because the draft will be the Broncos best chance to make a serious improvement to their offensive line. Look for the Broncos to spend their first round selection on a lineman.

brock osweiler replacing peyton manning for denver brocos 2015 nfl

Quarterback: The Broncos will still have the best quarterback in NFL history for the 2015 season, but it looks like that’s going to be it. All signs point to Manning retiring after this season, and Brock Osweiler is not a starting-caliber quarterback in the NFL. Elway would be smart to draft a quarterback in the middle of this draft. A mid-round quarterback is not the kind to start right out of college (except in rare instances), but that’s not what the Broncos are looking for. The young quarterback will have an entire season to learn from the best that’s ever done it, and hopefully come 2016 he will be ready to start. This quarterback may be the future of the franchise, so the Broncos will certainly be placing a lot of faith in whichever player they select.

Most Overrated National League Baseball Players 2015

Most Overrated National League Baseball Players IMages 2015

The question many baseball fans like to ask before each season is which players are the most overrated players in the game. The 2015 MLB season will be no different, as we will take a look at the most overrated players in the National League in this article as well as the American League in a later article.

As far as the measurements we will use to determine which players are overrated we will look at a few key areas. The first area we will look at is how much a player might be making per season. For example a player hitting just .250 making under a million dollars might not make the list while a player making $10 million dollars hitting .250 would make the list.

The next measurement we will look at is how a player is performing based on how much hype might be associated with a specific player. This typically relates to the younger ball players who have a ton of praise or promise coming up from the minor leagues.

The last measurement is more of an overall measurement of how well this player has performed for his career. For example a lifetime .305 hitter who might have seen his numbers dip for the first time last season. The game of baseball is one of the most difficult sports to play so we can all let one slump get a pass.

Here is our list of most overrated ball player in the National League.

bryce harper most overrated national league baseball players 2015

Bryce Harper, Washington Nationals: The Nationals outfielder is just 22 years old but based on how much hype he had coming up through the Minors he hasn’t lived up. This also includes a front page landing spot on Sports Illustrated at the age of 15 to help build up this hype

One of Harpers main issues since joining the club in 2012, is his ability to stay healthy and on the baseball field. In each of the past two seasons, Harper failed to appear in 120 games. This is the one main reason we haven’t seen Harper hit his full potential as well as an increase in his statistics.

Last season in just 100 games, Harper finished with an .273 average but saw a career low in home runs at 13 in 352 at bats. Harper also saw his strikeouts grow to 104 only six fewer then his career high. That is a major concern since he struck out 120 times in 533 plate appearances as a rookie.

melvin upton jr most overrated national league baseball players 2015

Melvin Upton, Atlanta Braves: Yes you might not have ever heard of this ball player but you actually have. Melvin Upton is no other than outfielder BJ Upton who decided to go back to his full name in 2015. The Braves outfielder simply lands on this list based on his production on the field compared to that crazy five year $72 million dollar contract he signed in 2013.

Upton is entering the third year of that deal is expected to make $15,050,000 this season after making just over $14 million last season. In his first two seasons in Atlanta, Upton has failed to hit over .210, hit 20 home runs or drive in 60 runs.

The salary along with his production this off-season opened up the possibilities the club would look to move him but no team would take on the contract.

ryan howard most overrated national league baseball players 2015

Ryan Howard, Philadelphia Phillies: Howard is another one of those ball players who landed a hug contract and hasn’t lived up to the hype the past few seasons. The Phillies first baseman is the fourth highest paid player in all of baseball in 2015 with a $25 million dollar salary.

Since signing that contract, Howard has hit just 48 home runs over the past three seasons after six straight seasons with over 31. Howard has also struggled to reach the 100 runs batted in mark as well as a .250 batting average. All of these have also attributed to a slugging percentage of .380 in 2015.

The good news for Phillies fans he did see an increase of both home runs and runs batted in 2015. The bad news is the club attempted to trade him away this off-season but couldn’t find a potential landing spot.

cliff lee most overrated national league baseball players 2015

Cliff Lee, Philadelphia Phillies: Lee joins his teammate as one of the most overrated players in the National League. Yes Lee has pitched well in the postseason but if he can’t stay healthy to pitch the Phillies to that point what good is he to any rotation.

Lee like Howard is expected to make $25 million dollars this season which is the third highest salary of all starting pitchers. This is something that is hard to believe since he has only won 24 games over the past three seasons with the club. Not all of his results are directly based on his success as he has finished with a 3.65, 2.87 and 3.16 earned run average in each of those seasons.

Nonetheless any player making that kind of money should finish in the top of every major statistic.

carl crawford most overrated national league baseball players 2015cliff lee most overrated national league baseball players 2015

Carl Crawford, Los Angeles Dodgers: The former Tampa Bay Rays star has not been able to put it all together in his stints with the Dodgers as well as the Boston Red Sox. Much of that has to due with his ability to stay healthy in each of the past three seasons appearing in a high of 116 games in 2013. Last season Crawford finished with only 105 games played and second lowest total in the past 11 seasons.

Overall Crawford saw his production pick up at the plate finishing with a .300 batting average to go along with 46 runs driven in. The downside is Crawford is the 21st highest paid players in Major League Baseball something that can’t be blamed on the Dodgers since he signed this deal with the Boston Red Sox.

Washington Redskins Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs

Washington Redskins Season Recap & 2015 NFL Draft Needs Images

Hopes were high in the nation’s capital for the Washington Redskins in their first season under head coach Jay Gruden. Mike Shanahan had done a fantastic job in 2012 leading the Redskins to a 10-6 record and NFC East title under rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III; but in 2013 he seemed to lose the respect of the former Heisman Trophy winner. Well, owner Dan Snyder decided that he is more committed to RGIII than Shanahan; and as a result the Skins had a new coach for the 2014 season.

robert griffin iii sucks but redskins like him 2015

The Redskins had to give away two first round pick to get Griffin with the 2nd overall pick in 2012, so they didn’t had a first round pick to help them out in 2014. Griffin struggled tremendously in the season opener losing 17-6 to the Houston Texans, but he injured himself again Week 2 leaving backup Kirk Cousins to start in his absence. Cousins led the Redskins to a 41-10 victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars; however, he struggled against legitimate teams teams, dropping the next four in a row.

washington redskins beat dallas cowboys down 2015 nfl

The two high points in the Redskins season came against their division rivals. In Week 8 the Redskins went to Dallas and upset the Cowboys winning 20-17 in overtime. The win put the Redskins at 3-5 and things were looking okay in Washington D.C. Well, the Redskins lost the rest of their games in 2014, but they did manage to win one last time in Week 16 to finish 4-12. That final win came over the Philadelphia Eagles 27-24. The win may not have done much for the Redskins, but it did knock the Eagles out of the playoff race. At least they got to spoil their division rival’s season.

scot mccloughan shaping up redskins in 2015 images nfl

Scot McCloughan is taking over as general manager, so the team can expect a complete overhaul. They need one too—with seven wins in the past two seasons the Redskins are definitely in a rebuilding phase. Robert Griffin III still isn’t perfectly healthy, but the team has made it clear that he will be their quarterback moving forward. Here are the Washington Redskins biggest needs (besides a new quarterback) heading into the 2015 NFL Draft:

morgan moses redskins moves to right tackle 2015

Offensive Line: The Redskins seem to have their tackles figured out for the 2015 season, but they desperately need a guard on the offensive line. 2014 draft selection Morgan Moses is supposed to be sliding over to the right tackle position this season, so between him and Trent Williams the Redskins are fine on the edges. Unfortunately, they don’t have much talent on the interior. Teams don’t usually draft offensive guards in the first round, especially 5th overall; but the Redskins seem to be considering rolling the dice on a guard with their first pick. A name being thrown around the team is Brandon Scherff from Iowa. Scherff is a left tackle, but will a little work he could definitely slide down to the Guard position.

deangelo hall ready to retire for redskins cornerback 2015 nfl

Cornerback: DeAngelo Hall can still play, but he isn’t getting any younger. David Amerson and Bashaud Breeland flat out struggled this past season. The Redskins play Odell Beckham Jr, Victor Cruz, Dez Bryant, Jeremy Maclin, and Chip Kelly’s offense twice a season. None of these guys are easy covers for the defense, so it is crucial that the Redskins have a solid secondary to challenge these players. Unfortunately for the Skins, this draft is a little weak in the cornerback department. There are no cornerbacks this season that would be worth spending the 5th overall pick on, but look for the Redskins to address this need on days two and three.