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Czech Time For Hitler: Nazi Rule Reality Show Premiere Draws Ratings


holiday in the protectorate reality show czech 2015

The controversial Czech reality tv series Holiday in the Protectorate proved that controversy can still result in good ratings, and sources on the production staff have already informed us that Friday’s debut of the Nazi Occupation show were well above expected. The producers knew that this type of show would spark enough buzz to get media attention, and it definitely worked as the show has gotten some of the best free promotion it could have dreamed of.

Oftentimes, shows of this nature will draw a large opening audience out of curiosity, but the second airing is the telling part if there’s a major drop off or uptick. This television season, FOX‘s Empire was the only series to continue growing week after week. We’ll see if that turns out to be the case for this one.

This series asks a modern family to go back in time to live as they might have had to under Nazi rule, to show the brutality ordinary people had to endure during German occupation.

Holiday in the Protectorate asks one three-generation family to live as if it were 1939 to 1945. The family was selected from among 200 candidates after a “rigorous audition,” show officials said.

Their struggles will range from normal tasks, such as harvesting crops and milking cows, to specifically wartime demands — sewing blackout curtains, fortifying a basement air-raid shelter, and dealing with food rationing and frequent hunger. The family will also live through “simulated air-raids, intimidation by Nazi informants and interrogations by the Gestapo,” shows officials said.

nazi occupation reality show 2015

Eight one hour-long episodes of Holiday in the Protectorate began airing on May 23 and will continue through June 13. Remember, other countries don’t seem to draw out their reality shows as long as we do in American….Big Brother anyone.

While the horrors the family will face are only re-enactments of what confronted Czech citizens during World War II, their reward will be real: 1 million Czech Krunas, worth a bit more than $40,000, if they survive the two-month ordeal.

The show, produced by Czech Television, will surround the 20th century household with a realistic setting of old-fashioned furniture and period-accurate costumes, matched to those of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia — an ethnic Czech puppet state set up by Nazi Germany after it occupied and absorbed Czechoslovakia in March of 1939. Professional actors play German soldiers and Gestapo informers. There will be no running water, no refrigerator and even the rare old currency of the Nazi mini-state will be used.

holiday in the protectorate 2015 reality show

The show was shot under the supervision of a “war cabinet” composed of two historians, two psychologists and an architect who saw that everything about the show seems authentic to historical reality.

“I was inspired by the horrific wartime stories of my maternal grandparents, who lived in a small town in the highlands of Bohemia. I wanted people to see what hardships ordinary people had to go through to survive Nazi occupation,” Zora Cejnkova, the show’s director, said. “It was interesting to see how people make decisions under such psychological pressure, in front of TV cameras.”

But Czech Television, the show’s producer, has drawn criticism, for trivializing the real tragedies of WWII. Critics wonder what audiences would be entertained by watching people being intimidated by Nazi soldiers and their informers.

“What are they going to do next? Big Brother Auschwitz?” wrote one critic.

“I tried to show that period with seriousness and with utter respect for its tragic character,” Cejnkova has said in media interviews.

“Of course we cannot completely recreate the real danger, but the aim is to show life as it was, and,” she said, “if people re-live those times, perhaps future conflicts can be prevented.”

“The point about the World War II period is that there was always a possibility of violent death for everyone, something that is impossible to replicate artificially,” said Jan Kral, a car designer. “Holiday in the Protectorate recreated some inconveniences of the Nazi occupation, but the real fear was death. The show replicates wartime living the way a Formula One computer game replicates being Michael Shumacher — you get everything except the risk.”

And that, Kral said, “is essential.”

I’ve not seen a copy of the show yet, so I will withhold my judgement until viewing, but in the meantime, if it’s a big hit, don’t be shocked to see more of this theme popping up. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that someone doesn’t try a southern version of this idea if you know what I mean….I will not be signing up for that.

NSA Phone Records Collection On Hold For Now


nsa winding down phone record collection for now 2015

The federal government’s bulk collection of phone records via the National Security Agency (NSA) may have been blocked in the House, don’t expect this to suddenly stop. Some media outlets are already saying that the NSA is winding down it’s collection and storage of American phone records, but the Senate reconvenes on May 31 so expect another fight to the death on this measure.

Barring an 11th hour compromise when the Senate returns to session May 31, a much-debated provision of the Patriot Act — and some other lesser known surveillance tools — will sunset at midnight that day. The change also would have a major impact on the FBI, which uses the Patriot Act and the other provisions to gather records in investigations of suspected spies and terrorists.

In a chaotic scene during the wee hours of Saturday, Senate Republicans blocked a bill known as the USA Freedom Act, which would have ended the NSA’s bulk collection but preserved its ability to search the records held by the phone companies on a case-by-case basis. The bill was backed by President Barack Obama, House Republicans and the nation’s top law enforcement and intelligence officials.

It fell just three votes short of the 60 needed for passage. All the “no” votes but one were cast by Republicans, some of whom said they thought the USA Freedom Act didn’t go far enough to help the NSA maintain its capabilities.

nsa phone records and computer network tracking 2015

If Senate Republican leaders were counting on extending current law and continuing the negotiations, they miscalculated. Democrats and libertarian-minded Republicans refused to go along. A bill to grant a two-month extension of the law failed, and senators objected to each attempt by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky offer up a short term extension.

The failure to act means the NSA will immediately begin curtailing its searches of domestic phone records for connections to international terrorists. The Justice Department said in a statement that it will take time to taper off the collection process from the phone companies. That process began Friday, said an administration official who would not be identified because he was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

While the phone records program has never been credited with thwarting a terrorist plot, the Senate failure also imperils other tools that the FBI has been using to hunt for suspected spies and terrorists.

The FBI uses Section 215 of the Patriot Act to gather financial and other types of records in national security cases. Another expiring provision makes it easier for the bureau to track “lone wolf” terrorism suspects who have no connection to a foreign power, and another allows the government to eavesdrop on suspects who continuously discard their cellphones in an effort to avoid surveillance.

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky’s other senator and a Republican presidential candidate, called the Senate’s failure to allow an extension of the surveillance programs a victory for privacy rights.

“We should never give up our rights for a false sense of security,” Paul said in a statement.

Some civil liberties groups joined Paul in praising the result, saying they would rather see the Patriot Act provision authorizing NSA phone collection expire altogether.

“For the first time, a majority of senators took a stand against simply rubber-stamping provisions of the Patriot Act that have been used to spy on Americans,” said Michael Macleod-Ball, acting director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office.

But Nuala O’Connor, CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology, called the Senate’s inaction “inexcusable after two years of debate and bipartisan compromise.”

And a presumed GOP presidential candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, took a veiled swipe at Paul by blaming the failure to extend the Patriot Act on “misguided ideologues who have no real world experience in fighting terrorism.”

Section 215 of the Patriot Act is used by the government to justify collecting the “to and from” information about nearly every American landline telephone call.

When former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the program in 2013, many Americans were outraged that NSA had their calling records. Obama ultimately announced a plan similar to the USA Freedom Act and asked Congress to pass it. He said the plan would preserve the NSA’s ability to hunt for domestic connections to international plots without having an intelligence agency hold millions of Americans’ private records.

Since it gave the government extraordinary powers, Section 215 of the Patriot Act was designed to expire at midnight on May 31 unless Congress renews it. An appeals court has ruled that the phone collection does not comply with the law, but stayed the ruling while Congress debated.

Under the USA Freedom Act, the government would transition over six months to a system under which it queries the phone companies with known terrorists’ numbers to get back a list of numbers that had been in touch with a terrorist number.

Windows 10 Just Got Sweeter

candy crush saga coming to windows 10 2015

Some casual Windows games have the reputation of being addictive. If there was one PC game that’s most played, it would be Solitaire. Other addicting Windows past times include Hearts, Freecell, Spider Solitaire, Minesweeper, Microsoft Plus’ Lose Your Marbles and Windows 95’s Space Pinball. These simple games provided countless hours of fun for casual players who wanted to take short breaks from work and studies. As for yours truly, I spent hours trying to beat my record of solving a solitaire game in thirty seconds, Minesweeper likewise. I also got addicted to the smooth animation and colors of Lose Your Marbles and was ecstatic when Space Pinball came out. I know, it doesn’t take blazing guns, explosions and high frame rates to satisfy me. I’m one of those guys who still use my Famicom.

Fast forward, many fans were disappointed when Windows 8 removed Solitaire from its pre-installed games lineup. What I got when I bought my ASUS Vivobook was an object finding game ADERA and a workout game ASUS Ballstrike. Solitaire was relegated as a free app in the Windows Store called the Microsoft Solitaire Collection. Perhaps to push users into the Windows Store experience. To Microsoft’s credit, the Solitaire collection has beautiful visuals and smooth effects. Come Windows 10, Solitaire will be back as a pre-installed past time, what’s more, Microsoft made a deal with games maker King to sweeten the pot.

In an effort to draw more users into the Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile ecosystem, Windows will now include –gasp!—the controversial, highly-addictive Candy Crush Saga.

Sound hard to believe? Here’s the official Microsoft Announcement:

windows 10 adding candy crush 2015

“…Solitaire, Hearts, Minesweeper. These are games that have been by millions of times over the years in Windows and they’re coming back in Windows 10… In addition to these games, we’re also working with partners to bring some of their great games to Windows 10 too. And we’re excited to announce today that King will bring their game, Candy Crush Saga, to Windows 10. Candy Crush Saga will be automatically installed for customers that upgrade to or download Windows 10 during the launch!”

This is great news for Candy Crush addicts who plan on upgrading to Windows 10. I was hoping for Candy Crush Saga to be in Windows 8.1 when I actually got to playing it on other platforms. Problem is, it just arrived on Windows last December. Better late than never. For those who haven’t played it yet, Candy Crush Saga is a beautiful but increasingly complex Match 3 game that addicted millions worldwide. Unlike Bejeweled, it has a social media aspect wherein players can ask for more lives from their Facebook contacts in case a particular puzzle is too difficult to beat. It also has a competitive aspect (bragging rights) where players can post their current level on Facebook. Of course, the higher the better. To ease the kind of stress the game has, it comes with some relaxing music and beautiful visuals.

Also, unlike the Windows 8 platform which many popular games and apps initially shunned, Microsoft has made real efforts in connecting with app developers like King to give users more. So what’s next? Flappy Bird? Clash of Clans? We won’t know ‘til launch but great games do not really a great OS make. SteamOS users might beg to differ though.

But, as summer comes closer, new builds come into play and Build 10122 includes some improvements on the user interface, the built-in apps as well as under the hood and introduced a few bugs as well. You can’t have your sweets without having some toothaches.

Potential Soccer Manager Moves For Liverpool, Beyern & Man City


A potential manager merry go round is on our hands this summer as shock waves could be sent across Europe with a number of manager departures. We take a look at some of the potential manager moves:

jurgen klopp could go to liverpool 2015

Jurgen Klopp to Liverpool

Jurgen Klopp recently announced that this season would be his last with Borussia Dortmund and so, a host of rumours started popping up about his possible destinations. One move that is given a lot of talk is a potential move to Anfield.

Brendan Rodgers has failed this season, to put it bluntly. After selling Luis Suarez and having a bulk of money to invest in and consolidate another top four finish, Liverpool ended up spending it on mostly flop signings and won’t be playing Champions League football next season.

With many calls for Rodgers to be sacked, Klopp seems to be the man everyone wants to replace him with. With a different style in management, his personality, philosophy and knowledge of German football could be exactly what Liverpool need to climb back atop the football mountain.

Jurgen Klopp to Bayern Munich

Two summers ago, Bayern Munich signed Mario Gotze. Last summer, Bayern signed Robert Lewandowski. Surely they can’t make it three summers in a row and steal Dortmund’s manager now?

That’s what some reports are stating as Pep Guardiola seems to have lost some of his support after failing in the Champions League for a second season in a row. Knocked out to Dortmund in the German Cup doesn’t make things better for Guardiola who despite leading Bayern to a third consecutive league title, might be in need of another job.

Reports state that Guardiola is on his way to Manchester City and despite denying it publicly, one can’t help but feel Klopp could be a manager who is shortlisted as a replacement for the Spaniard in Bavaria.

Jurgen Klopp to Bayern Munich

Klopp has become an ideal choice for Real Madrid especially after their disaster of a season which will now end trophyless.

It’s very unlikely that Carlo Ancelotti will keep his job despite winning La Decima last season and so Klopp is definitely one manager who can freshen things up at the Bernabeu and get them back to winning ways.

carlo ancelotti could movie to manchester city 2015

Carlo Ancelotti to Manchester City

Manchester City are another team who fell below expectations. The current title holders are now barely finishing second at the time of writing and will also be undergoing a trophyless season under Manuel Pellegrini.

Former Chelsea manager and underpressure Ancelotti is one manager earmarked to replace the Chilean and it certainly wouldn’t be a bad move especially in the Champions League which Ancelotti specializes in while City usually struggle to get out of the round of 16 phase.

Pep Guardiola could move to manchester city soccer 2015

Pep Guardiola to Manchester City

As mentioned earlier, Guardiola reportedly agreed a pre-agreement with City to replace Manuel Pellegrini in the summer. It makes sense as the notion was earlier that Pellegrini would stay as no top managers were available until Bayern’s recent troubles.

Bayern eventually denied it as well as Guardiola but this is football and anything can happen.

Top 10 Worst La Liga Soccer Player Signings 2015


la liga worst soccer players 2015 images

Every year, there’ll always be a bunch of bad signings no matter how successful they looked like being. This season of La Liga was no different as we take a look at 10 of the worst signings in Spain.

Isaac Cuenca la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Isaac Cuenca

One of La Masia’s big prospects, Cuenca has quickly slipped off the radar and the fact that Barcelona were ready to sell the 24-year-old to Deportivo permanently, says it all.

Cuenca has failed to light things up for the newly promoted side and with just one goal in 27 league games, it looks like the Catalans did well with this particular deal.

Iago Aspas la liga soccer worst signings 201

Iago Aspas

Aspas was actually a decent striker for Celta Vigo before his move to Liverpool tarnished his reputation greatly as he was one of the flops of last season.

Sevilla still decided to take a punt at him with a loan deal as a backup striker and as one would expect, he isn’t very solid. Aside from a hat-trick in the cup against a lower division Spanish side, Aspas has managed just two league goals in 14 games.

Guilherme Siqueira la liga soccer worst signings 2015Guilherme Siqueira la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Guilherme Siqueira

Bought for a reported €10 million fee to replace the departing Filipe Luis, Atletico’s Siqueira hasn’t really impressed to the point that fans have forgotten about Luis.

Failing to consolidate his place in the starting eleven despite playing in quite a few games have led to Cristian Ansaldi and Jesus Gamez getting games at left-back. With reports of Luis coming back to the Calderon, it only speaks further about how Siqueira didn’t exactly meet expectations.

Two red cards already this season don’t bode well for the former Granada left back.

joel campbell la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Joel Campbell

Joining Villarreal on loan from Arsenal as part of the Gabriel deal, Campbell has seen his game time increase by a lot.

However, he has failed to make any sort of impression despite being touted as a future star a few years earlier. With no goals or assists in 19 games so far, it’s only a matter of time until the Costa Rican leaves both Villarreal and Arsenal permanently.

Didac Vila la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Didac Vila

Eibar’s injury prone left back on loan from Milan never impressed for the Italians or Real Betis last season. And he hasn’t impressed anyone in the Basque country either as Eibar are all but destined for relegation with Vila failing to make a real contribution.

Felipe Caicedo la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Felipe Caicedo

Caicedo has been around forever but never really found stability at one club. And it may not be Espanyol either as the forward has failed to produce somewhat consistently when it comes to goals.

Eight goals in 35 games is simply not good enough from the Ecuadorian.

Helder Postiga la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Helder Postiga

Deportivo needed a solid striker to stay up in La Liga after getting promoted but ended up with Portugal’s ageing Postiga.

One goal in 13 games for the 32-year-old says it all as Deportivo are a candidate for relegation.

Douglas Pereira dos Santos barcelona la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Douglas Pereira dos Santos

One of the most shocking transfers, Barcelona signed 24-year-old Douglas from Sao Paulo as a precaution to their impending transfer ban with Dani Alves ageing.

What the Catalans didn’t know is that Sao Paulo fans themselves were shocked to see him go to the Nou Camp as he is one of their most average players.

Signed for €4 million plus €1.5 million in add-ons, it looks like Barcelona now know why Douglas wasn’t rated whatsoever with the Brazilian only having one league appearance to his name.

Thomas Vermaelen la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Thomas Vermaelen

At least Douglas was fit and could play. Barcelona shelled out £15 million for the Arsenal captain despite knowing that he would need surgery sooner or later.

As it stands, the Belgian is yet to play an official game this season and may not play at all in 2014/2015 despite being fit now as there are just a few games left in the season which are crucial for the Catalans.

Alessio Cerci la liga soccer worst signings 2015

Alessio Cerci

Signed from Torino for a fee of €20m after impressing in Serie A, Atletico’s Cerci failed to make an impression for the reigning La Liga champions.

On the bench and barely given any game time, he clearly must not have done enough in training to change Diego Simeone’s mind despite the steep price tag.

Cerci eventually traded places with Fernando Torres and it looks like his Atletico career is already over before it’s even begun.

Roger Federer vs Alejandro Falla: 2015 French Open

roger federer vs alejandro falla 2015 french open

Number two tennis player in the world Roger Federer will be kicking off Day one at the 2015 French Open going against Alejandro Falla. The Swiss Maestro chose a rather lucky draw and won’t be seeing any of his super three: Rafeal Nadal, Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray until further on in the open.

This is Federer’s 62nd successive Grand Slam and it will be the opening draw on Sunday at Roland Garros.

Federer’s compatriot and eighth seed Stan Wawrinka faces Turkey’s Marsel Ilhan while Japan’s fifth seed, Kei Nishikori, plays Paul-Henri Mathieu.

Romanian Simona Halep opens the women’s singles with Russia’s Evgeniya Rodina.

And seventh seed Ana Ivanovic, the 2008 French Open winner, faces world number 65 Yaroslava Shvedova, of Kazakhstan.

Britain’s Andy Murray will begin his tournament against Argentine qualifier Facundo Arguello on Monday.

Federer cannot meet Murray, Spaniard Rafael Nadal or top seed and world number one Novak Djokovic until the final as they are all in the other half of the draw. He suffered losses to each of them at the semi-final stages in Grand Slams during 2013 and 2014.

roger federer 2015 french open

“There is a chance to go very deep,” said Federer, who has won 17 Grand Slams in his career. “How deep remains to be seen depending on the level of play.”

Federer lost in the fourth round at Roland Garros last year to Latvia’s Ernests Gulbis, but has a record so far of 25 wins and just five losses in 2015.

On clay, he lost the Italian Open final in Rome to Serbian Djokovic after claiming an 85th career title in Istanbul.

“I feel like I have had a great last 12 months,” he added.

“I’ve just got to make sure I adjust my game according to the playing conditions here, and then we will see how far it takes me.”

Spanish sixth seed Rafael Nadal, aiming for his 10th French Open title, faces French wildcard Quentin Halys in the first round after the weekend.

2015 French Open Predictions For Federer, Nadal, Djokovic & Murray

french open 2015 roland garros preview

Roger Federer, already holder of an incredible 17 Grand Slam titles for singles, has picked up some draw-luck at the 2015 French Open. Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, and Andy Murray are all on the opposite side of the draw. What results for Federer is a favorable draw to the semifinals and about all that could be hoped for when it comes to his draw to the final.

Alejandro Falla could prove tough for roger federer french open 2015

Early on, Federer’s draw might see him with some tricky matches. In fact, right in the first round Federer has picked up a player that, on one occasion, gave him trouble in the opening round of a Grand Slam tournament. Alejandro Falla, Fed’s first round opponent, almost knocked the Swiss Maestro out of Wimbledon in the first round of the 2010 draw (Falla served for the match at one point).

But the Columbian, now 31 years old, is at a different point in his career heading into the 2015 French Open. Following efforts exerted in quallies, he’s not likely to be a problem for the current World No. 2.

Surviving Falla, this is how I project Federer’s early round draw:

2nd round: Marcel Granollers
3rd round: Ivo Karlovic or Marcos Baghdatis

Marcel Granollers second round for roger federer 2015 french open

Granollers is a former fourth rounder from the French Open but Federer is 3-0 against the Spaniard. Against Karlovic and Baghdatis, Federer is a combined 19-2.

Accordingly, the opening three rounds really do look cushy for Fed, especially since the only other proven talent besides the players already mentioned is Mikhail Youzhny, a player who has been struggling mightily for victories of late.

Speculation on the later rounds may prove foolhardy. However candidates for the fourth round include Dominic Thiem, Gael Monfils, or Pablo Cuevas. Thiem vs. Federer would definitely be one to watch as the 21-year old Austrian is coming along fine at this point in his career. Federer vs. Monfils would also be interesting as well while Federer vs. Cuevas would be a great match-up for the former.

In the quarters, Federer could face no one more talented than Stan Wawrinka, a player that the 17-time Grand Slam champion has handled on nearly all occasions. Furthermore, despite Wawrinka’s solid play over the last couple of years, Wawrinka has not yet been a consistent factor at Roland Garros yet, with just one quarterfinal appearance to his credit. You have to wonder if Gilles Simon, a player who has some wins over Federer, will come through that section to the quarters instead of Wawrinka. But either way, Federer has to like his chances of making the Roland Garros semifinals in 2015.

The player on Federer’s half of the draw that has the best chance of knocking him out has to be Kei Nishikori. The fifth seed, who shares a quarter with Tomas Berdych, has played the best tennis of his career in the past year.

But even though both Nishikori and Berdych are major talents, neither has actually won a French Open semifinal before. In Nishikori’s case, he hasn’t been close to the late rounds at Roland Garros. In Berdych’s case, he has just one semifinal appearance at the French, a loss in 2010 to Robin Soderling.

I think Nishikori’s fortunes will change this season, in fact I think he’s the favorite to make the final on his half of the draw. But to get a further idea of how fluffy Federer’s draw is consider this: discounting Federer’s historical results there’s only five Grand Slam semifinal historical match-wins on his side of the draw (listed below) – and none of those match-wins are from Roland Garros.

Nishikori: won a 2014 US Open semifinal
Jo-Wilfried Tsonga: won a 2008 Australian Open semifinal
Tomas Berdych: won a 2010 Wimbledon semifinal
Stan Wawrinka: won a 2014 Australian Open semifinal
Marcos Baghdatis: won a 2005 Australian Open semifinal

On the other half of the draw there are tons of finals appearances from Djokovic, Nadal, and Murray alone, not to mention David Ferrer and Marin Cilic. Furthermore, Djokovic, Nadal, and Ferrer have combined for numerous appearances in the French Open final specifically. Without doubt, Federer’s half of the draw is soft while Djokovic’s/Nadal’s is loaded.

Interestingly enough, the 2015 French Open sees the top two favorites to win the entire event set to clash in the quarterfinals. Djokovic and Nadal, should they both keep winning, would meet in the round of eight. That’s not a good draw for either player and the winner of that section stands a solid chance to win the entire tournament.

At this point, Djokovic appears poised to win that section of the draw but he’s facing the prospect of having to go through Nadal, Murray, and then Nishikori/Federer to claim his first French Open title. Where the draw is in Federer’s favor it truly is stacked against the current World No. 1 – so much so that it’s hard not to root for him as Day 1 from Roland Garros approaches.

Thomaz Bellucci Takes Geneva Open Title Beating Joao Sousa

thomaz bellucci wins 2015 geneva open title 2015

The 2015 Geneva Open, an inaugural event on the ATP Tour, is now complete. Brazil’s Thomaz Bellucci, a player who has not won a title since the 2012 season, claimed what is now his fourth ATP title following five match-wins in Switzerland over the last several days. With 250 ranking points heading his way, times seem to be improving for the former French Open fourth rounder. However there is still good reason to be skeptical of Bellucci’s chances in upcoming events on tour.

While those in Brazil might be thinking that Bellucci is returning to his best tennis, Geneva 2015 has to be called a relatively uncontested event. Pre-tournament, the favorites appeared to be Stanislas Wawrinka and Marin Cilic, the top two seeds in the event. However with the French Open looming perhaps both players were more focused on preparing for that event as Wawrinka fell to Federico Delbonis and Cilic fell to Santiago Giraldo.

In fact the Geneva draw was full of upsets as only one seeded player made the semifinals, runnerup Joao Sousa. In many ways the inaugural Geneva event was less like your standard 250-series tournament and more like a 125-series challenger event.

joao sousa loses to thomaz bellucci at 2015 geneva open

Bellucci’s draw went through Marcos Baghdatis, Denis Istomin, Albert Ramos-Vinolas, Santiago Giraldo, and Joao Sousa. That’s as much of a free pass to a title as you can expect on tour as even the 250-events usually feature at least one top 25 player in the final. But ATP Geneva 2015’s final didn’t even have a top 50 player in it and Bellucci went through the entire tournament without facing anyone in that category.

Looking ahead for Thomaz, the French Open looms. Some might feel optimistic of his chances of putting a little bit of a dent in the draw following clay court success in Switzerland. However winning a title in the week before a Grand Slam, thanks to the affiliated fatigue and bruises, often sets you up for failure in the next week. Bellucci should still win his first round match against Marinko Matosevic but Kei Nishikori, or even Paul-Henri Mathieu, should eliminate the Brazilian in the second round.

In other tennis news, Dominic Thiem won ATP Nice through a very difficult draw that included Nick Kyrgios and John Isner. The Austrian could use some rain in Paris to help get him some rest before he opens play at Roland Garros. However Thiem, who is looking more and more like a future Top 5 player, is one to watch in Paris as he is a dark horse on the softer side of the draw (ie. Federer’s side).

Josh Duggar Still Getting Kid Gloves Treatment From Evangelicals & TLC

19 kids and counting josh duggar family of molesting 2015

The show 19 Kids and Counting has suddenly been covered in darkness due to the revelation that one of the Duggar sons, Josh Duggar, molested girls as a teenager including his own sisters. What’s causing even more controversy is the fact that TLC has not gone ahead and permanently pulled the plug on the show about a large evangelical family.

mama june vs tlc over josh duggar molesting girls 2015

If you remember, Mama June from the show Honey Boo Boo was accused of dating her daughter’s child molester. Within hours of TMZ posting pictures of Mama June and the convicted child molester Mark Mcdaniel together, the plug was pulled on the show. So, why hasn’t this been done to the Duggars? The show has been pulled from their normal lineup, but they have not canceled the show. In fact, their considering just removing Josh himself from the program. TLC apparently believes that the evangelical fan base will hold strong and continue to watch. This might be the scariest thing of all about the entire situation.

mike huckabee defeding josh duggar for child molesting 2015

Are Evangelicals really still supporting this family and saying that learning from this incident is making them more Christ-like? Seems so. Is this also a matter of classism? When it happened to the poor red-neck family, people wanted them banished from television…and rightfully so. Now all of a sudden the Duggars, who are a religious and much more wealthy family, are being treated with kid gloves of forgiveness. No, I’m not going for it. As a Christian myself, I think it’s disgusting how the network and his own parents are excusing him for the molestation of his own sisters!

The incident with Mama June was equally horrible, but she does have a point in saying she will sue if the Duggar show remains on the air. June told TMZ there is no way TLC can justify keeping the Duggars, but canceling her show. And you know what…she’s right! There’s no way to justify pulling one show for pedophilia and not the other. June went on to say that unlike in her case where the child molester was never seen on the show, Josh Duggar was a central figure of the show. Josh did admit to the incident, (Mama June has always denied the allegations she hooked up with her daughter’s molester despite much evidence) and she believes that Jim Bob and Michelle covered up what their son did to keep the families pristine image intact.

Duggar smartly resigned from the Family Research Council as lately he’s more focused on lobbying Congress, and General Mills has already pulled all of their advertising from the show. You know that this is what TLC is waiting for and wishing that it wasn’t a slower news weekend as this story will be followed closely.

josh duggar has christians supporting him for child molesting 2015

This is just one more sign that TLC really needs to get back to more educational programs and stop being the pedophilia channel. Two families accused of covering up molestation? They need to be better people screeners. To top it all off Josh Duggar pulled the plug to give a speech in one of the most ironic of places: Sandusky Ohio. Supposedly, Josh told the organizers that he’d be too much of a distraction and he didn’t want the focus of the conference to shift. I’m sure this is true, but Sandusky Ohio? Think about it!

UFC 187 Hot Ticket Preview: Daniel Cormier vs Anthony Johnson One To Watch


ufc 187 mma cormier vs johnson images 2015

UFC 187 lost some luster when Jon Jones got suspended and stripped of his belt. That much is obvious. Still, this event should be well worth the $55 to catch the pay per view. Daniel Cormier versus Anthony Johnson is the main event which will decide who is worthy to hold the UFC Light Heavyweight Championship Belt. Chris Weidman puts his belt on the line against Vitor Belfort in the co-main event. This fight is a rare one worthy of being called the co-main event.

ufc 187 anthony johnson vs daniel cormier 2015
Even the undercard features exciting matchups with bigger names. Cerrone vs. Makdessi is nothing to sneeze at and we also get to see Travis Browne try to make it two in a row as he takes on Andrei Arlovski. Browne was on quite a roll before running into a determined Fabricio Werdum who put a hold on Browne’s  rise as the next big thing in the UFC.

chris weidman vs vitor belfort ufc 187 mma 2015
The Weidman Belfort matchup could end up being the best fight of the night. It’s hard not to get behind Weidman and it’s even harder to actually like Belfort. One is the all American boy that’s humble enough, but super confident. The other is brash and pretty annoying. Weidman is 12-0 with two wins over Anderson Silva and his last victory being a tough battle against Machida. That win was nearly a year ago so there could be some ill affects of that long layoff.

Belfort has been out of the Octagon even longer with his last fight having been at the end of 2013. he has beaten his share of big names, but also failed to beat a few as well. He’s 24-10 overall as an MMA fighter and a heavy underdog versus Weidman. This matchup could wind up being over in just a couple of rounds. Even so, look for a fast pace no matter how long it takes for a tap or knock out.

cerrone vs makdessi ufc 187 mma 2015

The battle for what used to be Jon Jones’ belt should be a good one. Daniel Cormier has felt what it’s like to be in the Octagon fighting for a championship. He tasted defeat at the hands of Jones back in January of this year so he knows he has to up his game to get over that hump. Lots of guys have gotten title shots and lost, only to linger around the edges of champions the rest of their careers. Cormier has the rare opportunity to get back to back title shots. I’m sure he is savoring this opportunity and would fight Godzilla if necessary. Still, Anthony Johnson appears to be on one of the hottest streaks in the UFC and this fight will be no easier than the one DC had against Jones.

Rumble Johnson is getting his second opportunity of sorts also. It wasn’t that long ago when he was out of the UFC and on the road to nowhere fast. His weight issues got him run off from the biggest promotion in MMA, but he was able to scratch his way back. It may have taken him a couple of years to get his mind and body straight, but once he did make it back to the UFC he dominated. He had big wins over Phil Davis and Antonio Rogerio Nogueira once he returned. Then he shocked the world with his destruction of #1 contender Alexander Gustafsson.

Many felt like Johnson would end Jon Jones’ title defense streak, but unfortunately Jones derailed himself before the two could enter the Octagon. Cormier is the favorite in this replacement contest, but no one will be surprised if Anthony Johnson gets the win. I had my doubts that the knockout artist could catch Jon Jones if the champ was at his best. I am not so confident that Cormier can avoid the heavy hands of the man they call Rumble.

Cleveland Cavaliers Ready For NBA Finals


cleveland cavaliers ready for nba finals 2015

The Cleveland Cavaliers are poised to return to the NBA Finals following both games one and two in the eastern conference finals against the Atlanta Hawks. Cleveland, following action on Friday night, currently hold a 2-0 series lead with action switching from Georgia to Ohio this weekend. In the west, Golden State also hold a 2-0 series lead as a showdown between Lebron James and Stephen Curry appears to be brewing.

Here’s a look at the remaining schedule for the games that are guaranteed to take place (all times ET).

May 23rd

Golden State at Houston (9pm)

May 24th

Atlanta at Cleveland (8:30pm)

May 25th

Golden State at Houston (9pm)

May 26th

Atlanta at Cleveland (8:30pm)

Cleveland are currently considered second favorites to win the NBA title, behind the Warriors (BetVictor). However the Cavaliers are arguably in a better position to make the championship series at this point. While both teams are up 2-0 in their respective series, the Cavs have won two on the road and they can sweep the Hawks by holding home court.

cleveland cavaliers beats hawks for nba finals 2015

Golden State do not need a road-win to claim their series against the Rockets: the Warriors were the higher seeded team from the onset. However GS did almost lose game two and they should be in tough heading over to Houston as well.

The Rockets have momentum at home following the comeback they staged against the Los Angeles Clippers in the previous round. Accordingly, it’s not difficult to picture Houston leveling their series against Golden State following games three and four. Of the two conference finals, the one more likely to be a lengthy series appears to be the one out west as opposed to the one in the east.

However, if the Cavs do sweep following their upcoming homestand it’s not difficult to still see why some might consider them second favorites to whoever they may play in the NBA Finals. The Cavs are an injured team with Kyrie Irving missing action in game two and, of course, with Kevin Love recovering from a longer-termed injury.

Lebron James has ‘shouldered’ a lot of the burden in the absence of injured teammates and he’s definitely capable of keeping it up for the remainder of the playoffs. However when just one of your players is doing roughly a third of your scoring, it’s a better reason than most to be skeptical of that team’s longer-termed success.

In my opinion the Cavaliers need a short series against the Hawks to have a good chance of winning the NBA Finals. While a short series would lead to some idle time the “too much rest = too much rust” equation is one that I firmly believe to be wrong. Rest is key at this late stage of the season even at the cost of losing some familiarity with real-game intensity for the better part of a week.

However it would also help Cleveland if Houston made things interesting out west. For those that want a NBA title to go to the Cavs, you should definitely be pulling for a short series in the east while hoping the Warriors and Rockets knock each other around out west. The best position the Cavs could be in is entering the finals on several days rest with the survivor out west entering on the minimum.

There’s plenty of basketball to be played in the conference finals still. In summary, heading into the weekend Atlanta looks done, Houston is in clear trouble, Golden State looks strong for the finals, while Cleveland is very clearly poised for them.

NFL Needs Another Controversy: Just Ask Roger Goodell

roger goodell dealing with nfl controversies

If you have any doubt that Roger Goodell would love to see another harmless controversy pop up, just take a look at NFL.com for the latest headlines. It’s not exactly intriguing content over at the NFL’s official website. That is unless you are interested in the Minnesota Viking‘s head coach gabbing about the improved route running of a receiver who had just 33 catches last season. If you are stuck in Minnesota with no life whatsoever I guess I can see how that headline would be the highlight of your day. Otherwise, who really cares about route running in May?

tom brady deflategate 2015
According to many NFL commentators, myself included, Deflategate was a tired story about which we were all sick of talking. I haven’t changed my mind about that at all and that saga isn’t dead of course with Tom Brady’s appeal still ongoing. I must admit however that I would almost rather see another tidbit about football psi than knowing about how “Reggie Bush wants to return punts for Niners.” Reggie Bush is on the downside of his career so I’m sure San Fran can find a fresher, faster player to do those duties. That is obvious to any football fan. What’s not obvious is why anyone would care about Bush’s desire to return punts. People are going on summer vacations, kids are out of school and sleeping til noon, and punt returners shouldn’t be grabbing headlines even in the regular season, much less when no games are going on at all.

I have a long to do list for my summer yard work. I need to mow the lawn, trim some trees, and make my backyard look inhabitable again. All that will get in the way of me reading about “Former Texas A&M quarterback Kenny Hill transferring to TCU.” How that affects the NFL is beyond me anyway. I thought they were supposed to cover NFL players, especially on the front page. Kenny Hill is a nobody who thought he was somebody for five games last season. He even glossed himself “The Thrill” after his hot start for A&M. Once he fell apart, lost his starting gig, he became irrelevant, especially to the NFL. The fact that he grabbed a headline on the League’s official site shows how little is going on in the NFL right now.

andrew luck really likes phillip dorsett nfl
“Rookie WR Phillip Dorsett already impressing Andrew Luck” may get some 11 am bar patrons in Indy excited, but most sane people can’t bother knowing about Phillip Dorsett in May. I imagine the headline is exaggerated anyway and if I had to bet I would wager Andrew Luck couldn’t pick Dorsett out of a police lineup.

I get it. The NFL Network needs to fill space. When games are not going on and no one is doctoring footballs, it can turn into a slow news day. That explains all the mundane headlines today. If I have to read “Chargers now optimistic about Rivers extension” one more time….Rivers has won nothing and I couldn’t care less if he signs an extension or signs up with the U.S. Navy. Please stop talking about a guy with big numbers and zero rings!

controversies help nfl 2015

So if you run out of things to do today check out NFL.com for all their “news.”  You will have to have done all your chores, ran all errands, spent plenty of time with your family, and watched every Netflix show ever added before you can justify heading over to those “juicy” stories though. Once you are through with those stories, be sure to check out the very relevant Bart Starr highlights on the front page also.