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Heroes & Zeros: Wale & Meek Mill

heroes zeros wale meek mill 2015 opinion imagesThis week’s Hero and Zero are two friends that just can’t seem to play nicely.  And it has everything to do with a little something called beef.

Hero- Wale

This week on the Breakfast Club Radio show, DC rapper Wale gave his two cents on Meek Mill starting his infamous beef with Drake (which produced one of the hottest songs of the summer) via Twitter. We all know about it, well, most of us know about it. And you would think that by this time, we would be done talking who one and why.

Alas, we aren’t. Wale was asked to weigh in on the beef, and he is a Hero for none other reason than keeping it 100. As Meek’s friend and label mate, Wale had to be honest and keep it real about the way Meek made himself look picking a fight with one of the most beloved rappers in the game right now.  He is admitting to trying o call his friend and get it contact with him but he just, for whatever reason, couldn’t get through.

“I ain’t talk to him—I called him several times since that… I don’t know what’s going on.”

The thing about Wale’s interview is that his stance reflected the public’s consensus on who won the “twitter beef” that is clearly no longer confined to the boundaries of the internet. Drake won, and I think it would have been a great disservice for Wale to sit there and tell the world he thought Meek was right. A real friend is not going to sugar coat the truth. They will tell it like it is, and that’s what he did. He didn’t diss him; he didn’t make fun of him (although he did say it was like Meek brought a pen to a gun fight) he just told the Breakfast Clubs his reaction to the whole thing.

“You can’t fuck with Drake on certain levels, no matter what. That has nothing to do with talent or songs. His relationships are a certain level. He’s a ‘made man’ in rap.”

While it does seem like he was bashing his “friend,” he really wasn’t and in fact, took up for Meek.

“I’m tellin’ everybody who thinks that Meek lost this off the strength of losing. It doesn’t matter what he made. He could’ve wrote ‘Ether 3.0′ and the opinions of the people would’ve been that their boy from Canada waxed him.”

His opinion is interesting because Maybach Music Group’s head, Rick Ross, in an effort to save face for the Philly rapper I am sure, told media outlets,

“Ain’t nobody get bodied,” he said in a recent interview. “If you think Meek Mill through, you trippin’.”

Saying what others close to a person in a situation won’t and doing so unapologetically definitely makes Wale a hero in my book.

Zero- Meek Mill

I really didn’t want to do this because I am a fan of Meek Mill. I think his music is dope, and he has an energy that is raw and hot. But being with Nicki Minaj has obviously given him short man syndrome as he feels that he can punk and dismiss anyone he wants. His Instagram rant in which he “calls out” Wale and makes fun of him plus his overall bullying approach to dealing with his friend’s comments is why Meek is a Zero.

It is clear that he feels a certain kind of way about people’s perception of him as a rapper and probably even as a man. He can say that he doesn’t care but if he didn’t, he wouldn’t still be so damn touchy about the Drake Beef.

What he said to Wale was uncalled for, and unless your friend sleeps with her significant other or kills your mother, he was way out of line.

“Really stay away from me Fam! You no MMG NOMORE! This is why u can’t get my number you a hoe! And u dead cracked right now @wale… Go jump off a roof like u been tryna do chump! He not MMG IM MAKING THAT CALL.”

Along with saying some pretty personal stuff about the rapper; maybe dealing with serious emotional stuff, he took it upon himself to cut Wale from MMG, something only Ross can do and something Rick Ross hasn’t done. He is on a power trip that I believe is due to his relationship with Nicki, and it is making people jump off the Meek Milly ship.

Also the fact that he as reignited his beef with Drake thanks to making fun of him while performing in Philly this weekend further solidifies his zero status.  He needs to be careful because social media is steadily growing into an entity that can destroy a person. And Drizzy’s fans didn’t take nicely to Meek’s comments, especially since today is the Canadian rapper’s birthday.

Meek’s growing ego and his no chill zone makes him a big fat Zero.

NFL Not Happy With Tom Brady Ruling & Appealing


nfl not happy with tom brady ruling 2015 images

The NFL just can’t quit on Deflategate and have done what they originally promised to do when Judge Richard Berman lifted New England Patriot‘s quarterback Tom Brady’s four-game suspension. They are now appealing that decision, kicking that dead football one more time for good measure.

NFL lawyers told a federal appeals court in Manhattan on Monday that it was “unfathomable” that a judge could decide to lift New England quarterback Tom Brady’s four-game suspension in the “Deflategate” controversy.

The lawyers said in papers filed with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that Judge Richard Berman reached an “inexplicable” conclusion when he determined that the league failed to adequately warn Brady of the potential suspension and made errors in its investigation that required him to nullify the penalty.

The league asked the appeals court to reverse the lower-court judge and reinstate the penalty that would have kept Brady out of the first four games of this season.

Berman’s ruling came a week before the start of a season in which the Patriots are undefeated through six games. He found that the league’s actions were “premised upon several significant legal deficiencies.”

The appeals court isn’t scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case before February, meaning this season will not be affected by any outcome.

Attorneys for the NFL Players Association didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Berman ruled after the NFL asked the court to find that it had acted appropriately in its investigation and handling of a controversy that arose after balls were believed to be improperly deflated prior to January’s AFC championship game against the Indianapolis Colts. New England beat the Colts 45-7.

A league investigation found it was “more probable than not” that two Patriots ball handling employees deliberately released air from Patriots game balls. In upholding the findings in July, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell concluded Brady conspired with his team’s ball handlers and tried to obstruct the league’s probe, including by destroying his cellphone.

In its papers Monday, the league said Goodell properly followed the collective bargaining agreement between the league and the union.

“His decision not only walked through all the evidence he considered and credited in painstaking detail, but also explained at length his efforts to determine how the CBA should be applied to the unprecedented situation before him,” the lawyers wrote.

They said Berman ignored decades of legal precedents and approached the case through a “fundamentally flawed” analysis, refusing to accept Goodell’s view of the facts.

The lawyers wrote that the judge’s finding that the league’s conclusions were so far outside the bounds of what the contract allows that Goodell’s decision must be nullified “is unfathomable.”

“The district court egregiously overstepped the bounds of its proper role,” the NFL said. “Where lower courts have committed a similar error, appellate courts have not hesitated to reverse. The court should do so here.”

‘The Voice’ 911: Knockouts Part 1 Recap

the voice 911 knockouts part 1 2015 imagesFinally! Seasons 9 of The Voice’s Knockout Rounds are here. During these performances, singers are once again paired up with a fellow teammate. However, this time around each artist gets to choose his or her own song to sing. In the end their coach – Adam Levine, Gwen Stefani, Pharrell Williams or Blake Shelton – decides which artist in each pairing gets to stay and perform in the Live Rounds. Each coach is also given one “steal” during this round to save an artist from another team that would otherwise be out of the competition.

Not only did we move on to a new segment on the show this week, but also Rihanna was introduced as this season’s key advisor. In this role, Rihanna helps out members of each of the four teams as they prepare for their performances.

So here are the knockout performances from tonight:

  1. Team Adam

Andi and Alex vs. Blaine Mitchell

The first performances of the night were from twin sister duo Andi and Alex and Blaine, who Adam stole from Blake’s team in the Battle Rounds. Andi and Alex decide to sing Keith Urban’s “Stupid Boy.” Both Adam and Rihanna are impressed by their angelic harmonies. However, Adam makes one of them get rid of her guitar so that she can have an equal presence on stage to her sister.

Meanwhile, Blaine chooses to sing “Hold Back The River” by James Bay. During Rihanna claims that Blaine is “sick” and that she “lives for” his crazy hand movements. His strong rock vocals make him an actual contender for his battle against the twins.

In the end, Blaine makes the bigger splash in his performance. It is clear that being on the brink of leaving last week gave Blake just what he needed to make it to the Live Rounds. Thus, Adam keeps Blaine and sends Andi and Alex packing. Unfortunately, none of the coaches were blown away by the sisters’ performance, and they all keep their steals for later in the knockout rounds.

  1. Team Gwen

Braiden Sunshine vs. Ellie Lawrence

Next is 15-year-old Braiden Sunshine, the youngest competitor left in the running. He opts to sing Michael Buble’s version of “Feeling Good.” Both Rihanna and Gwen try to get him to loosen up during rehearsals and embrace the “theatrical” song. They also try and convince him to slick his hair back for the performance, which Gwen claims he refused to do last time.

Up against Braiden is Ellie Lawrence, who chooses to sing “Cool For The Summer” by Demi Lovato. Gwen tells her she is the “popstar of [her] team” and, therefore, she needs to let out her inner sassiness.

Braiden takes the stage with his hair slicked back (looks like Gwen and Rihanna were able to get their way). He showed off his strong, bluesy vocals and seemed to come out of his shell as the song progressed. Unfortunately, Ellie didn’t have as good of a performance. Her vocals were constantly flat, and the whole song felt karaoke, especially in comparison to Braiden’s performance minutes before. Not surprisingly, Gwen ends up saving Braiden and Ellie is sent home.

  1. Team Blake

Blind Joe vs. Barrett Baber

The next pairing was between Team Blake’s Blind Joe and Barrett. Blake explains that it only seemed “fair” to pair the two up, as they are his resident “veteran country singers.”

Barrett decides to sing “Colder Weather” by Zac Brown Band, as he believes he can connect to the song on a very personal level. During rehearsals, Rihanna tells Barrett that he should stop being “polite” when performing and be more fearless. On the other hand, Blind Joe chooses “Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys” by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. Rihanna is blown away by his rehearsal and expresses how “sexy” she thinks he is when he performs. Soon after, Joe is seen off-camera with a big grin saying “doesn’t get much better than Rihanna calling you sexy.”

In the end, the judges were all impressed with Barrett’s performance and the emotions he evoked in his vocals. Thus, Blake decided to keep Barrett and Blind Joe was sent home.

  1. Team Pharrell

Amy Vachal vs. Madi Davis

Pharrell decided to pair up Amy with Madi, as they both have delicate yet powerful voices.

16-year-old Madi decides to sing “A Case of You” by Joni Mitchell, as she sees Joni as a model for who she wants to be as an artist. Rihanna coerces Madi to “round off” her vocals so that they are more powerful and after some practice, she successfully does so.
Amy is a soft-spoken singer and therefore “Sunday Kind of Love” by Etta James is completely fitting. The song is the perfect vehicle for her jazzy, angelic tone. Rihanna decides to take away Amy’s guitar and tells her to embody the song with her stage presence. Amy reveals that she is intimidated by the prospect of trying to feel sexy on stage like Rihanna wants her to.

During the knockout performances, Amy gives a good performance but, unfortunately, there was no huge standout moment. On the other hand, Madi’s performance was much more dynamic. Therefore, Pharrell ends up saving Madi. Fortunately, Blake and Adam push their button to steal Amy. She eventually ends up choosing to join Team Adam.

  1. Team Blake

Chance Pena vs. Ivonne Acero

Blake’s second pairing was between Chance and Ivonne, both of which he stole from other teams during the Battle Rounds.

During rehearsals, Chance belted out “Demons’ by Imagine Dragons. He says he identifies as a folk singer but wants to show that he has range. Rihanna advises him to be weary of singing flat during the verses, as his voice tends to do so when he sings in his lower register. Meanwhile, Ivonne decides on “Part of Me” by Katy Perry for her performance.

Unfortunately, Chance pretty much digs his own grave, as his song choice is unable to showcase his vocals, and he seems to be rushing throughout it. Ivonne puts her own spin on Perry’s hit song and wins over Blake. Thus, Chance is sent packing.

  1. Team Adam

Jordan Smith vs. Viktor Kiraly

The last pairing of the night was between Adam’s Jordan and Viktor. Jordan decides to go for it and chooses to sing “Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele. However, in the rehearsals, Jordan proves he has the powerhouse vocals that the song requires.

Viktor decides also to challenge himself with “I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys. He has trouble in rehearsal getting out of his head and tries to stop focusing on the practicalities of the song and think more about the meaning behind the lyrics.

Furthermore, even with an Alicia Keys song Viktor is unable to outshine Jordan’s incredible range and power. Thus, Adam ends up picking Jordan to stay on his team. Fortunately, Viktor proved himself enough to earn a spot on Gwen’s team.

That’s it for tonight. You can watch as the Knockout Rounds continue on The Voice tomorrow Tuesday, October 27.

Chris Brown Royalty Agreement, NYPD’s Quentin Tarantino Boycott & Bacon Cancer

Chris Brown has reached a Royalty agreement, Janet Jackson postpones concert dates, NYPD is not happy with Quentin Tarantino’s protests, and scare-meister WHO has decided to put the fear into bacon lovers.

chris brown royalty agreement 2015 gossipChris Brown Reach Co-Parenting Agreement with Baby Momma

Well look at that, the adults are learning to play nice. Chris Brown and the mother of his cutie pie daughter Royalty, Nia Guzman, have put aside whatever was keeping them from acting like civilized folks and have agreed to peacefully raise their child.

According to TMZ, sources say that they sat down and had a heart to heart in which they came to a conclusion on how to co-parent Royalty and even agreed to do activities together like take her to swimming and dance lessons.

This is a good example for the two to set not just for their little one but for other parents who can’t seem to get past their “dislike” of each other. I just hope that it’s real and not a heat of the moment decision.

janet jackson vocal rest 2015 gossipJanet Jackson Postpones Concert Dates Due to Vocal Rest

Maybe Ms. Jackson doesn’t have it like she used to. I mean she has been away for a while and who knows what, if anything, she was doing with her singing voice. From the looks of it, she may have been neglecting it as she has now been ordered by her doctors to go on vocal rest, which means she has to cancel temporarily upcoming tour dates

She had to forego her two concerts over the weekend and took to social media to let fans know.

“Hey you guys, I must rest my vocal chords. Doctor’s orders… Will be rescheduling Salt Lake and Denver.  Keep your tickets! … Gon B Alright. #Unbreakable”

She is also postponing her shows in Kansas City & St. Louis Tuesday and Thursday of this week. I think this says a lot about her ability to still perform. She hasn’t been on tour that long and is rescheduling tour days already? Maybe she jumped the gun on getting back out there. I’m just saying.

At least she is staying positive about it.

nypd boycotts quentin tarantino 2015 gossipNYPD Calls for Boycott of Quentin Tarantino Films

You know you have really made a name for yourself when a one of the most well-known police departments in the world is calling for the boycott of your movies.

New York Police Department’s union head Patrick Lynch president of Patrolman’s Benevolent Association, wants people to stay away from Quentin Tarantino films because the director participated in an anti-police protest on Saturday, which happened four days after the death of one of their men.

Known for outrageously offensive yet amazingly progressive and artistic films, Tarantino traveled all the way to The Big Apple for the demonstration.

“I’m a human being with a conscience… And if you believe there’s murder going on then you need to rise up and stand up against it. I’m here to say I’m on the side of the murdered.”

His attendance and comments didn’t sit well with a lot of people, especially Lynch.

“It’s no surprise that someone who makes a living glorifying crime and violence is a cop-hater, too… “The police officers that Quentin Tarantino calls ‘murderers’ aren’t living in one of his depraved big-screen fantasies — they’re risking and sometimes sacrificing their lives to protect communities from real crime and mayhem.”

It is interesting the words that Lynch chose to use in expressing his feelings about Tarantino exercising his rights as a citizen. Perhaps Tarantino’s presence shows that people, even those who have a certain amount of fame, see the actions of some police officers has more harmful than helpful.

The rally took place in the wake of the shooting death of 33-year-old Officer Randolph Holder, who was killed in East Harlem while in pursuit of a bicycle thief.

bacon hotdogs cause cancer 2015 gossipBacon, Hotdogs and other Processed Meat Causes Cancer Says WHO

Well, it has officially been said, and since the World Health Organization has made the declaration, people may start really listening. Sorry, all you bacon lovers who put the “meat” on everything it, it causes cancer!

According to WHO, beef, pork, veal and lamb are “probably carcinogenic” as well. Well damn! 22 scientist, after considering all of the evidence, say that the consumption of these meats on the regular “greatly increases the risk of colorectal cancer” according to NPR.

This conclusion makes processed meat just as much a cancer risk as tobacco and asbestos. But this doesn’t mean that it’s equally as dangerous, which confuses me. Cancer is cancer, right?

Pretty much, cut back on all meat since International Agency of Research on Cancer says that “eating meat has known health benefits,” you just have to watch which kinds and how much.

The American Cancer Society says, “Consuming a healthy diet with an emphasis on plant foods and limiting consumption of processed meat and red meat,” is the healthiest way to feed your body.

In reading the WHO’s finding, they did not  say it causes cancer, but that it ‘may.’ I, for one, don’t buy the WHO’s claims most of the time as they seem to love having ‘scare’ headlines that are later disproven. I eat organic bacon which does not fall under the processing they claim so for all you organic people, chow on!

Latest ‘A Wonderful Cloud’ Trailer Comes to Earth


latest a wonderful cloud trailer 2015 imagesThe trailer for indie film A Wonderful Cloud has been released, and it’s already in select theaters so if you haven’t checked it out, you’ve still got some time. Digital entertainment company FilmBuff announced on Wednesday, October 7th that it had licensed the US rights to the film and will be bringing the SXSW hit to a wider audience.

Jake Hanly of FilmBuff explained their decision to take on the movie, saying, “We see a lot of movies every year, and it’s rare to find one that feel so funny, intimate and daring. We knew A Wonderful Cloud was special right away, and our team is excited to see audiences connect with it.”

A Wonderful Cloud is a full-length improv comedy that was written, directed and stars Eugene Kotlyarenko. This is Eugene’s fifth time directing. Actress Kate Lyn Sheil (best known for House of Cards and Queen of Earth) stars alongside Eugene in the film.

The movie is about a girl named Katelyn (Sheil) who travels to Los Angeles to try and get control of a clothing company that is currently run by her ex-boyfriend, Eugene (Kotlyarenko). However, when she gets there, she realizes that Eugene is looking to be more than just business partners. Kate is unsure of whether she can envision a future with Eugene, so she decides to spend a weekend with him to try and determine whether their relationship is worth another shot.

The really interesting part of the movie is that the two lead actors are a former couple. Therefore, it is as if the two are sharing their true, raw and undeniably funny experiences with the audience.

Kotlyarenko commented on the film’s upcoming theatrical release, saying, “I’m super pumped to be getting A Wonderful Cloud out there through FilmBuff. This movie is extremely personal for me and has turned out to be a lot of fun for audiences so far. I’m really curious to see how people will react to something this confessional, that’s still aiming to entertain.”

After premiering at the South by Southwest Film Festival, the movie has been praised by many critics. Variety shared their positive reaction, saying: “Those seeking a raucous, wholly improvised 21st-century Annie Hall need look no farther…” Additionally, Indiewire boasted the film, commenting: “Fueled by creative liberation and steered by a real-life shared history,” A Wonderful Cloud is a “good kind of weird.”

The trailer for A Wonderful Cloud shows a film that is not afraid to go all the way when it comes to humor and emotions. Filled with notably quirky characters, the trailer shows glimpses of numerous scenes that will leave you questioning what really goes on in the movie. The narrative describes the plots, saying: “Best friends. Business Partners. Bitter exes. They are about to find out that some relationships are better left undefined.” While Eugene and Kate lead the cast, it quickly becomes apparent that there are numerous supporting characters that add their own personalities to the story – some of which include local artisans, fashionistas and narcissistic Californians.

A Wonderful Cloud has been released nationwide in select theaters, and you can also check it out on all major On Demand platforms, including Amazon Instant Video, Xfinity TV, Google Play, iTunes, Time Warner Cable, Verizon FiOS, Vudu, and Xbox as well.
A Wonderful Cloud Theatrical Trailer

Atlanta Falcons vs Titans Week 8 NFL Indepth Review


atlanta falcons vs titans indepth recap week 8 2015 nfl imagesA win’s a win I guess. A road win is even more valuable in the NFL. The Atlanta Falcons did just enough to get that win over a Tennessee team that was without starting quarterback Marcus Mariota on Sunday.

Zach Mettenberger filled in nicely for Mariota, although he did have two costly interceptions. Mettenberger had basically the same stat line as Matt Ryan, who has not looked sharp the past couple weeks.

Ryan had two interceptions himself and the Falcons offense once again leaned on Devonta Freeman to generate the yardage. Freeman had another 100-yard game and now leads the NFL in rushing with 621 yards on the year.

Many were looking for a big game from Julio Jones, who had ten days off to nurse his hamstring injury. Jones also had the benefit of facing a banged up Titans secondary. While he had nearly 100 yards receiving and a score, Jones should have done more damage than that since he was targeted 17 times.

Matt Ryan has to shoulder much of that blame for Julio’s lack of production. Ryan was not accurate early in the game and were it not for the Falcons defense along with Freeman, Atlanta could have lost to a team without its starting QB. Not a good look for a franchise quarterback like Ryan.

Tennessee drops to 1-5, and Atlanta improves to 6-1 and will have another divisional game next week versus Tampa. The ATL can’t afford another divisional loss. 6-1 is nice, but they have to win games in their own division.

The past three weeks have not been dominating performances by Atlanta. They had lots of trouble with Washington at home but managed an overtime win. They got blasted by the Saints in New Orleans and now barely escaped Nashville with a win over a struggling Titans team.

It’s good to get some close game experience, but I’d prefer they dominate some opponents on occasion.

Game Highlights:

3 Things:

– Rumors of a Roddy White trade may have cooled down a bit, but I believe the Falcons should send White packing. Don’t get me wrong. I love Roddy White. The man is a Falcons legend. I just don’t want to see him reduced to a blocking receiver. He still has some great plays in him, and another team could use him. I feel he is just wasting his talent with the Falcons. I do realize Devonta freeman is eating up a lot of opportunities for White and that may be the biggest issue. Nothing can be changed there though since Freeman is running wild.

– Look for Julio to have a monster game next week against Tampa Bay. The hamstring injury should be of no more concern hopefully, and Tampa has given up the second most passing touchdowns so far in 2015.

– Freeman is the first Falcons back to gain 100 yards or more in three straight games since 2009. No one could have guessed the Birds would be sporting the League’s top rusher this year.

Julio Watch: Jones ended the Titans game with 92 yards receiving on nine catches. He also accounted for the go-ahead touchdown. Points were at a premium in this game and Jones was the difference when it came to scoring. Even Matt Bryant let the Birds down with a missed field goal very late in the game. Freeman provided the yards. Jones provided the points and now has five touchdowns on the season. He’s also is tied for second in catches with 58.

Tweets of the Game:

What it’s like to sweat out an Atlanta Falcons game:

How good it ATL?

Biggest reason for two of the past two wins by Birds:

Very cool fly through of the new Falcons stadium:




NCAA College Football Week 8 Winners & Losers


ncaa college football week 8 winners 2015 imagesWeek 8 featured just one match up of ranked teams, a game in which No. 23 Ole Miss destroyed No. 15 Texas A&M. The weekend also gave college football fans not one, but two quadruple overtime games and even a game-winning blocked field goal return. Here are the big winners and losers from college football’s Week 8 action.


That game-winning blocked field goal resulted in a Georgia Tech 22-16 victory over No. 9 Florida State. It was the Yellow Jackets first win since starting the season 2-0. Head coach Paul Johnson’s team had lost five straight games before hanging in there with the Seminoles. With the score tied at 16-16, Florida State got itself in position for a 56-yard field goal attempt to win the game. The kick was blocked, scooped up by Lance Austin, and returned 78 yards for the game-winning touchdown. If not for last week’s errant punt snap and fumble return in the Michigan-Michigan State game, Austin’s return might be the play of the year.

A pair of Smiths helped lead USC to its biggest victory of the season and possibly begin a season-ending turnaround. Wide receiver Juju Smith-Schuster caught eight passes for 143 yards and a touchdown while linebacker Cameron Smith intercepted three Utah passes and returned one for a score in the Trojans 42-24 win over the previously third-ranked Utes. The game was the school’s first win since the firing of head coach Steve Sarkisian.

A number of elite quarterbacks turned in fantastic performances over the weekend. In Friday night’s 66-42 win over Tulsa, Memphis QB Paxton Lynch connected on 32-of-44 passes for a career-high 447 yards. He also threw four touchdowns. It was the fifth game in a row that Lynch threw for over 400 yards. Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer decided to turn the Buckeyes offense over to last year’s starter, J.T. Barrett. The redshirt sophomore responded by completing 14-of-18 passes for 223 yards and three touchdowns and running 13 times for another 101 yards and two more scores. Ohio State beat Rutgers 49-7. Dak Prescott of Mississippi State showed why he is considered the best quarterback in the SEC in a six-touchdown performance against Kentucky. Prescott threw for 348 yards and three touchdowns and ran for 117 yards on 13 carries and scored three times on the ground. The Bulldogs cracked back into the AP Top 25 with a convincing 42-16 win over the Wildcats.

It might be a stretch to say that Texas is back, but the Longhorns got a much-needed win over Kansas State on Saturday. It was the second straight win for head coach Charlie Strong’s team after three consecutive losses. Backup quarterback Tyrone Swoopes scored three touchdowns to lead Texas to a 23-9 victory and move the Longhorns record to 3-4 on the season. Strong and company could salvage the season with a stretch of games that includes Iowa State, Kansas, West Virginia, and Texas Tech.


It was the worst loss in the history of Miami football. The once storied program was crushed by No. 6 Clemson, 58-0. The Tigers had 416 yards rushing and completely dominated the Hurricanes in every facet of the game. Head coach Al Golden was promptly fired Sunday. Miami AD Blake James said that Larry Scott, the team’s tight ends coach and run game coordinator will serve as the interim head coach. The Hurricanes face 6-1 Duke next Saturday.

The Pac-12 suffered a huge loss that will have an impact on this year’s College Football Playoff. Third-ranked Utah went into the Coliseum to face a 3-3 USC team on the verge of collapse. The talented Trojans responded with a 42-24 drubbing of the Utes. The conference now has no unbeaten teams and its highest ranked team, Stanford, comes in at No. 8. Barring a slew of upsets, the Pac-12 is most likely shut out of the national championship race.

Once a preseason favorite for an SEC title and a berth in the College Football Playoff, Auburn is now 4-3 following a loss to Arkansas on Saturday. After the Tigers tied the game at 24-24 on a last second field goal by Daniel Carson, Auburn proceeded to lose in quadruple overtime as Arkansas QB Brandon Allen hit Drew Morgan with a 25-yard TD pass. Allen also completed the two-point conversion when he hooked up with Kody Walker. The 54-46 win gives the Razorbacks a 3-4 overall record, 2-2 in the SEC.

Is there a team in the country with worse luck than Nebraska? The Cornhuskers are 3-5 and have lost those five games by a total of 11 points. Saturday, Nebraska fell to Northwestern, 30-28. Quarterback Tommy Armstrong scored on a three-yard run with 4:23 to play in the game, but the Cornhuskers attempt at the two-point conversion failed. New head coach Mike Riley could still manage to get Nebraska to a bowl game. It will be a tough task though as the ‘Huskers must face both Michigan State and Iowa.

Prepare Your Pet for Flu Season

prepare your pet for flu season 2015 rescus me imagesEvery year, when the seasons change from fall to winter you can count on two things – the arrival of colder weather in most regions of the country, and flu season rearing its ugly head. As many of us flock to our local medical centers to get the vaccination in hopes of avoiding the debilitating virus, let us not forget our four-legged friends.

Just like humans become susceptible to the flu around this time of year, so too does man’s best friend. However, when your dog or puppy gets the flu virus it’s often more difficult to detect and takes quite a toll on their bodies. The virus that causes dog flu, Influenza Type A (H3N8), was first identified in Florida in 2004, and causes respiratory signs (coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge). These symptoms can range in severity from mild to severe, and the most severe cases can include pneumonia.

The virus primarily infects the respiratory system and is extremely contagious, and while it can wreak havoc on their bodies, some dogs can be exposed to the virus and fight off infection without showing clinical signs. That’s why North Shore Animal League America Veterinarian, Dr. Christina Buchter is urging all doggy parents to make an appointment at their local veterinary center to immunize their pooch this season. Not only can you provide them with a better chance of escaping the season unscathed, but you can ensure that your best friend lives a healthy life for many years to come.

“We definitely encourages all pet parents who have dogs in these situations, particularly in areas known to have had canine influenza outbreaks in the past, to consider vaccinating their dogs,” said Dr. Buchter. “Adult dogs are most commonly afflicted though any age can be affected, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Although the vaccine does not guarantee your dog or puppy will avoid catching the flu, it has been proved to reduce the severity and duration of the illness.  It can also shorten the shedding interval, meaning that vaccinated dogs infected with the virus are less contagious to other animals, which is highly beneficial because canine influenza Canine influenza is spread from dog to dog. Dogs have the most risk of contracting the virus if they are in direct contact with other dogs or in communal environments with other dogs (e.g. boarding, grooming salons, dog parks, play groups, etc).

This pet tip was provided by North Shore Animal League America

‘CSI: Cyber’ 204 Red Crone Recap

On this week’s episode of “CSI: Cyber,” Agent Mundo told his daughter, Michelle, a Halloween themed bedtime story. Michelle stopped him and told him that he wasn’t telling the story correctly. She then told her version of the story and said that was the version her granddad told her. Michelle asked Agent Mundo why granddad hadn’t come over their house and wanted to know if he was mad at her. That was when Agent Mundo told Michelle that her grandfather was sick.

In a lab, the tech was not able to retrieve needed information from a cell phone and said they needed Daniel to do it. Agent Pierce, the tech’s boss, then went to FBI headquarters to speak to Daniel. She said she was an Agent with the Violent Crimes Squad of the FBI. She told him his help was needed to find two missing children from Richmond, Virginia.

Agent Ryan helped Ross get ready for a date with a woman he met on the Internet. She was ready for a business date with a Sergeant to discuss how to catch one of the FBI’s most wanted hackers. Agent Ryan then told Russell that she knew Raven and Nelson were dating now. She said that both of them had been cut off from all of their friends because all of their friends were illegal hackers, so Raven and Nelson only had each other. Agent Ryan said she didn’t think they would last as a couple because they were too much alike.

Agent Pierce watched Daniel examine the phone for clues. She said the phone had been found submerged in a fountain three years ago and that it was the only thing they had that would help them start to track down the missing children, two preteen boys. A picture of each boy was acquired, and Agent Ryan questioned Agent Pierce. Pierce told Ryan that the boys had been spotted coming home from school, but an hour later when their mother got home from work, they were gone. Daniel found some disturbing image files on the phone, which belonged to Luke, one of the missing boys. The image was an Internet horror meme that had gone viral. Daniel found malicious codes within the image. He traced the image to a site called Red Crone, made up of images Internet users had uploaded to the site. There was a video of Luke and his brother Jacob posted on the site. The post had been created at 3:00 when the boys got home from school. In the video, the boys said they were the chosen ones, and they were going to meet the Red Crone.

Nelson found an app that Luke had downloaded to his phone. Raven found pictures of Red Crone that were taken in various locations around Richmond. Nelson opened the app and found that it was a Red Crone viewer that displayed images in black and white. The viewer was similar to viewers used on Instagram but didn’t give the user the option of taking a picture.

Agent Ryan went to see the boys’ mother, Mrs. Sullivan and showed her the video of the boys saying they were going to meet Red Crone. Agent Mundo looked at the video and saw Luke holding a paper which he thought might contain directions to where the boys went. They went to the family’s printer and discovered the paper was an invitation to see Red Crone.

Daniel and Russell went to where the boys were last seen. Agent Mundo texted Raven with a picture of the invitation and told her to try and figure out who sent it. She found that someone on the Red Crone website sent the link to Luke for the invitation. Then Nelson realized the viewfinder was actually a decoder. When he viewed the invitation with the decoder, a message popped up telling the recipient where to go. They realized that the boys had been directed to go to a fountain that Russell, Daniel, Agents Mundo and Ryan were standing at. They pointed the decoder in the direction of the fountain and saw what the boys did. Russell said the boys were being sent on a virtual treasure hunt. Agent Ryan said that there was no treasure for getting to the final destination, just danger.

An unknown man got a phone call from his boss to come to work, but the man said he had plans for the day. His boss told him he had to come to work anyway. The man, a sketch artist, arrived in a courtroom while a case was being heard.

More clues from the decoder sent them to a graveyard where they found fresh blood on the grass. Russell used a device to analyze the blood and said it had been on the grass for less than an hour. They followed a trail of blood to a boy named Timmy, who was trying to get to Red Crone.

Nelson and Daniel determined they could find out who has behind all of this based on the app they bought that caused so many problems. They found one man in Richmond, named Oliver, who had downloaded the application. Agents Mundo and Ryan, along with Daniel, went to Oliver’s house and saw paintings on his walls similar to the Red Crone’s appearance. Daniel figured out Oliver was the unknown man called into work.

Agent Mundo and several other FBI agents went to the court to confront Oliver. By the time they got to the courtroom Oliver had been in, it was completely empty. Nelson and Raven determined that the boys were headed to a state park. Russell found Luke’s hat on the ground. They found an abandoned schoolhouse, where Oliver was hiding, but he was gone. Oliver then opened a door in another building and Jacob and Luke were standing there. Agent Mundo found Oliver and he was arrested. The boys’ parents came to the scene and took them home.

Google: Do No More Evil?


google do no more evil 2015 tech imagesDid you know that Ghost Rider became the King of Hell? It happened in the unpublished last issue (#94) of Ghost Rider volume 3 which Marvel published after ten years to build hype around the first movie. It’s a long story, but basically, Ghost Rider became King of Hell after destroying Blackheart (Not Satan? Not Mephisto? Again it’s a long story). As King of Hell, Ghost Rider had but one rule on his new subjects. Do no more evil. He said that to a horde of demons, in hell. Imagine that. So, what does this have to do with Google?

Google recently said the same thing to its employees. Often, when a company becomes too big for its britches, like Apple and Microsoft, earnings tons of money from hardworking citizens while not exactly delivering on its promises, it’s considered an evil empire. Google is now on the same boat with Microsoft with an anti-trust case in Europe because of Android, and a case in Russia to stop it from monopolizing search as well as getting criticized for its ever changing rules on SEO. Google, or Alphabet aims to curb the evil empire image with its new motto.

“Follow the law, act honorably and treat each other with respect.”

It’s actually the newer version. Before, it went biblically like this:

“Don’t be evil.”

The earlier version is kind of hard to realize as we all have our mean streaks, our tempers, bad moments and bad sides. Our yangs to our yings. Besides:

tom cruise lestat de lioncourt interview with vampire 2015 images“Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are…”

— (Tom Cruise) Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the Vampire

The new version is much easier to follow. With Google’s recent reorganization, a new company code of conduct was in order. Its main statement being “Follow the law, act honorably and treat each other with respect.” Not bad for a code of conduct. It should serve Alphabet well internally and possibly make the company more efficient. It will also give the public a mental image of a technological monastery instead of a campus full of engineers. The revised document itself has been simplified from an unreadable 6000-word EULA-like legalese to an English document of less than 1,000 words. It’s an easier to understand standard code of conduct that most companies should follow regarding avoidance of conflicts of interest, trade controls, avoiding bribery, insider trading, unfair competition and obeying both company and government rules.

Google’s new motto sounds real nice on paper but can it really apply to a company as large as Google/Alphabet that may have to be “a little evil”, bend or reinterpret some laws in order to remain competitive. Can they pull it off as a business? Perhaps. The first step is to take away the vagueness of “evil” as businesses need to perform some necessary evils to make the mark. Externally, “follow the law” is much more flexible since the law can be interpreted, bent and twisted by legal departments of big businesses such as Google. As long as everything is in the “confines of the law”, everything’s dandy and Alphabet stays alphabetical.

As for the rank and file, that’s easy. It’s not like the company can keep them out of jail for felonies and misdemeanors. Just be nice and play nice. Follow the law, try not to kill anyone. Follow company rules, try not to kill anyone. Act honorably and treat each other with respect. Any self-respecting Google geek knows Klingon lore. To be a great warrior, one must have honor and respect. Plus, we have our parents and respective bibles for that. But it’s nice to be reminded from time to time.

So is it easy? Not really. Anyone might accidentally park in some handicap space because they’re in a hurry, beat a red light and get a parking ticket or two; and act like jackasses after a few drinks and get on somebody’s nerves. Like Ghost Rider’s demon hordes, we’re only human. Don’t be evil, follow the law, act honorably and treat each other with respect is not as simple as it reads. Same thing goes for Google/Alphabet, it’s a big company.

Meek Mill Reignites Drake Feud & All Female ‘Ghostbusters’ Negative Feedback Continues

meek mill reignited drake feud continues anew 2015 gossip

The feud continues between rappers Meek Mill and Drake. Over the past few months, Meek and Drake have been going back and forth taking shots at each other. Meek Mill called out Drake on multiple occasions claiming that the ‘Hotline Bling’ artist doesn’t write his own lyrics.

Earlier in the year Meek tweeted, “Stop comparing Drake to me too… He don’t write his own raps! That’s why he ain’t tweet my album because we found out!”

Meek Mill, Twitter post:

In response to Meek’s claims, Drake released a song called ‘Charged Up,’ that fueled the fiery feud between the two with lyrics like, “I stay silent ‘cause we’re at way and I’m very patient.”

While the two have remained relatively quiet about the feud over the past while. Meek decided to stir things back up when he took the stage on Friday at the Power 99’s Powerhouse Philly 2015.

Meek addressed Drake’s statement saying that Meek is riding on the coat tails of his girlfriend, Nicki Minaj. Meek said, “I can’t understand. Was that a joke? No, I got the hottest chick in the game.”

He went on to talk about Drake’s now infamous dance moves in his ‘Hotline Bling’ music video. Meek said, “you ain’t gonna have me up here looking like Drake.” Going on to say that his rival has “two left feet.”

Now to wait to see how Drake responds to Meek’s digs at him.

ghostbusters negative feedback continues 2015 gossipUnfortunately, the all-girls reboot of Ghostbusters has been getting a fair share of negative feedback. The upcoming movie stars actresses Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones as the ghost fighting team.

While the feminine take on the franchise was supposed to be empowering, it is garnering a lot of criticism from the public. Recently, in an interview star Kristen Wiig addressed the negativity, explaining:

“The fact there was so much controversy because we were women was surprising to me. Some people said some really not nice things about the fact that there were women. It didn’t make me mad; it just really bummed me out. We’re really honoring those movies.”

The director Paul Feig commented on the public backlash earlier in the year, saying that the film has gotten some of “the most vile, misogynistic sh*t” he has ever seen.” He went on to add, “It’s so dramatic. Honestly, the only way I could ruin your childhood is if I went into a time machine and went back and made you an orphan.”

Considering they are attempting to remake Ghostbusters, I don’t think it is all too surprising they are getting some negative feedback from fans of the original film. Nonetheless, the film is set to hit theaters on July 22, 2016.

Rafael Nadal: Just Two More Years of Tennis?


rafael nadal just two more years 2015 tennis imagesRafael Nadal is in this week’s ATP Basel draw, a 500-series tournament that he has not contested many times in his career. He will be looking at improving on his quarterfinal result from 2014 and, based on how the Spaniard has played post-US Open, Rafa appears poised to do that. Nadal enters the Basel tournament, which is known as the Swiss Indoors, as the third betting favorite behind a couple of familiar Swiss players (source: BetVictor).

Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka are the home-country favorites and the top two seeds in the event. Partisan Swiss fans will surely be hoping for a Stan-versus-Roger final as the two players are on opposite ends of the draw.

However, what many fans may not have detected, is that Wawrinka is actually in a bit of a slump. While he made a deep run in New York this past summer and while Wawrinka won ATP Tokyo outright more recently, you still have to go all the way back to the French Open to find a victory over a player in the Top Ten. I was not surprised when Nadal defeated Wawrinka in Shanghai and nor was I surprised by the 6-2, 6-1 scoring line.

While fans can expect a strong showing from Federer, something has been missing from Wawrinka’s game since Roland Garros, and I would suggest that it is determination. Major titles pacify some players and perhaps Wawrinka, with the second Grand Slam title, felt self-actualized. Retirement may be closer than some people realize but, as always, only time will tell.

Nadal, ranked lower than Wawrinka right now, is still the better player. The Spaniard’s World No. 7 ranking correctly represents his last year of results, but I really think Nadal has elevated his play post-US Open. Citing wins against Vasek Pospisil, Jack Sock, Fabio Fognini, Ivo Karlovic, Milos Raonic, and Wawrinka, there appears to be more in Nadal’s game right now than compared to many other points of his disappointing 2015 season.

Justin Gloria, writing at International Business Times, claimed earlier this month that Nadal “dropped out of the elite group of the men’s singles competition in tennis.” We can split hairs over what exactly constitutes the “elite group” however, for me, the elite on the ATP Tour are the players that make the World Tour Finals. That’s the most exclusive tournament on tour; wild cards don’t get you in, and neither do quallies. Nadal will make another appearance at the event later this fall, the tournament that will mark the end of his 2015 season – health permitting.

On the matter of retirement, from the same article Nadal is quoted as stating that he has a “couple of years” of tennis ahead of him. If we take that to mean he may retire at the end of the 2017 season then surely he will be looking to be as productive as possible in the seasons and tournaments still ahead.

That’s the difference between a great player, like Nadal, and a player who has a couple of great seasons, like Wawrinka. Nadal, I have no doubt, will go for every title until the very end even if he does not overtake the World No. 1 ranking again.

Getting back to this week’s Swiss Indoors, Rafa will enter the event well-rested, he is in the same quarter as Marin Cilic – a player not well-rested, and Nadal has an apathetic Wawrinka for a prospective semifinalist. Maybe playing in a home-country event will kick something into the Swiss No. 2’s game, however, turning on ‘good form’ is not like turning on a light switch. Rafa’s has been “on” post-US Open and Wawrinka’s has been somewhat dimmed since the French.

Stan vs. Roger might be the final that Swiss fans hope for, but Basel 2015 could be a late edition of the ‘Fedal’ rivalry. As has often been the case, such a match would be better off enjoyed than speculated on.