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‘Supernatural’ Season 14: Everything you need to know Part 2

We were also lucky enough to have some quality time with Misha Collins.  We asked if Castiel would be working with Sam in Season 14 to get Dean back and that gave us some cheeky Misha, which is one of my favorite flavors.

Check out Part 1 of Lynn’s Supernatural Season 14 coverage here.

misha collins talking to mttg at comic con interviews 2018

Misha: Yes, we’re teaming up. I think everybody is in hunter mode when we come back – we just want to get Dean back, but of course, we run into obstacles.

Me: Jared has talked about Sam being in a leadership role, so is Cas sort of the…

Misha: (shaking his head) I think that’s sort of a fantasy, I’m not sure how he’s picking up that…

Me: I wondered…

misha collins gets deep in mttg interview at comic con

Misha: Yeah, no, it’s true, Sam is sorta second in command now….right under Cas…

Table: (cracks up)

Misha: In a sense, we have a much bigger cast of characters who are all working as a team, all the AU characters. So now it’s a little bit more coordination and logistics, and it definitely does feel like Sam is grabbing the reins on that. But we’re all focused on the task at hand, which is saving Dean.

supernatural misha collins direct look at mttg lynn z comic con

supernatural misha collins movie tv tech geeks inteview comic con 2018

Check out the rest of our chat with Misha here, including burning practical questions about who the hell is washing the dishes in the bunker, more about Castiel’s relationship with Sam and with Jack in Season 14, and the 8371 things Misha Collins has on his plate right now!

It was great to have a chance to chat with Alex Calvert when the Hall H panel was behind him, after our discussion at the Friday night party about how nervous he was about it.

I asked Alex about Jack’s psychological state at the end of Season 13 – we left him sitting by himself, having just found out that the father he’d hoped to have a relationship with was a horrible person, alone and traumatized while everyone else celebrated around him. It sorta broke my heart. Was that a hard emotional place to be?

At that moment, Misha Collins walked by and stopped to tenderly stroke Alex’s cheek.

Me: I mean, Misha probably helped a lot…

Alex: (laughing) Misha helped with the trauma…when I’m feeling bad I can always count on the guys…to make me feel even more bad…

supernatural alex calvert shrugging at comic con 2018
Alex Calvert

alex calvert smiling for mttg at comic con interview

Table: (laughing)

Alex: That’s interesting you noticed. It was definitely a harder scene. Jack has these moments of like pure aloneness, where only he can really understand, or maybe he and Castiel, having to deal with that level of being by themselves. That was tough with everyone else celebrating, but Jack being very much alone.

supernatural alex calvert serious look for movie tv tech geeks

alex calvert supernatural mttg interview comic con

All photos by Lynn Zubernis aka @FangasmSPNCheck out our entire interview with Alex here, including how Jack will deal with being more or less human without powers and how long that will take for him to get those powers back!

We also got to talk to Brad Buckner, executive producer and writing partner with Eugenie Ross-Leming.

Natalie, who was at our table, asked about the episode last season that Brad and Eugenie wrote bringing Charlie back.

Brad: From the moment that Charlie died, we all felt it, that voice was missing.

Me: (silently) I’ll say!

Brad: So if this is a world of doppelgangers, she’s a natural go-to doppelganger. I think what’s interesting about it is that when Sam and Dean meet this person from another world, it triggers all their sense memories, they just can’t help wanting to throw their arms around her and make her that kid sister that they had. And of course, she’s like, do I know you guys? Because there’s no Sam and Dean in that world. And now that they’ve come through the door and their enemy Michael has also, their enemy is here – so she’s gonna be here for the duration and they’ve got a relationship to build. How she fits into the team has got to be worked out, whether she has her own cases. And it not only adds back a wonderful character, but it’s a cool way to open up the storytelling. There are more people than just Sam and Dean on the case.

Someone asked about monster of the week episodes versus mytharc episodes, which is always something I wonder about with a new season – how the Show will negotiate that balance.

Brad: I think this is going to be true of the storytelling, in general, this season, that the mytharc is going to be represented even in the standalones. Especially with the collapsed season, you’ll see that. There are so many things going on at the start of the season, and those have to be kept alive even if there’s a monster [of the week] to deal with.

Someone asked what monsters he enjoyed exploring.

Brad:  I love the angels and demons because I think the politics of heaven and hell are so interesting. Lucifer is one of my favorites because I think he’s so complicated and interesting. I don’t think anyone gets up in the morning and says ‘how can I be evil today’? If he were sit down and explain how he’s misunderstood… who knows what’s gonna happen this year?

(Gotta say, I don’t entirely agree with Mr. Buckner about all that, but that’s just me…)

Of course, there were more questions about Michael and Dean, and if we’d see Dean inside Michael’s head. The answer is a bit complex, and some of it I know a little more about than I can say – suffice it to say, I like it. Like, alot.

Brad: We’re not gonna go too deep into the season with Dean not being Dean. You’ll see him physically on screen, but once Dean is Dean, he may or may not stay Dean, you never know… But we won’t go too long. There will absolutely be episodes where we don’t see Dean; we just see Michael. But we find out later that Dean was witness to what was happening and is traumatized by the flashbacks. That’s a terrible burden, to be helpless inside your own body doing really awful things that you remember fragments of.

[I have to say, I’m both tremendously excited about exploring this aspect of what has happened to Dean, and tremendously proud of the Show for doing more exploration of the characters’ trauma and its aftermath instead of just being like okay they’re fine now, let’s never speak of it again. At the same time, I’m so sad for Dean, because I can’t think of anything worse for a man who lives to protect those he loves and keep them safe than to be trapped inside himself forced to watch people suffer by his own hands. It’s like Dean Winchester’s worst nightmare, and it’s bound to bring back the trauma of being a torturer in Hell too. Ohgod, I’m worried already…]

Brad also told us that Rowena will be an integral part of the story this Season and Jody Mills and more Wayward characters will also be back. Yay!!

Showrunner Andrew Dabbs, who loves to tease almost as much as Jared and Jensen do, sat down at our table next and Natalie immediately started thanking him.

Natalie: Thank you for returning Charlie to us.

Andrew: Sure. But is it Charlie? Is it the same Charlie that we know? Who knows!

Natalie: I just want to know if this Charlie is gay.

Andrew: Yes.

Natalie: Thank god.

Table: Yay!

I couldn’t wait to ask Andrew for more scoop about Michael!Dean.

Me: What’s it like writing for a totally new character who’s played by an actor you’re so used to writing for? Is it weird?

Andrew: It’s weird, yeah. I’m not a fan of Jensen, as I think I’ve made very clear.

Me: Oh yes, very clear…

Andrew: It’s interesting to write a new character. We saw Michael a little bit last season, but the Michael we’re seeing this season is a little bit different. As much as our guys change every season and Michael changed a little by the end of last season as well, you realize that someone who looked like the warlord of apocalypse world in the first episode, you eventually realize he’s quite disappointed with how everything worked out. Now he comes to our world and he has a second chance, and he wants a different result. So it’s the same character, but a little different. And then writing for Jensen, you know whatever you write he’s gonna make it better, and that’s across the board. Obviously there’s a temptation when you’re writing for Dean to put jokes in and things like that and that’s much harder to do with Michael. He’s really not pop culture savvy.

Me: (laughing) No, he doesn’t seem too funny.

Andrew: He’s not a laugh riot, sort of a mean sense of humor, you know what I mean? So it’s been an adjustment, but with Jensen, he knocks it out of the park, so that’s never a concern.

supernatural producer andrew dabb
Andrew Dabb

Our table also asked Andrew about the 300th episode, and his answer just about made me too excited to stay seated.

Andrew: Well, the 100th episode had very few nods, the 200th we went very meta and very much kind of fan-based, so I think for the 300th we want to kinda split the difference. The thing we started with, which was Meredith Glynn’s idea, is that Sam and Dean live in this bunker and they have for a number of years. And this bunker is in a place called Lebanon, Kansas. We’ve never seen what the people of Lebanon think of Sam and Dean. These two guys like come to the bar or drive the car through or they go to the laundromat, but their shirts are covered in blood, know what I mean?

[audible moans of ecstasy at the table]

Andrew: So it’s not all rosy, and that’s kinda our idea, to look at their world. So it’s a story about Sam and Dean and starring Sam and Dean, but it allows us to make it a love letter to the show and a love letter to them.

Natalie and Lynn especially: OMG OMG OMG so awesome!!!

Andrew: Yeah, I think it’ll be really cool.

On the season as a whole, Andrew had this to say.

Andrew: It’s always been half standalone or quasi standalone and half myth episodes. I would imagine that ratio will stay about the same. We’ve got a lot of balls in the air in terms of the mytharc but also in terms of the characters. Not just Sam and Dean, but Castiel and Jack and Mary and Bobby and Charlie. And we don’t want to bring them back for no reason. We’re more confident that we can spend half an episode with Charlie or half an episode with Mary and Bobby, while keeping the story myth focused.

Lastly, we got to speak to executive producer and writer Eugenie Ross-Leming, who also happens to be married to the real Bob Singer.

Eugenie: So the season starts out with a lot of tension and anxiety, they’re trying to rebuild. And a lot of uncertainty….

Me: That tends to happen when someone’s possessed…

Eugenie: lol

Eugenie Ross-Leming

Me: How much focus will there be on the psychological aftermath of being possessed and the trauma that it brings for Dean?

Eugenie: It will be given some focus. Again, the way we’re handling the aftermath, I can’t tell you. There’s a twist to it, I can tell you that.

Me: Mm hmm. I love when the show gets psychological.

Eugenie: And that’s more fun to write anyway.

She also talked about the process of bringing Gabriel back to the Show.

Eugenie: We wanted him back, we love him, so we made it happen! You can always bring back someone you love. We’re all going up tonight on the plane together, Richard is directing an episode that Brad and I wrote.

Us: Can you tease that?

Eugenie: (laughing) No. But I think he’s doing a great job!

Of that I have no doubt.

And with that, the press room – and for me, the convention – was over. With Comic-Con in its final hours, I made a few last ditch efforts to snag a Supernatural bag, but ultimately failed. Every other year, I’ve managed to trade whatever bag I got for a Supernatural one, but this year the Supernatural bags were few and far between, and not one person who I asked to trade was interested. I guess I’m glad there are so many Supernatural fans out there, but damn. I wanted that bag – it’s gorgeous!

Sunday night was for frantically uploading videos and photos and trying typing up notes and then collapsing in utter exhaustion, but it was a happy exhaustion. Monday I was able to spend some time with friends reminding ourselves that we were in California by doing some sightseeing of beautiful San Diego and then cavorting in the Pacific. It was the perfect way to end another Comic-Con – here’s to next year!

And the countdown to Supernatural Season 14 begins…

‘Supernatural’ Season 14: Everything you need to know Part 1

It’s no secret to anyone who has ever read one of my fan psychology or Supernatural books that I love Comic-Con – my first year there was 2007, when you could still drive your rental car right up to the convention center, park in the underground garage and stroll up to get in the (very small) line to get in. It was Supernatural that brought me to Comic-Con back then, and it’s still Supernatural that brings me back now, and every year in between. The Show has gone from Room 6BCF to the larger Ballroom 20 and finally for the past few years, the gigantic Hall H. Like many loyal fans, I’ve followed along and celebrated the Show’s success as it defied the odds and refused to be cancelled. Last year saw a triumphant celebration of that tenacity, with Kansas appearing to play the Show’s unofficial theme song, Carry On Wayward Son, live on the Hall H stage.

Nobody expected Warner Brothers to top that amazing feat this year, and yet anticipation was high for our first glimpse of Season 14 – and Supernatural (as always) did not disappoint.

My Supernatural-centric Comic-Con began on Thursday night with the Wayward Cocktails party in the Gaslamp district’s Analog Bar. Jules Wilkinson (better known as admin of the SuperWiki) and friends throw this party most years, and it’s a great place to meet up with all your fellow Supernatural fans. It’s also a charity event, so I brought along some copies of Family Don’t End With Blood to donate, benefiting Random Acts along with Public Counsel legal services advocates. All the television screens in the bar were playing episodes of Supernatural; there were Supernatural themed drinks, plenty of food, and of course pie for dessert. Ruth Connell joined us at our table for a while, and I had a chance to chat with Scoobynatural writers Jeremy Adams and Jim Krieg, who would love nothing more than to reprise that amazing episode.

jeremy adams jim krieg with movie tv tech geeks lynn zubernis

I also got to hug some of the people who keep the Show awesome, like the always adorable post coordinator Mary Manchin and showrunner’s assistant Meghan – and to talk Season 14 a bit with writer Davy Perez. He’s excited about the upcoming episode written by Meredith Glynn, and that makes ME even more excited! More on that later, because SQUEE!

Friday stayed Supernatural-focused with the Warner Bros. party at Float, the rooftop bar of the Hard Rock Hotel. My friend M. Night Shyamalan was also at Comic-Con, premiering the trailer for his new film Glass (more about that coming up!) so I invited him to come by the WB party – because it’s always a fabulous party! He stayed long enough to chat for a little while, and then ran into Jensen Ackles as he was leaving, so they got to reconnect too. That’s what makes Comic-Con so awesome!

m night shyamalan with movie tv tech geeks lynn zubernis

Along with my good friends Laurena and Alice, I chatted Season 14 of Supernatural at the party with producer Jim Michaels while we sampled the delicious food and drinks, including the pros and cons of a reduced season of 20 episodes instead of 23. I was thrilled to hear that Jim’s optimism about the Show continuing for a while matches my own. We also were happy to run into showrunner and director Bob Singer and his wife, writer and executive producer Eugenie Ross-Leming. Both are excited about the new season, even if Bob did try to retire a few years ago – but we all know how that turned out!

Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins and Alex Calvert joined the party a short while in and stayed until they literally turned the lights on to try to convince those of us who were having way too good a time to finally leave – sorry, Float employees! My chats with Jensen were about his singing prowess and whether he’d run into Night before Night had to leave (he had), with Jared about his recent birthday, and with Misha about politics – and whether I need a new phone (I do).

misha collins with lynn zubernis mttg spn

My chats with Alex were a bit more substantial – I can’t say enough about what a lovely person Alex is and how thoughtful about this unique situation he finds himself in. Needless to say, he was nervous about being onstage at Hall H in front of 8000 people on Sunday, but as I told him that night – the rest of the cast have his back. And so does the fandom.

(And yes, he kicked ass at the panel on Sunday!)

alex calvert with movie tv tech geeks lynn zubernis
Alex Calvert with our Lynn Zubernis

Ruth Connell and Rob Benedict were also at the party, and it was heartwarming to watch the cast greet each other with so much genuine affection. I chatted with Ruth about her panels at Comic-Con, including one all about witches which she found very empowering.

Ruth: I’ve never been so proud to portray a witch!

Former Supernatural writer Adam Glass was also there, and it was wonderful to re-connect with him and be able to thank him for all the Supernatural actors he’s cast in the shows he’s moved on to.

At times, the Supernatural gang was a tight knit circle – a group of people who are clearly always happy to see each other. I think, honestly, that makes all the difference. They got to mingle with actors from the other Warner Bros. shows who were there, but they also just enjoyed each other’s company – and they were in no hurry to leave. In fact, I’m fairly sure our cast closed the place down!

Saturday I kept the Supernatural connection going with panels and press room interviews for season 2 of Midnight Texas (with former Supernatural writers and now showrunners Nicole Snyder and Eric Charmelo) and season 4 of The Magicians (with former Supernatural showrunner and writer Sera Gamble and of course Felicia Day). Much more on both of those soon! Saturday also left me a little bit of time to hang out with friends, which is as much what Comic-Con is about as going to panels or waiting in line for the Pop Funko exclusives you reallllly want. I also found time to reconnect with Supernatural alum Robbie Thompson, who I will forever miss as a writer on the Show but am thrilled to call a friend whose career success I can keep celebrating. Stay tuned for more of our chat with Robbie coming up!

So yes, I love Comic-Con. Not that there aren’t downsides to being in a place with over 100,000 other people and only three Starbucks. My friend Laurena and I waited 45 minutes for our lattes one day – and that was AFTER we’d waited in line to order them! The wear and tear on your feet and your back is also significant – one day I clocked over 5 miles just walking between hotels and convention center, and while my backpack was a lifesaver, it got heavier and heavier as each day went on. But oh, so worth it!

Sunday is Supernatural day, so I always wake up with butterflies in my stomach and an extra bit of exhilaration as I make the long trek up to Hall H. The press area is in the middle a dozen or so rows back, so I had a pretty good view of the stage as we waited for the panel to start. Writer Steve Yockey was seated nearby, so we chatted a bit – once again, he had all sorts of good things to say about some of the episodes coming up, including the one penned by Meredith Glynn. AAAAHHHHHH is it October yet???

Finally, it was time! Richard Speight Jr. and Rob Benedict took the stage, once again our panel moderators. I always feel so lucky that instead of someone who may or may not really know a show and the panelists, we get to have two actors who are an integral part of the show and very good friends with the cast on the panel too. Not to mention Rob and Rich are just plain hilarious, especially when they’re together – like a Kings of Con reunion onstage at Comic-Con! Rich and Rob even gave us a little acapella version of Dust In The Wind to make up for the lack of actual Kansas this year. And I feel like, you know, they just GET us…

Rob when Jensen took the stage: Isn’t he dreamy?

Rich: OMG he’s so hot!

I had a chance to chat with Rob after the panel and asked him how much of their hilarious panel banter was scripted and how much was improv?

Rob: All of it!

richard speight jr with rob benedict at comic con 2018

Why am I not surprised? That’s the thing about Rob and Rich and about this cast they know so well – they can all do the off-the-cuff thing brilliantly because they do it constantly onstage at Supernatural conventions, so they’re like a well oiled comedy machine. And we get to reap the benefits!

The Comic-Con 2018 Supernatural panel was showrunners Andrew Dabb and Bob Singer, Exec Producers and writers Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner, and cast Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins and Alex Calvert. The panel kicked off with a sneak peek at Season 14 – and Michael!Dean. OHMYGOD. I can’t say enough about how mesmerized the entire room was by that scene and Jensen Ackles’ performance as Michael. All 8,000 people were so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Michael was so unlike Dean that it was striking – and in turn both terrifying and disturbingly attractive, radiating a calm that you just know is covering up power that could turn deadly in a heartbeat. If I was excited about Season 14 before, I’m way more excited now!

Jared, who had just seen the clip for the first time as well, interjected to compliment Jensen on his incredible work.

Jared: I hadn’t seen that scene yet, that was my first time to see it, and I kinda got chills. Way to go, Ackles.

jared padalecki claps for jensen ackles supernatural scene

Jensen: It’s also just really cold backstage…

Ackles has said he was nervous about playing a different character, especially on a familiar set with familiar other characters, but he knocked it out of the park. Before last season ended, he asked Christian Keyes, who played Michael in S13, for any tips on how to play him. As Jensen acted out onstage, Christian just flipped his long coat back with a flourish.

Jensen: (deadpans)  I’ve been nailing that move ever since.

jensen ackles works his dean winchester star at comic con 2018

It’s always interesting to watch the actors listen intently to what the showrunners and executive producers are saying about the show and the characters they play; I get the feeling that sometimes they’re as eager as we are to figure out what the people who write the show are planning for them!

Andrew Dabb: So Dean isn’t returning to the show…

Jensen Ackles: (silently) What now?

Richard to Andrew: Does any of Dean ever seep out while he’s Michael?

Jensen: (looks at Andrew expectantly)

jensen ackles looking at andrew dabb at comic con 2018

The first time Rob asked Jared a question, someone in the audience yelled out “I love you, Jared” and Padalecki immediately responded with an “I love you back.”

Rob: So much!

Again, I feel like Rich and Rob are just speaking for us…

Jared: Thanks, Mom.

jared padalecki waves thanks mom at comic con 2018

One of the biggest reveals to come out of Comic-Con for Supernatural this year was that Sam won’t be clean shaven – or even just a bit scruffy.

Jared: Sam is sort of distracted, because his brother isn’t around, so he hasn’t shaved in a little bit…

Misha: (reaches over to stroke Jared’s beard, grinning)

Rich: So freaking hot!


jared padalecki stroking his beard at comic con 2018
misha collins laughs after stroking off jared padalecki beard at comic ocn

Rich: So, Misha…how is this for Cas, is he in more of a hunter role?

Fans start to scream at that, Misha looks thoughtful, which I guess Richard thought looked alarmingly like a frown.

Rich: Don’t get mad at them, they’re supporting you!

Misha: I think this is sort of a roll up his trenchcoat sleeves moment for Cas.

Jared and Jensen: (shake their heads in a fervent no)

misha collins talks cas trenchcoat on supernatural
jared padalecki jensen ackles eyes close for supernatural comic con mttg panel

Misha had a question of his own.

Misha: You cast Alex on the show, and Alex looks exactly like me. Are we gonna find out eventually that Cas is the dad?

Bob Singer: (deadpans) I don’t think they look anything alike.

Alex: Wait til I start wearing a trenchcoat…

alex calvert talking about wearing trenchcoat on supernatural

All four actors were in a great mood, teasing each other and laughing frequently just as they do when they’re at a Supernatural convention together. Again, I feel like we’re the luckiest fandom in the universe – our cast have an even deeper friendship than most, since they’re not only together on set but they travel the world together on weekends doing conventions too. It shows in how they amuse each other, and in the level of comfort they have with each other. And it makes for a great panel!

Jared: What’s harder, Jack having no powers or Alex having to worry about getting kicked in the crotchal area?

Alex: Jack is going through a lot, so it really helps knowing that I might be kicked in the balls at any time by my coworkers.

Jared: You’re welcome.

jensen ackles with alex calvert supernatural comic con panel

Jensen didn’t miss the chance to rib Rob either.

Jensen: Generally on the show, we get rid of those omnipotent characters, and they don’t really come back…

Jared immediately jumped on the bandwagon, both of them teasing Rob. Rob’s voice went higher and higher as he tried to move on from that, which made Jared and Jensen start cracking up for real – when does THAT happen between a cast and a moderator? The love on that stage is palpable, and it makes all the difference.

jared padalecki laughing with jensen ackles comic con 2018

Jared insisted that Jensen had an idea for the 300th episode (to which Jensen looked somewhat worried…) – that it should be based on The 300, and they all wear togas.

Fandom approves.

Bob Singer is pretty good at the teasing too. Rich asked if Jensen had any input into Michael’s wardrobe, and Bob expanded on that answer.

Bob: Any time Jensen has to dress up as anything, the cowboy, whatever, this is his input – “this is what I wanna wear.”

Jensen: (nonplussed) One of them was the dodgeball gym coach. So, you’re welcome.

jensen ackles commenting on dodgeball gym coach supernatural mttg


Misha: Jensen was legitimately more excited about the cowboy outfit than Dean.

Misha paused in the panel for a few minutes to ask for volunteers to hand out voter registration cards, which made me love him even more than I already do – which is a helluva lot.

Andrew also let us know that some of the Wayward women will be back this season, along with Rowena (that came with a shout out to Ruth Connell, who got a huge ovation from the crowd).

What has made Supernatural successful for 14 years?

Alex: It’s brotherhood, it’s family.

Jensen: The show pivots around one central character…. The car.

Jared: Number one to why we’re still going? Y’all. (gesturing to the fans) And I care about the people I work with, there’s a legitimate sense of family.

Misha: This is rare, but I’m gonna echo what he said. This fandom, there are some unique ingredients that go into this. One is that the show has been on for so long. People have grown up with this show.  We have all grown up with this show, and the bonds that you form, with the cast and with the characters, it coalesces around the word family. We’ve spent a lot of time together and forged real emotional bonds, and the audience can feel that.

Andrew, for his part, gave the actors a ton of credit – whatever you throw at them, you know they’re gonna make it better.

And I’ll just say Misha Collins had the last word of the panel – and it brought the house down.

misha collins closes down comic con 2018 supernatural panel

We were, as is the Comic-Con tradition, treated to the gag reel for Season 13 near the end of the panel. I could seriously watch about 80 hours of Supernatural gag reel – not even exaggerating! I can’t wait for the DVD set to come out so I can rewatch it again and again, because there are inevitably priceless moments. I was particularly excited that one of the amusing moments I got to see filmed made it to the gag reel, when Jensen suddenly broke into dance while waiting for a retake.

And then it was time for the cast to say goodbye. Jared tossed his name card into the audience; Jensen surreptitiously (not) slipped his into his pocket.

supernatural star jensen ackles jared padalecki enter comic con 2018
Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles at Comic-Con Supernatural Panel 2018

After the panel, we had an hour to rush to the press area and download some photos and eat a hot dog, then it was off to the Hilton Bayfront for the Supernatural press room. This is my second year in the press room, so I wasn’t quite as nervous about my technology failing me (though it did…) and more able to just enjoy the chance to chat with everyone. We had a great table of press, some of whom I already knew, and everyone had great questions. Press rooms can be stressful things, since there’s a very limited amount of time and no guarantee that every cast member will get to your table – which means I actually did get anxious anyway. But big kudos to Warner Brothers’ Holly Ollis and Nikki Calderon, who managed to make sure that every single table got some time with every single one of the cast and producers. Phew!

Executive producer and showrunner Bob Singer was the first to come to our table – which is why I was so nervous I didn’t even manage to take a picture of him!

Our table asked what he could tease about Season 14?

Bob: Oh nothing, we have strict instructions…

We laughed, but he relented.

Bob:  I think Season 14 is gonna be a little less broad in scope and a little more emotional, with more personal stories about the guys. We’ll look at what Jack’s going through with losing his powers, and if and when Dean comes back from Michael, what it will be like with his relationship with Sam. We also have a lot of fan favorites who will be back – Bobby, Charlie.  I think it will be a little more low key, but it will still be Supernatural, just more personal and emotional.

(That literally had me bouncing with happiness because yay for more personal and emotional! Okay, maybe not literally)

One of the questions for Mr. Singer from our table was, ‘What does Bob Singer have planned for Bob Singer?’

Bob: (laughing) I’ve actually had friends from New York be like, really? You named a character after yourself? You’ve gone that Hollywood? I didn’t do that, Eric Kripke did that! That character was supposed to be a one-off, one episode and done, but we love Jim and Bobby Singer so it’s my misfortune to have to deal with that. All I can say is that he and Mary start an interesting relationship…

Then it was my turn to ask a question.

Me: How weird is it directing Jensen Ackles as a totally different character?

Bob: Jensen is so good, he can inhabit pretty much any character he wants to play.

Me: Well that’s true!

Bob: Jensen always come through with his performance. He’s always prepared and he knows in his own head what he wants to do. That said, if you give him shadings or you say ‘I don’t think that’s quite what we’re going for, how about trying this?’ he’s generally quite open to that, he doesn’t fixate on what he wants to do so much that he’s not open to suggestions. Actually every actor in our cast is easy to work with from a directorial point of view. The most you’ll have is a spirited discussion (laughing). Over 13 years with these guys, there’s a trust built up on both sides so it’s really a fun show to direct. It’s something special – it feels like family.

Next up, we had the man himself, Jensen Ackles. This is probably my favorite press room interview ever, simply because of Jensen’s reaction to our table. He sat down looking a bit weary after a marathon three days of constant interviews and photo sessions, and then he caught my eye and realized he was at a table with someone he knew – and then realized that I wasn’t the only one he knew there! His face lit up and he exclaimed “Hey! Familiar faces!”  I confirmed that he was indeed at a friendly table, and he grinned and promptly put his head down on the table for a nap. Poor tired bean!

We were a lucky table indeed, because we not only got relaxed and happy Jensen, but we got finger guns Jensen too!

Our table also got the major spoiler that Jensen had just filmed some scenes as Michael – with his wife! So apparently Danneel Ackles and her character Anael will be back early on in Season 14 and she and Michael will have some sort of interaction. That got an audible gasp from the table, needless to say. [And a big thank you from our table to publicist Holly, who gave the okay for him to spill]

Jensen also asked what we thought about the sneak peek scene of him as Michael, and how nervous he was about playing a different character – and having to speak Arabic and wanting very badly to get it right!

Jensen: I couldn’t get any of it wrong, because it was a Holy verse. So that was very nervewracking.

Me: That was fascinatingly NOT Dean, in that clip we just watched.

Jensen: (hopefully) Yeah?

supernatural jensen ackles interviews at comic con

Me: I was sitting there the whole time trying to figure out WHY it was so not Dean, and I don’t know if it was the lack of emotionality, or the lack of humor, or he has a slower way of speaking…

Jensen: (nodding) Yeah

Me: It was strikingly different. Was that hard?

jensen ackles on supernatural season 14 for mttg

Jensen: Yes. Yes. I was constantly having to go through checklists in my brain while I was performing. I was kinda trying to keep my eyes bigger and not blinking as much, slowing down the pace of the speech, not making it as colorful, a little more monotone, and then constantly telling myself ‘you are omnipotent, you are omniscient, you can do anything you want. You are the biggest, baddest Archangel there is.’

jensen ackles perks up for mttg press at comic con 2018
jensen ackles serious interview with movie tv tech geeks comic con 2018

Me: [is about to melt under the table due to Mr. Ackles saying that right to me, with all those big badass words NGL]

Check out the entire almost 8-minute interview here, with lots of insights about the challenges and rewards of playing Michael on Supernatural!

I spent some of the press room catastrophizing that we wouldn’t get to chat with Jared Padalecki, but I should have trusted the way they run the Supernatural press room, because sure enough, Jared made his way to our table. We were last to get to speak to him, but we ended up with our full allotted time because that’s just the kind of guy Jared is. Our table was again lucky, since we got a Padalecki wink and some great discussion of Season 14 and Sam Winchester.

We already knew that Sam will be taking on more of a leadership role, but one of the things we asked Jared was whether we’d also get to see the emotional side of where Sam is as a result of the trauma of losing his brother.

jared padalecki talks sam leadership role in supernatural season 14 with dean
jared padalecki funny look for mttg comic con press room

Jared: Yes, and his leadership role is also very different than when he led hunters against the British Men of Letters. That was I’ve gotta buck up and hold down the fort, this is him forced into it, but his plate is so full. Jack, who he’s always taken a liking to and tried to look out for, is now a broken kid. Last year he was a being we didn’t know what he could do – Sam legitimately cared about him, but there was also fear. This year there’s none of that. Sam also has 30 hunters from another planet living in the bunker, so you’ve gotta tell them how to hack a computer or where to buy toilet paper down the road. Those hunters and Sam have a similar desire and motivation but it’s also ever so slightly different. Sam wants to save Dean; the hunters want to kill Michael.

jared padalecki talks supernatural season 14 with mttg at comic con
supernatural jared padalecki movie tv tech geeks interview at comic con 2018 look
All photos by Lynn Zubernis aka @FangasmSPN

Jared went on to say that Sam is hoping to get to Michael first, because while Michael might be difficult to kill, his vessel is not!

Jared also talked about how much he loved that we got to deal with Sam’s trauma in Season 13. Dean, in contrast, is not one to open up and talk about his trauma. Sam is uniquely qualified to say Dean, let’s talk about this, Jared said – and Cas is too.

Jared: It’s like, we’ve been there, let’s talk about this.

Now that I cannot wait to see!!!!

Check out our full interview with Jared here, including more about Sam’s relationship with Jack coming up in Season 14!

Part 2 of Lynn’s Supernatural Season 14 coverage continues here.

Why Joss Whedon is quiet about ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ reboot

You would have thought that after news broke again about a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot hitting television, Comic-Con 2018 would have been the place for creator Joss Whedon to discuss it. Whedon was there appearing on the Dr. Horrible panel, but nothing. No announcements at the con.

Simply put, the team behind the reboot is keeping their ear to the ground with fan reaction. This rumor has been around for years now, and fans of the cult hit have been very divided. We know how the pr machine works in Hollywood. You use the trade mags to slip out the story and build up the anticipation before announcing it at Comic-Con. We’re hearing that while it’s been reported that they’ll be shopping it this summer, don’t be shocked if things go very quiet.

Whedon is a very busy man, and his keeping quiet says volumes about the chances for a Buffy reboot coming anytime soon.

buffy vampire slayer with spike

Here’s the full reporting on what’s expected from the reboot:

Hellmouth residents may begin raising holy hell as news has broken that Joss Whedon’s beloved cult series Buffy the Vampire Slayer is getting rebooted. I’m definitely on the fence about this one as Buffy was such a landmark show for television, and it just seems way too soon to be rebooting it. Maybe an original idea for a series perhaps while new fans can continue discovering this amazing series that launched offshoot Angel and David Boreanaz, who hasn’t stopped working since. Having Whedon behind the wheel keeps more on the positive side of the fence, and it will truly be all about casting the right actress to take on this multi-faceted role. It’s not an easy one.

This time around, Buffy to be played by a young woman of color, per The Hollywood Reporter. Whedon will executive-produce, with Monica Owusu-Breen (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) writing the pilot and serving as showrunner for the new series developed by 20th Century Fox Television.

Breen’s new script features a black actress playing the role of Buffy made famous by Sarah Michelle Gellar. (Yeah, yeah, Kristy Swanson originated the role in the 1992 feature film of the same name written by Whedon, but Gellar perfected it.) The new version of Buffy will be contemporary and feature a diverse cast. Like the original series, it will use its monsters and demons as metaphors for issues facing young people.

“Like our world, it will be richly diverse, and like the original, some aspects of the series could be seen as metaphors for issues facing us all today,” producers on the project told Deadline, which first reported news of the “Buffy” reboot.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer originally ran for seven seasons on The WB Network and UPN from 1997 to 2003. The story later continued in comic book form once the series ended.

Although the show has not yet found a network it can call home, 20th Century Fox Television will pitch the new, more inclusive Buffy to streaming and cable outlets later this summer. We have a hunch they’ll get some bites. Anne Rice landed Hulu for her Vampire Chronicles, so those biters are getting popular again.

No actors have been cast in the series reboot yet.

Midnight, Texas creator Monica Owusu-Breen has signed on to oversee the project along with penning the script. Director Joss Whedon, who created original series, will return to executive produce, but he has been helping on the script which should give Hellmouth fans some good news. Gail Berman, Joe Earley, Fran Kazui and Kaz Kazui (who produced Whedon’s original Buffy film that inspired the TV series) will also serve as exec producers on the potential series.

In addition to Gellar, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” catapulted the careers of actors David Boreanaz, Alyson Hannigan, Charisma Carpenter, Nicholas Brendon, James Marsters and Anthony Stewart Head.

In 2017, Whedon expressed some hesitation when it came to reviving or rebooting Buffy. “I see a little bit of what I call monkey’s paw in these reboots. You bring something back, and even if it’s exactly as good as it was, the experience can’t be. You’ve already experienced it, and part of what was great was going through it for the first time. You have to meet expectations and adjust it for the climate, which is not easily,” Whedon told the Hollywood Reporter. “Luckily most of my actors still look wonderful, but I’m not worried about them being creaky. I’m more worried about me being creaky as a storyteller. You don’t want that feeling that you should have left before the encore.”

It’s unclear if any of the original cast members will be part of the new project or if Whedon will take on any additional roles on the series as he also has the HBO series The Nevers. If you recall, juggling several shows didn’t work out so great when he had Buffy, Angel, and Firefly going at the same time.

david boreanaz with sarah michelle gellar buffy vampire slayer
David Boreanaz with Sarah Michelle Gellar

Is It Really Worth Rebooting A Classic Cult Series?

Personally, I don’t see the reason to reboot a show like Buffy as the original holds up today. While some may say that Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show was a reboot, it was a reboot of a not so hot 1992 film (with Kristy Swanson as Buffy). For me, remakes should be of a film or tv series that had great potential but never quite reached it. It’s impossible to say that about this show. Some of the broad elements were implied in the show, but whatever in the film that didn’t fit into the Buffy canon was ignored. So, if Spider-Man keeps getting rebooted time and again with Tobey McGuire, Andrew Garfield and now Tom Holland, some will say it’s fine.

This is the issue. Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show has frequently been cited as one of the best television series of all time which produced a very successful and satisfy spin-off with Angel. The comic book version is still going strong, and it will be hard for fans (myself included) to see anyone else playing Sarah Michelle Geller, David Boreanaz and Alyson Hannigan.

While some can argue that Star Trek did it, but that was 40 years later. Buffy has hit 20 years now, plus it’s much easier to see than Star Trek was during that time. Are the producers planning to recreate many of the same storylines that made Buffy so memorable? I can only hope not as that is just lazy.

riff regan playing willow in buffy vampire slayer pilot
Riff Regan as Willow in unaired pilot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer

One pro is the diversity the reboot team wants to bring in, but if that’s the only reason why they are doing this, why? Just to say ‘hey, we’re with the times?’ Unless you plan on creating new characters that are diverse, just plopping in a diverse cast into the same roles seems a waste of time and money. The core cast was defined by the actors playing them. One great example would be to check the original unaired pilot which had Riff Regan playing Willow before Alyson Hannigan took over the role.

While none of us know what Joss Whedon has in mind, maybe they are thinking about Buffy not set in this time period. Maybe a prequel style thing, but the only thing that has me nervous is that Whedon hasn’t stated much, and we don’t know if he’ll continue on with the show if it sells. Maybe they want to use some of the storylines from the comics.

My final question is that if Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot happens, can we expect another brilliantly memorable musical episode or The Body?

‘Supernatural’ Comic-Con Talk with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins

Nothing could top last year’s Supernatural panel with Kansas, but this year the stars were every bit as excited about the new season. Rob Benedict and Richard Speight Jr. returned to moderate, along with showrunners Andrew Dabb and Bob Singer, exec producers Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner, and stars Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins and Alex Calvert.
Fans were treated to a preview of Season 14 featuring Ackles as Michael, which as both shocking and chilling – and I can’t wait to see more! We also got to see the gag reel for Season 13 and can I just say that Supernatural gag reels should be about 8 hours long? At least.

The actors all teased their characters’  arcs for the new season. Ackles talked about playing the new character of Michael, with the built in challenges of not being Dean (and having to speak Arabic in the first scenes!) He nailed it of course, but it was still nervewracking. He also confided that he was most nervous playing Michael opposite one particular character – played by his wife! Ooooh.
It will be Sam, Cas and Alex to the rescue in Season 14, with Sam leading the charge. Jared says he’s ready for that challenge, and also that Sam is motivated a bit differently than the AU survivors, who are all focused on killing Michael. Sam, however, is determined to save his brother. And all I can say is, bring it!!

Misha Collins is also ready for Castiel to be part of the rescue team. Like Jared, Misha said that Cas has just one thing on his mind — save Dean. Heaven is still staffed by way too few angels, but Dean Winchester is the priority right now.

And once they have Dean back, it will be up to Sam and Cas to help him deal with the psychological aftermath of being possessed – if anyone understands what he’s been through, it’s going to be them. Now if he’ll only open up and talk to them!

Alex Calvert also talked about the emotional trauma that Jack endured last season – we left him sitting alone lost in his own pain as everyone else celebrated around him. Jack has been through alot, and it will be fascinating to see how he copes with the loss of his powers – and the loss of the dream of being with his father too.
alex calvert movie tv tech geeks supernatural interview
After chatting with the actors and producers and watching the sneak peek, am I even more excited about Supernatural Season 14? The answer is a resounding YES. Stay tuned for much more from Comic Con, including more Supernatural content!

‘Shazam!’ ‘Aquaman’ could give Marvel some needed competition

History repeats itself. Shazam! is better than Superman. In the 40s, Shazam!, aka Fawcett Comics’ Captain Marvel bested DC’s Superman in sales leading DC to sue Fawcett for ripping off Superman. It was a longshot but DC succeeded.

So why does history repeat itself? The recent Shazam! trailer from the recently-announced and officially named Worlds of DC looks awesome and is quite funny. In this world of Donald Trump, ISIS, Russia, and China, we could sure use a departure from reality and get away from ‘grounded’ movies. With this new, brighter, fantastic and comedic outtake, Shazam! practically gives the middle finger to Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.

They say that Man of Steel is more grounded and realistically depicts how a boy copes with being different until he becomes a superhero. But it’s all too angst-y and incredibly dark, especially in Batman v Superman. But Shazam! seems more realistic where as a kid that age, were I given superpowers, I’d be so psyched and enthusiastic and not be all morose. At that age, Clark would be more confident of himself even if he had to hide his special abilities, much like in the original Richard Donner film where he plays tricks with his Smallville classmates while pretending to be nerdy.

Zachary Levi working his Shazam!

Zachary Levi looks great in his Shazam! costume which is totally ripped from the comics. The luminous lightning bolt though reminds me of those storm troopers in Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future. Not sure if it’s CG though as it looks like an LED strip which reminds me of Green Lantern which they really didn’t have to completely render in CG making Green Lantern the colossal bomb it became. So it’s not really such bad thing to take a costume right out of the comic book. Richard Donner’s Superman worked wonderfully so why darken the hopeful blue to a depressing hue? Shazam!’s costume looks a bit silly but proper execution and comedic tone should keep the primary colors out of the audience’s mind. Kind of how those primaries are hidden from comic book readers.

With Shazam!, it looks like it’s DC’s time to shine. Shazam! by the way doesn’t disregard the other Worlds of DC films. In the trailer, we see that Batman and Superman exist. But in effect, Shazam! might as well be a DCEU reboot along with Wonder Woman 84 and Aquaman in terms of lighter tone and brighter costumes.

jason momoa bulging with aquaman pride

As for Aquaman, whose trailer was also just released, the trailer is awesome. I’m not much of an Aquaman fan, but I’ve gotten to know the character through the animated films especially in Justice League: Throne of Atlantis to which this film borrows from. And honestly, both Aquaman and the Flash are the more interesting characters in the failed Justice League film than The Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman themselves.

The colors in the trailer are still consistent with the first DCE—Worlds of DC films but a shade brighter, just like in Wonder Woman. Gradually departing from Snyder’s darker universe. Maybe if Snyder were to come back to work, he’d fit right in with a rebooted Monsterverse. Orm the Oceanmaster and Black Manta look amazing and the effects of Atlantis look just as great. The character of Aquaman’s lightheartedness and carefree attitude are refreshing and Amber Heard as Mera looks wonderful.

Just like with Marvel, it seems like the more obscure characters of DC are the ones that can save them. The world’s audience have been so saturated with Batman and Superman franchises that they just don’t care anymore. It’s probably why Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl have found success on the small screen. Superhero films are still the ticket with these upcoming films. Here’s to hoping they won’t disappoint.

Denzel’s ‘Equalizer 2,’ ABBA’s ‘Mamma Mia’ sequel rule box office weekend

While most movie geeks were being entertained at Comic-Con 2018 in San Diego, there were enough varied moviegoers to have Denzel Washington’s “Equalizer 2” duking it out very closely with “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” sequel.

In the battle of two very different sequels at the box office this weekend, Denzel Washington’s action pic “The Equalizer 2” has narrowly won out over the ABBA jukebox musical “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again.” “Mamma Mia” sequel was projected to take first place, but Denzel was having none of that.

Studios on Sunday estimate that the R-rated Denzel Washington joint grossed $35.8 million from North American theaters over the weekend. It’s Washington’s first ever sequel and the biggest opening of director Antoine Fuqua’s career. The first “Equalizer,” from 2014, opened similarly and went on to earn over $190 million worldwide.

It’s yet another box office success for Mr. Washington, 63, whose last decade has consisted of an uninterrupted string of hits, from “The Magnificent Seven” to “Flight” to “Safe House.” “The Equalizer,” which was directed by Mr. Washington’s frequent collaborator Antoine Fuqua, more or less matched the opening weekend returns of its highly successful predecessor when adjusted for inflation, and received a top-notch A CinemaScore. The film’s gross should easily surpass its budget of $62 million in the coming weeks.

Second place went to Universal Pictures’ “Mamma Mia 2,” which took in $34.4 million, a sum that was driven by an audience that was 83 percent female and 64 percent over the age of 25. The film brought back much of the original cast, like Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried, and Pierce Brosnan, and added Cher, Andy Garcia and Lily James to the mix. Critics overall gave the sequel better marks than the first, which still went on to gross over $600 million worldwide 10 years ago.

Despite dipping into ABBA’s lesser-known catalog, the film did even better than its predecessor, which made $27.7 million in 2008. The film also unsurprisingly thrived in Europe, given its Greek location and Swedish roots; it has now made $76.8 total worldwide.

“We consider this a terrific opening,” said Jim Orr, Universal’s president of domestic distribution. “And knowing the audience for these types of films, we are going to have a very healthy run at the domestic and worldwide box office. This is a very fun, very uplifting movie that people need right now.”

It’s also a rare showdown of two star-driven films that succeeded in targeting two very different audiences.

“It’s amazing how well-matched these contenders are,” said comScore senior media analyst Paul Dergarabedian. “Both studios really did a great job of marketing each of these movies to their target audience. It’s classic counter-programming.”

“Mamma Mia!” and “The Equalizer 2” excelled by courting extremely different audiences. According to CinemaScore exit polls, the audience for “Mamma Mia!” was 83 percent female and 68 percent Caucasian; “The Equalizer 2” drew an audience that was 58 percent male and 53 percent Hispanic and African-American.

Sequels powered the top six spots at the domestic box office this weekend and eight out of the top 10 overall. “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation” came in third with $23.2 million in its second weekend, “Ant-Man and the Wasp” took fourth place with $16.1 million in its third weekend, “Incredibles 2” landed in fifth with $11.5 million, and “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” came in sixth with $11 million.

Blumhouse, the horror studio behind low-budget hits like “Get Out” and “Happy Death Day,” tallied another modest success with “Unfriended: Dark Web.” The found-footage film, which was made for about $1 million, depicts a group of friends who start using a laptop with access to the dark web, only to find they are being watched by the laptop’s original owners. The film made $3.5 million over the weekend, good for ninth place.

The only two originals in the top 10 were “Skyscraper” and “Sorry to Bother You.”

“People are enjoying these films,” said Dergarabedian. “It doesn’t matter if there’s a number after the title.”

And yet there are still original films and documentaries making their own modest impact on the charts, including “Blindspotting,” a buddy comedy with some serious themes about race and class starring Tony-winner Daveed Diggs that opened in 14 theaters and made an estimated $332,500.

“Movies like ‘Sorry to Bother You’ and ‘Blindspotting’ are showing that in the summer people don’t live by blockbusters alone,” Dergarabedian said.

“Eighth Grade,” a critically adored teen movie directed by Bo Burnham, made $794,370 over the weekend as it continues its gradual rollout. The A24 film has made $1.2 million across two weeks and will expand wide on Aug. 4.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to comScore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

denzels equalizer 2 and mamma mia rule box office weekend 2018 images

  1. “The Equalizer 2,” $35.8 million ($3.3 million international).
  2. “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again,” $34.4 million ($42.4 million international).
  3. “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation,” $23.2 million ($37.7 million international).
  4. “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” $16.1 million ($21.6 million international).
  5. “Incredibles 2,” $11.5 million ($36.5 million international).
  6. “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” $11 million ($17.3 million international).
  7. “Skyscraper,” $11 million ($27.3 million international).
  8. “The First Purge,” $5 million ($8.9 million international).
  9. “Unfriended: Dark Web,” $3.5 million.
  10. “Sorry to Bother You,” $2.8 million.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to comScore:

  1. “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again,” $42.4 million.
  2. “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation,” $37.7 million.
  3. “Incredibles 2,” $36.5 million.
  4. “Skyscraper,” $27.3 million.
  5. “Dying to Survive,” $25.3 million.
  6. “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” $21.6 million.
  7. “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” $17.3 million.
  8. “Hidden Man,” $10.4 million.
  9. “The First Purge,” $8.9 million.
  10. “Animal Crackers,” $3.7 million.

Comic-Con Day 4 Sunday events you MUST check out plus Saturday recap

As Comic-Con 2018 comes to a close, there’s still plenty of great events to hit on Sunday including the Supernatural and Riverdale panels. Our Lynn Zubernis will naturally be all over everything Supernatural so give her a hello and a fun selfie.

night king cosplay at comic con for game of thrones

Ryan Reynolds made a triumphant return to San Diego Comic-Con Saturday to promote the release of a Deadpool 2 extended cut.

Speaking to a packed Hall H audience, Reynolds said that the first Deadpool was made because of the people in the room.

The enthusiasm around footage shown at the comic book convention in 2014 convinced the studio to make it.

The second movie, Reynolds deadpanned, was made because of “corporate greed and a splash of destiny.” The two films have made over $1.5 billion worldwide.

The Deadpool 2: Super Duper Cut features alternate jokes, extended and deleted scenes. Reynolds said that they shot so many alternate versions of every joke that they could basically release a different film.

Deadpool 2 will be available on blu-ray on Aug. 21.

walking dead zombie at comic con 2018

An estimated 130,000 people hit the San Diego Convention Center this year, and one of the best scene-stealing panels was the Breaking Bad cast reunion when Aaron Paul brought his infant daughter. Add to that she appeared in a yellow hazmat suit and respirator like the one her daddy wore as Jesse Pinkman and it was a true scene stealer.

aaron paul with baby daughter in breaking bad hazmat

Wonder Woman 1984 is only three and a half weeks into production, but that didn’t stop star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins from bringing some footage to Comic-Con.

Audiences in the comic book convention’s Hall H on Saturday got an early look at a scene where Diana Prince saves a young girl from some bad guys in their Miami Vice-finest in a very ’80s-looking mall.

The clip played Saturday came in a stuffed presentation by Warner Bros. that included footage from two other DC Comics films, Aquaman and Shazam! The Wonder Woman and Aquaman characters are key characters in DC’s Justice League franchise, the superhero supergroup that is meant to be the studio’s answer to Marvel’s “Avengers.”

The first Wonder Woman film was a cultural and financial blockbuster, earning more than $800 million globally. It also became the most successful live-action film directed by a woman.

Jenkins explained Saturday why she set the movie in the 1980s.

“It was mankind at its best and worst,” she said. “We see Wonder Woman in a period of time that is us at our most extreme…We thought it could go on forever, everything we were doing right then.”

Chris Pine also joined Gadot and Jenkins on stage, but all stayed mum about how and why his character Steve Trevor is back considering his fate in the first movie.

“I am actually not really here right now,” Pine said. “I am just an aura of emotional support for my friends.”

Jenkins did say, however, that his presence is a “very important part” of the movie and that audiences will have to see it in November 2019 to find out why.

dr artemus peepers magicians at comic con

Now here’s the events you must check out for Comic-Con 2018 Day 4 Sunday:

Christian Comics Art Society

Featuring Sergio Cariello (The Action Bible), Scott Zambelli (Topps Transformers), Jackson Fong, Carmi Greene (actress), and Ralph Miley (CCAS president), the Christian Comic Arts Society along with Geeks4God and Geeky Guys for God celebrate 20 years of having the open meeting of the CCAS on Sunday morning of Comic-Con. Christian professionals in the entertainment industry will discuss their faith and how it influences them in their professions, their decisions, and the creative process. Room 28DE, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

San Diego International Children’s Film Festival

Comic-Con International welcomes the San Diego International Children’s Film Festival back for its 15th big year. The festival features creative, exciting, and imaginative short films from around the world-animation, live-action, and documentary-good for all ages. Enjoy films from the United States Taiwan, Spain, New Zealand, France, Russia, Israel, Germany, Hungary, and Canada. Throughout the day, animators and filmmakers will talk about their work, how kids can make their own films, and careers in animation and filmmaking. Room 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Lego Ninjago

If you think ninja and LEGO are cool, then this is the panel for you! Ninjago veterans Tommy Andreasen (co-creator/producer) and Michael Svane Knap (LEGO senior design manager) are joined by lead writer Bragi Schut, voice talents Brent Miller (voice of Zane), Kelly Metzger (voice of Nya), and Vincent Tong (voice of Kai) to talk about their favorite memories and other reflections on creating LEGO’s longest running and most successful show. Bring the kids! Ninjaaaaa-GO! Moderated by the LEGO Group’s Brian Bowler. Room 6A, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.


The series’ stars and executive producers answer questions about the shocking events in last season’s intense finale and reveal what’s in store for the 14th season, when the show will reach the rare milestone of 300 episodes! Fans will also be treated to an exclusive video presentation featuring series highlights. Supernatural will return to The CW on Thursdays this fall in its 8/7c time period. The series is produced by Kripke Enterprises Inc. in association with Warner Bros. Television. Hall H, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

DC Kids: Sunday Art School

It’s Sunday Funday! Bring your kids along as some of the best young adult/kids’ artists DC has to offer are here to share with you their drawing tips and tools for the trade. Fan favorites Art Baltazar and Franco (DC Super-Friends), Agnes Garbowska (DC Super Hero Girls), Monica Kubina (DC Super Hero Girls), and Tom Richmond (MAD) are your tutors for today’s class. Room 11, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.


Following yet another drama-filled season and shocking season 2 finale, don’t miss Riverdale when it returns to San Diego for its third appearance at Comic-Con-this time in Hall H! Catch up with Archie and the gang as they continue to dive into the secrets that loom and keep emerging from the shadows in a town that once seemed like a quiet, ordinary place. The circumstances surrounding Archie’s arrest kick off the drama of season 3 as the gang tries to #FreeArchie and Hiram Lodge continues to flesh out his plans to control not only Riverdale but the ever growing SoDale. Based on the characters from Archie Comics and produced by Berlanti Productions (The Flash, Supergirl, Blindspot, Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow) in association with Warner Bros. Television, this one-hour drama is a bold, subversive take on the surreality of small-town life. See a special video presentation followed by a Q&A with series stars and producers. Hall H, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Inside the Comic-Con Museum

Staff and special panelists will present a behind-the-scenes look at plans for the upcoming Comic-Con Museum in Balboa Park. Room 29AB, 12 p.m.-1 p.m.

World premiere of DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis

The girls of Super Hero High take a deep dive in their latest adventure as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment brings the World Premiere of DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis to Comic-Con International. In this all-new entry to the worldwide DC Super Hero Girls franchise phenomenon, the young super heroes must venture to Atlantis when the powerful Book of Legends is suddenly stolen from Super Hero High. Once there, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Bumblebee, and the rest of the Super Crew must contend with the formidable Mera and Siren, the ocean-dwelling thieves. In order to recover the stolen tome and return it to its rightful place, the Super Hero Girls must band together and use their collective powers to successfully get back to land . . . and back to class! Grey Griffin (Velma in the Scooby-Doo franchise), voice of Wonder Woman, will give a special introduction to the film. Room 6BCF, 12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

World premiere of Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis

Aquaman must battle foes in the air, on land, and in the depths of the Seven Seas, along with some help from The Justice League, to save the day in his latest animated adventure, LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis. Enjoy the first-ever live showing of the film, then prepare for laughs when the postscreening panel takes the stage. Discussing the fun of making a LEGO movie will be actors Dee Bradley Baker (American Dad!) as Aquaman, Troy Baker (The Last of Us, Batman: Arkham Knight) as Batman, Grey Griffin (DC Super Hero Girls) as Wonder Woman and Lois Lane, Cristina Milizia (Bunsen Is a Beast) as Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz, Susan Eisenberg (Justice League / Justice League Unlimited) as Mera, Eric Bauza (The Adventures of Puss in Boots) as Jimmy Olsen, and Fred Tatasciore (Batman Ninja) as the villainous Lobo. Filmmakers on the panel include Matt Peters (LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Gotham City Breakout), screenwriters Jim Krieg (Batman: Gotham By Gaslight), and Jeremy Adams (LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash), and executive producer Brandon Vietti (Young Justice). As usual, expect some additional surprise panelists, plus everyone in the audience will receive an exclusive LEGO mini-figurine of Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern. Room 6BCF, 1:45 p.m.-3:30 p.m.


FX’s Legion, based on the Marvel Comics by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz, is the story of David Haller, a man who believed himself to be schizophrenic only to discover that he may actually be the most powerful mutant the world has ever seen. Along with a team of other extraordinarily gifted people, David learned to accept his true self and set out to defeat the Shadow King, who was on a path to attaining infinite and world-ending power. In season 2, a series of mind-bending twists and turns called into question who is the hero and who is the villain. Creator/executive producer/writer/director Noah Hawley, alongside fellow executive producers John Cameron and Marvel’s Jeph Loeb, and some cast members will participate in a conversation of what to look forward to in season 3. Hall H, 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m.

Comic-Con Talk Back

President of the Comic-Con board of directors John Rogers will be present to listen to attendees’ feedback about this year’s event. What did we do right? What could be improved? We want to hear from you! Room 23ABC, 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

DC Comics gets ‘Aquaman,’ ‘Wonder Woman,’ ‘Shazam!’ spotlight at Comic-Con 2018

It’s been a rather quiet Comic-Con 2018 compared to previous years, but Warner Bros. amped up things Saturday with the first look at James Wan’s “Aquaman” with a very giddy Jason Momoa on the panel.

Warner Bros. brought out all the stops Saturday at Comic-Con with an army of stars, surprises and new footage from films like “Aquaman,” ″Shazam!” and even “Wonder Woman 1984,” which is only three and a half weeks into production. Jason Momoa, Gal Gadot, Chris Pratt, Johnny Depp and Nicole Kidman were just a few of the starry names to grace the stage of the comic book convention’s Hall H.

jason momoa works his trident at comic con 2018
Jason Momoa works his trident for Aquaman at Comic-Con 2018

Momoa, who stars as Aquaman, seemed to be as excited as those in the 6,500-seat audience, if not more so. The actor was downright giddy speaking about the film, which is over five years in the making.

“My heart is big and open,” he said. “I’m really, really happy.”

Director James Wan, best known for his “Conjuring” films, introduced some new footage from the origin story, which hits theaters in December.

aquaman first poster for jason momoa
First poster for Aquaman starring Jason Momoa

jason momoa bulging with aquaman pride

“I wanted to create a superhero film that we’ve never quite seen before. I wanted our film to be more unique,” Wan said. “My movie plays more like a science fiction fantasy film than a traditional superhero movie.”

jason momoa gal gadot at comic con 2018
Jason Momoa, Gal Gadot at Comic-Con 2018

With 20 weeks of filming left to go, “Wonder Woman 1984” star Gadot and director Patty Jenkins also took a break from their Washington D.C. shoot to tease a little bit of footage from the highly anticipated follow-up to the groundbreaking superhero film.

The clip showed Diana Prince saving a young girl from some bad guys in their Miami Vice-finest in a very ’80s-looking mall.

Chris Pine also joined Gadot and Jenkins on stage, but all stayed mum about how and why his character Steve Trevor is back considering his fate in the first movie.

“I am actually not really here right now,” Pine said. “I am just an aura of emotional support for my friends.”

Jenkins did say, however, that his presence is a “very important part” of the movie and that audiences will have to see it in November 2019 to find out.

She did explain why she set the movie in the 1980s.

“It was mankind at its best and worst,” Jenkins said. “We see Wonder Woman in a period of time that is us at our most extreme…We thought it could go on forever, everything we were doing right then.”

Another audience-pleaser was “Shazam!” and Zachary Levi was on hand to introduce the first trailer for the DC superhero film, or “Big” with superpowers. The origin story shows how a bullied 14-year-old kid becomes the superhero (and a fully-grown man) after a fateful ride on the subway. The film comes out in April.

“There are very few characters who are just stoked to have their powers,” Levi said. “Since I still am waiting to wake up one morning and fly, to do that, I just got to be me. I got to be a genuine part of myself … I love that there’s still an optimism in him.”

“Maybe now more than ever we need heroes like that, who care about people,” Levi added.

Chris Pratt also took the stage with Phil Lord and Christopher Miller to tease “The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part,” out in February. Pratt says his own trajectory mimicked his character Emmett’s journey in “The Lego Movie.”

When he was cast in the first movie, he was still best known for being Andy in “Parks and Recreation,” but by the time they finished voice-recording, he was Star-Lord in “Guardians of the Galaxy” and one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

“You think, ‘Oh my life is a computer simulation, and I’m living in the Matrix,’” he said.

The sequel will feature a few winks to Pratt’s real life and career, including a character named Rex Dangervest, who counts “raptor trainer” as one of his many jobs.

Pratt’s comment about the impact of “Guardians of the Galaxy” on his life was his only mention of the franchise on stage, which came just one day after writer and director James Gunn was fired from the third installment over past tweets. The actor pulled out of planned press line interviews following the news.

In addition to showing the trailer for “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” many of the stars of “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald,” like Eddie Redmayne, Jude Law, Zoe Kravitz and Ezra Miller (sporting a “Super Mario Bros.” Toad costume) turned out to talk about their sequel as well.

“Everything is at stake, really,” Law said of the film that comes out Nov. 16. “The depths and darkness in this story are the darkest that this world has plumbed before.”

Other topics discussed included Law’s “hot Dumbledore,” and what they’d use Harry Potter magic for. Not missing a beat, Kravitz said, “Impeach Trump.”

Johnny Depp, who plays Grindelwald, also made a surprise appearance in costume and character. “I love you Johnny,” shouted an audience member.

As in years past, the studio brought out all the stops for the showstopper presentation, bringing in screens that stretch around 180 degrees of the massive room, and a booming sound system to match.

Comic-Con 2018 Day 3: Saturday events you MUST attend

There were a few surprises Friday on Day 2 of Comic-Con 2018 in San Diego as James Gunn was summarily fired from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Andrew Lincoln confirmed that season 9 would be his last on AMC’s The Walking Dead. We had already reported his upcoming death next season, but the actor got to say so himself.

With Marvel absence at this years Comic-Con, DC Comics and Film has upped the ante and is getting a chance to get some much needed spotlight.

Check out all of our Comic-Con coverage here.

Steven Universe (10AM–10:50AM, Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

Cartoon Network will chat about its upcoming season of the animated show with creator Rebecca Sugar (who will bring her ukulele) along with cast members Estelle, Michaela Dietz, Deedee Magno Hall, and Zach Callison.

Warner Bros.

Get a first look at the studio’s highly anticipated future releases. Films and special panelists TBA. Hall H, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Black Lightning

Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) made his choice: He hung up the suit and his secret identity years ago. But with crime and corruption spreading like wildfire, and those he cares about in the crosshairs of the menacing local gang The One Hundred, he must return as Black Lightning to save not only his family but also the soul of his community. Series stars and producers give an electrifying look at season 2! In addition to Williams, the supercharged series stars China Anne McClain, Nafessa Williams, Christine Adams, Marvin “Krondon” Jones III, Damon Gupton, and James Remar. Based on the characters from DC, Black Lightning is from Berlanti Productions and Akil Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti, Salim Akil, Mara Brock Akil, and Sarah Schechter. Ballroom 20, 11 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

The Simpsons

The Simpsons’ team looks ahead to their 30th(!) season with creator Matt Groening, executive producer Al Jean, legendary director David Silverman, actress Tress MacNeille, and moderator Johnathan Fernandez. Ballroom 20, 12 p.m.-12:45 p.m.


After a mind-blowing season 1 finale that saw Krypton’s history drastically rewritten, the future of Superman has never been in greater jeopardy. The cast and creators of SYFY’s hit series discuss the many surprises of the first season and give an inside look into what fans can expect in season 2. Hilton San Diego Bayfront, 12 p.m.-12:45 p.m.

ComiXology Originals: On the Horizon (3PM–4PM, Room 29AB)

ComiXology’s head of content will be joined by a number of comic creators to take a look at what original content is coming from the publisher in the near future.

American Dad!

It’s a Smith Family Funday with “Francine” (Wendy Schaal), “Steve” (Scott Grimes), “Klaus” (Dee Bradley Baker) “Snot” (Curtis Armstrong), “Barry” (Eddie Kaye Thomas), Toshi (Daisuke Suzuki) and executive producer Matt Weitzman, who will treat American Dad! fans to a first look at scenes from all new episodes coming soon to TBS. Ballroom 20, 1 p.m.-1:45 p.m.

The Orville (4PM–4:50PM, Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

Seth MacFarlane’s Star Trek-inspired space show is coming back for a second season, and he’ll be on hand with some members of the cast and crew to take a look at what’s to come when the show returns in December.

Family Guy

Cast (Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mike Henry) and executive producers (Rich Appel, Alec Sulkin, Steve Callaghan) from FOX’s hit animated comedy Family Guy look back at their favorite family memories and offer a sneak peek featuring hilarity and hi-jinx from the upcoming season. Ballroom 20, 1:45 p.m.-2:15 p.m.

Marvel Comics: Next Big Thing

Editor-in-chief C. B. Cebulski and executive editor Nick Lowe are joined by Donny Cates (Cosmic Ghost Rider, Death of Inhumans) and Margaret Stohl (Life of Captain Marvel) to discuss the startling stories and initiatives that are truly the next big things in the Marvel Universe! In Fantastic Four, the Richards family is heading back to Earth, but they still have one more cosmic obstacle to overcome. Meanwhile, the specter of death hangs around the Inhumans and the Ghost Rider of a dark future in Donny Cates’s Death of Inhumans and Cosmic Ghost Rider. And as the Infinity Wars ignite, are any characters truly safe? All this, plus learn more about the definitive origin of Captain Marvel, as Margaret Stohl opens up about Life of Captain Marvel. Room 6A, 1:45 p.m.-2:45 p.m.

The Gifted

From 20th Century Fox Television in association with Marvel Television, season 2 of The Gifted picks up after the explosion of the Atlanta Station. The Mutant Underground search for their friends and family who left with The Inner Circle. Having tracked them outside of Washington, D.C., they must contend with new groups with extreme ideologies, both human and mutant alike, to stave off a brewing conflict. Executive producers Matt Nix and Jeph Loeb and stars Stephen Moyer, Sean Teale, Jamie Chung, Emma Dumont, Blair Redford, Natalie Alyn Lind, and Skyler Samuels show an exclusive first look at the upcoming season. Returning Tuesdays this fall on FOX. See an extended season 2 sneak peek. Ballroom 20, 2:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m.

San Diego creators

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means … awesome comics! See what effect sunshine and surf have on local San Diego creators Kevin Eastman (TMNT), Lora Innes (The Dreamer, Wynonna Earp), Lucas Turnbloom (Dream Jumper, Hot to Cat), Mary Fleener (The Less You Know, The Better You Feel), Richard Friend (artist, Wild Cats, upcoming Vampire Hunter D), and Sarah Gaydos (editor). Moderated by San Diego local Chris Ryall. Room 8, 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.


Season 3 saw Supergirl stop Reign and the other Worldkillers’ threat to humanity and our planet, and in the process Kara was shocked to find her mother Alura alive and living in a salvaged Argo City that survived the destruction of Krypton. Reconnecting with her past caused Kara to realize that her true home is now here on Earth, where big changes are taking place for her and all of her friends in National City and also, it appears, for a doppelganger in Russia! Season 4 promises to be full of surprises, action, adventure, and lots of big revelations for Supergirl, Alex, James, J’onn, Lena, and Brainy. The series’ cast and creative team give a special video presentation, followed by a Q&A where they’ll discuss what’s to come and more. Ballroom 20, 3:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m.

EW: Women who Kick Ass

A discussion among fierce, fearless actresses Chloe Bennet (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Regina King (Watchmen), Camila Mendes (Riverdale), Amandla Stenberg (The Darkest Mind), and Jodie Whitakker (Doctor Who), who open up about the power and privilege of playing women who redefine the rules and refuse to yield. Moderated by EW’s Jessica Shaw. Hall H, 4 p.m.-5 p.m.


There have been no shortage of close calls for Oliver Queen when it comes to protecting his superhero identity, but in the season 6 finale, he was finally backed into a corner and forced to reveal himself to the world as the Green Arrow. Now, Oliver will come face to face with many of the criminals he placed behind bars, as he makes a new home for himself at Slabside Maximum Security Prison. Oliver will find himself vulnerable in a way unlike ever before when a mysterious new enemy begins to unravel his work as Green Arrow, challenging him to redeem his name or risk losing everything. Join the cast and producers to be among the first to learn more about what this means for Oliver and the rest of his team. Ballroom 20, 4:15 p.m.-5 p.m.

The Man in the High Castle

The Man in the High Castle is back to preview its third upcoming season on Prime Video. This panel features cast and creator discussion, exclusive sneak peeks, and audience Q&A. Panelists will include Alexa Davalos (Mob City), Rufus Sewell (Victoria), Stephen Root (Dallas & Robo), and Jason O’Mara (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), along with executive producer Isa Dick Hackett (Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams) and Dan Percival (Strike Back). Room 6A, 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m.

Netflix’s Disenchantment (5:30PM–6:30PM, Room 6A)

Matt Groening will preview his forthcoming fantasy animated show for Netflix.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

After defeating Mallus by cuddling him to death with a giant stuffed animal named Beebo, the Legends were ready to ease off the gas. That was until Constantine arrived to inform them that, in solving one major problem, they have created another, much larger one. When the Legends let time crumble in order to release and defeat Mallus, the barrier between worlds softened. History is now infected with “Fugitives,” magical creatures from myths, fairytales, and legends. Having been expelled throughout time by people like Constantine, these Fugitives are now returning to our world in droves and making a real mess of things. So when all hell breaks loose, who ya gonna call? That’s right, the Legends! Join the cast and creators of The CW’s zaniest superhero series at their annual Comic-Con panel for an in-person look at what makes this time-traveling crew tick. Ballroom 20, 5 p.m.-5:45 p.m.

Deadpool 2

Prepare for the ultimate superhero landing as Deadpool and pals drop into Hall H for an hour of maximum effort. Expect dirty jokes, broken fourth walls, maybe some spandex, and real, live unicorns!* *Panel may not actually include mythical creatures. Hall H, 5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.

The Flash

Matching wits with The Thinker, who by season’s end had harnessed the powers of all 12 bus metas he created, stretched Team Flash to its limits, but with the help of some new allies, Barry Allen (a.k.a. The Flash) and company were able to put a stop to the Enlightenment and save Central City once again. However, with the arrival of Barry and Iris’s speedster daughter Nora, who appears from the future admitting to having made a “big mistake,” things are anything but status quo. Will parenthood be the challenge that finally slows the Flash down? For answers to this and all your other season 5 questions, please join the cast and creators of The CW’s highest-rated series at their annual Comic-Con panel. Ballroom 20, 5:45 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

History Channel’s Project Blue Book (6:45PM–7:45PM, Room 6A)

We’ll get a preview of the History Channel’s new scripted drama based on “the true, Top Secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force from 1952-1969.”

An evening with Kevin Smith

If you’re into it, Kevin Smith wants to use his mouth on you. The podcasting director returns to the Hall H stage after nearly dying of a heart attack back in February! Hear him talk about directing Supergirl and Flash, his new show Hollyweed, and the forthcoming sequel, Jay & Silent Bob Reboot. Hall H, 6:45 p.m.-8:15 p.m.

Syfy’s The Magicians (7PM–7:50PM, Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

The Syfy channel’s fantasy show The Magicians is coming back for a fourth season sometime next year, and the show’s cast and crew will be at the panel to answer questions and to provide a look at what’s to come. Our Lynn Zubernis aka @FangasmSPN will be there, so stop and say hello or give her a selfie moment!

Comic Con 2018 Day 1: RIP ‘The Walking Dead’ Rick Grimes, Thomas Jane’s feet and ‘Clone Wars’

Even with the absence of HBO’s Game of Thrones, Westworld and everything Disney including the back for another season Agents of SHIELD, Comic-Con 2018 had plenty of great events to offer up on Day 1.

There were a few not really surprises confirmed, but the biggest surprises were the return of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Marvel’s Iron Fist returning to the small screen.

Check out all of our Comic-Con coverage here.

The Walking Dead Makes It Official: RIP Rick Grimes

It was an explosive rumor back in May that The Walking Dead star Andrew Lincoln would be exiting the series after just six episodes in the upcoming ninth season. After nine years being away from his London home, it’s only natural for Lincoln to need a break from the grueling tv schedule. Now we know for certain that Rick Grimes is on his way out as TWD creator Robert Kirkman confirmed Lincoln’s departure during an interview with filmmaker Kevin Smith.

Fans thought it would be Darryl being killed off, but as ratings continue dropping for the show, it will be interesting to see which way they go with Rick Grimes departure. You can be sure ratings will be huge for the episode he gets killed off, but expect a big dip the week after. Personally, I was a huge fan until the season opener that saw killing off Glenn. I continued watching, but something had changed in the show, and it didn’t feel like must watch tv any longer. I’ve got plenty of episodes built up on my DVR (12 I think), so binge watching might get me back on that TWD train again.

Fox Screens More Footage From The Predator

SDCC’s Hall H has become hallowed ground for sci-fi/superhero/generally awesome projects to launch buzz campaigns, and this year’s slate began with 20th Century Fox’s The Predator from writer/director Shane Black (here’s a little fun fact: Black actually played a role in the 1987 original). The panel included Black and stars Sterling K. Brown, Olivia Munn, Keegan Michael-Key, Thomas Jane and Trevante Rhodes.

The crew showed off some new footage from the film in which a threatening Predator catches a beat down from the unexpected arrival of a significantly larger version. Thomas Jane’s feet got plenty of attention on Thursday also.

“Thomas,” asked Sterling K. Brown, The Predator‘s Will Traeger, “would you do everyone a favor and show them your feet real quick?” Jane, the star of such Comic-Con-beloved hits as The Expanse and The Punisher, obligingly propped his bare toes on the table. “Thomas doesn’t wear shoes!” Brown exclaimed. “He walked everywhere in Vancouver, in the middle of winter, with nothing on his feet. I thought, ‘You should be cold right now!'”

comic con 2018 predator panel thomas jane not happy

The panel for The Predator was full of similarly personal revelations, as the film’s cast members—including Olivia Munn, Keegan-Michael Key, Jake Busey, Trevante Rhodes, and Augusto Aguilera—gathered in Hall H to reveal early footage from the movie, which is directed and co-written by Shane Black. The original 1987 Predator, Black said, “was a piece of perfect pop art: The alien craze of the ‘80s and the Rambo craze, put together. And it had a wink to it, because you had these muscular guys with weapons that were absolutely ridiculous.” (Not to mention the occasional ridiculously choppy one-liner.)

Black’s new version, he noted, was intended as a sort of “Dirty Half-Dozen.” In one clip screened for the hall, Munn—playing a government biologist—finds herself in a hotel room with a group of sarcastic ex-soldiers who’ve just escaped an encounter with a deadly Predator. “They have me on call,” Munn’s character says, “in case there’s … contact.” Throwing together a bunch of outsiders, and casting the movie with a squad of recognizable character actors, gave Black “a chance to bounce people off each other,” he said,”and make these guys as relatable as possible.”

That bounciness continued after filming was finished. “My favorite thing on a film is set building an almost insta-culture,” said Key. “We spent a lot of time in my trailer watching YouTube videos, blaxploitation movies, Dolemitemovies, The Room. We would do everything in our power to get some moment from those movies into our movie.” Key was especially keen on getting one of his favorite blaxploitation lines into The Predator. “I tried six times: ‘Bitch, are you for real?'”

Black also debuted a sequence in which a Predator—after nearly offing an on-the-run trio played by Munn, Room star Jacob Tremblay, and Logan’s Boyd Holbrook—is annihilated by a bigger, meaner, never-before-seen Predator that’s eager for revenge. “There’s a faction on Predator homeworld that’s been bested not once, but twice, by earthlings,” said Black. “They send their champions to earth, and they don’t come home. They don’t like that. So we figured they want to punch back.”

So did Munn, who wanted to make sure her scientist character could handle a firearm with relative ease. “When you see a movie where a guy picks up a gun, he just automatically knows how to use it,” she said. “And girls are just like, ‘I don’t know…’ I didn’t want her to be proficient, because she’s not a soldier. But I wanted her to know how [to shoot], the ways guys know how.”

Yet the biggest skill on display was Jane’s foot-free lifestyle (the actor explained that he spent years in a shoeless society, and was kicked out after wearing shoes to a restaurant). It was a moment that made everyone in the room think: Are you for real? “As a black man who has fought really hard to get good tennis shoes,” said Sterling, “and to have good coverage on both of his feet. I’m like, this is a white man who’s just like, ‘My feet are tough enough.'” Whether they’re tough enough to help The Predator crew outrun the enemy remains to be seen.

star wars the clone wars returns to tv

Disney Announces That Star Wars: The Clone Wars Animated Series Will Return

This certainly came as quite the surprise.

As a big fan of Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, which ran from 2008 to 2014, I assumed we had seen the last of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker’s adventures set between Episode II and Episode III of the main saga (I’m still catching up on Rebels). Yet the years-long Twitter campaign #SaveCloneWars appears to have worked as Star Wars animation head honcho Dave Filoni revealed, on the show’s 10th anniversary no less, that Lucasfilm is bringing Clone Wars back with 12 new episodes. They even dropped a trailer!

The show will be available on Disney’s upcoming streaming service along with Jon Favreau’s live-action Star Wars series and a whole bunch of other goodies.

doctor who season 11 new cast

Doctor Who Season 11 Trailer

Hey, guess what? Gender-swapping is nothing new in Hollywood, so if you’re one of those “fans” who is all bent out of shape that the Doctor is now a woman, deal with it. There’s no need to go Star Wars fan route and attack. Roll with the times.

New star Jodie Whittaker was joined by showrunner Chris Chibnall and executive producer Matt Strevens in Hall H where they debuted the first trailer. Chibnall promised that the Doctor and her crew would come across “a lot of new monsters this year.”

“All of this is new to me,” Whittaker’s Doctor says in the trailer’s voiceover. “New friends, new worlds, new times. So, if I asked really really nicely, Would you be my new best friends? Right, this is going to be fun!”

charmed reboot cast at comic con 2018

Charmed  Reboot Gets Going

The Charmed reboot hasn’t enjoyed the smoothest of rides since it was announced, and The CW said it was adding a new “feminist” storyline. That didn’t sit well with original cast members such as Hollie Marie Combs, who played Piper for all eight seasons.

“Guess we forgot to do that the first go around. Hmph,” Combs wrote on Twitter at the time.

At SDCC, the network premiered the pilot episode—which reportedly focused heavily on the #TimesUp and #MeToo movements in some capacity—and kicked off its panel with producers and the new cast (Madeleine Mantock, Sarah Jeffery and Melonie Diaz).

Producer Jennie Snyder Urman said of the reboot: “The original was so much about female empowerment and sisterhood and strong women taking over the world, and I feel like that’s what we need right now. So it felt like a good time to get back to that and to show women kicking ass.”

crazy ex girlfriend cast at comic con 2018

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Teases Series Finale

Despite the increasing excellence of The CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, co-creators Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna have always maintained that the show would not run beyond four seasons. With the final run expected to premiere later this year, Brosh McKenna teased the series finale.

“The last scene has always been the same. Generally, directionally, we knew what every chapter of the four was going to be,” she said. Bloom added, “This season is all about putting together the pieces. The show is about inner happiness and how you can externalize that in your actions and that’s what she’s learning about in season four.”

Sadly, fans shouldn’t get their hopes up about any potential continuations, as Bloom explained: “It’s a finite story we’re telling. It’s meant to be a very specific period in a woman’s life… As far as the story, we’re telling a 62-hour movie.”

Marvel’s Iron Fist Will Return on Friday, September 7

We have no clue why.

Iron Fist was easily the worst of Netflix’s Marvel empire, which is comprised of DaredevilJessica JonesLuke CageThe Punisher and the crossover miniseries The Defenders (which we may not see again as it might have been an expensive misfire). In fact, each of the respective Marvel series on the streaming platform are plagued with pacing issues and a lack of plot to sufficiently fill 13 episodes. But hopefully, new Iron Fist showrunner M. Raven Metzner (Sleepy Hollow), who was introduced at SDCC, can help solve some of those problems.

Alice Eve (Star Trek Into Darkness) was also introduced at the panel and will be taking on the villainous role of Typhoid Mary, who Eve describes as “very very violent, but the reason I took the role is because I got to play someone with multiple personalities.”

Breaking Bad Reunion

The Breaking Bad team reunited in Hall H in honor of the 10th anniversary of the AMC drama, which premiered in January 2008. By the time it left the airwaves in 2013, the odd little series about a chemistry teacher turned meth kingpin had developed a ravenous fan base and changed the look of television forever.

“This is like introducing The Beatles,” noted host (and Breaking Badalum) Bill Burr as he brought out the team: creator and showrunner Vince Gilligan and leading men Bryan Cranston (Walter White) and Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman), who brought out his infant daughter, dressed in a yellow hazmat suit authentic to the show. Also onstage were co-stars Anna Gunn (Skylar White), Dean Norris (Hank Schrader), Betsy Brandt (Marie Schrader), R.J. Mitte (Walt Jr.), Bob Odenkirk (Saul Goodman) and Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring).

The show didn’t become a phenomenon until relatively late in the game, so the cast and crew had the benefit of making the early seasons in relative anonymity.

“Nobody knew who we were. I knew we started to make an impact when the directional signs started to be stolen,” Cranston said, referring to signs telling where cast and crew should park. “I kept thinking, ‘Not only am I getting lost, but something is happening.'”

Gilligan recalled Cranston’s first Emmy win as the most out-of-body experience he’s ever had.

“I’m thinking there’s no way he’s going to win. Just because it was only seven episodes. And they said ‘Bryan Cranston.’ All the air went out of my lungs,” said Gilligan. “I hit my hands together so hard, as soon as I got home I had to put them in ice water.”

One of the keys to the show’s success was the chemistry between Paul and Cranston. Famously, Gilligan initially intended to kill off Jesse, something Cranston would use to tease his co-star by hinting that the week’s script had some bad news for him.

“He comes up to me and just gives me a really long, exaggerated hug,” recalled Paul. “And he’s just not letting me go. I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ ‘Hey man, it’s been a fun ride.’  I’m like, ‘What do you mean?’ … He walks away.”

Paul read the script, and naturally, Jesse was still alive. Another time, Cranston told Paul they needed to measure him for a coffin, acting like it was something Paul knew about.

Though Breaking Bad ended on a definitive note, the question on people’s minds until it happens is when Walt or Jesse might show up on the prequel spinoff Better Call Saul.

“I think there’s an excellent chance of any and all these folks showing up,” said Gilligan. “[But] you will not see Walt or Jesse in season four of Better Call Saul, and not to be a downer, but we hate jerking folks around.”

Gilligan added he would not be surprised if they showed up before the series ended.

The reunion followed a panel for Better Call Saul, starring Odenkirk as Jimmy McGill, the criminal lawyer who eventually becomes Saul Goodman. Odenkirk seems to be pushing for Norris’ Hank to show up on the series, pointing out that in their first scene together in Breaking Bad, it was established they knew each other — and didn’t care for one another.

“Something bad happened. Let’s find out what it is,” said Odenkirk.

As for the future, during an audience Q&A portion of the panel, a fan asked about the possibility of Breaking Bad becoming a film. Cranston was quick to say, “No.” But Gilligan wasn’t 100 percent against it.

“I love that question. Anything is possible. We live in a world fraught with possibilities,” he said with a smile.

Comic-Con 2018 Friday events you must attend – Day 2

We’ve made it through the first onslaught of Comic-Con 2018, and things are only ramping up. Friday will kick off with so much to check out, so here are the events you must attend. These are the ones worth fighting to get in for.

Check out all our Comic-Con coverage here.

comic con 2018 predator panel thomas jane not happy
Thomas Jane’s feet were the topic at Thursday’s Predator panel.


Young Justice

It’s time for the first look at one of the most highly anticipated shows of the year. In Young Justice: Outsiders, the teenage superheroes of the DC universe come of age in an animated world of super-powers, super-villains, and super-secrets. This time, the team faces its greatest challenge yet as it takes on metahuman trafficking and the terrifying threat it creates for a society caught in the crossfire of a genetic arms race spanning the globe and the galaxy. Producers and members of the voice cast give you an inside look at what it means to be an outsider. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Young Justice: Outsiders is coming soon to the DC Universe digital streaming service. Room 6DE, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

Fear the Walking Dead

Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo, Lennie James, Danay Garcia, Jenna Elfman, Maggie Grace, and Garret Dillahunt join executive producers and showrunners Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg, executive producers Scott M. Gimple, Robert Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd and Dave Alpert, and special effects makeup supervisor and executive producer Greg Nicotero to discuss where the series left off in the midseason finale and what to look forward to when the show returns August 12. Panelists will also participate in a Q&A session and offer an official sneak preview of the second half of season 4. Hall H, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

DC Nation

Rejoice, DC faithful! The DC Nation is back and better than ever! DC publisher Dan DiDio hosts this all-star gathering with Tom King (Batman, Mister Miracle), Joshua Williamson (Flash), Jimmy Palmiotti (Harley Quinn, The Jetsons), Amanda Conner (Harley Quinn, The Jetsons), and Mark Russell (The Flintstones, The Snagglepuss Chronicles) talking and teasing upcoming stories. Room 6DE, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.


Katheryn Winnick (Lagertha), Clive Standen (Rollo), Alexander Ludwig (Bjorn), Alex Høgh Andersen (Ivar the Boneless), Georgia Hirst (Torvi), and Michael Hirst (creator/writer) will get fans excited about the upcoming midseason premiere by discussing last season’s startling alliances, deaths, and unbelievable betrayals as the Vikings fight to rule the world. An exclusive mid-season 5 sneak peek will be presented. (Cast subject to change.) Ballroom 20, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

The Walking Dead

Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Danai Gurira, Melissa McBride and Jeffrey Dean Morgan join executive producer and showrunner Angela Kang and executive producers Scott M. Gimple, Robert Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, Dave Alpert and special effects makeup supervisor and executive producer Greg Nicotero. The panelists will discuss the show’s exciting new chapter and share some hints of what’s to come with a sneak peek into season 9, debuting in October on AMC. Hall H, 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.

Marvel Comics: Spider-Man

Editor Nick Lowe with his Amazing Friends Nick Spencer (Amazing Spider-Man) and Donny Cates (Venom) swing into SDCC with all the hottest spider-news! Nick Spencer ushers in a new era for Spidey that takes the web-head back to basics, while all-new Venom writer Donny Cates lays out what’s in store for the symbiotic hero in both the past and present in his definitive take on the character. Plus, learn the latest about your favorite spider-heroes from across time and space as they crawl closer and closer toward the Edge of Spider-Geddon. Room 5AB, 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Hulu’s World Premiere Screening of Castle Rock

Escape the summer heat for a chilling world premiere screening of the first episode of J. J. Abrams and Stephen King’s psychological-horror series about the hometown of some of your favorite nightmares. You’ve read the books, you’ve seen the movies, you know the characters, but you’ve never heard the story of Castle Rock. Following the screening, the creators and executive producers Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason (Manhattan) and stars Sissy Spacek (Carrie), Bill Skarsgard (It), Melanie Lynskey (Togetherness) and Jane Levy (Suburgatory) will discuss the most tragic and disturbing town in America. Prepare to sleep with the lights on. Ballroom 20, 12:45 p.m.-2 p.m.

Star Trek: Discovery

Over 50 years ago, the world was first introduced to what would quickly become a cultural phenomenon. Star Trek inspired developments in science and technology, broke social barriers, and transported viewers around the globe to new adventures and uncharted frontiers. Last fall, Star Trek: Discovery continued that tradition and followed the voyages of Starfleet aboard the U.S.S. Discovery. The cast and producers of this CBS All Access series look back on season 1 and find out where the crew is headed as it transports into its second season. Cast members scheduled to appear include Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Shazad Latif, Mary Wiseman, Anthony Rapp, Wilson Cruz, Mary Chieffo and Anson Mount alongside executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin. The panel will be moderated by series guest star Tig Notaro, who will appear as chief engineer Reno. Hall H, 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Amazon Prime Video Showcase

Amazon Prime Video brings together six exciting creators to share insights and behind-the-scenes looks into their highly anticipated upcoming Prime Original series. Featured panelists include Carlton Cuse (Lost), the prolific creative force behind Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, premiering August 31st; The Tick creator Ben Edlund; Sam Esmail (Mr. Robot), director of Homecoming; world-renowned author Neil Gaiman (American Gods), creator/writer/showrunner of Good Omens; Lore super-producer Gale Anne Hurd (The Walking Dead); and Naren Shankar, showrunner of The Expanse. Ballroom 20, 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Disney-Lucasfilm Publishing: Stories from a Galaxy Far Far Away! (2PM–3PM, Room 7AB)

Disney will showcase its upcoming publishing plans. Expect the company to reveal some new books from the Star Wars universe.

Universal Pictures’ Glass and Halloween

Filmmakers and actors from two of Universal’s most-anticipated upcoming releases — Glass, from M. Night Shyamalan, and Halloween, from David Gordon Green — have a few riveting surprises in store for Comic-Con. Hall H, 3:45 p.m.-4:45 p.m.

Our Lynn Zubernis aka @FangasmSPN will be there so if you see her, give her a hello and selfie op!

DC Justice League

Meet the talented minds behind DC’s “New Justice” movement as they share their inspirations behind your favorite DC superheroes. Scott Snyder, Adam Glass, Joshua Williamson, James Tynion IV, Bernard Chang, and Liam Sharp have a lot to share about your favorite characters and their fight for justice. Room 6DE, 4:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m.


Paramount Pictures brings Transformers to Comic-Con Hall H for the first time with Bumblebee. Director Travis Knight will be joined by star Hailee Steinfeld and cast in a panel moderated by Entertainment Weekly’s Anthony Breznican. Hall H, 5 p.m.-6 p.m.

Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger

San Diego will be getting a little taste of New Orleans! Meet series stars Olivia Holt, Aubrey Joseph, Emma Lahana, Ally Maki, and executive producer/showrunner Joe Pokaski of the new hit summer series that redefined the superhero genre, Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger. Featuring a lively Q&A moderated by executive producer and head of Marvel Television Jeph Loeb, along with a look at exclusive, never-before-been-seen footage.Ballroom 20, 5:45 p.m.-6:45 p.m.

Sony Pictures

Sony Pictures presents two of their most anticipated films produced in association with Marvel. First up, filmmakers and talent will show you what’s in store as the lethal protector Venom finally gets his own movie.Then, the creators of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse give you an inside look at their groundbreaking animated movie. Hall H, 6:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m.


For the last time ever, Comic-Con will be home to a Sharknado panel. Go shark to the future with the cast of the final installment in SYFY’s fin-tactic movie franchise. Stars Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, and Cassie Scerbo are joined by a slew of surprise panelists and celebrity cameos as they take the stage together for the last time. Room 6BCF, 7 p.m.-8 p.m.


Dominic Cooper, Ruth Negga, and Joseph Gilgun join executive producers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg and showrunner and executive producer Sam Catlin for a mid-season 3 discussion about the Preacher story so far and what’s to come. Hall H, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Star Wars Mock Trial: The Court Martial of Poe Dameron (8PM–9PM, Room 7AB)

The Legal Geeks and the Rebel Legion Sunrider Base will put Poe Dameron on mock trial for mutiny for his actions in The Last Jedi. A US Army JAG attorney will advocate for Poe before US Magistrate Judge Mitch Dembin, while Rebel Legion members will portray General Leia Organa and Poe Dameron.

Comic-Con 2018 Thursday events you MUST catch – Day 1

You’ve got your Comic-Con 2018 passes, you’re scrambling to get invited to that “Glass” event, and here are the best events to check out on Thursday Day 1. So get your beta blockers ready (for those who don’t care for such large crowds) and be ready to indulge in the whirlwind of movie trailers, panels, cosplay, interactive experiences, and laying down some dough to get your favorite celebrity’s signature or photo. (Yes, they have to eat too!)

Here’s some of the must catch events for Thursday, July 19th:


  • 20th Century Fox: The Predator (10:30AM–11:30AM, Hall H)

20th Century Fox is one of the biggest studios attending the show this year, but it will really only show off one film: The Predator. Director Shane Black will be there, along with Olivia Munn, Sterling K. Brown, Keegan-Michael Key, Trevante Rhodes, Jake Busey, Yvonne Strahovski, Thomas Jane, and Augusto Aguilera. We’ll probably see a new trailer, too.

  • Doctor Who: BBC America’s Official Panel (11:45AM–12:45PM, Hall H)

BBC America will be back with a look at what’s ahead for Doctor Who. The 13th Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker, will be there, along with Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill, showrunner Chris Chibnall, and producer Matt Stevens.

  • Celebrate the 10-Year Anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (11:45AM–12:45PM, Room 6BCF)

Lucasfilm’s animated show The Clone Wars premiered a decade ago, and creator Dave Filoni and others will look back on the legacy of the show.

  • Brand New Action-Thriller from YouTube Originals: Impulse (12PM–12:50PM, Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

YouTube’s original series Impulse premiered in June, and producers Doug Liman, Gene Klein, and David Bartis, showrunner Lauren LeFranc, and stars Maddie Hasson and Missi Pyle will discuss the show and preview some scenes.

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey 50th Anniversary Panel (12:30PM–1:30PM, Room 6A)

Warner Bros. is teaming up with the Arthur C. Clarke Society, the film’s actors Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood, and a panel of experts to look back on the film and its legacy.

  • Exclusive First Look at New YouTube Originals Sci-Fi Thriller: Origin (1PM–1:50PM, Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

YouTube will preview its new sci-fi thriller Origin. Stars Tom Felton, Natalia Tena, Nora Arnezeder, and Sen Mitsuji along with writer / creator / executive producer Mika Watkins and director Paul W. S. Anderson will show off some new footage.

  • Syfy’s Nightflyers (3PM–3:50PM, Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

Syfy’s next big science fiction show is an adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s space horror story Nightflyers. Show producers Jeff Buhler, Gene Klein, and David Bartis, stars Eoin Macken, Gretchen Mol, David Ajala, Jodie Turner-Smith, and Angus Sampson will talk about what to expect and likely show off a trailer.

  • Breaking Bad 10th Anniversary Celebration (4:30PM–5:30PM, Hall H)

AMC’s Breaking Bad turned 10 years old in 2018, and cast members Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, R. J. Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, and Giancarlo Esposito and creator Vince Gilligan will be on hand to chat about the show’s legacy.

Here are some great fun events that are a MUST GO if you can:

Taco Bell ‘Demolition Man’ pop-up

What: For the 25th anniversary of the film Demolition Man, Taco Bell will be transforming San Diego’s Greystone Steakhouse into to the futuristic version of the fast-food restaurant depicted in the movie. Taco Bell will be giving away free food to promote its nacho fries. Details at SDCC Unofficial Blog.

When: Taco Bell is giving away free food Thursday, Friday, and Saturday between 6 p.m. and 12 a.m.

Where: Right outside the convention center at 658 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101

Badge required? No.

‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ panel

What: Meet the cast of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” — Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatriz, Terry Crews, Melissa Fumero, Joe Lo Truglio, Chelsea Peretti, Dirk Blocker, Joel McKinnon Miller, co-creator/executive producer Dan Goor and executive producer Luke Del — for a conversation at Comic-Con.

When: Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m.

Where: Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront

Badge required? Yes.

Comic-Con 2018 subreddit party

What: Meet up with fellow members of the Reddit community for drinks, mingling, networking and a chance to exchange Comic-Con swag. Sorry, youngsters, this party is only for those 21 or older. Attendees who show up with their Comic-Con badge will get 15 percent off their tab.

When: Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. (Trivia contest at 8:15 p.m.)

Where: Upstairs lounge room at the Tipsy Crow at 770 Fifth Avenue San Diego, CA 92101

Badge required? No, but RSVP is required.

Rave of Thrones

What: Party with Kristian Nairn, aka Hodor of “Game of Thrones,” who will be live DJing at the Omnia Nightclub in downtown San Diego. This party is also for those 21 and over.

When: Thursday, doors open at 9 p.m.

Where: Omnia Nightclub, 454 Sixth Ave., San Diego, CA 92101

Badge required? No.