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Voting machines still vulnerable according to hackers

Just in time for the 2018 mid-term elections, news comes that 23 states have voting machines that can be breached by hackers. This information comes from hackers too.

An uncorrected security flaw in a vote-counting machine used in 23 U.S states leaves it vulnerable to hacking 11 years after the manufacturer was alerted to it, security researchers say.

The M650 high-speed ballot scanner is made by Election Systems & Software, the nation’s leading elections equipment vendor. The vulnerability was the most serious noted in voting equipment in a report Thursday that summarized the findings of security researchers at the September DefCon hacking convention’s “Voting Village ” in Las Vegas, which highlighted some vulnerabilities in election equipment.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://movietvtechgeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/def-con-report-on-voting-machine-vulnerabilities.pdf” title=”def con report on voting machine vulnerabilities”]

“This counts the ballots for an entire county,” said Jake Braun, one of the organizers and a University of Chicago cybersecurity expert said of the M650. If successfully hacked by someone intent on changing vote totals in a swing-state county, “it could flip the Electoral College,” he said.

“One infected disk can take over the entire election system,” said Harri Hursti, another “Voting Village” organizer and the researcher who initially detected the flaw in a 2007 report done for the Ohio secretary of state.

Braun said it is both surprising and a reflection of the state of the nation’s voting equipment industry that ES&S has continued to support and service the M650 — and that many election officials have not retired it.

Cybersecurity experts have long complained that the nation’s antiquated elections infrastructure is highly vulnerable to tampering — now a critical concern given documented Russian attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election. Those activities included probes of elections systems in at least 21 states, a hack into the Illinois voter-registration database and attempts to hack a Florida maker of electronic poll books.

A National Academies of Sciences report in September urged essential reforms by 2020 including sustained federal funding, since elections are administered by the states and security is typically shortchanged. Other recommendations included retiring electronic machines that lack a “human-readable” paper trail and making reliable post-election audits mandatory. The GOP leadership in Congress has recently stymied efforts to pass election-reform legislation.

The M650 scans paper ballots — it can process more than 300 per minute. ES&S said in a statement Thursday that it discontinued manufacture of the machines in 2008 but that 270 are in active use today. It said the machine has “a solid, proven track record when used in a real election environment with proper physical controls,” although it has been replaced by more secure models.

“We believe that the security protections on the M650 are strong enough to make it extraordinarily difficult to hack in a real-world environment and, therefore, safe and secure to use in an election,” the company said.

Proper physical controls would prevent access to the machines by unauthorized outsiders who might introduce a vote count-altering virus. Hursti, however, said he’s spoken to elections officials who program the M650 program with removable Zip drive disks that could transmit malware. It’s also possible to infect the machine via a built-in network port.

ES&S did not respond when asked by media outlets why it had not corrected the Zip drive vulnerability despite knowing about it for more than a decade. It also did not say whether it continues to sell the M650, which was listed on its website product offerings as recently as last month.

The DefCon village, now in its second year, was attended by more than 100 elections officials from across the nation. Senior officials from the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security endorsed its organizers’ assertion that the best way to secure elections equipment is to let friendly hackers attack it.

ES&S disagreed. It complained in an Aug. 24 letter to a group of U.S. senators that “exposing technology in these kinds of environments makes hacking elections easier, not harder, and we suspect that our adversaries are paying very close attention.”

Organizers of the Voting Village obtained more than 30 pieces of voting equipment and other machines for security testing, but were significantly limited in what they could test, mostly because vendors refused to make proprietary equipment available. Researchers did not test any election management or voter registration systems.

Brett Kavanaugh exoneration check plus Rob Rosenstein delayed by Trump


Thursday saw quite the drama as Christine Blasey Ford was questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee followed by a rather volatile Brett Kavanaugh. Friday, Chuck Grassley felt that both sides were believable, but there was one major problem with one of Kavanaugh’s facts. If he had bothered to watch Ford’s testimony prior to his, he might have tailored his ‘facts’ more.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh misrepresented the record Thursday when he stated that three witnesses had refuted Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her at a party more than 30 years ago.

The three swore they had no recollection of the party — providing no support for Ford’s accusations laid out to the Senate Judiciary Committee. But their statements do not disprove the allegations, either.

KAVANAUGH: “Dr. Ford’s allegations are not merely uncorroborated, it’s refuted by the very people she says were there.”

THE FACTS: The statements in question do not corroborate Ford’s allegations, but they also do not exonerate Kavanaugh. They leave open the possibility that people at the small gathering forgot about it or were not in a position to witness the assault.

Even Mark Judge, who Ford says was in the bedroom when Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, has not denied that such an episode took place. His sworn statement to the committee says “I have no memory of this alleged incident,” ″do not recall the party” and “never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes.”

In another statement, Patrick J. Smyth, identified by Ford as being among those downstairs at the party, says “I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.’”

And the lawyer for Ford’s friend, Leland Ingham Keyser, said in a statement that “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, without, Dr. Ford.”

Kavanaugh accurately summarized those statements when he told senators: “All of the people identified by Dr. Ford as being present at the party have said they do not remember any such party ever happening. Importantly her friend Ms. Keyser has not only denied knowledge of the party. Ms. Keyser said under penalty of felony she does not know me, does not ever recall being at a party with me ever.”

Despite saying she hadn’t met Kavanaugh and doesn’t remember the party, Keyser told The Washington Post that she believes Ford.

A highly anticipated meeting between President Donald Trump and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was postponed until next week to avoid conflicting with a dramatic Senate hearing involving Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the White House said Thursday.

The two were set to meet Thursday following news media reports that Rosenstein last year discussed possibly secretly recording the president and using the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

But White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the men agreed to reschedule their meeting because “they do not want to do anything to interfere with the hearing.”

Amid speculation that the meeting could result in Rosenstein’s dismissal or resignation, Trump said Wednesday that he would “certainly prefer not” to fire Rosenstein and that the Justice Department’s No. 2 official had denied making the remarks first attributed to him in a New York Times report.

“I would much prefer keeping Rod Rosenstein,” Trump said at a news conference in New York. “He said he did not say it. He said he does not believe that. He said he has a lot of respect for me, and he was very nice and we’ll see.”

Trump added, “My preference would be to keep him and to let him finish up.”

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway would not say Thursday when the meeting would take place, but stressed that the two will talk and Trump has made clear “he would prefer that the deputy attorney general stay on the job and complete the job.”

Rosenstein is overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and his dismissal would put that probe in jeopardy and create a political storm.

The meeting delay prolongs the uncertainty of Rosenstein’s status. Rosenstein headed to the White House on Monday morning preparing to be fired and had discussed a possible resignation over the weekend with White House officials. But after meeting with chief of staff John Kelly and speaking by phone with Trump, he got a reprieve with the Trump meeting scheduled for Thursday.

Since then, the White House has sought to tamp down anxiety that Rosenstein would be fired.

White House officials called senators Monday to say Trump had said he wouldn’t be firing Rosenstein at the meeting, according to two people familiar with the conversations who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private discussions. Aides have advised Trump against taking any extreme actions ahead of the midterm elections with his party’s majorities in Congress already under threat.

Friends and former colleagues of Rosenstein say they don’t expect him to step aside and give up oversight of the Russia investigation and the enormous swath of Justice Department operations for which he is responsible.

Rosenstein, who has spent his entire career in government, “has tremendous loyalty to the department,” said former Justice Department lawyer and longtime friend James Trusty.

“He’s a very long-run, historical-minded guy in a lot of ways,” Trusty said. “I think he may have some confidence that history will be kinder to him than politicians are.”

Trump’s remarks Wednesday followed a chaotic period that began last Friday with reports that Rosenstein had last year discussed possibly secretly recording the president and invoking the Constitution to remove Trump from office. The Justice Department issued statements aimed at denying the reports, including one that said the wiretap remark was meant sarcastically.

Rosenstein appointed Mueller in May 2017, oversees his work and has repeatedly defended the breadth and scope of the probe. Trump has been critical of Rosenstein’s oversight of the probe, but the two have at times displayed a warm working relationship, and Rosenstein has been spared some of the more personal and antagonistic broadsides leveled against Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Though Rosenstein appears poised to survive the week, it’s not clear how much longer he’ll be around. Trump has signaled that he may fire Sessions after the November midterms, and Rosenstein could go with him.

But it could be sooner: Some officials around Trump believe Rosenstein’s reported musings about invoking the 25th Amendment could make it defensible for Trump to part with him, even in the final sprint to Election Day.

Rosenstein’s friends and former colleagues describe him as exceptionally committed to the Justice Department — one said he “bleeds” for the agency — and unlikely to leave on his own, though they say he respects the chain of command enough to resign if asked.

‘Supernatural:’ Hit TV Series & The Reality

When Supernatural first aired in 2005, no one, including the producers themselves, could have predicted that the dark horror fantasy would end up becoming the longest running ‘supernatural genre’ TV series in history. Now with an extraordinary cult-fan following that rivals the most popular movies and TV series, complete with extensive merchandising, convention events and even board games; Supernatural is entering its 14th season with no end yet in sight.

supernatural dean sam winchester at sports game

The Success of Supernatural

The reason that Supernatural has become so successful may be equally due to the captivating characters and compelling story as well as the ever-growing fascination with real supernatural phenomena.

The fictional series follows Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), two brothers that spend the entire series as “hunters,” seeking out supernatural beings and phenomena that are causing chaos throughout the U.S. They battle everything from vampires to vengeful ghosts, and phenomena like witchcraft and black magic curses. Creatively, some of the reasons Supernatural has done so well include the development of its main characters, its method of storytelling, establishing of relatable mythologies and its extreme fandom that are tremendously loyal to the series; so much so that they were given a nod in one of the episodes. But we must also consider the compelling and ever-growing draw of the supernatural world itself.

While it is thought that many do not give credence to the ghosts, demons, monsters, and other supernatural beings battled in the series, the real-life facts relating to these phenomena and belief in them say otherwise, which makes the subject matter of supernatural also a compelling draw. In a 2012 study, we found out that about half of the American population believes in ghosts. About 32% of Americans believed that ghosts could hurt you, while 43% said ghosts are harmless. A whopping 84% believe that you can contact the dead!

When it comes to paranormal in itself, 75% of adults agreed that there are supernatural beings existing among us. While these statistics are mostly from American polls and surveys, the belief in the supernatural is even greater in other countries around the world. It is this deep-rooted fascination with the supernatural that has additionally helped captivate viewers of Supernatural. But these overwhelming global beliefs in supernatural phenomena and beings did not happen overnight and as it turns out are as intrinsic to humankind as life is itself.

The History of Supernatural Experiences

In Supernatural, beings, monsters and entities of all manner, as well as witchcraft and magic, are among the many types of phenomena that Sam and Dean encounter on a regular basis. Real-life experiences and belief in the supernatural today extends much farther than one could possibly imagine and has been documented throughout human history in every culture in the world, including the oldest known documented culture; Australian Aboriginal.

Here is a small sampling from around the world of the endless number of supernatural beliefs: In the Mesopotamian region, two ancient demons have been feared throughout history, Lamashtu and Pazuzu (the latter, best know from The Exorcist movie), both bringing unimaginable horrors if encountered. In Japan, the Yokai are a diverse type of beings/entities that can take many forms from a monster to even inanimate objects, bringing encounters that range from fatal malevolence to inspiring and rewarding. A hideous Hindu entity of ancient origins, the Rakshasa, utilized supernatural abilities to help with their bloodlust of devouring humans.

The Native American Seminole tribe spoke of an ancient supernatural creature called Stikini that resembled tribes-people by day, but by night become terrifying undead owl-monsters that devour human hearts. Apep, a demon of the underworld and one of the most feared entities from ancient Egypt to present, could take the form of a monstrous snake if desired. The Vacumama is a terrifying South American water creature that reportedly inhabits the mouth of the Amazon River and can engulf humans whole. A Jiangshi from Chinese lore/legend is a reanimated corpse that moves eerily, leaping onto its victims, absorbing the life energy of another living thing.

And of course, witchcraft, sorcery and the occult go hand-in-hand with the supernatural and have been well documented in every corner of the world time immemorial. Ancient Sumerians and Babylonians had devised an entire system of witchcraft to battle a myriad of dark forces. Though ancient Australian Aborigines, Tibetans, and Mayans are oceans apart from each other, they each developed amazingly detailed magical religions (complete with teachings and instructions, rituals, practices, and ceremonies), including a history of the world and/or universe’s creation, as well as levels of existence in the after-life. Egyptians, Hebrews, and Romans each developed elaborate forms of magic and sorcery that were interfused into every aspect of life.

Ancient Greeks developed two forms of magical practices, theurgy and mageia, both allowing its users to do everything from invoking gods to bestowing harm onto enemies. And ancient Celtic Druids created a detailed belief system and philosophy that embraced the forces of nature, as well as of the universe. With the changing of ages and development of cultures worldwide, new variations of witchcraft and sorcery were developed, like alchemy, to embrace science as well. A good example of this is the angelic Enochian language and magical practices of angels and divine mysticism that was acquired and documented by mathematician and astronomer Dr. John Dee in the 16th century.

There is no doubt that the producers and writers of Supernatural have literally an unlimited number of supernatural beings, phenomena, practices, and beliefs to choose from in the real world to use as fodder for seasons and seasons of stories. From the Leviathan throughout season 7, to the Enochian angelic symbols and language, utilized in almost every season since the introduction of angels in season 4. And of course, it should be no surprise that the writers and producers take significant artistic license with every aspect of the supernatural they utilize in order to best serve the fictional story they are crafting in support of Winchesters’ journey.

winchester brothers sexy look

An Expert’s POV

To help us dive deeper into the chilling real-life supernatural that inspired the TV series, we’ve tracked down the top authority, scientific researcher and investigator of supernatural phenomena and occult practices: World-renowned Parapsychologist, Anomalist, Supernatural/Occult & Paranormal Investigator Christopher Chacon. In addition to his extensive background as a trained Parapsychologist and Anomalist that has also spent decades researching and studying supernatural and occult belief systems around the world, Chacon is also a master magician/illusionist.

For almost forty years, he has directly dealt with thousands of cases of every type of supernatural phenomena imaginable, including possessions, hauntings and poltergeists, creature attacks, sorcery/dark-magick, and curses and has participated on countless expeditions around the world exploring arcane supernatural beliefs and discoveries. Chacon’s cases are international; his clients include private individuals and organizations, religious and academic institutions, government agencies and corporations. Because of Chacon’s extensive background and unprecedented experiences dealing with the supernatural, he has earned high praises from some of the preeminent authorities in dealing with the supernatural, one of them the late Father James LeBar who was one of America’s top exorcists for over twenty years. In an interview with Father LeBar, he stated, “He (Chacon) has the uncanny ability to step outside-the-box of the situation and conventional thinking to better understand and deal with dark forces he confronts. If there were ever a real-life embodiment of Sam and Dean as warriors of the supernatural, Chacon would be it.”

As it turns out, the world of the Supernatural TV series has crossed paths with Chacon on a few occasions that we can confirm. Chacon’s first dealing with anything ‘Winchester-related’ was long before the series ever premiered with his investigation of the world-famous Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, where the Winchesters of Supernatural got their name. Chacon was brought in by the operators of the Winchester House back in the early 1990’s to conduct the only sanctioned scientific investigation and document the reported haunt phenomena within the historic site. Chacon’s investigation went 24-hours a day for weeks and utilized some of the most advanced technology imaginable. Sam’s actor Jared Padalecki was so intrigued by the house that he visited it in 2013 with his wife (dark-haired Ruby in Supernatural).

The second interaction of Supernatural and Chacon would be when he was brought in by producers of the series in 2012 to meet with the writers to discuss real phenomena in the world, according to a former producer. For all we know, it is quite possible and makes perfect sense that Chacon could have been brought in numerous times over the years. And the third interaction was for a 2015 CW promotional trailer for the new season of Supernatural and the release of the movie, Poltergeist. Chacon hosted Supernatural actors Rob Benedict (best known for his roles as the prophet Chuck and God) and Richard Speight Jr. (best known for his role as the archangel Gabriel/Loki), taking them into a home that had been overrun by real-life poltergeist phenomena.

Chacon’s opinion on the Supernatural TV series is fairly positive, admitting that his work abroad gives him little time for TV. Chacon’s says, “While watching a TV series about supernatural phenomena may not be a total escape for me, the relationships and story arcs are intriguing enough, even if the phenomena may not be depicted accurately. In the real world, phenomena, like life, are rarely ever so clear, cut and dry, and rarely wrap-up so neatly, which makes the conclusions and closure in the series refreshing.”

jensen ackles supernatural dean scared scream

Facts That Are Scarier Than Fiction

Shockingly enough, all of the phenomena and monsters in Supernatural may only be a small sampling compared to what is actually out there in the real world. Chacon states, “Generally speaking, the many types and volatility of phenomena being reported worldwide far exceeds what is depicted in the TV series.” He continues, “Of course that is just what is being reported and would still require verification, especially since some 70% to 80% of all phenomena have rational explanations. That said I have encountered a significant percentage of phenomena that not only defies the laws of nature and physics, but also redefines long-held beliefs and thinking regarding these phenomena; in their origin, their mechanics and how they work, and how to deal with them if at all.”

When it comes to depictions in Supernatural, Chacon notes that it should be no surprise that it isn’t the job of the writers and producers to depict real-life events, “On the contrary, it is the job of the writers and producers to create a compelling dramatic story with captivating characters, the phenomena serving only as a vital support to the characters, the story and the series as a whole and therefore need not be accurate to real-life, but rather just sustain the traditional thinking of these phenomena.”

Before immersing ourselves into chilling stories of supernatural phenomena, it should be noted that perhaps even more terrifying and disturbingly more common these days are the stories where everyday people, that turn out to be monsters in their own right, are behind the unspeakable horrors that take place. Chacon points this out from his many travels around the world, no matter if it is in a third world country or the most economically developed, the truly most horrifying situations do not involve supernatural or paranormal phenomena, but rather the most heinous and atrocious acts caused by people. An example of this in Supernatural is also one of the scariest episodes that didn’t involve sinister demons, creatures or ghosts, but rather a sociopathic malicious human.

Most long-time fans of Supernatural will tell you that Season 4, Episode 11, titled, Family Remains, left a truly gut-wrenching lasting impression on them as a supposed “haunted” house revealed a young girl’s sexual abuse by her father and the torturous conditions she had to endure. This episode was particularly disturbing, perhaps because the majority of us who are fans of Supernatural have been conditioned over a lifetime to believe that supernatural phenomena doesn’t really exist, making episodes that deal with it far safer and more palatable than the type of atrocities that we unfortunately often hear in our evening news. The fact that supernatural phenomenon has indeed been taking place worldwide doesn’t make any of it any easier to deal with.

To get a first-hand perspective from the victims of real supernatural phenomena, we are fortunate to have the unprecedented opportunity to interview a select few of Chacon’s clients of five cases from around the world to discuss their horrific experiences. I should first point out that each of these people and families had to first go through a barrage of examinations and tests, including; physiological/medical exams, psychological, environmental and a variety of others before they became clients of Chacon, to rule-out rational explanations; from psychosis to hoaxes. Additionally, each client had to meet strict criteria regarding confidentiality that included background checks.

In one of these cases in China, a fun-filled outdoor birthday party turned into hysterics when a massive invisible beast ripped and mauled through fencing, tables and playground equipment, knocking one child across the yard. The unseen monster sounding reminiscent of the hellhounds featured multiple times in Supernatural. The child that made contact with the beast immediately fell ill, then unconscious and hours later disappeared entirely within his home.

After medics and law enforcement got involved and after the disappearance of the child’s mother and a police officer, both while in the home, Chacon was brought in to investigate. After interviewing all involved, Chacon entered the house alone and reappeared a few hours later with the missing child, the mother, and the police officer, advising everyone that the situation’s been rectified. Though the house was deemed safe, the family sold it and moved out of the area in fear. Chacon left before anyone had a chance to thank him, never divulging what the invisible beast was.

In a case in Bolivia, a family was suddenly overcome in their home by the smell of sulfur and rotting flesh and a growing swarm of flies that filled rooms. When they attempted to escape their home, waves of birds and grasshoppers assaulted them. This repeated anywhere they went. When the sun began causing burns to their skin and everyone lost their voices, the family was rushed to the hospital, accompanied by local priests. When it was discovered that holy water burned family members and their reflection appeared eerily distorted in mirrors, Chacon was contacted.

Upon his arrival, Chacon’s investigation and interviews discovered that the father of the family had recently and inadvertently drawn the wrath of a very powerful old witch. Chacon went to directly investigate the reported witch, and within a few hours, all the supernatural curses that had afflicted the family had stopped. How Chacon stopped the curse or the witch that cast it for that matter is unknown, but throughout the Supernatural series witchcraft and curses have been depicted and usually broken, like finding and destroying a hex bag, typically resulting in eliminating the witch altogether.

A case in Western Africa involved a community that was under siege by a giant humanoid-like creature that walked on two legs, seemingly made of clay and possessed incredible force, knocking over trees and smashing cars. It crashed through one home, attacking the children and their grandmother, leaving only a trail of claw and footprints made of clay as evidence for police. The grandmother and children, as well as a dozen other witnesses in the neighborhood, described the creature with skin like tree bark, sharp, crusty, and entirely made of or at least covered in clay with huge claw-like hands, and empty eye sockets.

While rumors swirled that witchcraft and a vendetta was behind this evil creature and its attacks, local authorities were quick to quell any press reports by stating the attacks and resulting hysterics and unrest were due to ethnic attacks that have been ongoing in the region. In Supernatural, they encountered a powerful creature called a Golem made of clay that had to be controlled by someone worthy to do so. Otherwise, it would become unleashed. In this real-life case, there was never any confirmation whether this was a Golem or what the life-form actually was, but after almost two weeks of enduring the creature’s attacks, Chacon was brought in by authorities, and after his investigation, the creature was never seen again. The community, as well as authorities, were grateful to Chacon for his help and whatever he did to stop the creature, but never got the chance to thank him.

One of the most prevalent supernatural beings and phenomena throughout the Supernatural series has unquestionably been demons and possession. A real-life case of possession that took place in Bulgaria involved a well-mannered teenager that awoke in the middle of the night screaming and growling and emitting spectacular arcing bolts of electricity. The scrawny young girl seriously injured family members and paramedics that were called, breaking bones, electrocuting and knocking them unconscious. Over the next 48-hours the phenomena grew worse, also knocking out power in neighboring homes, thinning the air in the room as if underwater and causing it to be heated over a hundred degrees.

After doctors and local priests witnessed the possession first-hand, authorization for an Exorcism was fast-tracked. But the Exorcism only worsened the possession and phenomena, attracting swarms of insects covering the house and the teenager now speaking an unearthly language that caused all that heard it to become delusional and paranoid. Five days into the Exorcism, Chacon arrived and was placed one-on-one with the possessed victim. In no time at all the phenomena stopped and the teenager had returned to normal with no recollection of what took place. According to a priest who assisted with the Exorcism, the Exorcist admitted it was one of the most extreme cases of possession he had ever seen and one of the most miraculous recoveries. The priest went on to convey that there is no book, movie or TV show, and no amount of training, that could ever prepare anyone for experiencing such a true manifestation of evil.

In the fifth and final case, a single mother and her two children living in the Northwestern United States began to encounter unexplainable phenomena at a home they had just moved into. A skeptic at heart, at first the woman tried to explain away the unusual sounds, repulsive smells, feeling of being touched and even shadows that were visible only in the peripheral vision, bringing in contractors, environmental consultants, and even a psychotherapist. But as the phenomena got more aggressive and overt, it quickly became apparent they were dealing with a volatile phenomenon: a malevolent haunting or poltergeist.

Friends, work associates, and family all had disturbing and terrifying encounters with the growing unseen force culminating with a priest that the woman’s mother brought in to bless the house being found unconscious, his body beaten, cut and bruised. Though the woman and her children vacated the house, it stalked them and continued its assault wherever they considered home, following them first to a friend’s apartment and then to her mother’s family home. On the verge of a breakdown, the woman’s psychotherapist, doctor and the priest that was assaulted sought additional assistance, and Chacon was brought in. After Chacon visited each location that the poltergeist manifested and an hour with the mother and her children, all signs of the poltergeist phenomena were gone. Chacon left before anyone could thank him.

I should point out that my interviews with each of these people revealed that none of them were interested in the supernatural, nor believed in it, prior to having their encounter, and they were all at most only minimally religious. Additionally, none were fans of literature, internet sites, movies or TV shows dealing with the supernatural, with none of them ever having watched an episode of Supernatural. In each of these five cases, everyone I interviewed said they were told by Chacon to seek out psychotherapy to deal with the trauma associated with their experience. In each of the interviews, be it the Chinese man whose child was attacked by an invisible beast and then disappeared along with his wife, to the Priest assisting with the Exorcism, they described a horrifying experience that they would not wish upon their worst enemy.

When each of these clients was asked to describe Chacon, their words included; fearless, focused, captivating, uplifting and pensive. This gives you a grand idea as to what kind of investigator Chacon is. Like the Winchesters, Chacon seems determined to help these families…even if it’s the last thing he does, never expecting anything in return. While I have been open to the concept of supernatural phenomena, I never would have imagined that any of these encounters or phenomena was even possible if I hadn’t interviewed these victims personally.

supernatural winchester brothers with castiel

Supernatural: A Deeper Look

At the beginning of Supernatural series, there were many beings and phenomena that Dean did not believe in, including angels and God. His certainty about demons and skepticism about others was most likely inherited by his father who had the same select beliefs. But how could someone believe in supernatural beings like vampires, wendigos, ghosts, and demons, yet not believe in angels and a supreme being? Chacon’s research and observations on belief, the how and why of it, are fascinating and far too comprehensive and in-depth to go into detail in this article. However, he describes one concept of belief as a select mosaic made up of a variety of experiences that are accepted or rejected at a subconscious level.

Individuals can say they believe in a God and ghosts without any doubt, yet say there is no such things as UFOs and aliens. This uniquely selective process of belief defies many suggested theories by biologists that dismiss belief as just a scientific function and nothing more. In Dean’s case, little by little, between the types of supernatural experiences and the views of Sam, Dean has no choice but to embrace the existence of angels and God as well. This complete reversal of beliefs did not happen overnight and was a transformation of the belief that left him humble, perhaps for the very first time. Whether we want to accept it or not, our personal beliefs do play a roll if even in some subconscious manner whenever we hear a ghost story or in this case, watch an episode of Supernatural.

Though the stories in Supernatural are fictional, the phenomena depicted, like that which is experienced in real-life, deals with encounters that defy our accepted understanding of our universe and the laws of nature and physics. Because these phenomena lie outside our current understanding, we label them as “supernatural.” But what if the interpreting of something being supernatural or not is all a matter of perspective. Chacon points out, “The northern lights (aurora borealis) were seen by some ancient cultures as being supernatural; a doorway for spirits entering and leaving our world.

Of course, now we know that the northern lights are just electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere along its magnetic fields. In this regard, many of the experiences (supernatural/paranormal) we may have now, be it beings, creatures or phenomena, may only seem supernatural to us based on our comprehension of them. It is quite possible that many of the phenomena we deem supernatural or paranormal today may someday be accepted as natural and normal.” Of course, a huge part of the supernatural experience itself lies in our own belief system.

Chacon goes on, “Our belief systems dictate how each and every person responds to phenomena (supernatural/paranormal), from fascination to outright denial. It is therefore crucial that we are mindful and fully aware of our own predispositions and biases before trying to make any conclusions about an experience.”

Just one of the many examples Chacon gave on how our belief systems can affect our experiences was in how we go about reaching conclusions about a supernatural experience. Chacon states, “One of the most common errors made about these experiences is in rushing to a conclusion. I cannot tell you how many times I have dealt with reported supernatural experiences that were concluded to be authentic and were actually quite explainable and conversely, how many experiences that were dismissed as explainable and turned out to be quite real. This also applies to the interpretation of the phenomenon itself. A significant percentage of real supernatural experiences are misidentified as an entirely different phenomenon all together, which makes any steps in dealing with it counterproductive.”

The phenomena in Supernatural are depicted much simpler and straightforward with rarely any equivocation. While that might not be true to real-life, it certainly helps keep the focus on the primary story. In the end, Supernatural boils down to one thing: the fight between good and evil. The first 4 seasons confronted this battle primarily at a personal level. This fight hits biblical levels in season 5 with the release of Lucifer and the race to stop the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. And while monumental threats continue to arise each season, from battling angels and demons for the supremacy of the Earth to the spread of the Leviathan, from the release of the Darkness to the potential threat of Lucifer’s Nephilim son, the fight now continues to go back to a personal level and how Sam and Dean each interpret good and evil, the choices they make as a means to an end and the ramifications of those choices.

Having experienced first-hand more phenomena than one could possibly imagine, Chacon’s thoughts on good and evil are as complex as his thoughts are about supernatural phenomena.

He says, “The duality of good and evil has existed throughout history, religion, philosophy, and psychology, arguably an interpretation of early religious beliefs and cultures. And while I have indeed dealt with situations that could potentially support the antagonistic duality of good and evil, I have also encountered situations that reveal a possible triality and even quadrality. Whether these two, three, four or more forces are interacting or battling with one another or simply symbiotically coexisting with each other like the particles of an atom, one must also recognize the interdependence between these supposed opposing forces (there is no light without darkness) and how antithetical concepts like these can greatly influence our interpretation of them. Like most things, good and evil can, in fact, be relative. Understanding one’s own beliefs, biases and inner-processes can help in pausing, stepping back and truly observing the nature, origin and intent of a phenomenon and if we are mislabeling one or another or both as good and evil. For my own process, when dealing with phenomena that must first be interpreted in an attempt to fully understand it, sometimes one needs to gain other perspectives first. If this is achieved, it can reveal that good and evil can at times be in the eye of the beholder.”

As previously mentioned, the supernatural monsters and phenomena throughout the TV series serve as a key support for the characters and the overall stories, with the core of supernatural lying in the relationships: the relationship between the Winchester brothers, their friends and enemies, their allies and adversaries. Even the relationships of those they help, though it may only be for an episode, can leave a more lasting overall impression than the phenomena itself. That being said, if it were not for the Supernatural aspect, it is unlikely that the series would have lasted this long.

The longevity of Supernatural is a combination of relationships and story, with the supernatural phenomena playing a pivotal role in each story and in a sense is itself a character, be it a supporting one. We as the audience, whether believers in the supernatural or not, are captivated by its possibilities and are swept along in the Winchesters’ odyssey, anxious to see how it all turns out.

With this coming 14th season that will bring the series to 307 episodes total; if you are not watching Supernatural in primetime, there’s a good chance you will be able to catch it in rerun somewhere, day or night. And based on what I discovered researching this article, I can say with almost absolute certainty that whenever Supernatural is airing, there is indeed a very good chance that an encounter of real supernatural phenomena is happening somewhere in the world.

What happens when Donald Trump fires or forces out Rob Rosenstein


Donald Trump knew how to bring in the drama this week as his Supreme Court controversial pick Brett Kavanaugh continues picking up problems by picking on his favorite recent target, Rob Rosenstein. Washington was waiting with baited breath as the deputy attorney general visited the president not knowing the outcome but anticipated it wouldn’t be good.

This served as a great distraction as more women stepped up about Kavanaugh, but at today’s all over the place press conference with Trump, he let it be known that he’d rather keep Rosenstein now. We all know that this means ‘keep’ until the midterms and then fire him before the new people are sworn into office.

Most people in America barely know their congressperson’s name, but in the age of Trump, civics has become something many are back in the loop on. Many of us have made it a point of better understanding our government and how it works.

The investigation into Russian election interference is often called the Mueller probe, but it’s Rod Rosenstein who oversees it. That’s mainly what most of us know, but we don’t think about what would happen if he is suddenly fired or forced out. What would happen to the Mueller probe?

Another big point to understand is that Rosenstein also oversees things like the southern district of New York which has opened investigations into Donald Trump’s company and charity. If Rosenstein were to quit, Trump could easily put whomever he wants to oversee more of the investigations into himself. That would be like you being on trial and being able to choose your own judge. That’s how important his role is.

Rosenstein’s fate as deputy attorney general remains in the air after reports last week that he floated the idea of recording President Donald Trump. Rosenstein went to the White House on Monday expecting to be fired, but the president gave him a three-day reprieve, and the two are set to have a face-to-face showdown on Thursday.

So what happens to the Russia investigation if Rosenstein loses his job after Thursday’s meeting?

rob rosenstein job unknown at justice department
Rob Rosenstein visiting White House

Here are a few questions and answers on most people’s minds:


Rosenstein is Mueller’s boss. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia probe, to Trump’s great frustration, and left the duties of overseeing the investigation to Rosenstein. After Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel to take over the investigation. Rosenstein is acting in Sessions’ place to oversee the probe and has the power to fire Mueller — for cause — under Justice Department guidelines.

Rosenstein makes nearly all the pivotal decisions in the Mueller investigation, including signing off on indictments. In an interview with USA Today in March, Rosenstein said Mueller was “not an unguided missile.”

In an investigation kept decidedly out of the public spotlight, it was Rosenstein — not Mueller — who briefed the president and then stood before the microphones when indictments were announced. He did so most recently in July, when the Justice Department charged 12 Russian intelligence officers in the hacking of Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton campaign emails during the 2016 election.


Under the Justice Department’s succession plan, control of the Russia probe would be turned over to Solicitor General Noel Francisco.

He is the highest-ranking official after Rosenstein who has been confirmed by the Senate — a requirement for the position. The acting associate attorney general is actually ranked higher but would be ineligible because it is not a Senate-confirmed position.

But Francisco wouldn’t take over as acting deputy. Sessions would likely move his chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker, into that position. He would take over Rosenstein’s responsibilities outside the Mueller probe.

That would be a departure from the department’s regular succession plan, which would make Rosenstein’s chief deputy, Edward O’Callaghan, the acting deputy.


As solicitor general, Francisco is the president’s top lawyer who has successfully defended controversial Trump policies, including the travel ban, before the Supreme Court.

Francisco served in President George W. Bush’s administration, was a law clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia and was an attorney at the Washington law firm Jones Day, where he took on a number of conservative causes. The firm represents the Trump campaign, which could raise questions about whether he would have a conflict overseeing the Russia investigation. Francisco has recused himself from Supreme Court cases in which Jones Day represents a party.

If Francisco recuses himself from the Mueller probe, Steven Engel, the head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, would be next in line to take over the investigation.


The circumstances of Rosenstein’s departure would affect Trump’s ability to pick a replacement.

Under a law known as the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, if Rosenstein resigns, the president would have the power to temporarily move any Senate-confirmed appointee into the vacant post.

But Trump has less flexibility if he fires Rosenstein. The Justice Department would likely need to adhere to its succession plan, appointing Francisco as the overseer of the Mueller probe and Whitaker as deputy attorney general.


If Rosenstein were to depart, Mueller and his investigators would be losing the oversight of an official who has protected their work despite the relentless attacks of Trump and his congressional allies. Time and again, Rosenstein has signed off on critical investigative steps they have taken.

As the person who appointed Mueller and constructed his mandate, Rosenstein is intimately familiar with the details of the investigation. There is little likelihood that a successor would be nearly as familiar with the specifics of the investigation.

There is also no guarantee that Rosenstein’s successor would be willing or able to withstand the political pressures and be similarly supportive and protective of the work of Mueller’s team.

donald trump takes hostility out on germany nato

Donald Trump Delays Rob Rosenstein Thursday White House Meeting

President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would “certainly prefer not” to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and that he may delay a highly anticipated meeting with the Justice Department’s No. 2 official.

Trump said Rosenstein denied making remarks first attributed to him in a New York Times report, including that he had discussed possibly secretly recording the president and using the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.

“I would much prefer keeping Rod Rosenstein,” Trump said at a news conference in New York. “He said he did not say it. He said he does not believe that. He said he has a lot of respect for me, and he was very nice and we’ll see.”

Trump added, “My preference would be to keep him and to let him finish up.”

Rosenstein is overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and his dismissal would put that probe in jeopardy and create a political storm.

In suggesting that he might postpone Thursday’s meeting, Trump said he was focused on the extraordinary Senate Judiciary Committee hearing set for the same day with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a woman who has accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers.

“I may call Rod tonight or tomorrow and ask for a little bit of a delay to the meeting, because I don’t want to do anything that gets in the way of this very important Supreme Court pick,” Trump said.

The Justice Department referred questions about the scheduling of the meeting to the White House.

Any delay in the meeting would prolong the uncertainty of Rosenstein’s status. Rosenstein headed to the White House on Monday morning preparing to be fired and had discussed a possible resignation over the weekend with White House officials. But after meeting with chief of staff John Kelly and speaking by phone with Trump, he got a reprieve with the Trump meeting scheduled for Thursday.

Since then, the White House has sought to tamp down anxiety that Rosenstein would be fired.

White House officials called senators Monday to say Trump had said he wouldn’t be firing Rosenstein at the meeting, according to two people familiar with the conversations who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private discussions. Aides have advised Trump against taking any extreme actions ahead of the midterm elections with his party’s majorities in Congress already under threat.

“Not wanting to fire Rod Rosenstein is consistent with what I have understood for weeks, not just days,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, a North Carolina Republican who talks to Trump often.

Friends and former colleagues of Rosenstein say they didn’t expect him to step aside and give up oversight of Russia investigation and the enormous swath of Justice Department operations for which he is responsible.

Rosenstein, who has spent his entire career in government, “has tremendous loyalty to the department,” said former Justice Department lawyer and longtime friend James Trusty.

“He’s a very long-run, historical-minded guy in a lot of ways,” Trusty said. “I think he may have some confidence that history will be kinder to him than politicians are.”

Trump’s remarks Wednesday followed a chaotic period that began Friday with reports that Rosenstein had last year discussed possibly secretly recording the president and invoking the Constitution to remove Trump from office. The Justice Department issued statements Friday aimed at denying the reports, including one that said the wiretap remark was meant sarcastically.

Rosenstein appointed Mueller in May 2017, oversees his work and has repeatedly defended the breadth and scope of the probe. Trump has been critical of Rosenstein’s oversight of the probe, but the two have at times displayed a warm working relationship, and Rosenstein has been spared some of the more personal and antagonistic broadsides leveled against Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Even if Rosenstein survives the week, it’s not clear how much longer he’ll be around. Trump has signaled that he may fire Sessions after the midterms, and Rosenstein could go with him.

But it could be sooner: Some officials around Trump believe Rosenstein’s reported musings about invoking the 25th Amendment could make it defensible for Trump to part with him, even during the final sprint to Election Day.

Rosenstein’s friends and former colleagues describe him as exceptionally committed to the Justice Department — one said he “bleeds” for the agency — and unlikely to leave on his own, though they say he respects the chain of command enough to resign if asked.

He joined the department in 1990, serving as a public corruption prosecutor, a Tax Division supervisor and a member of independent counsel Ken Starr’s Whitewater team. He was named U.S. attorney in Maryland by President George W. Bush and held the position throughout the Obama administration — remarkable longevity for a position that typically turns over with changes in political power.

Within weeks of being confirmed as deputy attorney general, he was engulfed in controversy by writing a memo critical of then-FBI Director James Comey, which the White House cited as justification for Comey’s firing.

Apple, Google join forces to reduce screen time addiction


Let’s face it; it’s not just our kids that spend all their time on smart phones. We adults are just as guilty and usually have set the example of overusing screen time, but tech giants Apple and Google are working to change that.

Apple and Google want to help you spend less time on their phones — really. Like that time you checked Facebook at 3 a.m. Stats don’t lie.

Their new tools for managing screen time will let you see how often you picked up the phone after bedtime or how long you’re on Instagram at work (shame on you). Apple’s tools also let you control how long your kids spend on their devices, if you’re concerned that screens are taking time away from sleep, homework or exercise.

Apple’s tools launch Tuesday as part of the free iOS 12 software update for iPhones, iPads and the iPod Touch. Google’s controls are being tested on its Pixel-branded Android phones.

Here’s how the controls work.


Apple’s new controls for kids let you manage their time on their own devices, such as an iPad or a hand-me-down iPhone. Once you’ve got them set up, you can use your iPhone to check when your children are on their devices and what apps or websites they’re using. You can restrict particular classes of apps and even establish a quiet period when most apps shut down.

That latter “Downtime” feature is promising, though it has a few shortcomings. For one thing, it only lets you choose a single block of time each day, so if you’re blocking late-night hours, you can’t set a separate downtime for school hours. Plus, your selection applies seven days a week; you can’t set different hours for weekends unless you want to manually change the settings every Friday and Monday.

A new “Screen Time” feature lets you establish time limits for categories of apps, such as entertainment or games. In this case, limits can be different on weekends. You can also set limits app by app, or for specific websites, but it’s tricky. From the Screen Time settings, tap the chart at the top to get a list of apps and websites. Tap on an app or site, and look for “Add Limit” at the bottom.

Songs or podcasts playing in the background don’t count toward limits. If your kid has both an iPhone and an iPad, Screen Time can track time spent on both devices against your limits.

When apps run out of time, their icons go dark and the apps won’t send notifications. You can exempt useful apps, such as e-books or homework sites — or messaging and phone service for emergencies — from downtime and other limits.

It’s best to configure all this from your own device using Apple’s “Family Sharing” feature. You can set up limits directly on your children’s devices, though remote monitoring features might not work properly. Either way, you’ll need a passcode specifically for Screen Time. Be sure to pick one that’s different from your phone’s passcode, which your kids probably already know.

Kids can ask for more time with a few taps. If you ignore or decline the request, Screen Time isn’t supposed to let them keep asking. But for the moment, kids can just reopen the app to bug you with another request. Get ready for a digital version of “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?”

Apple already had parental controls for blocking R-rated movies, adult websites, and podcasts with explicit language, but the settings were buried. In iOS 12, they’re part of Screen Time. You’ll need to them on manually, or your kid can still watch R and NC-17 movies.

What you won’t get from Apple is any help in determining what kinds of limits to set. In fact, the clock is initially set to zero, forcing parents to make choices right off the bat instead of working from default limits. Apple says recommendations among experts vary.

Ultimately, it’s best to have a conversation with your kids about screen time. But having software block an app can be easier than pulling a device out of a child’s hands.

Apple senior vp craig federighi showing time spend on smart phones
Apple Senior VP Craig Federighi


You can set the same limits for your own device, but it requires self-discipline. Want more Instagram? No problem — just tap for extra time. If you really need help, ask a friend or family member to set that Screen Time passcode and keep it secret.

Google has similar controls, called Digital Wellbeing, but they’re intended for adults (among other things, there’s no passcode, which limits their usefulness for setting limits on kids). This feature is currently only available on the company’s own Pixel phones, although Google plans to make it more broadly available in a forthcoming Android update called Pie.


Another Android feature will let you leech the color from your screen after a certain hour. This option, called “Grayscale,” turns everything monochrome, rendering apps — and, heck, the entire phone to some extent — less appealing, presumably making it easier to put the phone down. Apple has a similar setting, although it’s buried in the Accessibility settings for disabled users.

Google and Apple features also let you turn your screen amber during designated times. That reduces blue light, which can suppress melatonin and make it tougher to go to sleep.

Ultimately, though, technological tweaks can only go so far in helping you resist technology’s allure. It’s just like your desire to exercise more, eat better or get more sleep: It comes down to priority and discipline. At most, these tools can nudge you in the right direction.

Complete guide for a healthy whole food Halloween

Movie TV Tech Geeks has created a very special easy to follow guide on enjoying a whole food healthy Halloween. Halloween can be tough for those of you watching your weight or dealing with diabetes so this will help you partake in all those mouth watering decadent treats without sending your blood sugar through the roof.

You are going to learn how to make healthy Halloween treats for your children and any little ghouls and goblins that show up on your doorstep on October 31st. These foods will have you following the paleo guidelines. This means there will be no processed foods and no grains. But have no fear, the treats will still be both delicious and nutritious.

But first, have you ever asked yourself how the tradition of eating Halloween candy got started? How did eating insane amounts of unhealthy, sugar-filled candy become a part of the Halloween festivities?

Contrary to what your kids might learn from Charlie Brown, the Great Pumpkin is not going to come up out of the pumpkin patch to ensure that all the good little girls and boys have their fair share of candy. Even though the story of the Great Pumpkin has been around for more than 60 years, the true story of Halloween is actually much much older than that.

origin of halloween whole food health

The Ghostly Origin of Halloween

In order to learn where Halloween got started, you have to jump back in time about 2,000 years to the beginning of the Celtic Festival of Samhain, which is celebrated annually on November 1. On the previous night, October 31, our Halloween date, the Celts were quite certain that dead humans would make a presence as ghosts.

The idea of encountering and possibly suffering from an interaction with ghosts and goblins was scary, to say the least. Because of this, practitioners of Samhain and its night-before ghostly beliefs would dress as ghosts if they had to leave their homes at night. The belief was that the “real” ghosts would simply think they were one of them, and pass them by. Food and drink were also placed on doorsteps, to keep the ghosts busy eating and drinking, instead of terrorizing people.

All Hallows Eve Becomes Halloween

Sometime in the 8th century, Christian religions saw Samhain as a way to celebrate their Saints. Samhain became All Hallows and stayed on November 1, so the night before logically became All Hallows Eve. This quickly became shortened to Halloween. Today’s practice of trick-or-treating, dressing up as imaginary creatures, characters or monsters and accepting gifts of candy in return for leaving someone’s home, began in medieval Britain.

The following recipes, tips and best practices for a healthy Halloween experience are based on proven paleo practices and whole food goodness.

whole food halloween candies and healthy treats

Easy to Make Whole Food Halloween Candies and Treats

The term “whole food” is thought to have officially debuted to the public in 1982. That is when T. Colin Campbell and a dozen other researchers released the first United States document discussing the possible relationship between diet, cancer, and nutrition. Campbell believed vegans and vegetarians often ate foods that his research showed were linked to cancer and other chronic and debilitating diseases. He preferred to talk about “whole food” and “plant-based” food because the fresh fruits and vegetables were linked to so many health benefits.

What Campbell didn’t know is that in searching for a term that avoided the words “vegetarian” and “vegan,” he would name a health movement that is still going strong decades later.  These healthy foods do amazing things for our bodies, and these are the foods and ingredients we are going to use to make whole food Halloween candies for your little goblins.

green apple monsters plate images

Green Apple Monsters

These fun and wild-looking little monster heads are super-nutritious. All you need are a couple of green apples, unprocessed sunflower butter or guacamole, sunflower seeds, strawberries, blackberries and a banana.


  • 2 quartered green apples
  • 2 or 3 strawberries, sliced
  • Natural, unprocessed sunflower paste or guacamole
  • 28 to 35 sunflower seeds
  • 1 banana
  • 1 or 2 blackberries


  • Carve out the middle on the outside of your apple quarters to make a mouth. Play around with this until you get the mouth appearance you are looking for
  • Inside the “mouth”, spread sunflower paste or guacamole
  • Stick 4 or 5 sunflower seeds into the top of the mouth to make teeth
  • Push a thin slice of strawberry into the mouth to create a tongue, pointed end out
  • Carve out 1 or 2 small holes in the apple just above the mouth. Fill these holes with mashed banana, and then place one blackberry drupelet or dot in the mashed banana to make eyes

The whitish appearance of the banana makes the black of the blackberry drupelet really stand out. You may have to make a few of these before you get the process down, but once you do, you can see how fun, silly and monstrous-looking these healthy whole food Halloween treats are.

juicy baby pumpkins with clementine oranges
Juicy baby pumpkins using clementine oranges

Juicy Baby Pumpkins

These require only 2 ingredients and are super-simple, deliver a lot of vitamin C and other essential nutrients, meaning that even the youngest children can help make them.


  • Clementine oranges
  • A celery stalk


  • Start by peeling your clementines
  • Slice and chop celery into short strips that will serve as the stems of the pumpkins
  • Pull out the top, center part of the clementines
  • Stick the celery stem into your miniature “pumpkin”, and you are done!

jack o lanterns funny faces

Scary Mini Jack-O’-Lantern

These will be a real treat with the kids. They are miniature, portable jack-o’-lanterns that you can fill with any type of healthy, nutritious treats.


  • Large oranges, (each orange will make 1 jack-o’-lantern)
  • A grapefruit knife or scooping tool
  • Fresh diced fruit, nuts, seeds, berries
  • Fill with whatever healthy, natural, unprocessed berries, seeds and diced or chopped fruits you like.


  • Cut off the top 1/4 of a large orange
  • Carefully scoop out the meat of the orange.
  • Cut out a jagged, diagonal pattern in the top of your baby jack-o’-lantern, and carve out the face, nose and mouth.

frankenstein running through forest halloween treatsFrankenstein Heads Oozing Brains

If that description sounds a little scary, don’t worry. No real brains will be harmed in the making of this recipe! You’ll be using a spaghetti squash to create the brains which will “ooze” out of orange and red peppers which will make Frankenstein heads.


  • 1 spaghetti squash
  • Red and orange peppers
  • Olive or coconut oil
  • Black pepper and sea salt

frankenstein heads oozing brains halloween kids treats


  • Preheat your oven to 375°F
  • Place parchment paper in the bottom of a baking pan
  • Cut spaghetti squash in half lengthwise, and scrape out seeds
  • Brush the interior of your two halves with coconut or olive oil, adding a little sea salt and pepper
  • Place the squash halves cut side down on the parchment paper, and cook for 35 to 45 minutes
  • While that is cooking, cut off the top 1/4 of your peppers
  • Carefully core and seed the peppers
  • Use a paring knife or some other sharp, small blade to carve out jack-o’-lantern or monster faces in the peppers
  • When the squash has finished cooking, remove and let cool for 10 minutes
  • Using a fork, scrape out “spaghetti” noodles from the meat of the squash
  • Fill the peppers with these healthy whole food noodles, making sure to have these “brains” oozing from the top, mouths, eyes and noses of your little Frankensteins or jack-o’-lanterns. Replace the pepper top

whole food halloween dinner ideas

Whole Food Halloween Dinner Ideas

Halloween is not just for kids. Adults every year attend parties where good food and drink combine with friendship and creative costumes to make for memorable and enjoyable experiences on October 31. Both adults and children need a lot of energy for their Halloween activities, and you can provide this by whipping together the perfect Halloween-themed dinner. Below are a few ideas to get you thinking about your whole food Halloween dinner table so you and your family enjoy a nutritious and fun Halloween meal.

Add the Orange

As you probably know, the predominant color for Halloween is orange. This means you should think about adding the incredibly nutritious sweet potato to your Halloween dinner plans. The meat of a sweet potato or yam can be whipped into an orange paste or purée which can be used in a number of dishes. Bear in mind that yams and sweet potatoes are starchy and carb-rich, so enjoy them in moderation if you are trying to lose weight.

Another orange visual treat that sticks to the theme of Halloween uses miniature pumpkins as replacements for soup bowls. Whip together your favorite whole-foods soup recipe, and instead of pouring in traditional bowls, use small, scooped-out pumpkins as the containers.

Juicing carrots, oranges, cucumbers and apples gives you an incredibly nutritious beverage to drink with your dinner, one that keeps with the orange colored Halloween motif.

beautiful halloween dinner table settingUse a Pumpkin as Your Salad or Casserole Bowl

Take the mini pumpkin soup bowl to a bigger extreme. This is a simple way to add the iconic pumpkin to this year’s Halloween mealtime. Find a large pumpkin, remove the top, flesh and seeds, and carve out a jack-o’-lantern just like you would if you were going to add a candle and decorate your home traditionally. This time though, you are going to use this pumpkin as not only your dinner table centerpiece, but also as a salad bowl.

Line the interior walls of the pumpkin with large lettuce leaves. Then fill with your family’s favorite salad items. This jack-o’-lantern salad bowl is extremely versatile, because after dinner, you can drop a candle inside and place Jack on your front porch to do double duty this Halloween. This serving bowl replacement also makes a good home for your favorite whole foods casserole. Just transfer from your casserole dish or slow cooker.

Papaya, carrots, pumpkin and orange tomatoes are a few more healthy orange whole foods you can include in your Halloween dinner recipes. The previously mentioned sweet potatoes join cantaloupe, apricots, golden beets and guava as foods with orange colors and hues that not only keep you on theme for Halloween, but also deliver essential nutrients and vitamins, and boost your immune system health.

zoodle brains with cranberry blood fun halloween kids treatsZoodle Brains with Cranberry “Blood”

Zoodles are noodle alternatives created using zucchinis. Using a spiralizer and a few thin, long zucchinis, whip out some “noodles”. Over medium-high heat, sauté your zoodles in coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil for about 3 to 5 minutes. Serve in any container and drizzle with cranberry juice for a bloody-brains Halloween dish.

Candied Apples for Dessert

What Halloween dinner would be complete without dessert? The following recipe replaces the traditional candied apples common to Halloween festivities with a healthy and nutritious whole food alternative.


  • Several Red Gala or Granny Smith apples
  • 2 or 3 cups of dates
  • Your favorite toppings – seeds, nuts, shredded unprocessed coconut, chopped dried fruit, and any other toppings you want to use to cover your apples
  • Popsicle sticks


  • To get started, soak dates in warm water for at least 3 hours, then drain and dry
  • Blend dates in a food processor or blender until you reach a smooth, paste-like consistency. You may need to add a little water. You can alternately add a little honey or maple syrup to help thicken and sweeten this mix
  • Place each of your toppings in separate bowls
  • Skewer your apples with popsicle sticks, and then twirl in your date paste to coat evenly
  • Dip your apples in the different toppings
  • Place on a parchment paper-lined tray in your refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes until the paste hardens

hallowen party ideas mouth watering

Planning Your Whole Food Halloween Party

The candied apples, zoodle brains, pumpkin bowls and brain-oozing Frankenstein head recipes just covered will all be a hit at your upcoming Halloween whole food party. The same will definitely be true for your scary mini jack-o’-lanterns, juicy baby pumpkins and green apple monsters. Any one of these recipes is sure to be a hit at your Halloween festivities.

Here are a few more tips for planning your Whole Food Halloween party so it goes off without a hitch, and makes both whole foodies and junk food eaters happy.

Don’t forget to include some non-whole foods. You probably understand that all your friends and your children’s friends are not going to be 100% dedicated to the whole food dietary approach. This means you should include some traditional Halloween treats and snacks.

Make sure bobbing for apples is included. This is a holiday game seen around Halloween and Christmas that has a whole food, the apple, as its focus. It is also fun for all ages.

Batch cook. Make large batches of the whole foods Halloween recipes in this report ahead of time. Freeze or refrigerate them accordingly. Pull out in time to warm up or serve.

Have a puréed whole food identification contest. There are multiple fruits which can be mashed, puréed or blended into a paste-like consistency. Hosting a blindfolded “what is this whole food” contest may just convince your friends and other party-goers that whole foods are as delicious as they are nutritious.

halloween party bats hitHave a designated table where people can blend their own whole food smoothies. This means you are going to have to have a lot of ice on hand, as well as a wide variety of vegetables and frozen fruits so people can experiment with different healthy whole food smoothie recipes.

Get help from your other whole food friends. It’s no fun to have to do everything. If you love whole foods, you probably have some friends that do as well. Get them involved, helping you cook and decorate.

Don’t forget to have fun. Nobody likes a whole food bully or paleo policeman. If someone doesn’t want to try your favorite whole foods dish that you worked all day on, that is their loss. Remember that Halloween is for being with the ones you love, not for trying to force your dietary beliefs on someone else.

halloween chocolate kiss mice for kids

Halloween Treat Recipes Kids Can Make

Before Halloween is even in sight your kids are already talking about the costumes they want to wear. A lot of parents get their children involved in creating their own Halloween costumes, which boosts creativity and independence. You can further advance both of those admirable traits in your children when you let them (help them?) make the following Halloween whole food recipes.

halloween banana ghosts for party kids

Halloween Banana Ghosts

One of the simplest and most fun Halloween recipes your child can whip together has just 3 ingredients. Get your hands on some fresh bananas. Next you will want some small black olives, preferably sliced, or you can slice them yourself. You will need some blackberries as well.

Refrigerate the bananas for 30 minutes. What you are trying to do is make them firmer so that when you slice them they don’t turn into mush in your hands. The fresher your bananas are, the better. After they have been properly chilled, peel the bananas and slice them down the middle lengthwise. Then cut them in half. This will leave you with 4 pieces from each banana.

On some parchment paper or tinfoil, lay the banana pieces flat side down. Take a thin slice of the black olives and gently push it into the banana about 1 ½ or 2 inches from the top. This will form the round O-shaped mouth of your ghost. Above the mouth, carve or scoop out two small, round cavities for the ghost’s eyes.

Mash a few blackberries into a paste, adding puréed dates for sweetness if you like. Place this paste into the eye holes of your ghost, and you are done. If your children are very young, you can slice the bananas for them. Other than that, every step of this ghostly recipe is child-friendly.

halloween mummy apples for kids to make

Mummy Apples

This recipe should only be handled by children you trust with an apple and fruit peeler. Your child can re-create a mummy’s cloth wrappings by peeling the skin of an apple. Instead of attempting to remove all the skin, peel it so that there are strips of skin surrounding the Apple. This mimics a mummy’s cloth! Carve out and fill two small holes with blackberry paste or bits of black olives for eyes.

halloween severed witches finger cookiesSevered Witches’ Fingers


  • 1/3 cup each raw walnuts, almonds and cashews
  • 3 dates
  • 3 teaspoons water
  • 4 raw almonds, sliced down the middle


  • Have your child measure out 1/3 cup raw walnuts, 1/3 cup raw almonds and 1/3 cup raw cashews.
  • Remove the pits from 3 dates
  • Blend dates with 3 teaspoons water until you get a pasty texture
  • Add nuts and blend until you have a thick, dense, dough-like consistency
  • Form this dough mixture into 3-inch long finger shapes, adding almond slices for fingernails. Chill for 15 to 20 minutes and enjoy.

mouth watering halloween lunch treats

Halloween Lunch Treats

Getting into the holiday spirit means spicing up your children’s lunches with Halloween themed foods and treats. Here are a few whole food, paleo-friendly recipes that are as healthy as they are Halloweenish.

spiders on a log halloween treatsHealthy Spiders on a Log

This is a Halloween adaptation of the peanut butter and raisin ants on a log recipe. Fill celery sticks with any healthy, unprocessed nut butter. You may alternately use unprocessed guacamole. Your favorite nuts or large seeds make up the body of your spiders, which you place along the length of your celery “logs”. Finely chop thin, short lengths of black olives to serve as the legs of your spiders.

mouth watering halloween spidery eggs

Spidery Eggs

Take a half-dozen hard-boiled eggs and split them down the middle. Remove the yoke and mix with a little coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil to form a paste. Fill the holes in the egg cavities with this paste. Slice 6 black olives down the middle. In each one of your 12 half-eggs, place one half of a black olive, rounded side up, pushing gently down into the egg paste.

Cut some more black olives down the middle vertically, and then slice them. These pieces will serve as the eggs of your spiders. Push them into the egg paste, as if they are legs coming off the body of the spider and hanging over the side of the egg.

freaky rambutans halloween treats

Spooky (and Quick and Easy) Rambutan Eyeballs

Rambutans are small round fruits that are red with green and hairy exterior tentacles when they are ripe. These eerie-looking fruits are perfect for Halloween, and in literally just a couple of minutes, you can use them to create spooky Halloween eyeballs that are nutritious, delicious and hard to look away from.

First, slice a few rambutans in half.

Inside the red exterior of the fruit you will find a grape-shaped oval that will either be white, yellow or translucent. There is a seed in the center of this grape-like meat that is not edible. Remove it. Eat the fruit, or use it to make a purée or paste in conjunction with an avocado or your favorite nuts and berries.

In a small serving tray, place the hairy, attention-grabbing Rambutan skins curved side down. Drop black olives or your favorite grapes into the rambutan cavities, and you have spooky and healthy Halloween eyeballs.

(Note: The exterior of rambutans should not be eaten. The only edible part is the center meat which is shaped like a grape.)

fun pot luck halloween dinner ideas

Whole Food Halloween Pot Luck Ideas

The term “pot luck” generally refers to meals or parties where individual guests each contribute a dish. This provides for both surprise and variety, and arranging a Halloween pot luck get-together can mean some spooky treats as well. Here are a few whole food Halloween pot luck recipes and ideas that are paleo-friendly, delicious and nutritious.

halloween meatloaf mummys head recipe

Meatloaf Mummy’s Head


  • 2 pounds of grass-fed beef
  • natural herbs and spices for the beef
  • long strips of bacon
  • 1 small white onion

Making this mummified meatloaf is simple, but it is sure to impress. It treats both your taste buds and your love of Halloween at the same time. Form 2 pounds of your favorite paleo-friendly ground beef into the shape of a human head in a baking dish, leaving it flat on its bottom side. Season your beef with whatever natural herbs and spices you desire. Cut and carve white onion pieces into shapes which will make up your mummy’s eyes and teeth.

Add the eyes and teeth to your beef mixture. Wrap strips of bacon across the top of your mummy head, tucking the ends underneath. You want your bacon to mimic the cloth wrappings seen on traditional mummies. Cook in a preheated 350°F oven for 45 to 60 minutes. The creation is frightful and disturbing as much as it is delicious and full of protein.

halloween watermelon human brain ideas

Watermelon Human Brain


  • 1 small seedless watermelon
  • Creativity

If you have time and patience, you can transform a simple watermelon into a human brain. Get your hands on a small seedless watermelon, a vegetable peeler, a paring knife and a larger chef’s knife. Slice a little bit off of the bottom side of your watermelon so that it sits flat.

Peel off just the exterior green rind. With your paring knife, carve folds and channels in the white, fleshy rind of the watermelon. Pull up a picture of a human brain on your smart phone or tablet to get an idea of the visual you are trying to create.

Next you are going to carve deeper channels into the melon so you can see its red interior. That’s it. You are done. Done properly, and it may take some practice, this simple process turns a watermelon into an unforgettable Halloween health food that will make you the talk of your pot luck dinner.

halloween scary severed ice hand for kids recipeScary Severed Ice Hand

Whip together your favorite paleo punch, with plenty of healthy, unprocessed fruit and veggie juices. Add this floating frozen hand. You can alternately place this frozen hand in any large, dense dish, as if a human hand is reaching out from below.

You will need an inexpensive, thin dishwashing glove. Turn it inside out and wash and rinse thoroughly. Fill it with filtered water, securely tying off the wrist.

Place this hand in your freezer and let science take care of the rest. This frozen hand looks great floating in a punch bowl, and can also be drizzled with a mixture of cranberry juice and raw honey or maple syrup to make a bloodied hand you can use in any number of Halloween pot luck dishes.

halloween jack o lantern cut out ghost


Whole food eating doesn’t have to be bland. Just like Christmas will still see your children will dreaming of sugarplum fairies dancing in their heads, Halloween will likely still have them dreaming of sinking their teeth into an unhealthy handful of candied corn or a candy bar. However, if you take some time to experiment with the best practices and recipes mentioned above, you don’t have to trade health for your child’s happiness on Halloween.

Experimentation is the key. The above recipes have not been tested and created in your kitchen! That means that as soon as possible, when you have the time in your busy life, you should get started now so you will know how to tweak and fine-tune these yummy treats to your specific cooking experience. You can also replace the above ingredients with any healthy, whole foods as you see fit, where they make sense.

child biting into a pumpkin

Don’t forget to get the kids involved. Establishing healthy whole food eating practices in your kids has a better chance for success when you get them started early. Kids love to help out in the kitchen, so be sure to involve your little witches, princesses and vampires in embracing a healthy and nutritious Halloween celebration.

To Your (Halloween) Success!

Donald Trump’s tariff benefits plus hurricane death claims


Just days after Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort flipped for Robert Mueller, the president has taken to Twitter for some new shiny objects. A major tweet was his premature victory declaration regarding his tariffs. Despite the manufacturing renaissance he claims, it’s too soon to determine the full scope of any benefit or harm they might create.

Trump is correct to say the tariffs should bring more money to the government. But it’s not a meaningful amount in the context of a multitrillion-dollar budget. Companies that deal the most with the imports that Trump is taxing have had to absorb higher prices, yet the president says the price increases barely register.

As for the steel sector, Trump can tout some new investments because of helpful government policy, but it’s too early to claim that his policies have catapulted the industry to new heights.

A look at the president’s tweets Monday and the reality behind them:

TRUMP: “Tariffs have put the U.S. in a very strong bargaining position, with Billions of Dollars, and Jobs, flowing into our Country – and yet cost increases have thus far been almost unnoticeable. If countries will not make fair deals with us, they will be ‘Tariffed!’”

THE FACTS: In trade talks with China, Canada, and Mexico, it’s not entirely clear how much of an advantage the United States has gained from the tariffs. The import taxes imposed on steel and aluminum have been pressure points. So are the tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods, with the president suggesting he’s prepared to tax an additional $467 billion of imports from China. But Americans have to see a final deal with Canada or China to assess whether these taxes are delivering a better bargain.

Still, have tariffs brought in billions of dollars and jobs without increasing inflation?

Yes, the tariffs have brought in slightly more revenue. It’s hard to know if they’ve helped create jobs. And the companies closest to the tariffs say that, yes, inflation is a risk.

In theory, the tariffs should add money to federal coffers. The 25 percent tax the Trump administration slapped on $50 billion of Chinese imports should raise $12.5 billion if the flow of goods continues without interruption.

And even though many tariffs haven’t been in place long enough to determine whether they’re helping draw in significantly more revenue, the Treasury Department said there has been a $5.4 billion jump in the collection of customs and duties so far this fiscal year. Some of this increase is due to more exports entering the United States. But customs and duties account for just 1.2 percent of federal revenues, so any increase from tariffs does little to address the ballooning budget deficit.

The U.S. economy was adding jobs before the tariffs were announced, and it has been adding jobs since. It’s hard to know at this stage how the tariffs have influenced the pace of job creation, since any analysis would need to consider the whole of the nine-year expansion and the stimulus from Trump’s deficit-funded tax cut.

So, what about inflation?

Steel and aluminum prices can be volatile. But over the past year, steel and iron prices have jumped nearly 15 percent, according to the Labor Department. Aluminum price growth increased in June and has since fallen. The companies surveyed by the Institute of Supply Management for its index of manufacturing growth say that the tariffs are a risk for both the likely price increases and the uncertainty they create. Out of the 10 companies cited in ISM’s survey, half reported concerns about the tariffs.

TRUMP: “Our Steel Industry is the talk of the World. It has been given new life, and is thriving. Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!”

THE FACTS: Trump has certainly helped steelmakers, but so far it’s not the dramatic turnaround that he portrays.

Analysts at Citibank said this month that steel companies have approved more than $3 billion in investment following the tariffs. Some steel mills have restarted old lines and added new capacity.

Manufacturers focused on primary metals have added 7,100 workers in the past 12 months for a total of 381,700 jobs, according to the Labor Department. But that total still lags the 402,600 jobs with primary metal manufacturers at the end of 2014. A stronger dollar and lower oil prices hurt the demand for steel products, causing production and employment to fall. And Trump is a long way from the more than 450,000 jobs in this sector at the start of 2008.

More importantly, steel is a modest component of U.S. job growth. Primary metals represented just 0.3 percent of the 2.33 million job gains in the past year.

donald trumps tariff impact on united states

In a stormy week, President Donald Trump blustered and distorted reality, denying massive deaths from a hurricane that scientists believe to be one of the nation’s deadliest and blowing out of proportion U.S. economic growth and his role in spurring it.

He’s insisting the federal response to Hurricane Maria, which hit Puerto Rico last September, was “incredibly successful,” even though blackouts there remain common and several forms of federal aid have been slow to arrive compared with past disasters. Independent researchers have estimated the death toll was nearly 3,000 people. Trump is rejecting that work, claiming it’s a conspiracy by Democrats and isn’t true.

And as the November elections near, Trump is citing record-breaking middle-class income that isn’t so and exaggerating progress on his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

At the same time, some of Trump’s critics were not entirely immune from hyperbole.

Former President Barack Obama asserted “healthy” economic growth during his administration that is in dispute and a Democratic lawmaker blamed all the estimated deaths from Puerto Rico’s hurricane on the Trump administration as if the storm itself took no one.

Here’s a much closer look at some of the recent claims:


TRUMP: “‘Middle-Class Income Hits All-Time High!’ @foxandfriends And will continue to rise (unless the Dems get in and destroy what we have built).” — tweet Thursday.

VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: “Just today, if you hadn’t heard about it yet, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that last year, middle-class incomes in America hit an all-time high — that’s worth celebrating — for working families.” — remarks Wednesday in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

THE FACTS: These assertions are an example of how Trump and other administration officials often seek credit for trends in place before they took office. Trump’s own Census Bureau also cast doubt on the claims.

Median U.S. household income — the level at which half of the U.S. population earns more and half less — grew 5.1 percent in 2015 and 3.1 percent in 2016, during the Obama administration. It was the fastest two-year growth on record, dating to 1967. In 2017, Trump’s first year in office, median income grew at a slower pace of 1.8 percent to reach what technically was an all-time high, adjusted for inflation, of $61,372.

The Census Bureau, however, warned in its report Wednesday that after adjusting for changes in its methodology in 2013, last year’s figure was not actually an all-time high. Instead, it remained slightly below 1999′s level of $61,966, though the bureau noted that the difference was minor.

OBAMA: “And by the time I left office, household income was near its all-time high.” — rally Sept. 7 at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

THE FACTS: That’s true, though it was a long time coming. According to the Census Bureau, in 2016 the typical household earned $59,039, adjusted for inflation, nearly matching the peak it reached in 1999. Another way of looking at those figures, of course, is that the U.S. middle class essentially went 17 years, Obama’s two terms included, without a raise.


TRUMP: “We’re building the wall, not only building it, we’ve already started it. We’ve started the wall. $1.6 billion last year, $1.6 billion this year, we’re rapidly in San Diego and other parts of the country. We’re picking the locations that are worse.” — remarks Sept. 7 at a fundraising event in South Dakota.

THE FACTS: Trump’s suggestion that he secured $3.2 billion for construction of a wall along the U.S-Mexico border is wrong. Nor is the construction underway adding any mileage to what’s already in place.

Congress allocated $1.6 billion for the wall and related security measures this year. The administration requested an additional $1.6 billion next year to add 65 miles (104 kilometers) of wall in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley but has not received any of it. Legislative leaders in the House and Senate pledged agreement this past week on a short-term spending bill that would not address wall money. GOP leaders have said they preferred to resolve the issue after the Nov. 6 elections.

Trump is correct that wall construction is underway in San Diego — as well as Santa Teresa, New Mexico, and Calexico, California — but it replaces or fortifies existing barriers. Barriers currently blanket 654 miles (1,046 kilometers), or roughly one-third of the border with Mexico, much of it built under President George W. Bush.

The $1.6 billion that Congress authorized this year came with a condition that the wall must adhere to existing designs. Last year, the administration built eight prototypes in San Diego that were intended to guide future construction.


TRUMP: “3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000….” ″This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!” —tweets Thursday.

THE FACTS: He is making a baseless assertion that massive deaths did not happen, even if the exact toll from the hurricane remains imprecise.

Independent researchers at George Washington University estimated 2,975 excess deaths related to Hurricane Maria in the six months following the hurricane, which hit last September. Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello commissioned the study and accepted the death toll as the best available. Rossello rejected the findings of a different study that estimated more than 4,000 died, saying he found the GWU research with its lower number to be scientifically sound.

The study found that 22 percent more people died than would have been expected during that period in a year without the storm. Its central finding has been roughly corroborated by other, similar studies. A second phase will examine the circumstances of specific deaths to arrive at a more precise number.

The lead researcher on the study was Dr. Carlos Santos-Burgoa, a well-known expert in global health, particularly in Latin America.

Trump’s claim that the death toll was no more than 18 when he visited Puerto Rico, nearly two weeks after the storm, ignores the fact that the U.S. territory’s official death toll was raised to 34 later that day, Oct. 3. After that, it climbed to 64. With services devastated, most power out, many people desperate for food and water and roads impassable, it was impossible to know how many died directly from Maria or from floodwaters or deprivation in its immediate aftermath.

That’s why the official death toll remained relatively low until researchers could examine death records and gain a broader understanding of people’s circumstances.

It took years to assess the death toll from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 despite the relative accessibility of the Gulf Coast, for example. About 1,800 died from Katrina.

Trump was a one-man island in attributing the Puerto Rican death estimate to Democrats. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., saw “no reason to dispute” the estimate. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., tweeted his support of the 3,000 finding and lamented that “These days even tragedy becomes political.” Several other Republican lawmakers from Florida similarly rejected Trump’s words. Democrats were outraged.

TRUMP: “We got A Pluses for our recent hurricane work in Texas and Florida (and did an unappreciated great job in Puerto Rico, even though an inaccessible island with very poor electricity and a totally incompetent Mayor of San Juan).” — tweet Wednesday.

TRUMP: “I think Puerto Rico was incredibly successful. Puerto Rico was, actually, our toughest one of all because it’s an island … Everything is by boat …The job that FEMA and law enforcement and everybody did, working along with the Governor in Puerto Rico, I think was tremendous. I think that Puerto Rico was an incredible, unsung success.” — remarks Tuesday.

THE FACTS: Trump’s claim that the federal government had an “incredibly successful” response to Maria is questionable.

The storm is estimated to be one of the nation’s worst disasters, after the U.S. territory raised its official death toll from 64 to 2,975 based on the GWU study. That surpasses the 1,800 people who died from Hurricane Katrina. Maria is also estimated to have caused $100 billion in damage.

A July report by the Federal Emergency Management Agency noted several shortcomings in its response, including that it underestimated how much food and water would be needed after the storm and that not enough Spanish-speaking aid workers were deployed to the island.

Responding to Trump’s comments, Rossello disputed the notion that the response was “successful.”

Blackouts still remain common; nearly 60,000 homes are covered by only a makeshift roof not capable of withstanding a Category 1 hurricane, and 13 percent of municipalities lack stable phone or internet service.

In Maria’s aftermath, according to FEMA data analyzed by media outlets, approvals for individual assistance checks in Puerto Rico were slower compared with what happened with large storms last year. From Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, not one of those checks was approved. On Oct. 8 the approvals began rolling again, but with a large spike suggesting a backlog.

In addition, data from the U.S. Small Business Administration indicate that approvals for disaster loans in Puerto Rico were slow — the first one was not approved until 15 days after the storm was declared, four times as long as with Hurricane Harvey.

DEMOCRATIC SEN. ROBERT MENENDEZ of New Jersey: “You’re right, Mr. President. The Hurricane didn’t kill 3,000 people. Your botched response did.” — tweet Thursday.

THE FACTS: He’s taking it too far. Whatever the shortcomings of the federal response, attributing a specific death toll to that alone is unsupported. FEMA faced some problems that were beyond its control, principally the sheer force of the Category 4 monster storm as well as the logistical difficulties of reaching the Caribbean island, more than 1,000 miles from the U.S. mainland.

Residents have been critical of the hurricane response by local officials, not just by Washington. Puerto Rico’s government has acknowledged that its emergency plans were designed only for a Category 1 hurricane, and admitted failures to follow those plans and communications breakdowns.


TRUMP: “The GDP rate (4.2 percent) is higher than the Unemployment Rate (3.9 percent) for the first time in over 100 years!” — tweet Monday.

WHITE HOUSE ECONOMIC ADVISER KEVIN HASSETT: “The correct number is 10 years.” — briefing Monday.

THE FACTS: Actually, the correct number is 12 years. In the first three months of 2006, the economy expanded at a 5.4 percent annual rate. At the same time, the unemployment rate was 4.7 percent.

The economy’s growth rate, which reached 4.2 percent in the April-June quarter, has been higher than the unemployment rate dozens of times since World War II. Hassett acknowledged Trump’s tweet was wrong.

HASSETT: “There was an inflection at the election of Donald Trump, and … a whole bunch of data items started heading north.” — briefing Monday.

THE FACTS: If you look at a chart of monthly job gains or the economy’s growth rate, that inflection point is hard to spot. Hassett notably did not include in his presentation any mention of overall job creation or the broadest measurement of the economy’s output, GDP.

That’s probably because the growth rate Trump repeatedly cites, the 4.2 percent expansion at an annual rate that occurred in the April-June quarter, isn’t out of line with Obama’s record. The economy grew more quickly than that four times during Obama’s eight years in office.

Economists generally acknowledge that growth has accelerated this year compared with 2016 and 2017, and most of them partly credit last year’s tax cuts for fueling more consumer and business spending. The economy is on pace to grow at a 3 percent or faster pace in 2018, which would be the first time since 2005 it would reach that mark.

Yet it barely missed that cutoff in 2015, when it expanded 2.9 percent under Obama.

When it comes to jobs, the U.S. added more jobs in each of the last three years of Obama’s presidency, 2014-2016, than it did last year, Trump’s first in office. Job growth has picked up a bit this year but is still on track to come in below the 2014-2015 pace.

OBAMA: “The actions we took during that crisis returned the economy to healthy growth and initiated the longest streak of job creation on record.” — rally Sept. 7 at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

THE FACTS: He’s right on jobs, but whether the economy experienced “healthy growth” is a matter of dispute.

As measured by the gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the economy’s output, the U.S. economy expanded at an average annual rate of 2.2 percent from 2010, after the Great Recession ended, through 2016, Obama’s last year in office. That is the weakest growth of any post-recession recovery since World War II.

OBAMA: “When the job numbers come out, the monthly job numbers, and suddenly Republicans are saying it’s a miracle, I have to kind of remind them, actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016.” — Illinois rally.

THE FACTS: Obama is correct, though many economists are surprised that hiring has continued at such a solid pace after more than nine years of expansion. Job gains even picked up a bit in 2018.

Still, in 2015 employers added an average of 226,000 jobs a month. Last year, Trump’s first in the White House, that figure fell to 182,000 a month. So far in 2018, hiring has come in a bit better, averaging 207,000 a month.

In some ways, Obama isn’t giving himself enough credit: The strongest year for job growth since the recession was 2014, when employers added more than 250,000 on average every month.

‘Predator’ overcomes Olivia Munn controversy to top box office


Rotten critics reviews and Olivia Munn’s controversy couldn’t keep Shane Black’s “The Predator” from topping the box office charts. This was the fourth film in the franchise that started back in 1987 with Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Predator.”

“The Predator” is at the top of the food chain in its first weekend in theaters.

20th Century Fox said Sunday that the film earned an estimated $24 million from more than 4,000 North American theaters.

But with an $88 million production price tag, the Shane Black-directed installment in the 30-year-old franchise will be looking to international receipts to offset the cost. This weekend, it earned $30.7 million from 72 foreign markets, bringing the global total to $54.7 million. This doesn’t bode so well as to the longevity of the film to make it a smash hit, and with both “Venom” and Lady Gaga’s “A Star Is Born” coming in October, expect it to slip away soon.

Domestic audiences were largely male (62 percent) and white (45 percent), and underwhelmed, giving the movie a C+ CinemaScore that echoed the tepid critical response.

Starring Olivia Munn, Sterling K. Brown and Boyd Holbrook, the film got caught into last minute controversy when Fox pulled a scene from “The Predator” after learning that an actor who was to have a minor role in the film, Steven Wilder Striegel, is a registered sex offender. The studio deleted the only scene in the movie in which Mr. Striegel was to appear, but the report and the controversy surrounding it were likely on the minds of some potential audience members this weekend, particularly given Mr. Black’s admission that he had been aware of Mr. Striegel’s status. (In a statement, the director said that he had been “misled by a friend I really wanted to believe was telling me the truth when he described the circumstances of his conviction.”)

“Any conversation raises awareness,” said comScore senior media analyst Paul Dergarabedian. “If people are talking about it then they’re aware of the movie.”

Second place went to the “Conjuring” spinoff “The Nun,” which added $18.2 million in its second weekend. The horror pic has now grossed over $85 million.

Lionsgate’s “A Simple Favor” opened close behind in third place with $16.1 million. The film from director Paul Feig stars Anna Kendrick as a mommy blogger investigating the disappearance of her friend played by Blake Lively. Feig has referred to it as a “friller,” a fun thriller. Female moviegoers drove the solid opening, making up 67 percent of the audience.

“It stood out in the marketplace,” said David Spitz, Lionsgate’s distribution president. “It kind of became an event film. That’s why we exceeded expectations.”

With a B+ CinemaScore, an older audience that doesn’t rush out to theaters opening weekend and positive reviews, the studio expects the film will continue to play well over the coming weeks.

Fourth and fifth places were neck and neck. According to Sunday estimates, “White Boy Rick,” with $8.8 million, had a slight advantage over “Crazy Rich Asians,” which added $8.7 million and is just shy of hitting $150 million.

“White Boy Rick,” based on a true story and starring Matthew McConaughey as the father of a teenage FBI informant (Richard Wershe Jr. portrayed by Richie Merritt), opened in 2,504 theaters.

The Christian film “Unbroken: Path to Redemption” debuted in the No. 9 spot with $2.4 million. It’s based on Laura Hillenbrand’s novel about Olympian and World War II veteran Louis Zamperini and picks up where “Unbroken” left off.

September is often a slow time at the box office, making a $24 million launch somewhat notable, according to Dergarabedian. But while the year to date is still up nearly 9 percent, the weekend itself is down 5.8 percent from last year when “It” was still terrifying audiences and breaking records.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to comScore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

predator vs nun lifetime box office gross
Predator vs The Nun lifetime box office grosses
  1. “The Predator,” $24 million ($30.7 million international).

2. “The Nun,” $18.2 million ($33.1 million international).

3. “A Simple Favor,” $16.1 million ($3.5 million international).

4. “White Boy Rick,” $8.8 million.

5. “Crazy Rich Asians,” $8.7 million ($7.3 million international).

6. “Peppermint,” $6.1 million ($1.8 million international).

7. “The Meg,” $3.8 million ($6.1 million international).

8. “Searching,” $3.2 million ($6 million international).

9. “Unbroken: Path to Redemption,” $2.4 million.

10. “Mission: Impossible — Fallout,” $2.3 million ($15.9 million international).

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to comScore:

  1. “The Nun,” $33.1 million.
  2. “L Storm,” $32.2 million.
  3. “The Predator,” $30.7 million.
  4. “Mission: Impossible — Fallout,” $15.9 million.
  5. “Crazy Rich Asians,” $7.3 million.
  6. “The Meg,” $6.1 million.
  7. “Searching,” $6 million.
  8. “Christopher Robin,” $5 million.
  9. “The Equalizer 2,” $4.2 million.
  10. “Monstrum,” $3.9 million.

Apple Watch 4 evolved into better health lifeline


Apple takes its Watch Series 4 into even slimmer, lighter and faster territory while becoming more like a medical device for users.

Apple is trying to turn its smartwatch from a niche gadget into a lifeline to better health by slowly evolving it into a medical device.

In its fourth incarnation, called Series 4 and due out later this month, the Apple Watch will add features that allow it to take high-quality heart readings and detect falls. It’s part of Apple’s long-in-the-making strategy to give people a distinct reason to buy a wrist gadget that largely does things smartphones already do.

Since the Apple Watch launched in April 2015 , most people haven’t figured out why they need to buy one. Apple doesn’t release sales figures, but estimates from two analysts suggest the company shipped roughly 18 million of the gadgets in 2017. Apple sold almost 12 times as many iPhones — 216 million — that year. Apple shipped another 7.3 million Apple Watches during the first half of this year, according to Canalys Research, compared with more than 93 million iPhones.

Worldwide, about 48 million smartwatches are expected to be sold this year, compared with nearly 1.9 billion phones, according to the research firm Gartner.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has long aimed to emphasize the health- and fitness-tracking abilities of the smartwatch. The original version featured a heart-rate sensor that fed data into fitness and workout apps so they could suggest new goals and offer digital “rewards” for fitness accomplishments.

Two years later, Apple called its watch “the ultimate device for a healthy life,” emphasizing water resistance for swimmers and built-in GPS for tracking runs or cycling workouts. In February, the company announced that the watch would track skiing and snowboarding runs , including data on speed and vertical descent.

The latest version, unveiled Wednesday, is pushing the health envelope even further — in particular by taking electrocardiograms, or EKGs, on the device, a feature given clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Apple said. The watch will also monitor for irregular heartbeats and can detect when the wearer has fallen, the company said.

EKGs are important tests of heart health and typically require a visit to the doctor. The feature gained an onstage endorsement from Ivor Benjamin, a cardiologist who is president of the American Heart Association. He said such real-time data would change the way doctors work.

“This is enormous,” Gartner analyst Tuong Nguyen said of the EKG feature. He said it could turn smartwatches “from something people buy for prestige into something they buy for more practical reasons.”

It could also lead some health insurance plans to subsidize the cost of an Apple Watch, Nguyen said. That would help defray the $400 starting price for a device that still requires a companion iPhone, which can now cost more than $1,000.

The watch will use new sensors on the back and on the watch dial. A new app will say whether each reading is normal or shows signs of atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rate that increases the risk of heart complications, such as stroke and heart failure.

Apple says the heart data can be shared with doctors through a PDF file, though it’s not yet clear how ready doctors are to receive a possible flood of new EKG data from patients — nor how useful they will find the electronic files.

apple watch 4 ekg

This new features will be available to U.S. customers later this year, Apple said — an indication that it may not be ready for launch.

Fall detection could also be significant, especially for elderly users. The new Apple Watch claims to be able to tell the difference between a trip and a fall — and when the latter occurs, it will suggest calling 911 (or the equivalent outside the U.S.). If it receives no response within a minute, the watch will automatically place an emergency call and message friends and family designated as emergency contacts.

Only certain Apple Watch models support cellular calls, but those that don’t can still make emergency calls when near a paired iPhone or Wi-Fi service.

Apple says it monitored some 2,500 people — measuring how they fell off ladders, missed a step while walking or got their legs caught in their pants while getting dressed. It used that data to separate real falls from other heavy wrist movements, such as clapping and hammering.

The feature will turn on automatically for users 65 and over; younger people can activate it in the settings. “I can see kids buying one for their parents and grandparents,” said analyst Patrick Moorhead of Moor Insights.

But the Apple Watch still lacks one feature found in rival wrist gadgets: the ability to analyze sleep quality. Battery life in the new watch remains at 18 hours, meaning it needs a nightly recharge.

Apple unveils iPhone XS, XS Max, XR: Which one’s for you?


As with each year, Apple has shown off their latest iPhone line which is more expensive than last year’s iPhone X, and they come with the usual pros and cons. Here’s our guide to help you wade through the iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR. Whatever happened to just giving them the number afterward?

Sales have slowed for the tech giant, but the biggest news is that the iPhone X is gone along with all the older iPhone models that came with headphone jacks.

CEO Tim Cook showed off the iPhone XS Max, which has a bigger screen than the one on last year’s dramatically designed model, the iPhone X. It’ll cost about $1,100, topping the iPhone X, which at $1,000 seemed jaw-dropping at the time. An updated iPhone X, now called the XS, stays at $1,000.

As with the iPhone X, both new phones have screens that run from edge to edge, an effort to maximize the display without making the phone too awkward to hold. The screen needs no backlight, so black would appear as truly black rather than simply dark. The Max model looks to be about the size of the iPhone 8 Plus, though the screen size is much larger.

apple iphone x xs max smartphones

The iPhone XS Max, which will be available on Sept. 21 — with orders open the week before — represents Apple’s attempt to feed consumers’ appetite for increasingly larger screens as they rely on smartphones to watch and record video and to take photos wherever they are.

By making more expensive iPhones, Apple has been able to boost its profits despite waning demand as people upgrade phones less frequently. iPhones fetched an average price of $724 during the April-June period, a nearly 20 percent increase from a year earlier.

Apple also showed off a cheaper iPhone, called the iPhone XR. It has a traditional, lower-quality screen and an aluminum body; it’s physically smaller than the iPhone 8 Plus but has a bigger screen. It’ll cost roughly $750 and come out on Oct. 26.

All three new models join the iPhone X in getting rid of the home button to make room for more screen. They will have facial-recognition technology to unlock the device.

Although it didn’t sell quite as analysts anticipated, the iPhone X still emerged as the most popular in Apple’s line-up, according to Cook. That emboldened the company to aim an even more expensive device at the affluent households that tend to gravitate to its products, especially in the U.S. and Europe.

For everyone else, many of whom are still using iPhones they purchased several years ago, there’s the XR.

“I am going to go out on a limb and say the XR is going to become Apple’s top-selling iPhone,” said analyst Patrick Moorhead of Moor Insights. “It is a smart strategy to keep more people in the Apple ecosystem and get even more people to come into it.”

The next major update to the iOS will be released next Tuesday, followed a week later by a Mac software update. Both will be free to install.

Apple also announced updates that push its Apple Watch further into medical device territory. It has a larger screen and a built-in heart sensor that the company said can detect irregular heart rates and perform an electrocardiogram. The latter feature has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the company said.

Ben Wood of CCS Insight said getting U.S. regulatory clearance for that is a milestone that underscores the company’s leadership in health and fitness. Typically, smartwatches are marketed as consumer devices, not medical ones needing clearance.

These features will be available to U.S. customers later this year, but Apple did not say when it would make it to the rest of the world.

In addition, Apple said the Series 4 Apple Watch will also be able to detect when someone falls — and can tell the difference between a trip and a fall. If it detects a fall and the user doesn’t respond in a minute, it’ll automatically call for help. This feature may be especially attractive to older people or those with elderly parents worried about falling when no one is around to help.

iphone xs xs max in hands

Pros and Cons of Apple’s latest iPhone line:


The most important benefit of the iPhone XS and XS Max over the cheaper XR is its display, which is arguably the most impressive smartphone screen on the market. The XS has a 5.8-inch size, 2436 x 1125 resolution OLED display — the same as the original iPhone X — while the XS Max has a 6.5-inch, 2688 x 1242 resolution OLED display. Both devices feature a pixel density of 458 ppi.

This results in the brightest, sharpest, most color-accurate displays Apple has ever produced for its smartphone line. Apple also says the glass encasing the device is an improvement on last year’s model. If you’re a sucker for giant smartphone screens that truly look next-generation in quality, Apple’s XS and XS Max models are no-brainers.


One of the best ways to justify buying one of Apple’s top-of-the-line iPhone models is the advancements the company achieves in mobile photography. In the case of the iPhone XS and XS Max, you’re getting a couple of new features that really take advantage of the interplay between Apple’s software and its new A12 Bionic chip, which helps with onboard processing for tasks that make use of machine learning and other artificial intelligence-powered software.

One of those new features is Smart HDR, which will take a number of photos with varying exposure settings and other manual tweaks and stitch them together similar to what Google does for its Pixel phones. The other is the ability to manually adjust the aperture of a photo, and thus the depth of field, after it’s already been captured. This is something that was pioneered years ago by camera maker Lytro, and it’s usually achieved through the use of light-field photography.

In this case, however, Apple is able to produce the same effect with software by using many of the same computational photography techniques that power its Portrait Mode. (Although, again, it’s worth mentioning that Android phones have been able to do this same technique for quite some time as well.)

iphone xs waterproof in pool man
iPhone XS water resistant even in a pool


The new XS and XS Max have a number of subtle additions that aren’t notable enough to break out as “best” features, including dual SIM support, stereo sound, and a 512GB storage option, to name the most prominent. But one feature that separates the XS from last year’s X and from the new XR is the IP68 rated water, splash, and dust resistance.

It’s one step up from the IP67 rating of the original iPhone X, and it means that you can accidentally submerge your XS or XS Max in up to seven feet of water for as long as 30 minutes. That’s twice the depth that the IP67 rating allows. So if you’re prone to dropping your iPhone into, say, a swimming pool or lake instead of just a toilet or bathtub, the XS is a big improvement in the not-needing-a-replacement-device department.

Given that this year is Apple’s S upgrade year, meaning these phones are only incrementally better than last year’s models, there are quite a few drawbacks to plunking down more than $1,000 for a flagship device that will be outdated 12 months from now. Here’s where the XS and XS Max fall short, and why you might want to consider either holding off for a year or two for newer models or going with the XR instead.


When Apple launched the iPhone X last year, it was the very first time the company decided to price its smartphone in the unprecedented thousand-dollar range, with the $999 base model bleeding into four digits after tax or well into the $1,100–$1,250 range if you decided to get one with more storage.

The iPhone XS and XS Max push Apple even further into the luxury, exorbitant consumer electronics territory. Although the base model iPhone XS remains at $999 before tax, a storage upgrade from 64GB to 256GB — because there is no 128GB model — puts you at $1,150 before tax. The 512GB model is a staggering $1,350.

The XS Max’s price is a bit more understandable, considering its larger display. It starts at $1,099 and goes all the way up to $1,449 for a 512GB model. That’s the priciest iPhone that Apple has ever made. And the fact that it costs more than a base-model MacBook Pro is bound to push the XS Max far beyond the realm of possibility for your average smartphone buyer.

iphone x vs xs max vs xr apple
Apple iPhone XS, XS Max and XR


The iPhone X was Apple’s biggest deviation from its fall smartphone refresh strategy in years, in that it gave people with the desire and cash to spare an obvious and visibly superior alternative to the standard iPhone design we became accustomed to. You got the first OLED display on an iPhone in addition to an edge-to-edge design and Face ID.

With the iPhone XS and XS Max, you’re not really getting devices that are all that much better than Apple’s cheaper XR variant. The XR has the same A12 Bionic processor, the same front-facing camera with Face ID and Animoji, and the same bezel-less design. The rear-facing camera doesn’t have the dual-lens system that the original X and the new XS and XS Max have. But it can still perform many of the same Portrait Mode shots and other computational photography tricks, like adjustable aperture to intensify or dampen artificial bokeh effects, thanks to camera software advancements.

Even the display on the XR, which is larger than the display XS, is being touted as an industry-leading version of LCD that Apple is calling Liquid LCD (meaning it uses a backlighting system to fill out the bezel-less screen). So it’s not very likely that most average consumers are going to notice a huge difference between the XR screen and the OLED display on the XS. Granted, the iPhone XS and XS Max have higher-resolution displays with HDR, so that’s worth taking into account if those are features that matter to you.

apple iphone xr cost effective


This may be the most benign complaint to have about the XS and XS Max, but its three standard colors — gold, silver, and space grey — really feel muted and uninspired compared to the XR’s black, blue, coral, red, yellow, and white options.

Apple has always reserved its flashier color options for its cheaper, more mass-market models, all the way back to its iPod line and more recently with the iPhone 5C. And the company routinely locks popular color options, even for accessories, behind specific screen sizes and upgrade tiers as a way to incentivize consumers to upgrade.

Still, it’s a big bummer that you can’t buy a more expressive smartphone from Apple while still enjoying the best specs and hardware its flagship line has to offer. That said, if you’re buying a $1,150 phone, you’re probably going to want to cover the back of it with a case anyway.

‘A Star Is Born’ anew for Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga


It’s taken a long road to get “A Star Is Born” back onto the big screen for a fourth time, but it’s been worth the wait as Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga truly make this film spark. Yes, Clint Eastwood had Beyonce in mind for the lead role at one time, but you’ll quickly forget that the minute Gaga steps onto the screen.

The response to Cooper’s romantic saga “A Star Is Born” has been intense. Critics have boasted of crying uncontrollably. Fans outside theaters have swooned for its star, Lady Gaga. Words like “glorious,” ″rapturous” and, of course, “gaga” are running rampant.

“Having been on the other side of it, when you do something that doesn’t do well, people tend to avoid you,” Cooper said in an interview alongside his co-star. “I don’t see people, like, going the other way as I’m walking down the street.”

Quite the contrary. Since making landfall at the Toronto International Film Festival, “A Star Is Born” has provoked the kind of mania rarely seen in even the feverish realm of a film festival. It’s been hailed as “a transcendent Hollywood movie” (per Variety) and “damned near perfect” (per Rolling Stone).

And it has predictably flown to the top of Oscar prediction lists in just about every category, including its original songs. It’s a breakthrough for Cooper, directing for the first time, and Gaga, who’s leading a movie for the first time.

“I have been trying not to read any reviews. But every once in a while, my friends will read over and go (shoving phone in face): ‘You have to see this!’” says Gaga. “But I have to say truly, I feel like an audience member now. Watching the film back, it really impacts me on a deep emotional level.”

“I think what would be wonderful is that we intervene early in life when we see people struggling,” Lady Gaga said. “I think fame is very unnatural. I think it’s important we guide artists and take care of them on a physical level as they rise.” She noted that most people thought celebrities change, but she felt like it was more that those around them did.

And it seems to be impacting those in the audience similarly. Even its trailer, watched by millions on YouTube, has sparked a rare eagerness. Anthony Ramos, who plays a friend of Gaga’s character in the film, said he’s been constantly harangued about details making the film.

“It’s lighting in a bottle, man,” said Ramos. “From the moment I stepped on set, the way Bradley works and the way Stefani works, I was like, ‘This could be crazy.’ And sure enough, here we are and people are buggin’ out.”

Acclaim hasn’t been universal for “A Star Is Born,” which stars Cooper as the seasoned rock star Jackson Maine and Gaga as a struggling artist he falls in love with. Its sheer popularity is certain to engender the kinds of waves of backlash that are typical of any big cultural force parading through Oscar season.

Warner Bros. will release the film Oct. 5 and is planning a sizable awards campaign. It’s the third remake of the original 1937 film, following the 1954 version with Judy Garland and James Mason, and the more rocking 1976 version, with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson.

This remake was initially developed with Clint Eastwood directing and Beyonce potentially starring. Cooper first discussed the role with Eastwood, his “American Sniper” director, before ultimately taking the directing reins himself. In a gesture of encouragement, Eastwood visited the set the first day of shooting.

For Lady Gaga, the experience was transformational. She dyed her hair her natural color. She and Cooper performed songs live.

“There can be a 100 people in the room and 99 don’t believe in you, and just one does. And it can change everything,” Gaga said at the press conference. “I wouldn’t be here if Bradley didn’t believe me. My dad, and also Bradley.”

“I wanted to give everything that I had, every last drop of blood, all my fear, all my shame, all my love, all my kindness,” she added. “I wanted to give it to him.”

lady gaga smiles at guitar bradley cooper star is born
Bradley Cooper has killer chemistry with Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born 2018

5 Things To Know About “A Star Is Born”

1. Lady Gaga is a movie star, baby

That Gaga had pipes worthy of a movie musical was never in doubt. But A Star is Born proves she’s a hell of an actor, too. Her Ally has the more dramatic arc of the movie, evolving from bright-eyed nobody to glamorous pop star, and Gaga’s performance rings true every step of the way. For large swaths of the movie, I forgot that I was watching at one of the most famous musicians in the world – she was just Ally.

2. Bradley Cooper has a bright future as a director

A Star is Born is Bradley Cooper’s debut as a director, but you’d never know it by watching. This film has the surefootedness of someone who’s done this a dozen times before and made me curious to see what he might get up to next.

Oh, and another of Cooper’s gifts as a director? He’s very good at directing one Bradley Cooper. Jackson Maine is one of Cooper’s most riveting performances – Cooper knows exactly how to bring out the nuances playing across Jack’s face in the many scenes he spends gazing at Ally.

3. The chemistry between Cooper and Gaga is 🔥🔥🔥

When Jack and Ally meet for the first time, it’s not immediately apparent just how hot this connection is going to run. Cooper gives his characters time to warm up to each other, letting them goof around and reveal their personalities before they fall for each other – so that when they do finally connect, it feels like watching a house catch fire.

4. The music might give you chills

The best moment in A Star is Born is also the best moment from the A Star is Born trailer: The absolute wail that comes from Gaga’s throat during the song “Shallow,” the first time Jack and Ally perform together onstage. It’s such a transcendent moment that I swelled up before realizing I was about to cry, and started crying before I really figured out why.

The rest of the soundtrack is pretty solid, too. Gaga does a fun cover of “La Vie en Rose,” and Cooper reveals himself as a surprisingly affecting singer with numbers like “Maybe It’s Time.” Get used to these songs. You’re going to hear them a lot for the next few months.

5. This is going to win so many awards and make so much money

Let me reiterate what I said before: A Star is Born is going to be huge. It looks like the kind of broadly appealing crowdpleaser that’ll have long legs at the box office, like Crazy Rich Asians or The Greatest Showman. Your parents will love it. So will your roommate, and your significant other, and your co-workers, and just about anyone else you might go to the movies with.

Including that one friend of yours who’s always going on about awards season, because A Star is Born also looks poised to get a bunch of nominations – for the soundtrack, for Gaga and Cooper’s performances, for Cooper’s work behind the camera as co-writer and director, and maybe even for the Best Picture categories.

Olivia Munn feeling ‘Predator’ chill at TIFF

It’s interesting that Hollywood tradition continues as Olivia Munn stepped up to report a registered sex offender in the cast of “Predator,” but the rest of the cast doesn’t seem so happy with this. Yes, some still worry that the taint of this news will keep people from seeing the film even though Twentieth Century Fox immediately stepped up to the plate and deleted the scenes.

These offenders have been allowed to run rampant in Hollywood as long as there’s money to be made or they are friends with the ‘right’ people. We say bravo to Olivia Munn for stepping up and reporting him.

Actress Olivia Munn says she has found little support from some of her “Predator” co-stars and director after a Los Angeles Times report revealed that Twentieth Century Fox had removed a scene that featured a man who is a registered sex offender. Munn alerted the studio to Steven Wilder Striegel’s status, and the scene was cut within 24 hours.

In a round of press at the Toronto International Film Festival on Saturday, Munn described feeling lonely and isolated in the wake of the report.

“It’s a very lonely feeling to be sitting here by myself when I should be sitting here with the rest of the cast,” Munn told media outlets. “I do feel like I’ve been treated by some people that I’m the one who went to jail or I’m the one that put this guy on set.”

Some of her cast mates also backed out of interviews with her, according to The Hollywood Reporter. One of her co-stars, Keegan-Michael Key, was never booked to do that interview as he departed the festival early for the Jewish new year holiday. His publicist says Sunday that he reached out to Munn privately last week to express his admiration for her.

Munn said that she’s not heard from director Shane Black since the scene was deleted.

“I haven’t heard from Shane. I did see his apology … I would have appreciated it more if it was directed toward me privately before it went public and I had to see it online with everyone else,” she said. “It’s honestly disheartening to have to fight for something so hard that is just so obvious to me.”

Munn continued: “It’s amazing how many people expect you to put the movie first, especially if you’re the lead. On something like this – where a child has been hurt – my silence will never be for sale. And if it costs me my career they can take it.”

Black has frequently cast Striegel in his films, including 2013’s “Iron Man 3” and 2016’s “The Nice Guys.”

Munn stars in the film alongside Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes and Thomas Jane, in addition to “This Is Us” star Brown, “Room” breakout Tremblay and Key.

steven wilder striegel registered sex offender for twentieth century fox

Just hours before the premiere of “The Predator” at the Toronto International Film Festival, Twentieth Century Fox said it removed a scene from the film with actor Steven Wilder Striegel after learning he is a registered sex offender.

A spokesperson for Fox on Thursday said Striegel’s single scene in the film was promptly cut after the studio learned of Striegel’s background. Fox said it didn’t know of the actor’s history because of legal limitations on running background checks on actors.

“Our studio was not aware of Mr. Striegel’s background when he was hired,” said the spokesperson. “Several weeks ago, when the studio learned the details, his one scene in the film was removed within 24 hours.”

Shane Black, director of the fourth installment in the sci-fi action franchise, has long been a friend of Striegel’s and has frequently cast him in his films.

Black said in a statement, “Having read this morning’s news reports, it has sadly become clear to me that I was misled by a friend I really wanted to believe was telling me the truth when he described the circumstances of his conviction. I believe strongly in giving people second chances — but sometimes you discover that chance is not as warranted as you may have hoped.

“After learning more about the affidavit, transcripts and additional details surrounding Steve Striegel’s sentence, I am deeply disappointed in myself. I apologize to all of those, past and present, I’ve let down by having Steve around them without giving them a voice in the decision.”

The Los Angeles Times first reported the reediting of “The Predator” to remove Striegel. It said that Fox was alerted to Striegel’s background by actress Olivia Munn. Munn stars in the film, and played opposite Striegel in his one scene.

Striegel pleaded guilty in 2010 for attempting to entice a 14-year-old female into a sexual relationship via the internet. He served six months in jail. The former “Melrose Place” actor has previously appeared in Black’s 2013 film “Iron Man 3″ and his 2016 comedy “The Nice Guys.”

Black told The Los Angeles Times: “I personally chose to help a friend. I can understand others might disapprove, as his conviction was on a sensitive charge and not to be taken lightly.”