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Large Hadron Collider Back In Business


hadron collider back in business 2015

Dan Brown made the Large Hadron Collider famous in his book Angels & Demons, but most people didn’t realize that it had actually been shut down for two years. Now it’s back in business and ready to put that rift back up between science and religion.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a particle accelerator and the largest machine in the world, is ready for action following a two-year shutdown.

After problems that delayed the restart in March, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) completed final tests, enabling the first beams to start circulating Sunday inside the LHC’s 17 mile (27 km) ring.

“Operating accelerators for the benefit of the physics community is what CERN’s here for,”CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer said on the organization’s website. “Today, CERN’s heart beats once more to the rhythm of the LHC.”

The LHC generates up to 600 million particles per second, with a beam circulating for 10 hours, traveling more than 6 billion miles (more than 10 billion kilometers) — the distance from Earth to Neptune and back again. At near light-speed, a proton in the LHC makes 11,245 circuits per second.

large hadron collider back in business

Why does it matter?

It took thousands of scientists, engineers and technicians decades to devise and build the particle accelerator, housed in a tunnel between Lake Geneva and the Jura mountain range.

The purpose of the lengthy project is to recreate the conditions that existed moments after the “Big Bang” — the scientific theory said to explain the creation of the universe. By replicating the energy density and temperature, scientists hope to uncover how the universe evolved.

Our current, limited, knowledge is based on what’s called The Standard Model of particle physics. “But we know that this model is not complete,” Dr. Mike Lamont, operations group leader at the LHC, said in March.

The burning questions that remain include the origin of mass and why some particles are very heavy, while others have no mass at all; a unified description of all the fundamental forces such as gravity; and uncovering dark matter and dark energy, since visible matter accounts for only 4 percent of the universe.

The LHC could also question the idea that the universe is only made of matter, despite the theory that antimatter must have been produced in the same amounts at the time of the Big Bang.

CERN says the energies achievable by the LHC have only ever been found in nature.

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The machine alone costs approximately three billion euros (about $3.3 billion), paid for by member countries of CERN and contributions by non-member nations.

The organization also asserts that its guidelines for the protection of the environment and personnel comply with standards set by Swiss and French laws and a European Council Directive.

Scientists and physics enthusiasts will be waiting with bated breath as the LHC ventures into the great unknown.

“After two years of effort, the LHC is in great shape,” said CERN Director for Accelerators and Technology, Frédérick Bordry. “But the most important step is still to come when we increase the energy of the beams to new record levels.”

Will USB Type-C Crossover To PC From Apple MAC & Should You Care


usb type c connector board 2015

There is no doubt that USB is one of the most common types of connection that we see between computer and peripherals and it is an abbreviation that will be recognised by almost anyone who owns a computer.

USB actually stands for universal serial bus and is a standard that encompasses the cables, connections and protocols that come together to form a standardised way of connecting and communicating between computer peripherals.

The most common types of devices that are normally connected via USB include external hard drives, pen drives, smart phones and printers but there are literally hundreds of other devices that use the same method of connection.

The USB connection standard goes back to the mid 1990’s and as the technology has been developed so has the functionality and speed of communication that it allows.

USB 1.0 had a specified maximum data rate of 12 Mbps, USB 2.0 had a data rate of 480 Mbps and USB 3.0 had a data rate of around 5120 Mbps. The new USB 3.1 has a data rate of 10240 Mbps so it is potentially twice as fast as its predecessor and it is also largely agreed upon that the standard is actually capable (in theory) of twice the bandwidth once it is further developed.

There are a couple of important things to understand about these data rate calculations and whilst these facts complicate things slightly, it is important to understand them.

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Mbps vs MB/s

There is always some confusion when it comes to data speeds and the comparison between devices due to the fact that there are actually several different data metrics that are commonly used:

  • Mbps stands for megabits per second – a megabit is 1,000,000 bits
  • MB/s stands for megabytes per second – a megabyte being 8,000,000 bits (As there are 8 bits in a byte).

When you reach the likes of USB 3.1 and Type-C connections you will also often see speeds and data rates mentioned in Gbps and GB/s – Gigabits and Gigabytes are 1000 the speed of their respective “mega” equivalents.

Data rates and realistic speeds

The second point to understand about data speeds is that the rates mentioned above, which are generally the advertised rates for these standards, are actually the signalling rates which describes the amount of data that actually travels from one point to another, over the cable or connection.

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when data is being transferred over a USB cable including error correction, compression and encoding overhead which means that the actual data transfer rates that we see as the end user are often much lower than the advertised throughput of any particular device or standard.

With USB 3.1 for example, whilst the throughput is 10Gbps, the actual maximum data transfer rate is likely to be around 7.2 Gbps – to be fair this is still extremely fast.

usb type c for apple mac 2015

The new Type-C connector

The USB 3.1 standard has also seen the release of a new type of connection for USB devices called the Type-C connector.

This new type of connection is potentially as important as the new USB standard itself due to the fact that it has modernised the way in which USB devices connect to each other.

Prior to the type-C connection there were two types of USB connections – Type-A and Type-b. To put it simply, these two different types of USB connection would be used to plug into either the host (such as the computer or laptop) or the peripheral – such as a printer or an external hard drive.

The nature of the USB connection and its multiple connector types restricted the use of the medium due to the fact that a particular type of connection was required at either end depending on the type of transfer or connection that was required.

With the new Type-C connector this restriction has been eradicated and now both ends of the connector and identical and can be used to perform either as the host or as the peripheral.

This is very important – firstly because it means the manufacturing costs can be reduced – seeing as there is only one type of connector to produce but also because devices can act in different capacities – for example the host or computer can not only received data via USB but it can also act as a peripheral and output data over USB – for example streaming video to an external device.

In addition to the modernised way in which devices will communicate using type-C connector cables there is also other new technology that has been introduced to the standard that will allow for the expansion of USB as a medium and opens up many new possibilities.

One very interested new feature that comes with the type-C connection is something called medium-agnostic USB. This sounds complicated but in actual fact it’s a very simple principal. Medium agnostic USB means that the connection standard no longer needs a physical USB connection in order to operate. This means that you could potentially have USB connections running over Ethernet or even running over wireless link meaning that you could have a wireless USB hard drive or perhaps even a remote cloud based storage platform that appears in your computer as if it is a standard USB device.

In light of the way in which technology is moving – the fact that as broadband speeds are increasing, we are relying more and more on remote cloud based storage and also the delivery of services over the internet and via the cloud – having a USB standard that operates over these remote links is actually very exciting and exactly the type of revolution that the standard was in need of.

These new features and possibilities make it much more powerful than previous USB standards and also a mass market contender to the much loved and respected thunderbolt standard used by Apple devices.

RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE Ep 705: Despy Out With Kasha


On this week’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race the drag queens paired up to create red carpet worthy celebrity outfits (based on outfits celebrities have actually worn on the red carpet) using nothing but paper. After getting paired up the drag queens began to prepare their outfits. Each pair modeled their outfit for RuPaul and the other drag queens. RuPaul then announced Katya and Mrs. Kasha Davis were the winners of this challenge.

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RuPaul then announced the DESPY Awards, which is an awards show that each pair of drag queens had to act out. Categories for the awards were chosen and each pair had to give an acceptance speech for their fake award. Violet and Miss Fame tried to write jokes for the show, but said they couldn’t think of any because Violet said they are not funny people. RuPaul then talked with each pair about their strategy for this challenge. When he talked to Pearl he told her that him telling her last week that she has no personality should light a fire under her and make her put more of herself into each performance she gives. Pearl became frustrated and walked away. When she came back she looked defeated.

Kathy Griffin was brought in for this week’s episode to act as a comedy consultant for each pair of drag queens. They each performed in front of her and she gave them advice on their performances. Each pair of drag queens got to nominate a fellow drag queen for one of the DESPY Awards.

rupauls drag race despy awards 505 recap 2015

On Elimination Day Pearl said she felt better about the competition than she had in the past. Pearl admitted she dealt with abandonment issues in high school because she had many bad experiences, causing her to be somewhat shy.

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The drag queens then walked the runway in front of the judges, including guest judge Isaac Mizrahi. Katya and Mrs. Kasha Davis came out first as the host of the awards show. They then introduced Jaiyden and Kennedy Davenport to present the first award. They presented the Sexiest Drag Queen Award. The winning drag queen then made a short acceptance speech. Pearl & Max then announced the award for Most Busted Drag Queen. Jaiyden won this particular award and accepted it. Kandy Ho and Ginger Minj then presented the award for Shadiest Queen to Violet. Miss Fame and Violet then presented the Meatiest Tuck award to Katya.

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After the awards show presentations the drag queens were judged. Max and Pearl were told they won this challenge. Both drag queens won a custom jewel package. Jaiyden and Kennedy were told they were safe from elimination. The judges’ critiques then began. Kandy Ho’s dress was criticized because she looked lost in it. Violet was told she looked fabulous but her performances are too fast paced. Miss Fame was praised for her outfit but she was told her performance was too low energy.

The drag queens were then sent back stage so the judges could discuss each of them. They discussed that Violet doesn’t interact with the other drag queens very well but that her acceptance speech was great. RuPaul then brought the drag queens back out and said she had made the decision that Ginger Minj was safe but Kandy Ho was not. Miss Fame and Katya were also told they were safe. Mrs. Kasha Davis was told that she was up for elimination. After the lip sync competition between Mrs. Kasha Davis and Violet, RuPaul announced that she had made her decision and that Kandy Ho and Shante could stay but that Mrs. Kasha Davis was being sent home.

rupauls drag race ep 705 elimination 2015

Below is the full episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race Untucked: The Despys:

BETTER CALL SAUL Ep 109 Recap: Chuck & Jimmy’s Betrayal


This week on Better Call Saul, some people showed their true colors, and it was a disappointing but interesting twisty surprise. Would the real Chuck please stand up! I’m sorry that the real big bro did show his true self. Besides Jimmy being back stabbed this week, there were some highlights. Mike is a dangerous, dangerous individual, even when armed only with a pimento cheese sandwich. Mike may look worn out and ready for a room at Sandpiper Crossing, but he is a tough guy that is not to be trifled with.

The first scene this week was a nice picture of two brothers sitting on a bench with their toes in the grass and a perfect case right in their laps that will win them millions. Jimmy has helped his crazy bro be able to somewhat overcome his allergy to electricity and enjoy the outdoors.chuck returns to law firm with jimmy better call saul 2015 109

The Sandpiper lawyers are scum of course. They try, just like Chuck predicts, to keep Jimmy off the property and thus away from his clients. This little tactic doesn’t work. It is an example of how many obstacles will be thrown at Jimmy by this big firm. He won’t have time to do his clients any good as the opposition keeps him in court with ridiculous motions. Chuck tells Jimmy of the flood of paperwork that came and the ton that will follow. They have no choice but to partner with Hamlin’s firm if they have any hope of wrapping this fraud case up for the elderly victims who could die before a two man team can get it over with and hand out the settlement.

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The last thing Jimmy wants is to hand over his golden goose to Howard Hamlin. He knows big bro knows best however so he agrees, thinking he will get to work right alongside Chuck in one of the big Hamlin offices. Jimmy is disappointed, but you can tell he is happy to be able to continue to work with his brother, even if it’s at the enemy’s facility. Chuck’s phone call in the middle of the night let us know he is up to no good. He isn’t a bad guy, but he did a very bad thing.

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mike knocks out sobchak in better call saul 109

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Mike’s interview for the personal protection job went well. He was so impressive that the other two candidates were left out and he was able to get paid for all three guys. He disarmed the mercenary guy, which scared off the future WWE star and impressed the nerdy looking pharmacist guy he would be protecting. Taking the gun away from the hired gunman was very impressive. Mike has some skills son!

chuck with jimmy in law firm on better call saul 2015

Chuck and Jimmy set out to meet with Howard Hamlin and company to discuss the case. Chuck has been fitted with a suit laced with space blanket material….Jimmy’s idea of course. Little brother is smarter than Chuck. Not in legal terms or book knowledge, but as a quick thinker and a real world survivor. Jimmy would fit right in with Rick Grimes’ crew in a world filled with zombies and deadly humans. Chuck would have been killed within days of a zombie outbreak.

The meeting at the HHM building starts fine as Chuck is welcomed back like Maximus Decimus Meridius after conquering some barbarians for Rome. Jimmy is left to hold the file boxes and only Kim acknowledges his presence as she gives him a hand.

Howard is really amped up about this case, and Jimmy has to slow him down so they get the details straight first. That’s no issue. Jimmy will get 20% of the final settlement, when the case wraps up and $20K immediately for his efforts in building the Sandpiper case to this point. The trouble is that Howard has no intention of letting Jimmy work on the case in his building and it appears that he has such a hatred for Jimmy that he won’t budge. Our boy Jimmy is truly shocked that Howard would turn away the case rather than have him on their team of lawyers. No one can be that big of a dick right? Wrong, but it’s not Howard. Chuck is the bad guy and Howard Hamlin is simply playing the role of monster for him, as he requested on that late night phone call. Jimmy doesn’t know this yet so he tells Hamlin that he will “burn the case to the ground” before he hands it over to their firm.mike banks facing off nacho vargas in better call saul 2015 109

Mike’s job went fine and he made an easy $1500 protecting the geek with no business on the street. Nacho was the buyer and there was no trouble….except a missing $20 that Mike insisted be paid. Doing your homework is the key to dealing with criminals according to the former cop. This easy money is hard to resist.

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Jimmy is no dummy so he eventually finds out about Chuck’s call to Howard. He knows it was his wacko-bro that blocked him behind the scenes. He confronts Chuck and wants to know why. He gets his answer and we get to see a very ugly side of Chuck. He is not a bad person. He just loves the law more than he loves his brother. Jimmy is still just a con man in Chuck’s eyes, only now he is armed with a law degree. If the University of American Samoa Law Degree was hanging anywhere near Chuck at that moment, he would have no doubt spat upon it. Passing the bar was something that Jimmy was proud of and even happier that it made his big brother proud of him. It turns out that Chuck saw it as a joke and never viewed Jimmy as his peer. Chuck is actually jealous of Jimmy as a lawyer. It comes easy to him and Chuck can’t stand that.

Jimmy tells Chuck he is done with him and catering to his weird needs. Who can blame the guy? He just found out that his brother is Judas and after all the measures he took to help Chuck get through his ridiculous malady. If Jimmy had smashed Chuck’s brains in with one of those lanterns I think he would have been justified…..in jail for murder, but justified nonetheless.

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If this episode didn’t show Jimmy that he is not wanted with the uppity type lawyers then nothing will. Even his own blood wants to keep him out of that elite circle. In fact, I think Howard Hamlin takes Jimmy in if not for Chuck. That’s how great a case Jimmy handed them on a silver platter. This betrayal is the likely start of shadier tactics by Jimmy, who has tried to do good, but has not found any benefit from doing so.

Paul George Returns To Pacers & Takes Heat Out Of Miami


paul george indiana pacers return to take out miami heat 2015

Indiana Pacers superstar Paul George played in his first basketball game in over eight months on Sunday against the shorthanded Miami Heat. George scored 13 points in 15 minutes off the bench, hitting his first shot of the night and sending the home crowd into a frenzy.

The Pacers blew out the Heat, 112-89; but with both Chris “Birdman” Anderson and Hassan Whiteside sidelined with injuries—the only two centers on the Heat roster—the Pacers didn’t have to put up much of a fight.

“We tried to cover the open stitches with gauze so I could play,” said Whiteside. “It was a lot more painful [Saturday] than it is now.” Whiteside played through open stitches Saturday, but Anderson has missed a few games lately with his bruised calf; however, he was able to play in three straight before Sunday.

pacers beat miami heat 2015

The Heat did their best, but at the end of the day they had no size to matchup with the Pacers. The starting lineup consisted of Dwayne Wade, Goran Dragic, Luol Deng, Henry Walker, and Udonis Haslem—no one taller than 6’9. Wade finished with 27 points, and Dragic put up 15; but without Chris Bosh or their two big men, the Heat just couldn’t keep pace with the red-hot Pacers.

The Heat’s loss has resigned them to the 10th seed in the weak Eastern Conference only days after holding the 7th seed. Maybe it’s time for them to stop playing and start tanking. After all, the Heat’s 2015 1st round selection currently belongs to the Philadelphia 76ers from the 2010 sign-and-trade deal with the Cleveland Cavaliers that helped bring LeBron James to South Beach; however, it is top-10 protected, so tanking over the last few games could be beneficial for the Heat in the long run.

Let’s face it, the Heat would earn the 8th playoff seed at best at this point, meaning a first round matchup against the top-seeded Atlanta Hawks. Inevitably, this means an early playoff exit and no first round pick. On the other hand, the Heat stand only a half-game ahead of the Charlotte Hornets, so losing a few games should easily land the Heat in the top 10 pending the Draft Lottery.

My Problem With NeNe Leakes aka Where Did She Go?

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When you are a reality TV star, sometimes drama and controversy cannot help but follow you. While the concept is relatively new to see people gain so much notoriety on a superstar scale, reality TV has been around for decades.

best nene leakes face real housewives of atlanta 2015

We didn’t see the mega personalities then like we do now and if there is a famous person who has reality TV to thank for their success it is NeNe Leaks.

Most people know her from the hit Bravo network show The Real Housewives of Atlanta. A constant from the very beginning, she has been a major player in the six year existence of the show. Now we all know that what we see on TV, even that pegged as reality TV, is not real. Many people who got their start on such programs have come out to say that what we see them doing is scripted and that they and other cast members are indeed just acting. I understand that may be the case for most people, but I don’ think that is the case for Mrs. Leaks. She is exactly who we see on TV.

nene leakes with gun stank face real housewives of atlanta 2015

Let’s look at the facts and explore her past (what we know from what she has told us and what we have seen). Linnethia Monique Johnson (her government name) has been in show business for a while now. She has appeared on various television shows and movies in small roles throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s. Born and in Queens, NY and raised for majority of her life in Georgia, her dreams to become a star and work in entertainment came true when she was casted as one of the main talents for RHOA in 2008.  She has been the only one of the several stars to be there from the beginning so you know that plays a major part in how she acts and why it seems that she has changed from an overall fan favorite to someone that has made enemies both on and off the screen.

nene leakes stank face real housewives of atlanta 2015

I want to point out here that you have to be very careful in how you allow the thing that you want out of life to affect your attitude and your character when you finally get it. I have heard it said that your talents can take you to places that your character can’t keep you and I think that may be the case for Leaks. She is more smart (business wise) than talented and has learned to parlay that into a lucrative career and growing business empire. But what has she sacrificed along the way?

nene leakes ghetto girl angry face real housewives of atlanta 2015

In the beginning, she seemed more humble and open to explore her own shortcomings in the face of conflict. Nowadays, she just walks out of therapy sessions that she arranged and rarely swallows her pride enough to say when she is wrong. But it was her willingness to learn and tenacity to work hard that caught the attention of such industry heavy hitters like Ryan Murphy who casted her on the highly rated Fox show Glee in a reoccurring role as Roz Washington. Murphy even put her in the short-lived sitcom The New Normal.  While all of this was happening for her on the TV front, she was gaining a solid ground on the production, fashion and Broadway fronts, securing deals and partnerships that have defiantly added to her abundant wealth. Heck, she had Anderson Cooper as one of her biggest fans along with Ellen Degeneres, but how now after this transformation, they don’t even speak her name. Ryan Murphy loves his big hot messes as he once was a big fan of “I Love New York” reality diva Tiffany Pollard, and NeNe held his attention for about two years and now he’s done with her. This ride was exciting getting famous, but she took it way too seriously and began believing her own hype.

nene leakes is better than you face grace jones real housewives of atlanta 2015

All of this is good and fine but with her actions on RHOA and the lawsuits that have been brought against her by people who claim that she stole their idea and didn’t compensate them, my question is why does it have to be all of that?

nene leakes rich bitch face real housewives of atlanta 2015

Why does it have to be that when a person finally sees their dreams realized, they have to become something ugly; something fake? If you don’t know what I am talking about or don’t agree, then you really don’t know what is going  on with NeNe.

nene leakes irritated drink face real housewives of atlanta 2015

Yes she was on Celebrity Apprentice. Yes she was on Broadway in Cinderella as Madame and yes, she has a fashion line on HSN that sold out in a matter of days. I am a firm believer that those things, mixed in with all of her other successful endeavors, have more than likely gone to her head.

nene leakes arrogant face real housewives of atlanta 2015

See the thing about success, it shows who you really are. When you have attained the houses, cars and notoriety and have mountains of money, your friends are not the only ones who are truly seen. A person’s true self will always come out when they make it.

nene leakes angry thinker face real housewives of atlanta 2015

With NeNe, all of this rings true and she has just shown us who she really is. From walking out on Dr. Jeff two weeks ago on RHOA during a session where the other girls expressed how they felt about her because she felt it was “pick on NeNe day” to stealing the t-shirt design of a small businesswoman and blogger, NeNe needs a real life dose of reality.

nene leakes african angry mama face real housewives of atlanta 2015

The world does not revolve around her and it is clear that she thinks it does (she actually told her husband Greg that her character in Cinderella has more lines than anyone else in the play).

nene leakes big laugh real housewives of atlanta 2015

I know it can be hard to accept when everything is catered to you and at the tip of your fingertips, but the truth is the truth. NeNe Leaks is not the person she once was, or maybe she is and what’s left of her ardent fans are just too blind to see it. Just remember Tiffany Pollard, she had several reality shows and soon realized that fans are very fickle and move on quickly. Now that you’re reteaming with Kim Zolciak for an attempt to see if you can get another reality show going, you might want to enjoy the ride because reality tv, like life moves quickly and many times you’re left in the dust before you realize that it’s passed you by along with your fans.

RHOA Ep 18 Season 7: All’s Calm Without NeNe Leakes


This week on The Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA), the girls head to the Philippines for some peace, Zen and bonding. Hard to believe it worked out well, but then NeNe Leakes wasn’t around to stir things up and get things boiling over as usual.

The whole trip is Claudia’s idea as she feels like the girls need some time get together without all the shade, drama and fighting.  At the airport, Claudia and Porsha surprisingly seem to be getting along. This trip is also the first time that Cynthia and Phaedra have seen each since they tried to have lunch and talk about what happened at the dinner where Cynthia called her out about an alleged affair.

kenya moore loving room on real housewives of atlanta 2015

Their trip to the Philippines is a thirty-hour trip that they take together. Claudia takes video of the girls on the trip and they are actually getting along. Like this is the first time this season that I can remember that there isn’t any drama within the first five minutes of the show.

nene leakes offending cinderella director rhoa 2015

Meanwhile, NeNe is back in New York meeting with Mark, the creative director for her Broadway show Cinderella. They go over parts of the script and it is clear that NeNe is having some issues. She wants to use two different accents, she wants to bring out some NeNe with her character and Mark stops her. He says, in a very nice way, “that’s not what we are looking for.” She goes through the reading as best she can and all I can think is, why the hell was she chosen for this part? I’m sure he was thinking, it’s only for two weeks and she’s gone! Then Greg tells NeNe Leakes, he’s got a surprise, and we know how this one hates a surprise. He gets her out of the car on Broadway and shows her her name on the marquee outside the theater. Her reaction reminded me of the Nene Leakes I used to love when she appreciated things and just didn’t seem to take everything for granted.

nene leakes sees her name on broadway real housewives of atlanta 2015

Back in the Philippines, the girls settle in and Claudia gives the biggest room to Phaedra mainly because of all that she is going through. You can tell that she is really trying to help the girls. Claudia wants the energy they are feeling away from Atlanta to go back with them. Everyone, of course, believes that NeNe is the center of the problems and bad vibes in the group. Now I get it, but there are still some very clear attitudes and issues between the other girls that still need to be addressed.

claudia sharing with phaedra parks rhoa 2015

Claudia and Phaedra spend some time together having lunch and they sit and talk. Claudia opens up to Phaedra about her own divorce but of course Phaedra isn’t really opening up about her experiences. They share some tears and Claudia brings up the fact that it seems Phaedra and Kandi are not tight anymore. Phaedra ignores the comment and instead, asks her why she feels like she can be the catalyst for change in the group. Claudia says that she is just putting out good vibes and reaching out to the other girls.
phaedra parks talking to kandi on rhoa 2015

Later, Phaedra and Kandi have a spa date and they talk about their relationship. Kandi asks her “what do you say to them when I’m not around that makes them think we are having all these problems?” Phaedra says in her confessional that she does feel neglected and abandoned by her friend. She tells Kandi that what she said probably got lost in translation in the group and that they are still cool. “Our friendship is strong enough to move past it.” With that, Kandi brings up the fact that if she can get past stuff with NeNe (who now seems to be one of her best friends) she can get past stuff with Cynthia.

yoga time for real housewives of atlanta 2015

kandi looking like a tellatubby on rhoa 2015
Is this the lost Teletubbie?

After everyone has more sleep, the girls come together for a soothing, yoga-centered session. The other girls are able to do the yoga moves except for Kandi who not only has trouble but also falls asleep during the session.

cynthia shocked that phaedra cries on rhoa 2015

Before the dinner, Claudia speaks to Cynthia Bailey and Demetria about her conversation with Phaedra Parks. Claudia Jordan asks what can be done to help them bridge the gap of their issues and she Cynthia doesn’t really know.

claudia jordan is peacemaker on real housewives of atlanta 2015claudia jordan is peacemaker on real housewives of atlanta 2015

At the dinner, Claudia mixes the seats up so that people who don’t usually sit by each other are not only doing so, but are interacting and talking. She takes this time to bring up Cynthia and Phaedra’s beef. Cynthia apologizes to Phaedra but the lawyer still doesn’t hear it nor does she say anything back to her.

kenya moore ready to go for rhoa 2015

In the midst of their “conversation” Porsha, Kenya and Claudia have a small spat, which is created by Porsha’s need to be the center of attention (this is according to Kenya Moore). Claudia Jordan eventually quiets them down. Kenya then chimes in and she and Phaedra Parkshave a calm yet tense conversation. Kenya says that she would like to have a private conversation with Phaedra and she says that she would like to have the conversation too.

At the end of dinner, the girls are laughing, talking and enjoying each other. They make fun of each other’s asses, comparing them to each other and act like school girls at a slumber party. It is so refreshing to see them together in this way without all the drama.

In the beginning of the episode, I was very hesitant about them getting along. I didn’t think they would be able to put things aside and handle their conversations and situations like adults but they surprised the hell out of me and they did it. Claudia did a good job with getting the girls together and I hope it is a true change for the better. The one common denominator for all the stress induced trips that was missing from this equation was the formidable NeNe Leakes which is definitely showing who is causing the storms on this show.

Wrist Watching Back in Style?


iwatch wrist watching back in style again 2015 images

Before cellphones, the best way to tell time was to look at our wrists. It was a time when most people strutted around with a wristwatch. The more stylish, more colorful, the better with many professionals hoping to score a Rolex someday. Wrist watches were the status symbol for most men. Diver’s watches were common even if those watches never get immersed in water. Fast-forward in time and now whoever owns the latest iPhone rocks the hardest (admit it).  No one camps out in front of malls or watch stores hoping to score the latest from Tag Heuer or Swatch (though Swatch did come quite close). Now, instead of wearing wristwatches, people take to looking at their phones to tell the time, even if it means having to pull their phones out of their pockets or out of the inner recesses of their purses. What is the sense of having two devices that tell time, right? Now tech companies hope to bring the wrist watching era back through wearables dominated by smart watches.

Tech companies are scrambling to come up with their own smart watches. There’s Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung, Sony and Apple. We all know that Apple has just released the Apple Watch. It’s pretty late into the game but we also know how the iPhone turned out. Apple hopes to bring style into the wearables business with its Apple Watch/iPhone 6 tandem. Will the Apple Watch and iPhone 6 succeed in changing our timekeeping habits back to the wrist? Will people once again be chastised for looking at their wrists during boring meetings? Moreover, can Apple once again shift the personal computing paradigm? Perhaps, if it’s cool enough.

apple iwatch hot for 2015

Before cellphones, the techiest wristwatches have ever gotten before was the inclusion of a scientific calculator or the ability to play Space Invaders. Higher end watches included altimeters and pressure sensors. Today, conventional wristwatch makers struggle to keep up with the growing number of smart watches. Since the release of the Apple Watch, luxury watch makers have announced that they’re joining the bandwagon.  Never before has so many features been crammed into wristwatches. Technology has gotten portable enough to fit a small computer into a 1.5 square inch space. We’ve all had our Dick Tracy, James Bond, Buck Rogers fantasies of communicating with others on our wrists, sensing environment variables and getting various information on watch sized computers where wristwatches should be. We’re getting there but not just yet, there are still a bunch of things to work out. But could what we have now with the Apple Watch and iPhone 6 begin the trend?

The Apple Watch and other smart watches does bring communication to our wrists. Users can either accept calls by tapping accept or dismiss them easily just by dropping their wrists. Users can also read SMS phone messages and messages from various social media apps. Email headers can be routed to smart watches. All notifications from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram will be routed to the smart watch.

How about environment variables? There’s the weather and temperature forecasts. It brings new meaning to when people ask how the weather is. People will just look at their wrists too. There’s also elevation or altitude and of course location through GPS. There’s also news updates. Headlines and breaking news are transmitted to the watch so owners never miss a beat. Speaking of beats, most wearables today include fitness trackers such as a heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor and pedometer. In this now health conscious world, people could know their blood pressure as well as their heart rate after having a pan of deep dish pizza.

windows band watch vs apple 2015

But what does the iPhone 6 have to do with the equation? Most smart watches unfortunately are not independent devices. They work in tandem with smartphones. Most of the processing happens in the smartphone and information gets routed to the smart watch. That in itself is a bit of a deal breaker and as mentioned, we’re still getting there. Most people who bought into the Apple Watch are likely to have an iPhone 6 or at least an iPhone 5 which is the minimum requirement to keep an Apple Watch.

What smart watches like the Apple Watch does bring to the table is the convenience of knowing the time, keeping up with social media, getting the weather, knowing the next appointment, getting the latest news without having to pull out their iPhone 6 or whatever smartphone is coupled with their smart watch every time the phone chimes or vibrates, and later fall into that pit of short browsing sessions. “What do we have here? A tweet from Stacy. Wonder what she’s up to? Lemme check Facebook. Wait, Howard’s thrown a party. Oooh! Photos!”  Admit it, one time or another you’ve fallen into that bottomless pit even on busy days.

Smart watches allow us to perform information triage. Not all phone notifications are worthy of our attention. We don’t need to pull it out every time it vibrates. An email from the brass? Check. An Angry Birds update? Later. Help in Clash of Clans? Hmmm. Girlfriend in a bad mood? Panic.

The last example is a unique feature of the Apple Watch. The ability to send our heartbeats to our intimate other and being able to doodle and send our emotions too. How about games? I see match-3s and puzzle games being commonplace and marble maze games for those standing one-handed train rides.

No doubt there’s a lot of benefits to having smart watches like the Apple Watch. It’s still a bit early to tell whether the Apple Watch and the iPhone 6 can shift the personal computing paradigm. Surely there will be at least a profound change. The market continues to grow, for now, let’s sit back and watch.

Best of 2015 MLB Grapefruit League Round Up


best of 2015 grapefruit league round up images

The warm sunny air of Florida will come to an end for most Major League Baseball teams this weekend as the Grapefruit league season wraps up. Outside of the Miami Marlins and Tampa Bay Rays who both get to spend the full season down South. That being said opening day of baseball gets underway for all the teams in the Grapefruit league on Monday.

This spring the Grapefruit league has delivered some solid baseball action with some key surprises. The New York Mets currently sit on top with an 18-12 record followed by the Toronto Blue Jays who sit at 18-13. While both of these teams have the lineups to compete in the American League and National League East divisions many experts predict they will both fall short.

On the bottom of the Grapefruit league is where the biggest surprise of the spring sits. The Detroit Tigers sit at 11-20 with the worst record with the Baltimore Orioles and Washington Nationals sitting just above them. All three of these teams are coming off playoff appearances in 2014 with some experts predicting a chance for a beltway Series between the Nationals and Orioles this year.

mike cuddyer hot players for new york mets mlb 2015

The Mets have done it this spring with both their bats and pitching as they have outscored their opponents by 53 runs. The largest run differential in the Grapefruit league and thirty more than any other club. The Mets have seen production from a variety of key players including Michael Cuddyer who has hit six home runs this spring leading the club.

john mayberry promising for grapefruit leage 2015

John Mayberry, Johnny Monell and David Wright have all hit four home runs as well to pace the offense. On the mound Matt Harvey, Jacob DeGrom and Dillion Gee have carried the Mets. Harvey has allowed just three earned runs in 22.2 innings as he makes his comeback from Tommy John surgery. DeGrom has allowed six runs over 22 innings while Gee has allowed six earned runs over 21.2 innings.

jose bautista home run bottom boy 2015 mlb

Cuddyer is joined by Jose Bautista and Mike Napoli with six home runs as well as the league high this spring. Bautista looks to be in mid season form as he has 14 hits in 45 at bats with one double and 13 runs batted in to go with the home runs. Napoli on the other hand is hitting .421 this spring with one double and 10 runs driven in.

michael morse grapefruit league star mlb 2015

A few of the top surprises this spring have been Michael Morse, Steve Pearce and JD Martinez. All have shown over the past they have the talent to produce at the Major League level. That has been the case this spring as well for all three players. Morse is hitting .347 in 19 games with one double, five home runs and 17 runs driven in.

Pearce has delivered for the Baltimore Orioles as well hitting five home runs this spring to go with one double and 10 runs knocked in. Martinez the last of the three has also hit five home runs to go with four doubles and 21 total hits. These three players could be difference makers this season if their respective clubs want to make another postseason run.

Eduardo Escobar hot pitcher for twins mlb 2015
The biggest bright spot this spring could be Eduardo Escobar for the Minnesota Twins. Escobar who is competing for the teams starting shortstop position is hitting  .344 this spring with five doubles, four home runs and a spring training high 20 runs batted in.

david price great detroit tigers pitcher 2015 mlb

As we move over to the mound the one alarming name that pops out is David Price for the Detroit Tigers. Price has struggled all spring allowing 16 earned runs over just 25 innings pitched. That being said, Price has shown the ability to strike out hitters this spring posting 29 total k’s in just those 25 innings.

Asher Wojciechowski hot for houston astros pitcher 2015 mlb

As far as some of the other top performances on the mound Asher Wojciechowski name comes to the top of the board for the Houston Astros. The Astros pitcher has allowed just three earned runs over 21 innings this spring while striking out 16 batters. Michael Wacha also lands on the list this spring for the St. Louis Cardinals.

steve pearce unshaven for baltimore orioles mlb 2015

Wacha who missed time last year dealing with injuries has allowed just four earned runs this spring while pitching to a 1.77 earned run average over 20.2 innings. When healthy Wacha has shown he has the stuff to be a top of the rotation type starter. The Cardinals will need Wacha to step up this year if they want to contend in the National League Central division.

Another Grapefruit season is in the books as we all get ready for the 2015 Major League Baseball season.

Best Of 2015 Cactus League Wrap Up


2015 cactus league best of mlb images

The 2015 spring schedule comes to an end in the desert as the Cactus league comes to an end this weekend. As we put together our final spring training report on the 15 teams that play in the Cactus league the Oakland A’s sit atop the standings with an impressive 22-9 record.

The A’s also own the more impressive stat line of the spring as well. The A’s have outscored their opponents by 64 runs in those 31 games. The next closest team in the Cactus league was the Los Angeles Dodgers who outscored their opponents by 45 runs. Along with their impressive record the A’s have been red hot this spring winning their last nine games.

Following the A’s in the Cactus league standings are the Kansas City Royals, Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres. All five of these teams are projected to be playoff contenders as the season opens. On the bottom of the Cactus league the San Francisco Giants have posted just an 11-21 record after taking home the World Series crown last season. Other notable teams in the bottom include the Seattle Mariners, Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Indians.

kris bryan cubs minors star of cactus league 2015

Now as we move past the spring records since they don’t mean anything we will start to take a look around at some of the top performers of the league. The hot story line this past week was the decision of the Chicago Cubs to send top prospect Kris Bryant to minors.

Bryant led all players this spring in home runs with nine in just 14 games played. The Cubs future third baseman posted 17 hits in 40 at bats to go with the homeruns while also driving in 15 runs. Many fans and experts around the game believed Bryant would start opening night on Sunday. That wasn’t the case as the Cubs sent Bryant down buying them selves an additional year under control.

jon lester opening for chicago cubs 2015

Despite the move the Cubs still look to have a solid season to open the season especially for Sunday night baseball this week. The Cubs will send out starting pitcher Jon Lester to make both his season debut as well as his Cubs debut on National television. Lester struggled this spring pitching to a 6.48 earned run average over just 8.1 innings.

mike zunino catches for seattle mariners 2015 cactus league

Another name that comes to mind this spring is catcher Mike Zunino for the Seattle Mariners. The former first round pick has come alive this spring for the Mariners hitting .353 over 19 games including six doubles and seven home runs. Zunino could be an important piece to the Mariners puzzle this spring to help them over take the A’s as well as the Los Angeles Angels in the American League West division.

mark canha hitting for oakland athletics 2015

Sticking with the American League West division, Mark Canha has been a big surprise for the A’s this spring. The 25 year old first baseman has picked up 21 hits in 71 at bats including seven doubles and six home runs. Canha should be able to see some key playing time this year at both first base and designated hitter if he continues to hit like this.

Taijuan Walker top pitcher for seattle mariners 2015 mlb

On the mound the one name that has really impressed many has been Tijuan Walker for the Mariners. The Mariners starter has been dominate this spring in six starts for the club. In those six starts, Walker has thrown 25 innings allowing just one earned run bringing his spring total to just .36 in those games. Walker will add another key element to the Mariners starting rotation that already includes Felix Hernandez at the top of the rotation.

Josh Hamilton relapse has no suspension from angles 2015

As we continue to look around the biggest news possible of the spring was released today as an arbitrator has ruled that Major League Baseball cannot suspend outfielder Josh Hamilton for his latest relapse. This means Hamilton is eligible to return to the Angels and could suit up for opening day. This decision has not sat well with the Angels front office, as many felt Hamilton deserved the suspension.

archie bradley pticher for arizona diamondbacks mlb 2015

One additional young name to monitor as the season gets started is Archie Bradley for the Arizona Diamondbacks. The Diamondbacks opened up the door over the past few days dealing Trevor Cahill for Bradley to slot into the starting rotation. Bradley has allowed just four earned runs this spring over 22.1 innings pitched for the club.

Now its time to let the real excitement begin and let the real baseball get underway on opening day!

Duke vs Wisconsin for 2015 NCAA Final Four National Title

wisconsin badgers vs duke final four ncaa 2015

Michigan State took a beating from the Duke Saturday night, and now the Blue Devil’s will go up against Michigan State for the 2015 NCAA Final Four National Title.

The Kentucky Wildcats‘ bid for perfection ended Saturday night at the hands of the Wisconsin Badgers, who rallied for a tough 71-64 victory in the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four at Indianapolis.

duke vs michigan state final four 2015

They will meet four-time national champ Duke in Monday night’s title game. The Blue Devils dominated Michigan State 81-61 in the first contest of the night.

National player of the year finalist Frank Kaminsky led Wisconsin with 20 points and 11 rebounds. Junior forward Sam Dekker added 16 points.

“These guys just gutted it out.,” Wisconsin Head Coach Bo Ryan said. “We just kept battling on every possession.”

Freshman Karl-Anthony Towns led Kentucky with 16 points. Sophomore Andrew Harrison chipped in 13 points while Aaron Harrison had 12 points.

Kentucky came into the game as the first men’s team to have a 38-0 record.

But the Badgers fought back from a 60-56 deficit with 6:39 left in the game. Wisconsin went on an 8-0 run to regain a lead it never relinquished. It will be looking to win its first title since 1941.

As the final minutes ticked off, the Wildcats failed to score. They were stuck on 60 for five minutes. The Harrison twins, who shot well in the first half, couldn’t get much done offensively.

“I didn’t execute. I mean, we didn’t execute as a team, but me being the point guard, I didn’t do what coach told me to on a couple of occasions,” Andrew Harrison said at the postgame news conference.

His coach sternly interjected.

“He did fine. He did fine,” John Calipari said.

Meanwhile, Dekker stepped up, making a layup, a three-pointer and a free throw as the Badgers scooted ahead.

Calipari said the Badgers did a good job defending the Kentucky big men.

“They crowded us a little bit, and (our) guys got a little tentative,” he said.

Calipari looked at the stat sheet: Kentucky had only six turnovers, hit 90% of its free throws, made 48% of its field goals, and lost.

He said his team struggled to guard Wisconsin’s players, and the rebound battle — which Wisconsin won by 12 — was crucial.

Kamisky, who turned 22 on Saturday, was asked how the Badgers outrebounded a team that is the tallest in basketball.

“We stayed into them, attacking them, trying to do whatever we can,” he said. “Just trying to keep them off the glass was one of our main priorities.”

Duke coasts

Freshman Justise Winslow led Duke with 19 points while national freshman of the year Jahlil Okafor had 18 points, 10 of which came in the first half. Senior guard Quinn Cook had 17.

“The defense was terrific,” Duke Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski said. “We drove the ball with such strength. I actually think our offense gave our defense a push.”

Junior guard Denzel Valentine sparked the Spartans with three early three-pointers and finished with 22 points and a game-high 11 rebounds. Senior guard Travis Trice had 16 points.

The Spartans, of the Big Ten, began the game in a higher gear than Duke, and quickly took an eight-point lead. But after Valentine hit his trio of long-range shots and Michigan State led 14-6, the Spartans struggled to get baskets the rest of the first half.

“They did a good job of denying us and forcing us out (farther from the basket). We took some bad shots,” Valentine said.

Duke occasionally used a 2-3 zone defense that protected some of its players with foul concerns and slowed the Spartans down. But it was when Duke played man-to-man that the Spartans really had a hard time scoring.

State made five of its first seven shots, then only made three more in the final 16 minutes of the opening half.

The Blue Devils, of the Atlantic Coast Conference, found baskets inside as the 6-foot-11, 270-pound Okafor powered for points around the basket.

Winslow used his quickness to score seven points in the first half, but he only played 12 minutes because he committed two fouls. Duke led at halftime 36-25, a turnaround of 19 points from its early deficit.

“Coach always stresses that great defense leads to great offense,” Cook said. The confidence gained in getting defensive stops led to the desire for Duke players to drive the lane instead of shooting three-pointers.

“We saw seams that we could take advantage of,” Cook said.

In the second half, Duke increased its lead to 20 points, then cruised home. The Spartans were never able to cut the deficit to single digits and Duke sank its free throws in the final minutes.

“We got beat and … Duke played awfully well, but I thought it wasn’t one of our better games,” Michigan State head coach Tom Izzo said.

The Blue Devils apparently like playing in Final Fours in Indianapolis, home of the NCAA. It won titles there in 1991 and 2010. The other two crowns came in 1992 and 2001, each in Minneapolis.

Duke has beaten Wisconsin this season, 80-70 in Wisconsin in December. If Duke wins Monday night, it would tie Indiana and North Carolina for third-most NCAA championships with five.

Coming Up For Novak Djokovic After Andy Murray Win at 2015 Miami Open


coming up for novak djokovic tennis atp series 2015

Novak Djokovic, having already won the Indian Wells title, claimed the 2015 Miami Open on Sunday. The Serb defeated Andy Murray in the Masters Series 1000 event behind a very strong closing set. The line score in the championship final was 7-6, 4-6, 6-0 and the conclusion of the event has to have many fans wondering what’s next on tour?

For Djokovic, next up is the 2015 Monte-Carlo Masters, an event that will take place from Monaco between April 11th and 19th. It is an event that the Serb has won one time as he claimed the Masters Series clay court title a couple of years ago. With Rafael Nadal having won the event eight times but not playing his best tennis at the moment, it will be interesting to see who will be considered favorite heading into Monte-Carlo.

andy murray up for monte carlo masters 2015

Many may be expecting to see Andy Murray in the Monaco Masters as well. However the Scot is not on the official players list for the event, a list that includes Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka additional to Djokovic and Nadal. Instead Murray will be in Dunblane, his hometown, marrying long-time girlfriend Kim Sears. ATP Barcelona, a 500-series tournament, probably won’t feature the Scot either however tennis fans can expect to see Murray play in ATP Munich 2015, a 250-series event to be played in very late April.

Ahead of Monte-Carlo there are a couple of smaller events to be played. This upcoming week will see two 250-level clay court events played in both Casablanca and Houston.

rafael nadal in monte carlo masters 2015

The Houston tournament, formally known as the Fayez Sarofim & Co. U.S. Men’s Clay Court Championship, will feature Feliciano Lopez as the No. 1 seed. John Isner, a former champion in Houston, will also be in the tournament while the most proven player in the released draw is former World No. 1 Lleyton Hewitt. However perhaps Roberto Bautista Agut, the second seed, is the player to watch. Agut, although just 8-7 on the season so far, claimed a clay court title last season in Stuttgart. He also made the Madrid Masters semifinals in 2014, an event that he defeated both Tommy Robredo and Fernando Verdasco in.

In Casablanca, we find an event that is somewhat devoid of star players with Guillermo Garcia-Lopez and Martin Klizan holding the top-two seeds. On the top half of the draw Mikhail Youzhny, unseeded, is the most proven player and he has three clay court titles to his credit so far in his career. However the Russian is also 32-years old now and tour wins have not been easy to come by so far in 2015.

On the bottom half of the draw the elephant in the room is wild card Nicolas Almagro. The Spaniard, though ranked just 74th in the world, is the most proven player in the entire Casablanca event. Furthermore, clay is Almagro’s best surface as he has claimed twelve titles on dirt so far in his career.

The Houston and Casablanca tournaments will see the championship matches played next Sunday.