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‘The Winchesters’ Season 1 Finale: Is It Really No Way to Say Goodbye? Or Season 2?

The season finale of “The Winchesters” was called “Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye,” a nod to the fact that it’s some kind of ending even if we don’t know what kind yet or how final that ending might be.

If “The Winchesters” doesn’t get picked up by the CW, which seems unlikely as it’s not picking up many scripted shows, Chaos Machine has said they will shop it to other networks and streamers, so who knows what will happen. Showrunner Robbie Thompson, in his finale week interviews, made it clear that it was their goal and priority to deliver a solid season ending that could work if the show went forward and also work if it did not – which is no easy task, I’m guessing!

The “Supernatural” fandom has a lot of big feelings about endings.

I know I do, and most of my fellow fans and fandom friends do too. I loved the series finale of “Supernatural” and feel protective of it when misinformation about it gets passed around. So, I’m sure that plenty of people will feel protective of the ending of this show as well. I’m sure too that, like OG “Supernatural,” emotions around this finale will be mixed.

Some of my closest friends didn’t love the “Supernatural” series finale because they had a very hard time with Dean dying, and for some of those people somehow this episode of “The Winchesters” felt healing. I confess I don’t entirely understand why, since Dean was just as “alive” at the end of “Supernatural” as he was at the end of this episode, which is to say not alive at all but very much existing, as Jensen Ackles said to me long ago, on another plane of existence. This episode didn’t change that; Dean was happy and at peace at the end of “Supernatural,” and he was more or less the same at the end of “The Winchesters.”

In fact, one could argue he had more peace at the end of “Supernatural” than at the end of “The Winchesters,” after finding out about Chuck’s fail-safe plan instead of believing that he and Sam had defeated Chuck, end of story. But if some people felt they needed healing and they got it from this show, I am all for it! Most of us are very motivated to get back to some kind of equilibrium when it involves something we care deeply about, and if you can figure out a way to do it, go for it.

For fans who ultimately found “Supernatural” as Kripke created it too dark, “The Winchesters” may have felt healing in that sense too. It was a 2023 show, with a more diverse cast of characters and hunters who aren’t averse to therapy or meditation to try to cope with their anger issues and trauma instead of enacting them and periodically taking them out on other people unintentionally. In a sense, Robbie Thompson wrote a sort of fix-it fic for those aspects of “Supernatural,” with an ending that parallels 15.19 instead of 15.20, with John and Mary driving off into a hopeful new life, as Sam and Dean did at the end of 15.19. I didn’t need a fix-it fic; for me, ‘Carry On’ was the ending that made sense and felt right for a show that was a 42-minute horror show, dark and disturbing and sometimes hard to watch but ultimately incredibly inspiring.

Its heroes were flawed and nuanced and not black and white, ever. I felt – feel – incredibly grateful that we got the bridge scene after the barn, a far more happy ending than I ever thought we’d get on Supernatural.

But I can see why people who didn’t feel that way about the finale could have found “The Winchesters” healing, like the best fix-it fics are undeniably healing. Again, if it feels that way to you, please revel in it and feel better. Fandom itself will certainly be the better for any healing that brings.

For me, I felt a mix of things as I was watching, and still do now after taking a week to let it all digest. I was entertained for sure – I’ve said in my last few reviews that the show seemed to be finding its feet in terms of its look and timing – and I felt relieved that my tentative theories about what was going on were mostly correct. (I’m protective of “Supernatural” canon, so while I trusted Robbie and the EPs to be protective also as promised, I still felt a sense of relief that this was indeed an Alternate Universe John and Mary who we were getting to know this whole time, which made the inconsistencies nothing to do with canon and everything to do with this not being OUR John and Mary.) 

I’m still a bit confused about the progression from the pilot to the finale, since it started out sounding like Dean was trying to figure out his own parents’ past (not another world’s John and Mary) and that their epic love would save the world – it turns out that Baby sort of saved the world (again) with some help from all the characters plus one Dean Winchester.

Most of us pretty much knew that Dean Winchester would make an actual appearance in this episode. Anyone who has ever met me knows that I love Dean Winchester like I love breathing. I can’t wait to have him and more “Supernatural” back on my some-kind-of screen again and more of the adventures of Sam and Dean. We didn’t get alot of Dean in “The Winchesters,” though intended or not, Dean’s appearance was a big part of why many people tuned in – but we got more in the season finale than in any other episode. I think because I was satisfied with how “Supernatural” turned out, I didn’t have a burning need to see Dean in this show, and thus his appearance in the pilot didn’t feel like relief, it just felt like having an old friend back for a bit.

Without Sam, it also didn’t feel like an episode of Supernatural, so the pilot gave me a confusing Dean, the story left intentionally murky about what he was up to and why.

The rest of the season gave us Dean Winchester bits of narration as he (we now know) added to the hunting journal that I don’t think we ever saw him keep on “Supernatural” but he apparently did – it seems a bit more like a Sam thing to do, but hopefully this AU John and Mary benefitted from it. I still have questions, but by the end of this episode it did feel like Dean Winchester himself was on my TV screen, albeit not in an episode of “Supernatural.” That was the intention for this show, to stand on its own two feet and introduce a new cast of characters that would hopefully intrigue fans enough to keep going – and Robbie has said that if that happens, it won’t be the Dean show, but the newly minted hunters in this AU world who will ‘carry on’.

The show’s future is still up in the air, but I think the show succeeded in creating some memorable characters in this world’s Mary and John and Carlos and Lata (and Millie and Ada too).  It doesn’t hurt that the cast is absolutely lovely – it was a pleasure meeting many of them at New York Comic Con for interviews and at a recent convention.

So, what actually happened in this episode? A LOT. Phew. We start off earlier in 1972, as John buries his friends after serving in the war, traumatized and unsure where he belongs or what he wants to do.

Winchesters starts in 1972 with John Winchester returning from war.

He sits down in a bus station, looking lost, and a mysterious man approaches and gives him an envelope – who John calls “Sir” because he’s clearly older than John himself.

Me: Jensen Ackles?!

Winchesters Drake Rodger looking up at Jensen Ackles on balcony.
Dean Winchester looking down at Drake Rodger from balcony on Winchesters set.

I still can’t rewatch the episode and see that as Dean Winchester, it looks too much like Jensen. (I’m not quibbling, because the reason he needed the long hair and beard is, I’m guessing, to return to playing a character that I’m really freaking excited about! And yes, it’s Heaven, he’s dead, he probably can look however he wants, so there’s no canon issue, but I still can’t see that person as Dean Winchester of “Supernatural” no matter how hard I try).

But I’m okay with it, and the merchant marine lighthouse keeper Ernest Hemingway Robert Redford look, unsurprisingly, totally works for him.


He gives John the letter from his father and disappears; we see him looking down on a confused John from the balcony.

Bobby and Jensen Ackles reading letter on Winchesters set.

The plan worked, as John buys a ticket back to Lawrence, Kansas. And then the show pulls off a well-kept secret as we pan out and see none other than Bobby Singer standing next to Dean-who-does-not-look-like-Dean.

Bobby: We’re not supposed to meddle with things, ya idjit!

Winchesters set with Jensen Ackles wearing peacoat and Jim Beavers looking old as Bobby.
Jim Beavers Bobby reacts to Jensen Ackles on Winchesters set.
Winchesters Dean Winchester with Bobby.

Me: Bobby!!!!!

I love surprises and it’s so rare that a show pulls one off – this episode pulled off not one but two! Bobby (the amazing and wonderful Jim Beaver) being there made “The Winchesters” feel closer to “Supernatural” than it has all season, which is a good thing in my book. It tied this show to the finale, since we last saw Dean with Bobby before the final scene on the bridge.

Dean insists he wasn’t meddling (much), that the letter was intended for John and he just “gave it a nudge”. Bobby, disgruntled, sets off to “get the damn cavalry”.

Bobby Jim Beaver pops in on Winchesters finale.
Jensen Ackles in sailor peacoat on Winchesters.

Bobby: One last hunt, huh?

Dean: One last hunt.

Back to the here and now, Mary tells Samuel she’s not sure about going to college – in fact, she’s not sure what’s next for her at all. 

Winchesters Tom Welling looking fat and bloated from alcohol use and abuse.

Meanwhile, Samuel has a lead on the guy the Akrida are afraid of (ie, Dean) from a hunter named Joan.

Carlos, as often is the case, tells it like it is as they look at the photo once again.

Carlos: Well, this guy is ruggedly handsome.

Winchesters Carlos giving big gay smile to Drake Rodgers bulge.

True that.

He’s also “not of this Earth”, which is why he can apparently destroy the Akrida Queen – what a design flaw that anything that isn’t of this Earth can kill her! Poor planning, Chuck.

Ada finally tells the rest of them that the crystal will only work if she adds a fragment of her human soul, which Lata points out will then cause the rest to fade away. So, maybe they should avoid that unless absolutely necessary, Carlos wisely suggests. Smart, Carlos.

Also, Ada, don’t you want to say goodbye to your son before you power that up??

Lata is determined to find a spell that will fix that pesky little soul-fading problem, which of course she will.

Samuel, John and Mary meet with Joan Hopkins, who it turns out is a former hunter. (Radio Company’s “Keep On Ramblin’” plays in the background – nice touch, EP Mr. Ackles).

Winchesters fat Tom Welling with Drake Rodger and Mary meeting Joan hopkins.
Winchesters Joan Hopkins.

She’s pissed that Dean has been messing around in their world but assures them that he won’t be a problem anymore since she sent him through the portal – along with his car. Oh no, not Baby! A human would be torn to shreds, she says. For centuries. Ouch.

His “old journal” is all that’s left of him apparently, says Joan aka the Akrida Queen. For some unknown reason, she decides she wants to “level the playing field” instead of just taking them out like would make a lot of sense, falling prey to the dreaded villain exposition curse as she tells them who she is and how she came to be the Queen. John is me.

John: We came here for a fight so maybe we could skip the monologuing.

Winchesters Drake Rodger in tight t shirt looking confused.

A+ for that line!

Anyway, a) she’s not Akrida, b) she’s a former hunter, c) she’s out of her mind. She doesn’t say that last part but it’s what we infer.

Joan: I don’t want one more hunter to needlessly die. Join me – or die.

I guess she means join me as the host for an Akrida, which seems like a very bad option. Also, she’s infiltrated the clubhouse where Lata is. Lata breaks her pacifist streak in a big way to try to fight her off, but to no avail.

Winchesters Akrida fighting off Joan.

We get the rest of Joan Hopkins’ story from the lore – that as part of a family of hunters in the 1600s she lost her parents, her brother, all her family, and then her William. So, she decided that the monsters that were never going to be gone weren’t the problem, mankind was.

They always needed to be saved, so hunters kept needing to hunt and humans were ungrateful, destroying the planet and each other. (Not entirely wrong there). According to the lore, Joan apparently decided that she needed to wipe out everyone who might need saving, aka all humans, so hunters wouldn’t have anyone to save and then….could live? Which seems like a pretty bizarre way to save hunters who are, after all, humans.

Mary Winchester reading from book of spells.
Winchesters Drake Rodger looking sexy with hot nose job.

She was banished from this world, but now she’s back. Lata gets possessed, and the Queen burns the Men of Letters wards that kept the portal from opening. The rest of the gang turns up to save Lata, who (in her possessed Akrida state) gives some more exposition – explanation – for who the Akrida are. Apparently, they are an angry god’s “fail safe” – if anything ever bested him (presumably the way Sam and Dean bested Chuck), then they’d wipe out all life in every universe. But Joan as their queen gave them meaning, she says. I guess everyone needs meaning, even weird little alien bugs.

Before Akrida Lata can kill the actual Lata, Ada says the magic word and uses part of her soul to activate the crystal to save her.

Winchestesr Drake Rodger trying to hold back Akrida Lata.
Winchesters Akrida Lata trying to kill actual Lata.
Winchesters Lata with shining bright purple crystal.

The gang decides to reverse the polarity of the Ostium using the mystery man’s journal as directions to bring him back through the portal, and if you got all that on first watch, phew. That can only happen at midnight, so the gang needs to keep the Akrida and Queen busy until they can bring back Mystery Man through the portal – by tossing in the journal.

John volunteers to stall them so Mary can lead the Mystery Man into battle, insisting that he’s not running toward danger again, but towards hope for the first time.

John: If we do this, if we save the world, we’re free.

Winchesters Drake Rodger holding Meg Donnelly hands on set.

And she’s free to do whatever she wants – Joan’s original dream of freeing up hunters from having to save people also weirdly coming true.

John, Samuel and Carlos stand up to Joan, who for some reason initially is all alone. Her “Hello, boys” was a nice touch, but she’s no Crowley – or Rowena.

Winchesters Joan brings forth a huge blue tunnel of light.
Winchesters gay Carlos hot Drake Rodger and Fat Tom Welling ready to fight.

John gets to say “Hunters don’t kneel” before Joan adds a few more Akrida and then they all have a sword fight. I still don’t know why the Akrida don’t fight in their scary bug forms instead or why they’re using swords for that matter.

The journal goes in the Ostium and sure enough, back through the portal comes – Baby!  With the original license plate, but without the Mystery Man, who they say must be dead. However, the car is not of this earth either, so it will make a good weapon to take out the Queen.

Winchestesters Lata and Ada shining bright red light into sky.
Front grill of Chevrolet Chevy Impala baby on The Winchesters with Kansas license plate.

Mary jumps in and peels out – fun fact, Meg Donnelly got her license just to be able to drive Baby! (And confessed she almost peed her pants three times doing it)

The Queen also lets John know that she wiped out the Men of Letters, including Henry, taunting him.

The Doors “LA Woman” starts to play as Mary drives Baby through the night, over a bridge. Past an astonished Carlos.

Meg Donnelly Mary Winchester driving baby impala.
Supernatural baby Impala ready to crossover on The Winchesters.
Winchesters gay Carlos reacting with wide open mouth ready to take Drake Rodgers in.

She drives Baby right into the still-fighting-with-John Queen, which is an awesome music cue for that sequence NGL.  Baby, Mary and the Queen are knocked right into the open portal.

Winchesters reacting to bright blue light tearing through multiverse.
Gay Carlos and hot Drake Rodger react to blue light tearing into their world on Winchesters.

They disappear, and the formerly possessed people walk away, confused. John falls to his knees ala Dean when Sam fell down the hole. Samuel looks crushed.

Baby Impala from Supernatural coming through multiverse for Winchesters finale.
Winchesters Drake Rodger bulging t shirt with fat Tom Welling and gay Carlos spotting Baby Impala from Supernatural coming at them.

Then the portal reopens and Baby comes crashing through, engine revving. They all rush up to the car.

The door opens – and it’s Dean Winchester who gets out.

Dean Winchester with Baby on The Winchesters finale.
Jensen Ackles looking askew at Drake Rodger bulge on Winchesters set.

He helps Mary out the passenger side; she collapses into John’s arms.

John asks how they’re okay and Dean says that Baby kept Mary safe.

Dean: Me too. Course there’s not much that can tear me apart. I’m already dead.

Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles talking to parents on The Winchesters.

He was stuck in the world between worlds – the limbo reference I speculated about last episode – and hopped in when he saw Baby come back through.  Dean tells them he’s a hunter, but not from this Earth, as Americana starts to play (though I’m not sure how I feel about it playing for a family that’s not “our” Winchesters). Dean says he made it to Heaven when he died, found Baby waiting for him, and went for a drive – but then took a little detour.

Lata: Through the multiverse.

Carlos asks what he was looking for.

Dean: That’s a good question, Carlos.

(A shout out to a Robbie Thompson episode of “Supernatural” that referred to a hunter named Carlos who Sam was talking to on the phone).

Winchesters gay Carlos excited to see that Tom Welling is now a bear.
Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles shocked at Tom Wellings weight gain from Smallville on The Winchesters.
Tom Welling weight gain on The Winchesters.

He says he was looking for his family – for an Earth that had a version of his family where they had a shot at a happy ending. Then he found out about the Akrida.

Dean: Eventually the Akrida were gonna make their way to my world and I got family there, so I couldn’t let that happen…. Now that the Akrida are gone, you can choose your own destiny. Write your own story.

Jensen Ackles Dean excited to see Jim Beaver back with Jack Alex Calvert The Winchesters finale.

And then we get another surprise – Bobby comes back with Jack! It was a total surprise to see Alex Calvert reprise his role, and a really nice one.

Jack: Hi.

Jack Alex Calvert waving to gay Carlos with Jim Beaver on The Winchesters.
Winchesters gay Carlos with Lata waving hands.

Bobby speaks a bit of the weirdness we’ve all been dealing with: seeing Samuel with a full head of hair.

Jack: When I restored things, I wanted mankind to make their own fate. That meant no interference from on high, no exceptions.

And then Dean convinced me, finally, that he really was our Dean.

Dean: I couldn’t let our world be destroyed – Sam’s still down there, okay? He deserves a good, long life.  Hell, they all do. So, if you wanna cast me out of Heaven, so be it.

Jensen Ackles Dean Winchester shocked to see Jack Alex Calvert back on The Winchesters.

That’s the Dean Winchester I know and love! And I love his resolve and willingness to do whatever it takes (even though we all know that Sam did, in fact, live to be an old man, so clearly Dean succeeded in this mission).

Bobby votes for another chance.

Jack: There’s always another case with you hunters, even in death.

He gives Dean the journal to give to John and Mary.

Jack: After this, it’s time to get around to the ‘there’ll be peace when you are done’ part of the song.

For now, it seems, Dean will listen.

Dean: My dad, he kept a hunter’s journal, looked just like this. This is my hunter’s journal. If you’re gonna stay in this game, it will help guide you through.

The son gives it to the father (sorta).

Dean asks Mary to do him a favor, keep an eye out for a yellow eyed demon – and gives her the Colt in case she runs into him. (I guess Jack restored that too? It was melted last we saw it)

Winchesters Colt back after being melted on Supernatural.

Mary asks if there was a version of Dean’s family that had a shot at a happy ending, and he says yes.

John: You never told us your name.

Dean: Hetfield. James Hetfield.

Metallica had to get in there too.

Nick Drake’s “One of These Things First” plays as Dean, Bobby and Jack disappear and the rest of the gang head home.

Lata manages to restore Ada’s soul with a magic plant.

Samuel hugs his daughter goodbye and hits the road.

Mary plans to hit the road too, to find out who she’s gonna be. John says he found where he belongs, being a hunter, but can’t be the best version of that without facing the anger he has inside him, by therapy or some other means.

John: Do me a favor? No goodbyes.

Mary comes by the next morning.

Mary: I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing…but maybe there’s something out there for the both of us and we can figure it out together during the day and you can hunt at night?

It’s a little like Dean coming to get Sam at Stanford and the two of them hitting the road, except this time they plan to combine maybe-college and maybe-hunting a little more seamlessly.

And off they go, driving down the road, in Mary’s blue car instead of Baby, but with the right “Supernatural” music playing – reminiscent again of Sam and Dean in 15.19.

Mary: I was reading Hetfield’s journal and he was very specific on this issue. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.

Led Zeppelin’s ‘Ramble On’ ushers the Winchesters out, a montage of their meeting and falling in love playing as they drive.  That was a financial sacrifice for sure, but I’m guessing it felt special to Jensen to finally have Zeppelin in this universe, as it should be.

So, “The Winchesters” succeeds at creating a separate story and not messing with “Supernatural” canon in a significant way. At some point in his time-altered drive in Baby, Dean decided he wanted to see if there were any Winchester families out there who didn’t have to live the kind of life that his did (presumably because time wasn’t quite altered enough for him not to get bored waiting for Sam).

Baby came with him somehow because – magic? – and then, to his surprise, Dean discovered that Chuck had left the Akrida as a fail-safe. Which meant Dean’s world – and Sam – were threatened. Cue Dean breaking any promise not to meddle because SAM! (And everyone else).

I guess Jack took his anti-interference directive really seriously and was going to let the Akrida do what they were created to do. Sheesh, Jack!

“The Winchesters,” while it takes place decades before “Supernatural,” was not truly a prequel – not for the world of “Supernatural” that we know, anyway. For Dean, it’s in the midst of the timeline of the series finale, with him in Heaven and Sam still alive on Earth, so it’s really an interlude during 15.20

I’ve thought many times that a reboot of “Supernatural” could take place during that same time period, or even as a true sequel post-Sam and Dean’s reunion on the bridge if Sam and Dean had to jump back into action. “The Winchesters” can be a set up and kickoff for either of those options, as EP Jensen Ackles has said. Theoretically, a reboot of “Supernatural” could also run parallel to the continuation of “The Winchesters” – assuming viewers decide they’re now invested enough in this universe’s story. It will diverge from Supernatural’s story and won’t involve Dean Winchester, presumably, but John and Mary and Carlos and Lata still have their own story to tell. It remains to be seen whether viewers are invested enough to want to follow along.

Is The Winchesters cancelled now or a Season 2?

Whether it continues or not, I’m still waiting (and hoping and praying) for Sam and Dean to put their boots back on. Fingers crossed!

‘Walker’ Best Laid Plans Sets Up Anticipation for The Deserters Episode 3.12

I just typed out that “Walker” episode title and thought, “laid?” Is that a naughty dad joke? In any case, it has a lot of different meanings, as the episode titles in this show often do.

Trey Undercover

Cassie and Walker find out that Trey is in fact still a Ranger – and currently making inroads undercover trying to figure out what Grey Flag is up to (and why that’s all about Walker). The dead guy in the van, in fact, was Trey’s in. Not any more!

The Feds are now involved, providing a secret house for the teams HQ and also ordering James not to let Cordell and Cassie in on what’s happening.

The foursome is a team again!

WAlker Cordell and Cassie meeting with undercover Trey and Coby Bell.

Though I like that Cassie is pissed that they were kept in the dark and also protective of Trey, and it takes her a while to come around. That was realistic – too often in TV people come around way too quickly and easily without struggling like most humans would.

They all realize by now that it’s a personal vendetta against Walker.

Cordell (waves adorably): Yeah me, I’m the last one on their hit list!

Walker Jared Padalecki with Coby Bell and Cassie about Trey.

They intercept the text with the instructions for Trey’s first mission and figure out the cryptic message. Walker gives Trey the advice of not getting attached to anyone and a warning about how a sad story can pull you in when you’re undercover – which clearly comes from experience. I kinda love that Cordell is an emotional man, and that he struggles with that sometimes, but it’s part of who he is.

Trey stands watch as a lookout for his Grey Flag ‘initiation’ of sorts, while James and Cassie keep watch on him. Things go south when the woman he’s standing guard for staggers out badly wounded.  Grey Flag wants the briefcase and orders him not to waste time on poor Lana, but of course, Trey can’t do that.

Cassie pretends to be a bystander and covertly slips Trey some gauze to save her life (waiting for the okay from James on her out-of-the-box impulse though). Another guy shows up and grazes Cassie with a bullet, but Lana survives thanks to Trey’s combat medic skills – and he passes the test.


The rogue shooter is a black market C4 seller, which is probably what’s in the briefcase Lana risked her life for. In other words, the plot thickens. (I still don’t really understand what Grey Flag is and what they’re trying to do tbh).

Trey eventually realizes that he’s too attached to the rest of the team and needs to do the undercover job alone, and James reluctantly agrees.

Walker Trey talkign to Cordell and Coby Bell while undercover again 3.12.

Walker Rescues is a Family Affair

Liam and Stella squabble a little about whether the Walker Rescue is about helping people or helping horses. Bonham wants to be more hands-on involved now that he’s a part of this, and Abeline eventually joins up too as they start focusing on fundraising.

Augie: I think it would be cool if you threw a photo booth for horses, with props like big mustaches to put on the horses.

Liam: Why would you put a mustache on a horse?

Fandom: Immediately posts lots of pictures of horses with mustaches.

Kevin is conveniently throwing a fundraiser at the Side Step and chats with Augie, who validates him when he tries to dismiss the break up with Cassie as not really a break up because they never really started.

Walker Kevin doing a fundraiser at Side Step.

August: A relationship is a relationship if it was real to you.

August asks Kevin if he can invite Stella and Liam to the fundraiser and Kevin agrees, saying he’s happy to make introductions. Kevin is another character who is probably sus but who I like anyway and am going to be sad if he turns out to be Coop’s son out for some kind of long con revenge. Sigh.

Walker Augie smiling that a hot man is looking at him from being in front of gay Keegan Allen on set.

The fundraiser is a success for Walker Rescues, especially because it’s multi-generational, which makes them appreciate Bonham and Abeline’s participation even more.

And it is now truly a family affair!

Kevin helps out with getting the Horse Rescue connected even though August is worried that his dad won’t be happy – Kevin says he doesn’t need to know, and offers to help out August with his people skills too. Hmmm. I know, sus, but again…. I like Jake Abel and Kevin is a nuanced character who’s pretty fascinating.

Walker Kevin sucking down a gin and tonic at Side Step bar.

Cordell and Julia Trauma Bond, Emotionally and Physically!

Julia brings Cordell a sandwich when she comes over, which is both awkward and somehow adorable (I can’t help it, I like Julia – she’s a fascinating character and so well played, so much nuance – and I can’t tell for sure if she’s sus or just a reporter who does whatever she thinks is right and screw everyone else. I like her awkwardness and her bluntness and her perceptiveness.

She also brings a flash drive with files from the past on Cordell’s old unit. How did she get it, he wonders? (I know, I know, sus…)

Julia: Journalism is like punk rock. No rules, all justice.

Cordell isn’t exactly looking forward to revisiting his past, especially Coop’s death, which really did a number on him. Julia reminds him that he was just a 20-something kid, but Cordell is still pretty traumatized about it.

Cordell: I’m not sure why I’m telling you all this.

Julia: I’ve been told I’m a good listener.

Cordell Walker sitting on kitchen counter with Julia 3.12.

Cordell tells her that he’s choosing to trust her, to believe that she’s also trying to take Grey Flag down, and she says she does want to help, because justice.

She holds his hand reassuringly, taps out a message in Morse Code like when they met.

Fandom: Hmmmm. Sus.

It might be, I won’t be surprised, but I’ll be a little sad to be honest.

Julia and Cordell go find the hidden flash drive under a park bench in the woods.

Julia and Cordell Walker in part looking around to cruise with some hot men.

The framing of that shot, and the way they hold each other’s gaze….I was already thinking hmmmm…

She suggests it might do Cordell good to go talk to Mrs. Cooper, but he’s reluctant, still emotional about it. Julia looks up the woman’s ‘socials’ to see what she likes, and finds out she died last week. (At 92 I’m impressed she had ‘socials’!) Poor Cordell, knowing now he can never make it right, becomes even more emotional. Julia sees it and empathizes.

She asks him, what would he say to Coop’s mother if she was here right now?

Cordell admits that even when he went to her house, he couldn’t bring himself to speak to her. He saw the photo and froze.

Julia: If you had a chance, what would you say?

Cordell Walker looking at Julia again willing himself to think about Jensen Ackles to kiss her again.

Cordell opens up to her. He says he’d tell her about Coop’s flag and why he kept it all these years, how his unit would take it on missions to keep Coop’s memory alive, even getting it burnt a little on a mission. (The ‘Grey Flag’ parallels are getting pretty obvious here). That when he got back, he ‘put it away’, and couldn’t deal with it.

Julia gets it, having been through trauma of her own.

Julia: I’ve put away a lot of things…but keeping them to remember, to relive. It’s one way to cope, I guess.

Walker Julia looking stupidly at gay Jared Padalecki on set.
Jared Padalecki about to cry realizing he has to kiss bloated fat Julia on Walker set.

Cordell: It was wrong and selfish of me. It should have gone to his next of kin. I lost a friend, a mentor, but Ms. Cooper lost a son.

Julia holds his hand as he gets emotional.

Julia: There’s closure we get ourselves and there’s closure we give ourselves. Sometimes that’s gotta be good enough.

Walker bloated Julia touching Jared Padalecki's hand on set.
Walker bloated Julia sucking on Jared Padalecki's fingers on set.

His eyes water and she leans down and kisses their joined hands, and you can see how affected Cordell is by that simple gesture of comfort and affection. He needs it so badly and there hasn’t really been anyone to give him that in a long time.

Jared Padalecki is brilliant in these quiet scenes, letting all of Cordell’s emotions show on his handsome face. Anna Enger Ritch is the perfect scene partner, bringing an openness to Julia that gets through to Cordell – not to mention me. If we find out this was all an act, then Julia Johnson should get all the Oscars (and one to Anna too).

Jared Padalecki really not wanting to kiss bloated fat Julia on Walker set.

I found myself tearing up right along with Cordell. After a poignant moment where they both know where they’re headed but hesitate, Cordell leans in. They both surge up, making out on the couch before we quickly fade to not-black. (Way too quickly, Cordell still has not one but two shirts on!)

Cordell Walker trying to not look at bloated fat Julia when kissing on Walker 3.12 set.
Jared Padalecki thinking hard of Jensen Ackles when trying to get it on with bloated fat Julia on Walker 3.12 set.

Is she talking about the closure she’s trying to get for herself, maybe as Coop’s child, by seducing him and leading him to finding out the truth? Or is she giving him a message that’s healthy and important, wanting to help him?

We don’t know yet, but I love that I’m intrigued. I also love that Walker brings Julia a big glass of water after as they kind of awkwardly get dressed. I’m sure that was quite a workout!

Cordell: You okay?

Jared Padalecki telling Julia to get some water bills to get rid of that bloated face on Walker set.

Julia:  Yeah. I mean in the grand scheme of things, we’re probably not okay as people, but you and I, just now? Yeah, we’re good.

Jared Padalecki giving his sexy smile to bloated Julia.
Walker Julia looking very bloated to Jared Padalecki.

Cordell follows Captain’s orders and waits to view the decrypted files. Julia takes the flash drive with her, Cordell raising an eyebrow and asking if she’s planning an expose. Julia says she wouldn’t jeopardize his case, but maybe someday. Sus, I know, but damn, Julia and Cordell have SO much chemistry, I can’t help it!

Walker thanks her for “listening to my sad truths” as she leaves and damn but Padalecki looks good with the hair gel gone and all those glorious flippies flying free and a little mussed.

Julia: I bet there are other people in your life who want to hear your sad truths all the same.

Jared Padalecki doing eye squint acting on Walker 3.12 set.
Jared Padalecki looking forlorn on Walker set Best Laid Plans.

She says such empathic things, the right things, things that really help Cordell…it’s hard for me to believe this is all an act. If it is, Julia is either an amazing actor or she got genuinely caught up in feeling something for Cordell thanks to their shared trauma.

They don’t kiss goodbye, she’s as matter of fact as he is, and that all seems like it makes sense. They’re two people who are damaged and drawn to each other because they know the other person gets it, and that’s it. That’s powerful, but that’s it. I love when this show gets it right! I am a sucker for the two-damaged-people-bonded-by-trauma trope, seriously.

Julia gets through to Cordell too. He opens up to Cassie and tells her the truth about the day he went to visit Coop’s mother, and what really happened.

Cassie: Why did you feel like you couldn’t tell me that?

Cassie looking concerned at Walker Jared Padalecki 3.12.

Cordell: I was ashamed… I am ashamed.

He tells her what happened, that Coop gave an order that separated him from the rest of them and Walker went along even though he didn’t agree with it. After holding off enemy fire, there was an explosion, and Coop was killed.

In a conversation eerily similar to one in last week’s The Winchesters, Cordell apologizes for keeping secrets from Cassie, and she gets it, reassuring. Ashley Reyes and Jared Padalecki are so good in this scene, his shame and guilt painful to see and her empathy coming through loud and clear.

Cassie: This is something you had to deal with, in your own way, in your own time.

It’s true. Trauma changes us, changes our brains. It’s long-lasting and complicated, and everyone heals differently on their own timetable.

The Big Reveal

Cassie reviews the decrypted files, finding 2004 drone footage of the night Coop died. We can see Coop go off in one direction while the rest of the Unit runs the other way, and then the flash of the explosion. Cordell flinches when it goes off, something that Padaleck is so good at, those little nonverbal tells that make it clear when someone is dealing with trauma.

Cordel Walker and Cassie looking at 2004 drone footage attacks in war.
Walker showing drone footage from night Coop died in Afghanistan 2023.
Jared Padalecki playing with his lip acting on Walker set 3.12.

Once the smoke clears, a figure is seen running away, and Cassie asks, is it possible that Coop survived?

Cordell is traumatized all over again.

Cordell: No way. There’s no way.

But he already knows it’s not true, you can see it in the look on his face, his shock as everything he’s believed and that has shaped his life in so many ways is called into question.

Trey arrives at the Compound, men in bulletproof vests shooting guns and a tattered flag flying over the camp. A tattered flag, with burnt edges. OH.

Walker Texas flag flying tattered in sky.

A man who looks just like an older Coop gets out of a truck, scars on his face, as music plays with the lyrics, “Ain’t no bible on my bed”.

Uh oh.

Walker an older looking Coop pops up at end of 3.12 Best Laid Plans episode.
Caps courtesy of raloria/spndeangirl

I am really looking forward to this week’s episode – so curious what is really going on with both Julia and Kevin! All the props to Jake Abel and Anna Enger Ritch for making those characters so fascinating (and to the writers for keeping us guessing)

There’s a new episode of “Walker” this week on the CW with 3.13 The Deserters!

‘The Winchesters’ You’ve Got a Friend 1.11 Shows They All Really Need One

Last week’s episode of “The Winchesters” starts right off with the Dean Winchester narration.

Dean: Being a hunter means always being on the move. And no matter how hard you plan, no matter how hard you work, at a certain point we all run out of road. It’s what we do at those crossroads that define us.

The crossroads certainly defined Sam and Dean’s lives in multiple ways – literally, and at those points where a hard decision had to made, one that would impact other people too (or maybe even the whole world). Is Dean facing one of those decisions again?

Back to the story…

John shows up at the club house covered in blood, Mary asking in shock where he’s hurt. John echoes his eventual son (or is that really Sam echoing his dad….never mind…brain hurts…) in Born Under A Bad Sign, one of my favorite episodes.

John: It’s not my blood.

At least he doesn’t turn out to be possessed by a demon!

He is pretty traumatized by what happened to Kyle though, and feels extra guilty because he was a friend/one-time-date of Mary’s.  Millie, of course, much like her eventual grandson Dean, believes her son no questions asked and helps him escape.

In a common horror trope (because it’s endlessly terrifying, playing on our very human need to be able to predict when there’s danger around us), there’s no way to know who the Akrida are controlling – which Lata suddenly remembers could be rectified by Maggie’s magic bracelet that can pinpoint anyone harboring a dark secret or “being a monster”!  Why Lata didn’t think of this before and why Maggie kept it hidden is a mystery.

I mean, that could be handy, right? Carlos and Lata head off to search Maggie’s room for it, with a reminder to John from his meditation guru (aka Lata) not to forget to do his breathing exercises.

Lata later: He hasn’t meditated in weeks.

Fandom (and echoed by Drake Rodger on twitter): Most terrifying thing about this episode: John hasn’t meditated in weeks omg!

Mary to John (just as all Winchesters say when they’re in serious trouble): Hey, we’re gonna figure this out.

Lata and Carlos find some old photos of Maggie and Lata on their way to see Alice Cooper (I would have picked Bowie or Mott the Hoople or Lou Reed, but to each their own). And within a minute that photo and the resulting conversation quickly clues Lata in on where to find the bracelet. I really wish these kids had to struggle a bit more!

It’s in a box of Toastettes that’s Maggie’s private stash (in the rat poison box which seems like a terrible idea – hopefully she washed the box really really well!)  I would say they must be super stale by now when Carlos eats one, but if they’re anything like Poptarts, they apparently last forever).

The bracelet is supposed to uncover your enemies’ hidden secrets, but unfortunately it immediately clasps itself around Lata – and some totally scary shadow monster locks them into the house and blows out all the lights. I do like that the show is learning how to be scary with the less is more rule.

They find out from the lore books (that are locked in there with them luckily) that if someone wears the bracelet who is harboring a dark secret of their own, the bracelet will force them to reveal it – or the shadows will consume them.


Carlos (incredulous): You have a dark secret? What, like overdue library books?

Carlos gets locked in a freezing cold room while a vision of Maggie confronts Lata and tells her that Maggie was hurt that Lata kept secrets from her, encouraging her to tell them now to save herself and Carlos. Lata confesses that the room he’s locked in was a part of her childhood home.  

This show has a million ways to force its characters to spill the truth about their pasts – it’s Lata’s turn this week.

Carlos begs her to spill before they turn into popsicles, but she’s reluctant – which is hard to understand because they are literally going to freeze to death. But she does spill, the story of her housekeeper Sania who practically raised her.

Young Lata took some leftovers from a party and shared the tray with Sania in her quarters (where they’re currently locked up). Her father blamed Sania for stealing food and wouldn’t listen that it wasn’t her doing, and when he raised his hand to strike Sania, Lata hit him with the lamp currently in front of them.

Both Nida Khurshid and JoJo Fleites did an amazing job with this story line – they don’t get a ton of serious scenes, but they can pull them off really well when they do. Carlos assures her she didn’t do anything wrong, which honestly? She really didn’t! It seems like her father was the one with a dark secret, not Lata, even when she tells the rest. When her father told her mother what had happened, her mother didn’t take Lata’s side like one would hope she would have.

Instead, she said she was ashamed of Lata, that she shouldn’t have defended Sania instead of her family. It’s such a familiar story unfortunately and so traumatizing for young children, when even the “good” parent won’t protect you and takes the other parent’s side. Heartbreaking. The psychologist in me was nodding sadly.

Lata ran away that night – and her father locked Sania in her room on the coldest night of the year to pay the price, blaming her for making Lata disobedient. She froze to death in the room that night – the very room that Carlos and Lata are locked in now.

Nida Khurshid’s sobbing is entirely believable as she cries “I’m so sorry, Sania”, the guilt and sorrow held in for a very long time, and Carlos holds her.

Millie can’t reach them on the phone (hah, only a landline, I remember those frustrating days!) so she goes to check on them, finding them just after they’re released from the bracelet’s nightmare. It clicks off Lata, releasing her.

Carlos: I guess the truth really does set you free.

Lata: In more ways than one.

Meanwhile, Betty finds John and Mary before they can leave town because of course she knows where to look. She insists she’s trying to help and it’s a lucky thing that she’s the one who found them, and John goes with her without a fight.

I was surprised that Mary didn’t try to free John right then – she could probably have easily subdued Betty just enough for them to get away, right? They were already wanted by the cops anyway. That didn’t make sense to me at all.

Millie and Mary agree that Betty actually does care about John; Millie thinks maybe they can trust her and tell her the truth, then they’ll have a cop on the inside too, which seems like a good plan. They invite Betty to the club house and show her their “horror movie prop collection”, but Betty wants to blame Mary for all the “off” things that have been happening. (Understandable since one of those off things is also John breaking up with Betty – she’s only human, she has to have some feelings about that!)

The Winchesters Mary and Millie with Betty before she's possessed by Akrida 1.11.

Betty gets the ‘monsters are real’ talk, including the Akrida taking over Kyle and some cops. Betty has a tough time believing this, understandably. She leaves, concerned that John is being transferred that night – apparently, the Akrida can subvert all that pesky legal stuff I guess? Mary asks her to check Kyle’s neck for the telltale three marks, but Betty walks out.

John gets questioned by the cops, who are possessed by the Akrida of course. Drake Rodger does a great job not letting the cop get to him, jumping to his feet only when the Akrida reveals itself and taunts him. He’s very much the badass John Winchester we know and (sometimes) love in this scene, and reminiscent of his son Dean too. The cop slaps down the photo of that future son and demands to know who it is.

John: I have no idea who that is.

We find out in this episode that John was also a POW – how long was he gone??

Akrida cop: I’m gonna leave you to sit in your sad little thoughts and feelings.

Mary regrets her life choices to not try to rescue John when they only had Betty to deal with (me: that’s what I said, Mary!), and heads to the police station, determined to break John out before the transfer. Really, why didn’t she just knock out Betty and run off with John earlier, which would have been so much easier than breaking him out of prison!

John is still playing the annoyed but grudgingly admiring Akrida cop.

John: I’ll tell you everything. The guy in the photo is Jeff Beck.  That’s one of his aliases, he also goes by Eric Bloom, and lately by Levon Helm…

The cop punches him.

Very Dean Winchester, John.  I guess that’s where the boys got the idea!

He taunts the Akrida right back, saying that he played his hand – that clearly that guy is a threat to them.

John: Roxy said nothing of this Earth can harm you, so if he’s a threat to you, well, that would mean he’s not of this Earth. Which explains why you look like a scared little baby.

Me: Ahhhhhhhh my AU theory is hopefully right!!!

(Though I guess that could also mean he’s not of this Earth because he’s in Heaven…)

Of course, that also means John isn’t of any use to them anymore, so the prison transport is about to get into a fatal car crash. As he’s being taken out, however, John is still sassy.

John: Whoever that guy is? I hope he gives you hell.

The entire fandom: OH HE WILL!

John manages a final head butt before they drag him out, again very Dean Winchester.

Betty tries to intercept Mary’s mission to save John, Mary throws a punch and sets off a fight. 

The Winchesters Mary holding back Betty from possession with John.

Turns out Mary was just trying to distract her long enough for…

Carlos (popping up out of nowhere to snap the bracelet on Betty): Drugs should be legalized.

Me: lol

They tell Betty they need her help, that she needs to take a look around now that she can see monsters. It apparently works, though in an odd way since I’m not entirely sure what Betty sees or why she believes that instantly this time.

Or how Mary knew that Betty was going to be “pure of heart” enough to not get stuck in a flashback – they could have conceivably been putting her in a lot of danger. Betty apparently doesn’t have any dark secrets luckily.

They confront Akrida cop as they try to toss John in the van, Millie throwing some punches of her own with “that’s for Kyle! That’s for my son!”

I love Millie. Well played, Bianca Kajlich.

Betty is now their cop on the inside, so that all worked out. To make their escape look real, she asks Carlos to “give it to her” – much like the punch in Folsom Prison Blues to make Sam and Dean’s escape look believable. Betty’s tough.

Betty and Mary bond over wishing they didn’t know about monster club and over both looking out for John, which I give her a whole lot of credit for. She didn’t seem to want the breakup with John, so her bonding already with John’s new girlfriend is something that must be challenging for her and is maybe happening a little too easily. It seems John’s right when he says she’s a good cop though.

Lata tells Carlos one more thing, not because of the bracelet this time, but because she’s learned something from the bracelet experience and doesn’t want to keep things from her friends. That her parents are still alive. She says she’s sorry for not telling them the truth, and once again JoJo Fleites makes what Carlos says in return poignant.

Carlos: As far as I’m concerned, your parents are dead to me. I still have nothing but love for you.

He’s pretty sure John and Mary will feel the same.

And then he says something really important.

Carlos: If you need time to tell them your story, take it. Because it’s your story to tell.

When JoJo Fleites gets the chance to do some serious scenes, he’s really good – that was a lovely scene between Lata and Carlos and some nice dialogue.

JoJo Fleites on The Winchesters 1.11 set.

John and Mary finally manage to leave town. They drive, John reliving Kyle’s death – both of them determined to “find this guy” in the picture.

Two more episodes left, so I’m guessing they find him fairly soon. The question is, what will his story be when they do? And how will the fandom feel about that reveal? Has the show ‘played itself’ by showing its cards little by little or will that be an effective strategy?

We’ve had secrets revealed and revisiting (and working through) the traumas of your past as the route to being free of it in almost every single episode. Being trapped by your past and the possibility of breaking free of that is the theme of the show. Does this apply to Dean too?

It’s a theme that resonates with me as a psychologist, but I wonder exactly how it will play out in this show. We’ve also had people being stuck in alternate realities in many of the episodes, which I’m assuming is a clue to what is actually happening to Dean – but again, we don’t know exactly how. Is he stuck somewhere (physically or mentally) trying to find his way out? Is Sam?

Stay tuned to find out on “The Winchesters” 1.12 The Tears of a Clown!

‘Walker’ Past Is Prologue 3.11 Looks at the Impact of the Past on the Present

Past is Prologue is an interesting title for last week’s “Walker” episode. So often, our past is what impacts our futures – if we don’t make sense of it, it can have way too much impact.

Bonham is still grumpy about nobody coming to his family meeting and the horse rescue not being run by him first, feeling like he’s been “put out to pasture”.  Abeline’s having none of it and I am here for her, as always.

Walker Mitch Pilleggi grump on set being Bonham 3.11.
Walker Abilene dealing with a grumpy Mitch Pilleggi Bonham on set 3.11.

Abeline doesn’t want Bonham to have regrets, feeling bad that she waited so long to reconcile with her brother. She of course prevails, telling him she’s got his back and is on his side, but also, he needs to talk to Liam and Stella, even if they should have talked to him first.

Abeline: We need to do the teaching, lead by example… and bask in your superiority.

God, I love Abeline.

I love that Liam and Stella now have a horse rescue because it means I get to see lots of gorgeous horses too.

Liam and Stella shoot a social media promo post, much to Bonham’s annoyance. He walks out.

Stella: He’s still mad?

Abby: He’s still somethin’…

Bonham eventually listens to Abeline and comes around, telling Liam that he did accept that he and Cordell didn’t have that “rancher green thumb”, and that what matters is that they’re happy. He’s grudgingly impressed with what Liam’s done and is “man enough to admit that it hurt,” that it wiped away a vision he’d become fond of. It’s a pretty candid thing for Bonham to admit, so I give him a lot of credit.

Walker gay Liam Keegan Allen getting in deep with Mitch Pileggi in barn hot scene 3.11.

Liam says he was hoping it could be “ours,” a family thing that the new logo is based on his Grandad’s signature.

Bonham: Well hell, William, when you put it like that…

Of course, he can’t leave it at that, though. He needs a parting shot to keep his grumpy grampa persona intact.

Bonham: Daddy’s signature was damn chicken scratch – that ain’t it.

Walker gay Keegan Allen looking very flaming in cowboy drag 3.11.

Meanwhile, just when we were all open-mouthed at Captain James’ ability to be harsh (to Trey), we get to see the softer side of him when Kelly returns to town and they rekindle their romance at a new level, with her moving to Austin full time. Awww. 

Walker Coby Bell James with Kelly on couch.
Walker Kelly back in town to service Coby Bell on set 3.11.

Most of the fandom figured out that Trey wasn’t really fired, and that James was setting him up to do some undercover work, but it was good to have that confirmed in this episode. So yay, now we can go back to liking Captain James again! Though Trey got to hang out in some nice outfits while he was “unemployed.”

Walker Trey trying to fist hard with Cassie over going undercover.

It doesn’t take long for the bad guys aka the lobbying group (disguised as country club golfing types) to reach out to Trey, in fact.  It also doesn’t take long for him to figure out their ‘prove you’re smart enough to do this job’ little test.

Walker Trey sitting with country club moron undercover job.
Walker Trey happy to get some scenes going.
Walker Trey ready to fist with Jared Padalecki 3.11.

Trey is smoooooth in not seeming to want it too much, and the lobbying guy is smooth too in making it sound like they’re actually trying to help vets (who in real life really don’t get the help they need). I confess to not really understanding the whole Grey Flag thing, honestly.

Julia is off working in DC, so it’s Cassie and Cordell teaming up to try to figure out why his old squad is maybe being targeted – and why maybe HE is being targeted. I love Cassie for being all in on trying to get Cordell some closure, and also her willingness to drop back and give him some space when digging into all this brings back his PTSD and survivor’s guilt big time. Jared Padalecki is so good at showing those emotional struggles, and I love when this show gets serious and goes there.

Walker Cordell and Cassie doing intense research 3.11.

(Padalecki also tweeted a CW video encouraging people to fight the stigma around talking about mental health issues, which is so important in making real-world change. The chapter he wrote in Family Don’t End With Blood was a similar encouragement, since Jared opened up about his own mental health in it, and it’s helped many other people do the same.)

Cordell looking into his past and how his “brothers” died means flashbacks – which means we get Colin Ford as young Cordell again. Yay! Colin is SO good and it is uncanny how much he seems like a young Jared Padalecki, both on Supernatural and on this show.  We see some of the trauma that Cordell and his unit endured in combat, their vehicle blown up and one of their own losing his hearing. 

Walker military flashback scene in 3.11 Past is Prologue.
Walker Rob after getting blown up by Jared Padalecki in military flashback PTSD.
Walker military flashback in 3.11 with Rob before he got blown up by Jared Padalecki.

Cordell and Cassie’s visit to the widow of his other “brother” turns out to be traumatic itself, Cordell remembering Rob’s struggle with addiction and his widow not wanting to hear it.  We see another painful flashback, Rob being reprimanded for getting high and Cordell trying to reassure him that he’s not alone, that he’ll be okay.

Cordell Walker flashback with robs addiction and PTSD trauma from military 3.11.
Walker Cordell having military PTSD flashback 3.11.

His wife is understandably angry, blaming their military trauma for what happened to her husband.

She eventually orders them to leave, and Cordell feels guilty for having upset her.

Jared Padalecki talking PTSD trauma and depression with military wife on Walker set.
Jared Padalecki talking PTSD depression with military veteran on Walker 3.11 set.
Cassie actress on Walker set 3.11.

Cassie wants to continue their investigation, but Cordell is overwhelmed with emotions stirred up by their conversation and his flashbacks.

Cordell: We all did what we had to do to survive over there, and we all had vices. What happened over there to us, that was ugly, and what happened when we came back, the guilt, the regret, that was ugly too.

Jared Padalecki loose jeans on Walker set.

Every time we understand more about that trauma and his time in the military, we understand a little better just how much Cordell is carrying. Still.

He tells Cassie he tries to avoid thinking about it because it hurts. That’s a raw, honest thing to say, and she takes it in like the serious admission it is.

She gives him the time and space he needs, and then when he’s had a little time and feels like he’s ready to be all in, they try to reach Tommy for more information – and get a disconnected phone.

Uh oh.

Jared padalecki in kitchen with Cassie on Walker 3.11 set.
Walker Cordell and Cassie hunting Tommy killer with guns outside.

They find Tommy mortally wounded, set up for Cordell to find him – a scene so dark it seemed like something out of “Supernatural” honestly.

Cordell’s “no no no no no, stay with me, hey stay with me” hit wayyyy too close to the barn scene in “Supernatural” when Sam loses Dean (Jensen Ackles), so it made me unexpectedly emotional. Cordell stays with his dying brother, again evoking the Winchester brothers with his “I’m not going anywhere.”

Walker Jared Padalecki holding hands with Tommy who is dying like Jensen ACkles in Supernatural finale.

Meanwhile, Cassie takes off after the guy who apparently gutted poor Tommy.  The music montage actually works for this one as Cassie floors it and the lyrics say “I’m a monster…going going gone…”   The bad guy rams his vehicle against hers and then crashes, Cassie looking shocked as the car flips again and again. The guy who must not have been wearing a seat belt is dead, half out of the vehicle. Cassie finds a file with Tommy’s name and photo on it.

Wa.lker Cassie pursuing man who gutten Tommy.
Walker car crash with vehicle flipping end over end 3.11.
Walker Cassie reacting to causing a man to crash his car in pursuit chase 3.11.

Uh oh.

There’s a pretty cool shot of the destroyed vehicle from above, Cassie holding the file, the truth of what this means hitting her.

Walker Cassie at crash site with dead man thrown from car 3.11.

Cassie still respectfully covers the dead guy with a blanket. The file confirms the dead guy was Grey Flag, and they realize now that this isn’t an anarchist group taking issue with the military – this is something personal. That Cordell’s unit was targeted – and so is he.

Walker Cassie talking to Jared Padalecki sitting on back of truck looking stern and vexed.
Close up of Jared Padalecki talking on Walker 3.11 set.

Cassie: Walker, you’re next.

Walker: I think it’s time we read in James.

Jared Padalecki sitting on back of Ford truck on Walker set 3.11.

Who at that moment is in his car on a dark road not taking Walker’s call – because he’s meeting with Trey. It would have been a gasp-worthy reveal if most of us hadn’t figured it out (possibly because we just wanted it to be the case!)

James: Mission is a go. Be careful, man.

Trey: Will do. It’s good to see you, Cap.

Cody Bell working up Trey in a car outside a cruising park in Texas.
Trey sitting in dark car with James in a hooking up gay cruising part to go undercover.

They part ways, their cars under two isolated lights on a deserted road – another dramatic shot that worked really well.

Walker 3.11 episode surprise twist with Trey going undercover for James Cody Bell.
Caps courtesy of raloria/spndeangirl

This episode was beautifully filmed and directed, and the music in this case worked instead of throwing me out of the action. Ashley Reyes and Jared Padalecki were both so good at conveying their characters’ slowly dawning realization of just how serious – and how personal – this is for Cordell. And both also showed us their emotions, Cassie’s empathic negotiation of when to push and when to back off as Cordell struggles with survivor’s guilt and PTSD.

So well done!

James and Kelly negotiating the complications of a mature relationship of two people who were bonded at one time but pulled apart trying to carefully come back together was also really well done.

The Bonham and Abeline scenes almost always work for me because Molly Hagan is amazing, and I liked the grudging softness of Bonham’s admitting to his son that his personal aspirations for his sons was getting in the way of his being happy for them just being happy.

Plus, beautiful horses!!

A very solid episode in just about every way.

New episode of “Walker” tonight with 3.12 Best Laid Plans, so stay tuned!

‘The Winchesters’ Amps Up The Stakes With Suspicious Minds

“The Winchesters” has three episodes remaining in its first season after this one, Suspicious Minds, so I expected things to ramp up as far as finding the Big Bad (aka the Akrida queen). That ramping up did happen, it turns out, in both expected and unexpected ways.

The Akrida have apparently been wreaking havoc since the 1950s, killing poor Dorothea who was only trying to be helpful by fixing a car (I love all the women on this show who are so mechanically talented, even if that is so not me).

The Winchesters flashback to 1950s when Dorothea was killed from Queen Akrida.

The Men of Letters didn’t manage to send all of them back to their own universe, so some have been hiding out ever since – including the Queen.

I’m not as invested in the Akrida as I’m probably supposed to be – this show is more interesting when it’s telling me something about these characters that I know and love from OG “Supernatural,” assuming it feels like it can connect the two. So as soon as John finds a letter from a university amongst the pile of mail on Mary’s table and asks her about it, I instantly thought of Sam Winchester getting a similar letter – and having to hide it from his family.

John Winchester finds letter from Kansas State University for Mary 1.10.
Drake Rodger looking gay faced at Meg Donnelly on The Winchesters set.

Mary has been paralleled to Sam in wanting to have a “normal life” and get out of hunting in this show and in the original, and in this episode that’s made explicit. It made sense in the context of this show, so I enjoyed the parallel – it’s only when it seems like a stretch and doesn’t make sense that they don’t work for me. In this world, however, Mary opens it and John shares her excitement about being accepted – unlike the John Winchester of “Supernatural.”

We get the Jensen Ackles Dean narration early on, a bit of a warning about expecting happy endings from this show (just as we were warned in “Supernatural,” and if you didn’t heed that warning, you probably had a tough time with November 2020).

Dean: Hunting and happy endings don’t usually mix. So, when you get your chance, you’ve got to ask yourself, how far will I go to get it?

Dean has a lot more Texas twang than he used to, especially in this particular voiceover – but he’s right about not usually having happy endings when you’re a hunter. That is not a complaint – that’s what we all signed up for because that’s what “Supernatural” has always been about!

I will forever feel fortunate that we got to see Sam and Dean get the closest thing to a happy ending possible for two hunters by being in Heaven, their ‘peace when you are done.’

There are two storylines in this episode, one with John and Mary and their Men of Letters guest, and the other with Carlos and Lata. Lata and Carlos are out looking for the Akrida Queen, but mostly they’re a little bit hilarious as Carlos is at first totally dreamy over Anton and then wants to run away from his feelings, and Lata tries to talk him out of it.

Wide shot of Lata and gay Carlos at back of van with lots of demon hunting tools on The Winchesters.

They’re over the top sometimes (seeing “his round dimpled face in pancakes”?) and I really really want to know where they get the money for those fabulous outfits, but still, when they bicker over who will get in the van first, I had to laugh. I also love that Lata has been seeing Tony, Ada’s half djinn son, in her dreams. I hope we actually get to see Tony again before the season ends.

The Winchesters Carlos and Lata outside old van from 1980s.

They find Roxy, who’s been fired and had her girlfriend break up with her and has been drinking to try to forget the trauma the Akrida possession put her through. Bridget Regan is outstanding in this episode, showing how much Roxy trying to avoid the traumatic memories is not working and how horribly they’re tearing her apart. It’s a pretty accurate depiction of PTSD and I feel for her – and Regan is a really talented actress.

The Winchesters Roxy looking rough after a night of drinking.
The Winchesters Carlos showing how bad Roxy looks with face 1.10 Suspicious Minds.

Lata surprises Carlos by knowing a memory extraction and wipe spell that she uses on Roxy, which gives them enough information to find where the Queen is underground. The introduction of a memory wipe is interesting given that’s a possibility for how “The Winchesters” can actually make sense given the inconsistencies with “Supernatural.” I have no doubt there will be some explanation for why things are “off” and that’s one explanation, along with maybe this is an Alternate Universe and not the familiar one we know (which would make all the parallels kinda fun). We shall see…

The Winchesters Roxy ready to find the Queen with Carlos 1.10.
The Winchesters Roxy being painted by Carlos with spell.

Roxy decides to hang onto her memories after all, even though it’s painful, offering to help in any way she can to bring down the Akrida. That’s a small scene, but I found it significant – it’s the decision that Sam and Dean make multiple times in “Supernatural” also.

Stay in the fictional world of The French Mistake where they live in mansions and Sam is married to ‘Ruby’? Nope. The brothers opt to go back to their own world, where they’re hunters and brothers and they make a difference. Stay in the djinn created fantasy world where Dean is with Lisa and Sam is with Jess and they have their mom alive and well? Nope. He opts to go back to his own world and be who he really is.

They don’t want to not remember, even when a lot of their memories are of loss and trauma; it makes them who they are, and as Dean memorably says, “I’m good with who I am; I’m good with who you are.” This episode, more than any before it, seems to ‘get’ what “Supernatural” was all about more, so the parallels are subtle but powerful.

The Winchesters Carlos sitting on bed with woman looking fat.

Carlos is tempted to want to take the easy way out and ask Lata to erase his memories of Anton, but Roxy’s courage inspires him to not run away from Anton also. Something I’m happy about (but stop talking about his round pancake face, Carlos…)

Meanwhile, in the John and Mary storyline, a man of letters named Porter lets himself into the clubhouse with his key and offers to help them kill the Akrida queen. (Causing me to yell “Victor Cassadine!” because Charles Shaughnessy is also on General Hospital).

Jack Wilcox from General Hospital popping in on The Wincehsterss.

I love that they pull some old Men of Letters files and that they look so familiar from “Supernatural” – I have a folder that was in the things they sold when they tore down that amazing set and I cherish it. We also get a glimpse of a chess set in the clubhouse, which also made me miss Sam and Dean’s Men of Letters bunker so much it hurt. I was lucky enough to spend some time on that set and to sit down at the little table with its chess board, and so seeing such a familiar set dec made my heart ache with how much I miss “Supernatural.”

John Mary Winchesters looking at Men of Letters papers 1.10.
Jack Wilcox playing chess on The Winchesters.

Anyway, the guy is sus from the jump, but John and Mary go along with him for quite a while, ignoring his prejudice against hunters (“that’s your nature”) and his history of experimenting on “monsters” and lobotomizing them into watchdogs for the MoL.  

Does that seem a little off to you?  

Here the parallels to things that “Supernatural” dealt with (like killing Hitler and the Thule story arc) are a lot darker.  I would have hoped that John and Mary would bristle at that and do a little more nuanced thinking, especially since their friend Ada has a son who’s half “monster”.  Then again, if we think of how black and white John is when we meet him in Supernatural, I guess not!

John Mary Winchesters with Jack Wilcox on The Winchesters 1.10.
Drake Rodger giving dreamy eyes look to Jack Wilcox on The Winchesters.
Another erroneous wasted shot of Meg Donnelly on The Winchesters.

John and Mary do exchange an epic WTF look when Porter smiles happily as he talks about how the Queen will suffer greatly before dying if he carries out his plan (kudos to Meg Donnelly and Drake Rodger because it was priceless). However, they still are so focused on “getting the job done” that they don’t realize for too long that Porter is a man bent on revenge – at any cost. That’s a message I wish John Winchester had learned a lot better.

The Winchesters Jack Wilcox overr dead body.
Drake Rodger looking like he's lost weight for The Winchesters 1.10.
Meg Donnelly having lost a lot of weight for The Winchesters show.

Weird that the possessed people are still just doing their jobs and eating donuts like poor Officer Jones, who John and Mary bring to the crazy guy (I still don’t entirely get the whole Akrida possession versus bugs thing but luckily the show hasn’t confronted me with it recently).

They do finally figure out that Porter is not who he says he is – in fact, he’s Jack Wilcox, not Porter Hobbes, and the Akrida killed his wife Dorothea back in the 1950s. Unfortunately, the bad guy knocks out both the hunters rather easily and prepares to put his dead wife’s consciousness into Mary and himself into John so they can have their happily ever after. He also turns into someone who sounds like Asmodeus instead of Victor Cassadine, alarming most OG “Supernatural” fans.

The Winchesters Jack Wilcox playing funny with Drake Rodger John 1.10.
Crazy Doctor Jack with teeth pliers taunting a strapped down Meg Donelly Mar.

Also. unexpected was the appearance of a golem that the bad guy apparently created to protect him and his experiments. Wilcox’s monster experiments are disturbingly Nazi-like, which makes killing the golem, a Jewish folklore creature created to protect, by incinerating its head in a kiln no less, even more disturbing. I’m guessing that was supposed to be in keeping with the theme of being possessed and controlled against your will.

I think this was also intended as a callback to “Supernatural’s” golem episode – John even does the Dean line “that was my spleen” and there’s a moment when he confronts the golem at first and has to look up…and up and up and up which was similar too.

The Winchesters Mary about to slam door on the golem 1.10.

The difference is that “Supernatural’s” Everybody Hates Hitler kept the golem in context as not a monster and wisely avoided ovens. This episode also confused me – why did they make so much of getting the scroll out of the golem’s mouth if they were just going to decapitate and incinerate it? Not a fan of that whole part of the episode.

The episode is also reminiscent of the episode where Sam wants to save Dean from dying by co-opting another insane doctor’s mad experimentation so they can both live forever as patched-together Frankenstein-esque people. It seems we’re going down the Winchesters-will-do-anything-to-save-each-other road that is Mary and John’s fate and eventually their sons’ modus operandi as well.

I like that kind of callback; again, it makes sense in the context of this show as well as the original. It’s one of the things I love most about Sam and Dean, their willingness to do anything to save each other, and I love that it was presented as both powerful and also something that in real life you’d definitely worry about. (Luckily, it’s fiction, so we don’t have to worry!)

Dorothea and Jack ended up together after all (though not alive).

The Winchesters Dorothea and Jack ending up in bed 1.10.

Later, Mary and John salt and burn the bodies in dimly lit woods – which gives us some beautiful not-brightly-lit cinematography, something I’ve been wishing for more of on this show.

John: Things we do for love.

Mary: That’s not love. Jack was only thinking of himself, of what he wanted. It didn’t matter if it cost him his humanity to get it. That’ll never be us, right?

The Winchesters Drake Rodger looking hot at Meg Donnelly.
Meg Donnelly looking like a gam figure in The Winchesters

John: Never.

Me: Ouch. Nope, no one will ever sell their soul to bring back someone they love, definitely not. Not a Winchester thing at all…

That parallel worked for me, as did their salt and burn and bury, and the two walking away with their shovels through the dark woods, as their sons will do so many times in the future.

The Winchesters using Supernatural silouette of men in the foggy wodds with shovels.

But the real ramping up of the stakes in this show happened in this episode when we get to eavesdrop on the Akrida (in their not-scuttling-bug forms which thankfully we haven’t seen in a while) talking about how the hunters have become a problem (and how awesome ranch dressing is). Because they are most interested in one particular hunter and the Queen wants them to find “this bastard” – aka Dean Winchester.  Now that’s making this personal!

Akrida meeting with others in The Winchesters 1.10
The Winchesters Akrida with queen hunter picture.

Possessed Kyle is perfectly willing to spill his host’s blood (RIP Kyle) to set up John Winchester as a violent killer who went after Kyle as a rival for Mary. Millie arrives to see John bent over a bleeding mortally wounded Kyle as police sirens get closer.

Poor John – that was a pretty well-done setup.

The Winchesters sexy hot Kyle smiling at killer knife ready to impale Drake Rodger John.
Drake Rodger doing a Glee broadyway reach out number on The Winchesters 1.10.
Drake Rodger laying on top of hot Kyle man bleeding out in Millie's garage.

And a beautiful final scene, John bending over Kyle seemingly having attacked him, Millie standing there in shock, framed by the garage door and the giant WINCHESTERS sign flickering above them as the sirens draw closer.

Millie Winchester looking scared with Kyle's bleeding out body in her garage.
Drake Rodger very sexy eyes trying to look worried over Kyle's bleeding out body The Winchesters 1.10.
Winchesters garage sign showing drake rodger over bleeding out body 1.10.
Captions courtesy of spndeangirl/raloria

I liked this episode more than I’ve liked all nine that came before it (though not all of it; see golem oven no above). It connected to “Supernatural” more authentically than the other episodes have, which I hope will continue in the final three episodes of the season (though having Dean back onscreen without Sam will inevitably make me sad, even though I expect the reason will make logical sense).

“The Winchesters” takes a few weeks off now, and when we come back it’s the final three episodes beginning with 1.11 You’ve Got a Friend. Will the Akrida catch up with Dean Winchester? Will we??

‘The Winchesters’ 1.09 Cast Your Fate to the Wind Watch Party with WFB’s Nightsky

Last week’s episode of “The Winchesters’ 1.09 Cast Your Fate to the Wind was extra fun – because I got to watch it with my friend Nightsky from The Winchester Family Business. We’ve been friends since the early seasons of “Supernatural” but we live in different cities, so getting to watch anything “live” together is rare.

We went to the premiere of “A Knock At The Cabin in New York City the night before (it was awesome fyi), so were both at my house on Tuesday – which meant viewing party for “The Winchesters!” Here’s our morning after thoughts on the episode….before coffee, so keep that in mind….

Let’s start with our OG “Supernatural” fave, Dean. Here’s his narration from the episode:

Dean: This isn’t how I saw things going when I pushed over that first domino. Thing is, I’ve had more than a few dances with free will and fate, but as my dad used to say, “fate is what you make it.”

Lynn: Wait, did John Winchester actually say that on “Supernatural?”

Nightsky: I don’t remember him saying that, and if he didn’t, this is huge! It means that Dean is changing the timeline.


Nightsky (not at all rattled by the outburst): Including Dean’s narration, fate is mentioned fifteen times in the episode. The gem is the Gem of Ursitoare, the Roman gods of fate.

Lynn: Okay, so it’s about fate. That’s a “Supernatural” theme for sure. But what was it trying to say about fate?

Nightsky: Lata says, “fate has a different meaning for the undead… It shows the next fated moment in your destiny. According to the legend, the leader saw he was fated to die and chose to save himself over the clan… Once the object reveals your fate, it is sealed.”  But John proved that the context of fate is unknown, and within his control. Dean is “undead” in a way, so are they hinting that Dean is trying to change his and Sam’s fates, and maybe even the entire Winchester clan’s fate?

Lynn: That makes me nervous. I didn’t necessarily see this as John changing his fate though. In this episode’s climactic scene, I saw the fact that the outcome was not what we first expected as made possible because John didn’t know the full context of what was happening in that vision of the future – it didn’t necessarily show that he was being killed, only that the vampire was biting him, and we don’t know what happened before or after. What if that is exactly what happened before and after, and he just figured it out? That would mean John didn’t change anything. My head hurts already.

Opening scenes of The Winchesters with Drake Rodger looking sexy.
John Winchester out cold as Millie and Mary try to revive him by touching his body 1.09.

Nightsky: Even though Dean remembers his dad saying “fate is what you make it”, going back through the episode, it was Millie who said it, not John. Maybe this is where John learns that lesson from his mother.

Lynn: A lot of this show is about where John or Mary learned things from their parents, that’s for sure.  (What’s also interesting is that Nightsky and I both thought that John DID say it, but it’s not in the transcript we’re looking at over breakfast…)

Nightsky: In the pilot of “The Winchesters,” Dean says “I know this story might sound familiar, but I’m gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you, and in order to do that, I have to start all the way at the beginning.” In this episode, that’s exactly what John did. He was shown a vision of one version of events, but he put together the pieces of that puzzle in a way that wasn’t initially what he thought it would be. Maybe that’s what this series is doing – putting a context around the Winchester story that we know. They’re not changing anything, but fitting it into a larger, more complete, paradigm.

Lynn: Maybe, though that still makes me a little nervous. It still feels like change, even if it’s not going to change those goalposts they talked about not moving.

Nightky: In my reviews, I’ve been noting how I’m getting a much deeper understanding of all of the Winchesters because of the context of their history. It’s not changing anything in their personalities but I’m understanding so much more about them than I ever did before. It’s giving me “aha” moments that are enriching my love of “Supernatural.”

Lynn:  There are some times I can fit them into the canon of “Supernatural” and then I can feel them as expanding my understanding of them, but there are those other times when I can’t make them fit, so I’m just left scratching my head. One of my hopes for this show is that it doesn’t change anything I know and love from “Supernatural” – hence my persistent concern – but instead fills in some blanks. There are also moments that make me go, huh? That doesn’t sound like anything this character would have said or done in “Supernatural!”  Times when I can’t see Samuel ever saying that, or Mary, or even Dean in his narration. It’s only sometimes, but those times are confusing – hopefully they will all make sense in episode 13!

Nightsky: So besides the theme of free will versus changing or contextualizing fate, what were the highlights of the episode for you?

Lynn: There was a lot of Millie, and that always makes me happy. Bianca Kajlich is amazing, and I believe every single ounce of her portrayal of Millie. Whenever she and Drake Rodger get a chance to interact in an emotional scene, I’m captivated by it because it feels so genuine.

Drake Rodger intent shoot with Milie Bianca Kajlich on The Winchesters 1.09
MOther Millie Winchester talking to son John.
The Winchesters Millie shooting off fire in her hands for son John.

Lynn: I love her toughness, and the fierce love underneath, maybe because it appeals to the mom in me, but I also love how we get only little glimpses of that reluctant vulnerability. Hmm. Am I saying she reminds me of Dean? Because sometimes she reminds me of Dean. We haven’t heard her say “no chick flick moments” but that’s one of those things that I can trace forward to Dean and it feels like it makes sense.

Nightsky: I agree, Millie is a gem. More of her please! Her “save it for the kids, kiddo” perfectly cut through all of the young adult angst and dating drama and saw the truth of the situation as only a parent could. John immediately knew she was right!

The Winchester John with mother Millie in her office.
The Winchesters Millie talking to son John Drake Rodger 1.09.
The Winchesters Drake Rodger sweet smile at mother on set

Nightsky: She also deftly delivered their cover story when Betty was interrogating her about Mary.  As far as her discomfort with talking about feelings, I saw that as a strong tether back to the characterization of the Winchesters that we’d been given for so long from “Supernatural.” Maybe John’s and subsequently Dean’s preference for “the punchy part” of hunting rather than emotional sharing comes from Millie and the feminine of the family rather than the masculine stereotypes we may have assumed.

Lynn: Well, we all absorb those stereotypes – Millie embodies more of the masculine stereotypes in a lot of ways. She’s a mechanic too.  I think I like that about Millie because that was an actual hole in canon that you can fill in without messing with OG “Supernatural” – it’s like what fanfic does sometimes, find a gap in the canon and then fill it in, in a way that makes sense and is more or less seamless. I like it when the show can do that. So yes, I agree.

(narrator: they agree!)

Lynn: So what was the highlight for you?

Nightsky: I was pleasantly surprised with Mary’s fight scene – it’s about time! They’ve been telling us that she’s a fierce fighter, but we finally got to see some impressive combat skills that allowed her to take on and defeat several monsters at once.

Lynn: That was a good scene, yes.

Mary Winchester Meg Donnelly attacked by woman vampire on set 1.09.
The Winchesters Mary trying to fight off woman vampire.

Nightsky: For me, the scene would have been even more powerful if she wasn’t constantly battling with her “sweet girl next door” image. Curled hair and platform shoes are unlikely choices for a hunter – unless you are going to use them to your advantage, as Carlos did. The straight hair, jeans, and gym shoes that she wore in the pilot seem more practical. I understand that her outward appearance conveys the internal battle she has with wanting to be like the other girls in town, but I’d like to see her be the character who shows that women can dress practically and still be feminine. With all that said, though, I still adored that scene.

The Winchesters bad vampire fights.

Lynn: I think she might be fighting the CW stereotypes more than anything, which doesn’t allow you to not have carefully coiffed hair even if you’re fighting monsters. I liked that scene a lot – it was so well choreographed and Meg did a great job – but it is sometimes hard to believe that such a physically tiny person could swing a machete with enough force to lob off a vampire’s head! I do think Meg Donnelly really showed how desperate Mary was in the fight scene, and her portrayal of those strong emotions was what made the scene more believable for me – she just kept getting up, knowing otherwise John might die. She also made me believe in Mary’s deepening feelings for John, more in this episode than in any before.

Nightsky: Another highlight for me was Carlos’ reaction to seeing John and Mary kiss. JoJo Fleites stole the scene with Carlos’ surprised/not surprised facial expressions and hand waving.

Lynn: Totally. Carlos was like “What? I knew it!”  And Lata was like, “wait, you knew it? I knew it!”

Bloody face Mary Winchester Meg Donnelly smiling at Drake Rodger 1.09.
Mary kissing Drake Rodger John Winchester deep with bloody hands on set 1.09.
The Winchesters gay Anton and CArlos cleaning up blood.

Lynn: Speaking of Carlos, I love that he’s getting another chance to maybe start a relationship with Anton after they hit it off so strongly when they first met. It seems believable to me that Carlos got nervous and tried to back off – for some reason he’s insecure about relationships even though we all find him attractive and appealing, I think – but I was rooting for them so I’m glad they had a chance to rekindle those sparks.

Gay Anton feeling up gay Calos bloody let on The Winchesters set.
Two queers trying to be cute on The Wincheseers 1.09 set.
Gay stereotypie Anton on The Winchesters ready to chow down on Carlos.

Lynn: John and Mary didn’t have the only kiss in the episode!  I really hope we get to see more of Anton and that their relationship has a chance to be explored.

So, was there anything you didn’t like about the episode?

Nightsky: There were two things for me. This episode gets the award for the worst insertion of a commercial ever. The entire story built to the climax of John’s fated death and his mom and Mary’s frantic efforts to save him, but right in the middle of their big, emotional scene, the show cut to a commercial. It tanked the scene’s momentum and impact. That was either poor editing or post-production timing.  

Lynn: I don’t know whose job that is but yes, that was jarring. And if I’m remembering correctly, it pulled us both right out of the moment. I also got thrown out of the moment in that scene by how quickly they stopped doing CPR. I know you can’t have a TV show with 30 minutes of people attempting CPR, but you absolutely wouldn’t give up after 30 seconds if you want to give that person the best chance of survival! Maybe that’s where the commercial should have been… Those are small constraints by the realities of TV things, but still jarring.  Other than that quick giving up, though, that was a powerful scene with Bianca and Meg both doing a good job of showing the women’s panic and grief – even if we all knew he was going to wake up.

The Winchesters overwrought scene of John Winchester dying but we know he won't.
The Winchesters Bianca trying to be an actress with crying but really sucking at it for CW shows.
The Winchesters Mary trying to save John 1.09.
Drake Rodger John Winchester nearly dying on set of The Winchesters 1.09.
The Winchesters Bianca Meg crying and laughing at something stupid 1.09.

Lynn: Anything else?

Nightsky: I’m still not absolutely sure about the monster lore they portrayed. Holy water hurts demons, not vampires. It was a brilliant hunting strategy from Carlos (and reminiscent of the Trickster calling our attention to Carlos’ hair modeling career last week), but was it a mistake or a clue that we’re in an Alternate Universe? Am I wrong here?

Lynn: I thought the same thing. It’s so confusing because vampire lore is so different across books and films and TV series, but I don’t remember Sam and Dean ever tossing holy water at vampires. If this is an AU, that makes me happy because I don’t have to worry and be overly protective of canon, but if it isn’t, that seems like a canon fail. It was an amusing moment, but sometimes this show skews closer to campy than “Supernatural” did, and that’s a little jarring too. Also, I feel like it took time to soak his hair and the vampires just stood there watching – maybe it would have been better to just quickly toss the holy water on them from the bottle? Luckily for some reason they just stood there … maybe Carlos’ hair is just that fascinating! (It is pretty awesome NGL)

The Winchesters Mary and gay Carlos making cute small talk before fighting off black scary vampire man.
Gay Carlos fighting off black man vampire in The Winchesters 1.09.
The Winchesters gay Carlos fighting off black vicious vampire man in homophobic scenes with Jensen Ackles.

Lynn: Remind me of vampire lore in “Supernatural?”

Nightsky: John was bitten by a vampire but, consistent with “Supernatural” lore, he wasn’t transformed because he didn’t ingest vampire blood or feed on human blood.

Lynn: Right, it’s not just being bitten itself.  Anything else stand out to you?

Nightsky: I was surprised to learn that the reporter was possessed by an Akrida, but I never trusted him anyway. Do you think he was already possessed when he “ran into” Mary at the theater? I do.  He was just too smooth to be trusted.

Lynn: Probably, though I didn’t necessarily think possession at the time – but he was a little sus from the start. Which is too bad because I kinda like his character. It’s interesting that the two “exes” have teamed up now, Kyle who dated Mary (once) and Betty who was engaged to John. But I think Betty’s intentions are good, don’t you? She has reason to be suspicious after the gang keeps turning up at crime scenes.

Gay Carlos in tight tight pants with woman talking to black cop man.
The Winchesters Betty cop talking to black man.

Nightsky: Yes, she’s become an antagonist in the story but not in the way I expected. I thought she would be the love interest in a romantic triangle, but they bypassed that cliché and are using her law enforcement training to make her suspicious. I hope she ends up like Victor Henriksen, who was a thorn in the Winchesters’ side but ultimately became an ally.

Lynn: I was just gonna compare her to Henriksen! She gives an outsider’s point of view on the way hunters would surely appear to the rest of the world, and I love that trope.

Kyle and Betty at diner in The Winchesters 1.09.

What else stood out to you?

Nightsky: It was nice that they expanded the “clubhouse” – Lata described it as “endless, in the best way”. That really opens up the possibilities for future stories and is again consistent with Sam and Dean slowly discovering the mysterious caverns of the bunker.

Lynn: I wish they didn’t call it the clubhouse, it sounds a lot less serious than the bunker, but yes, that was a nice callback to the bunker and its many, many rooms. I don’t think they actually constructed it like they did the bunker, though! I had the pleasure of being in that physical set and it was amazing – but I’m sure very costly to make it an actual real (and large) “building”.

Nightsky: I’m also fascinated that besides fate, another underlying theme of this episode was time. One possibility is that Dean was inserted into this timeline via time travel. While no one traveled through time for this hunt, the amulet looked into the future. Carlos specifically asked if the amulet “has the ability to tell me the future or a future” which again emphasized that timelines can be influenced.

Lynn: I had a visceral reaction to the mention of an “amulet” on a show that’s in the universe of “Supernatural,” gotta say. But yes, that was an interesting connection. Clearly part of what the show is all about, but it’s also part of what makes me so anxious about it! Also, John really takes after Dean – I mean, Dean really takes after John – like oh, amulet, here let me pick it up, oops!

Big amulet scene from Supernatural for The Winchestesr Cast Your Fate to the Wind.
John Winchester touching amulet that burns his hand 1.09.

Nightsky: Mary’s desire to keep things “in the moment” with John was also a study of time in a way.  Then the vampire told John “it’s not your time yet, but it soon will be, John Winchester” and Millie said, “I’d say that our time is running out.” What are the connotations of those quotes to the Winchesters’ timeline??? “Time” was mentioned fifteen times in the dialog. That’s not accidental.  

Lynn: So both time and fate are mentioned fifteen times. Obviously, this show is all about time, and “Supernatural” has always been about fate versus free will, so I guess that makes sense.

Nightsky:  Time travel is a favorite theme for Robbie Thompson, and this story emphasized both the present and the future. I have to wonder about the implications for what Dean is doing.

Lynn: I noticed when the vampire said that, too. Was it just to move the story along a few minutes so we could get to the red carpet scene? Or did it have a more prescient meaning, that it turns out his time is not that day at all, but he’s still in danger? (Also, that poor woman – did she really think she could trust that vamp?)

Lynn: As for Dean, we know he’s trying to change something, I just hope he remembers watching “The Butterfly Effect” at some point in his life – or what happened when he went back in time before (after…) this.  I was amused that Mary calls the guy in the photo handsome, not knowing he’s her son. A nice callback to Dean calling his mom “a babe” when he time-traveled to the 70s in the original show.

The Wincehsters drake rodger meg donnelly looking at black and white shots of jensen ackles bare.
Another show of Jensen Ackles for The Winchesters Supernatural fans 1.09.
Caps courtesy of raloria/spndeangirl

Lynn: Time travel makes my head hurt, seriously. 

We left it at that, since my head was hurting (and I had to go to work…)  But we were both surprised that we actually agreed on a lot of things, both positive and negative! Do you agree?

Catch a brand new episode of “The Winchesters” on the CW tonight with 1.10 Suspicious Minds!

‘Walker: Blinded by the Light’ 3.10 Leaves Fans Guessing

“Walker’s” Blinded by the Light is a great title, referring literally to what happens to Cordell (Jared Padalecki) and Julia when they confront Tommy, but also to the fact that just about everyone has some kind of blinders on that aren’t letting them see things entirely clearly.

Of Fathers and Sons

The Walker family continues to bicker, Bonham still cranky with Augie, both parents cranky with Liam when he tries to bring work for the horse rescue and therapy center to the table, and Cordell misses breakfast altogether much to their annoyance.

Walker family breakfast with Cordell Jared Padalecki missing after breakdown on set 3.09.

On a Saturday.

Bonham calls a family meeting for both his sons to “sort things out” leaving Liam to tell his brother about it. I love the framing here, Liam and his father are separated, in two different worlds right now.

Gay Liam Keegan Allen in baggy jeans talking through a wall with big daddy Mitch Pileggi Bonham on Walker set.
Walker gay Liam Keegan Allen looking all gay pouty at his big daddy on set Mitch Pillegi 3.09.

Bonham also finally tells Abeline about his conversation with Cordell and asking him to move out. Bonham is worried that there’s too much stress around there for Abeline, admitting he’s scared but then projecting it all onto his sons. He says Cordell needs to fix his family.

Abeline: Fix his family? We are his family! I’m curious how you decided that abandoning our son when he needs us the most is best for my health!

Me: You tell him, Abeline!

She says he’s welcome to stay in the farmhouse as long as he wants, and demands that Bonham apologizes (and also finish the dishes alone lol).

Strikingly, when Trey comes over to see Liam to get some legal advice, Bonham is the good dad to Trey with offers of coffee and words of inspiration and consolation. Trey says he feels like he belongs with the Rangers, and Bonham says he was born to do that job, and the Captain and DPS, they see it too. He insists they’re not gonna let a man like him go.

Where is that for your own sons, Bonham??

To make Bonham even more cranky, neither of his sons shows up for the family meeting.  Angry, Bonham tells Abeline that their sons didn’t turn out to be the pretty picture he imagined it would be, and what? You have two awesome sons, Bonham, be grateful! (Also, they make quite a pretty picture, just saying…)

Liam has a positive meeting with an accountant (that goes long so he misses the family meeting) and offers Stella a legal partnership in the horse rescue and therapy program since she’s 18.

This show is convinced that 18-year-olds are all grown-up adults, but having worked for a decade as a psychologist in a college counseling center?

I am side-eyeing you, show.

Setting Boundaries

It’s a day of Saturday meetings being called, Captain James calling Trey, Cassie, and Walker in too, and immediately being cranky because they’re a few minutes late. He’s particularly hard on Trey, who was supposed to be on desk duty.

James: Do you have a thing for defying me?

Walker Captain James calling in Cassie Walker and Trey into his office Blinded By the Light.
Walker Trey pointing his watch out to Codie Bell on set.

Walker interrupts to defend Trey and James cuts him off.

James: I didn’t ask for your input.

Walker: Yessir.

Trey has to go up before DPS for insubordination, in fact. And while everyone assumes it will turn out fine – it doesn’t.

Trey is dismissed from being a Ranger.

Walker Trey sad over losing his Rangers job 3.09.
Walker Codie Bell giving mean look to Trey on set 3.09.

Most of us are convinced that James needed Trey out of the Rangers so he can be recruited by Grey Flag and go undercover, but we’ll see. If not, James is just really cranky.

James also asks if there’s anything else Cassie and Cordell want to tell him about opening that case, which he knows because Cassie said the name ‘Grey Flag’ at Thanksgiving. The whole beeping inside the case thing sounds like quite a logical reason to open it to me, but James thinks it’s weird that they thought a bag of digital watches was a bomb  – except they didn’t know what was in there!

Walker Cassie and Cordell sitting in front of James Codie Bell desk on set.
Walker Cassie looking odd at Jared Padalecki on set 3.09.
Walker Jared Padalecki giving that intense look on set.

He’s really pissed at them for lying to him and tells them to speak up if there’s anything else. It looks like Cordell is going to, but at the last minute, he says no with nothing more to report.

This is a very harsh episode, seriously.

Cassie and Kevin go on a date even though she’s in a bad mood after James chewed them out. Kevin does everything right on the date, including consulting with Ben to pick the perfect restaurant, and insisting he’s “an open book” so she can ask him anything, even though because he’s in politics he’s got a scrubbed social media history.

I don’t know whether to be totally suspicious of Kevin or to find him adorable because after all, he is Jake Abel.

Wide shot of Jake Abel Kevin with Cassie at restaurant on Walker set 3.09.

We do learn that he was close to his mother and his father died when he was ten though, which could turn out to be pivotal information if it’s fodder for a revenge plot, just sayin. If that turns out to be the case it’s too bad though, because Kevin and Cassie are cute together. They bond over being workaholics and over why their mom/abuela had to work multiple jobs.

Casse responding to sexy cute Jake Abele Kevin on Walker set.
Jake Abel smiling sexy for Cassie on Walker 3.09 set.

Kevin oversteps the next day though, “fixing” it because he’s worried about the Mayor pinning medals on Rangers under disciplinary review, calling in a favor and putting a favorable spin on it. Cassie is pissed, saying she didn’t ask him to do that and wanted to keep her personal and work life separate. He apologizes but she says this isn’t going to work.

Kevin in tight pants with hands deep in pocket for Jake Abel on Walker set.
Walker Julia wanting to keep her personal life separate from Cordell Jared Padalecki.


Of New Partners and Old Brothers

Walker teams up with Julia, who is about as no-nonsense as a reporter can get. She’s the antithesis of warm and fuzzy, but I actually like her – or liked her – for most of the first part of the episode. She and Cordell put their heads together to try to figure out who might have sent him that threatening box of drinks, Cordell reiterating that they’re trying to get him to join them which continues to not make sense to me at all. He’s shocked when Julia knows the name of the anarchist organization and just puts it right out there – Grey Flag.

Walker Julia listening to Jared Padalecki rattle on in a nice cabin ranch home.
Walker Jared Padalecki giving intense look on set to Julia.

Julia: I’m an investigative reporter, it’s my job to know things people aren’t supposed to know.

She warns him that it’s possible there might be moles at the Rangers and while he doesn’t entirely trust her, it’s enough to stir up some doubt in his mind.

Walker Jared Padalecki talking deep with Julia about hot Tommy Adams in Rangers 3.09.

I like their halting sort of friendship and how they push each other; she’s not afraid to tell him exactly what she’s thinking and she’s not lying when she says she has good instincts for figuring out what people are feeling. How she’s gonna use that?

We don’t know yet.

They undertake this informal investigation off the books, which always leaves room for things to go off the rails. Julia says her sources say that they didn’t actually manage to shut down Grey Flag after all, telling Cordell to “calm down” which makes him bristle and that’s kinda adorable.  She’s good at pissing him off, pushing him to “open his mind” but comes to a dead end when she admits she doesn’t have the names of the people running Grey Flag.

Walker Jared Padalecki talking to Julia about hot Tommy Adams 3.09.

She’s got her own agenda for sure, and she understands what he may not want to do – he’s their prime target. They’re also competitive, allowing them to eventually figure out that the specific energy drink sent to Cordell was a sort of private joke with his unit. Walker doesn’t want to consider that the person might be a fellow Marine, the five of them in his unit were so close they were like brothers.

Julia: Cain and Abel were brothers too.

Jared Padalecki giving his sad puppy look on Walker set.

He gets so pissed at that; he walks out. She comes over the next day to apologize and he says he’s glad she’s there, though he’s having a lot of trouble wrapping his mind around it being one of his ‘brothers’.

Cordell shows Julia a photo of The Green Raiders, Raider Team 3, and together they brainstorm who it might be. Julia crosses out possibilities, starting with “Coop” who died – I sort of cringed when she markered over the photo though!

Walker Jared Padalecki and Julia checking out pictures of hot men to get with on set.
Jared Padalecki looking at group of hot men choosing which one he wants to get unsafe with before Jensen Ackles session on Walker 3.09.
Walker Julia marking targets on Afghanistan soldiers 3.09.

Julia surprisingly has access to a Pentagon database – what?? – and figures out that all but one of the five are dead, maybe under suspicious circumstances?

Tommy Adams, however, is still alive. Julia crosses out everyone but Tommy and suggests he may be the one behind Grey Flag, and they set out to find him.

Walker soldiers being crossed out except for hot Tommy Adamas that Jared padalecki wants to get with 3.09.
Walker Jared Padalecki talking deep with Bonham about Tommy Adams on 3.09.

Julia is so eager to confront Tommy that she refuses to wait for backup, pulling out a gun and stalking towards his house out in the middle of nowhere.

Cordell: This is not a good idea!

Julia: Who asked you? Don’t worry, I’m a big girl – with a gun. I’ll be fine.

She refuses to listen to him, and then all the floodlights come on and Tommy confronts them and Julia’s bravado disappears. Cordell orders him to stand down, but he gets jumped instead. We get to see Cordell fighting like a Marine would, ordering Tommy not to fight back and then letting him up.

Walker Jared Padalecki puling a gun on innocent person on set.

But it seems like Tommy isn’t the guy, insisting he’s the one who sent the drinks to warn Walker. He assumed that a cryptic message would be responded to in kind, trying to stay out of the light of whoever is picking them off. He says the others were a professional hit – that they’re being hunted.

One by one.

Walker hot Tommy getting a hard gun out and up for Jared Padalecki on set 3.09.
Julia watching Jared Padalecki Cordell Walker pulling gun on hot Tommy 3.09.
Walker Jared Padalecki putting arms up with gun for Blinded by the Light episode recap mttg.
Caps courtesy of raloria/spndeangirl

I am not sure where this is going, and I really like that! This was a strong episode and it left me eager to find out what’s going to happen next week, which is exactly what every show wants to do.

I also watched an excellent episode of “Walker Independence” right after, which if you’re not watching, you should be – it managed to check off a whole bunch of fanfic bingo card spaces in one episode!

New episodes of both “Walker” with 3.11 Past Is Prologue and “Walker Independence” this week before a mini hiatus! 

‘The Winchesters’ Hang Onto Your Life Brings Back Dean Winchester – for his Birthday!

The one thing that “Supernatural” fans who are watching “The Winchesters” have in common – possibly the only thing – is that they really want Dean Winchester back. Last week’s episode of “The Winchesters” knew what it was doing when they finally “gave back” the beloved character – on his birthday. Jensen Ackles, who portrayed Dean for so many years, usually acknowledges his best imaginary friend’s birthday, but this year he did it up right, buying plates and party hats and a cake and having the young cast of “The Winchesters” sing happy birthday. To Dean.

Jensen ackles ready to blow out birthday cake with The Winchesters.

The show was extremely fortunate that it airs on Tuesdays and last Tuesday happened to be Dean’s birthday, so the PR Gods all lined up and made for a fun celebration, topped off by Dean’s “return” to the prequel in a grainy black and white photo.

“The Winchesters” cast all got together to cook dinner and have birthday cake and then watch the episode, as they’ve done several times – it seems like they genuinely enjoy each other and it’s fun to “hang out” with them on Instagram.

Jensen Danneel Ackles The Winchesters watch party for 1.07.

Executive Producers Jensen and Danneel are a little like the mom and dad of the gang of mostly young actors, Jensen doing his best grumpy old man shtick to everyone’s amusement.

As they watched along with us in real-time, we got to watch their reactions to the show. When Mary, eyes wide, demanded to know “who’s that guy?” we were treated to a video close-up of Ackles looking like “what guy??”

Jensen Ackles reacting to who;'s that guy scene in The Winchesters.

And then when it was confirmed to be Dean Winchester (and Baby), he sat there grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

Jensen Ackles smiling big for his birthday on The Winchesters set.

All that interaction added to the fun and excitement of this episode – in fact, it was the most enjoyable episode so far for me. I’ll run down the things I liked about it in a minute, but before I do that, this show also makes me scratch my head a lot, and this episode wasn’t an exception entirely.

I continue to struggle with lining this show up with the canon of OG “Supernatural,” and with seeing its characters as the people they will become in just a very short while. Tom Welling is doing a fine job as Samuel, but he’s so different than the Mitch Pileggi version I sometimes can’t see them as the same character. He’s also a bit of an enigma in this episode. He’s bristly, gruff, referring to his daughter as a jackass and admitting that she’s just like him (which fits fairly well with the Samuel we see a little later). And yet, we also get this conversation, which to me seemed to come out of nowhere.

Samuel: Had I told you what I was doing, I know you would’ve charged in headfirst. I did everything I could to get you off my trail, because I couldn’t… I can’t let you turn out like Maggie. You could’ve been anything, Mary, anything. But when I put that knife in your hands, I chose this life for you. I forced you to follow in my footsteps, just like my dad forced me. It was wrong. I don’t want you to hate me like I hated him. I heard tall tales of an Oppenheimer– someone who found a way to nuke all these damn monsters, so that you could be free of all of this—forever… I can’t give you back all those years. But I’m your dad. I have to try.

That’s why Samuel disappeared? To get rid of all monsters so Mary wouldn’t have to hunt?? That was surprising coming from this Samuel, and it would be even more surprising coming from the Mitch Pileggi version that we know from the future.

This Samuel had been sending Mary on hunts for her whole life, encouraging her to be a hunter, making her feel so guilty about thinking about quitting that she’s been struggling with that all season. I mean, just raising her not to feel like she HAD to hunt them would have accomplished the same thing, and more quickly and effectively, Samuel, just sayin.  This is not what I expected him to say to his daughter! And if he did feel that way at this point, he sure as hell lost it completely a year or so later!

It was also perplexing to hear John tell Samuel that he should treat Mary more like a daughter and less like a soldier, when John ends up doing that exact same thing to his sons.  The EXACT same thing. It sounded like a bad joke when he said it, because it’s so not what John himself does.

Both of those are 180-degree turnarounds in the future, which isn’t impossible, but isn’t all that likely either. If a mind wipe is coming, it sure is gonna be a good one! I was sort of hoping “The Winchesters” had Dean visiting an Alternate Universe so it wouldn’t need to line up with canon, but I’m thinking that’s probably not what this is. And that makes me anxious.

On the other hand, there were a lot of things I enjoyed in this episode. I did appreciate the little “Supernatural” call back of the “Sam” vs “Sammy” vs “Samuel” conversation that’s part of Dean’s relationship with his brother (as in, he’s the only one who gets to call me that). John makes the mistake of calling Samuel “Sam” and is gruffly corrected. I giggled.

One of the things that did make sense and that I could tie to the future was that Mary (when she comes back to life in OG “Supernatural”) tries the same thing that her father apparently did – ridding the world of monsters so your child(ren) don’t have to hunt them. I immediately thought of Mary’s unrealistic and ill-fated alliance with the British Men of Letters, who somehow convinced her that they could do that same thing – so that her children, Sam and Dean, wouldn’t have to hunt monsters.

Much like Samuel, she doesn’t tell them what she’s doing and just disappears a lot – something else Mary may have learned from her dad. At the time, I thought Mary’s decision made little sense (like a lot about the Mary-comes-back story arcs), but this at least provides some explanation. Mary following in her father’s footsteps (even if perhaps it turns out she doesn’t remember him saying that thanks to a canon-saving mindwipe of some kind).

This episode, more than the previous ones, offered a more organic bridge to the Mothership – Samuel leaving instructions for anti-possession tattoos, his derision for the Men of Letters. I might have laughed out loud when he referred to them as “mole men” as in MOL, buried underground with all their books instead of out there risking their lives and getting their hands dirty. I have never heard anyone in fandom refer to the Men of Letters as MOLE but now I probably can’t unsee it.

Bianca Kajlich’s Millie is always a highlight for me, and I loved her push back when Samuel got all haughty with her about being a hunter. Here he is alive and well, after all, and Henry – a MOL – was lost trying to do the right thing.  And he saved the day – and both John and Mary – just recently, back from the dead. So there, Samuel!

Apparently, it was Bianca’s idea to have Millie cook up some Winchester Surprise too, another tie to Mary on “Supernatural,” serving up that old favorite to her son Dean who’s about to lock himself into the Ma’lak box for the rest of time. Oof.

Most of the fandom knew that Richard Speight, Jr. would be returning to the SPN universe in this episode, so that wasn’t a surprise, but it was still good to see him. (I smiled that Carlos’ friend was named Jericho, since that show is something that Richard and showrunner Robbie Thompson have in common).

Loki was always a bit over the top, and he’s even more over the top here. He’s fun to watch and his outfits fit right into the seventies vibe of the show. I would have liked them to slow it down just a little so I could appreciate him though – he was on 78 RPM for sure (that’s a 70s joke….ahem…)

Richard Speight on Winchesters set.

I admit to being somewhat confused about whether that was Loki (as I assumed) or Gabriel possessing Loki (as Speight seemed to be saying in the livestream with the cast on Instagram). I also am not entirely sure what the point of his meddling with Jericho was or why Carlos being genuine and altruistic ended up breaking the spell and keeping him from catching fire. Literally.

If he was Gabriel, would he have been able to be trapped in a mirror? I think not. Lata is clearly thrilled to have him there, though, whoever he is. This was Tom Welling’s face on the IG live when they were discussing this – and totally mine also.

Winchesters Tom Welling aged and plumped up for 1.07/

The other highlight of this episode was the music. First, one of my actual favorite bands (composed of some of my actual favorite people) were in this episode – Louden Swain were the backup band for Jericho and for Carlos! That was also not a surprise, but still seeing them all decked out in their seventies regalia was a thrill. (We didn’t know that Rob Benedict was going to be there too, and while I don’t think he was supposed to be Chuck, it was still extra thrilling to have him back in the ‘verse).

Adding to the charm, was some fandom in-group historical knowledge that always feels good when you find it – the band’s names were the names that Louden Swain used one long ago Las Vegas convention when they came onstage looking like they’d walked out of the 1970s and performed that way without any explanation, while we all were like HUH?

We all called Billy ‘Sweet Jonny Highpockets’ for a long time after that – so I was thrilled to see those names return. I love that the SPNFamily has been around for 18 years and there are quite a few of us who remember those early days and cherish them.

The Winchesters band 1.07.

Second, best music cue yet was Elton John singing Saturday Night’s All Right for Fighting while the Trickster duplicated himself so he – all the he’s – could fight our hunters. It made the fight scene not at all serious, but that was clearly the intention.

And when he was serious, Speight still made Loki frightening, a nice contrast to his silliness. I hope we see more of him!

I also liked that this episode gave us a better understanding of Carlos and his backstory. Yes, the comic delivery is spot on (the deadpan “I’ll allow it” lol). But JoJo Fleites can rise to the challenge when given some serious scenes to do, and they brought a lot of emotion to their performance here (and not just the singing).

Much like the acceptance and even contentment that Sam and Dean eventually arrive at on “Supernatural,” Carlos is nostalgic for his old life as a singer but also satisfied with his life choices and who he is now – a hunter – and able to recognize what being a hunter has given him.

The Winchesters gay Carlos hugging Mary 1.07.

Dean’s monologue narration echoes this idea.

Dean: Being a hunter, it means living a life of sacrifice– not a lot of room for dreams. But you open your heart and get a little lucky, you’ll find you gain more than you lose.

I get what he’s trying to say, and I think Dean did come to believe that, that hunting was what he was meant to do and he was good with that, both him and Sam were. But someone online said that Dean’s narrations sound like a Hallmark card and I can’t unsee it – that’s been why they haven’t been working for me, I think. That does sound like a Hallmark card, and that is not a characterization of Dean Winchester that makes sense to me.

As for the Rivers Gemini performance? Carlos, a queer character, and JoJo, a nonbinary person, singing “Hard Times Come Again No More” was more than a little moving for many people watching, and the performance was spot on. Also, wow, what a voice! (Is there a Saturday Night Special performance in JoJo’s future??)

Like many fans, I was also fairly certain that the mysterious man who gave John the letter was in fact his future son Dean – that was confirmed when John interrupts Mary’s attempt to move their romantic relationship along when he sees that same man in the background of a photo that’s Samuel’s.

JOHN mARY wINChester in kitchen for the show.

So, I wasn’t bowled over by the reveal, but it does mean that we’re probably going to get some hints about how and, more importantly, when and why Dean is there.

And please God let there also be some answers to why Sam is not with him, because a photo of Dean and the Impala without Sam where he would have been standing is pretty painful!

There are a lot of theories floating around now about what’s actually happening in “The Winchesters.” Is it an Alternate Universe that Dean has traveled to, a sort of mirror universe if you will? Or, is this our world in the past, and Dean is trying to change things – which sounds like a really dangerous thing to do if you’ve watched all the movies and TV shows that have attempted it!

There’s a new episode of “The Winchesters” this Tuesday with Cast Your Fate to the Wind on the CW that might bring a few more clues, so stay tuned!

‘Walker’ 3.09 Buffering sets up what’s to come this season

Last week’s episode of “Walker” was aptly named, with multiple situations setting up the prospect of change for some of the characters who have been a bit in limbo recently.

Cassie and Trey are both in trouble with Captain James, but for now, they’re enjoying being adorable besties out for a food truck dinner, Trey is clueless when the waitress hits on him (not sure she’s a good bet because how did she know Cassie wasn’t his girlfriend though??)  

Trey is worried about how angry the Captain is at them. Cassie for some reason isn’t – after he totally went off on them last week. 

Cassie and Kevin are ‘buffering’ their relationship, Trey insists, determined to keep their work/life boundaries separate. Cassie’s not interested in “another fling” and she’s a little worried about where Kevin stands, especially because he didn’t tell her about an upcoming luncheon with the mayor honoring them all for their bravery.

Things are at an uncomfortable impasse with many of the Walkers too. Abeline is recovering nicely, but Bonham hasn’t forgiven August and still seems intensely on edge about making sure she doesn’t experience any stress at all (which isn’t realistic if you want to, you know, actually live…)

The Walker family is under a lot of stress, much of it caused by Bonham being horribly cranky while ostensibly trying to make things LESS stressful for Abeline in the wake of her TIA. He’s grumpy with August, who he’s having a hard time forgiving even though August is bending over backward trying to make it up to everyone. He was grumpy with Cordell last week, leaving him this week saying he’s trying to avoid even going over to his parent’s house in the wake of the ‘find your own place to live’ advice. And he’s grumpy with Liam, who is still really floundering trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to be – it doesn’t seem to be a rancher, if the cranky feed store guy who goes off on him for using too big words can be believed.

(I felt so bad for Liam there, having been someone who maybe once or twice got called out for using too many big words…)  Liam was trying to help with his offer to go down to the feed store to straighten things out, but Bonham immediately warned him not to mess it up instead of being happy about the offer.

Liam introduces himself as Bonham’s son to the feed store guy and he’s like oh, Texas Ranger?

Liam: No, the other one.


Liam comes in armed with research on feed prices which is clearly not how it’s done in the good ol’ boys’ network that’s going on and the guy calls him “not a real rancher” and then says if he’s the one in charge they may as well sever ties right here and WHAT? The Walker boys CANNOT get a break!

Walker gay Liam Keegan Allen finding out homophobia is still big in his town 3.09.
Walker gay Liam Keegan allen dealing with gay vocabulary bashing on set.

Jim: Go find yourself a feed store that can handle your big vocabulary.

Me: Wow. Jerk.

Liam takes refuge at the Side Step, lamenting that he still can’t get a drink there, and doesn’t want to go to the mayor’s lunch with his dad after messing up at the feed store.

Walker gay Liam stroking off long hard poolstick while Stella tells him hot story of Colton's night with Augie.

He and Stella are both feeling like their lives are out of control and like even trying to do the right thing bites them in the ass, Stella also stuck in a ‘buffering’ limbo trying to figure out who she is and what’s next for her.  The two of them get the idea of starting a 501© charity, a horse rescue and rehabilitation (for people) center – something that might solve their identity crisis and give them a genuine motivation to do something meaningful with their lives.

Walker Stella feeling out of control with gay Colton night with Augie.
Walker Liam Keegan allen looking really hardcore gay for Colton.

Colton is also grumpy, super busy at the Side Step and unsure if he wants to be involved in the horse rescue because of bad karma (and memories) of what his grandma did, much to Stella’s surprise. Another member of the extended family who’s been through a lot, losing his grandmother, his parents moving away, leaving him on his own at 18 to be an adult and figure out who he is all at the same time. No mean feat!

Walker gay Augie spilling all his closet secrets to Stella including his hot hardcore night with Augie.
Walker gay Colton telling Geri about his hot hardcore night with gay Augie on set 3.09.

I enjoy the family aspects of “Walker” most of all and appreciate that they are usually quite realistic, but less so for Stella and Colton. They’re only 18, fresh out of high school, and having worked in a college counseling center for decades, that is really NOT adulthood. Yet they’re living on their own (in Geri’s place) and making very adult decisions, fresh off a lot of serious trauma. Not sure that would be working out as well as it seems to be, showing.

August is also in limbo, trying hard to make it up to his grandparents for what he said before her stroke. He comes in and says he’s done a lot of chores and Bonham grumps at him too, asking if he’s expecting a prize. August asks if there’s anything he can do and his grandfather suggests he pick up an extra shift at the Side Step to make up for all the liquor he stole at the party. Oof. Bonham is really on a roll.

Mawline says he could find them a replacement Queen for the chess set since their other one was lost in the move.

Walker Abilene holding up used stone that Augie used with Colton that night on set.
Gay Augie caught by Bonham and Abilene after his hot hardcore night with gay Colton on Walker set 3.09.

Once August is gone, Abeline tells Bonham he needs to forgive August, that he was once a reckless teenager too, but Bonham has it in his head that Augie is causing too much stress around there – clearly still worried about Abeline.

Later at the Side Step, Colton and August have a chat, Augie saying Colton has every right to be mad at him and wondering if his Gramps is ever going to forgive him. Colton says he’s going through something similar with his grandma, from the other side. She sent him a letter and wants him to visit, but he’s not sure he can. He still loves her but feels guilty about all she did to hurt the Walkers.

Colton: It feels like she died…

Augie points out she doesn’t expect him to forgive her in one night, that maybe he could write her back instead. The two bond as the closest thing they have to brothers, which is sweet.

Gay augie with Colton after their hardcore night together on Walker set.

This show is at its strongest when it’s exploring the complications of things like trauma and grief and loss, and that line of Colton’s rang very true. He lost the grandmother he thought he knew; she ceased to exist as that person when he found out what she had done. That’s as painful a loss as it gets.

Meanwhile, in the case of the week, Walker and Cassie are back to work while Trey is on paperwork detail, much to Cassie’s guilt when he’s in trouble for something she insisted he does. They find a guy holding a woman hostage in a warehouse with lots of servers. She was entering something into a system – they’re not quite fast enough to stop her from hitting ‘enter’.

Jared Padalecki giving his slight pout blow out lips on Walker set.
Cassie looking bewildered and sucking in a hostage situation on Walker 3.09.
Cordell Walker pulling a gun in a hostage situation 3.09.

The guy at the server farm was apparently trying to launch some ransomware attack, they think – yet Cassie finds out that the guy was a sort of do-gooder, which makes all the Rangers scratch their heads.

While Trey tries to figure out that paradox, Cassie and Cordell go to the lunch to plan the Mayor’s honor celebration, all dressed up and looking FINE.

Cassie: Okay, handsome.

Cordell: Huh?

Cordell Walker reacting to Cassie calling him handsome.

Cassie: You had to be there… (It’s a private joke with Trey, but Cordell has no clue).

She insists he ask if they’ll be getting medals. Jared Padalecki and Ashley Reyes can be hilarious when they get going on a riff like that, and they were adorable here.

She’s nervous about how to shake Kevin’s hand –as a stranger? As someone he’s dating? Cordell, exasperated, tells her to just go with it.

Cassie: From the guy who threw in the towel. When was the last time you talked to Geri?

Jared Padalecki showing his age with hard laugh lines on Walket set.

Cordell: It’s been a while.

It has – of course, in real life, Odette Annable had a beautiful little baby girl, so that’s a good reason for Geri to be away. But the mention probably signals her return, which will complicate things for Cordell.

When Cordell and Cassie come inside, they’re surprised to see that Julia Johnson, the reporter Cordell was in captivity with, is there to be honored too – the mayor, on the other hand, couldn’t make it.

So, it’s the Kevin show! I love Jake Abel, but Kevin is….I’m not so sure…  It turns out Julia knows him and there’s instant awkwardness because he’s acting like he and Cassie are just “collaborators” who are still “working out the logistics”, as Cassie puts it.

The lunch itself is also incredibly awkward – first, Cordell and Julia haven’t seen each other since they were held captive together, so being around each other is a shock. Second, Kevin asks them questions about that captivity that are oddly specific, and that rattles both of them. Everyone at this point is wondering if Kevin is a good guy or a bad guy…poor Cassie if it’s the latter. I love Jake Abel, but Kevin is undeniably a bit smarmy.

The lunch also has its comedic moments, like when Cassie pushes Cordell to ask Kevin if they’ll be getting medals as part of the “honoring”.  Jake Abel tweeted that Jared’s delivery of that reluctant question broke him several times, which I can only imagine.

Then Kevin asks about the anarchist group behind the abductions. Cordell says they don’t know much yet. Kevin also wants to know if anyone reached out to Julia after the article. Cassie suggests maybe they should stop the questions as Julia gets uncomfortable; Kevin makes a joke that if anyone wants to stab him, the steak course is on the way.  

Walker Kevin putting on a show about anarchists for Jared Padalecki 3.09.

He covers with humor, but why did he ask those questions? Hmmm.

Julia goes outside for some fresh air and Cordell follows. While they’re gone, Kevin asks Cassie if she created the work/personal life boundaries because she’s embarrassed by him. She assures him no, and they decide maybe they can ease the boundaries a little.  They agree to take it slow and share an almost kiss before they get interrupted.

Walker Hot Kevin kisses Cassie really hard 3.09.

I love the conversation that Julia and Cordell have while taking a break from awkward lunch. She could be an interesting character to see more of.

Julia says she thought maybe Cordell would reach out to her after her article came out, and when he didn’t she assumed there was a reason – that they symbolize pain for each other maybe.  They bond over how hard it is to go through the kind of traumatic experiences they have. And it’s awkward, they both agree, sharing a laugh.

Walker Jared Padalecki smiling cute in Sunday clothes for women.

Cordell: For me, you wonder if you’ll ever feel things the same way again.

He touches on how much trauma sets you apart, separating you from people who love you.

Julia: Sometimes, when I feel numb, I try to focus on one thing. A detail of a story I know is true, then fit the rest of the pieces in there.

Jared padalecki in Sunday clothes looking like a mormon on Walker set.

Like I said, this is where the show excels.

Back at HQ, Trey goes through the surveillance tape of the hostage, noting that the guy with the knife stops and helps the hostage woman when she falls. When he goes to question the guy, however, he’s already gone – which is odd since he should have been accused of domestic terrorism. What is going on here??

Walker black texas ranger smiling wide.

Trey keeps calling Walker, who finally picks up.  He catches Walker up – they let the guy go because he apparently wasn’t trying to freeze the servers – and the hostage woman didn’t press charges. They figure out he may have been targeting a credit union. Walker tells Cassie they’ve got an emergency at the credit union and she takes off to meet him there.

Trey and Cassie end up there to find ATM machines spewing cash and a riot going on in response, while someone records the mayhem. That’s apparently what the “hostage” situation people were actually up to!

Walker ATM spewing out money for free 3.09.

The perpetrators on motorcycles speed away; Walker spins his truck around and goes after them (obligatory music montage happening) but Jared apparently had a blast screeching the truck around that parking garage and it shows.

Walker Jared Padalecki catching ransomware hackers at an ATM stealing from it 3.09.

He confronts the two young people, correctly surmising that they’re not attempting a ransomware attack but maybe trying to Robin Hood it – except he points out that they’ve all been caught on camera stealing and instead of doing good, all the people who are trying to grab the free money are getting aggressive and hurting each other.

He asks them to stop it, putting away his gun, as the riot intensifies around poor Cassie and Trey. It’s a Lord of the Flies situation, not a very pretty view of humanity for sure.

Luckily, he’s able to convince them to shut it down.

Walker Jared Padalecki comparing his gun to his junk in a hot sexy outfit on set.

The wrap-up scenes range from bittersweet to scary to downright painful. Stella makes Colton dinner; he tells her about the letter, says he didn’t know how to talk about it but Augie gave him some good advice. Colton feels guilty for still loving his grandma after she hurt Stella’s family. Stella validates his feelings, just like Augie did.

Stella holding hands with closet case Colton on Walker set.

August manages to carve a new Queen for the chess set and Abeline is touched that he did that.  He asks her to teach him to play.

Abeline: You know I’ve already forgiven you.

He says it was just a gesture making the new Queen, that spending time with her is the cherry on top.

Bonham, much like his son last week, is listening outside the door. He finally smiles.

Mitch Pileggi Bonham eavesdropping on gay Liam Auggie onset talkes Walker 3.09.

Liam comes home all excited and proud that the paperwork is filed to create the horse rescue and rehab center, but Bonham isn’t happy about that, worried that taxes etc will cause stress.

Liam: I thought you’d be happy for me, this is what I’m passionate about.

Gay Walker Liam Keegan Allen disappointing daddy bonham 3.09

Bonham: I am, but you’re making decisions that affect my reputation, my land. Just… know your place.

Liam walks out and wow, I do not blame him.

Gay Liam angry with daddy Mitch Pileggi Bonham 3.09 wakjer
Walker Bonham having intense deep talk with gay son Liam Keegan Allen.

Julia calls to check on Walker as he comes home from the successful case solve; he finds some packages on his porch. Cordell mentions that it’s odd that they were delivered there but he’s glad because he’s been trying not to bother his parents. Poor Cordell.

He opens the package and is shocked to find a note “Stay hydrated, War Hero” and a case of that drink that they gave him when he was in captivity.

What the hell??

Cordell has a flashback to that awful time, and whirls around, yelling “Hello!” like it will tell him if anyone is there. He’s freaked, and who can blame him?

We leave just about every character on some kind of precipice. I wonder what will happen this week with “Walker” 3.10 Blinded by the Light!

Walker Cordell having a flashback for 3.10 Blinded by the LIght episode.
Walker Jared Padalecki having a panic attack on set Season 3.
Caps courtesy of raloria/spndeangirl

‘The Winchesters’ 1.06 Art of Dying poses a couple “Supernatural” issues

The last episode of “The Winchesters” was special in an unexpected way – the entire cast and EPs Jensen and Danneel Ackles took to Instagram to do a live reaction video every time there was a commercial break in the episode’s airing. It was frankly insane and chaotic and thoroughly enjoyable as I went back and forth between watching the show, watching the cast and grumpy “old man” Jensen commentate, and trying to tweet a little myself.

Jensen Ackles smiling wide with gay Carlos reaching into his pocket on Winchesters set.
Jensen Ackles very grump about The Winchesters sucking and falling in ratings before being cancelled

I wish the “Supernatural” cast had done more of that back in the day!

At one point an ad for “Walker Independence” (from EP Jared Padalecki) came on and the whole cast of “The Winchesters” started cheering and saying what a great show it is.

Jensen: All in the family!


Jensen Ackles with cast of The Winchesters for ARt of Dying episode.

The cast also complained about Drake Rodger’s smelly farts, prompting Ackles to reminisce about “Supernatural.”

Jensen: It’s like Jared 2.0…

Okay, back to the episode – which had a great opener. A woman runs through the woods, falling, frightened, limping in the dark forest. She takes refuge in an old barn, starting to draw some protection sigils on the door, but the lights begin to flicker and then – in true horror movie fashion – she thinks the sound she heard was just a bird and shrugs, relieved.

The Winchesters classic scared woman running into dark barn 1.06.

Of course, that is when she gets suddenly pulled up to the ceiling and turned into a bloody mess. That was a scary opening though – in the dark like it should be!

Cut to Lata, chanting ‘I am at peace’ as though she’s trying to convince herself of that, which is what happens to me sometimes when I try to meditate so I can relate.

Interrupted by Dean Winchester: Hunting has a way of changing a person. After a while right, wrong, good, evil, they all start to look the same. And then it makes you start to wonder, who’s really the monster here, them or me?

You’ve certainly personified that question from time to time, Dean Winchester.

Lata as her friends argue in the next room: I am at peace….I am deeply annoyed!

Me: lol

Drake Rodger working up a horned up gay Carlos on The Winchesters.

John wants to keep searching for the Akrida, Carlos doesn’t, accusing John of being obsessed.

Carlos: Mellow out, amor.

John: The fate of the world is literally at stake!

Very dramatic, John. Carlos suggests that maybe John should come with him to see Dr. Z, who’s really been helping him, but John isn’t interested in either that or meditating with Lata.  Their arguments (and Carlos stealing Mary’s robe) are interrupted by the “hunter line” ringing  – it’s a landline in a phone table!  Mary answers, and they head out to help a retired hunter named Tracy who used to hunt with Mary’s mother back in the day – and who just found another hunter friend Darla dead in her barn. (I wonder if Darla is named after Jensen’s aunt?)

Drake Rodger John Winchester telling Mary the fate of the world is literally at stake 1.06.

John questions that a hunter successfully retired, since Mary says it’s so rare and Carlos told him early on that the only thing worse than how it starts for a hunter is how it ends.

Carlos:  Okay so I embellished for dramatic effect, are we really gonna act surprised by that?

Mary says it’s part of why she thinks she can do it too. Tracy calls Mary ‘Cricket’, much to the amusement of her friends. They think at first it was the werewolf Darla was hunting that killed her, but soon realize it was something else. Mary is envious of Tracy no longer being comfortable around death and dead bodies, which was a great line that makes it so clear the toll that hunting takes on a person – something we don’t always think about as fans of the “Supernatural” universe.

Tracy tells Mary that this isn’t the first time her parents have separated – when she was little, she stayed with her ‘Aunt’ Tracy when they were ‘on a break’.  Tracy says that Mary should start looking out for number one. Mary says she’d like to finish school, college maybe. Tracy says she never had any regrets about leaving hunting – except that she didn’t get out sooner.

Tracy comes into the barn and says everything’s ready, and the episode takes a very serious turn.

Winchesters Tracy in barn with Mary.

This was my favorite scene of the episode, though the hardest to watch also.

John asks “what’s ready?” and before Carlos can answer my heart leapt into my throat. Ohgod. Oh no. It’s gonna be a hunter’s funeral, isn’t it? I know it’s been two years since we watched Dean Winchester burn on that pyre, and I know we ended with both Winchester brothers happy in Heaven, but that scene of Sam Winchester giving his brother a hunter’s funeral, Miracle whining at his side, is still too tender to revisit. Especially when I hear ‘Brothers In Arms’ playing over it in my head.

But I digress. It is indeed a hunter’s funeral, and there’s no way “The Winchesters” doesn’t know what that’s going to do to all of us. We don’t even know Darla, so we don’t care about her, but our own memories are still raw enough to make it incredibly painful – and we can see the effect it has on these young hunters and on Tracy.  The show is smart (cruel?) enough to play ‘Joan of Arc’ as Tracy tenderly cleans her friend’s body and says goodbye and damn it, it’s too close, especially once she’s wrapped in a sheet and it looks too damn similar.

Gay Carlos is ultra tight pants helping John Winchester lift dead body on The Winchesters Art of Dying 1.06.
Hunters body being cleaned before they burn it on The Winchesters.

Tracy holds out the lighter…like Sam did…

Okay, that hurt a lot.

Winchesters hunters burial with burning the body up for John and Mary.

Tracy doesn’t have anymore lore books but offers Carlos the use of her Harlequin romances at least.  Not my thing, but you go, Carlos.

John wants to try to capture whatever unicorn monster this is to lure the Akrida in, but Lata points out that the only thing that can harm them is the Men of Letters box and they still can’t get that to work.  Carlos and Lata go see a friend of hers who’s a monster identification specialist.

On the way, Lata asks if Carlos thinks she’s a liability as a hunter because she’s a pacifist and doesn’t do the fighting part. I admit to being not so sure about that part myself – I mean, she doesn’t actually carry a gun or knife or whatever, but she works with three people who enact all kinds of violence on other creatures, facilitated by Lata. Is that some kind of ethical stance that makes sense? It doesn’t entirely to me.

Carlos is skeptical about Lata’s friend when the front of his store is full of taxidermied animals, which yep, I’m with you Carlos.

Carlos: What kind of weirdo likes to stuff dead things…

Upon seeing the very handsome and charismatic Anton…

Gay taxidermost Anton meets gay Carlos and Lata on Winchesters.
Gay Carlos smiling wide showing Anton how wide his mouth can go for him Winchesters.

Carlos: I loved ‘Psycho’…

He’s adorably smitten and totally flustered. As in, he can’t actually say a damn thing.

Gay Carlos flustered with Anton on The Winchesters.
Gay Carlos smitten with Anton on The Winchesters.

Anton figures out it’s a soucouyant, a Caribbean vampire witch. Tracy says that’s impossible, that it was her last hunt with Darla, Rob and Mac, that they killed 3 of the 4 and the last got away. Mac got impatient and went into a cave after it, which collapsed – she thought it was killed.

Apparently not, because it shows up at the door at that moment, once again in broad daylight and looking way too clear for my taste as it staggers around threateningly.

The Winchesters monster demon shooting fire out of her arm 1.06 Art of Dying.

John impulsively wrestles with it on the front lawn until Mary slices off its arm and it runs away. In broad daylight. I have the unwanted reaction to have to smother a giggle every time that happens. I need monsters in the dark – that opening scene, when we didn’t even see the monster, was so much scarier!

The Winchesters dried up creepy demon monster 1.06.
Drake Rodger John Winchester wrestling on front lawn with a monster demon 1.06.

Carlos has to sew up a shirtless John, distracted because he keeps thinking about Anton. Much to John’s dismay because ouch, distracted.

Tracy says that Rob went back recently to retrieve Mac’s body and give him a hunter’s funeral, but they never heard from him after. Uh oh.

Drake Rodger enjoying gay Carlos rubbing some sensuous ointless on his shirtless chest.

John is gung ho to go behead it or stab it in the chest, but Mary isn’t.

Mary: Pump the brakes, soldier boy, I wanna play this safe.

I smirk every time she calls him Soldier Boy.

Drake Rodger John Winchester looking back at gay Carlos tight trouser bulge while angry at Mary 1.06.
Drake Rodger with severe razor bumps shirtless on The Winchesters side profile shirtless.

He goes outside to whale on a heavy bag, not appreciating Mary’s protectiveness.

Mary tells him that everyone is worried about him, especially Carlos after what happened with Neto. She asks him to talk to her, after she let him walk around inside her head and see everything.

John: Want in my head? Fine. This morning we cremated someone who used to be a hunter just like you. Every moment is another moment that you could die. I will not be the person to wrap you in a white cloth and send you out in a blaze of glory!

Mary: So, you’re doing all this for me… 

She says that Millie told her how he runs toward danger any time, and says she doesn’t appreciate him using her to avoid his own issues.

I’m not entirely sure what the show is telling us about John here. He hasn’t really tried to talk Mary into leaving hunting immediately, so where is this sudden guilt and protectiveness coming from? I think she’s right to see that as an excuse, that this is not about her. But what is it about? Are we supposed to believe that John has had anger issues all his life? That he’s always looking for a fight? Is that because his father left or is it some kind of personality trait? I’m not sure what the show is trying to say. I guess we’ll see.

Anton and Lata figure out that the monster’s arm is filled not with blood, but with ectoplasm. It’s a ghost, a vengeful spirit that possessed the soucoyant.

Lata with cute guy talking demons on The Winchesters.

Turns out the cave in that killed Mac wasn’t an accident – Tracy and the team killed him.

This they did not see coming!

Tracy says they knew Mac was ‘a dark soul’ but he was a damn good hunter. Rough childhood, abused by his dad, bullied, hoping hunting and killing real monsters would free him from the other kind of pain he’d experienced.  When that didn’t happen he turned to dark magic, became more violent, more aggressive – stuck in a cycle of violence.

Lata: You wielded him like some kind of weapon?

Mary with Tracy and gay Carlos is super tight pants.

She claims they tried to help him, but it all caught up with him and he snapped, got paranoid, and attacked Darla. They were afraid of him and so they killed him.

Tracy: We didn’t have a choice.

Lata: Violence is always a choice.

It contaminates Tracy’s reason for leaving hunting for Mary, as Tracy apologizes. John goes back to the barn alone for some reason, which is clearly a bad idea. The monster attacks him, then the ghost leaves the zombie monster and gets absorbed right into John as the zombie monster disappears.

Winchesters demon sucking out life from John Drake Rodger.

They find him in the barn.

Mary: John?

Not!John: I’m sorry, tall dark and angry can’t come to the phone right now.

John Winchester Drake Rodger possessed by demon 1.06 Art of Dying.

Drake Rodger does a good job channeling all those memorable “Supernatural” possessions that have come before this, from Yellow Eyes to Lucifer.

Mary doesn’t let Tracy shoot him because John, telling him she knows he’s in there, that he has to fight – a time honored speech from multiple episodes of “Supernatural.”  Mac insists that John is along for the ride and that’s why he picked him, insinuating that John’s anger is making the possession easier. He tosses Carlos and Mary around easily and then approaches Tracy menacingly, strangling her against a post.

Mary pushes him off and they fight, John brutally throwing Mary against a wall. She tries stabbing her finger into his wound ala possessed Sam to Dean in Born Under a Bad Sign but he’s impervious, throwing her off again.

Mac: All I’ve ever known are clenched fists, learned that from my old man.

Tracy raises her rifle to Mary’s pleas not to, saying she has no choice when suddenly Lata throws herself between them.

John Winchester realizing he's been shot by tracy rifle 1.06.
Winchesters Tracy with rifle aimed at John Drake Rodger.

Lata: Yes you do! More violence isn’t the answer, not when you’ve spent a lifetime with it.

She tells her own story then, of her father returning from the war violent and angry. Of how she tried to make herself small so the violence wouldn’t find her, but it did. How she felt powerless – until she felt angry. Until she acted on that anger just like her father, and hurt someone, and then decided to choose peace instead.

Mac: I chose my team, but they turned their backs on me, because it was easier.

Tracy explains she was scared, she didn’t know how to help him when he needed his family. She apologizes, says she’s here now.

Lata: It’s not too late Mac, you can still break the cycle.

Winchesters Lata teaching John about breaking violence cycles.
Drake Rodger John Winchester with stab wounds 1.06.

He stabs the knife in the ground and smokes out, leaving John on the floor. Mary sighs with relief – he’s alive.

Carlos to Lata: You did it!

Drake Rodger laying on ground after demon penetrates infects him on The Winchesters.
Mary Winchester happy that John on the ground isn't dead from demon 1.06.

I don’t think that’s going to work with most of the monsters they encounter, but Nida and Drake did a good job with the tense confrontation and the intergenerational violence story made sense here for Lata to tell.

Tracy decides to go back to hunting to try to make her wrongs right, much to Mary’s dismay. She insists that Mary is better than her, that she’ll be able to get out “the right way”.

The next scene of Carlos tearful because Anton touched the severed monster arm and they’re about to burn it is a bridge too far for me – he’s not a fourteen-year-old, after all. But Anton leaves him a note and that’s fine for him to be that excited about that – I hope we get to see Anton again, they’ve got a lot of chemistry.

Winchesters gay Carlos upset but then giddy happy over a man 1.06.

John wakes up to Mary sitting with him, without much memory of what happened.  John is ready to talk though, saying that she was right, he’s wrestled with anger his whole life.  That the fight with Neto woke it up for him, and that he has been using hunting as an excuse to avoid the problems he doesn’t know how to fix. He doesn’t want to end up like Mac.

Mary: That’s not gonna happen, I promise. I still wanna get out of hunting, but it’s not gonna be at your expense. You mean too much to me.

Lata goes back to trying to meditate, and this time it’s John who interrupts her, to say thank you and to ask how to not live in the anger and the violence.

Winchesters Lada teaching John Winchester how to meditate.

 He joins her for some meditation, and then Dean Winchester’s voice made me literally jump.

Dean: Hunting’s not for everyone. You have to be strong, stay sharp, make tough decisions. And it’s not easy. But then again, the righteous things never are.

I cannot shake the fact that Dean doesn’t sound like Dean in these voiceovers. Not his voice, but the things he’s saying, I have a hard time imagining Dean waxing wise and poetic like that, even from Heaven if that’s indeed where he is. ‘Righteous’ has all kinds of connotations in the world of “Supernatural,” most of them not positive – so I’m not sure how exactly he’s using that word here.  Are hunters righteous? It’s not all that black and white – That’s what the voiceover that kicked off this episode said, after all.

The episode ends with the foursome finding the Akrida – the radio tower, that is.

The Winchesters John Mary, gay Carlos and Lada looking for the Tower Reflections.
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

A new episode of “The Winchesters” airs on Tuesday with Reflections 1.07, so we’ll see what happens when the team finally goes after the big bad!

‘Walker’s’ Just Desserts 3.07 leaves fans with midseason hiatus

All too soon, “Walker” is headed into its mid-season hiatus – but boy, did it go out with a bang!

Last week’s episode was an emotional roller coaster, which we should have expected since it’s titled “Just Desserts.” That doesn’t just apply to what comes at the end of Thanksgiving dinner either!

The opening scene sets up the episode as one that deals with loss and family strife. Abby leaves a message for her brother William, saying she’s here if he wants to talk. Molly Hagan can make me feel so much with just a short little scene.

Cordi and Liam try to cope with everything they’ve been through by starting a new tradition – ranch-to-table turkey, complete with turkey imitation gobbles (which we also got some behind-the-scenes iterations of, lucky fandom that we are).

Jared Padalecki looking intense on Walker set 3.07.

Stella always said she wanted to “mix things up” and Cordell is really missing his daughter, so he’s also planning Stella’s favorite dessert. Abeline and Bonham point out that Cordell is making grand gestures instead of talking to her instead of avoiding some awkward conversations. He clearly is upset that she’s been “radio silent” for a few weeks – and I find it hard to believe that Abeline hasn’t made sure Cordell realizes he got it wrong about what happened at the SideStep yet. What the hell??

The brothers tell their mom she’s not lifting a finger, assuring her they’ll have everything ready in time for the traditional Circle of Thanks, because they know this is a tough day for her.

They also do some hilarious imitations of their dad, which I’m sure Jared Padalecki and Keegan Allen thoroughly enjoyed regaling Mitch Pileggi with.

They also clearly enjoyed roaring around on ATVs wearing hunting camo gear and trying to outpace their dad – both the characters onscreen and definitely the actors.  The whole kill the turkey on Thanksgiving Day and get all dressed up in camo gear and oh we also need to race ATVs didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I don’t think that was the point – it was some indulgent fun that everyone could roll their eyes at a little.

Gay Keegan Allen with Jared Padalecki 4 wheeling on set of Walker.
Walker Bonham dressed in camo for turkey shoot 3.07.

They find some turkeys just hanging around gobbling and take a shot – which misses.

Liam: I was kinda hoping a Texas Ranger would be a better marksman.


They oddly give up on hunting fairly quickly, perhaps because they ran out of time riding around on their big toys like little boys. Cordell rationalizes.

Cordell: These gobblers are crafty.

Walker Cordell with gay Liam Keegan Allen turkey hunting 3.07.

Me: lol

Defeated by the wild turkeys.

It was silly but I enjoyed it anyway.

Bonham came prepared though, having already bought a turkey a week ago at the market. It’s clearly been a bonding experience for the Walker boys despite the lack of turkey, who vow to keep the truth about that between the three of them.

BOYS. Did I say that already?

Liam has invited Ben and seeks a “significant other exemption” from the Circle of Thanks tradition, whatever that is, but I love how supportive everyone always is of each other’s relationships. All of them. That seems important to say when there just was a hate crime mass shooting at an LGBTQ club the very week this episode was airing. It may not seem like a big deal, and it shouldn’t be, but shows like “Walker” make a difference in the way people look at ALL relationships.

This episode is all about family traditions, and Cassie and Ben have their own to uphold – Black Friday doorbusters and vowing never to pay full price.

WAlker gay Ben talking to Cassie.

Unfortunately, their tradition is in direct conflict with the Walkers’ all day festivities since Doorbusters start at 8 pm and the Walkers eat at 9 pm.


Of course, in keeping with the theme of nobody ever telling anyone what the hell is really going on, neither Cassie nor Ben mention this conflict to any of the Walkers.

Walker gay Ben with Cassie coming hard for Liam Keegan Allen at Thanksgiving.

Meanwhile, Colton and Stella serve meals to people who need them and then contemplate whether to start their own Thanksgiving tradition or “give into bribery” and join in the Walker family one. The stereotypical developmental crisis that every young adult must face eventually – individuation and do your own thing, or keep to the family of origin tradition?

Nobody tells my kids they’re not coming home for the holidays though, I don’t care if they think they’re grown ups…

Colton is the only one who expresses the same kind of incredulity I’m feeling, asking why August has STILL not set the record straight about who really threw that ill-fated party. Stella is furious that Cordell is blind to who August is becoming. I don’t blame her for at all on this.  To complicate things even more, there’s a Notice of Closure on the Sidestep door thanks to the disastrous party.  

Walker Stella showing Colton sign of closure for Side Step that gay brother August caused.
Walker Colton looking like he wants to smell Stellas hair and wear it as a wig 3.07.

This family really cannot get a break.

Colton: Well, Happy Thanksgiving…

Colton is the voice of reason, saying someone has to know that it’s been shut down, and Augie especially needs to know – he’s defensive of Stella, wanting to drop the grenade on the family and then bounce, making August clean up his mess for once.

Back at the ranch (literally), Trey and the Walker parents watch football. I kinda love the Walker ranch, it looks incredibly homey and comfortable. I appreciate you, Walker set dress crew!

Trey with gay Ben and Walker ranch living room watching football 3.07.

Cassie texts with Kevin, who she’s realized is not so bad, and Trey suggests she invite him to dinner while he has to go to work.

Cassie: Invite him here, for a first date? That’s crazy.

Trey: It is crazy – but it’s also very much you.

Walker Cassie with Trey still not knowing why he is still on the show.

Cassie: Oh…you’re right.

Capt James shows up too, saying that he had to handle a barrage of calls from the DA’s office – and misses Liam being in that office, which agreed, me too.

Liam: It must be pretty bad if you’re wishing that.

Me: Awwww Liam, no!

WAlker cast talking about DA case load.

Cordi is still jittery when Grey Flag is mentioned by mistake by Cassie, and in between all these other things happening, Liam and Cordi bicker like brothers do as they try to work together to pull off this Thanksgiving meal. I give them credit for trying so hard!

Stella shows up and her grandparents are happy to see her, but she recoils a bit when her dad tries to hug her too. 

As a parent, that made me say “ouch” out loud.

Cordell Walker hugging unhappy Stella while jealous Colton wants to be in Jared Padalecki's warm arms.
Walker still messing up with daughter Stelle 3.07.
Walker Stella still upset about jail visit and her gay brother August.

August is apparently sleeping in Stella’s room, and everyone is awkward when Stella says she’s just there to talk to August and then they’ll be going. 

That sends an upset Cordell into the workshop, and Bonham after him. Bonham says more of this is about August than he’s admitting; that he has a blind spot about August and Stella – as many of us do at times about our kids, I suppose. Cordell still blames Stella for the lies about the car, and now for her moving out, insisting that August is the solid one and it’s been that way forever.

Bonham: Don’t look now, but I think they call those blinders.

Walker Jared Padalecki with Mitch Pilleggi in garage.

Sometimes Bonham is just plain right.

At that, the electricity goes out and a tree falls – right through the kitchen window. 

Walker family reacts to tree falling through kitchen windown.

It’s total Thanksgiving chaos, gravy spilled all over the floor, the oven no longer working, the food not fully cooked – and honestly, who hasn’t experienced the absolute stress of a holiday you’re trying to make perfect going south in a spectacular way?

So relatable.

Stella finds August and hands him the notice, demanding that he tell the truth to their dad.

Walker gay son August not wanting to deal with truth of his problem with Stella.

Abeline joins their discussion and agrees with Stella, and also tells them both that it’s not worth it to stay on the outs like this.

Everyone has been empathizing with her about what a tough day this is, the implication being that her own fractured relationship with her brother Will makes holidays bittersweet – and we soon find out it’s even more than that.

Liam wants to call it and give up on their dinner; Cordell asks if their forefathers had a working oven.

Liam: I find it problematic whenever we examine the history of this holiday too closely.

Good point, Liam – I love that this show never backs down from telling it like it is. They decide to “spatchcock” the turkey and Liam’s “what?” is priceless.

James and Abby have a chat about their tradition of Abby not cooking on Thanksgiving – it turns out that her mom died on Thanksgiving almost 20 years ago, and it’s defined the whole day for her.

Walker Molly Hagan folding napkins on set.

She and Will got into a fight that night, and it’s never been the same between them. Her boys made it their mission that she never lift a finger on Thanksgiving. They’re good kids, Liam and Cordell, honestly.

Kevin shows up in the pouring rain and the dark.

Cassie: How did you even get here? You’re soaked.

Kevin: I’d very much like to come inside now if that’s okay.

WAlker Cassie smiling at Kevin outside in cold on Thanksgiving.
Walker Kevin asking to come inside for Cassie 3.07.

He’s not about to squander a second chance with a woman he’s aware pretty much hated him the first time they met, he says. Kevin and Cassie are so cute together, not gonna lie. I’m really glad to have the amazing Jake Abel on the show. He was so good as Michael and Adam on “Supernatural,” and we’re lucky to have him on “Walker” now.

So, Stella and Colton and everyone else ends up staying for dinner after all, though the turkey turns out to be half frozen – which is weird if it was only killed a few hours ago, Abeline points out – and what they think is gravy is actually soup.

Walker 3.07 Thanksgiving dinner about to get nasty dirty with gay Keegan Allen.
Jared Padalecki grossed out finding Keegan Allens fluids in gravy soup bowl before sucking it down hard 3.07 on Walker set.
Walker gay bro LIam Keegan Allen still starting hard at Jared Padalecki package on set 3.07.

To make things even more uncomfortable, August keeps making snide comments about “the new guy” aka Kevin.

Kevin: It’s okay…

Walker gay son August harrassing Kevin at table.
Walker Kevin reacts to gay augie coming on to him at Thanksgiving dinner table with Jared Padalecki.
Walker Kevin and Cassie feeling family turmoil stirring on Just Desserts 3.07.

All the guests try to run interference as the Walkers become more and more and more awkward and bickering. All the actors get a chance to show off their comedic talents because the whole scene is priceless and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the struggle not to have it all decompensate.

The tension is so thick, and they are all so anxious that when Cordell brings out a blow torch for the baked Alaska, we can all understand Captain James’ warning.

James: Oh, blow torch… I just wanna make everyone aware there is now a blow torch in the room.

Walker Cody Bell ready to blow everyone on set with torch for Baked Alaska dessert.
Gay bro Liam Keegan Allen looking about to blow hard on Jared Padalecki on Walker set.

Coby Bell’s delivery was so perfect I laughed out loud.

Abeline interrupts that with FINALLY protesting how no one in this family ever bloody talks about the elephants in the room, and Stella shows Cordell the notice. Now things are REALLY awkward. 

When Cordell continues to blame Stella, Abeline FINALLY spills that too, saying that it was August who threw the party and got his sister thrown in jail and lost the license.

Walker Abilene telling Cordell Walker that gay son Augie is bad person now 3.07.
Cordell Walker reacting to Abilene telling him truth about gay son Augie.

She adds that August is skating by on privilege, and she is frankly afraid of what he might become.

August: You don’t have to be such a bitch about it, Mawline.

Walker gay August calling Abilene out for coming down hard on him for being bad.
Walker Stella and Colton react to gay bro August calling Abilene a b word 3.07.

I legit gasped out loud! All the kudos to Kale Culley for playing that flawlessly.

Bonham is pissed as hell and says Cordell better handle it or he will, and looking at him? Oh boy, I believe it.

Mitch Pilleggi Bonham angry at gay augie for cursing Molly Hagan on Walker set 3.07.

Abeline leaves the table, and oh boy Cordi, you are in bad spot right now in part thanks to your own inability to listen (but also to many other people’s inability to TALK).

After the awkward family dinner to end all family dinners, Liam and Ben connect over their family traditions and the awkwardness that always gets in their way too – like it does for most of us! Liam tells Ben how thankful he is for him and their relationship, and they share a passionate kiss, and I love the two of them together so much.

Walker gay Ben Liam Keegan Allen about to get hardened for Thanksgiving kiss 3.07.
Walker gay bro Liam Keegan Allen getting hardened for Ben Matt Piqua on set.
Walker Keegan Allen and Matt Piqua kissing hard on set for Just Desserts.

Matt Pascua and Keegan Allen have great chemistry, and I think everyone in the fandom is rooting hard for Liam and Ben!

Ben: I’m excited about my new relationship.

Liam: Me too, that’s why I was yammering on about mashed potatoes earlier…

Ben: It was adorable.

Walker Ben and Liam getting chocked out on love 3.07.

Me: It so was.

Ben and Liam set out to make some traditions of their own.

Kevin helps with clean up and he and Cassie are also freaking adorable.

Kevin: it might sound kinda messed up but I kinda enjoyed it. I always wondered what it was like to have a loud and chaotic table.

Cassie smiling at Kevin on Thanksgiving in Walker kitchen.
Kevin with Cassie guest starring on Walker show.
Cassie and Kevin touching hands at Walker ranch kitchen butcher block table.

I love Kevin and Jake, as I said, and Ashley Reyes also, who has created a character in Cassie that feels very real to me. I am so rooting for them!

Cordell tries to awkwardly apologize to Stella as she and Colton are leaving, though he doesn’t manage to actually say those words – he does say he should have listened to her, that he missed what’s happening with August, that he’s been stuck. He says she was right, that he didn’t give her an inch of slack and he gave August a lot – and that he hopes he’s not too late.

Jared Padalecki Walker saying sorry to daughter Stella about Augie and leaving her in jail overnight 3.07.
Cordell Walker talking to Colton and Stella about being wrong 3.07

Stella: I don’t know, Dad. I hope it’s not too late too, but we’re pretty far gone, and right now, I’m tired. So have a good night.

She leaves with Colton. I do feel bad for Cordell, he tries really hard, but like all parents, he doesn’t always get it right. Sometimes he gets it very wrong.  Jared Padalecki is so good in these emotional scenes – Cordell tries to swallow it all down, but you can see the hurt and how lost he feels, right there on his handsome face.

Cordell Walker realizing he was wrong about Stella and his gay son August was the bad boy in Just Desserts.
Cordell Walker tearing up for Jared padalecki 3.07.

He sits down with August and tries so hard to listen instead of yelling at another of his children, but he’s so much gentler with August than he was with Stella that it’s kinda hard to watch.  August does say he knows he keeps messing up, that he feels out of control – and it’s a pretty realistic depiction of an adolescent who is dealing with a lot, from loss and grief to the hormonal changes of adolescence and has always pretended to be the “okay one” who doesn’t have any needs.

Cordell realizes he assumed that August was doing such a great job that he’d grow up all on his own, which is what happens sometimes to the kid who isn’t quite as needy right then.

Cordell Walker having serious talk with gay August about his attitude and actions 3.07.
Walker Cordell trying to understand gay August son attraction to uncle keegan allen.
Walker gay August feeling bad about cursing Mawline at Thanksgiving dinner.

Cordi emphasizes the importance of how men speak about and treat women with respect and tells Augie he needs to go apologize to his grandmother.

He goes outside, where Abeline is taking a walk in the night air, maybe missing her brother, when suddenly she stumbles. Molly Hagan made these few moments hauntingly chilling, as you see Abeline realize something’s wrong, try to keep going, and then just crumple.

Walker Abilene out walking after gay August called her a bad name at Thanksgiving dinner 3.07
Walker Molly Hagan Abilene out walking at night with trouble stroke 7.03

She falls to the ground.

I legit screamed because NOOOOOOOOOOoooo not Abeline!!!!

And that’s where we leave the Walker family, for a mid-season hiatus. With my fave face down and me not knowing if she’s gonna be okay!!

Walker 3.07 over the top Abilene falls cliffhanger Just Desserts
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

‘Walker’ Thoughts Halfway Through Season 3

I’m rooting for everyone in this awkward and tragedy-prone family, honestly. They have all been through way too much. None of them are perfect, and I’m okay with that – more than okay, actually. I prefer characters who are realistically flawed, and story lines that don’t wrap everything up neatly in a bow, as long as their reactions make sense.

I feel for Cordell, who has been trying his best for the past three years we’ve been watching him. He was the firstborn of the family, who got the message that he had to be strong and resilient and maybe close to perfect. I’m not sure that was ever a great fit for his personality, just as it doesn’t seem to be for his son’s, but he tried. He found a great partner in Emily. who provided enough stability that Cordi could be imperfect and do some youthful acting out and exploring, and that allowed him to be successful and disciplined in the service and to come home and be a dad and a husband.

Her loss upended all that and he’s been struggling ever since, all the coping strategies that worked perfectly fine with a stable partner by his side falling apart when she’s not there. Eventually he was overwhelmed and turned to avoidance, physically and emotionally – and he’s been drawn back there repeatedly ever since when things get overwhelming.

And unfortunately, in this show they often are overwhelming! It’s hard to be a fictional character on the CW, let’s face it.

I hope we continue to get some exploration of the relationship between the Walker brothers, because Liam as the little brother seems to have had a different experience growing up with Abeline and Bonham. He was in the shadow of his big brother as he struggled to become his own man and figure out who he was and feel solid enough to invest in an intimate relationship wholeheartedly.

In some ways, he was given more leeway, but in others he remained in that shadow, as recently as when the brothers returned from captivity and torture and everyone seemed to prioritize Cordell’s needs even as Liam was falling apart.

And then there are the younger siblings. I sometimes have no patience with August and Stella and have to remind myself that they’re teenagers. Teenagers whose childhoods were cut off by loss and trauma and haven’t had a chance to really stabilize ever since. Stella was the vocal one whose needs were front and center, and August got the message that he had to be the ‘strong’ one, who didn’t have any additional needs that might overwhelm his emotionally fragile father – the only parent they had left.

No wonder the strain finally got to him, and as hard as it is to watch him act out and fall apart now, it strikes me as realistic enough that we all should have seen it coming. Augie has been a powder keg, and these are the inevitable explosions.

Stella’s acting out has been more consistent throughout the past three seasons, and while her refusal to forgive her father for not listening to her side of the story is frustrating to those of us watching from the outside and remembering the things she’s lied about, it nevertheless is also realistic for an eighteen-year-old who feels unmoored in every single way right now. Who can she take it out on other than her father, the only parent she has?

I appreciate that the show is taking all these complicated humans and letting us see them struggle, flaws and all.

How will Mawline’s stroke affect them, when she’s been a rock for all of them? I have a lot of trepidation, which means I can’t wait to find out!

“Walker” returns on Thursday January 12, followed by a new “Walker Independence!”

“The Winchesters” 1.05 brings Legacy Of A Mind

The fifth episode of “The Winchesters” starts with an unlucky councilman having terrifying nightmares he can’t wake up from, waking up from one into another into another until he finally wakes for real only to fall to the floor screaming and holding his head. Ouch.

And then, we’re at the Winchesters Garage…

Exterior shot of Winchesters Garage 1.05.

Dean Winchester words of wisdom for the day:

Spending a lifetime hunting monsters takes its toll. There comes a time when you gotta let out that pain inside you. If you don’t it’ll eat you alive.

Well, Dean Winchester should know. But easier said than done for most of the characters on OG “Supernatural” and this prequel!

The episode is mostly about our merry band of young hunters trying to figure out who’s turning people’s brains to mush (surprise, it’s the Akrida), but the more personal story running parallel is John and Mary trying to figure out if they like each other and if they have the courage to talk about it if they do. John’s working on a motorcycle that Millie bought Henry for his birthday – and then he left two weeks later.

Mary: Ouch.

John offers to teach Mary the ropes, which she pretends to go along with until he realizes she already knows, taught by her parents so she “wouldn’t be faced with a starter that won’t catch while escaping a pack of werewolves.”

John Winchester Drake Rodger stooping down with motorcycle talking to Mary.

John says she could work at the garage after she leaves hunting, but Mary confides that she may leave Lawrence too when she leaves hunting, which John doesn’t take all that well – but doesn’t say anything. Millie is glad John’s taking a little break and spending time with Mary, though he insists it’s “not like that” with Mary.

Millie Winchester smirking in garage at son Drake Rodger.
John Winchester with his mother Millie 1.05.

Then Mary finds the councilman’s case in the newspaper (which I love that it’s always in the actual newspaper) and they head to the ‘Clubhouse’ (which I hate because it makes them sound too much like kids playing at something instead of hunters). Anyway, they read about the poor guy who died in the opener, of a massive brain trauma that came from the inside and turned his brain to mush.


Winchesters showing Lawrence Chronicle front page 1.05.

They go undercover as supporters of the councilman, whose secretary tells them he’d changed in the last month – very angry, not eating, nightmares. Drake Rodger looks oddly good in a should-not-be-attractive short-sleeved mock turtleneck, which is quite an accomplishment. Lata thinks it sounds like a djinn, so the team goes to check out abandoned warehouses in their 70s bell bottoms (except John damn it).

Mary John Winchester working Gordon Baxter campaign on Winchesters.
Drake Rodger working a short sleeved mock turtleneck in Winchesters.

They do indeed find a djinn who easily outruns them with some impressive acrobatics, which was a very cool scene, and Lata realizes that Ada knows him.

Lata: Ada, who is he?

Winchesters Ada fighting off Djinn.

Ada: He’s my son.

I was spoiled for that reveal, but otherwise I think I would have been quite shocked!

Apparently, her son Tony is half djinn. Ada tells the story she’d kept hidden: She fell in love with a djinn named Ali who thought he could use his powers for good, but eventually his hunger to feed took over and he was found by hunters and killed. She was determined to save her baby and hoped he wouldn’t inherit his father’s urges or powers, so she hid the truth.

When he was seventeen, the djinn marks started to show, and then he walked into her dream and saw that she was terrified of him, and he ran before she could explain anything. Poor Ada – though I’m not sure why she didn’t tell him as soon as the djinn marks started to appear. Denial, I suppose. Fear.

John is unmoved by Ada’s story, clinging to the good old ‘he’s a monster and we have to hunt him’ thing.  Ada says Tony will come back to get his father’s necklace that he left behind and pleads for a chance to talk to him first.

John Winchester Drake Rodger looking vexed with a woman.
Ada with Lata and John Winchester.

John still looks skeptical, but Lata reminds Ada that her son is only half djinn, and Carlos offers to stay there with her in case he comes back, sending John with Mary to the police station.  They have some awkward car conversation about relationships, which is clearly about their relationship, but no one wants to say that out loud.

Mary Winchester driving John in Impala.
Drake Rodger giving a sexy look on Winchesters.

John has a better idea, bringing lunch to officer and ex-fiance Betty to ask her questions. He finds her painting in the backyard – a painting of St. Miguel that was her mother’s, patron saint of law enforcement. (Also known as Michael?? That’s a “Supernatural” relevant painting for sure.)  She tells him she thinks the councilman’s death is suspicious too, and that there were two other victims.

John Winchester outside with Betty.
John with ex fiance Betty on The Winchesters.

John leaves and if I were Betty I’d be like, huh? He came over here for literally 2 minutes to bring me a French dip sandwich??

Mary calls John Soldier Boy again as he walks back to the car, and it will never fail to be amusing because of The Boys.  They have a half tension-filled and half flirty banter, John accusing Mary of being not very easy to talk to and Mary insisting that’s not true.

Mary Winchester sitting on Impala car with John.

Ada and Carlos wait for Tony to return, and Ada confides that she feels she failed Tony.

Carlos says she did the best she could in an impossible situation.

Gay Carlos in van with Ada on Winchesters 1.05.

Tony visits Ada in a dream (though neither she nor we know it’s a dream at first), saying he’s angry, insisting he hasn’t hurt anyone and upset that his mother is scared of him and doesn’t believe him. He’s hurt that she didn’t tell him the truth and that he had to leap from dream to dream not knowing how to control it, seeing too much suffering and loneliness.

It struck me because I’d just finished preparing a lecture on therapist burnout and compassion fatigue, which is essentially what Tony is talking about here. I really hope the character recurs!

Anyway, Tony says he refused to feed at first, and that now he’s helping people in their dreams, feeding just enough to get by and only giving a guy a headache as a result. He also says that he started hearing a sound in his head recently and was drawn to Lawrence and that there was already another monster inside the councilman’s mind that was controlling him – Tony tried to help.

Half monster Tony looking at Ada on Winchesters.
Ada looking at half monster Tony 1.05 Winchesters.

Tony: It was like a giant bug. And if you and your hunter friends really want to do some good, go find Derek Fisher, because the monster in control said he’s their next victim.

I’m rooting for Tony tbh.

When Ada tries to touch his face, she realizes he’s not really there; he doesn’t trust her that much.


Ada touching Tonys face on The Winchesters.

Lata corroborates Tony’s story with the x-ray of the councilman’s brain, showing three stinger holes and ewww. The Akrida are literally giant bugs and that’s…weird.

Mary lets Ada know that Lata confirmed Tony’s story. (Ada is a plant person and no wonder I like her so much). Look at that beautiful set!

Mary Winchester with Lata.

She feels guilty that she saw Tony as just like his father and now is worried she’ll never see him again and get a chance to do it differently.  Mary asks about Ada and Ali – would she follow her heart again if she had the chance, even if she was scared? She says yes, it’s just part of falling in love, and of course, we all know Mary’s talking about her and John, though we haven’t seen much in the way of sparks between them yet. John overhears but walks away.

They go after Derek, pretending to be building inspectors, and JoJo Fleites gets a chance to show off his comedic chops. They surprise Derek, who understandably asks who the heck they are.

JoJo Fleites playing building inspector on The Winchesters 1.05.

Carlos: Building inspectors.

Derek: (skeptical)

Carlos: College building inspectors…this is our first building.

Winchesters gay Carlos smiling looking hot at Drake Rodger.

I laughed out loud. He tells Derek it’s not up to code.

Derek: I know it’s not up to code, I was hired to fix that.

Me: lol

Gay Carlos with John Mary Winchester in old building insptection.

And then the Akrida turns up, looking like a B-movie giant bug that I can see wayyyyy too clearly, and they all run away as it almost gets them.

Derek: What the hell was that thing?

Carlos: Roach….

Me: lol

Giant roach bugs on The Winchesters 1.05 Legacy of a mind.
Gay Carlos looking at demonic roaches on Winchesters 1.05

Mary gets knocked down and collapses, apparently not unscathed after all, and John sees the telltale wounds on her neck that says the Akrida got to her instead. Uh oh. Mary asks them to tie her up, saying she doesn’t want to hurt them. Carlos does, trying to use a little humor again.

Carlos: Hey, you got a safe word?

Winchesters bisexual Carlos with Mary and talking safe words.

Lata: We need a supernatural brain surgeon.

Ada: Like Tony…

Carlos urges her to just tell her son the truth, and Ada goes after Tony, finding him on the bus out of town. She apologizes to him, saying she was wrong for not believing in him. He doesn’t exactly forgive her, but he comes back with her and tries to help save Mary.

Half monster Tony riding on bus in WInchesters.
Ada apologizes to Tony on Winchesters 1.05.

Tony: Our nightmares are rooted in trauma, they take shape in our darkest memories. Mine are about turning into my dad.  The Akrida hide their stingers in the place the person’s deepest darkest fears exist. 

This show is doing a bang-up job of creating monsters who get inside its characters’ minds as a way of getting us inside those characters’ minds, gotta say.

Winchesters Tony talking about going inside Mary's mind to help trauma therapy

But Tony needs a volunteer to go in, someone she feels connected to. Of course, it’s John.

Tony says he’ll immediately be in Mary’s mind, so “Someone’s gonna need to help John.”

Lata: Help him with what?

Carlos: On it. (punches him in the face)

Much like Sam punching Dean to knock him out to go into Charlie’s memories to get her out. This episode also reminds me of “Supernatural’s” Dream A Little Dream of Me, Sam and Dean taking dream root and ending up inside each other’s dreams reluctantly too.

John successfully ends up in Mary’s mind, where she’s stuck in a bad dream. They’re in Mary’s house, with a lot of smoke and eerie music.

John and Mary Winchester inside young Mary's house from years past.

A locked door is probably the place she needs to go, John figures, saying she can’t fight her trauma but she can face it.

Inside is young Mary and someone she killed, who was just a kid himself, part of a werewolf pack her family hunted. Mary gets a chance to comfort her younger self, distraught because the boy changed back into human form.

Mary and John Winchester looking at younger version of themselves as kids.

It’s definitely a trauma, but apparently not the core trauma that Mary doesn’t want to face – poor Mary has really been having a run of having to face her own traumas recently. If I were her, I’d be trying to keep everyone else the hell out of my brain at this point!

They try another room, Mary reluctant to face it, John there to convince her. She’s convinced fairly quickly; he kicks in the door and little girl Mary lies in bed, looking scared.

JOhn Winchester holding Marys face in his hands.
Young May Winchester in bed terrified.

Mary explains that unlike John’s parents and most other kids’ parents, her parents told her that the monsters she was afraid of were real, and that one day it would be her job to kill them. This is the night they told her that, as she hides a knife under her pillow. Mary punches a hole in the wall, angry. (I actually thought she was looking for the Akrida spikes because she didn’t seem angry until that moment).

Mary: I was five, John. Five! Every door to every other future closed that night forever.

John empathizes and validates but reminds her that the doors aren’t closed forever.  Asks, what would you have wanted to hear, when you were five?

John is a pretty good therapist because that’s a common question if your adult self is going to try to console that wounded child self.

Adult Mary Winchester trying to console younger self in 1.05.
John Winchester playing therapist to wife Mary.

Mary tells her younger self it’s okay to be scared, that you can’t be brave if you’re never scared. And that eventually, it will be okay, that she’ll find a way to open all those doors that were closed for her that night.  Her younger self shows her the talons, and she plunges the knife in and comes back to reality. That was definitely easier than I thought!

Mary Winchester eyes lit up green possessed by Demon for Tony to help.

Mary to John (still holding his hand): Thank you.

Me: Someone should thank Tony! (who looks exhausted and drained from the process)

Winchesters Tony exhausted from helping Mary.
winchesters 1.05 Mary holding Johns hand.

Mary thanks John for being there with her, and John tells her that she probably should leave Lawrence, that she deserves that fresh start – and that he’ll give her the bike, so she can go anywhere she wants, just like she always dreamed of.

The supernatural monsters they’ve encountered in the last few episodes have really given John a lot of insight into Mary’s childhood traumas – much more than most of us would know about someone we just met a short while ago. He clearly empathizes, trying to do the right thing by encouraging her to get out. Mary’s ambivalence about all of it – including John – is also clear.

Drake Rodger working on motorcycle.
Meg Donnelly playing coy on Winchesters with John.
Sexy Drake Rodger looking dreamily at Meg Donnelly on Winchesters set.
John Winchester holding bulge in front of Mary 1.05.

Lata and Tony have a bit of a connection starting up, and Tony gives them a little more intel on the Akrida – that they’re talking about collecting an essence from the remains of rare monsters.

Lata: So we’ve also been doing the Akrida’s dirty work…

Winchesters Tony with Ada and Lata.

Ada gives Tony a ride, and he asks Lata if he can write to her, and the two of them are kinda adorable. I really hope we see more of Tony – possibly in part because he looks a lot like my son, so I may think he’s extra adorable, but also because he’s such an interesting character as part human and part “monster.”

I mean, look at them!

Lata flirting with half monster Tony on winchesters Legacy of a mind.
Sexy half monster Tony on Winchesters smiling at Lata.
Winchesters part monster Tony flirting with Lata.
Lata responding to Tony asking for date on Winchesters 1.05.

While John was helping Mary face her childhood trauma, Carlos and Lata have figured out the Akrida are hanging out near a radio tower and that would be a good way to send out a signal to lure rare monsters there. Back at the clubhouse, they go over blueprints and broadcast licenses and find Roxanne as the common denominator.

Carlos: You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?

Mary John Winchester at clubhouse with LATA.

Me: What I’m thinking is that Carlos’ outfit is freaking amazing.

Nina Simone’s “Put A Spell on You” starts to play as we see Roxanne spinning the record. Her assistant says the young hunters are gonna be a problem, but Roxanne isn’t worried. She shooes him away and lets the music play, unconcerned.

Winchesters Roxanne playing Nina Simone I Put A Spell on You record at station 1.05.
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

I really liked some parts of this episode, particularly the Tony and Ada story line, and the introduction of Tony as a hopefully recurring character. I always enjoyed the episodes of “Supernatural” that looked at the world of ‘monsters’ as nuanced and shades of gray instead of black and white, and watching Sam and Dean struggle with that (with John still being pretty black and white at that point, I think, and passing a lot of that viewpoint on to Dean at least at first). I’d enjoy seeing these young hunters wrestle with that too, and Tony would allow that.

I’m still not feeling as many sparks between John and Mary as I think I’m supposed to be, and the Akrida being literally giant bugs isn’t inspiring as much horror about them as I think I’m supposed to feel either. I’m ready to get out of poor Mary’s head too! (But it seems that the Campbells were arguably even worse at parenting than John Winchester eventually turned out to be, judging by terrified five-year-old Mary gripping her big knife instead of being able to go to sleep).

It feels like a big gap that we haven’t actually seen any of Mary’s family yet, and don’t have much understanding of who they were – I think I’d be more invested in her story if we did.

Let’s see what this week brings – a new episode of “The Winchesters” airs Tuesday on the CW with Art of Dying!