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Christian Bale on Dick Cheney, ‘Vice’ and taking on Donald Trump

Fans of Christian Bale know that the actor isn’t afraid of changing his look dramatically for a role as the image panel shows below. After seeing him lose an alarming 62 pounds for the brilliant film “The Machinist” and then bulking up the following year to take on Batman, we’ve grown accustomed to Bale’s dedication as an actor.

His latest transformation is for the role of Dick Cheney which renders him barely recognizable with a shaved head and the most weight he’s had to put on for a role. Yes, even more than for “American Hustle” where you could still recognize the sexy beast.

“I’ve just been eating a lot of pies,” Bale says smirking about his latest incarnation and how he achieved it.

The not so flattering biopic about former Republican vice president Dick Cheney hit theaters over the holidays. It’s been nominated for six Golden Globe awards and is a likely candidate to be an Oscar contender. It’s unknown if Cheney and his allies will be pushing for a win though.

christian bales changing body in movies
Christian Bale’s everchanging body for movie roles

Christian Bale had a choice to make. He’d been hemming and hawing about Adam McKay’s very unconventional proposition that he play Dick Cheney in a biopic about the former vice president of the United States, and his deadline to decide was coming up.

“I thought it was going to be impossible. I also didn’t want to do that much work,” Bale said recently in Beverly Hills. “I just thought, ‘this is going to be a lot of work!’ Like, ‘Do you realize how difficult this is going to be? I don’t really want to do that.’”

But he started researching Cheney and doing some early makeup tests and realized he’d become obsessed. Suddenly seeing his name next to Cheney’s didn’t seem “so completely crazy.” He had to say yes.

Besides, he laughed, “There’s always attraction, I feel like, in ending a career in one go.”

So Bale and, eventually, his frequent co-star Amy Adams (“The Fighter,” ″American Hustle”), decided to do the impossible and become the enigmatic Dick and Lynne Cheney for McKay’s “Vice.” The charged polemic, which arrives in theaters Christmas day, follows the Cheneys from their inauspicious origins to Washington D.C., where Dick Cheney would become one of the most powerful and influential figures in the country.

To Bale, Cheney was someone who thrived on serving someone, whether it be Donald Rumsfeld or George W. Bush, but that his first loyalty was to his wife. The film posits a Shakespearean power dynamic where Lynne is pulling strings behind the scenes.

“Lynne was the ambition and the driving force,” Bale said. “Times being as they were Lynne was not able to achieve all these goals that she wished she could achieve herself. She needed a man to do that, and so Dick became that vessel through which she achieved her own ambitions.”

Adams too became fascinated by her character’s initiative and intelligence, and realized she needed to stop thinking of her as merely “Dick Cheney’s wife.”

“My daughter asked me what I was going to play, and I said, ’I’m playing Dick Cheney’s wife. And she was like, ‘Why are you always playing a wife and a girlfriend?’ And I realized even I had assigned her a position that was in relationship to Dick Cheney and it changed the way that I view her,” Adams said. “I was like you know what, ‘No I’m playing Lynne Cheney. She’s married to Dick Cheney. She is his wife, but she has her own identity.’”

Neither met their real-life subject, who they would be portraying over the course of four decades. Bale wanted to but was “warned away from trying to do that.”

“It’s one of those deals where they say if you bump into somebody, well good, chat all you want, but if you reach out to somebody, it’s a different legal thing that happens with that,” he said.

But they had a lot of resources to help, including first-hand accounts from people who knew them, and the internet. Bale’s phone is still full of videos and photos of Cheney, right alongside those of his wife and kids.

“I haven’t been able to get rid of it yet,” said Bale, laughing that he’s become fond of the memories.

Of course, learning about Dick and Lynne Cheney is one thing, but Bale and Adams would also have to look like them as well for “Vice” to work. For Bale, that meant yet another significant physical transformation that involved wearing fake teeth, gaining some 40 pounds, adding “a couple of inches” to his neck and spending about four hours in the makeup chair every day.

“It helps me get into character, but it doesn’t help me live a long life. Really. I’ve really got to stop doing it at some point,” Bale said.

He used to laugh at people who would just opt for an easy fat suit, instead of doing the work, until he realized that Gary Oldman had done just that for his Oscar-winning Winston Churchill transformation for “Darkest Hour.” But at that point he had already gained 25 pounds and decided he might as well just keep going. Adams, too gained some weight.

“I found it helpful for just the gravitas that Lynne had,” Adams said. “She felt very earthy to me.”

One thing Adams struggled with was the long hours in the makeup chair.

“One day I was so tired, I felt like I was on a boat and I was sitting there and we were working late into the night and I said, ‘I don’t know how you do it, Christian, I really have so much admiration for you,’ and he was just like, ‘I don’t think about it,’” she said. “It’s exactly what I needed to hear in that moment.”

Although the film itself may be political, both Bale and Adams would rather stay out of commenting on or making judgments about their characters and their politics.

“I didn’t approach this with my own opinions. I don’t typically head into any character I approach by judging them,” Adams said. “That kind of shuts me down in creating the character.”

Bale added: “If you’re watching us on the screen and you know Amy’s political stance on what Lynne was saying and my opinion and how much I disagree or agree with…it really kind of ruins the whole point.”

And perhaps the story is more complicated than party lines. Bale said, when you remove the “enormously horrific things,” like the Iraq War and enhanced interrogation, you are, “Kind of left with a love story.”

“You get this incredibly devoted man who recognizes that he would not have been the person he became were it not for his wife. You get a man who contrary to the times and what was popular with his party, without any hesitation, embraced his daughter Mary when she came out. He didn’t give a damn what anybody else thought. But I think also that is largely a part of what makes this story, and any story interesting,” Bale said. “There is this desire so often to make everyone into superheroes, to be all villain or all hero and nobody is … So it’s trying to find that balance but hopefully not putting anything of myself into it.”

“Does that make sense?” Bale added, “Or does it sound REALLY pretentious?”

christian bale with adam mckey on vice movie
Christian Bale with Adam McKay

Director Adam McKay sat down with Christan Bale for a few questions.

Dick Cheney is generally a secretive guy who has tried to avoid the spotlight and isn’t exactly famous for radiating a huge amount of personal charisma. What gave you the confidence that he would be a compelling character to base a film around?

Adam McKay: I think it’s precisely because we didn’t have brimming confidence that we were excited about it. I mean, that’s always the place you’re looking for, where you’re like, “I think we can do this.”

It certainly felt like a story that needed to be told. This is a guy who had an outsized influence on American history and world history. He’s clearly not a charismatic guy. He’s clearly a guy who lived in the shadows. So you pick the best people you can pick, and that was Christian, Amy Adams, my [cinematographer] Greig Fraser, my editor Hank Corwin — we all just kind of dove in and said, “Can we figure this guy out?”

Christian Bale: I’d worked with Adam on “The Big Short,” and that was something that many people said, “How on earth can you ever make this into a film?” He seems to love the challenge of taking something that is not apparently cinematic and making an absolutely stunning film out of it. And I love those challenges as well, where you’re walking a fine line between just absolute miserable failure and a wonderful surprise success.

I was just flattered that when Adam thought, ‘Who is the most uncharismatic person I can think of?” he came to me. [laughs]

Well, I’m sure you’ve been told many times you look just like Dick Cheney.

Bale: [drylyUncanny resemblance. We do have the same birthday, though. That is true. That was the real reason for Adam: with the lack of charisma and the same birthday, who else could he go to? It was written in the stars.

This movie doesn’t just depict Cheney as a one-dimensional villain — among other things, we also see his love for his family. But the fact is, he seems to have an understanding of how he’s seen by many people. He has embraced the Darth Vader meme about him.

Bale: He has a sense of humor about that. He used to dress his dog as the Lord of the Sith.

McKay: No one is born evil or good or a hero or a villain. Life is incredibly complicated and we’re all doing the best we can, even the worst of the worst among us. Dick and Lynne came through the era of the Reagan Revolution that changed everything and they saw that country under attack. And he used the tools and the beliefs that he had learned, which was executive authority and power, and you hit back. And when America needs to, we can get dark.

Now I don’t agree with that personally but we felt like it’s not ours to judge. We just have to show this story, this portrait of power. And first and foremost, I think that’s what the movie is: it’s a portrait and a love story.

Perhaps because we’re living in such wild political times now, it seems like a lot of people are looking back nostalgically at the Bush and Cheney years in a way they wouldn’t have just a few years ago. Does that surprise you?

McKay: That was a strange thing for me to see when people started saying, “I miss Bush because of Trump.” It’s like, “Really?” That has actually just made me sad. Really what it shows is there’s a portion of the country that just wants the presidency to appear like it’s functioning. Because all you’re missing is that Bush and Cheney made it look a little bit like it was normal. Because obviously what they did is so much more monstrous, with nearly a million people dead, a country invaded for no reason, torture brought back — these horrible, horrible things.

So I found that very disturbing and odd. But also I don’t want to get too judge-y, because I will say this: Trump is really disorienting. It’s really upsetting to have a guy just swinging his arms around like a gorgon, just smashing and destroying everything around him. So I understand that people have reactions to that. But no, if you look at what Bush and Cheney did, it’s absolutely monstrous.

Bale: I think it’s just the need for survival that we tend to remember the best. We’re taught as children to see the best in people and that becomes deeply instilled in good people. But at a certain point it becomes incredibly naïve and duplicitous because you’re willfully ignoring something that’s abhorrent because, “Hey, he did kiss the baby on the campaign trail and he does have that charming smile.”

Looking at Cheney, I found myself doing that. In finding the good — and there’s always something commendable in anybody — you started to really want the best. But what you’re wishing away is not just other people’s discomfort but death … And as you said and I believe Maureen Dowd, [with Trump], right, there’s still time — [sighs] oh God, what a horrible thought. But the body count doesn’t even begin to compare.

Adam, during the production of this movie, you had a heart attack. Did that in any way change the way you saw Cheney, who has a long history of heart problems? Did it somehow humanize him more for you?

McKay: It happened a couple of weeks after we wrapped, so yes and no. What it does is make you look at your life and what you’re doing and what things really matter. In that regard, it definitely had an impact.

The craziest part of the story was I’m on the [operating] table and there are people standing over you and I’m on these drugs they’re giving me while they’re putting the stent in the back part of my heart. And I was so high that I thought everyone needed to know that I just worked on a movie about Dick Cheney.

I’m like, “This is crazy. I just did a movie about Dick Cheney and here I am.” And there was this beat and I heard a voice to my right go, “Dick Cheney — great American.” I was like, “Well, it’s complicated.” [laughs] He goes, “What’s complicated about it?” I go, “Well, you know, Iraq didn’t turn out so good.” And he goes, “Better than Obama.”

Then there’s another beat and I go, “I don’t really want to argue with you. I think you just saved my life. I just want to thank you and thank everyone here.” And there was just silence and he was gone.

In today’s climate, everything is now being seen through a political lens. How confident are you that people who aren’t already left-leaning will open themselves up to this movie and not just dismiss it as a slanted movie from liberal Hollywood?

McKay: [deadpan] I’m 100% confident, without a doubt. Our next screening is live in Dallas Cowboy Stadium and it’s going to be for the entire NRA. [laughs]

You know, honest to God, the only way to really get it is you have to see it. When we test screened it, there were plenty of Republicans in the audience and in our test groups they would always go, “That’s fair. That happened.” We didn’t have responses of people going, “That’s a lie!”

There will be people who won’t see it just because Adam McKay supported something they don’t like — and we all know Christian Bale is a very public Satanist.

Bale: [pumping his fist and chanting] Baphomet! Baphomet!

McKay: But I dare anyone to turn away from his performance and Amy’s performance and Sam’s and Steve’s. I mean, it’s so compelling. And I’m excited to see what it does out there.

Has Cheney seen Vice yet?

McKay: Through a friend of a friend, I heard [Dick and his wife, Lynne Cheney] saw the trailer, though, and they both laughed quite a bit. Dick’s comment was apparently, ‘Well, if that movie about the fish guy [‘The Shape of Water’] can win, then maybe this one has a chance.’

So having now tackled Cheney, do you feel any compulsion to take on Trump?

McKay: Everyone keeps asking me about that. I do not want to sit in a room for eight months with that. I don’t want to make this guy dye his skin orange.

[pauses, then shakes his head] But I don’t know. I just realized, we’re probably going to … do it now.

Bale: [laughs] Yes, Adam just decided it. And off we go!

Daric Gates’ ‘Realms’ is lowest grossing film of 2018

In the movie industry, there are always way more flops than hits, and this year’s lowest grossing film (read biggest flop at the box office) was Daric Gates’ 2018 film “Realms.”

The film is described as a Supernatural/Horror set against the backdrop of Bangkok, Thailand. After a high-speed police chase leads to an unexpected crash, two American bank robbers and their three local hostages take shelter in a mysterious manor in the woods. As the criminals plot their next move and the hostages try to escape, they begin to realize no one is safe from the evil lurking inside the house.

“Realms” starred Ryan Kelley known for his recurring role on MTV’s “Teen Wolf” and Madison McKinley. Director Daric Gates lists that he is most known for his work on “Friday Night Lights” where he served as a production assistant. He has also directed the 2014 film “The Appearing” which like his “Realms” didn’t even make it onto Rotten Tomatoes website and scored a lower users score than “Realms.” So at least Gates works is showing improvement going from a 3.1 rating to 4.6 on IMDB.

daric gates bombs with realms in 2018
Director Daric Gates

The films widest release was on 3 screens where it earned $147 for one week. This is normally required in an actors contract so the production company sticks it into a theater to satisfy that. Usually, it’s just one theater, but they tried 3 which averages $36 per screen.

Viva Pictures “The Legend of Hallowaiian” and Magnolia’s “Higher Power” bested “Realms by earning $451 and $528.

Gates is currently working on “Book of Rocko” which is listed in pre-production on IMDB, and we can only wish him the best of luck on his next project.

Some of the major films that were complete box office bombs include “Mortal Engines” with a budget of $100 million with box office tickets of $61.9 million and Steve Carell’s “Welcome to Marwen” which cost $50 million and has only brought in $7.8 million. Daric Gates can take some solace with those numbers at least.

‘Aquaman’ tops New Year’s box office charts heading to $200 million domestic

Jason Momoa’s “Aquaman” has officially become DC Comics largest grossing film overseas as it beings 2019 just shy of $200 million in domestical box office tickets. After earning $10.1 million New Year’s Eve, the latest DC superhero has earned $199.5 million domestically. It will easily cross the $200 million mark Tuesday with New Year’s Day holiday audiences.

This does make “Aquaman” the second lowest DC Films standing between “Justice League” ($226 million) and “Man of Steel ($291 million).” “Aquaman” appears to be playing out like Peter Jackson’s “The Desolation of Smaug” ($258 million domestic/$958 million worldwide), relying more on global ticket sales to deliver it to a possible $1 billion mark. The Jason Momoa starrer will soon pass “Batman v Superman” ($543 million) as DC Films biggest overseas grosser.

If it hits $636 million internationally, it will pass Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” If “Aquaman” can hit $900 million (which it should hit $800 million Wednesday), it will become the third largest standalone superhero film just ahead of “Spider-Man 3” ($890 million in 2007), but below “Iron Man 3” ($1.2 billion in 2013 and “Black Panther” ($1.346 billion). Now it’s up to Marvel’s “Captain Marvel” to save the box office day.

Holiday Weekend Box Office Report

In the final weekend of 2018, “Aquaman” still led the pack at the box office, but other films like “Mary Poppins Returns,” ″The Mule” and “Second Act” enjoyed post-holiday bumps too, even amid an onslaught of new Christmas offerings like “Vice,” ″Holmes and Watson,” ″On the Basis of Sex” and the Netflix phenomenon “Bird Box.”

Warner Bros. said Sunday that “Aquaman” added an estimated $51.6 million in North American ticket sales over the weekend to take first place again. Down just 24 percent from its domestic debut, the DC Comics pic, which has been No. 1 internationally for four weeks, has now grossed nearly $748.8 million worldwide.

Although other films in theaters were left in “Aquaman’s” wake, more than a few in the top 10 experienced an uncommon uptick in returns this weekend. Disney’s “Mary Poppins Returns” ended the weekend up an estimated 19 percent, in second place, with $28 million, while “Bumblebee,” down only five percent, settled in third with $20.5 million.

Up 11 percent, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” got fourth with $18.3 million, and “The Mule,” up 24 percent, took fifth with $11.8 million.

The Jennifer Lopez-led “Second Act,” which got off to a slow start last weekend, also found itself up 11 percent, with $7.2 million in seventh place. But the biggest bump of all came for Disney’s “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” which was up nearly 40 percent in its sixth weekend in theaters, with $6.5 million.

“There is a bit of a lull on the weekend leading into Christmas. People are busy and distracted,” said Comscore’s senior media analyst Paul Dergarabedian. “But the weekend after, most of these films in the top 10 got a bounce.”

This so-called “catch-up” weekend made it a little difficult for the Christmas newcomers to make a huge impact, however, especially when the big wide-releases this time were either politically charged (the Dick Cheney movie “Vice”) or poorly reviewed (“Holmes and Watson,” which is in the single digits on Rotten Tomatoes and got a deathly D+ CinemaScore).

Annapurna’s “Vice,” starring Christian Bale as the former Vice President, came out on top for the new films, grossing $7.8 million from the weekend and $17.7 million since its Christmas opening. A leading contender at the Golden Globe Awards this coming Sunday, the film earned mixed reviews from critics and a C+ CinemaScore from audiences.

“That a movie with that subject matter can ride a wave to sixth place is really indicative of how interested people are in this movie,” Dergarabedian said. “This is required viewing for anyone studying the awards season race.”

Driven by the star-power of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, “Holmes and Watson” managed to take in $7.3 million despite the negative audience and critic reviews. The Sony film has grossed $19.7 million since Christmas Day.

And in limited release, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg film “On the Basis of Sex” starring Felicity Jones grossed $690,000 from 33 locations, for a total of $1.5 million since its debut. The Laurel and Hardy film “Stan & Ollie,” also with Reilly, opened on five screens to $79,674,” and “Destroyer,” with Nicole Kidman, earned $58,472 from three locations.

The box office year as a whole is barreling toward a record $11.9 billion in returns, as time runs out on 2018, although final numbers won’t be in from all the studios until mid-week.

“This is the perfect way to end a record box office year,” Dergarabedian said. “This weekend represented everything that this year was about: Diversity, escapism and the movie-going experience in the theater, once again proving that the movie theater can take on all competition and come out a winner.”

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

aquaman beats mary poppins and bumblebee new years box office
Aquaman, Mary Poppins Returns, Bumblebee

North American Box Office

  1. “Aquaman,” $199.5 million ($562 million international).

2. “Mary Poppins Returns,” $28 million ($28.9 million international).

3. “Bumblebee,” $20.9 million ($45.7 million international).

4. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” $18.8 million ($27.4 million international).

5. “The Mule,” $12.2 million.

6. “Vice,” $7.8 million ($875,160 international).

7. “Holmes and Watson,” $7.4 million ($4 million international).

8. “Second Act,” $7.4 million ($1.5 million international).

9. “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” $6.7 million ($13.7 million international).

10. “Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch,” $4.2 million ($17.5 million international).

International Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to Comscore:

  1. “Aquaman,” $85.4 million.
  2. “Bumblebee,” $45.7 million.
  3. “Mary Poppins Returns,” $28.9 million.
  4. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” $27.4 million.
  5. “Kill Mobile,” $20 million.
  6. “Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch,” $17.5 million.
  7. “Bohemian Rhapsody,” $17.1 million.
  8. “Mojin: The Worm Valley,” $16.7 million.
  9. “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” $13.7 million.
  10. “Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald,” $8.2 million.

Fact checking Donald Trump’s holiday fictions


After hearing so many complaints, President Donald Trump made his first visit to U.S. troops in a conflict zone. He basked in the cheers when he told troops he won them their first raise in 10 years and suggested it was a whopping one. Not true.

He also spent the holiday talking about his wall as that talk is distracting from the Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen news that has been haunting the president the past few weeks. With the government shutdown nearing its seventh day, Trump is keeping the shiny objects moving as it continues keeping the media off Robert Mueller and the Southern District of New York.

Here’s Donald Trump’s latest claims fact checked:


TRUMP: “You just got one of the biggest pay raises you ever received. Unless you don’t want it. Does anybody here? Is anybody here willing to give up the big pay raise you just got? I don’t see too many hands. Ah, OK. don’t give it up. It’s great. You know what? Nobody deserves it more. You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years. More than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one.” — remarks prompting cheers Wednesday at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq.

THE FACTS: He’s wrong about there being no pay increase for service members in more than 10 years and about their raise being especially large.

U.S. military members have gotten a pay raise every year for decades. As well, several in the last 10 years have been larger than service members are getting now — 2.4 percent this year and 2.6 percent in 2019. Raises in 2008, 2009 and 2010, for example, were all 3.4 percent or more.

Pay increases shrank during the following years as the administration struggled with congressionally mandated budget caps. Trump, aided by congressional action, did reverse the subsequent six-year trend that began in 2011 of pay raises that hovered between 1 and 2 percent. In 2017, service members got a 2.1 percent raise.

Trump has repeatedly told service members that they’re getting the biggest or only pay raise that they have received in 10 years or more. In May, for example, he told graduates of the United States Naval Academy: “We just got you a big pay raise. First time in 10 years.”

10 vs 2.6 PERCENT

TRUMP: “You had plenty of people, they came up, they said, you know we could make it smaller. We could make it 3 percent, we could make it 2 percent, we could make it 4 percent. I said, ‘no, make it 10 percent — make it more than 10 percent.’” — remarks Wednesday at al-Asad base.

THE FACTS: Whatever he might have said at the time, the 2.6 percent for 2019 obviously falls far short of the 10 percent or more that he implied was achieved.

President Donald Trump’s claims over Christmas that he had awarded 115 miles of new border wall construction in Texas appear to confuse work that’s already funded and underway.

Trump tweeted on Monday, “I am in the Oval Office & just gave out a 115-mile long contract for another large section of the Wall in Texas.”

He reiterated on Tuesday that he’s moving forward on construction, even as the government remains partially shutdown over his insistence that Congress approve more money for a border wall.

Neither the White House nor the Department of Homeland Security responded to follow-up questions on Monday or Tuesday, but here’s what’s known about contracts and construction of the wall.


TRUMP, asked Tuesday morning about the wall and his Christmas Eve tweet: “Yesterday, I gave out 115 miles’ worth of wall, 115 miles in Texas. It’s going to be built, hopefully rapidly. I’m going there at the end of January for the start of construction.”

THE FACTS: Trump can’t award construction contracts. U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers award contracts for border wall construction after Congress approves funding and months have gone into planning.

In March, Congress approved funding for 33 miles (53 kilometers) of construction in South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, the busiest corridor for illegal border crossings.

CBP announced in November that construction in the Rio Grande Valley would begin in February. Targeted areas include the nonprofit National Butterfly Center, a state park and privately owned ranches and farmland.

Trump’s statement that he plans to visit the site at the end of January suggests he may be referring to this previously announced construction.


TRUMP, speaking Tuesday: “We gave out 115 yesterday, and we gave it out at a great price.”

THE FACTS: It’s unclear where the figure of 115 miles is coming from.

According to DHS, the March funding from Congress will pay for 84 miles (135 kilometers) along the southern border, including the 33 miles (53 kilometers) for Texas. And if the Trump administration gets the $5 billion it’s requested, DHS says it would build 215 miles (346 kilometers) that it considers the “highest priority,”includes 159 miles (256 kilometers) in Texas.

Whether DHS got a “great price” on the 33 miles is up for debate. Two contracts announced by CBP to build 14 of those miles (23 kilometers) total $313 million, or roughly $22 million per mile ($14 million per kilometer).

There’s already 653 miles (1,051 kilometers) of border fence in place, built under the Secure Fence Act passed in 2006. CBP estimated in 2015 that the total cost to build that mileage was $2.3 billion, or roughly $3.5 million a mile ($2.2 million per kilometer). Many of those miles were built with less complicated design or on easier terrain than where CBP wants to build now.


TRUMP, asked Tuesday who received the contracts: “Different people. Highly bid.”

THE FACTS: CBP announced in November that Galveston, Texas-based company SLSCO won the two contracts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for projects in the Rio Grande Valley. Contract notices posted online say that three bids were solicited online and received for each contract. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working with CBP to plan and build the wall.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety During the Busy Holiday Season

Are you tired of the holidays being synonymous with stress and anxiety? Do you yearn for the simple sentiments of Christmas past, and to stop buying so many darned Christmas presents?

Here are a few ideas for bringing meaning into your merrymaking this holiday season.

Top 5 Ways To Keep Your Holiday Season Bright

Choose simple, thoughtful gifts

It may seem easier to just hit the mall on a big sale day, but retail Christmas gifts rarely deliver in the meaningfulness department. A picture frame filled with special family memories, a hand-knitted hat and mitten set, or even an agreed-upon family getaway in lieu of mall gifts for Christmas, can really set the tone for a special and meaningful holiday.

It’s okay to say no

You really needn’t feel obligated to attend every event that crops up during the busy month of December. If you, like most of us, have trouble figuring out when “fun plans” are morphing into “If I have to show up at another event wearing another ugly holiday sweater I’m going to lose my mind,” then do this. Try to shoot for ONE plan per weekend day for the entire month of December. In rare cases, for example, if you’re doing volunteering in the morning and a Christmas party in the evening, then it could be two. But DO try not to overbook this year. I promise it will greatly enhance the quality of your social interaction this holiday season!

Give yourself and your family the gift of time

If you’re doubling and tripling up on Christmas plans on a single weekend day (such as a Saturday), then it’s too much. If you’re trying to cram in Christmas tree and house decorating weekend with other social plans, it’s too much. If you’re having to be two places that are more than 30 minutes away from each other within a span of 4 hours, it’s too much. We can’t do and be everything to everybody, even more so at holiday time. So give yourself permission to save your Yeses for the things and people who matter most, and offer a polite “no thank you, maybe next time” to everyone and everything else!

Stockpile goodies and little gifts

How much holiday baking and shopping can one person humanly accomplish and still manage to enjoy themselves? A good way to not be so frazzled this Christmas season is to keep some ready-to-go gifts and goodies on hand. This way, if you accept an unexpected last-minute invite, you won’t be stuck in your kitchen trying to will the oven to bake faster. You won’t be cussing under your breath at the automated checkout line in the grocery store. Think cheap but festive holiday tins, packaged cookies, chocolates and candy canes, and anything small like a holiday votive candle set that would make a nice take-along last-minute gift.

Shop for gifts online

Online shopping is one of the best ways to feel WAY less stressed during the holiday season! Nothing beats having the entire family’s cache of Christmas gifts delivered right to your doorstep. You can’t go wrong with Amazon Prime for speedy delivery and some killer deals. And if you want vintage and homemade, then head on over to Etsy.com to get your pick of handmade and handcrafted items to hand out at the holidays this year. You can also check out our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides to make shopping even easier.

Kano Harry Potter Coding Kit: Hot Toys for Boys and Girls


Toys today have come a long way in terms of features and possibilities. STEM toys have become particularly popular, helping children to learn core subjects in a fun and entertaining way.

This Kano Harry Potter coding kit is a classic example of how awesome STEM toys can be. Great for boys aged 6 and over, this magical gift is sure to keep them entertained for hours. It’s potentially one of the most fun coding toys on the market, and you can get a great price on it here.

Check out all of our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in your family.

Build a magical wand

The first step in this magical kit, is to build the wand. All wand parts are included in the box, along with a step-by-step booklet, PCB with codable LED, stickers and a poster. Just putting the wand together is heaps of fun. However, once it’s built, that’s when the real fun starts.

Harry Potter Wand kit for young boys
Kano Harry Potter Coding Kit

Learn to code in over 70 steps

The main objective of this magic wand kit is to teach your child to code. It does this in over 70 easy-to-follow steps. There are challenges for your child to complete, including making feather’s fly, making pumpkins grow, multiplying goblets and creating fire flow.

The kit does require either a tablet or a computer in order to use the free Kano app. It’s a good idea to make sure your tablet is compatible too. They will be able to see the code behind over 700,000 creations, enabling them to tweak it to make the creation their own. This provides a remarkable level of entertainment.

Make magic on screen

When the wand is waved, it creates instant effects on the screen. There’s over 200 sounds, music and spell motions to experiment with. Your child will have hours of fun making magic on screen.

You’ll love watching their little face light up as they easily create magic. To a child, there’s nothing more exciting than magic!

Harry Potter Wand Coding Kit in action for boys holiday gifts
Kano Harry Potter Coding Kit

Endless play possibilities

As if the other awesome features of this kit weren’t enough, there are also endless play possibilities. In Playground mode, you can code your very own creations, and play along with these creations with people all over the world thanks to the Kano World community.

If you’re looking for a toy that your child is sure to play with for months to come, this is definitely one to consider. It features one of the most popular children’s characters – Harry Potter, making it an instant hit with young boys who love the series. It also has a fantastic magical element that all kids are sure to enjoy. You can find a magical price for this here.

Toys for Boys: LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur Toy Review


Does your child love LEGO and dinosaurs? If so, this LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs kit is just the right gift for them.

Designed for children aged 7-12, this fun kit enables your child to build not one, not two, but three unique dinosaurs. It’s sure to keep them entertained for hours! Check it out here for a killer price.

Check out all of our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in your family.

Create 4 awesome dinosaurs

Although the kit is advertised as 3-in-1, it actually comes with a 4th bonus dinosaur too. How often does that happen? In the pack, you’ll receive instructions on how to create the 4th dinosaur, adding to the great value of the set.

The main three dinosaurs included are the ferocious T-Rex, the fearsome triceratops and the cool Pterodactyl. It’s worth noting that you can only create one dinosaur at a time. If your child wants to create the next dinosaur, they will have to take the first one apart. This is actually a benefit of the kit, as to young boys, taking things apart again simply adds to the fun!

It takes around an hour to put each dinosaur together. So, if they don’t get bored after the first one, this kit could potentially keep them entertained for four hours! That’s a definite bonus for parents.

lego creator mighty dinosaur builder hottest young boys toys
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur Toy

Featuring posable joints

One of the great features of the dinosaurs is their posable joints. This means, not only can you pose them and use them as ornaments when they’re not being played with, but it also makes them more realistic too.

You can use these dinosaurs to have epic battles, opening their mouth to reveal pointy sharp teeth. The T-Rex also has bright orange eyes, adding to its ferocious appearance. The large claws are also impressive and a feature your little boy is sure to love.

Lego Creator mighty dinosaurs triceratops boy toys
LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur Toy

Great size models for fun play

The dinosaurs come with slightly different measurements when they’re built, but all are generously sized. The T-Rex measures 11cm tall (4.3 inches), the Triceratops measures 9cm tall (3.5 inches) and the Pterodactyl measures 4cm tall (1.57 inches) and 25cm wide (9.8 inches).

Dinosaur prey is also included in the form of a buildable rib cage. So, your child can also use the models for role-playing activities.

As you can see, this awesome kit has lots to offer. The fact it comes with the ability to create four different dinosaurs is fantastic. Your child will have hours of fun putting the dinosaurs together, as well as using them to battle against their friends.

So, if you’re looking for the perfect building gift, this LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs is definitely one to consider. It’s been dubbed one of the most fun and best value LEGO Creator kits on the market, and you can get a great deal here.

Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy for Boys of All Ages: Hot Toys 2019


Prepare for epic battles with this super Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy. One of the best nerf guns on the market, it’s built with fast, intense battles in mind.

Suitable for children 8 years and up, this motorized blaster makes the perfect gift all year round. You can find some really great last minute deals here.

Check out all of our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in your family.

Incredible easy to use design

The first thing to love about the Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite toy is its unique, awesome design. It’s quite a bulky looking toy, something your young boy is sure to love. This bulkiness also makes it really easy to use and its handle benefits from a comfortable design; great for those long, epic battles ahead.

Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy Motorized Blaster 30 dart drum hot boy toys
Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy Motorized Blaster with Speed-Load Technology, 30-Dart Drum, and 30 Official Nerf Elite Darts for Kids, Teens, and Adults

Speed-load technology for epic battles

One of the main stand-out features of this nerf gun is its incredible speed-load technology. This means the gun can quickly be recharged automatically. You don’t even need to load the drum, so you won’t need to worry about stopping to reload. You can simply carry on shooting in a matter of seconds.

However, you may want to invest in additional darts if you want to really battle on without stopping. Otherwise, you’ll have the collect all of the darts before you can reload them.

Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy Motorized Blaster with Speed-Load Technology, 30-Dart Drum, and 30 Official Nerf Elite Darts for Kids, Teens, and Adults

Comes with 30 quality tested darts

There are 30 foam darts included with the gun, all of which have been quality and performance tested. As they are created out of foam, there’s no risk of injury if you get hit with one. The tips of the darts are also hollow and flexible, aiding in their fast performance.

Although these are pretty safe darts, it is still recommended you protect your eyes. So, don’t forget to invest in good-quality goggles, such as the JORESTECH Eyewear Protective Safety Glasses.

nerf strike elite auto dart loader
Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy Motorized Blaster with Speed-Load Technology, 30-Dart Drum, and 30 Official Nerf Elite Darts for Kids, Teens, and Adults

Fully motorized for awesome performance

Unlike many of its competitors, this nerf gun has a battery-powered motor. This means its more powerful than many other nerf guns on the market.

The motor shoots the darts out at record speed, helping you to strike even the fastest of targets. This makes the battles much more fun as well as challenging.

Be aware that if you do decide to purchase the Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite toy, you’ll need to buy one for your other kids too! It really is fun for all the family, and it’s by far one of the best nerf guns available to buy.

Overall, if you’re looking for a fun toy for the 8-10-year-old in your life, this is definitely a leading contender. It’s going to prove popular for years, making it exceptionally good value for the money.

Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track Set Review: Holiday Boy’s Toys


Does your young boy have a passion for cars and racing? If so, they’re going to love this Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track set! Your older kids will probably want to play this as it’s fun for kids of all ages along with girls.

Part of the ever-popular Hot Wheels collection, this set promises hours of fun. It’s not just a simple racing track either. It features an incredible looped design and is designed to promote problem-solving as your child figures out how to avoid crashing into the obstacles. There are still great deals on this one here.

Check out all of our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in your family.

Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track full size
Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track Set

An enormous track packed full of excitement

The Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track Set is absolutely huge! It measures 4.2 x 24 x 15 inches. Featuring three awesome loops, the cars are sent flying around the track at record speeds thanks to the motorized boosters. There are three high-speed boosters in total, along with three challenging crash zones.

It’s one of the most exciting racing tracks available and is sure to keep him happy for months.

Challenging and skill-based play

What’s great about this racing set is that it requires more than just popping the car on the track and watching it go around. Instead, your child needs to figure out how to avoid crashing the car into the designated crash zones.

This makes it much more challenging to play than its competitors. It helps to develop your child’s problem-solving skills and keeps them generally more interested in the toy for longer.

Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track Set

Comes with one car included

There is one car included in the set, but additional ones can be purchased. It is recommended you buy a separate toy pack as the more cars you place onto the track, the more exciting it is.

You can race the cars together, enabling your child to compete against a sibling or friend. The cars are easy to place onto the track to thanks to a drop-in ramp.

Connects to other Hot Wheels sets

An additional benefit of this Hot Wheels track, is that it can easily be connected to other Hot Wheels sets. So, if your child already has an impressive collection of Hot Wheels toys, they’ll love to add this to their existing sets.

As you can see, there is a lot to love about this awesome racing track. As it requires more than simply racing cars against each other, it’s more likely to hold your child’s interest for longer too. The fact it can be added to other Hot Wheels sets is also a great benefit. So, if you’re looking for an exciting, challenging gift for your little one, this is the perfect choice which you can get right here.

Hot Boy Toys: K’NEX Thrill Rides – Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster Building Set Review


If your child loves to build things, the K’NEX Thrill Rides Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster is the perfect gift idea. It’s affordable, fun and guaranteed to keep your little one busy for hours.

Despite its low price, this awesome set turns into a pretty large roller coaster. It’s not just the size which is impressive either. Once built, the roller coaster actually works! So, if you’re looking for a toy that’s going to promote his development, keep him happy for hours and which offers great value for money, this is a great set to consider. Plus you can get it on sale here now.

Check out all of our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in your family.

Contains over 470 pieces!

If you love to get good value for your money, you’ll love this K’NEX Thrill Rides Coaster. It comes with a staggering 473 different pieces. All of which come together to create an actual working coaster.

As there are a lot of parts included, understandably it will take a while to build. That’s part of the fun with these sets as they are designed to help aid in your child’s development. They will need to follow the instructions and figure out how it all goes together. Some parents claim it takes almost a full day to build, though it will largely depend upon the age of your child.

K'NEX Thrill Rides – Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster Building Set boy toys full set

Comes with a battery-powered motor

In order to create a realistic model, the set comes with a battery-powered motor. This really brings the K’NEX rods to life. After building, watch as the railway car works its way across the track.

It’s worth noting here that you may need to re-arrange the track slightly in order for the car to zoom effortlessly on by.

Hours of fun building and playing

As it does take so long to build, it provides literally hours of fun. Not only will your child have fun building the set, but they’ll also enjoy playing with it for ages too. It’s something they can play with again and again.

KNEX Thrill Rides Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster Building Set hottest boy toys 2018

An additional bonus coaster design is available

If your child does get bored, there is an additional bonus coaster design available online. It means taking the coaster you’ve already built apart, but then your child can have fun getting to work on the other coaster.

There are a lot of building style toys on the market, but K’NEX is known to be one of the best brands. This K’NEX Thrill Rides Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster is by far one of the best available. So, treat him to a gift he’ll spend hours enjoying and buy this coaster set today.

Top 5 Hottest Kids Toys for Boys 8 to 10 Years Old

Trying to find the perfect gift for an 8 to 10-year-old boy? As trends change seemingly every two minutes, it can be difficult keeping up with what’s hot right now in the world of toys.

It doesn’t help that there are literally thousands of toys available to choose from either. While it’s great kids today have so much choice available to them, it doesn’t make it easy on the parents!

So, if you’re trying desperately to find the perfect gift, here are our top kids picks for boys 8 to 10 years. We’ve tested them out on all of our kids, nephews, neighbors kids and any others we could find to let us know which ones they preferred over all others.

Check out all of our toy reviews and Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in your family.

Kano Harry Potter Coding Kit – Build a Wand, Learn to Code, Make Magic

Give him a magical gift he won’t forget with this awesome Kano Harry potter Coding Kit. Designed to make coding fun, this unique kit enables your child to build their own wand which perfectly responds to their movements.

It is made to be used with a tablet or smartphone through the free Kano app. As you wave the wand, it instantly affects the screen. There are more than 200 different sounds, and there is the option to create a huge range of characters and creatures.

The toy’s main feature, however, is its coding ability. It comes with over 70 coding challenges including causing feathers to fly, making pumpkins glow and multiplying goblets. Plus, there are hours of entertainment to be found through Kano World, including games and Remix art.

This wand coding kit is sure to be a hit with the 8 to 10-year-old in your life, and you can find a huge cut deal here.

Check out our review here.

LEGO Creator Mighty Dinosaurs 31058 Dinosaur Toy

If there’s one thing young boys love to do, it’s to build stuff! LEGO has long been one of the leading brands in the building toy industry, and it has outdone itself with this dinosaur building kit.

Your child will have hours of fun putting together this 3-in-1 dinosaur toy. They can create the ferocious T-Rex with bright orange eyes, a Pterodactyl and a Triceratops. There’s a buildable rib cage too to symbolize the dinosaur’s prey.

It comes with posable joints for realistic play and an openable mouth featuring pointy sharp teeth (child-friendly of course!). So, if your little boy is obsessed with LEGO and dinosaurs, this is definitely the perfect gift idea, and you can find a great deal here.

Check out our review here.

Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy Motorized Blaster with Speed-Load Technology

By far one of the most popular gifts of the year has to be the Infinus Nerf N-Strike Elite Toy. Featuring incredible speed-load technology, the gun automatically loads itself with 30 darts. It is a fully-motorized blaster, shooting the darts quickly for the ultimate attack.

All of the 30 darts included with the gun have been tested and approved for quality and performance. They are made from foam and feature flexible tips, so there’s no risk of injury even in the most intense nerf battles!

The speed load technology is one of the gun’s best features. It enables you to reload the gun without having to remove the barrel. So, no need to stop and take a break while you load up. It’s a super-fun toy that’s sure to keep your 8-10-year-old happy all year round, and you can get it here.

Check out our review here.

Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track Set

The Hot Wheels collection has long been popular with young boys. This awesome Hot Wheels Corkscrew Crash Track Set is definitely one of the best kits in the range. Featuring an enormous looping track, your child is going to have hours of fun watching the cars speeding along.

Within the track, there are 3 high-speed boosters, along with 3 crash zones for maximum enjoyment. The high-speed boosters send the car flying around the track. The aim of the game is to avoid crashing, which is pretty tough when you first get started! However, with a little problem solving, your child will soon find ways to avoid those crash zones.

What’s great about this set is that it connects to other Hot Wheels sets. So, if they are an avid Hot Wheels collector, they’ll love having this as part of their set. If you’re looking for a toy, they won’t become bored of quickly, this is a definite winner.  You can find a great deal now here.

Check out our review here.

K’NEX Thrill Rides – Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster Building Set

Want a toy that’s going to occupy your 8-10-year-old for hours? This K’NEX Thrill Rides Cobweb Curse Roller Coaster Building Set is just what you need.

Featuring over 470 pieces, once put together the roller coaster actually works, adding to its appeal. It is a motorized toy, which means it comes with a battery-powered motor. It’s pretty simple to put together too thanks to the included detailed instructions. However, you may find you do need to help a little from time to time.

As an additional bonus, there are also instructions for a second roller coaster which can be found online. So, once they get bored of this one, they can take it apart and build a different working model. Considering how affordable the toy is, its building potential is amazing. Find a killer deal on this toy here.

Check out our review here.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – 5 of the best toys for boys aged 8 to 10. Each of the gifts above is sure to bring a big smile to their face and provide hours of entertainment. There is something to suit everyone; whether he loves to build, race cars or take part in epic nerf battles, there is a toy on the list he’s sure to be happy with.

Jason Momoa’s ‘Aquaman’ tops holiday box office ahead of ‘Mary Poppins,’ ‘Bumblebee’


It comes as no surprise that Jason Momoa’s “Aquaman” easily topped the holiday weekend box office charts. The king of Atlantis has already pulled in $482.8 million worldwide so Emily Blunt and Hailee Steinfeld were no match. Momoa also brought DC Comics in another much needed along with “Wonder Woman.”

In a flood of new releases, “Aquaman” easily swam past “Mary Poppins Returns” and “Bumblebee” to lead the busy pre-Christmas weekend with an estimated $67.4 million over the weekend, according to studio estimates Sunday.

Without a “Star Wars” film on the December schedule for the first time in four years, a crowded slate of films sought to capitalize on the lucrative holiday period in theaters.

The DC Comics superhero film “Aquaman,” which cost Warner Bros. $200 million to make, arrived already a juggernaut overseas, where it has grossed more than $400 million in three weeks of release. Including advance previews, the Jason Momoa-led “Aquaman” reeled in $72.1 million in U.S. and Canada theaters, bringing its global total to $482.8 million.

“Aquaman,” directed by James Wan, has proven to be a stabilizing “Justice League” spinoff for Warner Bros. following bumpier DC releases outside of “Wonder Woman.” The film garnered an A-minus Cinemascore from audiences.

For the studios, the weekend was as much about setting themselves up for Christmas to New Year’s, when theaters are routinely packed through the week. With Christmas falling on a Tuesday, studio executives said the weekend was an unpredictable and distraction-filled one, competing with some of the busiest shopping days of the year.

“We really kick off starting Tuesday,” said Warner Bros. distribution chief Jeff Goldstein, who said the “Aquaman” performance came in just above the studio’s $65 million forecast. “With kids not really returning to school until January 7, this aligns the stars for us in a really positive way.”

Returns were more modest for Disney’s “Mary Poppins” sequel and Paramount’s “Transformers” spinoff, though each had reason to expect strong business through the holidays.

“Mary Poppins Returns,” starring Emily Blunt and directed by Rob Marshall, debuted with $22.2 million over the weekend and $31 million since opening Wednesday. That was on the low side of expectations for the musical, which cost $130 million to make.

“May Poppins Returns,” which co-stars Lin-Manuel Miranda, will depend heavily on legs through the holiday season. On its side are good if not spectacular reviews (77 percent fresh on Rotten Tomatoes), an A-minus CinemaScore from moviegoers and four Golden Globe nominations.

“It’s a great weekend to start yourself off on a launch pad into the holiday period,” said Cathleen Taff, head of distribution for Disney. “We’re looking forward to great word of mouth building over the next few weeks. And we’re looking forward to a long run.”

“Poppins” still narrowly edged “Bumblebee,” which opened with $21 million. That, too, is a soft beginning for a film that cost about $135 million to make after tax credits. It’s also far off the pace of the “Transformers” films, the last of which (“Transformers: The Last Knight”) debuted with $44.7 million in summer 2017.

But “Bumblebee,” a “Transformers” prequel directed by Travis Knight and starring Hailee Steinfeld, has something the Michael Bay films never had: good reviews. “Bumblebee” was the weekend’s most acclaimed new wide release with a 94 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Audiences also gave it an A-minus CinemaScore.

“The pre-Christmas preoccupation for moviegoers affected everyone. All movies were impacted slightly by that,” said Kyle Davies, head of distribution for Paramount. “It doesn’t concern me. We played really well with great reactions. The game plan has always been that we’re now starting that play period where people go multiple times over the next few weeks, and that’s the whole point.”

“To me, this weekend was a dress rehearsal for the big push that starts Christmas Day,” added Davies.

Also in the mix is Sony’s well-reviewed “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” which slid to fourth in its second week with $16.7 million in ticket sales. The film also made one of the best debuts for an animated release in China where it was no. 1, grossing $26.1 million over the weekend.

Clint Eastwood’s “The Mule” added $9.3 million in its sophomore frame, bringing its two-week total to $35 million. Bradley Cooper, who co-stars in “The Mule,” could also celebrate his “A Star Is Born” crossing $200 million domestically.

Largely overlooked in the onslaught at theaters was STXfilms’ “Second Act,” starring Jennifer Lopez. The romantic comedy debuted with an estimated $6.5 million in 2,607 locations, drawing an audience that was 70 percent female.

But the weekend’s real flop was “Welcome to Marwen,” the Robert Zemeckis-directed fantastical drama starring Steve Carell as an imaginative man whose scale model town helps him rehabilitate after a trauma. The film, which cost at least $40 million to make, earned just $2.3 million in 1,900 theaters. It’s the second straight flop for Universal (which teamed with DreamWorks for “Marwen”) following “Mortal Engines.” That $100 million film debuted last weekend with $7.5 million film in ticket sales.

Yet the weekend managed to nearly equal the box office of the same weekend last year when “The Last Jedi” was in its second week of release and “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” opened. Ticket sales for the “Star Wars”-less weekend were down a mere 2.1 percent, according to Comscore.

Year to date, the domestic box office is up 7.5 percent and was expected to just eke past 2016′s record $11.38 billion sometime late Sunday or early Monday, said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst for Comscore.

“The collective and cumulative strength of these newcomers, particularly ‘Aquaman,’ and a huge slate of holdovers gave us a stronger weekend than anyone imagined,” Dergarabedian said. “A superhero movie in December can make up for not having a ‘Star Wars’ movie in December.”

“The period between Christmas and New Year’s is one of the busiest weeks of the year at the cineplex,” he said. “And all of that should lead to the beginning to a very strong 2019 in theaters.”

jason momoa aquaman emily blunt mary poppins vs transformers bumblebee movie
Aquaman, Mary Poppins, Bumblebee

North American Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to Comscore:

  1. “Aquaman,” $67.4 million ($91.3 million international).
  2. “Mary Poppins Returns,” $22.2 million.
  3. “Bumblebee,” $21 million ($31.1 million international).
  4. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” $16.7 million ($38 million international).
  5. “The Mule,” $9.3 million.
  6. “The Grinch,” $8.2 million ($23.7 million international).
  7. “Second Act,” $6.5 million.
  8. “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” $4.6 million ($9.3 million international).
  9. “Welcome to Marwen,” $2.4 million.
  10. “Mary Queen of Scots,” $2.2 million.

International Theater Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to Comscore:

  1. “Aquaman,” $91.3 million.
  2. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” $38 million.
  3. “Bumblebee,” $31.1 million.
  4. “The Grinch,” $23.7 million.
  5. “Mary Poppins Returns,” $20.3 million.
  6. “Bohemian Rhapsody,” $15 million.
  7. “Airpocalypse,” $12.9 million.
  8. “Ralph Breaks the Internet,” $9.3 million.
  9. “Kung Fu Monster,” $8.1 million.
  10. “The Drug King,” $7.5 million.