After DC Comics continues struggling to rival Marvel Comics, even after the success of Wonder Woman, will their latest Aquaman and Shazam! entries bring more fans over from the MCU?
Lynn Zubernis got a chance to interview Legion M co-founders Paul Scanlan and Jeff Aniston to talk about the power of fandom and their upcoming projects.
Midnight Texas actor Jason Lewis talks having more fun as uncloseted Joe while showrunners Nicole Snyder and Eric Charmelo give our @FangasmSPN plenty of scoops for season 2. Plus expect more sex, raunch and scares.
The Magicians cast spills some great Season 4 info for Lynn as she lands interviews with Hale Appleman, Olivia Dudley, Stella Maeve and producers John McNamara and Sera Gamble.
Supernatural Season 14 interviews with Misha Collins, Alex Calvert, Andrew Dabbs and Eugenie Ross-Leming on what to expect this season and we learn that Charlie is gay.
Everything you need to know about Season 14 of Supernatural along with interviews with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Alex Calvert and more from Comic Con 2018.
Joss Whedon has been strangely quiet about a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot, even at Comic-Con 2018 so what gives? Plus is this a reboot Buffy fans really want?
Lynn Zubernis interviews Supernatural stars Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins at Comic-Con 2018 and gets some important fan questions answered.
Could Zachary Levi's Shazam! and Jason Momoa's Aquaman follow Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman to bring DC Comics closer to Marvel territory at the box office? Marius breaks it down for you.
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again may have been projected for the top box office slot this weekend, but Denzel Washington was having none of that as his Equalizer 2 took the top spot.
Comic-Con 2018 is finishing up Sunday Day 4 and here are the events you must check out to finish the full geek experience with Supernatural and Riverdale.