You will not find superstitions and magic in this article. Only easy ways to get rich, get out of debt, reduce spending and increase capital.
Save 10% of your income
One of the best ways to get rich is to put in the piggy bank the tenth part of all your earnings. If you save up the right amount immediately after the salary, then you will have to be more attentive in budget planning. You will not take into account this money, and it will generally have a positive impact on your spending. And by the end of the year, you will be able to save an amount exceeding the monthly income, almost without efforts. Money can be not only saved but also multiplied. To do this, choose one of the ways in which you can ensure capital gains.
Choose and eliminate unnecessary expenses
Surely, you have regular expenses that are not justified or don’t do any good. For example, you buy gym membership year after year but go there no more than once a month. Choose three items of expenses and eliminate them. You can calculate the benefits that you will receive in a year. The figure will impress. You may also get rid of some of your pre-paid dating profiles – you don’t need THAT many of them.
Don’t use credit cards
It is not necessary to throw out all credit cards, just stop carrying them with you. They create the illusion that you have more money than there really is, and you are ready to spend money on not very necessary things again and again. Pay by debit card or cash.
Pay off your debts
Usually, debts accumulate on the principle of a snowball rolling down the mountain: the further, the more. Use the same strategy to repay debts. Start with small ones. Let the sums be insignificant, but you will take off some financial burden of yourself and will have money for repayment of larger debts.
Don’t borrow again
Returning existing debts, you “release” money for more pleasant spending. But it’s impossible to pay off debts if you borrow money again and again. If you get yourself together and begin to live within your means, it may be possible to end the next year without debts.
Refinance your credit obligations
One of the ways to get rich is to learn about the possibility of refinancing debts and the benefits that a bank will provide you. For example, you can combine all debts into one, lower the interest rate or reduce the monthly payment. Refinancing will require considerable analytical work from you. You will have to learn a lot, compare, and choose suitable and profitable variants. But you will be rewarded for this work.
Sell all unnecessary
Sell the things you don’t use. It can bring you several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars. The main thing is to find the strength to put them in a piggy bank.
Don’t postpone mandatory payments
Pay municipal services and phone bills in time, fulfill other financial obligations. This discipline has two advantages. Firstly, you will avoid penalties. Secondly, you will not be tempted to spend money on compulsory payments for something less needed but attractive.
Reduce everyday spending
If you are used to spending money in a cafe or shops, think through a strategy that will allow you to avoid it. It is not necessary to stop going to restaurants with friends, just think more carefully about expenses.
Get rid of bad habits
If you quit smoking, you will save a lot of money. The same can be done with alcohol. You will be surprised how much you save. This is one of the quick ways to get rich.
Start planning a budget
It is almost impossible to pay off debts and save money if you can only estimate the expenditure. If you don’t yet have a family budget, install one of the special applications on your smartphone. Let it be one of the ways to get rich quick.